HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-14, Page 7. . I . I .. I I. I _11.1- . I -1-1 . I I I -1 � ''I'll, I ---1 1 7�1 1 � . 11 I , _"4011111111M .0
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Sabbath ,Pv_,Ict�r, hooiany and financially, and .,,___�,,,V �_�'�'*rl kAf"� ,
1 I our church aualenceS Oil tile. "UNDAY SSMOOL' � . . , .
*os*oe"o��4,�""*O*<��*.$�.0"0*",1,4,"I,"*�soq�"4"0-c�, 515 seekor
" I or our weekly service and conc-lude that for FAN,11 a, 1XII-Wa to bet"DIA3 it
they'ropresent the ainoullt Of PiOty in of Qteo) ninek and lowly Jesus was very I
r — ()MMOV1. 1I.Clinwe are but very few -k
I � 11 The Mai et .
3 < �hb ,oil, no! There are anc ..
': Don.'t Be eL Gadabout .� 1 that neIG . orbood. IX�'VRNATIO,%Al, l,1,;,Lj41)N NO. X.I. people to -day Who stlftnd ill amiaty as I I ...
many most consecrated souls that are . . � wiJbIm to, humble . I
. Zacelous did whoUre I
� into tlime 1)11,cl'�,.'a amn w, 1.90o. I �
not found in aburches. Look I lj,� nt�, ldr ' 1.V-4(Ai"g �%' IAO440 N"eke � I
ArN ON or) WN ON I houses ,wi is Of children _. .jjlvW as little clil en and take, ,%� n a elco , I
I I a 6 and little or lio,bired helP, For Much � I I i.M,L1. place at tile upurners' belich aiis Following are the closilig qllOtabiOno ,, 1.
I . Either In Religious Or Business Matters—Ga, _ s6nie one Ill and Zamhous the Ptfblloiui,--),iike 19; 1-10. sinners seeking Mile religion. of important wheat cqAtres to -day.- � . . .
i . of the year there is " ,f)Ifficultles, met him at the very I
i &bouts Are Failures Irt Both Worlds ,-%v. 1< I.v- a special guardian care is reil.IsRe. C0WM0utary,_:L. A.ukl pTLS&ed thi,ouglt at � axt. His first effort was defeated . Cash. May. . .
.. ,Ive JV4t1i I)asslllg jdl1to.ugh.,, New York ... ...... ...$000 $0801.4
1 , - _R, V. Za,
; � � How much time can, that mother 9 - _ by the throng of people ,that were hfilwaukee ... ... .. 0175 .
� qi*$**,*O****O*,S,���O*,J��**J�� �-�4" to churches and prayer meetings ,%-ben ChGus eVidenily lived in the city. Tid- following Jesus, aa)dl Ili order to see k�t. Louis ... ... ... "" -V
� I . - U193 Of th'a appeo,acli a4 Christ and r4lim, lie sa.w that lie would have to , ... 0711�2 0741
1 most of the family are down with scar _Lbl,d,,..
I lWashington report -From am un. I really occurred, but the n .. . ... ...... 0 76 84 0 79 1-4 i
ext time they let fever or have colds that threaten Ili'; &I"tles mudt have preceded Rini, run oil ahead and ellmll a tree, which, Detroit, red ... ...... 0781,2 0808-4 � I
Usual text Dr. Talmage In this dis- speak of it they call It a dritma. Now now one kind of discimse and,no'%v all- S111CO th') 1-alAug of Lazitrue, a sholrb no doubt, had lie stopped to consider Detroit, white ... 0 78 V2 , �
course rebukes the . spirit 'of unrest they believe all the �mlrgcles, but at other? That mother watching at horne time I.X10,ro tjll,,;, the Tame of JeMas It, would ,have beea humiliating-, but Duluth, No. 1 N... 0 721-8 0 7611-4� . J
your next interview they try to show as much pleases the Lord as the mother. had spread 'throughout th!s part of ho was of tile nature to succeed at Duluth, No. I bard 0741-8 I !I -
,'Which cliaracterises so many People the country, and many were ituXbou'i ai.iy c4ost or sacrifice. The so . I a I I
and shows them the happiness and how these had nothing In them super- who at church takes the sacrament or I ul that Minneapolis No, I I .
, I . ,
usefulness to be found in stability. natural, but can be accounted for by In the mission school tells the Ivaifs Of to 803 III al. stairts out to srei� Jesus will be met Northern ............ ......... 073 0 75 1#4 , , �.1, � I
natural causes. . Gadding about among the street how they may become sons 2* A 111411 nAmed Zacch-,us-He wis with dfffloultles ,Ablch may be over- % 1�
Mext, Jeremiah ii., 36: "Why gaddest a JOW by birth (v. 9), but li.x-ittirsp lie come only as they are willing to suf- Torouto Farmers' lilarlcet- I
thou about so much td change thy religious theories and never satlafled, and daughters of the Lord MmightY..
.Way?$, All the evidence Is put before them, That mother at home is deciding the had engfIgOd In a businem so infam.- fer the loss, of till :,111ags, tillLt, -they Wheat -250 bus. of white sold %0 41
. I Elbe Ou's ill the eyes of tile Jews, lit) was lrl�lly win Christ. Earnestness Nvill higher at 68c, 150 bush. Of 90000 . , : I
Homely Is the illustration by which , and why do they not render a verdict? destiny of the state by the way con6idered as a more hzathein. V. 7- lead r, seeking soul to the plalm where
this prophet of tears deplores the 12 thev cannot make up their mind leaids that boy into right thinking and Clax1re. Z.1c(!h_11g Is tilt, Greek form 61 je,sus comes, higher at QiYac, and a load Olt SprIX19 )
vacillation of the nation to Whom with all the data put before thein, they acting, and is deciding the 'welfare of th-0 'Ilebraw _"Zac,eal," and Tneans Jesus comes to the ppice w1lere a sold %o hIghqr at 67%o.' : �
he wrote. Now they wanted alliance never will. � some future home by the example she "Purl," Th�, me,t1lbig of Ills ll,ainewas Foul really walita to saak Him, no Barley-04feriags were ver.VOMMIll �
'With Egypt, and now with Assyria, So also many are unfixed in regard is setting that girl, and though the Ili shi-irp, colitra,,)t w.ith his chttractor� m-itter how great the crowd, or 100 bush. sellhij at d�lcl.' I I I
to their spiritAl condition and da, preclate the unob- iv�ilch seems to have 'be= b�%d. Chlof where the pillice may be. No doubt Oat. --350 bush. sold at 290.
y world does not ap J
. -and now with Babylon, and now - - ammg tll� p,113.1i -_t &1�cclious was unobserved and no one Ray and Straw -Hay was less P1011- I
they did not know what they wanted, a:fter day and year after year go served 'work heaven watches and re Calls k Jericho! wais tiful, and thel.prices were easier, 10 . .
and the behavior of the nation remind- Tadding about among hopes and wards. On tile other hand, you have locatKI ove of itto Principal custom knew of his desires until Jesus stop.- .
known women who are off at meetings lit "The trade ill ,baisam, was ex- pPd and called to Illm to come down. .leads sold at 501c, laiweir at '612.50, �,
ed the prophet of a man or woman who fears and anxieties. They sing with to $14. pw ton. No straw. Wad Of- .
to not satisfied with home life, goes great emphasis that old hymin which humanitarian and philanthropic, Plan- toMive xad Zumllals Was evidently Many are convicted of their need Of :
. ning for the destitute and the outcast, superintendent of tho tax collectoro being s-1yed tint] go, as far mg Zacell- fewed. I
from place to place, gadding about, as we have all sung: 7mer, prices �
. 'while their own children went un- who had the oN,(,,rstgllt of the reve-mue cus did In climbing the tree, but when Dressed Rbgs-Are fii
' .
,we say, never settled anywhere or In washed and unkempt, their garments derived frO111 tll.Lt ' Itti-tiule." Ile was it comes to being publicly e..',posed, having advanced 101. to 400 PerOvIrt- I
anything, and he cries out to thein, 'Tis a point I long to know, rich -And like many rich ut�,,,n had not and they are told to come down and They are quoted at $7.,I.u� to $7.60. �
:"Why gaddest thou about so much to needing repairs, their manners imPU- atic In the
Oft It causes anxious thought; dent and themselves a general nuis- always come hanestly t -,y Ills money. humble thpm,.qe1ver,, tiley shriak b -Ick. '�Mie rise is due to the adv e
change thy way?" DO I love the Lord or no? ance to the community in wlitch they I� Was no credit to,hiln clist h,. was Willa ,Te.,,Mq Sq-tv Zacvfjp'1ls awid callad iNricle of live hogs,,
Well, the world has now as many Am I his, or air, I not? live. rich. It Was kluito likely, however, bam. he ni,id-- li-xr,W, e,%m-.- down ard Ih-essed livats-Trade is active, �
, � -0 and a keen de- .
gadabouts as it had in Bible times, A oto- . that lie was rl(-h tb&ore be becatne a received 111m. gladly. One glLmp',. Of vvith. large offerings ,
and I think that that race of people '. The book of Samuel glV*es a rh "Ohief pulbliLan."I "oti1jrwL,ja lie coula XeRm4 anel lra� was not afraid of what mand. Prices are st,cwtS and un,,%
Is more numerous now than it ever Why do you not find out whether you graph of 11ephibosbeth lame In both not 11"Ve purelitwed his pusition." ticople ntight say or think of him, litit changed., " - %,
,was. Gadabouts among occupations, are His or not'? There are all the feet. When we see anyone lame in 3. �;ougllr to see Jasus-4t this time he Atoorl Up and t3stifled 60 thft,t all Butter -Very little Is coming for- I
among religious theories. among broad invitations of the gospel. Ac- one foot or lame in both feet, we al- Zacelleus must have llad conviction might hear of th,) great change that ward, but tl�era is a stvaldv demand
churches, among neighborhoods, and cept them. *There are all the assur- ways wonder by what accident he was Of 0111. He -mtp not sat:sfled with Ills hid bom wrowzlit Ili hIq heltrt. The for pouird rolls, Tliey are stea,dy at
one of the greatest wants of the ances. Apply them. There are all the lamed. Perhaps it may have been In riches ujid his di'91lonest, wicked life. evidonce of this was wv�n imm')dI.-Wely. L"G., to 22cl.
church and the world Is more stead- hopes of pardon and heaven. Adopt battle for his country, or he vnaY have Efe felt it strong dek;ire for a.)metbing He li-ild hmn a rliap, sh-pwd, Inolley. I 1-,1ggb_,No now IRILI fegg;j a.ra to be,
pUr- them. There is the King's highway. been run over by some reckless driver, better and longed to be rid of tile making mar, b(mt on g�-ttlnx rl,, h '. hilt had, and tradel Is (lilie' , ,1 �. .t;.,Iily pack -
1, ftstness and more fixedness of Start on It. Traveling any road, -you or some explosion did tile damage. So burden that was on Ills heart. This now 11, testified that th-� li'Llf Of 1111 ot] og�V are oflerp-li. Tjlc.y are quoted
i pose. guidance In are not satisfied until you have found you wonder how Mephibosheth became must liave been so, or lie would not hl,i IxR-sesslons s1rill I* gglven tA) tIlQl tit l8e- to 21e. while lv�w laid are
. While seeking divine 3L (Y e
your selection of EL lifetime sphere ex- out whether it Is the right road or the lame in both feet. The Bible f or a IVIVe beeli a fit subject for salvation. Poor, and rmstitutlon fourfolil M%17� worth 2 - t 1215 .
� wrong road, and you climb up In the good reason gives us the particulars. Could 110t for tile crowd, (It. V.) -This from th, reniahiltil- ll-.I)f, ,%vlll-ll mav pt,ultry-Supplips are Ilipavy. but
I ,amine Your own temperament. The I WaS the crowd that surrounded Jesus Illtvo left IlluvivIf Imit a small amount. tratle, is rather quiet, a.,; the ,j�maud
; -will tell You your men- darkness to read the words on the fill- It tells us that when he was a child his afteLr IRV had healed blind Bartimous; Th, Bible declares plainly that "if Is light. 11tritles are stmdy and Un -
It phrenologist The pllysiologisz ger board at the roadside to see It it be nurse dropped him. She must have the PEOPle were all praising God. (1-11Y -man bo In C,hrl.;t Ili L9 it. new ellanged ,it, 5(% U) 6- for gerse. 7"Me
. tat proclivities. tempera- the right road, but if It be the wrong dropped him very hard, for he never Luke xvill. 4:j. s ture , old th,11'" -tire 'flw,,eed t<) Ri"& for lturkeykz, 3(;u V> 500 for
I ,Will tell you Your physical road you cross over to the right roa#. again got over the effects of that fall, among thein with nothing to distin- qvmy; bvhild, all th'-ugg ,are limonie
�. snent. Your enemies will tell YOU -you want , to I Long after the accident we find him at T 1, 1) elik-kons. and 40v to 60e. for ducks.
your weaknesses. If you are, as we If you are on the sea, I guiSh him from tile others. Little of Ilaw-" Our 'Pr0f('Ss!OU Of el -1 n Toronto Live Stuek Market.
'. ous, do not become a sur- know Into what port you will run or i King David's table, but still our atten- stature --Because of this Zaecheus amounts to lioth'ng wilm:s ,%v- eorre- �
� may, nery , tion is called to the fact that his feet Could not see over the heads of the spend In. all rf,splcts with thk Stat- Xport Cattle. eholc;�, jt�v ewt. ZI Ili to $L "
If you are cowardly, do not upon what rocks you are In danger of - � I to 135
�: geon. ing before multitude. ment. Lover.,; of plewsure. g,tln, faFh- 11titehl; - citiAtle wvc ........ I I'U to 4-45
were crippled, though so lo � e. I I . V .. .
"I . become an engineer. If you are h0P- crashing. This moment you have all his nurse dropped him. And mark You ,4. And he ran before -lie laid aside 1011, OAS,' und falail' ard tO 1)0 lu'lit" new Ilut -lit- ,cmale.vls,itiee. .. ... I �til to 4 0
, Ing for a large and 'permanent In- the Information pointing to the road . that to -day In all departments of life his dignity as "chief publican" and exeatures. and thma things will all utelle 'cattle. goo -._ .... 31.6- 'to 4 W
come, do not seek a governmental that terminates at the gate of the there are those crippled in habits, ra,n along the road over which they Pass MWAY- I don ed;um _ . � . . - ..... J "P to 325
position. If you are naturally quick- golden city and the voyage that an- utehvr� vounnota. upr ew,.... 21 ,4i to 2 M
tempered, do not become a minister chors in the heaven of eternal rest. crippled in morals, crippled for all time. were coming. Climbed up into it syca- fil MIN. expart, lu,4% y. per cwt.. Z 'M to 425
The accident happened In this WXY: snore tree -Properly "sycomore," as llulls.excort.ligh:. per ewt.... 2190 to 350
of the gospel, for while anyone is Why go on guessing.wben you have all and In R. V. "A tree with X short trunk I Peeller., Aorl-L-epp, _.. .1, .^h) to 3 OD
I Their mothers were gadabouts MCK WITH AN AXI rkeders, 114-4vy'.".. .,'* ", , 3 ll') to 3 61
f disadvantaged by ungovernable dis- the facts before you? So, alas! there neglected their homes, and the work of amd ,%,tile lateral branclies.11 It grows I,,Q4-,t,r'&.Ught., _...."', ' It .54 to 3 00
: position there Is hardly any one who are those who gad about among partle- training them was given over to in- to a large size, sometimes to a cir- 1StOPker�.4.0#tq-.%llh- .**:*.*:: L. .. to 360 I
I � es uous Part as Wax churches. Xo pastor can depend competent nurses, and the nurses let oUniferellco of fifty feet, and Is ever- oirvotwK and h0ft�rs ...... I 0. to 200
a, mad minister. Can YOU make Q, on them for a single service. At some green-'11riot.tiu. A Seattle Man Breaks the Filtding biffl.i _' .. � ... 21 19 to 3 0� I
them fall Into bad habits, told them The sycomore tree MRIA voi,,L, buil. perewt ! 'I'll to U 00
w line sketch of a ship or rock or house time when he has prepared a sermon, I depro-ving stories and gave thein -wrong 18 a t,ype of tilt,- means which are lire- M11111isrowa.enolli_ . %.::"-'A1ft1 tO 450
I Do you find VIded by which we in ty overcome dif- Skulls of Four. ,ftieli-p.export elvell.perewt. � 3 Voll W 3 ft
or face? Be an artist. after all prayer and all research, put- I notions of life and practically ruined (Do. bllrk� ''.... J to a 4)(3,
1411i f, -.,o to U Z3
. V. Oluehem,. each, . ...
yourself humming cadences, and do tinx nerve and muscle and brain and them. 3?,utas Mellbiboalieth was taken floultles. 7acclicus was In earnest and - ::. - . -, "
bars Md not, allow crowd$ to stop him. *
I the treble clef and the musical soul Into Its every paragraph, these by 1%'Jnl; David Into the palace and 6. ITO looked up, and saw him- SET OUT TO KILL FAMILY, t1111'-',i1i';'e r, , 1�1 1%,111r, * I I 'I": I " , I." '. 121.'p, to 3 7o
and Can Intermittent attendants are not there by the ,,l,'. i_ h"'t ; A."loil t') 4 IC6
drop from your pen easily- seated at the royal table, so "While 74jeclieus, batj secured a place 11" . p V , , -, 1 l,lj to 16 0U
, a those - While an occasional ab- - � , , ."I"
you make a tune that to .hear It. heso un ani ".,,1,1"". "'r," .
I charni Ara grace of the heavenly king t 'Whero be lulght, see Jesus, he was & Seattle report-NTIM. k5flw 11,iT I , " %, p, ,,, i to 00')
, f,i. ,
slelan. sence Is excusable for the gratification fortunate ones may yet be seated at ttDn - Xpars. formorIV tit De- 11 . " ,;, " ,7 .1 . .y ` W
q - MAI ,L1 I'll C�Z � " to 0 (0
,who hear It? 330 0 agttl __ '.1 ., � , �
1',4. I"
for rLrgu- - ', made so prominent that Jeaus , could , kd Iasi * ", . - "t , - 7- ;l I- to i 0
I you born, with a fondneSS of come wish to hear that which to con the King's table In the Miles Palace at 011e.c 6(le him. It wits liattiral catur, Ill., attowlitte � night t�) o%l,_._ . - , ... _: . Z4
. i =ent? pe an attorney. Are you secrated or rellglously oratorio In. some though the nurses did drop then, 80 onough for .Teg-uS to look at 211colleus, extertulnati� all plitire family ot IUS llldet,. and Wool.
1� zaturally a, good nurse and especIV-11% other pulpit, when the pastor of a that morailly they were lamar in both but tile truly dIvIno part IN,ag In relatives tit builth FiArk, Ifte miles
, _',
I f of man? curb and un- train tieuttle. NVIth an aXi- lie TIIi1r,,;,, green, p,�r U4. 7 1 -1 vo 0 1-20 %
he lit church with his eye calls the roll of feet. that XXs� fathomet) big h hidpi, t,�qred. 1),.lr L11. V-. i,'�Wvt*.MS. NZ06
I Be a physician. Are you interested '
in all questions of traffic and In bar- atendance, by your presence In the old One bad bablit these gadAbOuts, d'Or'st"I'll Its longing better than smashed in tile beaddol' four lk-oplo, Ill Pt'r 4). S,J ,a,l#o;t, 4�a,riu-3, UnCh I
taln mviking? Are you apt to Ile place practically answer, Ing., "I are aura to ZuMhe.us himself had (lone." Zaccliells IL�aving them Lir dewl. thitin Olot tint-' I .t .. d� .- -
, Say masculine or feminine, t r . lantahAlc�4 aul It .t-. ;wh 1,,W V -
.L ara here to get the beneft scandal distribu- -Witom Re bad u"er seen in tile man in 'tile back awl uttenlipted ti, 1,
t of all the 1;o -t and that Is of 40 -
successful on a large or small settle" flusit, .1nu of whom r1p bad probably kill u. deputy t4wrM. _-* Bu6if., pi;wii '2:2.""tig t-9 :61; qiVer.
I 33es merchant., Doyoupretercoult- useful thoughts you may,utter, and of tIOL They bear so -many itietorl- never ]%card. Make haste and conle Del -are bving capturcl, ml.,A�ln Wa-; c"LUMN, I,W'1111, lit -T R11. 144 t,# U)". dPCV'-
all the byrnns you may give out an4 of ous things about others and see so I.Iklllii. dry. Mr Lb. 17 Vp ��.q'. Vlilowo :
try lire, and do you Into tile plow, dowtill"Zatcheus had desived to clee 61wt twice. but nut fat.di�y, by Dc'. ', I)-
� in the rustle all tile prayers you may error. 1. 9- much of wrong behavior that they rvit'lere I ,.r Zb. �', IL -'L t'JI V. '. UJJtJ)W'
.Tesutl, Ilut nOW he In permitted to puty ,shf&rjfr 1,i.ell,v. .4 1�% ut " -
and do you hear music Willi t 0-laughtor. rkir lb, ; ", . wkk��L J"
! 130 a, farmer. -roldler of Tevus Christ, ain In MY OWn are loaded up and loaded down 0011TUM with Rini. *ro-d,.P,y-1t I% ut) Whf,* WlY tt4� adli'd e,'21%' MXt, WUV-4-14
of (t harvent field? place in the company, lit the battallon, the fa,ulto of others, and they bav"' ki2own %rhether Ile stoplW1 merely to,t,,$ tullo.litk, p�jtli;,�l D,,t,-ii: " 10124c -A. tup"r# to 'r lb� IT 9 -'- to 28, ;
� t&re you rond of machinery, and are tit the regiment, a -ad when you coril- their eyes full, and their oal�i': a!�,4�t;m tto"O". pau.''4, fl-'Ar.a. oy,�.- V, 114) 1--', to
. " r 11),
turning -.1.11WIS to YOU a fascination, 'D,'" full, for a mld.duy rest t.Scliaff), or tar- brtgo-4 Ili ttilo hua,l 44 glg� = .0 I f . � - - " , ,'. P
Ith absorbirm mand 11rarchill I will nitirch. and,when and their hands full, and their rJe(i over night (Edersheltu). I rtwst I - ,�,�, � %lill'i, V, ,4 .; Of5"';, .i- _ ,�",v IN
, , IWy 01aitke. but �Pvr -_1-1 .. '4 1'.1l ;,iL,J � " ;
- to lit"'".. wo,% P � , " -
ItopiA for. Thu, f4iEer tv6 , a ,
Ana call you follow W YOU eommnll� -1-1111tV T Will halt. and MOUthS full of defamation. The WO- -"A divine lo!;An, figing vvpry tvellt 1� 11614-tilft. 1� ,l ,*,, - � o k�,_�4�1# : ,.!. . .,�? M. ;;qe,
I ,Interest a new Wild Or threshing ma- when you order 'Ground arma!" I Will man who 14 C11doWed Of COZ811) CAM, III Our LOrd's ministry." Chrlat, al)- rtle k%UA' IUL%, I 91 Iliggo!'A' agil ii '- * " 2 " " . .i, q
ichine hour after hour? Be a 11101- � - � _�_
chfiftle. It you enjloy a.nalysilng the ground arms." to eacily unite, her bonnet stringa plies the grurtest primciple to the =1114*lti ye�tr,%,. 0 �41 §'.V#'4M f1i "D fw,rnwr 111, AlIttaclov it] R�" 1: 111*V"I.
But, all, how J.he g&dnboUt.,1 injure and Sit dOwn to spend the a(ttriloOn. SmAleat duty. Mutt waa this bubl"Itt , . ,
I nn,tkiral elemr,rits tLnd 0- laboratory "must*'? To gloap for an hour or two '. rd OT mrs. uatrl,� Tu,-, siafll,,� 44 if Atloqco�V � .. , ., " � ;�,Jt.,.,-,1
could tnte e churches* Instead Of Staying In A n1ftn van afford You 9, cigar us a tph;l gattle mmi V.41.4-1 1�11rt.,.�,".�_, � ag"'I Vd: 5V ii V, tt�, t5,1 ,�-t at -3 ,#� .- , - 01
rtain you all day and nit th . , . , '' � ", , - ,`�
te a elientilst. If you are In- their own pritye- Tneeting or Sunday rttftlw�r it you V;Ill DaU.1,11tly, bitar on His Way t�) Jeragalem Mild watk� tq'1,11��g tvcrp t2JVqAV4ii ll:�_.t, _. I.Jz�,104, Ir 11 t� �, ,� 1,-� ..: .,,;1., "Ji. . � '37 I-V �-V
. I I - _,_ _'j.V ,_.�� �� " . 9
I night. L those 'Ot!Aeg 6 UPP trlVbII tO t"' � tai vio rmrn. It, W,iI5 2�. V�)7vt- _t, , ,
terested in all lbstruments that school they afflirt otiler prayer Ineet- all he lint; to say about Who A 6111MIT. N. � -, a tn, i� I -� , A �, .,','-.,a q att, - �� , " L -i 4. '..;�Il; �" ,�, ;, ID �
ii rin"t pay their debts, up are about l w4ve dond, Ntt a D ,.to, t,# 4-0-t fl;o,, it , !�,,� , -" -,"-,> t 0 �� " -, -,
, brought utId4 r ti"p doinluion of N -w. i 54 . -r _ 4wil *rt�j
I nearer top ings and SiltillAY Sel'0918. I meet en alid to be ro,;ulatod by the divite P Ve.0
vould bring them to .*ail, or are gitilty of mopAt misbalo. 1th Park 4'ays tl.,_-at UE,.ir .". G "O',,' I �
,-djll ,1- 4"X4, L'N X'�1110 'L � , � � � ,� -V 4 .
I an astrOnomer. it the them. an the street going the wrong will. � , , ', 1 , , 1, "C�; �tv-�� 1!"],., " L "!
Inspection, be or howe Arou.'ed sw:pielon of t,*�� onrt"t; rn,-4t_o-.v*. ',�,� ,Dt1.izAV �'. U. ,� 1; m)" 0-7 . - " .'-J ,ilp_;
grau tinder your feet way on S evening, I - - , J - .1. OP . �
and the f011390! unday niorning or 0, Re Itinde P_u4n, etc. -He lingl nol. 1� wao 0�,ron,Aci , t, I 11 1'.�,
and I accost them In the words of embtz a,tement. All ga-IMT��,�qntq are ; � I I itLy d4ol. J� Tl. -,,L4 _'n"? ': `b'*'.'!� v" � - ,..
ever your head and the ROVen VIllell ,+ , I I I �", % a *B 0"lln %',it'�t!'�" "],*". V' 'JIV 9_�, t t_a il '_,,�',' , Cli"r 6L' , -L' . . -,I-'- ..,��Iv t -
"I lil�', Z-111 I I 1, " ���4, (I n ",
the text, "Why goldott thou about peddlerth Who Unplek In rOur Dreg- notl , InHeh� lf,Ls to efitrt�ftrl V 1'4;�,Nu';��L,,, zz."-�'QTI,11� t' -Z" ftiii�; . 1, 1, ,L_ I , -
ghake their Incenr6 on the suffliner air . , � I t,� r� - V,� - _. �;�, ,
" , , . -1 ,; `k� � L - : L,V ,� , "o
, . Clive their Large Store Of =1 veffil I I , . 11,�- ll -steno WIM !o.v to E-,Lvit an th-:, liart., 1�dt '--it � oN '1-1,,_- � ,.�. , "; ,z � , !1 !It) - ,-,, -��
�fa il� --- all i" .. - -
Uye to you tbc, belk,s ICUNG Of ill@! SO much to Chm"gO thY WAMY* ... and nightshade. Such gadabout-, �, to I , aN ,"m�t revect and rc,�,O�,Ae 111. - I . ". �. C�,:, , , -_ "! -, V,t
ficId, ta a bomnitiL Ify text also adlr'�!!908 thoe-e who � t.,.atkisn ftrr-1 Mr,.Pp fv.;�I;-6- �,tdt E,�'�, - 1 O,j,-L o.�2. ")A_,t-,- ; , �,%�!� -
If yon have no one rtteulty domift- In Rearoh of ltapptnevs are going hVi%,6 llttll� Drej-pcet of hcmveln. H iEm 113to 103 ltoasi% Uft-elvin- Mra t t!Itp:i? W,40F bp�%�+:;ltt lue iq cE,, -w,u ,,�,ifd, '. :,P?�dt"�_- "� r-'4 �IL � 1. � �,4t i,:U,9
, .
- .1 , tt,:- , � I
your make -UP hitlier and. ,yoftder Iwq1ting for that they g5t there they wofttd ttr to Btdo his 11OUF -- I - 'D 'i (" If,!, I �- ,,W%'.2, ��'�,'�,� "IL'U'L"; �. 11,_.� � -6 � ,
'o,t �Y:a.tf - � t,p i,�, �N,
'. 'I-eva lite re'r-invit g ft,, � .�',
tint and noth9tV In. I �J, t�p, :.its. ulu-x.r, _,Si -,�.t & fb" ' :t
ened- ' h create jwouviy ML=oftg� tlms Vattererent Mm Into lals 2,,�' Prt. , Lrawl an%R a i . 24,�;t. i: %�,,-�`� d, � � - _,., " � i. . " - - - ,�, t,_C,!V-'3
'seems to point to thl§ or that whic thlt�sp find noL TM%gr time la all I .1 , trm. . � . .V� -)
. .v I . , ,
rditttaofeel�stlalv, audutatte tratill)"01 7. Wb �n till ,v ,.,i -.v It -Tho f row I OT .,�,.: , L � - I , IT * � - L tt ;� IV,— -_ -:, v, - - _ , - ., -
Vfttlon, skihtt ro=-q�,�,T lit) In your OWn taken up with lothuglealep"', and l"pro- I 1��,�,, J, E 1, tlk,p f, %.�.t�.,".= -t, X� - V. " 4 ;� -
, -
1. - -
am*og the hviveftly neighbow, tn(l '.Tow,� rnurmpu;,il It ri-qtErcA lt-",ariiiit*'�� '-j trtl.;,� ,,7.2�,tl,ii t�z,VV_ ',%;� ,_,ett!,-�O- , 7 � .1 -,�'u .,�21 G* ,,� - - ' , �7, , 1, " _
room, get down on you W#XMt tlt� .�-tK",'�4.r' --- A- -- � I � _ ,. _ LL,�c ".
4 01' tiv* agnttm,l. ,-, .0T n r,, - , - _1 '. ,L "" 2t
- t.,,cr, V 4 ,,�,. L'�. ; 1�" ,,� i_,_ .
-L _1'J -_ � � _ , Zj.�! r _�
r kDOV-1, 1111d I grt.4.§IVCV ttlet'llte-eq," alld tNa% ftna "110W nd - � ,,,.,r, , 'Its, _ . "
. Start quarreig eeraphle. at, , t would to ttbti, r��,,,,�� ,ft. t tj% - 1, , .!'or , .. ,
vevtre-nfly Ask God What Ile IMA"' lu,neheotm and ut-homes and dances. br,- on Der��etuul imiti, n0vv down Z 7, 1, � ,'iL
� , " - J��J
MHA Ult, Jcfnq Mwazja I_ A Votaran'. to t�n [r, u."? �%(,�-,l B VAtIq L",Ln av,� R �t"o top racs 4 J� I'l- �L_ "r � �.., �.
yolk for, and tell "lift thk%t Yod AT* and lopt-rasl, and thtaters. and, Ingtead ttre-et ana now tin that. now in I I - - I , 11 . .
� tt',,� th,� -Hght. le4v 'P� a gae,t-Thug re. U�Y� ;rJ,,%e1%i*L tk'411�, 5 wr'.ig"�*, ��s �t'O i , - In"o"A b_- p�,C�'A,,, " - 1. ___ " ._,(:, "__c'_-[�2:4
VIIIIng to do tanything that 1410 wIth't-1 of finding bappinev.�. they gtt Vale, houl§e ,of Rjany r.t1ntl.,,n% and niltv ('091112!Ag Z -,U'. % 34 P1.9 an "I"Al. FV"tl;_,a- r�u,,�-,ri�q-!, V.,e 1 E ,pt-_-,�,.-, I
� �tou 'to do. Before you leave that eho , �1 MP;A.w-._ a ez-,ZU ,-V,;�i�i;-;;,_ I
_f�k,g, ftna Insomflin, P-nd itift"01611, and 11r,w Ir. 'N &lftner-va�R,Ntft lwa_4 syllonv- r-ra-MN '[4 QI.V� C�,M tr,�n envl 1D.-J.-iod U1tr,%7r -_ _ _... :
in th6 thoir lot thti tMPI011 It nttllcm. ITE" -
� rooro you will t5lid out. For the L'Al-e and an abbrevimted lgrentna. Them tg oft the t7alls, and now on the gatea. mous with 6,dnw-, =1 t-,D1r,!,r 1,10."'"cq �FI,1'1 -,, trlu!,,� nuzn.g;�'f. 116- C'09d sqvrapp F ruat, 1,14talpvn@�W. ;
I useruinegs and hIPPIMS9 alld thordsl4endid wontaf1hooataerlileta Ift until they would be cha a down it-wa did not k,rcp Vivoink1w with niwv- , .-'Jutp�-i'm :Pt1ii!PK,v,'.'% 1_-r L '_ f,tp�-.12- �
of your Jear t " �
LS. 1.rj;,4_ Uraling: to tr%q IrV,m4n I s-aw my Lf're, , ,
3%ur temporal and eternal ,welfare that Wdy in Our cities thin In Any .1 der&-,, th��_-ves and Pal -I ,JVZglr_0P 1,)'I, 'n i � -� -a
&4.*S_�� I e�" ;"X�Vt'j bjS IBE_� -�
rowd of people atid puthed exit Into the!" Pandemo- . I .i -_ �n g. 0-�a "Ithe c:aL" .`."n T�,i-':,:- T'��(,._�t�,V
do act join that c other way. Tilt! Judgmen I 0ytWg0,- a9me-sia off." , S03-- J Plt' ��.�4� Ma-A�Q�:, ka:�"a
t day eah rer� _,d e -E alwA LVX rAust tmt, re- - -
who go gaddInj& about a nMoijg buslhesg- OMV r6%,eal the awful holoftu§t of ulum. of bAckbiters taid slande cielve, th;tlf alnq,4. �1� 1"ale tpli`�ng 'Ers st,f,v &,,.Ztcn. g.s1:C ,I I .X"-
. d after Jeremiah had add-evied them & Z5.43od-n-111TO, Mrist, wid It1tv - 4 tn!�orjfty. . --- rolQ�rl -n al, nrq': - � i , �, tno, �`,-,:s r�-ao-
6A tald Occur,atIO11%,11OW trying this dift jangle -d nerves Atid the tuleldal habits In the word -q, "'Why giddem thou apostit's and wh_aeve: gumtg were p,, -,t,- , Ta evMenop ,:. Eme'T were 'n,-�A.;qt �,,J't4%!-*N ry, c2nd
gow trying that gud.ftevev accompliph- of taudh of our social life. Thl� oblf- ab,utgo 1,,ueg ,.0 change thy vigy? . - — prl�ve unmu�.,�,Ali��,Iz%,�v t _L,� .�_ tllc tt,�_1�11*
.,V�Utv *rh) h-tj� ,of my to,wda, et,_ B"rad'stri'visi" on 'firallo. Ti� *,;:-,_ - i, C lt.,C
Ing anything. uttry of such reads well, f6r the story N�O,W, What Is the Dp&etlee_l ur4e or $�jwe toitsidor thlo to lde_%ft thst lie I Iuture tLn tva""I (",�i�i,,
All the 'great suedegfges hlavi� It tUDpfta,Md 91611t bOW ffieY 96t t1delp Tke ovq%m 8"_Jpla;,,'.,.�� tb-'EkniOrg.5 Ds eios- 1, -1 k1l". "I �111:12*' 111�1'_
- t1le pro,46nt difAcourge? This- Wlitte- h td already Cwne UIL;, but It is fa!� ttL�."_q�v wull ccvtt , ,
L&'s , - , '�.;n-,:t. wl,�Jll
_ A ntreq],t 'a 9`711.1�i;c alizAk: si ql_�T �7_ . ,�
bmn galfic-Ld through 01*0310,lft and 1, cd :or M�,r Cc .��_,_'_ �;!� 1-1ilio - wi, �
tielth wal-flng for ti -m taf-flage on a as, to inatly hivii� ruitted thernselvea m6fe- Pftattbie 11itt lie noirr deto!�� I I
attiuggle, CbtitI4�g Ooodyelr, the ihl� p4tw hll� M!11e8 to itt�� h1s pnop3rllty for Gol ar, � - I
.ht, Oft t1ld froftt Meps. Vitid ifto and ituitiM others b.v becoming gn,d- �,l tra,de at thvt p_�Tt Em'mil teea 16,%IkV` ij:%��Z.Vs r�-el- t an �Z.�, " _: . -�.,,nv�-�,nd
Vefttoft, whose liable It, ftOw & sYft- ond man or one woman who fil all the humanity. �% fow i'mys beflym th:s U'h-lt c,zl11tz1i,e,! --n C,_�rtzm_914 UU.ps. *Nlip �n l'i-'e Eng'Us!1, :,_-�,nL� �It_ _,_ ��t �t,,!:---
. . ,C .1 , .. if " '11'u tLlo
.or for- gbouts aniong o-couDations, araft.9 h.4 TV6.,.-Ae,;itaRe e.rtii-s - . I
bhYlh All th:� World Over routidg Of pleasuftle and gelftshjj4ts bag J*_-�tta h.Ld .,�Ov�A 1,6w',d.�_fneult it N,V..,,S vo-ulde of tr.t-��a . 1r.,;g prl,�4rs. oM,T'Z1,P
.g cht-4rches. pl,ezunt N col'-T.-'eirej ,*ery VaUs- tl�3�,t7s Sent �ret; �. . �
addeti to roftufte,, Waded many religious theorl6v, whon for a rkh mrza to cnntlar tile klng�!ow il"t 'n ; ra�i�!i� , --�t til 4
L. . . _ - 'EID
0-tgd as TIX- VELit.-T %VLMther hems fto_ klq - �_-, -.� 17'-EC'4
tune, found tL bidee Of happittess as I 6,mang neighborhoods; thert�op,', te- of hi�lven. itit, dd1!_-q:t al; ft. I% Irere i"Ictory* .3 11 , �__ �";
Years chiti iltev through the World's ' ' 1.r.,at ptioCu -9 C-t�'Z-JZL','%
rus, In. debtor's; thit halt dollgt ,wnildh the behevoleftt IV#-&, that -v,e will cofiedntrtite up- - to M Unc - U_ _'T 111.1-�-q LSV�P,
. 490 ts a 11 C:t*� b_�k 01 V= -1 -
8corh And was th tifid elitistill-lesoul plit! into 4"he pal"t .. ith nivin lentmtlng. 10� CoUt-ae. Pw'vc(l tL'�'2�erj�u"':D fu- - y * , , J. ,�,� " V�era tu �
on -tihat is rl--q-ht thought a,hd MgId th1q %01��h - e actl!31k OT ,.ih3_ R b aa - %� I I I I 11 n,z=' U-.- ol er8ers Ot,w- E htl�elrto brten 0, fz�T,vr. " , .
d Came with w1f; ralrilly to M tie TV ig t�re S '! , cnt _r . I "m
prison ail of the band of Walt mother wh va- oirt,�wli-_,t am,J tr,Aa te , 3 . .:. �.. ,
the verge of titatvatloh. but con- asechli- behavior And tvacte tio thne In ruler. It ... .. by Vilio atewmt.l.on- 52. , col -T I'ar �;,. ��: . - s I
.,, . ?�_
' � � VE
itlofta ttad u the ea�stern Vroiim�e-.�. V110ae"st con- g,_o fuave�t "I"O Vrtzy.-""j 1'. .. -
tinud his ettl3eflinefitS 'with Vllllclft� dreu atd etyitig tot bread. cillations tind Indee ticdt- T,ha ,*Wv dota tjoit Imply doubt; lie had tlCTI n �9 -, r , �a "
Amohg the rate 4of gad"onta Ut'6 . fl, J�,rW fq)g, . r- , D!
talloties, =i�st Enss. xonev is 0, -.rre wAh t�am.3 *ai,cx '_ - � wete
J.t6_d rubber Uhtll Ile bldded Ift6re tba2l tuniiing aboW. In places tak,,t�A blon-by Wftmgfulpy ltesto't,% ow", -, �,;,-gz:-
I caf, b4l� estimated to tht w,tI&t thom *ho ifteglont their homie& In ordtr where we htmd fto buslo6s't to be. h1la joqt,laltl_�ftt,� reStj-,�tt.bn t&. btelo- bt-,V=Ii,t over Fn ,Z_",� --T, a
11611th and Comfort, As .�*jffi " to that they may attelAd to Institutions Life Is go sliott we have iio thhe t* 11omt1A law requI&M tlta ltax-�Cathe�M,t -Ai:Li�.Te r-4 a I-orge mavemant It Taolt- �, e",;,-7._-_,`) Vent.l.
, - _', - I UxteTiy tEn us,- '" , ,
and that b.ft feallv excellent and do not to play wp,h it the spendthrift. Find to make Wh.m It 1V,XJ proved t1ley L,a,j a -?..V gm -9 ,-'It POD'onta. ;�,.r,A qt5te a kat§ng rans, a ra�',11, ol w�*."'-.l vnna es-
, .. --- " -
� Ills ,,,,n adlvrahtagti_� Coltubbut �.�. .�-:7 tL`4�%P_r
� lftuch,iisk for help as dema-fid. it i eta e, and defrauded th�� pwple. Lre'r, MErelmPtig trc,= trsa P'Mvlmetad t'v".5,7"ej bzm 1,:t1c.2 n,,�- zm�,-
. ,out ,whibthibt the Bible It tft centres Itave tearn an tl6a M-neiaet Sn - .. , _-,I , Ir ."", �s VF9-
. joh-h Fitch, and 4 Stbepheilson tLtId actiukifita, at you are, with womeft whether Your 110,11te Is 101mbrttl- 1). is *a][Vutloa lcome--ZWCfier:9 Was � is -al. Dr t"nr- Qv�,4��,t", - �
� sl W. Vilelcl -, ple,karg up -4-,b tots 61 qeo!ls to sort "lie Tt -,2, -I r. ,-70', ,-t t7,j"ZCev
,� . tobeft Bruce, and ICYft Who are ralerilibers of to many boatds ef and -whethet Christ Is the ,alvine and Iniade 'Itg new tcreature.�' Proo' � tor�j U -UXf p -S cn L -
W'20 4mplei. Att, had received ��;� .1.
,�' M r
, stozks. buit tLe earAlnz I rJ:' we.1- keeps r8rrectl�,' ._sor�:!n a 4c�-� -�� �.��`�`, �ottt
: is, 111tisttactIont Of d1ractioik icid b6tievoletit ifittitutlofts, only Sttviot, tdid whethet YOU must feet on - , , .. - -,
tLnd 6ba oth&,twtre . -r lliug had a depress_-tng ef -
; booth In so I I in A F - any
� , T DlUek ftn do. Afid 1Avd to MtAnd lit & �91adLr. 121� tte had repiented "id can- ex -1., 0 , q�:;� t ��
Vbat tenbititY lind 11!§66hifitiK $In( ret.43 I V r. a, , s
. bA,v6 himl lot be ,c trade both k1l Tovanto ana `,a � g I
*Jjard, PoubdinVt �Ydjcl Wellington at arid must �colleet funds( tot 1[cssed, 8. lie ,had plelged himself to , way impalred.
Waterloo; Ilatcl Pounding, gen.tle- fribmV, fah% � whether theft *111 pk6btibly tv6k bt thj� 0oqntrT, and jabtePS rwave bten,, I
t Wei 'Will see tvhd taft pound to Maity philanthropic mectings. and a more auspicious tnomeut tot �kour thake ttstitution. 4� lie had tatrias discuselag the ptlob."'Me amwant ,0:
bith, bit , Iftef I his i1chet,ovot, to God, to to used foe �u 1� The )3riti-b Apple 9'rade.
Yeto tily fri6hat, that kr�* '6 eted tc be fit to mahY di - b6comllig his adherent � . IS that VV14,2 lAive , be car-
thd loug6st-1, 6 - J plaeesl at the same time that 'their andf thell tilt goodet others. ,%n or Abraham- t1'e"v1 goo
16 the SeCtet, not flight Mia ob- n make thIt It o'clo,ek at nooft 0 TqOV. InalsMUdh AS Ile fitia tepented and to ried over. Col I winter Vve � titer da -Ing Woollmlt & Om report th�- totsl ,a=V
1,1 the way, "but -Who cail thildeeti .tire left to the lbab� of Irf,e- -Z 1906, the thost Illusttiougi min- first balf of th"s mantib wouta do vol toll appl�.,s to Nov. 17th �-uq :Z43�SM
ifteleg sponsibld servants, atid it 116 little , will over have, pass fbtkive.m Zaceliens is as good ft ron the -,e up for the deficit In b.,�rpejs, -vk�jjnst 2,70.,-,Z$J fl,.- "It- r,qme I
muth to m rl
fpbund tile longest* " 'the child 61itsi wailtied to say their ptl1y6tid at ute that YOU 6d Of Abt;&1A no though he had gave, ,N-Ovembar s des Of heay.v Stuff- V SCUCNE; tIn - Tagt year, an,j r,M tk - rriVaIS
since the -day, of ,Your birth until the beeii 4,6ibuti., . IL . . � a
lAd It Would never r,ontinue firm for st.tp',e goaft. 'Phe tbl.q Vreelc (IN h of 9-S ba��_
tight when Itit6mPting to ditif mothee! knee they 'such teft millionth 'cycle of thd 66ining 10. U come to seek-1VUle Zalachens . Ov. 1-d -Z � I I 71, # be- I
tarry, k tell of coal, a ShOV161fid at 1jay their evening prayers at 61L cts for tvide fir the immediate rel', al* th3 =06t ;Wm-lt.�Ut 01 t .
, td eternity, bdc&ue6 br complete Out- *at so desirous of seeIrw, tbe Saviour, Prc,,P'-
,& Wild, from the tidew0k the it itoman maket her OWn home sd'un- - future tire eticouraglrg� ae�noon, but, a consadprable qaantltr
, I
;Mllat, itne, tobl. Otte asked h6t, "Do attractive that fh4 husbabd tpeflj§ hilt render, of thought and *111 and aftee Je*" *ias More desirous to see and �4,t R!rAllton tli'144 W��elk there ba4A '.
� V7---4- X-Ot 1AV:1V3 �11 tiMp 'Wo.- dj--�XVOA
lrbu expect to get all thiLt doal Ift I q at the tlub house tiorh and lije to God through Yesua 6XV-8 Win. ne had made A joijkfidY tO been a fair Jobl-01119 dchmand consid- I th!,q vrieek. I;fte totp � rir,,*1._V,4, 9S enown
, evenLing. lot 016 tav- of seelt*Ing �
- _-.1 . -
*16 thitt little shovel!" And she 6rA. T � he children of that house ar . e as Chrlst you became a new mail, a Jolicho for the purpose eu-j the mK-i we!tbPr. Etol-day I ;R�i,vve, are for th., r1rart V.=e L-1 lexcem.
t6pll6d. --yes, sit-, it 1 work long. I . Wdiji&% a new soul, and God 4bim out and saving him. Which was j�,rs are sening freely to the enlan- 5of
thci3Oughly orp*lan as' any of the new - thooer of th� %�,07L,e�-T,!"I..�-�-i�--�,��-, pl�e�04
ftough vf By the help bf God chaos th6 F&thet, and God the Son Incl Imt-k man may be lost In wore nd -i, g<-00,1 mariv spring - ?as
. . e fatherless and mothetlest HUM ones - . e a I t ymr. Vh-ra 1ts lx-,:�n -- fa�rlr,
t ek to It. Th d d the HoIJ, 'Ghost, and All �llgej_ Be-nAe* than onc�.. Lost In alb, lost ild trY trt"ff -
gathered In the orphft_us�lge tot which '00 ow,cl of men lost it doubt, tind orders tire bebig boakel. Co',Iectlons , actl,vo ,:-
3�b,br tsillIng afid is I � dt�m,!tnd �j ut th� 1��-�,c�za;,,Jqu,tn. �.
dom, cherubim, and ser.tPhItN aud t1le 'or I _t t�"Iat ,Vtp �i tfty Wis n%turaZly ,vau!�'. *j,_,r_-J�� D�
Sadebouth li,re fe.1litteS for this IM4, ,that gadabout womall Is toll1bg to Sh- I teal,;l lost to his ;roper usla, and ,'sMV "t" fnIr I- '�4'1�t_ 07 t�'"" T' bave , � . .ttlo L I
n Ta coun y ; vvePikrvl�sx Th, miv,t att-m-etive have
. archangel b6eame yott allies. ex I I'
to,tiLJ, nothing of the tiett. austmously. 13Y all mearis let Chfls� 1,11 the World. In wh.ttever sense We fr'_'n e'ellver'e t a tt .
. tL,te ynknjr *hoi t�rblblt this titift women roster ,ehatitable Inetilu- Wa7 be lost, His purpose is to find b�-�Pn 11911t. . Ivelt ,sh7piaeatq frora Boston ant, '411MRs.
tthate Ill rpr�jec t'it the racUle colntst citle's , 1,.oth as regar(719 qwcglty and Conal"100,
Trailty In matters ,of religion. tlh6j, tio,ftv and givle them at much of their r A liand. ,of Poverty. W save tis.-VUlcock. orforpil with latel.v NV I tl'.e otkIT 11"i.r�13, it !a to-
TLAX� L - I,.,g been int wh�irervq. on .
A,re .60t sure about anything that t6t- time aS theYL can spare, but the first ft is it! nussittlig most fettlIel dis- I hings.-4%gus welcomes all Win- roil -Ah Vve-thpr. but tlie COM tern,r.wr- I l"',, t"aretto'] th!tt tht, C-Inatlian-1 AX6
taints to their soul Or their eternal dutY she ne� Wha are, yvilling to leave til"Ir p qnw li'vc; t--n"lled to lin- �� tb. " �,
are TToltAriah5, duty of that mother 19 the ttlots that the 'worst faullne'S 'Occur, 4TIS. All Christi,uls should 'follow _turp with , rever.�,P. lind inwhoT -.1n fru% waa
iltailly. NJTOW tbey owes to her home. I tamine-a little one every YeTr, nil Provel� the iaem%rd for nli Vi%ftqer�- " ,, 11 h ,,za Fh�)Illd no -vie" r h,%ve ly,�%a cb!pp,)d.
am; ,,,,,t §pn. rres"n P=,14 h-tvP bee ,
odists, and now for rist's, ex. plz in reaching out after
And now they are 71feth No lone can take a Motheeg Plate, it big one every' seven Years- Nis W* Wtiv;t of humanity. No Oue ever ! OmP I Th r-- vrorb, kowevotr� a few notablb
theYL are presbyteritin't, and TlOw` they and it Is an awful. mistake the, that now become a regullar occurrence. _�Ought Christ with, Al] tha, ii -art who st'irep .and have been bringing 50a ,exceptions.
Ing a, all. They arenot quite mother, makes who sacrifice -4 home lid the coulatry, as one flies acrosel per d"MIn. . I
are noth , A -lid not fi-,ld b1m. We c;1x)11ld put wir- I
surq that the 131ble ,was inspired or, If duties for any ,church meetin At Winnipeop, C.vtli- llravdinc Wit'a Llqutds.
M bow- It, leaves the general Inipri,sWon of 14m1wo In the way where, Christ passPS _ buslno,.so li-s sliown 1
or any rnore life 1111"Pr t;�e Iuf hwner, of CA ler .
llis�lred, whietber the words or the ever Important, hesnital, Indigence. lit sblarp and painful con- 1.1; th- bous?,or 4o !, tha prayer elrell, w. th-r wity) PTR11ZT'.1`": N'Vl-r*; in tl�e A rsstit�entr el. 'NeI7, zpalanil I'llatt I*t,
Ideas were Inspired or wbether Only however merciful, Or any outside trart west western Europp talevre are-- 'h, elos�,t for swret pray�nr. Evory e- ' ented a liqulkl 4�:T Tar.qn�Ung cattia
. Inspired. They beneficence, however gl-!Ou'; and virtually 110 tat stock yards, n w,nol.q hi;%vB already bv12:an tA get a.,
I i�
I 11
Part of the book was o 01w -Y AtV Wo take for th.,� Lord reqllhl�'-% I t1le prosprl,-tA 07 .1 ;.;�Iotl l9il-i � �
I L ' I .. - vv1,,!eb cap It -o ni�;4*o.-i wi-,ii�; a brilstf
itt the story In grand. Not understanding this, we farmbou,se, rx,) cliat(I-11'a of the loca ti'% P, I Ill W."
think at one time tb . f � i 110mrage. T,v-n--1'1 "C""I �# -in .1-6- itl-xyat tille w,(.<-�:At. 01 lvrildging thb
I - den Is a m1stakibe when we try to give satis so lanaowner, no silinre's ball--filtiful I
Gielleals about tile Garden of t ; PR.kC`MC.kL 8MVEY. I I ;,,�.,T.*"`tA,ts become Julleb InrMOLLr and uttn`Ml. the ,e,o----1',,ky;:M.I tennsisting of
ere assemblages of men ani women just
-0 how many Christians theie , , ,,, s'o-In" -T, kerosei�lC4,,
'Jilstory, and tile month after they think 0011 as t I 'ed it " Wat4L
e they are in our ,churches the wdeld. on tile lifther side of the starvation TM seeker dcscf flied In the I m-840111 9 t lPre q -1 mnrk �Mliro"men in 1*erfl'te of
I It ]a an allegory. At one tIM And in in c,D1Ie,c,tJcna. ____ hematite and aloes. .
J011fik th.6 book- of Job, describe.q what We Understatei the facts, Wt look over line. I spoken of As a. prominent Man I
. L ....... ... . .... � ........ . . . � ... ....... . .... .. I ... - .... __ ........ ......... " ... '- ..... � . . .. ..... .. . �. L-------... I . --t-1.11-1 ....... .. . .. .. 4' �� , 111-1-1-,". . . ... .._____ ..... . I ... .. ...... � _,", . - 1.-.__..1_- ..... . -1 .... L.'11.-�"Ill-".11�—..--"".,�..'I 11111"I'A