HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-07, Page 3-1 -7-1 F . , � I . .1 . . .1 � � ­-99FINN" . . I . . . I I . . .1 I i . . I 1. . . I � � , - . I - . . I . , I . . . .1 ­­ � . I I I I .. . 1.-- 17-1-1 ... .. .. ­­­ � . I . 1. � I . . . . I I I . . . I 0 1 1 . � 1. --�­. I.- - ________.___.__ . ------.-.-"----- __.______1_._- � I I . I � ­ � ­ I -11- ­­ ­_ - - ___ ... _ -­ __ � __ I . I ____ _'. _ . I, I I -1 � . city. The men of At come cnit with IV, 7 V, of color, The terms white, frM&W.- --------, -7-1 Pkl kW,Y­1_61 _. ."l- W -1 -w -n) 0 "'T . a Shout, The. small regiment of Is, c n'"e JOSEITA'S VICTORIOUS" "" SUNDA Y SCHOOL 1101ac , d, green, etc., are meatibig- . raelites In Stratagem fall back and less to them. So shulars tire Spirit - I I fall back, and when all the men Of � oially b3ind and cannot sw the beau- . Al have left the city and are ln,Pur- INTRUN&TI[ONA1, 140ISSON No, X. tiog of tile spliltual world. Tile one sult of these seattered, or Seemingly DHC1,,­1lI31;,�[t 9, 19()0. I away from Christ knows nothing of L2! I I MARCH -OVER CANAAN scattered regiments, Joshua stands . thme joy and peace. The love of 1'0at1AlJ;4 0910,&L �Vk.e­01,1�, � on a, rock-Isee his locks flyingin Chrlst, so precious to the Chriatlan4 , lag are . t1le ClwilIg (1110ta- the wind as be points his spear to- B is unknown to the sinner,-'",. no, wil. "011oW r tlono at ImportaiA ji,lielit, oen.treos . wards the doorned city, and that Is a till'Ous Healed.-Afark 10;,16-52. ISPIA. . to-duy�_ � 0 . OmMentary-46. They came - � P.U,A0TXCAL SURIMM . 4 . , the signal. The men rush out from CaBb. MO Y- . Talmage'Reviews an Old Bible Campaign behind the rocks -and take the city" Jesus and Ills disciples were making NATe are taught by the incident how ,-\ ev, yor�,c ... ... ... -_ OMk . and It Is put to the torch, and then their I ast journey to Jerusalem. They tozeek Jesus,. the Saviour, the "Light Milwaukee ... ... ... 0,17,1: -_ . That Is,Analogr0,us to Lord Roberts' these Israelites In the city march have crossed tile river Jordan west- of the world." . . St. Louie ... ... _ 0 6D8.8 10,731.8 . down, and the 'flying Israelites re- ward Since our last lesson. Jericho- Blindness, The physical Condition TOMO ... ... ... ... 01,1-118-8 ,0785-8 . turn, and between these two waves City of the moon, or place of frag- of this afflicted inarl. represents the Detroit, red ... ... -0 74f 1-4 0 78 1`2 1 of Israelitish prowess the men of At ranee, Tills was the largest city in spiritual condition of the nconyert- Detroit, white ...... 074,14 -- Invasion of South Africa. Ll 075 1-8 . � are destroyed. the -forditil valley. it was about six- ed. Spirltual darkneas is dense, ando Dulath, NNo. I N... 0) 7_2 , — � But this is no place for the host teen miles northeast of Jerasalem, unleee light is found, ends in "Outer Duluth, No. :L 1.1 ... ty 70, _-1 of Joshua to stop. . "Forward, and In (;Il.pISt,S time was Nvealthy and darkness." A blind mail is not, a true Minneapolle, No, I A 'Washington report: In his dis- I people. That was tile only kind of march"' cries Joshua to the troops. flOnrlshlng, Josephus called it "a type of man, Ile 'a 'lot -wllat the Lord Northern ... ... ... -- Ot 74 1-8 course Dr. Talmage follows Joshua on I weapon. Seven priests were to take There 'I's the .tty of Gibeon. it has littl0 paradise.', At present the wants mm to be, nor as lie made :Vorvato Va-moral 31arltet- his triumphal march and ,speaks en- these rude, rustic musical instruments, Put Itself under the protection Of ,place is a foul Arab, Vjwn of only man at first; so, true, spiritually, - I and they were to go around the city ab-9ut 2OU Inhabitants. the sinner Is not a true reprosenta- )Vlieat-1-00 bushels so�d 1�?,c to Ia - every day� for six days -and then on five kings after us. They are going to MOUS-UaLthow says there were Poverty. Without God ire are very 1-2c higher at 68 1-2o a4ild 500 buOh- couraging words to all who are engag Joshua. They Send word: "There are Blind Barti- tivo of the race. lower at 67 1.2u; J.UU busbelfs of red ed In the battles of this life. Text, the seventh (lay they were to go around destroy us. Send troops quick. Send two- If there were two there was poor. rrlie soul naturally desires good. els ckf goose 1-2,U lower at 61 1-2c to' JOShua, I., 5: "There shall not any man blowing those rude musical Instru- us help right away." Joshua has a One, and Mark mentioned BartImeus Satan takes advantage of this and 62c. . be able to stand betore thf,e all the ments seven times, and then at the three days� march, more than double by name, probably becanse lie was offers -1,5 slr?li sold stea4y to close of the seventh blowing of the well know,,. , substitutes. Sinners tire nil- Barley )00 bus I days of thy life." quick. On the morning of the third mon Blindness is very com- der the dire necessity of begging. eaBler at -10-, to 46 1-2,% Moses was dead. A beautiful tradi- ram's horns on the seventh day tho day he Is beforp the enemY. There are in "'alest'ne. " While in this They beg arth an(] Oats -900 bushels sold le lower at two long lines of battle. The ,re were, in 1870, one air and Sky and sea, of passing evenb9, 29c. 1 peroration of the whole scene was to be battle (301111try the _., as one says, of e tiOn Says the Lord kissed him and in a shout, at which those great walls opens with great slaughter, but the blind In 1,000 Population, and in 211- and Of each other. But "the world Hay and Straw -Hay wits rather, that act drew forth the soul of the dy- should tumble from capstone to base. somethingm r1DP8 one In 1,094 population; there can never ing law -giver. He had been buried, Canaanites soon discover ,give the blies for which plentiful and the prIve wits easier, only one person at the funeral, the I The seven pr2ests with the rude They say: "That is Joshiia. That is were In China ona Ili 400, and, ac- we at -h.11 It gives but little ofwhat 2.5 load-, Selling at 5,U3 to $14.50 per cording to Dr. Goikie, one in 100 in . tile ton. Stra, Nv ww; a,l.4L.l easier and twot musical instruments pass all around the ma:it who conquered the spring L,,gypt. ,,,J,ll it has, and if it ga,vd it all same one who kissed him. But the city walls on the first day and ndness Is Common Ill fwaul of man would not be filled and loads sold ,it $12 to, $1:21.50 per ton. never takes a man it -way froin ..., ,I score a failure. Not so much as a piece freshet and knocked down the stone Palestille to Dressed I-1og,,,i-St-.l,,I,.v itaid unchang- walls of .Jericho and destroyed the it degree which wo in blessed. -, us until he has some- , of plaster broke loose froln the wall, Western Illn(14 can scarcely real ". Promptnes,s. "Arlil wIrm lie heard ed, ,at e,7 to *7.40 per cwt. one ready to replace him. Thi, Lord ! not so mucla as a loosened rock, not so CItY Of A!. There is no use fighting." There Is probably no country In the th,xt it wqs .T(w,uR of Nazareth, lie be. Butter ---Tho deniand for fine round does not go looking around amid a I much as a Piece of mortar lost from They sound a retreat, and as they U'Orld, except Ei.vPt, where this at- e:.RT1 to cry *ut." It is, no doubt, his rolls continues, anti they .ire very', great -variety of candidates to find 1 its place. "There," say the unbellev- begin to retreat Joshua and his host fection is so prevalent. At Guza for flr.zt, opportunity to call upon Christ. KNLrce. The price is firm tit 200 to itted for the va-I Ing Israelites, "did I not tell you so? panther, instance, it if' said that one-�blrd I -To does not delay and say Not just 22e.. . someone especially f spring upon them like a ' cated position. He makes a man for 1 Why, those ministers are tools. The Pursuing them over the rocks, while Of tile population have lo,,it one ( ' aree and the catapults of the Sky pour a � ,,r now. th,lre is U11141 otiou%lit �Pt. iif, L4 i�7ggs-.xew laid are Be that place. Moses bas passed off the idea of going around the city with lrol- both eyes, and our obsvrv.%tion would tired of his blillolnQsos and beggary. and wanted. They are Selling as high as, stage, and Joshua, the hero. puts his I those musical instruments and ex- ley of hailstones into the valley, and agree with tile statvmt�l'�Itl.,)_Tr�s- longs for relief and Wight. Th,tak 23-�, and extra cliolce lots may eveZ foot on the platform of history so Sol- pecting in that way to destroy It. all the artillery of the heavens, with train, "The c,tusf.,s ar(i tile touddell God, that although lie J-; t�linfl he is bring a cent more. Otdl-�rs sell from Joshua has been spoiled. He tlitnRs bullets of Iron, pound the Canaanites changes in telaper, not defif; if It, ca -iii -A sm, hD can 18v to 21e. tdly� that all the ages echo with thei atura tand light, the I because he has overthrown and con- against the ledges of Bethhoron. Intell-ioi brightness of tile su hiar, and be u,:ea that Sense to the Poultry-Tbe offerlugs tire large aild tread. He was a magnificent fighter, , J; � "Oh," says Joshua, ,,this is surely fine, (lkl8t in tl' n, anti the I& t advanta.,T . there Is little or lt-� deniand, owing but he always fought on the right side, I quered the spring freshet he can over- But do you 'not see tile le air of those Handy Oppoosition. Instead of being encour- to tile mild weather. Turkeys are I , and he never fought unless God told throw the stone wall. Why, It Is not a victory!" cotintrie.K."-.I)i-�l(JIII),.t. Begging -All aj�,.,l to, ,,, hIP(I for weaker anti art- kielling at 7 1-2c to sun Is going down? Those Amorites tile , to Jom.q It- is ell, him to fight. Ile got his military I Philosophic. Do you not see there is r0add lending t -i Jerusalem, likl,� h1i out-ry an I I 1!d,ln� to licild b14 I>- ac,; 8 I-!!,. Ducks are firm. -.Lt 40 tA> 60c. equipment from God, Who gave him no relation between the blowing of are going to get away after all. and tile tempi(' itself, were much fre- but remonstranee, only seems to virge 0eese are Steady ,,it 5 to Go. an(I the promise at the start. i these musical instruments and the then they will come up some other quented at tile time of tile feasts, bY h'in on. ehiekens are selliag at 30 to COo. ! "There sloal4knocking down of tile wall? It Is not time and bother us, and perhaps de- beggarb;, w1w reaped a SpMal Ilar'- Onceoss. Ills prayer is direct. and to not any man be able to stand before I philosophic." Andl suppose there were stroy us. See the sun Is going down. Test from tile Charlt:v of tile pit- th-i point. Timm 1,; no display of un. Toronto Live �Aoclf Market. thee all the days of thy life." God many 'wiseacres who stood with their Oh, for a longer day than has ever grims-("oelkip. N ,xPort cattle. choice. par cwt. $1 44 to 41 " fulfilled this promise, althougli.ToshuWs i brow knitted and with the forefinger of been seen In this climate!" What Is -17. That it was jeo necessary words. Ile comes asn. blind Vxport eattle, light, per owt... A 15 to A , _U.S_11�, hail evi- beggar and plainly sUttpa Ills need. llutebvr�'eattk, ptcked� ....... 4 40 to I 7S first battle was With the spring fresh- the matterwith Joshua? Has he fallen dentl.V heard of tile fame of Jesus, ,� et, the nextwItb a stone wall, the next I the right hand to the forefinger of the We are free to gp��riok of our phyaval llut �mezt�, eattle. 4:11oice . ...... 4 to 10 4 "I I � left hand arguing It all out and show- In an apoplectic fit? No, He is In anti how 111� could heat tile b)I-ld. ilcods, and make nothing of asking for autehers! cattle. good .......... 3 Vj to ( tol 'twoon to err out -It Is tile chance wh-tt we Want in teni�)Gral mattem 410 "ledium � � .... ........... 2 ZRI to leading on a regiment of whipped cow- i Ing that it was not possible that such prayer. 1, ' . 253 ards, and the next battling against I a cause could produce such an effect. Look out when a good man makes Of a lifetime, there is no time to. lose, th-a 10t, u%; Im fr*-,% to urilt:4,i our kqirit. But,zlier.4 counnon. iuv.- ewt_. 2 0 to .1 5U In a Inompat 1h, will have V_ Bulls, export. heavy. per cwt.. 3 �'-,) t,o 4o, darkness, wheeling the sun and tile 1 And I suppose that night 'in the en- the Lord his ally. Joshua raises his pasae& ual need,; aud destres know -a. Why Ilull&'. export. light. per cwt.... 3 10 to 3 50' moon into his battalion, and the last � canipment there was plenty of carlea- face, radiant with prayer, and looks OPportunitien lost vre alwazvs tc, be .1�h-xxhl wo, 1w. w�, reserved, and owe,i rceders. Ishor-licep ...... ..... 3 iM to 3 W11 against the king of terrors, death�flve ture. and If Joshua. had been nomin- ,tit the descending sun over Gibetin and rl,gro,tti-4, but etill rover be recall- 81ham-d. in so,aking of tile w,ants of F,Mlery. heavy . ............. 3 W to.) �3 5al creat victories. ell. ,Son. of Daxid-With the . jews ih, Said ? Ili: Elr-t ikpoms men's oves, 1;-et'ler'l- 1IR11t ................... *.A ZI Q to 300 , ated for any high military position be at the faint crescent of the moon, for thig expression was; appilail to tile anti draws th,ir hearts ttf,Zer Aint, Sto6zem. 4100 to'.�;J lbs .......... 240.1 to 3 00,', As a rule When the general of an I would not have received many votes. you know the queen of the night some- Ue�;�,,,�,111. ' oil"votors and heifers. _... , I W to a N' army starts out In a war he would Ilke I times will linger around the palaces of , Havf� "'Prey ()a tile- The thell th2v IOVe to A01107V Him, and can Feedink, hu*; . ........... ... 12 .1* to 3 r4t * Joslitua's stock Was down. The second Q-4'0 Of this 14111-1 loan Illustratpa Plainly A(- to do ria. r'nrtilaeur, evi- Ughtt-tock-bail.1turv%t. .. . I Zil to ;1 t, I , . Mitellcolva.coo".a... . , _ 5 U10 to A5 0 � to have a. small, battle In order that be I day tile priests blowing the musical I tile Ly. Pointing one hand at the tie- Well thf, pon-lititill or a sinner and dently I-vearlie it true, dl-�rlpl, of our ',;hvep.exp1jrt c%ye-,lierewl. , 2 ('d§ to -1 10# may get ]its own courage itri and rally I Instruments go around the city and scending sun and the other hand at his ofri)rtg Ill t*Asl1lJal,g to iltiol. T,ord. H- e:XM% tO J0,114 for IDhv81v..d 4Q.bl1#,-k,;_._ .. ........_ 12 1' I to 3010, his troops and get them drilled for * again a. failure. The third (lay and a the faint crescent of the moon. In the '11'�. .M.'".V 01argi-4 hiln-.1111any re- hoitlin;r anti re, i livol spiritual i4tzht re '1114T. t)lkt411wr,,'. each. _... .., 2 ,"i,, to 3 ."-ft , I - greater conflicts, but the first under- * failure, fourth day and it failure, fifth name of that Cod who shaped the 0 U11WIl 11111."-N. V. Wh0neVPr a soul wAl. Tit- Z,ikrd ­IW_!tV-S qi-o4 40 -rally 1""Iutr�. val h , ., � . � , :1 60 to 3" W I 110 11,"r 4'%%� 1 1: I ,. I A `1 to 4 13 taking of Toslula was greater than the day and a fallure, sixth day and a fall- worlds and move the worlds, he cries: I hP91114 tf� err Otor Jpwas for lig)tt to th- hututhle trusting Ir-trt. lVllpn 4 -ul% J!�, Vpt, lw�.�tl I - , li 0 to if) 14 , leveling of Fort Pulaski, or the assault � urc. The seventh day k�tlmes, the "Sun. Stand thou still upon Moon, anti taalvntl()6. thl. world and tile W44 ask hn falth all.e�;.t anol vlptor,N, 11"", , , I "" , 410 7 I to 14 W, on Gibralar, or the overthrow of thr', ('11niaeterle tiny. Jo-41%za. Is up early In -kill) thou. motin, Ill thl, valley or Mc�- dt-th 1,411 togotiv-r to tIr,jwlJ Its will Attond our erfortq.-I,, 11. .Nful. 11,11". 11'11`11"�' , .. , ��:,.�'. 3 '.�! to 0 0) )on!" They halted. Whether It was by erim an -I ft�rpp� it tll be F,11ent, But, holla"ll. I 11 . I ,10 �;* to 9% Bastile. It was the crosaing, of the 1 tile morning and examining the troops, is;"O,�6"-".I,L..i.....--,lZ"r�t*.",�,,�,�.-Ill!""., .'�:-­­ 3 '.� to I IJ Tordan at the time of the spring fre.1ill. 01"tvailts all about, looks at the city wall, refraction of the sun's rays or by the lilt all siteh rk,nwinhkir, Jcstv.,; Is now — I et. The snows of �,%rount T.,ei,anon liflol � The priests start to malce the circuit I Stopping of the whole planetary sys. 11-U-411901 bY. and It they are 110t Wheat 01al"Oh. just been 11 In I do not know, and do not eare. I NOPI N% 11iftl 0,1,V tan8t 1wrish IhVor- �I kp. we Ittivi - lit fore ro,warl1wil. It Is , leitill- atiol. they liourpol � of the city. They go all around onve. tt�, - and Mltitlf�'].V. Ift,;IT Ills 1kouep - 'I MING FUTP90"S WORK. � " a the ..VIl,)le Valley nil around twice, thre A I 4oxvn the valley. an le times, four ' leave It to tile MriStlan 1,61eleatIlIti, . -Upmally 0,11rhyu-.1 to it luv.v %&O�, grl-'at IcipctU4, I titnes. fivo. tinles, FA% times. seven I the Inflolp.1 pe,jtvntlst�q tl) sptlle that qut.r,- � 11044111. Ill, Prll,.,l tl�#- nlglrk� a great. r auvo, ;Atatllk I to Ulu 4vt.1-loaJ *,,,A was a ragIng torrent. So tile Canaan- I I 1410�1- Ili- -.%*%S In Parnest. antl (iii. I � me Arg �uthal.! %%I ,at * ro,p. but ae. r. and they loolc thnea and a failure. There Is only one tion. whi!01� I tell 'voll I havu. seen the 1�1 1. I I R. ak ttes: stand on ore bnnl. utore. thing to do. and that Is to litter 1, qame thing. "WhatT, Pay You. -Not itwfl 4141V f-ot,440 It U0 InPrvase. r; '. it ujh 4414ty e.114410,11A­ *w) kk, pmr-� across and see Jot4iva and the, Israol- l, . i -_,� Ill- vvrm4f-re I -, ItIndrant-c-i tild, laid for a Mati in G* To 4 . ugh and ray: "Ah, � a great shout. I see the In-raelitish the can i9taniling ,q*,q;I'9I Yes. The , � %N ... tv", aptv­lt U,�,, tqlt!.apo� lir !aWXt u art , ny stmightening thermelven up. fill- ralue miracle. 41 t<Vf-�riaeb4 nowadays. , . 'el 14 . ,Iles, and they Ia . % � 11 4 Nt 4Lo, Imn. UP 11,11,14 164i %.�. .. It ` -1 Atal.!t.ir.%�. %v lu-se 1, %,,", et to - It Wa. 1140t zwvt.,�miar. 11 � S -ur C# ntrautVt�,Y.% W" a r­� fro.u% they cannot disturb ununt'.1. Abe. fresh _ V ti� urgp Ichn to Station Yarus, Woodstock. 1-1t, etx fall! It is Jr.11,,.ot1r&lile for Mom 'to ing their lungs for a voillferation tiuch i �Ale wle-kel 4Vi no)t live out balf th,tr ii r�y 1�v. he vall"'I whil .111 lii-A Inight _ - �,! V'Isih �aki L­aT L�tiure,�§ .w Ul,v erjA� co never wwi beard before and lWVell 11 dtky. and *h0r sun setS at nwin. Lut,, :04 t1tvist. 111, %VaN too- . reach us." nut after awhilt, they loott ,, " . toruninald Uo. :, 1% . � 45111001U,ill,1'413,1 W­lt�':%%�,. 4t L��4 019:Pl* 1 acros3 the wn,ter, and tlleyiseP a, V10VP- . . . IN OFF. r-.,io�*.mu,�- �- t, 0 beard after. ,302hua feels that tho houle .� IL -t a lnan,;%,rt out In a battle fol. VId, ""reqoklo ttal r011,1b'tl.-; �­;f Ide; fritnt4av 11 WAS FORTUNATELY BEA1 rt��m­to fqw-IK­,�, E.�, VQ �YVK Into come. and he orles out to Ids IwA. ; and Me truth o.-.ol agalnot ,�;I% ar .I the . 1_1 tl�,� j�41.�# � , ment fit the ariny of .7ophum. They,. .., . . ,G4!-IW1:1 14114 it, o6o. V,4 U04. 1 '.'k� "trt . 9, 5' � .:-to, l,_�,; " &,ut1..,%,3U, .45, .,)ut. for the loiril Itath &Even Yull " day of hin e�,-,.`a:n,:.�,,) IM prol,tn-,04 and ; r#,%vkl and n1traet Vw att,,iotkm 4.1 � .1 th"M 44tt 1'�,,l' . 4A M�*V A �* r,�),,�- " 'retUl 8 say: "What Is the Inatter now? Why. I .1 .4 , (, 4'., 1,M4 .41, tl,�" 0 & � . U.., i".0 Quvok the elty." All toj�!.,w�hpr t! -sd and prolong-jil. �. Ja , ' 61,41ar in 0 'T.^- lvpo )to ��,t�,. Al tu­ 11,4,�'tnj I Tfltll��, 44, ,.� q,,* *;N �9� V"; _'.13�a ."!�,'d t � lli� 111601o'.1 11 ly;ohonpp . ,4�,,,� 4, It*- erlp;,i Its ths, kii - - � `�' L �L, -V to. _, 11 ,wa, & 1. IN .!4 P, *htaul�jjq,. 1; .' 3V1-L!P 0i UT* ' 4*'­,'V1_L� t.:��'� 1Do(199`JiJ0 _ i) thL%re must be a pan:e ar,101-Ir 114tv-,46. Alliont: "Down, Julls'll"! Ptovvft. Jv-,.,I- � Dut JU1111A W�AS Ir -A oiu:,"? thr"�Z.V�%. 11 . . alth -J 1%: to -4 I YA#,Y .�� ato­� tbju, 1�--z �__`, -,, %�,Qq -,1 lu,8- troops. and thoy ar*_� goln!", tO IIV. 0T ,,h,l,-, - D There wn't tl.,U,�� V'r love 1wov-1v 1-10"2 .%'I ":t�',J,Je I" JV4,1­ , And tile long line tit soltil mos T" . _L3,11 . I 0 I -11�.=,14,.-t, P-Itcd a to I- Iw rry Too? �; ,q L lif %t..t0J,,,q,% .%. ,,� #;Cs "lot .1", 1� fP;j--,.t,oi-,.'1. I Q, � 1,%-�P� .z4nac* 'r.arluips Illey air@ goin.- to try to InarAl ,,,, ' 11 ttl�?_nuu or, Coal: 11t,4wigp'll cy r�?�. %V110 1111"I"i-V %%Tl ltvav� 4-�atj,�, 19,,,� N�A%IvAr 41. .. � I .t�ll�_q It, .,P- t,' '. ., 'i", ��, jo",�, �".,, f§r,9t ry twpinn to quiver and W move .11041 . 44 V;t,X­1iV % 4" - ei'tif"al �,4 tf -90 J�,11,�,01 �- � ,r Jordfar., JorhUR 99 .% too r�!,:J_ *.f, - I arh V - -1 � L , I 14" ` , ,.Ula, 'at or " ,,� � R��w Nw�o, ".4 I - _ -1 across tile rivc ., .,,,,,I fridli'l unflo! She fallo, i0tr roalneral �,_,�Jki"n. lta.�= 144 1. � � i .4 � o %�4 U � lunatic." rml, Jonhua. the v1diltaln. f! ulll pre. - to r4.qo. I? ta0l.4 irl(A .-R 1z 11IFT rA . .0 ­� 0 a-, 0 ft'" o�-, v�,I,�-��.,N- OR - �,.'�L,A%­� " t",��! ,.� ­Lpl-', ��!�'�,t�, ��;ioq_n-*,J OmAl go the .%�OM4 wn,l t-8114eq. Ila- *,418141:1 pri'j�.!,p.,l tli�­ Ttlnef?� ,.Irn!�,.n *��"­ thbp ��l it a � tf-�t Uiah. t - f�llfivr. n " I . . in t � P't �At#­0- . . ,�' -; I �. , - -, -, - �11 .. � - � # ;4 4,0 , .. . _` . "_ " "'A.), Ac- I"Its nt bits ernty ,%nd %,rt -It *117- vilnvar4l. Lf,,%%-�vq. 1pori t_0"�, v..-, 1%�'l .Jr blot,t,en-A ,� T�nu"q .%Vl, lypIn %'.'Ill r',�-,avin tho fa. 11� o1ol AM 0�0 "'; t­� &,14 "j. - el'. � ,!-�11� 1,41 ,�l I 1. t%e "m -,,-!,;.I, ,*' 4J.11, ��:!"[I­ul� �, "�t! "..;,-i"'";� � � � , _� 1�_ J L -:��Ta , I 4,0;', t I . - - - � N", 'v'll t,!n,altlin on, tho-e 1,;-� ? d ..,d 11��­J hihmkig 0,,-Au�:�*, 4-7 ;�,J,1'T;,,, .,%I , ,.'Ii a,�v b. �, ", -­ - tntir&t!" anti Itiopy stnrl. for tlw bnbl'. t4ath 111p Jjl!�q. ThL, !,--.2222 4-1.1 Vn,� v. put , , . -qw ! _L,�iv_�. '211oln ,,�,� M : I 'L , t,� Q A Lil� ,� ,. � E �1, ,, L �'] n . _ _ . � � - , �, ., , , , . , , �ta-fts,t. Mr, ,jo�, �-­ U Z, %; t ., .,- I .,,-I, . �� of the Jordin. Vlua�4 nzEtf� atwF,1A 90 tWO " tol$r;Jut hll�nl­ta. IC: ". r." I .10�:Ilu., V, . . - a., � ,� _':,� 1, I v, ­J'4' .� . ,, � - " .; JZ41-,aplBtv�, .41all tla? groon 44 thv, " L--f'r,;,�ng ,DT ,If 2 Ilel-T�,qga. o r4op the "'. t *.5B ­L -,M,3 , ,� . te1na ,,for 1��,, , �t � e- o -�­,-, � J �� lils.- il 1! U , � - � " , ," .�, tI I prl"L% carrying, n gUttoNnq bon forku. ;Ifft,iuerta 0.an."-,".t,., 4�,Mi.ullw*le, n%4 ztftot 1, . n Of &TguDuth. V,13�_� f)f Ln"13r",!%. � M. ,a*-M-,,.� "', i t,:r_,'V�6, .1 tz.it:w " , ,,I t � I... ..'�,,, 4 ­ Nt ;.,,- I , 4, U '""' :'�', r - �.qQ � , " � ,� - �j [��', _� � 0 0 1 � . . I - vkandmg 9 0� Along of Vgr,�In,.a L,�t n ".? by J,.�.-,'vuj. -, ; 11`64;? 11-11,vav :4 .Iae, -4.,;, n,.- t 11 u". olir �,, %, I " .,�I e_ � �J.- tz"for"') , , theve in tl,�_. dekl !, 9L Illvlff 41�`IT I fel�t long ana t%o Itet wlect. It kq tl�p jo:%ua. , "dI.V.%*f40T!P* ,M",n­l:�,�Jn ,I 40t,al I. ir ,I� , - Ip.tfr#, �,4190,.t .1�1 1,.,'�. ,, L tL.j�4 D'�,,�q,jjtl­ " L I �, .� - t�.��, lljr�,, t�l T " _ "� ", '' , J �� 1�_a � %2-2, , r ara of the covennont. .Aud theY c0rivol tile ,twiNs. br,arn a tvl�e i-ayii.q. `ThozV? " V;hat Is Taos lf,!A? Wh �-, s,haDc U--1 jr,l,. I,1 0#1 .01a U",- _l­'A,!onvD 4v.arl k,*T '.0. �t -: �� � . � . ,�,:_ ' L LLJ ,J �� J.: _ � ! e%%r-A,Uo!o vt -q t,v�bq)A,�,+�,J t�i.yq tl! Ulv, 41'JvL,1-:,j;" � 1��,O,', - A;..,;� " , �,L,4 ,.!!o,�,l, _ L'� " , _�'I-'-' "' ;! 'L' - !­ � ': 9��3L - " ' " ., - 14 tow f ��,­a!#? 1 . down. "d no snofte-r 010 lht�y tolueb. thO Alall hot miny huan, to .lUe to slawl b­t- e"UnI41 Pat on the itna'. , I , � .4 .?, � -011,113 61. �%. . . r1lat oDf t ". %VAJ,er 'With th(E-Dor fC­_�'t thnm !, reale O."ce aio t%ra days V4.1 thy Nitk:* %alue %VT 't � Estauxto'sall orol� . ,� " d!j,ii I � �� _ �� t',�'. 1,;, , � L, 7. !,Ill" � � .,;! L� -, . ,,,, _ "'y 11, :1 � by an Altiftelity flat, Jordan I 1-il'i'lelle vhmol nol, any Id --in Ee al,�Iu tl W 0.w,I­,,i,1- 1: ,,, Q'-�*, M lnzt o" r". Ag I OU I �, V�_ � li4 % oo`�.',11' - , - .0i I � " ,,,, �, I � I , � - �fl , U " 1i �� ;; ., �, : P, I I Vftrll- 1, eval.. One hqm.�e r­�qtel. lwiv, 1;,V��f4 , PL_nd f'Ol"re Me3 ail tr�_- Rla��s UL� tj�U!,* .. -1 11� �. ,7,, j2��, . � w r'l*j ,.7 A -V , '. I " , ''L'� . It , i- "I', ThLo fty*Y OT ,10:-�htra. tftar,,h#I; t1ght fvn tl,er,'! l�ounp . . . ..,. 5!,Ot t"O"­ 49 Lot, -- �JuigEat 5 ff t, " U t �­ _,, gTc,�'Jt t.j.,�­? , 'F 1, t 'T'L%.l. CV�14 nt �, � t!�, i � L, C �v.,, '� l.", l017 ��.,t),UI'_,�I. ':C tL, Z-� .. j:_��p', . ,� _ �,�'� � *1L %�, 7 r , " ., �. ;�,.,." f�.� ­1�:�, 1. . �, � � , ,t 11 11 _ � % _% l',� m., : �," -t, .1, . ,.­ __V�l , - 11 _. I � - I !, � ''.."tz" i - -� -5-44 ' I ' � - r . 11 ,? , �", , N.,.' �. L-.1, I � L;:, :'L -:; - - 11 llr�g . . without genng thtlir fe;!A tv"t, oveir th 'Tontan rIlAsugusst"CA fl)r pleal. 1 -Una- , Bulk It hi ,,, r�nne fqf J0z,-:!v.-.ft tt M,!) % -,ft,!#. " t m",ftJ49A. in " ". I 0`1_11,11. � -- T t, , lfin*,�Mant �,�-,.,t�'. awl 11&� � �n I � , 17_� - I -% In - , , �� . . h;J s, 4 �-%' 0, I -, � ,.,1�1­v , I ,�, I �, '11 "-!�_" .1� '. ' ­ � "�' �L4%'iDL.'l- ,L_2 t�5p ,�,o- t, "t !�,,� - � .1 - ,.a_ �' lie gg 116 4,t?eaTq ,(,)Iof. 'W, � _!.,;[,�l ,,1,,, ,e , �- . 1..:,�,v * UN I - ,� C � � �, �.P U I rl�tal,,- ly ace"12? xo. �,� _te I - 1, - t 1��'.'Vw _to �� , twonn, of the 11ver. a rttth, or � , r, L, hvT­ni, Lr, _ ',z, U4� _j - nq a T� , *too a,= lkw"iy" r, i t4* p4 ty. : 0 t - , , � :'I , — E 11 � I � � ' '� .#- " �,' *! ": " :' ''J'L ". � � bn - I . 1L, T' '-:`�; T' ' t 'V` U'0 !: ". 6 1T - & -.1 : � '1', 1; " 'L ` I L-1 � . L .�. _� E_ 0. "-fad brakc-fi sltett,�s an"I vdbw�c­. urattl _�,;,wudouq t,67 loer ­a.rtl.v-�3. 91, L�< IrIe " 41VLMI th,t P#.YV.;,rP,1r =1 .2�, 7#:,un', Ve.­ I , ll ..."', ,,, ­ 'upp�%ar,# tDf 't tbv- t0tv VV:,- V.-I""lo 4,1- -- , - , ., 1� " K', , ,1 I - - Ll - -��t�,,� 1. < -, - ", I � V, M .�,­ ,", D1 t�,ft"aL4­1,or,(,t --;it 'v ""' ,,, t ',_�, � 5� -, , 04 1 � ­___ , . .-' I ir_,4t to0l"..".- a rL� D, , te,t,i� �,?- 0 T_ I a­� U�. ,�.�,,�j ,t 11�_ - V­"J�, �,­J �. , ­ , , t, i they get to the C, @r 121htt. Then. 11tte-V - Uous,a of rmuttb. 11-rby zrav, px-!� t1v.,.J,--P �� non kllteMl h14 421;�,�. W,,";;­g','1�rn, kl'tl I a I "'! R, ouj� :� ­_� " ,11 . ,,Z . 1,J %r­_tL �t , � ;� '','' � '. , _%t' 1* , 1�,,aCego,flty 01, t .ILIU,�,!C - -,_� `�,"'�­. 1, M n ratr --�', T -Lo � - I...'kv vaoso��"'t�- ;111� V 'LZ - . I � 17(.,� - � lay hold or Alto ozeanittirs afta taT."ar- _*;�_'T,84? Pre"ause slae lu - .1�, %,,,D�, . - 'L:tNd�_ I I'll I:; 11,L"k- "' � �P w�N,' �'�Iol* L- t', � 1 -- - - r'o lc- ItItso Gtld 'WIN6z's tftlftd PUID thmazo4ve§ !-retLt sliftnev? No%, bult L,�­ U,4� en"! ,: whe�-e tg�lal�,D Skrialma rz��'L? IVE-1y, T . 1i , , (� �,.� q - Z, '.,- " , t , ,�, � Lit , � � - 'a Le Eq U�ntt­ Mr;, 11'."�� IR9 L.%�t,�, I— . I � ��,��,, kl',,,Y � It t , , . , ­ I ;� vot"4';4"_,;, !.',-. !, %, I L�, - � 1-t ,_:1, !a,:�4 N114,14 !i ;�_ 'itold F tl�lf " - t -� , t"i C -,,1 ,_, � ' .4 r - . - , I _ � , t ", �7 '&- , , . � , �, , . ., " . !!-_,* lap a lb=k .10 W.- 40 fe"A 111-gh, mis hav- .; Irel,etatt-1 1k,-.%oV=qte_1'tfntr to avI tit#, to, have TN- pns�-,tf--rt ba-tll�, jem*. After 'I '"-O,. q-z",.�,tf -.�_­ ti�vvay n' L'U1'CA_'.1'- "a. ,- Ir.- - _4 �_; 1 L " . ,- - - -j-'- I . .4 � ,­ ­ � L ,, � k�L 't tata Ile ilas . �,qn th,i,�Ij.,�.6,� t�,,­ %, Z? ,�q,.�; " - , 1%,.- - ,�,, 1; "t V J, - - - ,,,, � , *L: �' � "'. �- , o t, ,7,- � � "1116 .. . , , , - fb-g &dlned the Other batat'. they Idin'ID i av;ea total, there Is, irspl­y �Ntr 4,11V., �,,h-­_,T " 210 J � to me,�t a ;Z�PV,4 T�113, ` 110 ea: t Z� -, L� � tv, ,m011,91 a "'F-il""'A , lotnti!!,'.I� , : � ,j lvr_ ''�, "j- ' L�!�:, * �,, , . � I -_ . their th�ttd_g and th*tc Itymb"Aq and � ,of situnel--. lt 4 di�, 9' Ito ;21- !I has inere vuby-,!�ts thttn alil tl,,,? Di . reqt,nt " tok;t g, 10i - . n , lid DA� t��4;�1_14 - � . - J� � - - ".��L,,__ . '2�_ q1 L)J�..',i,�,.,r �Q"JOIV ;J t_LU ��,!Oq4, �', 1� �! 11 , - - . (�: w L ,�, , 0 �, �, t4 �1, , " - . , 'I ,..,; _ _ . , . IN "I Y ' �'Jll� "4 , r,"'1%.. T­� ni- - = Cv a- ..�,_�, r,�, i�l - i-v�­ � I i 1. sltg tile vraf:tc-s of the 'cod of JoAlu'll. � Juticti'm btavhitug frohl hIrT V!,ulow to I ll,opu:nUoh f)%, t!�e carth, rt's lhrnn� 't ( vlr�lso. 11, ,4m�44 ;rtvt To6- rvqt4�1­0 , , I - P_ lt,�; � ,- t- , v - �� _�_,1,', " zl� �,'o ­ � �-� , t att-39nu � ,.cWC� wam. vvm,� tdb!,,��t t- -pzv W,�-j . t", I . -Im- �:..,tl�'i E,.�i�v , But no gdoiftclr bave they r6ached t�le!,; the ground, zo tj,gat vAr't-no "n-ite pe�m,le, �pylo&arlqtd of V�kt:115�. Ills parkernt� the : ualv, ot �,� rv,53 !-�Wat lag- 1"�0­2",�-,-4. a`U14S 'I fftat,4Jw tfv�,A v TZ wu I do.!t� ! -.2 ,,,­,Z4r-l�'�'­-. L#.'� a,,l -,, - ._�� �,Q M . saw the rzil f-orol they Mir1w M -"t St Was gj,ave yoftrj, ' ": V,. - .4 ar �J , tf� tifthk than the water begins Ify dish ,,* ternC.!r_-?'1aS of the , M1 y bn f_-%-Irn 11-1 r lz'pt 40T thi� r . -1 ZO. ,,.'�'I. �',l ,.Z L 'L ,, ! - I ".-' ,� �, ":, r,2 - j" � 1". - A"I'l)�n!u'n ,1".1,,.-'v Tn" D,d- �:--;i�, ;:! u" . , � , - . ,- , - , _J� _ I - And roat, V.hd rvith EL tet2lble ku:5111 th6Y #he divine Indleati,3n Chat ',,St�nr ,should � ,worll, '.�.Is; e0mirlot the V,;0rrd,S J'je.s-�­ f, m*,va.; (4 t:,�"2 lahvIrnriv ��, of 'what- 1 ­ * o-41' Vtv, tfi'! -V at, C�L,�- -�J V�m I.. .�'.V,� , ,a,.Ba_ , _­ ,.�-Xd� It - 1� I lrardf?dl m-�, j,� � im, TQ-L� - , .. '_ _t,�tr,�a -.- � � -2t gr th!"'i Is � V Ver tdfj�O�L, lv.�!t 11,74?%O�tat a �4,T,39 fr"'ng � _:i break 10,096 r1tow theiv zqran�" V, -1 Or- I tot d5sturb the pmralsl�g, =Llflng 12% :'� the k�ng of teTt-&1rS. Br I T_ to, 1I L�::"t . m _11 rkllcklng tp.�. ,�,'�­4,� 4An in t�4i.­- �!,�� .�_ ,* t 1". e thhlk of the d9vDne cord of a Savlor, , 1, 11 9k9e. S Joshua'a gm,alestl battle. 5t Is _9,�,11­ to � V,Iftfla= -L"I .V%;US. 24,nnutln ,MW4 a I thc, V,,i-�!-�- _t T,L� GTa1,1 Irt 0 �,; "'Ju 2,T,.,!VIC.. As, tile ivarlcl of V'o to. -41 Gol V1 , eelivetatif-e. trm.e rf--"l c"M (,,L� a S_YvlqY_­*v '!If. J%rZhuft'o greateat 'L '&,�,-.­. ge glIth- � :,I. -5 r_'.t VAJit 1V,',fV­U'hAt to !-,37 : ed4nuun"L, 1, .� - T� �. - � , � -, t .-. 1, i ,� .v ., C " � -J V1 "'. "J ,,�� r � �, .. �% - � - r 1, �, . -,,: �,� � � I T ,�­,ent'uy Ee-l"'."W B'.'tzl", ,_". ,,, 1!�' 0 hinorlhe'-Zz. the 1%�d qw,:lrd of a 0,a,,V�OT s - era Ills I'N'011019 "Moulhol Mu,.q alral ��,4veg � viltir -t ,.-- ,� "­�.-�sil r�r-wm., IrDt Iff r�l­,� � � T.:,C, .. 'I nr4 O', . Itmikeft 9-.V91y ft0fill the th'al's UV. � 4 , � - rv:. � v - I _rl B, !� �,�, "q ,., 1�,�. � Ll -, , �- ,� V. , , E, _, �,t % -,? V! . , B ..V.., ,�,� . . f our rc-Z,�U,?- 107s v2-Ae15o,lA,rV an!! It In. ftl"I 01_' r,_�'ru'n- " kv-9w it 'V�"�� ��::-'­ Th�- "Irv:110' P it: T4 o. �� -''Au, ,,,I Inb �i,n - �­ 'J ­,V'�i.' , �!., '. '�� Watete-watery perhar's votIfIV"I luil., V. . , - * .� 71-,P� ,�.r,, �-_ J: �-..-.�� ,:- v_,'Ag ; m, 1.k,f f)f shmo_�,S. Put � ,S gr J�-_ .�,. isr lo n �%. ,: ,.V,u woa 4 111u,"pive. Vi­*�t jtpt,� i'O'" ,t- vl 4- , � ;­_, Y14. _v . . I - a I ihite-tviciy vnsh ,di)w". awl sm"ne Ia: Uie llr� _y for lisp ( ln*c­aalte� A�-, i. _rei- tb�-Y_z I'm !_�K4, ­_ , -I- , � V � �"4 ;­��"­ _L "! ,.-� �� 1'... �� �..11��, " �,,�.'..,.._�t- 9 vot story two or zhre3 lflra�ss-yfxi ilave 8il -!�!4­-?" '?"'e r-* �'� 110L'tulj�OZ) '441"�v' t1l IL N� i -ti. I unbellevio6# lsi�aelifes ray _."Alay. -_!nv, . , 'Ir trust in twe, MA. enj no qln,.,�-%- "81, 111V I.,J'! v.*:q I . . �, - . � ; . , t"I'.. �.zo J-i�c D'­�� ,- ��,, :-'l.�."* - L,.0,c ,-- tl wo Y,q " 1. 2, ­ . . , vge slinil beir-all Y,r�u- hc7atJ old ye3pZa VM a st_,ry two, ol u-, .... C", ql�lpv t1.`.M:o2Vt�, 1.,L "I lu._-iv,�- r4 - N-gmn 4�4 "",­. ,��t;.�-T. I,:'- �; , '... .�.-� �,i 4"', ,2 Z r.� ��,.4. P": iraft whaf, a misfortuale! Why co"Ild "It' , - a v �Z�­- � f .%4_;dT,: .1D...r' Bt ' 1. g , , _. - 0 But Jos7hua*s ltror,pi ntay n,,,t lialt : tTtr,,, W'Ith %�_ I.JF7 ,---1!'Xbb_'"­. -.-- - folre ftzv a z4-,:.,- . a � . I : _ thices ovo�!r—an-1 tie answers: "I , .- 1';'�'a'.`T. 1,"L�%2'1"t'�'.' L" '­-��',',,�',�1,3 aV'43 sd Ivatet., .." ;�'��o­.l tit' of rz�vrv. , %,via -.,; - - �11 ,� - . - th6 ; have sta'-pA pftrte,l? r�e I, P tv. The tL7onmmud is `roll-war�l. go zlze Wey C-1 MN tjst? earlb. ThL,7 u -n- t�_ . - -C, , La pr,p,tt�� t,v�jru,,� np��a,'.,_ - . t', U", , . 0a;jL'Se, perhar S v;e in ay vml tt to g 11 bm�U. � "l-,11 wyl' ort8 I . � ZEI117"', '. M��. . ru arelin: " T�hc-ve ;s ,the elty Of At. 1, ,ov6j.d of -,lge pr,D vnee vn­'. ir.wni .,t 'hQt ,�I,fu'M an.�'. ',E-',�o .,t tl,�-rIt.:, qq*el. ; . s naE�-� %azo 6aq-3. rvil, One ­ �-11 �,.% t 11v - a-i.j :­nArr.g:.­ 1� , 0 totd, vm are engraged in V_ risky b*a ,_ , ` -�11" I.' Ll IS, I r" - - e4lt I 1-1 I"l. Ir'l ��;,- 4 : U� 't _,I"l ' -- - t `U'a% , -a.�, :, ".0 '�, (. , z !'_e - �- :.t -1-,v- 1 t L"o . � A' a - . J�� 1- 'Il. ­��'� I .. . .&' " ;� .�,�` � -- �Zj *,�' ,-.-,�' '! 1; ILt ., �:%.,.­,-�_"_ tF16 .,I must, 'be taken. llovv shiati It If- 7 'Word here., IT.L's fal�c,,�. Ji has ,:i,me - grad t� '-'--' 1� Voxu. c. , n :4 C �i� `� : �.,, ,,� I _ - , tnoisv. Those Canzankes may ei�t US �, taken! A z,�auflrg party 00,11rfs , Vo pr4ps. uln, nne wQ.Y�j theTe,1,! thast Lki;'. J'.L,!4�JV-j`­1loe,vn. T, lt I zn,�,, sof� V-4�- nrm �.`��t .n�. z%' nq Twe Rnt�3 i; 11 -1-'iJI., 1�1 &;,�. ­'. ,z, __1":: ­ r V '�Iai. , 2 � ... I I 1. - I - . W, :now if we won'. to �-O bec4l.? I btick and sqz,,q: --jr*htla, v;p. f -an. e,� ':� f-1,11Z.J�l:, J%td'tl1C-1 T;e tnralg I0 'h!s q&!!- nu,04. r...;� eh,p �j'_�T �4�,'M­qlp k_'. t:lv !,:,�� Io-;ot 1P*,,"o_,J v,,,%.;�uj .�V��,,� `,32q e.,�o�z. L� up. n- � t rvlunt h- %am. I . , tonlotp '44V n�` ,�I�-, _ _ Ile Tx.i.,�z , V �U­ TIt-L"n"Q � T'- ,- [�I_'�­� z, ,-, .,i',' .".: C-:i�,A, Would it not have been Inore cotnp!ett, th*Lt JVff*�-doUt �VOU. It t'.14 gC41n�- to be ' joy, . . ta . an � �Y_vn in -e-1, wo�2-�-� n , ` u , I I. "� - _�S a jay*n- r, VvU ani szys: : Ile did m"nt ,:�,4,.I.ql�vhl fo"r ki��--'! ­-, an?�_Ist�lwl-e. kn, 7,- Tn,"��;' .p va�.A,z vr'.-t -- �'0 .-,g 'e, ro n 3 for 10 the, Lot,d h_,ifi pzttteg Vkv waleoi,s to let , _�ren'L� '% I ., g t .70SL1V1c,%- " , L. , vtty easy Job. 'You mus"t stny :! .� � - " 1��, - - P­rvj, , 1�­ '� ; . `.��'.`I� 1! ; : - i llc_ha��_Qe now wh'.1m 70'a WD11 sc-m"?. One ,I w-13ra-v, D.,-z"I mv ii",-,�A nT a p%,Ycrr t�n7D (�Lr �'.',SL!j a�.�an J�­ C,j,_ !1, 'T`��t, ,7,,_,,,, _ , " . ,�L. �� . Ll� 71 . ,U21,1,e a � ,r,r - , %It &Of��oae thtocgh, an.1 kept them patt- - 1! I ­ .1 , , ., V, � " .� '] he�v valne V're go ana r-apture I' ­­ " M�l of lsrime-1 or the Gol e! tbe Antor- book, and mc, B n -V vagne ,T­-*p.1*,ws" A 14. 'I -� �r aq "­�,�_4 1 I .-A .t .Vv.l _3 r.- � t4 '., �; - ­�:,..' I ,;L�sz_*. , I ,�: '_� �';,J ­tt"S ,J-` � :C, -.4 . , _I.- J.. � -, , L k, . , jg�,�._;4 U � � - ti tb le,. us go baek Bt We; are de!retlt- ' reg5lracrnt �! i -r- - ,nd Iny houlse� we WE, 11 I'a GO Mt. v�11v_G'y I,_'1vV ,1,n� C.n%l 11`�It fri'T a V�,.4- 1 V,�-�:: o, r,B.,a!; rS;,��M , �;_ Z4%,� ICN- �'� . "U' . Qvfbey maulc�l witba smilln . -S'. Asformee- L_� I I ­%-: ��- �­ �,:*,� tac)VI12g tdV1 Aly Wends, Gail MakeS no 1107OV11- �,11 in front. of that e5ly. The rnen Of Al ,! �_erve fire 'LJ,r,2..I 4 'Ing I � � . 01 q,- , � , igon for sL Christlan rel Ireat. He lcleWzz ; look at thent ,"ral give one -.vell, andq �, a Ih ro�.- zm.-arZi,11 a-1,11 b�,_- T�o mnr". , eratmg I'll Stral"Ton l ,., 7 -..Av�-WCf_­1,- 11 It -=f.�l l:Z7,)vv_ L�,,`Z,',' ; S V.0 �'� ,-=.,­-,,�,�-C-3 I � ThV falth h'ath -vd�� th-e vvhzr�,,P-:1194 tstcwk l-,�,rzthnA-11"Pvlow. kn tl"�' " �i_��'I",'_5 ,.;�,_n*"�Ir .,�.._J - �',l ' 'L�'* the path all tht W2Y to Car.2;171- TO the IsraeNtes run Irke reindeer. The �, 11 - . � .__ " _. -, v 5C�I.P_-;- , . I rilfih 15-,�q ' .11,21 ta;�a= th--i',U-�Z VtYl�'A'o — ___ � ­ C.',)n­+ry T,T-mAf�zir. " ­. _,�, Tal,� "" , , , "' I -' -, . � ;U� I. ".,7 '11anellesef* nutlet , ., �.J ". . lu -k- IS to ille� t to � ,� , " ��,�, wc-"k at.-, . ,%;o� ,FR Andt� W Vtr-unnnt & S 4�-., ,. <,!Z M�'.-.�&,S- I tely ,-,,,�t'.,,,. '-'".,, V­%�LtMa�r #,ts that SWUng bACk the a"nethYttin4t! XilaliO such rapid IN e -9 t , s Is- M � ,c nE6- ­,�� -, go WLC The Szne Zatekt-eP- northern troops At ttil, It -an did not 11 A Pbonograph Cl",k- I I h I 14'e" zzhz gny OT 604 vrele 11"7kpt. i M ,q !- e, e ,4 I Allothe-. very bltere�itlaug har$Z91- h: i - V vt�is =Ot' 1'alg eara�"t i�l u",Z "",,,,-�,;�3! ,- ,,-, - and crye,9111ne gate of the Jol'dan tO Taellieg with'- t1te Canaa-iftes after 1�1 cal mv(.Iiy at the earie exposItIon li:q pl-ayer-S, lUt 12!9 fflith ftt Ch-�St te'r, rnglnmd, r-c'-A,ort tb L P:Iee-4 ,tvT la -4 not, fav,t�n�-] Z�'.�.V �'U�'.N��,Sl bn tt'�ei let Israel pas tbftugh now swIng shut them. 'they never tut such a sorry k f -n 6. I r ,-;, Vf'=M. 7.7_1�., gra�n -_,),o�F­-n��nt la I %vaso a elock in which the liwars *,3re � thst ww- ecramn-ne,24 - Ma,d VOt -M.rn- tza' tt�r and ch,i­e To? th � ,v��a I �1. .. the Amethystine and ety8lalline gAie Of figure " when they were on the re- tn--jqg and ur,avo%ts are a�ea po-t- XOV. List, n3a. as i0.;6,,v,s­ tla,� "UntrZ7 E�a-� bb;��n VSZ-L�'�, an'll Pay— it announeed by a phonograph, lfi- W . il', - - the. jordan, to keep tht Israelites from treat AL'ad rMedilally-It ��t�; InOt B-,itter-Onr iaark*lt ,t%pmicil Erm, r-c-IrAS M59ht 'Ge b, -4'c -r reales 'or - Joshua falls On his face in 11 stead of being Struck an chillies. The dutl- 1 1 i ' going back, 'Victory ahead, but water chagrill, It Is the only time You olook exelaims, "lAttention. Usteen 11006WIr-v to W��"It a �ong time IfOr ft, With a lirl'st. inquiry fwr ,Av"�*-At �� ,�,�t�iaplc� gq;q',4R are ftr'run. ' � tt feet deep behind, .tutgInk to dettli I ever ted the �hadck of his head- Ile well ! It 1i 3 oWSOCk," or what�7er du%l h,�tdznr. tut instantly he saw. grade -q. Thaze wer+, flulAdy Pl,!kf-d UP 1, At Vie Co�,,st Iv,L51t�;,,Z,; !.4�,a ,.,�,lffete(x I_rtallu I Cubi-1w. saya th'tt Jesus h,'Id o`O`=1aS- Rnd by M(Y,LdnY W.9 0 _._ and darlmeSS and woe. But 7011 SEW, f -all -t on ,his face and begins to the hour may be. While thW idea 'I ht, the" WaS r. t TrOm tall! wea-Mer lu viou�u­._,,a�va wDth sIon, and t0q,h.,of tb� eyt�.; oi the l4ind great quantitV 1�4t vzw;old. Yestf.-r- It -,her part4 of tlle eountr.v, simqon- W-fty did not these Canaanites, when whine, and -he says: "O Lord God, 1 base been suggested before, the ad- , - �a , they had such a spienoild chance, Wherefore bast Thou at all brought tual corstraction of such. a clork Is man. vollo-wod Jo-ms-N-ne follow ; day th-��re w-ws L,i (juleter 10%-11ng to D'e j 1111-11P UTUP`2 tir-Ini-2; slt),rv. TA he lmabpr In- $ Christ b),ndrolded. Ire firgk bV His litanding on the 'LOP of the bank So -or this People ovet, Jordan to -deliver us i Worth special notice. On a moving V noVeed, And hold�r,4 did not do so wc,B. d1s1tr.1 11ols li,-,en 8-afforing �rom the e openg niom'So ol.VfS, an,] 90 draWs .; ag on Xaiaolay. Th-:�re h" ,been moze, ,zeareltv Q vessels. T,_1 . q, ,t, to of the Amorites, to � c, thpi-e hP,%r-L,#,,tffer Him. Dartutneug W.- 4� ; qjIlry to . f m o I vIluder of wax there Ll registo,'red grac �r r,M1%,-,T!:4,t- C at 33rg for I I d&Af6y# bi%? Would to God we had 6 &t flutiFevAig, &nd at aultable distancev y qq, _n � %T,ItTP,., &TJ,F. , poor Israelites down ift Abe fivekV lowed Je_�w; as Ire drsAnle, to learn of I L txzdlan ruet WALL eom;�� dema--0 fb�-the the 77eetuinzler tta.:Ie !�; thlor. Ade ;k been content and dwelt on the other P tbO W0rdS` to, be rVeated, WhIch Mra and to bear testlmonv to Him ` At Harn,19ton IMIS weelt there hVA as -:' '%Ve oflaote - been a fair nl*v0naPnt, eonsidering will tell YOU why. God 116-41 - are articulated in a strong voice ha �f'r6t Vlme' this sN `>� i3toftilse, and lie was going t.o keep It. side of Jordan. For the CanoLanites without arty nasal twang. xnvChar- anti to Mq power. arid goodilAss. T , choli�est Danish nail smedish, 122!s. to 32, �Zoll`n- --There shall not cmy man be.- able to I and.all tht 5nhabitants of the Ianfl acter of phraze can be subsbtutel best evrolenee of SPIrItUll lllumll'MUOU 4 1263.; choleml L-Itsh, Ir-' t -a 114s.; the ix)nr weativr " a urintet littaod before thee all the &_Yt of tbr shall hear of it and shall envirou us Is & constant, ingaparabla w1h,weace, �,(�Ilolce,qt _�,' S. vala�-& Z!r.� Vria"Y nafftttln-A, .�;�ral.;nln. :10S to 11L,s flfd��, I round and cut off our name from the �, or addeff. There is very little ellange to Joi�u,q eh -%t as 4Tar Lord .and � ch, , . _: goad ;�s ,01 6tapzi, g,36�ts. TnL4 i it renising as v ,),.,cc.st Canow"fan, 106 to 1103. �or most fin . earth.l' I am encouraged when I In 'Ile cific'k-l"e4- pad,pr�Heairy. Ia th? w.1i,V-T;^w*,, I iij, I gut this Is no Place flot tile 'lost to usual, except that the b"It movol- , � _c_zre_J�n3 ��Marld, aj,�,110,u&, stli, condition.9 ct bz:sjn��ss ar,_ soun,j. anEl . � bear this try of Joshua as he lies in ; Chrlstlinla niturwiv rclki:w th-Ir ,.'IV- of a hard-tc-luouth vharixc_t��r, ha,s Wltb ,colder we'Aller there would be, *top, Zosilaa gives therommand. *T'or- ment Isr replaced by a pllon0,,---aPb, i Soar In "thii Nvav"' of life� Where 110 : bro,,1,1ened ,wait ci.r�t I c� y, th t more a-etivity. 11 the dust. God comes and rouses him. .�i d rawl wi he � V�ard, mareb!" In the distance there 19 put in movwnent by th� ald of a inaflq thw follON;:. 11'a 'W.-T.YS W'o Ways - re-QuIt t&xt th.�,re h,,Is lx,an ,a frair turn- 1mp-,Ovti1 weather � ',Itlans havis lit lon�_ g-eOve of 1,rces, and at the end How floes He rouse him? By compli- Weight, whiell is wound lip at any & I 0,,�n'j i I 0i nlp.%��6-rwzo aM pNacf�. Luke adds over, althingh at ,easy fime(�Jv. sJoelIgs materially bettered trad_,v In t1he -of the ,1;TO`Ve Is a city. It is Jericho. mantary apostrophe? .Nro. Ile Says, , time &-_,4J,Vof7. I stenl, actuatf-d by , -it that "all thl people , - "Get thee up. Wherefore liest thou I to ty_-4 accon .tr.� gTaduailv L,< rcolumd in im- Xorthwest. Therc� is mara, farm pra. ci torward captured bN seg, an the minute wheal, receives an Im- I wh -in 1h,,v saw it gave prmiw unto , i;�;tiird hta& IN01- 4qnot,e- V- nest duce being markitte,l at Country - by Herod the Great ' � pulse every )Ialf hour, to be trans- v� XVIII. 43. to 5 4 - upon thy face?" Joshua rl il, I I Go.j." �Iii - � . jp,ompey and once i wh:ta and cO.ored, � -.,, � -so'. f ine POInts, and rctAl sal,,s 11--ri? bj�p , again by the -xHoliammedans, warrantyou, with a mortified 10031, 1 mitterl to a catch, on which olk'Pands TN-i(.k,. r�;. - ,i� Am,1.OnocL But his old courage conies; " -,. -S 111 1 ItA I 11-1 qnf-m Is the � Wh7Lte ;�­ld WM,,, , 9 t :52S. . bul this cil,ryipalgn the Lord plans. back- The I the S,tOppn..ga of tile movement Of wo_s-� L,131i of i 1!r.-azi�xti : th.-).tr� who are � � ,,I 'A ,a largPir. PrIce- contliiju,-, -,,.tL_;1�4y Ila v±bere � ,I te no s%vord,.% no shields, I fact was that was not his battle. If i tbe cylinder. . thu,q affort-A farwy th�,v lrtve a very � SYMPathY With th-1--- e:.Isti�rru z1_aette1w%i, . 1! ____ -_ gle hall be only C �. . ,k Reiff" of a pentliadolar. no. battering ram. I lie had 'teen In it lie would have gone 41 1;-ar v'­l,,n jilere sr _ oil. ,,!Tnlw��:v, of hi -Irl. iiS a ! i , , I- 0 " i I . il �i I! !", I I I, i L , . , I, I i I . I I i I I I . _"nil Chat a rari'.% I on to victory. He ga' ,bers his troops -, lis�ordor ,c,f whI-1, m!,n sp'dl)m MITI- � A ropy of th'a ('riginal Inventor , X row"t Street Ur tf­�c worl'I. One wparon of W�-r TVoman 15111 -Lill- the Han"Aroo. lo' � mil Xd0u_Vr I ; �Iil,t:�' nil him and .ozia-vs: "Now, let us i - I .'ft!n, 'or fT*!_Q1 J:"-J.:"'J tll:�Y �;,-Mo= de. '0! tll�� Plfeetl; <11 IIIIIN do Pci, t sxmwt t"'N'" of (4re,lt yl,,,, . - ,� 'horn, T'ao ;'fr.'-' C!" I" "Iii!-" ran" was %trou w -As sold in a. Lml&-'a auct! n ror,nl jroi�:�,h,, f�j_ - - �,, �:.,?1-­­,t:1." X sm.-.Vegsful .0 a t1u, f,-Z��,Zr�;-n oq')�.t Of J."n . - PIVE !lnli,s were punc- I go and etltpture t' ile% <;-'y of At. Lnt ws ; Amon, 1hi blat-Th hurtr,rA of tcitn- I GIM tO I . rometimes 'Zo:"c'n I - , - - t1w_ tured in it. and then the music!an I go up right awar." Tht-y march on. !q wortcra .t1,q,rp!'..l, .�.j-,i '247 1 land. ,�011t-vlN, a i".r "., 'kit Is -V.rh � arooA ij, . , prayer niu.;,t �qr":.7 fri"'ll thl� 11'aart- t'le, other eft.y. " - . I I . " , o,."-,-.1 rl,.eil. I -t , � troor"; o vvomen. It is it profez.41�),rll I "'A"If"S, I lir �,!, n v,�* It Is lit two vi,�7,mn_,S aml is boan't I lthN Tzarrowf�qt I U!!t lzli, 6tureot in it: Would, put tl-.e liaLln-in'011t, to Ills 1p-ps, I Ile puts the majority of the 0 .1 A ' mv. 1� -lwz�. a.,; 11"j"tv A , &,Ad he vvn'ald rull his fingers; 1 lx�ut Vi, -Y p.?',V,­,1,1 110 , bts. - I t over this I behind a ledge or roclas ill the ul,-zlit. 'i .1nd ther-, tire at I VF Thosug -Thi�..i wlio aro bln�kl in ,,,Io orig" lal grena vclluln, thF' eliu.ps:�' wo,ld. I 1�,11,., _" � Vllt�-h_4 ' I 'i�li � � 11,tealand then Le sends comparatIvely I mn.ka it th-.Ir r%alar -1 u.hie�-- to huat I lift,01co but lit'Ce, ifl,m of the beauty of.. biel,ng letter'eil 11,.",LwNm�sloa tie i ,;�;C, J Ro,V," an I 11" , "l- u!', mr-at g�ves, it's rude musical Instrurnent and M I:- natnra,l v;ji�L4 Vney have no ee Pompadour, Sce=2' greatc�it` vvi,"Ith uo f^1 gtekt -deal of sweet harmony for tile Small regiments tip In front oxf the Und C44W�e= ik"N aT11n_X_-tI3t __ __ t � �_S��_. --_-__._____�__ .it.V-P4- gnebv& — . — —