HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-21, Page 7I "I�"'��,,,�q-,3"",P""-."",� � 1-_-__----.---- , . I I 1 I , . I I I I ... ., , , "r , . . � , . . I . . I . : . - I . 11 . . . I I I " I . . ;4- . . I � . - 1.11, I , I . � . I . I � � . I I I I ; . I I I I I . � I �. . 1. - � I— � . 1. I ­­..� -1 -_1 � �:� ­­_, . I I ... .�__7,__;1.111,­11 '7":_ ,�,­,V__ .... 11"J". 'r � � 11 1­171­,� " T'11 " "I'll," . " . I , ,, ,, � � .: �� . , , . '' V 1, _1K?1_VV111fF,7 �Iw.­�­­:­:­,-­,-T� , : � I . , , , I ; I y, 4 I 1. I ;., �' F, � . . I � 11 I . I , I I ,��:; .� !, ,�,� �, . . I . �: ', , �, I I , I , , , ,� ". � . I . I � I r .1 ,., 1, . , � t , q I �. , I I 1 ,-P�� I I , � . , . .11 . �111 19 1. . I , �;:i, �. ,��, �:� � , � . .1 . . . . I . . , I � .�,:,. I I I . I., : I � 7 � . . I I . I � .,�, . I . . I I . � I I . I � . . . I I 1. 1, I - ... ____ I . � .1 I I . I I . . . I , . ,�. 0 1 IVIley a repoatod. DA11113ham beeltated, 1. . . 4_61-61 + -nk,oe fro -in, llo-mven isaybi,fl-ktmiok 1. ... ... I .__ , ___ .- _,_,__.___._ I— ­ ­ .- . arl'y", ',�Y.olfendo I +,O, ++ i I . - , � 11 11 I . , , , , W 11 "ANO, we can't do ,that PP be said. + : .1 that blac�k ramcal Qff I'lij wail Iv . Who say so?" 41 1 1 1 --- I I I I ', "Have you any plan ?11 ' "" I . . . 4 . + " HALF DOZEN + i oft shook Ills head. + - ilieirer nAnd,w be said. "You are Harcutt Shook Ills head, .A I Altiong tllf� 0UrIo:ditI,e0'o,f the law d'% rk- I wiser not irilgim,ing-unci happier I �60 "Call't Say that I have." I . IS tll,,j foJ:oWUi­, r,ai,,�,�rtefl by the " , , . . . "L . I A PLUT FOR " EM P I n- E 0 "Ot know very much about you, Lord They were both silent for a mo- 4, + ltuotxltstor.Poal; lxprviis� + 0 S I � ( � G " ODSTORIESo 1 � � At i� L-orrit. of a,,.� Urottflt Mart In . Wolfandun," be added. "Wo are almost ment, Dollsham was smiling softly to + . 10, . . � utrangers, but I am going to give YOU himself I I j'a Jill— .. . +­&_ - Watching him, Harcutt I)Q. - � � 4 oTI43 UX tll,,� V,�P.-rlver ao-W,1,U._'3 a 01 . . �. tile very be�t)advlca you. ever litid cam,) quite assured that he had de. +"++++"4-+++-10,+++ +1+-;-+v+41-4,0 ago, a ilj.UT,31� j,qIS,_k was �.,'xl trInd, da,li a. , , � ­ I ,from anyone in your life. Avoid that . old'hi What to do. There i8 o3e SWrY (am,Arulu-11 w Nv4-,ll 1,,novya ­11�)a�zulAlau` jv,�ti I calle.4 . I 4 ATHRILLING STORY OF CONTINENTAL CONSPIRACY AGAINST BMW% ( , Trial) as you, would the pestilence. 00 " Lot 0.14 a Ni"Itne"'S. � I Ila' consider the matter to- X. A. P.) Which Mr. ;!kUhs R-tieve.1 was � I . away before lie can find you out And 90th0r," lie Suggested, diplomatically. yery Solid of telling. It, cuiwerns all "',V,oll, air, Yort, V111V tblil 110rs-i ?" I I I offer liftio tour . "We ought to b& able to hit upon early ealgastement ,it, ula�,,,V,,V, I x h: A you thanks. Take a , SVIII....ft Said thl) fil.-lend,11"It'Is C( 1-1.1 0, - � �_ �--,;�!_ �, � � g. * - � I I ) , � : 11 . ,. 1Q1.U1,..111_.'1.._ on the Continent; stay ,away from SOMetlillng." . ha,d been arra,uged. throagn a niet, "Yes, sir ; i -- 'I,- 4 "I- . " I ­­­ -11. I . IQIQI�,_;,� 1; ... I � . I ligland for a while. Stay away for D"'Ll ILLin. Shook hie head doubt- iopolitan agvucy� ,One Qi. till) Items "'Xilat did You, flif.i?" . I Walfenden followed (1,1098 b0ind. a soft cap pulled down almost ever ever rather than accept Ills friRridshil? fully. vnts "Hail, klinlitlug Morn," tatil Mr. "I j(ih;t Lipelloj I-,.Iu oroftith t,,) find , hir; eyes, sat in a corner of the seat or have anything to do with him." ,,4NO", lie Said; ,,I don't t1illit that 1�eeves was "lla-turally �Iet down for Out 110,tv ol'i Ito W,1�4, an, I o ay a t a .,!,� Tate tooling wigcb� prompted him I which. he was passing. Perhaps It . 111111, ettya 1, '01't fellor, I gliciss you're ' You must admit," Wolferldell Said We can run this thing ill double har- bho Selo portion ists . do so was a, curlou-a one, but it Seem. was tile good natal- with which be slowly, ,-that Stich sweeping condem- ne;trs. You set- our Interests are ma- of &it echo, atid the L,�)n,lon agrenu "- P'll't-Y 900d yotl." . . , " .� ed to him afterward that he had was briniming ovee., and-whiall. would Dation sounds a little-wellf extrava, t opposed.10 I stired tile sol'olat,that a satIsfact0TY " _4top 11" cri-ad t -lin opp,.�riln- counsel, . even at that time a convictionthat have led him to listen just then with gant. I am an ordinary, inatter-of- Ti,�tri`cutt did nab see It in the same. 01101i: liatl lj,�ell engag0d. The whi-Ae Your llryrr-ov, I dbj(�ut t44) 'Iljol LOn- amazing generosity to any of the fact Englishman, leading an ordinary light. matter was orra-ug'ad very hurrit.,�a. vorsation carrla,l.un betv"reen tte Something uiAisuai was aboutto bap- common street tales of trouble or Mo. I am not a politician, a dI1--)Iunxat- "Pooll I We can travel together by ly, and �ifr. Rf'_­cv(m Nvas at first dis. W1tW)F­8 an.,I T.h.- burRo Mien the . pen. rillic girl steppod 11glitly aliross distress. But after that first our- Ist, or a gambler.! I am not in the tile ','Unle road,,, lie Protested. "Tito i inol.InDd to accept, as Ills Other all- Phlintiff war, not preseirt." the carpeted ,way and entered tile sorY dlance he knew at once. whom least likely to become either of thesO time to Part company has not come gag=ent.q pre��Ijdod him from reach- 111io objcatiort waki suotalned.. . he had found, Tito opera hat had three. This man could have no Object .Vet- lVolfunden hAP got a bit ahead ot ing GlaRgow lit time for a rellear4al - - I carriage. Her companion paused In been thrown* away, and other de" In doing me harm, either .now Or In us to -night, Alter all, though You with the choir. "Don't worry about CA V()U !!jlli(i Ir? the doorway to liand Some silver to t.,I.ils of his dress were changed, but the futuro. I think you said that You "d I may pull level, if we hall'> one that, my deal- s1r," Said the agen'- �N .- the rommissionalre, then he, too, Its to the man himself, Wolfenden knew nothing of the lady?" anwUler, You have a plan, I can "you ;i�Ll find the choir mate Per. "fGodS,t,%,ctlte(�u:,e,ullaisit�Qoundsl.0 loaning upon his stick, stopped across never had any doubt. V elix looked at him keenly. Sea! What is It,?" feet.' Mr. Reeves was perforce I C'UIL110"e. I He knew at once that be was reow "The young lady," lie repeated. "No, Delisharn was silent for a moment , obliged to make the beat of tile the pavement. His foot was alrea4y ognized, and &at up, a bright, red I know nothing of bar beyond tile fact "you know wbose house this )a 2,1 bargain, and be jmriipyed to Glas- Professor - Salinwic contilliates the � upon thie, carriage step, when Bud- mark across Ills te=,Ies, Ills that she seems to be ilia companion- he asked. . gow, hoping everything would turn followlilg to Lhe 1/iudwi Post- . denly what WolXendan had been eyes 'wild, his lipt ,wenibling, for the nonce. That is quite sufficient Harcutt nodded. � out well. 'Clio concert was a success, In 1897 1 dov1scd ant] edited a, I i ,vagpdy anticipatlug Irlipponed. A They looked at one another stoad- for me!" "Of course I It's the Rusulan Arn- and all went merry as a marriage small publicatluri unti'LieJ "'I'lie Im- . � dark figure spra.ag from out of tho 11y. It was Wolfenden who brokethe Wolfenden rose to his fact. ba$Sador's VI b 11 t*l "11all, Smiling A10"n", IV -WI pUrIELI 801.1vonix," tbi.-) being the, I shhdows, and seized him bY the silence. . I Tra,uslation al third vemic of tha � "Thanks," lie said; "I only asked Drinsliam draw a square card from lis ,o`,','$'e of performance. when the i throat ; something that glittered "Well, you're a nice sort of fellow you for facts. As to your suggestion-:- his pocket, and held It out under the I soloist came to thr, lines demanding National Antlx!m, wotricaby reader- I er in the electric to ask out to supper!" he remark- well, you had better not repeat it in 0W-Iight, From it, It appeared that I an echo, lie delivered them In his ad into fifty fir tho, lumst hnfivrtant I light flashed upwards. The blow ad. "What tile mischief were YOu my presence!" the Princess Lobenski desired the I best manner -"At whose bright pro- landungo'S spoken lit tile o-ueeWs Would certainly have fallen, butfor trying to do?,, Felix laughed mockingly. honor of Ills company at any time that- sence, Darknosg. [lips away," What Empire. In the ca,,,e of Oriental Jan- : Wolfenden. He was the only person "To ).,cap a vow," tho man on the "You are so blind and pig-headed, evening between twelve and two. wtw his horror to hear Ec-ho rep -at- guitigges the ver -4c was likewlse Iwo- : not wholly unprepared for something seat replied In a low tone. "I fallett you English people " lie said. ".1. have "A card for to -night, bY Jove!" Ing his words In the broadest Doric I LiUnted in Roman cluracterm, L;D t � hat � of that sort, and he was consequent- as I seem (loomed to fall whenever told you something'of tile man's char, Harcutt ex("laimed. "Pieces awal, fl­(�q mva�." Yet Sims I overy subject oi iier Amjk;sty is : , ' . : ly not paralyzet) Into inaction as I lift my liamd against him! Whydo acter. Mat sort of a girl, do You &up' DonshiLm nodded and replao-ed tt in :Reeves averred th-tt not a Soul In tlle thereby enabled , to oLag, . with i were the others. He %vus so near, too, Yell not summon a policeman ? I am pose, would be supping w4th him alone Ills lmket. twdlenee smile(I or Saw anything In- heart ,Ind vo�ca, I I tiou �Saver i I that a single stop forward enabled walting, I Shall not run away this lit a public restaurant after mld- "You see, Harcutt," he said, "I am congruous. lie put the case to a tire Queeri" in the fifty Jaugua,ges i him to seize the uplifted arm in a t11110." night ?11 bound to tal,e an acvantatge Over ball1le afterward4, who, assured him, reforred(Lo. it wwi riaturally a lluga: i Igrazp of Iron. The man who had lVolfenden hesitated. Then lie "I wish you good -night," Wolfendeij V011. I OT1JY got this card by an. accl- ,,That's just notlijug at all. You ta-,a to obtahi Llw transirktious or 1 1 been attiacked Nras the next to re. Silt down on the seat by the side Said, moving away. ,,I will not listen Zl�ilt, an(] I certainly ,jo not know were wrong a little in your prounn- so many EusUmn lax,guages, but I i co ver himself. Raising his stick of tile man who hLvI glared at him to another word." tit() Prinooss well oneough to present clation, and tile echo was correct. eventuady succeLded, Glwlese, Ilow- J ho struck at his assailant vio. so, fiercely. F elix rose up and stood beside him. you, I 4-diall ,be cowlielle(I to leave you yen see, it Sv 0 ever, pro,6ed aintatit foem,d�i,Gla. -None WaS 06 .Ottisil call ,11 lontly. The blow missed his ' Well, I don't know that it's ally His face looked very frail aad eager 11cro. All talat I man protailae Is, that if ___ of tha Chinese �scholara arid mY CO1- � hea.d. but grazed hir. temple business of mine," lie sal(l. "The mail in the faint half-light. He laid his hand I (130over anything interesting I "Why Is It V1 ells- asked "that wh(In leagues at the var,ous cuLegeH felt i and fell upon Ilia shoulder. The man, whom you went for didn't seem to upon the other's arm. will lot you know about it to -mor. you are playing whist against papa capable of rrndertak�rug jio ahlicult VA released from VTolfendqn's grasp by C.1170, SO I don't sea why I should. ."Lord Wolfendon," be said, "you are re-. Good.1lig it., you make so many blunders 7 You task, owing to tho great dLver- . . his convulsive start, went staggering I aloN did you manage to escapo?" he a decent fellow -remember that it Is llarcutt watoliefl him disappear from I I curiously. only for your good I speak 1 T -" never seem tiD make mistakes when gauce of tire Willic'so language I x '� back Into the roadway. (I,tl;d lie girl tbrOl"41 tile olmu door, and the" lie Isn't In the game, Are you awed anything wm,tet�l as rpgarlis eX- There was a rubli then to Eecure lilm, 1 Felix laughed -a dry, bit -ter, little Wolfeaden sbook him off. wallw,4 a little -way alorkq the pave. by him T presslon, Idiom � bo It was too late. Wolfenden, half I ] "If you allude either directly or In- merit, m.,earing softly to himself. His " te Hi,aud tnetre. At last � ' 0-11,911. . 'VV'P.11, not exactly that, Meet Rock- I applied L.xoul.eauy Sir Chih- expecting another attank, had not I "Recause I did not care whether I directly to that young lady again," first lilea was to wait aboIrt until P. answered. "Yort see, I clwa Loferigiub. moved rrom the carriage door, and the I was taken or not, I suppose," lie an. ho said, calmly, "I Shall throw You thoy 0.1me out &U,I thea follow them Ingham," h commilsi,lonaire, though a powerful swered. "I bi(] behl.w.1 sume shrubs In into the river I" J again. By that means Ito would at ,11111,1 out some time ago that Tolir bo good eirpugh to reeoriniond tQ , man, was not swirt. Like a cat the tile gar(lea .-yonder, 11"I'l Jet them go Vcilix shrugged Ills shoulders. 10-t W Sure of their address. He father likes tu win, and I want him i me I,�;mo one at the ir_�g,tUcPn 17110, i � i *he I � Said, V) have a kindly feellit- for me. I would W able to uiq�urt,ake t man *ljo had mado the attack spraug blunderlit.- by me. Afterwards I -At least remember," he as W0111d have gained .s�methlngg for his I ' � , ; across tho ron(rway, and into the gar- came out anti sat here." Wolfenden walked away, "that I tinto and trouble. Ile lit it cigarette � lwpe to -to have a favor to ask of work. In repiy i received tile lol- I aenk; which fringed the Embankment. "And what axe you going to do warned you." and ivalkej Slowly to tit() coporcr of l him one of tlics(� days, and--" lomag lietter- I * * * 0 * * tile street. Then lie turned baek�and I He hesitat-d. 16he. h)oked up Into "49 Portland Place. Aug. 25. 3B97. J Who commIsslonaire arid a loiterer Jol- now ?" i l6wed him. Just then Wolfenden &It F e! Ix raised his eyebrows.1119 face Wolrenden Walked swiftly home, ri.A-mwed hL,-; artAt-ps. As ho neural the I his face, and thell, some -bow, Ills arm "Dear Raofc6sor 4Salmoie,-In ccra- a soft touch on )its Shoulder- 'rho girl I s�ld as plainly as poss!ble.- wards to his room. In Half 110011 crila-Am strip of drug�get, one of the git around her, and she w1rispered: formity witli the rprituest, caritainad had opened the carriage door, and witu 'What the devil has tha sTreet. Ilia servant admitted him as i�ervanta drew res1lectfully aidde, as "Olt, Edward, Iraw did you ever In your noto Of the 21st init..- I 19tqndIng at Ills sido. I (10 with you?" urinal, and took Ilia coat. U1011-4-11 PX1xieting Jilin to enter. The. guess that yuu had any reason to have, the p.omiuro to ei;0z).e to you "& anvotte hurt "' she risked qui "I bar_- your pardon, MY lord," he maii'.,: ,.lct!(g1 was Ilke an Im4piration lwpo ?') the cailgraphic copy of my trarMa- . tj . 'No 6e," lie a�nsl�rlrod, "It ekly. I Wolfenden understorAl. 'mul, as lNolfenden, was turning aWayp to Mal. Ile glinced down tile vista __ tion of tho third vvn�e of tbo Brit- , "Of course." IS all I'll "a It 18 not my .'*but were you, expectI119-a-YOU119 Of coverell rot)f. A crowd of pmpla "What are %-j)ur financial pros- Ish National .Uithtnn. evpV. The'nuln has run a -way." business exactly. tt��f y"et, you must Mr. Satin Mooped down and brushed 41411111t that I 41,1111, 0011certiml Ill it. In& "I, wert, nra!dtig thPIr way up tile broad ppets ' ," d.-nnand 0 the old gf-ittlemiall. "I beff to call your attention to the Tito man coughed ftscrectly. Wolf- et.tlrea,,(�, and amougst, them 'Ven- "I will n -)t dr-e0vo You, HIr,11 ri-- fact, that the Chriiew ,mr..itin 13 also O.WaV Fame groy v At from Vie front of you wem, My gtliwt whi-ii tire man enklell looked at , Jilin In amazement. Fit.10n. After all, ,whY,hot ? 11-V lairg-11. Met con't. Then be took a match -box, (Nolino Into tile im,taurant. It It had "A -what, t�elb.v ?" ("I i�,kllftly to hiniself anti hesit. plied the It wiest youngo man, "I think in rhlynte. aud lit tile ratue metro as , f.vorrit hit; fleket-poelwt, and re -lit tile not bevn for myr askling. You tile Ittvil all, tlwy tire rvattinably good. the Ent, ish original, arid tire call - ,re, ,,.%, young Jady, my lord." Ion.,,er. fro tbrew away tit.; Ogarettp Va cilglarette wh1oh lind lwn crumvl�d In YOU WN 70%) Irt'ght lkMer have inet, 'Wol(pud6n frowned. mul tvalk�-01 boMly In. Ile was (It "I uniulil bi, glad, If You were more graphic Wwv hi ma&- lit Istrict me- explIelt." Lwdaiieo with tire threethpis euelQsod lits flngc,rs. Ills hand ,%van perfectly him. Thpil, too, it it batl .not Wpil I -of course not!" lie ansiverad. U UIVN' for Whielk 114, W(qI know tlll,�Lgt, .. ' attiady. ,rbr- uatvio affair had searcelY for me. our friewl thore would ltavO ­VVJIt1t till. miscillpf do you mean 11' Ito %!c.i.,rvol to W hlokol. At the Ct,rtalul.y. If -.%,oil will riceopt me la Your 110ta. I IMNO the lie -mor to be, tallen thirty sovoilels. I beim a dfLad rivin. arid yott-well, It 'Velby prouept'14A to e=Vlaln- 4! ' *!lit, tilue, In, lut'll lirldo Up 11:s an a t;tin-ln-law -y�iti will readily un- .yours faithfully. 111b wait probably sotne Innatle," he � tzoull4l" lj,gly, but yon �Nvmld oIlriubt- #%� young Intly arreve-1 here a Alort riii?t I t.) gro thrott,rh Avith It. nit -I lie t dt,ra,tand that my future is assured. 11 L&i.,nl,luh." remarkr-d w(Vtoning, tn till% girl to i Jws li.tvp be a n timo rtgo, tily lord, anti a,�Ited ror you. u aN ot the tnian io fall tbroll,_�h r.er. M � ,en lur,ic-i-er I it It ,.-)it do; not, .your daughter bas 111b say th,4 lm,�t. It was a 6--rave- resuov� )ter pltvc* In tbr% earrin,901%, *,You foi)l ill ,Tollwou Inrorniod 1wr that `vOU Nvoold uxi-atvs or want or sav-1l, falre. pr,m0tvisl to Moll" with me. and we fill act G!l Iliq l`-XVA'V%;'.-'1s part to "I ant eNeredingly ohlig,otl to, � W01fon-Nm ghrur,Xv.0 bN t�.Jlouldpra. tv. homp vIlortly. and Hilo 6�61LXI to (To be continued.) feel that ivc� may reawillabl.v PYputit undertake the translat,Vrn $I "God *vou. Mr. lord 'VV;%IrPntIen, I be -11 1111,11.111L. you," Ile 8,11d. I *1 4jon't -4va.1t. JW.111,oll, vat.lipr ImprildOntly', ad- 1. I �� � _ yonr ftsr,.,1vvni%-.-1. Altog ther, I .4.1V40 tlif- Q�1(1' . ,�rl " if �1� f#1'.'L- F,Ueh 1lI%N*V1 lie ridded, raf4nax Ills hat. (1111*4. 11 "tile out- I 1114'U its .1;m Vbilw1ton. ;;.t,l U -v Isnpraille, "Oult, Vor Your InUirvention the matter 1:,, tult' tol bor, and-stle's In tit(% StU4- uty �IAV V;11001��H, T111-;IIt TONGM thint: I maX caft-l.v Pay that ,,i -x 8-toppit-I hill). 115- &prv%ad ont lord V' . Vmk 14 (InlUx prinuising 11 I dIl tIT ,J;V�4�t� of affulni lit Chat i. to-di%y . o oal 0,211 mlot rpal)y have bi-init verlouq. 14,r. llc_.4 bullol,-4, gn,l Jitrul.k tire baek OC A yonlir, Intly her(L-at 013 time Of tqpJ_Iu.,Ti I'lils a ro�;g =an.,- r,- .. ktrZ� t .A hu;�o %Ikli with mit mit. to offor you my eard. I trwst the mat soh,ranly. 1�7* Vhulee )30twecu 1.,It veonts to me ,% I wav,'Jit!" AVoljonden r-.0alined. Inerc!du- ' turned the Old Sentlowan th"amIlL. tire bctAt state In I;N-.-#�pe. timt ownp, dity I may havo a better -You ore n fw�'- IIVC11100 VOd 8aV$`d lt%jf�41�V. ".J,ro '.'On lead, SPIUV ?l re -10t ant) Flemish baliguages, Wily, ,,.I-'# It yon t1to-aght Foa I sublqln th,� traitIltvratic�a cf.14r, *Mvortunit.v ot oNpre.-Ing inythanUml ilia life... be Nat'l, I'Vittl 41mv. vin. ­'rtin werp'not ex;wetbl� bpr, tbein, -Th- 11111VS10011 NVIl,.tIl,-r 11#,inihil Or a .. 1Chlhv1,,vn%; :%gtilveav- f4 tho ,wre,eln At prev.,ent vau will P%etrzo in(* It I .1g, . *-Llgtt�llp- -% ttvla , , prevalli r,0 lan. i .�t,,'wtt g�-oii iny furturre. , aoi ,4�V*n �.:.,t#,l wo pro. . ;1 ,+.. AR Itf- Is no long#�r . m - 14v .11,11)v r, nx. - I k & It t,bulll be th47 , .,,),I -enm to me, tt*." I .VV01111); 111.14J... allsi zhtwre havo him 1. ­',ibe ga" -�T�Im.-,on to understaild 01a P !11 D -191111ilo ti A ill Mt011 �11 tt Is � anowored tho li,m.-vt yollili; w3u. IV-1*2 tI11T*. tratp- lt.e tun=,, of thor, Upat Wirry. I am not of your nation, but ., ,N ,nI*.111* ri1q. ri, JIttJ!* a , how It 'o 111=11 w�,�l I I ebare .,in untipathy with t1writ-I 4 lually 100 Ivive 411%41roo:l to 1,111 111m. tj"nt .Von wo-re.11 regarjud qzmte w_r4*�0.y th r.% ___ I n1w4elan" Ill Lnrojl% aQ well JQ by -- i lltit never yet lt.%-i anvolln savw him I -You are a conple of i -Itl*,, Prilp. tg llp�tdium 1,11344,1.rs of Vltulr­�e In 4. buto it row!" I:, Vaullot ito, agrvv4, 1'"41 91t 134211. Motta Ir.u; a 11WO g'Irl w � Ile t;tvprwd Into the rarringa NVItIl �, from 1;,�Tlj , or 6trp t+- Ivi 'Ivttl ­ . Oil a] ­dil," Ivell- -it I' " In a ft,olaillilig amyltil% lt plavewhero . �, gl�l m. 1%h&kq..r or not. Vi(MI'll, I a farewAll how. nn,l it drove off ut ' t t��"J out to bit" bablif-1 b V1.111 ld Joh" I � I E11rrJJ,0*.111A Amoar�,,l­onet anil all pro - J lit tit" thn(% Of daft!'"m, it heltiblu hand. �;;, ,X"11,41 11 I r1WTr1LV,_ -of eolm,o I latignage. hwuvh­as eftill,imen witimut rI4atIVLkK'! 4WO(V it as a livr4t t�%%,07,ollt run.ler- Ow IroVenlon reniampi 11101ann-Af. V01 � 11-I!, flot VU -�A-13r rcp ftttbA It ,,-* ?1 avoftlt �Vott 91mo of th'k lelftv*, anth�)Atlf'�4, I tire e arol tis,.*. A vo.,Aor wlio often hip .1113 a 11=14�f-.-U.- p 'ri'n-glinnue. It ter it with hl; hat In Us lintid. I, 'roln L It WJEJ I;e wItIl ,t,V). ,* wnI3 pot 4C11,XV 9 tlnl% her I It . , 11 �Jl n My a,rylea to� 4=oJJ­ IVI, .,OM a.�'o 1). t1to embant.ment, � �1! Von AVIII JIVO l'ir4ilb ltollr P 1 4�1 .X -ut Viemk 4 it!; un a mvzrillir ,A fr; Ila h6mv caulp tire ! to _ # P " "', panin to the founAl'aug Md t.lkc,., .L w, ,1oabtA%IDy . ,,, un 0 - I , , mlci. 4'. % rpn;-F-t. ,tvh.ot yo,l h,k%,*,* dollft, t4). ! t,!:q%T bo�f tpr t1la n th-tt T' A ron"! q t I 9, -t i 'It"ll.tre %hi,t VwmEh La slothUg Vat it, rreat fauey, tiv No-tta, 11 waa the IY` tr;lontch tO thl`3 Frty, ' ';a t fribit acund of burrying td9tstV.i. q ), - niv ltml." '. "t" ent, brA,wren tstoof Q�Vw greate4t (?M- . '­ , Yt It wl.l 11vto to wish. 'Und ��'( 9.1 am rX-reedI-1,-,I,4" mtrrr iovrulpt foell,3 "T Duto'Ll " Q1"1C,tt`P'?�"1 " Urtlglay �)! Xurlo-,', Ue 11'j,yo nttt __ �% F111t pam-low-Itt."r. Vatt .yu:l had If!, 11 1401hy 'mahl all,kelt, IITI!,,P'_�'ontik hilt"s till Vi'm&."..t. �a.tcs th�V.m-,gl�of ymh- Pr - Irtl k1l"M TIL �, - ' � g�&4 awl rwrin:­ 1.011 *V�t4 CA -1 -ml to" �,-�'3 of t1ke lua.,Al�ra , ra'd Wo!4tern . b9in qilie- 114).", honve'n, I gay you, il i4jqflwo. i�z­ 114'fj�flf'r;I�V e I #-, la all t,-tgU-ib 411all T�� or ay.,;y .%V tv, ;Kcl �, rippmralwo M - �jta .) tt�,,L.p tua %,Ith 51Z , . 0 Iwm,[Srhtres� The Warnling of FrIlln. ,I WIN live to rrgr,nt U." drv��-11. n1v lord. n1rid It vV1.1 w.101 Jon— p-ILL0.4 (t CM':�,Ijltx,�sxl of tb� ha,ijgv�.4,� Ao It um_�g ;Murlol�'s b5rtftZy Netta ,,, � *11 enum bmugbam� with Ito f11601. li Woltolli4en wdl:; NJIL'Int. Ive t " I _.*.��.V wit' --re ;.16 ki lspollq_.�. � . 9 h't,& a ad Chan P1 %ra vu khale,x � . luit =lto,41y- Co. I aln -tro, st,p ll­�!`V f -PT %11_� "�,J­ oo to lvnl. At IIII4 111ght.9 atiol toll�4.14',-_y wheels, tnrli- � Offli btivrti- IMACh had E-prung Itip ,III J�i tpaft P q I'mLy. q1tf,rp Is l0r#A,nhh r-Qn%al lilh� thoo-y -n- it pleML411 Is a Wreup- tho dinle time _NZU,-�, felt sh- " �23,1 � $halt M;%lig 0114&y! in 'farg ebnat �Dred. *1,110 L fr4%M th" rl%r4�r,41010% . ,JV$;Di , hIg .P "I Ala, .Ut With Vo �. an ILdvantage ltn�er Mut"C4, for it wag tottl an �-111:4%; . nj"Lnij lul�tL *, vm,ne-r unA qNsalp1m, . ; _11. _ IV( 14 vtm .�, qI , ed th6 �A of bii.t. h - wan , � � e", ItI, a lon tibree young Men remained etairt"Hug nwhist tit" grey mtstg wideb rode Gift wom'"'I ero-T ft'd �e 'I owlr�111 h'_'tory ol ILINI, vountry andl Ita, 1xvp,o Lot pvc-r.v colIC4 %VJ4,.X 1EV ' . a,. ytlng shib "sht,.Il .1� i'l .Va .Vtt 11 On t, " ", , i, 1W llt,arai,ar,t� � I together upon tfte Davetuent until it the b"M of the dark. bitila ,"-a�Q,rNj- tbo g�tndp dmr. 41,111d, ilbove 4), fin'r.; ha�pjtal. Klon fa Pao IV48'r-'r svtl trat . Wag out Ot sight. As IL ruin nft*r �, Ile Was tuddenly ealul. The blUod "Wrait wlip". yo -t are, vintill I ri"vr. 'Th. gra-=­�r of 111�_- y"CM1111 10.11- ..yo, I'v"'ra ,,, 1, No kttr t�h %rA 37aaz M, Wurlel 7" ell 'A - SM11111 .C,e. IrIleh A 11114lethIg -1113 V011,' ,h%r t0geth. o Imel epasti to tr*tvel ro pUtiatmap" Svlhy,'" he rnild. "I tint" 4.1twight th'at guagE* 19 th. Dut�h gnamwar, the dlx- =­Iwd. To Chwl chm" I er, t1la would have ftd;ourfled to tile lithrwgla hLo volaq. 111le Itarth %va,q %w,rb mteh a renr-nmranto 0-4 "' 1&"Nary !s tLo batch #1L-uo.a,U.y, and MU1,701 notliel andl vni&A. _ dub, smakest a Lhall cigar, ar.d In- e VerY w4d n9ain bmicath Ids tortt. lie, 111111P oro,bfAA t1tA Vtolly Orulr. "n I 117i'SPA yet th.i ra-,v,-d VIeiW...h fmc,M)n ha# rp Uvent Nettav kea'a a llttlo rill rnil'AWK111li-11-Unino. * =1 . dulgNI In the Inavitable vridskiri.y lmd � Ural to longor Vght-Itpartrati; v, a It acalln. 'Zolby wAlte-A tor the tw-10. b1t tL,.L,,tn c,janto,-:� ­�Ite ah bI�h V, -It 1-4 cr_* vommoo to b 1�' Not any Vt;,O�oLlai ngo� sanm t1lL% tyd* Lg In lb,� 6 d , ,, , 'n" _�-Cv I . , ftIMAM,trig. 11dre"tt, wioulld have i: the eontrnry, he wils vapaely d5s. It q111 rot rltg. . 11,�Atlel*r fte voa.,w to) 11sve Flern-sh rMDeth*4, two 31tstrnillani ,t-.A� , t,,Aked serindill and told tllt,m storIM �, turbeed. Tile man by Inq Avj;. Wd.S � - Made' tij.! 0�+.'L&Xl lalng�11�141� lof N1,71tlffl, born," sho eall. ,11 was foanded." -4)ntt of Stpreni.b. t1w ottipp 4nf tile . - - - DCV81181a wouIll have lamej Into tile , deeply, pai�:Vomttelv in enme,41.1. MILVT11.1% IV. vvh.�n Lot oa.�-hnlf of thes E", lblin"'Uq Ttaig N, U0 Of a Minister to E,tg- `r!lIna* netph--�wlttlei a litt4b vrr.or& West art guss5lv. an -1 WvXbadoft would " I�What 1 did'" he �afd, 01mm-A npbla- At tht- Ruselan Ambas4ado."g. or thl. wuatry undel'.tand it. Iftlle4 w1w 14 Bala t.) have had i'a onteiii ef ttsprntwl Isn a. questladin tif have oupplRed the genoral e,inversa- I getleally, "I iva.4 for��.aa to do. I I The broughaw contalulng. the Itian AtIpreecat dil 11%Va, 61VI-EA rules I IrrItall3o tomper-11*2le, churekyard tumolt In the g�io-A oM-Tak;h'loned Way ti To-Ilight; ft*b orle of them pro- � ellould have (lone It for all�.y Inift with who bad figured In tile "Ifilan" talil'a r0911111 10 t, , I, "T -d in � with bare lisIrg. Pf't$lIm'N-_1tjpS W"# oh. � , M I dmr 12to , nto 'W" Urrotan-ed by a �101" parapeti , pm.,C4 any lidell thing. Curiously j; (I(Inal readMiess! As It happo- ftindl up in a tmv, ullnate�4 Itt iv fng,h- "so t1lAt IM as Mr. f4abin, and hiq vornparflon. �11).L.h 11fLnggling-'s'; alul 211 1.4,-drt, .LFI_�m- Ivall WItin ft sharp-kidged eoping, ".3 1 � t , O'��' , I 9 6 lowtbl-,� C171b, all] the legal "Uneanar. - --- I hft'va turned Into the Vittanil ani pmte'-dr'd 9 , vva�k a:qn 0,,:;_'�_"" re(lia:fed nilio eboligh .111 threa of toTtem exhibIted ';%;, In -in nftd I arz, #-trahg4,r4, In CMIL i.._,��t ou b�M4 ?a----t,r,l In i , desire to be alone, TUcy nttwd to- � never rIT013 him 1*fOze In MY life- I ,wo;4twdrdg. Clo,.;L% behind It ram? Ilar- Vilf,.=IF-Ili If lv� W) Xledres, balaneing .110 ba,ly and N728 one le_�4 "tirez] V,rI-*h tb0r 6ec-1:11g to a gothek a little avvklvakely for a mg- � ma.v," Ife ad"ItA n1ore slowly, "I W37 i cutt"o private eab-­only a V,ry v-,ard9 Three langa :9�_,:;, or n,.41Vk:,r on,# Lm. + .Vp�J_T.ZtC,J,0,LJ tj.?'V�J"_4 bM,�.:t,, . � �ig Omit or two, Indulffing In ; flever n -en Iflin again", . tta.=4v of the txv,c-31'", fea'_4 uf the ne%gh- . � 11,04 1, I awal. f(Wowpill 1)a,n,;hfttl1*F lrarD-"Du�. 71?0 gun, wlar-rp they vkzor(wsl�z� rwanied r�t# , g�? !trrl two rffido-t-z. ..� 1, -.1.". Lmntral ,or hoinewbat rarained "it vou nre cht1still,13.1, t*clb. fuloll i� Vroc;t�-@Ioq Contiltned In the Sang- ryn"er, yketvh, Ecnt�-.h .Vid NV,,t.,-,)oa, ave , I _­', �1, e,,4. T-'--,? lurartilev gre_-��y I tnotter ""or Wts-mi tl�.Ilat-ri_ct. Tito - ,,* Trafalgar Eqtnur,* ani A? -,);19 &JtOkFih M &_�:g.=L _?.;l � , � I ntblor ,T­,_�,gO C1Vt,�-1ktu,l:11y w;.�tab'�'Ithcdl tortarki as to the straottges thing vvhleh � ool-r4l. .., W"Guld �-'av tiry VOU, v��',�) 1� "kurtl;i �a C-1 th"'y Ill"IA.Aer, an& one dr.,V, I - 'I ­ � Sprites at , 111_�4 r.l.t"I'm to 11­4ri-011 -,�,nv,­lr;%Nh.,) lily .-I ", 1,41111 M-111. rkgTrf�h & �,. "P -l -'M toy 1111.� north of ti��! g,m*svh1`_io, his f'."vc, V -1st -,1119 a , 11tul happenz..-d. Than Hat-catt mattepL'd dt%l" on "Votir tillve; thtir" UVO!' wji"e rf�wdng the b"Mal Woffietlikh" n1b1t aU c3itz.11igtirr�-ut ,, sofflc% � St -'110 p,iventiont awl p:��jy to :,*nnr 11 * , tAill � . , �­ncb in a differ,int manner, tto thL- count7y, I.:,(t.a -Z _I! F2.t.-,_,1_,f.-,; ` f�r, tho fft�,-, tlnm in Ausla,�Aan htk� . I I cIutsnr.11-,�-sw-*Pp vmIld-tg on the w&20 orolesAdaal work %Vhl�_Al 1"nit qlppzat,� Groxl that Ven ftta.v rr--Ver Foe li'm I tjgt��._. men tvpte lip0hap-1 *'11nailly Inter- Wal"�-,,­,.v pr��rt.,.I,, !:L th.- t;,_-;-R',:h, whte I , tqv�F-II�r a kttve�.-Oat b"01V ur"dee �"4� - eh --A pLaln , M the wokning pap��t, itlicl alter a flt� agafti. 'ver 'Vet, ha -.4 lhf,ij a !V;111-11 eatrSpi-I th, tC­h.MAc i 4 Man * 0;41. P'l It] tl,r Z" pr,(InU� f,,f o�fry llon�'A%rarn Fren, U, ts tL,s�- o.'M14A amil ron.:_-�lrdl. 11 tr,ap �Ztpr.,_-.,� flba�-t J.a".V. He firilf-ap".10, or a wont:m pither who 11, . , :� ;, by nb.-�;.,Vtly giv!n'-, V-1 Ir"or to * 1.1 -vtnttratte"I as an artl" W V.�, 1,1!L- rnrga�v ll-,� � th- ItMgmlg,i� 0, �­' -Q .1 . et:c w0 wholly untioces'- 1 as not IX.Ion � IV. I ­ , Li.1-0 I � I t, 0, jr, tnal.,�- t� Ar, fou,mvi= talert-,Y- D'"s NI.Trall%it.:if", m-:tnlba7 of th.0 Vat"V grum? Illig as to the exl&rrue'f�s ot' the wor.;:e for knowfng? Dam. 140 Is treme alud takd beauty ou 11 � ,t=v .. 1�z .6 - ,ndle to ­ ,, " -1 I bL � k!*"� in U.- &-! �lua V;��r,-4 tile . ­., ': ; ,g for the - 'Stc' , ,:,,_ ej, ftt, ,L�.�I, " I - i P I! f-� I �_�,;, �4�tf -fto , -arriall te a rc. -it vrepp,; a1v N �,, t � --�. , , ,Ii rlo-,;e 0" C'(iim-rpo�i; to stict proreiislon, -piwd III- -Pt1l,,Y th -at, ear- o ii*44,pm--'�,n,-� int r,rr.--,� 'wazu at ly, - I ln-rrp nmd i75 MIXIIX�-Ill CTI-Alu kout, Vll,u country - r-JU.-ral si,r*%`i�e Y'o . I ,;. -"Axxii I 1_,4u ­_rd a� Nqm-,�!j � L,,-., -16. . Into h1i; night ca% and with a _-oad- rVing vAth it pol5an for IA- i.,d nud " IPnnfI#n,-�v1L-11 -,UZI in"i,re v-4sc-na'.1 Mj- g,mnran'y. , �V,L,,_n div_��):�, ig q , b.ro eeirtairily ltss hcaylly Ulan lEsual, K� al--ke.11 !I en"t's nrm�zn partly oat OT pn.-�.,�ity. It is sal -1 en q,;11 wit"antrity clat " ,"dai,666,isi� e w.'V-vmi.n*WzWhhs06S- ­9jjJjWjjiNW,--& . -.1 bbwb,wiwm""Ib.wm*i��" , I g - I � . - Vrote off. Di lishans Itillol a strav ban- � WolFcn !en m-Ulp, an f4fnrt ta ta- :! t,mr,1Iv loorn Inrdat,- govo ol "J"Vent"_�T"-- tlw­ ;),,9r,--..'. v., r, n�.".,i 'A '­-) b � W11J.-.111 �a. t, , * % I 1. I 10# "_ I il " .. 1. J** 0 S I X M, L , I , RS - ." tL�, ft��j;!t 0. 0 1 I ,�$, �, I ,� _ . !'�""- Ui­ta Is far A-,Dper;..).- , 'In 1. "I �, �i ,� C 11 � 11 `rbd always wore a Inelry btaslt, ; tho language 01 vvc=p,ratton. It ;�04e 168A.IDA1.16n. From It ther VM�Z,6 � - , I =4 4 I , .. ., . " - 4ma an.,.on�­ ul.-) t­,� � r'.4: I m I A tL � W ; - "S FR* VqDN I trali sv�tcill, whichww3alittrosb Ispilklut. 4 wa-7 tprr:bll$�, but h, hing=-Ign was :; � 'lir - lt,j# -#t �,,,J .'�. t',� f'�'.Vr, . i 1,;, ., � _��., ,CtJ% P ., , 1 M , tow, and departed al,;u aftet. ti fare -1, caver la-mr-Af. The inin's �,.-nrnr�sfte�'-'; '-' VA,,t4i'llenshaila and lfara,avt 'V'_-�? ,F.-- 1,1�g�:o. I- I" �) r,!.�._ t1ija '��%-p-.,,-'.D lvi�k,��!h " �L�r2s. �� � . vl.lenden :1, htl 1L-zelairaf,fl. wa% out 07 kmcping Nmh tite 1pl,tce bq, t,l* I the, 'I HAM 11AHE V I J � , . Wwm&l lam"heel witkont teplying. i ab-,, thg tlniws. 110 Was ip4to`1X_1bJY "a _.�tj:., to r:�,�ti,c.rr �41111. Iol.,,Jt, ;"4 let 'I �' two e-A!�;.ri '47" 'M A-e�;4%:'z � 't �a-Ls fatc't 411, :�: , . I J statns nri-I'se,M1.11 po4tzon OT Mr. sntlln I I . . ILMIC;?w ,� �0,1111 , V '' , , ". " C ,'I* I *%0�19 " , - , , , .. 134 wwi flAnking that h"q luck, 11, Inck lilttt� Mal. anfli Ills eompnmlqn. Dwic w4--11 ". . t .. � � ,,, fl�d w1d,alrt lw 0N.ol-tunely Lie- ,; `You exeW- my ('71tila.4tv", *W01roft. V_p it 1:11tire Is =� 44,ynbtl that th.� Jan- i , U . , �i . +1� � � , It wa; ,Tb.XP5 n Jft,41�, S-J?p-1,­1 v`-,", '19 , , � ,� " bim. I den �Ewld, wit'. 0 the IrbD,:gb,_4=. whiell hn:ll h-%Pn 1Mn,!E- 9"'. . t � I . .'I:- -rly , , trienda, i a tiln'. �w�fie. M*1. m e -cvt I .n,,'crs wns f6mr4f _� , I I "Remember, 'Mong1l," Vc,liqlhafti add- ask l'ord to tell ma rno,re about III � , U;',t-lit' "d w5t'l V��,- Date.h,, but Ciat ,1 , . r , , I I I=- Ing lt,z wov Illto Uvh-trf, *"­;J,,n_ X .� I 0 ffS 0 ' W No eil IM,fthII4 ovbr Ila api,on of tbo cab, 11,16, lo lix, 2" nbl�-� 1.cne6n, turm,,vi Inti,4 '1*;.I!Xrv'e alter the .separation of vlarv1,rs un- I . - " n. .MIIa�. X, eltall n04. t.C.11 yf,a ! ' r -r ­. '. sy . I � 0, I . lit 1,4 not' a1w vs the man urba wins Sqnnre. and rrallel my before a ­+ Ell row thn rl��nung.4. no Tom- .-r bp- I the first trick* wh6 scotes the gaine." "T110. lady, then ?" ac ,I 0 ww:l "C'U'rall, Their Pecluliar His 0-- ChaSe$'S Neirve Food a Sue. . rp,ttleoed ho&se, brilliantly N -it, -InA ;n�- 0ZU,t0=t; t!) P',Ive DJtc:: - Q Mv tab drove trff, and Wolfenden ""niat I do not know I ,1*m- ist his with a crira�zon drugget a,611 coverf-d t -y raise the digulty of their dialect ' thp pove- by calling it a Janguage. ,ww4 lert -alone. M., wasr a little our- Wmpani6g for t the time. That Isquite w,1 -V atte, - -ro,­ , � � Pr -'Sing 'RestOrative fOr Pal0t, WeOk, NerVOUS W0411eO. . � telled out ac as J�pt ptlz�tid, Vat on they whole he was glad. sufficient for me!" memt. Etarcutt ,iqvang Olt'. Vnqt, 14911and has it III` .cra tare of 39 own. - "Tilw-e roliows must be, Tory hard Wolfebden was silent for a moment, in time to see the two pwss tiin, 1--gil 'there are Datch ji,)Lt % novi-Eg' ra and I A-4 a result . of much confinement rerv%, I WOmild ti -ye shaking apol:&, J -11t 11 Ilf, ,siqld to lihnsely Frortly. "I 014 two. , . thP opou doorway, the Man lefinhIg historians, wilose works have biripri ',,' V72'41n eboza. and the conseq,tient lack ' , Mild a dll=y� SIVIt-linkng- �M_k�ritg WOUld, be�er Wow DenAam surly �before. "You ar� not disposeI to be commn- heavily ,upon IgLq Stiek, the girl,Vitb translated into nearly every Euro- i of f.,eaa ;Plr and healthful exercise cWM5 Over me, X1911t ,tgter etg',it .,t Pa mily go home., Dawson," lie callod - niC.'ItiVe . Can s ., I - 'a," Ito remarkel. Of I tier daintily gloved finge,ra 1101t re --t- peary tongue. most wome'll nut only loser Mach J� ; Woldd never close my eyes, and my, be. to big coachm,w, '"I Shall walt--V Presume that I 91tould be alluding to ing upoli hl�j comi-s " ' % . leave. ". 11cingwith Flanderk�, unt .11 firty years ago, had ' f;VrO aii'd �'OF1411L-xl", but dIsa Buffer ,� head �Would ache as bo4ill it woula - *W i a SC f-11;05* neither poe,f_ nov,t,ll,�t .nor Ill , oitpTIdeft statted on hts way home- a delicate ankile3t If I azked You why that uncommon and gracet I -1 ,Orio � m *lv- de _,, _n. , are or less from mri.5usi tOd.. -:' bare.. At Ills'. I had to, ka,,1p to 411 - I - . ,Vv--�J. ITTIV-1 *il .�g .Iefl'a aAr t It G,f ., 01i A Iffarldul iWffAd ,6r Y6"1 ffihae tridt little atteihiAm %Or- s-essfou whiah -bad so attracted 'fen- and It was only as recently aq Iz-437 i 17�* ­ ('z t t' -'y esd thill, � L'C'1, af1d tlioltgll ml Y dO,AOr attended &�-I,qg added Fichly UY big stock of night V 1-chaid difring liar passage thr,Gu9b the that H,ndr!k bonsclence be -,an to W �tk-ry U.00a and exhausted nervous me trow V,ffl m,z-­1 epring, his medjc�lnlp , V gy,qtem. cud mot hdr­� . a-. I have, now. takoli itip2rient'" `h�ift he got Out on Felix emiled cut-lowsly. Vappet-room, at tito ­�Tllan', a Short wtite for the li.,oplp of Flandr-r.;. JUP , _ thnn nim--tentlis of the cams : live bavost,f ; Ithe Embankment the Willi! had cefted "There are," he Said, "three dIg- while ago, wrote well and was' talented, 'tNigugh , Nora .,'-*. Ch-'selar .Nerve r400d.. .. . 16pa tho Stars were shining. Yestl thict and different reasons why I Harcutt lcoued at them. watel"Ing, W "Use 4sosr pecullar to women are di- . UZd It has &r,� 1.1:� ma�.,o. go3d thalft,l: thdte wast no dotbb about it, 140 should 'take his life. Three, that ISO them disappear with a frowt upon he wrote In the Flemish tonl;�WN In , v ---l,, 'due to .t weakened comiWon , ever believed a Inclaicino eould �d& I 1�i4 Obtained whtlk, tobIg sOmeWlImt so, tar as I personally am ,concerned. h Order that the poople might read, for ' W_" My gratitt - Is foreilmd. � trw nerves, rind can be caved that- "� Words fall to expre,_a ido 16-1tru �V toiru ,dr mind: wts a dli O'l Bald :a the Dutch -of Flanders bad become so r eghly and r .--,rent b takin V -. ,aa, S.- There ate othets besidest me who owe 'qtather a Bell, Wt it . , " for the worrdPrItal cure brought. ab,01i% Vnot and Bull - He had do- him more than they can Pay. I have , corrupt that tile Fleming e nn- -Ad outdoor exerk Ise, re a : by thia treatwent.­ otle luxurY quiet velco- 16 h19 ear. s wer I mi atl r P1, 11- : %lulked a new Sensatid& A -s he 'b.ad Troit beed big only victim, not is it He turned abruptly round. Don- able tq read their mother tOngue. I ty Of pure, tr h air, an ing , r. * Afro. Margaret Iron, -fow . -a.. X. tl-bi� , � It with regard to Iftartatt and a new thing, for him to Stand in Shats W,,w 'Standing upon the Pave� , arid so had, ,no literature for them- I am Is Nerve F , a to . 1 U'', writ,es- a%. 13� . . shara, he WAS hard hit -111t vekY MAI of his life. Buz he bears a wont by his sida. salves J bi I] and revitalize t er epleted ,tier- i "Dr, Ch is,b,119 ',\Ierva, Foci, � I , has, ,do,11ft r'lt'I , in -feed. Vor the iltst tlynobe charmed existence. Did yeu see his "Great Scott!,, lie exclaimed ter, Others followed In thew.Ake of con- Tons system. aildL Up tile 5 ' me 0, world of good. I WAS 00 *.64,k, '6' even the memory of a woman stick ?" tily. "What are you doing bere?" science. but even now the Flemings !, it takos time to b ya- �� that I coum not wolk twice, tllj�i ;'d tebr(Ifting. Be had drawn COlOr Into Wolfendon nodded. Donsham, threw away his . eigaratte can beast of -but few littetateurs, of tem anewIi taL fill the shrivelled ar- � length of the house. ,kinra, using Dr., 6 life which was On the eve 0--'blll� "Ted, I '*A.vv that lie had a stick. and laughed. . merit and 4Mn Show but. a very small terles ,with new, rich blood, restore -' ,Chnse�s I Nerver FoOcA 7. have been cam-. c6nittig, monothnoust. lie walked along. There was a curious jewel set in the "I Might return the question, I llb-]!At�, of Flemish Works.-Philadel- the wastad �nerve cells,and renew'the pletely restored, I ortir walk a WJ* "Itb buoyant StVa and an unwonted handle. It looked like a green opal We . w be remarked. " both 01114 Press. , N I twtivltial� of the bodily organs, but*� without ally Inconvenience. wftougb. i I � . , "" , I I 1 1 1 1 114111bli0A rtedness�- Tho_ world isn't in the electric light.1y ,-­ � I I .. i'L ,, , " . -sk , ­ . I th6 young Udy and liar im- ­., . 'O"'tz" , - , - ... . '. .. .iblio persistent. use of Dr,. Chf %,a 7,6 Yeare 0M. -And quite fle,thY, I do, , halt sUth t� bad place when YOU feel '1110 Yoftg MaU aaoentAA: glaom�l,*. 2:1, 'papal Wa-W,eke-'botli anx__ nt -'Iril. � Nerve Foci will, acenniplish those, MY ,Own 1110118evvork. and colildatrabl* , , �� , N, 1 -ad haWl- &e g li� fk,e A46.1 I I I "Vil. I* .was. ther stick *!tit long to flad,64 SV6.thhy ave.d.- 'I I R!0�0� " ,fi117 n 4r � . t .j,asii1tsr and bring �teaifltli a stwing. knitt4n ,Ind re In b � � - - - . - . *Pd, 1-104041# 'Ito CA to an nbed#& *lAch kh�,sttiiidk me. it was, given, hlm� we. -UT,4�3 bcAh, eeid ', o. ' I' 't- " - � 41 Ila�rlet, j,m geing to give V.t&a jv, �nws to weak, nervous ana saffering . sidea.' Dr. Ofig, , . 4 , '. , , "101 , � A,, 3�yllo. �, 4WOrrien., ­ . Iszl's Nervot P*6d, h%wp lik" lip never tialte knew w1ftt In- by an Indian fakir, and he wokildno 'Very badl; so&,- 14,Wwo ddlplt. - TV *ill-. �40- watmaA, dar�"",f,*# , I PrOVed Of Illostint1ble, value to trra,�� . -4 1 -1S.1 , ler . . , ,)A01"! X(Vver Food. to ,*lit I � t � 'W . I ' ' ' i*&l 4.46�' ji�"' . lips. "M � 1. Jbives, r , ctit.on, Qua br. Ch_ I I �. _�, "'..41 .� , 1. ... gop ftiflot it was which led him to took I part with, It for its, wotght it gold. ad. '*hAt'do, you prept4v'Ati�a�"lidwt I -X0,; -Wf.�r , IN Alow. _4 il '01 tit _ , 0 #, � � *Ith'moirs than ordIng.rY curlogity 1. They my that to, long as lie eavrieg We -eat't walt outside bete for. a)ft 'idir eltt!il� 1,r)' g�otn '$0:b.fiur6lj . wt0to-l"Por YeA'ft � I _ JI&VA. Xeofi a; bo;t�- all dealcr�6 or lWw&WX I , ag . ,.�., . , ... idth , 'A fi%i 36firit'aL . tufterer with my ,3�4iit amd I I Ukto tho-faae of -the man *110, with It he Is secure agalfiA any att,a�61011 hour or wor! " " , I , , '104sr . irralt W" & c 1. - I * , . .. � . tb� wilontow � I I , . ,. . . I I ,:tl*�"� 'i 'f,, " . . * 'I