HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-21, Page 6I - :1 � ,.-I'll.."., � ... 1--W-".. ­.'�:­_.�� I . :� 7­11­�­.­­ ........ _.__ ­­­­ .. I .i � . . "I I I � - -7 777,7,'.7*,.','��, : . I ' , . , 1-1 I, I I I., . 11 I .. . . . .1 : , d. _­­ " ­ _' - --- . 1. .� ­ . . : I :11, ` . ­­,,­3�. ...". . -1— I -1 I—" ­­ I 11 I I 4� ­ __ '77"', _' ­ � ­!-- , . � , , � !" I , . , , . . .. I �,i. 'i ,. �� . ,, , . i . I I . . . I I , . . I I., , . I . ,� . I q ''" � . 11�- 7-7-7 777 ,; ' ': (�:" i . 7 :: .'. — .... ".. I ­ ,�; I ... : . I . . . I I � � , , .. . I . _'] � ­ . - � I � 1. . .1. . � - . I , ... . I . � ,. . I � I . I . I I I � 1. " , I . . . . I . I I I I . � . . . I . . : i . I 4, . . . I I I . . � . I . I , � . . I : . � �.�, , .1 I : :. . . . . . . � . . . . I . . . I . . I . . . . � I . . . . , I . . : � I . . I � . . . . . I I . . . � I . I . . �, I I . . ��,V, " " - ."r- 1�_ - I 11."Isr - - .. -vhoze religion it V--o­---no-­MolQ, �� ,l- � 4W 4 , . 'ttz�iar ;,> . 4:; k , VIRI, Nz*� -16 . ­ Celtic ancestors, lit ) . I � "I I . I . I -�� I Zo - A wao regarded with tile utmost veil- ill KV14::V , . . - W ��% I oration, particularly wh,,m it grow I �ringoyou­g,qold $ . F ... M5: upon the oak-whioli. is Soldora-sup. /_1.1 1 0 �\b ... �Qr . 4 0 _N . Q 11 . o -I.:,. - i Posed by tb4,ml; to be the favorlto tree V ` grea t � - 0 VR,'�- ,,� Affi%alt_�, I'-- I -, � W theiri divinity, Tutanes, V ddings 0Z � I - _,r,_Z0kA­\­ I . ­ I , AAVAk, . - _. When the eagerly awaited wintei 0 1� _ '"4�__"�')%Wl let _. 0 11 � .. - festival arrived the DzuIds went fortil, 0 0 . .. attended by great pomp, to gather 0 11 <=> , �N\ 0 ji�, ,ei the mystic evergreen, tbat, ill ad- W ,­_- ,� ,5�, �jf I . ' dition to, the religious reverence I ."', N!.'h 4 f z) t- � ­ q in 0 t .. .- ��,1,51 ._V'�IWV .N t .. .1 - A I _A4_ Which it was held, wais believed to A-n, C. .1 "h . 5) t I t t , 111. . " ,,,,, wonderful curative propor- , , *,. Z�/ L" " R S IF M A S CISTOMS: Possess 0 1; �. ,,I, "11 .� il.k' "il"d I I n . 0 17 1 11 � 0� 1�� S, �x .- i�j''W- IN ..", I evil of all sorts. Two white bulls �� - �A,,�,�A)N', �i ) ��" 0 , I . 0 - T, 1�1�)jil­ Y ! t How Christians Have �mported Pagan were carried along in the I_F1:LK:Urj61VU, _ . , '- -i � I , \ I- .;4- j0 - was readlied up- ­_ ''I " K.", . ;� � � - -1 � 1.� 1. , ­ .-M: I �,�..­ and when the oak 0 �_�� � 11� � - t � � ___­ . .... �. �� � , - Customs Into Their Celebrations— . . I . 1-11 , ,,'�,L��_!. ,,��Zr��It - i 1 Q Oil which tile plant twined they -were 0 ­', _��,.,�'%,;�. I ;. ]�, --' ,a �­;�.- ­­- !I, , , —, .. , bound to its trunk, and the chief _� 1, . of, , � �!i 1'i� ��, . Druid, robed & , � 4 e � . ; , . "A I I ­,.- , i , I 0 , , * 4 "; _;:;,",�,". ,�,� i), All in Spotless '%Vhlte, ", �;/ ,,, k,'_ � 'A ., "ZI, i in 'lye ,-)Iden tim&' the holidays thier at this season was bitterly � , ,@C!:Z&',11 �,�,�� - I -.- - were uqhered,in on Christmas eve, cold and +.he world enveloped in a as symbolie,of purity, aseende -��41��*, ,��i "D� �i:.,! A?-..- , �.' ­ -- d the _�`.;- k 4i - I , t mantle of snow, us ire of the pre- tree, and with a golden sickle cut ttie 0 .11,11, I and until Twelfth Night, known fa- . ­_;;­� -, `� �, .1 7 ,,;; I 0 6 I , uent imagine tile Ideal Christmas Tine. As W fell it was caught in tile 0 , ,�, ,,;; � a ,n . .. I 0 ; mIllarly as the d,.y of tile Magi or ought to be, the ceremonies were gown of a similarly -garbed priest, I I I .� , I a Little Christmas, nothing was done, more rude and N'twbarous than those who stoDa beneath ready to receive � if , ' ­ � of sunnier climes, but none the less It. Wheat. the cutting was over t " 1. f % .m 0 1 zothing was thiought, save fun, rev- -lie 0 1 11 ... N - , - � beautiful, and of tbat quaint and two bulls were sacrificed, a d I . .� I ­,;,A�l a in not . k iKl� . as On . , li��- " elry and feasting, while the wiateh- picturesque nature which h r- - Uneeldoin human victims algo were j -ill. ;� �,,-- I _­­_ . ,�.y 0 _ .. + wnrd to all was eat, drink and make dared them charming to succeeding Immolated in this strange, worship of ­ �-"�-- � ,,, xnerry. and more civilized genorattons,. Fires false gods. Then followel various 01 rV/ - :. � ­_� 11 ,_ 0 J, , ---- z,; i:i N lk . were kindle -J In airl wxt of doors, I�QiStive cart t i�. . -j � ? � 0 * . ?4 %) mioules Indicative of the 0 .r==-. U , ; ��,,Ri VU� If we trace the origin or our mod- 1. �� �',I� I N 'I .-_7 .1, , - aind great blocLw of wood blazed in joy they experjimecd over the advent I I i., I � .---- _'.,..��, . . . . a - that from hollor of Win and Thar, -who 9 -- - . ­ I , a ern Christmas we find I In the of the annual feast of tile sull. " " ,( ,,­ I ,,�,,'­ . time Immemorial it was celebrated I Sca-ildinavian mythology represented , Tile mistiet-ne thus gathered was 0 , 11 � -; ". , I ­: _ I "I V-', I I.; j a � I �o , I.." ,�,� - - I tilt, run. In the Irl.91i legends it Is I then divided Into small portion$ and e .�', " ­� ,� 4-. , ,.:. 0 with religi,,)us worship and social . �� 11 I , x �_ .. '. " Called Mitit'r, derived from the Per. I distributed aniongim, the ,people, i%N,ho 0 li, 1, _1 � .� -.-- 4 _ 10 gavp,ty of all kinds, kust as it Is now " sian Mithras. while to the Phoeni. to()'- it Aomei and. hung it up- In the 0 - - - . 0 $ and that many of Vae festive prac- I Fj V ---.-----.. I I I , � � 0 tIces, the beatitiful customs which 0- -w .w .ow � - .w .w .is, .am � mm ,.-* 40 � -�& �" lemo,, ,lollP.Wp � � � �.-=, -0 _. 11 ... `Jv;�!�-,'T� a . R .1 �a - - _____.11 t* 0 On, . %-..7 Q e. 0 1W_ I ­ r I = �'� aracterize tht-ot-casion. ar - ­ I � �,, N "' nr cla. V deriv- - - _____ -, 6�;,� 1 .�, I � - I, -, I ... -.1 IN 'N� -"' �t , Rl ,.�!A, , 114 - . � .. ii, , . ,. �.-% � "I � . , ,,, ,� .M., " 1 , � * Z:�,, 7'.. , ed fr.:)rn .ire longantedating the com- J: &11*1'� ,11 ,; , 6.�W-', . 0 I , � a .. -1: . - -, � ­.,,,,- - , :, _ N0'4_j , , � "- S ,� . I _ .1 , , . 11. - - , � I P . I R ,,, f li` a rb,.-3 - , " . " � -1, It '.' "I _'�111' and from peo ... 2-3 �� 0, � , 414�, �j t - — I I I , - .-� * x , X!, Ing of Alw.RcAvemer, it .. . i 0 / "': �� ., :_,N�01�1;;;; ft; t�11M 10 .. , I - - , W'-S,-�� i � C ,_ ;I , � ., � In . .. . 1. 4,f,.� ,-, -, .:--ii:, IF , % , ;oe - �� ,?� 1� .1 �, - . plei w1w knew umaght or the true - .., ' :: V" , - . lo . , __ _, � .2 " - ­ i k". L V ,� . ­ _! 41j, � It :,77 -.,..! e "I � , A ,�� I jr I , 0 1 ," , 1� ­ I . 4G.TxI., - - - 7- �­ _. - ­, ", a � kol'_;-i wzz-, . �i ... " ; X731 � -, , I . " , � I I I � � M., � " � /,On� f _­,.;_ .1 . � ", � 2,! , . - _� -11, " t, .% ,n�"­ � � " The WorOifp of tile Sun. -.4_ S —, N lrl.'�' .7. . if , - !1�! T , 11,;,� - -�_,i:=_, , _ _% i � �, �J:, V! ... 0 " �� 0 ­ ­--�.��; ,e,_ ..." " - � _ L � . it. I t 'r- r . -,,i j , 9 " I . l .. -_ -qr 1:i!, , .1. ­_ Anvm_- ail tlic- pngan ra"s of anti- '11,xv;A, _^1 _0_-�- _ ­..� I. ��, ., , ,� a , �:�i'i , .- _�,_ - ,� I . ­­ -- -_ , I �. - ,,, 1 , kZ, \ ., , I I h V. 1. -'� r., i I 'i,, "it I I , ,� .. I .11;- Z � _.- I � �_ ",_, �, I .1 11 I., A _ , " % ave Wn,n a mil- N , , " .,. . �,I�­ , �l ,. 11 I �i - �. . . " , quity thvro iiievin8 to It. 1% I , " ,�T I �� I -- .. I& I '.. I —1 0 _____­_ —."N , I I - I . w "i " :,,!�'� 1 4:::Z 1 _,�, - j , " - . 1; ,,I i, ,,� . .. I , 't - 4 - r - � 01.1 � 14 � , . I � - � � , .- �� I 11 :. � A ­ -!'-�,, % " � , ,! fl"_.L�!;�i";51­1 � , , , - "�L� � . , , '' , , ,-. =. I I ) I -1.. �, __ I - _ -Versal itewL,ney t7) vn�rship the Sun 01 .��_ .. � fil�. I I III, I , %, , � I 1_� % ­ It $ I Z , k I , k 4,�,', " � :1 k.g ;1", V, ,. - I 11 .. 'V� , -� v.'�,.,,� I �) I I � 11 ,*. at thig rpas m. inst .t4 there was at t , I "' �. -N- i.11'� �, �': ',tltr2 ehang,- 4 tilt, nther � : " - , N . . il; "it .� Reas'.1a.,3. lie �1 ­ .-.. - i. -, � . I , ,6 R I. A ,J�,- , ; . , 1 . I I , I 1�, - . - :a* 'i, - _�� �� , "" "e, I rr,4 '_�;. , j � - , �,\�\ , iii f .. , , , _ 1 wms ro-Iriliul b,v thom as t1w P:tver .. , � ip � I I 0 A , -, - ,,, � ! t li��" j" r, ?, ,I �', . �, �.'� 0 , . . ... I ,,'. ,� , , .Zii, 1 . . - F �, , .\W_-, � th 1� �, � ., �' - I.,�', � ,� : � -:!:� , J� - 11 I _ . of Ugltt7m�i ikr�,ami the vir,ilwe mani- I V ,:��_ _ 64.;.;)� - . ,,�� �'j t , _,W_� � . , �,, 1711— -�,:�, — : " - �_ -, , , � I I . f7o , � � I ".1 " -t ., , , A "'i'Aivni of ii supre.up, Delity, and 6 �o � -,q r, ; ; , , , . -1 � I , 1, I it�? - . t 11, ;I I'-,' , ... .1 � . I - � , ri I , , I , ��t " . L 41 . whon thi, Av�rt�-�t day of tile. Woonty I �� ,,,�,,,, pi .-, Z�_�/, I I . " I __ I � P- I it . '�.In,� ­ . -, ,� � winter had raii, . -in, %:, . I.- . I : � ,�­ I � I ,; ,� " i , 0 I rZ , � f, I , I . .1 be, bilgrin Ills 4- 10 , ,� - . , �% r. Z� 1.1 4 r , � '. - - ­ - .. .1 V�, . ";-, . _;"�, retaru #c-,ttir-o. brin-flin ,warmith ant.1 9 0 . ,10 � - - � 0 . � 7 t �v�'.':,: f, �"Ii* " F7.- - .. . � . I the reanim�lti,wn oi all that Was OVA -OIZ6 WAb. 4!b A* ab M. Am .M - e!)` 4= 4* 9=b ON, -Clo .00 - *W W" - 0 9V �.17 %�,;��i�-_� . � � dew). tlif-ro ww; g,oueral rejAcIng ----,-, "", ­ , -- . I . I __ 9- , � "'F._,,�i �.ill I , I 41 , - o�l p � �,,rt �,,?�,' -whf,rP. elanu It was L*nr�wn bv tho v I n r, � , � ! .., , � 0 ,* " � � ". , 4 I ever. ipir"DLa.- � ertrawv,s of thr Ir d%-01',n4o. I ),I � ;�,, Tho ChristLin Ppqtivad. U.*11 o: r3el (W 1,41A. .i innul�� %V'"tr-ll � thiqVI& t* jl,"4�lljtlate t!'.- ;l`,kj�l, V14110 , 6 11 . I W "I llt,y aftexiwavol earrlo,4 to tht-jirjjrjjf�,ljjnX 'the, rylutrl ti;pxha, t Ili I - , , Thp dc%d15%tBn or tl�p 25C11 Or I" 41tort�t,4 of Brit..a:.n, whore tho t-tr I . .aw' , *0 A ., �,� ­ ,�� � '�. , .,, It VP � tla--Nii inj., . I rg" - ;,��j I d 'CoWwr 9 . ,�, "V1 It -.1441-t %Q � 0 ''. ."Ni 1, 'A- Q. - for 4-1411111winoratin- tair, rit" ttA t ,'�, j -�j g,pj IN.k-�tjjjp Itrauy I bt)tj,.,_i,jR, ,t, ,,:, n 0 �� _'M , .. 11, 'Af birth 41 Ulari!1 d.-.1tog b,tet: to the � o Itk.r frinn tLs, 14;-U,r . _� P1. � 11 r ItAcd. , W111tol wvatitcr, until vprh,;�,. � �­ I r , � V) u r 1. I i cly r, it, : o.y -. Provhmsly It InA q .,� 01, ; , � t benm Vo m. ,,� it inivablol of tho chure'a , -8 Of th .� � 0 , , � I ,rtto ywo mi ,ZprR.V 'uk Kano- were Wmo 11"tt- � V I i -. , I � . � . . , ,., � �3'-. ." .% I 1-1) "VAMIJ t!-tr+r,�, t-u­jo.­�Pr4 Enna t4a, : C. � ' ON, 1-rn, feuqt 41044-;F. .11,41 ip�-ur,#"Uslvd by soqnaf� TI.n barrilngo ot tho yt0ti I 1, I -\1 with VIC, IVO.cmy, 1I.S vt4rVV,1 with witne tal.on frorom Va.- .Tal �,r ylllo "wUH tr ruj.",jair.. itTIQ1, any wiRs 44, tUt. � a .4 V \' --- __ e. - *v*t - t, , w, ,C 1, ii, rt.,.W.v, , , *�Z"3_,y '-,,VL� I - ,at;0�2� fV.U:A of tim am­'rnt 0. ,11 rmftj ,�41%. " tilt -,V 10,0 vo,� ,,? , ua-i:w. . 0 ;� � .t5_� the f�lm it eq; IV � : , I u.ke_1.,9. hoW bi .Q41p- � ,� j, (I I :ri!.f jij#tt, 4o'P_'j % .1,, ,I .! ­ '114r U��! 1"IL,­ "�<k"�,/44 to tf,pjj).,�.". %1,1._2 a I ,� Q 0 ,A V lrjp� V,ib, to pa, �., % , .f I , _;Orl, ,)f t, V 0 of Eb. 1�t Itz imp'Irtalit "!' �,"` % 1 F �. � � � I nu �, .# ". sd.v Invurrov i tl��- p ,r, � a,�, &if .& . .�� , -­ eo,reniil) o t Ink t ldru,!-V.,��:A,4 , ttw 0 ov.... C, 'Colubrutf,"! Cot, opwut in *%Lt,reh. .9b oIt v%ey 411A V - ....,­ , , ,P�'­*- '. � '. ogL4� , !�, I ��. the UnIF, 041%v VZ?..�'-4VvW. alid �il­`11 0! 0 W t w rw Ure'l per ,�, 'Vi, t Ui " � I A lj:Wa,� . , � 11 Ll wl'i thgj. L, -4"� I,,.,,;- w;i,il ; 2 I ,!t�_�--_ � rnaro w; f-te ao Ap?4 4,r NT,?y. 'I [w th" 114'a- all pravt§�,e V', h�� lato-r &in Q W, 1`114,,r k4 t1(n,r0B,',­z­ to, � .-Ag ',�­ '"I 1� 11 __ -_ . v,�tltal slZM'. j -'r t4�f, -*�a*,IWV r,ellal liot '"'I'r=11tt"I witm *Uj� (1--iLA."I"ta to"'Ll- vfv�-!,j K, vvail 1jila -0 10 a -T I ho 1�11%.!�, 1- I 0 . C , Z�. 11 L ,�! P. _� . i I . t.*- " . _1Y �!� ,;, .Vlj��Ar,t�. 4,1f 4Se�'%r_ U . - I I . �. +1 , 4 I . , be WaTn- 4 wMli tmh_ . -41 1� 11, V"p t1w N­nw,.� I V T Me, lj� . '1.4lG.1 I � In tho 61"I ff�':�.114 V� ali-o tho. 1�rhvt%m t1rat 1,,.,i CN,121-6 9,ii* 9111,9,W "1-"e:9 # �' j , ,�At.�. as t%$) li'vik'.11"VI ft"- 1 1-i"n", it 1% zxt . I �,i.it I * .. 21 V.1',;..t'_-!. Q'at hwj *ao, ,­; 'I a Ivi - ", . , , � ,% w ,�1'.4"', ,t*o:' In � j)1*,.';1n,, ud - �'Icwntl bs.& 41., I'll .�', I h .�,__ �,V_ "AU, I I � c ,I "., I r, �0 t - � . � . traktti ,r�fl � Y lii;, , " Jiv ' , . '� - nnd C'�J� ��, 1. , 1. ,14`1& r .1 t%lat,WWO' Ill. 11q.":0ft 01 f4jw %T.A�. eh;=M��, �jj JOI(Atz, 12tj1j,2V:L-4 �,�"; li�'6C:-j �j �_!V­,�1­4 0 o,��*,',', ,,, i, -'.11F �11 I vio. " ,rr �',t� -,- ,iL,0'fian tj,'411 W,11�4 li%�� ;,WL�.t- _� . tp�.Mt:�$� m�.�-t.l wltl;,,:i� nlnfnl� .r: �,,,. 1. , ., -��- -, � I I " I , \ . . n 'm of ttw 11-11 Omv,4, Vmp"IL�. TlD,L'.4 d"abitif ,-4 woul tt,.,,? *-%A ?31 t�lj��,, ,,,t �� i-� . _.'�;W %: I 1. � or lia- "ti.1i P? 0­­.­�,:F cT Va.,— 131tst an1p] "'N'' . I I ,\\ ' T.-,�.- VL � �4�ill%­ t1 T,%iT0rjL)i'U'Lt. U, ft�� I A -� , , � ,� ,� I -t. I !, 'L 132."00 '"ifl, Vlx, ,,"!_'';�mltlmal oT C';al:�..'- ,.,e�, _1 � , . �%Vi � �! 2��-,To n%:Al �r'I to era-,­M(b a vvp'lxno�_a�s ; , Vt i te-0 ,!�, wtvm; th"4," .iNA Ili .. 4 it, I ,-vttlr, VqP.%11 rorw , 11 r, . nt�� _�,Io lllre�,!.A ,�*.-,q t Y%' xc�!;I� S � ,,, -* , - . I nu"A ftp-,er vi al'i qv�!:nv�n-,. *WUll . M, . "O 4 f,,,- r;,,.,�,_.­�.]: 11v , �*_C !.?� - ,�, I",." � ��_ - rart;eW, . �, 6, 4,I . "?* i tt 6� r an. t"t u,ii, ha"1;A !!B MIf.,1A VIr"i. , ,�t*vl tKa'aO, ZC'Mant.le !�,��-to_��,�,, #-�T Idvi�� vu,11;6,,�­!� , v, . , `��, - - . '. !� I , " � �;4 , . ,, :,,4'14',� �1 � � � - I - . I � E - . - - - - . , 11 � � "' , , % -. , :��O# ,,, � � . , , ttis) L'�,4�nk �: �,�, N,T�o� !'IrAo, of t1iii (zcwtiv- :a!Ah rrnvravt-:� who elmnepI tt) U,y Uvo, jg.i�.Irt Ilt LLI'. .�,"a�;ic.l % :�,.'i:,* t-_xd 11 I ! , -�* �,l " I �, " " . ­- I I I 1�4 t, o Uzi r, Fl�r. J DA0 h! at. fox, 1.,e _tr it rgt"y otfir _4' F�11%_Lt�? t" 't JVQ�126t'3 �F, ­% � , �t � : � '-_7� 114 "I fair , **Ot ml;d that F -.*.%,..eeel.lz�.*,...,.-,�..".J..I�--X.-% V�Zl' 'I', � I i "I, '. S I \ , "tr" t�.h:o",o vrw4 e" "-.�Lmatv. A T., -, to u _,� , � , - rtffL _". ,f�. _ .,J:�', Apro":tit,P ttt Wa :i 1,!% � �,snit 44 au So- wk 4 p. S�-el�. * 4 , � ,�, tlldif, - �, , 000.44+ .o.....; -N. I I I ,� , � � e I 11, I -:* ee I , I ­ ;,� �,ii;��V� 1 " quir.p t'!. ­!ng. , Q*,mut Z!�� tbu rr.,Trnc��-,, tiv�! Vaitalr_,j fln?" 1.,_�._�',;U�o FvDt�a it lrwon'.11+1 � C , �� ­ % � , c 1,� - '. ,7, �, T!" -V ", , , ,� " , ? - ,'.i�,. -i�": � I , *)2­tL1.aV' -_4 ol �-L V.,�-r_!, vt X,t�!!,;!a- e,jt�;�,JTL:",j a�j t, ",� �",:_ " -� ii-� , � - � V��tL,t.tfh f4�,r, *-� I "_ �. ; _41 ., A., -1 - o I i7* .r,. 'i I ,0', 10;, v�.1�16n_,4 li, %-U� '_=mf�A 01 e ".. YUL" T I DE1 �_- ��,!F�- 1, �rJt in'T ango,�." ;U, rV�1kt,Z-.14". nue'ttir- �. .Z. I 4.,_111",�.,_:i4!,- �,� " ()r oVf��, , 45W��I. 14�r eto inv,,i!U!�t�tuvn t* bd�- CA W.i,AZ,'i.'V for .Vc,�=Q, tvqf�Aj diou uat � �. , .G. � 11 ­i�­" . . I v. F � , , v E�7:, �-: " ,5 - �% i), jV:i;d,_, 1,,_r ,n�, v";n-1 C!�, fm 4L mlz J? � 'e. .1 I " \\ I -w ap as orj IL� V'amm�_l on.fl!'� r9. E ilvlas ", ,,&* . it ,,,�':;-I, 'F` � Z i. chief r_,V,..9­;!-,14 V,,r 'U"Re V1.UB IL�A_Wnn V,W=b-1,f.-. to'._.. tStt at jikc:�­_- "A' t -W8 lc�,�, ,�'.. -0 ... � :, ", ". t; W&S Vlj,� 1,*4,)Vt-,LA."._­i 1r1,;,Att4 IT' - ;� A �N* C 2 S 0.1"o Rul " 1 - 1. -,�, I , � v , -� qa,,3 t n -O.Bt lv�!61 U -�!` " 4 � — - - -. V . V,Ir . � kaf� .141 �,WNTf1y burut 4r.- k - . I Ithe tam_,� , 2,t C,� �-�l .) V 9 at,j t'A,n rZ�"L4.,,j I w4u!l D,V,i,-�101,ve the haaw . *�-,,'�­.*­-' ..*--`o-..'6.*.-.* e...,.,�..,:,*:.�,*�-."-!�-'��-�:.i..C.,:,��.-e,..':, j .'� - ;- .. I'd. -, � .t : I' 1 " 11 4 L. �. .,. I 1, I � ILr0-,1t,L#j t I Eif�l,.Lv�. fr*L01 Tl�,,,,; URVIP" *"r P unllltft�,� �Vv.­dr, r, Vm, 0 1 "I � ;. V. �1. I I .1. , � - - I w I , U , OV Tt�� �C�,-_�,g r'l Df�i�,,,,N. irt !I 6! 1!�4 It. .�_ 1, '1T'_1:-_&4 ,.Ile C1r!,�,t1,,n.1 tfom M Wry W'd whup�,!j t 110,_ nn:ovef,��,tty eava'A w:,�,a 9� ,#_1 � a - , t .�A " *C 4" � ., �.,\ Ull �,�u. , q - " tatly p,631 01p,." rvxd t:,e christ"Mmi c'--mr1w thp? now, Y%�Q, wag 111, V,rgl:q ^ " , � 'u'l V:i;2_1-�., �,)1"3 -f 'kid .; � X. ,,I: *-.---V,i,A-z.�, , . I I I �. I. - , "' Y�; Many pzn-c�, ol, _No,�rl",�.S,rn J�`-_rw;qj�.. , 1, ,� . , "., � , f�_:Z, fegtiv�l at v!:!Wcu-'�4'..c.tial time of the ;"Eau blhmo:tic-Lod rem,Ang of aig pre,,.,.�- �&. � I . - i 0 k", I - ­,­. - , ­ T`�f-y ��...ere k i:.1ally To. . ,,;�r " i� � i , . , x9a # __ � 4 1 �_%­ r;�_V ;�ratjr, W'�'!'j�jj L-_WL13 1*� eo!UC�'Jtjf��nt 141,1*,I1 ee�.,��r. d- 0v2t� r I , .� a;.il�;.:g tha --L�* �1�,,�,ple. In CO.alm I I,tLqm ii;pv? b*NI by 0m, .ALWents at the The Christulaq Vandle. ,j tlley . -.9 r " t f'. 71 _11,_-_"__-_ �, ..i. ­ - .,-. j*vqtpiv so,stie�� in 1-f3t ,.r 61 1.1'.8 saul. %" ��Ii? a rf W'" N41 :_1R-,1at:#)1 �4 a I f C, ",.­� -, .__� iulrLan ft�r Zary5i:_- 1f. -M -_-C-. 111"�O`n t I .s,,,vo�.,' , ,!� V .., - ftorn 112�4 it is ea�iy .8-5 nu aceo=!,�Ll�i­=I�nt to th, Yule i, � ,I I .., , . '. ,-:� " 611.1 to Ste haw . " -1re 01 .i,� IL � r:� � .. �!'. -, �� -' V"t.-L't _ - I I " nVie*t w -_ . , .1 � 11 -, � -2 be:. . n:] CA - 1"n ob-;�r- ��',::�, th,te was it-_� �Y3 fo=d in ev*,?v � $4% to twcglt�+, irz� �`,I�v, v.1th uni4i,!- S , �,� , T 'K..'QebAd it L­Gn�,,tivr tnj,rk�r fa,qej , ,I- K , 1,C N ,li", ;,.fx�e . n.1 eye -4. 11�,e�:n-nab,j.v tvjc,4f.� T_1� 'It i - .,� - � A ,�: " � ,t, ,,- ,�_­;, - vancea L�emfav Lt�:,ey,�raWjy wil,gled. -:�' ji � V. .1 q,�, ya��, ol" vh?�4tlji�.."'4 I -Inel",e, wh,At Was ta%U4 wi,re tit�,%,%!­; to rcj,')r�cnt t.+ k re Is - !IrL ' ,� , ­ �5,Altvd ,r..:.,rhr C17 Xnru,4 cve mij 11� Tt L.,!nnt ��ivw-�,r. - I I 113e .1-aturna, 3 -,!�,",*' .Ia. . . � ," 94, _�? T11. e RZ33-n-am.1 uOrSIARYLInd the e au �4=17.ng cil 'aal-­ht In hin��r of llh�� ' Othf­� c-akc�; ol' r�5of­r.;o*�jt, jt­��js I. -4:4,k- ;! ; V1 I, 3- F, �,�; - ;---,, . I - ­ ,� , - lubd;�." 4itne of tll_;'� Characters r,ttfl- t4zn�_T!,.7, 01 thTp 8�vvEe3r, li)� as th,� old conl,y .-.t thli; s-­,t`:4,rj iiivr_-t,�j t -y I!? V9,m.1 4 0. � _z e. , , I 1, , I : ,�, ,� I - Z V ,�/4 imt,�:�.T to .,Z��tarc, tatL_�I, C_f fte g-�,djl, con-ftry 1p�crp�,e fllla�&ttv tout tt, 11to fty VCVIU�v pl,�r-4n�.,. Irl ('0-11%'_�j 16,- 1 2,- , 4 ___.; , - . . ) �, I- - V . . , V IZZ I ingig tk;l� f,"Lt waA Calfed *;.-�at-_=-- �,-4-111t, ilr: 8-Vify'Ir Lato th:_, t"rar;,:"" S'1fxr;:_-e,' ea�*h f:nr0v ba-tvyd a euan,U�y ,, to ­. I � � Th--�4 C:l?L07�- C-0431 n3ver tic! to') bi--,-, �FETA 0; earriant C., kc�j (��,o� , . ,,,,, ".. � �Q:, I 0, 6,.n C,,-, ': � _��. �;, , i, 1. V - a12 V11-�-UmaB4.9 at. -I anuii"tu'r- --. �� Xre �s ev ­ I I , . A .1. � f Una w_Bir'm t_=.U"z� to 41:Se"'wer U-0-1 e�rl- U-11" h r.V:Jry ir&stel nU-.,-*x­;�st L4�a_-i:�­ to,V 01, caeh e,! w;I-,ela th­,� e3agg" V'_," 0 _7�; 1 ",;e-�,q -) 1, , .,- - I I ')."�":,_/ � " - - mraans � . - .� �� /" re the rt of E'l E� � ,,- I - .� An of t__as . _,:�,'ivii,i. 6_--, U."I'VC-1 C-76ry�:,.-,_,� k.o to ,.,vh,i *,*I"n"A puffled lie) to rn-JrD a ,,�:�,; , i #*-�, ..,$;, i t lt� 1.1 - i,,,�1:ej '"'P (.."j'r-L , '". t # � .....111,� I k�,l _qt7.-j" , , 6 , '� - � � _.s.'I , . :. " _= � ";,. 1, I " - L, � I - � " , _ A 'S, :,�'; ,I 0 ;="-. ,# - " ewrIvad it; frarl i'"..e. Gtr,�tc'uns, as tiwy hi� tha laraeiit "-x�­" 1 ,n of thr, 1;,r�e 0- 5 , - i, I C,��stows,. QTA t& -"2a mpi4z. ,. - laad M -Inv C), r el tx �? , _., -_r --.,, a - rli a -to .­nad 1h,-, c)ne Innst k -A eskr? tvn_,; :alain fo,!, rn - - � ,,�!.- .�, � o, " '21� ., t 1-1 M!I, imin'.Zluablu t!;.at It, Itnits It- ii��aut'fvl!oy njq!.-A'1,7j - %,j &�,O?V' ,:: ,4'�,% T 'D I� .r I = OT th�? L'5=Sn' '".14 LInt t'�'L ,�­ � �'" if " -1 - �t, _�.. j -_ ' I I :�. :�7. ' k, tltiat�z in vwn'? rmlm. p,�rtaj r,�j 4ata_ r-, � � h n�ghlt wlff.,';� Un IoAl-aiv;; gastvA tlms carne en,�-'�j 6.1- t'Z.4ste I a Dlttl;� cl \_1 7""', ­ I ,:%, . 4 ) Z I � - " 1�\ arl"'laty on � by ii;��,_._!7r r�uc,­a P!�evi!3uq th� hngn ta!*,w w a.-.3 '11. amv ,st.kvivil np� Da cierl7lbo"'y r-,FZ_,7,*s l,-,tZr-P. I I ��"', �X_\� . , thS, I �. 7,� �� .. _�_�;f� ItInb7m-- iq 411"r, t"'.!rn en-clii li,;, 'A - I , , I'. " ­ . , -h, 1�1.�, El"Ul" ,-,-�:,F,r­f'A trt,L-�!`r- tiz..'. i,--Vmntn,.,i,-n?,q 'r;1rv.1 V11 fl re Z 4, �, s I - :�* I � :.1 ­iv,, _L,i�,, �jt 4&.,i- �,,) ,, 71 .,�,!j fjl"t . -:F:f '�` o Its .uh,unt rhil-,r) Gtt:-erap. . '9�.r, IL � r."t , 4 , it wins t`�_k- ra��rl,,�, rc-IrniknaUnn 'U.1 grcilce to t , ­.i��:l 10 a �� k * '+ ­,.... N .K��. � , agonrs= ��,�] Was M:=Ikej by a UZ11- 3_,01�na b, 01TJ , , ..." - -- ,"A 1, 'P.. �­­­ 4 , ;�j - ­13�' V� - -I -­ana(�4 r,r N`1�1�`,. . ; aij C3 1, .-1t_.9_-_ .� Al,n7lAl, � . .etlz, - -16 P . te � �,i ,q, 4 ' �. -_ � . , - "', ="j- , � h ". $---.I yc� t 1, -,o ca ie,�' V - zn T,;..n V;4 � . .. I I ,rs"H 1.1_,�ezisp .1!-j dw,rry-=aWng. Vurm-3, to .�izl,­ ��L.�­_ I �,aby C��nc� is, "op'It'j '. _;;-- , ;: � . " r . "laves wc-te 1`01, fh_3 thwe LAng free that Wliov-,Zl, for ta Itt t INI -;;, 1-,,, 01 rx.�, 11 Sea-gon"s 1o.!,TwZ"1U,! tf C, � I _ � ,st n:n. c I I # d �,! � � I ,�-10, cf_.,._� � ' H but tl)§!, t��? v ' � I ,­�'.. � . t teaagn�t_,d " U -p eicivats of t5iie5r fALAI Vl-,-, Vt­,'", ­ :�­4z_,13 jq aa�L,nt,, unt- ­ev ts-ul, refers t'l -Eli 'i;.1 , 4 , 1. - , . �.. � 4 - -� � I , . ,, ist'st's, With whow thr,y ware per- EIRZ-r Two -]%.h N --ht. 7.i�,!11,31,�r na,en, _ Twe:WD .Xlg�11. C'It"-e. . " .�, , 'XI , ". 11 * 4 tol * enn- T701j, , in� I � I ­tte,�l ito 4. -,� &,.q V,�L.Sti, . n 'w , L .1 il -nna�4 of W"git fu!;.sero � it - I An IttaelPnt Custom. 1 4;;;I�, - . e2yr..", Ga. , � 0 ,e � - rsa wW'z, aiz,] wimt was perhaps I , ,,, I 1, h -4, . . I Jul, or Tu:% was AtAently th" n�",e I are ir�,M�_-m:? ky this m5serable class, Th- rWz'N1*C,x_1 '01", T.-n-.10n.g a yn�e log" I -== I , I ply". I A tell thoir 1MVer:iT,:Sc1Vnr,-r.% t_f titeir prc,,��al�g to a ,r,c-rti,Jn ex.tont vi.:A lit a I I j;,.., -,,.j' trits 'to, t1mt? fa,P2. trPat tbrxnl gs ntiniZ,,:r (4 i�`_-,'.rl�tli; of Enx!,�erA, niti I �. � I � � ft �W *0 dlo �,", V "I , r ----'- Z�§�111V . . n1a2s aral pani'll lur"M for the mig- lth%imzgho�;t Orr%A Br­.-!*tn ith,. custo.nz I , Al� I N , ZD .meanors cal" w_leh thp.v mi,glit bc, CAT th,-w CW"��;,.=s eandzlil 1-3 MIM,ost .1 � 11 'Afty, a's ',!.'��, Un-MsAve's were paq- rmnven,ne,.' onp W,31, irspii.,I­,;1,y in jr-, t � .. -_ IF . ed V.Pr S,.tl,M1r 4pff��Lt-_ep. -%,,;, r- ,� Ili I . qLe iw_��, rn,nd, vvh j3-, i .,,c��N 1 i &-)its �f ovor !foWa ' tC; b � f ­ I �, � y- # o _. 1�,J,An'0"i 'L-01 r..,e -.rj�o w,19 th`ng, w` I elE,- t,), th�hre;d traditions �'.. , ­. __ , � " zl�,. , -.� I ' �L � S sp,,­* -f If L. - .p-it3 tj_,:ujrLrq ol J�yfpryy- , qi,, . Z-,, 5*?; Dwtr- � a4 ,4 , ,, ­.,­., - , , 't V Z � I . ,_­ - �­ , - 11 ad t.15 crjnf�:?t, vrn�,'d b�. the fir�i h?r,.:; ea:�-, mo,re &i Urqn ill -in to any "It e- �o�, - , , --- I ... -t: I �1�0` W -11s; tzznl�_ 'I � ::)n till-tt tit- ,"za­t� I _= 17 lauqh� I 0, h��r n.,. ? , r ", I All t -Le r1ty Tvas In tha trudest - tV�n-1P1Axjte. . , . . i ­ I - �� �N;. 'I !n 111, nmv ;,"w1a, W114,n^ 0 �___*,_W�:, . I " ­F�_ ., I , i I ,� , � V , " 1905 � ;Zpr�'. .' - � " I- I _ ,�� 11: . t,'. --;n , bir.;�?.f--Is� vc-z,. - � or - ; '?,� - 1�` " -�i�� 1� , t, " , centur �A ft , -ourlishal, �-nd up , ,,�,-�, � V! .V 'I", '.., .�l . , _,,� ,,, i�14j* * � . - -;, - ' :M-iK. q'�� .;I�_�� ._,,��A,_, ,. , ommrl .' s susp�n&d, " A :��_ A e �j A nd nrx-, vv.,:, -,,i Wt work &,;'. t"N", - � .,I-, I �! ,,f'.,,.��. . ,1�1­ . L, --4 tratIl orally a 'y %:-.n; ag�; th3 Xm-�s * - _ � . _1 -1 ne, eontottr,�W,r�q wk,y preparod tbo '� fi-'Eildk� wints too i*�,, S:�­a In .n"i-lost, I �, i I /i . . f ;,"�F-�. 1..",' � , , 'i I., � , _ , �1- * ( ,�, 'A , �!i -ery h,�n.r" CT nt 4,-� _-, ", � 51, 1 1) � - , , - .. ir"eZv"? f,,,�,Stv% 11, ',Cit�s Werou gayly fn ,, is. .r. ,� ,!x�.� 0: V, ,Tjl­�,, .,4 �!i � �!i �!i � � .. I , ­ , 11 �!i � - j I I , 11 . Vl:,�M'11�zkl�.Iili � - . I .1 j .1 iroat,,,d v,rlth 7x,:rel and evergirp�_*-iq, - Q­h&a.­ TnIn!'"In:3, an I W.1r, io,j%nA un*�­. - . ��i' ., I � . , , , .. f N � 11 *1 ". n,wi.;;s,r,y nw(,r_ss;,;Fr to tki fur- ,O , ,;"--,p I I . - -1�,z4:!riql hetwf,en P I &a , " pr!�,,Int.,4 p. par- - - - lZ - i , 5,:!_V;", . y - �. : I ;i�,:� . , I r ; anitl fr,Lmil.3 ar, " *�,-hlngo of Cli-1s"Masts-le. � , . M 1 40 1 � �j , 0 a .,I,- . it- i. Y ,�� V11i, ��� . � 7, � ' It 't 2� . I . . , , � '1� W_ I V 4 't t. -?r ,,�-,- Ramp ft., I I - 11 ,*i,_._e.- ), I "t ,i: ,�� 11 I �Q, .tiv � . I .4 tustozattry tkr�­!Tay, ;�Illle tile 'Chu- t The 31istleioe 1;ough. i I Lj I �, I " "�� 11 ", v,. A ;/ � rft Invokr,,d .1*AI-rn, aa they now I 11. P", _111�' , 1� , I . . thegoud uld &I ta Chmmip. Gamaq - lit thl I,IP5�� of tivan ina-ity of tilps') I I I 10, . I I I "i I 11 . F n, . ler I I A f I allwAr-mfiFnts of all sorita vvprer br-.ftutliul cu!�ZOIW 11tV1 lost Much of I I f " n a ; music th­iir traditional, ip',emst ai.d prindtin- i 1. f , r'. 1. , . , J, : , �T, dancing wat; iuparll and see- ptiltirity, imt thiwi:� is oie, hawawp-r, I I I 1. I i pil � . " , n � a on Vt, 0 L, . . t, � i t, 7 1 - . �, ty han.f. and t1ir- very ,Ilr rang whl�'h hi's inevOr decli",Md !ft 1)" M; . I L , , I , I �, t,it slurat'i AMA laugglIter, an 11 . .cl tile fa rors and seems destl nod to r-�taln I � S . vrIng 1,,)-,Vl waa a. part ol tIlle Sat- 1115!.d trairan th,a afteotlons ot th,�: p-�oj&) 7 if li r ) I � ,...?, ; - �� , "Oe I.. valia, aa it now rt!!Vs in, a rayrial -'hl II-Aliging up of th- mr.� L ", j Al, A I I about a t ' , L I th_t puriv.,, *�now--T.,'orrleA P"an f differtnt fe-,ms in Lba fiestivitleg . � / � ..- I - '111Y Ill -, r, t - - I � , il f Chri-stinaff. =rl gliisses of ,every whIAll s" M, xiMn mcfftoriv� plus 'I FTE W! - �%e ;��ra ready for ,iji to drink as ter. TWS,evstom N inota chrWilva too and asr rnuc-h as they liked. irtsfltutlon�, lnde�ed, t1n mistlotoa 11.,s 4 i B EF L If I I 11 D UPFR ��, i 7 T HT been ex;�Iu,lod from elt'll.ech lff!�certxt!ion a :�;_. - .. .5"........ 1___.1=;* , , ,� , � 1, �'..­ - - - . I V .. Tbe 1.5(.aI!d7Il11VTPn Festival. I on fte4tounty of It," PV= assoelations, 4 . __ --- 11 -`�� -rlve It fibm iour anJent, 4 ,* 46 4oft 4mo 4dkto - am -W aws .* ,ik;, .ck;, .* �� ow .�&, .4p 4io 4V 4b .io .* -sio Jb the bleolA north, where the wea- and vre de . _&E� !��� . given by tile Goblis and Saxons to tile them ever.7where. ,Every poox man I . estivo period occurring at the win- and every hbad of a family lia,s soa,,Ved ter solstice ; thas tile name yuIG 114S a penny jor two, or even one ktrfl&,�, come down to us through the to buty a bunch of oats fox the b a ,%Patch and English, and It still ob- � to haNe their Clirlstmai 0 a tains amoag all Engi Nh apeaking na- daY.,. on rnarr-Y farm$, the deo4r I�ld tions. The most commonly hcaj�d exii 110'ree, the young colt, the ca�bib, fjAe with it Is the sheep, the gottts, miad even the 1119, Yule Log. This burning of Ole Yule log, or clog, originated with tile Very get double the usual amouAt of fbo'd 'beautiful old Christmas custom (ull1all them par- given them. It Is a duo - bom and speaks well for tho na*yi4l taking rather ra,ore of t1w italture of corc-many), among tile ,�Acandinavlans goodness of heart of the Soan&na- of tile burning of huge bonfires in vians. lionor of their god Thor at their feazt ++++%1 ....... �-+++-,'-+-"-"�-�,.'-,I--I-+-�-++ of Jul, oqcarrl;n,- at the wilater sol- + I + stir.e. . V + "' Some Donts .1. in England ilk -i bring,ing in and a. + burning of the Yule log on ChriRtmas � + for Christmas *4 eve still survives in some localities, J* + with more or less or i's original pie- ' + A turesqueness. Of old tI 118 oUstoul Was +.I.+.!.++-*.+.,-+.�.-,%+.�--t--:.!I-+-.%.!�-%%.,.+.9.41.+ attended by much ceremony and fe,q. tivity. A log was chosen, usually a Don'i forget X-mll,s Is the clay to 'bu-y very massive and ragrg,!d piece of oak. Then was begnit, a sort of triumphal bo%v to Individuality. Never things for the whule family, th��rei­ pro�,�v".Ion with it to its restlag. place in tjj[� hall. r, -Ls -is c. - ,.V,.Il jr), --ser by w, x ,are - Don't repeat yovxself. Don't give pecte'd to uncover Ills head to it; there to a0uliers Wils year what they (lid was inueh merriment and shoutIng, to yon, lust. Viat Is v,,eTy' bad taste, and upon its reacIting the entrance Don't bay father, brothors or line - to the hall, if there. were family min- ban(l ties, slipmrs or pipes. Choose strols, they greetoLl it with mintle rather somptlilag they will not -,vear, aml song. If there wort) no ininstrPla out and will appeal to their taste, thpii thin members of the family in Don't give youw moithar a "useful"! turn performel thl-i orflQP. Yule doughs girt, unless you are too poor for, were eaten, wass;tll bowls wr�rp all -g= Orname ,ut-%I- She may be 'get- dria,ined and an vw`114�ss rvand of Tule iting on," but site still loves prett3l games were played. i trinkets. Gratify her. After these amusements palled the - - __ I Don't decide not to give at all be -4 _.. _. �% . � � - _.K. - �. - - oM, � l=`.M.*Z2I � - - � �_ - co- - - - � �_% . ., - — - ., . —..—. . - � � - 0. q � . I ��f Q 0 1 9 - ��,;%,�jp, ,�T_ - - ; 4115R.; , ,r�l .'ri"I. , , � , J.,/ )l ..:, , , '. ­, Q � I `� .�K�,,�,2'U �, , .�tr . - , , -'O�_oe t � " , .�7', _',��,-Jj �, , . � '', .,� " ­ If %,�, - %,, ii�;, XV � V . ,T.,,tr_.,_-,.,, - . N 'J ," . I .,.I- 'rP­., 11 lb t I , , .-.:, 1, " , I - I I i � '. .. - '4W.- f 14,0 1, k!, A* ­_,. 7�-­) , , .- �� 0 ... I. . P -.4 ,, I t , - - 6 . I - ,., � ,_,r , ,4;j; , I .4. -,-,.v1' ., A�; . eh%,�r�b-fo-�Cr�a-unio � % 00 - �,1,0� 4y VW 4W .W "W "M -40 -ft I'm a 1.0 ­ " .0 is ,, " � 1, . . I . . = . .1� - It— — : i, ki, � � 10 I litildling of the log bexan. Thiq xv o s enwe you eartuot give lawlsvcmely. ,,, P, 01rnys doup Ivilitli it liortimi of t1w I 11 I �� . . flowl will lij V:00%, wateinr rd. and ,4! , ,,f4 0 -U ,V . , V j Yulq, log of tho ChrNuiriis pre%Mw,-1, x0U.-I lii'ellqe will hely) .,.", to 011WSIX % ',, which had bren earetidly pr"or"I'd " lovely girtH ff-r 11"itfo ni ttwy. . iie, - 4i# . ,Co � for tate purpu4,,,. .14eenrity Ertim Pro MakIng proeents litrrall,y u4th .vo" " , . , I I f %van Gupium�A to ,4rern,s to tltr% h2o,%t own fiair (4,r tannit-q 11�;14*tW d,,UVh'* , 1Y �'-# . from tilt, s!w%I-ojg of 1.,t,�t yp.trlo lug. thi, value literally tui I i-vultinu-ntallyi . �, - � � , Wee becide, too, It 01"Ing thp, lonrnbt.-," %vr.1,1 ofto-n. Dway thivpN cart, tbeso Vd, ': t I 10, � tot tho Yule Ia," - , vt Inaretwotpi or IiMt- � owry vilo, nuig Op r0res #-vf1V11fm I i , 1", 0 .,;Oud or si,jidntlng lo-niati Aeolus] , wkit things Vint requIre biralt oat� -1 V�.',e , J I ,, ;, 0*41" 10 MR V,N 1111'.Mt 04_� WW'St jj.V. . � 1 14, 13 I 1'11,1, ,if 11"'I'llupt. , PoWt nih;q Ut A tlejv,�rtnwuts. �J,.4 Tbi- 9hrI,.strr,cn or Y -til" rnn-llp. j 4, .". a " Thore npvpr war ol.leh it ltnrve.�,it tit 4�,*vullv of h",,:-,5. Prnl1,)rtI,#n% W,-" tal- �! bCq&-1,j1t a8N,i,.'x,II1;-.1I,V I,jw prites, as .1 i �, . � W"Yo bin -Vo, I on tits, -oijo,wkr t.4b-,o all � now. , 0 t 1� R �(!;�" 0.1P"v11oNP_4 ns n wtrt of tumont- ' Ilkvt-nro�fy of wiliqu,la nr,l ;Sargeat � # P1111munt to tho T -tile Pv,.!�. Th�, 'Wo . ­­­ ­­- I . - . --- 11 Iog. 'k-00 nVrmu!*.,4*j.%1aq*,, 1­,;U%AIU,_Q #1 , 11619-1�1 tilt- lit-r4kill All--et4k. . I va tI­'19 idil-�,,,, Is uNip et pro in"ut,pt frit- . � .Irk! 00 Inor. . . , _ I � # t4r,'" f0T tho 9-11K,1114,4� V'V1AQrntk#tvA lit 11. .111 :011-1, 1 " - i IVIW"N'. wld!�ro It I'a "'Gjk,�?r.v t') U�.V, nl V. -, " � r-,111,4 tl,;V. .0 r -I N-,VI4,- 9 Peace nu Pnrt,h. noA inw-re.0v raild, �, I I "VaI10,13'o." wail lawsa%: tho !4-r%Iw'� . , .W. � I . Vul and Allia-ro r,r%vne6:ld. 11 Jqq%-rul. all .p. natk;*B d ra� ". � Nvn�-q.11l Bowl. John fte triniaph tof tl.* 4i,rel; I I i TLE* W.4;T11 har.l. Wlfar'l In eM��4 V�-gt,!h jhj� ftn�*,I 114,1',t, jfr�Ve*,n!,n. IF I t it 90-11t, W jnhqv�-,J �,Uoh a Imor"Ittent rnrt .%�hrl�'4t is b�;Tn Ij jOp%jfl",.Tj,W!11 � 6 i 5 It: W1110"It'b't, coge-bratl"Irq. was In 4ILP , : , guanInr - r h� I ,,,, ta tv.b - ! ht , �, vie,�,_,g,+q VhAst. b. Lgltost Ia,,. v�,. rttl, . e- , j1w't 44 tym!3t 0*1 .I " I . � i tk?allh. U;,twtva ft -low" 'J�N. lj%,�� wol?,! ChrlF,t, t1r, vtpria�;Uak! I.o,,i; �j W-'raaal Ij from t%,� Ang!o-S!TvV'U. : 19 tte nmn-,�-r born dMear,q . . I .t �a "trea h. -L", rAI,:;_­,a,,Ir._.* 1-b3, V.D:ole . '41 . W'. P %Vllafle 06)rl . n.,� 441=0-ij ph"g, , ,. OK, � IT4eaee on eiirfb, to man g - , ��4 ,' - P rw 1­rft ti;-ae. "hm-641 . oe�l weN," or, 4x in t � � , A will," �� . I ' to vq2r ke."ifth.11 No mJ11-nt-Vat I;v:,.".- - 1'r 4 ", 1 trcmbling Alnl u-, till, . . '14. tl_ Q ,, I 'I -1 � ' " 4 -�'kde rmlp *on Imt lj-I,� It,; %vc,r,,#, � Vhrl.4 on s,-.,arth hw� cmwi�'t,'�k 41voil. 00o ': 0 �j IM - Utmit , 1. --�. a I 9,n WWI wIth wAi--r,1,,-,n .1 rontelat,ft jv-�,-��. our Etwuw.l ! 1. , (ItAre ol Unp. li:j.-F�r t li�qt m,v t12,:9 t � ordZ. ther� btit an Now Vl�­�Yls Vin.p. * C V� t � 1-1011 1. tit" g. -av,m-b ,,,rn rr:neo of , . . I .. � I I t�lp Mnt� It MADIILCI %VJ8 COM- Ile -tee., " 01c, atignio, lint"m & .011ii Mill! N,p ;Ftnrt of r16z*;to-f,-t-Wnea9l � 11 6' VWM of Co, V1 . �. . 0, ' *�;E.I;,g .11 ... 11 � �) , P:.t to n .. Fit tw�ntull 7,WjI:F%9--Crf�1b,I,j,0 9 , 4 Ufe atvl lip, Ill M- brft4�� of p;p nlin­ in 111� rimiga, - I !,,e It, * rr,v:,flenUk lwe-S Inute I ,, j.,+er : RiKell With lle� L, � Z_ . Une. Till'.4 brOW WZ19 UtOkY L-VOtVID U5 , VIId. lie h*8 111�641i,ur,v 11.y,, ; - � .,,-1 , A, I 6 I'lowMa ttool." � izn timt, rdal h" In 're ?i dje, , "o, 1 ��7y,), t 0 WWW tIne gentyy Wert- regal'ung '�' llkiffm to Api'm tl.-o s )"l -a 6f f-.,.rtb, k��,,, * t!lr.ft_'�:elVP.q W,60ry likiii yoll?B.1 WnMIR 0, rk-11" to gilvll tketin Fi:,,,.Z,­ft;A l4rtft. I 1�i­ 1, .1 Cl,.nrieo 4'csfe,v. -;­­ "I' 01* tho Norer raass�q wie-at rnand �' I I froln 110�1�slry to ln,ms:, witill gjlt�v dei -,&-1 __ ___ _ __ - __ - -.-.-- � __ ' '11 -- -, 0 "t-1 was-sall boi, Lm sirging carolu ' ,]� 1 panelg. tramed in dtt;l blwk, arb tit- . C., . ,I enllt'3' -Wapsab OOFN��09 rot, th9q. of . tistle in trLe t2trenip. .nz I ro.A, WPM I , 1-11,�- . , Warse, they e�:Jlected gratzlltle;.4. litUe. Tatwstry palt0 p` -i -c% cet ftV �� , I -, 1 *44,!-+++--.---.-4 -,-;--t---.4+-*.--*.�,,V+-I*,-r.�,-*o+-j*v++ Mae& frailles. are (luaint 42 nA Welpena . # + ,�" Eive for for:-ks Irt thor'. 41;,­I�.f- tPacitiful. IS +' Chdmmas "n *:4 Unles.; 1 -ml knGw the *4�,4'is of xoti� t: I 3 I 1 4�1 : gtz _i4 11�4 =muntances ,,mu't buv t -14 -o -W fteal&Y, == I + -5 , A plaster (Iog i.'p .x �Cftj wbbl = .. Countrie '1' e-,Aests tltu real an-inInt wo-:Ad be Ill �E�i + .0 � " ­ (-_`1v#A,�n. .7. la�F I '.'�t-e�-',.t-.!-.!�-�,4,-�---.-4-*-!�,*,A. J,4 44'. 4­:­�,%* -.1 .� CU-4gions "g-011 Wilth �C_-:!o-gU1V!§ 1, s6 .i� # TI,e UnNistmas fendInz of the b-h-ils do rugav, siik Mun-TiAi. gun-Inetall .!F milit-try btacbas an'l-W.1 mell U6 ZZ. I Is prevalent In manyof the provInees or Norway and �5vvczdpn. B il b"ks- # 'oats ate Placed on VIP, rools of P I' houses. on treeg and (Pner-s. for thein The Yult, !Uo_-. st ,g to teed upon. Two or t1litas days be- 4; oh. th,e Ttile 14k4 sw Irpe-1 P-0 �*A$' !kz 1�-Ie$ 'i"i" I t fate, tartl!mda ot shealves aire Till the 1-4-d finIaL. 'ju"Vered 1'.14.1, "I , I plag Wall and ro"); and rafteir 1-Z",i, br4i;nght Into town for this prtpost� ;Stf�e !�,N�'�,,� I Both tiela and peat buy And pja4aa J�jj . . lxs�rfeix anj VIVId dN;., � . - # Anti around the bowl ol wni�slell : a �M­Jf 40 .W 42� -M -10 '0*0 'CV "=' "" 'L* '" i6o Rati a solt, ineetoant ch;7ne-- ­��-T,�,_-, , 'Twao the greybeaki'a; cMn1_-:r, - gfaswd ---, To the joy ol. Christm..,s, tlLa. . 1 '74 (W �, I ,,,�,r norm �1 , :.;5:44 '011. the tinnee waxed mail and merrX - ,;�.Ji,� It, '+gl -!,IL � � P Jj,itjj , 0ha P , . 11j.01, .; oVee ,je �, it , - _*". ", , gv H��kt";b�tvcro--B.vudflo-.vnti,it-.-i&b � "11 Waht 'tile g.,ayly 'fkl&a,Sa.­e 1. treat); - %. , V1 I While "Away ,,�.Ith .1inlaadify, I - . 'r I I ,liquenked the fi,vdle-.�;. wid Vile' it:' I'll 4 swept aetV of rf...e., vi'�n, IV; .I 0 As we saf, henoutif the statr. . � 0 01t, the sweet end sW,)tIq nmelo I I I 7-11at at Work wlihi.l '.!�� il&iet , Draw us- tend . � "'-ter' ' '*�C erly ' ' . # 'Ifl n tvlialnu+�,Gns, -, part I � N;�hrV, WOSilloug-jit ou*e l3p,, IV re to,aelk- 41 ing ��t jusi,.for love -we cliq not know ' . ftba',78 u s) . oo$ zi it w.t.q,,aj1 bnea , u s ,, i 0, Hilug a bou5a of 1121;U,'t.')--- Anon. I I ____ 10 I Christm,is ,Gr<,(Wn_K 0 Sing 8� V.=g or (Mirletin-10 I � * . . . rwe"keta full of giolo " . .� 0 pin-ffiff niad calcis for jt,Vk,41I,-A . ... More t"-1 t;my cair,ii ,-:i A . - '_ . I . I y !N16111139 In tit-" grt';-l� 1;`,�tl I . , I � 11 a Turkey �>n t1re gp:t, : -76,- .6 , I M--rr,Y faez.q ioo,u,nd th�l flirs- I . 1 .4040, . ,C�4a&iowt Not a 1)"tt , i �