HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-21, Page 4• the "Lurid) lberatZ) D. DYER PUBLISFIER. FRIDAY DECEMI3ETt 21 1900 ••••••RMAAA11.0.10.A*IAIOA.AAAVAA.A•AAAMOAAAMPIAAMIr The 1V1inister from the Nether. lands to Portugal and Porgugues( Minister.. at The Ragne have left theirrespective posts. The rela; tion between the two countries are very much strained and the trouble may lead to war. Judge Morgan, of York, has d. tided that barb wire fences are a public nuisance if placed along t. public road and that the owner* of such will be b.eld. responsible foi damages done to cattle). In a givm case he assessed a party for $10 ane. costs. Before another Dominion election -there will be a Redistribation Bil passed by which many changes veil likely be made in the completion 0. the electoral districts, The bill can. not be introdued before 1902 ai the eenus returns will not be avail. able for use during the session of 1901. The census will be taken ear] inAprils next. .A. statistical statement just made declares that the new Parliament contains sixty lawyers:thirty-three mn.ehants,. twenty-nine farmers. eighteen doetors, eleven newspaper mon, eleven manufacturers, nine lumbermen, seven gentlemen, five notaries, three grain dealers. tn.% bankers,two traders, two distillers. two ministers of the Gospel, on printer, one raneher, one real e - tate agent. one oil operator, o Nova Scotia -Liberals, 15; Con - miners' agent, one mill -owner, ont se..-yatives, elleese dealer, one contractor and Prime Edward Island -Liberals, fnrmer, ono finanvier. one ship- :; ; Conservatives. 2. owner, (me fruit:Tower, ont eatth New Brunswiek-Liberals,9 ;Con - porter, tele tteeountunt. and one servaties 2 sarveyer. The lawyers are on to: as usual. They always do _MI there. J. C. Bolden, president of the Ames -Holden Company,who revent- 1y returned to Montreal after a two- nul-a-halt years' tour around the bvorld, concluded an interview in the Montreal Gazette by stating : 'Niro things in partioular are mak- ng more widely known and more highly eonsidered the: world aver. First, her part in thewar, which. has excited interest not only England, but in every part of ie globe; secondly, the wide. Tread advertisements of the 0an;- Uan Railway. Wherever I „-ent I found the pamplets of the mat railroad. I found them in t,ussia, in Norway, in Turkey. When the P. & 0. steamship reach - a Hong Kong all the passangors cished if possible to go on by the lnapire boats; for, after experience if the ships of many lines and atolls, they declare them unsur- essed for comfort,table and attend- ance. Even in the out of the way tpeountry inns in Japan, where :nests are foreod to oat and sleep 41.1 the floor, and their diet consists of fish in every possible form, the !. P.R.advertisements were founj. lanada's reputation has never stood higher than now. The election in Burrard and Yale - Cariboo completes the menthers the House of Commons. The prin. cinal standing of the 213 inember.* of the House of Commons according, to the Globe is as follows : Ontario -Liberals. 36 ; Conserva- tives. 154. McEwen (South Ein•onn 171 -TE ZURICH HERALD South Africa has settled down in black and hopeless desolution. The Boers attack and fight as they never did, during their early struggle. They have taken the aggressive in the Free State in co-operation with the corm/nem-loos who are striking ounwards towards Cape Colony. The exant stategic aim of this move they probably do not know them. selves. But it is race against race now, and if they can penetrate any distance into the Colony, they may gather thousands of recruits. rhe problern of aiming these has nem simplified by the case with which General DoWet surprises British garris.,ns ami strips thein their big guns and rifles. This embittered death struggle is the inevitable sequel of the general warning of the farms. The militar .- anthorities now admit that a 1)o1 - ber of the burned farms nelonaTo A•NAAA,0,........mmAmoromAAA STEPHEN COUNCIL. The Council of the Township of Stophon,converied at the Town. Hall Crediton, on Saturday, .Dee. 15th, at one o'olock- .All member§ pre- sent. Minutes of Preveus meeting. read and approved. • Willert Hicks- That Gottlob BroWn..the collector of taxes for the year 1900, is hereby: instructed and authorized to continue the levy and eollection of the unpaid taxes in the manner and with the. power'provid- ed by By-law for the general levy and collection of taxeq. Carried, Nvcitzer - That By-law No. 6, A, D. 1900, being a By-law which considers. it advisable that in future Auditors bonit1 bo pointed in the month of Novem- ber or December to audit the ay- eounts, being read the third time, be passed. Carried. Willert-Yeanley - That B3' -law No. 7, A.. D., 1900. be ilassed 0./n1 pointing. Henry Doyle, •42 the t.4%vn- ship of Stenhen, as Auditor, beino• read third -Hine ilassed. carrion_ n hire )04 the second analt)r. The Reeve tipplinted .1,411). :..earley-Hicics-That the follov,.- i to loon who have been taken 144.i•.. ing iler.-nais shall IT 4ien1ttvretorn-1 rnen:s: sinee mi,reb, ea. June, Th I r - :).' ' t ;th'er4 .1 T 1:1( 'it and phices :..eir .1.1..;.pee tive mimes : I say that if they were burned IN'T•ri: ' N. 1, Newton Baker'. sehool lions() lv the sufferers will be compensated No. 1 ; No. 2, Cthas. Brown, :Lewisi 'rat it is impossible that nume,).- 1,an . tailor shop ; No. 3, W. H. Wenzel, compensate a Boer for the loss ,,,f ' Tov:n hall ; No. .1, Henry Doyle. Ilis homestead. - (.1-unningham's kitohon ; No. 5. Dun. Saehannan. Hannan's hall ; No. 6. The London Unionist Paper has .....1hri....tinn Stade. IIer's hall bogrm too late to denreciate thi ; ;, T. N. Hayter. Wilson's hall ; No. t farmburning. The Spectator wrier- ''• Wm. Oliver. 11.Triceabee's hall. i alies that great severity • w -IV. ' (''11'.."' A t t• sr gra &ilia ..nal•4rs to the • white men whom. you have to goy- ' any ourc. of k.,I .:i 1 ?Xi. NVIlieil Will :tr- On/ afterwards never sucTeed, ! !war in the Tre01•41-4.rer's financial What will happen now that Gene -,.I : r4 ''. l't l'a' '''11111`131 'Id; ''''''''','` Lord Kitchener has assium4d sea,: agtan 0) l!'0 ' ' ';'3) 1 and McCarthy (North Slim. •e• n„ eorinnand depends on E. D ; n annual. n. on De-. •.' --t at I P ni ) • • nfri" The ...."to" he tewnsitip E oin)andTiadmiont,'West Driritarn, the Boer Republic classed as Liberals. Rollins- West Cid.trty, but f! tore is no si*:11 tn.e .41' Stepin,n, "births, as Conservatives. Quebec -Liberals, 57: conserro_ Idueiamtliihsand dovastatien for man tis -es. 7; Independent, 1 ; (Oiroutird of (.lhicoutimi). will eset., ; • 1 . niarria.n•-4 an- a tits. 1 The head master. .f denont'n One bank in Bay City ,)11.0.1sin:04;d in •-. ee..ta in En -:ii '4' • out $ 7 18,000 n currency on isaigto.:: nt. iretaartly .0•:41 :44:t to rare ."1.4 children in ,-(!:10-0t. as: faetory checks and all the banks tit,rolissit al 1.) itdin'iuNt or v*. r • o knett desira ;410, el .ro..)-01 ;antis", together paid out about $300,000. 1. f J.VT1t- f or titilts1".; 1".13` And another sugar faetory on! " ^lad t'l'';04;‘"--;'Inw 1- .1 in SE ‘rrt. tn • MO way. The entire stoek of the; 2Cor,„..,1): kr, tt.r. 1.),0 Manitoba-Liberais, ; nserva- (4,,;%1.01101„,,kr)rri.1, ,10 t .4.•es, 8 ; Independents, 2 (Puttee Sugar Co-operative `1. oar. Ilogglai e; • I, ,- rot ot• ed. and 1 TV., , reo. r lin' .1, s../. Co. of Salsburg. a suburb of .nd Riebardsonl, rt west Territories -Liberals. It is like4y the vensus of the • t ''ionservatives, O. will be taken- .14ritia.b, Columbia- Lila Talti. : -minion • t.ttillet'S It I„ q 1-.11'11+,8%1Iva ttp. 1. .. In. ..* It. -nit a 1 ve been nr the West 13a v City, Iris been srdweribed. I -tint .4f teaelten 11 int ntiself. "t sems e Over len farmers are st4ekii441.1er tk' I"' h°11 u'vair t'arn tur.."tinnl'' n . nollinti• is speeia 11v oritra X1 1 . . rindey th;Ire t %par forut their st.;:ei: Id:if:Went. 'Walnbin- ' ! C ql,.:,,"IttilVt.ri. *l.' ; Illtle1141 ili.P/ii., n1 4,,,, 1. .4.. ,•,. „.aeit.„- of t la i.• ! ml :.•• In wi,l 1.0..4. In 'II : 1 9441. Plli1 will be elmelnded or 41I notrrti....withm . ' ..1ph _n.i). s..„ fti,t.o,nry,.ve1r101,14t „it, u dayt !1s-1..1.i1T:n111-.V.e.:re; TI°:1.))l7. , :1): 1n.4 1"llNot 311win th1"u1nhe total nhowisfileloreasis t lie ereet, 41/ timfonx91 ,'t1;;n0ro1,1„I,.-14 41.t si.JT;;eir;„%71i.,, n ;Web:Istria] 11±-0 will 10, „I:btu:214,d, r •-...4.4., .44; independearts,•1: tot.41,213. tini'ting of 4•41-..r..1. '.40ets4 the sue- . the 4 milm;PatifIll 4'.-, LI 1'. han. DM:pir.ltiPti ill Si,1:. ,i o''41:,, 'be CIL, *".!v.,r. . 44.•0014 sp.,,ilea a eh,t,,, take Ow poll4.1.7° ...•idivisidans d., .,'..4 the !'1!11t Provinet.:, the exeen. ' ..;14-4:41 2c//` il Pa : l'411Itr fitrll 1.N.:11'1' .h ,,„,„t„r441 aistri,i, us limits. t iv'Inti bt'in!g Ontario owl lithtnit At, , ' day. A 1...v•er Towntn'nf' • ... .,..‘t • . 11) s 1I1 1:01. *UR 1.. s, fa°, '• 44° E. . t LnAnur--A.oAwAVA NVAI.Al.A.A• :111Z.' 'Mat via i41.11' +I°1 11101111411 e.111, had i a sell his favor • a 0 pieliation,„Ar the, 3111. hove Igo onte Sag;:tetyr man for $3, too. 1'1.01!1,--41 .1 4114,,q1lat. plalOpteng ▪ zuryl tta.,„. ear, tw.4 1'9I4.0)1- (.I'4' nre thoon•ht ,1,....ere irk tips gur.*. :Her. t.a A., EstahliShed 9.. years ago, and is to -day, one of the 1arg-1 est to b6 found in Western Ontario. With its loWprees, it haffies. every competitor in the neighboring towns.1: In this st.;re, Ten Thousand Dollars worth of stock carrie,I , anti ewrything Will be found here, from a needle to a grind4oue. The following is our bargain list till „. ist 19 •-•-•:- '44 A .,„ .01" ‘.04.07: "';;,.0 • r:L=. • t • ' f fr-Hi t:;:NORT.E is mad e of DarL;•:-n Steel, weighs so() d tven, coal and wood War price $3o. our c csu.;t, ip.,.EQ„,!1 - = AotAl- ,• •AW.A3AINAWINANAAAIMMAIAIPIIIINAAA,A1,,,A4AAGAIWIAAPAAI This Lady tiltvv11.41 2.7, ?lines to sevurt. um, of t 82 Wiersitin Ont. Thi$ firm t,atarau/ yes w.:t• 4., and yi,,,at 1:1 the :404.ffitig stih.4wrision over the Liberals, while Wert• 41%1 All ;,.n.1 the ' , t••••-,:,)11 " „0„. 2rItobr4. to cote Libnenl than the. paper -4. A1004n all ran other A 1: • ..1t4 titi.Lre lel re p.nlinn 9'11.Wr;"" Si rylia t tin at.111,1t'ulir, lin, :el m. a tin 1: . ,',L. - a '1 „-n ,Jos'er ° R ' • :mil/el 9. a Itt..-t9te/ 41:13t,t 43, ZiMttlikVE LOUT if LEE.t.. $/s. 4,4 „ - ;7;7 : - th,hrotrme aronchitis iwire 1,- $1, -tars• but I." ''"; " n'' • t 0 1:Pt.-t.1 ::•il'aarSti Stiare aatieu Tho- o . st N %%utter .4 *q.t.- ,° AP' $L, vo,f utuli:-‘tretwl n • '" .1tX ti 014` ,;" " • 11 • •," ,1' r- „ :1,, 1-- 1, trt? it on - • ' ' • IN: • -• 3701-; ft get th'ent,i4--- dd,,d4. 0- :d1,1,1,d0i,• -7 iddt , vtp .4„1%-a- -d41..! it. It 0., ff'", •"":::"t„Idtv, * - td Dim .u,,11--,4-tro.11-.. • • -' MO' C C,Int 1123 - n ,11 414.0sn's - - . 14 ;u:9111411!.. f :van 1, • ?I`V•It1 t't ,4. " V.111 etalina 'ra CA'S. St Lf:eL k ta, .1 • 949 A ttl., el ...tali., stv z tr,b r -11 • It „ ;.,77 , • ant:- la.ut t :417,14,9°' tdI)1." n:: -r f 231 (I 4l 11.%atratrIlki. 3 1141) • 1, II' ,,) Odkans 01)1 . 7)11 • esde 441 0.1i 111-,'"„ZId --'• .-saitn.q.CtInat . ,111 41„Ir will Vra, a 9 lit" *Jr;14-2 quite on tinny. XMAS GIFTS 'to Hem art. ta few .:,:uggestion., r,r wedding iyresents r.m11 :Xmas gins :- orver. lae.e 2ttiviet si)11101, fru h II -11e.S. breati td buttf-1.144-N. plorridg, nd gents kid glowes. gaunt. - fancy P. A. Edwards has Very eiont.e inive6 on the abov, goods. Don' buy before seeim.. them. P„ El)WARDS Rayfield .56 YEARS' XitvERIEN.CE •`. ' 0'.%)i,V, ' •,'•• . . • TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending sketch and fTetcripitora may 4inieklY wee:lain or opinion free whether an -rh,ntinn is- probably natentable. Corrantnica. Cons rietly confidential. Tfandbookon Pate -rag Sent free. Olden azeney for seettring.tente. Patents taken 21hx)1101) Muriel .4 co. reeette epre;.al /Lotto, withotit ehn!rze. lathe • 40tIftwe'. Jitreticata c. •.• ; wei4tly. l'Arnest . • • Terenel. t3 1t 1,113 .1) " ' I.:: °)II newsitr..alers. • '“ fiewlork t.o faaliinirton4 a,. co, rmi °Ent ali.! tot.,or,-- (" an4 aratn:t • :,t t"..t, b.,,N:as-e it ran, °. . 0: • • • -..;;5!•;*- 12- = 1=-11'1 re' . 74°E=E4 ..ttitr-fr!` 'teet brnatta ; reme.br . asint.a;,,etat tripaa..9 - • !!' - ,-,-• t 4 -rear the ni....44-01-ere , 1 01* 7 , -•- • --• -* s.ms "".4,0tro . " 31tin !,1117,,siki.? in 1'. ;. • (ar 41. Co, onto. nratnlatiratiadianazasalsientrikaogairn. reseri r m WANTED 3---A ease of bad lienlethat R'IlP•AN'''S will bot benefit. They Istnith pain el.)! prolong life. One gives relief. Note the word 1I -1'P' N on ti. package and accept no eubsdinte. R•I"1'.-0.:,. ro for s tents, may be had at any drugstore. Ten ar.d one thousand testimonizle w 11 Le, trrahA 1.. add're.,3 or five cents, forwarded to the Ripens Cheinkal Co., No. to Sprute Street, New York. ' C.r2-,LL7.Nnt. Prominnt Noramiii Swear' OUR ni;Ze and testify they are ns revornmeial- -d. You will do liketvi,e ;ft -1- a Our line eenrsist*. ; f Colstie 3alsarn. (the safest and best blister know -n.) "see Testimonials." -011ie , Draughts. Chill and Fever. and .74'..xtures. 1..,f4tiiln for wonruls. aeave 1Ze1I1edy,, Condit !ill pnr,-der. 1n -f Ointment. arid Gall Cure.. • "-Innerly OTI.NrItItt )4. rr "V • TERIN A IR y ADVIVThooE F' TEIE isiedieine-; are 'rt "lUVOflj(Mtf(,)*)w'th frill direct- , ions on ('a4.11 (me. They r. 1 -r 1 ) be K. t at lat,'TH 111 t"'n Count I. awl. if --our, storelme. .truisitt 1()1''ent,tv:l''''1"f".).14-3;fi.Tr11- t-17(1;:: Evetry 13`4)c,734,T tales Stock r owner 511011131 have them :41,1 nann, • Prepared by The Eureka Nreterinn-ry rC CeN • LONDON ONT.' 'Catalogue The LONDON', NS -,. an entirely new and modern furnace for burning-, hard or soft coal 0: wood. The most compact and complete heater made. Size of fuel door 12 X 15 iriche4 Steel Dome and Radiator heats quickly. Heavy sectional firepot with fins gives strength. Onaduplex grates. Every part is a heating surface. Saves fuel and is easily cleaned. and Rstimates Free from our Local" Agent or our nearest house. tORONTO. M'fg' Co MONTREAt., WINNIPEG, vANdOuVek 1( STOVE AND FURNACE '1 " 7;'•' • let a in; \-1'41.1 ZURIOH