The Herald, 1901-01-11, Page 2A oopg,,of,�Iie ;,Vomr Gospels" pril"I e4 In I $41UWO in -181.7 lo wonumeat to modern mLsjo),j!jr work, There Is aloo seen a. phot( grailh copy of the manuscript of th onal Septuagint, tile original of which � ascribed to 300 A.D. It (thoarigir.11; Is, an 2571, tian papyrus and is now I Vienna �t consists of sixtoen sb o4u t: written on i)-ath side$, and contaill ES. tile greater 1$aitt of Zeolitariah frai W". the fourth chapter and par the Malachi. It is written in illicit) Ila t cliaracters (capitals) an,,j contains it early divisions bet�Aresn tits -mirds, 0 af bra A copy Of Luth0r'R Bible, Germa -d to tx1nis4ition, edidoll of 135-1, is a vall: able sixeciluerl. .Lh9 N,�w �"`a Aa nlu' I a no- appeared in 1522 rLild th,-.,, Old Testa litallt- I I W all, I * aa 5314' in P ha le Bible PPOftred in 1 84 or JVWD in ago - - - .-Wil VerSlOn E or 'it laasb tea disliaot I ot" to of 13:141,11 Versions. literal translations 0 tile Latin Bible, s re. A "Codex -MexandrLtius" printed 1i of t urth -YPe to represent ill,) origicial malm script and publiI -L Loindon, In 181C is an latA-mstlitg feature of th3 oo�, Was leIation. This, facsimile of tjte Alaxan, driall Or EgYPtil,1­11 text of the lAbb appeared Ili four volumes, the firs, Lat- threi containing the Old Testamelli ra FIB' and' tha fourth the New. The ort� at 'a 1114.1 Infuluseript from which the ro 11 as print was made was presented tc The King Cliarles by Sir Thoulas Roo e to Who had received It from Cyril Lucau was patrL!Lreh of Constantinople. lb 11 ween now ta the library of the British or a Museum, whith-ar It was transferree Lern In 1753. It is written, on paxeilmout the In unolalc (capitals), witheut dlvisionk d oa of chapters, verses or words. Trad.- was tion traces U13 Wriblug Of this nLanni. Will script Nvas is noj�n th�� fourth century. but Lt generally Assluled to date a is from the fifth. a A striking specimen, Of th-3 univeN it to Hality of tollaucs In whbil, the sacred lble Scrlp�tures llwe found the lusting ex. An Pression, of typ3 is & facsimile of bprg El!otis Indian Bible. it Is in th3 Natik the dialoot, and th! origglattl was pub - Ing llsh�d In Candiridge. Mass., botween. 1661 and 1663. This was the first Na. Bible prlllt�i la America. elve Wortli Tileir Nvelght in Gold. rint, . There is kreen a f4e simile of the must 'Leicester Clodex" of the New Testa- umu- meAt. tile or!gginml being Preserved te-h" Id tho archive.,; itiol Leicester, Eng- ters land. It J-1 usually UI�crjbW to the land. rIt" C-evOlIt0enth evatury. although it Is the OP.1111011 of 2ror. T. rtendel War, rb t1rat th') nutnuseript is or Iiial- ]an orgin land of the fourtetalith or So. evell the fiftf-lenth century. Can. Theri., Li a COPY 0' Z "T113 GOthl0 17.1-91 ttail Gcy�;polq, With the Oink Verslaw of Wye-ilffe and Txathlle, 131 Old011 180.3 )." Tho (lotli'm vension 0 v nlild(t up tho fourth century by 3111 bara I A. Di. diftl Mpg Eald to jrwo been A cout- 'Ver* Plete vemlon, 17-th thto of bert t)%�j 13W .,Z Of 1� It 14 U i Taxibabiy 001 trajuveribid abyx� 3010 %.. D. otily I`n3gm(%t9 are pre..'1-tived In the iqk�. m%wh dox Argeateu%­ or "Ajilver bLVk-,,, in MID th0 NWiry of the 11plitiveigty Ot Ir ana;! TW6 IMP4 Am) Was IVSM by, Ichli; Alfrej, who nellb tr;z&,--u.jt(,d tj�t,. I'valms In t1wo ninth it C&'Nt1(IkT- Jij.-1 Iv)ra 1307,1, nlier 1 1"0 kN996h frOill tl]14� r#j6tglx or 0111- JILCtCd pre%loaa tra&-Itttouj� "I'lle gilt" Ur Mg,N -A U.411142 %Pr,4cu (-,%tallt Wiff Lm"J"14 h,,. all un1za,,vr.t jvomo!t abjut 1610'f JIULO. li7�� Q3114t3 W�tf; thim �i 02DO at the 11(crOan Jib— "Ite'r at Lbeist V-11MV1.1 forit WS611fe I `3 Bib I ilk Y-Irftck aRI UIU5 NOW Turstamplilt 1"Y Qv 10-1,enlut-q wt, tvalrm. 'EL"'i tt"retit Ne;�� wit trnu,�,�'t N., th# flaa*. ��or pnbNdCj. kind to�- t i -t. r-,��tup. Willi a few Anyj:­g Otter c6Lihlo fit tte #4,jt­1,fd bdwulk Mix, f. -M -.6i -l' Tt-M�S U151'jwifil fflC;'4­,V8 0 r- toUn 11 Wi gm,,%t 0 ft.; eff*mvveli'A F�cl 1"'.19 INSI-s'i P.,,­k6b Vo% It tv= be bV t4f,rmg a ftltl. dtllt War r-:1mot Wtrd @6A &'5, tfi,�� i,,,rth-urn I trod�;-. T h,� 1gra r evo t. prof-Af 4I.J1 ii N -rd W-6�. apa 'tn I tkl! p6natraus Id 'Te-aitta ffvaa�g*vm toli 4 y Mar 83tr4 throlt. e'.-atnatir Q111112mbtl). fn -4,13 tj ttzleve mpt e�,!,te Port UZ;9gtave. .V- 14. 0nn- St. jem '.V. V�, e.0 froz.3 A1uKL-,tt,= 1.0 :1 --.zt et-t-� W..&a �oiL.�M,2 f'n V --f, !:=v"? r- - �, - , ;, C;" . a gteat j&N­ijl. groz, Liis cjfjeft� pa_ 4gition, was pettaps tho in Zel of AKWIG-isa at, I*AVT�e, yet. 16 as su(:,!ard!7 We 1, it pletejjr Aa Ir the earth had S=4:10wed 1313 'or h5W- Plow tLat twat nal tra:�e Of re the fazlvd, alal flo, reasrin, bael- thf� W. iilgeo; Xst Udg,�:,.z search hilatedo water front, O-IPT'6rwo &it to h6 P,=009% -IM ti =3' vmvedo- fie, tat b6lievtJ to be dead, ard #1'14 Show, came to 'Efits city to 1174�. -lei ask - :0 two y hig ul�& twllAellt to 8ehl a copy of is nse 'tyl,' V,>t�etvott limlav to V -a wtittTAS 0 tile addiless M K Y Ivest, The msla- T,,MwtIGi; 'wit'l tEcoght 1, te,41". Vq ftl- b�e $2:WVI:r10, =d the n&=6 was his 'Vo , 1,418' �brew Pr4ant thiv at, bet ±es:dewe here, toright_ &jf(lr d�,Y.-ecatlne a reqiewZ1 01 newEpAparl I ZhO s'ated tlymt sha bad reeentl teclelvel a letter from ber hia wrIften fro= T,;�:cy West. t'n- 1 till that 10"P -r Zrdvel e -le, Ttwi no I d wdYd froin him, anJ na or'. tq,, hTO 'Whereaboafm sit; 't-k1fro-I -Bln �v, ;i Year !Ter. in the. ori-;�r e of tht, Bath. Strange Affliction of a Fat New York Family, LAST DIED OILY YESTERDA Xcw York report -.witat: tho dea of P3dfte I-lenry, 14 Years Old, of N l'ut -0ilLes 1117enua, West Now York I Jt,. has Pol"Ish-d t1la last Of a rami of seventeen, boys, wh,) SvX=Qld vi -."ti of a strange malady th1t dooluj I to early grames. Both iwents a also. dmd, Whell Mr. and Mrs. tntniiy beg, th'All madded life, Ili NVesb Nevv yoll, thlY seenied to W especially blesse Tb�'Y` We're bound together by t tgtr�Ongcst ti0s of affection, ociggego good hX%Ith and w1are fairly prospe, Ons. About a year "ter their ma "14),90 L strong 11nd lusty boy tua fits a.Ppsaxiiince. RL-gulairly after th a sea arrived at thAr home ever year, and almost Its resgulaxly one Nv taken avray by death. Despite ti fact th:at they received thq bet mediex%l treatiment th-3y sac!cumbed th. alinlents of childhood which ordl Ari1Y Ve noot regarded as serious fOrat thay were muoll more than t Or three Years old. SIxteen time.s th 9TW stricken Parents folldived till bodies of thAr little sons to the grax Isaac was thm- last child tril 13 was named Isaae after b's C;iberl father. amd as the years 9:owly pas" and 110 still remained with them. t Parents bagmn. to tb,,,nk that the fata� 'by Which pursued thOir children ho, been removed. Whau he wus abou ton Yea -M Of age It's PaXents die wltblu a short, time, of each othe After th�y had been Laid to rcat youn Isaac Was Placed in a home where It remained untll. takert out bY relatives but Ira never lirms strong, aud 91peedil BUXUjIlbed tO 1111loSs Whell It came. DX- Sustin, 'who attended the efil 4reu. says t4,tt With 0,.10 exceptict th'y Were n.11 a. p-p%rently healthy it b:rth. and lie cannot explain vrh deatilt W X1Dl11Qrs0leS8lY pursued th�n-j PAINS IN THE BACK ED IT WAS A JILRato ...... ic ISSUE4 NO 19 0 at it Carod. tho D1, lud cilso 7� .11, of a 13 A 13higillimton mull -11C ,,d ga it to lilc� C01191k 1ASt 64tUlduy. Hu WC(30tlgll(Al till Quy Und all 9 niMA and was itard ut my remody it 6undus mOrlililL. b,'vc eLlUrlued IrieDds gave Ilim 60011led to accelerarie tll(3 liles. People U01113, Ill jroln LkIl over towli and re - Y. 00111111,81100d &are Curos. And lie slead- th are 'simply kidney disorders. Thekidneys Ily greiv worze. o. filter the blood ofall that shouldn' t be Then It �vlsu neighbor had a bright N. there. Theblood Passes throughthekid- Idea. Ile thought it ILI, out by hILr6GIf. ly neys every three minutes. If the kidneys '"49 w6l" Over to tile hicicougher's ns do their work no impurity or cause of 1101de tt-11U 'Wilb, Mherud into tile ruum disorder can remain in tile circulition Nviiere ruak, tfrIlcted, one was fust 111c_ longer than that time. Therefore if ),our coughIng his Ill way, ava "HUIJO," &dd tile neighbor, in a blood is out of order your kidneys b, 0 n, a, failed in their work. They are in need of Jiglit and chaerful tone, -How's tile k stimulation, strengthening or doctorimg. 0141 soak this morning?" d' One medicine will do all three, the finest The st"Ifurer rolled his eyes at the he and most imitated blood medicine there neighbor 'ill pained surprise. -d "-UOD't 91M me any of your or000- r- (1110 glances," snorted the friend "If YOU'd quit drinking when I tol 10 to You wouldn't bo in this sliani-eful �5 ,r - D d d'S t conditiou." y Bill W11-hic-at's th-hic-at III gasped the as ok man. le, idnec). -v "Oh, dont come any of your inHa- t CY cont business 04 me 11 cried the neigh- �O 1190% ter. "I know YOU, YOU old tsponge." j1- ei Tile hiccougheirls fuce turned red. "What-ble-dicl you-Itic-call me?" he stutteredi "Called yon This picture is the trade mark of e, 06 sponge. YOU lob- SCOTT'S UMUTSION, and is on WHL L S OF FIFTY YEARS AG St0r," bellowed the nelglibor. "You're AO. Q & Pretty Objwt lesson for your un- every bottle of QCOTTIS EMUL- TheywereStunning.in Raiment and fortunate children, ain,t you, you a gl�JGP.Ingold hypDcrttell' 8'IONiu the V`orlil., which now I Their Manners Were Impressive. t ut Of MY 1110-hattse " roared amounts to many Millions yearly. ,a We saw the other day a little book the sick man. abounding In curious descriptions of "Go to blazes 11, yelled tb nelgh- 'This great business has grown to the mannere and dress of Americans bor, III,m going to stay rig of fir ty Years, ago. The title is lt hare such. vast proportions, "The an(d- see the last of you. The people Upper Ten Thougandi" and the all- on the, street sent we over. ' Wait RrSt,-Because the proprietors r. thor appears on the title page as until the Old 1volf's gone.' they said. "A Now Yorker." A bride room at a 'and then 'Mve a flag out ol tile win- g have always been most careful in wedding Ill New York Is thus de- eo"r-' TIley're going to have a joill- selecting the Various ingredients hvrIbed----;iIHls mulberry blue coat, ra- fication supper and fireworks to- y splendent with gilt buttons. and white night -and don't you dare to disap- used in its composition, namdy; &%till skirt lining, fits him as if lie point, enj 1,, - had been moulded mid calA into it. the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the I HIR white watered Thist was �ooi much for tile Me- satill walst(lOat- cougher. He guld several very bad purest Hypophosphites. t whil-li dmeends about three laches words as lie made a dash at tile jr lower than !f 1twere the work of an neighbor, and they raced aroundthe Second. -Because they have so Engllth t,1110r, Is set off by a heavy room a 1141f acizoll times -the tile- skillfully combined the various 901d E-114in. tAreaming down from it Cougher getting maddar at every ingredientsthat the best possible little Watell po:Icet 11 -ii -der hLR left arm J1111111 -and then the neighbor dart- results are obtained by its use. to the lowest buttonhole, into will(th ed through ilia door and esearlud. It lloukq. 1.�,nrelv he has appropriated The slak mail rl- 11,11 5 - Dwer pot Porte, what shrrald lin his -wifols jo�w- at him as lle raced domi the yard, i Third. -Because it has made so elry. for lit that very embrolderp(I SIU0.0-iSh tiambrip ishirt of his spur and then he suddenly realized that many sickly, delicate children Frequently Due to We three IIW bjecoughs ,.at, go, nL ark blue bb oploildid diamonds sob In d, strong and healthy, cqvcn 1,lealth enaill.l. milit ave kor that Nylts, a lyjrt Of tho nelgigi- and rosy cheeks to so many pale, Liver or Kidney Troubles. I 1`1111-rtllu otf. sttohl'tpin falmllirtP,30if b,0,r-`s "Ic011y- You scle. Ile believed at it ho could Ing whilt-O Up. Hit? plintalo-tIns aro a 90t the dying mull anaemic girls, and healed thelungs tritimpli or art, anA his superagitur- real "Olted -Lilt] angry the afille- and restored to fullhealth, somany fitting bwft are-unt patent tIou 'trould leave him, -tirl 110 PrOvnd thou-n-nds in the firSt stages of 31r. Franic Walters, of FIceter, Tells 1111TVuler, boit (a irrhiLde worth not- Ilk) Ivas right.-Gleveland plain C ' OrStIfille'ring and IlowDr W1111aniho, tug) tbln Frowli ealf, carptiffly vnr- Dealer, onsumption, rLqhed afrviih froin ilay to dny. 11 If 3*014 bave zat tried it, aml for freeminpig, P to asiceabicr taste vrill parrM."'e YOU. ay- SCOT -r & ron'.iri, ctle=*�gu. I'1111Z 14118 0`,ured Him After Other hats PIWA4 off Ono gl,lyp an I Is Pl, 'A certalli Remedy lor corns, f 310411cints Falled. Irem with I t. ti� t%v hiq wjjltl,� I mill) And 0110 nlwavt; to be relied upoll ill Pottlayn'A TIMAI.� I PktIftIQ%s Corn 1,.Xtriwtor.� Kire. 141tre and tit. 3= and $Ux; and a flito R-1ppillpe, wIllph lip, It" sTays Nearly litly 11"Itiollollit P.MVP iiiiVOIll the A&Oeltte, Exeter.1 b."ll Q'It Into a, No -al ring.11-Bosto,11 U.'ralue. 0`iL Mr. PrIank 17:11t*rs Is a, 3�onng man Journal. NtA10)(1011- tho IWIrs or Your 11oad XrSonally, knt)%%,n to inost; of the reii Rptvlrd, $100 Fair-haIrcill poopip usuallp 110,j,,e,39 fildents of EXOttir, where he has lived "10 A Sovereign Of SevelttyAeres. ThorcAdPr4dWQrij,,;ir%vIIj W pIe4..q(,d to 8" *;%[arIno*.9 elfillm to jx� the Gultill. I!OUOJ and 1000iJ4 hairs nipvrly all his 11fe. Talking with tho oil the soillp, tho nulalim ba- Iftn' th3t til"ric it W le -4-1 One dreatled distense cot of t1ke Injerowtit),tt Sta-tes �of Ing about tho munt, for 111.111 and wo. Iralturs jR,,jld-"In JuStleo to Dr. 011" stiti'llre h;lA 1 "ell "10 10 Pi" Ill itil I" Europe is eclipsed by , in 414W04 914d thitt 1� CAP,trrh. 11alls Catarrh the enrioug lit. man. Dark-pyetj pi-ov)jo ll:Lv4,. 01, V Vull Its, pink rills X think It 0�fqthp q.nly IrAlne euro Itow knownto tile Commune of Moremet, W*ith 22,700 &V a 7 PLO mcdi;6�4 Irt"t TA-P,�- Valnrrh being: a con. eltizene, Oqellpying P UWIlt I0.3-OU0. W111143 red. datX. In View of 171l'tt they have dono -litational dorl*,. finthire." a canutitut U territory of llftll�;ifprlople are, said tt) lkar4� only for ni,,�. VI, II&I my ttjStj=Onl&l to tile 'Ill. 11.10 'I'll&' 70 00", - It 19 141tu;ttlad betimpen -*000 11 -lir -4. But the I.Atter ,pivar- '"aunt 'I Cfiktkirrh I airp to 01tenintern, t1jo tLOUTiatkeR Of rithirt; that haVe tten "19y, ReAlON d0volt'�v plian abe blow vtnd Pe Of Lh-g,-,t nli(I Pndy ro-*now; mr* gr�iat adv.ont�jgo 1:0 falattvatJ 6=14'LAN 0! the r-�'Qcln, thureby Ile. the, Trur--Pul 'p,11silto *n)vjju,P. -tnkl jw. I thok faet tiolit they mtaln thetr hair P1r211r0d- leor it)mt,, rainths J'allfrkrEd, llrilyl-r th top 611tiflaltom sit th. 411VA%0 aml Clalmed by I)oth prugsl., givin4t j nina tab t, 1406b c0vc%t,%IY fralll P das coursing rp rnvire to deltz it - but 0 govev Uud dfflva W batk. it Irils thougItt .%vark. rult.0 by a I;urj,*,)njn4Pr, atitj its., :j1he j;vl,rpj;jjt% ' HvP P?Avom %b lit thryw1i r Ou,3 eltirti", are lnn.ppy in tho, ill i'vrari, lint M11 aro v* -In D"Par. f*r Anv cw:p rhat It tb�lt U1010 P111119 WOrg d"b tO liver �,.Cnvl Aw lilt! ps" "'at -#"iteh wag"'! t4tt" alartunt to) nud 111l1tT tr@uIlrb, bat wlimover the Adtin-, - P. J & CO. Tole"O. ot 11"Ir -4. It Vilroniel 1" 11-- inie,%viff" J;�k� v- g. tiltr, vqnq:� they rref4nently lnft :=,� In ter- 1*70111 W7 braflFC14J.. 11.% 11. �Jfitf�n #'%t t. . -I'Q 11 #1 j,1-':!,0,, it t 41D� D -rd. ffa.rs t;ailldy loalith mv the bco,. flgvPy. n n�luj� VA watfaml to tht L tftek. bat t0 Ot,htr P-trts of tlot borly. as " 4* TOM 1Jft1NWtt 119 111) "Ior iz3 96t, luttlo mind ovtr 1:i,q 01119111tA and I frill eff j;reat- ­\wv Laxa,tive boromv, �Arfjita Tat,L,..a Tho"reVeall tv &(3 Wdght. r trmb I d'�ifU,,,r.!ijb lit th-� junrtii of mat"r qvp- 01 vbl!; IQ Otto day- qlh'tz iguggcwd by Whteh llav- wnt I liavr� knNung a Lf!n% If D114 1-6 elifect. ullm-�S'v V1:g9a9tf,1,1 L!" tra4p.1t h'Ittraqr, by The w4pit"41111,; Torivilelle. Wit- rap qoq tjp? Others Are Why Not You C P03 19W;ft%* Wilth UtUN trLrft1!1 "t-401 fill tv tlY lvr� WIAnms! h ad tot t"(fugh, 19 1wIr tall', Punk PUA* I Vaq PC*. va@ily I".r- lr�gtctl Sum nkv madc,l b&mus,4 1 IM41 n1flat molud .41 eil It hat mme"t a5l hin-ally a Inlrou"a r -A to ttly thA tail I rayt rtn,6r. 0A, t pqrdlttoti one to% nt 01 V ftr%t, ant tj mv w9tobilishmr-flt ut-Liie it, of �4ipdtpss orahkot. f th'. -, rq!Ll 'tv�?k.Alkd %�.Z Y3-Ltj,±,E93. Ch ! Wik bj4�ii wq "GIr v�ft lit W��# fqn� Th- @-*dtncti 0 agn-'m z : 6. mc, welzma. Ott _41kof I Wn@ T-ItIllt"I iii f ReST wou uni; #4% Then I got u tenple waro, btlus flatiare Iwal Ili ".- mvawiv 0:1 th-S wftlb� 1� iand th�oe rt#tora nj to mv rolfffle'r 141q, 61 th- Ami-a2on- abm�� Mllanrdla L-jn�mtnt earf?p Colds, fte. V" d) Itlit liew-tatt r,-- To-fty Ila k '614 ultivatilff Ift tS3 rnii*Ldl; 3D 'nor - V-11 �Mffiffit,fiedng thla th'it t8qtto h-,4 r;,%o"0t110hWA th-lt 0.14-gvA It 'We eannfjit 8lre%r Igeya -- .1 Treated Vitee. rer..4 ffl-* P�Oflt by my MCMUT- It h-�g bro-agAab t11A 0- 'In at least strc%v It, bnvl� 'Ar�� 3 17,W9 car- with tr� WMIV�W41 1*94h 111118 61166 bt jtG�- 961d§ ayrw, atel th amotint of monp-v tNia Book 0 IniV43AW dIrmt1v Innol Inall , t the rLmt of the 'Thm-y ree ly hl It PtV!0-17IA1,S Sadlo DA'M rtuIew mfi-1 bulld up tfiv� wa3rj. -Lttid dvdr $103,001001). 1�6 res! - the ffeeved, th"s d1tivit m. ill. zt. tur toj§!�`4S6 froja thgy Lifilifilent Cares Dildetiper. 9 ATLAUCTA,GA� 1116AE'rk ".1aeg Not k"6 t1lo-m. thv-v W0 t%Tt' tubt a ftra-4 Lat, .'U- '69 @�.,bt !Mstp!I4 at 39 cn-rgts a br.*- TO PRIME... iDil ta h4,Adt for by -le-drtasing AA, T 0 thl t1r. W1109 -ho Me Q reat Internadonal Route i irs Rung thtough. seven SLLa .1 COACH NORSES E '5; 'g&f tes to At*?O 1 70 -*u4j14 hfg. 'tVfl. I.IU11 J,,Z)] tr,o,t VVIIAT JIM IWAN, na�114� i�,Und; age n6t Io emetX'd 8 yt-ara. rp-1) R, ON^R And two, ptittc;pal Proviflices. AC41r,"i lityink 014§ to Oct a fteallefle seete 110-GAII.P. for a Notell. PERMANENTLY GURED. Nature's f1vorite Wghway. 110!0, U0t2jrCa4 f4ttis. ktelt and "krA 11wi. to b'a h!s. Sl- tul F FARM FOR SALE trot Vitt vroal 911.Ad 0.1 th ilt, rat, -III tt. ceft Ireat't"Mr. Jae. 0. Pent'. 4 r 4: 50"'Witill Rhowtiln Velvern Square, ages. tv;s-'t to krovv hmv Intwil s, Tt7 itts undoubted ndvitnt N. S., Sufrk-ed from rLron . One 6* *1�4 �Wtl refallftl causn--f ellitis and RG�dbed that tra"Vell-ers relz 1- lu:!i-i f�dln if 'fa Ish. �;,i 7m. lan S�.* told Win z" gen, -*. I F aq sottrhroat IrrIta'.10". SaYs. 17o rv-te-, 45 of tv.Werj ia ira f-. $-Iti me-tli Ut�vetsllly good service. tC1g0tjr4ef; that, ivrbt this ldl--,rjyd h"M and eg' taem.ed Wan, ts�.a The bofttats Falled to U*Ileveq so N.ftest ani best equipmeat. to, rg"n- reA that It would ba F1-3�12;�nglils Finally nt was ObIlged to Give ZONATH&V VXRPF­NT1;,P, Luta vs, well o-,vn to ' 110. 4A ivinclui, 06% consent Cly Ills 1"Itge position. eecps i ts patraw, co.q.4de-.1ce. Wds 'Awte no wln�10W*P ;;Z�Iffbifty vVisted. It wa-t a toucwtg G TM -0-1 ard Al wormat!" hwa wa"bauged forcilil tmd slI2 thte** so munh -'-1XId7mnkRW1vvay syltej, or Me VkWl. gofteng the me, corea'Qnd ;2: Tzatt into It that she did not Ob. CA -TA, RI -R- HU!'"ONE C' 0 RE D TWet4. �erve thiLt bef %vw taking vot,6g Ill lMsttfet Pas�ienxer Agen 1; 11 B*'uvdo C142h �hottharvd. 'W11'an stba 11aJ uru= and pm Idsr notebWic 1%, h7 ,g Extend!ng It& hand, he, t �a_ MUFF I lm*e bf-en srofv%ftulf ruffeter from beanC613 and wavc-re throat, irrilafom la&irked, genla:ly- I taught nhO03 nritil qrAte recdnflq�, �vot "I'm e -Mi- and evaIk va Mai -lit cibing. llu"tllt % kx oWlged to r&jIgn ovving to ray bronAiAl troublik, .a tot Vow, 'yb-d It ..For WoMbs eftergivift'g, uj� My po;lffon T 1 'aaetotd Uith severag hVMe1Arat%d Weil on did li�t7t* SO niftly, nnj remmid cce, bUt; v ftt lxne- fit4A. :'lit Under' & UIOU91atd ObligAtloaq. :,mt Wvel, tiLIV I h4ve a I l.MTtftvVek60tj�ettl I Wftsek and 19 wgq jetmd I ytolild eg jji,to %20'icnnia jr9omd1ling 'Celife I -A which a k'.rl tatuge6 to waA reot 0 iyfdooe. =W1% Im an%1012�§ to lia the otatiaotyped 8tvl,. of ,Tentv I s-..dvIg 6d 46N179 sirich incidents and Inglik-6 It " In 4� few das"t �� MrrAt tt6t:W6 W= to tir- *A16ft-- yoo!tlei, Ahe seventh g1tj . . . 1%Vtd as ta f9 ve me perfecte,,-ist in spraakir..g, 'And T*fore I I AVe, . . Ild every one cf t et8r had o pontents, of &6. botilit wele 9�nj I was emnPletely orivea. �Catarrh- �*ou ald 'Yet, . - 4Z 1 f 1 have je�b.n boin. ukyl hoylaztly reco-moftil Ictely rag4�d.l1-1jVit-Bjtg,. IIAMfOritistrus 10 a tare forbronchiti-tancl 1-hrW, ttouble, ill"191n, from tht marv,�Trtas efficlet in MY cage, I do lot think it eat, be OX. Zinard's Liniment eareg diphtheria, cellecL 'rook C&TARRHOZOT XE it. Personally. poltiuLSI.Iiisigs 3,wnit an -am to 11're tile DA auaTautcoa oure f;or 'CAT�4,RRTII,BltO-'4CIlITIS,ASTtl,31A nevr prafes. );� a, C'Tc -re',Lmu W� completo Outfit co-14ifi= of boall'ifully. po'lish d haril rubber ffilvil6r ayyd suftfent Imarl Of Vrl A, a5 tl,r. ,07.- May Im 'Ift'd -111 lllq postal 17-'b ltl Lft'�T:to`r SOWS W�hir turr;nl btftlo of 1rhalantMe. Wc-ahr 25--trmlsi7o mmL oL�e-; toeuicAnft one and tegdmonlotjq, f.'rltaf�l stamps&o= N.01 polgon & Co., mbfstoil, on&. OUR,�,G­ R.-ANUILATEU it by i%bft Anikiy%t1a repott 160 pep, CENT. pup'n. OUP-, GOLDEN VELLOWs, Ailib thb bdigt 1611ovo, Sagaksrjade jj� the vo-oklit A TEST WILL PROVe IT. ,Cyr 014 SMAR, REFINERY