HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-14, Page 6DIZZINESS AND NAUSEA Caused by. Over -Study and Close Confinement, Row a Popular Schee/ Teacher Sur. Wed -And How Acting on a Friend's Advice See Tried Dr. WiWaves' Pink Pills end Was Re- stored to Health and Strength. t "About tbe most thorough and popular teacher we have ever had Peere," Is tile opinion expressed by the people of Canaan, N. Se of their pres- eht young lady school teacher, Miss 1cel1ie Cutter'. Miss Outten is possess- ed of keen intelligence and engaging inanners. and has' been peculiarly sue - °awful in her chosen profession. At present she looks the picture of health, and one observing her good color and buoyant spirits, would never think of associating her with sickness. It was, however, only last ta.utumrn that she was ahnost hopeless of continuing in her work on account of her ill -health, and her condition was "a source of alarm to her friends. "res." slm said to an Acadian re- porter who called upon her recently to learn the particulars of her case, "I suppose it is a duty I awe to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, that 1 should make public; the wonders they worked for me, but perhaps I would not have thought of it if you had not called." - "You see, in. addition to my teach- ing, I bad been studying very hard. over my B' work, and then I was at- tacked with. whooping cteugh, waich did not leave me for a long time, and L O I /became pretty well run down. 1 was always considered the eruboclie ment of health at berme, but last autumn. I was really alarmed over my condition. Sometimes in the isehoolroom I would be seized with dizziness, and often I would taint away. I would take vomiting turns eke, and hart a feeling or nausea aril languor all the time. I lost my oolor and became thin and pale, and Lt seemed axe if my blood had turned to water.. "The conditionof things was so Ifferent from anything whieh I had reviousiy eperlenced that I sought Weal edviee at one. I was 1st - armed thL 1 was guttering from entia, and I at once put myself tier metleal treetm at. rut nl hough tried several botttes of preecrip- . my condition seemed to be ttIng worse all the time. When I t hexue for my Clirlstnitui veto- , 1 ors almost lit despair. It wee bile I Was at, home. hewever, that frientle advised mo to nae Dr. illiamin Pink Pills. Acting upon their advbe. I took up their use. The bet box tuade Eta effeet felt,. hut 1 toed four or five, and them the cure was complete. Ever since then my 'math hes been exoelient, and I have t my real old than telt, and ant Te to attend to Itty dutieh, Whish by no raceme Bette without the &Awe and languor thit mad) the work irlamme. Yon may depend upht IX trill always have a lankily rd to tety for Dr. Milian& Pink your dealer does not keep theee Ln atm*, they will be seat peat kl at30 rents a box or• eix hoees $20. IdrostenthDr. Ln Cte, Deeekvilla, Oat Smallest of Mete Kind. Celebes lois the tiketinetion of bang the lame of the em Meat lilvittg repee- *Putative of the wild tattle, or, in- deed. of the Mid eattle of any leer - Sod In the Parties historeh for ho squally dimtantive fossil theeiber of the gtoap amears to he khown te ante. Art tier. the extremely died- la/Wee pet:tor:Vont of the :roma. et itapiktrwitt. as the animal In natation $s respettively elited by the Inhabit - ante of Celebes arta the Malaya, hike when it Ea atated that ith height at tio elm -older is only about 8 feet 8 ifiehee, whey:ham that of the gteet /radiate wild oh. or gear, le at Meet d feet 4 ifichese tied may, etc - bottling to soffit', writrts. reach an retteh ate T feet. In fact, the anal, is really toe nuarh. If at all, varger than A weil,gtown Foatlidown Sheep, and ecateely exceeds irs thie reepeet the tittle deitieeticeted Etniteitil &Atte ihowil a fete years ago at the Indian tiehlbitioestD4 it at -1' e Court. The atm 1ttn.1 /tinny of the ehitractetr- eStieti 'of the ;lege Indian belfalo, but its hats ere telativetertee. less carved and more upright. In this, as Well hie in rertain our resoez,ts. it Mo.te Vico yenng th,m the mina • tht -i lf1tiS Yetteg nuiteres erergiently eltotv ne- ibeetral featetee WEileh rare grieffially inaturity la treat oatrieed it *Fetid n tatoeal eheeehltioa that abbe Is a listitaititv, t7pe or bur-- etrEETEhs atheeis fete SADDEaT TIM:LOUTS, t tadiee- hehat to you hate been free rtialev the the saddest, yet sweeteet t of the day? :lately that when ellenee, aleae, or 1 sweet co -m- elon with relatIvee or friende, have et yout tlumgets dwell the dear abeent ones in Africa. our hopm. aetel feate, your pray - and tears have •gone foeth at And wee not that the hoer afternoon teah Your soldiers' men -lades -the Btit- phinters-make the delieleue HIEN teas of Ceylon and India. Is alone •should incline you to try teas. Japans have na such irn oe you, and ate, beeidese Of effiet 'qualities Monsoon, Saleda Bite Ribbon blends are all goot beleSt. t t It• tibtoe Ttlp Atross the Alps. X herman lieutentant has just cross - the Alps in an automobile, the route Wed being by way of Frankfort, eh, the Brenner and Um. The eteutsion, which extended over 0 biles, was performed in 90 1 driving -a record of over 12 an hoar, good be out of the world as out fashlon.-Colley Cibber. SAILED FOR NINE MONTHS, Awful Suffering of the Crew of the Oakes, ALL DOWN WITH SCURVY, • (S. A. Wood ixi Ainsloe's) "one of tile most remerkable cases or a veeset beiug posted at Lloyd's as missiog and thee turning up was that of the sky -sail clipper r,LIA P. Oakes, tlie filet American iron square-eigger ever launched. She left the port of Hang Kong an. July 4th, 1896, for New York. Her lava' • time from China to Sandy Hook was about one hundred marl twenty days. After she had been out about two hundred and fifty days, a.nd weli not reinsurable, elie was posted. Her agents had given her up as lost, and the relatives of her skipper, Capt. Edward W. Reed, and his wife, WhO acoompanied him on the voyage, had gone into mourning. The nautical 'world was startled wen, on Mon- day, littera 22nd, 1897, the old iron eleip appeared in the port of New "York, two hundred and sixty days out of Deng Kong. She brought as gretveome a yarn of stem and calm and sickness as was ever spun in forecastle or cabin. The missing ship came in tow of the oil -carrying steamship ICasbek, which sailed from Philadelphia on March teeth, deep laden for Fiume. When she was about three hundred miles southeast of Sandy Ilook oho of her officers, who woo on the bridge, saw a blue light gleaming through the frosty air, thick with spoondrift. The tank • bore down toward the signal, and when she was within hailing dis- tance of tee Oakes, Captain Muir, who had been eumraoned from his cabin, Shouted acrose,. the troubled sea- "Heave to, you. are moving too fast for us!A feeble voice returned this strange answer - "'We can't do ito send a boat to us.' "The Oakes was on the starboard tack, pitching Into the swells with only her fore, main and mizzen lower topsails set. Captain Muir lowered a. boat with three men, in charge of Chief Officer Helshane The scant sail of the clipper forced her barna- cled hull through the seas at lees than two knots, and the muscular oarsmen of the tank, by hard row- ing, were able to overhaul ber with- in half an hour. Before dawn Hels- ham was alongside. A voice from the ship said: 'We want a tow.' "'What do you want to peel' Iles - ham asked. Then the \vice, which was that or Second. Mato Abrams, responded. 'We'll settle that by ar- bitration; six of our crew are dead, twelve are sick In the foleti'le and only two of us eau move about ship.' Heleham returned to the ICasbek, re- ported the clipper's condition to Cap- tain Muir, Wlit) shouted to the Oakes. 'We'll stand by you.' "The BrItieh sailors got out a nine - Inch Manila, hawser and bent It on a two -and -a -half -Inch line. The line SIMS painted through a hawser pipe astern and got afoul of the propel- ler. About one hundred -rand fifty fathoms of it spun and slashed around the propeller biotin nod the outboard part of the tan Altatt. The propel- ler was jammed and the engines came to a stop before Chief Engineer Ste- vens could allot off eteant. The tank was to windward ot the square-rig- ger, and drifted directly into her entirst. The chief engineer tried to start the ship again by tieing the auxiliary turning engine, which broke down. The iron prow of the Cable would have pierced the hull of the Ettebek If her ettilor-ntert had not heisted on her throe pole masts fore - and -art galls, %Odell she used in emer- gene'', As it Wee, there was only beat's length between the two ship. when the Kashek haeked out of the Oates' etntrae. The tat& was helpteig athent Wgitt hoer. A tretterly gale san nM tbie Oakes taftishld below the horizna, The thief engineer tiffootipled the ntoneller fintt dud totted it aft mall the pro. 'Mier boo utua dear ell the ittetai mat. tie aad h arft had been amble to free front tite. tail shaft the two and eite-half inch line, which had been lammed about IL Alter attempting' tht propeller k haft theta %vita a Space or tablitit an huh betwern. the separated flanges or thl, ton/dings, and hato this space tht chief engineer fitted plece.s of tough oak; the 'Shaft was thus Made an inch longer, and that inch was enough iooseit the line oaths tail shaft It was practically adding a Wooden section to the shaft. "The teghtee were ALatteds and vik bsit's captain etelded to enNe the eld el!pcier if h eoutd, toeame in eight or her late in the aftettereezeik gale eletheated With snoW Was hosvMtg out oZ tht north. It w,t4t toll rough to March a boat, and the ICa-diak seined e th3 teeppled ship nearly two, days. soa qiki sonr-owirst„ and, therotert light boat Was loaded With ;Lout', tap.s.o.a, potatoes,, 5an3 jetee, wife:key and to:diAne. 'The Keseek's etteteard gave Up all Irlz provisi,ms. Crept. Melt' hid surtaisNi that tio ,re Was savory, on -tin thip, and this prompted frem to send the antidotes. ▪ eleler1flr 1-7,1khons said later, •-rhz, only tale event= /found aboard th Ottkot Was Ars, tteed. Wife ot tho captain:" Tteeed said 'that ever er Soul ettept, his wife Was sink With seettery, of tiettleb five seamen bete/lied" 'Ile himself was only :slightly III. The seeorth reatte's lege and tee.t ttrere swollen neatly twice their normal site, and he and the thitd Mate were unable tre go aioet. TIM Chinese stewe e.rd ikas tee Weak tor work ship, and a good deal of the labor had fallen o n the skipperta vigorous wife, Who Is a lineal deseendant Of the Itetolue tiottaty hoine, todIie ateteh. She did almost everYthifig teidePt go titatte Her thief dater Witt at the Wheel. The ka,slyeles men Were Made sick by the epeetaele la the -Oakes' foteeas- tle. Twelve utterly heiplesal Men lay in their banks in various stages or de.lititittakinie bad lost all theft teethe They were hutted by the ealloreoT the Kashele until the ship got into Sandy Hook, '14 he Hasbeles able teatitaii furled the old clipper's sidle, and She was taken in tow. After she got thto quatantine, Captain Reed, his wile and those of Ids men who wete able to talk, spun the yame :of the hapless thip'e protraeted Voy- age. When she sailed feom Bong '11.oing tret Gi'VW Weft it good health. he skipper Was tecoverieg filet a pittalythe ettoke. Tele arfeeted hh tortgae, and be was tillable 'tt) talk So his men could reedily underetann Wan. He gave Ids orders to his wife, who has a goott, deep sea V0400, and she, to turn, gave them to the nen. In the China Sea the ship was struck by two typhoone, which blew her out of her course. Captain Reed had In- tended to Emil by way of the Cape fel Good Hope, Met he was eo far off his course that he cIecided to make for the Home He had yery little lime Mee and vegetables, but plenty of 'salt horse.' He had expected to make the whole voyage inside the thee it teak 13ern to reach Cape Herm. Light airs and calms held him back. :Fie lost his Chinese codk by pneumonia, and In December, 1896, scurvy broke out in the forecastle. Seaman Mos was King Wed, of it an December) 26tb. Thomas Olsen saccumbed In ettonary. Thomas .eutige died on February 17tfla He wrote a letter in his delirium), in which he saicl that he believed the captain was giving the seamen something to make them swell up,t, and he believed that the mete and the young Chinaman aft knew something about it, Mate Steven te, Dunker tend Seaman George King also died in February. On March 1st only the skipper, his wife and the second and third mates were able to work. The wife kept the log, as neither of the mates was able to write because of swollen hands. " brisk gale sprang up, and the crippled mates went aloft to furl the main topsail. Chptain Reed's wife said that .at this period of the voyage she be- gan her hardest work. 'The captain came to me,' she said, in telling the marine reporters her experience, 'and asked me to take the wheel while be helped those on deole. I did so. It was bitterly cold, and I was not prepared for the weather. but I stuck to the wheel until my husband eame aft and relieved me until I could go below and get a blg ulster of his to wrap myself In. I was steadily at it that day from 7 o'clock until DOOM I was pretty tired before I was relieved. I went back to the wheel after I had a little rest and something to eat.' "Mrs. Reed worked gallantly for the helpless sailors, making broths and gruels of oatmeal for them. TheY begged for salt meat, but, as that would have added to their Illness, they were not allowed to have it. "Lloyd's agent in New York read of the heroism of the skipper's wife, and found that the story was not ex- aggerated. Teloyd's decided that the heroism was worthy of recognition, so they authorized Captain Clark to send her a medal." There is more Catarrh hi this section of tho country than oil other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors Pro- nounced it a local disease. and preberibed wed remedies,and by constan tiy failing to cure with local treatmout, pronounced it !peer -Able. Selene° has proven Catarrh to he a constitu- tional disease and therefore requ tree constitu- tional treatment. HaIrs Catarrh t:ure, mean. foetuted by F. .T. Choler &Co., Toledo. Otilo, X t the oulyconotitutionnt cure on the market.It Is Mutt internally in doses from.10 drops to a teeepoonful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the 'einem. They offer one hundred dollars for any vise it falls to cure. 'Send for circulars mid t eet imoninhe Add'es F. J. eliENEY Toledoot. Sok' by druggiste. 75e Halle -Faintly Pills nre the best. The Grecian Bertd. People who are old enough to re- member the preposterous *Greaten bend" era, says the Loudon Exprees, will be aniused at a. prophecy just uttered by ono of the "queens of fash- ion" of Dublin foretelling the speedy .return of thia strtumeeet of frighten. able trIcke. Already the foreshadow- ing of th3 erase tayisibie lit the droop - lug angle of figure adopted by tOrtttill Indies of Inehlon who Hite to be well thead of 'their peers. The attitude Is not. 11lt0geth3r voluntary, however, olherres the Dublin Evening Tele- graph. The newett Freneh enginee of torture for welding till fettanine form are eo ottremely rigeroua in dcalgtt that G. forward IeW,. en the peat of the victim ih almost. Indispens» able to the retaining of breath. itetts on the Stomach, hem& of lenttile.t dfgestion-rmohnt moitat the heti rt It trAiet 5 alaritiblit P,Vreittletng, I tallalat telleri ittieseid bY IhItst et nee deeps Nervillise fe a Belo ew epithe& tvetereeetan hour atter the setae Neetileue aids deeetion, excrete the gee end ituraiNs it ez.tise tf melee. Nerielitie is goo,/ for a 105 51 other there, be. Mee Keep it le the house Mr itheramelent, CdslitTA Neurattia, TodlbaCht6 leeggiste sell le ereatleets. Tito bargain table t the safety valv of the elatottie shspping Gnat in not the cola of Pitylistia. but tho argot of the illiterate. If a .Wonott have tett la abundente, and ft fine preseitee may wear lent yeatod goWn altdetected. Ward, all our prayer a atuntered.ae tording to our the world Would have to be retreated. *Mao le no loneliness equal to that felt atifidILcroWd, "the vogue or the *.rdeti" in mart houses+ reegitt 'mono -nolo a Boil Ineverlo dWelting, instead of the irendary "skeletem" Cothtleee, Wheel bate gone to thee hoge. bemuse thair indolent busbande lolled Mate More time honer, Mittard's Linimett Cares Owlet i Cotvs. 1 leoeittl Philosophy. if you awid making prellictio103 will often, aloid musbAg yoI ti- , dicalons. Oat in the, little country towns, i is recaliied whea peoyie de that thee "scattered sonsidia through lite. when, a woman has a Nisitor, she easre "0! course I was glad to eee het, but I never had a• moment to spate while she was here." It IS a wonder the doctors donot .give a wotaaa, blit. Idat, as a tonle,, • that lit ease She elie.e he hesband has his Seereiti wife plekel out. Men do a. great many things they shoelti not do, and oho wee -used of a great Many they do tot do. Little wonder, thetefote, that tam are abuSerd. re An. Atchison Mari hat rievet seen "tette 'Tones Cabin," although he has tiled sevetal them. Every eote_ petty Wag so poor that OM het • wad all he could stand. Aek a womah if het connettly has gout) home, and she will eay-ehea h hthhe he aye% thank .goodness." Ihit the theteen will keep en inviting • eorepany, and company wilt keep on omning. re le getting to be so that IVOInen •tit -ill 'have to eeral out ttanSlations With their theitatierme to a party. m • heaven's nitrite What is an "abet. omy patty," a. "lower throw," oe, a "cookey shine ?"-Atchison Gicte. rilinaechs Liniment Cures 'Colds, etc. Witt Will discover what a number of thingh you can do without, when yea have no Money to buy thern.--Thatk- *Vet. oman's eakness A woman's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with her kidneys. Theslightestdisortiorinthe kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re- storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Life, your best friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills SHE WAS NOT READY. Swift Elevator scares a 111issour Bride. He wan 6 feet tall if he was an inch aed the shoulders of the girl at his side were on a level with his own. It was plain they didn't be- long to Kansas City, and as they came into the county court house yesterday In an awkward, hesitat- ing way, with many glances at the lofty ceilings and broad staircases, the loungers in the corridor put them down for Pike county. They had just been married; that much was learned later, and they were taking in the sight& of the city be- fore returning to the country. Af- ter satisfying their curiosity re- garding the first floor of the court house the pair decided to risk a ride in the elevator. Approaching the cage, they scrutinized every part of it carefully, and, entering the car, the znan said to Andy O'Hare, the conductor, "When d'ye start ?" O'Hare nearly fell off his stool with surprise, but said, as he sized up the visitors, "We start now," and, slamming to the door of the elevator, he pulled over the lever and the car shot upward with twice its usual speed. In fact, so quickly did tile car ascend that tho bride fell to the floor, and, chtaPing the knees of her husband, cried loudly : "I ain't ready yet1 1 ain't ready 1" They were the most eurptised bridal couple that ever came up the rond, and when they had reached the fourth Pear the groom turned to O'Hare and inquired: "How much do I owe ye ?" They walked downstalme-lransae City Star. We believe MINAIWS LINIMENT the best. Matthies Foley, Oil City, Ont. „ joseph Snow, N'orway, Me. Bee. It. O. Armstrong, hflagrave, N. S. Cherlee Whooien, hfulgrave, N. S. Pierre Landry, hell., Poketnottelte, N. D. • Thoittaa Weston, Sheffield, e utiful Ribbons. Beautiful Abbot's made of soft, glossy Wile are broeaded 'with Telvet floral deeigns In tirie natural colors. GaU2G ribbotts with satin emete and caehmere printed shk tibbois are !Me- dal fetehates in the Abbott depart- ment*, Datum Experienee nth convineed mato tem to cheesy et the substitutes Wee td fot Themes, tore- yes tied sinless tern Mr l attecied With &angel'. ,et alWiryn arid Ilse none CP her than Putman -es Pees -time Coot Bet actor, dreggists. "HOW beautiful the autumn leaves are!" etellaitaed Mrs. lelykine. °tea," answeeed het husband, te. eentfully. "If they eveten't Ver row. mot we'd be Pahing :Si or th. atAeoe for them as trimmings for oar witeee lattee 1w 4:414* CATON CAN BE CIJflEIJ DON'T DESPAIR. The Testimony ot Miss Addle L. Staekhousee Qat., is Sete, Hetet:It to Convince Eveti the Itiost Sceptical that Catatrhoeone Cirees Catarrh. ele is to, pleasiite for itie,*ottee MiAA StAck. hease,"to place raye Non moor& and throtigh die ree=e,tntit all who setter hem eater& may 'Mate wbat yout wondeiful Catarrhoz me has done foe me and what 1 know it teen 'do for °titers. r- A simple ceid was the first chapter in ter cage; it vete into it mild eese of catarrh,whica seemed a trivial ailment, and I allowed it to run on and on, till a most ken - some end stubbore catarrhal condition was s:cv fittnly estalidshed that no, treatment seemed able to teach it. / spent a good deal of moneetes deetote, used spreye ehtags, tablets, ete. Everything that Was sllege-ted by friends, 85thlint" I saw hd-fertIstA wak gtven an honest ttial, buteikeyearie other un. fathead suffetere f om chronic catarrh.I was at last Wad. to believe that tiothine shottof death toted tossibly batesh that awful disease. Mtn in this belief r Abandoned entreat- ment, but ine breath gre* lito offensive, and the Continual heatking and eonghtng so dis- Pleased those With whom I earne In mitatt, thet voreethiegsimphr had to he done. ' then 1 tried Vaterthokone: In a felt days the tangos, tensed by lbe theorat.• ih the throat, was Corrected. Not long afterWards the centitrual harking and abething tioece ably lessened. lee throat aria ruSte becittrie dear and my breathing easy. Thus eneoureg- , eS i cont rated Catarrixozone, for by this time I had fall coefidebee in its power. Well. it didn't cure 05 in just a week or two weeks, but it did cute me in two raontes. Mine was ctwe than which none could be worse. I hope many sttittring women win prollt by my ad- vice aria We, the o,ly rem ecly that I bon,say believe will .cure tatarth—that is Cater/b.- ozone,' Complete guaranteed treatrctil tt at all drug-, gists or by meil—priee Stet w nty-liVe Cent trial site sent for lific to corer postace and Ing - leg by N. C. Polsen t Co., Tingat,o-ct,, One; Ilertited, Conn., 11.8. Ai. HO W UJl Fit UT A130 UTIT, -- Could Not Help But h,ameatniee This Case. , "or course," retaarked the proud father of six children, "there ie no'bhing in all the 'world that makes a man so sineerely happy as to have around him a weal° houseful of rays - tering eltildren, every one of them tickled plumb to deteth whoa be comet: 'home at eight, and every one of them wauting to climb over him at once and the same time. Still, it Is pos- sible that there may be an ember- rastment of riches, an the French any, of even this sort, and when a baby is of the squalling kind lie some- times thinks he would almost commit a. erime for the seise of five or six mire utes of peace and quiet. A friend of mine, wbo lives hi a flatt is the fath- er of a regular, four -time seualler, and there was axt incident at his home pbe other evening that has caused his wife to look upon lett with suspicion. Albert is one of the mildest Man- nered men that ever lived. Across the hall from his flat live two bachelor friends of his, and yoa know, bach- elors are not, overly partial to babies with unrestrained lungs. The other afternoon his wife came in where he was reading, or trying to, and she was considerably wrought up." "I've got no us 3 for those two friends of yours across the hall," she said. "Why not, my clear ?" lie responded itt his usual mild manner. "Because, when Willie was crying awhile ago one of them said, 'Oh, shoot the baby.'" "Oh, did he ? " said the father, rais- ing his eyebrows, atter the manner of some persoa expressing surprise or reseatinent, or some other emotion. "Yes, he did," repeated the fond. mother. , "And what did yousay to that ?" he inquired with a half smile. "Whet/ could I say ?" she aeked, the anger showlug itt her face. "Really, I don't know), my dea.r," hesitated her husband, "but I thought possibly you might have said you didn't have any gun." She couldn't say a word; she dichnt try to; elm just look- ed, at him in speechless astonishment and went out of the room. -Washing- ton, Sta. in Hand Ironing elachlne. A new and unique band -operated power ironer of French design lia.s the advantage that much phyeleat exer- tion is saved the operator, as the power is euppned inechauleally by a spring adjustable tension, so that all the operator has to do le to direct its movement by exerting a horizon- tal movement. The device consists of an upright pillar rigidly attached to the Ironing table, which carries a bracket and a long arm ,which is con- trolled by meane of a spring, the, Iron being placed under this aria By ad- justing the spring, which can be done instantly and to a nicety, the amount of pressure, which. Is deternitned by the work In ham), Is regulated, 'spe- cial arrangement being proviaed for heavy work. These come In Novaral etyles, nickel -plated and plain fin - lulled, and retail for about $20. LET'S 'PALIC IT OVElt. Fair Canadtana- k The policy of your newly -elected rulere 1 in favor of trade within the Empire. Tour patriotism ap- proves of It. But, setting that aside. I appeal to rout- dainty taSite and ground ley taith on QUALITY. If you try Ceylen and India machine - made GREEN tens you will mithi something. What? The impurl Bee imparted to japan and China greene be the PILTITY METHODS OF HAND. ROLLING. Think of tide. Blue Itib. bon. Motoefoon and Salado packetare • eale.-Cielonist. — Pnengement Meg Positions. In cheating engagement rings for their fianeres lovers at tittles tilseard the conventional jeweled cirelet In fa- vor of the bizarre, feattastie and even geueeonte. Not long awe, eahe Bits, oat of a portion of a horseshoe, that he lind footed, a young man had it ring made, which he gave to the lady of his eholee on the day of their betrothal. 'The remainder of the horse- shoe was utile:Jed in the manufacture of a Itrooeh and earringe. Another kon ring which a short time tante wini atteepted by a hotaug girl an token of her losers eortstatey wito a section eat from the barrel of a WWI WhIeh many years back had playeh an unenviable part in a fatelly tratody. Mitiatd's Liniment Corea Diphtheria. Pekoe!itt Orowitie Plideapplete, The Woe of the greet awl groWiiig pineapple le tweet:Oiled lit ;fate, titt Phpine§ and throughout the far met generally with being a blood po'on 01 Meet &idle =tare. It le veld the be •thl substance with whieh the Malaya poison thee :kreesee and :tlaggete, , and also th3 "fingernail" polooit tormerly Itt ass eiliong the aletorlgitlie eleurdesee Worecee lefileietsallee wenien ettittee.ted flail ott eiaeh imitei to a keig, sharp point, died the least sera.teh front one of these wao eartalta death. This 0ig54taitt is tlat every 11047 o.f The gentetts Laxative Bretta-Quirdne Tablets remedy teat eaten a eole Set oire claV Nethitig great was ever aellieved Mellott eilthesiesnieeEmetsen. ISIM.E NO 50. 1900. is caused by weakness of th stomach or bowels is likely to yield to SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil. We don't say sure; and you may not be sure that your, or your little one's trouble is due to weak stomach or bowels. Doctors can't always trace a disease to its cause; and you can't. SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Cod Liver Oil is the easiest food for a tired digestion. But that isn't all; it encourages stomach and bowels to tackle their work; it gives and gets them strength from the other food they are able to take. Give it time. Food is the best of medicine: food that sets the body going again. This is health • give it time. The genuine has this pict- ure on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, °" send for free sample, its agreeable c -P144-,-, taste will sur- ,, prise you. SCOTT & SOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. SOc. and $1.00; all druggists. n - A betty Occupation. judge -You aro cliarded with ea- graney. What bavo you to eay for yourself? 'Tramp -Your likmor, 1 eveCrie at my trade daily from mornhig, till night. judge -Indeed What is your trade?! Teaune-I am a builder, Your Hon- or. - Judge -What do you build? Tramp -Mr castles.-Chleago Nowa. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Bees That Ventilate the 'live In each beehive are a bomber of nursing bees, who do not go out to gather honey, but look after the eggs and young, and a certain number are, niwees toe1 off to ventilate a biro. Theae stand rimto the entrance and fan Arongly with their wings. attealeTen =As P nit DA Y SURE; GENTLE. VY men or ladies; toccial work; ptellion pee. velment; re latle lira% with tiet r .fereticeist, epe Henze itinnet eery Address T. El. Lino tom inatteuer. tiratelfetei On. DROPSY Trented Free. we have madedeopsynndite complitennionstivecisity ter twenty yews. Quilek Mita uretworttemes. nook of stmt.:hereto and 10 Dees rettinent Mint. ILIT.11.GRBBleieBON'S. Ilex 0 Ataiotte,GAte 'ANTED TO PURCHASE:. COACH HORSES About le Maeda high:weight teem atte Matte isnot be:toned; age not to exceed 8 mese Address ALEX. aleGAitli. wVtndeor11otci. titoftiresi, tan& FRUIT FARM FOR SALE One of The fiflOgt. the leirieeteaPenisistila, at eViteetteie milts from IlarnAfon, on two reit eays. I,0 acre% 45 of Ithiel f50 50 ft1155v 010437 PZat.h6i. Clete baskeie or fruit. mostly, peaches. In sight this maven. Will ee veld Hots to se* parehasera This it a bergain. Addreee JONATHAN CA Mere:TEM P.O. Bet VA Witeee, Ont. — PBRM1NM-11.1- oURBD rnDA Irline's Great Nerve Restorer. NO Lis ol tiervolmese G.ttEt Sitgt &VP NSW- Pend to eel Ateli sheet, Plebe delphia, Pa,„ for teeetis ani ftee $2 teal Woo Foreale by J. A. Harm, Hee Notro Dame state* eloetzeal. gee tts Wintioves Scothiee Syeep ehotia treat be *sett tor Chilarmi Teething, It eteethet the Alta, teetees the garnet vete wheleelle tied le the best remedy tot Deitthine, Twenty, five beide ebonite a ouk GRANULATED • Is by 'Public Atialest`e irepott • 100 R CENT. Pug& tallZ ooLomsr VELLoWs ate the beet Yellow Sugars Made in the World. A TEST WILL PROVE 11'. ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERY *.A.A..ts.:444,404‘4.0 fiectl 401 =la emir WhIc and usefi Text thou eraY this vacll he :with and they and ed 51 is 13 fro we any AW Chaa gad and is ,was am ohu one ohu east pos you am! phr tal ev111 sie you may geo bee lug co DOS te of Sew pos ena a fin or Yo the dro yo evh 10 me nal Int Be in gel GUC Be try ang of Ax tut ani chl chi no. 001 tei eve grt 1101 OVI alt abt Bel 1 eri 1115 10 eel eel VI SPO eel of Yo ao