HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-23, Page 12�t well
Look well ['
Feel weal,!
Are 1' $1.11is which follow
NcrIl to you leave your order
for to suit of clothes with
EOFFON, The Tailor.
LAUNDRY in connection
1. WA.wte it,°nIPWMf 6.1.15ei
•;,a►iriug all kinds of machinery
a speciality 1
�• Pr1.Er 11r1C11
ooHen Mi
Francis Coleman and wife are
visiting at Lucknow.
A. Mains and A. Kain are cutting
wood for John Deitz r'f Kip"en.
IVliss E. Maxwell returned to
Clinton last week,
Wm. Vanhorn and wile are visit-
ing at Chas, Troyer's.
Cha. Stelck has lately improved
his place,
Herman Tyler of Dashwood,
moved to A. Foster's farm on
August Hartman is all smiles.
It's a boy.
Fred. Siegner of Crediton, passed
through hero recently and pur-
chased two coon skins . from Leo
Foster. -
Lawrence Daub of Berlin, was
married to Miss Star on Monday.
They came here to spend their hon-
eymoon, and the same evening had
a party and dance at the home of
Ned Dietrich. There were a large
nnrnher of young folks present, and
lte Sarepta string band furnished
the music.
Misses Philibina and Flora Fos-
ter, were the guests of Alonzo Fos-
ter. tin Sunday.
Miss Regnia Foster is working at
August Hartrnan's, at present.
fir! d �1� •
r e�_ r n Ito re Chris. Eicher and wife. who have
o spent senile time with Mrs. Eielaer's
'�> deported MrS. 5. G. Monier and her sister
a,. et 1� .` % parents have de po rte d to their new
home in Altoona. Penn.
Revival meetings were started. in
the Evangelical church here, on
Tuesday evening, The meetings
will be oontinued during the week.
omitting Saturday evening, Ser-
vices begin at 7,30 p. rn.,
Rev, 0, Sieber and his Wife, left
this week for Altunia, Pa, •They
have taken charge of a field there,
where they without doubt will.
make their work a success. The
hest wishes of the eoinnaunity are
extended to them in thou new
B. Howald, our enterprising ma-
son, ha» rented a hotel in the clas-
sic city, Stratford. - He is going to
leave oyer burg about January.
Farmers have been busy pulling
roots the last week.
Ploughing i5 somewhat backward
in the suburbs. It is due to the
lack of rain.
Samuel Schoch and his brother-
in-law Samuel Levigood, have se-
cured a job, cutting wood with
Ezra Kaercher. Several others, it
is said, will be engaged in the same
lino of work at the same place, this
r,olning winter.
Miss Ida Brill, Zurich., was visit-
ing her uncle 0. Schoch, part of
last week.
D. Oswald of the Bronson Line,
is ploughing for S. 4G. Merner, for a
few days.
Edmund Geiger, our school teach-
er, was visiting at his home in Hen-
sali, Saturday and Sunday, Some
attraction Ed.
Mrs. John Gascho and family
from Elkton, Mich., are visitng at 1
J. txallnlan's.
ensiles the seventh person rearried
last week. Sweet is the Babylonian
}I, Roeder from near Port Blake
called. at J. Docher's on Tuesday..
J. Decher and wife wore to Exeter
Tho report current in some papers
that a Miss Horton of Hurondale
has engagod in the Babylon school
for balanoe of century is not correct
as tho present teacher is still on
deck with his colors flying.
Samuel Rannie moved to Zurich
on Monday of this week. The
neighbors all turned out to give a
helping hand. Mr, Ronnie has
lived here for many years and it is
with great regret that we see Mr.
Ronnie and his estimable family
leaving our midst. Our loss is
Zurich's gain. May they long be
spared to enjoy their well earned
Tho Saropta correspondent also
tells of a 'coon" and says it beats
the Slabtown big one. He tells us
that it weighed 21 lbs. He must
not forget that the Slabtown coon
also weighed 21 ibs and that after
all the wind had been knocked out
of it by means of a fence rail. We
are willing to have the two skins
measured and we are certain that
the Slabtown one will carry off the
palm for size or quality. Those
;s ho are in doubt had better come
and see,
Perhaps you don't believe me,
Perhaps you think I lie,
You'd best go down to Slabtown
And see the same as I.
Miss M. Mallick, were visiting their A rally meeting, and regular
t erne* 1l«'`S full stock is nay' coin- sp
T^,hn 1111. Iiinley and wife rnt uncle Mr. Follicle and other friends " t t ti rn Of (Avers of 1x1:= R teal
•le•: i� :. tvteds, blankets, sheeting ';unc1. least with Mr::. ' I K•f. tros in Hensall, on \"i'ednesday, allt't°1 CI mount i1Tit n 11211,�I tv .x ee of Ad. '
,,, a 1«' . ,* x.01:1 anal Stlacticilrg s, aal:«! aF fritmels in ?2la=itiillol,• The Es eine Beal Sunday School
1.« . l 22:
:Aix, L. nark argil mese R. Ried here decided, on Sunday not to hold
i7'.'nllrel:a2aro hall on �lur2tlatr night
x, .l iitst tit aatalerwea r at mice.1.4 + 1'*•t• It 'CMS a most d°ra•,;yai1)1t'eyt"-' �`
+• tli varlet bare been aislee re mends al Christmas festival this year, } 1
see^:g! Ia1'i4a«!ti•• , Ezra EaN1•teber. one Of Oar up -to- n,n:,,a{t+a good prograanitvui,. pi )cid-• .�
i"'.•! ea: es- a full Eller of furnitT21. ")n cexhel
,,,,,.,,,,.,1,„,,,,,,,,, lel e„ -y weehe,e, flute •faarl aTe, bias renovated h1` 1• :11. Y new ine hikers l2aive
toe. 1: I. lea)ea st 1.3ri« =t+• ,x *«+ttTn•tulpaa public t tai1l°n:rti«er2' °a«,aYht=. Ilte ilei.. nc)w onus of the 'tined the grant! old order dn1'in'r
an entirely new and modern furnace
for burning hard or soft coal or
The most compact and complete
heater made.
Size of fuel door 12 x 25 inches '
Steel Dome and Radiator hee.ts
Heavy sectional firepot with fins,
gives stretegth. Quaduplex grates.'
Every part is a heating surface.
Saves fuel and is easily cleaned.
Catalogue and Estimates Free from our Local Agent
or our nearest House.
e McClary M'fg Co.
A fall line of Cook, Coal and Heating; Peeves at lowest prices.
r*t-• Tp them -
end entertainment to wane +•fe• a➢1.t , :finest rte idenees in these parts. t'ie ..e-1 year and signified tlll'1n-
A tt "r IVI x o } 1a �e°m<«+ t as workers in the greet and
a i .7� 1('fort+ ;�Ialla it is sure t{11 t' both Mar lr'evieNenn,•-• One of our eiti-!
entertaining and ;ate °:iTaa'''t'. �:t'1►s el:weede+tl i21inventing, a nmitt: ;n'tle 1"lit''t'' tit Te21211«'2'aent'a The
"""*a``1i1pj."'�Gi '-..,,° 4 the Iiat2ltl can be taken 722 and out at f 4albavtnng (41111.e2:'« were duly ele«•ted.
1Ttat) bate for la -4 w ee 1 . i.e.:m E will. without taking off tht' mitt, r l L.:_.._S t'•• Br"- Vit• Vint••'T2t ` '�'.t'..
J� ° .� )
l2aa• given iliati+«' t) milder weather 112«• Inventor gets It l)aattsTltutl. there, Ca « .►.. Br,,.. i ..t' a•:iyn«• : 1..5., . u..
. ,lr . . «. very , 2 ° ➢• n„ ll,4ht but that b1' will make f .'1111 Invent (ship .. lino. R. ti«» 2151:
lois Dirt taw. let .. Bre. T. H. Met,' 11uni : I.fer➢ald,
illi'•. R. ht►Intheott: th.nd, 13r•). U.
�..� ���' 4:`iais'r.. Sentinel, lir.i. 1'. t'olling-
�ws-t-il:5l'i8nist, Sis. Rollins.
.i. titallil)a➢ro. 11:a2•ri�tt'r.
h''G5" ,l', .l
S' II'C A!et
1 ', 'hw 4vintry-we.atl.e'1 .at last week tt 11 1811 mill' as v1'r*r hands rig. If ''i". E t Tali:,flit° , l�.i" , Sia, Msay. tzilri :
the, ne It. uv )aa ll i ase e e s,tu ee
t tut ttat)�e' t'➢armors wh« hail MA fin.
id'sathl 1)18)TTP.•'ii11'., tll.taa,:eh it i..a» .-
• '' what xa teably a,,Nttin,g oar•`'sen`l 208>W.
Mit.;,, 2 4,pi., 11et�ete t4'{ i.t.►r1:4°n i+
rikatiil:: 3rit•1arl• an N4140471 e,t l,ro.. ""--" was at •
. , nTae)iut! 1 tt4«101 12t•i!e lattrnllee i alt`i 1 teas a.a^•1 oast l•'r0«ITis ti t, u
°'nt * :a-1.1111'1'1 Tads`(•"tir�4ttiY«Il f482 thN 1"'.bUI11(1
11io.5 Annie Heys who Nis li1'1eIT Anne fin the ir«►rl:�'xlla 11.1 '�5'l�«ln«"..
'ra'ltix2g; friends in iloodeerit'11 has ,K1a}° 2a9,rallt of lust wet
'i"1011r' Fiifllaret l�orl• Iaa4ur;aaa{'4' («1.
ri'ttaa•ned I2' nap, 4a1t1Wan. '"E 101.4 rt l°op 221+tit tl.aay° 1
« Q't°11'6' night. Their program is ono
Main SlfOa
7 AR 1�,
r 7t� Loo1.illg s:1t)d ..
KINCI and rtvi ta.
�i e have
•$2.0(:) t1, 2.50
sewed 1)1' �?tlot1
•girls' 1•111 [los t•t'1' ,
11 tt) 54 f'rt(112 %"141.
r*1x1•;::1 1tt T1) l -"' 1
l 2, ..toed. P.111.. t'et, ti� 11e'rt. and
11. 1 1 . ieatp.lt +l la•,aa,«'* !MVP 1114,4+11 t.,e.ya
it` ;dl'1't°a'li 115'18,z
tai _t. a rather
3.2 N 1..1. 4 ' '.' 41 +: ala. wall a 1 <a{l 44 t IIt 8 .. ,]�
111 e0"t t i`I ,a -t ''e;.'tt�
'' 1,
s�•' 1,112:"t Flfr'Yt 43 !)i F9'•awTa" f ,Wl"0'a't'ua222112 'l:WW1".,�,lt it+{11!2 alert t''1 'd
+rt�a ««121' day
1:1'• Ek'e°t°S:, We 15't"�4« miaaGl• thee Wilhelm. Y ° „ i•'
+.1:,.,•11A'h' ♦281 (L' eft 4t) n4It'' • r'"124 '' qtr. J 1 lot 11 2 3 M' I 1 til 2 4•u"'t'r spent Sunday oat hist 1' r adla. '1111" lae�tltd°ttil' 110" mind
I t , a. a a➢he s P ,: • , ., it :'8n`e v.441414'ri n • :lit" t'8'V A ilir?•tt o_ '�'! '•t i *. • * ', e• ,.
„mai 111'1!^ lune, ret ar2alva to* their _ e-+/iliLt• 11:2'+• 211°' -ail; i11fl finished ti"�lE t,. ! Ia lett. ill 11 i' .1�"\t \,1 t"1 8At
"111 FA. lr,>y' i'. 1 48f i:)in61'.tat' al' Thi,z.,.,*,,,.,.t'21114( tlat l i'l .ve,tin,,t :�lle, "illiead=rtt>I4Atel. juet as easy &ta ° "" , * • .,1z'ilat►i• j't'«at►f, 'ill
a 1 1 Hgli0eal a. '} 1
if)11et r,e"telearsleC4wintt°a'mattet:al218l'1tt•�_°➢e92822! t4 1^:2128 etit'i2' taeti,1,848 2,."411",1t l'4,• saw them !t4^iiae *Cud .`01"10l.)I'4t44'. W1.118'it afro tilt' 1,«per€. '
�,a t
1gt1 tt° as )34Tt4att+a• tl! '4411111 fOnt!a i 112. Ronnie e.E "a't"ss11111 arrived
''rt'r laid eyes on are the J. D.
REA1)�t', for on, Won'en and
41t'I2 liox Calf or i )ungola fruni
''T1,e 2( 1.1 button awl bills. 11)at'lfinf*
'n • �'1 •:i.) ti) -1'.1)1). 411 boys' and
'la,.. (,1't. heel 11r 111'111:.& 11('4►l, tilZt'1
to. children's. tir{_*'MV1+ 111('111 411
„•. to 1.4n.
t I
i «.] M,,•er'► Ni(t�0➢Qt.ra'9. I. .. «>{' a. '.. 4tl as 1, i�'• 4 is .t; + - t .` . ' .. f WW1'S II ,-4 ., • e 'l
Maley •'°s°8•)tt.laaaa ° spent the •aaa • l➢►lent° ala d3t.naw"fl4
4 icta° °'at�+1►e Prof. i a➢11,a feat t)' 1tt111114 1w 111 14111 Wear tare C_
ea' ut Nee, tatesets.
2:4a+04'aat V'.b Id ,s'- with tieer G4all 1N144t1,.►liinet. i.t toetielee. 1a1t181tea1 atlzttaat flet' lzaall, }1i'4.,.t t` H.121. 1.)I.4ti41'
tall i tot reef Ealel, ':er Tirt, Cutlet,
< � s �lEa
aat1a181i.t11. Granby t211;
111' 1) 'tttlul:•
are North
the .1. 1 . King Co.p
} ,y ij n C iet 41'u1' 1)tl'ias1:$. .y�, We
q1114' '4 111,1' 1•4'I1t. 4111. 1ni oil' (J184331-4 MIOPI Ct'H per 1,,"110. t11e�4
*801 II.•w tl$041.8l $$$$$„w.entft$4 r,M**88
'nlw3 R
i 4ta1,di. k1at'°a41'4, pt"sa4t t11111 early ter a6 steer. 1t 8I ''"lot* P24 211128821211 1r1Ylt;t1
" U uyst'*tJ8-a1 the 828'8142'.31 814 1e:. 021
� E. ['(tirvi3A ne sat O e eael hes es ''tier' t b BtaV t at �1�6➢1° Nr Bl ;ttr}�Ol:'?•g' ° l Yt`Ill .ya'ajilli°b' 1 ;otitis. tor 4'a''•lt
4 , ,- 11'4° -("ant its %e l) as I2w aantalneti et=.
� -«'8112 8,p,t tee, 1<yao„o+ tab NI te5 Caa2I7 la-. 1ia°•t 1i?St°•:1219 mat tl.•IA'+II$9 . ° � ♦ ♦ 7
nt°. w „e tt 8884'. it 1
,9P^� iar*tllxntl again, 119 wl"\it,!" v t a r �}'+°.• r 1 thm,:' r➢Sli. 08 , foul 1d1t a ...4232 1Q � Zl -t' � l.'" reit 3U 14 ll •I MA
Irl➢ 't' 1i:t a842211 3l 'e11,01 nee. )4°4°22 312 4,2 1.84-1'1)2°2' d iiynte„11 N82 the 2te " 4,u t1-4. z 6!',:1111 lobi itatel144al➢at 1 22t4'r= v 24'1 11Il 1 4,41't.°,aai21 ..
+ �" 1312822e°nt.
i:�D9Y °° S:H'ia3 Ad 42'4"an ill8?;". S rn' 2414° 11 .l':2 f: a"1anU°Lab- *�
2�G+ r, metan °. n o-1 t a•QQne t11;a4 t°+ (1832 ' 311➢e 11111 l=am off-!•1aa'r t n:,etrc�ll 4,1 r?!_ 18^12 2208 rN°14 1032-4 a2r4 -412:4, <4dG• BaAcnGi-
.1a i cn1$. ,.11 with iltein' Eitr 14 r' 210-414-1 c111➢,,iL,)C• 222182.11.:a1°a22n44in" fr4a' *nn'11' t1 atla° 1,
. •, 420,20-,,,,, .ii leen a 411,' ae 11,4-sa°;',� x'1n3''v Aril 114• 5" 10419 3 211r,) '" (1411°12' 114011/1/148 L•*gin;.it':
i1.*+1, II
14121&,' Su,nS3 1'unn °1 tdIIIla r' 4' xtan 1"11411 If.. 11 2 , 144 • 2"'1 2224'"3222120 ee42211111' 22.14° fps �i
2114 'minter X11 ...oi a -13.4' 1024 iluboG"a1282 •
- 4 3. 1'.1;82. It kkin`.h°1-112'Cif-W81Il1li4'fat'ate t
...N: In* 't'Ga:ltlu^qr .f,,.1J''.. Wal'1e ee
a tat2154 014.1° T81 1�*1a<i4tL1113,M"s IS Vat tall 1�
1 ,e 4111 081"0152•tra.. Ne,1 'til ia''tt,l "v '
1 a2e5 .
1 1tm,38, D4 01...titt0 4 82111 # 411 Tuna
'�'G)e"11nnn_„t'bnn N11 Un.1rb o Met WWII tall
e.'._FA.91111 Wilbtr11n OH s.t tt,m,-.4`Nll 0 is
'.'"8t' Z� WY�i2t01 1184'w.1
:148 , -
Vet' t�1Nu
• tot I ao 1111
-e'9 T i' 4 .. 1522 the etanaollae4 54 4'1'4' ie U2 i t1 iJ98151:4 n" h'.'a3"1x811 ('••4181 28 itb m';.
Leer 1 resale• ntt'IInfru 1.
Tuns 221154'' i- trate- (111 eeennii4t Wit=
Compare Our Expens
Y�' t '111! that e 2'.'( nen awl 1t 12 18 �°l . eI4 '.i w I otic
1' 1Ii (1 1.'18424' 141, 1 xx U i2 .tltF " 445 3 1 1121 - xt 2 r 4 4t 220`".11
21 f e; to°C: 1121°.'i" •d 1ll'1`4� .^ t, : CE1L's+er1f'ri t?tnxll-8°ltnt, 2,48�fl054 3- 9.1 1 1 n�'' �1111`iintJ'11 «it tilit4 l „,.1p j.e,.r ,y: ol924V 2 9 882)'214' 1111 218'/Q 7
nn '1 .11 . . a it:l'4 8,104 .51LR t2 ant Qi"4f cut . ,,z.:',1- II -%P i@ti1 ,) 1.i °'2,4' II
) n 411. tt., it N'i1,'1 '8 ll I o.'112n. ..4 r ,• • 7 w D 'A' 4 t I t' Via. 8141• N l qutl0id e14 -it X11°'E', 1.;41.,,,, '� t1•. 4 10 2111._ . aIellane 1 1 1�',4l 4411 Sea- It
i'_�.gate' 1 ✓i i'ua3'len1 nv inn o b�k1S1 .e.'.. I, t�
q- 1 11 you \'`.1211 •2 esiD eve, %sea 1' 4 1x9`1'' of tilt! towns,1)1.19 i+.Yet Nelly l!tl1 lino- /n•(r;'2.-414101";'111 '2j124' f .221.'11 112 rI 11".9. 11
- t : r' • i. d i 4, 18 ;,F9i4° 2'79 E*nti•'i' 1;f'226_'n" .d.u1Yt_'.• �6�4 F• • tl fi . l r ;vd'`� father. ° s lx. 1 .1?;o 4
x 4 11 last c5t !"
1 vstl 1 r.. - l oll11IlB• o 1'El>li<g'iyga 1' aig`123J4 r. '
: ,:at;17 F4t troop^ na14I feel confident 1 j 1'� t] visited 1H,ae,2•e y;�r4 frDtrd a l atOdl'r,-'
• �'i ", ° - m` '1' c ' rig 1115:- .411' 111$"t'Q -01 t. 8112 t �" � ilt'.(:ea'fy'�'4l• r.ff,.,,, l' 2,,..' 'Welsh, t nil week. t
iea4 t von 'Dr 4'x5:.
C' f YE a$ s11ap. D ay322112' Over- Ilea l2eo'p,2f of 7 'l i!
i T 1 f �t. �--$.'i'�i �1
4` 4 y '1 3'see s 11 1'ert' geese,pees t', )e't 1211 he IL 2V.,-,9 Te 0 'V a2$tei'4-"-tin g: ser.. siv1-) al, t. tie.). ;wire reaper i' e C
of :it 112 ti 111 1 1., neat F 1 C.- r
11,1 a : •"1115" st tug -32. let _aes, eea erv,3. 2 a slIS 111,4 4 4811 4 1 3 d'° ri R e : a ° `,'I^•': All 2124° 11`4`.115 i Ml ; 114 ,'.
14'*''. ()vet'4eoa,2? '44174') ° ' a CUP ere 1 Ct ° al $ °
t'`4 UV. ➢ � t, j4 the s �i,;l d � . <+1 00 .r t�, cv1,4 o13➢t- 1 a, Jl n'�r 1�2 .via c`"'}:iintlall'E` i.PV2. �aJ aeti.
a a� .. r r k, ,‘','..,`0...,4+2149 2`' 4= 1.1nt 41.:.(•11 0,111 1.2`131 "•u-
� .
anee, ire ti)l2 , t)S2t. l',1�5 ,{'g, i)71'>,4'e' S,y trd11_ ' tIi?t �. 5F 4, 471 4:3x•847 4){^, -..p• 1¢_t a , +p
11.4A , 01_9! 17fiCt1 11 t 3 z 4-1.2513:«Ito,s 1'1,1,to1 Cr" ee,,se 4e- 0.4.' .,323z temente/Rated enteIra+teI b 1))2111 teaat'hee
�*.v * t1 a a` + neeee, -4,1q l b -leoat =e• half P)rie . s
01 84. 283. FO/lit:2:4. i'3 air• t,:; ' r. . :-:, •-013:1 1,:11r1P ±r .
cel ghtl
.... -.1.-A+k-tc-w.----.,--, d- ---,d'I:1.. ,:.:r :t A. bWA D 'F - or Litt, vet xFr '•1''.6 .:!!.i .v'r�^trae• . �Itr i
a 11.11 42 7f egtrll t of least Division
rt �t. vitt.,311 d 4 :±+,t L 14 -„1 a 11$1? T t t,' ;:e.9118.1. ttele hove. we in.'k'I15h02t2'Il3(t'u,C
!�J 4'!t :�'" .I. ij4�t1 se '� x 1 "gip s; ;e- F &1'P ��]E 8, (54 s 4, " n -
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-v '0.r itj �]1 t.�I},I�'t;,T U a., , �,- .11_+' 84(41'.
.W„ .+ 31155. 3 C 1.'22. the sea -.'1 b.7.. 4 11. va• a�i`�, l to •lual J'.°Y 2830
the 3 t.tics 441 181 El'.-' 1 If.,r,- ,t -:'LL`. v.4
melee is±ortl+e31'..e1eb,V Uvo.8i. tees 1.4.1.,
,201 41511th.' SC�ri ha., 'et een 311'4 ur'- 2.:,..1 E.3-,31 10 ' cot &a date art EC! of
{31 ..1 fi r:S." 6? ' 111. t't t:
'MINE 14�' L3l� i,�,prE. tat is 1..:i: putt," _^;D fa 4101 " 1 91,o t: e :
. n 5 01
H.� +s: 1„ ,5. �c.I,° "ar rs; Ya_584809 b11 stat33➢t thet F. .
r' utr1t re
)7t'Lo &Or
♦ � 11.:'1 vl,. a _.,�:r`
.. feet st geels i711i ree-
'. ¢ t It 1 ' 111"Di r.1'. f1 tiiF
r �i�• yid? �.�
t , . 1.,.J ' .7.. ' +xE AG 4 .arra£.._
it 1 d tet < <'F1 1 Py'&. ,fit r•- e�
1.1:.. . e goads at mei
li. &a i - v,if1; 4 , tt•a3t f'"a,`,0.315
a 111 'a' C 3 ee"• YRullr'.G ...k 38I'd
.47, f..ri'll +<z i' :trot art a E� .111 i
e. _ . i •'i2'o a_.a 221..' 'kh'121i11. AFryr.C7m
it°;",T,i1:3xxf•)21 'tie- hest
• S<t1 2'421 get! tIla.C.',1tt•.
* new-
,• 'e „1;°5T: time: 1418;4' 120
:F9 ?_`., • t .ie2'>rt=1d. `IIF83.1:4'4
07.11 t,f)103 :43) nit, A''••..'+liF f
assets tit the z3' 111.2 o 1z 7 Ci+..- a e'er-
h A11 : C , .„ tti�f� e�f N21S1152n Kiva, B'''2"-''''2"line
'3f�n wt�» .� 1k,;fi2. T4s>v;I.LL. ,J:-eI9� parties ern 7e•r3 t F7 c+, 1.301 �, r.� 011;
garr,E,T., yC.j+latpY341 Erwiinn ani11 Jahr. sd.1.eg 129 the el7nirtis eY CC 1..;4 b :!ee n]' iyt'-d3: Ce ee a sry13•
1'.eoft f yi" Owen Samna, ! Lave then bEo given 1.s eaeve retie e e
eaut3e11nnnat4 2211 t4811 Prot 41t'fPn 11ae11t. it. -1,
24"121 ofJ. G• Stan3b42'se
"�• riV'•r
9' i►1t Shoos.
_.. _t rWW, ,u$Wa$M.rrelwe5+�WYk4%.9301"444
1: I
It 1t'rA4.11i."Il1'fle'g.$ 111143° •1.;u4411l'
1,11111411 tl**,lllnat':1•
a4�J33iY .ti
t-VVS--Satua..1a•r 2 2ILa nnsf. 2411 *211''..
jean Leeds, D. metaea nal I. e3e22n .¢11 'e at1.3 Fxr•aaaso s slain nut
11 'yt2 1 1"v iEro ki c2S3N YiN''t� fisi-1'1ing �� :tor the ssA'ft. sets, (s :any pan t!iFrEb�'
e e x F,, T1 ti 3ennitiv s of Parkhill �: p t 3"y`1e�' been �lh`
e 'Ito any 1+e :ea -I e a, Tits c ori wie c .^ 3' Wit 7I 0
..nice s?.an7Y nryt Lav4 Leen le elved Mi _
�"�'':ars t3ifr of @--tslCtn{ion
1t 'r-•
,V ls- a E 1'30 ; ryi}y,, 5�.-.:, o has been 4 H. J. 1). COOXEI
Elivt15' fr 4ia' i`nat'h Pak')ta3 sine ear- /� 015 , :CitQrr for Executors.' it els age o8 r:_ .Vans E:ls ase3 when
IV 123 tate x2311. tn#':'t2lils t', t'i'tr8'2t 0)r,4er1 nt Z nieh file27th. 4o1verrat1cr 211 :01;1, , x:e ple Y+t> 811E sides are fa2eing v lltim3 p
•1otor ataxia ;rr other dreadful tnaia-
i dies, nt is a oo.nfort to know that you
e au turn tot Dr. chases \e'_us irt.e t
1 a., 'is) with sisal Fte assurance that it
'thoroughly build id ut! ani revitalize
V -- feeble, waled nerve cei s.
4(ir_ 3t,se, h Ge_•sux. 22 21ie:eaif street,
ea 114 r F- nee?' 4. 'C81 14 , �! d _ 1'' .5 erne rte',, pati Fea:3esze ar:d bras g•
Edil ./ ''21:1. e e 11 a "heifer a stle w bi''2 g Y2C 2 r)73 1 -11g t night '14 cords:* x wag i
C `• • a 'dt.te was ,1.11€§4 1..r.. surf
1 "',� 1.1 of. j wheats. f•°`*.121ng. two. Anva:nf' .know- 1 l+'' ' r.G v,Y.is (.1yrI'. C.a x.11 xt 'Sea<sioess
1`...r!?S W,-11i3E1. 85.3 i1•£it8. teff )1:U ACIW)`
01 e e='"1 xre2' €!f F. A. Edwards; illy tlr 1.001 3.124 of their \1her:'e-1 .,4.4.X818 used lbr• ensue'$ 2V -rye f'0•1d far
t 7' Satan': t 11 i f
,l .4248 et tee re et'F)r .
E9 i 1
T..-4A,y �,�,.� el 15.,.15. s, nervous Toro ration, paralysis i.s o
t�y, a-, . E.2 a .$)n and child p
Lire 1)oen in as her 18J'484412. Clan-
t an but are new tetaeh better.
: 113 2rT " ee 1.!u £g' 1 <?1.1eh has •`' `( A �ED.
'a t t 2 : vin l '1 ➢xs week •^ii, f " aranF n4'ed ' k
ae 7,01 2 ens et _ear .. ie'1w I:i;ll_ 2 Fran. my premises. Let 115. Can. e'
I: '.;!teat E1 note 4,f tee River 1401u ,c .1 Etre n the :� t1 '.i0t• - Ottawa one, 'writes: was 1rr L.,ars, g
a{.. $. (."' < ?e and 41 1('; ti L t't`2 i' 174 1, :zeal cane iZ 112*? steer `er Sf 11.1 red ▪ y E.ryi r. r
wt , . yfr
• aJiib Cil
is the putt
t,' $
trouble to allow
lai• r? fin ' 24'11' `3.1)1. n tar not.
N 2t a; 0: t' :4 ouf8' S'C :. please inti y ine 01 or j v, u two 224051218. 2 can €;n 401uk0y say' f
'l::.te n. ?nave
wa1 i at
t11i4? o)iice, i
t � ti2at T feel like 113 new. .`24.12.
W + .3 T 4 a-, a a ' T+f3' feel like a tm., t rest s. re szee>t I
41L.:i3raan ore al rt T•I�ar'1 r<Fat_etln- I., 3t H~;•. Ke)nit .T;r'�I�. Zurich .t .O.. V.eTf, , tile anis t •eaime:ea ias strength -
1,s vt been 18'lsi l.-." a.t B ele:rave. yg l
f<r rut +• F u r t * s 6 W "� -... .... a Ft1E,' S'1e
SV eon 1124 C.L ale's 1Terve
(') �t.<1.., 1 T4i "4111 !. of t'Ic Ci lr' t FOR
1l 1� i clod is car.ain,ti the b t tre:..tnnent Y
' .. hf :.n her for the "11-4'( 't1eelL. 1"1 ? j-i'A RM1 FOR BALL. .ver Used, and t s . Sur '•'r : i YCariE
•'- > ;en. t1_r`e:tr,h ls1'-i efie'=• rtti 8"5it' flit" • r
to i5i'we full +5 108 where 2w i� uii'_. `
ilei• lra1;ttX ee tzar• Iate Courad Miller, or. chase's 1%;Er -.= F',o 211 7ties t..e
ie..;1-1.1e.foci .`, ail t '11'4' `" t'
tr 1.e' Of � .r.rle� . _ t1111d est N I. rid .. �+;y;t'3 ria;IY1 ?lit.; rerrEs strong, 2rie1 re-
ei Y ia)res of exteFz ,nt a goo.3 '14.1.#1,
••"' .if; 'Q;41•ent"" t l ...c. 1)2"4»'* eP:-i , 010its°^r tan 4 sgal4'n4iiit ft'ae0180 21 Tt1. barT1, i yfae'es v'i5,'OrT t4 the wht0e sysffl2n : :zi
:4•a•t, at!tl;tlr' t . th I .1 'e,. ; F' 7-es
lois a t •.1.i 1.e t'rrn. F t, Fiat' Fowr1- canis, It
art. t2eaTers . or Zmaason,
P3* t=t)aara ti •?15 are ettn.4 111. ;Ie #.. T i sill; , t2ers0 1 1: 5 fs nT I f?ata tlerif:ilea ViF- r utas .g1. 'Cor 1p2ny, `llorern'to.
:~•`:,n �. (� 1113.4'E`•)rlaa, 482124`lte.I:11"111.4 nt (z•1 T Af the. 12u.,n1? a ,eeeer a1r53 t*, 4.. 1kI01 "' '� . -
:11,1er al)l arta t,s of Trinity FF1y to O 'i " s'
• fl '• i `a:+' 'r ;aila3 tiltre}ee�. rt•k 11 t•k1Ely. � 1 1 '�' Fi L.c•w*
n ;;Brain Sabbath school. JOS. SNELL, Dasimoca rye Food,.
o !
and. Fantle cos
Our peel Lines in
Dinner and T -Sets
The very ne' est patterns to se-
lect from English, Canadian.. ner
lean and Scotch silitings. Cole
in and examine then.' nobby goods!
We carry a full line of shelf
hardware, table and l
nails,. edge tools, etc, etc.
tinbacb Zur e g