HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-21, Page 1...•••••••••••• FIRST YEAR, VOL. I . , E IS PUBLISHED EVERY TURS DAY EVE:NING BY D. DYliat. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION :-$1.00 per year paid strictly in advance. When the paper is not crdered to be discontinued it will he sent until such order is given and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged When not 'paid in advanee. ADVERTISING RATES. -Tans ie n t advertisements, 5 emits per Brevier line for first insertion and -3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small Advs. such as"Lost” ''Estravi, or ''Stolen'' will be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. ,Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter -column rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all eommunications to Tlie1---19=a1c1 D. DYER, Myron, Zrmen, P.O. C H Uliew ES. 1.a/NIFACE, Catholie. order of serviee for the winter. Sundays:-Iiigh MUSS et 10 a. tn. Ca tech imn anal in st ruction at 12 o'eloek itely Boar. fit on*' visit Pt. 1.:.ra3 in the blessed a,110:! 3 to 4 p. In, Vespers c," t of the into talesseat ct„ holy Dayat-Il lath anus, .,1 tat pert: tool hoc (Letitia, •,1 e. v• Week 1aaap•ilas4 ,e.acTa, o'clock. Nast Protea , . • . if posit on Ilt 9 0.042121i Rev. Father Valeo• , tierm•-• einaiay sem it"en1- 44t1 anon. at to 0(')k a. u at 7 01 12. Ht., thanalay , . I a, $ t amauct., at 3', 1.L. , Pit2W^t2 Mil on E. 4V1 .I Zurieh. W4.:me:44y evening; •• • meeting. at 7.31). h ,‘:• En g2 al•li prayer martini. ; .• cvetahat; Tic:when: Mt 4'2 , 22 22,,, C. 11. ristiahl 'a • The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. ZURICH, ONT. FR/ DAY, DEC. 21 1900. 0..STANBURY., B. A. • &Wee itior 1, I sTAN33urty BARRISTER, St )1,1L19701t, NOTARY, Conveyaneer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documenta h. original • German read and advised Amin. ZURICH COCIrt ATTENDED Office over O'Neil',: Bank, Exeter. larcomannougusosononcomonincr,,ansfpra,mrxienrvo•or • ,f S. Ronnie and wife spent Sunday in Wingham. A shooting match is being held today at Blake, Mrs. (Rev.) Finkheiner is incbs- posecl at present. Miss Gertie Dempsey left for her home in Exeter on Saturday. Sir Charles and Lady Tupper will spend Christmas in AVinnipeg. • The Paris Exhibition balance sheet shows a deficit of about S400,- 000, Andrew Fames, who was -visiting in Oxford county, returned last week. Miss Martha Allmeebt,of Detroit, is on 5 visit to her father at pre- sent. Levi Colosky, of Daslrsvood, war, - in town 011 Tuesday on his wav- to M, Kestle spent .sanday m °roll- rlerviall. ton. For laundry work equal to the W. Powell of Ex;, ter was in town Lest ('it- work see W. H. Hoffman. on Monday. Zurich. Miss Lizzie Truenmer, who has Don't forget Prof. Umbach's lecture in the Metiludist church to been in Detroit for some years, is expected home on a visit on Mon- day. The youngest 'hill of Charles Eilber near Credit n is down 'with pnemonia and is not expected tore - cover. Miss Pearl Wertz, who has been Very 111 for a few weeks, is improv - Dr. Campbell and Miss Doan at- ing aud is able to sit up a few hours tended an assembly at Hensall on a day. night. Miss Tillie Kibler left for her home at Brampton. Wednesday morning. Miss A. Kaereher, who has spent some time in Detroit, returned home. Friday evening last. A number of our young people Miss Annie Heideman left for Detroit Saturday morning. M. A. Buchanan, of. Toronto Uni- ersity, is home for his holidays. James Watson, of Seaforth, spent part of last week in this neighbor- hood. Misses Gladys and Rose MoNevin will spend. the Christmas holidays at Seaforth.. Mr, and Mrs. G. 'Kerner spent Monday and Tuesday with their daughter, Mrs Chas. Eilber near Orediton, William Weir, of St, Marys fax manufacturer, 1V1L8 111 town Thurs- day, in company with a New York fax dealer. Woodstock ratepayers will vote on the question of incorporation as a eity when the municipal elections take Piave. Wm. & Jas. Weekes and John Ci'illespie, of Exeter, a‘reeted some tombstones at the Lutheran ceme- tery on 'Wednesday. Ou Saturday last, near Elkhorn. Manitoba. Willie Jones aged 15 years was frozen to death and his brother Albert aged 17 had his feet badly frozen. This is the season of the year when the head of the house begins to figure on a pair of new "Galluses" after the rest of the family are provided with Christmas gifts. The *Marton Canadian satys that the Wiarton barbers have raised the price of a ,have to fifteen cents on Adam Puss, of Michigan,of Girtra ng leth iS visit" attended a dance on the 14th MIL account of the ext ing friends here at present. Adam on Friday last. They report hav- faces shim Mr. McNeill has been has been away for nearly ten years ing had a good time. minted in. and his many friends are pleased to see him again. Ben Holtzman arrived here from Levi SInith, Of St. Joseph, was Elkton. Melt. on Sat =bre. He in t'Iwn "n M'aidaY. Mr. smith John Wiedo vieited friends in • • will remain at avet.k or .so th. guest put in ithist of the year in New On - Of Christmas Goods for `••••••=araiesfkil549e-. to Choose from! Here is what is a suitable Present for The oy= Buck and Saw. Train on Track, Automobile, Clown, Crowing Rooster, Drum, Clarinet, etc. etc. The Girl=Cracfle,Doll, Dotll e. Cart, Swing, Laundry Set,Chairs, ete. Doll The Brother. Sid< Hank, Neck Scarf, Cuff and Case, Pr.Gloves, Pr. Cuff Buttons, etc. The Sister= Caistam ii,d(311;up and..,Saeacer, Fruit Dish., Vase, The Father= Pr. Gloves, Silk muffler, etc etc. The Mother= Stand, Butter t( Butter Dish, Por - Someone else's gar Set, etc. Sister= Glove and Hank. Case, Photo Case, Toilet Sett, Silk Drape, etc. etc. We are prepared. with a large and well assorted Stock of Xmas Goods. No trouble to find a suitable article here. Come early and make your choice. No trouble to show goods. We Solicit Your Patronage Produce Taken in C:;ehange D S. FA MAIN ST Z Li Fe I I-1 NT. 4,-tag,a.ai•••,...,-,,I,WOomilmeninamoli tioderieh Tp. on Sunday and Mon- of his parents on the Blind line. *tali') 4(11(1 was lileaSeti. With the - - - - day. His daughtty Miss Ella eountry awl says it is a good pinee u.eetunpanied him and will remodu W. J.Bryan will start a 'weekly by workingmen. plenty of 'wort: till the end ot this week. " newspaper at Lincoln Nebra,ka and good wages. i The paper will be culled the Com- • Any one wishing to borrow *$121.111 moiler and the first isque Wiil R. 5. Lae Lang. of Exeter. Hurt% apple Idint.pateked and shipped this year :17,a,ee barrels a q apples. These • -were pratowed in Huron, Perth, Oxford and Northumberland ('03171.ties. Mr. Lang is one of the larg- 3 1 , (*St 10111 1110St 14tleeeSifra operators.; or,* gotat mortagage seearItY appear earl,y j unitary. TurOuy evening; .j,unier 7, pug* tr. Iuth. • . r V: 22.0 . ht inolle3, Isi A ongs to at pi taate a rhe entei tainment ht•ld at $t. . atic; indiVitillia MA will be loaned on I Joseph school *It Friday evening -a .'jet easy terms. last WAS as splendid sueeess. A . large crowd attentled and all were . -1 ve got to tell you sir, that the hpleatsed with the prograttn. lin the povne rie. photographs you took of us thetother 0 , tiny are nea t let n stitishactory. !! The following prominent men la While I.'11313 aligging a grave in the xtrzt).• • NN, ity., nay 'husband 14poks like an were in town ott Menday, Geor!t tte: illage cm eetary at Drinuntonalville, . TEP Boot & Store !--aavtb. pLE vornt. h4111 it lib. ititb otviOr: 7 11Pr r7ionnioAzi)ut 11.1chil. 2 Uhr. CtlirtrecriammiuN b• caper 1, ape I .• IA ell intaltan you ehotalti ii MeEwen M.P.elet.t bar lig oath Linnet ; Ontario, whielz is situated tit r: nave thought ttf that before yota :L. John Sheritt M. P. for IN.7ortli Mide.: Luntly's Latte,Win. Dalton mantra,. c I had him taken.' .4114,,ssx and Henry Either Z%1. P. . P. P „-e1.1 seven skeletons of soldiers v.11•1 i a for South Huron. 4 tell ill the battik. fought there in! Prof. S. L. r mlineli of Na' Napier- ' • la:1n. Prom imignia ;Alla lan•tton-! vane ill. Val delher a tell nye in ( • Fr .i I it 11 1411 II "z"T'llitttrY.' Pig...di !' form& it Is t.4.001,,sred toy' wen, • the evangelical chtira.h here, on ,3 1,:t3..11 recently. Ont of nine birds 17r413a1 e%-elling the 32d- Inst. Ills 1 lar 4.01 !,-eVela but sonle of 11,0 1,o".es A. moaners of the t$ Ili regiment .1[7. The Commercial otNeet tti0i be -To alai !fro 33."•111-y aid Mot f3413831* the neg.,. ver; •••• A „flyer eoIh''tnn 411.14.1-4v. Dtuttart 3.11Y5 laevt.r! oriintr4tor,„ preNotte,1 Pie Ittlien tip. Everylaolly come and "If to 1331111 13e111'431.1144l 3(1 fl tine Tc4%-13 1101 8 Friallor aca.- mitt." har hitn. follow a laird half;witin 1311 113 U33 fi 3'11 .axhaolto,tliu..*33•444..4." Thehotel(81131whenNittfnLT" e '3 111' Sr/1111na tb ee Uett ‘-eitli one «'3ith(qr chdre iln slitotaidi take gond \Va.. :are adding e, lle" ltalIles ,,1334.0 very Inttett mit of 333 '33 r wt,t,ttly Fuper. wtnp . ;ire tryi' •'etibserilltien z;t the TR rate of ' t" tn,gc„. airt• qtznzmin JSTBrtt Prorieto Every accontmoda(ion for the ti a.% 1.1i111 tg I inbi ig. Alr.azs atnj at TUE COMMERCIAL wile] jilMirich. First-class sample rooms ft; give SOU 41 gOOtt new:*" Palter. Two i 13 a wmtk 5111-1 th 4)111v7 eireallutik'n ,,keilTs II that the Garrick Dramatic Co. has serial stories were begun recently., on thereat4inl" g- 'r " 1141'''''``DO' !lost $43n33 of its old time vigorand -A Plot for Empire," and "The iiicarances it will 11111 be long before Ivory Queen," both aro eery in. il we reach the On mark. The 11t3z. r"1' 1 teresting. !' aho goes into the homes of the hest it,i)si, IN ,rni.: 8,0rAme. (me day re, i elass of people Of Firalth ninon and certiy., Wnnoixo- On Viredheralaty. the:advertisers should inake at note of' while P . Lamont and D. r . 11'131 inst.. Mr. Louis Sehilhe waslithis. Barns were looking tip some Inn- s! her il1 the Statilev swamp. they inurrie4Miss ettaie Albrecht, 111 d Scarcely vvalK oast weir -way. Atter P titr4e Granby Rubbers. Butter and 14,v, tlketi in trade Commercial men. r daughter, of Adam Albrecht. of the COUi "1 ` .1 ' 2 11.1NtrnlnlMl!ptertian:1 lelyt O133.313'31- tnl_folate fain gan,ds have just ;arm ea and no i4'tt43 1.1404 ever n iIII 2:41ra.1). “44 fr,:an 33. tl'a.rieolupaatre 'with ell.- Pr:ees anal ;real will End 4411' goo flght. ibrtv. r* -11t. 1133.i 3i3at and 11 ,-.9411 19333' ANSE 14.313 'ta,11,, 11 ail, white ,,tttl. Nee 'sir 37:114, 11911' fromt 1 3 iqg Do not tads.. thetul! in a. tfili..,..4.0unt of 1115 3113' tent. en cash purelnases. Leave your :measure ±"r iteicrinoutinter or a We also handle the celebrated stub proof.atta percha IS FOSTER, ki D..COOKE, • Late wail tiarrilw & Pliondioot) Barris' r.,,cdivitor., Notary Pulbilie. Heiman, Ontario. ZCIUCE ! 14th 3.031- HulY• The eeremonr was Th George Thompsonas 14131131141 343113 P1P3.OSS thl. path where ttaey WE WILL NOT SE UNDERSOLD/ performed in the Lutheran church merchant of Elenheim,(Int ,Ntates:- • ' by the. paAor. Rev. E. liehia*Ilte. " ..I Wail trottbkal with itching il , went 1211 187,1aretraeing their s3.1.4 P 3 '4" t staf xi outPc a large gathering being present to ' for lifteani years, a.rtal 13.1 133130. tli(:,;-: y .tai i s col 1 tc hoarse . . h witneSS the happy event. Miss , were so bad. 1 rould '3131(314'wet,. , from shouting and 'milling for hell). , :katreaa .Atbreciattsister of the bride, 1 tried a 3i( 13.1 many remedies. hut weak Donald is reported Very weak from frig,ht. aeted as brideslnaidwhile jelm nevxy found anythiglike Dr Chase's Ointment. After the third applieu- ° MAPS' %blisters and others 1)1*(4, tion I obtained relief, amd was to the paha being made as bttlletin completely cured byusimt, one box.- 'Ward for ahnolincements of all Ask :your neighbors about Dr. ' kinds of religious gatheriings. Chase", Ointment. the only absolute Would it not be -a-ell for those in- tereste(1 to use the Ideal press for :nyder, of Bromfield, supported gran. We wish the young rbROUDfOOT & HAYS eouple a pleasant and prosperous journey through lite. Barr:stel. Naneittors. ',1iotarier euro f plies. • Cur, square end North Street, STRAVE1.)--A leieester ram lamb,1! making such announces!? The; tiodetLehLonali: „bout the loth inst. from my- fern!, Now is the time to get your hoar Herald is alivays pleased to publish 11 w. ItqlOURPOoT 0. R. 1.1'114' Bronson line'Eay.Will will cut and looksweet analinterestimi7 all such ann.orancements gratis Please write me- NA' rewara ' innocent and lamb like. shake handsexcept "When the gatherings are forl for recovery. with every old chronic. regardless the purpose of raising money. 1. 1111 Clerk 10th blv.CoUrt, Huron Godfrey Nicholstm f any skin disease he or she may which ce-se Cthe 141111133811t'of five on nntiia,ioer for taking Afliciavits, Coa-veyaseer ,-1e. Vaiutztor for the Hu- lot; :end Erie Lost) and Savings Co. ()Rive-- Zeiler Block, Zurich Ont, E• 130,SSENBERRY, Lieen4e4 Auctioneer for Hur on t'ount3,. respe•otiuily solicits the pat - t11'• of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. ir-miieldrmemt,•••••••••eaks•• l-61irieh P. 0- halve. Ask after all their family- cents a line is charged. Reports Tell them you are looking toward of the meetings sent in to us will Cfl OUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION parliament but want their vote as a' be irtserted and ma+ appreciated. begintiet for councillor. Be very ministers Head lay workers will warm bearted now for you will Ise kindly hear this in mind. decidedly chilly after your snow under. and the world will look decid- edly blue to you. County of Huron, Public notice is hereby given that Below is a list of wideawake busi- 1.4,A,RKFTS a Ineeting of the Electors of County ness men who advertise in this • Division No. 3, composed of the paper and from whom you will iire Revised every Thursday afternoon. ZURICH P. O. municipalities of Stanley. Han able to late yom- wares right aind N'S heat Bayileid and Hensall, win be held got the best of attention. General Oats 1 to 62 23 at the stores; D. 8. Faust. D. Steinbach, Barley 35 35' Is open daily except Sundays from.iTovvki HALL ZURICH, Preeter, Zurich; P. A. Eay.-ards. Peas - 50 53 8 a. in., until p. ma The mails are distributed Male l'Ort 111,11414ALL, close at 8:5511.m. tt t, " 2:535 p.m. " ar.JOSY•PII• " 13 :1011.111. " " L. E. &B., " 6 :55aan, " " L, H. & B., " ▪ g FROM HENSALL, arr. 11 :00 a.m. • 11 ti " 7 :SOIL/rt. 41 ST.jOSEPH, " 10 :45 ant. " L. H. &B., " 11 1100-L3 " " L.11. &E., 7:30 a.m.. LETTERS FOR BulTSTRATION, raliSt be posted half an hour previous to 011 at the hour of 1 Welock, p. nt., for Boots and Shefes--Chas. Fritz, FEl°urter menDAY, Dr.CEMEER THE 24th 1000 Bayfield. 2.00 2.10 17 17 HAS. FRiTrz, Zurich (41 Store wishes to thank you for the liberal patronage you have given it, and extends toyou the best wishes for a joyful and the purpose of inaninatinc, condi- P. Ponder & Zurieh. Eggs - 13 14 tO dates to represent them in &Conn- Hardware -O. Hatticib. Chickens 4.• 43C ell of the County of Huron. for the Furniture -T. & M. Johnston, H. Ducks - - 6 -ears 1901 and 1902 and that in Geese , WeIL Harness -11. Virell. Tweeds and Woollens -T. & M. Johnson. Jewelry- and Watches - P. W. Hess. Carriage Works -4% Itesm & Son. Tailor and Laundry...NV. 11E01f- f:us . Pens 50 53 Blacksmiths -J. H. Wismer. Flour . - 2.00 2.10 the tune for closing the mails. Dated this 10th day of Deeember Hotels --The Contmetcial, Louis Hogs (live) pet oft 5.50 5.60 Ar D.S.FAUS1', Postmaster. 1900, 20-2t Foster Prop, do (drested) . 6.50 6.'75- 4, 5 5 ease a poll is demanded, polls will Potatoes - - - - 20 25 Can serve you well, we nary 1901, ill each polling spb-div- HENSALL 2dARKE111. SOliCit your trade in ision at the time and place fixed by by-law of the municipalities in the We still have a good Assortment of Holiday Goods, and would be pleased have you call and see our Stock With fu I confidence that We be opened on the "ali. day of Jan- Dutch setts - 4 5 in the said County division. Oats ... . .. .. .. .,- - 22 2`3 FRED. HESS Sn., Barley' •••• - ,... •.a. .., ... 36 31 Noyninating Officer for County Council division No. 3. 1901 • . P EET ER0, Z at