HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-12-07, Page 1Tito Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. FIRST YEAR, VOL ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, DEC. 7 1900. IS FLIBLISHDD EVERY TU RS DAY EVENING BY D. DYItIt. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION:- $1.00 per year paid strictly in advance. When --the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given aud arrearages paid. $1,50 to be charged when not paid in advanee. ADVERTISING RATES. -Tran s i en t advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 emits per line for each subsequent insertion. Small Advs. such as"Lost" "Estrav" or "Stolen" will be .charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 coats for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must bo handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 rents per dim, Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter -column rates for specified periods will be eheerfully given,. Address all communleations to Tia.G D. D7ER, EDIToR, Zritir, P.O. 110111011111.11411.4{111M.21.1{CD- CHUFICLES. - I ^ 1,10‘:;1'AcE, Catholie. m•rViot• f‘ -)r the winter. Snaolos:- mass at lo a, tn. i'aaccf,.;•to am! instruetion at 12 o'elot•la Tap. 1,4), 11,AI r. or 'me hour's visit to out Lord b. alar 'blessed saerament from 3 to 4 p. m. Va•spurs and benedh•tion of the most blcsrlolsneninient at 4 p.ni. lloly !MUSS at 10 a. m. Ves pals and lwn)siletion at 4. p. m. Week 11;4: --Mass ',eery morning at '. mats With l•X- pi0.4.11 91tl 11.14,40: „W.V. V.:IOW!' PUrit411 Prieht 141VAXIMLICAI., 11191 English Smola): sa.rviet.,•:• 1.11'111.111. .11 111, 11. Pall.:111411. tit7 1,4%9' Suiploy ..,11,,01 at 2 lot- ev•elio)41 omit». Aalauce, at nor .Iiii- nn+, 1.1pnir Arae at to V't't .119 ..118y WV. Piing; fielimin panyt 1144,P4O4t. at 7..;o1„ Ttattsainr evtaing; roattgo.1.. pla4iy11 ti elan: et 7_311. Friday oveioNt: Weaellatt." h.,ept.ta; at S. 1.. 11. 1kiier,Paster. lut&. t.3."\111t t\lata. hallb 11 1,11T ILO atot:,st., 3.11w tttwh 11,Am. 811r. C.Ivrpoltatittaltut.. 2111::ro.a; 1,..11 71. j.'"aft.Nr. 4.01' J G. STANBURY, B. A. Everybody will wait for Finni- Smart boy wanted to learn print. `•-•' • Suoces$or to 0OLDINS STAINTSTIRY gan's Fortune on Dec. 14th, ing. Apply at the HERALD Office. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents th original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Our Pral 47,07-Asw J. MeMann of Seaforth, was in town Tuesday. Finnigan's Fortune, Town Hall, Zurich, Dec. 14th. W. Echlin miller of Woodburn is engaged at the Williams mill. Mr. Weir of StMarys was in town Tuesday on business. The MitiSey, Lydia .and Clara Koe- hler left for Elmira cm Friday last. G. Monier and wife spent Tues - Lay at their farm at the Bronson. line. Mrs. J. .T. 7 -le. Less left on day or for a r . ?•'r p1114'IltS at (4oderieb. L. Wil:., •:',.11panitql. by his sister Mis-- were #1) Kippen 'SW* are plett,, tel learn that twist of our sick :; • • o,....easessing favor- ably toward l•-•• •ey. Miss Myrti. Who was on ,nu• )1/1110i !,•t 'ha,the past fotir Mont ••••• work.. (14,1,•?..'ik 6'";.1:psey and Mi•ts 'istlt. Has-, .. ...t. to Exeter on. Smulay anti 9 1 ...1111011(1.117. Alla)? 1t.. t for Detroit on Satm.tlity 1) st it. will alse go to Pliant(' and Bend Indiana. $5,000.00 private funds to loan, on good mortgage security. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. ' • Go to Gottschalk's confectionery for your Christmas candy ancl oranges, he has the best assortment. We Would like to get a copy of the Herald of Nov, 2nd. If you have one we would be pleased to have you send it to our office, D. Steinbach has one of the finest and best assorted stocks in the County for the Xmas trade. Fine China ware, Toys, Picture books, Dolls, etc. Give him a call. Any one wishing to borrow $1200 or $1500 013 good mortgage security will please can on E. Zeller Zurich, The money belongs to a private individual and will be loaned on .easy terms. Laugh loud and laugh long will be the bill -o' -fare at the Town Hall, Zurich, Friday evetaing. Dee. 14th, where Finnigan's Fortune will .k.e presented by the Garrick Dramatic Co., of Exeter, under auspices of Public. School. kin -vivre -A leieester ram lamb, about the 10th inst. from my farm Bronson line, Hay. Finder will please 'write me. Will pay reward for reeovery. Godfrey Nicholson Zurich P. 0. Jacob Bliehm of Kansas. a for- mer resident of this neighborhotsd, spent a few days here this week. Blielun is a dealer in horses, and brought a cur load to Michi- gan, and took a few days to visit his sister Mrs. G. Merner and other relatives, before returning home. Miss Beatriee Steinbaeli is mak- ing a beautiful display of Ladies' trimmed hats. Kyle bus a number of Radon Powell,. Peerless, 'West Point, Ladysmith and also a -few 'Walking huts whieh she is stdimat at reduced Insiees. Etter, egg' and dried apples talren ifl exehange for grinds. D. Steinbaeh Zurieb. RwrraNDal OFFIvEu.s.--The fob lowint; tiwnship clerks. hove been appointed returning ollit*ers for the •forth-emning County 'tanned tow. tionst NO. Distriet. Wm. Stroth- ;Neal) Sr- of the Goshen15 No 2,, ‘1-8,..„ vuiti/thell ; 'Ste .1. line is it restelent Zarich. He is „ r'rettt riess; 4. natal 114-1114,3-;• nitoltintr his le NU* Kt the D4 animon No. J. 14.4tu,e sy.,tt ; 7. vto' INDrtprti.44 N49, Clue Saunders of the Exeter Ati. 0:wan. T14' .11":"1"IPL- Voratt.. :411,11 M. Vincent lot Evigoo., tahe Nave one Wein: ..tetott .•-o. the It .iia illeamaat rill 441ti1.141' taawnstand t11W11,411119. 9111 N119 Man 4'. .1 the V. rthu, on the sante day. We repoewill mot tlott Tlas Munroe deteim„ ‘,..4i4„h 4,1 eine that. held Mt. ttaito,,6 StaN ••• • ho I oi to ni thatSP4411-1k. /tirl.1V1 111114 1 15" ,(• t Ola , 11/1.1 tiite 4110,1°. Hotel, iizTLea, Pros:eto. Foiork tv.••••)aitauo4t4Iatau for tIo tr.)» ))),It'te. A:ways Moir tat I Eli 1 ."ii) Xi Xi iLdi•11-1,1. Vey Ito Manilla liaol,' 'AEA lo t-7,..,A1144',rsl_ is Haat noony yoar.i. toca t 9 Mr. 1101419*o/11 of Toronto: Was tin , Ataelleaan vItio.11.4 at ninny ijcilrii. 1",1M411 rrneS1141r. Mt'. 44. is tiotote-4- the ,ralat uoriti en3«-441 tioe ?1/4•47B-0' "I th VIM 111"M• Pittand qoa...1110, r,un,htio.rati,an w,an.li el„ tIontnieq: start nun a ..t,,rf. Thine. v11111 t 4' V-itl - ;, ,,t ei1 Ar;rerfleall were 1Ieo8t40-41: wtt• .tlargo. antnitlasts cltr ratt.taayers tat- great itaatetinite. 13trat ttuito• ritturt ir4 vb.1utL 'n omiumtu,qu ttalii Ainiev•teatos tta..uo, • ,, Z40,711VItar. TITO vouneil bad Onal. the star., and t-tulla4) •, a atort vaIf illif.4111111 Whits taa traroteet tltose Ziotitth. fltl her ;44111181s. 5n it. N'Vt» tv;a111. at hatirdreil aal.w sail.- 241's- Wiln• (18r1 ""f ' F a urst -e:tass Isac* rooms 41) th ul ks- the valid of next ttootatit. "n e t1 -1 f - •••e; "vo, (`‘,311.11111•111-iiall !nen. Let n Ftt1 Inert, ;roar nante for a trial 11'nrit'a there "n 1'11411" " I./161.13.iitt„ zrinur/I, „r 1,1,,.t.11,.a . %welt. !rho, aleveiv•ed /vs v f; • fir a :5,1 tvn ;ran. bit, 9%1±42. Charles , 4 rai•r line. She leaves a fatnily J. COOK.E rfranit4..1.1C,4 F..rtamo„ that iooetio.., five ehildren,-)roln,,ns nov)--1-1-eir / with bright, s•oarliling. fun and t.ein- filthPr havtlEt 111(4 s -111v 1." ." 4;:j- 1 .4. 0, P:or,4314,„4 • 4504 t45 Town than • Her re7;:tt":1'.4 here 414 u.4 ,"•*4-ni • 'Zurich, on priatly evenittim Deo, know that the deeeas041 ..V41S 11144 11111)' 1 4th. You will In sorry if ;von bliss her usual health. and the news of , at. her death was a severe sheet: t•. them. We t.xtenti t•ior srt2natb5- t 11 Hello! I say: Dont foreet motthe relatives. and rartieularly t Special inducements to ea,sb buy- ers during the holiday trade at D. Steinbach's Zurich. For a night of real fun, take in Finnigan's Fortune, in tb.e Town Hall, Zurich, on the night of Dec. 14th. Are you going to get married? D. Steinbach issues marriage licenses. and sells gold wedding and. band rings, also watches, watch chains and clocks. Now that the Dominion elections are over, it is about time that thok,e who will take part in the Municipal elections should lay their program before the ratepayers. Husband -There's one thing a -woman can never do, and that is ;keep anything to herself. Wife -Oh, yes, she can. Husband -I'd like to know what it is then? Wife -It's her real and private opinion of her husband. A scheme is under way for the amalgamation of the Canada 0.4tiC'70. & Motor Company, with the Natio- nal Cycle and Automobile CoinpanY The latter is eapitalized at $2,01)0, 000, and the former at $2,500,000. Operations would be eontinued at all the present factories. Laugh. and the world laughs with you ; weep, and you weep alone. If it is u good laugh you want taht. in Finnigan's Fortune, under the anspives of the Public. Sehool. in the Tewn Hall. Zurich, on Friday night, Dee. 14th, where be given in true Irish style by the Garriek Dramatic Co., of Exeter. The infamous taint of negro. burning has novX spread to Coler- ado. That State has no ovey- whelming et timed population, no overhanging eurse of old slavery timys. Her courts are pare W.! Amerienn courts tro, her people rieh anti well etineated. How will si explein this horror that has 110110 to 1/8.A her midst? .70.02,4:1* Winters. aycning Man Who 1 '14 Vitt frtan Seat trth t ) Ciratl. an about two years an 11141111°4 'lt,'flflifll'd effort te old la's life. art...day attorning /us mit It • • thr•,o. tom) ear lot, ea.?. the .4•444n4 the Jarglar vein and t;,.. Shit th., 1,.e.1112.! .,ant vdt.roting,ti Ito ball -oval as lmattlo anti 4g's,01,111110111t. 1° t1A244 IA° Talk. ;11 t.ttlt114 1 IJAlleyta4 l'111.11.° .!4111111.411 t 73i1.0.21S1 016,IPS frIr a]"•,Y, :t1 4t Lria u 1147..ki",4114.trr 44,1 1.9.'4,0N. 4i tk .0" ;fa ,•••••••••••,*••••loal.e.",•••• re 0 Confident in the - rightness of our Dress Goods, Mantles, Furs, Cloakings and these prices, we ask for comparison. It will mean to you, new and reliable goods at lowest' cost. The following list are a few lines which 'we offer special for the week: 7 pieces Tweecl Dress Goods, extra heavy quality, good width, new design, regular price 23e, bargain at 18e; 4 pieces All Wool Homesp-un Suiting, in Grey. Fawn and Brown, 54 inch goods. Newest shades in market, at per yard. $1 25 2 only, Ladies Jackets, Black Beaver Cloth, very fine quality. Braided, regular $7 75, bargain at $5 00 3 only, Ladies Jackets, Black Melton Cloth, Velvet Collar, Bound Seams, regular $4 65, bargain at $2 85 pieces Astrachan Cloaking in Green, Black, Red, Navy, Grey and White, ranging in prices per yard from $1 25 to $2 00 Fur Ruffs, in Grey, Black and Brown, ranging from 40e to $2 0(1 These prices are good for this and next week Only. Come early and have first choice as some lines are nearly sold ont.,..61, Produce taken in exchange Poultry taken at all times Ds S FAUST MAIN ST, ZURIOH, ONT VD111111.10114 i,rglut, hwtquise 1111, .,3s t 1 , " J,911).111 VOID ' .",,25t] t11.1110 of to has Ina, tla*. !n*bt,,oL atoll 11204 10:e *utr tt,*- -44•4te L.,:arzialitin !Kr-mt.-41y. ott nto,a. %tots ttratat•-• :;t0,.:14ril tat Tot,,t1,. •-• Rein. Fiatt ronto.,. c‘i4-ris* 1V11 title linatior ‘'`onottotea pROLOt-i:OOT & HAYS 49 31.1.1913ifq 1'11145. ... , . Nouth 1-1I7-tt41. 614-tia•la. t4114 1. R- C. HAYS Ste'n1 ;wit still 'handles ,),31, the fatherless anti inollerlenS Ands et .91;trtiwtire. 417(.13 1'4 1111''''' (17" T3 Ltliliet!-"n. :and venito-; taken in r.......eloatme To. 1144 1 I eonnate. 1'n:ern Ilticvttn ion a kiwis 1 lueretunal,e.111. elt9•1! 144 7 int eava'!;41. Steininaelt Zut !el. it!_ pro./.v=F: linktt nnr.e f sfr-tiprit bold tt n:linivint ZELLt ,fi'mula our laundry man 11441,,• tilLan f ‹..erri; itith iiThroca luo 12 QUe(-11 IDArger this Week. ,D1IC1(71.e I Nip Nie.ters MI '.04' Bro.44 ., IlYgir'84.1'1. '.157•-' Iv's11 'I the 1141147"P`; fVf' '1"; tr44,11;11::iSltii 11117141:ln' '011215; 7to.fi lilt us '.11'';,';',1.1.1 a :Leh i tz.2•1r1 1.9if ei•E‘r Xt-rvp1,7 itor 0o...rt.:ma-Hee emititr, 306,16I.:NBERRY, " 1,e.s:.,4-oi At:el-L.614-er for Hur-' the pat-, '[i' 4%i' laaving bales . utaltaulfe43., 2:-'jCH P. O. • position NV. 13. n. Sfint.n's attorney% Others who were in file fight are u:n 1n t'we Vtet rs were Alex. F. Stewart. for tz e Legislaturts : ko sheriff; Harry Dunford. registrt. c.f tia.e41,44 : Tl..atitas• Dent: eoar t eln4ttarle. ENrinange :-An Iowa man vot moved to Dakota 21 few years og en il-stly extept Sint -lays froLt after trying the country. 448V0 it s a. 7.t.••• a.nti f.o Tote 'nails are 114) as a *Fx111, job end left the fnllov.-- xlistr:q...:, . ;ollows .,_ farwen nn-ritten on e w thall) .4 :VAAL -wycLIIISiNr,-1.1,1.. to-taan:'t Wearier( do not tz-AN,IS's get tne • Dakottt re-ti.:7e.tee : •••••Six 11) '1'. 2 :55 p r, end of deal in its proper ; fy,,n; a -4 14 tVienty-tive2217 .“ " 11..3 " 11 h a.m.-1 They ure telling' a Story noW front a railroad, rt en in;te: •• "L H. B., • otio (a icaeatt rirtirch worker) n frovrt a sellool house, forte- re 1.- 14. `S`. B•• 2 .....)'7)a•In• '1nar by town who went to an artist miles fro 171 ehureh, botlien•ed 1 " FRO:11 HENSALL, arr. 11 :0011.112.:: , have In thinner printed. She t.vas 1 de„.th vith Tialf as lope „1" AIAGAINGGIARIMAP 'HOME Boot & Shoe Store • o it• - 14c., trip-tu'+ fTit'14 L,t-co jjk;n4 irlW i.1 4.0* va*v 'VII In :41Y0141 eivt 111"454 Us., o tt44.44'4' '411•1)-1 wan 1,:apa 05.1. al t s 4:14:4" tt 44'J 144 114 pout wtrillir,t WC 10 ,a,i6 "Al wtnl, 77.11 reS VI? itto, atlt,,;g Lt tt *,0-114,!. *1'1 1»itreltabes. Leaverale eo>n, ta U1,11€ Ito maottav of. G " I4. &11 :01t a t•neral 11 " je.s1,-111, 16) :45 ; lootto and the 1.r.:u.e. so she got al h-1. ‘yrx hInie (4 I. 7 :30p.m. i 1,1t certain t 1 i he a.ize of the 1:tinner4 ;trial said Niel." t') In t., :rtnt a fre-th water. and a gettoter of a mile f ) ieat - _ L. H. & B.. " 7 ,-.3t• a.m. s .e would telep'a no full azul final year: 1:tter. not haviw# g ; diENSALL MARKETS. - - - - to 0, 22 23 36 n 50 . • • • 1""ori M11.4 '1--triwtions• (Inv e'rurse frel-ob. start in Iowa, he came 11.=•.• „a:rleY - .• haTI. an loyal. .ta.e %Ions to time s1ie. got all the points and tele-. to Dakota and found another t ass the tone 11oo. olosing the mails, ; I • dU.; t4)1410%..S ‘Male it Lilt°, on his claire ;just threshing a $3.44 • ar t ota (hil4 is Born, two feet wide 1,1'0r of flax. i Hogs (live) -per cwt - 4,b3 4.110 D.6:I AL:6T, Posuttabter.' tall' nine feet long." do (dressed) - 5.50 5.75 tiv'e atm., handli, the eeRetneated ;stub 1011144. lae,94-114 Granby Rut vbers. B1111 II" Ep,p, vitiken trtale, WE WtL.. NOT BE UNDERSOLDI CHAS. FRITZ, 2.00 2.10 ,** New Furs Dress Goo.s and Millinery HartteTh's Block.