HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-23, Page 11hitedunrourAmiwnwa•por
One of the Brightest and Best bier Presented
the Readers.
• senanee.oreenesee
seeses.,-• eseres.onree• -. -
A I_
- snni'een" - reaerennereeseseers
Is the Title of This Most Interesting and AU -
Absorbing Tale.
Full of Life and Action From the First to the
Last Line.
- sineeennee
800111311 GEE Of FRIIIC_E:1
- .ree • • ....s"....seette
servioe; and the result was an erodue
that must have affected Scotland in
her struggle with England. The only
part. of Irrance tbat showed any what
to cling to British rule was Gascony.
The Gascons for a, long time were at -
most regarded as foreigners ba
The fellow feeling that a few cen- France, and It woe a :Scotch leader
turics ago linked tun '..ottish and that was sent to overcome these law -
French ivas, nays Household Words, Itsh proclivniea. Then came the reign
the enmity to England that actuated Of I.ouls XL. and the
:Mote were turn -
Even now tea hem both. average cel againste
. Other foes, Thre woe
rsoneoulan loose upon eenseen. Ana something in these 'Viet:Kennon that
Frew% Longs tita
could truet, more n
Irish ail something different front
they (vigil Cruet their own country -
rt wan natural. that, in the
days of atumet constant warfare, lnela In the war with Charles of Bur -
France and Scotland should join gentle* they dna epleruild sondem They
Lois . Liege; they
Iterale ; it
go France a grand twg accomplencil an
of nivertIng and dietraetlug Eng- neeomPaniuXIto
ed Ills eon to Ream De-
land% attention. To the Seetaislt Notion., filleitta. courage. made them
the bulwark or the Froneli throne. the
borderers Invanion of England was
their Tory life and breath -4H eon. heart and centre a Frenoh warfare.
genial and pleusant as retaliation It Wne not often that they met aterli
waS to the Soutitrono smith ot Tweed.
Enskuid really needed two armlee-
ono for each or her enemlea ; and
for long eears are wan fairly well
able to cope with beet. The origin
of the Freneh neettish thear,1 has
been Memel US far back ate the year
Btin ; bta %Ma date eannot be tie -
Copied as lilstorie. thingla titere were
donbtlesti Valeta le ranee) at that
time. It was when Freneh Clore' itty
at a low ebb, after Aglitmeirt time
the gentlemen of rtressland went
f rth figitt what migtetbC cou-
ableted tie batthel of ti.eir Coalatre
Mee as the Etighsit bed Men ; but
Wintering Bees—Care of Horses' Feet—A New Manure—Salable
horses --The Dairy Cow. )
I take Min out in the sun or let him
Preparing Bees for 'Whitey. stand where the wind can get at
P,ees ought to be prepared for win- hitu, his feet will commence -to get
ter before very cold weather sets in; hard and brittle, and the only way
to keep them right after using wat-
er is to rub on a little hoof oint-
from the hive, it is none too early ment while the hoof is wet." Dick
to begin work. In the middle States showed me a mare that had been
the beginner will have better results very sick and the fever had all set -
by wintering on the summer tands,
tled in her feet, which had contract-
ed to a considerable degree Just
Cellar wintering requires more exper- below the hair. Her hoofs were
lence and watchfulness ; the first re- wrapped in wet swabs and she had
quisite neceasary for succetisful win-
tering is to have bees enough to cover serIngs in them. "This mare," Raid
Dick, "would have had larninitis if I
at leaet four Langstroth frames ;
had not kept her standing in a tub
they should have from twenty to
of cold water for the larger part
thirty pounds of good, ripe honey. If
of five or six days. Sometimes dis-
eases in stores they should be fed
eases of the lungs or bowels will
good granulated sugar, one cup and a
seem to quit those regions and in -
half of sugar to one cup of hot water trench themselves, as it were, in the
In -
makes a syrup of the right consist -
feet. The feet then contract and soon
ency; if you have 'on hand some ex-
tracted honey add a few tablespoon-
beconae ridgy and deformed, If string-
fuls, which will prevent It granulaent measures are not taken to re-
medy the trouble. This mare was so
re -
Ing. Bees will winter well on good
weak that it was hard work to keep
sugar syrup, which is about the only
her In a tub, but if I had neglected
substitute that can be used. Untie%)
honey, or honedeer, often kills the to do it she woad have been ruined,
bees in winter, as they cannot stand
water, lotsr"wof onIhobwrinilloustemenpletand
a long confinement on such food. keep springs in her feet, and I think
If the bees are in n, 'double walled
will bring lier out all right. I use
cessary. If In a hive 01 single thick -
chaff hive, no more protection is ne-
hoof ointment as packing in the
bottoms of all nay' norses' feet, but
ness, an outer enee ef some sort should
be put over the hive, but in nowiee 1 think that stun wants to be
used very judiciously on the outside
close up the entrance, for the bees
need plenty of fresh air. The entrance of the hoofToo much of it will do
more harm than good." -Horse Re-
sbould be left open full width, which
will also prevent the combs from be view.
The Horses That Seil. Well.
coming mouldy.
On warm days during whiter, when ...rne m
.,:rearks In these columns from
the thermometer registers fifty de- ime to time in regard to the scare-
grees or more, the bees will go out for 1
a cleansing flight, after which theY
will be able to stand another month
of rigorous weather.
WW1 cellar wintering I .b.ave bad
experience, but the nditlous neces-
sary thereto ere to have a good ven-
tilated miler. kept dark, with an even
temperature of about forty-five de-
grees. Some time iu Novensber, right
after the bees brave land a good flight,
rratOre them to the cellar, sleeting
the time toward evening. The bees
should be handled as gently as possible
to keep them from filling themselves
witli liOney. for it will be reom four to
five niontlin itentre they will again
8. 'Irarlety.-Feed a variety of
foods. They will eat more and di-
gest more because of it. keed nota-
ing but sweet, wholesome food,
9. ISegularity•Feed at the same
time eacb. day, then cows will not be
worrying about their feed,
:to. Balaneed Rations. -Feed as near-
ly as practicable a balanced ration
But all cows should not be fed alike;
those inclined to lay on flesh should
be fed less of the carbohydratee,
such as earn, and those inclined to
turn all their feed into milk should
be fed More of such feed.
10. Succulent Feed, -In summer,
cows should have good pasture or
other green food or silage. In win-
ter a part of the daily ration should
be silage or roots to enable them to
do their best.
12. When to Feed. -Feed both coarse
fodder and concentrated feed both
morning and evening. Feed a small
feed of coarse folder at noon if cows
have been accustomed to it. If cows
have not been acciatorned to it, they
may, perhaps, do as well without
the noon feed by giving more of the
other feeds.
18. Water. -Cows should be water-
ed at least twice a day when on dry
feed, and the water should be pure
and (wholesome and at'.tempera(
ture that best sults them, which
is, at least 20 or 30 degrees warmer
than ice water.
14. Salt. -Cows should have at al/
times all the salt their appetites
crave, which Is from one to two ounces
each daily.
Iere. It may be that when the euperior
quality of our produet le known and
Annual Meeting of the Agricultural
Experimental Union.
The next annual meeting of the On-
tario Agricultural and Experimental
Union. is anaounced for Monday and
Tuesday. Dec. 10th and llth, corn
mending at 180 p.m. on Monday. The
meeting- will consist of five sessions,
and will b held at the Agricultural
College at Guelph.
FrODI. 'MO programme which has been
received It Is seen that practical ex.
perlinents were conducted this year by
itY or really first-class horses of '.,.,638esnu,___Ontarlo tai-mer
uearly every type have been 000-eees l'ePorte en experimental
work, addresses will be delivered by
firmed from many sources. Last
Prof. L P. Roberts, Cornell Univer-
week Mr. George Willhou.s, Secretary
of tho Illinois Iforae Breeders' Asso- sItY• N. V.:• Prof. Ellentil, Rich-
ards, Institute of Technology. Boston.
elation. In a letter to the Rider and Mass.; Hon. Juha Dryden; Dr. James
Driver, confirms them In a very Superintendent Creelman and
striking way. letter ie so much.
to the point that we give it la full ""`°1. guQ*1 agricultural authorities'
The meetingwill be made of iuterest
apt follorre-to stockmen, dairymen, poultrymen
"During the talks I have Inflicted and fruit -men, aud to all persons en -
newt the farmers. I have tried to rel,ged In mixed fanning or in houseIniprass upon their minds time we hold affair&
aro now ustug up what may be rail- There will be exeursion rateto
ed the laet Tult erop of Male, that Guelph front Dee. 3.0th to 15th. All
ttuitniroOrk 114:iiit.tsN.e.ehe;03Nlro
Pttntintrlenr1reeon'el F
are welcome. or parthsulars apply
1! to the Seretary, C. A. Zevltem
mann thin year will take about els: Ont.
years. to become marketable Itorime. ' cultural C4)11i'g‘'' (411111)b*
tle.y may well look forsteurd to a ' A WII)F.14allitil OVT1.00IC.
emerelty before they are ready for
have a elfeaneher, fliiht. 'rho essentials
fereuccessfid wintering are, an even
temperatur\ tinietiten. darkness and
ventilation. Those conditions obsorved
and coirekstileansitrOd.-F.
10 rar10110,1 World.
...Lean sm.
Mice. at Pava.they reoffered a eeverentiA :view Manure.
,tlefea.t from tlie ileoptisit under 11- i
eayra, the gaiit mealier who error,: A noibleet that has recieved eon -
C1Iarle3 V. ele, Freneh king, lareneis Iderable attenteen in these col -
l.. though eurroutelea. by 07E1 $11,1ti'lll limns te that of suit fertillay and how
Guard. War tttia"11 prIl!oner. Anuticer in munition it at the highest stand -
unhappy 411**,1., V,40.1 the Wormy in If urd, The p•Atowtitg, deeeription of a
whielt the
14..ot lientgionorp iseatie 1 nen' Manure team the itural Worbi
Henry IL tile %%trial of wlitell in^ twara elnizeveliat tiao
This ,fatenty wa,2 panAy ittvidentni, natty hn ef lettercA to portios
theligh 01E0 44 ttCO3 tr.vtetat 4,4tiota0r. i.h.atiithca with the prelitetten ad beet
;rendes: elL even frbeelne toerliatteint mot eaaeati nt Me eleanatrO
ro0tr,4intatir„F had Wee feeetiAl tie try write eneolease witiore,
a lattice- relth the hanes isgainst 1: that at i U, wan rirdwir es moat
on ia at/i
Le Sorogn clear. wine. oneessong will. vice iti*t these lindercitle bat tepee, 4 n tilt
Englatell at taat ly Wliens PharegeoT isleeetnetatiSr
a, t/sitt -1•41114- th"111 a
eser otieoendielsed., natnralitirant l'1.1-44allt raffs'1111a, itpturcen I t4idv'111'" "1 "emP
b:cotaatArt...Aclattles lletanee eta! &,4,,eno.tT. Tar rzeTorcata. ity vvOilng the tvatste enaterele
sent to implore titd. ;rang,' the ilezent tlnn, lu,rimat:;„ prolur4 tiho 4reattrst '411404 raPninnlate s!.7.4 irroup;p91,y ita (iv?.
Duke of Ainzny 11.0agLt it politte Es-'„LS'er"rete 11911. 8siata the lalitefeeeIt hid C fj"44'..71;4.er ,tx 10
re:venal; in 11.19 VA) firot (let:lets '11'1111" "ItIL'Irt• Vre-1)411 rs4 stas'r -t
rata eyessintlalosa teloyettetall. s"' " " "
rreEell Ca. folhewea Later aeLslida tikv tta-0) kvi,vnattiir:g Euttcp IIIM; wtITIPT:9 tZdttot• t, 1. IL ta,41r:at
1GrOtf. tr'11^^
* 96•#, DoVonriitraiga. ;jeans
it. I have also tried to ti -841111.11 a note Future or Our Poultry and the
appreciated on the Ba si ,
and the prices established 00 that we
will know wbet it le possible to get,
that the time will be opportune for
the indivichial farmer or association of
farmers to fatten and sbip for them.
selves. By that Ciller our farmers
should be well acquainted with meth-
ods of shipment' to .an already estab-
lisbed market vvith guaranteed prices.
This year the poultry trade with
Great Britain lias developed as It
never has before. As early as the
middle of last month one firm bee
sent to England a shipment of Cana.-
diatt chiekens which is five times
larger than all shipments sent borer°
from this country in any previous
entire year. Next year there will
be a demand for ghickens unheard of
before. The farmers for the pre-
sent year, and probably for the next,
should not try any direct shipment,.
but find out and send his chickens
to the most reliable firms in this
country. It may not pay the farm-
ers to do the fa,ttening, but it will
certainly pay them to raise chickens
to sell to the large firms wise will do
the fattening and shipping.
My services are at all times at thio
use of the farmers. It is my duty to
give full information as to the best
breeds for the farmers to handle, how
to rear and fatten the chiekens,
where and who best to sell them: to,
together with all such practical in-
formation as years of experimental
work is calculated to make of value
to farmers.
It is hoped by a series of letters,
of which this is the first, to inter-
est the farmers in a poultry depart-
ment of their farm which will give
them, surely and quickly in the near
future, a revenue equal to any other
branch of farming industry. AU in-
formation as to breeds, care, feeding,
and fattening, etc., will be furnish-
ed free on application to my Depart-
ment, Experimental Farm, Ottawa..
A. G. Gilbert, Manager Poultry Dept.
Pointers for Bacon Producers.
A circular has been issued by the
Ontario Department of Agriculture,
giving pointers to farmms concerning
the bamen trade. it states that the
Canadian market demands a long, lean
carcass in a hog, and calls on farms
to supply the dern.ancl. The circular
continues-- "Canadian farmers lose at
least 20 rents per hundred on MI gigs
sold becatw of *toir soft condition.;
packers fixing their buying prices ac-
cording to th .1r a ver7 • receipts (roma
sales. The woe who 'twists on: breeding'
the wrong type not only loam 20 cents
per hundred, but he causes lilaneighbor
to do so MS well ; not only this, but he
injures the home and foreign trade.
Therefore, it ie to the intorest of
Kers. citizen that the right sort of
pip be bred on every Canadian farm,
and that they be properly fed. Pip Of
the svrong type cannot he ramie ko5r.1
by any kind of teeth= yet ilea feed.
ing Will spoil a wed pig."
of warning that they toast prodit by flrLUbbalarkete. TO KNOW GOOD IfeelleF.
their former tulet;ikes and not breed .
the Impleitarl manner tbat tliPY Our eystem of vied ntorage, both as
A Bit 10r •the lioubewire to Paste I
formerly del; that if they !wool regnrde the aislel stor,ege firms the:In-
fos their Wilt WO or for the rearlsetee. seises atel the to'el storage mire fur tier Serap-floolc.
t repay them amply to 'breed transportation, are making rapid Let 13,9 ours...hese soya 8.
for a type of home that will sell ;! strides %warn perfeetion, :aid it win writer in Woulanni View+ Comp:union,
welt in the eity nett -kelt. if they are r, izoi be. long' ledore we Dave in before a buteiter% bluets letian,g on It
at any time hielay emeigh to have a, tit. to ,J zlEf.Drjge ',,t L4 1,14t3.1 1111Y-.!., four pleeee ol bell presenting faced
aceraitis to sell.; tes Verge who are thing 10 ties wortl. .et preent tirore from MO NMIttli of eiriolu. tette le diet
breeding tee Ainerlean treater to .. malting se iteieb taileel of or writ- 14,11, titt! lean bring 410.4!".gr;Iiine.1
breed to the Stallion that begets t411 about Ito rataudian Iases ea t the fat very white; the twee its .erk •
!Melo and buttitenne eche, ona not -4 the nseteeeito fee oerfeettern of the red, the Pau axiessgrained noel tamale
for epees! alleno; to try awl .g..1 the I 141 1410 14,, a9a,:t a,a11' Ilioril,,h.1114141, goals awl alto nit is lato and Mat Arog• tat),
Wessel on their farms sem type 099 the Ir '1 r LaogrA,41a eon- Ilicird dtad reel. the bs:111 lOW4Q-gratja-
W a alit they will 1011Ittalt ie bott"Mii4.134- 00 great VentittrY. and Nalt,'Wl." atla Ott? .YGlow thrs
teams esiere than they have to the IS rs''''IreTeL'esi PI:- all. Thiel tee , Osartii i4 ltroelat a ilsolq7 red. tile 'lean
past , that the grasat masers' ottteei gr. to retrinrwo ,i!r 'Qarotry must mew h anti gr 410(1 with
that- for npe:(.1 are 1041 tin. Maze lhav4laa 111 11 sienrae* ICtek9 of white throagla it, toed the
tetee to eope atter, that that the 19' a llt9301 00 :114-91). 'Mr has" egesee fe.t creaniesona 310,r white nor
genera/ lereseler avast UniV,I E•Dap., L2rap,r-.1„ then. Is The tirst t14 C40W V'Mjte
.E4:4•19 itspr..;a41.0, 4i61 q?u,?v wig law.; AVNTA: 4141aar:ticoLt,5.1. tla4-ar harms vsEll „ t F4, ,700,1 butt WI. the tr.'airdi beef
Made morket foe tieeie e411,,,elt 01'02 q't" yet -Mlle? , freita. tin teal or alli-,:eanda"laneal ntelnial
• S'nesseseera a.' ,,;.8? tald 07,..9,rel.
99 5Lt 0'4 *17 z,.arL•z (az aav:.'a !teal] a stver-M ,nniciest. !Nueva.
'85a•L' 8.a 1'0', !!- :11.:DGo!489_11, aon411 anoeut ecotioan-
Nr 'nv-'.1a-11 fen the- all 1110 112 tveel. 91 tate"
s,,Lit,3..:(1'5? (Tu.., 'try 0.0 7`0!4;a$'12. tkur.- -Doritzr" 9111,aa ra:1711 19 verity math
954 1199 ]1 tualurital. zer:141tiLai with ta',:(ita? tat EEeelits anal
Ono L.+-Lp tiMs ptc!,- %Seen la let irese Leavy yesieg 8.191
'se:sees:see le. Use ''.- SY' st,110 na9. allot trc:ar
o'.7' IN•rtavt7::,-•r.,,.v. DT:o veleta ffro,t,a a "„F02481:4"; tQA-v tInt
luetealSlese ies;tritetlstue Mae. beet teen fea 4.00,5 ffa.4 tetje 1 /5 neat
see to re -ales. 4aur:11:UN'-.;t','%;, 1...$4,*r5-. 543 loallqt, to, va.s peg teen Lee eas
mental 12" esen eia eeell tase VAP.DR:2_5* Duattar.09 nupeiLIA t.4 nerf.e. GatieTaz„to...y.
e•Sezase ,setiesaeres 0.sit meet, seesia con,/ t mu* '11§0
t'Lr• 7' IL, ' eart..oliy u333
N1114 V.":4:b.a.vEkan D redan:e Cc... and 991)0 41$15 3.25.01.
TO'19.D79t0 'Ma, 9::Act1351 from
bae ci, largo tautatpr. rexlr i ,-. , — --- tr 91( IAA 111111 CI4199511 8-8109'010 109?
ticuag,0,141 itanggicf,-,4. tft,,,,..T. 0,,,,,,F. ilntrvzozy `, IV.. trIT,:,707,/, k9
oa4i.va. 'lteetaa„,:sn sit010)9-11 te'll
l'--"'l,1.,.E"'!C,laia*1n c.1if-109.ro,a7,rS,,',rt0“'.
1t-,.l• ..7tinz5t°
,1,0 r„ ;gnu'•a:.,E-?e'lva1c11'r3_ui1/t
.a1'vPt1.s,. tD-a,nt3irk• u;-:-4Ituu1v'u
',11-1,•',..” .9tr, r-:lw''r't"'' '--•J j
-4 'u49o'a1
11ei,8eM,i2;994,35” tlteII tra„imit,411394r,200,.4as1"arara0ntle[t4vaan114tpr,a,448U8.2 a98111PWttzter 3.19n49 tq9 5ra12194
atgca,44 tae ewe $1 pst.:31]gu 3se(nti1 intceIZ:319 0 tIkOrgravCt t9'' 1) i!ss• e tlt. a
vh.attnt4itcos,vasb3141z4tt.r;1b1-t;!‘""9tP41 9114 9191 1) 99+99V1P99 DAF84r.-i,'81111aU8949'- 01)8: 9119 II 49393,r
4'919a8et19a leaeW7:i;'1:,,-5..-7',"11!9 tutt 0k,-41 11419 a 54110 i apai:1 0999 nt iauty 811
1>1,,, e rranvo„',',ls;'u7,t91419ut11)17'9 418 'as 9041 44-4 rot1v, 071:81. inemelof ttei
hut llie lentrlae1 aieif2M?Vc01,4'4TIV919r7oP ti,L-Fs 14 1)9,11,9 9i.1t i the tare4iikaEred Lagat
resee ca,a 99919.t1 91114' s 1 4019P2t>ter 8.89141 13 tee:eA leasla1 ood 99' L4 fr thaea.ee
111131anztongr 1110 au .49I1g3,11S118wcia D.toVaa1cachors thoad
aldrershp might peoi,;-=P'1h54 1.:P PStit.tta`tNt 4311?2 I the Coes, lihe noirecotwoe 891 trr8. eeVltttirItPtitA1Osi99C9'41414 910g1111y fa11oWlEggltthta,
tuzktzm0 1)91 tonictt,0911 9) trte rlg,,m,h9t42313anint1alratn81V819W(4"14t111811 19 11
folyhave eaalet at north51r.i.h1evuaY e*•110-!a
l- iil„:rin
vilim45° te1fiedCn t -vnaan! t:t4 £9
i:91 T na
treat hca epesn17'417'4'U4.7'..-,',,7'u tr, 59:190994'- tttetterer 1991" 4' etretioe. 79. 1.e
s:,v•::,,1,•'g•aetsfea pemanent r ls.oet1
1 8.9! 99411441) l8„aetJ'Ifateetrt/rIeesn,aitniogtPt..
the fataer C1ztete
eu. 11E4, ,, 3
peekitig.. •srIdp:,,174. aiao birds.
tr' truia.9,11 -2,...7.21 retit, oa- owo reef ay. 912,1. .0444. Private F.Itter prise to the !Moselle.
99 made ••
• oe'S for 'Lille part, they IrgaYe wet:. tt:c4MIct.17JS '51toptitt,17,-
ani. le faet, repenly assnmeal tiarat rtmelt
wen /(,-,:Ti.,e,A,1 a per vont. :is iiiniam n tr-4; 0,=:* a v.,ay. fa
Wbieaszllatutoes e11e111. 41
11°11114wa) nease.e? e.grn,t,n8 I▪ • oaltallli9.cl.9saint119ea8• lt1le3etre 9 •` tia;Aerseisose-' aBZOret peeovO7bdteallt11e8t0aht11etvery, b8e.11st tls•ii:4
Lgtatz5i ttt.1
D.fiZv11.-.4 . sr,petzign. •(,u0t3z,tl,„:4i47t3aeq.v,2e7teeeiiesr.tessaees etmetfe a104)1ro104)1pte
fotie tavgasiit etIcsaasa t,,. TTe ms t49%l? e.1811ze'---Is of the
lear1110eVt11811t,19o' the • raitan.1 411, tewalah iO4 tier tee : 81ir895'itArthial(505ort19.4 ,4.
ftont.ent, Enghotid ilia tat capped on
• eingle man. A wondetrul suceess
awaited the Engits'a arias at Ceevant
it 1.428; caught between two ararges
and greatly outnumiterest, thp.27 r.,.,:n-
tziveol sitzer dating ail gev.-7tal-
clip to defeat hen. I /urge alert
09 the French array liezi wittent
f1rbt:r4. but tinre,? Cur:Ds:mil grall:arat
Scots lay dea3 tIze. Vett hatt:e.
rn tap. follEowing Eaat
oat =are tirow, as nanny as ten
tinrasanal-lit. a--tarpris-eag e_he CISC1111
store so great a 810ruirer. Ma even
rtezeet battle was foogat at Veraaeail.
Estglisla army. tao-.....gra bar trace
fewest In number. was Iese by
eitet whirl] Shakespeare has
iatunottalizNI - the Dulte of
Bedford, the Terls 51 Satis-yary and
Suffolk, an i jean. Talbot. Van
the fereaeity ione: earaity, the S-ots
had proclaimed that they intended
neltioPt• to take nor to give quarter.
For a moment it lock Id though the
Frereh cause Ind won -the French'
co.vairy easily took it for granted that
such was the ease: 1) tat the rea/ Issue
se' the day lay betwwaa the
.9 • 412 449) S'43 to orlee enurgy - 9 11 9." q• - 11890J 99914 9454 tp.ust be. 3treR:i•
ousts tat-vw,1 81)10. c9j-:z111:901. peo leas liblee 10.74 per inen 1049 61111)0;;4 li.,i- ttils poiiit,
tisire Kc.ate.Di t;tintai reams mete 9: >4 I9 t. ,,,,menisetrmei with Liu- .9 UI of
mainly forairg fiT ratan:am. Niles- raareire seel In elmsemey etel Wo:c9en" vichY filen aee
Hetes oes tezeal De Wee . •oes 4n.;„ 5t not retelaires leege reterlas froze
0900-119 7.1'OLI) 84 :,,svold tleeir reiative co-antey. rase 111 '9 SL. 49- tr:-9hua-ek--s 9881.,11 Z':. - ..,.k:',. rectory as te T. Le ,1 ewe 0.4.
•,,-. -1;,, ,,,.. • -,.. ,:, -, 9 - • .• .
Trdtfnr-v• Fen v•-•,. t11Z-P-7L-f91 t4at111.1 irunC-i'--; aoe-8,3- 114.8.F.,;i7•S 1745t.51111.., will/ Ihe :asas t -. s - ' ~o - -1-, ter(' 'masa zdttP1-•-ttare 111';' 'z'it-4'74,9- •
•-•.-‘4,., Tag ...4 •
rnere en.1 a.1,(4,?a, TI'V 7-1:;2:1 t4'4 Como NA -,,,I...,±. vere lasfsee ae ',i. eirelte Cr "I 0:'''''?,":',';''' td) Erank'' NA' '1W`l as d' -'4111177:2g
Ma Mttt'vai 138.•-•11--kr-z. Se4aleia :at:4 s, -49a- 849 t''..r,s ;:rtIgle tlaatt ii.'.91- r,,-
ldiraglsia in tean.:N (r.:L'A pcari.11,y ..5:4-51cra '.. ((vulva arr„iO4.. neseeszeav2ee ,er sees2 . , r. ,4 'Tile sararee Deents eete,feteg whiz
nre 5 Inegnern To e ease -a -arm% evenen. tees:eel 94.,,:, t!,•1u,s.. pg.,,v, ss ils ,. Jr' annh alai flesslisas el tie- ti! iliry
.:+y Mt. tr'.. 118. Aii3-4•,:g.TL:94.111 ca reeeet Wee
.. .,--P.,....174:-. u. 4- ..:111,lr',IL00, ,-: -•'-', , ,,,,* Ervnt,,,,t• T[Dil....7,,..„..,,,,,, ,,,,,,. 0 , ;!„,.,,,..,
British. Refaagee see elfeee'ssZ IllaItene : teat 'tte, ; era se:Veen 4••1 so,' :ea • •sl'Appeals to the 13est Judgment of the Best People and
9 Va.taare an the nrtt-a:v-s 57 simecrahl- talu4- green e ihreasase put Et: n 4-rj1- k•hTliall•
Mon9tm- Etti.,..lines Just Built.
Inttsbarg Iareniative Works haste
east, moan/eta& two engenes WhEch
are elainte4.1 to he the Trost plwerful
aui heaviest yet, eorstreetsei. Each
we:gits 111 Sea tone, the tendetes Mee
'nag a water capacity ol 7,329 gni-
tons ana erNii capacity a 14 tatin.
conr4 919 '.7' traP t•=1 t . (;94.°947"1"."—'1'C'C'C'S
nave IN'TE'llgeTtil bilow 811-•eirselil ' 14) - PL''.16 '41.1 ""Dar'N'taill`!.
19001519 0129? 41:911- 119. tritand :1751terque, i1 they r:ared t5 01 ,At' A- ler 41 • Gets Hight Down at the C• ause of Disease 'is Dr.
• tile,y N/4-10. arve
8. 111 country. It wa-4 riot 1171i 17S8 119 92 i144:411: 44 19I se, .9 489-' ersmeasessi mad Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
sten wisli u^:1,-11 1114erity is eon -
faze tearpn Fe5tela ...tleta-at-y,rans ' way 133 tkart,.- every luvoe I afford relief, bat strike deeper anti
Was finaDly the em.4,.kja7 o"11:511-- WaS Int 11113ii a -Z9911_, e eo.eyeaereee.
° C:enea- -
Areis,ers ,9,..E.owsyl (imamIf.st W‘P•4•1,-.. 111`,4 lig.:88:Saaai City. I szatee arrange In the lena .:co,2 find goraz ot Dr. taI01`0111g112 and lasting turee.
fasmag In thc, sari.„ greet. national f.43 De eseseesliz lore ee,,,e; ee leak reaele , eh:Lents of tie • Statn:-gutters arel fasten• , sios .„ ,ue.„..!, Viry t..5 it Mr. W a 1 t er Booth, CoreSeezion,P,ZIne
. Edward Coanty. Ont., states, "1
tplueaval. lee soles cluaes arc na. Lis te,etiices of raring If.:,r horses' 'i1-11,1:gs melt 'that the eaves eatt Tee kept ' a
ent'lltleS 51 EngTand; t119SYC Stand sc're-1136141 11'.'7"' 'n.14 w"e" 517- ''' "7.,„ ti'ooti AErr.,-Bavit tit- steIne wee eel 98£1 a true 949'.11.09" 11 of undoubted leiduey awl Mee .dieease ann pains
i that Dr. Chase is homoree and e.steent- , eases tiosb:sa rm. cone years with
Irrager to he rembered arneng the ce,-.arl",
deferiders_ome 01 rea.:itips. nor tee:, „ol stelae eet goe,e_seseiaa. seessee- pure air for cowa waimat making- at :
foremost among its taaro,. aaltant sr.ected 1.1e racers 7011 91 notieed tiat. , teated. let nark a way Its to, provide , tkille Why is lit that Dr. Cause's 90e1-. ,. in ma' tack', and Itay trtecan,Cia as
ney-Liver PIDIs are kept in the fatally ] eo bad I could not eat imatty food, '
the Ferigilela tog. si.m. .... .,.. ,,,,. 1p,....„.„. ..„,.....,......_,..,,.. .... ,...4 ..,,. ,,,. - , 1„....eopirga, a 8,478149-e it.,et in 1.4.,,,,,.,1,-..,,,a., .,!.o.kr t.orio armesee se -ale essa;e:, to. ..tra/ kianc,.s....,,
,:- '''‘„r?"rnN-„-JAIll'",1 l'''" '1'8''' leinzi Us to,ws. elineeedrisedilleee-ctille:stv;:iseit isleirrs;efrillosIbiceoaslitT- ntflo!lochiorialdmvradalft.latetertItthEor.tutteapses-Pie,1:::::arth_
. a
daring and endnrazee that every twinkilg 21'4.4i,„! ask2d hint te enlek5b i t.'", ce9.!`t-
and 6.,(4.6„ ''0.9 19 ,...111.,,....,.9 elt „T.,. a,,,,:roe.,.„..5,1 ,..,r?f t .,,Brarithi leas note' to "6. q a -t- --
a. an •-• 8:919(9 1.1 .9,.. ••••< 1, 4-, ,..-. . .4.* . Lue..1•.11 xuldl: NV ,,J,, be geta to. se - reel wase ! - , _ ...
the &otos fell to the nuntber 'cl-1 3ra5-; . 'i '1-:::7"4;07,,i;:,•3*.P1144g.rt.:(41.1.Z.LuhftZfle. 1 ;" : 4141 ':0:“:: rirak:20:i.irog. 1::,:,,.. :::::futiz:,2. t-5. ,-Itn. al:d 9,4,,,,.0-r. in 'f4t2...ip.. -y t`01-4,,. 1:1,:. patien ann sluggise action of el,e ever , - „
than five thousand, while at lenet two c4"sa ce ',air Long Inn'IrVite MI Frasea ,
- so use water Ore th,441111., WOter iS tiZte! alimeser Ward te Wletem femme say- ' it is lieliousee Pr. Cimoe's remedies ', of it, ney hand teemblea ea. and 1
nxteee intrea• ,
'huadrea of noble rank were fain to are off honorable mealeinese elediciras had Mut fiebeyb, Durtr.ticil;:e.ssenel:mitlifiell,
5. Exett:i:Ee.-tlive• cows a• eirtnce to 17,424 s.,,:ue. Tore are omeetzsely
cages and proven to, Ire of meat masa Hearing or a Altana caze that.
that have been tried in tee .severest . from 155 to 133 pouada
Tiatt.Q Crosser's Angelle Wings. ' life of a I.orse,% eret wizen Ise Dias i hag- "Always epeare to a vow as yoa
accept the. quarter tliat had been re- , a shoe nailed to It. tritheut It the 4, wonia tO a 7r -14.F."
ired'Ated„ This has been , At it ritualist meeting En Pratt • lent wile fever, up and contract, bet ,
fought by the English", but it was! of Elljelt Crosser. was caile'd IfOr-.P5511-.
as brilliant, an aetyrt as. • was. ever ., county. Kansas recently the kit alke any other good thing, It is eztene ' eaeneine lii th'r *Pan air when Nye...ether se -ea -tee beeause ever:vim-1.Y hes learn- I wrar-lerkee4 by. taldsg Dr- Citage
abused. You ean soak a foot witi:
water as often as von like. trat it y491' 4. ltilking--7-milli: refnilarir. at th.,
:, loinfoetale.e.
saQ'- '1.'' w"livet-cturot'eauhlee. I then begag:
deserierid -
' snme time sane tines, disiaing the dor .
ed to have confidence in theta and .t InIdne,y-Liver Pia% six boxes
confidenee in their discoverer. Dr. ; Which entirely eared nay kidne-- a
t'l ese's Eidnev-Liver l'illo have for
tot the last drithieng that this -unfor-,
tnnate, but brave, SeettIsh contingent •
received. Front first to fast thy seem
to have been ill -supported by thqir
Preuch allies. In the meantime the
Datipinn appointed the survivors to be
Ws body guard: and thus, in the year
1425, arose the 5tish •Guard 191
France It needed the heroism of
Jean .of Are to tura the 'atm against
t -he English, and elm must be given •
t.te• eredit, helped by many a stal-
Zoot of ir,%vine driven u4 from
x reach soil asul shattered the dream
oI .t'stgliah supremaey.
- The two first eompanies of anything
like a stamding army in France were
eaotchmen '; they were the King's .
Boar -Guard end tits". Clicottish
ArraS. Glory, renown. and profit were I
thusopened to the 'Zoete In foreign
9aherdsser 11:14 d'eat"er In "11 ear;Y tet dry- off ranialy the• result will
daybut was remembered for his ine-
rnense statnre, 0 feet 5 400110.4.A be as harmful as If yon had used no
water at all. I use wet swabe011
voice in the darkness said he. was •nly leasesfeet greet deas_aeesse
Elijah. "Are you in beaven asked them on hours at a time -mei the
an old-timer. "Yee," came the ass- way1 prevent the foot frnm drying
wer. 'Are you an angel, Lige 9" out toe .fast is te cever it wite a
"Yes." The questioner paaeed, evi- thin coat of a meal lett ,ointment
while it is still wet. This cloAes n'
Pores in tire horn anti prevents the
water in 'LIE. fotrt •evap :rating L..,
rapidly. Lots of tinies StaP sa:11194
removed from a Lome or see lihe ado
PIT 011t Of 98 int) 911121 81091 lip in a
drift on the flor while he 14.hur1 than half, in weight. of the dry mat-- and irregular bowels are the cause is perfectly correct.
done up. and 1 hnnw that that I ter of thi. teals e„oanees eafer rule ' ut least seven -tenths of humee ills. 1 The ehancee are that your neigh.
borse,,t; fl.,et ere g_)Ing ory e o so
le tay n-th
eirdY W
. filVP Onlbat Dr. Chese's Eit,Ineeetiner 1 hlls invigs 1-lors' have usel Drchase's man"...
rapidlY that they will 19 feverish . shay will lett izt °nee. Havenone orate these 'orgaite, zee no other pre- Liver Pills. Ask them. One.
the lifyrt numning. Any time you scak ' over ht the mangers or food boxes partition was ever 1:110W11 to 61; null 41-' S (Tilts n box, at an71 dealers.
borses Met with NVater aeri the:i for them to breatem ou arta get foul. whet 13 best or all. they not merely 9 or Ednuiresen. Bates & Co., TO -onto:
dently /laving exhenstee his fund 'of
questions', and then sudaenly inquired,
'Whnt do you measure from tip to
tip, Lige 0'
Cook in Earthenware Vessels.
Cook nothing in iron veaaels 811:1
you ,can cook nt earthenware. The
heat In tile latter is more unifottn,
the flavor better preserved aml
there is less liability to burn.
emally Ietween milkhigem cowe in the mariv a quarter or a century taken i , . isse 0 "Nerve Food. . for ray nervonee,
' sanie ordee :eel try the seine milkers, the 10.941 -t. the greatest as] €'t whirdi nees. at .strengthoied my stomac19i.
if poseiela Milk quirkly, but gently. tnedicine dealers Inmate, and tins and Whole sere:tem, awl 1 .gained Inv
Get, all 110downright merit which they possese. i too noich praise for Dr. nira,se's, inid-
eale is entirely due to the flesh. 1 tannot speak an terms ee.,
• nee>. (1174111eli Mina but do not normous s
keep (991rt;-'p;ring after you have .
ae, It. i Thev cure when others fziil. : ney-Lwer Pille and Nerve Food. fat
7. laelime-Ammint to Feed -Feed I It' is when there is r., bitter tnste 1 beeidee merit% mm they did my lath -
en they +ale eat of the proper 19404 1in the moutb, heavinees about the. '; or wise le an old man, a great deal.
of food. The eietrentrates should 1 etomitch, headachesbackache% palits of good. I 1,8.40 every e.onfidence in
le feel somewhat in. proportion toe in the shoulders 119:941 limbs and kb'-- recommending theee remedies:.
tie emount of milk each cow can be
that people alr. J. .L Ward, X. P., eertifiee
les ee to esees. But 11 rice case should pressed, languid feelinme
turn to Pr. chase's Kidney-TAver that he knowg 111?. Waiter Booth
tile voneentr.ates eonstitute. more I elms, Torpid Iiver, inactive kidneys and that Vale etzitement of hie cure'•