HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-07, Page 5u a 0) tr-ei 47i o ai;,1 4.0„11,1 Non re .84 01 !I 1211 ul th 2 les, ng, all er- th. bt. int' al.. *61, teh ,tt' le , tie.: 1,; ; 4-11* , .11 ; tee Yes! and ne v 500 more, some handsomer and some homelier, but that makes no dfference. verybody reads the home paper. 600 before Feb. 1st.? it's a iot for a yntung tx.:par, but a Ove paper will r•:;a...,-!ers and plenty "•t-teareiekrree*Stee- pect bless Lii•••' I'ri 6CiT4 h 1104 QS- • ,A A el'et, . • • ea e *.•:_•1....4.7 tlen kiL ,„,4;to 0 6 itc• `N1,02t . 11', 0 -0 •t-rr. ,„ t • P 'is* Sit+ •' -'9111111!1 Of a Chicavo Suburb. The -1 Murder at The OrInge and How Its Mystery Was Sohed by •Da:rent, thl, Amer- ican Lecoq. BY NORMAN HURST. Copyright, 1899, by the American Press Association. :etaisamseramsoaosromaume CHAPTER L TRU VEURDER AT THE ORANUle. "Ralf an hour late ! Of course she is. What can you expect? It wouldn't have surprised me if he had been an hour. There must be three feet of snow between here and Chicago." "Yep, it be a mortal bad winter Never had such a stiff one since '81. That was the year as I had 20 cows froze to death in one night. "Yes: I've heard all about those cows before. was a most strordinary affair. I said to myself as I went to bed the night afore, 'Now, I shouldn't be s'prised if some of them cows ain't froze in the mornin. "She's whistling. "And said to myself just me I, vas gain to eleep, shouldn't be stprised if some of them cows ain't froze to death in the inornin.' " "And you got up in the morning, and 20 were dead?' ••Yes, hut the strordinary part of the thing is 1 said to inyeelf. 'I shouldn't s. prised if soma <if them C01.1:44 ain't frOZt, "Welt. never mind the .eows. Here she emnes. Are pill Viking any nue?" '(Jilt' gent that's all Things aiu t a Lit ince they was when 1 wee panne. and when they gyts .tn.v yearned I +Mg) shall have to go i)itu HD. .. rmaible in the elletaneo growing n••arer and loncier warniwr, of the -Joon-melting train. :ii in a few wegauls th.• 11,3C14.0,1 ftt,;11 11 ' Clinn titi 0 • ob'int. and a t‘...ttary 1l»0'. r elk-hty4 and ‘Nnipi • feet i3i,,11 igttf.erta st:in..21 1001',,••tttitrt rho Otto/ Wiscsesce't • co,:r.--•,'•••atilent,t1 •,14" 013 eeelnit41 to be coutitteri ,,,, to releinie reel, • .• en. ' apeet, e.**'" 4.4 nee,'" 1 4.1.• „, • 4 ji IfReC • -t . 1irutE". , 4If • • 11V.WO ". ta tetelt ten; riteiteenx- • r --"i 0u -.n • nct• -,gt,tUrttety „teen.; • to tlet! teatta nAtze ranee - et:00 ef • evitedneve wee ..- • rei tin - ue • -dy Th- n • t :one -,. -en •.; te---en tx- fel ltetc.t. a tilisrot;-•••.;c0c,:•- end kin.4 atel - "neeet- 'I; !---eve the al lien and istne tilt. iltto litt*hts tlrf. eve! Berta etenie rekeeeee inter thiee'e a Ind 0 • -nety neer.' eetinegniztte the tree -eller ti u 3 file tpt!,J.trortia us be einieneeete -tote -leen hie rieettletton by a vereee ziolaptente cite ei the ee: •- te, "Nte.,.• the woret pert-- ectvitii • t ten •113. try roxidsin eznin ratesienerie entivey at.c•et. 1 surittott. mile yea fele gent as tr3.P11 to 4o. to you t.tAt ettt-t;'.1Z4,2` 1I ‘r431111 auenv - • za-try- t14; 1...4.4•4 tau N 4-140 0t7441,3'..t**1 a 1 •-- l:ten't we Pe teat tnere ina tent It tea tr.; -nit had ineeit --w•41 a try eve. :5 try the cetera chewers i. niteativenly voice es he elareitent lino tire- itinia clot:teen. ee-hoie the les. nermar takes a seat by his stale and, glancing at the herse, eititt..w.ts that tee• elver is not very far trreuz. and that they are net likely trt get to teentre after nil Brit In ttraf•-•,:cot.44 he has eiteredi his npinion altzenehe-r ere? arrived at the renriclitsinn that he doe: - nee r -now 3 :neve free a tunnel:ay nail "ffld man. : he wonlit 611474: Say at erward in recounting the incident to eoine particular chyme "if yea want a sure cure for ennni or it eine-gene hver try a seven mile ride rm a friary eight with tht- roads like a sheet 1111. glass. be. hind a Renttecky nag Tol;ogganing in earcada's a fool to it If yon d seen that horse. that keel -red as if he erinitIn't raise enongh energy to drag ; ease tztee a slippery hill. nearly as ei.e•ie liS the side .of a h4411.53. at an easy trot without so much as winking,. pat •11:117lisped. and when he got to the top: and wt frill speed down the othei :nee cora only regret would have been tent von hachi't efottbled the amount of vole: met•tdent insure Of ail ;eases -1. A.. weld give tilentneky mei •ent s railroad train anti as sure ee a intite int:none_ nly boy. a mile drive on a frosty inonneinbi elliti a zpeadruped that treated - • • e mar affair as a joire. and thf•ri s lay with the reins in nit. • nenen_who di nutihin bn.t gay: e re it (ftnnr A Detective Story 111,10r ft" ftit.lt-2.);* /.01-5103 eette2.1tIV 4:„"tre2a. el14..eieleare!: eqnfl:.e.• 7 'Thee is the machine that taiks-s:es-•--pleye every ineterinient-reproduces Souses Iteliti-stringothcestras-Negre:Minstiale, Church Choirs, etc. It reproles the violin, piantefe, cornet, trombone, banjo, mandolin, piccolo end every nther instrument The Nerliner Ceratn-o•pleme loteler-cieerer, simpler and better than any other tele:eh:le totechiee at any price. It :inns (-very kiind of song, sacred, comic, sentinzentel, tittriezia, "Crion" song. Freneh and Scotch Sorge, select- ions front Grand and Comic Operas, -pine a cake walks. weltzes, two-steps. marches, in fact everything that can Ite.piaye.lce eve- instrument or number of instrements can be reproduced o the Ileniner Gra ri o -phone with the wonderful indestruct- ible record discs. It ter:3 fanny stories or repeats.- a preyer. It can entertain buudreds at 'one time in the largest hall or church, or it ...en be Feb -deed to suit the smallest room. The Records are not wan, they are 'lard, Fiat, Indestructible Discs, which will lest Ply:errs. Iletiiner Gretn-o-phone is made Ai Canade, itis guaranteed for five yearSt The Granno-pbone Is used aud eielorsed by the leading clergymen and other.throuhteit Canada. Th Tterliner t tnemonehtine received the only nielal far Talkine Marhines at the Toronto Pere 'Hien nfl/. The Ile:liner Gra: e-plione hes been widely imitated andthe re:cm-els counterfA tea, thr•refore eevere of reachii: es with misleading 11AMCS :Is they are woreelese. If the 13PrItner Granerephone islint fur sale in ;your town, write to us for illustrated catalogues and other information, free. name: 2.47-371 Aqueduct St., 'Montreal. Eeteetren, nnotre. General 'Manager for Canada. E. BERLINER 2315 $t Catherine Street, Price $15.00 including a 16 inch hont, 3 records and concert sound box. MONTREAL can't go like he used to. He's gettin old and lazy.' It was a drive I've never forogtten and one I'm never likely to forget," "It's a • mortal bad winter." the drierer again observes as they spin over the frost bound road, ."mortal bad." "Yes; it's a bit severe.'" "Ah, we've never hail such a winter since '81. when I had 20 cows all froze to death in ono night." "Yes, and. the strordinary thing was that I said to myself as I went to bed, 'Now. I shouldn't be &prised if venue °i- diom was froze in the niornin. • That's what I said the nicht afore." "Then why didn't you get up and try to make them warmer?" The driver turtle a lotik of blank • astonishment cm Herbert Darrent. Jis the first time that sereli a reasenable seneation has been tee end to him, and its wevelty is a hit lenviblering. "City fence. el e en • t um -le -regatta cattle." ernitibles at lest anti felte to mini- na t; ag why he dieln 't tint upend fee, these eel eaves. bet as he Call - not :naive at eon, nerisfeetery he, presently bre:ct•e flea ell. -net. again. "Yeereve 444 from Chicago. A Ph?"' nye,. "Ale Whet rin they think of ns?' pee 4e. •1,7 0,0:t think of otir •itrotrit el' he etneete, wien a elle-'711: `."C ...•:14i4.111.$ re• A eentive41•1.-n, teriety I X. a eeidt• lily leen, yea lettri tt•-•. • t it. -ire' -t yent 1 'env ••.-- tii4, in the el - ".114;w.,1.1i.. ',LI r at the teanitry peee. Toe eaten Tea "'Vein thattt- :lit Mereilen, et • , -• Peel I, Tel 7tlarelen w t, ro at entte nee*, sr If eeeene. :Vinte• n the Fee, ene. thin ;A't will be lett hit sit maid devil, - tee ' • •,.7.; him rip ceemetieetre, e te. Yon te 4.°. f”,%,,tw ° • Pant 1; r,-,1 :ere LID!, ?..,"AplICC h;1144, with 'Veen so-tO initial:Ain Lind •, el' atidivi t* • .140-t.•„,,1111,/ I n tta.• tIc/ N•••• t t t. -ht •tit -t, t t ".. ••• - - tentl ft- ne ne • . ••:te 1 tb,A tOttn•• ••,, 4. ne -.* erA ;t re Ine• en re • . en, 1.44 te- - 4444 •7 ••• c.-t!lt-,-•-t•tctil. • • 5' At 0 • '•41 lithe -•-11'';-, 411tf•- • inbt ate- .7 :V•• 7•• 7••• 4. I 5 -lien! ',- t 51.-Atte,e • ....tee!: e I : • • ": tete r tette.. e, -et 1/14..te ,ee An en Ian , e • end thet • "Ittai1lnt- "AAA 1 Irri. .re tens tette- r t4.,"4.4 • . fr41:g1 kr:4!' 1"1't ..• :t Oliythintz.tt *a- te -t otal titeeetnvee tenteri Wheal" The Leese is nal: ,A1 n with a snle jetk. "This ie Norennaliet. Ti' Peleaele; eh. sire" "Yea" "Pi' yenned 1155:e. ne c e leek at 'Zee Gritnete, ire ai,ezet f tenet top 4 n the te..eet.' Tal:' 111 etrell up toe rear tenee hag Go, : kiielitt • "Minnie' nieehe. ' tiegfeart Drs -ii ant rf the : retie, seta the Ie. ,es "es in al lneetzenne, wed the animal cautteenff ne ilLen:le' tee evet The teen stetzle at She el the • tantel 7113 tatezire, ince throzieh its sle rt teritenex teat eefeas cometil the vehicle is tint 4...1 eizelet anl Iben turr,s and evgas, theneinnilly down Chi: 313,11 Strv. t enell he en... net a cottage theented ny the legend titatiore- tneerileed liar lenek letters on a white reeird a nentative t 4.: tftbo law as Irep.,:t-svtitt-.11Itt tg ..5.7,1••••..v.-;,..7 V4 -7:y badly fittine :nee rni wiet is tent intit ting the h,une and smartly &antes as he opens the gate "Are yon Mr lb eneae" "No. air he's 1r:440." "Off rinty ?' "Veer. it'e niy reerel." "Then 1 won 1eietein yen, iert *ball want *o 'see von in the teeming early ' "Very grind. sir be here at 1.4 itharp Gored night ' Good nielit S7114.:1 yeeing, tallow that." Darn et observes to hinzeref 'o hp 'ih's eepee the at-itat ri• all 944 OMtottytt-'.1 t:s c.:y • -••• The eloe.r open:: ringit lino the nicht it Of the eeettege where leen ..:1 elle.: • police ref Near, e .1 to eng in en their te.e..IT bge The tee liee -of the• t are or. k arkei re. is an ten, •• 's dirt> (lee e. au.; ; *direr te ale .exetay 1 aliat 9A. feebled intellect can. Still, lie can be pompous at times, as befits one who holds and has hell for a round dozen years the important post of chief of po- lice of Norcombe, an office that is little more than a sinecure, aatit, rernoving his pipe from his mouth, he gazes at his visitor with an expression of min- gled annoyance at being disturbed and the importance that befits his position. "Well," he inquires after examining Darrent from head to foot. "what's the ' matter with you'," "You are Mr. Dobson, I believe?" Mr. Dobson nods. 'Policemaxi 1' "Yes; chief of police of Norcombe. "Well. it's all the same," Darrent rejoins "I'm an officer front Chicago. Perhaps you have heard my name - Herbert Darrent. "No; never heard of it before." an- swers Mr. Dobson, at once conclusively proving himself to be an idiot of the first water by confessing that he is unac- quainted with the name of the mut SU"' 0 • • 1 'IPt. • v-4. 4 v,,,, It:,; : e • ;.. the -e,•..' .1 el ere ' A -.1 ;nee,. . • :•0:',5 • 111P.' :mow" ",v;•4-.1 re :aerie:el do fur eo'eet and end- end einekeeol if theep weer, -no. •: thee:: out 11 en e•ig It 1s1 a2;•13,1i2,• into 1.1 nenze tee SCO ('044 fa beres. Tr,. to netneent, 1 notei feet ofe .hx); Pt" !),•!tcl'eultti, Sea water lytrr,r, i•tt '4''V4'41 104 of the '•euliret rentee.teenz ir 'en has bt'vli at; ii.,' 1•• it•rfill•I as tItat t1,7g • t' 10r;I:e teca•ht irt 1. 1 1-..• anti a hair ..:.:470114 !ere', ezenons of toes-. artize zee teeet 100.1 this elect body of ivatf>r 1;1 "itis as 1.:130,000.-. oteleice; egennea l;we--is ef the satin coenee-i• ton every.eltere, and as everee Oely :retie's. F.:ivies gee t e.nantities of 0( llllllllllllllllllllllllllll Not thr-. In :t P, in eame salt le 1',solf i•, ruff uf ;ad !,•••:.,.!,•!0;:114 0 eel . en, 1'- 045 ny, am it Pentainke i also Killen. bonen, ler•ollezle. iodlee. Hu- orie ante, awl the ,.:,1.! .s of nickel. co- nnteeauese. 541W. s.lyt r, 'wad, e.p- .0iBa 5411.,0- 1;•,;,,1 24,1•44i,• 0 11(j end are nen, found!, in it. .1 444.4 ;veLi 1111...t 11.e.ale 1,2,,11010 mid eteshim.-Lon(1on, • 'The Priree and tbe Cr'4tntn, -4e • , 0 4,,0•• :•01 • 2) SP -s4'3 . writt..g 11 e/44,14 04. gave a die ler re. the reireeine of the fleet at 'i''iPe fele, nee: •.f the canteine 4''" tee lenelen. b..en !"el the d'',-;; the. tigiteenil tool nate re 1--. 1014'. Next l'AA• Inihe of • 000 !!".- •"•ngt 411211 „"n.r",, ;•,:r41744. 41 41 Ieltop tko' dr.ele AN 'to ei • •rP '4' ei*. An. ditty h, e• .1 1'--.. i414' to the sallele, len ezeil the admiral tient the clue • et 41A te: At bot it o-' et:: eel to oleiretein the -1r. !;a4 lawn pr and 5.• veeiertel 'met wee. waning for 1244715 44', HYtet" ren11041 the ere...-. "1 op en'ting 1 ye nee ieepionto t!„0 lestaten tie A , tt hurt, e. 4‘*:;14.1 ef had tine 0 - tele'. free:ening ek met t,,,*" i.t. ti.Mt the (trim? nae 1,414'011, tin Isis reti0 ft tO fi11*tt40 /I; 54 lee nahleat tline one re •-• 44 .41441 oil 44.4. •'.„,.-0•3'444 %At 33P3,4t. 44441 ittelenchie etitett zoo -note 144441 Igoe 4. *4 444444 004 1k- 44 0):0- .„,11 14.s NIO"Larl 1..1044t40 :401 %...V -Ft', *4. .1, wen, wh fa's. the matted 141414 40444r whom the tnewseepere are never tired of calling -the Anmovan "invi r he3r4 jut 114•24:re • • tt1.11. well, that eleeen't matter. after all.' the visitor enntineee *eel exervelly "OF peewee nen knew that • deteetivee r --rely interfere on't • (131,-.%;444. leorittar 0.10. •rellahig in the level antheritiea. lea in lei- neereer et • •fle• t Ireton . 1e-4 0404, • -r eleantee it 0i:edit -tin in feet, ia. ; feet that there le en re me 41- •n; enrol eitelneetalhet tit" neater. nett 141 the etee • eine• 1 hi ten leaele t:444 V4:144: rOltIV0.- ll.t .44"at lltkr oo.„ ta" 1 U"4 hen* Mr t4 -41»»n wenn ravti.il lits howl& "'Mite 441t•.:1- 'my Yo' t will Se,* th.tt t,,,&y 1 itehe "er, vett ;tit" rate r4 tt,,8 cure th7404 ' 5. 4434 1130 1440 flat (01.t,t1t53.1,.4- tonn roat';tra". tr•-•Vti•st 15 totttiltti nrel ee., nee te "en- 0, 5," zreete e ?eole• Ictt. • 'le,' ere aerie t•n imt,1 • ' Nt,•,, Vitt 4'.39 •4414:0,4.-•11.44--t -T4.- -1 t , rff •:• telent the *oat 4-f ea- 41...• :441-r-tt` 14. t tite St ---w tle• eeetteteleve • t. ;re r, 1,4 tv.0, 4.0 14 . t'• "t; * • Id t 4 :11 4. 'rho( -4-.':f •- 1e05"- hie 1 4* " „,„ ••• 4 -••• „„••„ • .• • 44 * t • .* ' • • ' • • 400 t •• • ••• 0- e Y.L'• 1,-. 3 ••• • t • 4- • • . 14,. 1--' tee. ;. " ' - e *- tm1-•-Ai r•-•• 4*II; A 4Lft9 t tte.rt 7 - • gee 0. eithet 4.1.3n1 44'.4 14 442,14 ratra:;'-lt _ ",•••• tItet wiii • T". 47""•• . 1'4". n •• . n - • e . " 4:. "." • - a 5. .▪ :'-4- feee, 4-5 ..teen an -5 1 zet 4 --ll h.:at, Lee fe:leen eee " "1S'-!'• -:: "4, Tee watt d t:•;t:-• ttt wren r4tiL41.r r L.L.ist-zio item t:ate. fhediene." -44 tea ywn eceenet • tiec'f13' T24 -re were ma • 4 intra t:t.. " II el ;et learrent 1,:estle itie head ir; thee:Tat fer 1:..• 11,70 thi• • r ..'a-rty the 50111,, 5.7 cot 14' the Lel tell itna ii2f eners his tegnen. :4 entemnting sn'Aite the p4',- •'V e.ry well: peon." he says at laet. "Ara tliing * -N• :Mine reedies 11-4,sen, ame e, e z,;7.r' 1444215'; -- 1 the de* teen ve "I set, vino. egenev '• 11ritZilY 11;11i 11 ,e•ts,n. he quietly -1^t:1 f tt-40..t:e ('4 :4; 41'1f -T is net a e,.. • eelenai'ly eineaged ler ..n ortli- pricte an.illtatigoistruitnt4.1,,,t.i.t-ii.krcef the whole messea thing. be tele etne at ••11-eun eroes releetienell twice 54 t;.o day by Chicago detectives is enough to try any one's temper ?' "Pirst• one detective, then another, It's sickening." 3 All* Slat.holalorte. M41,44e ref tier ,44 441-0 a, -to nee. P•41!...'Ot . tee . 41, 11440;?44i141» n air0 oO04444,4tr: ;.; 44,,4,4-•4'J 4144 4*. *L 4. lit It -49 44;94 '.47..*4*. 44o0 t'4 40 I47 rd: ‘„, d • " „„ • -.0 , • ••• • t ." tt • • :41 ' • `••• - • • , - • e • -ery en re -* Ent ti.e.t- 9013,4. A rave or onto:- ineneekette, 4.44--"•;i: • q. . "••, '!", A ."; 41- 7 '•„.4. 1:4• Li .1-•• " •!. "- . 0- - et z -- ;, z..-4.=„0.17,Lont 4:t /LTA ; 4)447.:01 tt'S "ti". • t,:4 -4. e 0.; '0 4»": sczne tat'st :4.2 • 2. 4.4„'4447...4 2c44 Lis szesett, 4e • atr.27 soneen. veneit Tia- . ND- •. t1;74 ;11 0: tern' , enotrees• ea. ,:4' • e* • • text e A.., v.-7' • 444• • '..:•x•e• days tA„1 -„•117 4:1* -417 0;4'44.2441. er. 'nee -a 4.4 tet sn-a• •1!.eetatie. er. :tome ever. •-•-•. .0 ,t,tt Z • ;.• at eniene, anel 1 54 445.5 .0-4,4 tin, 4;4,4:y' -,0s; *.t 7.egattle.3 as the fine- -t eAtesne 1,;t' eee Servta :4; the ruhlite. lecurtn-Vait ."011'..'4 :net ilia; man who works fr t7;t" tritine extent! altholut 140034 333.1'24; 3t-0-;34-47** Crank- what *144 you end ;Lie moo V. -at • expect:3 gtertitrilt,? 'ruttier -Linn? 05. he's jusi a plata; 'fool. Tn the mennfaetilect of a patereethnife in Franc'*' 22 woo -amen ere mein:need for the handle and bifida 144 fc,t a. ratite knife, 1Y for see:Anne 'anti 6 for raza; s. In Zupan it would h. thilught ro rude to neglect to offer tea to e, visrto Oro his arrival as not to sutai th4144,