HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-14, Page 3. ____ '. __ . _____ ==---- - . -, -1. . --- ________.. -
o,,� .------ __79--_ I .. -_ .-- - I .. —, 0it the same moment as these two
I .- I , ST 1111-� 1 7/,. ----tl -IT P
e� — N, �_l 101111A r '� , beople,, tn whom, manifestly they bad S 0 �
� , , t� iking aD great an interest, l3ut
by the time they bad seat for their I
t 11 U o0eis, anti liats from tbe cloakroom
� and Harcutt had cuolly scrutlix , out
. I V Azed th6
I -rl i t-able-litst, they found themselves 0,11
(I [ � 11 together ha ta little group at the head
UUR EW of the stairs. '
- -1 - - I 1, I . 11valreaden, -who wa's a few steps
I on. e t! % � �g -f -'I -;,�_ _ '.. �. in front, drew bilrk to allow them AND
; '. ,-t ; I
r- =�� . to- Pam. The intia, leaniong upon h's .
, stick, laid his hand upon. the girl's 0a;
I sleeve. Thenhe looked up at the men, who
. and addressed Wolfenden ditroattlY. ing t
0 b tiYato. bad bet -ter precede us-, six," 111MV
1 . e said ; "my progress is, unfortunate- Ql'�T
� ly, somewhat slow.$t Bait
I ----..b-+- ; , NVol,Undea drew back coarteously'. in C
I I I " We are La no hurry," be "Id- ill�
A THRIW ' blui, and, with Burl
11 :: I ,rh(,, mui thanked g4rils, shoulder, to ,
I : I.���
a?&F- ,2?�: 1, 0' ��*�:'��,:.: �,. � � one hand upon the
_'ry 7, 1
� � .��-, .'R i� . _1 -1 .. ... . with the cother on hie, stick, 00-m- aln(
__ ... __ - . and tli,,.
E menood to dese,land. The girl had passed I
.", 0a Wilthout even glanoing tovirards ]Ell
if WR S them. She had tw6te-d a white lace ite,4
I I IN'TARENTO mall,tilla around her head, and her and
D RUD TRE . ST features were scarcely visIble-DrilY I'Od
BE SURE AN .--------"--- '
— ,as she passed, wolleinden receloved. a SWE
.1 ____ Lye, mild he only general impression of rustling -111te CO'L'�
- them knew I 11arcutt, a journalist of which denote tile epiCT I Silk and lam and foaming tulle as dov,
between the course9- Bile '
CHAPTER I. .1, inaLu who prldea lllm� 8901ts to her to be I ish h ol bar sk1wLS together at $in!
I some, note, and , on the other hand, appeared emed to b6c
everY-, I - the stairs. It se
A Supper Party at the "WISIL." I self upon knowing absolutely ,ting scarcely anything- At last It th�
- body, was as helpless as the rest. To eV her a I i
eae, 1" � his bujillitiation Ile was obliged to 0011- however. tile waiter set before tm,ortoo,roatoat the somewhat 01011,15
'a �phe be- wit
"To all such meeotir16-8 as th she was evidently In- a , �f the vestibule had
elited Dieusham. IlftlTD6- hla ellamPagus , dish in which recognized with the dialloate an(
terested. Wolfendea th: 1 0 e of
title soft halo of the tess It`6 -wa fn.j';'1ra',A,1n"y` r-twhee'twlAte roses which P`T
glass from under -I never saw either of them before
ricala-ehaded elocittile lights. ,,Let Us ,11 cannot imagine pink frilled paper and smiled- She 005- I It a! by a loop of satlin from her CP
rh t
. Fellxl" In my life," he said. burnan enough then to care for 1 t. 01
drink to them, Wolfeadeu-Mr who they can be,. They are coartallIlY tier I
0.11 all such ateetinig-so!" eel bent over it and shrugged I
10 load Ills foreigners." She ning to tile walter, who 1 T ' ed until they Inc
ll'g tile delicate 3, shoulders-tur ha,I'lereft'rpe me" wait he stairs hIX
vb-a-vis, also fillgerl "Very likely,,, Wolfianden agree * kod a clues- ,,, hed the bend ot t, 'I)
stem of his glass. ,,&n is-_eelleat; quietly. "In fact, I never doubted It. was hovering near, site af id Ear- r
n is bowed and removed the plate- I �:Iore they legan. to desew -
tornat 11, All English girl of that age-slie Is , t10 - I ared ,:tt tilea leaned forward. WC
"To all suoll mialatinge as these!" ent or two lie reappe
-would never I In It another. I tile paper I ' * 'Pered, "is dis- he,
is �c,',"atlug Is Mr. Sa!jllt I
marmured the 'third man, who made very young, by the bye I wita mom Tit time ,a, n �'j" he whis whoever J
Uttle party. ,,A capital toast be so perfectly turned out." ' and its contents were brown, She t i he looks th
"What a very horrid thing to say, elf -such a i 1, rd I , 111r_ 11.%bln? Ye
Lord Wolfenden," exel om 1.0 a � ho
=I almed the W - smiled as she helped hers .'jaonage 11.
little round table ' tn I was rest- smile that Woltenden. wondered that wl
They sat -It TL an on whose chair hie hau� is I tile Walter did not lose his head, and I there was some delay, .
, At the
the brilltantIV-11t supper room Of One Ing. ,,poll,+. you, L-noNv that dressing It was rt1,jrj!g fast, and the depav- to
4 lasillo-.1able reStaur- a's roald? I hand her peptier and salt, Instead of little congested. The
of L<KKI011's mos" in were the usual altogether a matter of 0114 tba,t, girl ' gra�ely filling tier glass. Shei took Ittut1r: =11men stIll kept III the
aints. Around the aY rely upon It that �ly tasted U
jI.dyoaseK1 MeM Of WO_ YOU M I up her spoon and deliberate . , �a kground. Deliallam affected to be CIS
tbrang of we ulders and flash. has found a treasure." the contents Of her plate. The" ...... J_
Men with ba" sho N�?ell. I ,dou"t know," W011enden said I the 'tin, a elgarette. 1yolfenden was
-,Visaged wait- I looked across the table and bpokO Go
dtamo;ads, of dark smillng. "Young B1119111511 girls always Li gloves. Rk
tn_- The f, t d I English which he bad I slowly drawing; on It line with tbe SI
deft. ,.41cat. gwift-tooted. 'To' her lips � place was almost In. a
f conversation, louder me to look so dishevelled In I Ira 7 's it , rould see
era# seem to heard rom. deflaqb-
Plienvoloost hum O evening dress. Now this girl is dressed mu Irlos the diamon ui
atidi more urtrft,ttralned as U10 110111ii t of a FrenchwOmmu Of I ' -er than gIng G ineer fa Ir littir through the daintY
' - So cit late
)11 varied '., - '=r traeery of the droopi 11
[ many 1 'w'�ttari)"y"e Or" ja�r !ryl_:� ng white lace 7
.low towards rat'1111911b, Was a, -.Ind yet with tile Sim I
by tale popping of corm and a C111141.11 Tile man nolded back.
iter. Of fillett"L, or . lorguett;83 **Ices after supper are aU abOmIna- and !it .i. moment, through 801110 slight n
Uttle trilLs *f U111111114LO laui,l -111 131d down ber change tit tier position, 110 Could get
jLt"rd. 0 nione. t, - .
ant �Oajttts there wer Thp wont. .On.- Ike satil 11 TheY Spoil the flavor - Ll
ly apon Mild f Ithng t
PS9 , ,hrugged her allonb1prs.
The, wniterlt; fret fell TLO"FiCil you,ii she sa , and manY other t �s, I of tier law. than lie had
jjo t I plates "I agret- with N . Id, "that, of your wine, I F,k1popo,,-.0 It to a waste I ,�cil�*11i'tapill,riel�",,Vt'��,�taitI even in tile supper- t,
.&�qc carp,,%t, tile clatWr 0
te.,Lril or. From tile bal- slip Is probablT noj� r
.ngIL,-,b. --it she But, after all* n Lie
.ver �
kill, not wpar such dia- of time to tell voll so I & woma sho 1, Ir Sljj� W.,Is 1,tauttful I There Nvas f
W= a tIftm lud os�jrl.,et were, She, wo _ a I al'out th-L.t, Bat there were
0 %
the low. understauds bow to eat until , ubt t I;
cany outloi!0 Q-11110 aire." I marty lim ittl . -
_,j In Idoudon, "
orchestra playeLl mondq .at bol,r fill womp 9.
vtoniao of a flerillan . "Ity tho li.ve.11 17arcutt rems-ri'0011- filtv." I en scarcely pretended (
by Inaster lurt L tt,LR. -,(� was filled. SOT- With F.111111PIA ellporfulnes;t 11%ve shail broi Shik laughed, anq jeliberatelv fin- hol I wo font
pin, - e vir to &lwire. This girl bad something I
An u'sual the � MftlilL 14 wh0a jelle.1 tier lee. .111-t as 1W laid ' to a �vott thatt kiapreme beauty. She (
Oral late cams(w,;. vrhfl� had It" 0_lecteq nlIolp to fin It oat will) tbP reserved. so tjjf.,,. sponji, slit, ratx�-J lipr oye-4 (lilt tiotter 4'
Vwhlf. boforpllaZZ Itatl wis leave. �'Ilp table W(Lq I t1le otlrltpr#�,l Nvoirvildeuln. ne M,4 fulvtlylig but a reprOdUC-0013- Site I
-r a k1j.�pOlIA . ur of tile name will 1W. oil the IL,4 ati alid ene . I
i�� order t1toir . I
,iijgte to we w1t1l an 1Ut,j,rfp
already, a(k or tile door."' 14*�oltml nwny ot (it ,r- wait a now type. $tip 11ti.ti or1gInlI1ItY- ,
t2w rooin, bpon Tol to onp Tits frIendt; r(#, -p to It .1% w1c.01 ho f0t to I),- Iquill assaaje� - -. 110r e7e-
- g .,tv(,, nd ITar- r, ,1. Ilor baIr wnq dazzlinglY fair
tirIvoll, prit"a archied, Were high
'Sed tile � ,)to, r that IsrowN. del'"Cately
. ,
. ouit, in. ,hi% I ,�
onni%lipr alvartme:A-.1. or bad akip.. Iliq .jtjis,u%,, oros � daric In, color. Her ILead
atil to witerix tho tirdlitig from - . know, 11p, Worielpred,
4.1 :4 rontil WWI NVOUP11dol'11- bA% hitli bren -%T'tt(`htnr, hPr like an anti disitinetly '11-thijk fliatures
tjv3 I�t�ytM,�r b3t jov�,j Litttart , Altoull 111XVt% wit v 4,4 Well have our eoffpf% to- Owl 4111 tho time I Hoi telt hot ana un. , wwz IK1rfw!tly shatic. n, delightful
- altotAll daric ititblik 6chO
tl1wheA 0,11t 111%,nt tat" 1, gptlior.11 Ilp pallij. -1 orilereil TurLlqh. romtortallohl-a ver 01boy at Fwented to combilloa,
Thables. 0"I'N' one, ta. , with it vollewhat a,
'alute"ro or the . jjtjjjM for It tQn 1111111- 'I Into the con- ""u'", N
IL114 that nittl jivi% llern I*_ tho thought. fle plungo, r11iX1lIIlr7v. Volipluji,li, jvoadt�rlug Of
ble wns .119 `k`t tmovellIA-4. 4 of the � iltel. 171� got herii� oarlv� Ifullo I verc � 'IlLt and Ding- reminded
,itton bts'live"ll 11aZIllell thpy h,,k IvIlat o,311., In vome matmer
NV.,U,j Wjtjj1,jj'gj var.1 or tWO VvIlprert �Nimtr otlIP" Wleiit .... N1V*,r,�'.1t:-,oXl u It
.gw tilliovil %A -Ito %verO Qllvbrat- , F.LttjjL,'* .*tit,, 'LWeii &I, flim. sirldenly thong -11% of some all]
np. Wolt'en. '�IIMk Colo.
.,qt,,ktjjjng .
three yolion Delt"41hal wat , �Vitjj -.ku effort. They . . 11
eeting In rall Mall )�" ,iIV their 1,vench mlIMILWIT.R. 171110 Ile had
tvo I)III.V, dew - �3. %VLhrQ r.t*gIt li.4 '-.11ton,citod in
�j ZWg4,,,j Itil, Itl-ni InquIrIV, I y a do -Ar a W
plear=tt.y. It %V.w lall for t, - . 1.11 Ito an. to. �M�;Ti;, alilh�#%109 t ho-tr fick-11JOn at 4tOZ!TLi I to adi"Ire 01 1 ' r t 0
aniol a litn'"'Mep:ii bunch. or whito "Vol," frIond FQI�'% h,114 0XII shop nearl
b,oirel nrl Up"R
rte(,41. 11.4"dioleniv routoln , I , �ooj*fjj lilt for either 1140W, III & little cario
wom imll.'a ro,�� njIlLimki b91forP. llotll floul , , with'ItI.4 elilot and ben. the, table. inn,141 it I e lVad strept. Thera WM a distluct dasb
b-o�x,�ht Ul Wt# � I I'lid III tvi�llt Or Otte of pa"TNINQUIen't I nse hinli. .S;9d hc,*d 1001. to obm�rva Itellix 404SCAF-ach tbluk!ng of ipampthIng forellyn Itt her features
? Wi. tjjMi!tor of tbQ 0`1 v041 to "o Whett thrce inen � tire P: . " b'con
thj� jlht(4X� W - %,&% lip to Morrow." 0 4 W * ,ntjjF iio�.' Gj�mQtt-njg vl�;p. *It is not awl Pureage. It 111140lit, have
" - 'Olfpn. gnt$_ , -
vmz 141w:e1f. A 61111's VIUM11 VIfiltill"o, - u'%Vellf hoe; mn 04411 follow., oqasr to 1111*.Rtn��11 au iuh,111gllat dig-, Vvmph or Austrian-% Wa3 most M
*ard wain 1pmd= agaln!;t a wlueglass�
f:�Z- t7lan rVilarkoo, motlonIgn" myelitt to a dl.-. tall1v woot Allulos%xoll.
TI -OD tiftble' W=s *,VbtNttIy r zerwd by the vaulut phnvo. 1*1114 t000ln) eortaln- erx's*zOn' W'folflpilden' to eff"Itia Whea ffto j�rtnh became a 11ttlks IP59, th" li
Inet". for poverut vem�46-1, callel for Lite KII. I
u,"Utpocto Ot lmp�ort;i ty bello lal�; vanvu." he had Vald it. attol theF were MW ' 91 MOWA '11, step or tm%j forwird-310
0111tAXI to it Oftly to . e3tiv out -
1%1,6�vomers 11w " I ti "HeO Ift0t -`L"i'ii�vtIV n e'!�Lf4"'Iflul eom� to dpf-jit, Dpg
4 ,�t , .l�l-.afn 1%)�i)hed up with %10ITMICII, 910=1119 0mroIll -
t(tt; ed �Allakp OT lead mr partl ,ham f _j -*,o jotrtj hig attention llintnedlatels,
be mont bv a C � 1� winton f&; a 1,,uplit . ," 110TV" , a Uott e, ,h!ftret &L eml4lor-
M tf, U -t C to Whom � , wau�h-
'o � _4 t&a �qQlWr A"ImIttel. "Init Ilto I&I two- How I a, ,it. -ea. j1pit pLI] It(%
. 1. _ W01(onden. , ��',Vt , liad been -
'al(A. ks thno wk,111t on ,, diij vWj comit, neroV hiffl, ". 11 "'holo Nvowlerfas 1' 1 ht ewtl��Me ln,� Cho 00, so mas �% viliam who t4tonl
f.I*1 bail 4,11 x � W, I IV*
til,"I eMpt4�V Uilble UCatnk�thv OW -et ot �, A paVPMPtkt Rld-�bv 6,Mp wlththP
� _ J� and,%Vtikno� gfo.t:I hiii, ball trom I .
titno v'j��Inihlon tkv the ftme Ineft. I attae"'L4. at "UE" IMF,- " Via rrollolm !" WoRNIA!0A #C+lmd. 0,
I 1� "I'lola a sattle,�r I I , . .�, the com-
boo-,", ronarte-A Nvelfen-, 'a , iblit. tapp-ir-
1,o0ur ncligh ,,,, d -n E.4a,jacay." AW0110,14ell V,Atd, ziii-- -.1 W, an, 1we %%.104, On 4% z r1h they uAll noVIMIF11310110", W,1t`L!hItIe` "'Ir
pill'on. lie VP
ft% artw rul . 7 le ,.y.;�_ . rintDv dre,,�4.A
, IWA . i�"Ti� lit' -ft ti " PEOV7_41h � j h,,jj,,t rcb In pve"Illf'o elot & up 0
" fftw� Van , - .4 " r6w-blv b-41 ILitelut N,111 n1vilio4t a tall an d for
rintag It, lw,rett�l [ tho eiirj. �� r1la bt e6fir'. . 0.1w vqt Woll alio- ;IV. AIN311V lw.,q,
iiiiam, I-, "ZWZ 'Ifoi,140 I (4 ,0.,tt wan buttft'
VW t" whmt , mtvl. ('11ontIto . - P,lTt'olf Ll_q eoloet,�lijiotated iltn�gh 6 -,r
41' , blln fAl 11101. taXll lu, b-�I of au -Imp I pora h1t 1115
L*ftf,jt,jta'�" ldar'-�a,IPA rai�_-A an P�VO- Dl!i; ol 1,16,
,,.% jq ' .
, V.,a,
, _4 tg_ta, f1rat �� p W01DI I . glq
"Wetro"ItNA . ChIn. k;�, worp aft o
-4 it yl.t, U,ft Inoplo"'il! Z G-Wsfri,r., � . � __ - - . 1h ,O ' '* 1L
Ifte w"an 4 w .q ja ON � 0., ien riatw on 'Ite handawert, thrit4t; intO t G' 19 '", TW *'
� ., , - .. tv M-.1 *q 0�.Prge
k2lit vii� Wad tean-a fori-, ,�, I ill ufntg. Inet, ham tu P.C;Awbly Liv, %L 1111i faIL10 1*",�
. , illi , 111, J�,.�# V�,,q r)j h; ,
S13A to hig _0: - ,.� . Lat t�e hi'l a 'At. nn'l -
1,61 0 i Ork , V 4
I E U';�tz hIg %vad, itoN Wag I no ,z"t no ... ! , " Mo , '4n �t# I ,:�IbL-4.r't ot tke dtww. .e "_�O�;-�tv t:j 6�atoov, r�llft#lcw.,'. C'4*w_,,,,,% Imw,
I ikaa I'Va"n luo , 100- 10 I tH I !s to c4tllvp_o!'� Z Dint � f,*1;t 1_4 T,V--_'1W�4rurw V. tt UIO C� U*s . %V
- r ,x'm or I
'_�"� , no I "If -&1* I �h,klr,g Z" N I, 1�,--_V,0_-a.aDIi",,%, vr _,,�, 1,M. '100 f;A%,osr# I � ttli
Ck NtIL16 14�6 " ZLV )' 601 plu", Ito rio,ornwl Some fitat*
##�Vo I It 154 �t bloogrt r,%arvioi. Sz,M% to ,L,,i�.qj,!�.-q,fio�. );ar,ar9tt`," lorlovgA 11W lteaq a 1i
. g,6n of 1��. Ti I d1oft'sel uoto "T"""U. j qm.mio% 611, rt-lat"OvA �-,q h,A'W9Tn CLA S-1bin*S. aa�j �i It ,
- �'"'L,V -a 3,�� 0411VV�P�aft`A. irte3. aitt
with V_ V'r,in � I 1. � toa.,29 and kd,e .ett-A Mtn. 'UP �Orwarj. 't7inlro"do" kt�l C�y
!�;_1171�- , ., .011Y rallo Im Iry ela"an-o firl, iln i Vo�-,TiCA on ot"wilal.". E &I pa - �
'tw�,t�7 N at , i's M tvaq 02"-dntqllr.�14 � tu!c'p�xl_:00 #11w proj�jr,,�t,. ,ini tlneY �qlovked at E,_not ft%toffiq- W�)s It tsl�'
T &.,Umoo thm. � wa, �,lij.'IN,.','(1�, ,Z,,,n,AVT0%r
*111t§ fasto IM it, '12,11 '&"� i-�, , I � ti�.-,, ,,, '!,jr 4- q ti;,"t-e � ;�A , "
tft#�snrta.it-tV,0I-." 1Vq,Vf-_-tvt,�ft reralrlk,.,I� - It V� ,ftA nT dRWt,Q0tY- I 1,11,rz,uAssa P. vtWh b I ')th� Ti',�'V! V)r I
11 � ;6,m,�t.j 1,,� r, W.V4 t an-tat'll anaV37u L4 at. 11 -"T-,5 �,.-j� I-L-eit-S lat -.-2, ,,, Was Otep ,-ll,'4LNjnj1'j ii " fql 1PT''.
_ ;�_,q I n= % -% �, F)�; ��,t,�,q r ,q -.ht hnni tf�u,ri;., V.-
� 'at r"T ttl'r�_s t�V,j Dro'�.i)t g -z it XA`V`1-
111 v*00 it . I Z:P'11 It �, !n,, signIII-caht, t, %V1
I w. V-1r,%t *, _4 -�j rin, T_ -t- , ,ILO,jmp..� tl�[ irilv�'T_n.,
, , _ , Ltoi,�,,� E, -, jiltotn-V �`t V.%4,4 .1 �411M'�- %j f �?r,��ata TD,�Sh of a ?"15_91til
r:t , " "tio to t4hrAl n1l I �Iuv relnt,"�atii, ar, �
_�jj,qj tnW,V. ..�l I �_,� T�,�& RI . f3 , ho nt'n ,
" � "", M!'Tir ver sath �-� �1,"n t',.�,,'.'if�ztk, mon., � fill.st 014'rn�-�,,Vgh_ 31,.ri,tut .
a vintzi,v%nc- vii"qtif - � V 0 1
t- t I tl�"119W",I,, ary c-11ki- � vraq P��r
- . .,XLN�aqw tkei, 11,1,1,44 '1111- I ,.ADMJ�,.g,�t ,�n,l %',,'N*��,n�,,--n t:E,Tn-�wLS1tL i.LMIalft(s, ��,14 � %V40t1v!f-n
n't o%'OkIllont C . . ittu tD� ftjr,�, VP " -
ujqowr "' M'ft M� Itt %aq - il-�,��n i�l 1�!ii gg- 0 w,yr` j I � t "" " 'j"r Iwtiq eonvAb-nz tiv�. WbV1
TK� 11,:,LA_y:, V'Tn�if6= W,�&M'14'�ft"11. t tq &�mtpl, 111k. rv,�tq a �t.ont'_ " i _,t,. �,Zt,l 11'�--M�," ' Vnnlzd�r' rana!Dhar a
,� - , M.", � laaa, c,rl- W6,4t rol"l-ral v;-:V,1� .. a4atl'.3as'Up 1;N1C,4Nl to T-!70 , I I
FrfV.'x;LT1V ftout-�-,�*A. "ILN"'s 1!�-vi td kllte��-!4 tl:�,t'ap, smil n-M�llval ,0- wtto I bo_ tf.ae t"Sn,Fj - Pgiivr+- nni 1W -TSM
_0&�,? lt,tO 4A."T.17- lid:Al-tt�tqt twe,IV4 is a L bit'._�1 ,�1"3a'rn1^_.`_'t � "w % lmtfitrt. "r1rLd oft,ptr Qla OT E;3,%�v &,-�rt .-`JmN, MISat
to ala -Br to tul-Ta ns o4to, t WMIR, a �%',�,riii;--IMV in licow ��-R,114 hto vlotfA- I WL -1t tra"7, �tt ", It v,,J.; tuar�At -a"'.0 qt) Was rprtalinl:? Wnitln4? 1`r�
!�m2--l!a-, L�;'.oilon. f�rifly on. aq,�_,--W&n0, 61 Ide C-�(Vlall � olono, G%qgEs�41�4 ua�14_ I I. WoMet. rl�.'a ,�,qlft#030,1y. and to flailge ftcan h
, T11progs,on It, n. �_�.Eoti waz� t
- -0-n. WgUfe"a JVA�_ fl..n,Cj'gf_'.9tjo"te"J1 niolt; bani`naiAe ii� ZL-.S'1qA'W,v tiq
11111*4�111 ?, _ I sembe'l 41il a - "Alirr.r.19
. pa -71C U � 11 Snrc"Iy , 's
-fm,4 IN �U_qbJR111 ,iind wifi I pie.,Wght (,,�;,. Wolto-niflen. wh
0 'y' t'h# jti,ttt, ,
I ,6h#:,1,PA li;1,4 V. . �,� jB,q,5' IV , , 'd � . 7 V, rt "t tile Pvc�.Ilh_,;. N�l
TIle 41t�ht ele-Ift?'n'tItetv A,%d It laeo'n- bliso taiaV,s t
.. artlw Wc,4ow-X�
m ffown from Tkiforallom that 1rL-_T4r,0VA'l 1- ,K;0frN1 VhP �1 ,f-,1L,ou I t2t,iT�- , he S ,�Z?. - 9r,ughicuall I
vt�--eh. ito b-.4io, e�'T lin t1a, fex%�A-vd�x,d t-011- an il et" n .. 'r ... 'i
Ir. =1311P ,of ,Nlruie,�,Ioe C-1 'Yet 07lie 11.ever tlfil Zipak - r;,g, .& elirtom,; ind unwonte� sz4W
�,& gtntmtm*, vr.4 I "r,ko"I nro-un"]. The'ro S"M, . .Weto ,r,nqv cir".1 � 11 ,1,1�17 "I, -y .Al t?�fm- a1-,, J ,I 'eQtV,m,,.t -f itrlug ws 1,1�C,GPN no,
�t% C - - ,
'amlotv. 11,:q lvn . Invollutt
t swl!s% of r0a yo��-113= 94% � au an""'M-Itable =-.11ko-r 00war,is �,hft tnnn Ito %v-;.-; ,;-,t�l' Irti-s"'Tv- telt it tto tln�,dhla* througli Mt 11
fatent. IVI wa.,3 - Vein. , ,i.-� I"'. 1-D
waw the ��OT ;I'r * a # �. Idsn- � l"I'and un, 1. , - I 5. n _ 'I gomp s4alltue prese'l
01,6mir. aud tte IvAne, sZnn!,(_ _ 01 a, ot guflitt pamraoaplv�'. HIM IIIA"W"I ttllo imp-�.A-A and , sahqsrt ' of an n
dr-X"tt? nmd ppr!�-�!tly S . . �t&Owllt4-� tmF--v:v*0r,, And edl I i -� M-1 .w"'I'l t1j.,tt I,(,, 171,10A 4). �
traS"",- V,"*, "It vqxp� I - n"V Taoz:Ti,�,a�,.,hp ,.,;Pro- 11��n _r ��-�4s or. the. brInU
�ed jutrtrieAly at I
ab2l* wia,s b0m; .,Zwr Ile, t,�, � _�, viahturis. H�s 7.,%ne
,lit n,411 lv�,,qs t&j I ;Zim-, -t.�et L F, -,
tr " -� _ - I
tame. At lal;t the C J._4�11.-_ twt�i , r11 ittn.ri7 rig _,_�Il �,Ozfle
. 'n- b;��fll, a. Imo�o_" wr,_,:t,�, 'in -1 M?z nictls -. neither of thr-im 11;
tn a tvd- ,
tnntwn q.-_,�rt�_Qlom 1� A gafl. ILOW fmw�"� tq� ,Vii,�&.- 13"m,s: � Z two comp,'Zk
-Iblte ;irp,�q_ W&lq Ptandinc th(10% -Odoi4j, I S A,tz.jn ,:t- tt, -
, txm,i,� �Rvtrnit. pa�nter. vNWR IrK _.,. %, in hi:,-, waY notjcj�d t1lis rre,ali devtvtopm�,, t
49P14ni V, - M�, h, -what , se:lreelv 1P tes .. . ssionalrp. tv
re'r to Z�tjn,Ij�.ek Qfj gt(ia.t irv," K?; jlrofot.�.<io% an't essact . 1�. W',�4' 4�r.:t,� ,nr jmt#,,re,3,..m,�41 a-, thfl lust, ttpn tbe conlraff.
Ituar"ta 01 s faezet, K's lblcic L,ne,,iv
9 -,VvjIoR;3 blW,&;nw�, %Vol!en imnso allowan --o- from lat wi,-I. H,.,q eves, rn�_Ierw�tL. i VfvV,1cnd_en by W.;ght, turn
linn:711 g_
,trk �,r.,j' f��
-awy _P.-jr� -m4l !';s tn. � liel
etc ni, nn antoyance , Ina .1_vo ,j-. , 11m. ,,t Ind -
of 11 � .41 r,� v b, . ,4, . in- V
a '=Jiter rr,.4Pt-aMrtd1y Wltd A uqqs:;� J1 erar_,gP face W. I hraivvs, ,avere
ig lw_440 ear',O to kilm, . t*ni, a IntmMattoll. He Ilw�a,] 1� fe-'atin�1-cs wete 0�lroong awl d4r!*-v,�`tely IzAe, n to Clip pn�vewzll
VMN't - , pping bzo4: 0,
d=., Ir ro, lif'r. -V cew steg .., - 1,,-Jir.��,% ,��,rc- -,v�. .�!e .�Cad - -I'll
Ir ii- --.�, - fte M-,394 rot- r"�- � Gnpe,l. m's �:��,�T ha onlIP41 I.Il ,i,lv- twv,ghaln, V.L
a�,t,:�. ,,Dl) 5_1,11e�uv man w9v,w I �m pl. qawl th.7-t I - ?'i__.� .1 . -
tt ir��rap, - "L9 OT br"; own , . i;rz 'L" Tr., i, 3%73 1
WZIMC-A witla .-,-t C-!�_-Iut 15�,np. I&STiNg �g4�'er t!tp r-xl!.�Vv qm-a�tro Ve':y JjL,_PL�jy. �'Tl � wals walting 1,1 It"tte Way d
. jli'Z'nplo�'. rrr'A ---, - raF ,�tr,Lt.
T_ ion in sti�-;;,� sh-� tur-ne"I to party av to Vnov-� two ; 1�1m:g. clibi le t707,e tvv�> f�_Z'�_'-
,,,.,vHv t,illoie . ; , - -'!, ,,,- %2,b.-Z�:T�t�ja!e 1. I
_ - - - -r . ,�',i7Io,;,'Z'f�,,-i 1�mlv lnqu',�t s. Z b, U-,%, My 70NI-1. r;,�� 6;3
' - . N�4=3_1,0,21-; TILT S. 1"" . �_, ,
W�-Im nivi nw ��l � - -St, "ret4q. q ..A� .",t��, , L '9 . " " � _ 11'roor earr _
- - I ' <_* _ t , �., , :_t tf - i'19 i�an.
_ , _ ,r,f t,
, ,,, ',e tj_.4W,_. -, � vv�7y smr4��, at cn,n� �, 'a� _� �
,,_ rrmarl. m 1. �,�I�;Z�j. ,
�. 6i 1,w,�.--I. Hot sto-I3ce'l. ii� , "'_,Z�t'l: 11'1.� �t .� " 0 Wo"'Tir-mlon. lat. 01#g h
F . . Wlpnr-S. B17 ,r�%_ - _ , � 1��,�jr L "a re .
r3lmt�na to L.'.p _;_1 vvla:,�b L" �a esz`.!'��
r.r;n11X1Nt r.,-jA,At .4 W �.: . I
�, 4,.i-�- t�;�;r�,:- %vCmtA% h% ,irovn ,
, 6 ,,-,2 ,0�e G ,k %P . � 3 r*Ojff_r_�ji��_n, wit- ad,� j#r
, , .1 e , , 'at . . � 11C111C -x4k hil.,:i I,aad.
6�7. pa's*ov, r."r, S�Ikn_'Il fo:- a L.;p ., x �-,I- T'll.- '. , Gg,au-ing !L!s __ - to
. �&j � , .4 "
- . - 1-.,C�,,I, ZW.nd s.
Lt" tl.�7, tim""k ef "L-ui r'.. i w� 'In a f, wl
-n.-j-0v ., . _o 1. ,w , i, F.FEY� . " pa,4Qg- �LT:�,_',
1,-aT.1r_,_ ,1-r " sZeW �i I �1'1 -
. I., , -- .
- , " 'I !,',.�e !=,�,Iw all . 'so M 'ir" si ". �- �
,� r, , " , . �, . I t % .
, �Ii _ L, ec'l . - . , "I so wa�tii,vg for a fr2l re." T,20- f�C
.J, , , ---. rj1,-t VV4M.2t."' JA-� 'P��iSY. 17-_RtN e. -
-iZ�� )�, . , t r- �,_v Tv b� ��. � " -
'ehnijr nboat t-J.Z--m. i�,i- ul:�nnt It,* em _a A!" =11n,"Ca ,�131n.�. �%C-:, !v
t7r,;1. Z,17,.""-'i�'I'll-li-n�'lii�i�1,7,,,.eti,c�. 1=5111 S�-,-e _ b lf,,eK&1=:J -,'ke �% , ,� ,�U, "TeDI my ra= to 152ss on a y_-T.d
, , ;:Za,Y---, t1 --a ,r,;w,n Thatemst 't" -ur'Gusi. 9 -�� ��.�D�1.
- . -4" �0 a - j. " ,� ,at t`- a it' -N-0 W� un a c � , r�f
0 I -2 T,,,r.�,'�I. 91,r,T1t:X C � I 7 ;i� ll� , two."
, 1611;e ,zx_-.*g4,k �. I T, 1 -nq , �, -
eh -,v .. latge ! .1 -Ir , 1. �an,l the 4:_In-;-��r
", ,r. r, -j;.1:, flftpiaze_'11 'a � weal . �.,,4 , The mirm brivve�
',"Iv,on�-,�, M. tl�rar,�, tT,Vf1:1. , C.1-11111TV111". 11. , store. os * t'-, =f :I ,
co,�,7 r"o ey�:s i5r, ;�_...111 � zea,vin,�, lb.A.". tr,1169-0 t%ro !p,_N)n"�e,
�r- 11 In V14 !,�, jp,14.',� 1 1 .� -
V.v�, -4,t tl�. - - .a ll -e, ,e%-,Ira,e�d " A Dr tn In. " e� lt�.f� li'law-rmo,'o.t. , rarw1A egog. ,,� 't.
" - - . - - '"
- -,- whom big interc-St NOW Was a�,�'C-u
-, - - - ad faei2 1-1 tu-n V; --+n 'iM-
, -:& .11 wat"a �,l sn�i�,,', -'r"ght7ly .: I
. , T 1.��", !��ft�,:-.
Z&-_5 ti�,v , S�i"A aowl-vatarefl, paet Zlg Ti:0 ""XL,3� Gy cvnve�atxm tad ri��-,�.,j � I ,.I t1m, tZe-w:C !To�t vvhle",, . " ,
. w I - I
, ',�- -:nr, sl�, !",3�4tivelv rtwer-wo. -�rns ave7t;,�,41-
Vsm --A I�Z:ll - .��,, Ila U'nlng:101 witla the int"v- " I . --, - ".e !�::�%N� If to el�liancq it a sin4a!'ar tbitr5 Ir
T ., , �1& llk�-,. WoUsn_�fo , " V,�Pa_*l tta uvippr P,Irt �a' . _. .
1:bl�,_ tmm� wo jj�,N,v � . - 'tte-�,A , :: of itnirks an,42 4,;:�,.e � * ,��,-n.
-..� 2 , - -1 q i glloz" V;�' ;:'. -�
L;- � f - = I, d, to Z�I:n. � bappene& The intei�;,St s1J6'':l1'Y
, �0-3;l4n';_1 t-�.t t .57:x I'll", ,n� W�-. Blao - 'emly
r. Y� n o: jlla�,__- .c% 0121 - S�,,� 1. ,iu
- �.,j il%,P.-,i��!,.,I-n. v,-":,.* WC F, � rl� wreat! . 'I' , 0. e=e rsclipro�nl. _%
I 1, - e',Xa-.e1.tii,, f-vv_)�-,; ��;rii curl'ing, er,j��r, lri,,,:-s-�! ,nt. radiianeP. � - . t ttj�_- snund qf'V�
b"7n� V,?14 .TaL,3t C,Z,.K�i4tv. 1P vl,aue,�A I
- '
�5�v, *TI:P Ctiril " 0 -ani= man of -_ I _ a . J;-,_� 6&-ce , ionden's volce.'Ihe man wlt% Itbe 4
(�ej,wmte je,gi.n-g of L, Lt was a iiirr-c-:ous Vz�ss�391M �
at earas�.; upwar(N Its*,, j vvhp ,�jit�
.n a v;at -. �zwl offc�red ',O r,_,a`3`7e feat hia,d dje.jnvt;4v st,arted.
. -t -1, ang � t
t1z, pa7t.q - 1"f llv. ,m. .- lli�l;` ,IT'tow ove. I, nbanc.on 11 was MAT.
ana 11IS faca was bladen. tile rwintIttl lof I ll� to la star.,2 at the oE�er end &� 'o'�e el=nued Ills position. and," ica7,
kto -,qat,�� felt amoa-gst h*,M, ,-T.-3rp-
, of coaversation In tht"'r ,w softer as the 4 TOOM tE'f nl��ft L" -A W-OPPz(1 � forward, TOOTIC4 eagerly at htm.
T�e b,.,;,?, Irne. llaaQ"�., gre .
� V.--e-litty h,od �-n ter-rallo- "I Tho, �1 ly .-ad drawn :L*_ a. Ii -Ale f lla�,r-r .��- nitted for a momtmt or
� , eyes rem-
Immi,1int ,��Ohpmie_of talk gkn�w in Nalallie. �
'4 "e wer, ir ,ved latm.jdjT,, -,ijupin !iA*,n,, Ther," '
y. �9,,Vsn 7�ne wto had tL
j� neti," j. T' - ws.eh env:z�nm n� b,-C.lma v .gaa w lilt 44
r,tl , t - � -
* (.] j3�:,In jn'.4L-ri��LO-d -,2 J�,-_ ,51 f�-e&,2 Z;, q-7. - Zef , no doubt a'hoat tile fact. ia*mccnlar
,,R�,7'7 tl�'Jem enter %a , "
a faint 1 --at viniii&ii -io'nqptui=;mcl_��-�;_ 1, '%V0jf�"-g,4e _ ,
n��-��, 7�40-p'r.r." , irii-,j r.,� n ; yau"yt�c; o%er the f01- V' amd gnzEd t?!��:gh- � ,C- it-Relf though it was. Nvolitk, den
,%� Sr .�%j�r- - �TuIIF ".,�it"� t`�� 9
Dehnsilam. vq;�4o a :untane,�-. � -4 _Mi hoth Deng
, . � - f. sa e'Id I
an t" i�41�7ej aem to ne-ir spats. tle (,�OQ13 of b'u,., so-, ace. him
jorX C,., ('s 1.,,".,ea 01 I�oniie ln-li,ljztl %.'-'�n , - -ed tIc`e It 'T
�-, �- " 1-1 was b:!,;-P11t1,Tn1 a -ad tLe - :� be re ,,,,, 11, IM
_ 11.1. - . . , � I
L� rtea City bad Nveltellcen jealpell Ta�cT�, In 1A3 ciMlv, 1;; "Hu-sbIni 'M -d %V 'C," and Harent.t. T�r.t before
D-1WIly. -at C.', a .'M-lre thetv
n �7141ngus��!Wa- an alociard La tuark coz,g(l pa,ss betWeen
tal-l'.% thdr, j,1:"cn.Z;, kowever, fte Inim sm,0747mg ttl e5garf.4tte allid s1*_-)D1ng I -As *,- S10-.vty. ,%Vji� l't
` y father awl fl-augliter. Lt re .d drawl
,� - 11N eyes scarcely 12ft � likf-1 - - Uttle 0oulle bro,ugliam, he a
, cl. Del,
,a- TarMsh coff0a i ,,How labaut i1e, roses T' 11 -Mut
r�-,Jflfriri rNIMI'Merge , rule
Of ronve for a raoment, tile ert who sat only a , and the man and the 91TI st�
6j� and well"Onam Iftned over toone few, yarjq -4y ��m, trifling � =tirkei, I'A faMer does ni 42,3 a s!" Torwatd.
- Ons wiarb al- . aw_ from jj* ryro� r, (TO be eMt1=--'d-)
arother, anS tbeir qrzeatl WAII a Certain dalaty Indifference � show such 'excegl,ent t,astia in ji
v4vt snanitaneolm. i Ishas, which one, after I They bad finished supper. suadenly
w�ttt the little d' 't hand
are fliev ,�" . ' F.efore her the girl istretchetl out her If,-! . Wonaan,,s walk on 4 WAgel
"'Witto. , ,;" the other bad bevn Placed I . t I 3 took a glove from tli-e. table NVOI-
4OWTIO 10 alle. kne,w; nelthet I and removed. 11c bad taken pains 0 eiru jumphantly. Itnio Alma Keldsoath, widow 4
hla-�! � tendon is.mile<l tr 11 he ex- � .
npither of tWIM � withilraw blinself from the dlseus�ion I 9 jout"1119% has for a vrager Just
I �afl this lis -t, -t topa. FE41%. ,
of thpir . useless to In which 1119 frienes were interestild- "Shla has no wedding rint , . .eled from Clirligtianla, tO Ilairls; on
Vrolflaoden's! guest, It se*med and earted witivout either too,
, He wanted to be quite free to watch I claimed.
ssk_ lie 11,d O,.qjy just arrived to Cng� h,ey. To W,;m she was eertainlY the I Then Harcutt, foT this fiTst t?mel
land, and lie wal; a CoalplKe Stranger ade a remark for whl-MIX he was rac�neiy' on t1le way she M'Oimed
Avsldes, he � r dela, DftmaTk Germany and '09
-most wonderful ereeLturQl 110 had Pver I mf,� '
to T"Ondon. 'r - did not seem One of ber most trifling over altogethe jor.Lven-a reniftrIc
I to be Ini;re,�zted- Ili, was p,roceedinz seert. In every asej of an 1 Which bcAh the otber. men received FrAnce. .She 'walk-bi twi,'Ave 110
with Ills supper with Ids back &1_t'�Onfi She Seemed rlo'�_"e even t-h't. I in citining elleno, flax and at night would caill at, a
calmly ,original anti -carious grace, tx, work for her boari
,directly turnea TIVO31 tbe ne,w-comeriL wtjV ed I "I That mas Or may nat b-, 't M"',tofr tlld 'Offer
� silo held tier sliver fork. tOY I ' loi %ving. DhmtLv she had earnodi
I ��d :ftlmost 'tLt lettp" raised he I art,041 &-goall, a
Peyond one TaPill, uPVq-arC1 glance ' r glass to f<vr congratulation, 11 be s1i[3, twirlIng
o w:tlt her sery L. I, n') s, I .
. , tt-aln-all I his moustache. "Ora novel i"I" tle monev slils, At'I.
ance I'-(* 5FN Ll * - I -d wi�
tbelr erotr� I ,. . d�
" - , ,ter lips an set V., down I, -. ning Ills ,urA she n%<-ndP-(1 ClOthm
" dlig at tilem. Wolfen � these little things rho seemed to him NVoiltenaen stood up, tu
have "voi-ilsil 1061, . ; -apoin Haroutt and P01ati"dly iff- and tte!�od as govizrnt,ss-
den thought Of f -111S afterwards. to accomplish with a Pacullar and back —_
"I St.,' ITareatt In '-Ile corner," be, .W daintiineqso. of conversa- no Canada iv to be 11 I
�oe 0, ring him. - tt
, "Let u% go, Den.- - re r11,111111I
I t,on L�etwwn li:�-r comp.1tilion and her- 'I
MI& -110 willknow who they itrot for ,jolerful ham," he sa - "'%Ve the GlaiggovT Exhililtiorw I
I I * s , "delltly very little, a almo;5t tile last."
,cartaft, I f�ljnlj go and ask 111M." - self there wa ,vl Ile ar As a ritatter of t in *May Ile.Xt. -S.overal of the ,e,.x
Ile er�---q:--d tile rolm and Chatted to mt It. fact h*8 movernen at Paris are bellig tvan§fOrr
a nolky llt& nor did she atYPa-.1r to exP tile Was, matle at v-.,zaotIv the nzht time-
tt, few io�olnllte.; wit,' Ids slipper with . . - - Gluf,90w. � . . �
4 reet,4s.11resentlY was OnJoYin�� for trh�les Tliey icoull,iiel:i; c"'Aa ;� - V�;t 141L the room k
- party,in nn a?1jfZr'P'1t: I a I NL0t 011L. Of * mode�,,&Von and minute care � . I
lie put Ills questio'n. Ala. I
I . I I I I. � '' I I I �� . ..''il. , , " ol
� I �� , �: �.,
� I I . 11 , ; ��� '. : , ,.,.Y, �'.
I . � , �:: - -1
. ,
/ � .., 11 I I I : . � 1. � ��_ o�,
� � . . . . I L...:. � : �,
� I 1. * . I I ... I
I : I I .. ..
I , .
� I � . I I 2
. . . � .
. . I
- . __==_=��� I X=i� I . . I . 11 �
.!!!��__--- If ret BacIrA .1.
,in and he
, kn,% 110 could fi, .
I Ye' (",.I 01 Ilia .
35 in: . Ile t - it, I I 110 ap- . 11.
� rag. Sure 87101IZ411, "On - I
plied f - a ' , ulato� all tile jugluou
.--- � 0 party signed big
tial B t e t doTv-4 nad
He Lacked Dignity and Petitlon, ', tt to Ba'all-Cap
I w te ri-rat
I him�
Bearing, They told tile, President that Ile
. was a Good FelloNv,, but 116 lacked
. GOT THE SHORT ENID OF IT, Dignity arld Bearing. They said ... .
that Its, was COM11POnly known as I
� a time there vrju a Boy Uel or Doc, that; he had 0, RePat,%- .
,e upon he had
would not �_o -I.R was will. tlOXl as a btory-Teller, that
, ]SI,d. I
I> do anything to 11,9V Oat, a Play- been a, Failure in Ills Profession,
I so vvh,n the Gang wont IL'bJJ'g and never a00111111110,tia(i ally Pro -4 I
11 took film d3ong to 08.1TY the perty, that he was Careless'lia his
mud wh`)a theY NvOut Switani"W Business Hailoits and loaned Money tO .
,,,, Deep RDIC, he h�ad to stay on any .one who seemed to be in Trou
8�ank and watch their Clothes- ble, and that, therefore, although "a .
MY of tala Urchins found a COokle' bad been an &Ctive Woricer, possibly,
and It came to a queStl0n, as the AppointlaLlIt Ought to go to
vh!1all Boy woiald be Eteld Down some Man who had more regard for,
have the Bury -Pat Into' his I -lair, Solemn Responsibilities. a 14,our-z I
1 always decided tn fa,vor Of ,Mei. So the ,Tob was give'] to
s Right Name was Uelford Prax- Flush who posed in Public Places and � I
a johilson, but lie grinned aomuch Frowned and kept one Band Inside
w,ols so gc)od natured th"tt every- of Ills Coat and never said anytiling;
7 iwas p,amlllax with him and
EE.e got at I the Ia6r to say,
ted him ar, Met. Even after this final Throw-I)OwUi
Kle-Burrs In hij 'a,rijr =0 th'a Toads Doc did not become embittered Or,
ii the Back of his Neck and the
Lrt-'kVeed rubbed an. WB l3axe Legs, cease trying to be a Good Fellow'.
ju.so h- -wito a Good Fellow, and one Day, however, as 110 was rem
Tiongli Bu.vs who went to se!.hool viewing his Career, lie decid' he .
ad If uld .
1). Ilim kn(;j� tb�,ut 119 would not go had it to do over again, hO WO
I tell Tea(!h3r and linve them pro- be 11. Praziteles Johnson and weaX
ly Lambested. the Front of Jove a.nd refuse to be I
0.3netlaltea Ile would go out to the Sociable.
ainons, wh,re the Boys were Play. He realized that he had erred in rew- .
Two-Oldi-Cat, and thay would have poa&.ting Anecdotes, lending Mone3r.k
1. act as 13"k-SbOP and chase the &I'd trying to be a Mixer- He wished
00, sDmebody had to do It, and he tha,t he had kept hls Degree printed
Is so Accolinniodatiag and Friendly on all his Cards and 11-ang au Artlea- ..
did it rathilar thga dela,y the Game. tatied Skeleton inside Of his OffIcs
,11 the little bull-bea,ded boi7s, Who Door. Also, he began to understaud. I I -
,,es,tened to, take th,air Bats s.ad go that it is advisable to Crowd In oxt
me ini they could bave their own the platform at every Public POW -4
Ly, Played ths Star PoSitions. wow and be played up as a Prord-i
ffhen Ile wws a little older he wout nent Citizen. Furthermore, he
a Medic.al S!hool, where he was
anket and wished that he had Dressed the same
omptly tossed up in a BI as a pall -Bearer.
en dropped down an Air -Shalt, bei it would have been a hard Job toL
use tha Hazers saw that he vras a 7 blary
�od Follo,w and would not go andl keep UP the Monumental Bluff
jueal to the Fatuity. then one must always Day a prices
W was a BrLTht Student, and grad- for True Success.
1�jd of the cla
. _,a. 110 Moral-. Be Dignified and Serltius,lt
tted at th3 . possible. -George Ade. I
on a Sot of Im9tramairts, for his —
healsi On the� osteolorgy of the Super- I �
imerary Digits, and tbr) Dean pre- SUICIDE ON THE INCREASE-
,ctpij Great Things for It —
Ile hung out, a Shlagle rl�g& aorom I Stress That Contribute to the Pre-
:L,�- r,treet- from a. C11,samate who had I queney of self- Destructio n -
nU,hed at the Tali End, and did not
now the differeare between the Dno- The decay of religious sentlmzmt�-,
(&num =d th- Clavicle- 'But tit's which is to be Ob9arved in all th0osia"
jinsamate grew 'VVbIskers and wore a countries whielt, are tn the foreal-00t
Irincla Albart tuld a Tall Mt and rank as regarils knowledge, and '36- 1
* .
Fla,ca" Vrith a Gold Chillat aac7 Coughed peclally the growth of seleatIlla j
ato hki palm xUld wed Latla Words, kr
.ow"ge __ haa perhaps I
, "" �
6nd he got tb,,) Practlee, more to the spread of suIJd0(o',tdtI10'3!
1-10 Was 0. p1lysiolan. and Met Was 11,18 ally obbor singlon cause. Titat *
Doc. taw decadence of orthoy3o% bellet W
If & Man came Into Malle officei an Important factOr In tile increlixel
suffering from it, Combination o of self-marder Is (jelitionstratfid I=
colt Shell orabo and Xpapolltan great cities like Parlis. r,erlin and Vk-
, ng, It WX311 D 0 . (,,ina, where Agjj(Xjt1(!lsIjj Is ramPS105
him that lip hall the stolnmell Awle. and t,jje greatest number of SUICId"
T11 Ito the dhysat tied Patient would Occur.
go. 11 to see the. hysletan. who nr. Ireland traons tho greater PW,0
aid tell in that be had AOU'll tIOU Of t1lA callar�s of 13alel"le to soavet&
Gastrltl�a. strain upon t4le, nervous System
Anybody'lroulil rather have., Gcottil which may lie tile Onwome at a mul-
tiplielty Of V,0611WS- Among thea"
tsiLqtltv.n',�t<)Ill�lt'll-lcltc,1;0 tile Pity- o,allges"mmy. be montio,liptl tboalticreas- .
slejan had his W21IT1129-ROOM cmw(ied ed stralla of mdorn. 11tiv ujinn 00
all the Time. ot pin its r-alth, nervonn svgtPm. The f0ilowing UT6
The Public CoUld 11, I q "Sunlial ratPi por 1.000.1)00
.Ael. t -11,e,
to a 'Praotittloger jvho ,ivortl i , Tn,..%n
. Suit ard Xprit hig Irl't i.%n tile I.ta,tq� p00111.1tton ot Fonte of tAlp Rarop�&,Z
lut his, Ilea'd ,0.ad spoke to tbe Child- f'61111ty1VA-1';�-'"o`1v1 "'AGil-70" *"u1e%`aq11'
tell ajong the v4trpet, (Ind new,or 28I t IS71 -911), 91114441k, =-,% 1841 .R4.
ugl�d thiela booliable4dinted Nyoltdft fmItIdes, 470'. 19-83'.141-4, fialeldes a
&M the Materla mtdletL unlefla Ito In Tienwirk 611vintlt thfk Rft'AIA 1"rIM:
og% ,_,(In, 21% ar,q. 111 rranfi-0. 12%
Ittid to. i�shl. V-17. 14-1.
Still Doc ramnaged to -at vomp 141. 11�1 1211-4. lilt PPV'
If Any . 'Aartere 'b - 'i"i 1�"l � I' %07*
practlee. r hap,lentld 2'1"4, !2fl�t' T41 "i"L - - 18
liO. tn Aw'-V-1 so sia. 04� 110, tn
to be 11W-0, hL% woo'llt t'l' Lu"', lip- 'j�,j,�,,;. Qg, -f�-), 74, 78.
Mrs.- Dow, wag a Good Pellow. who r-r-cland "inA, 1
ex)IRM W SU"I 10.1f. Pal! 44�tot all air To ,Xolnrav, *421. 174, 4Q. 64 lit t0ft,
-r. .0
the onaelty Cam, and the t�'tastm .7, 37, 1Q. 4,'iZ. It W"11 btl l�
vemr:q tho ,.1-,trv4,1' treati%,3 aft tft�� aprVoe. t1int, 11itto, tte, 0%opp!�rwn 6f
%volitie'l ,.VU0 Igatj lsv.jjx�rty aml Ira. Vorway. f�o #-,�t'DT,,� iWiLrinlitv rato
hns bw-masZe'-1. ati �n tltwf, (n�,gntrms
I 0impt'ann0. prT ,,!0_1-41t� gtj�Zn r.sr_,,,o,nt ,VO -%r#.
- 1rL4_1'T ,_ , .- '1� . - �pr.tj ly t�� .
1,.,Ay arter lit'r 1"'...1 to Iora� lrh� dailar'UtI.-M, tv Nw-tqar I* tafte.
. "
� 5� - tm .�
ticin 12t fe�lil In 1AVWe. bMt- W� V" �" j,jtf,;j, C,aV �.Jje '-arwtPPnt
� F; , 4% A C�Pnft�rr
It 1&,rloltsl�v, for ttq was 44tva�V,4 t1c,la. usk , "
ztvalteo 1IU,5 rzmlovh%v, to t!,tft prnbrapt�, &tt"
: 1,i-. 1110 WWT4 .. .... 1 D,v 4 wlacl�'! Oak? %6?Wot%Zmn q3--wownplod's
I " a a7b�riot-L.41`4rkl. 1411olip eirant"
� waly imtertaining amil hldarat up to .��"s 'A
M,C; Inwme, brA vi�jji-,_m Ive Vr-3*-*y4S1# 1�.6t�zt'rrmal' ,z-1%V&.t.4,.jt� tn t%ll e4l%so OT It'lly
. � " . .rilts ,Wnrl"_ tt�
,01 Uan!,",ir p,ov-,"Itird hmio � no
IE -a soa,�p , ..,. , mt w!
,Zrir?",n?niw. Ott
- I .
, - 4 I�Zncnoaroa , - lbo 1. I
- ,Gn keithi-Li ZOZ-n on P�&_ . fq1'ZP p1stout for t! '-w VILto tWe_
- ��V�ii,vi_i hicr,ialov -VT thus Mr,�,. U. ll�' ,�ar j,c ttsev.e. It N
t7 ,.W�l. � ortl_tt ttmt
, t"l, -4-c"t'v-Pank. 1� .'lT0,0,!.,4 " -1110t
t �� � J, ntlg%r�rtlil 11� , "migentio, , an
III '41w bad th,* Ant"l-11 streak ,of tto ter ol cr-ml�t dt%i of Wr,pr.w
1* � late-.4po, zmd sbe a hom"y'nAlit altPrift.,1-
7 - T;yInwitto In bg�r "ittl3l #vft4t;f.-VtV-
ro:T,,,,�__� ' tbana V 'Ie.
, to oii�h..,!,i:��a, ;
_ �A�s oTA I- five to inteln
R __ � r-6
6",_-1. silo gave llemelf to st�l op"m OT i#l*-M# fdot't"Nilitv in t"
to, ,,t!i,fj0D. Dr.
0 aktl;��= -S iIs o,p,#s in w
4 I"n-Itt"11 1Vi7jI*1*n .-.- wko -wav alwarn
�l havtra blw;eDf 'i;n-,-ioQraVw--j an a D A Dpwc�v ftnitt, tlmt in M.0- N*41vr
- I .1 1806 wiveigo
4% Dn_,ts ,�;,tdt, amd who eaia-� at now Elii";*l sinta. Atn, tont. ft
wit"I a Ten-�Iln-,Ae '.�r.ecel% th-it hv ItAs bv%rezm��i pswit 31 nir
17 n. B�.'k on 11113%, ,MA:nta(+41#t,tts; It T-wm 1%t!rf,qg,0 In.
5Q 1;4 �C,,IM4-d I'M1,11 7414 to "
, to MUL-e Inve", ly';W41silea 'by 11=.1103 thirty VC-otp. 11;�0.9-524), fredn
.,� to taie, milizo-n livina. qt4 lu e,,**fltt,.
11- & ��. aln"% A,
tp Tli�-q t,aza=& D -k-'15 1%BL%oV23y artd ,jj',,U� fr"M dt to lon. pe:r fil �
hbo Cmv�111�-��,.,F 01, 11cart easw to lg"�'l A .cttoll t#
.tc.adv lrevlas-,� OT s4f4e4rt
d ii�gna and be r,ono,twe her anti 45H . , Op WILW,e civil
L �;fflniou to !zed wotl&
� pot DrInir blm�zxilf Ito Deat.h Ir st-irt jile&MI Pgn,ora.
* I. pletta; .! �- ______�
101 I for tile C;otfl VVI L�l wit'.1 lip, -
�,l ,
U . Modevn.
,j2. nevt to hIg 14eallt, ftearl�v' oe'verr,�
)t., one Said tbat 1". Ajad wit Vati,j Tor � C.It * .
. ?�l 1%1-r at -_Ii =10 '.1"3_4 not cllvabl,:�� of .� � ,,,, wrr,v e).;sqgrr-.,-tWP tllt.' I -nuAli,
. r n -� "- -�n vmc�Tsnt ot
#�:Itnrmre tay *ir4 � _,�r k
� �-p,-vns weat'n-r.,
I_ tize Griar'A ra_�,,�;,;v,a. P
;e kft;!,? Oro, Uw4i �-tr.-,ntgleoil along Int t" , ,
- - 'IF - -x� 'Mr,11, 02 wen6thft
.- .0
h7s" 10'reC'4��J�in 41(� tr�'%L., ye�-,rt W�,.zt- '12b that's; U , _
- rnf5 to? n. u.-�,shc'.3al,
! 4.T 1 1 . � , ".
, I , -n. -5r %'(1to t in kont OT b0m, ,,,le One WZ
It V.� � u-, ,!,-,- '4�7p..Itr�, I =wst f1do
-Ii &,i-1 2i�l to try T�,�-. ;% ryan,-%�W�j ,9,.!,. "a -Not. I . in r" , - Y� ..
ON I V�C§hAst�ont. rv,try W-0 180�enaejl toljDka _ _0-1 �1-711"C"=��n_"n kaean.
- � rf�
--,I ; __ .. � .1 - -, _ I -
Lq I . , , X-1 .4
i!'. , %, �, " V, ,
, i 16'. 1-14
N I " I'D
'C', I ,
in 4 . V D R_
Or I - 'a
, t
15 I
tig No C 2 AS E F, � 0. OL I
AS � 11,Ih-"
01ry VIM..
fe- r . juj
,1,1: BY 1.1 AD PIN' fil,, R W I N"
I -
Irg, 0
�wo GireatSufferi-igsEn(!,ed—Pain'oatOperaiCion!sAve�ded—C(trOftle
- , nony
.V"q "
...., I m I sea Cured—Grateia; Testir
In. wd Aggravated 91sed
1610- From Well Known MWISters.
re, ,Me 'a, - - -1 ballevo T)i*,
,111, bedj�
.q 01 n . �
.j,,j"srtprs aire I Wjartov_ Ont wrl,�-q .
. a � ,
I up, condaciv,ts to e,-r;�,,.Ipatlan awl Itch- I Cho�-lalq X!_��y_L.j;��r Pills to be WX
�, Al preparation focoz 00tstlPatlbn Abdi
rted Ing piles. SIM,^ 62rgyl�leia have en. �L liver troables. I speak from expeeit-
iilorsed Dr. Chase's Yidney-Liver 1 enco."'
d ointlate B0.1dwity, Baptist najfk%&
�nt t,11an probably i Rev. .T. A. 3
rIlls at klat The," tor, AxkoUa, 'Out., write's -."F or Oyer
aty remedies on the inat *
' front letterS i twenty Yeats I -,VMS M great sufferet'.
It a follo,wi,fig- extracts Are ,, aln Airg, protritkI1139 Piles. I ua��
. Psi i from lteL
�rsv_ of leading ministers 01% the . '' derwent three very painful surgloAd
foot, w-lio, speak for the benefit tit fellow- " oPerattOns. all 'With'Ont ObtalnIA01
I or auttererS. FICX more particul-%rs re- I any permanent relief. Dr� IMAtWis
Swe- cares -,Vrite � ointment has enreA me, andt I bialle'Ve
rt 40iff garding th,ese surpTising P
to tjjes�, plyttes. They will, 91-AdlY I It wilil cu�_e an�v Case or ites"'
IT9 S make k1lown to -V(m tIM ViT't'alas of I V Fish. 1,92 Dunn avell'ad,
farm T(g�ro�t�iaattkteq -t�-Jat Dr. chaaea,
I and Dr, CI10 I I se7s 1temedleS',j,,t,t,-),,i,, mit- I ointment cured him of OcZeria on the,
it lit- ,. A. Dupra n,
, nev, $
nd in later, iCollsecon, out., writes - "Dr- I head .Ind hands, from Whith 'lit WA
,oan a great suffert-r for ten yeaM
,ug 4C.�
ii�160,s ointment sa�ved me froto a I be
. ,a a i0iRlIsts O*
very &'Dger0l .m(i painful opera- i and from w111Ch OTPu sPtl t'llet,
.111-V ilured me of a I akkilo digeaseq emild give him ao rL
tjon,, and tho,Trurg. , Dr. 0b.'I'SO'S X0MeYL1Ve`r P1118, one,
!d at Very severe ftnA aggravated. form oil I , "
large , pill .% &Wn, 255 ez�,*nts a box. t§N
ite.hIng, bleedln,-4 Pllef*- Tbe IDaZe"s Olntmcnt, 00 cents a bOX;
,limp, -
arld fl,bs-i.e
= � �, .8ses jtgve entirely I C
dIsft1V-iaaxed.1, at .111 di,,,.al.,rai� Or Udmanson, I3,%t16%
�d to UeT. s. .T. jauAton, Evanceltst, 11 & C,Nio 'j*4O'rA')'nt1iX I I . . 1 ji