HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-07, Page 2�}g��c�i - ..I•,, tiiidik3 a ' " ._...,....� ____ . I i i1a ➢) O hT A1, A CHILD. 1:�ut This C1irMllte all 14,21 •13 Is I1n- __ . ___-- All TN'WIFE, ._._._..._....- . . rn %..• %3 a '�� '4 'P.. i'.a. i pr180110tl, for Life .Lt (Deaver. kms. rel '- H 1! : t _ pu, 9 wTier•?P a...J� t. .y P,.. 6,_�t - aa. W#iU a't ,3a;),�i ,IG '}xl,I ftr.+y., Imprisonment for Iife ('vas. the sen• T • III t0 t_116 Grave. tP.11'Qe passed upon all eagle which -y- he Things She in I LH h : visited Denver recently. `Elie offence .earns 1H a 0 . . -„-, ryas attempted L.11ild stealing, and C Earl, Dawn, -+m*•,t'` tt, _ n . --..,'C', r £:t?`tII'Calrat >t TPp' 119-17t crli•'F°&"'l'Ciat, a`"II Sll��. A: Ti.olang t.std3• alt Ceb011rg, Out., the PrWont:r L, already biting at the bears of the old Wghlands town jail, - L "t ^ ,%rP 4,'t L `#! N s ':)trig fly 1, Wl1W,0 Ooie Was Pronousnood W111-011, 'low doe; ditty as an eagle cage NOT AFRAID OF BURGLARS, is Rheumatism o£theba.ck. Hopelcs,:;, 'rells kfo--v $hc Regained In r the City i'',trk menagerie. Two yvires wliic:h are strung across� ('Wonsan at Rosaze,i The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. I£ the kid. ]E3esalth wd Mtzten„ tlr--•,c). Y.esson to the hlWII lit the C'oilrt house yes. .Llhe girl who marries an editor neys did their work there Mothas�. terda,3' morning saved to four-year- should possess liar soul in patience, would be no Uric Acid and .w ('t'r ..rte. aT ,. _ d`ae.. t.c�~ old boyfioin fceiing the talons of and, like the lady in the Proverbs, no Lumbago. Make the Anaemi ., Is the term used by doc- the eagle Ili his tender flesh. That find her comfort in "looking well to kidneys do their work. The ` ttya•as to!I)li=sl=e laa'yert}• of t.lus blood: '.t zyas ..fie intrntlon of the bird when the ways of her household," She must sure positive and only , ,+ ty:P pre5'1iCt1CP. of tliiH trouble is it stt Doped d.izvn to cora 3• off the not, like Biauche Amory, require de 'have cure for Lumbago is — ,. J J V a sE a_.. ,:11:41 there can be little doubt, but grandes emotions, or a stormy a" of 5*47 -., r'�ap `7J._. - '•. ..fc 4., r I+ao..,t il.:r 1'10% espoc'laliy among ttl;tit it cocci:l liaise done so is doubt. soul ; for there things dalnand the at. i �'� P ,o ty.611'r t G :r. £ rift V, )zs .rig girls, a1l•,1 a large It runnt.age full i tentions of as thoroughly unpreocen- ll 1 v ' rf f emy tf.tat `a 'v e,':er'mrw of Vi•;• altogether to-;> nuiuerc,ue, TAP 01111*1 was leaaauig over the roping of the fountain on the lawn Pied husband, She musts not be vain of her accomplishments, for her hue -L.11— - f _ tlf klir nf;. II -f-;;*.,1f tt l3x°:a E $, fl�Q$.r a:,,.e'3a+. ,w. eaue tfia``nL,tlnp°tian which tlnaluall3• of the Court llonse playing with a band will think nothing, of going to xarag a ountry have their ori- dile "Nxit to the placid water. sleep during her most masterly 'ef- 0 gin ill 1,143 trouble. T113 first indica. • uslzn Stoddard. a clerk In the county forts at Mozart or Chopin. She willr riaenlia is a pall*, sallow tion of adney trcasiirer's offivo, ivas in the store- roam, which is in the basement, and gradually accustom herself to are - Bard her music in the humbler light or waxy co"'plesian. This is follow- lie h=appened to look tip in the sky and of a soathhi9 soporific -a salve for her ed by loss of tippetite, frequent t iw an on -le soaring cit the height editorial martyr, just returned toher 1xia4.-ch,m. indisposition toexertion, or several hilnllmd feet. Tlie great from the rack of office wtuk-- the P ill's sv,-eldng of limbs, violent heart pal- laird swaan"• in a circle high over the hons0tops a'nd then began to swoop c"111-0111n."Jugsuernaut of politics. She "'list not rebel if, like the husband pltation and frequently fainting fits. lo%rer and lower. It came clown to in. "Elizabeth's German Garden," he Tlsase s,'-ialptoms may not .all be pre- about tItta height of the Cciirt hou=se frail "to speak a single whole sen- eimt, but the more there are the tower. then folded its wings and tence in three weeks," and she must - . greater the urgency for prompt droppn(l straight for the unsuspcet. (",)!Ill. It was none before Mr.! expect but few endearments and-_ relaxations. An editor does not, as FEd:l) THE TREES. treatment, which sllnuld be persist- f ;to lard could shout a warning, and a rule, bring his wIfe home enticing _ ed In until ,ill araL,.as of the trouble ' the bird wn-ild have landed direetly Parcels from Fullers, or bouquets Where People Want Leaves Piled l have y n; :t �1:1Lr:r* the thou- on the ('idol had it not struck the from cove.+t Garden.$is rvif must en- q Around Thein. b atinds rtit, a:a;,z b. a•n brought Haar 1 ' wires. 'Cl1e fore? o. the blow was such t11:zt the yrgr,s were torn from their clure his absence for aft least thir- teen hours out OT the two tysSour, It is said to be most essential to the growth and vigor of trees that ,to the b inS or the grave from this fastein:ngs at one end, and the bird and must tolerate the fact that his the leaves which fall, off in autumn trouble, ane ultimata -1y restored to fell with a righty spla.,h st:anaed in- ane-als, his waking and aleeping should be allowed to remain on the Iwalth tlzroligh the use ut Dr. B+)'3•d, to the basin of the fountain. hours are all extraordinary and ir- ground and thus become a fertilizer ; An estlmabt,> younig lady whose 4 The little boy screamotl and ran for home, while Mr. fitoldard rasa otat to regular. When he comes back to dhi- ➢ler an hour ]ate oyving to the stray for them.. ThIs is certainly nature's provision, and yet how often they home Is at Cszb.mrg. Miss IS )yJ gives find a spre=ad of black winge which f=all of some belated lunatic at the are collected and otherwise disposed tier experleir'e as follows-- alniort filled VIA space In the basin. office, she must bear, un- of, especially in the case of shade „ It Is Hardy twill years s;lnee any ill- The caglf- app -trendy was dead, but after Iming talon from the water it murinuring, complaint's of the overcooked trees on the streets of our town, for the of ness firm i% ou••neezd and altl.a1ug11 i revivNi awl fraught VieWIlAy with its dinner. She must resign herself to the sad fact that purpose makingit easier to clean away the snowrvhich vsil:ally I was d oct.sring ni,ar:• or less 1 re- ' ceived litt:, or w) bG nefit, its the 11,1 yving3. Moak and taait'anti. It was put brow her husband has barely time to no- falls Shortly after the leavens. When doctors dao, 11 t st>.nu to Amderstaa d 1 ',: a gl-wl tit- Park (4-onlnl,slcnprs notl1pol. L-tt'pr In the clay it wna3 I tree her or her follettea; she may evarn near 'tile Brame dress for i the tre:'s art• deprived of nature's fer- tilizar in t:;is way and nothing else nay trkediih'. rvo , agars ag.a my l:.'teltla brise lit e;t, b:a4.i that, another take Il to the City Park an 1 psis in t1Qm r,➢r.=. '4Ir.:1+;.rliiar,d is a inkinib:-r six 11101AIL4.:and If there happened to be i a strike o-1, or a (Opontal i I, "I',h.I " a f; +tl stitute It can Scarce- I. is won+lerc,l -it it they make aia.."Catr was a allmi in. anal Ito, stated tl:oat of the r -,A -_I4 -a a+t.n In, tn'111P tine st;pta- I war, even it n('w budget, it will mattior t I1oor & owtb and present a stinted and MY Pa:s> rva4 a r -w c at --ere 4 tc;1aP of tl ai'rnln. izn.I tl:.aw rvl➢ilii I u a l.atisrpl t1vit if t'a'i, bir:I ,11P�I the, boil'- i Thi little. for lii•h e;C�., ;ire fixed, sea to 11 st=arved aplwarariee, falling an ears .e COMM h0pa lwa thsY trould,,, head pro- I nllnntdal p;•i'cpal 10.4 t'.r lot, stalfft-41 el:lR1 rto,arltT;l far :114• I t,J_Y' rwml of I spray, on I3orrio1)of,I a Gha. all t through three roilrses pray to insect p:•,t.9. in mains' pid)& p"rkas rulers tfllp yaitae of tlae folie** gr^ sed vo. .^�R.'I; :t A t;tgi- rlaa:t lip „ con-.. behl . n I t=tip .,,yaa.� orf ra carr. ,, Haan npM ittr" ♦6`i s Viral is :ala nri-lin,111c I4rg" it1a.1; I and a ,la9S- ecrt. Like TrolIcap 's hero of -t'1` 1p 1 I Thrpe talerlm" "Iiia le•lyo'iq is known ng a fertilizer strict laijunetlons are anile against their At tpais Zhao I was zaq r as^,t w4 e'1➢ialk. e a ase• s,txacil�Fn 1 01 -Tip. % rr-n,nate„ew x•a^ tlp.ph ltgvo T,np,na P '. 1➢part I s flu )ilia i aff'a4n' r, ➢ . ihuy heart fie .1lwass there,” lrro , 4 ,� , »a. her i,e 1 fie • 1 aI l+ l la:rear 'i`ho ,4. 1 ,;, D w,l:.3atil : L'i . l.i@FD"^" tl6a7L'ca `.s•➢+ ta➢: a . ear tu%(" t avli x �Y>,*:➢ ^Iia"ai f'a'• el*.v I'➢t°-Iv, .1➢➢1 It is l ilip u"a.- I ' tm! tl!u r'.' -r-nt. sntowq "e9 Tana:I itis rr`.tn rarity ghts the revPr d on slztP'Dl.l be file Ialrr with Ta•garal to tat ra':uta^r. .Mv ro oat, an -0 Unit), rv.',tal@l ' « !'Dat+ wtvantSao-"', i sD e .'a'Bra•rD . ^ansa* t * r. of I➢i.H na@Sea$. Itis r." loll ..p I l rattrution Is ',•tea➢r•, sltOp trees in Oweal Sound.---O%ven vo t11R1 a'a tispr *, srvt�ll. clla ! rv. + ally. arA. R Y-:l.l. II rr.a� ta,t,T.t IIs, ion _ wt,1 roar tntkn pa a. ➢+, p3,�ta°ear l; ata:al.aP an. , r foo. t ren wllpn ;Chan are ° «Goa:Da9 'your iw4 t to plitcrtaairt Itlatr It1 4115 _ _ _� : %;1..:;,ai: 1t.a.a•rw.Iti•-Q, eve•ye•rt', - Uyour It(W)r way Mo b it Corn,.! Corns. MAN ATv"'YD 1.115 7i`ROU-13F.l+ay Substance of a Recent Oration tat the lfathers' Congress. At the fathers' congress, held in this city shortly after the aadjourn- m'ent Of the mothers' . oongress, Tied Presbery delivered an address on "Maty ; How, When and Why is He ?" He said, in part— "Man that is bona,. of woman is of few days arch full of microbes. He �PPath out of bed in' tli'e morning and his feet are pierced with tiie tack of disappointment. He walketh th=rough the streets' of the city in dale pride and glory of his manhood and slippeth an the ban'anna peel of n-afortune and unjointeth his neck. He amaketh the cigar of content - meat, and behold, It expiodeth with a loud noise, for it was loaded, He slideth down tine bannister of life and encounters many silvers of tor- ture. He lieth down to sleep at night alod is stung by the mosquitoes of annoyiance, and his framltl is gnawed by the bedbug of adversity. what is mam but the blind worm Of fate ? Behold, lye is impaled upon the hook of despair, and furnishes bait for the leviathan, death, in the fathomless ocean of time, Sorrow and travail follow him all the days of his life. In his Infancy he is afflicted with the worms and colic, anA in his Old age lie is afflicted with rheuma- tisin and ingrowing toe -nails. He marryeth a ea'oss-eyed woman because Iter father Is rich, and findeth that she hath not sense enough to fry the festive chuck steak. His father-in-law than moakeyeth with options and go• eth under. "What is man but the tumor on the neck of existence ? He plazyeth the ?rakes and betteth laic all an the brown mare because lie hatli received a tip. The Sorrel gelding winneth by a neck. Behold 1 lie runneth for of - 11(•e, and the deed -beat pulleth I1M leg ever anti anon and then roteth for the other man. He exa•Itetta him- self among his p-ople and sivelleth wlth pride, but wimil the Totes are counted he fflndPtll that his name is mud, He boasteth of lois Strength in Israel, but Is buten by a red-headed mala frorn tine BIo dy Third. IIs go a:tli forth to breathe the fre,li air :fatal meditatr upon the r °lnity of all earthly thing*, anti fie aeco,ted by a bank ca4lhlpr with a sight draft for $300. A politif-M Pnpznr ]lpth In wait For Irina in the market phiop Land 1 rr'alireth ar inti Iiian, crowing like a ctx 3[. .. ip• - h Iw 1 men i9 notlDint; but ti wart on the °naavh of nature --a bunion on p t11f' for of tine -ti freckle on the f3`0 of thry 1;11&-Prstt:'-Shl'I L°ako � Ilpra"J. ' x a P a e r s , . rPrs p a w I al ut: t➢ , .r b @ f L4 c ➢ EY art l f 1! I > . . I 1 I ,. n 3 Ii't p a n + i- a E➢ t' �P•. a rt rN P. rr D :at I a • 9' ,al 1 , Y. lh � a "fico r , t; rata i P ice*, a s t,. e• .� •a . . n n• m lE a1- , i l n@ 4 a tl a�•. ♦ o+ n a➢ lie a , 1,51 ♦,^ ,a a ,1,I a ti e r6, . t t•" C I rl G1 1� I ;a. . d pp 4. E- ^ n e . -R • .:rAt tla' l8 t salt ry om ts-'i.'a:'.1 ';G tit i. ..t1 " • or ;a GQf•rt: 1it14at\•pfn, or ta�'.elety Y Sr°, rr,r4• Ltlatla riit@le>Bif+za PIearea ilii^ ain*, 1n '@fpai.aDry of f4fDlr; Alfred. tlrtlII I ala:C^I t+ aa'+h"1 a o,Ut.➢ .DoE CCI' , 4, . . ➢ a +hDe Ptirt IaittDaaaan: u . 3 art + ','6 is rt.➢ 0l, th- ar.twbvl`•',«, an0&Rlil thilh.-4. ThorL ls, lla'D pvPr, r Cam Lswavcur. 'dry"it. Atdru iat% Tit •t't'lrY'7a+1I 111"111040-1I to MMX Alfrpel TSJ^i'aw lrar •➢2i ty rp 144,',6 aye" f t fled 1; °' I « a a elYF.a Duii' @,3e@+ ati-^ll t6D tla4t4i riDla If llfI tIe tir•l:tt. at .11" fat et. + Ikltweit tl➢tir I :vn I ' `tv .t V;l aM. ft a. eCla 'i8 rs r' 1aD'at. Sit°t-olltr'• ♦ t ' I ' - • o ,. 1' lea,,,,: t., IIs - nut• r", 4t, A;>`tt :-.h arc„ t,P,t l' a°.;;la 9 in t➢t btll(=P',St tilrai* In tial I f� r:arikle"t 11@rp at. titin. rslti -it i •• to I+ a ;t�trrt. l IDo lt'iaru t �s tl:aat & to a .a i4,.^. - P6 4' '-I; ra tall4• ;<[➢ l ±tMs eton;a ,n I .., I"I Ito it Ina wft r t'"t E" " ":.. p • ,.^• pa a,:f a rc:ll{Iaaa 1 S�aA ,;a, �. IatGlraltllr;♦ fcAl;'••i hoitla rvaaa* tlnrl VIQ l I'r.anittr rcn:S b1thing, ow shay witli t4'ri R'Jt;TlatQa.l. %011 I►l•Yab•t1)1,g I► • urate of ll ,.a':u°f" oaf 1v " «• . r.> Nni :C n. I:F:a ° °i ^3 ' •ti' 4e, t aTn I."., • ,^_ .r it ..>r e<:.,.."Mt. Wit $ pr,. Nrf m, t►$ .114 I' nrC%.JW"an %Wirt his. • 1.:,= d*lr@r'r➢1Date.,i ra`1Ca�➢4 hi!t + , 'til t nnk t 1"oirvgr.%,"F it. 4-,t4;7 to D �' > c, a. p l►tg; t to csira l f tea uip ►r p t (* u Cp. 6G'•. < r 8 Ca''aa tail.'• 9e9,.F:. to rlal i a♦ 4' a.:'. 4 149 ^=p . EIl f98 t;F) fr"ati�'.l craft- ttrFt A W4 1 why tis Lt"%ile ji,4, I a la'14, iia 11tat tit) ml iNlt'8➢I;J :Q"•'Lai alala°1CF'4I i tu;`@a ;;QC tit ` hh" al !o,. i. tt,I >.ct,..ph 1pary,,- ;r P act V. �, ,ons Ilui. ` ar6 � t r;a intrithi p . -°%I, elo., ar." .iw I'ditor's I Ir r:a a➢a .t l uff'ov rvar,4e.. He i,,aol@=111) DI@ltat• i4 y �— S"YI+'"p 41�aa Y Vi 4';. Al aQi:�@ti'•�I tr @ a�;' ta'. L-'i.i P r .''l ` alis' + I,.A x,: -:l rgo. �a' ,•k' IIUa f. i'a a�b+Y;+i a.:i AluD'p tllrilrt� y @°:.F rL4f' a� la;4rl@n;tt��'; It t'x9�e �•tl ♦ to at�•i as iaF@a1Y all.'i flap a°''a i • 1 iD 'h "n %` - I' � �.t"il'�" . t cr "t't °a SG - r tD 14'1 htat"l 'tai nl:• •` e- ° � .Da 3aI .l nDnWUI L6ta1lYQ@"l@' t 0.rt h t#Cit Pt In 1` t -s,.- L [o : i. • .:a' 660.1 ne t t1, bM: uut_Y r 64 , .. l*lb"mMs ]VIN tial] I L�'•°:*fit lie shrlpkot, t %Vs r ra a n n u ➢ . , r a •a I r @ . V- � a `; a @. t 6 tl. ➢ — r4 ' l- . a 3 i cal• f9u➢ ;., •, . a " +, ' ,^ 4s 8 ➢ r➢ 111 . I @Ir.Jiat at dlta I r;'uiI t@pIig , - ., t . t. Ian . P a' �o ]:• �a hO w-, 1a 121 [ G+ sail • +h,l4D t Ill tile• f"taru4 al'ar1'il nnil I; as 'Mira 1 !" I` i o %3 c•tt'tanle Gen. IliO3er. Capt t "itl a � ,? 1 oo 8'% la,,,,_ P1 tttpt . V. ► + t A ) it Iti �a :7 n,. aa. u..a•, r'<8t 1t ae1 l' 1444• F+l►:4 r$r1aG"'' t6't^t ,a °tri "•' FaM9 �- __ ,w�_��._," . . a.': Y r a ltiorh,t I3` t l fG k p o A ` • 4 a ro' Y`x.;rua;3r] o '6' 1:, :1 u t:•,act"tI .'32u?;Lga" k " Ii Tit C'tare tl &"i lq III tip "rit't, 44 l'n3','1°ar8 i *.Fria+°', ;dots tt,. L'y ".a an,', tteaD, II iu.ac,- ' . ° na° ire+ -.:'f 5 It to -°E.' V,> 1� Deatl.a,ls ► I lea il)eae 0.bLat r:, a .. - !C .1 r :: .• p N,, %-, •'ty ° I -%, ao' ...I,'w` o"a . '. h , e 1 r- ti@Pkat+ @ `, ar."''s''NS , t"naDa"ut ". I l a: « .2.1I.Fat cw brae• l:+ .aria �'t;r:'rn1l=. 1t"1 rC t;a t ,'^i $G G'JL ,1 „.:a r0'dt.0 Na_ a •tie rat8ti tbF1 Il.afa t.,_D1nP't^ t"z+a=lto* ti�.p.@ouattn `I401.o"".r, 611' : -1-Mo!- a .n ,. , 'P 4',.,, .-� ptsaal A ^..n e, , '„ o 4. t .. a .. ter.._t', ff,r #loan r'ia " .:, n tt::^ mla A to I:"'t t:u ,,t t„ art i tette It' a •. a 1., a '.1otr►a I. l li s : i a d cu:: i ,t .? a,%.l r ➢6 a. ,4a o Y,,. I.r 1. a f tela* V, JJ - r 4t' l p i _.. Gr. ;r- ye==ll➢'= n a.« . . 1 :: , : < ... a tC. ➢.BtUal A e; ° . P ..P. . - q .., s p {!(p .. i4 _ aha, c,' A.:, t .a . » @ an.tadc.a r.➢➢ 8➢u roll a a wll. 4.ait° ,.? a :r:t r a'' , •+:•: 4, J 'I ;:'•. at• I. `,°+d; s a� '11 u_. 4 a• nolt",*Nt:A'a3 , Dpi ,a r wa r V0. In t. voe-InlaidCa''°:tive ;!<ld..) _ e P reu.t ,vY^Ya. "si.IIa l;aiv. "1 aC@ IaQDI:e a4f w•4 (9:+•2• " . 4 ., 1 n i l ry"' 1«ax 'l :k n t .a" _'- antro-'u'r Irl'i re's..«ivot 1 .`t e4st a< a n .- iu a t : i" '. u .l? 6v n.:; c;4 n 7 t".a" 3' v. D lY' 4 4♦.ft t,a :a aa'nturol w. Itit,s w p= r, .t F a. a xaa4tdt ltat w a t# n .. d tI Well. t IT • s c1.8. -,..Z. 4P .' ,r y, n, ,,:,. ., n ,a. nr ,j ;•i. 111tt! 1 `'t v'• :'tt (11r»ta. *oro:>@ a- ,� , 6.',+,3 P * a'a o6. �'a tie i e ,t $i. p::i a -_ d r: j(.#„ 7 , . -'3 t-_,._. i, 4`.': u, I uA'-4, a ,: a 113.,1'1 tea' � .. ♦ v r9T0 l,ru.t:1 :51,PT` + ,M1 ' m'.f.&,-.O-,N, i a t4Y a a l w6'Y l:•. Iti"es aa. a' ,� 1, .,,.. %--r," li' :: n . ;I. t`a 13 l' t F II'e t4r ,A'�35I a ..t'= p a ,f u d Y"d Iti*+tt IDrk'1�1,fi Grtr13 Iatf►9tettitl �� t5a➢fi:tvBPs?: I r. .... G:,«. r'i, �. „n .: „;, p !: 9 1 :+„ r,a 'I lea i 1.' a u,3 : 'a�@a.•I& am odor➢ @!It Iar ♦ a,++ II ,,tV_iw' ,,in 1, y , a�---'-__ ,_ ...�.:_ _ 'avJ' 4.':: t r,+";,w i:$"@,'8' 7 iii: ve}'YC2.:d . . w . ! ' C9'.ta• 5413 pVV v Q' r , T '' .�_._ ± ,, 4# A ':i.t. n i aJ , » , 6 tt:M lits# raaatl+E?r➢➢ �t-tc�ti'iwa t,.a. I. tU."at. t.o '° x .X.warlM'_1'= "i.'PN°ww .r J (i. ,•hI1�,•+t- .'ww.:.a:.=�.�+v;;,a,YxA.,..r.. w "wlw -&sa.-., t, ..-a r, 4� ,i.�::'.tt.. jl ns ..11r°l , +�°a9'y ::y ♦ id_,.,+ S -Seca e•E*rti"''<'t?'i t@1iI.F4 a�? tf•.':a' "!,Iauolut4. 4,waa.araF ttiir,"a t 1% y F, ES l t $ 114 tuna) t:"ria c.• AI 3','i s . "'a , a� u: "i , i.;a 4. c .td :ad} .- 11DII :ln T-41"'tlbei W. . t : $D . J as f +r tGd,a , n$a+netaaII.,trt dalala,,,ar,.;,d p y�yy, �p .y '� 0 ny qa I.d & .,i+s t d'•y t : J: • 1?i'la°&¢';dB's:+. !�'o . 7 A� + s , p aaWle�l :ts;4a:1a-P5° t. a$°aa�l, 't;'i!pa•tt ntFn i:Qt �: 1 s Y Loa t7,)' .s? .�....,, ""�.. » ', .w t ..I. +r , . ytt _@ rwillli 3 I4: -r issue Alto a ..-al 4r :'6' ' � , _..3. �. ed e,1 .n "__'#�h}: da riit`�'l. a - � ':,. 113''-,a9. a. CJ7,n d"7"i an II �r g� sx is°Q"' to"�:+� 1t-% -:.t •. +.. :?jrt'w 'U .. •. 11 t.'.P'"n'iP up:%? Ii rJ,l°�4 .•u' 7` 14S u➢T.a'slt,IF;'Fl 'a'; fit na`"♦ N r..Y lE%r Ate.° t'fta in'i4 rNa:TY .o itv:.`J'&8�1.7 ��. "`wt� Lung r�° q w r o-. L u Q ."i H p :. :. ..a. :r -„+a . . r is ttaa Iti, ITati,`nt' ♦ �J ; 1 Fd9Ja --. t -I ,:e 1! r v@1` :i{,b+.il hdpi�, Di w�,1' '.9 . 1 , 1•.l v t . t . l f;a . - G P. if:..M .� v cr]$l& lm a' c ' l^£a' dtt"i•it_ 1t`ua a . 1 rot t. `r r„.. J {, 1:'t 4":,u ? -' ,c1 l`l: .. a ¢ 7 1 Bina . R� ,y ��r” a F'a w 1 ,I R. .. h iii n , ' f 'a .IQA' Ir ..•, s11r or�.e^9 ''to 9a 1`e' u:�:P? pt�'Ppl;<9a*�-. r � t+a_tly ,lr9➢a p'Q':'JQ- . �:'4 'II ca ,,;�_ n t".L r fc: .: i1 a•' ,•_ a: 1 1.,,''7 r r 4a dl hN l:at ;t ,I sap, i 1 cls :I - n N.a :: ` Ev i „,1;4' .3 �":.'1 0 " If ,c i Ips 11960 a ftMtJ1(P Lp. g . % te; attly 10 L'T - it .... ..y , .. .ib Tn"„ e . k�A,1'., , t '^"-• ;In�"i�t. t'.,Itpt; t , tar,, ��yr BALSAM ,p, C t v%,0%#,, w i' 1" P r, .. ' i 7:7 Ri f ;;P p1 ".tu"fl t It tD r�'w;:t",aaF u,• $`Gn941tl1rcf[,Ct14tGaf:, r. , r a a. s v ll a3 �. L r �p l C l_. ' i1 C*ti:; 7.7 ( v,lt a lu r n 1"� t_Ln'. . {�yap,�.w�vy+MW SA��',Y I:,; nn. .l;.w 'Kh t - 't,:.a—., q.;' ) It .,,_ R D,.,- 'Wtlf „tie .IIi. 'cA'�. �N U @' - t r S' a si "":'LAC -.' 0:,. M1 @9. t t r A �letei.l:a .alt?J_€c' tcp;Nv ttNtrd:a�;ll ac.,. 1f �rLra_a_t--CE;pe ' ii4t't,VA01t�7.V w;n .e%,< u 1- ts�:i•'4 ti, a re .;q Ti, Iti ia';,' P*: m 4;,"_ is NT it t sN ,ro zlfia �' lar r lV , l,i l d rya>. 1, '6111A yam; +A.. �.a • . ?to.Y f <a, T " r : I, l t$°,,,nt:." E•r amo, •.. a t 1; t 1.,gi r fl=at i4 191 1E17 ➢1it'Le tta d. B�1 �°I a'.[7:j° 4�f iiia iia:Yu, l�^c 64, r,, t .. Iii 4711* il• ..t�- ,,..; li la)1 , tl l 4,. c:el,l V a ,t-; C] L:ti' Z' t.:' S iD : np aa9' 9 to l^U7ro d?t."�,•it'u ..^ plum al�l`i?r 110e .:www�w'"�bwrn..,r'r _ M.P.. t", d'.i":.,d°, t'u:l'.a9.;i9. pat $-r�,y: E1Ja"r f i..i, �'(- t ,g thl t.'�; v y r v, 'h, �r" U. k,' -0 :: ('" � : r, ,.i, n e, . t t� <: .t`a, a )„ '1}u . F±:y ,.., m +:llt un FCr'4a. + '" , a.n - - .":�...:- - ..... _111 At "] _ ,._.•s :"Tr=ot> v l r1�op*il'. r. ; ,u ,�,. �: f"f F"'I�?a r fa t I tt e`« i d tr - — J5 S%$ ' ,. ....3. N t Q4 rL pt_i d ➢u_ „ q ro .. ,I 'f T:'•; �'_ 5"u DeflhU?.°�,'t' .,*'" :t ros't - I' �,. !M1rn ��T IS' r�.�`a�..� .Y._..,�e:a t a " !. Q'f la., . lYty* D t ,v� �ya. .xad:J ,- . tfr,W frau tEpi�ri teas .. M1j c l t6a - i, .:'. ;r ',• * uR ,a:; "' li 14 Ct 8 ::tF ru4 hnn3f n Npr+fm.-1 ,r. _ " ,1 ! ( a fd, le"v 4C _9�g •a -.ca ue, 'Fauwt:9 '>r-LftC)A17E�1. I eT omit," C,+. &1Jt`1a t'th-AtO�'^ ml€2'1�',��."". I Ci.:ta:rl:� t:L Y, t'7 "':: , n J, - ti ,;`+ '+L SI: 'Yet I ..a ,.. _ _- .. _ .. : .'I', t;;l I,- u : {. r t 1 _ r F _:-G,__,"-p4�p vv',V"..•,-- . ,:','la �. •C rp-A"3rr- i�l 1 t n. a x tx ]. d -d p1 %..• %3 a '�� '4 'P.. i'.a. i �. >I 1 t._".4 J@ @P� a �-.�.. G 3t1C:1I1''v' p�`r9t F,Pi."S• kms. rel '- H 1! : t _ pu, '1 v l;45%,lt s J_,t, P9:u n' *Phil; t"141 It"90 1. r 9 wTier•?P a...J� t. .y P,.. 6,_�t t'J _. _ g'.,rt. 44<':.P.f li}3v,.C.+II-J, �i7a tv_:? a ray_Yy1 h -Y_ :I•cJ •+.,w.?.....:JY. Y1r.-A,C•. fi'2,`t7@'sip6.Pi' Gd aaTtJr1'u1C-'La's a'Dti ir"a✓s'n.f�P-.;--y ry ti ol!) 1 4 t" - Y V.-:".%, "Wl ..Ars f!,2.il."'F'J r v, MIA- dill' c:sta h'Ns'•a r4+'f."'nt ant] i. -i+ Vy'."t' JxJ zat,+ sr7 - 4 "`.1" ', •'r` : ]w -`I r r spir>:7: it ",.-, 1." 1 er.,`?Ir: z„ of <': •Z.e1,Z;i e5tae ar. st?m. h?4te L�� .:�-.it`n. a." i r:�,, "n t7•C '14 'i , $al!t C`4nlM-42•i:F' '�t;' IF- P11,',BTile 1r:0179tiatu?`- IDr �-a ,yT - t C ''",J it ,•7.,q tltW? N)rnyci5_+":, -7gtr@ � C,`tIpg_"J 791 l'7 s w Ca E'v < .r .,, ` ^ Q7 l l+ l_ Cr P.•a9 i9II.o L¢¢gI74°14�,t to n" • ,C{.Y..-.P RLt�'J.nti�.' Y'af ., L.+: .� _: L. -i pY`t ID!--,ri'i.- i - Q_A4at.si8 ,� Vp3".g7,, :jt a:7L.r'Ya,� 1'.'R Yr'•i�'lt, 1a tr8 -+m*•,t'` tt, _ n . --..,'C', r £:t?`tII'Calrat >t TPp' 119-17t crli•'F°&"'l'Ciat, a`"II Sll��. - . _. _,_____ _ .1 - , 0 t1s � o� 4;. Lor ,, its PAY u>e ry_� 3fcvll' 1Il. c" 0i.• -.a.- ;R. L "t ^ ,%rP 4,'t L `#! N s ':)trig fly 1, . to it Y^:f_ '+flr. �.. r : til'i . .UJ 1.45•,154 w p—t V.,. J, Fitr,r:a,,4e .fins<] :eto�; V..p 1, 4: '�a tCCE-.7%. _. 'i c r z_f, n t. 1';, •,7 .'f'.' _= :D . ' 1 ' _ - alai s t K J C':: 'Fa:. e p "_ a • ,A las. -zea; C< t � „? :t➢7fau :9pri foe•, if:] :. _ it n-: L. . . W .ir i"si[fiS v:.-J•h:, _ ,� - ° c ,.S Y?. af-'4L�p-1 LI : ata . ,7 t.rl p - Lri''llap i<9_';'i'.., 7;,& C A- ,C -,a^ ..._ .. V53 .'•3 .ia1Fw%cS : ,. u --_rr t✓f;; t .._ - G4,V y t u , xr�TtaP"•• 11 J 1 ,,.. y ,.:. �r .:.-. ... , -.:. "- n;s..) _•9, LI2': D,inLljv p " ill► r•• ,. t✓'4 'a J_J L) - J3B:"1 tr. a~ +1' .;: - 1h`.i d I 1 +".td U'- ;*,:'*tier LmJ c .w ('t'r ..rte. aT ,. _ d`ae.. t.c�~ _•_� Y -� Y ,.L' 9, L i)=,r '�.rn...i `$"a-0,-;, e'�,u=� n1: �.. t- -- .uY�l... .c ,:� .. _ ill lr_:' i�,t�}vv.'• 'I .tL __ x U ,21=Jr.,. ;'l. .3•.__ ..:..............:.:__.._- .I •.. _ .7r- '�U,'C.+ •_• . F1 ls El�amow_.�Sa_.. .. J I`r � o � 5 ) �_ -a-,!. r, le w r) -y 1i t l 't� a 9... C" w "' , n n x r i f — ,. J J V a sE a_.. ¢'a'� 6.7 Qt .: �"' e Cd' . t-t. V 4_Y- 't ..: e;Ctl3 * a r: * C q'.' a" of 5*47 -., r'�ap `7J._. - '•. ..fc 4., r r', W, ". ; J * " ➢., x a]�,�`.'+r.c ?'a'ri• .".• Lt' GJa "` a d ,aha C 'ao d IM_ _ iV .-C:• 1�' '- t i �'� P ,o ty.611'r t G :r. £ rift V, aS V•x6�faE.:Y r L \. 1'yJ '•� .r (-P"_--•.S c p p,r qr in 4', C3°t b 1 tJ yG1 n:ss Jr, y4. Y_ "iR' X - E. at. tIYJ 7 C� V:A M".1 t vl' L i ,, + •, , ll 1 v ' rf f emy tf.tat `a 'v e,':er'mrw s` t L V +✓nru- f N. Paf r f r y r Czi i tm Sa da. W t ,�%$ N 11 a "St 2 : 'nT Il- -L.11— - f _ tlf klir nf;. II -f-;;*.,1f tt l3x°:a E $, fl�Q$.r a:,,.e'3a+. 46n s r t of • ,,s , '� ., % u 11 Y s ruLra's . +" 1 e: 1,ii1 l a', .aF. yil '626 ♦i... i',_'r s. i• i . J G . - . L r. r r +. 4? zjra_ 4._ If.....;! n�S:.rsay' $Sa.iLa a.L"e:'t.>i..E9 Te? a.. 4t.a„•'e' 1s+..0ry .a 'try _"%— ._..J�'Y.LLJia',. ;- ;fif"nn an nrnn @f':`tala,�c VV#fa4 _4"..,,.,YY �+,'i.`1Du`4II'..^l u�....,Y 4�..-..�. 1'A Once e47ifuD '01 gar, O'ne'-laa�,IIII nit. cin.t.•s i .t• r4• Tryi4@„ ¢1;0:114.- a trd of batter, the 'crvhs"e- ori' tvvo Ta re 1,. a t:e " 4; �:i pa•tt hn c,nl,y egg.. � n", c-apl'u; of Mm Bk, 'o":3e t"bie. Yt $erw s s 5 n .,t a tlnie aas etc s S-Im l at of IMM t-xtra�et, and ane tectal tI -➢a;."l,,-­'=,31 rf t:: a V?nil3r➢ :, tenspootsful +of' bakir g Powder. rJour IlaS nt rr a t. a a aC'6 b, . 1, aaal l raia°sy J' V& stir v'e- stiff. i*Jac,e Targe ,spoon - res -44 ,9,islla.,y c 7 ails 7 Yale, stroiLt fu.e 1013 FL ai 'n Ot equal distaaaiWs tL'13 r61i3 S.` :i rr,": iJli,• r".'"r'srfi. fl`I;? : :.''p'`l.i'L. all;, "t11'!71'Q,rn �!$i(`l,:i;8' In 'T, 7hhiP�". ase laayi- a a cn :.in1 ryt l:be it ani- :G *Seal. Make a rlch nauce sirnilalrito �`i',.ce,)pa .furl as T"r;" t" '¢eats tousle, i' tile' Orontes tsauee, flavoring zwitlt til I as skililid •a r aft zi'an as is -a = lelalolt juice and grated rind. Sar've 11. .ttthm'.1kl r; ha mitist knJr,r• llort- to 1 hot- ^AE,- aril drshs: and, i4l, lhh,lac have a l owlsrin� Fan eotL mI,3ti so as to, re- F Minard's Liniment 'CuresDiphtheria. ye cs+fv'ndlra Sp,)t:?. T!4v. WOFIC is i ee dtl in r?liaif On many klwl�i ryf ii 1-Rattila''s Trylit Climaate. 'aril Gi lrQ_:i. . +t:ny•c+7, wih:tt tLS?n- a " ". a ally the t lr.z�i' ', rrtu vartets n- .A naval 'o,ticer voltov has s'Ire;h.. muc,b f ahartz zir 1 t lk:411 e ! ll3 a n: mre in Manila �I.;rst th 1t th raomen, `; nncl even y'oang :girls, M. em to grow 3 Einard's ; ,• a said and faded from dory to dar from iasrtt'. Ll resr Dlswvmpev. this r'tlects of tine climates bt^ Statnes are Dearer, Bronze statues cost more to make at Paris titan they taibi to year ago, tha Asa In th0 p'ricc of axaat, ll *ring wised an Incre=ase of :to to 15 per cent. In the prica` of bronze casting's. MinatTs, Liniment Cures Colds, etc'. Of the Note ea _ ..- ;e XIL%FJL i4 a illi: UL l VAX 1.D,lYaaJala-0 — II '"�it'`4Yie>gll�t�,y REMARKABLE MY R B R�q C V RY '1CI %14& �`f 0a **.'e'-., ''�'"_ M C f, t' C,41,1 taae Ci •t -t in tho Nh%hAt'a, i'enlimmla•. At k 1 A @ aL7 �sF9 tr Qa 9 r l� 3 �� r 0i't. ltlj nfflC:, rtom tl.l?�:, "O n. on if W6 tail - ..i2 1. lmlu—,' Vott tie tlalaa'b➢1'pii t-j'aft,6, IrM PFEa ''4gW 9;. is f Wbie flgLi mi+,, me-ld'. ' t t � tar X. ." Ry ». n:;r 'x of s p ib � arty 1 °xt s55' gas. �6 iFi 6e so'al in lots taisafa' a:; li*' r.tt'- 1 5"Mu 'Za `3 �d'ftasi t ads 6 d artirelro_asP 7[la. a Da is t@ai ndQa. AafdtCa� 1� 3w y t y �fON-A'3i'14AN f A1tP`i:"NTF,M g )tTe . II wt or ca QGS-eDDD sen r ,.D itlne a zm NeDJtaP,ie rJyuking .9l al,w cvd ?e #'iia a �Cla 'key, P.Q. 110 1Pi tf ial4rnzY, ZSnt+: ,WOio 0 r,G,kuff, tut It $g JIB s y - _ nett tel b J C5P pc J dill a d d Hsi- iI t , +6 i�d,lt.�af.als."in"i',�'I I �'t. M, D by np. = ao zein 'mea e z r¢a2 11 1 "ahia . ' darts t1frrrtt E ?Ar3Y !A 1tY; L'err.+fl.R_ry,y, ".! 2^':+E Y'11u°v >E:•,d�' 't11.CEa ITIS 'F33' iaFiCi'3a:e'G3 ,"tlnF�t4" lli'?+'Z �$l-- f f F iEtrye I ao•r elu- �. tk Ew9 l J r r. e9i z !PY � h ie r% � t ,bft,, fvE<• Scuta tp Prod lrebi c± tw Itliilri,• fE' >~R,49 '3� futDpj f aJ Js P.t3, liu.1Jii D'.': -t;", '� yit:3rta*"f t€c..a a'$t•. ll.7.prr J+ �,'$''�,st"► ,t i-tn ; faat°Ta delplhfa,Ph fa�taaa!Ieatszaf-'ee�2r�allaiitFuie hr•,w,r ltn, n ;c: - I , Fes c :Ge b� t. A. Ii.a� e, io* i a3> liatineWtff o a 1� e., Da,n J C it 1rra3c ii a a�daia ' a c@A'Z' t%. axion4dD; ad. 61u€. 'A15d te) Ltl & C• a9a s<°ni a i4.a c r '.R , 'o _ T ve C n tvz,^ s;dc: I v + C'. x , #Lr_ r , r t k, .,ax:a"+... _. a8. - _; e, nrd1tln5i.`e3 1 T`i . - ." :2 .a i. tn_ ,C.�'; : 'rt.: i .,M: '� 1 , P::.. „11 1'�."•y �Yr 4"' ci$C0`!t .'�`_'�i�iF.➢: ;{� r �"'r' V rh6MiA Ili• atl;,tllQitla'4 Wit'. ,".: ;gra •" Z $ : L.''.t,.,y a d_::r-.Tj Cirx_y @-i*a#^_a3 7, ;i:c d..x _ *ayAQ Av ��1'07C a:-'a3ren'Eeeibing', Y3srothm : -sys laan'g *u xe,r a t» .: fll f", ,L:, ", w% tr _ r thexn�aita c ,ftraeraa tie Asan , e•ai end told Dovnsatea�s get �E a a 7 f -+:.=c 3+ ::e' �`t`•��'. a,::1'� a;, ;s.•: P'iz: b 5 ,j atdf, a-➢mait�ras2N,de?Dia.—thttaa, TWeni7''• s , eut to - i s.9 r 0'1 4.Il°p�4,9 a" l_:. j _ ... .J'reost:etg a%5t »e'. atxaUti41aD L 5 •ate -7 a •- .� C's �" '.r sac•-.�:� li I. �.�'`"'IE'.hyy"�•�Ydr�cdi,.Mwtre"Y.�w.- ��-..:,.<.,�_•_:. a'R NO CA MIR .—._� �0111 I :' : 1EA ' Ll [:'t'?3'..`$&t�Ft�mtlFal?Qt,10-1. i raa4 `hrtrxtf P,Vr3ar:anPatV;$ l .' 1, 1, � 01, Ut,�,, �� 0; i , , I '' N iiiii!iiiii! ,,.I�, 111,_�", ,Iiii V i - , , ,,, , �� . "I , � , � , I �,' 4"", �qc•• `, 111u,& rh a + ,r �Y+?� EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil? Them are others; why SCOTT'S? The good one is SCOTT'S. It's nearly 30 years old it is used by intelligent people all over the world; and approved by physicians all over the world. When anyone says "Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil," he means SCOTT'S. No other is famous. SCOTT'S EMULSION is made in a certain way; of certain things; it keepsq it is always alike, it does what it does. The others --nobody knows what they are or do. There wouldn't be any others but for the goodness of SCOTT'S— there wouldn't be any counter- feit money but for the true. ��The genuine has this picture on it, tape 11 y no other. If you have not ` tried it, send for free 14 sample, its agreeable taste t ill surprise a you. Chemists, t DOWN11, A ` l.1141i1I5tS, Toronto. star. and $r.00 ; ;111 druggists. L1Ill, t aL4a. .. ,mr;�V � .,.-.�t, V �. ulr� AC . , , t a � , to. EQU PM 3 T. !1 r.t. Y ' ➢;uPflrM_i tit t:"iaials antis roll on tin lilo-4 of 04% tlrDand Trank It.allwa,y '41t.rr 1. ra itia hattal4 iaw et@aellos and 1e.216:0 -r- rt@A;tlrua➢;. @°safe-, I1:arLir, and diu- ho., a ur-4t•e Eloc«teru `1014 til extern 14 0-14,. *uta llot' ,,it, Port Huron, :kin: - ➢;tar'.* l'aell.. st 5atr.-A, nrA I* yrtland. �11IA:4. YE •Int1I1'i�E.'II`1.Ad` 1�1.Itt'IC o ap;6',' S"al.3%. ` .1vr.o•9➢a% alo-aping afro ;r out the ,%tt tt➢tje C.Pitstt to CI11- lK a ➢%@- 't -, ray.l ,a.i'i 1n6*rn➢,1xa•4ai front UP, a^ e; ,ltt'l Tru"! it°ltllh • ay.w%.%*tonl. NL a , D4i:i'Y1:`' WC. 19, ,lrotnt Ilaatsenger Ai! --JA. 't,oa YD:A a 0a ',t, W;!7 .'A".i���a�y@'a �aaD,�gy ep�opt�± E., tn7dRa5i arNr�a t ru t'a is 4:fidfJ C*a =f.t.'w'u11.11'5]1EOl,%b i x. -,u .3, o'e° acs" t,m "art ,, tV, �'A. _1.7_ . .Yyy-lamq. t.. " _45„ 1-1 __ _- 4 nntrr.,'v va- a is �. -+r• a wvr r r - it fl ,>d t M1 4.z ar � 11 a~a r:o Y1 ac: e a °a f,3c r. z r.L, ` � ` .a; !iL.L..w-, .�ll['L 14'. Ni_ -_w a 2.;.tgor, ti. 8 bare' . c311f1"e" J• fiPc"�'3t w a.I'.3* J - tCarLaltb. s5" L'.C:.i.. u n,3 .JTa Car as if tic,n u .-rDlsat P.,y yG' .,, ..ir, t t ir�zum-s It t"rv're'•� , *,3 c . - n d EQ pleg .? 't. d es zo s .erlt 41 'roe : bs,c1l'd'O.q " grrcf 4 u,P +.a:'sit aaG i Arial `iz f;,n .'t'f:Lc of $.0 `3 s, .b. _ _ $Gig at,12 V3r4t IgCC, Q I'Q3tl sola & C*.. i6a..n<y:tem, dant OSU IVA Vsend r ,t M'e'w ,:::;a S.S'Fl "' ,-'LTi QPr int 3Le�r,:tydebis. :1^..\dD n>ti ya name aacdl a adr,,s- . and P.te swill youby return n wail a boxes he f3:mous o -d E:ag3ish remedy, Pricers Sarsapatllla Blood Pills sm ami reDii t rad -he nza acyl atQtt ice Will 'annaya giu sCamac t Lrouaies. w rile us 88 Bay 'St., Toronto,. ont. Treated Free. : Weiaavemaaded opsyandits complicationsraspecfft for twenty years. f4u'tei* r::Mot "Cures gi oretccases. li0frlc of ,1,, r &,STIff0XreLS and iaD D,JTs treatment shim. • 4 DP..T1.T .Cs•itiMr,J 1S3oXS, , , glib Box a• A.TLA.-TTX, GFX, I I .1 . . I- . _ __ ,F ales off' Apples in the worlds Sithoris, Si'hottlev orth & Eo., S3rrloias, +1acobs & Co., 'Garcia Jitcobs &'Co., Liverpool, England. Glasgow,;Scbtland, London England. Proceeds of sales are, promptly reznittetl try easble Full and Accurate 3aiarket Fie orfs are Issued tri -weekly reporters of Apple. will be furti:shed yvith market reports, a fogs of steamers and other information, by applying to J. 35r, sTJ<>7TTX1Tszvor.Tll, "DOW -PA-IM n FAVOr, .URANTFURTD, ONT., 'LP- 311:- VXMNCA- 185 IWGF11 tatreef, Montreal', willattend to the'pronapt despatch nf' 'tri C-otialgnments made to the tbovo nauaed ttrins. . H