HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-07, Page 4the Zurich lberath D. DYanl P'ur xsuiCR. FRIDAY DECEMBER 7 1900 THE LABOR GAZETTE That the Labor Gazette is not simply an election sheet, is shown by the large increase in its eir'cu1a- hanlainece its: lust issue. The Nov- ember issue dealt with subjects of intimate interest to laboring men throughout Canada, and gave among other subjects the cost of living in the different cities. The Ottawa trades and Labor Council Power there is in low prices and good goods, This store has a reputation for this happy Combination. We always try to select goods that will be a pleasure to sell nd give satis= faction to our customers. ..." . at its last meeting voted a sum for j subscriptions, and this course has , been followed by the other council. and imions, showing the interest of the working classes themselves in the publication. Manufacturers , also are subscribing, not only for themselves, but for their elnpleres. all of which goes to show the good I-� urs Work contained in the Gazette, and 1 C'apereines, all prices from $:3.00 up, A that it has come to stay sand benefit :dandy for style and value at $8 50 labor generally. Ladies Capes in Meek Astrachan, special line worth $1.! t) $20, our price s iti 00 Tine ballot used in the rceent' (Some lower in price.) Ovation was u very goad one, and an immense improvement upon the ; • one wliil•h it s11pe1't•eelt'0.l, People Ladies' Jackets niukt' mistakes, however. and in some eases :)allots were marked - A large range of splendid Fur Jae°leets. with a cressill the , t*)IIipa0.1hn& nt *ming faint. (?ill` pl'i/"t° fr"In 1'2:1 "P. �; ou slleminl i seP olnn` sIleL`iRal R0.' *3ai 00 eontainin°e telt' name of the t'onstit y . _' We handle nI'.n '•heap trash in furs. 1:4'nnt'y anal the printer of the h allamt, this having been dame in Halos# eat,,es E I^r•"°baabry %eaters wile had been t'el'l Ladies Cloth Jackets that the name of the teanditlatte* of their «'llteiee t":1rne tirst 411 test' bail- , At is groat retlatt•ti'el:,'Jape 'must Eta"''peared 1.4- 1t is t+tn.gested that an Inst- R►nt;a't «Hilt'• 1AI flt , wen ' SII' 0t� to *4 now at *1 „.iwatet elr l'•ure were f+',5 t latl3i' tat ::3 141pr'»vemennt eeullltl be Hynde by hay- ; '&'int• xrese"'tit 3ln I;hlel I,ecal-t•n• aillel�ets. ulna the name of the tet.lr-tlti: rwy worth ' a• Iat ?�:a Irli :sled that of the printer alma,the J:1eltets worth ¢S+'+ aft sot flat �e*:ar iln*tell►1 of at the top of the bail - This Lemic; itt alt' it as nearly pa -rivet as it etnild be got. .1 114,1'9*.tp•*►ruse' featart° of tI vet. 119 ti.ebeeela eta the :111 ,tla. eneeer* Tens perhaps s nett n➢;lr`ca11A*It',1 eety- ie,,et" in Canada Vetoes tai, the w 1*at° 1.998"it'. its four :retreru" as'ia9m %*,:olttt ate sloe 1e aN ea'r'l 41114 tr,q," ' .¢ r• . �t°,ons cz ,99'9'9. twin.. fri `tr> v °aR0 t°t"�;t t' 1'i°� !+'411. 1r+01frrclr'01 c ''r • h /tuslti. lald':ITaaliPl''9aerL Win. `49r1i1'= r:V't,,..yt° Altuai 101, ^3*a':at mimi..,e t5. 6°i•' n'9 .Srvl� .!•'Jlttflitt ter, d`a`!ist vote=s: .��'✓�' `:5`�1 �,1+tla° .:r 'n'9., 1'14° f,.+u1 i`4 ! 1D:%11., t.•$,t:lAtt!*:at.l4li+ Ct.�. _ .1°. 14';.'.]+s•' 100 the" °yya n `i S_!' 4li''�a;amt N'1 a *r 0t,rtlA! of h ftririt g.;,,,,v1 1LA j11i?MIl A .'1Qi,nlr 1:1,-M420•110. ^.".'0 ,1l:1'R-.' .�i•7 *. - tr ..,fie,-. fC' N• te•8`ene nreuetn9 a Llileeeet, ine.on t7.; n•,, 4^.•.Qt;' 4L'P' ..• "1i.. .. at" ijt}C-,a, fine t.;'i" 1. . 1119 ,t 7' �✓ � A,,r•'71.„ lulu" +` tr"1) n ttnt, to list. 1°,411". fd=.dt„-'N 1i Q311'. 1'i;r1t, fita 1 :i":f_ ....L,,, Pelf' Vv.. 1-09 u, ln,.a' AUAvn'it6 „n'f V...i0 Yihunj0 '64 -90D -1,04V.:,1 > 4ir'r /0" ;I l.uY fllii0 U"'9919, u4 ._ `'..9Ti't1 to., f,,. .. erg; 0117 K•111..-4 tfft!. :,: Vu .:5e7" r_ 1 rn 4 i1 tin 91'4.r ,,._v, r ;i''Ln= l..• ' ,..I -^•' ±' ,. �.ii Ilp,l •'i �. li ler. ?18!1,'•11 11_k'-:11 p- ,T r'S 1 ia: u., 911 !" l4 k at ie t.ia.d .`vL n n ,J 999 P 910,.11 lig?9�r.391 u, -.t �'t' `. ;r ..r;,;* it :.r, ,,-L t?,•.- F . 1• Ill 7 ° If a7. n .,. i .•• -7n;' t1: r• ,,:. , -ern t .Int u. .4 n, ",it 9 r••:,e Lel `•U. 19«L , '°" ,'21!' 7 r-4a� . L. d --o•[9. t: hC' '.,0 x: 1 u,,,.• Overcoats A full line of ready to wear for men and boys. Our special value 'Ulster, regular $ 5 line at $3 Underwear '«'e art. -hthe best ranare of Ullder- rlothine' ill t awn anal err lines tet 255 and 50e will Inst*mish 37o1i #.0.r clllaility . A stu'tial Fleece Lined at Our Christmas Stock 'Will be teem l or int tk,•t•t 11 :11 *i1, • *"1" and it will n':',`+' pet t * ¢ "l ¢-.¢r":-K--,:1rt1 all first eh 2.000 lbs Poultry POULTRY FOR PROFIT In the report of the Select Stand- ing Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, recently printed by order of Parliament, Mr. A. G. Gil- bert, manager of the poultry de- partment of the Centrraal Experi- mental Farm, furnishes an inter- esting and instructive report on poultry breeding as it is conducted at the Central and other stations, and the profits which ruse be de- rived from an intelligent prosecu- tion of the industry, Mr. Gilbert first shows that as egg producers pullets are fair superior to yearling or older hens. Thus from Dec. 1, 1895, to March 20, 1899, at the Cen- tral Farm, the pullets, named be- low, laid eggs as follows 8 White Leghorns 321 8 I3lauk 1'Iiuorcus '243 8 Barred Plymouth Rocks 132 8 White Plymouth Rocks 236 8 Langsllans 136 8 Brown Leghorns 280 This is an average of about 40 each, while the Barred Plymouth Rocks laid an average of 53%, which other conditions being equal 50 ' shows that the Barred Plymouth Rock, as a profitable pullet, is the most profitable egg producer. When these pullets were a Year older, that is. from Dee. 1, 15911. t+) March 20. 1000. these bens pro- duced eggs as follows: - 50e a White Leghorn, 12 8 13L•mt°k Minor- ns _*z; 8 Barred Plymouth 12nekst 13 u White Plymouth Rnvits 23 v Lafe!^cllamns ?4 Brown Leghorsai :4.. •i,•r', This is about 291.µ e°g -+ eaeh. 1 the Barred Plymouth Rock' :a a°+ .:r' 'Aloe ITr ldllet' 1 t*tile all ° 2 ea t',.. .21 4.,rarnn`'1 a3t.eit°la i l,,2l tli were pullets. while the Brown .lit ht'rnl`+ preee1ert°e11 -1:3m ell'tret t•:t as*r'^Iir't ken camels When t'.1ey 41 lite Pet,. Wt set* by /10114 Hitt/ lis t I11r *°.imet° tits 3311rretl lrll°rlltetlt anti 1"`"*t:w'it Bellintrn°are the he 1.0..14'r*notarial' r-" lents as tate ..litter. say..°'1 ler the tt+•t vt tilaml a HAY COUNCIL Connell mot on Monday, Nov. as a Court of Revision, on Y►. assessments of the Engineer fpr Drainage works under By-laws NO 8 and 9 regarding the "East Bran0.l North" and "East and West Bi -an ekes South," A].1 the members . the Council Were present. The , following changes wee made in the East and West Branei South assessment: WX lot 16, coin 6, was assessed $4.00 for outlet; :ld '17, con. 6, assessed $5.00 for out1•c : lot 16, con. 7, assessed - for $45 instead of $4.50. which the eng oer stated was an error. The court then adjourned un Thursday the 6th inst., at o`"aa ' o'clock p. m. The council then mot for general business. The following were pointed deputy returning officer? Polling sub -division No.1, Wt Russell ; No, 2, Wm. Thompso, No. 3, Fred. Hess, sr. ; No. 4, Du Surerus ; No. 5, Ben. Surorus ; N 6, J. Snell ; No. 7, (;has. Troy' The following shall be the polli places : Div. 1, school house S. No. 2 ; Div. 2, school house S.S No, 14 ; Div. 3, Town Hall, Zuric Div. 4, school house S.S., No. Div. 5, school house 5.5., No. 12 Div. 6, Snell's office, Dashwood Div. 7, school house S,S., No. 3 ; The followings accounts were due passed and orders issued for th same: B. Philips, rep. eul., con, 2, $3-.25; Jas. (Green, work, eon. 6 $37.70 ; Win. Snider, driving piles, $6.00; J. Deiehert, blacksmitlting, 3.75 ; Herald printing, 8.75 ; Herald printing, Zurich Drain, 13.05 ; Her- ald printing', East Branch North, ll 8.60 ; Herald. printing. Bast and 6 West Branches South. 10.15; Robt. 11 Tinuo , alite•la, eon. 4, 31470; Wm.lu Klnpp, work .1". R 2.50 ; J . Prang. i1 - gravel. 21.7.::.l. Prang, rep. eul..!ut eon 12, faire. ; Louis Waiver. gravel S. I3 16.10 : Louis Wolper, gravel. t 12 57.20 , J. 1It'sst'aau. .*.''ravel. 37.76 ; ;•"sl obt. Tilney. eleariing tlitell. H. N. : J. ;iiAAssea u. elear•In,t clrt4-h H.SA.D. I'+,,ttaN; .lit°lsun �iirt:lf'A.lt. gravel. 7.20 : nti'nrr. K:le, grave; eta 2s.52: 1 Wna. lit wale*. gravel, Are 11.31 ; Wm. l'a'A►:'*"0.1t41, ",ravel. 6.96 tmr'ts'ein.. s'f;tat -1 and n•a. 11.>.*^: Ir . Nelson N►*rtlnetttt. w*brio in pit, l.u;. ; `' Wlu, si'rrretltrlt'r. gravel. 2.11 :.lt,;=n 't. Havel', haulm; gra :•,.2 e• "n. 14. 34 , 110 (Pel: Pbf.s; 11*a°`'alt, itt; atter. B'}.tt,l; 1.1 .t= NY00.01.41. 1t l,l*'cal"rllirliinl: '"...:a: `ti'raa r**. 'l'r°rrtatla,tt"!'., t•lt 4(1'Snt°; r"<:t'1, "r';1°l Una end bridle na 1 tanalter. 1e:as04: W*"° 1•Y'alrtt"el :at 1.4.0114°,t :IlI.9it ` L';"t t° fa'" 8°t*' al'o'es tear tier/No i' o l'. 2't19 : 7101 11er. path. C+tall'1'AA ,'1 a1 *lnr'.s. elr'0' IAie 1'•l tin"i not di -awn, 1 ", 0 CASH STORE '•awW�MMwM''lwr,wtl.Mw9M*WwxMlalBwrAFIMWxwWw,tMwqu'NW1iLwW+MN11YXwMYMXN+V::.li=Ax\Iw,wSwx!MMiM,NY!„i4Wa„36`wWrXM,I *tNINPINVMbk!'MItl)F ,.. � ..�.� � ' a�rMw��:�MtiN1::Mii1:6MN.:,�Na11i;aNFrku9NPAFi1MMIiNNfMW . Li&:L'Mf*WeYYt9'kile.'1C' i 1t'- •`,at9llia -t'"+eta h�- fl 771t7 - W 3 +.• s+ 1 Zr 0 1F1 `V',, IS -41141..'741,4 1rutattJ ,ra u@f da 9'7" " "YUaaU ' 1 " 1" n ri�� .0':,2•ul02 01 •-,--.',90- 't1. , 0311 C,-ili ,' 9'7 '9°.. :,29 '_;:V. ::°.ill.. ..la 0'980/ , •1 ^r tJA '2'..0'-`,..0'9" 7:2 _ 71 - .� ,,,..4 9 )r ,r1 .4a,.. wit I'll 1 :i•- V ,I,. VII.:', t;t` - it, •1 , u-'‘= fl a If "v tiLk" <"-5" $r 0t .yg! rr '�(:, r.,.»-!1". - V`L '0' a y T0:+ ( - _ >4 s aa• ,v,.. 7"'" � . .t v.'T- ,7 7.1r ,+ 1'a•+ j;.. .'1Valrt 4 ..?••s 1J :-9 .•79 aril'±11':"gut» .°..', . t ' ]ii? _ :"Lt 9"'F= .. 291 CC u 1:. '«'t'`'.9'.!:•: : t V ,.¢. _ . .✓t r Ila. o ., ;3N* n * a i a: t'�.@ 7 v:'"•. i .a° G.. !'GE✓.r _ _ Il L "_•+« .t•_ . , ._•" •:5 Id H a:sit Irilli '77.'re.r' .. l*': -.:,*,..1-_,n ' - - h 1�':n{194.1 .':i' ♦ :' '�+ .i'.1,1•U'Rwa-''' it'1� .'1, ,I t!8,,-rty'_ TM•.* '1.1,'21 t*1 a ai. 7... aia_L il ail :v •d'3t eiiitiil. 11.30'. r C_ �YJi1V'L r''- ,k u' 1f*ar' u r .ac1:-1...._ wall; t'-"l '°t'-A"aQE4. ca 1,23 tt- :,:tot-,'?tat:..t r 4. 1.,s-:-'Ele,! �cir k.fin s edi•'fu'-'11. t, -,,,ti i4'•w NVIFtr Ii' fi=t .'•27 „.1, < st IJ ha-' +!-e U2 .'- i 1a9: ''-t�r4r s:ti'"n» ,'4; *.1I 9 p 1,t.'•t •lf re t' his lit. . 5,., •, s , u:s;••. ,' 'J.l'ean_ ,.R 4 .r.-.1 _ vet' 1 a _>]�: .0>.JL"A!L' 1�l v+ „u'!'•s'+ . '1 it trm'.:n,r1t•'1! err w,-,'- .,urr?ei''•1 " ti,tatn Miert-• 2a"1-899 211101 f_ 5rir.a•a'vaVti'Cs=frit'-iris }..I,x t- - Q1..F 7. r'i�r4'":t t .alta hili .e4+•, ye R ,* .+ * 2t,rrt'.Il(I''' LrYtt_`.r 1 i P , , , ' 1 t' um7rr4' 1 .yin Tatty Pn 1C"7112 u9e 11 !'ie' LC ¶t'a'. L ' 1 :�2r- s i. 4i FA.',t14'9'• tom,- Pr,r1Lr91!0'lr2a9' )9199 dtrL"- .r.4 -a get ,aur 1 rA17'.,1 iR1 t"Ut rn°r a tia'i"1L N f r•' y t` . '.1� 1. ,'Sansei a Il1,+.,p`e . : aa`Y .iF9>a' .0,....:1!..-. " .1;,mhr- 9 "1:,, 119e„ 1r -d911'u?' sy1 his n.... vAt a1 -@' Puu :..e.4 it. 1 ftte. ,•.4rie.9 194- 1..r- LL,:- °War 9'..`...ro.:r! " re 1:,!-2iGr_ TSu° DLtn1i? uxi �1 t_r•9 e- t9> tixo t i' 4-.Ir't t..t.,98 8 81 8I^ _;f ran $q-1„...1111,---..:r1'.-e, 4r x F ,,,.t 1 CL.F, l us hetes•49181,,1 i`t'• i. I:nIl 1 : near 44-`r`* .rn� t -11,d 7 .12,,� .c:-.'"4911°4 . e :999L5- C 111• if'ir!+;:u a.V tis"3 ll., i.:.‘,1,.`.,9 ,. T 1'i _.� --�Cd✓ t�_> .. +Y n G,1L lunitrl-_..i,. ',rat y9%2rr91 " .�:rfi*"-_a �9F?,L- a°�14311k�11 4v9 'u7`_d' r.,•S .ni^.tt_ 'i3r.. QIa.1. 1. , ur..14,n:4'1--rriallri. 9'f < L& Y. 2- , 1.71:1Y.771- A telell1;7$19r 919)) Lv+Yralel. L t ji4lttw7.73•3r44 ijr,"`21ty is plkttr.^,tla of cvy.itttt,Se.ki.J3'9, lit Ail'':;.8 .-.5111 all t22 2ii1t. 1A..7:'s; u1'_'a Il ;t ,,t,n ' e9"t s i san:c,4e.. fa.t of LE14 .. has a:l~..';3 i'Sl L`'_'r4' 1 , the nrrricl:"" _._ __.... ICu$ e?L"'_'.J1ta° .,' �A «.nra Alvin in 7711..':74 111,1Stai Hili: 'v rtr 't,,, - , 1'4zn1:t�., _4 z44 -4.1r '- C-1,01,21. a � �'�` Of t1"1i1 3841''• y - A. Q �`'1 +teZx� d a .,t:' � 31'9,'1 4 �;p ,t' rCna7a7i2 Q'1rU' Co E2 in }lazy t a :Ai ?..ex it has 1 `sr- e 't r fr .ail Tai-- ,l.Yii!P- •k '..29l0wr r° ,Pse f,291.ten d the L ._)i_''Les :;f lss 8n ii'_rIlalli"ku:): 3,lissu'r'1- of sinpvi1 y. The method is 3 ads floe°: with the fol:49Wil[i.; advri9:•4_': 4.4•R'tr:s.q:s. G pl.. etre.. 'The F ni1-ii,.:31i :kyr.- . rr fly, -- A a�-axon'. ,;)rigs, t -e'4 ea. 110➢u:'n'- y .;t lt'v-ti piles :n13'!'_ e coir, to aid. im-...Ina::r1 liz,n ..e Zur .y a. ,t ., r _ -IA • 'i • aristocrat �a?;a L 3'd:,''. laltlk9' her 901122 f3*a:*+ a:.. til( 'duce 1 r;:fe La :.€=Ii'? .c awl eO:1111 nal -c2. re;E' . 7llc' nn.i p'.ts Idn.a -4• Sia u the pile. i _r - lett e,.. feed the pigs chap Lvoo4l. 21711oin tL 't14de4 ';,,9 tit,.e s aur. intik eows. wrest.e T)oys. .t$3id1a'-re4'In 1'44 tla r Yn't-t C the Engli and :19I a leech-,vitirai 1231 euro parnv. :tan lwill{ get the 9=r am. un2f1 haleu� sort _.. - soof as 'girl for nee-. 1'. .`Yt h1 n`..r .'i' fear fa -,,,91 '(he str¢:.r.'_'.:• ea1:tA t 1 4i•t J:t- - -4:aI n. ft/ -L11nn$ar9'v. for e'Flniu)f=rd 1l -. .,tt-r ntue:G. f•r i '"Stet , n', c. ye plating, in°8"llinlig. 1c�llii 82 Britannia rtil s 1:.:? waves. If s1it, x+a - :, • .t l r.4 w:1< a-L,,,ssa.M. 1111 rt - r ni to et theme one I-; y she 'Valli • re sl a:.si ninth l :ng, rx gL 1�F1r try another. her. vo it in _, fda11giIat4'r s 4)f fashion n a Iwl �q{1 ,�aa.. y 94:'4? 11944 ?aI`va{ yiilY` ftl;• 7K8"'ia •A ., A. VWts-1s . Ertmorr3 e1'.•)c54te., ,(Nin oNgst00118'luk#t ptIon'1-martrrnr. =i'd}-'12.2 a a ? rI 9' f. :a 3<i`)i: ty ? s?3.9 1 C:3c g c,.rf liy . /..y „g,lY to°fi: �. <!i i'xt•:1.: il'Ii :i � e".. after a family of ;:t):rn'4e.•nr e." i("Ikt n:'. 'ItL'i2 yni ",z 1lr4Et--tudd:ng' 1iC" 1`Q l urS+;i SCP"'i' pe '�ls. 47ie..k?'nit4'r 1 ):ilf The truth is nit- dear girls. Y v rte ai .t.I surgical :Per R,rni afa', 1 4 'erect in my head and throat and You *' ; tsitf:t'ut obtain>rg artY -rt elf rel ``o far 91S 9g knom-stt a ' C tre.attitent for is at a.) t :ir'eL , prompt and e z .L:e ea 1y C.'L4 +Oiinsmen . This r::i1"?t::'t k"As E3,aL yet 1,te..;'s rf vn. c ,L- fats ., cure `�t3rt' : CL it stela the .itching cat. one,. v'/ NJw'. etre'11...tnd therozeetily• ce e: ei:ea +:'very form. ell oti'er my wale- since least suntan- ward 2» 9re li1)4?r•ti arta IP' faas7rieroin- bent -fit. ta�9it. �SFF es ^Iribet f7 ;'_`e .mti is •r frig?n tt fif"r:' 1.i.Pav'" f•eyl4. 'Mels ta`Y,'4' 1e-trt(82111. in "rF-' 3s,It¢`ren and 6r'Spalr, I v. -as tP,1 Ur trsL Lr. (• rs, • I t<*111t1 not get 114 ref. I have fried ss ointment, and t3%' s>r ifirt 'n'' :'el f 42 le parlor, more t'xe al.s e and less i ranee p used ilii• a enc .Rf." am 2: f,•'t erlxl of wliat no 1 e4'imed t ,°r4y of .' ,:of a., Alone' Padding anti Tess 1,,Li3loa.: most inti-eTy morel. ".'Wile ite"-1 r :c al. g emeciie=, but none seemed to be of gone. 11raF'Q a':visei others to 'us. l:, any avail. I began to think that more frankness and less meek. mod- b.esieving it would sure thein, as at ha_ 'tn c' cold was developing into 'eon- , e'ty, more breakfast and less bus- , ani. .rption. gas very many have to tie, Loose :yourselves I.. little en- r Dr. 'Chase's Ointment, 80 ,c(,nts a I.G. my knowledge. I am thrnnl:feel n: 40.8' more liberty t1nd less 1e tr' ' at all dealers', or Bamastsbn Bates a dint• , ce,mpany. Toronto. to ,at-; that r3+r. ('1. ,t -'.. Serra)) -"Q r7" fes :ion. ?wreathe the ppre atmos- LIn•1''t41 tared TL r 1'er1f t, 1': S S + r•k y t'. ! c.3 freedom, and become 1 wake. ltd.: 4„....!.'t'a'+ . d,I.a,21 ,✓ra- .. i tl lively and beeautiful,r as `' ` �• ,o':: .R*.~ as t fre€ , ` 1as nature aleigned. "•-•-'1 ruth. • i ` i > Ii �' i 1tl �®u B 9''» -1 ;;\ '919' C `1l b t' • a °II• 1:J lily •!�. 119' 1'.. 11".. i - , Fill ; n»m; ; 19;14"i.'l 021Vf°' 8984.."1 +i U- . n _21Nis re 2.u'.1 eves 181, :a.t14". t"bassi'. 1149911. 41i':rrt.-- iti^; 1821)2291'1_ tl di.J9. Feel. Hnleete hen - her. N. E. `°. 4 ,s r 9 #:1.. lf3.3 Wx-!'B'u t1...'• u. 141 104,, t'.5 ,.t8 ttv: (4 -•':et- , 1,2981. _ , -B. 2.55. re,o2 t 'iii' 9't lrt1.11:'e0.'. lea y °T, R.- 4. l'i1, C bice' 9tht-9alvert. 9- eiete..is. II t ua Il4 Fn. r-t:i '9lfe lea r'. .3v r 1.1?e.922: -989. air 1aa.sa.' ;ti' i"29 4 Put' 821 4' u'r921'- 88:11n t ottr .. tY49_ifJ9 ail f; I offtl. a +tri'. ,,,:h �*:p :VIlQ'•V' and l.8''92im tarn i .1i99itta Aa? i,,'9g9 . 'ti.dtid?. ,r�,3jls.lm�iai'L2i. cal::Vert` l:vaJiki *, .°.Lr..+'. l t s° u s Ful' '1 d u 4n1 4` 92219.9 1.1. " u i ).5a. f. '4-v nr1 :•, a•tilaveIl t e37ti N 1?'? lP i 1 9 Raker. i1*,, ''.r ai s :.iL Lie r 7Li. Y . o.o. luh's. • 1V4'4'br19. rep cul and }oast ,.14' ?a2 t 49- 2A19. (4'4831 a - L 1411n2n? L gravel. l13.2o. W m ,e•s- $_e.:$a C drain award.. :13.07., 1b99 9,.' Te tr:*aa2P rep efa. Frank Trnab- nIQ'r gravel. '12.5'3. t`�`•l`13nk Tri£ 1,rveu3•. • contract. ( E $ 21.75. E;A�t W. �tr nn Her. gravel. 5.e3. Aieby Morrison. drawing '•y QF -e 11'4 ells• `.0. 141 111. 44.75. Y. 1C n ant Trice ?3x4' ', 01 t'"erg::! grovsl pit 5.6 4. John B sti:ileil cern. 2.50, Frank IlelTeevan. gravel. C R. 4.(:[t. +Geo. Kellerman. E`r.naan gravel, -t.•. . F lsnl 44 s•, ltianlnber. 3.35, Mr Stlan- :a1ke1e) eirl. teen = 1,=:r• Fred Green, 4.891 N 13, 3.p.€r, Dearing. rep caul. eon 4. 3.'1, John • Keys, balance tut' 4.4)nll 4'4r, 1.22% Stir -419 arc : F.. '=zaller's. rep 4.`111. C R. ' .9.25 ai Tennant. ° -"Tr L R. r ), Raker, rep 4•:"E een 1.(:5 1" 999 1 vet Itnn n,ere f." I . 5, 0,0711-4. :ale ; t alliin„ tlitr'b. 3rd S R• 3.00. (z a1) 3i�e�•la'1ee. 4•ntar t� R 3Mo. 'k1•� Oh-' v r , .ismer' e•4)nerltcts. • lister. dit4 !I S R. :e,00G F (tsil7Jer, leaking boxes. ete, 2;1:0, Chas Stone. tL' ^..-ri4i ,es, ern 24, 5,420. c - Ha'rltan, rep 11,1, 1.910, Geo Webb, two boxes. 2.00. Conrad Kuhn. tile. - 4.0t,, Peter 2+.lcGreg-.r, gratdillr; 9111u graavelinfr, 7:el(. R a llalrniRt`oir1, 1r.9w- • ber, 14.43. W Baker, tile. eon 4, 4.50, FF Haist, filo and briek bat- 6.80. Council adjourned to meet again Dec. 15,19(&0„ alt 1 M 1IIE9IIF EILP BII.Ilr Tp 'Clerk. onto° 6 lalur>..a :u. U:* 991,.0•"., ata"ba 29m )1111. t'1 w .42)99 n°*r` t a' i*71 o :u»n„aa n U1.t"1".' 7 i'.,:° e"1' nee ,,Harm''. ltoe ti.lr'r'e'L 1° 1„2„ 2 74. Hell* 11999*„ "r.:3„'tt, 01 . 11' It"' ll1*° i•• tee u'. leallt,'1' and url-18'I 11:9)".,° 3,111t'• 1x 1 eros :+,13.• :1,e At 11. 1lt'ut/MT. rill. ' ¢'tAtr, °t. 1 N'.I+4 1n. 11'ut°l 1/".°411119/1",,, i latatau1L9 9118'331 fife !brown lei",° ra»1 '91'. ''Ilex 2491'91'.12.,,t uaw°•,.9 Iltl• gat' pert 109i4".. a ,.E 2.t)1. it J..0°x °kU a ua . wn :4 irraaldA' x'et 4 ' 1G» 8 = 1 A !1' 4419#1k44,' 1 A .. u'.»•: °.:�_ _ 2- g _.7929 t 2'02:9 ..: a ,n ,'d'i 9-A1',1'44 elit.'11.11.8 1n , 14.#0 ; `t'<"nar, eull,. mei, °, ° d tt V1.0%. 11°11tdra}'. "' a MN/VIA. 1i.• nt • *Met.1".«n'+I"r1a91 r. evil.}. K'utta, to 1. Wim a 01. t to °Ilex s`e'ta^•ir1°' 991 21.v9,' 1*„#1t.. 1. .(Pi; t ,,.1,°4 aa -r. dr,t4 t ;e°t oe., 1.101;4. 11e4.1.- r44:.-14. t 4l. i''•-t;ti '2>2 a. .8. •.9 ti ' 14 'r+ , `, a ,a a" 111" 1-14 , '!'1 ii.s-1.21, s'"' t 119' ',qv Ut° 1 . `,'tn, av'. •1+tu`ep1°,>. . . Wa99.1 44_9k 144. t 0 „ Il:R'i 11: b1°993, .411'a? '"..19au . , -•' ,, °> ^a - :4a 0,8 1„'Jr i,4 i,r It, ^telt• ° 0,.*7 .-n a :u1rt d° °f',r' " i 110, ' 7‘!.. r -•"JI- „11i' V" _ 1_r 11. fug' t 91999' v\ -- . 'l w U ua .r, -d+. 4.4( ,..r:'9 14 119 9 f 1 1,9 ! 1 17 1t1' u'1 7-'• 21 is-- G"-. al{r itlq_1kr1,17 1t9Il.u1 :Il "rnll �V' •n"4, �..._b. .'F' 'r, 'it1i1�J`d •. ^' Q ITY :''"'fl.,.,9 L'' 1f t' ort.., f "9 21,9 ..r. 1:,. - I>✓•. 911. _,:r . tott,.„, � t It ill• ,'J°t l 1 ,.-'611,21' 99 -42 3 . -b-0•"0',,,,-0 ' Stinging 4,74AiliM-,:oins ru9'1.88'4 97431'- +,4448 . :13 - :d-, C, a °.• ,. • • ,. _ rr0 \.r: 8-0 19- ,,1$'l 1 -tl'x 221" 99'9_,9t220 ,41,111. w1 p111".,'y4t 13.10_ '199;".9. 1y,-7- -i 922148 )1K.111.4 v "vr.✓k'a 9ru4." . ire 4" Q ,lee. 1L7). 4° tl;rllt_y1ent 1. the •••. Y u,.. - fell `4°_ letfe, r'0'1'' 1-- f,ete ael2 -„ _ 12221 •.lt 1214' r- hal. r at •'. LP y ^U t• -T, ,. It ,-Ya Welt`1a 17S"q. ' lfn '41 ,i 1 Y �?raar.� l;t'tla�4e;cs u:-.^_es • C.= iu -..:la .- MEI ! a*te„ tr 1 a Diu tom. -•- e A��yy ai,llr e .. •1111. WANTrn :.-.A ca'e of Fad hesltT.t 'dint R"1-P-A'N'S an'lr not 1..,tet . r ".ey banish pain ant: prolong life. One gives relief, Note the. word R'J F' 4 'rv'S cat the package and accept no substitute. 811','99.5 to fors .encs. may be had at '-y d"ag store. Ten samples and nue thousand' testimonu,, wi-P he mailed toanyaddre:sfnr five cents, forwarded to the I/franc Chemical en„ No. io Spruce Street,.New 'York.