HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-21, Page 2. I I I - � . - 1. I .1 I i I I � . I � T, I .111111,10�,, :,��� 1 -1 " � , . , r��,­­,�,w,_, ­­.,� , , �:�­177��­,� - � � , � ­ � � ..W.- J ,� -11".-1-., .. - ; I. I " " - , ��,Ilt,;Aj , ; - .", �� . . - '. . " � I � . I I I � ,% � ,�. , , I I . , �: , . '.. � " i � ",:� , . , ,� . , I I I I I I I . . ... r, . . . . . �, , , � I I , I , , , . . . I . ��j,, � -,�:�, , . I . I I ��,; � , , , 1 �;�', � , �;�,:��:,-, � . I . , I � I I I . I . . I . I . � . . � � . . , I � � . I .1 . I I .., � . . . I . I I I . 1 .1 . � I : , I . . I . I I 11 � . I . . ... . .. . , . .1 I . I I � . i I . . I : I . I . � . I I . . � I I � I I I . � . I 'k I I I . . I � . I . � � . . : . I I . I I I � I , I . . I I I .. I I I I . . . . . . ., . . I I . . I : I I I � I I I � . . . I � 1. .� I . I I . ., �. , . ,:�. . I . . : t I . .1 I ,:. .. . � p - I . . I . I . I � � . . MI I I I : � I � . . � �. I . . , � . : 11 . � . ,: I .. � . � I ,. . . F i iiii, 1�,4- '' � '­­­ 11 � - ;I - .1 � i .1 .1. I—, .-I ...... .. .... � .1. .1 I 1.11 I'll, ��� - - _.... 111. � ... � . . . I . _. � . � . I .. I . � I . .� I., � � __ =!! 1. � � � I . . - - - - I - . . I - _­ I ­­­_ ��Z__­ .. .1 I... _­ I I I I I r . .. � � � I - - . I I ! I - I . ...... 0 � ... 11 �� - . � - ..... .1111, 1. ­.. I -11 .. .�1 I 1! 1! , I I ....... _.... �i - 1 ­­ i- - � I llf,welll TAIIC�t ik C,np of U-114,4tiess.11 , D KELVIN�S VI( � - I I I . I . - ­.. I-. ­­ _'____1--1 ... . . I ­ ... � - I :� � l I '!==----,- I I .. ur pi;,17RUS, I.." .1114- --- I I , ��J I I T%Ough WOU1011's inhids, like 'winter � - , I ­­_ . ...: . . - - -_ . W111M iru,y)s WISDOM,, 1, ovinds, I I W If I AM WAS' A Hot fr4w=us, Seteutist �, I I - IsSuE, NO 51.1900 . . , ,*Fjob Implie " " , � ,ItVaith One ofthe� in A I Xa�Y ,S,413 a,xid, turn It% a, that, I U His. b I I Ost4ange.rt�i� HOW TheY Got the Coroner Out of it . . I - - . � , , ' � I , - I . ., � wn Calentlo eus, and repulsive , I I � W.0 love of scandal, Tea . ,_ V,�Wns, f6rais ot . �, 11 nA friends- , Lord I jvjx�� 10due Disease ii�i I I I Hole. I . e - constaalt still, for 4, tha r otherwUs Pgofesge,r . J� I A;pi y're _t I .h� - I I . so awal wV Foreign Teas, The Rev. James Robertson, of Ni'llam outs I , Is a world-thmous � i A noted juilst ohoo remaitked that I . . . sCieUtist, NvIth foll*�V#hlps said mem. tl.w w'-py ,of tile average jury realiad- I � � pooll w -i" J,apan all' a' tlxatl,� beral lips galore in the lea&jl6d s"e. I et � I Win of tile peace ol God, inasmuch . Green lre,;,t. they lo'e the bes I . --l-fan 't 1, It Or 0eylon, . t, the H,,Igfl , d Brigade. t 11 tw i't "Passeth a-11, underst"ding," and A . And w1la' a crime ilaur 6al that, 4 � . . les of the elvilized natiom of the � . I I . . wmid, * says the, Saturday L4%veming recent eVelits In British, Columbia " AT For We thei tea, abool Post., lie is but A llttl�; less than I would seem to ludieate that lie - I )lot. far astray. Apropos of tile L. - Y J am I d . They I ) tile lave,' � HIS WORK AT MAGERSFONTEIN- 80 Years of age, DR'OPS �V_ T dekixlylole, tin ill that . . but still metal" the ,u - � P 'I lNuo Rlboon, and Salada, too, Rov. James Robe Position that Ile has held for ever for which Dodd's Kidney i Ous Yerdie-t keturned recently by a , , rtaon, the popular two-ecore yea I I I . And braw Monsoot), an' a' that- Chaplain 6i t I � I 179 of professor of nat- Fills are the only certain coron6r's jury in Victoria, the old- Depaqse, you see, 'twLxt Toll an' me; , I lie HIQ,hIa,nd Brigade, ural P11110soph !a tile brnivex�sll cure. In Drops tinlerhr tell a stor ays fever, or other almost mortal Glasgow, the institutio.il njeys are actual[ datg7ned � In British Colilm.61a. which probablY Wbich made such a s'plendid record Ill Y - ty of y the Kid- Xapan, the Line they draw at, �ioulth A-frioa, was the subject ol no- himself, was where he y -_ - sickness, a man or woman I For gyne'the first axe B,ritL9h'Teaa, ti,00 in a recent Issue of tiI18 "Sunday educated. As a prefessoir . I rep, and tile water, which discounts anything yet presented W sometimes will gain a pound a ho has some peculiarities should be e the line of renlarkable finciftigs. They lole them weel, nail a, t1lat I -'$tranid 1, T11e writek is H. C. Shelley, them is a, habit of I and (me of xpelled In the I I saying, when a form of urine, flo%vs back It Was In tile Hudson's Jiay dayss . war correapoindent, and It Is his doubting question and ledges in the cells j)f Though some may prate O' itber ' tll 0 , day from taking an ounce a teas, plillrpose to. Indicate t1he unselfish and is Put to him as 'vixen tile Ward of the factoir Was r '44' flaunt Japan, -'In' a' that- herojo labor$ of "Padre" Robertson to the abs0late certainty of some the -flesh and puffs out the Practically tile supreme law, At a day of SCOTT'S EmULSION and - .1 f Preposition- I sicin. Remove the filth Dertaill, Post, not so many miles from the n be healthy. The Lassep say they'll ha's their, after the disaster, of Magers oxxteln. "Didn't I figure that out mysel C,?,, -,,Vhich plugs up the drain. where this city now stands, one of I Way, . Here, is an. extract from the article , , An' drink Ceylon for a' that I _11wital the new (Jay tile The questiod is no,t put Restore the Kidneys to &i ounce gives streng re still camc irritably tile employees, a white mail, was , th to For a' that, an' a' that- no rest foW Padre lZo-bertwil. 'Diat Or �,,9,0t= as a orule;, it is illere- healtb. There is only one bothered by having potatoes stolen get the pound; thc-re is no If, Awn' ,Tapaa, an' a' that- day he Idoliltified and burled 81 bodies jy . remark (A a laimax who ... Kidney Aledicine I from his little patch of garden. 1-110 miracl . e in it. . The bonuie teas they We tile best brides has been an acknowledged leader of rmlt& . COMPI'Wned to the factor. Who ad- . t is ,,, identifying 35 more. Moist of World-wide fame for so many years. 8 Z^ Mys I vised Jilin to lie In wait for, the thlef Body and mind are weak; Are Empire Grown, an' W that I art-tr3ing work was accam- One day when leotari.ng on eleetrio- With a shot gun full of rock saft an --.-- Pligbed Close to, the Boer treachea, I . d The above suggestion; from a fair and en,ch of it -as had ti4 be carried tY he told his class tkat white a volt- LJ VDU give him a good lesson. Vie mail did digestion is weak; and hunger Canadian correspondent, "with apolo- 00t; '* ithla� =or=- age of, say some 300,000, would be ' So and lit the middle of tile ui&t is I ravenous. I gles to Burns," has been gratefully no tirose Perfectly harmlessf . _h; r tre , wa d�s air I r% N Rnm there appeared a Siwash, wbo can- . by otutr bear- With a current .of far N20 . received and immediately adopted by era blIndfaided, ais the Doers Would motrie than tiOuslY scaled tile fence anti approach- SCOTT'S EMUL91ON Of Cod I -Colonist. allow f140 one witlVin their lkiies ord1nax%V voltage lie was going to Ku 61111y . ed within a few feet of where the Liver Oil is the food to be -in � I give them a prac.tical Must whItO mail lay. Taiare was a report with uncovered eyes save Padre Ran- tbe ration of ertson, fact OIL himself right there before and the Siw"h foil over dead, fort at and go on with. It furnishKes SWEAT EOX'AND STAKE. TWO meant that 35 bodies them., The students could hardly be- ! the charge of salt , .which lay within the 600 yaxdw' limit ,love t, P1 L L QQ close range the strength to digest a little easy - had to be handled by him single-liand- eir ears, but as he stepped . '��� had beea-driven clean into him. They are Ifl�dred Instittiti.., and ed. And tai0se poor bodies had been towa,d'the electrical transformer a - __, _ , ____��-_=:7 Of course there was consteran1lon oth.Wfood; and a little �Tows Against justice. cry Of dissent and horror went. up. WILL IT WORK? and the fiantor upon whose advice the to enough. - But the gain is exposed to an. African sum for th-ree "Try it In Spite of all the boasting about days I on a dog ! Try it ofix an - man had acted was n.ut In the easiest - "All throtigh Thursday anlinall" came from d1l. parts k Sta,te Of mind ov er the result. His had civil rights, habeas corpus and trial the - Padre ecture I roonl,t oft e A Yankee Plan to Peel onions in nearly all fat. by jury, the country seQ16 to be was busily engagoa preparing Ills ! Comfort, Power to act as coroner and he The bones had not lost . drifting back toward the day when ldentIty I'VOrts L13" t1110 Ny'dr Offlue L�oird Kelvin turned in stiff dignity A Yankee authiority gives th straightway 'field an Inquest. The much; the muscles had lost, the rack, the thumbscrew and the and Oil Friday he resumed Ills sad- a3ld cast a look a repronoll Over edy for tile discomfort Is rem- jury, of course, was composed of which ac- White men, fellow employees of the ordeal by fire or personal combat der task on tile Open veldt. The liar- the class, These -were Ills own. pupils aampaales the act of p 'eling wallons: and had not got back their were� part of the system of justice. vest Of death was not even. yet fully who Were doubting blul-It was in Tile pungent fodor Gf ttio onion is due man who had done tile shooting Tile Out in Colorado, a negro boy is gathered in. First lie laid to their big beloved University of Glasgow. Th ,.1 a sulphn evidence was perfect), ,trengthi they have lOst there Bus- t roils oil, Wh y clear, for the S 11) pected of a horrible crime and Joe rest thOS9 85 lie had identifl6d, on doubt oil some MIAMI! Point would not rapidly wh '01) volatilizes man told Ills story in -tile straightest bulk; the fat was al! gone. ed up. The law prescribes the cour k- Wednesday and then 15 more wl,c) have hurt, him, but to en %e tissues of the vege- Possible manner. I think that tabip are braken in any manner, of procedure irk case of suspici se were only found that day. This till", question the reliability of and especially affects the delicate The jnrY retired and in a few mill- The fat has come back; the this wretched, and, to on, but 'was tile fifth day since they were Ili, 1=ly prepared figures on a utes returned. Irresponsible ere s0ale extent, stricken down, and it needs, no further Matter of such moment was ret membranes surmUnding tile eyes. "Gentlemen, have You agreed upon ; muscle slowly recovers its bulk, ature, was submit- word., to indicate in What condition . Pii-inAll, For a few- mom ts Ile lei'lly This eff,ect, however, can be easily e en ok. amid a v0rd�ot V a ked tile coroner. Z> three da s continuously, 43� a*- them In silence. ed by sticking a, small pared "We have," suld the for ___ .. _ bulk Of muscle Was fat -and sweat box for thos bodies were. Only by keeping ato on tile end of the k*.Ife with 8 more slowly its strength -the y until he his bearers well piled , 'Didn't I fignxe it out myself?" P')t, find that the deceased inct ]its death I � ,vith spirits , broke down and confessed the crime was tile Padre able to, keep them at d at t ; a id t n ther the bones are about the same of Which Ile Was suspected. he gal lenZ h I he e which tile cutting is done. A chemic- by falling over a precipice." I That their gruesome task. He himself. as Was only kilenee as lie continued on al affinity, which cannot be readily rge, city gives Gilt tile latoler- to the apparatus and saely e-'PlaiuPd, but which. is w3ne the less set terms lie told the jury int gained the p,)Uce force of a r Well know. was seized ivith his way The coroner Was wroth. as before. Information able retell for many days. In turned the tremendous voltage 1�j� satlsfact�)ry in its workings, attracta in goo,, I t is SCOTi's M-duLsimi of F10i that Ile le people of concluslea 115t could not accon I me say that if such 11112112,01f. I th(A AllneS, and their presenee is not told . t such a verdict. He a them to reconolder tile matter i Cod Liver Oil that starts the tile neighborhood where the Orlin labors a-9 these do not merit the manifested to the operator till tile and return a verdict In accordan�e bod y going again -give ittime. Was Commited are thoroughly arous Victoria Cross, then there 19 no There is moro Catarrh in this sectioa of the ptotato has ren,ched a certain d e- ,W ed, tile miserable WY, IvIth blood: reason In recognizing heroism at all; country than all otlor diseases put together, gree of saturation, when it can be Ith, tile evidence. -.1 . guilt upon, Ills soul and horror in Ills and certainly there Is no officer who 11 I'd until the la4t few years "-as stipliwed to lid readily replaced by another. Again they rz-tired, and for hotirs I The genuine has � brain, is sent away by train to meet Is more worthy to bear upon his Incurable. For a they dbmussed tile Matt O'n Lt, S - 6, , nounced It a lo,=Fd eat Many Years doctors pro- er. Finally i this picture which iAea . _ a gang of Infuriated. lynellere. breast; that decoration so. and pre,korlbed lacal they returned t -a tile court 00 ' take no other. A " , reinedles,and 1)!E collitittitlY failtng to cure with neen I 11 Perhaps the boy inieritc; death awarded IF or Valor.' " local treatnicift, vronounced it Incurable. FOR AULD T,A�IVG isy�xI4_ again, when the foreman annour, _ "I !f vou have not .1,4. , it � ­-- Science has proven Crito r;. -h to be a consutu- Ladica of Canada ; , erdict 11:�l , I 1" death, tile Punishment of barbarian tll,.t thL*1 had agrrwd w,%m Lt. tried it, send for ,,,,,, " . days, is a fit expiation tional dieeaso and therr I - R 4 of any crime, A ,I'LL, AV FOR LONG SKIRTS. - �,fo-e regires consultu- "Should old acquaintance be for- anti Intended tz) st4ok to it. v � free sample, its a- 60 ,honaltm"taxellt. Hallstat­,- ( " .- actured by bl. 4. ofiency &* ....,,l Airk mosit- got, ?" Tile answer cam "Well, what Is it?" asked tile cor- greeable taste will i� 4 11 - Diet 0. 01j, es meellaul- but it would seem tba,tl tile majesty AnArguincut forliettuty No Matter koner. Sur � . Of tile law has beeil outraged ae much i'4'tOOB]3'cOnbtitutioti-,tl(-t.-raoxi.? Ano!lrket.il cally from every IWAtl3her. Nor shou!d prise you. A I' tahen Internnily in do,*() from I dn)ps to V. now acqualattax.tv. be fox -got. - at ... by the men who were engaged In ext- AbOUt 11CILIth. q A "We find," sald the foreman, 11that I SCoTT & 130WL,q.E I , ­_ b0asl]0011111. It acts- Or ., lie blood and R-Oftlem- I I '"s I t, a' I ,% 'I a -4 fdrclng� It, wIT by the Young murderer. 'While radical dress reform leads er one ber that on the bl(x)cly ricl,,Js of South tile deceased was worried. to death `__41. I I . Xt 10 tinle to abandon tile s%,veat box Wom'Inklad nearer and nearer to the und , 11 or it ran it 4pir.a. Africa your brave s(Adler boys Nvere by dogs." chemfSts, I . MOthoa of extorting Gollrelsslona posspasion of t6en r ei id i , it I � tW ont 118. On the fil-1119 line, 0.1ftlieO by lo-yal And 130 It 'was recorded. Toronto . the clotilles of our ra,- (I e Ill. . I. .1 TOI ,Z�.��,�.'tAiK from Suspected crinitnals, its tile thers, let one Allut 'Vote if ) dr 19 k -'7 - do -0- AMUS11 sub.lwts train Ceylm aad in- . 50c. and $1.00.- �*l dru.-Vists. ,a Were be 110:1,rd ,I'll favor of the sItIrts of Ill) fly 1-111' it t Ilia. In the Aildst or dangger, last- To Cure a Volti lit One Day thurnbscrew alld,()thpr torture a in the land SO . t abandatilld 1009 11,M). A govorriniptit our inuthers. According to rooderil . Ing frieudslilps were formed, ant] you, ,,,, 4r- BVIelice, tile dress of ".vonkon should be ladlea of Callula, 11a,vo it, akp 1,axativ - ­ %Vltlt oWer ove,r thn lives and 6L . . v 0ro%00 Quinine TablL,ti. All When tile $ull Ones Down in Turkey - ties or Ad isubjects eltilil()t afford to a gritu dem 311110. Ptkttlls Prle%,I,,c.;s lea Uk your dragifiFe.,% refund the ""in ,Y if St. fAIN to eure. OnAration of bygiene, .& u. power to, Conlent tlwrie bonds. The 4c. -k. NV.- urove�s t4guature 14 on etell box. In Turkey the digappmr-anetv of tile bo a coward.-Detrait 111rlbune. 4!01�91'0ss of doetors or all natiolts gs- In days to Come tile Ulorld wit) Gr0ca teas Of Ceylon arid India aip- run at night Isnet,vuntt,.d for by tlle ___ selftibled in 11olue his figured to a dt4 crowd to soe 111120. kattils tMategraph IW411 to YOU froln Sentiment. By titing . AVIlY Ile Rerortited. ppriodical retirenient of thill. pious the number or demily bactill possible fan' Though colliparntively plain It thm YOU not (MlY aid your brother Citizen -What Influt n(q,cI you I I g.vthered to the &Illare Inch of L4 0110 of those few objetits; bil'It gath. Mlon-Ists, but to luminary for prayers and rMigions Vou got absoIntely begin leading I,. betti-r life? reflection. - A ST ORY FRON'l LIFE, M Vroulaula train. In r.0ston, tile or value -is tim,:! rolls on. Even njw tile best tea. 'M�-e of you who drink D*rglar_1kcffl. I got In . CL house w:kny of the MA I I .. :_­ =­_­­­= 114-Ird or 11,�.ilth bn8 fornitally pre- lint -Aires written acklo's (111'011 Jnp.11n tMk.1 have It revelation tbill, had b0-11 tocked ill) b,*- .,�,-mlo MInard's Liniment Curea Q)Idg. pte. serlbed short skirts for women seb#�ol tbIg dainty I%N* of ell,lek-t-11 skin 'n store If yon nlahce� tile ehange. I%xe w1malp a eculd ,11 ; all, tvhj� I Opened a bed- rul- 4. teaellers. `ThQ Nvaratings or selence nor, again lit, re ateA. The late Itibbon. Salads all I Monsoon paekwft room door a wardrobo nit, a Wash- I el .111801110f, diou art a too Showi ' Cafl, Ml'us 41ro anlid,gtia firm ar I* , Aleva"ader may be had froan your groecre-Col- Stan* fell On me.-Detrolt Free Press. I ainvil the min wlth the gout. ng How suflering kable, and they are I A1UstrZ lit *r Onist. . t 11, OZ - not lightly Vobe Vtken. Rw;sla. tI t� Old Germ.141 Einfiellort I . ----- DUt What of wonialeg m.11;.91on to 1* "VI'llalu, to 1AIM three sigmturev I . - I ,� � - ­..." I ----. I � , � be Overcome, Im,ely 2 Does tills no 1(4u er enter n01V atta0l It IlathVILId ll!kft"t, tile The Only Tender Part " q7g,.-.�Iri--, Into reekoninga of tile uthitt"ed at the j, "WrO 60. Wittln It Is v%illf,taWreit thit o,Ut1Wugh 1 4 1 ,, I zi�,!!.A vnopsr __ Dec? �1 allar"Icirtod, woulin an 't 0 firio �Wo dtvi b -V thn hailft n , W to ato, silld the JuN. 1. "I'Mated Vrei:% tile th eir biwirden, 11X found the Im . Em NVO h A 211111 Operator Who strill(4. 0Xe(Ilt In a dologe of rain. in t na, I Is, 0 miulodropnyiiindlta nough to obtab 't V- C-0:110 1IN111044anprilialty suftred proln , 01V ­!,t W0,11% The abler tito I 0 a4asslus NrIlIN I)aai 'WA'S L'vell bad smved for mo tile Jcnderes�t lin'r- thrisimas & ho Year Holidays 1900-1g,gl %Z - ft blow to ' fortunato � t _toe not of $he f3illekert. to twenlY year4t. (glitu rviltr 1,Udntty'llraltble$pkljt.,%,Ilin.VD*Ilgts Irow ill tae gre"tter tile blow., "'Ver- 4 only the 8,BMMt1U1t',%, btrb & long sell. nPrWEEN' AM ATATIO'NA IN CANADA. *;�, uldro,111 C !& vook Zi I'll, . * - r and 1b ,I)AYS Ant Ituron. �111#%. Ito, .* , :,.rxsr%.A fl -l'-," 81YR 01VIYU.", "Clothm do tallior- In IN(hen Victorle's halild- boarder, jeulovsly. t eovlogtrn, Vol"I"a I troatttut� �� 11 I 'ILI. Larstless H,Xp"IIut?nt4 toftestore "Whil t Wits that V Said the star VMm all stwitinq in 'N":144 to Detralt land t"1111111i V IrP Und 011103-4111ge Ul." True, Ituipud, writ g.* "It 91319 Toe-ar clx>L-e the 41 -OL Hele"'uAlw4ena Slringg. ukmses Aln � "I - % � 0019celm"1119 the abbravlated, -wL,Jc_ truth lie &au that a Sweet 'Isom of the amip .� V I 4 * I iy%X * When -,�-Tadlannpplls N. V., Alta wand loml. L 11. , f lI-A.GrA,%,%VSSO.N8, Hts Itt'ahlit-Dr. %V11111113tso IlInk 'n, ... PHIS Aeted Prompily ,and Blret_kt. displising Mrt of the boyderitAt Irolft, was tile Moist Preelit.tw gift Lt ptess. . - I.— - . All stallenit lit CaafAa to. DL,r NOT Fno.v 1 f �1 mox 0 A,TL"TA'" , ". ­ - "toew" W1 , truer atill ,or the itim- Wom", elAll. Www. Toil, lay dear k 134tralti. lllne4t Itook. sav-tilsion Wida-6 and 1, 11 --- - --- -- ---- --- - - - - -- - Ively. 'I Pain Ill the Ufte M110ta lelitaq. N. Y. ii&h MIda!W,190_14I and old ladies who, Ade!Nw 1, mwqt be the ;I eSt W ,. 72 WILL -IrMAUT YOU IN TUP �Aj.,ttrj � th owin 'Vak#sl!fem!qer%b1f3 �br ln toy. Ctin Itbecur CENIZIAtAL PUBLIC. ,I , , or' -ft. N41412r�'m Ito yourown luou. m, U'd e -'eft not fdr tho Aw. %hum, ab�..la In 016 wor.14.1. Cal � _ , - . 0061 hOAlth is tile Chief re4ufalte I .� Yee, In a ftbl lit, 'Witt'll-to I girc,4 It coluplefe. GOOTNO DATZ8 A'" LtqrM--A t lotvtstane�wn 6_- 1 � "'a I � � " �� 0 �w 9 Ole I lu *00 C n"" 7 , " , "71 tO fibIVIIIeNg. 10%r krpirltq, more OT thOlP (Pet, 49VIRg Vot for illo . ..... ­­­­ I,ftoeftut to Pain in Ov" 63zh. h-�emmo it 10 fir*I-eLm* tate. Devemb" =Md. 274rd, 211h ani 'i , "�' - '" 11 - " " '"ri , * L, , , ,_ &bd IrrItab2git 801N�88 glfbtte. eli,irm ot wy6tery wh1L,11 Ili- M rtnffri, fi:Z. M0w lifi4bly "a. ".Alt. Tit-kel- nel uenhqt Nam de*91"1110% I . F e4n ift Mo8t eft-sas be la*�geol aft1wolly tn Wot'din, ' 81A " " NAB an v.,%ev r�'nlf-,441, 01% ffltt (.111,1 Hol later UD 11fa rc�o�.! Ish"r .""!.4. II.W. etqA al" ati `0�11`*,, `._`�_, ". .A1"-0.fl`.M1Xd�_1"`1 "P�ali * reduce -d pf ., ,11 ogle , Im%verwvtra"tibithan I D&Vlaikw �arj. �,:_Vl ar�vd;At,. mad J&Uuary 1.� fil; 3 I*� _11"t 4�1�9 -. � Ill. 11 - - 't"Ced t" i;I-b0aIt11- 4111 19 fict ft feW dp�wm t6 a ecnvenk�nC6 r , , Th-Ldsamd rclliTji�,;r r�ssal C.es I � � h', 10 - `;1111 1111-O&I'Mos are idirflot 6 rmpld trttn- fir& 'V 07 in(,, IL is trfte lk, Unaloa 1261 - - - - � 6,,villptoffig lot , dfley tronble. lrhivsqi�'IL�fi�,d to tile tilt, a gellat naftrAne'a 6r a ptilme .. M 0 ..44 1n101X.WMin1U_1,7,,,iil 'It -r s".0ty ( I I was turod of & bid oaa,2i A k A & Imin. "A' Ian J" Zill Wl. - Ii., ( liirt-,-w-,_�- lid of 0.00 !I I It" Ito f aistssea Atlowtv,tono way oft%_eh. lay Ath. and wt artletla afiflodocenlont V Mbial-d's Vnintenu , bur .4 Md dt& * '. Nor e. M, VbT --r =4. 4 . . . I hud 44b, In ftwilmny Cle dbsoag- I I . . 91 I a a6verd P&I"M Ira the hiek which ne. 11 of TA"Iff?".1-nde tO uponraned.-A.-ir- 0. r, rViligua. -1 *6eaad . -AIANTED TO PUROHA E. . te thol life per a &Isar. id 0 - inak wilmr, 0. U. 0 . I ii IN tir thl oufforer afte of nbj�v% wsory. - - PAVOrIte Vaud rar anituals. ­ h so 61a in r2r?4 I VMA9 turod of low of va!bb 2�� W. 41331da' U1, 0116, Isuelo ourterer wa,l , OP corNrIM. by t1dru . fit d0flaittlob blot Moot IMIJ[hu. CWH HORSES Mr. baring Lovr. Ml0tkb&a 166�krkftL ,80A 110tim wuls walragod wid P@11- Ab6ur ll� hafteg IAg%,w(,v"g.btIirtM I.IrN 10 1 20 Doan. (it :6i'dan, ent. Mr. Dett" 1#1 I uutt� 4 1. v Ladlw 61 Mnada% 060* aw r6d od Rh when ht oup 1,41iiin, SCHOOL VACATIONS. mwt he l,ound; age lint i; ei�i&ls S,iXV& " ItItItrVIA-W Vnth It. t,'"rt@r re- Love of Ibia"fiti"? Is tba *6Akvs, young ro%-� MA hWpopol-abi Tbtfteh ", drT2NWf*thWqftbAft1IVb% AddruA "WIllgest ki**-a ru-jl,growa k1p"0%fflqg A LgX. '.%TtOAft% befitir Ravo big e.tMrk#1ae6 liff fol- ch,vracttristld 01 t'he " dela � 6ftAUM*vd%rr 6iJfiN*i,w ,Ira f0tIn b,. g wit - I , Averag* Brit- I . dhml VAC11. id*al "I afn & #aw dhd griAt mill it VM A*�*kb f?6.� qkittrtg d ftitit In d6% Hi%V&Y C"&Ata "'flitad. .1&WIlr6AIlQ1ft& * 1 Isher. Nor It 1b developed lem In tha b� Lk*'nod b brindon]. � 11 ,1D.MtAt"r nad uitturdll.y 't gtrOnit f-bir 0640filSt. 8%6 her bosom p2j�&Tjd . U*14 8� ttwft. 4 d&Y, V61dr bfttg IWO on brftd -, lftft- (Iffl." bAlkA ZVI govvmt Me liffi ; bat the life Of .% Iffilift ig 11111-i", Nit& , kW# UZ rrnit. *ikp fit'Nst-ry" fare audibliO0,411it1d, fr6hi De�MWP FOL, - bArd A Ulth PrI4,14 .10 the amakg ot the old b0r9Ib10aW.IneIa4ve. Vok-c-tgL,04dft1tftVh. Ont, t0th k).dg h6tirt Of labar toanti-r. Mcar her dffiate an tl* piegs- , , ,-- Iffig fmwi d&gV1ftaGi_yt6t wer than Jailuary MIT FARX R SALE, Ahj frequ"t C':*Osurd- Sdffit:21� Y60rd aht time slie b. -Id Wliell liatit tb6rd. mitarwil Miliftelit Cure# Garget In zftio ISOL a, Cows. 05MMtf1(AAL TRAVit I ­�, - , I V. as the result of thig L6.900,sdroj there Wne, t6thilig slid i6filkVed #" LURS, I 0iteorthe fi'.-��t fit tho'Nwitt's Pehifindbil at '(Vds 11MICAO-d VVA71 kid - ­ " bij jrvet�pcut&116n 6f C6hIM46mlid Trav"bllbft %V196"& 10 mileg train Ilgind ,�i% oil &Q ml, And although I i1ey trouble, � muell ad the Pleasant ftfterhobb tt'A. lf,redks in the Plarit World. 1U'aVhWCctt"kftte*.f6kl9qA,. way.k IM dftc- spent faildh money M And. vi,bv? Dft-111" ,llie.biplyed t1le ,-i, 45 df which 1�3 in fft-it yhomu'v - 'ef" rkhmtofty -no ween an aamcxhs lit mhm*. r ;WA b. ksk ;� , Various felledips I did not fin,j ..l, pure p±Gtact (Ourw�x Ott 91GAC10 *f A Joke to Name Oil - 7111016 W & Vlaht, Im Jimabs &Mtd i6achoi. 1. � orrftIt,t.,*,6 at PAM, 06194 VAttS A`ib UMX'P.­At 1o*V"-t 11 81,0it 111719 t,04*6b. IVIII M so'd In laq Z..'a . � aute until t was peran.vLA to trk Ce-Viltin _;nd Mitt. Vie cati buy bath -niere'd 1*� ly. thd We plauty bmauge it sean[g ajarAt m -V b6tvalb. ddresg , *Ntl, lefoas Salada, 3 muer wha llak.:.�­ �_ 4AW& W kill It, Wh% a leaf Is elloN,fa,re)f.11)tlgl),%�omy*i-21*ttoeitb,ffldw- . MS' PJHk 1111,8. Ill t19*0 IT11 -I&I flow. The del' 'be , -, - are says V, t4al. _100L JONATUAN oAufll.,.�Trlt, lyr 'Milin I I .11ing ifl Wy haq% i2o 0`16'tT'4yfit"_t1af-4r&r'* (dbtC4IidIift !$'I 1t,XV- Pdrch et�- W-9166 A Aftta-mil of 199S VIP tr, V'L f ,atit, off and luing up I)y a �,,.riDg 11. ­ � odblo. bPg.,1n I Uldi!l lub�dft at, nowoilf)u pxoko I nienv94 U0 111.0� 404 Ivinedy, OaL , - 1. I ft AftV bdarjeM i;--m-cu eut� WyAte, thweAd-like todia. - 'td 4 kvmlme an oggrilvateal form. .1 , await ll-ar plensdre'-0616018t. "hotes that?" ask-�!d the laffillady. ou" hiemfilm t. -&w the alt, &ftd inz SI-IT'ly hould I � "I f#red NOW nIGs', ­vete paing In - w -W ftathe is, -NauffiWtt", a*mwicl Etgiftg t.5 grow new 11!1:%-Va§. in 189&' -ft lwl cvifla�l windeolie the, ba,A. an -A a tc�-qjn,± of 1lf6;v,j1 Aviv�_Iii��.__ - " Ter-ih;v_g.F11_tMt:N . f, - hess and yct siap sevpz�� ,vas trlo. y#.,Ljt� �V. A Deftbrftg, the, ,W-�,-_11-ki*vi�n nze- I the new h'a"rdeff- I;y dftdftt1Y ex- Anioflt& 1i a fiot;;; NV4&t eaft 4516k 4le t, PkIblift9 the loealling, ot 1,n� Diatihm,% T*bh*. I t, ­ jAgkv, he t�-__fi whm ths w1nd 13 tilowlti- tha filany a isight I �'cafeely 01C-S�M leor cvb�mrtrnr stateff la Lviftdoh �,warag�4 to deaw li6g�siowhlittal f-;ff4 0 : j � iby tivcv� Xtnt-' lt&&d f �T�tefftbe-A� plaft, 11 app -t -t- wi" llbok� t - � .w - L ­ - 111.11.1.-- ... �- i �". ­­­­' -.11.1' ­_­ "" � . .. .... � ..... .... L- , 4 twl,Mgfit 6f 101Y It S �, BAIVIMOte Ameticna. - � 11 I t1ae attz; - n 00 Whid blows a ftt=b& of I I - iar&A�'d rt My - -, �t' & that %I i; S wiles, 44ni a few of th4ta ptesent, whe -w W�"V to tih - efttbU3 fatftltv aild I . - LNI) V6 a nd 'tt7ho's tall t'lipented 0*er the " � lwq� r0s,�r, obnt lagea'l�`C�l' lost fg'��11' 4,cV.ntdId life ucadw,id flowor,4 Pketrarie tkolu AtMe � nt.ft'd1ft-_q ():b * V;u*ftt,rAfA tmd V6 - Ily untit for lumpe 60 ihs isidilk 4 S UM V-ZLH Y,,Z2 1:� ilot t*fid t *ork. It u,.I�; wc,g,? in t, 1 lizith of lgii.!g. 1. a St k 1I � ma:I-g-631 *I .11.q ton vand. ..'ra.cLU, IC -1 AM The flour or Nt,ed . , - �L .,,11_ - I '. I . U'lilto Just koth_kxd�;:Wl U*=. tetuffl I tras iwllvv�` .� 11�_Q'_th,e to& I"ore than'thrt'e-quartilts ,� 1% 'Ott 12taxtI. for V1,111h *&hI-_- taefts ti, fpn,,ntg�t - �� - t0litt ypcn--�Y, LA wdwza T.mrrplb� sel ybti I tiol &,r] to tty Dr- �. 6T " 'hoft. Jae fi,,4d r4jt�flved �jb,,. �. �E � Nwo, i i.=Ll � . 11 .11 t -it ace,Gwiftits 67 the tr_�beot M ", *illlft� fo-ili&L IL .1 FRIE ... 11 - k&q"tq4e siand t.619 ,.&�aell . ; vrliall-llvaell Viak PIPS, and orft!2ted I -.at 19- '�Wto�tv%dr,,�iEi'�1,L�z�it-m!�:i�vi*,N-vinitf4.f;4�i ",�; I A.a. L-tlr�tf- I Inad fih-­Sn,�,41 I , 1, fro . ' _� V V � . �� tcee,tca"t"Ntlt,�t�,-'2?.,-,-i�!F.,n,�.r,t � ,; __1 � . �� , I I I StMlb Set, BlIfthday r.M-. t�­za._�Ii�,-i, - i,- th',tvl b"Ov 1 rezt " , � !Is I., 1 ! th Mer,ont V,bserwrZ troyn Wividh 11 MIC. S&f6lithd 93.1 " I � ... ­ I , br, , .�, cltdaft 99tw-Itt xvfth 116a, ua-mnt,g; A 11 zn,ueli Atc#% -Iin`il w-tts; able to calculats th ft -t vtt ht -Ug ht . " 0 M Akwelivm r'-ptift'hi , . k !is . " CA T"' A - n ­ FRI is IfIcky sown (ht*.a box "�'al""% Z"n L""t'T_*['10re11a&AV!A a " , , 8 `- .1 � - , - � te. ` P"rf"'�p"if a Iga"I de"�-1 b -"Vs , whdit Attat 64_�On VF411 58 fttes. and I Something Aynbignous. H �. L � E 11ft S, �-k, bto' tL )w �i � *XIL'etu � i 3 -ex 4 ,q I'* Ter JillatRd " ap, , i I us --41 a1g t!1t,.%l_ b,, " P .t ;31,�r,DI-e whe* Cast SL . I �, .an, or"ar the ��I,th 8--_%, J A cotultz-v papar hils t1ils Vor$,q§-1ay FOR TWENTV TEATZ's. I � - rez nottet, Niftlye. Soo** .. r y 1�.-,l I I I I I I I I . Lroa dol dto. W A d- ,4s 141 1 ,'E % 411 6 F I I 9 I . , � I � I 11 'ShenaltdPI-P orviekd 116J-_(..-nbhet*19;Ve 'thr-Y wer4' nll 9 -0 --le r f?lt 'ft,lt MY ab,wdt 13 ibhles. Ita lergth of - Item : "ThOze who know ,eild Mt. r, 11 ad t,x 6EV:e I - lienit'.11 waia� rall.y r; � - ollgelIV, 4 1. I I I 1**z1ft1tIVft4 r0T&----­ Is ­. ts ItIr V. 114121 - 'CE? Vuln I 1.:ftvl�? lind jllstonr- n* I 'IrtiMintll wasi oi, few degj*es �, g-tiat tU heat 9.9 ;Usatulte , , - oomb tt,,�_,�S.--e it rA ,-d.,CL terval _�!n -�_?t`)r�;'4L ft Mile in- ied Vath was 111 ln-Z-CM. 1.ta aetro i'ton of U& V.aoe pars--ftally wIR M. I 1� , fte . &--6S,i,-.N,y 'I Wa that, lie w .6 Iy,ct, "I , - tdenrrey ra *light rAurn of the trouble, 2n,J 1)r. nottheast of AUta,,o% In th4 Sooft�6n, i in a brutal rarnhe'-, I�Lst we0k but dks`0AV6 17P Ole Case adid Said F�R Z - I ­_ I , .. ' MUTUAL SUPPLY 'CO. Vulialing, Pink Pills Econ Arore Uli V161111129 Could ACIP. AnQtbej, 94.� A - . b, -; Va ,dacis th&t tbo tbete,&I-ye syAe� �x wAa ,wob Mile - &C , T 0 Detlf,4,Sn0U1d6n'ChkjnJJ46 but, and wy health sinea hag �s3n to wbidh tb8s lbti.flant 'ouiect b'6iong- . -_ . *tarlmlAo CureBWectedby Catakirit, . ,��� . I ..... I - -1 Na _f,S.1*6j.6at6, afit 'the very best. t have _-�Ined irn "*, lbot ft f,r- , M-bafdl# VIIAlbilbut, Cilkes NfAthexsla� otdiftd, __ - .I I � ­­­ I - ,I � I . , , , '112 weight, eat and aleep ;�ell anit COS- r6A0s nlaw large tk-t balls 446ag - �_,_ - _______-­_ -_ --- � � t1der mys--Ilf as lhogj+n 4-U - __" �4 ?­ Thoy C.6tdAn:lt kato, - .Y - person as 0 A.MP.-A M a. 4,14por DUO ptf�iuba*1604_btlfa-e�,01, wffluivesbls , '- , , V.tix6l&,diftI& '' - oft L T19 - ;toga ah a 6Xperietlee t1dT N I & 2 11.", in the , there 11 in the Country; and th-4. that twe;vle frdgmefttg ,6t a 104teot- ti te fallowing wor R: 'For twenty langvars X tredit foil this I feel Is entirely dne r'te,tell, Afligtlxt 24th. Am t�p&K,on the gtotty fo*d of Zaar" said the nijals� was it suf Berek fmn acute eatwTh 4f ine no:56 , I I to br. Williflins! Pink Pille, taundat'Y bt :dP7% Cid-doft, gild Ok6tl- �. ftf5s tAtsubloVdds I[Wla ildr. --N.-"Ar n" tl4reat, mOrO Or,�4013 in thOOOM ftathM I Dr. Will! m,e Pink Pills lner,aj At W jg� 6 bir ,80-t- L .,% Soine arkVpe I continbalir ha;wk�,,i &YM spa% had tfto�5t; a � c. ada. Ifte tall wi 11 4a �4*d & -, I all 61 ther.1 g&Nle p I& bkf&dl�y� yj rs on Ae SUPPlY nV1.3 the r-3c*M-,-ss of --t1,, I f019 1-4 10tid 4ptoRaVon& Oiabb trag� 1l, . disagrepbla ,dropping's in -the V -it. Vhich 1. uaLu,Wedwefvihqifv"!bg.s. Aboftfaa t1le .� ment. 0#ek.-h76g a li.�I_l li�r doocelbi, 1 thoi"Abb your pa alwAts t 4 b166411 and in this wav Cate Vhye!e_t1 - . I isos a talm " ad'Vortift"d I Wed witly blat little , I And runcuolini Maz &J ns, 6t U'6xagoml AuV�l gtay rod I etpst tdi tvank you witfi ?,� AV1&0e84-QntlIead`V1c00fmyd torlellw4cil WO.'lk -S�sr. Uo!�t . , 6thet, niedicinp,s Simply a the Vitttae, ate goemwl kside. Sd ht- d6q Z, � 1A 110h the .1 . . pi� but tl�e he jdst got my Ineation; &d evelt'v"Ifing t ,,it lay in haty gymptoms of tile diteasp�, hence *h..,t 41% the 600 kir)4. tkat's am 00vrettO d% but wsts finally tofted to believe How They A'V-6rked. " " made ,,�a,,Ayio�hiug wouiaev6rpermawent�y help mc� t'he med�clfte is idismitift6d tZo pa, ed .6 Ott 'er VV06C1,­P1I06AelVU;& presis. ttent is sooll ,Sai,U, the linesiclan, bot*og Iftly I L 1. I 14Ae,A&ftsetd%vba hadbomo -red pfsotae ' as wtetthed ag ove&. thri At hIrlbageti by)CATAIMHoz( NIB a -ad 1)'t- Williamil Pink P11hy go ditectly in datkTless. I I ptleadly -,1kggesf.IejIs. Nli,hokft,*d �Oth4ra wbent Uhad �=44 . Ito the 'footot the trouble and duro TilrgiA ne*ek worked Wheft he hW I bld M,,gig_rgee Ilete, , man, , 'r - L 'As thIs th tAnCedfnc`t*�Attllc`n'�I� 8*I0MhWftced to stay inated. net et_� it is un VVISO to dibed h6ttttllk� L, 11 e tb systet*!�Igt*lly t"cat �'V'*If With '(U�,fth- gtojIdng 4,11 ktalbeman- 11*11 606A4k. Aslbmio,$3tL,d�my'c�udw&g�aLr6hic, �, 6, *&stt money In ,et , enta withi ',"kibilfet, betidte totaposingy ',f),dt' ,his 18W?t 'xi AtGrkingeak 11 ata 1,didn't, cq�ept ptw�pt result. bint I con. - - 6' e "I � pethib feet it cold wati*. . . . there tble sclentiouslY ulied' tli6f,ftltalar tovei-al tinice � ­ lflel�- Thp�re pills are Vol traM. )601pu ha" to wait r the ,daYfor',ixW&eks andiii t�r-&C,uiiel wwal_� . Y 19 ettlers, ot will 110 It-Ult pos BOSsuct WtOU in 'U c6K tdcib Wit'k' 1O.A.-'aametville, Aiw�s., j;,o w. t-atred. . I age., xo , . I th`eb 'VI'doured a'seconit batle �a nt-.4 a liax,bk sit, wves Mis ;111-6ad WAknA$1 elllVbloped . -_ I of'CafAtthazoixe. hut a mni.VIEU aTm , err �t tot 2 0 'ies As to iftod. I uft Seeft .U., Vr&R: , 150. by addtessfug the 1)f. WIl_ 13116091 Wrote in lace .r tift -, Alex- - - u sed. r6erdited before the a b . lialbEr I adiall uddr l0whai§ lit Ills abirt-sleeve& I . me Cb.,. Brook-AUe, 66t 4 wet AAjd w6bisft,toxt t6o rft^* slys "�CA.TA4RfXO7A)NlgcnT,odlny,,ratL%nt, and I Valtalrd had 'in big rooni, Aelhotifilm t,h% %�w V.Ork Progs, toga of , --- � ' yfttb, I can v6Vch f6rit, ftf *ng, susr(svdr wito vSJI , choosing A Tterfl, fi,#d desks, at whI*h he putgued dlf- . the s0p,W a0ti th6 IdecAy" t re It dith be 'dumd aY.qQ, for Iny daft Was . as, : ..."I, tnid0ratand he Ilaa, ig , ; ti*,ftt uAil. '. I qv! tkil6haim-kV iorhx-a A ^t eeth- 4d&6h6aZ1t0Et'kAo_*dV , .. . I . reveirseig.11 cl�,,sl� witj - A�r'. - . , 'Cie 0 .� I " A t6w dog"�yd, b s , xa" 'he !�& him %,,e. ti, e , - f Ill *ihb t&va � et *fth ,. "I , I I 1patiidibel�M*4' f�xtorlclr MkItsr of e x etleb , , r . aftt. j16, dn A . &1*,, With his head Id" tsoa CAI .. He wA$a,t *'(.Alth*_ 1 4 , '8#`60ts p66, t6ffe% 166d 'Watw­wl " � 'I, 1W. V � . , .,w W VeS S��IiOM'14 ' � thrlo*b back . tb curo Aa for" V-1 . rAfAM644. ­ ' iti1g.'r - , ., , " 6M * -' " ' 1,6ryw. or&Two I . 0i U10 '$1 16*t - deg.. ' , ft6ul* fOt tll�6't 110 hM� tletelSr g0a, - I __ %-Af porbl6n Ntihm� ,�l koi4v; ,h.gel Afteld� L­eoxiaM&da ri *WArddflng isljnl�69 4 � . anfim 'gt L ,ftl6fqi, 1 -ft V.�& .V Ili � � I _ � . , 0, Is n1,64lig tvfik'k 4V6*1*40 6bnt, . . , , ., , - . ' I I . , . *,it linAnV Awett"n, '01611 . likeit'it, It Ift.116 , ="& I - ­. I Vi luk Road, P.%,*, -,"d ffain W 1 610 P bbx-: , , . % v ' - 'bib t*a , tfiiN poiq,,�# b � - '. �6& .*j f - .0m , , , 0'. P , ; lmttsr&g,�. . Vuebt, ildu*4 iial ;91� , I t�4L.* . 61ta & ck . . . . I L. .016140y. " 0 _,t;��iK, , * 11 .1"irtlotdiUonn', . I , , * IhU . � . . I V . im