HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-21, Page 3I .1 . . . , . . �' � 17.11 ,�'�..: ... 17- "' 77 -,--1;- - I
11- . .. I . : , ,:, I , -1" 11.1
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1 . ''. �:: . I . I � � . I I . . � I � , f , , " 717 � . I i I 1-11.1 .
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I .. . I � . I A . 1AZU 11111, M glorious bill of Chrlstian I Sc lylace foir Him to be bora III who is
I 0*0 11 4 �t' I I AIIIUORPattan. These hosts of God � SUNDAvy "Hom flue trw) 1)1.ewA v4lieh, aa,ma down from
! .11 . I __ J.. 1. ? � have had a I . hcav�1111011.ry, Axt; in no W193 IOU "
� . .9-0, T_ rjv�� 10119 March, 'and fearful .
I .... - INI� I battles and defeats have again and . (11. V.)-Iyfl�calh. say's, 11T,htju,1g1h thou be �
I " f 0-gatA mingled with victories, but -to- IXTXRNAT_10NA.JU).4HS801N J,NQ. X11 little'amon- th.r� tholis,ande Of Ju.d4b,'�
UCO� M .. _ � _. yet d,ut of-thpo WIaJI Uo come forth
.1 k � , ( , . � dAY we Mine in sIght of the great DECRU131,R .23, 1000. unto ;& th-tt, ja to ha rular In 11�rftel.' . P
I 01ty-, the capital of the universe, the . Tlr,� princes-I'The tho�usaxIds." MIcall '
� reGMence of the NIng and the home ,
� I " Of ' ,110se who. are to reign ,vvl.tl v� 2. "Phe triba'.b.itcl been mbdivided,'
I .. I ; ' ' 11 , . y Chrl�tmas Lesson. -Watt, 2; 1-11. I into thuwaacts, and o,N-dr eaab, subdivi..
FCO) N& 4A R R ,I Him
. .�I. . AL � � , ': . for ever ant ever. Look at the tow- 00mmentaxy.-1, When jagus was Sion there was 0, ellieftaill. or prince,
. ( - � I . . � M T . ars and hear them ring with eternal -I&Qrlgon. .,'�, governor�'Ib oontrol �
. 0 .� Jubilee, Look at the house of many born -The (late of t1le birth of Christ and rule, W31' -.ch iphall bet shepherd �R,
I rro . mansions, where many of our loved is Uncertain, bkit tile generally ac- V.) --To feed and eure for, as a QftP4
"I X111 I I _ 0 I I ones are. Behold the streets of bur- capted date is December 2.5, ig. C. 5. bard his flo2k. Tilis goveraor who, coo.
. a ..., . 3346hed gold and hear the rumble of He, was Wrli four years from the trols Is also a teadex. shapliard. Christ
� � H R. � - 11 .� I th14 chariots of those who are more time fI*DM Whiab we wunt his bir,til L9 both shapherd and kiag. .
1; . . I I than conquerors, So far from being In lour common reckoning, In Beth- 7. Privily (xi,ljad J;ha wi3e zo-ZA i
.11 - �. . . .. I ". ''. . . I - driven back, all the twelve gates are Iehem. �)f Judea -To distinguish it destmd tO keep t1la time, of Ma birth 'i
I . . � .
, I .- .
, .1 .
J I I I Wide open for our entrance, We are f*r*"4 Bethlehem in Galilee, mention- as secret as possible'lest th�o Jews NVIO
., I . 2's4rching on. and Marching on, said ad in ibr,blia xix, :L5, [fn the 'days hated RUIn should take occasion to ,
.1 Of Let, P -If Herod-l-loroa the g was rebal. A klwwt time before this 6,000';
1 me -11 64 every color, our every step Great. a
11 of ever -y clime, &Ad men drink- before we go In JDYOuff tones goes ringing cleal! brings us nearer to
." I To � the gallane. boy thht irissed his I through palace,, cot and hdll; the City. Then and there we will an FAO.Talte, and, although a prose- P.1laxisma had ivelused to take the �
11 PA1101 oat the glorious anthem and girl 'beneath the mistletoe. Part with one of the best friends we IYte to the J'awlsh religion, was no- Path Of &lIagI=C6 tO 4,11M, Inqutred
, I '6110 grand Old Christmas ehime, � " Let everyone be happy, lighthearted, ever had. No place far her in heav- I borious for his wickeftess and of them d8igently-I'Learned of �,Ibem ,
. glad an. ay. . I en, for she needs no heaven. While cruelty. He reigned 87 years in caref'Wly,11___:R- V. no iliquIred of ,
" A merry, marry Chrlsltmas, and goo , tl L. them the exaoot time o,udl received p9st-
a Mel ?
I " �And In 6 flowing bumper we V7111 d F O ! test day In all the year love and Joy and other graces enter Aldea, alld died a few nilontlis after tive info.rmation. asi to th) time the
. i - . oheer'to one and.04,11 I Is royal Christmas Day," heaven, she will sta,y out. Patience, ,the birth of Christ. He was the star appsaxed.
� . I --�-..--,.�-��-.�------.---------- - beautiful patiep father of Herod Antipas, who put to � I
. _ _ _-1_.1______._,_______ __ - lee, long suffering Pa- death .T,,,)hn tile Baptist, and to S. Be sent illam-He assa*=)d Control I
l I 43,��M*<D*4�� �-�*O.*O. ".. I tience, will at that gate say: "Good butthay followedthe direczions of the ,
i stood him, and -when It was put to tl�ie by! I helped you in the battle O_ whlzym Pilate sent our Lord at thp Lord. Search (1!jigently-Herod was I
not of f time 01f his crucifixion. From the honest i In,
1 vote whether he was guilty or life, but now that You have 11 uklit- this ulln,rga to thera,
,e, -while all
I treason he got but one vot gained East -Perhaps from Medlaor Persia, _� i
I (alr,IL Ar. 4;mh � the triumph You need no rhore, Ir, greatly desiiZ-d to receive deftaite !
You Need Pe, -t the others voted "AYe, aye." They Ints- I or, IoOsgiblY. from Arabia. Low Wal- word conceria!ng Uri: new -King. And
V46-10 ... q.0 bound up your wounds, but now lace supposes there were three mpn- 'worrIf'i) HIM Also--IVII-at bypocrisyll He
� understood his cress and concluded they are all healed. I soothed your an EgYP'Llan, a Hindoo and a Greek, on -JY wh�h�.,d to find out xli.� child in
that It he had divine powers he would bereavements, but You Pdss now in- who wore brought together in the Order to murder it.
effect his own rescue. They misunder- to the reunions of heaven. I can do I desert by the Spirit of G -,)d, and who 9. The stax ...... Y;rcnt before them -
World Tha,n Any - stood his grave and declaxed tkat his no More for You, and there is noth- I then6e Journn-yed in cOmpany, being
Less of This Grace in the I
e ",tv . body had been stolen by Infamous res-, The same star which they had seen in
Other -An Admirable Virtue. \< \, � A . urrectionists. He so fully consented to - ------, '_ -'---- ----- __ - --- _.___._-____ -1 thir owu country uvw again ap-
be misunderstood that, harried and pegra. TI)e star had disappeared f6r
'0*"O""*-^"""" -00*00" *"*"0"**0s�_^ e, --*00.,S," * I I_ _____
. "00*0'8'� slaWed and submerged with scorn, he' : I - _- _- a time and this led them to inquire In
Wasillngtoa report -This dig - __ ... I I RBE =-I- - - ,z. -
, course but there Is something In her counten- answered not a word, 'You cannot ..C1E'.�____ _�._ ----- � . -ICTO-Z�-.5-2 : 7 _ jeraealeM for tho young King who=
of Dr. Talmage is a full length por- ance that implies rescue and deliver- come up to that, but you can Imitate .- _.� 4--.1 - _,-e�lz-,=� 0.4 they sought;
trait of a virtue which all admire, and ance. She comes up the steps that once In some Smaill degree the patience of I,,, ��Mi;!_J(11,11,13zp_ ;-;�.I��I,r-,;r , �v
',l -_ (,��,_�7 � t1G. They rejoiced -The Greek is
I I I I � I Al ;;i! ., - 4�'il��i , "; jl��'i I 0
the lessons taught are very helpful ,'were popular ,%vith tile amue t � I 1�";l iV very emphatic. They roji)Ived exceed-
. rx and Into Christ- it ,�� .i ii"i"11,11 f _ 00 If InglY, bwause they sa.w they were
i! T, t Hebrews x., 36: "Ye have need I the hallway -where the tapestry Is get- Again, this grace Is needed to help In ,� I I 1'.
,, J�i i� . ".M- 11�11111 ro
qnqe. � '. 1 � I
I ting faded and frayed, the place now time of physical ailments. What vast ,;, � 11 i - P.4% , I
.. -
0�0141 . � �. I �, fN..� ttl about to flail the cNld� and because
- Vbs. .we aTe in awful, need of It. Some � all emPtY of worldly admirers. I will multitudes are in perpetual pain while 111 1.11 � _-_ __ 111 ,,I 4' P they ]lad such unaszakable proof of ,
of us have a little of it, and some of us: tell yon her name If you would like to others are subject to occasional par- Pil!il� I , RA"' - I �_ ,411.! I , , ) being In divine coder. That, alone Is
If �: I i 15-;,� , . � �
1, , I", ,V if onough to vause any man to, rej#)lce.
have none at all. There Is less of this knew it. I t, �_ F , � �,j, .� 0 I.,
Paul limptised her and gave OxYsm! Almost every on-- has some f) . 1, ,-�Z� . i I 0, 3.1. Into the hous,e-They had left
grace In the world than of almost any ! bar the right name, disorder to ,which he is occasionally ! . 1. I 1" I �, ol 0. 1'�
She is not bril. piii;1111111yl I J
z , 1� , 1, y were foreed to
other. Faith, hope aud charity are ali'llaut, but strong. There is a de subjected. It is rheumatism or neu- L�.j� ... ��'*- ` 'A '.. I . % the stable that the,
� , ,�..�� I ;;i�.. 'r I
�. , N'i niporarily occupy at the time of
" i� 'I 4 ., to.
1LbIoOM in hundreds of souls where you quieibooa in her manner and a, flrJep ralgia, or sick headache or indigestion. o )f 1.�.��,-�. 7y - ;(
" ;- , �,i '. .
� . .1 1�1 ': Christ's Mirth ILnke it. 71, and wers
one specimen of patience. Paul. � n --Ss in her tread,' and in her hand is A draft from an Open window or hastyl. . 1�i 1� I .,. -
, I , .
lad ii , r" 0 111"r." -.'_'P!.
- .",.
the author 9f th& tjxt� Qn g conspicuouq ' .9�11 " 7.11 1.1�.t"14 -1. ,� 'i
a ecroll revi.-pyipg hV . I '1� e��, " "� -.1 I living In a hoube. Fol, tIcna-they
jw,�,� , . , , � -Aratwd them,-e'.vos bti'c-re him
. , _ misgion. Sbe W.stic�%don gr overvm.rk brings oxt that' , M '4 11..� 1, - 'IT i ;I. ,�_��_ tiz
1�ou woum, , " '01, � , �`��, " -.1'. � ;' I apeording- to t1w ea�r.e7a vazt ow. "IU
_ . _ - 1 Kri , : pro.
� ,1,A4.-,:.. ..
occasion lost his PCUMCO -,V�trl a cQ1 Comes from lieavtAl. 91ii -%Vag - borfi -in Old SID011, anzi you think ; I I K..'!)" _ �� -
, � ; ., '' � t�,S�--� .,L -,:i .1
I Worker, and from Lite way he urges the thbone room at the Kin rather almost have anything else, but, D��,i �. �
. I _ " 1 this act thr.. P�TRCR.11 kUV2'9. ."Id Put$
g. This is .� ,/ .,�', J, ,,��.;�.�;,,D' - .
�, , , ���
�, �
� - . ,
I ,
,� this virtue upon the 1_106rews, upon the � Patience. "Ye have np,a(i of that US b2cRU-:e YOU have not tried the � ')�� I " " th 11 ��i 'e, I ....... , �,,�., 1'� ��!"11, , �; 1 w -
, 1. �
11 Corinthians, upon tile Tllj,-s.�:alonlans, ratlence.11 I t I , ,, 111�.a % .��1.1 "I'll, .. .. . , ,,,., � ,,4 , 10s Ix-nd between his ki. ---4t. big fore
'First, patience -,vItIl tile ,,aults of other. Ahir)s� ever.sr one has some -1 W . t"11, �, I , 'k . " :_ , licad .It tl . ,
. W w same tinle twa-M-a- the
� - � I I . . ,, ,
.. . .��. � , !�,_A' `�,, . I , i 1,
�. - ��,, ;�
n the Itomans, upon the Colo, - ��,-;�,
upo ,
others. No one keeps the Te thing wlik,h he wlr�hcd lie Tama noUi I, �_ . I �,
9slans. � , . ,
,n Com- . , I � v�,,�.-,,, ,�.,,_ ,?,, %4�, ., . -"I", .", , gr(tund."
14; I ,�;, I .�.i, " _ 4 � "r, - -,
. , N� - "' V-v . 11.� , I " A L 2
, TIVOn tile young theological stuaent juanf�1111R-Iktv, C(IUaIlY Well. One's telu. There are gv5ros of dl�,e,,_gj�s ever ViAdy, 11 �,' � � I �1'1.11 .��'. 11. I, PPUCT11, M'r,Vft'Y.
j 1. _1 , t. ..". � I ,
- , 11 '. , .
A Timothy, I conclude he was spf.-aking I, er_�ment de(.143e3 whlt,h conm�-tndmenis to attack the hunman fraw.e. The doc-i '!� - � - �1.1 '*�' � "i ". . I... I." " 4, j, r ,,, z" . � . k
. . � 1� �.J or."I
, 11 %� )6. , - �.,", �� #I '
� "I N!, " 1 '. , i;:�L The 110ord o� k4AI stands al*no and
cut or his wan need of more of this ex. he sliall come nvare4 to keeping, I tOI*4 With rolutlor.r, and laneets and � ,�� ,x- �`.! .',.,--�t ,;.. . , .1 -* -f.- -�.qz �_ 1�31
f _ ,�� .,� �'_,"*, .�11*��-, .1, 14 _'V�f.' , ,;;,��,,,�: " ft . nunlily.0avilalilf. III tae lv�le 01.1 Ian-
� - '.. _. I.. '! w ., ,
. cellence. And I oAilY wcnder tba;t raul we break rome ! �;, I 'I,' ,14 ...., . , .
,, . I.' .% ' . 11
� �11,, 1". ., �', �', � � �, I _y I
I W., �, �. .4, , ,,��g� , , - '; ��r:;� ,., "
of tIT6 commandments r!r.Odyne.,-,. and cataplasilis axe In a brave' -*;� , i " � . 'It tvne�. 1A
I ,� .,� L.,�, � . t,
- � 11 ,,,
. - � Y., 1�
1. , +I. - ". �! flj� pvmpe t '119"o .111 I sublime.
- .:4L ... W, "K "
bad any nerves left. Imprit3aumont. ouraelveo. why be so hard oil those who fight ag--Izl,qt these physiological devils 5 rf, _'11,74� ;� ( , � . '. ,,, , �, �, N t;-�- ,,,,� ", l't - hi-
flegellation, hTediterranean eyclone, ar- I breal; others of tile ten? C �� _'. , , . 1.
.._Z�,., ,.� I " . 1. ,t�,- , , IT- Is maw wIt.) i- _ �*U Itatt been
, * .1 ,.t �, 4 -
that trzY to P(Iss,-ss the human race. But �: , - � . I -
If you and I VY. � . -,�* - -, , - .4., - .,
�: -0�. - _____�U �` 1� I �` -1 �c foretold t3nm T.1he vi -.1,ii ii,vmn, for
:t ,V$
1 .1 .; �-,'�.� _fw�v_ e,
,� �,_. Z" ;=Jq? k .. ?, fz.�*,�",v ,.'.,;,
en- _.� , ;, - . !C and - I"
tile run ar,Winrt one vorm of the t after -,ill tile Scientists can do there Is a, � " , , � _ _-�'11 .,
rest for trea,son and conspiracy, X - �
y t1#1th I., I , , 14, .; . -
In !tac-lilul; to angr. � �;� �.,___ V,.;�,�A�,'.;". 1 '. , - .:�;, " 1 7 ',<-tx w1will 11P.,A,14C*,t,. � Ivirg mul walt
� , 01.1pter Of Exc6l tlemand for pa,tiont,k-. .Nothing cau take .S ;1� � , ". � , ''. 1�__ ��__'MF. ,I,- 'F, �, I
;�o ., '.1 ,,, ,� ,-� , , , X"M�- , ,.y Q �, .111 -,I Wjtft�)L.'t flIe
should - I �� � " _.� ,04 " 1_;,�,� V1 holig .1 4�4 I _ f;1,_l1f';"
I ace of that. It 1. , - �� ,�,� - " � "At ,�> � -�; I ,
thweat thedoor0a. tbemo-raml. " -1, 't- " r, � A;�i JFz4..J* .- 'N � .v.,4��'.
Se- � ��,g��,,',,'�. : �e"!�,�'; , , �4, . �.o I, � ,� ,
mobs We RO 'Rev(VelY emp,orlute I -01e. who run Me PD. �; neeaeol this Ino-. 4 ,,,�\ , 1C - 4 6:�,, �+-all P-n,plle4ed
,-�� ,,� ,,$Q!,;?�,,�,', I ,I - 4 , toe
tho ' � q " ,!�� , , �, I'll � Ilk itillu., v;144A]II 1�.
11 I I I 1v ii ., '' r';�,,, i'F:: I. , %� I " -"Vato no a I %*1 it� ni, 'Inti -P Ala
him 0111U.Clated and Invalltl anti volth ehapter? .1 - '6�1� e ? 'y 4 " 0� - �_.,, .1 .", _ "I I!, ��, � 'int iv glh,,n. �avl tho 1.;to�erntrzeimt
on the rocks ot Marg hill. loft � ver.it� (of tile r�.tnle ment III every slctt room and atong the' $I �, -1 ,�� ,�� I ,
� . �11 , , , �1�.i��_�, - � � I
� T'f
�03 VU -1 In Ilu'llIc"U 1ftQeS'Qn4 OPS, 4"", ,!, � ,� I # I ., 11%. , . r, .
IT11111 V,o '. " " " , ;,4" '�"�-A, , � , I I a ti
are. PerZeet our. "M V41 . " .�.� l' �, i , 4 - , , - 4, " - k *I-/, , ,�, . � - N'r 1, �z
�,� � , � .1,
�_ I '. , t , "* 7" - � ,,� ,4y. -,.�,, , ,, . , , ,,,
. a brolzen voloo anol ror,�% (,yps utl'l sclve.% wq MUM t(o lie Ion -lent with our wliere 1wo,.x0NAnw,r,- tlre� copipt,114--d to -, t ,� v b , , . i I , . 1�4 , ". � ,.., 1;,; - $ WIWI bt, uptu Ui� 1,1tolt'de.r. awl rite
IF-, 6 ,�.. ��'t ,.,,� - I . . 1
P " I &�,,-.��.,v,�� " � , 11 " I ,� I
. nervea IL -Jangle. Il,� 91vt"; 113 11 SIXIT n0lithbor's hoportv.11on'.1. Yet it I.q or. t051 WhPn l*,. 4*&?, DIV Ineompotent to " , ' I " �t 1 '-N t. I � 7%�. .� �'f 1. �A " " , 1 I , � . "'. , , �� , . nanw L--lvill 1,o! a!a,D(-1 NVoo lo,rf�,I. 04oun-
1'� �
0 � '41), .1"i �11 -.1-1 11 ,
_4 , �_-._ . , �, , , 1',, 4 ' *verllant-
or- IL -_ '4�4'.�, � ` I I -, ��J; I I'; Fylt,r, Th', U .,I;t..v ,:r,l. ,.,� N
i� Mlot 1, �,�"' L' '-'-n' " . f, ,
of bimself Mien lit- de,iorlbc,s hN ten the Case that t1w man ino.,it vilin MOVe a I -en or oaleu,..%te e, eoliunin of . " - .� �`- .. 4;N� 0 1 � A 'i
IPM * I � " L, :, , " `z 0
A- - � -',� - .��!r , r % ;, .� , laq- k%LU - r. �0,40: Pripvi�v o' Pea"
9L =71(le arid 1113 spinionte deiivery � �., , ,
I - �.� V. ., -, , ,� ", , .11
I able is the mo.n,t hy,,�,Z.erIL1Qal. perbaps figures O)r eontvol a zhovel. 1-11ut every: �, � 0, ,,- - i� __,.�'O, 1'_� W'' -,�� -
", "., I ,,,, ` ! ", , ,_ ". �. N � . "I �,,�, , 1, V I 1.
ng, � WVLlk, lie Is proft I I -1 e. , 1(1 � � v4. . NVe nro I 11., - I 4 �rks it � 4 .r %In -
by i3ayl. . ,,in b,.)dtly pivsengL - - - q � v �'. �, . ,� 1 � I
I . , ne, and ycq Itas no tolpran(�e pastor eould -��,�,,-, :�, , , U41 . v sz�
I r1lrml You histancen of� � -,� " - - fl, AI Y�_ , t ,V, 1��.� , I ��
P ,- '. ,,,,�,�O, �,-: " � 111. I I .
, . '�..:, �*�,% ,.� � _,,A�, '" %, L. ,'., 1.
�'.-, Ll� ,.��.11.,. , , . .. I ,.WkoUw1 9)u0.,frf1,.% that "it %wne
wad In s ceell c,ont,empt;b!e#-- .Ina rf' for theft.wken pri,4anIty 1,,j ,.vorv� thmn COMPletO 111.1prinors under plimviral nut- )I �' I . 4. , ,,� �', ,�. NV, "A , � I il . " QtP
; tors t � 6, , , .1 t � 61 I . ,� . ..� F, ., I I I �,� " N � �". 1��.; , , I - � -w*M11 tho %%V,�146 J'j t,Kt
113S whrn .1r09LU- t1loft. for whilq t1lei latter I!; robbo fcoiror,. 110 t�oujvl taj3t� you to t1lat g.tr-, . - ` , . �� 4 1 ., �, 4, P�', .. � � - "; 1",:�
0 his InflanieJ eye'l �,i � ��l 0. b,� I 11 "I I . i �, ,. 4; . ,.�,% ; ,, , 4,xiwete I 0'.
11-Y . J � " ., r 'X ,,.�� � �� I `� '' s, � I , "', %# ". ", A,
. I , � 01 , - , � .:�,V I .. .
' , � � " -, " ,_ - � . I
In:V of the araeut ft't�wl,qblp o� t1je of n ,litIn. the rorj,,(�;. St., ret or to thtllt ho, J,hoi or to come room,� � ,, � 4 "k, . j A �� � , t r, th�at ab�rv,,. tl,�i t1m., it k�.,,x %,.*.I " to
11 roblv�lry of C.otl . - , -y,.,%-,1".,iV:, ;� " ,, .,
I Galatians he says. "It 1, had been poo.,- Perlin S he 13 gIv n to dq�e,t,. n "' 4�', L�,,, _ I . �, '.��,-," ...�,��_ . t ", -a w1h 4 �,L,I� I ;--p , ,,� 10 *"Io
� .nat In - �'. . '.1 , I - _.", , , �k, mn+-
; �,,, -''-.* , . � �;� " , ,q 100 I �� 1'1i.�. 4 11, . , - " � _-v in .Iw?.
Dt 0 toll a Qi Ill., 1 arit-h witcre s1to III raddng- � , . I �,,, I , :, t , �, 1. - 4 .1
� J; , I - I � ; warl"Ll, C, nt'alv)" 1, 1, , tvpo , .,,r4 ,., .
'41, N'15." �, ,', , . ;40 "L " ,� 11 ,, , I �
" � � , - - - '0
nww finew, ,� � - #', - . . ,V,�,�... ;,." - I I A_ , � " 11*e.� hatl 14 11 %t', Y,�d. "Thor*
,Ut Your detraetion. and yel fool�- lihn-,M1 bm- 0mb Or Iles Upon a, pillo,tv , t,,"t7,J,4," . IL * � "I i,'� " , �
x1ble, ye Ivfluid have I 11v Ize'd f , , I , -1, , �,
I _. � . " , , . '. L
- - _.�v ,", � "44 � " I . I ,-p "., . 1.1�4 ,*,: . 14.,A�! c'na. a �Aar pcat -1 .; w �). an I
own eye,q awl have givon the:n to gj�,,-- " ter than come one v.,ho I,s rAlity of 1.1-0 11=% not �,,,n ,w ut-tj ft -1- In tpn�; :�, .,��, 1, "' Y, ., 11
1� .
, ` I
� .
. I . 1 17, ? , , .
We nolmire that Inon v.,1110 I 'I ;, ,,. , "; �'y , . 11 ,
V , - � I-V i, , '" � I
�� 'a�' .'� """" A
il. I �10 ruanaMughtpr, not rvalls�nq th."A the at-.. 'Veara and ..,Q! 1�wl ni-vor bezm licard to f '- - , I � 1, ,;iZf,. Itfx�l i� I ,�-e I. - 'I
, �� - - ti 7,- � , .� I i J �, ";.q . -4�,vtro t-laat,l r, �, #)!*, v! I-r..A..'*
The gwrzwe I �, . ,,,I, ,�� , I � .k 0 , , I ;� I a .
. , have lea3t of. Thm�! of un ivilh tin. ,_mf � � .4 Al , f I . I " I
.cination OT 1O."cructer I') Ole %,,t#r_,4t tuter a %vord 4Ggo t-t);1,z4.B,tInt. ... -%"i,"r�2�, ,.�, ��,'�' .�', 4
t 4' 1 "'r , -.',' * ., , "� " r Mt ' , - ." -:.0.111' ,;*, I I � lri.tt� 4 ,-vr4'.,wlt,, 4,, * #*, d"I V" o" I and
, . _ ..,;� , ". .., I."--
I �� ...�11 A 0, �, 11 ' , ';I 11 A i 4� ". ,,, �, I.` � 0
11 Anprenolve v1za,e:t n1j.%t adualrO bc'"UQ,v; toind of W'r,W 4nation. T��,,� 1"var tor 09 U041 ha,l tVIUM14led tit ter ,,iont aj, It � *, ) ", " ��,111111? -1. 1q, I. Is I .,�e� 4 4�.� . � , I - to
I � , . , .,;�J L "' # I .� � � ". � ':" ,,,, I I'., " � � 114-�* HA.� Fptrit P'n,"Sto tal,
ir thon,c of w3 with 931seardan't voZkx� vio., t t ,� -, .. f, 1*�i� ;1y ". , �hf . I , 1, y"', .�. t, 1� " ., . . . ..I �oixr
� , ,4,APhL%_- N *0 xo=41�int tabq�r&.�O.ete Nv,%q P't, *)D! �,�r 41cl n,.'v,`C't1r o" V.91z, ,,.,,,a, �, ,� ?4""!L_,��r,Z�,, ,�,U� " , ,� � ,U / I . I .� , i I f,'.'ef) XR� ,'44�r+�- ";� "' t'�';J�t'!'J it '!i2 -L �4Dd
I o #� '44 -1 ,, JU . I.. � , ._.. ,,, 1,
�, *xtol mu!*al vad(mee. tltos�t, Of U -A 1% '!'it at Its :Ada bunikited HIX,# CL 161)lftg nev,or trittnipI111 I!; tt�c- r,�OUI I " , , ,',,x'�I";.�z,r �d�,� % ;14 IF .. -�-,_ I 'I" K, . I , � 1.� - I P
1, i" , " * ,- , �11 'f. 4, � I" -ft �� I ` L" I" W I
I of one %ho' .j ,.-, ,,,,�� �� 'r",�,,',*Io � , . ; I � ".4, 'U �' 7 . .. I ' t:4 ' Ito r.,%4.A ut�, , .' - m Ju �a-, ;3 v oil,
. ". - ,� � I I " ' '� - ' L filt 4 '� t�, 4*�') � t�j. '
11 Matn", CHOU r.littck,li motit tve"nuer m 0 11- V.!kt".r S.) t�_�!!,t t,.Jt4,4�!o tbat a,,pmat f ' - -1 w I . 11 .
. -I .foroui wal iattat-ge. I �� �' I "'�'. _'�'V' ' '_'�'! ' ; � ' "' r' ' ' q '"4 P � . , , I I .
1 p. x ,Ioea I's v -,, 4�1�'Jq W � � 11 _t, .,��:- -j U�" ' I .'L , , �'r� d
.1 ftuefwe. tltw-th ?JZ lio tvite 1*,!t icm..04- #1 11 � ,�;, . ' ,:, L ,, 17 *.- 1� ,:,;) . .!j " , , ,�. � �,f 0, I �,
�, - ,�4. � I �- - 1. �� , ` ;,411 ''ipori%�-, r � 1, A, 11� chl"I tO
.� z - , 1. I I , "
I _ , I , I , , , � � �, j: " "' - , f � �
6 ;. �, _ - .. . ,,, iir,,v � . . ,
, t,,,�',, �',V� ,�, . ". I � 1 1�4 .."011 ,I TP.
flint Inver inialat nop tbk,lr nj�etj of 'NOW, 114 t13 -Mb lt,$iir ttl",n OVV? a !. i .., , � I, -. .", ,,,I I
, I -.�� ;�; , � �, .%, "' , �, ,"A.. . *!.0�4' M�,,I, tt-, ., Z�: I , T I t -A
,,, �
I at trilles nu,I ero in.*ariffly lrxzti�,la� Nvash1n;". wil It by the E-4inpel l""In'" ft'ov,_� lt2a'�' Qja�l bjjql�'Jj W@rrk'1UJDJ�t ��Jq'j * / " , � � z _ 410 �,�t
I ,�i,., � .4 , - �,� 4 . , � "I" J : ' " !%' .1', , L ' 4;
Auvreelale In w1lickm tih,!k k%(wIp*.4,4e an,11 10nm %-o� c 'l, � ".4, " �. '. �,, ,�, , f ," �, , , Ir I I 1 � .1 .110 .� I '' .
� M.onvcrt:tj Cur own nt,,Nl or eaft, ant tx! "M OUU, Mel. ftwt !!%f, '. � I � t_��,_",%,,_ .. '11, � 1 k, ��' , ;.` � " 1. 1 ��'.; � ;i � 11'.4, t, to v�i!c, V`�- �# :? Mv'�4 #.1 I �;# I,,?
, ,. I I 1 W 4."''- I e�,, I
thok calul (manrallels thf jzt1lofleT. ,-'so , " ,'.�- -!� -, ,;-,f 1 , , �� "' ; I VI ,Iiel � , L Lr.
, litm � , _ , :�, , , � W � �, �_��,-. , . ." � � 11 1, .,94. &41110, ". , I f bo, f (I 1, 41P 14
nikllliftl clenrrhag vwe,% woultl b�k Ram,Lk Mq �-,e 11��rverrht 0"a �.,ttl.lfq U�*" _�! , 0", - 4' , . %,.- R t tult r. .J -1
PtLul. w1th halift tv'Atnultul Witil tile ecOftuVtI4� 44 tmr *le*mftt,',ntJnm. 9 MrOv A ". Y, ,� , ,. �, ,V, ,; , , . � I 11 ", t �' � � I 4" J � ,,, lfqlo"j�'- .,��ajv�, ", 11 t.-fi,:4,1) of
, , " -,_� � , ,. � I I %-,;�'O.-. ,'� -,,,'
1, 03no'llf * ftj J;iour f,tv..e anq '.',;.�, ,��'.. .� . 1. � 1, " I ,. t'�A_ - I �f - .
J � �.N -
i, L I . I . ":� �' "; ,,,' � z4,11 41._"A t,,9101�� '� � ; t% , 6, 1'� Ir-, I
I tLo , a't+in. ; , !--:,�", ,, - . Pl , , , �� , , r � �
, � '4"�� � � , -0
� It - , i,!,l J$,t�,� -- - " � I �,
Witatlong or a lwfothnN wr1mg aD. Mat hftrt eomvl�, a %��avau-11-:�.%"tt',,I.1!1��-,,,i, ",""n; MC-VwAtd�?,V, n,�, tot-" 4; -,,L,,,r,- - , .. , � � . I I— ,� � ,�"/ ; � , V � r
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, �' ,� - I i �y
,,� : 1, : , I
1, 11 ai of ratB#%&.,*.** anol of *IwInITU,50 ,k)vk-Jr,_gtEetR" coltirkhm tIMIL tie tav_,: il "Zx n"'..V"21. T02 LAW- Z',tl !:�,a,rn 6! ,C -T V" . " I -1
'ri of 001 In nffl,�h .IQW�Itq.,J_� I nml 002 pn- '�Tlt[cv�� to a n�A!A ,LJq)tVn In tt�e ,31�%,11. I is , -,N, .I. "'.. �,.. � .. "I ,r " . 111hIt"I PL
I ��_:.,� . � ,� , I
, thatl Imn ought t" LtL-. 139 tt,��oj� ,i,kjn:_-z,, �; � . -2 ,_; '' I � .
; � 11 ... � . 1 L I
V. 1. ��- , I I I �� , �, , . 11 " -11". -
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I '. .14 �4 ..,'I It J
,01- intmt nl!�t U111-11 otat. 4r;0"I help T210 to g -:A F'r�,p t'C'4. ! hoo bt-vwriiazuwnt 41T �vou - ,4 , -1 � .- If � & �t-*?11 in ,.,?, 4.,;Ip q �.
Utnet of hap�." tut -1 %eh,; theml t" "T t r'bAw-1; . �� , . ',� � ,I
101v After rationce", nnd 1rmn1,L- thota loo Illtn aUt.tp And ,tt�, , , , , ..I �-44 ,-, '--_,�,'-'��-'- I � , � '� I ,�Tt
11-1. , - _6
L�ndftl� tht're oil tatt. toncj�'%fl Jaltj- V�!q� ,t)j 'J. I'. o I i " � ,O . ,, �- � / ", 1. .,
� ,1�'tj. f, V!�f czl�� � , 'r r � L " � if- 4'_�t,,_o �� . .1 ., ��
11 -tun witil jfl,niotwt." "t, �� fl? 11 � :,t - . , . I . ,0 2 " -Lt 1�,,V46
'd s�,t-.19-:-1 tt�r ct.dgo of tit,% *litell tk,L� _4 , I � _f
ge"nal Ill- - P. ,o '0" . . �_� , . ,
. , . ii I "kll�l , - - �
. an s-mlUt'll-, '15�' t,.,�J-;,J� t�-*r�VjDf: ontert_! r' �# - - ;,,- ,,,,, I 111- E�,n�t,l�'!P] OR:-- -
.6 I'mitmMlitint"'I wfth all ulantit tvv , � !1� 11"U'r.- it �,,c t I , , , , 4, ,. �� I , , - . I - 1., ,I! ,�)�, �111�, a
thot qtllrttft tin I ra"vo to hilu N, 4, � " ,� 11, . � -
t -A' -w. "If I 01.&I Ind tolil. ift. .,t -, 11 L lo_ "."", , � '.. -1 - -��.", , � I cl
I ��ftim . -1 �"U. AM', 1�ft;ltr'a (1,1_11 bv. t � M,g * ar. 'i `5 �,,,,,,�� �!,'I' . , ,�� -, �W.,, � , , : it,, U, 7 ,�;Iv T"I"'j-i;'._` -,,,�',�, �._,.,_�!,',�!#J
all lad %." aftJ U"Okg up fall fllla M as bZA t EaMer antl molhnr ft, hic t.tavl I. .1 I ,�. . . � ��_,��k_e_�, � 1, I.. '. . " .q ,,_r, '. I .
: . 1,,� � It I
, I - I ' L'. � 1" . WO -,", -I . .� - I � I.. I 110 I I F'",� IZA, 0 � V �� I ;"_J r,7, :,; , t, . " " f t "r _V
," Ill gttc t�7. � r -,-�I,* p ' - Ir q., I I � " 1, , " 1: �1 , �f �, - h, ��
tho face n-3 ht nntt�!_4 ill,-- wm�,Ilx* gna tIll Inze ,Ut:.,,6Un,1",m OT m !" tlr,� I'S'al (.abC,,'!,L � . . I
ORIX�A 01hVIOnctl M�� UC0t",4J-L'gWt �; 0(%1:;Uq 1,5", .
� I
dtnrg"�. "Te NiV4�� mN.nwl of njf.tle , .. ,� " �. L ,,,k . -__,:7 . I I I - . I ,. I 0 V -1. =V'j � ,� , I , " r6t,
a3 stea mat 10�: W th TL A T.;. - , - - : � : , � I - �
:1,11 amve OZAIG V,jt�! P,s w1r. C _v ,jc 2�._q;h, I � � �, -, n
n, _*1 tr,m , �,*Ikv WO, SU -1 I ,, ,, , I � 7. I , . I �1� -1 - L ., P , " * - " I ,
_ I , -* eol N.v,i,�, , V. .�� i f�, T� , � �t
,6_t,e V-1 - .�Iro - 'a r4m�, � I - .. - i ,% g,,,� n ,� :,, 141" " ., .
Como or ibe t�,.Prtl,,M vrdift_,24111�,, Lw,A. t�alretd h5in I rnl�. ��!� zronld Drut-'abl�,.- tqry,� -V 'I 11 �� " , , � 0 , , ., I � .11z. I � _. . "A" I " pt�,, ,., - t:� ' r," .f, "U. g� J-.1
� , e in aant" , U " ,�,� - - , __ - _ , I W1
�, e I v�o,�A:1' Ne.1.0 aT,-? I"-- � I I . , �1. _. - ,' .L �, , .1 .:(,., tp',�P'U_. ,k, e .*I, .
. �
� I I � " I
-_1 - . . .1 .- - - I I ,�L,:�-� : . - I I � .�
'tt-en �tmrtt ka, th* difth. QW1 I-" S&ta.t�e'..e ,nv. � - - .� , __ - _�' . T'.,�tl�. t': ,�4i*t.� * ,�* � U - '6 � '� (�4 __`k' "
- �
e-tMleat kava a diell"M In Qft rp- �, kavo ,�Svtir_ or.*:!! , .I R_-%,�� �.-�,_.,rn - - , - ; , �. �,� ` I � �, . . - - , ,
Mll-,, T- ' Mat rtan ltaA h�'L., ,1!pt -1 __ �, r". - _' - . -. - 1 �_ , , - ____ .- .
apa,�t. That it-Itt -mta tq t&_� ft - - ,tot ii_%,.� �.+.,rl --- _ _� , ., v.� -.-11 �,,* . 4;
.1 �4!� 'A v"Itu as g,*_ -41, ��_��,;;� t, ? 11�'. ,, r..�,'% 11-�'., 6"'r � "'; �- t , � L,_11 "", -�, ,W�,�;."
� am - 41�.. - - I" �,,*,-W� I �. - ;
tbifta.abn vi� ataflamlig. Ido ta"U"11V (a r_'1'.her V�b"Qq gtqb.,t�.T. '= I IIESVVe -, W23 S,qu t,2t L _*",Ily ot��)Mt , -C. V, =%:; _"J V_ ��'-` __�-a�:� I. `rl.z�-.-2;-a ria, 13.;�; U", I !;� % ,*� '�r,.-'�ff. V t:t
_Vkr�! __ __=t::�P, .� 1V � %L --' _:,�Z�.In2! �".
" 'i, , "I' - I
fall ol �,eoft wou'14 tn'l Ilaq rdtr-c zt Ito t -ml lb;t,.�tn r,atT;AU1Mv' 1! .A. �_ � �, , ,
- , � � ; Srj�. ",r� D�l -�,, '. 'r
_;r 1trvt,U!,,r,�, 4 ft 4_1,,� e? vcnt� ,m_*'!,-t_,n L
. , t .
Pe .1 T `.r� C,=ii",�nV-V srnau��n�.z% f,17 � ,ltl rl -11 .. .
_1 bl� t -�i? Mnt"US7 ql,�ng� 0. " * o, �, U� t y 1.11"�;4 V041
- ... 1�1 .. r,- �;, 1'ff'.� - . ,,� 7.�Z�� ['.�q:!'
.i,y un: . 11 , ,, I , 1 _ I—- V. 1
aptlittg tanrntwog. if a raq3Mg VALE -,U tnfln(�nt#ts 'r,?tD*KF-ta It'! e J�- .1 ftlfl omomaric, r's nx .,m&lr�_�nnz ,1�4'r.�,.,��4,_, - "" " "" ____ _`____ ---- - --- ---- I - -- -.-,.--
V. ett,�.��Iqt,tr 71� - . - '� t'0'� �" �," L��_,_:U
arill1le-1h thLw mud ftem�§ h9s broadet,i4tta my d,, -*.a kc, 't,,vo-,111,1 ?_,4kalbipo hat -o D'o "'2MI., �� U,,M�*]V� ... ta:0, _,"'
"!ft " 'L . �' �'�"j 1 '
.�tg, for ft"� to do Isn a c�iiy w!,tt� 1?_`_I�' c, J P)v tl�:L , -t�, Unt'l trt "'o 1, - n", 41 . �.��
_.. __ ,� 11 _ . I _ � ":'LL ' :"- L -.11 '�Vt_l Z,�� V-,.-:% -� T"30 o -E�- L--
- - gr�,! "� : :_t, "'t ,
, 1, - - " � " . , � , -, ji lcdaby, I �,Ilq 11.�_ _� t ,_ . le 1, 11 � " o- ,��,.J; � m - *!,!.��-,y j,:!-,1 aj.i .- *. I . 1- -,-�: ,-
-1 1"", ��_' il � , ,�. , Z,e r ,�;, _ �
tab how lie, colora ow) an& Itt-ar lgi.i gtg1.4"r �jllj down ,oat ra-, it, t�,Z.�:�_A v�Lr,�i',ii t"r,�, h -, Q�J�._ tt,> 1,Qt�,,lefIS &7
den6Uftt,@! � 016 rAIA ,Difig lte,�.e ltonj- - �ft,.� E " th,01,6 � Q.,�.J'.,21�4
H.e, 4*,ehu. Irr:,e , ene dlt.r It:, "'! �� `_, S _�, -
_eft ttl?c gi_,na ulail t1titl ana r,f.,!2 btat 0.,,�t �, -.i, �� _-,,-J`.`; 11",
� t�,",l !t- : , . , ��,,.�._.,J � �,', I , �1 Z " ', 9, '.9 4 ,, ",§.,J�) . ' ": -
, � �,�!L� ., � t1.41"'.1 %V, t'.
� � . .1 V � __�'. 'J"". . �, ,� , 'A
., Nnet. to m�:! t,.t . - . . _ � � ,%,'r tf'. 1 �� e,q"e, " v6. "
;Be ol.� rl�u� Qzt,h Q1.0 1IL-ii-elb !,�-�, t-_15- I t,��,,,',!D�,q,c-,]l % " F. �:! \;�� -, to ,J ., 1 , I), ,� 140�4,'i.-_. '�, zt'o�e�*Q!: 7 T C_, .3 f., L" i -': �J �� 'i", �,!T , .. -
thristgaft Nvorntm, An nne,el OT tuav�'qy. '! ilds 1.� ��,. 7,�t !, �.J � . '. �,m . � - �,�, "'i, "
, 11 11 - �-;; - "' - I ��j��,. tro�j .. �. , ; .', �, . v - :�? Z-,,, a �%-.,,- . "Irf-c-t-
UOVIV that 96hlot fzotltl Mi,lht 49 put nnon 11 haq ovr,r 0 'I Ea��a to tile rt�"_,Voft me, It, CIQI�e V.;� Us V�t-z,&�;,� 111q", TL,!, , Ally te"Ur �U'.,!:o_ .!,�, �'a'" �.,�-,��fl,;:-,42. arg " _.�, ,,.D . 49 DLt.l
W ,2D fm=j whi,�h you cafthe up, ; jtj�� it L ,__
. ", . "�4 , 4 " � i.,!T,d�,�'! _
" toy afid wwzl " . " " n , 1z I, ,-y r-. C:43: - '"N - JL:.�,V,% ,I � 7� 'f �"L' t' r
Iter or her family, L �1_ a C� .- f.. - U n U ,.y v_ -72P , 4 1�, I , , ? 4 0
h,tnr how ber "t ,;� Brotli4t, givo me mfir PT,tmd ld b" � - � , e . L_ , � �� , ..!;r, �, u at,
khee Dhcrdd!V�t In intoltsqily� Ofte Gx, the .1th of- .- - ,9 w tbo, J;i��wtvqu-e O'DI. 1,,�,,., 11 ID166%.1"t onol h�!teft livoupr-I'(0ids, _-, Vndlm:, t!�, -01 ��-t 14 Llp-jr sc�,i,"-Fj. ' . I �� 4
11 to, .4 Stoat grip h- 11!t.4 'fift2i 110 to .�Ju , -UI stra 11 2. N;n ' ��t Ch- X,ws-'-Th!�r,� iva-s -,-; .,* L,,-, -4 "'�:.'V - I . , *
,4-v,. -, __ . . wir.,,.i 1 1*-".. J� � � .j �'J , __;� ,-Z t�
� . . f�
. - . . �?.
, tl,m. .
, # � V'.0tuffoOf Uzz'- 0,-- t!="'. ann'C'Y Tn,� -��:,Im:l 11,2v,-_- �: ."� zr,ro%,, tem,�"�,e.:; ray e_�rg. _m4IJ, I xl�up'_ = 'A 11]nr� a C�m,vau e-"w,8fa,U �;n , ,r-* . �t,,V:y "IS t,- �, U - T !� 11 :�n.ran -ni�:-
�, dod and hEat. oil. ftere ar� -qr,.,.-
abl�st and beA fliffiNters of thl &0*4)01 �, . To:� q! ry InvP4. , nhmsLioj�esz. TE,te c-�_v of t h m,
I W'.0 T.v, r. t , � �, _. .
'in Atatridt, ii;' .Oppitg at a hotel !;; a nd WoNd, that need t" provae at -,a tIlle g'A' r, - 01 1. �Pkw� �wt",,�Iv d._ -±6',f,] Al � t1r��zaemd. Up and &,),wn tl-It 1-n 7- ahrjxl�:, U!, East, Uhat on-,� 7,io-,IM - -t - �- -,-,�n _ I %�-
tbwjft tvael,e ht� had an evehing eiml slhiatr ktilTe r-n,l ta�mta ,��sz�g�2r'17* but tile J�-�.,I�- t" -_� _- t r.-'k'tj-sr��.-�.'�.-,.,R �Ull d,i�. .-uT- ; .�U&,ring S -0y"01 I ,��-I!; go tv U��,�='I�� U,,�t tr , I 11 , . , ,
menf� weva Ititettuptio'l in 'h1_9 artez ....... � � " " b -r, b-osvv tri Jr7r,-;�,, WFt!'4 �,�,,,�,mdd vcs,�,7 4. , - t�-- pl',7�a,:�"� -117", gT"I *,v I h ('-,
u buost Of the Weoun,',z ,wnnii cau appl,2c-a- lr.'in��* ti�0�_7%n� 1,%r�'o d�jl ntfl .
.Ue;Q L-�t;' ' wr-rz.al \,'.i-nfl,L-i.�'c.;n, "It�jq v6.�L -.�� - 12 ;,,:�T- 4. 'M � ,,, W, 11 I
hajy by I k1lock ai, the door by P_ mhl- tiolt of ollrnflt�cgjt ot rgIv,% ' �n`,�'�L'l "'�. vl:� f-,x�ng at tivon-k Carly
,,, Ln,,� 0,9!nfz�D,' amnl st;_,�',t:�-in_ unUI L _-�,
Cj��*, r R:� ,4�',
� t ., -- !, "Ier zfl,�G'wv . Rfu t , .a!i�t nro I Lat., o". :",�4:,4,N
en'T we �Wgsv - J:�e jt,o,��J] JtS,� on GZa ll_,�J - .
_ Xt, . - ,;f e,
Ister who had cathe to welearne li!nl, , to havt_ ,w -e - L,r. _t ift '-'�I!s� V-,111 aln6i 1,ka n� _�,Pjre�g'. a tit're- vm�..-,Own ":') 1%�.car� V_ '. U"� - ,
_na ' ,
� ' I ',= aril In a'A fts t-Mey,. ")I 7Szrj3 `L-"-'� �01'T;�'�Ii Z1 DO 0,10 01-
_ ftj, _ or rom ,;xpi4 at th_t %KrLer T�-r the -naTf,ly tn- i;r�ar ,n'!2,j,e2: K :� ;,.,�.�Utl .. I 4 z� n �, Uv -1 w., ,,,� .,-r 41 - 111x;- �-� 4 -* 1�,� -11-4.
_1 - V - !�. ,
tmd after the g�cnrd � n4 thinil knoi,k g6s.t,el IIie..;t,c.__Ir.t,nt in "j;v 11M.9,04 ftA Wo - . 'Cia o, ,,% n,�n- -... D C.'r-pl. Lik�: !,:'�4.4' It vrmjolw-"5�4 in - .�--,'�:�, U-'� -1rV-.-1' .!z,�] S-.�] ".!-i�724' trk
�onu !ma,�_:_ , z T lid,.4 h� ��, L� 11 af7d ,D�l alD it5 rx�-bl_,Z, tkore, is VDI, ORO "I .
fibe sleeper opemed th-r! door and twy6k go ,but In -to the %V,!)tlq1. V70 -"!I ftec-1 to jt!...,� , �4.at�t . -r- : , , �t- - - %, , r.,1 -
the lhvader 6f ld§ f-,,Sla�t by tiv- e,oiEvI7 carry Irm-e of the "bahn of Gilra3P, - 7H.'Ive C-ux.. " �,Zt' " � � . r4atienLee"' tf�v Uu,m%.A!. , - I .L � .1 --,�-I.r _-, 17, P. �iq 4s�, �, ,r,T -�Ip, -:ra%
. o - soul left tha;� bas ncel oZ m �,V�-r 2., e Q�F,-5s-�. - � t,� 121 ,�, , -1
J* . r;t. .�r,._!, tr -"-r t,t] �-] ,r.i`T,r1-
awl '� , !� � Carr. fh-�; �,4-1171;Jy I-3ti--riVV,-'VV,r�Q. P'' � � ,;,,. 1-1
C_ �J ." 'W1 _S I" *,-Eie wortd V. �l� - I�L ,
A -M twIqttd it with a fore,i that, U less e&II2lie I . 19�
- ,�� : P-pve�k_�TDUY ti� �s,' �-,�- spf�k L'11 v4hn' U-i� r t-.,"L� cr�m'll �Pn,p. � � 1, vf ��Chcd
�, t�knte b.,�,.le.ille .I And lc�s t��e�uu.l t-t-,--7",:::nvVI.a�,f rn ,� !I_ �� 1 I Leading Wheat Market%. C'U- � - - . �17, . �
No �
� �t*� t',L,-r�zj jvtl��,,_c� *-I,. �-
tahtiffided, would havi_* fueen strans*ull- '. an,alhen-a. U"_er; I fnd a I -n-Y!,ess , atv�' tho? sa;t�-�-C,3tr!;'.!P. r,-x,.�'.,-Dn ,U 6, �� 1- . 'Tt
�, B n;a�-�-:,-��. U, :,-au s�.,ng L-4 �- .- - ". , 1 ,� .) � .,4-1,-', �-�4 .
1- _ 1. _,� i, rol - . 4 ,w
tldh. 019, It Is emsY' chf-1:9h to be r4a- '. CftrIFUPn Inan trot.sh. tmd =,�r-w-`,!*�s In Cw vtmr f-lmxf."41 0,9 n�-yt -�v�r �mr�ngmra Cle vL'_'�k.g 4,,U0tazI011:; "'A.m�," ��r -'c f,ql ,I .-,,.,,;1,0r�,1Nr1'.1." by ;, ,� -, Iray.- n! u.."A �v tvn � -T .'l_� ,�,aot
- n3v�:, � , '.', ,��', ; , f ��V,F"L -
-Vl6ht when there is hothing to 116e lirgapa- bts eStti-==�C-s Of 04bPre. I .-A"12n,Ey V.*071- '7.1�,"4_-_'4 ft% r(",�7 71:- -, �- Mt 1MT,4DrtEtJt lVaelt tentres to -':a.9- a c 310 -,1T_,""-tC m e,)f J=�t - 41 t"*_ -,_--g,- se, r'r-r- 4 �";e -�t u� � Me.*
! , 1:% � if.. , � - , t? nrl 11 Sotnrlo. 1S.- 3 r", lr,� " ,"n:; n.
tient z1bout. der 11 he has nw,A'te��,Qt rPLL;z_IMg trus Z _ t -,.-tk- . .q 11! C a 9 E -t M,4.,�. ZAL-,!M,,� 7,:,tv'lgrmA 5"; 7:5.,.-. 7'. C, 1. nn,ll - , *
, or beafln- 1�4i �:A�e. Thc-r,�� 1<1ve :;�,-�.- :,alnn�.!,-a azlzn-�t-n-.. .1 �._- _, _ _ __ -
lbo iftat boost. Mat �;,on a-,-,- pla-Ad Tup,14 , � , " o clu!"'AZZ10 ......... ......... ;t- *11') 74 xa��a`n 5n ll`� �-�-4, �;, v twJ !11:�Irz4 ncol.-�!1
. "' 1,� C,-n�N,.-rxio'n Klt L�.,�, :a,. :. - :-U-14-.11 : N _ ,� ."� "
#M o*p1bitietic awl frc.e frqtni tth4� ,_:ej..&�,ltin- _ ' _ 1'. . � ,
"wful 11V,Le rd,cifer with lut � - f _;;,_ - - 3-8 -, , -
nt. , yo:��: ...... ...... 0 0 o - _ U�A -, - �!a,PA&14.., ��,ral:q !B:_ ,,�. t�g.
;hpirit of scold. It U10--2 t7ho are GZ thEs M�e t,,.�;', -,,,,,:n "_----1-1 11 ,� , Ir " " �11",;� UM gQ - T -,,e ,
.0, ,-- .4_ _' �1 11111w.anzwa ......... ... 0 7-; -t-,-, __ 1=,�_� 1.'' 1 <,�,,-,,,,,tL-- I n,# X�ma I ellr.'? b,; i ati tll,_� "L*z_zJ =,_,�k-,,; Z7, - . I
; , � , � � -� � L�;t - -
I Aga, -we IhPwc neS5 of r,r_iMmee un- VnvXy sn",- on-�� lllvc-i� tm !'�' I I . -_ _. . I ,. 14�-_,F,�� ...... ...... 071 0 71a 0_8 I -,��- , _a- �Lc,.a
:: unfattutea:te could ch2ng� Iot�; ,Ltlth der .nrmng Int-110te"L. =4 -.vk.-,v esi�4)171pa �'U.� f�,V .� j� -A lc:l_� � I I tL,;-.'r 11',..Q�nlr!�ql!x�. W�'q.�,,�2 ��-n=,-,,7.-_,t",V � ClUmts 11.A��L tw�y wa,�� Ls �kl_a atm
. , , -,I- �1'30 0 TJ i-4 , t'l 4,f�:-,, ntt';�;,�:J �Q' tr �
. ", M- � ___1 L, ,iw_ �
�YO-j they woug:1 be Just a -t* sup!�r:,."nr- it in sa-me f6tin! Irt e-I.mea to atI m6n � li" , ,:, . D�� !I, I -I". . ... ... ... .. ... ow -tte .1 . , � 11 �, 1�..r4. � r.0.1 VWLI_;_,�A ,_�__n - j�'�a.Aj.
J[t is not ren�9.*�'i�--.Iibati".�t,esyo*,Ar-.,�s nz� 9ft proretsior fg'"'.�'4 t�LL,., '.'r..'e V��'�'"��"Te �'-'. 'Y',�_,-, ��Ir'"t"'.' ' # ,� - , � _ , ,
9 .: e ot , "i_y r'l,". n7- -nk mzo : vzl;�y �e!K)t�-_ t�� 1 614�1 4_V; I �,�.��.a�:, 1 -ay.
. zha I. � - , i', . � I
I to ! Uzrtrz�,% r,�!�R ......... (4 7 ,-A 0- -- ,%xn-.-� tr� .IN,,� ,�w ,z
r'! __ --A lite In Um � ,11*1 - _
le .nE!&. C442 L'EP.-pling Y'cu, '�,r# z. I I .4
k.a- .1 _'." � "�. Z_;, �i tetze_" Tv A'a ...... 0 7 - .
3py, 1but craT�ae7ty it, dlpE�t �q�t"'�* 'be'lag r.'gj�Jn2er'8!004a� n,,' -a' _�� Of - __ . � I - � - _�2 ,,,, - z,,p`fU,!,1**3 6! '14�4 ,;�Iv_ .� �.,,, Z.�,4),�1,:_J 0�i "j, �'._4 �:J r r'D
, JF +
, ,V ! - �. .
- t1s lr,n- jai� vna-_ T,:c t t!"N Z� .,1.7 t:e� E-1 -.1.
"Ien. I.y ,-,�� ,;,..I�e 0,A IkAuth. �No. I V 0."el :,,,.:-�. V,.�&* rz-�.., ..-1-__- �n ,--,,,.,, np,.t , J -,Q t�.] a ,11...'_ ,;I�zz� L.. L'_';�g �zr.
. i ,g:, 1 � -, 4�_U
-,e -i I- .. -ow 'o, , W , � -,
� -in 'L z,. " ..�, i .
Idol In thtee batirs, and erough C -m- hov 111any T'e0p::e ry to n'Invapar,ar.- for G11-1,7 rou, ,,:�7119 nz� hl,,', 'm .,-,r! -5 IN fth*rn ......... 071 I.:!, 0 IS 1-9 �" -, t �ievn,!,t Lk --2 6P :f,' 0YW'Y� '-�2�' __� 1011
Pans cut Of`lf '-3 in---�t Q11 yaur 4�-"z- an e=,,1aTDAU6= Yva V-ee Ulielr card, - � -, lh-�-"!�e-:t 4�i-� Z`, - u, 7-ni �.-.,t"" -ell
- . r, � -- all !a- , 't , .�,
- . _ - !
peftse,4. anj f�,0&4j�._Wr�Q-ly -.r.,t-n�'�n. Sign - 2,1 tj�j "7 r rU,=-e .-un,l * 't-�l'i-n-a'.z- pulzith, NO. I h; -'Ta � ... 0 V 1-:,, -- r��;4 hft *,-- _- �� n'",T,i�,,�Ov by C�-' .7 c'r.. -�j�,Q oT ,� t4e .-�j�4� A_.�, N,V.-L�,,.� �
P. or. -n rnr* (�eelar;n �! i,��;�_'u_-s
. ,Ed Iy p "I - ,�,, I ? __
. iuld le'Apacity to lea.-ra �yoar 1'Or','f�-'4 M tlIaY,ffI-! n1A say QW -9 or did -.W. So t"r-it , . �_T,b 7 I H 2 71 � 1 c*.z. � 1 1� , , ��
. " Ilk- Qri,l ex(�E:�:,�nt sa Mt=cz vz)lis, 'NO. .1c_ b'"'.,4 -�i"-44. 4.�37-��zr, Ee wn�z ,U.r0tvn 'MAI) � li,gaa:�_-t' .10o V_�4��e 01� �,4_��,I, .,zt t:lts
T*ziii; !a�t .oqunnne, Xarv�era ......... ... 01-1 __
th,stable becaus,��You rv?d a briq% ThAY fluster amll worr'.V, not retinsing , I .q -,60i on S;-, --,r- j a fr��h Pmto*xy.j= w.' _n'.j*r-.n a:-��,j �*n,c_ , j�z�zj-k,,t, yde V,-L�e 04 _%,.,�. ,Z� Lard
I wiiw. ,aowft tl-.e av-enno,. I.Me ren, -Lx,'- .. _- z i Crops in rmss,*a. .
that ever:�f W9011i GoAel to L,3 talton 16"r 1_`v,�; 17'", 42r mlleo from ,1l_ -z..;,11;. 14'tr lk�, the V`.'*t 01 tj5L;,. ':'
, SM. Veterszpurg. 9 ee. I0,-Tha cofff� , 4�-.q�r:i - - � 1',�"��Zg i,u,� TaLge,-A L�'tvv,�en ,L�5 "U1 iio:, Cle
In,- an�gel Ma1Z;1;; a 11"l '011t 0" SMIaO What �Je %I Wor-Lb, awl . ,I ' It uas the p"�a�,,e w,here XanrKe-ln , L2�� , , g , Ird'u. 1"-z-nll�'; ;
v&- casno. by � ' stran C 11 Uy`v'a? WL -0 bA�.4 b�2:.-O,':; i'u Timm.
,plume of a bird of -�a.radlse is zro, an- new. thu est;.n1,Ite6 1,7t'w t'.,,.a , eizir�s wi;.,t(-r : t1tat tTi�%y I, �d ca)zne toy Wldor-�:�`X; a OU4, VVL&J th"e wa's �_ "_Zop of a ecmt,
y ��AnLc-r PW� be 'alUen for more -t2'0(1Q and lonkc-il Un"In t!la 6--y
gettlng readY 'E0 wr",- OTTIOsite Y�,ur t'h.tn 'You are wor�h nor by 'Ind sp."ing; crw,;�4 ki fii Cf-pirtm;,ntz ni,-w-br�rn L7!n!,r.-J;*,arrar. Reraq f'ea-- ' --� Alu,�-1%121 r�x�,4k"t�-. '.�,;��P_Zay the
--ty newspa- wN.'ell be was at"mt to en-L't.r:�. IlLs � , I U
� 0 u�� i" are as f,�I,vlvs
any'bi= '1r1')1W.Ir1aWr.V. re z - 'uroloiN, i a ','. 4 -
name A'l Per depreciation '.,a put dov7n. The' 15 arniy had beon in long r.,�.3�,e',es &".0 f L . , - *111 9 AVA. M] Jt-rtL,,a"em w5ti-i hDia- priee v,i�-s " 61, R-1 to 61i a -_C, wj%�h
I �, , �. ",
�, make - 6--,n J,puzzary e�mver_y L-,:.Ver�j at 1660
. U ., . I th
rn?ss jv�br,m,l in t1le -xor!J, a , � i f:,�,htv a".143 '�enriul e.X%_on�'�'��-R'q 401,700.0.11u p4.,G�_�,. �_5aj t -a -.s, 7*_�.1,0 -0,- , m.�?a-,:�,vl *I ranewing h[s acts of � nn,i May 7t�,-. 1j,'o,z2g %_. %�� t
jrow� sublime ecia, V P'L-n Of tC-znrvn'^- a ED!rlt of faf. - Wile -t, 4Z.8.86,ll,,�;aa pco-'s; rVe, I,- 1'o:�tr�r4g that lie W,','X'
itment Is the resuit , 01 war&Ny SM',- And If N-011 k��-!-e a Nie 14� n are W 'Boo poods. I 1*.,kW!;,hPJ- . . ,I . P
. Pu n -I yo =0 V, -!-tan theY canta to ,Snarro i'M . 1 is Ixot
of I m-at1h ua"._�-d, _7k lazon, at, tL"i�x's no
Bull suppf,ge `0,!;T1- -Ty ,118-St-ified an,cng the friendq a.- foes t�e A'.'r,ut went U -p fnin" a rorowo '�Varvtwr.�' Mart,,ef. � 4. 11!�17_ Chi'm prfe_��' ts-This e,xpr�p�,_ ' l31L2,V1i17S �*�_J b,- 11C�a;i,.j f,�-� ,* . Lljlja on.
ct�r& UllnZe te-lis of
change with y0a W3 thoy FO;_�IAUnl-'�, sO,�ietY. If You are f ,! n, - iKoumrlds of voices, .,I
- I a r C -.1 of sGeMe-tv. 1,110so.1w, 110:- I �!
, I DV!��.r,17b."V e *:. - �.-4 'he t. --I* =1140,zg tv;,,R�, QtUt�� ,,!��t S��e= to,
- I 6 a not wwrldez' at tlle& -. � .� �4�, ,V11 -, I - �
. do -e"a-aqe. rnle-r trp�- h=70W7,4,; you will find t�zc�nly W adh6r�:its, anci �,.".V:" wb-aat�1590 ba.�;hels of WhAt, sz�,.,i . -11;, I � 11� .1 "All, " .C*. � ta.
� -
vorrlinent Y�bu get, Z F;Pf**ez.';tuI 100fil- I.' you are the :roo O.A vneie'v you can- , ", 1 ": "s, � o r ',. A rl 2C,,e r,�, lagis swnens �4 8"Ca'a'a-k t-0 ,_L�c lawar az 67C tz) 67- ,.!..g Nth vrlo.�ts 'end hiq t1pp-IC77.
� . eare for 0-var NO. "' h-tr'l or jawc-'r
"' 11 ' * , .. * �
thm,�, WMV hal b -en WL -4 �,g tha. la,�k -*6 �,� easily
it ,your brain. In- no, c_�:,r-are reprehension. Paul yon t"Alu,l f-_ 1--::e, Z00 bu�4�.As r, re" E-tf�Zzo, Mgb priests- I �',"- - b,.�_i, .
Ing a+ the base . the el.. A river sen.A,me�,::, - - V "I'Ll q y th�w�. NV�:-_A�Ier-e,teh
- ,
sernnia, and r0rrnt'S 45YSPOPSla I -1Y were right wb:�n you sado, no�, Tn�r� to, it wlt.a trntlaM4�e. It fs a sr Z4,zc Z�a I 1-=Z low��r .�t"'67 1--_,.� �:-f C�S_-. I.Ma Zo- at ,.Il*q tira�,_ the O' i L Qe Nv--,-.,s C". - GE.ZM up �Ut ak
. . ,
. � z V.41 a T6�
1,01d &� you. tl,n trin-:,ferred by 'the RL-turizz au- � '",�! -�..�,�O. -�-11 ;�!- jpre��ealk
, yolir 1-,-�'Ith goe.,; eown the lltbreu7s '.ban to uv, "Ye have need th-, YOU r:' "C' in vour mznv��,y �� bUshelS of ,9"se 1?.2e lower at Ole.. .
, Mar �%.4�_v,n 's� '0 I,
. , a-1-4 of tltv A
-.11 �; ! .In,*; 100 M.,ti.-, v, 'i..`.,;2_,P1 uuel_.aul�,��Ca I it; Price., u -11i *1_�.,�-'�1.1 O." �?�-!,�,".I-� i atft
I . . 'a tL let -
With your fortiane. Your cjr-^.'C� of of pat-euc,(.,,11 cnt� ol thniz or fou., mozz be.,nitiful 0 awli th� co.lirse 'U'l tl�_- C,nt-�i�_
_� <i9c a- zzc�.'�,Ntal famllie-i, wil"eh David Z- i � Inarkek
Ow-,', an'l wlhe!e It adopt d a rnlr� 1. P_�rg a- .
aeo_,,uaIr1,aii,^t1_q U -1r, .�_ ,O wMc-h has 54.'c3le.i In all flle eaTtll. -Na"OR'On's 11 B-�rl[E.V-1,803 k,:J'.0'T.R vol"'i raner . L- r,-, � I ,CuAr' .,butc-d b�t,or so W .,,, ny 1111vors a'. pr,%nnt ;ar�, ;-_-liu,'�,11 to� go
70U Were OPV-,,.9S6d ty the fact been of gTeat servien to In e. nml It May mar,�*,ed on -Z !,I ,.`�mr div.,S- . eolns." , . cl�;w U .1
',�*- - Dimiandea of th.--m.--De-
,once - Ue Ott some -mr-dee to y�,)-�z� C,heer". , .-M � C evelev at 4Q_- to 43 1-2b. IlV'l t' ':'�V tl"'Ve lUl-tkIl'�r blkht-
tl_j you b,�d not tline enon7h to m- Ljjj� L* n.�. four overv.helinlr'kt, , Id
in _, torrents of V Iss (� as�- Of
. . '111 RY,e-10z�a loact so.d 1c, lawer at 51c � 'Cal'--- t"'Ify WOU� be =453t Vk0!Y b0F 'L�'-t�ot'n tkl &'a Z* - I)' -'it 'I t 1,
turr'. ono-balf Of the sori'a", -119 Made wi.me?it to be natsundiorstoo(J. God valkir antl p6nip. Down Srarrow p AUess aye. as� fcViows-Nn. I bard
. . or hu;86, kPolff. U'llere the Christ should b�a . b*
u,yon you, now tl�,e ea.4 lmel,et 10 yo",!r k-lacwt wlet ,ler we �r,e rl,-at or w"ilg, InM and tbrm.;9`11i the beautiflul valley 'Oats -,000 binlirls told steady to ' b,Wn (R. V.)-Tht- wlon men b4ld ikaj�l 77C, No� 2 hard 71 !_:�e.; V�0. 3 *r
� %-, -i whetb!-ar qi�, ,v, 1-2c. N,0� .1
hallway Is tmPtY "d your chio� callt ';re trying t; �earve Ilim or m1d a<�ro:,4 th,� brldg�e,.; and 1-afto the 1-2t higher at -110a to SM. - ,-> rortlr�rn 612,�, tnugh
v, a _ rotlftg about the Cliem,t. �or 'co. 2 ba J 7". t�Y.T!Xli 'No. ,aj.d
I N rd
are yo-srareflitors an:1 the family 191Y- damar.- his eazs�% IX*hrm .',-,,,j cr.n Pt'2U's, "v11101 sur:-endk,red u"I".1c'nt Hay an4 stmEw-Rigy was l7lentiful '.�71�-'-'�Ah, but onl,r about the King t>t , 61 I -Oe a hard
sician, who ef)Mps to ,aam the Wect 07 (1I1*Prft1iy,y consent to be 1nI5-nq.Iersfr,o,1, ('r-1 -,-N�t of res1'1.-t_-nt-q teeaw�e tl-ze P 113 tlLv niarkIA was scloady. �INVAnt �V_ � th�v Jewa. But Herod saw th�tt _tl,ls - - 't'e" 'for'911 '-N�1_)- 3 n G-% ta,- r n
ana vexa*,Ictn�j ovi'an,I.Q ,-,�' tr( -92, all in stora at r�ort wilUam. I%&
the Tpts-t proserl-flinn. nanny of thon amnayances . ' " ' '-,'T1.3 was irreidstilil�-. five loa4g. &-Ad unch=.,qPd at ,91�- io RIM must be the eap.neted Messiah. M �
Now yoll uneer,ptand 'horw people can Of life vvi]4 qWt your heart, nnd --,rr,-,, will There IS tlae rnam in v.-nIcZ% ,N-,1pola-, Taw 11"70
.n $14 per tf)TL One lo,-Ld Qf 10mo st - Be , - : TON .1TkQt was very weak on tbe,
, , , break at ,okiler centres.
'become pessih-dstic alld cynieal aAd de- come inta v7hner seas ti -4-,4n, you Ila,. a .,4,-,1t and IzIS 1�1*.Inw, whiell imust ,%D1d rOT $7. i 5. By the VrkPhet-1.11,ca:h -C. :2. r w�&4'; o�fero L No. I hard
rgp&ftful. You have reaphed that stage ever s, =11 � .%ratti'6W #10eS n4Dt QtotL- the e -,t at Oic, ba- t at tire r1oft
1, alIcil OP. The Most "z'Run:lier- have', been v�ry vreasy, ,or, oh, how bressett Hogs-Offox4mga are a I
youmelf. Now You need sa'Al-Itbin.- --tood being that ever trod the earth PlInft MR stiftz.'! rfr+�s kindled In a;I -Ind thia Tnarkl.�t 1.; nixz actiive. Prices i sict words found in Mlp-ih, bat tho � It "v(x'll 1)40 I"a!"' to b"IvP f01111d buy.
tobat you have not. But I know of a ro- NxIato the r1r,riceaq ChriRt. The wn-r",! ItIfIrts Of tb,e (,Ny r"mul* W's &teaav and anahanged at $7 te - t'OSO 14 OlVen. Ttey did 'E�r`g at 6vQLr 61 1-2-:�, WhiWil price ATf.
s'- 'not iii'ad ppared to rn1vse.,It thp Market at
. ar!-,-illej '310-Ve rj,t fl- ' " .eou$ly $7.40 per cw�t. I t4 take a lw�g time tor smreh ,out i&, ,S,w �
. V) oq!g (,
rAqunderstgod his oeaflk- ;Z111, (.41I t ' , _,WL,1,17
Ififorcament that Y,61% can have If You .10 , ,,. r I noy Into the ,no,- llerroXs quoRvou, roir I V! 1I . "or,
Will accept It. Yonder comes UP Via ' Utat �one so poor] -.y 1.orn �-vnld nex-or be st ri,*,-.q ninfler whicb S5,000 men per- Butter-Pouinrl ro.,Ilf; Of daf.ry are ! the answer io �JM4,rclal.,, I"
COVAUg forwar.i a littto - mirwe "Frot%tir, ' it ,Was an! a0eapted trath tbat the � T,zle atgumj_ ��,.,;
,I t1,
toad or tbe sidewalk a me%seuger of of muen IrApnrtar.c,P_ 11,,ey charged t1;I;0J- U -v ,qnin did trfurrlpkal and -the price is eaAer. M- zere Is pat a Mes�glnh must colne frwm Betblehe ,a legality or the
God. I -Ter atttra Is uuPrete*dIVZ She him with ino;hrlety an:'� etlffle,-T hini a zmarrb turn Into linrrible den-Wition. M-. ' '.%4rlt,ob,i I,rr,j1tJ)*,tl,.;n Act wl,m coy�.,
has tLo w1ugs, for she is not an angel, winebIbI)er. Tile �anhadr!n nitsunzI.er- To,-dgy, while 1 speak. we ,�.onie an tL Mat tiet-nalld. Twainty cents to 29c, i 6. Th�,�o l�t�,,,,ILI,,,4h,)n.i-r,,I�.hlf.11.-M sle
. Was. tho range t",%y, gni. Mxudod .,it v.,jnn*,T)�_,,�i, .In,,
, ' ties th� hoWe of bread, tho fit"t . �, � tile Judge,
Merved Judgment ,anl.il np&f *.�._