HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-14, Page 2I I , , ,:. " I I I .1 I . . 1. I ... j 11 . . I .1 I , I --l"-L 11717—- , � - - V -:. 11".1 11�11 : ! . . � . . ,0. 111.11 .... - , , , � ., -T111 --1- .?Tr" - ; - I -1 . - ,. I � I I . 1. I - I . :" " . I I � , . .. I 7
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I— I 1.
in world, could on a foraging expeditio-ni ten by, a bushman to his I'' . . I
Lieut. Alford, Tn0thA*'-l : , I - tile recent election, was one sold to '' �.
, 1�
sn�h popular and coix,ia,onzal wUvea of Condwtor the Boersj 1:1 i , �L�
I nd five 01 Mar- j "Burning farms is rather an excit. After Air. A. 3'. Balfour, tho am. ,��'. �! .� ��
, opinion, For him there was but one shall's Horse being captured-. letter writ You. ride up and tell tile THE BRITISH, ''. �
4 �ll
�STH HCnNgS nfooxt taA19U:a*ber!fWtfP1t(o'rI e itifluenced by ended disa, - ' wIllp I
9T U obinson, a ,
course to preserve tha jpace,r ernment leader, ))ad given notice Of : .�� 1: I
het Ing past"Ime ,
�atfe , DO Wet came UP affid reinforced the People r�movei all their things, as : , �
welfaxe and interests or tha & r� enemy, who noi%v - the intention of the Government to � -1 �
-siden , 11 ,
land. . men- He lluitibered 2 000 ),oil pwopose burning their re ae. . absorb the whole time of tile session, ,�;, ,4 1�,
arttacked from the �We,st, r1he women aaid children all start the Speaker read the Queen's speech, ':' ":, .'�
I Allwal North, Cape Co,lomny, Dec. 7. sonitil, azid north, W11th his guns and liowling at, once. Taiere, Is no titne to ;Io,,!C`�.�,.�
ears to be in RH L19M INTs and the Hon. J. E. Gorildrip Couster- '4". : ;L �
--GeneTal Do Wet app Poin-ponts, and sniped on tillree sides lose, holvever; all. haads start cart. � `..'." "
a most dangerous position, and vative, moved the address in reply. �� , . " ;�.
to hoaAAY at long ranges. In tile (julsk Ing out thei things and a, firo Is soon - In so doing, lie made a lengthy de- "" ' I I
need all la�o strategy to extricate the ConvorY and, tirock7e, excepit the going., ; :.,�,', -
-hie force. With strong British coll- itoyal scots rngIlIers, W410 held two "It Is necessam to keep . away from fence of the war. i"I'l,"."'. . ". �;11. I
They Join in the Chase After umns on three sides and two swoflen kopJes to the 190111th, 11110'red from tile the burning place, as the roof and erlaill'S Address. ,�-.�,,i ,, I �,L�
'� . i�, , "
rivers barring his front, the British plain on to a hill to the east, at ceilings are all futt of cartridges, Salisbury Says the War Must ,, "" "
wao nearly 11 o�clocic before l3e :� �L
of at "� ,j, ,
�;i.:, , � i!��,
� ,,I �, , ,,
. � i� 1.i, ,,
-et lines, was a rifle andi havine a shot in the gen. (lent in the scarcely suppressed ex- �%��:�-�,��
citing operations of Che war, will re- thoulgh bejwnld the Pick _ '�',
commanders begin to be hiolpeful that the same time holding the river, and which explode as sooh as the Ilre rose to reply to ths avalanche
the Noted Guerilla. the gTeat chase for four week% making the ral,lway station at tile gets to them, and if You axe not care. Go On. tack launched against him. How great
willich has been, one of the mOfft ex- bend of the line, the-hoapitall, which, ful the wome�% axe not above taking a strain be had undergone was evi ",-11 I.,
sullt in, the cappture of Do Wet. witht'n, range of all tile guns and oral scramble." � - eftement of tome on the part of one ',�,','�i�li%
Defirilto newis of his whereabouts pom-pams. '11wo, goln's and a — I I . .
was first received� Dec. 2. The next rarely known to ehow feeling iR the �� �'�� 1"r.'�'
""I ... ... i . "
poin-poin were on, the sh1vullder of the Canadians in London. House. He denied that he had ever 1,-., �,
DETAILS OF ONE FIGHT. morning Gen. Knox started in hat IbIll, the naval gula aald two field L�Dxjdon, Dec. D. -The reoeptioll Of NO INTERFERENCE ALLOWED stecused Mr. hills of being a traitor. 1"'' �`A
!,,,�.,,., P I . ,
puTsuit. PlIcher's and Herbert's col- guile being on the summit, and the the Canadian contingent ,Lit the Im. He denied, also, that he had decried , '���,;��, ��.'j
umns were detached to make a turn- others at the base. Early in tile OW111 V fr, ..
��� j . "
011l-Pom from notable affair. Over a thousand in, Personal integrity. He declaved that ��,! !i
Ing movement. After tihiree houTs' morning the enemy's 1) periaJ Institute last evening was a any accusations against his
. march Gen. Knox learned that du,r- the northwest beyond the river op- vitations had been !sailed, and the the special purpwe of the meeting :�. !..
Roberts at Cape Wown-What Ibsen Ing the night De Wet had doubled ened on our convoy. and fired 150 great hall and adJohiing galleries Lord Hosebery Makes a Spirited of Parliament had been forgottenla ;
back past *-lie British xight, necessit- shells into it with nmrvellous acen- wern thronged with Canadian resi- the attack u � ; ,
Thinks of the War -Fencing In ating a complete obange of plans. racy before It could retire, killing six Attack -In Vie Commons Chain- ,.Pon himsolf. lrTitateA 1:'
Johannesburg - Barn Burning- �-- oxen and woundinq dents of London, who had longed for beyond contra by frequent interrup- . �, )
, fifteen. 'Pile coll- till opportunity to welcome and better bLIrlaill Is Bitterly Assailed -The tiolia and disturbances, lie ca3ed one � '
The Canadians In Englaud-Will The Chase Is Not. voy then retired io the weat side of tile h,,oes of 11aardeberg. Liberals Wild - Cliamberlain of the LibPral.q. amid the excitement, � I
and Lady �4trathcona received , a "cad." The Speaker called him to .
Salt for Ho3ne To-raorrow. During the night of Dec. 3, Gen. the hill, losing one mule, Eliot, while Lord , Replies. ..
Xnox encamped on the Carmel farm, crossing the ridge. The guns, includ- thpir guc-sts at the head of the great ! order, and Mr. Chamberlain w1th-
. Pxotoria, Dec. G. -It Is stated that the site of tile Boer lauger which Ing the 4.7j, returned tile fire, but e.taircasp, and thp Canadian soldiers 1 arew tilt, epithet, apologizing forits
Ithe Boaxa suffered heavily in the at- had evidently recently and hurried- failed to locate the enemy's pom-pom. limia, foreta6teamong their own peo- irmilon cable -In view of the do- i use. After defending the Publication
ly mnoved. Gen. Xuo..z started again For three days the one�jy continued plo of tile welvollic which awalts bate on the culdreKs in reply to the or tilt, Bills correspondence it(- was
tack on tha BrUish convoy that was to sillPe, especially otir posiltiun oil thpin naro-is the Atlantic. Among the Queen's speech, a large number of � Clit off by the midnight adjoum-
at daylight, hoping to corner De Wet the kopies, -where they killed Lieutell- I�Itors wtore Lady Aberdeen and 'Mr. pecresses and diplomats gathered 'n ! mont,
P=ceadingg Irom Pretoria to Rusten- while crossing Xarreplrtdrift, but ant Finch, ant] wounded several otil- Y Mro. Gllb,�rt Parker.
ilia '�. T,,) -day Clio Opposition will move an
Xmxg. Their casualties are estimated lie arrived We I.tt---. The British ex- ers, On tht- morning of tile 25th the , the gallorlov of tho House (if Lor, - : .n
perienced very great difficulty in fril- A eircllkrvae forwinl 1;efurp tho cleso nintindinplit to tile address, setting
at 100. They were also frustrated Ili enemy',@ pom-pom opened fire front of tiv� rreeption, airl n. sorlo,; of to -day. The Earl of Lathom (Con,,er- forth. graunds for an varly announce-
kawing Do Wet owing to the riqe In tll,e
their attempt to obtalln supplies. tile river, but thvy �,uccoeded Ili , south oil tile convt)y in its seconcl , ht.:Irt y :-pvv�lws wort* tll�iherml. Lord vativel, movo,.1 th4e addro4s. He inent of the Government's policy.
i � - - - jxmition, and hilled one ox, until si- Strntivoiia unti-rtook t,.) vxpret,n tilt,
�� out th�� loms of a mail 1z,riced by a shell from thp 4.7 gun. Mr. llalfourls Annouticeniont.
I., orobsing with. thought It coulil ,myw be s.dely Paid ' -
DeAret's l-'entesis. s,t%10qf.ivt:on and prid- Pit by Vana- . ,
ur a beast. Frain that time on the '�Nteanjvhlje� it ,ivas folind that some (if that the, en.1 or tho war %vas in t Am -)ng tht, (-tllp.r loading reatures
London. Dec. 7. -Lord Kitch,mer la- purdnit oof the Boers was taken tip the enemy Irld crept up during th I dN.;1% In Em"fall-i o"or tho gallantry I .,
.1, I of Volwv,l Otter"q 111cli during th�- v'ght ' ThP 1011111teill"' ha,d tuade their � nF the uptining, sonAon was ,qr. Bal-
, annoaneo�nint that no member
forniE the War Offloe tli,%t it is re, wltll4.,)ut baggage, the trt;op.i being night, and hill(] tilt- water abont (� I four's . I
ported thl.t Dt? kVot'a force h!is gonio e-awili4:1,11. awl th�- woullerful rivi�p- mark. anj tilp eitiollip,j lind hilown
supplied by forag�.,rji, enabling them niiie .1110 a hall front tilt- river bridge. i .
east and riorthiast from Odendan.l. � tio i wb,�!� had b�,vit t(nidered to them T)f 1110 Cabinet had ever salti that
iulowing It. pill nlovegtiellts� by it. 311. , sinve tit* ir vi -rival in I,on-loll. 7 they were vulto,11 to tilt- .Mother L,and I It(- had ever droatnod the Boer Ito-
Qen. Knox is ff. to make more ra which thev had cro-;sed. At 10 I
which the British were able W ke,?p tit(- column, having liven r6nforef�tl by � h4a 'with 11 publier, would rentain Permanently
-3 th,- despat4g, from the Ussex Ittigiment and liZ tlio� llul� Fillt'4011NS r1r Lon.1 Klinb.,riey, tl,n� Librnral liml- �
He al&j confirmi . In Wuch with the Ptopnbiicants. 11 � I loir-,l kh,rd'ort A-INNvotl t ii,�ver to bf� separated.
Aliwal North, tlutt a Krupp ammuni- 111i Fusillers. and s,,;nt,- � �nqr XvIth .�pp--41.. t 161,11 of ! undi-r the Vr.)wu eiplony form of gov-
tion wagon UA been calnured, ,tilt! 500 of Strath- tit, -,:-1 wivic Ii.o.1--s Im tlll� Qu..;nt"s t r 4i tilt- lh�,.aiv- of 14 �rtle, itninia.1, '� ernniont. 'Mr. Balf-mr sald lit, reAlIz-
that all the Brithill, pris,oners taken Abaudons Uls 12orses. conali ljorw,V witi, aninjunition for all ni:%01 .-P4 ji, ,,ov%t Vanail'att oRtilk-rs. ,wrt! i,krcijigjY on tho t4uddon di.z- '� i'd 11vi-ply tile ti,rrible danger of em -
at Devvets,ilorp, with the exel?ption of arms. It was dc-videij to turn tho ' 9 r t;oh;Lion %if 11arlianiont an -.1 ton tiv- ldtterin4 thf%L 1)utoh Ill .,)jltjj Ar-
,4,oril. -tth--)wt*.-*#-*ei- t .
I . I .
London, Bec. $�-T;te War Office enemy out or tile t4itelies on eaell ,,I�je "'� 1 "zrr'�"10"" �11' utntl,hti t it 1-1:i- Lilwralc; luringr'
t;he officers, Wave beell. relviEed. has received the fok)wing despatell - un't 11 11 tW! W1,11", :It W,; own. %-Xpjip,"i� Ing I rapa. Ili ordvr to show tho ditfloul-
' of tile llno� and so revoyer tit(, water. a I , , ol�l plectio.t. Ili- 0Djeetpi l -W 1,11"' ties (-hlifr,,oi.tiu the 11 itish Ito jIj,j-
. ,:qu . N -Ir ef lau nutiA ltar,�n a'; tlai. - - .r
Lord Kitchtmcx aitates that while from Gen. Kitchener at Diventfunteill, Threp comp-niles of tile welAl Plum)- 0 tit. jultiabli, I'Vents or th - w w. I)r4-vit.v in 11 aloraptuo,v; tot thi. � t�n
i4 . I Tll, I
tho British. at th,L rimlaest of a. Bo;�r dated Dec. 8th 11:,.%e just received lers therpfore advanepil on the n,)rtit .jil. 4.11.ctln's opprf-%, azi,l donianded a th- � !-. IliRlg lit-twilini i-nabainutuand �
field cornet, were it tuding over isolliLk news from Knox, ut 1.1ouxvillie, that Side of tilp jlnp� alld one collipally t -f Cisi. (Att.r Twilo fi, 111.1111Y tknol � wpii-coinibatantg. ht- read .ill extract I
- 11
tho i5cott, rit,imers on the 6auth iside. 0 'nAiid Stattis army rega. I
il.i-rly reply- toit ha ItOf tit tit, (1%11.&� ,, . I finho prionenuk-pment t4f il.u, 4', -vorn- . fr,,,,gal till, U .
Xonlon to th,'� Bom,s inear Belfast, De Wet's force, hwsiag fahed to force 4, I �
under a flag of truce, the Do,-rs Conussi bridge, willien. we field, hag; L.-mins-ni. imd lxorii Stwath,on:k. aftert, awlits Italley In view of the nsovel lati"on-1, Avowing tile novority with
TIgorcusly Uning five 'rh ' W'r' " "I""e' I with a tcrrillle . rf.,.,-v1.v--. a &..."elt" 11 4 4 fl�ialip �oal flx�la , nnd iiangoroil,� elmraeter or tile .p.
att"�keml a neighboriall, trekked northeast, uliand In -il L3 - I)',- ri�';r'j- <in bot It M1109 of th- , - . %lik, who ba-kj het,n tit-. ertr1--epace of Igv.-Ailitlej In K ,,� . 11 i woach pt,rt-;onR alternating as v)nl-
utry -b. held otit untit hundred horsea and many cart$. IUS ,in'! itut r� 11141, attack to .31 t �. 111. Africa. ..
Wa pwt, w,bl,, it Vh,�vtht ri hatunts and irsm-eogailiatants were
I . t I li.�l vq;r;l,� ilv�g, Callift-t, alot-ting. Inivii'LwAl . tioated undi�r tile American orgaul.
r0leved. attempt on Cape Col -my. therefore witlOn fifty ynnti or tiv� ditelv's, whvn thro- *Wrzi fAtr tiv� rt-glinout. Theie Lord SallsburyN Reply.
— ' 11-16 failed. 11f. i,4 bvin�-,- Pre��inl -Lou till th ,ellent) tto,.4�rVNI their eover. and ,. zatt An.
BrIdges -Z,shed AWay. t5lklus", jv,�I a�,Vwt It - trtil'.%. bilt- 04. Otter .it Ioird 'Snfi4onry pmal a tribute to , Wr 111trY, Vangift-11,11,
streanted 4,11t Ititis jjj.V, t)Ix-lt nortli of ,,.
Pratorla, Dec. 6. It was hoped . ,I,,,- jbj,g�%jq Ml fj: jIj._j.jjj.jt;Q p4tult, ,It) t1j, '1�111 .il annertiv%tila
that -- tlo� 1111,A, Irtlilltz lit tho ntz,antlill % killf4l ?�V, ,.;,�4'.I�g� Iton,11 104i iak'�l U) 04'.4 i oryl R�dwrtti and tlibnural firra?.Minbvilt tif ill . 11,ovornillpilt, ,iliqla
dire 7141nN 's1wept f -r Air .' long 'ankl otV0,%I. 11�� o1#,,+iri,tj th,tt
et ruilwa,v comnlitaication wit.b. Boors C4% �t I '
ntvr- .7ohanneviburi, lrathwisa anst Vantolia. Cheitir.4 , th- I-1hT-0.4 Wf-N, Plrftl,,'*IY a-,,rm)d
Val . llekiib*��.Xjjpl -ILI Int'll.allij wound4id ,,,..,I �11' I NitChNUT, Viol CA tho bravery of tilt
Johannesburg. wititim bas been I '), Pi-. 9. -The Doers I F
twa offive"rA Vppt. ll�wk jjnkI I.It'llt. j,;.!",2,r.V,, Uh - u4lovo. of sum-4-w-trx with 'Mp�-n-. and a4dier,%
lrupted oiring to tat.i� deetructit'll 0-4 & Dave captured 17.010 sheep from a p.p.�t, .11,41 ..;��Nerttj Men. Th� XV4,1811 a J�g"V,- J�t;.. .t I Hite .,,It It W, the In rchato in t i ,Sksoltil .1kfrjp,,.k. 11114 �. th it thp 11,*'r I1qknIj1Ff'a 011�!1%114 W. all.
brklge alt Irent-, woalii be reiatored in smill drtaelinient of Drittaili troops a .k i.
Oil 11-141-1d hemv,,kryl at tlti% elj,irr.,�, jq1t, 0�'31.1. Totr.t-16p rai(l the 1rr.al1t;T-aah,,rt4. tho, 191VA W Gre,tt UrWitn. Not ,%jzkI41 thi�y
,tv" ,tt�%r 41-11141tel wh&t, thf,
a day, mail Vixtt tj,%,�,k jr.,,e of a, devilk. the iielility of Krugi,ersulorlk IlProtll tit -Y IrM ",,pte urbir.i, tirtu u few ant.07,41 U# L
-- --- Frt o I.AaVir-�. awl tioo wairld. l4volld �, Y
Mon from the reg,tdar 11ne Nvould titz vnnbii tit "r %V,1,r6N tstoply'd Ity 111havy ' %wo-rgunw.lit pytipt,441 to do 11% the
be 0ece683X,-. 0%,11, to the Ilea,V.y Roberts at ('ape Town. - -, IrtA cur junim I.vilrNting q)v(%I-- Met Lord Aberdeen. ulq14r.,-;1auRI tho.r.- 0. 11114 h" it 4 dovi.l. i� h0llro-. Wroro uww., mon0y. �'
.. .g 40-R, . t � tim Ill ttir is 41P... k�r U14. i owd�rnlllvnt I ADI ir�Mair�it, f4or 411ftortill- lit 4,Ij,qtpjI �,
, ftowe;�i%r. it has Wen Impoessible * Town. Tim,. S.-Lurd rtobprtli h,ad, V01111a, dirkliniki thrkown forward '11- art . Irva"I,l: -ontoltv A Auip Vitro L
lraln-3 Qw, Uit�, - ;-t. 110,4,� 14.-Irko **kAtittW P I
-da.t, frain 11,lrt N*tlra- alowcd elf4w4l th. eni'my lwrt�ro t1jokir "'110,41 of tl".1. Uct.1-al CaltaAh'tit Ut'. �: frola Mr. Rolf1par jqqttIlE.%rr laoffztk t1rug, �
to repair the brealt elLusaki by tile a 4 D* rp� W
rrIv4A h��re to I I I .
XW.-hoz-Lt. and it IS nuav repwted that Iii-th. He wat; aok- ,nl�-d a t;j4pndliJ re- k-%-,,�,4. r,t),' �11 "t?M! UA mkr%io, %s-ti,rBla.i; !� kalahlgnj�, iinqtop .rAft n..N., al .% 6'r 4"4nbl Ito ! g�%ii,rall1r,tt�w#,,;LN6 i4l.a�, jj-!1jrV f(aHWU01081. i
another bri.1ge han W4en washed erlltwn. T110 Xt.16vw. V,A"neWorA. thk� 'Fro)ruj t1joi4 jjz,,*gnV,,%t, t1j,-o jjDf.kjltj.y jj,V� �, et. I*w%',`z,, lla.U: tral.'ri,tualnuum � goraut-I, Tho' w.w ladl - t jor ,,�.,q�,j t"t f
UW,UY. ma -141y; aturtber deviation nl!. j (%tIz,,-n4" 0#njmjt.v.-. it g1l tho'n4ands ,�',Atgw, �'i - - -ai-li " 1k. I Ito, gewt , A, aud tft�n.li,Av, vo- ;tpp�A,Aloa Would L
- Int-ro- t,�pvi-t-4tsors of th% ei-tijal.' I': 10 0 to Mn,�,ngwll harl. .. Y !41116' '�'qlo�- 'Vk' 1`411;-Ot ll�tot ,%:ojW:4,, tha pro, g.w.o tj4t th(k VOWk III I
CID03rY In thi., fte between liere and I fit uigkti,vorn inet laini at the thtek��. "Irli: ana, ttor 14-�& I arNing.rA mat 1� 11.1 to"t VuA 24" ,ow, 10.14, 111W �.,Iflp (4 1
-'4 1, ,pt tit) ww 4 44-Wom""41-1 r-s:tr �`. r - , r., I 44 ill , tawk". ;
Ue ChIk". Heavy waliplitwa are 001V be- I M111 01K4irted uo* 1%0 I AlarAgal to ["4 4,�,Uhh. va.Nt ait-4 ivovt. WWIPA40, U1Q. Iotlm. �. I , ,, 'i 0,1v4'! , I 61�# V-� . wg etip - rl "Ont, % I $ii � .An vov 4) ta ao,,' I .14014 ol� Ov; pftha,411 mol , �
� 'The Woe V't.$Illlat4P* I
IC9 f0lit lit're tt� g6ard against an.Ly 1 Uv%vrntuviat lfut�p. � ItTi5a4 from tweo .k�- lils vnip'.4-d lh,ir � I-- t t"i , V-4 441 Xlwi6�0.jj. foo;JQD$F�o' �, 4�'�J�.��Lo f�";'4' 'Do, V'r,tu 11 U�,I,AtwIltoouv,r,at . �
fillcrtlffo that xatgitt be causetj b.v k --- IW-%It.-4't%ttllbt,t-#..�%',I.Iltr,lttlV, 1%��J*41to,tjjV,i ,,,�,,4-'4-�.;"".,-g,�i,,Do*,r,ao 0.1 C.Iloa.,&I. 451101 tu'v� I t t Mmll`�,,, A - U wol vio 1,14,11 "to 11tv Jhlt 'll DfZt�, 103t� th � 4v**1)%#%roja%t%nt, t.,jld i
1Lrt'-,-,r breaki. Wilt Milner u.-RAIeved, I C� -1�itl, �4. V o:,4404,4, '41. � o-,),364 Do to r .3U,m, VD -0 a (ra (14 -k t"O'p- vor tho U.3-2,- oT 03M ill
. I 11 1.3tit-,11,. Into &tr�ot.:. firmbl th 121j, WR W [� 11-�WLWP th- 1,%"i0%1a,-1 I
, , - - - � . t n ry tVl'o ;* 1� " an -
It IS PrONLIPA,o t."IM.'. ZL tOWU gUarol er � .N, q, "I ,,,,�,� %, ,r!-,�Z:a ,,,,� -0 �torry wt,lrc�-:! AOLN'D -4' 41A.,j04At1v r�'Ij ��IM b- It -ft. 'A �
�t,� ;dt I ,�Tjg. �a t ,� eA414L, Zjt."�_� � #V'
nrips'i rr,sj,;pjrtz4 w1it ij.� e,it.AbIb3hi--I' .,TV yfr,*ft. %"n ��.-�%,Itlzmq,,h, sa.Na., -.01 noronto q1f B."'i"I thit r.jlw4 t1cron;, ,,, � ". I't §,1% ! I t , ,�.,. 14�4�.j 14 -M�j %L fj�,-j � 0; ,iv � , , ol I P, � vv,� tml n C, W 0 , I - � E,,, E,4,;"�� kel :a,tollf4ail�J.'. I
- a Xion!'ja acvratti�,� 'k�� tilt, `rr4b,1.U(& 11 rl"."d illart!P 0 "'�Rr, .'�'t i[PROL, 4" �j�gjj %'106tAt ;: ' ' � . , - 1, 4 . To, I I a ri 10A� at. 1)"'o , t , Ay�g 1*r- ti 'it, !�
lwim f3imilar to tile one zt jeftanneb- � Mr, ('11.1�a1lato,rkallot -�Avl viot plaprip*14.v! 11"IMI-P OW4 11% itr"Iq .0 fl,,V�,Q�uvh .40,14 !: 7 , 1, ,,�,- tojj� . ;, rolq�,� C';
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, , L V .,U � ., I sa In , �
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. � " �1. � , 41%4 VIOYI,?,411 KPI row", Cla tt�t. .1
40 �� t116* P -Ml 0 �0,M U �,�. A-wi ,� t 1 ovtva vomltre� ogi�tibog. Vo- 6�-,U, .'�' i. 41*49 110whi ,, I'- �4 It taiel"A b,� Vim S 11 Ch'a'a".4 141jr. '. It, !- �,, tH #. will tm%,., .
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Nountod Itifirs ,to Stay Longer. t AlKca V it *<Ir Allrr�A .41l[tj 1�,UtL. , . . .
. 1141ner, w(l3ld " 4 1 11hi,lAV wi L u. lv� 41, nr.OV 1-31 I ;�L #1 : 'v#1 130. I'lai, .�,Vqrt,,O �, �oir�j� �Qk';;. Mi! 411 ,jjf,-ajtq'jj4 It 01'rt
I 1,119t 1, I � �;.rott t ��.,j a �j' V jl"t�! 1 t�,4t � - � IL -
IQU,Mv,ft. Dee. 7. -Tile D��partglepnt ; U, relicne I 40 Lhe d i�iv P 01 Cave CA. �; vl,awllv�ll - "i ,,!�%,- I I., L� ; . , 'n -In q t ,on�.,vlT t-. 'it--, iUt o 8��,� a. LV,1k4 ,,- 1 i qt"an. f,mW t'l th I t4e�k ttll t10 , k, "
"r 4V OIL ql;� 1� th �4t I.- , . .4 , I � , � $ ;Vla , L4. 0
Prb 04i i it ' Ulo, ,, t4tr ,.,,, 4 M Ah , - -, � to %; I r
Of M--Ltia 113 tAtill UULT�,,.%t ntiVl#��(�u ft4�.nj 4 01,%', It tO ft,','W'NAt4�,' VVIt I 4 t " ffo, a wr% , ,�, �v'. a 0* 1� of � it 0 .. hn 0",- V 41DI6�06 , n - 94. ,,V:� 4 llto,ff-� 1�6 �`,'V,;,i� ,1,11� th aOL% a. cola 1% , Z: lirl, "
I 1 . I ;,#� j, -� � a N Vq-. 1,� �d,�-j V Alt�,-.I .30A tho
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ek�&U'kvrlva CU4 to toge lorubiablt� date "Ll AI(TC4,1rV251 L- 1�,.�--��-uq!'&"l in tKat 1� qlemso. 4!,-5naT w%qo %;z1xq,�-5. 491",". -.11 � , t , .ar, -
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V* . �
of I-5, #dvjP-*r1ury fcT u�joggo of tgau� F,L--e, ji pLZ,4t by .c,lr w. V. 11 BHTU'tti�jM'�3'4 : ., -- - -1 V, la T � VIR * L7 0.,j % �-, -� �. '. � -
. Ti-a..�'LIV,.t.M. VJ4416,0�. 1A,
ge� I jjrc�ieuf. Uqj�ver& 'i ", �Vj � " l ; � %(-� 7 r,� h- at�,;.' -
CS!,I ea=m at. trr V"I .%, -'al. � -Hid, w5 In vl�.14;lv tl.�4-003�T,% 0P'#'� *,[,-, 0, 1�t`Z P�%o t� �� t`,� ,' .�[�.'j�'��j j a'it' -4.. U� �- ;�� ��O�U -- �,''
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V411adazing tit Woolwich. 1,-9a&Jaa. P�,m j:��-A,,� 0 - IV �-. I., ,v! -.I � ' t
.,��%. Kaiat�- hav W I of ,- � -IV . a f , �p - .., 1, - 4 '� �'l " ',I ' U�j"jo� I ',ja: � 4 WT t! ' ' 4 I "
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tht' War Oit.Cll tt�at Ila��r lianc.',erfs, - m ,�af- gUM . i
of t -'re C,�,na,,�Ian Mlounted, MfBes, ,vvh I 102r 1e.,;1,guf-r 9i.n,3 � l.1,�,-V,7er1,.q ;it i �41oc Town. i� to..-Eaz.,�-�,-ng tl." st;,,�n,z jC,V-U---, C11:e- ,, 0,4,"Vv-* :,L,.� 1170 110" C-L�qt,D vfti�r the d":�0'sou;- OT 1&,.,gtzk�Z�Lf'50. .
,hE, Vint Genf:ral RQ1
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ltosput-,I on NfVv. ' , .. -cr��, , ,- L�fttf,r, -i�s. �. I.-.1 0'", '� � .-,
ilL-tL�,19c,l lrom- Z�w Ol wme TU7�1'. 1 . -1 � �
� 11 A P.r�rC!,7'!V,--, I'aw tLm, glreaz raider fuaz, aftf�?t.�M V,% the tmn��V,,p � �--' �' �,�,j� " L, "��,;� P-�:J."tV 'F�' j, ,-,.7, ��� M,�n�NLI- 5-,-4 bvi�:_,,,135 tm,lgeq i
_ _:� 1�",;��';�.-�
,,_L- .. - 11 .. i ; I 3,-_I
.��, . I �
I . -�app. 11 , M�".k,:r,t,��r �il -.9 � ii ,_ _ - " -
25th, ;�Iia h�as ri-turned to duty with ` Me jpgal�y vg�,.., � Lr ::tm ,
-, ;,z- llf4 %ve,q rt,-,e2VV",;1 .-A the w,z . . X ,;"r, * . Lr Aur" , �, , ;,VV,r�A. E �� �, �_,,,�-Yw't:,*�" .,;,y ,.,T.;,,�Ix . XA't 4
f , -% ,.� Le li#,vws�nn��:at, S�Ta;;Llt to!� : � , , I ,. I 'In �-�,�,�.. �;!%�,� tl�.i"-.Q ho-O",,tp��-f , , 4
I e -)7111r] f �� 24 .. 'r - .
f , -$ L, - L , . 9'.. , - , , V
",�, blatta;,,(Fl. I His aband%mnient tot ha"-r�s cgod� kv u0j. Uni * �Ibur,v WII&Egus'. cj.�'.'� , �� -1 e---'. *-,' 'in , :� �,iioyik was zaf-e-,m- I
-- I en.rts t�hey f.,jvX.1,l,r,1 a n- sign titat hn I ang 6'v. 1-24r Aufrr�A 21LIjer, %- � � f,onntE7.-,-e-t V.s� --.-,O,�!,J,iz�n oT tLF',-- C,4-1- , 11 . . . -., 1'.� , ,r'ja�'f� C�!� 'L .- 1; ZL,-,, 4 L.jje .
. '. I L�;- �1� _ Zrj.1r. - !�. i
, �
till-Tre.ttzrig tut �Woft-pv. I a, � llarrLsl, aLd �;C-a. �-,Llr I r,E�,�tw;,tk . , I , gt--�g by �,'Itd;trflrzth�z i;��w,��ram.-Univa � - �n -1 ,��t--z 01 Zt z�.- "".'a.." to b:� ei-r�ed �
j "�vza.i Ztt,,rr�el nt,�nrll,pr zt�p d --ut.. 4 'a &,,71z-v� e--;j,j J�,Zatj-T ' .
, , -� - _ -f.ti. , sd,e' e!�,r,i- � � -1 , *
21-1:7el. Ttz�ravaa% Ecc.,3,Tite P,r4��rs - ttv r_-1-%hU'11-.C,% pre 1�'et,��d nt'unvb kir l� fl�tllee lwa&f.��. V;t n" I- yum; 'a I -
-Inn lh�a ln�,.,I-� ��..,-, , vviL..tm &jo.v �.,- il
� L n,� oj t4 -'Ga �
- - ' Vff :1 6"'5'�Iql-S US� 0--W--:t. ";"2'41L"r'SS;�-4�r-�' 4fi,L1. : V� - vl','�":�, 'I U -v oln- L,Z-17-
C - 1`�30- wom en ana " U 4 ' ,� I , � �&:,�,� V., � -,L- -
. 9 - � 1"2� � 1, . , 1� tl " 11!,�Z�zg woz:1112 �
tl�xl 4,r1vFr tt , "u- � P& L'S IuM .-��nY 1`--'��,Ir- came k, ILC e7ruL-�er 1#4.�Zl,s fiv,14 _ -wltll sl�-V,E-CiA tE!,.om-"t!"-,2 tre.-oz Ln ,tlie . �Y�Qq:�,.ff,
�";� ; C47A " -- -
V 1, X� � ` � I ,
nT �Gm ia��-mse tl4ielr Tt"t, LrAts.h n�mlht&'] rere"'Sure ra" Tra:�S,741.44 'on: I st.�tw,:! t14C Z��jtd` � .�j �S i
lr&E�-' t. -O ft --i -,� q i cauute.
. � I - 1� slll�:r " ,r,, - � '; .1, � -3
kim--mt"s rr"Ttue to I,- A any 1,01naer, � Dn,= am t',�ev - Yj.a slr,�,A,s U.,V,�,rgh int7l.L�'h . - �'.. a A- " 2. " , V , -J!1 tLtr klr'l�
� I I rr lb,f%nre d--2v�m;; a 0a..-.1- , m 7. malitat�� sltnuAlr�z.,l - L-,.,�"i�.i;r�,r�,e,�!,.."\.,��; �-xvo 1%a"Ite U,�b-
'Orty vronzta wrt V-4a'amn, fl'�-�Ii,d - ,, T3,�T�2, Vy�a rut�-V,p �,, � ;:, Aftcr a! nm,!,It��, o' V14%"'.'t, C:. . I
�- CO- � � I - � , "M.
r . C6=. an6�",,n- - . - -
13., --c- �n sz,,�vet 4�,A U,---�r re-mavk- F-�, a!��;�, La W�41� r,:1tt.hu6..�1SLj,:. -.,-��,- " , �.��, ,7:�Ir.;Z. t�,, -"; IVO�,,T, r1;" -,y,- - :,-",", , q vt-�,,� 'K-tq U-'�11 rl�t 3.:-& bo-�Zzs
nhj Lqat,7,T�". r.en2i, bnj�n-ght, Dn by tuail "�! --- t .
. . * I U., --� W- 7 -., b '. t" - J, - � -
- .U., . t:� te%',"4�zgncd �)v =UA, -ry --'�, -1 - .0 .2. ,, " ,
. Z;, - - I
.vat�h :EW4,f4y.1 � r-D'.'I'. 21 '� S j r Q� a� -. ','� 11,3 (D .S,j�r t�� -. clhi�C,Ve,1 10�tcc, -y's lr'?,�-, T, �,�'...',�:-) ILI'-�z; -,V,,!,�,a� - Z.�-- 1'4,4j,T,.-,:. ��' ,,�Me�
_ _ ,ka A., , - "'t "'k, - -, ill Utr -T lb,--'�'" -, ,-i- I r- -k -�,
'j"j.It ii, C',�. , v ,I OT - ;- L*O�n - ��,,r.ping xr. .','� - " - 'a.
. ,. � ,' , _ -
. mal nl�' �-,I-�Ala:".,-��:"�L!�. T....7' ., .J � �,j q -. � z .1 �, I s � � �,.! E Z,� n -- k - q R 'U" Y U - U. I ; � , - g � � - - L -3 n L 1', -
lmfoz�- ., I , "", ,
., I , "",
., I , "",
., I , "", � " "I'll, ........
�S�a T-)lUmni ar�_- m&vMg UgE,41; e .�, U � . tr-" - 11 --, rj----,:a Z.; -,r n1 ini- t,a � ci. -" - �1,1�, ,�. X�
. . -�r, .1 -11,
- , .zt�z � t"O.,-,ts t .1 I It", -11
T�ze UZA 11 'n �.a Set f�&T ,, -*-nZ ' .ia 9,�51 1- t`11LF,S b"Ud be -M
Warre I I :,!C�n�,Ir.-,�-,. U--P�-.,1.5�L,-t1'2-"-,,, lv�?Ioru;Co�.�,r; V-L;Cre pnr. I r.-E�jt CiLA 5-9 *,.,.-, a�,,7i:�
n ApPoInted. , 0 e 1,�,,�v '
1p-m-6sm, Bev. 7. -Ta-, Vftstm:-ste- -it' - ,'4�,'k!V't9 -ittc-n:IZ1,11 tL-�r. 111,jr - al -c-, ,
UnJ have Li)r.�.,s C,) s-LN-tra llOr -� ' - General -1.� I by ";il-n zt74le-'. an�z a d4--1U.F-.&j'j0j q .-JE,t,,"X�Z*� r.VC-r"" J,�-,.j ,.'" - -;., " ' ,�,%,--,O��LJI t --o ;U,� A'��7-�-.:22,i S�� L,r t22rae
. Z� _ '. _ , U LD�,. I .,
-&:f.e-�tte QFS "I.- a r'.. P s I 1'-e"'1-1 -1A t�i:.,� e"A -- - , '4, -I I ,; �.
C �VS L�2.Eljt.-J.jen. _- 4Cjj derfull r-aar-6b"m 'k Won- I I.C.1ral �7ern� t�-,,,'�-''. w,rjs ,ap,po-Intrq'i to sz&=�t thom to :1 .,,�,.,j,,E-�j. .,�-�- ,
-m3ants. The" aezozmts of trgeZ ) Laq!
_4 have raviveA inter-,li ' . , . � ja .; m,T,:,--� �;�'!I':�,Pjn,jl . 1"m,�.4. ,-%.I t"-,1nr,-;4'1 Thursztully tLn Ra;�a
t I He LO ra-:��2., - at tLa L..Dant Nc, � r -, Z, f. T � - . . �;, �
Warren, at 0=3 tirne oorna7ssianero -.1 -r� �.l tsd? -Uw- ril-1 %U Inet. :1 tiy �-)1'11 13,211. , ,; 4�us�j . j, ,- ' j
e --t an Ute C�21avaign. floteL . -1 .:r 1w-z�tive MA % � T.
. � � -� T,�"L,ep'-wEng him
fte nott,op-d%tan POLO% .has 'teen --- " 191he fitiit tozio�u'C,o-h V!Pnnn"�s tlip. �� 19t-l"',�ly pv,?r L�Tfn-a LI-Irkie�3 pro,2%e3l- I --n-'Vat-7 SO-Xw-z.� U,-,, ? WZIT G,fi,5e
Zomjnatr--,,j orAnwandet vil tho- BrIt's;n -- , . C-
, terml-rtUal ej tlh,.� ,mar wit"n its V2n-'rj �ngs at Ireat r,,3:-s;trnr-. ;112�t 0-1 Firl, I,,� n�&2:mzl �65 Ead-
14CUOX JU a not Pj- t. � : . I I
troo,-p W Cawvla. 11 Fievelra- 4wiannesburg. te.d In"Sery, rpm��O?t4ts vl�rtzlnst U,e Z r- J0 -:;----;o12 � k',-'zr4Q1,r1--'4'�111n. ,'�*,%�ri�Anrtr der tni�k o -i C'a,-,,� �upan veUt. 115e Lar-
. V� I
, - �
- - - Pretoria, Dec. !D.-CoLe hun4red'New .T-ondon, We. 10.-A despate% fr&;a � r6evastaleon, Of thm? countiry aml thf� of S&Ita %br tha. cn�'fl�nlr,�� W014 V�0? V S-4 e, eaa.,�& ,C -,as �:3t evz-a Yet fully
Utuger W1111 Tell 18verything. Zealandeg�s wito were tit Gen. XL(31-1�'s J-jIgannesburg says tile town -.,-_�q � burning,ol flrM� Winf,h *4111 Teave a (tentra of tke iz,tevn. Th, ' ,. f t, , , - 1!
, , , 1� ,14'.,. 0 he , gatta-
r e:rft,lg-� oi utv,rn,-s!?,-, nnl kittojilre rog .40�a`�Z� Africa and pm.;t V - -
, Lone!cn, D;cc, &-.& (Iss-pizt-ch t,o fight at Rhona. -ler koly, Eta,& &-1 been fenced mund With ba-lbtd w -'re A,q'sting it - - ..rding , .tld- In. Virst, yr� laid ta their
. .iasa Z; , 'r',� T
"',gol F r
.0 , O�,j
t& -e DalDy News from T -ho Rague says thelr ioWeem aad thirty men t,j prevent tr ,� , Ten, * th 'Ir - O. tLe w. -.,r vgalnst ' *1�;j,ej,nc,.�, ,V agij, f�z.k,lg I, -
ng ini,abitants g,&,
� Lti,, �!Cselarp..;Ly Cult th-�� Sz�tlfippad ce o; -e Y Vh z,% the corituct ! �13 'I moA-e who
that ex;-P�resadant Kruger an, A - �, will alone e, - - '31
1 ljr. khIed or viroanded. TIzey fought with f,,,r,d eS giZUre peace in the 26 -PA all'il' in lae"I a"' tile qUel - 11 Were 0:41Y faant'l tjLat day. Thts
Jbbeal',-, VAc%ir of the War. . !11 Afripla. Uons vitaNy afri-c'un,- the E'mplre 1 rvas *Lj,t�, nf,�h &-iv
1"eyas intew to show the loarld that dcgged Courage toz seveatten hours, ,;,21;&1i1bi , sjn�.!a thvy were
* I �
I The Spmrnd nrges the right e� the were graveI,r fteusa'-* i arA tlxllgadrad; � atr�_,k�!Ia do�-n, and it nc-, ds no farther
the invasion of Natal by the Boers without mOviL9. Cfirlstlanla, DiEc. O. -The O�re- !03V t-5 Manage Its own nQ.w, and criticism di '11r. C
was no -b a fb&,n2rdy adventure, and An incident of Qlst fight deser-ges ' : M h JraU-,rl1;%En peg -me- � wo& to X-Zrfu:�atq: tri wkat coajitIoU
VVIII declare w1lat, enewaragemegat Mentton. A gunner *I the Seventh bladet Publishes an intervDaw wjt% ' eei�3re� the P*Ucy of Sir Alfred Mill- ated almarst every tztt-arasae from t1le t
tUy risc*iied Min Bnrope= Govern- � -& Mr. Henrik Ibsen, ri,)n tl4o, Vg�y,fe�- I thaTe tm�, wL-ri. On!y loy f-tv-ping
Ezt-tc-77 IVE-1v �Y549 wouridall on t1l � _t z.f �
Imento.- flat glacist which is'opod toward tho the Transvaal war. ,( lff,'�r- 1:117awd tsache-q. his bearers w -
; Tito third pledgns thp Congress to . For haurs t"&s target ,of r,attre ar�,j � 0'.-112 P�Iad with szpWts
Z rMS ej ' W" tTMt' pjjZ�re ab�'o to kQ�ej)L tIlaW at
14 ,aQ,
, The de-p&tclt qttootes Urr. krager as Boer poeition. Gaa of the Britisig He said that tile D.);,-rs had them-' ..Labor in a, cota"Utntir'nal way." to abuse witt Irith 1-'-s a i theIr graim-.0-na, ta�sk- 11a Tolmself. as
PaSving. qm-e trath must be know gurgeons, tried to remove him, but seives taken unrlghti-�)us p�3ssess.sort � att&Ln the om4s doflw-d in the two .a.vound his gaftt�r-�;, Ms head On o-ne -'
U. I t
it will tua be seen that I did not the Boer rMemen made a target ol , Of their territory af�rr driving out � pret%ding reW.uti0`%S,;ftn1 dl--ei�ts that side, Histening Inte-rit'l ; I well know, was seund witb Intolpr-
y. Ungzroved lov, ,
to war.,, 4 him at 1mce. The di�yetov crept;back the julklginal Inhabitants. The Boers � thev be sent, to Sir Alfred 3!ftlner for groans or ,c�jeers. .�jr nmpy Canvp��efl able retchLng Tor mmmy ,days. It
go r"My , . I- , 'concluszon aot me say tamt it SaCh
— ,( . over tLe rke and brought up a r,,E�j came as a semi-eivifized peiv"e, and ,� nub,ilf5se'Doo to Uh-a rmparkl GovernL- 33-annerman sh(w.< his notes in mt..'
! 1abOTS as! t!Zege eo Be. nlerli the
-%Vill-jehniva Will See Kruget. Cross angtouianee wagon so that the nut with the Intention of spr,L,ading � mp ,
. .nt, Chamberlain's fam and eec,jared ti,at VI�torla crmq, tbon there is no
Boers wouid Un'dLerstand the nature civill7ation. On the contrary, they ' T'-fte Governranmt Is �dlsttrlbutlng .any m.111 who pnb-.,jsbcd p,-ivatelss j
rx46 uagt,e, iDeo. ai--All doubta as Aters , rtason in rpcognizing herdam a* all ;
to, vrhet'her Kruglerla Visit to MI_ of Ilia uiWslos. The raonj?ont the ,.tm- bad Vir a long time done much to " bto,%ficast a li-aflet Al-)WIng nvy thn for political Pllrp�oP-3 (reTiorring to the I an4-1 oertainly there. is 'no officer whot
janj wUj be. ofrit-a-�Ily sanctioned by bulanceo appeared on the sky -line the binder the spread l)f the higl4er elvili, ! fal4ty of W,,�%'ny Of the ant'l-tritish Clark-Zillis ,corr,uiPoll.dence) would be 1 '
� idad from the society or all
Bom concentrated a tire on. it at zatian. I sto�-jeiq and pnintIng mt the hopplevs� exchi Tq niore wortliv to, br,ar Ul"n log
AGyalty have been dispelled by the a distance of 4GLY yards. The native If. then, the British, whoa 11g,,j , I new of the BnA-r rmtfttanee, env bOn- i breasi that aoeoration Whieli. It
, hig orable mon and ostracised for life. '
armorancement, that queen Willialmina ambulance driver W" kiLed "d an- higher talture, came, and wished to I tbp BrItIsh hold 14,00q Vr1.q*'nPrs, nyirl bad -he resGrtol to such action. as a ; avrarded ,ror valor., 11 ;
0 —
'Will too-fty accord an inferview to other a"Istant was wounded. The push their way Int -.Y the coantry � till the principal towns In the tWO prhate indIvfduaU �
t Ilepublics. Mr. .L J. Balfour, First Lori ortbe�
orse, and, Indepd, n;,
the %ransvaul ex-presideat. latter and the wmanded gunner had that was n) we Uujudielal,,'Rut Ifurrian.
� Why Germany snubbed Kruger. to remain unattended uuLIj night. s,,i bad, as what Ithe Mers them -*Ives Treasury, r0erringZ to Sir labliry � NOt many wozk' 11,90, says the SY& .
had dw3e, C,JU,4;0� 'of ntiforl ITUff Campbell -Bannerman -'s S`J--ve regrets I ney Dn"Ietill, two Australian JmIxes
Pler,lin, Dw, 7, -In theRelchatag to,- Figat Vvita Dow,et. In einCluslon, Mr. lbsz�n s,ud: The tens0n between Portugal and at the depaeoure of Mr. Gi�orge j � --one of Suprprnve, tha otii�,r of the
day.. j,na�vering 11�rr Rosakke's Inter- Govehen and Sir Untthew V,-111te P.M-* I minur Dr--pell-settled a littl differ.
Pell -Won regretting th-tt Mr. Kruger Zolianmesbtag, Dec. 7.-Datalls are "The British are twy t.-lkjag from I H,-,Iland appaars to have been emplia- X.
11tvi r,e� 1;,-,E,n re(sc-ive,d, but, had now to Ziaad ,of G -m. Bartum's suc- the B:oere what they thems,1v I %(I, pe,rhaps m)t altagether unin- 1"'Y frOln tile frmt bench, said lie be. I eneq of ii-p-linvon on a, quost'071 of
been �.' CIS lave I size lieved that Sir lfanry was so genr
cessAil engagement with Do NVet at st,olen. The 11,)ors must pill up vvith he pf,onliar warmth _-r- , ljt�ror in tilp
� gooj ojd-4,',qA1-'o,1Pj way
twnsdl aw,sy from th? g&tW Of GfIr- tent'onally. by t olla that lie would .even find good In f with bftro f1st.,;. Prelimln'�'�,;�;Nq were
I .'Prederickmtaa. Gen'. Bel,rton, witib a that. The W)erd have defun --._. I , .torizi, Wr
gntny out cd rc,gar, for anothIr _- of I,Cing Charles to Queen Vit, . Cbamberlain sh6jil,l tile latter be 1 fixed up in a few minate-,; .�i a iasli-
Power, tontrary to thi feeling of thp force 0012SW-Ing 011 two regiments- -90ives bravely, but they had gootj po given yo.;terday I
_ ! at tile bapquot removed to anqt',-�f,l- spherp. 1 innat'le, cb1h, awl tile legal '"minar- I
31M10% th� M;nt-,brav for UIP Interior tilt ROya'J ViCIS11 4W.11 Rayal -44co�tEr sitinas to dofenV' evening at the Rayal Palace to Vfvp A Liberal sT,o,jt(,7,-,w i,%,*e draw the 1 Inq retlmd witli th&r saeq,ldg to &
i I
� I
I 1,
I �,
'rCNI--d th L�� it w, I rry H,aldsworth r,av-v line L,;ompwbpr�." all I botly st,!es of tile 1 well-known pr'ivate banln- hall,
z,b,mn t1he 78th I Adm!ral Sir Ha I
. 1paratively easy Fimillars-500 cavairy, --
p-x. Battery, tdiree pow-ro-mO, ael a 4-7 An 11F,xcitmg j2,-.-,gt1Me,iv
for Irrr,,vponsible i-lcpu�11,s to givO . .,-,on and, the officore of the Br;tIsh Wynse Shoutt�d wtt'n Taughte I whc,re they vi9r471(zsTV POMI-Cad One
It-malon ^to (*.-t rento. naval gan, reawhad Frederick8tad, Sydney. Dec. �F.-Ynts-estt,r- f"eo I er Tagiv�, and by .r. ;
-la popular cur 't r,�.Yvv in th., riv ni
- , . CIe- I Once 'Mr. Chalr.hi�r!afn 1ntnrr,ipte&, � anotLer for f1ftr,,n , It"Itt'.% The ;
01 or,'�90-4 But, a zlioa 0--cupykil. th, driving tLa eneiry before Itim, and lights on the (mriduet of tljW "".th I th , - 'Mil UNIP?l to ll" 4 feet. A thrill went � m1rv)r ,Tuflg,P evenlitall!, ' ,!SLtbINhc(Y I
� - r, tr.iegram which tilt- King afV'r- I
V%%Tft-k-1bTp pr,ot of (-111,1�(,t- tha I jyjtc,jz,�A, llix caulli, in, "lie pi��41% hold- African war are being E . I �
.11or of 'I Oneen Victoria
_ I . ujal):104 to I w1rd &IS71te-hed t, � flirciii,oh the T.P)j;sr,% lij�. is 1.1(ot jzo,Y 1 TIL,j cl.,tira teg ;�;1,-t,,i,,-w,e-probaT)Iy .
rxertn,n t,,`,p,,,,-, wh-o vv.q U knpjaff on Pao',' 8111e. Lieut. ,�ustrahans by members of tileir I tll.j-,kjllg* Ifer 'Xaj,�iitY tar s-,ntling I Ito &Alnretl, njTj To.-i-)oeP;ic,l to flenv til'i"! rcor tile, iii -A 11rin lit Australian his. .
. s --visworaVel Ing 1;�- ,
tot OftlY for tb:� 1) ,-t--, Of (;�, at , 1� �
,.rm.,Iny, I J. J. Alfbr,l, w,F,Rt o wl,J it wap�jn, I fort" at the froat. p' antl for tile friend.,3111p till)
� I I tile rie t s I allegatlan that lie had s*aVT thal ,any I inry-by a knr,,�7�.-iat blovr, Under
, L - demonstrated. seat IOSt tO t2in Government durjn�j the supreme Court jaw.
tst W1§0,Y under c-orta' a circumstances, escorted, by 101) of Marahall's HursL%, The following-, passage is IrOM a lot . :
. I I