The Herald, 1900-12-07, Page 7he rob- an's ext ers had of las One be- at Hol- e share Domin- he bills *ably a ale am, bills .r.n. up 1111N. Under e. MENT. L . Hop- • phy- y even - marvel° elite ac - m nes- ter. He to M:t4S.- 1.4".4th Iontreal a at elf- ; Camp- litepkins ▪ Vamp - nes not * steps, ;he rear utgoing teethes, .41 attnie liS COSI- a pre - if the iS, and he bail tin. lir. tete and 11, may tad wain 34 rt time peac- e. Be eternal ar. SELF, Weir, FALL. ?..nn• /Igo r• teitter 4et agin the oltr+.. A set the ,en tele littetang r an tee met Mut thenite tits o..t.'• A nine ; eer n. Moors ellen Ittentele. tall test Pa.as aanai tea. thel taike teseall„. 1 tee ile had nee, "e- evtlake, aboet etatiot rth and ▪ teettai Co - a tee aaaapnattaia -liasarare- fro= --++ the bee. o we tee ;emend to- ad Dr. kg a le - caber of Lady wrote f "Spar - ay 'Col - He ate 74, and ),3em 111 e ontion, Led the vvitielx )ere lft re the teetered Usetule' ." When *success a, and ix, who reached ne. Five In Lon- upl his every- ag s 'beteg Mit art- prt.481- ttll'Irtr, eletear- JR - F .- A THRILLING STORY OF CONTINENTAL CONSPIRACY AGAINST ERITAIN. E. F3 -E-1(3- riExITr -NAT PC .1111.0•••••••••••,....14......Wia.01.1.0101 O 1101.0 700 mEETINGs Sr[NE SEkSIBLE : a i Activity This Winter in Farm - 1 PR FESS! NAL W MAN, + ers' Institute. 2 4.. • +++ 4 + + + 4 ++++++$+4 Dr. Jane Stuart ran over her morn- her white face the tremendous strain COLD STORAGE AND POULTRY, ing's mall with a mingled frown and emile. There were letters from all sorts and conditions of people, Invita- tions to dinner, conneential notes, lettere from cranks and a !message from a woman reporter asking; for an inters low, Dr. Jane was a personage. She was physical director of a tremendously smart woman's athletic club. She had a chair in a woman's college. She pos- s.ewsecl a large prartice. She had writ- ten several pamphlets on germ% bac- teria, microbes anti other unpleasant things. eforeover, tlhe waa a, charming woman, socially *eaglet and poptear ber Put she was frightfully overworketl. Sometimes the exquisite machinery .of her nerves got awry, end then Dr. Jane wisbal she could eteal away from ever,ything and rest. ehe was living ronstnntly at high prise -num and was a typal woman of the new school. Dr, jane anewere 1 sesta commie:lea- tions as were- of momeet. ueeepte invitation to beau* at a smart WISP. gtve the neweimper weineva an ap- pointment for Wei -pee. eve that af ternoon anti then -set itnrtat onlwr round of morning et Iles AS OW e tii'. damn the steps tat he lanue sle. bevel en her fellew iwaeti tione.r, Dr. Jolla! ''•4n H. wee just ;kernels the strett. nati Wan WPm. intering lais rereinee, Dr. Jobe metre eel eel emelt her • tnitognineent irL,C=ot. Dm Jane hi 89 She woule h ove leen Debra W010 411:yOle WIZO tri+,1 t.* tell her thet her late! grew rote. She won'4,1 snot nave telnetta, t 0s* 'Venn ante a, 'Welt; tire. $111. s'a,a'L. 7+,:kaaw, the 4a aapk, +4" te ttilhaela wee tints -Pr. Jaen 61;%.,^i ipho Voith 1S•• Jane.tn1 16c1a1 fralar4 ton .+4aa alas eekee her ten twarre- Loiait Ihit the a,41714 land leen areonnesnei et tee az teseentee she had undergone In controlling and consoling this wretched victim of Mr. G. C. Creelman, Superinteneent of Farmers' Institutes, has just cum - morphine. In the early afternoon Dr. Jane re,„ pletee arrangements for the holding eelved a hurry call over the tele- of over TOO meetings during the cone phone, She responded at once, and in ing menthe of December, January and the fashionable apartment to which February. All the delegates who she was summoned was receivee by a have bee fine looking man, irreproachably n appointed zo anaress the dressed, with cynical eyes and de- various Institute meetings are prate. bpiring mouth. tical men, who have /Studied closely 'I wish you to attend my wife," he the subjscts they are advertised to began; "she Is very unfortunate. I deices& scarcely know how to explain to you Besitiee the regular toples there are three special sulesets that will re Ile Waft interrupted. A door was twirl* 4.attentiont this winter, and the following anstrnetunts have been le - sued to the delemtees by the Super- atenteent : Last winter at the request of the lennelesely and undetealoly drunk. Her Prete:wed ethaister of Agriculture. of blond h ijr was in tonfusiten, her the "Devoe Hog" was diseuesed at fare fright:nay nutlet!, IStarp-1 nil of oar meetiegs. Tee winelem of with waverine 4.yt'S at. Dr. eane, who ties coarse hi semen' manifealling had arisen. itself. A better tease or, hogs are be. ...tee you the dot tor e" CZOP ing otferee for see. this fen term ever thickly. before. The Regietrar to: Live Stove Ise .razie eld net lete; at the nagger- for the Itrovinee states that ter the Me hamlet ne. ht fate nest tent the hak,...eit bre,•445 :pad hi flung violently open awl a woman, young. pretty. 4.1:10.1 In a tea gown of tumbiel Lem wad ribbons, walked unistemIlly into the rokon. $ea was 'n*Pdt oa 44 :4 444. 5'.133/SN'5 '01.414.:484thIbir,.41 wornena len‘l, tatting her bane, Said ; regieteree. am! ve0 ea. meeting tare gentle -"Yee I an the *totter, Vent *manes, from nIF FM') 44 the Pmoqi,l''" ,6re. rad teeing very we..1, your ler- refereare to, the Intetanntet r bend teiie note." F teseinte are/ Initttitente of ties ; "et% 8lie: 1 InP6114' Mt better.', eeee, eeen tee it. 19 lately. tiPt 1 tho ;454, ras,:vvD710; r tit efere t ten t 1 till' win lean Len ter▪ nee Dr. Jane fun te., tie' h some nn toe * • " t a40.41), yg,,1141f6 a tan:. 4h4 *'h. inceetithete ties wtattam. tear ciitrin. et litho-14one; adontaleiwol D *irate 414'3 te*t Des Meng the line er ter: pioneetnn its? au enema.. het eetlelset fame,nett. re* roes. Arleen. re ° clateritait•'tte(6°1 tm0 ,•.zaqteepern, teat ratiaer ns - I ''!iitt4t* 0 44 este:tel. *let teems tee* -;ytt ,er,,eete, elsre tcre- lar. .1.ane inalwe beet. es ilaabeil lint 1,•,,,1,4t41.4. ,;',444j:.: to: tteett teat' eate tlettellatletle- „e'it Fe' 'diet wetDI Mortise bee tee te„...e est, gent tane , .enet tee E.71 11,4,;, ol "1. otao at.ota.k4441 tokatta • eu 1' 46' 4;11 fff,;(*VITI „p. ,t 1 bland, cot thao4, of a pkiaz;loc,a-na1.1."'„ ahgcalt.41 too raatc l:�etea taintr. 4214 14 41tedt• d tice 1' `':e'e kftitt' ealle 1:overeater*, eare la ate stet n lestne Er2 au a cat ta tit talitkittall%v ;se cola,,oa O,,o1 ioo++, tarne rare 'I et* mot 5. it ii 5.4.7,•9 Hannh011 tikvat 17174 r3i;i4nty; t6vort • :.tvvviat*o ijr4t o'r.; 1. want 4. comp 41.13tk, tutit It. Ir.ttt't4- tot-ot. Nem,. lag+ .1‘aaaok mao- tate with Zaahaa. h E' • 11 4 :Oh i,711,4a ana 1 1. : a • ,o Thee lase te 0 en. i eke VIP '111,1 sue 11,,r,.? li-41.1021 „ coy tonne net te -v., 1 7- tee w 111 aotvtthi tv,v a 4444-teao1o,,,,,41 uspe tr.: 71*t5 7 7'4 r.0 -re t7itt.1a not ottat..,;apr 111 tv,urfins°,, &were *L4'i4$-* 11ti. Inastra54, tthl sr,arr.raak4 to /KS &Pala. teat en Itatert,Va.. to,vhitra• tUiev, ultriXioa, woman:aro ,-4,,,,•a.4ezao_1:a15 tit) Pict ntioVt, tu, 1M.1 InCe;qt, tinny:. with to '24 'irke welnlJn Nutt tee wee CO' the entreat. 1138i...-,+151e1,7;‘,.1.7131tkinat rataDaserktal. Pko, ti !Me DalAintrat Laa-144. littO Ittr 1.7f,5tn .1".7.1 .,-/Aci1,41 MO° gI.P,14° br•MIttlI thPitaa. tlikeT a Lode- Latta. when she telt. tete woes ne was settpt 41n the len 1 tl ranakeaa. bad ts:)enn to-triti, strain. mot Jeate Cove.i..evi whitest than eter res /She teeenteret her 0..023P. As eine stt dotati at het detk notteet the proofs or Ler artio le ovau "reatto 15 the Biseelotie"144' 71 'Tea Itintrke.,1 oaaat,," she &alai. •.=1 he - 3 11 go nway rot a fest One's." else hell rang 01111:11 8 SinnIt11y gOwtled woman 13.aS fitiktAvla In. it *as the teparter ea a 1ahoz7.1ay ap to Whovaa she had given am apiatahat- •=ent. "1 wish to get ,-+..-0air b.sms oh a Vital topaaa." statl this 5e11 pasioesi,- ted Yd1211T4 wttvrxi yooza thhak that narriage interterr-s wink a wo- e -mete p13f 817z131 tt-ori,,Tr*.13 Tour opin- rvin he tr..Ist va1149- Atte. It Late st ztentent..4 frazn a wo- men &lawyer, a sotancoon preaeher, on ``1103ttrct.g 7ar*. n1 Dr. Jane top int•se11. -Eta, es.n hk--:,..os it Va.11., 1 l'azovo• Z tr a Lig. at‘annoi on feet. Clew 1...fra):Saan-1 Eazks:', like 1...4 '4-f.-- la) kin laitte-edi- oeS wretce epenky little wore:me' tleneget Dr. 3,ein. "sae leeks com- pletely inaggee. elm is killing., her- self by ancines, but sine won't give in, obstinate little minx? 05, these wo- Men and their careers?" . John drove awayIn mis new carriage, his dusky eeariarnen grinning at his side. Dr. Jane walk - el it black and pacsieg ear. She rang the bell of a hariasarne nptown h3,35.4, and nets premptly sinovvn upstairs. The roam she en- tered was darkened. On alueurious divan, amid a. forest of silken pillows, lay a slim woman in a ravishing ne- gligee. be had once been a getnat bettuty, but her face, with Its hag- gard expression, -drawn lines and fad- ed, Mack lustre eyes, told a story of misery. doetor," she moaned as Dr. Jane went to her. side and gently took her hand. "Oh. I am suffering so Oh, won't you give me just a little -only half a grain, I beg you, o nly half a grain." The poor creature's voice rose al- most to a shriek. "My husband 15 so ; Cruel?" she sobbed. t•The servants are all in his pay. I can't get any sleep. Oh, I am &mast Crazy?" She wept, she wrang her diamond- letlen hands, she grew more and more hysterical. When, an holm 'later, Dr. Jane M- erged from the house she showee in t ke: at torte h te ,0 tn.„ • e„, ,°°• i,42.q. It 4, tic 121 t°1,. vIo•VJA• 4 ;;,, 3)) 'RAN° 447,':4,..oti. *of a tteve..;0a. . .shel 4 sfe k • Ite 'Vt* V",,t'C'A -'!"; ,":;) • wo814..14 1.aot 04'1 7,,,1-414-., patted Pg` "l• -,Z. r 11_ rte 'enteteentteeettelintelleatietWedineentelleelentwelsileisitetit vti eh I Lilo Tetten elvegaelkeestelisteettettleMeleSsitetleteilieevtalitseeteeettele REE MG SEM TI -10 \So STA HAG CO S. Li the Drovers' Joanne appears an - - - . ...... tering them in their atolls and turn- interestieg amount of a meeting of big out only now and then, if at all, farmer' a na stockmen held recently one reason given for thie ed by Mr. Robe 'Miller, of Statile was that if kept in a warmPrsatca.tblelee fic in thigan, and which was address- an a tub rine teoavoutlengoaolyf hgariorw, af no dr Vole tcuorwn Tille, Ont., on the above sulalect. The the cow out into severe or stormy following is a, partial report of what Mr. Miller said, and whiell will weather, gage them by far too. sed - read wee interest by Canadian breed - be upon the system which followed den an. exposure, and the reaction ees- "The Bates and Booth strains roe- giving. Some contended for a, fifteen proved a serious detriment to milk probably, two of the oldest minutes' run in the warm ruid-day resent, p and best-known families of the Short- sun. While there were others who horns. It was eonsiderel a few sala-keep them in all the time. YearS ago that anyone breeding Diversity. Shortie -tam, and not handling one of In another matter there was mueb the femilles, was not a first-class diversiey of opinion.. By many it was breedelnee Shorthorns. Pedigree was thought that a cow wale only be largely tile whole thing- in breeding. kept warn: in the stable by making This, while valuable In many ee, It so &lose that she with the other speets, was carried to far, so that rows in common must breathe over many valuable herds were either in. and over the vitiated air, and that jured or ruined by paying too mach mingled with -what to them seem - attention to pedigree and to little ed to be impossible to eradicate- atitiemonlawsteneotimon.tointliovred itlubarelmineg.rit and the foul odors and supposed associat- ed smells of a stable; and based on "einny breeders would have nate. these suppositions it has been claim- ing to do with an animal tnat was ed that a healthful stable would be not of the purest line breeding from impossible if made warm. the beginning and on down through A Change. Its whole course. This was nroduc- e. tion of too elose line breeding, con- t the farmers' meetings for the sequently many valuable animals past year or more, the talk has were damaged by being tootaken a change, and the warm sta.- gt=E,th. ble, better sanitation, less out -door weakened In breeding freedom for the cow- advocated, mak- ing her conafortable in a clean, dry "The climax of this was reached a stall, pIent.y of rood with succulence, few years ago when, the Shorthorns fresh rir and water, and there was were selling up into the thousands of dollars eaele It berame to be gen- only the necessity for a sun bath, and a half hour's swim In it on a wally thought that a man could not "pleasant, warm day only." which have 'het -Ness stoek without pay- vrhen thought over, WS:8 only "113131P3' ' Ing a small fortune for each indivite pathie" out -door life after all When mi. This led to still etoser breed- ing, and die noel end mate the bot- tom of the hem droplet! out. Men lokeesus to nuelerstand then that every- thing die n A ile in a line pedigree. The iiananTo. mane when the Neese of the treheree was ellearalited. Some even went,...,) l'ar EIS Via PIVOT* Var.-w- ing, *Qt tee paligree entirely, but the triter *case favorel a broader eetttela se bette,ling ant a geoll Twee 7011,41,0:1?":::::::',iett!atraattncgt .?;;a71: arTIctZ%.- le t. Dr, ;;' ItC, 1 with 4hta,,* attentlea to er • t.t-t.a. noz.,1 tihe Sheet:wen t . o tta c :at naantia ,krat 14 a tun! ' . MI 41 lt4 *<.,.;.agtr.,,,,I with IP' is see Or v,Ti, 1114 hr.** tt tvo4L11,, .7tr ';' tt . . 4,1 441 WO:til 11 fair• pets- e'l 't P* vP.,4*-1, 'it., Poen testate ,a, . te,!46,,a .-n,,14117,16)7A rito": trio!,2ernaritirri .t.t.e, ;teen. entire Ila Ate m ;ARAI t't•.•1,1118 et Nota,rath: :J 14 ' ': . 0: Ca 71' ,' a with tOw, 4 p.'el fen, 'I' It /4.04 .• 1:'• ..•._,-; "',. CP -44'4- fei4 '1 Or ,.."-.''.) t ' ' - t, ,,, '' 414 lit'..l":7'-,lit't'-..4, J'A,Ii- at `AAr I, t,'' :14'. l'Ir‘'. &-i •• '4 I:'1frj ' '''''. '-' !; 7.74. Intwv.;t 1'.t.,°: tl'.I'4 ,.1 Yi., p«,21.:. -y 1,,,,,..04 . 4-4 774 t,t"N. . 1 ' ' ' ' t " . •1*11.11 IA',:, UV, -4 v4,3 1tt4h''t.1; 1,5.--1 ,iat 18:r4",- tif:,.:, 14'13.:::" , ::::::,..,r...,:.:-.4 :"." fl gt .0 e ,e..". -,,te et , es /47, 1:1rx.PP t . '141•,-. E.,,,4„,,, , ..-.. 11,1 . .1,, S', '' . ,L. tv, , , r. al -, t '. :'7 ..: ' • . ainakaa:a a.,,,14 144 4,1.,..1:•,"4-1;.4.." 1.:•4';•,,tou Gaa . • ,o oreit`,;11 ta.,tooto. . too Da._ci1 S' t,F /'• • , •;.:,-, .. ,, ti evete.t1tteet a;P:t tot4,',-,t) tii0 et- a -70.'.137!174--7':1'' tr.a. to, -44 kr'.! ' -n4P1 ' ^t --1t4t Atv.P-a111,- neellemee frt. •S6 ,11;187- vtrtli.:(1,11)y et e7.1 , tete, .ntn • Delete es tt.eli tge ete, nntett. GI,. L411, • titlitt., tt•°,, ,..... 10.11: 1110` OP • '4,t- •:=• 1.co•-•.1/ - t11'44 :tee' eteeten.,e. tir.v,7ENit. t:ilkt. toy ItTka‘.., 1313174-1,17Pila,t7eg D211Y.'4 /11,2-rE 13%4.,••••il „ Lt 4'31.1 140 ti Fs! t..44 tv.3. no.1 Ile- teen i'eteet0 mete t /„°.,°.4,t,•14": r, talkdal tht an •••,,,,t7;,.? •11/''..f, 4°34'1 4:"°% , ',;!.!n••Jtil ,•°,4 11, 11111t1 44,1 4 Vt.il • '2 441:v1:11 33--;15 77 • - 1fit../Tj"QI‘Ift A ;1r ;,.E.t•'•Ir4/517-5, _ 4 4."•. ere compared with the. other 23 Wears and 30 ntlittutes of the 21 hours. Wbat was thrift and health in a row . how best told, was antoverme "'Mutt whea a eow was ea'ting feel ratione, giving fall flow of online inalr eleel; and oey, eye laright, aneenee 01 exerrese make atother eon' show the healltiay thrift of the first. That there was no more senee in turning a eow tett rai ammo in Jame, ary to give her nametapes than te rant ber 1111x) oatkrage /407. helms a anY In XI.trtov to friVe her vig'or." Sciseatarts. "ploortif° 6Va,,3 hololgag 6001* to intrityare wan, t'61.4C,4 taw man that fearee that atean taught lune trace lee in tine Genet'', bet Ita.1 110 PINOT tint cam ca *3 1') cont1,3rtatit:-.., 6tobto with ITLY1h of nit°, aleil the that ttnitodi the EIDEM,?-1ht no con-ay.:4=v., on:4 af11 Ptak • Meal itra,)4' 1011,..,1,4-eter t ...event Nan trentete Rata tee • tante, 'net 4.7 patio wan v ; better for ten minutes dlreot, th for bourg pouring through a goo. liberal spread of glass; or in Weal way water is letter and mere , healthful drunks,. twice a day out of an open taxa; wherein every eow plungee lier nose, than to drink whenever thirety pore an indivite use baein in the manger. In. mese way We are led to thine teat tine ' early fall etabling has meth to do In answering- the whole matter, granted first that the man bee a tguoortel., wholesome stable with wilat are known en cow comforts a lea - Fall Stabling, , Cowls left out at night when the chilling rains are frequeet, frosty nights are common, and winds pierce, are put quite as much in line for disease and ailments gen- ?rally, as from too good stabling in the winter. Straw is cheap, road dust Is plenty, and a cow can ba made raore comfortable In a warm, dry stable daring cold, rainy October or Nov- ember nights, than she can be forced to believe she is in a fence earner* rain soaked, or freet plated, as the ease may be. Some one Inas said that a "rain -wet Cow was like putting a wet cloth about a pitcher In July to cool the water within it." This fall -stabled COW, with her food of some sort before her, is nearer In th,e path -way of good health than tlie other, foe no. one has yet proven that the physical suf- fering of cold and expesure Is part or parcel of nature's plan of either health restoration or the building up of constitutional vigor. • :taste This we know, that warmth end comfort are cceaucive to milk giv- ing, and the reverse is milk shrink- ing, and a cow well stabled that gives her full flow of milk, with titre'. ty look, can be counted upon .as not being injured by her stanle III'e. There are thinge to be considered In this matter. Are these cows In the stable milk -givers with calf dropping mouths in the future; tie are they dry or practic- ally SO With l'alVQS due in early, eminent Here ;G a question. One 1 Ileiry is mailegivirtg ant putting the : ,eaergy of surplus food into Inigh. an I eadireet pro VIVI, UT nerve (one. In the other dairy, with :Le stneh draft upost their N:bitern?„ tine surplus food ' muse find more demani than that made by embryo lire, an! smelt cows : alo wee a certain anmaat 01 tintiV.11- liar motement. an I stemill leave It . ow- Sassy rezc:aans, 04,4 a .goveh Js that of the etrvath7ct realf :to.; !tering ant' Itwihitce..11. 'The ether. Pew, end in Itecyaii0+2r gni Jaeger:a hes the Whi*h. tiladniteV CI paNtt:tg, ;44.11.01ing to 1110 11P4 Ilice:041 t19.111tPitO, - . 'awl ia MN Caere taa, - t'a to he e. eletiatetion in th.,P stulda• 1kfie od the tw-ka reahleett el' mew. Co1,1110 trA.. 111vvt'77rt-'4. 4.4tnt% 16t.t1 otnbr,e to! t.431 act*.t 11.4-4 ntit worn P.cv7tAl 1oar4O..aT 1717 7-17' o-1.1 o1.1'va u4aaaia. 138137 1-17 t",,V atki 0,1•.i.,)C*,,,01.1,1!; 7,1t•,1,40i:s0:.1.§1,2 all 14.:*'''YPt-',1' re, 71 tag t • 71"..gr. op 1011 tho ft“, 1+1; '0114 ,7t) fer,*1 . (h, t.ttt,7., 1. A.P ;11011t, A''.1U ;.a7, a.ktio2 1, e ,t1Wil t-.3U't:1t.:., ttt 4 44-. 444t aer , I ;a t,,_..„ V 01031144t11444, 13. L:1 Ttidtt (.3 tare ortiticala Of tl'7,P51t174-= 3 -v1175 1-7 7137 31:,41,1v. foit 10 teletentien f4%.0 Pt"!,V,ot ttl:i1V10 '01 1715. UtEt4,..1. *.ita ta%1 -4casna ehlaa3-..0 1*-7114'2.-7t7tv, hub. 4.1,13'J) t1.3,71..:111'..',1‘;,.T,,T La.? Lt1164 t"..0 if1:1* 0Q: .5K4) t oat ,,Tnlitutn* 4:41 t-h,E2ft,:, '44.."4.t" ti,44.1'011 rem* nmenteeg tri.r LA1-5, to 1-.i: 17 te.) t.ti>" f!"63.0...4 8•.7 trarA 4 .1 vt; tt`,.,Ittitt3 13,f t', . , r,,,t;-e;; , . ° t•:, 3:2 tt 0. Sr:ea:el '• .17,, • 2,-..0.1 (ka,;, c."-.1° rat.r.ntia, ;77 t: H:;,/ - " v "]c,!. vvtv •"; 1.• 1.,,,t? -7 1.1171771. -9 •att ;,!tt 4r, 4' 1V1(4443-1 „Itit] t Q' !J _ 111- .11 4. • kv i cee tri et to4,.,L _ •,.;-: .•,..ii •..: !..., .: .., . "tri., '..•,? ilLfr••• °' ...,..., ,././ '.il*, ':::'4, - •••.,' v ' • 11..1.1_,!`iA:,;?, tE,vv, 11 „ t. t,. - li ...,,,,,t i .4 13, , - ,.Z.., 4,:";:;'"'":'''''. '' -1'3 l'• - .--,,:43,7 - -- .. 7313- 0 :': 6:4113,0 QU'Ll ,trt'L T - LY.tttil;',,,,.,"-,2„, ,:11,',:.,1 i, r'',Y'''. t iT,t,.. Ilr.^!,.:1- ,.: t... ti 1:: , -.[...F.-,1 i.L.;17 tr.i--,.... 'i.- ,.:-...p;.,-..!1. lit f:-. 2.. • - • -., t11.0 137g4.0' -c.j'62ir3l34 1.77lt 1-1:atritnq t19 Tj• tzt_11.71.eak* bano-;o4 aGao 1, voo E.':‘,.•;.11r..,11. meet eset.:',1, „tette :nee, t, t..•, se neat siu,aDo ,e1,cl'131 41`411 11!)I.O..jaaja EAT; haaak- t ta.,ate ;var,t, v ,,a a, tIrtto-ot ' . • ' ttig like at welte 53.,•-t13717tr...31* 10 1017-14:: , seat ; funna, ; wt9 11 n.t.74.th-,;g 1,.r,r,,AU 11411,5:0:'.41 U /S:..1"" " folte !vino:Ice .734.t17elp.13'.3tr., atoi.1 Cleve- met nenettemettait 711 -q17 ' 5177771' upolt tufAtcd oat or tee 14131.17e. 473g /14-504:-Par7:- Novi!, Gs fate waaaarat luat•e 'IV- ettazaa rooma44ian31frainava..o.-tta_ *PP, • ..102a1 Was at that satilaelat alaghtittog aafoo'ania2c4, fiam-ottnia tat or V.Le Mown his 113013 Way. EN41,7,1;;;,:zir,itzal 17'3174240,21,!] "Ate. yoa itdaczator "a! eermatt..1c441 1344 41,11 Whatea* Fait° "t 178 1 17.1111' slaiii voice, as n 14511777' e13e41e.t1 ettta esteat wen be thlasere r.e.!ivet. *Notelet wasmood tain arra. G PON Ca 1119 lop*'. fem.?, "rlin 1314t 13 4i2t.31 Dv. .7n -h!1. o to tame. a,ak 13on7.k1 ston'aa,,z,a4, tals17.21:41a1ty.1* 1177111 17137173 -17 1 "411112111 .iar,s hood .4ietter Eng -1'y 1 :Voati 117534-' "0: , tesse, to exte ths lee el a 38k-nvw A17co317p:1. Brixttukti,,,,y 31771 1771 tItioner taProsa th, maav," stateat 117,tract (4 tu7r3:i11»:Ji 17 11217 103 te- 1t1.. •er:ivP!;,, 11171 111717. 177 17:a17e3.»? %Int " 7::a at) .aagaaha,,,alltam4,,4a o4,1 to: tojk.ta/- ten-1111ff+ trortCt, yeefeets reitete reel 'roma+ vacat.'h• ---Dca. 74'9'.11!41'17 13zt4C4,1'21f,g, ter tt.es. U'LL tr:t.7 .. atra1131 sin, -'s ,B. -lee. 1 ce es nee 'tee tr- 1717817q,17.... r, ,,,,,,,,, etatetenes 1 ,,,, -, ,...., , , teem. vete 191 9 32137* '11 7'0-...- [1:4- ..c.g.t.,J.'). 1311.1.- 01 84.1-,1•2J1.1 esetetery 5731717, 17',, -as f.' . .e- .. ro---a7scautPc'" razatol'-, -4) '.'o... o ik t'''"', DI: 74:4;],r 't,7'.1 11'-'-11'-'-tIrt't/0,..t1 1'71730171. '-'727" P17171. ` ; "s..erete te' :Cf. 1: 7y. r:7 -1748r77' 3i 17-.17 117'- 40 440 * * . u17 T4'?.'47"47.7-21771 tV;t1,...rt 1.".'1.217 4111 - 7.17 , Set .10 ,i 0a,...- 72 ',,!„::: P317'. .i44177 ri-ct,.iitr,t) .,.r.q.,,D.!,,r.... 7171..1'„,17:r1:2..4' r.;.,a..o-ct ,..” a a-o- ',a- • - --,- • •- 8-,. - -47 r '-o.a,v -4 er2ee41*' he D17'131 netl i n°,-.•4•:.- ,..: i nivi,Ja 817.:1 1:14-:71 17171 17777t..177* ',.,7-2 tr-7:21.13-:,..s.17a1' , 8-2317z17171731 :'.-ka_Gaz,,,•;ra:..,':D' ,a.,•;lar. 1701 1*17e,5177-7, qb::,..::5=4;:.--,4 14], 47.4.4•.17, 817 17 : r'„i-7-1..-2 ,-...,,,-...-.,? 1317173717 171 11,....-:171• ."" ' e ---- ........ tet.- 17 71 - • -L... tee v4o4,- 4+,r-a,:,:atcry Wee inereseest 43tagv,,, 1).4 .7:12 1714 a31'7*y4. 17114itf17 17:171 1311117) 1113' 317,: fr 4)'4 13 1,..IN4'5IZ1". -"My o'l130-1:zag173 7 r estr. ant.1 1.17: E' efh 0°31. 1 tahn hint.aa na-a , En elm hall, bennig a. leginiv teettleatal to 7773 .7 young pereen, eta? etezeti the 17ea1.1 ley ' wintertaeestetteset tee bonet find pereended '.1,,a dannee of astonishing steps. .• , Looks eke a weelding-tre.-la- ell laeentery and levee% -Set:vale 2 51T413587.02721 rfeere =.43 it steam esestesee, ast , Woman merry ? Tre-ie-lat Give up •reaps and leede ninety • her .eareer? 9!'r8 -la -1:31 17 Love. nee with tee mit '..:ibt.tOid 13 teres 17. 11 :earringtett fee a. tv.oatann tenet ','. In the enue inetoey ene ente. eze trie tl'he doer inte the destor'e °tete*. Raines tr,e , opened, and Dr. Zane, still weak anti et) heretle lite pairs Ite white. tottered .ont. !' ILD "tile ogre-est:mei f:nreniernset nen- , e Doret quote net" sten apptale torle-s 175BPan'a.-..a with meameetere esnv 0 6, 0 the work forreerey remerel of e No, 1 won't," responded the frlsky 000. young pereon. "Anal let nue say riteat 17 Maze mane wite uraelataery emu now that :4,41tI are the remit sensilee out two weteees 0.7 leaf proleselorial woman. I've struck. For ; a million a year. What is a eareer eon -reared to the 7 In larotlern stet./ WatIt's, LeIrt love -of sash a superb, feliovv- as that? ! Inaehluery ane eleetrisity. Pight Dortor:got 1:p to the Requirements. Miss Spinster (to bird fancler)-I want a. parrot. sir ; one that has been ; brought up within the refining infite entes of a Christian home.' Bird FrinCIPr -I think that one in 1 the window, ma'am, will suit you. Miss Spitiater ( turnime to the win- dow) -Ah, think so. Pretty Poll; Polly want a (Teresa ? Polly (sleepilye-D--- yer smirkers:1 • , 'congratulate you." r men 'eau do tire wore. that fertmaly And thsti Dr. Jane leashed again. requiree 300. The Intest WP1S1-." 4k" ler 14 ran with- ; out any attenti.m Sewing, the ilianer hoar awl eer an hear erne ikalf af- t ter teie mill is? a, e',7 •-t ' t - . In leather rnantetieteen nineteen methotie have reakitrei cm• eesary number ef werkers frem lat 17170 per (nest. In the treentintetute, of rave:ages It tete1 to take on* emu :ri 01aes tse 'flake 3 enr1.18gP : 13(11*1*' 74 earrlage 18 leads* by- sea* man anti Ineelensry 15 twelve days. teetma eret e170 eve tit ts •„, •i; tat' [a 1, : stee I tee ken en este. 'elle let 8-77--oren"..Lat in peen:et' e tritti easels '.'eitetieve etetue,g stt, st* 1171111 ateree gett- steely eel C9.t1717*' 1113.3'7'-t8Ps et tee tree. try te trine, it wyeeti llse eitlemen to es.nte fit eteestesetetly. etel tells te a, t tete. tit -0 teat eeset. „settee rave tyro Ezering tee ei.ote at.i- reefe. A eet 17 senw aetlease Le 75.1114 171,? lent rt 4.:it'!;,:k-ZWL4:3 1717q'.4 rieSs.ri,„t4 t tZerti:e-, tr k.a,socr,lark:o1. 25 538-7311-13 8..c.'atit.g tett ttet:7,-.-te_ ls er0 te 13'273-J 641*48 ffreetee..,:ees. tea r.,5111'..:212. eine, ft•-' 0.er, r.. 3 wng .1‘,, 11 tense VI! 4:3 lit ls stet ert neetemat'ea17 ete Ter 11.1.e. teest leresese to pee 54.17e1e*e27 '1217172171771 1-' evess; sesets re,,:entlt 1777 e tee le. lie es -..teite "sse.-t•:rtte et 111 nee 3.448717 7211-177717:17,1777-17.7 1717-- '7-n17:7 stenett .t.ti -Sse 17,1-11 7 oteen . err t7 s rent witte _nes : ense 'Ste eel . :s eseetee 3,11, 671*0721) 178' '--1717113 115 pewee. ger:Level str.enete. 'eine Steele:me eve' That tete-eau {nee delememe. . , reaseet ee.erays to tee freet or: rea-t- . tees pertteeng to tee c.ett. ner keep. oreetrin deeremer, eave " tettest with se earge peasere te Ste fere:term tants on tee sere ef tee nesse cow well atm:reef:Ate tee feelette leg ;rem r...;•!..3 34{7f:: t51,277 Cie .131177317*7 171?17t8 1,171711 77135172:8 - It Ls to use te etsmnte tee feet tient teem? ts 1331 rrapeety-rinangies; set:tit:tent nnd practica ameng tee latter i;11 7431 at 'feast el' tete dairymen 1373 tee enete- ern port ot Ameriee respeetlee tee stabling of teeir rows sena better seratation therewith, and the eteansee is by fnz. for. tee better. For years untold, there was an opinion -rot gotten er.onn the erne -that tine wiri- er enontes were in reality Intended o serve ne a perioe for hardening he rosrs to make them constitution - ley more -vigorous, anel so exhibit Inere vitanty .the tot months; and ens ol times:matt of cows gave up their nye& and the barn poles were le-etooned with their bides, to prove (?) the supposition!. lextremekt The sentiment is changing, and )IOW from jest tieing it eow up over night -n a eolki, comfortiees sta.bie, and teeding her out of doors, it has gone o the other extrema of keeping tosvs In a warm .stable, feeding mei we- E;!2, t trk.' ' 4,7 217-.17,,i:117717,1:;1747171397 '177.71777 01 17177217? 77"771.•:17' 6:4,22t8 ito re., t". re17e f• • ^ . 11.234-, ;:alk le, V: 344)* '4'".1741."•,. wal:731. 5211 4' 11* /dr:- 13.77d4 37730 171377 "41 57517131431 5331 301717*' 4.-71*',9 44 112513t13. tano vt.TD,zt Eir:oyan etnees, 1717 1.1 na11 s3it tzo tzteSc.r:Le 117178 53751717 Olt Cir..7, evo-tatrunto or the : (4 P23877117 ki-op.akitt_oze 15 straUlaavig , (Dr •S176.,":0 VI 7.2735417cok to,a 4tS:t8r17, 2172,6 fLe lltkivv,; we'L• 1751730117,78 7 ,,-77877, 25171 5 17$ 5:171317174. 37517, 1317 dittEenni ty7174.2lEv78 to Valid 71717. 17772527,, 73 313:-.7727 1E:0 Kaa +-at ft,:ncTi • 417 1173(-743(]5 532761517171 : -2' ielti mei e-aee itteren. tt_e1.;*172 4-17i77772 178"13131373117171:8"keset. J_13 17717 - ti(utti 71171 1371741? 17tr1170 33,17178 a e27-877» ,i7:11874e1717 17 eeen the It9Ark!",•,;f.',,it OA' 308' Sevatla _lifelenta teeenet ()tette. tee:zee set:s)'e tette: t get :a geese ea neetten ken ente.Teers letste.tinetts tea 1e0 net:se teitatte elreise-nettSe:T, 111.4 -1F -1a:1'..77113.• -"..3.4. 1711. 117133ols:178':7, 1. leser,tes sesere, 17 etett,tee. e:nntee ", fte,teles, lees kettle, E te,,t7 tesi ers7-,:tee, 'et:men "sense en re tee 17 elesee OE Spee/, end eel tainly the Wretchazi tch and easiness of Piles is Relieved and -therm red by Dr. Chase's lialatent. : seetet wee toetel teen after 8171 tie a very v"..nzrtt 17, E7ng74 17S* Erten?.780233 • tnteee;...neen eel 30. • ea anteesste netemail. -net 1717 w ' w'trn great eliffeentv ere] (tens -etre :earn 38' L.-Le-seem:Le are sten fiere- 1, atz.,:t7 stehtt: isse te relieve zee Orlia of tee tr,tgenenet tte bee Zest eentsesn ane mese aistressieg 137137 P3!'. :n.P.SP'S 07: °' 51meret. bat 1ewe eat e,41;K,,„t, vk7.. varloes remedies 5374317770, eel to is teneenees teeete rape nee erstee: ple:rtcrez:r. 3a171717in it, eel east tried • nee piles. In nine enetee oat of ten tee.. _ „eow, 'imagine Itter grare..t 4:111 210Y-.4 Cr.:Ctt-riE still rezernmena serg.sat orls was 111.,7 577,..En.[s:, tv,....at last "-7"eli r-rrt. I174 exete.ss. ereireme tee one hex ear,t,11 ram ess teat Ufa leen ena'danger. as tee -telly cure fee ternee ditappearses arati rests tee ex- , lb:IPZ7,-treeter0 ntane keeps the resysi- ent masa tsvii-'241.1:-,, • not the teenal ewe:re:am I teal Lee a differ. tans frcra 5*30'es227;b:775 Dr.. Cease's least doubt tete Dr. Cerase's ante Clotraent in a171 easee pifes. It lens meet saved 358frora a very danger made tor Itsere a world-wide repnta- ; lees and palethe 'operation and many, teem andi 1 tiedet pestUve years al suT:e,Ing. It 18 With tis P. "guarantee to cure any ease or pnein greatevt ple:zsare ancl with a thank.. Mt* matter of low long standing, no fel heart that I give this testimord- f matter how many ogeretions Ilene I al, keowing that D. Chase's °Int- ' failed, and no matter low inteeee ment has cisme se mach for me. You 1111Ths bi;eIenttte ebristinTreaingea.are at prfect liberty to use reple of eeores testimonlai as you see fit for the be.. thing , hundreds of eases in Canada alone nefit of others similarly afflicted." In which Dr. Chase's ointment has You are invited te make this test prreven a truly magic remedy. This and prove to soar own satisiactiort 1 letter is quoted because. Mr. Deprau the almest magical power of Dr. ; Is well known throughout Ontario as Cha' e Ointineut. Ask your neigh.. an earnest rainister of the Gospel, bore who have navel it what the 1 and one who has at heart the well- , itthinwkheanf Ids„ro.aCtliartsve;stOhient.orapeptiotr.ttmlei beninegv. oaf. fellow-sufferers.tinnist and remember that it is guarantee ; niter, Common, PrineeEdward Coen- to cure any case or itching, bleeclin 17 ty, Ont. etatee. "I was troubled or proteeding plies; etle tt box. 1 ler th itAing and bleeding piles for 'Alt dealers, or by mail from Earna years, and they ultimately attained eon-, Bates es Co., Toronto.