HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-07, Page 6, KITCIIENER AFT' they will forgot the Post. The Trans- and the fcitiowIng ,ieretticte at ilkt. I nicipality Presented hint an address country with a new Ideal before yam, the orange River colony, Nat. Paul's Cathedral. and Brompton Orateiry nett Se /tan y-, thusiastleally received, and the me- al, Cape Colony and ltliodit.teditieuititillisternai.• lbe Gallant, Molloy. ; of weleonm. : , I 1 THE NAPTINEE braced within a single 'Ilne Telegraph pays a p;lowleg tri- Closed and Padlocked. SENI °EWE -Live eVatelli, their inhabitants would) bete to the gallantry ox tew ulna. begin to forego bitter inemorie9 in ed," it says, "to crown the signal I --General De Wet' fresh exploits 011NK 11011BEDY. ,, contemplation of a glovioue future dian troeps. "If anything were need- telegraphs to the New York T'xibune New York, Dec. 2. -Mr. W. Ford Iying before their united countries. honors Wall by the Dolnindou in the excite admiration here, since Eng- -- CapeeColony, the orange River Col- war, it would be the Spartan, speech halonen love pluck, even in an en- ony, and the Transvaal are full of of Private Molloy, whieh swept the emY and have a true sense of fair tedition, but there is no seclitioa in audience at Liverpool yeeterday with play. They welcome Level Kitchener's His First Object Will be to either Rhodeeia or Natal. We would passionate enthusiasm. This herele euccession to the chief command, be- Two Men Arrested in Detroit introduce some thorouglogoing Eng- saddler, who was a student at a rink cause they consider Lord Roberts too Belt citizens into the Transvaal. 'varsity in Canada when he yahoo magnanimoms a general to deal with Run the Boer Down. Then there would, be a eufficient teered for the front, is now totally guerilla bands, and are convinced of number of loyalists in the feclera- blin,c1, owing to a bullet wound re - the necessity of some change in tac- tie:y/1 to leaven the whole lump." ceived through the temples at Drone - ties. Lord Kitehener is understood With Bills DOCT011 KILLEO WI TlAIN. The officer who gave the foregoing burst Sprat, Be expresses no regret to favor the organizatieln Of a eon - informations had several conversations for the past, but, with the knowledge siderable number of mobile columns PAGET DEFEATS VILJBEN. South Afriea. telb says that ele. termined to go bravely onward with witheecil Rhodes during his stay in that he bag clone hit duty he is de- or mounted men, ranging from 500 to 1,000 strong', for running dawn De UNSIGNED BY THE BANK. Rhodes lias also formulated a scheme a calm heart and serene mind." Wet and other Boer generals. This for the solution of the future condi- -- plan of operations dbtes nett differ _ time of affairs in the Transvaal. Loudon, Nov. 80. -The disastee at materially from Lord Roberts' recenzb There aro 9,000 farms in the coun- Dewetsdorp has sent a thrill of alarm tactics, except in a single point- Counter -Signature Was Purely Im- The New Oealanders Display Great try lately presided over by ale. through Great Britain. 'rbes censor- reduced strength of the coiumns and Kruger, and the average value of shjie continues so strict that there is exclusive employment of momated aginary, and Based on the Nallie Courage -Boers Attack a Convoy each Is $i1G,000., the stock is worth no hope of arrieing at a clear con- men. Tho infantry battalions will be of High Constable Sills -Men Now -Roberts at Ladysmith -Knox in another $10,000. Mee Ilhodes pro- elusion of the actiod poeition of the mainly used in guarding towns and Touch With DeWet-Queen Wept poses that 2,000 of these 9,000 farms affairs in South Africa. For instnnce, linea of communication. Full justice in Windsor and Remanded -Yarn should be bought mai stocked by independent accounts of 1 ho subse- will be done 'Lord Roberts one his Toldby One ofthe Men. When She Spoke to Canadians. tha authorities. This would involve quent proceedings and the reeaptur. BEnulfeiranicis. already honored A, Detroit despatch says -The De- LondOn, Nov. 20. -The most startling rett4ur,,nrenratio the expenditure of $40,000,000. The lug of Dewetsdorp are tut example. farms purchased would be those Not omitting to announee the eapture with hero worship. There is an evi- trolt police have recovered over proof that the war in South, Africa Li dent determination in official and that the war had lett without an of two Boer wagons amen quantity of $0.00 f t$ed bill still fall of vigor is contained in Gee. actual owner, or with a proprietor loot, but lb:n..0 is not the slightest military circles to justify everybody ohe 10,000 unsigns stolen from the Napanee branch of Leh troops and two guns, whish were who has. been fighting on the Brit - Roberts' despatches announcing. that incapable of carrying on the estate. mention. of the eurrender of 400 Brit. ish side in South Africa. The grave- the Dominion Bank of Canada, about These farms would then be granted 400British troops and two guns ha:N*0 on advantageous terms to English not even disabled, inasmuch as the yard of military reputations has three years ago, and arrested two surrendered to the Boars at Delvets- e able to 113:i them against padlocked. gentlemen farmers, who would fur. Boers Igor ties Britieh relief forces. twee :dosed and men in whose possession it was doTP. southwest of Bloemfontein. It is nish a leaven of British ideas in the Lord Wolseley leaves headquex- found. T,hey gave their names ns poor cortsUlation. that the Britieh have country. 'The ubiquitous Da Wet seems again 'ors with an elaborate tribute from shoo reoceupiell the towo after the Mils scheme of Ur. Rhodes is re. to 1131.0 gotten away 1 and, on far, every jeurnal on h19 military career, James Simpson, eigarmaker, Mont - Boers had withdrawn. This striking garded by some as fantastic and alto- ther.‘ is 110 110W'S tIl`tt tIln captared and rteedved last night the honor od: real. and Louis Mathels, street car success caanot fall to encourage in gether Impracticable. Other persons, lentoh, have been liberated. Taking 11 fit towel 1 ba ogee t from his col- conductor, Reieheeter, N. Y. Both the Cape Colony a revolt, whieh is hthat however, int mit tt Mr. Rhodes Into coneaderetion tie. enm igat Ian l mili- tary sileaguM es of the War °ee and staff now a most imminent clangor. Tin has worktuation north of the Orange ed with the burghers a good at the Junior (Innetitutional Club. agreed to go back to Canadaswith- truth , at:cording to the moat rell- deal, thus may understand their, River, the smouldering reltellion in ne di eerves ever,v tribute of respect, out extradition proceestinge. They isanti , able informahe tion, that tsituation 10 feelings. cape Celouy, thrumor:: thett Evince yet there Is a grim irony in the re- I no Cape Colonarrived in Windeor Mmiday, went r ; ,v Ls w more dangerous has 10 K p,eruger to press areitra- , of the weer. It is not likely that the THE CANALlta.NS WRIA:031ED. --- taint th. supp int of (T1 111 and that Von on England, if lis is ante. to oh. tirement of a once -lauded reformer t . . et the (.1041. of a Year whenilit , -mary etperte themeelves being witnesses', Into several stores, bought. some tri- fling thing in eachand changed a , than at any time ehree the outieretik Ik>ers will attempt to hold the) prisn- -- Lord Icitelenter after all ii; 11•01C. "t0 be Ulf. lueincy of the entire $10 billT sys- . hen they came to De- Ileisetily hreeted at aouthamption ffcie given tl eider eommend in South tem id training anti tactless of the ars taken. at Dewetsdorp, as this is and London. trolt, buying drinks awl changing Afrisn. i.he Briti-nl inoverinnent will no tenger th de policy, but the moral British army lets been demonstrated. bills. They were noticed by W. 11. effeet of the blow to British prestige London. Nov, sea -In moat wretch_ nvet th,!, new Pareement 'next week --- will he norno the lese serious. Gen. ed and depressing weather, Col. Ot- 11-t an e'xcciNnugIS Beet.s May s'ome to r. S. ' hiorpartmir mo. Brainard, who suspected that it woe Roberta' full tlespateb. follows- ter, WAIL three companies of Canada's , nr2nt' . New York, Pee. 2.. -Third Assistacounterfeit money. Ile eucceeded innt conveying word to Deteetivee Niles It Is reported from Dewetsdorp first contingent, hinded at South- No attempt is made to conceal the - that the garrison, congeting of two ampten this meriting. Pxtrope Irritation felt at the adop- Feeretary of State Thos. W . Critiler guns of tlia dth Field Battery and deteehments of the Gleneestershire Re- glment. th) Highland Light Infantry and Iri-h Itifi eta a. total itit about 400 num, eurrendered at 5410 p.m., Nov. ously. The eloevs were redoubt:el quay Bide, the enived cheennt voelfer- when the Cinnwilans were recognized, ,A.s the Ilaevar.len Castle neared the nnirnous in declaring that no Inter - Kruger by the FrVnelt Chamber of tion of a vote of sympathy svith Mr. Deputies. The morning misters are urs law eent to thust.elitt. y a eopY,of a deepatelt from Bolted Sthtes t ousul 150 menell and eltildrell e0111.01111wat° trip west to see -the etiontrY. At dirielo whieh saYt; that 1,10,1 !,(1°11" and it Iii,., :lave.) sra) tito taken a liellie, nit Lorenzo Marquez, s'',70120.1 Spillane tint t511:1.1"IsIs!''" atolklar(;tterlac2in% :::LidtGluitIlir, tuolrsio put Gunn: untler arreet. When 1,1u.y Were taken to pollee with an officer waSing the regiment- vention of any kind will be allow- emigratieg to 1 r 04(41 $1411.".. ,. Itoeheetm- he Dug with Mat heie wh ) 23rd. at color,. yoiley3 or im.stions wi.re 0.1 to eltolago Briaielt pulley. I • *4- * ' t le* rf . '. All i '. a F nue out of work, and had agree! to "Our /asses wive 15 Wiled and 42 shouted ;ashore More Erinizerisnt. The onfitarre of weStern railwaYs acesnupeny ldin. They stepped at wounded. The latter Included Majer Ansou, of the Highlanders: traptain Tin' contingent lenient remarkably Parisi, Nov. 30. -The .S'enitte to -day i hose offeeeit to In.neport over tindr Wiedeor to get Ow 1111111PV thantised Dierby, of the triouvesterahlrete and fit and WV11. their general ph 111(110 unanimously adoptral a res. illilon of :Woo free of eletrge, the Beer tee , to sow, Mecoant. and were trying being, the tedtieet of general emu- se mpatIty witlt Mr. Inretov. In the negntete and their Littillitsi and . to get the reet chat:re:I Into Arnivi, Lieut. Coliio,, of the Irish Rifles , eynnle terms aol the reaoluthin see- Ir.. boa. hold gools. silent, though seen side by Nide with min money in Detroit. Mathela aor. isiigistly.) Tito enemy are said 'to le Ea ....; es... Rant\ *4 the newer 441 the Britho, teroay of the Chatulter ill npritithiS„ robern tett t he etory. Spi.1 1 in. was have been 2.:1,01 Mrong. 41, eolurne of Mr. Kruger remained utiloone ell. Kit .tte .s. Nit eo Dendet *1 1.1)111 abtait Situps:en. lie. pot 1.400 men vets deepatelted from arniy. / routvl 04. ortil, an),,,,,t bar;,,,,/ hi gaged in ceneullationi with hie tel :, Edina:erg tO ronal:k* 11,0We.t.sifOrp, bat Linefien Dee. l'i.-Ilett hank %Ws '. him through a sa.areltiage examine- Journalist and Poot. . 1.. • . timo to nffeet the reiler. trete Civest rams. Col. (liter e dal the behreti.tr ellortly after 1 o'elork, thie 1414an"1144art„ser, ft. • first 1•311-lia ie. lordly es-likt. and ten; .. Ie dett.41 front illeettlftettehly will von mft.rreti to hoeing hew:: "eletheot did 1tot eneeeal in rettelling there in etters and teyeagra t ill:Wiry tele. time and at Inet eatnelit him. Slime Xmax joined the* force on Nev. Olt it, oft the Can:ellen, had been exeell eit ' 4 "eeumPa111141 l'I'Y A'r. atti enterer litewetederp. witielt wee .Inritte the t'velvl. tivint he' compete:it- tee'dr-r 414'1 the ItgUall lerliter: e'`,N,Ort. ' N:Paor..': ael.,:tia tozn1 purrutt .vi Ih, Wut, e„ught on to tho c,,,lors.„,,sn. whim, ,, Itt. Pelle,' tea 'Id PIMP+ Pri.sitleni, WI -4 S 1 8 7,1 • 1 , , ,,r lit . • II tonna to nave hayea ereeeetej. vt, ing, enteriall2.' ronsivioring the I.:WI. 4 t hp 11•44paltp. Tim keeeeneee laptild fen 1: 1!„,,%, „. 1,:sdo‘ in 1,otteht ,,,,,t ilt pe Itli`41 4. __,,, „.„__ .,,, _ .„„,..„.., : ,...._ ,„ „,_ , „.,...„ " o'' 4 LS 0;a. 1E,V11 by gamblers an i raktre, Ottawa, No.. le • 1 ...„..el *tete te use with anti won; red being kit ga the that ter per cent. 4 them had W.% er i tennitee, Mr. Ernater wil helve pen, te„ .,,,,,, st,4„4.,. . ori rottoptv. ,,,,,,i,, i , IS;., 414,-;144rill;04.;117 /Tor .1 *54.11t.5e.71,,Itu lg. • We *.e.urreell Mee ye -Ai -May are, le tel:Otr NaT'I.' joirmio!ii the enemy. ;mg leat•yre been 11:411` fere. ? leemerrow bi ep sill train for red- .." • ;ael ilu , .ele , t - 155 l le... b i, gittaohr q.l. air .41 a 1::;:p. .,1,70.irt;. meet. ale tt Arthur Weirs night etliter Pitelner :els-vie Team Smith:geld thet 'rho har4"*t Pt42444t irra9 at Pe."" i, ertpitt°, ICIZOV fo mitt a eureefull ettga,eya • "7301writ 'PAIN* It 1,.4 tzivpto thud jgidg- 1, ..A. Garet-Q*4n Relieved. '' "'''''r''' "1"`; 'a liall'alt' 4.".."1 4'4"21'1'4"; ' lb' laud ale* Nee, ii learteteree. o. the Veyieva. ballet hitn:elf tit littl :,,•,, I'l , I. ttutet,', iii.y rutin; t*t IttflItititir tx •,, 410/ h6, 101 den.„1 t ,, 11,1,, 0 to.. 1 144,14.,11 NV :1 retorter a'net threugte Ott *00131 yeeteraleyne1te . ar' Vallibtate lant ras t.i the beteg-Ity , r of the 1115 1"a" i Vrelmaer rat,.„Pe VW ,tie,, Nev. tee! . •, a., - . • eestattAlls.- with t.iteyn mad 15eWet. vele* retired 1 diem tat eel:tort there. I The gearrleyet er ieeieweatue'lletleft" ita9 ' ‘" rv 4 TIC"' r'riltt W.* 11'4 Or' 'V "`t. ".11,Ilt tn. f,,,„ , 1,,,, t•,,r• IL.11,1. mil I ,, a.. ...3,4,13,„„1. ,t,„ ;gut 1* 111 01 the :Maar wae 1140 Vcit:4 arta tkeatineeet, Iiileta001 Ilalf.141, iteferrtne; te tele eharitee at bar. Itu.i'm retto.%pi tie• ,,,,,• eieeree •ye teeepe , ;et - tr ir4 eiverig.' tit airel ee,t at etroh • itel.e.:a „et 0 ,,,;•,,,,;,7, ' ;j , al'I. ;0 1 .401; ' 4 al. t OT the wee -We earbege hit; Utift. ger faiied t.o get theeneih, ee 1 ton l lle, *- 511 Lie.141e/ edr s ''''.4 "heorm's.! r'1ti. WeI1VrDtr,1aielr1egtei1aye.t*ttn.tehe.poeegh.neeuittrbw2.41t4en1149 l 22l3 eln5ne and Varaelll oMtrret.li-emVeTatt'ef.",t*-,Al,* 311 't -41 , .f4.e1e,4„a.1vi"e.,4r15:e4i111,44t.,01h, 11e1e cot1'4e"r441"'e1t11l1tLer"tao:14jam 13i-tl-1e.'1•,1•"'rtele•. `.e.trg.h-b'e-i„•'' ,tvie"glulhre'.l"'a3 -*:.,, .,4tw' t+ae4',;,'--.,ee', ... ,e,• 5z5tte.1e„1•' 1r•t!ae*,'4, ..' 1,gi',:t,'7'_,0af:, .1g1le o,,: 144!' 4,.1:0.v'41ig.11.11 .F,,a:!1t k,,),1t,2 . .t . .:I : lot:•:11 114m l ". MVe.iv,1:,n!atth'°11a1,-rt.;4.,:1p s7L1;4F '1 .4.s.E1.0,11"1ee,-131e;4.u.. t1,,gi',tg4 iIt t4 1 GM,1urt 41.0 regierte e,.eerItt40oere e*raleurlt to t1 1, *nee of th Yt ; 31 .,,.21,1tt114u1 In11;4t04,0,11:uiri:1trti.l4a-,'4hIa% 47 Nov::7Co0Pttfontt,nte.:teIt11:: 1:1-.11711t:17:'rtm-oktttee411t 17,iotkiu t4,4arivi.1 1441,1 014 ga1„7ttrumolaWer had bees 7(4411(4 Teryleeere.1 114 1'' wert„401gewe.;144 III.. .itAPnt tWi,t1 teem:t„N0:4:134 174 311„,,e7:t4b:iWq141 1,4,1:,,,i,tlIey70:j,,11,1,,:it104.11„,44tn1 1ytr„1!: 1* 1* Inetlt414.:,184::z7.0,;1J,ioe.,,I9,117%.'*11,1 i.r;i:3.i:,1:i.;0,1T110.,ig,,t.tt'i.- . aten tOet thzit tu *44 11¼, lu1bfor,t1104lUdtt*" CM T31,AO1 4104vvee*.,erttee:,Tw:eeeeetemwpetretetel 11e4e4d111., th re,eep1 l 1 17 47 VeteP t.iiLfoa 5 3teee71'1"47- :„,;:t'"'' ma-- a.)*-: "Yia n '414'1l3341"1"it141'164''the !urgreteiet 1 ar1100 wIllolt P 4 V 13 4.4 ,,IOa ztt,tt 7 11 -; ,317eeel gh. ge04,!t1.2te,„,ie 014Pretaata" 55j1'e1 13" ezl* 1 iez *-. „, , , a1 „ 11 trvt a 5 tee, wm114;On '.4t1"itiwell,st,:l‘- 5he obtained at the time of he rob- ,- .' bery were not traced. Holden's ex- planation was that othr croake bd robbed 111310 of the proceedof crime while Ile was drunk. No One be- lieved this, it being asumd tht Bol- den had sequestered most of hi share to prevet its seizure by the Domin- ion Bank in ease of arrest. The bills recovered at Detroit are prboably a part of Holden's share. As this am- ounted to $5,000 io unsigned bils more may be expected to turn up from time to time. Jumped Off and FelUnder Wheels of an Engine. vw c•; FRIEND HAD A SENTMENT. Dentreal, Dee. 2. -Dr. 10P- kins, a leading young Montreal phy- sician, was killed or Saturday eveu- ng by the Grand Trunk Broekville express at Montreal West. he ac cident occurred by a strange ms - take onthe part of the doctor. Ile had been with De. Caaupbell to Mie treal West in the afternoon, and both boarded the local train for Mntreal about 5 o'clock, each getting on at dif- fereat parts of the train, Dr.Camp- bell on the end ear, ani Dr. lepkins two or three cars up. DuImcins, 11 is thougit, wished to juin r.Camp- bell, and thinking the train was not moving rapidy, Jumped off the steps, hoping to regain the train at the rear ear. was struek by the outgoing Brockville train, which was passhe. and instantly klled. Meanwhile Dr. Campbell hail gone tivough the train in seareh of bis com- panion, and haunted, as if by a pre- nntiment, askedin muds ear if the brakemanbad 11t'0111 1)r. Hopkins, and finally was old by one that he bal man jetup fromthe train. lir. Campbell saw a tragedy at owe, and asked the train to be stopped, only to rind his younfriend lying wad Letwenthe tracks. Deceased was :14 years of age, mi only a shot time mareied, lie had a lucrative prae- Te.titt,thlt.,r,-i-,,i*,x.,attrt2e.efi.-'th2tt2.es1e.t.Y1,e te,121,)et,cE,5c•l ,,,A111fPe0rr-t.t.i,e.Pi"--•,•e:rr!.e.ra..,tL•-,o .,1:..aS:e"..i.,;.2.:-e',2."•'tz'-:5,.,,,1:'.:,.•1 ..tt1..;'.1,,,O,-,-M,,,,-,..t,,1,,1:,'n 7,A_,kn''e,t•ee.rAee.:;- •!1 r'I,(j,,e'4r,l,,--'t'.4",=,.',',',,t,,'7',-„2',-,re-1,-ta','-,';e,:r,',,',;„''i -,-,,','!,,,,',d,`,t:,a,,",'':'.,',',.V-'I,r''t,,,,'.,i",„ „.'', 0 '1. ....,,taE-.,,,....."17,,.',L•,..a„,Ltt:, ,„L.F,:,:ra,'t..!::.,i1,e,,,.„! dY.16"„!,a:.,','.';?",J,.,.e,,.-.,1e.„,..i..:,..',.:.7.--,"".:2,t ,, . 7 :t- ,' "„,•: ' e4: ',;,.,rH,j„'--,..3-'.:-',,',.,.,i-,'Ee.:„!e-7':l•-,.`,1.12"-t'-ue1„',,''','."•`,1.%1e„",-,.-.''.;„ .".` ';0!:'" .', I 1 ' Dti0ne'.-.,„s-l..e-eIt. r', aCn.+.n,;e.,A ,.n,1,t,-e'l .-e-e.r5.,"--):,-„,..-..i'e",...t;-'.-e.....'.•g_ airn1rg''e,,.,M•.-1e'e;.:1,'l!'."-••,e.,•,.,:,•r.:e:,:'n'..„,ey - :'•-1 ''", e'lIIa,t,n ",hal?,„,, ;:LI'-,..-.e:.4'':.:',.',,.'''...'I,lir'ii'I-! ,t.,-...'.'“1-..',,."i,,.,,i•...1:'10,'i,..',,e."r",,.":i..--,.+.'"'e,-,1. •' - 'a ,,„ -. E ; t"".- „- . t-" :: :,.: 7-."•.- : „,11.7*1..%1-a:,:. „c-'-.4t.'"e'i'., s' -' ,' ;] -a-'• IA . „u - *.'ty,'.. t•l' ".'':-";.'_' -•- - , 1/4ar„i'%-,1t,...1.„,..10*,.„`t.1*U.,e,e.„,t41,E,t',.e0e„.,'.4*„ei,,„„e: ,,0ex3:.:e,,1/4..1..r,e4'er-ai, -.l,,-,i,,t , - .a ., tje, r 0,: ..''el'1.-e,- , 1...,.,ie!.' .1, ' . ,.. e• .,7.-r.'":t.' 1/4,q.w'.•-..r'.e'1'g't7''"u„.A.*1L.,r.,:'0a..''1'l;,'.'.'''•-.•'•hr•. O.„-, ..'. ' •./ ''-i ' ', thhUe1'..e,t-:- .117'ane, d w'e.'.!,.' •n1o.-..Tte ,ah..t s-t.oikS..,ai:eu..•:,'....l.---t,40f;hxa.e ',v.o'5.r1'ti'.Ot'.-eviet..•l.. 2.l-t4.a,,ah.M0tt.k.4.Hu..l.aeh..4•..'t.,re.k ee a member of various fwatenaees i organizations, aual very popular. EOM MOTS HIMSELF. 8 ad Sucide of Arthur Weir, •- '.-' 14In'3%11n11144-"rr'31 4, r 41iI3'a '"4t11:ICIOLiNV11g10A0 f 08 *1 317 jfl' "1 r ne 5 z 0 14 1"t '"raf*,1t14t ey eee j1"17(311U114 14rtiil. tNtY4."4t1V1;*rt*'erine3UZ147131 X 4 t -,r 33171 311 t143 - - 0 «,.1/4, 1"- U., -.:.u73 „O31-7,t4*„u41743u 3,.:4 Ut 401 47. 3., .7.70.'3%'41',rte•1:2tt4in27-Th1%41'e4117 1/4'vt"1"0 I'1701.=4"7.11473,7.11' oresel' 1!43113 % ttto51/A4 !Lrttt33 4, 10ree51BeteVee aeaeinlLceot 11411.14 33141 e „ „ het-e-*D--ttda-- 181 z -''t "th' -jV7"1t rD7 .` if'7U%1'tl- 4 i 5 thl 1r..ote11 17.411. 5:I1 t1eVetea at„e e 7.31 443451' 1' 7.17.. i 4'31113171 ."E'4 11 4I"1, , 11 " 413 t'euta.1404.4 _n ttvup'c,itx,11144 11em-4IttNtnritsv-tt14 a Il 37.3 4LTPNu,„014'1'i314 7.13 1173431r11Il"' "I05l•-Thil „eeg.••„g „e„„;e•:.eff•t 01P01;ut 1731 nal 11 4337 tUr 5e 444, 34 „ 4" 17 31 413 tV1J 14 341egt,,1,.43t,1431 133) 4!thu11 11 M ‚3441 II' ii i 1 13 *1 58..j1 7.173 eeseentsTole1 11 w 7. 1 , Rae 11111 14' flntteent leliae '4,t'"'IP7'"1. ll''a"101eeat ata:en 31 v. 1'0 lie1-1tr'1"15'%L111 ogarp.1 :a..teellee ea -11 th.„"N. eee'1 13 tb ee1;it 1ve „„ 11 3'. Lel 134 1134 .,311111 troe'44 1 3 aefte 73e87e7.3311314o8-1 - -r 331711 1413to4137. iN1311 344447 UVC1: 7Io6141,eh,Teoleae eeee some "Hitzeto theaaMf[y 10,iIt2p toIt2tEut4,tt„,Lt.;11wti3O,GI,4 ',1`l,`",,.u4t1'4,,`,C1 vt"131ttrto11 ,4 a,014:, tlB4orur,,„,EgiEgzat 74443 31 tj.ft .I etotc1/4t31i0n„Dt:14,t,tuy . t)?it;i2„E1s„•,EiaIuten tele*evto iletegl„,,trv4vr:t12"34,,611,,,torm.1.v53yag1 t43tA11iq7., 411 lk.[704ara412t,7ff,z,3It,.ri,,,,,5,e0,t147.g4,0otivr,tt t 4,,,t.re2 11;1't to,11il`1;‘7;"a4°M4!t13t7sal;ineii:ttltt*VT"e 11! 07 thq" 1)"i 4t at44r71,it'p'I'"'';'p.14,‚374317 481 4V24YD4,inli ,4i 4LAU, t71ui;4f441_v%:?44-;N:,a,ettuff 07 11y441‘gpoet:. a. 1.. *1113.7 le aa.re Dbvif-„414 1ntf-eeee reseesmeteriteieTh$sItt 031,I,10.Vareeeetette 94**"*.**,er2.73417 3i ViVTal ho '3f 3.3...00, 4- ..... ledThhea,,.1..,.°1t1a1 17 ty3:1in4l6i3t19114tLA'ETiMma3a5r2- I (4 '3 1 .•.......... 1* 0,/2,:....1;,‘;•0,•,.,.,i':f;•v1,• ' f,rn, o„. avn I t. re. *.alliele..... c,radti,e . , tee ..,cau. ti....e"2...a.s,te tr'''" ..112'aI" 41444 ., • ' 14 5-" "' •41,"1! ‘..•";Ii.bigv 4.-70e ,i NMI,3731 13 01'1o3ty Poem1114 tas Ire- aballt DiAnlitg.rg to a cLows, C:111.4b tbrF &ere, 14.4,104:let, Thp ststm;, ; 0011IVICAPfl a larettery flit transportation i,j; 131o.:.1,4tct.i."2 tm05.,2,12t,g. ...%.,,,,.., i ftev?„5,5e.,,,,,•-,-.2i.; :31:es ..ra.„aa :II . kr2,•;„elet „et Leied 01 . 11145, "",tzz515- 5 c,"-•'-' Del' 'a 55,";1-a11117":"'"4 IM .. " , o , d :4 41100 letap",05.1* e13,23.4e34317r e the1 the at..,T.V?- 1 ,, tnirp fry, the, pee.e.eeie e-ae 1pez4mee.1451. ata t snail. Sili.ew-arig, the groteth and 172. Iiie-aelington etreet„ by the. wisp- tt. hUenn 01 t tt'Ilteszon atd• e's e• eeee ep,.•z,E..,i n1.2.d 4„ , t,-":...,,.-•.:,. -. •,,, Jn L• Ap ', so.* - a/.. on• Al2"3"I" 1PDS Illg 0! 1,14 - ter -eget.; inct:. ••1111.. IteneTleoue Artt110' ck2H-aueSnnefiepn:tteellni . 1417 17 eidn. sw. wialaies wnreitttonf 1117Stete" ee rea'117'3l1.84'erri,„ vieel d:t , I- d1 :•7!?01f4,7.11433333Ii:1143333311. thrdo? ahtaakse, rtirveaara. oeethane eeer vlrsetor33- *h,*1774411 ¶44- ' • e ea„.a eye , i-- Difeetaionzien tevs feet. eetray 13,1734-» 4-. the *orel asron feet thM e -131.r.1; vra, I carrieet tianes. Alcallly steel?: it. 5s: the eler-ce el' the eke " ., • - '',, . I; Illtgesee!eaee'ne iSe. 2.-Truirth-lr.. loove 11..tell ro..itel, as tan attach by stoien. and e. -ate. Yee5"leaneal a. few ___......., ....„ a, ereet....., ,-,••• ,„ 3, ..1..,.4 -11,1,7, u, vr-i. • rjeng,,':.7,! 1.440 fl7:gt.r4.:?.!•!.. all the rte.-It:et • 4 ,L •.3 W.. 4 til-v e 13lVA t3 33,4 tve,e Lae i. Is ZreirCL, rateet 3" Petemealar 4171. 1374'I esrtigaarotlgni1el-.'..‘•.i.,•c.,-t,,•,-1eu,e,,,T,,...,-t,"a:e,.e1.S,i-,,er,:o',t,1'..e.l,n'a11,,l,„,,.7l11...,"e'R.,t,2.,,,eett.„,vl,.e,le..'.t.,:e:0_ee'.-t.e'l,.l.11L...,r..7,te;,,v-.'e-F. g ,. ,0.,.,-..L-ai.,.r,ei,.,,:,1,i,.'-**•,',.,l'".g .. tr.t.,.,t,,..,,,.,,-,s..,1I4 ii:.,C,',..,/..;,,.,:.-, .1.{....„....a,„i,„..:.2.,,,.iIc•.t-,ei.,.,7,t,.,f'.7",,,,,,.,.;.,,;,,.N.I,,,t,. ".,:e. ,,1',,74,.e.e:,'e';.-Mr,:,eoi!:.r,4 f,a_ cmz-ee,f-:-,e;•,lh,-'eti„-.I')-"r,.•..,.c.'.".,...e..e,,..tz,,-e,.ar,.ro-::.6.-, - 2. - „..r1Z.ij7,,:o,.f0.,.,r.',,,o7; ,,..,s-.-.r7n ;:.rr.',,-r-,,,,-".,1„,,,,.:t.*i,*t.'v,,'::4,' 1-u ., vz..,,s,te1"'1,N.,1pe4„"",,,"31.,,,; I.7 ' . st•I,l.l;,,„in-,.e.0...,,1..ge-.-•,D• ;.-4.1:e.1...,,11t1•' 1a..,4.all? '..::r.l,e'r,.4.-t,,,.,*,-.:,.,.-,•-"3, ,.: '' '1 r-"'. .6--. ,,-4-,,i-e''-''n"e-':-r'-eli..-,, n,,.,',s,,•,.e'e'e't.n..,,-,g4,e,.2.-,,,,„.'1,„'.,,,,-'..n0•1.- .. .' '-..'k1.,.'-"''-n.''• 1,: . geIFt=ialit,s,e.., t r.4t..ogeaA-l4l(l1a,.,.i,,,,,4ni'o'-3.Sn'E,d,rtlou.-rin,-„e, .•,',,t:,l.i.;.ye_... ;a:'.,-.....a..ei::..:._;a. ;2'A.1 .t:4a.:r-;:e.'..•*Ii:4 4r. .i b.fo.,77.?'a-‘.,.-t,..,1e 7..ri•,,ii,l,tt.q."!ett!-an:r.a',1,r!4otu!.."I-,ece e-;.T...t1s1,1l,e:',e-::.s;" tt.h4;i.iim411l',717:r1re...,' iarlanllt4e.:r-ro-et;'itl..e1 n r,e4 r5y;ee•7r,ri t' 8 8731 RE.CPiiEIVa71t3aE"UPlNi:,I o-CrTr2iIF,it1 I: .„ 4„4„37 1. l'1 ,L.L131 31 3f..t',g174173414747ra oreale azeC"`1e 4 Q01,Uhl LILEI.:i2C- tIL2C t 1a:lr"L'HI1L'"1 ntir„p'l/We e*A4A iet.r,;(1j;7::1;errli:e* '% *4,r.,ne1 .1 7h InitelgteethWor 01oage fe,en enet et feet h V:€tA„1Pntm11i1°142 ta•emrick31 7.4 a 4,%P%.7k.71'I *I*. V4ftifCi UCptecere 17 '.0 ftieteerablies fr 1,(.t1„ , 5 deeeelotM• ee The117hed aiaatmdenL'elebrtdAiSleerd .,',„epIte;, 4' 43 "33.4311)lth 7. 7" nnoatiea 41tt11lta040s 4- 17' 4 17 4149 tine tet rvn44 *7447. ` 1/4 n1-kt.e tIr,2eels ae 7.', lo Can,1 _,-,4;":'1-40,:4,e5e1. leweil-1Ifiesreere on reoa• t 11,D 647 reiorlisrZoIltitflnl 3) 8.a le eil„gre HoueO4C.2 5 eone4, .n - ev ae eeeatee trr r14r 011 r"f"ee"1001-. TCrrgi371A-Ap 1 Va o,7 -,5. t:4 S,1 faeerttreby to eta Veenentientm. 64e7*1I314' 1' 34'9t' 11-:: 4 endSeyu 1 1-44q3547. :7;,m0 ote414,,v447 ogghe47 '171 7. ttgr geepeee rnd .Cid 24"vr"114PIr1.ItWltr1IT' (t"°''"4" lw"le.P4Ieew,raarsAntA lk-sioiAl.,I a"e 34 341 ea'sieleha e eertlee roaoia41t.1, revatel ee vere *7. '1. •-A oeteil_- u - .a f rea 'o. 1J3.307. li,et,f.r‘vt3 4i.orYl43e,,.a,T: 32Lr IXc• 14,tf1ll 4111171T 13- *14." 11, *1 leae1Li15 1'ir4esl Tk t' 31 bs-I33e7.73tE„Es07 , neIn.21,7-Sil tallir 11.At7.(07.it, "e. -.01t :Ulf •C'''t'-- :I; ' Fge(41's to -2523..-?:0 :ia.. 3.1 ,E•Vit :2.1..i. li. wee...jeerer 111A, Itl.'::.7,,To.:;.D.,:„ Tipy went, co.., e 4 i ii r c'-41 VL......4,.!....:Ss tr.L-1 g. ei.ealeg of 20 iecter-tee eel:zee.:.gaene ge,-.e.e.E.ee.4 to 7,,,„,,,,7„,,:, ,, „ , .1, ••O•,„ate 5 tt.-lia;„ anal they teeria breuatla°t, - tt.rs„'',4.,.„ •-ne.2:7 :2";%4:-3 at 'rebeeectesThe lest l ta!t:easel aree, a"T"aat"ly'r'31t' deepDS34.""44''"C4" tW" sehist3tlaiirel1 171;1atr.,eg pi,,,prArg_ 1 eau"- .,:•ar eieea.a.n aces CJZ.F.44UIFF .1 ..'7_"..--: , 07, -..-- ers otxr,l firgitt,lz•-• ir.it,r,) ti.in IfIr-lki. %ill le Noet Willi: likvilvitt-rtrix01. i l',1'o.-.ra tralZe:. Ifogristrate Ilarf:f tt ill.11:55 7;::„.-',-::.;";.,:ti-i::-'iict'''''aalf1:.,1-4131.:Ecftu.4::21';'-arttra.t.-p Iratzre bt bre to travel'. 22:2eture aa•,1 erganizta ton berere.eks. meetaug wit:a the i f,fgt,....,770;11;e,1-1'gs__!: cut 11 ‘'lli ' '.. ware:lest vet-eel:0e en mete. Kosgeteee, oot.„ I. 2.-Ounasr Ts f alternnoret :old pieredell no. golity to.' tatm,,,A.,,,,,,,„ mut.,,,31, on ms 11301etebtee ss, Ea' estio elfr:set Plren, 5 ineerenet5•31 Roherts Needs Drafts. resson:len, Nov. Sefe.-While t7ase repert 431 th c.,5rgi:t7.,:.im of Cape 'Colony ere regavled rie eareeteliat. unneceesatily alarmist. there is little diseeesitice-a to take a toe roseate view et the gen- eral situ:Item Tee constant !resperteh to South Ar- ena of rein.fereing drafts and the fietht wt 3.41-111!le.-Widt: apart sleeve the wit.- is net sever. Moreover., whin? the statereent that Isor•r1 Roberts Ins cletnandad 2111100 fresh troops is ineorreet, It is a Met that he has es'ked for 8.090 raen to replace the taettalions witese wt - ago inenpneitatee them from daty at he front. Tnese reliefs will be (leg- ate:45A; lett ItI-errY Will serieusly at, teneate the grarrieens of the, irnited Xing:done aF7 Lerd Roberts insists the treepe sitail plekell men and have eeasoried eff;c.ve. --- Ithestes Paean of Paceneation. Loyelen, Nev. tl9.-reell Illnodes Tins To-stiorrow they will be reviewed by gger tZ 5413 re felPrat:,•:P31 for ee,..-1 4- 44-31 • Arre'en' Ti* 4010.111 01" bv".• the Prince of Wales at Albany bar- feet:elle cennet he given for the rea- e;lega3, n telt the greet imperialist tines " There will TV' enenrsions' 'to Ports7 teleatt the racenaett ("1' '1117131' for •: rioete nee V"92', 4)17 a lerneheria .at 0 131 thern. .7.1.r. believe" Keneingeon Peicen on the invitation hat rerleratien elene een satisrae- eereee, visits el full the torile eelre the Steely African limb- , ha 5.:4i1 to an °Tinier ending who has ;ust returned Rhad-a5la- enryply the reopie ol title tend service. at Weetinlaster Abbey At the terreeks tape' were fortnedily 11. leeaLale :ate 4e: -'1, hotter:, nese. . to charge or pneerer forged money. iiiiterteceerre Ilteport. ree.eivadi by the Doke of Ahereetra. re etoetta 7.13 1331 with "Is" Field: Bat- ...: leartlett remaraleal teem Lerg Grey eng ,yeeeses 0:13 eeheer of London, Dee. O.-Lerd 1%15- i; 7...;:e , terY, E;;;1); ,43141f 33 31 4, 73,, 34144)47.1438 4, 'The ree-a leyteee 7. 1('34 arrest dial a 7.1311lisceptioa fr,;..e.a.-;:ttee. The Ca'11. anorts to ths sg,ar 'f-Y;E:;"-'0"- a0..!e"i:.30tlbUld.7*, 3.A Areznu It •4 . r uarst1t.4•1..„ab. e- rs,o"Wirdeeenriy 41 "34410111.0 oeepee) on jee.re- ktlWted ertzee 'oulla 1.f3114foraftaat tibwreeteht.eee seeerag gc.g4-''') 17 k9 I.,st' „..hoha d her 1t1) oceupied LekherfPg4eng- nhcnte were „een termed tis Crtry 1)•141,8or. Wilde was 178113,1841p.); curing ale ,- Col. Otter 00417.he Cannella:es were leell azNi Erasmus oil Nov- 2,&1Iz are5'; 1)eneaneed the War. The- numbers of the 1)113'4foluel on interviewel nt Kensington 1)1880331131e.,..:203k, and drove the enemy haele to . Caps. Towle Dee. 2.-11cP:Ying; at 17 tire leelivioluals e.rrested at Detroit feet in thee.yesige.t. of a member of They expressel great pleasure art 1 Riezfontein. Lieut. -Ca Lioyal w.ts .lee- Stelkeraboeiriz. 13. 3)141 1.(12",1-aY. U., WI ad- leave no doubt that tIley are a part of 0173481of;the lot.iseagilly s rataniiiesLayl . y the mo -'o renyari'table 17.., 11118 tike wore wasanded. We also had five IIIKli ers 01 the Arrlkateler Bond, Mr. J. :X. poetry over the signature of "Sper- 1 e. Oscar 'ele's 7114:!ther, wrzyte their general receptren. which was all a teerously waaralad., Five othsr offeseas • -eirs peesented to tion by the lead- the etstek of toosigned bills sto7en from Gunrds arrived at the sterna Imam at anza." a different statem, whieh tended 10 OECar was ,educate3 :rtt TrinityCol- (Avert public attention. iege, Dublin, anti at Oxford. ire oh. Tine Doke of Conine:tali:Vs mese-age of taiined the Greek medal in 1574, and CCEICOMO IS especielly appreciated; - dso General Trotter's croaker reeng- : nItion of the value. of Canadian eer- vices (roan the asnilit,-kry state:paint. Thea ccoramoStstion et tri" barracks is re.,)st co=fortabl,?. Tine offieees are quartered In Kensington Pa.la,ae- Hotel, which has a painful interest for einadiarie, inasmuch as Sit John Thou:peon stayed there the night be- fore hie tragic death at Windsor Cnstle. The 'Cannlions spent a quiet even- ing to -night, having declined all 1:wi- 7.est; ea .06ear IND-tIO• 'its) 1316 StiYOUt• *„tfttrS Of bera 11 173414318, 4317841'. 01*1111 1.144' 6..)11 for 31'4E1-.4 W114414 1102 town clews and pineee of interest. There will be :To lenblie bane:set, hut everything will be done for their rorarort 011/ plaasnre. They will at - the Nepanee branch or tile Dominion . killed and fifty woanded. Lyttieten Mertenan, 10 18)4,7 Trtetamter of Cape g Bank, in Ang,ust, 1897. The Dominion eceoverating with Peget." ..... 1........• sogony, in tit:: voarse •off an impale 1 11,e.rdi authoritiee bad no official anti- etoeate speech, 4enounce:1 the war in g matiota of the discovery aat Detroit, Boors Attack a Convoy. ' Salt!: Anrica as "one of the b*eitz- . but, the number of the bill examined . .-. r, Durban, N'a,tal, Dec. 2.-Gaez. Desece" est spots in Ilritish annals." The - t ,• - - %- has returned to Darriersitia, Overige!" . re_zerit naethols or British worfare, F,,a ,said, were each as eneoaraged the Diver 'Colony. front Vrede and Stan.. dertott. The convoy eras attacked go- worst elements Olt both fides, and ing and coming, the Doe.rs Siring ea tLe , wtinefaeteberand to prove fatal to the of - peace on the conntry. He de - bad 'Six men killed and several wound - Men trout small koPleg. Tbe Illit•Ish elared that neither he nor Mr. J. W. ed. Some .of the fighting burghers nave I lie lir°1*:.1:, , iin,.ternetr;onfgorrem:,8 Commissioner el Ptah - would attend the *Werces- lest it should be said actually visited their Tarsus, set the ! natives to ploughing, and titna 1.1.,j.,,ne ,nthoantietilaiens'e:ongaIrleasshrtIstpepnegaiinedeertce)d all away. The Boers are now degenerat- i " ing int -o freebooters- . Afr_:kaudOrs to erieak boAtily when up- ' eoeteeg their rights, and. yez to A., with the data of J. "ne, 18.98, . Pt a et. , -serie., the Newdegate prize tor a peen! in 1875. In 1870 he went te London, . ,. left to tioabt that the erix.e,:s were and roost artery:aralt originated the henalleng e4)0:0 of the stolen series. so -tallied "Aesthetic Craze," -whieh What interests the bank people here was barrestined by W. 15,- Glibett la obviously fouraled on ties name, 011-, "The tieeiesseess of the Useful," or the high Wilde visited the Sills," is that the (01..341034 11)4331'19t313'(1 "F.4. (il. 'Vat enee." Is purely imaginative, It'nited States later on azel Teetered Nene nee Mr. Silts tvas the first to the tonnty of Lennox, er. H. Sets., .01; "The Worthles.nes•s of Worth." When ...The Soulfulness ,or the Soul," and constable of .15;,,a,:r.41.;.e. cat Irilairries nect)fnisilotieoleuns, poftrttheintlial: he reterned to Europe his auceees eerniting the culprits metile his naive Wa9 even greater than before, and he married a beautiful womato who ar to all. Argon:ling to the con- bore NM tW+7.1 843215. lie had reached Oonili fession of both Pare, and Ilehien none ;1141115s0:1Iltall's°1v,"4171.11: 11:zalirlzaa; 1...:11(41n8a13.in4- 1-''/Fisine" or the uesigne,1 1.114 were inelmied in t,1.12-einin rtH1.7zet4tieoSn,1;iwiillfIllielr ttsii-ee"cellPtnhle..feriel. don theatree at cue 'time, and his oily ouch bills In the ------------mresClosures, wilit7h resnitteLi in Ms IseL13. preens mei leloke •weee read. every. where. Then eanm Vim starting •dis- statt to mi,L:c.n. .. ... . Wt 'r1'. ainsetf.f :ate: Registrar.. The Ontario Go-,-ernment bora ;sp.. peentel eirr. ,Tertn Mete te the pest - tion at Steriff of Waterliee County; and lin J. D. Moore to the Reg/etc:re wency. But at least $1;000 of the MI5 shin of the 8441170 coant,y.. • ; eravoOi wild Mr:garage aete-ne which Roberts at Ladysmith. ' might, lead to the abrogation of the Pietermaritzburg, Natal, De-,. • last vestige of freedom." Lord Roberts and his donee -liter ar- Mr. Sauer. whose speech was rath- rived at. Duruice, Natal, yester,!ay. er mere militant, .1e:tunneled the re- The- coamentuler-in-chief woc0.1 Of Alfreil Milner; 34,3 70 he ana 11iJ batteeeld mei the graveof deserlbeel ns • "Nlolently anti-DT!teh." tnem neer Napanre. When l'ore was Gen. William Penn Symong, wie."• was • He declared that if Great Brittio .”.7;•-.T.tc,1 sitordiester, N. tteel wounded at the, battle of ttIreer.,e 4er,rived the two Repablies of their t knade LIS voTtri.,:a]on nearty half the shortly after the Guth:seal: cd the hasepencleinee, abe woold Iese the tif- nesigned VIPs wen. reeoveretl. Wleri war, anti whose: tory wale interred , feettese of an e'eauth. 4,41 0340. Refer-. Ifoitien ve Is arrested at Ileston he at Dundee. Afterwani lord .1tob- i ring to the 74"erces ter Cangrese, he • w• -•.s caeglat in the ackt 01 tryina, to rts proceeded to Ladysmith, where ' urged the deiegatee to eincees firm- lawn soma of the s 1 sane of our - he arrived last night, Ile was en- nesS- •