HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-23, Page 10• ativaneed age. lie walked firmilly. c • the Geldecou rland enntered in ", h.aelag. tmt Hatly „p.m. hls eerie Madnerral`eari 1131"7"74 'Van araach ,4 the distiwhen he tcriesel the. handing stage to inguelned traveller., road 4 the' natutad,,fin „."„51 dr,yve with he first time since startei fo- - tam.ye was se„ahlt. tat lir. Kra, Dr. Leyds and 3121T.Passiint and Then- shett.ed httge effects er hut d,d„e rel. Tine landau was tulloowed by five .Tioss to.d„:„, and ate a hearty earriaires cent:sinning Bluer oeffitelals. ,LE.02„ erteeteard received dek„. ••• At 1 nest. Were renewed bv sts others toes frati3 various trairdcipaiitiea VIRVel:11Pg. the 'iflier &f tate Gelder - d .6azieties in the hall of the hotel. , Juni nwil at"! 161'llub''ts fa. theliar.- Lq proved to be a severe teem., ree. seirles Dreepti:n Committee, all . roger had to listen to a num- foriairig a IlreeeF,',:•"tR. lil'adled by varl- or a.ddresees hs French. but to bins cons secieties with BatM,Dsznase banner4. nteriigiiele, end lie left tine hall vis- g and eeseetted by is large pollee force. v fatigue,I. e retired to ids apart- M. Kreger repeatediy aeknow- e to for an keer's rest. Mr. Michael " leducel the neelennsatriens ofvit. tATe celavered useort address in erowde that the sidewalks and •elit of Cie feiSla people, winiein baiceesies of the isones,s. Neck with . ked meet entire:elastic applause sight-seere, waving hats arid laand- " tiuse Drei'ente dating whilal kerchiefs. At eeveral neints along or "Vie ilrelateder resounded. the route. ;re:quiets wereefete-e,etedto e .gist or Mr. Dersitt's addrem was then - nfr.: the i -e; tee - Ui- whe,m v tarclubs stra.u,i1 a g,roup eittleers z•& 7E'r-‘4V"4".111 "• g.ssia unifornee who heartily 'pined troay uel :11:1"-Phall414 tl° Cue ovation. On arriving at the er t -o the first edritess. el i"v , .te, ,„e. '11°1"--c4- I'rt's'lleut of t13° Mar" e-d.'w-it-ii•L'ils'es-L;;11-11:13'31;:jas 73reer t7113e3t: lles committe-e svio peesentei P • aveliee wits a symbolical ev a loeal band. while the ap,, entitIeii, -The Defence f i• Standard bearers drew up in two o orne.," 7 ranks at the entrance and waved Mr. F.tagetc'S reply breathed the the standards as 7.1r. Kruger, hare- m* determination to resist to the headed,passed between te his apart - d as expee.ied in his speech at the 'newts. 'siding 'stage.. He said the •situatiort Pressed Tricolor to His Heart. etv terrible; for the Doers, but it Boom after, in respon-se to a Vann - no wise inextricable or definitive. deroes oeatioo, he appeared emu the • Y TO appefifed to be erushed by balcony and repeateily bowed; but, umbers,. but he was still firm in the ; as Some ten nednutes elapsed without • "that the reign of the sword a sign of abatement in the entitu- ere tong be overthrown by siasra. he spoke a few words, which of jestire." were interpreted into Frencti by Dr. rr rarrsger •receivea a great ova- reezpels, from his henrers. and were followed by a re - newel -of frenzy. Finaiy, to testify Anti-British Demonstration. his ,gratitude, he took in his hands though the former President had • a corner of the French tricolor that 'zed for a, rest, the crowd etill was flying from the bakony between stained1. front of the hotel, and the Transvaal and Free State lieg% se cars and carriages 'could only and pressed it to his heart, again and h the utmost difficulty. p110; again. The enthusiastic people d ealled smesa the party threw- 'cheered him until he retired to Ida soos from the Tualeeny of the 1, rooms, -which he found halfel fired • to take elf their hats, as fr. with bemplets .and garlands pre - is;. But the semniregly *rented by his admirers. usible expienetleen was given that Tim Prefeet cad May then called were Ilesrl7eimen. and slid not un- to pay their respects, the latter, M. Freileh, and ficrdishly threw Flaissiores, TiMking an eioquernt 7.1 eoin into tine crowd, which titteit speech in eympetIer with thetoers. freimently done oil similar eeea- lir. :Kruger repliel briefly, deeler- Englanl. 'The Frenelime.o 111g holy dtoply i'te, had been toncheil ef...cod this and Imagined the by the ent3xpeeteel warmth of his s were threwrs insultingly at 3.1r. reeeptien in Merseillee, and by the ger. Hewes a tneuilt. The crowd sympathy of the Freneh peen:a. eateeted to invade the hotel, and; After luncheon and a little re- PAUL KRUGER S SPEECH TO THE FRENCHMEN Britain Waging a Cruel and Savage War. WILL FIGHT TO 0 -1 -Err LAST AN. The Old Man Receives a Great itver•en it, Idarsee -Deputations Make Speeches -Banquet illeld-rec.reci Devlin s for Ireland ----An Anti-British Demonstration at a to seaaers at Kruger _tie Will Visas Paris, Bre-,--• - e • e.. tatcreaa e --Comments o the London Newspapers, Marseilles, Foe. 22. -Ex -President tlie peace prevented this. But the larger, of the Transvaal, landed here at 10.45 this morning from the steamer Gelderiaml. hotel people were obliged to close their doors, and late this afternoou an unfrienuly mob was still stationed before the building, which was cor- e Following is the taxt of Kruger's doned by police. Erpeech- The unfortuna,te occurrence at the "I thank the President of the Mar- hotel on the main boulevard alone males Committee and the President marred the character of the demon - of the Central Committee of the In- stration. The throwing of the coins depeadence of the Boers tor their into the crowd as Mr. Kruger pass - welcome. I thank all this Impute- ed acted like magic in conjuring up an tion assembled in great conoourse anti-British outburst, which it need - to greet me, for although I wear ed all the promptitude a.nd energy of mourning for the misfortunes of my the police to prevent becoming a seri- country, and although 1 have not one disturbance. The hotel remained come to seek festivities, still 1 ace for the rest of the day in a state of cept with all my heart these ac- siege, while at one time a procession clamations, for I know they are several thousand strong, marched in dietated to you by the etneticese the direction of the British consul - which are inspired in you by our ate, shouting "Dawn with the Eng - trials, and by your sympathy for lish I" and raising other threatening our cause, which is that of liberty, cries. The result was that a strong tvhich awakened you. I am truly body of police was eompelled t die - proud and happy at having chosen perse the demonstrators, although it As my point of landing a port in was not found nevessary to make France, to set foot; on free soil, and more than a few temporary arrests. be received by you; tes a free masa Throughout the evening, however, But my first thrty is to thank your large bands of students and otber Gorermuent for all these tokens of ----- interest that again only recently it was pleased to give me. I believe England, bad she been better inform- ed, would never have coneented tbis war, and since the expedition or Jamesott, who Neighed to seize the two Republies withotrt the necessity offiring a rifle slot. 1 have never ceased to demand a tribinial of arbi- tration, whieh up to now has al- waybeen reamed. The war waged it us in the two Republica reached, lest limite or barbarism. During' lire 1 have had to fight many. times the savages a the tribes of frlea. But the barbarians we have fight new are worse than the ere. They even 'cage the litiffirs iust taa. 'rheY burn the farms worked se hard tto eonstrcet, and * drive net our wilmen and chin ren, waose itnebands and brothers •*' have killed or taken prisoners, ing theta unprotected and reef- , and often without bread to eat. tea whatever they may tho we will or Surrender. We will light to the Our great imperiebable eosin- ee reposes hi tiro Eternal, in our Pert Karsiglit. t ItsePrialstesat of ihe TraluaVaal, wh'4 landed at Ma reeilles eeterlity• ;And was given a warm w..lopate. youths inareinvol up and slowst 111 httow etar ("Anse 18 just. and fitgat of 31r. Kr ''t4 4u11,1 ad' he jastluleefrne-I1 IS Want,ing to • tini.3. hotel witieh was the solese . the Eternal. tele, Mneter the ussfortosnate bin elserring in 1 pe,..14,33s, aseil toi who= beletngS singes foe tr. lia•m4,-T and the3 Trans-- fetsire, win never abandon 115. ttal atfid nientran-0014 Ticree assere ;;;:vr..1 that 'if the Traentaal • ;is nanneeetrators inere ineesy than the Orange neve :State 1nruSt lose : alaagotans. aavil pokre wit.selir telt ir " en p. t. w1l he hepAnse lintels to rehete tiaer feeinests 140y tile liner perpple luaTe Leen destroy- , id.takitIttr, torsta:a4 haterfasenng t5itlu with trxe-ir women ;gel elsrven." • them, wisleis h.neeeeteii teie. rages° o_lel`liaerel Ode; sannifesto 511' vvroler. Veep, 'hut one Vitt:111m: witlu Th e• tv-ae the mains tviger. tines. vereetstiespliel ie.- energetic ; sPosaversation the', 9-eseuine. esti rindir.- I1ent1•e8 of tan right itatzn. natIon veal.; tnniters.Pill and 'i.e l•_ le.tit senoten,--es illeetarne ly bee &Telt TheAter Were sallterel with a vigor nn.1 ekee-q9:41 12 At 4,•t a tuzgtniltry inuportene3. Tlee, M.seipre inatnediate- resials:ztenee. eil 'Iron vi"" 4mivn iy vett leortninee weal reed ty.,:r-eourra01. a iigvornas toA.truet.i1/4,5tic hat. Vito, isotegee saints Again. dis-coveryi r, of the par- Iiirtsger here the sen. tvsyage tiee. JegriY wen- Ntaml.V il2fs friends - tveryonepro 1nviientisiannent toeks In better Iseult& tinann left Pretoria. at the roinuet he:shiny appear - mace v.sf Mr. Kreger.. censidering ids aVy gate and rough croeseieas ar.444.7•=1.7Z4•71Wrianlig114,7=414.7....,,m4,4.4,smo,,,, poise lifr. Kruger descended 'tie tile hall of the betel, where bereceived the delegatioEns. Ete sat in a gilded chair • immediately in front of the fireplace, • , Dr. . Leade and Messrs. Fischer and Wessels standitig near him. Dr, Leeds briefly Interpreted the addresses of the varione speak- ers; but it was evident that Mr, Kruger was fatigued, and found it great strain to follow the ges- turer of orators spen,king a language unintelligible to him. While these were in progress his eyes frequently roamed about the room; but he listen ed attentively, with ins hand to his ear as Dr., Leyde gave him the gist of what had been said. Eventeally, the effort, becoming too fatiguing, he asked that the other addresses be presented in Writing, and then withdrew again to his apartments, where he passed the evening quietly, receiving no oneo t, Dr. Leyds represented Mr. Kruger at a banquet given in las honor. Ml the Boer official& and members of the pro -Boer committeee were pre- sent. Dr. Leyds read the following; from Mr. Kruger- "I am fatigued, and am in mourning. :Moreover, I never attend banquette Otherwise, should have liked to spend a few minutes with you and to tliank you. I shall never forget the wenn wel- come I have had in your beautiful city. Your reception of me has sur- passed all I could bave expected, even from the city which gave France her national hymn, that 'Mar- seilles,' which is the song of all peo- ple whose independence is threaten: ea and who are. etruggling against invaders. "I would that your acclamation could have been heard by all thole Boers in arms who are encamped iu our mount a i n sr. They would thank you from the • bottom of their heart. I thank you in their behalf. "Could I have been with you I sbould also have expressed my thanks to all France, and would have raised my glass in honor of her worthy President, M. Loubet." Dr. Ley& then said- "in the name of Preeldent Kruger, I bave the hon- or to drink ta lite health of tin. President of tile French Republic." Mr. Kruger will leave for Paris at 9 o'clock to -morrow morning, re- maining one night en route at Dijon. A reception le being arranged. -- Dijon, Nov. .aa.-Ex-Preeltient Eats- gera journey from Marseilles to Paris has cabled forth an enthusl. nem far metalling 111 inteneity •any- thing tant 1 hare seen lit, this coun- ter during a ratitienee of eighteen e pare. it throws into the citrate tlie reeeptione ;mended to lit•n. ger tiering his traueient .pepulartty: it ios deeper anti more spout attelete than the ovatione given to Minaret Awaits, the laniteror nI linesia, or Pi to Major Mareionrsd after Ll oda. 1 travelled toelay 'front Mur- al:inlet to Mate an the railway ear- riage next behind that ttl dent Kr Kruger. and it Wart a traumas - ant journey, hap 'that 14 11 4.011erla returning from a etareat tiettery wee to:stellate; that tee/psi-el the tni. agate t b 1 01 Vi be I, tette netat,A•4!41 wisest Napoleon relawieCal 1: oat Volta. elintary Take Pert. After the esatteualet aiseeture front filareeelat, rant it issel eneetwa 0. metre Dol,,,touu repeet towersft roe, land smiting to tine pinged ieneviessi At line 15,10 pen 1t% 14, 'N'z-rvuU!',",1 • UN' 10:4 lua4U 411'.4‘ afq°03:3, vilub,e,), the hiPiite ▪ re SiIPT..sl 1.4 brlirriger9 w,4os.,:01/14 0W git0'7 11w hey lir n.0 -rank! oapujo,t,&il. .54 vs:ar train 1,11•'• prn.PanTheil ferereeveir •Usel diet; v,f the Iltio lasaleer;s seen 10 aihie ffnlE, ripeg hear lt,le hirnagur's telbt, tee:, weleonnel veri Me, vomit aft nest cplily (Iwo- tflp, Nifi:t• euts0 offnetele, but by the Colositil eel t.41ieneris ird 11°. 1 Vas ob Hop sitth nvgliossent tvi Artiliery. Ths W one ttitetee, ,, 1 sareiansistivra at Av lateenwhich re5r...ix-4 at 172,..101. where itllie oft:slits nsfi 44Titis liT,see,h.serA •off initiette teal; it zoolkitt teateeetassti Tart in reesnane trate:rum acco11eu1 ta Mr. henget. Tine irs'A Mat/ trerehled with i'oe- as. With intriei ine•ati, is* ganaei tilrelegh Ms heave- gold-int need eupeetaeies tiesee IStt,TittEVY army:. ISM* repreeentathes il ti.e Freneit Antiettaitielt caeca. As lee- trait) ft•tild534ed north the anti-British' note of the neeenee tee (tonne? more anti mere rearked..IS'iseests "A has les Anglats" beeanne, at Val- ente. aimest as frequent ins theee of "Vine Ipirsseeet.' At Valvenee the regiments tinking part En tile, ova- tion were the OL4Il2 aol 1E4 i4:Pg..410111g4 f - •,.6 • 1,111v-ru reaehed he --ons tine windows v'T the vast infantry barrrseks were flieei vs-ith tlivesean k of red -tapped heads- cheeting one sieestir.g "lave les resets," whl› at the statien the military elennerst was representee ivy the orftePtS,r4 the 233 DregIllIb .,spes, the b.9ragoras. tbb J4b aea the ee-ginsetee, ol Untlasstree At ttecon tar. oALrf,r-ol•A f 11ap 1:14th le - 'Tana o3 tILT' in an stic.g.essr- :once. ens Con•lilia.-. Teii•-•!jr:P. 111"A v2.111:Ati.t. towns wi-re tee tresie did out step, eaN,•opre 01•1111,,r,,I gaba,.0,T ' nagetheide as neer as ee feu Mr. Kreger's ea. teetre into liadon Tile tn•Insnievliel entry teto 1-44, -1 . 5,. 10 - night, was one never tt.s1a Terg:itten, the entlrusissenti taking. here, es elm - where, an ennestenkatle military es- peet, a •sort, .of -fereur Ftay5» that 1.13 this coenntry & Arte3 prP• cedes a, storers. Tile one great, r,blipet- lesson of this riemerable Penreey Is that Mr. Kruger has eeirpreetele- 'ap tred the e. a lo.n of the arencit ,• peopie. He iS their liere. their idol. Boer Delegates tura of War. Dr- 1..eyde and llessre. Fipsiler and wessals, in conversation on the did not hesitate to express tion for what they consider tee su- perb wisdom of Mr. Kr.sger'e epie,cin . neele *in landing atIlarsi••••::l;•s. and deecribed the Hotel tin Lensvieinel- tident as an act of tied. wlece, they feel confident will now t•i( L'Efrele- land. A Seeeelt et Lyons. Lyales, Lepartiriett of Ilheae. Noy. 23.-Tlieze was ni gra;st T,;,e.re Nehru Mr. fe:raseer's tride erre:el. aesistant tile -former lireF...1,isent !wee:etc.:1 Tiii" with a ix -attire! tally car,,,:avel for tile Wrt,"' t;.0 hr -,a1 President 1;m:eve., • •• his heroic' defence of the South Af- rican, Republics." Mae Kruger, replying to the speech on the preepentation of the medal, said: "I am profoundly touched at the hom- age, respect and sympathy coming from entire France. Give my thanks to the population of Lyons, It is a just cause which animates you, a cause for France and for all Europe to safeguard. I am firm in the con- viction that our hopes will be re- alized. We are hoping with you." The Boer statesman then descended from his carriage and walked to- wards the entrance of the station, which caused the cheers to be re- doubled. The crowd eventually broke tbrough the police cordons, and Mr. Kruger regained hie carriage with difficulty. Queer Rubbish This. New York, Nov. 24.-atie Journal and Advertiser to -day publishes a Paris despatch which says: "Inform- ation has been given to the authori- ties of an alleged plot to assassinate Mr. Kruger at the celebration to be given in his honor. Friends of the Boer chieftain have been notified a,nd will exercise more than ordinary vigilance." -- Paris, NOV. 25. -The reception which Paris gave yesterday to Oom Paul Kruger, of the Transvaal, who is re- ceived here as the President of a State travelling incognito, exceeded in enthusiasm what was expected by his friends. He has received ovations from the publie, been warmly wel- comed by the city officials. been re- ceived with honors at the Elyse°, and -visited in turn by President Loubet. An enthusiastie crowd assembled at the railway station Saturday morn- ing. The people waved French and Boer colors, and sang patriotic /tangs, find there was muell handelapping as tbe Boer President arrived. Many Senators, deputies, municipal officials, journalists, and volunteers who served in the Boer army were present, and elieered as the train entered the sta- tion at 10.40 o'clock. The railway earriage occupied by the Boer Presi- dent was filled with flolvers. The roof of a building cotlapsed while the people were waiting to wit- ness. the arrival of the Boer Preerident„ anti several railway men were hurt,. As President Kruger left the ear be was greeted with (Ties of "Vire Kruger:" les Boers:" The als- : genre 01 anti-Ezoglialt cries was no- . . Slyitor WI lomat Mr. Kruger on le half of the French Boer Duke pendestee Vommittee. M. Crozier, In. rector of the Protoes-ol, performed a Penner offiee in the tome or Prem - ident toulet. Then M. Greliatiate Presiatat of tip Manitipal n steep 41 forward and OM eNt4,g1d01 ; gra eagle Prestanst Kruger replied to ' Kelt rehire -se slinking with blame' esentens, afany persons wept. witde 17 w.ts tes*,,.ikl:Stee IIPMit1t4i.riki4P. Thi/1101 thliNktOth h a^cAri,r-mr NI, thyllniasztra speR,1*. wise% l'rsa lent »1 tit. manoivi, I)Ci i; leassesi general taut Patti «le ; regal-es/ate Mr. htltalT 1144i0. 11 4.1 1 Mt W-uS • vs?' *• ere 'rut 511, 0 evate, ,o3.4s Its mvotlivo. "PlitivItutt 446,4° whIlo Alt that the 1101,1V4 00 atoNt44'rAkte4 1ltra:v:4 1,,Yiutpar,,or, t• et aettal. lr DiNtiTV %.5t raa la ,,1,11 iol1o4t,,1 atraltr,-anoa, „•, ta 'Eb E Re • . • of la te - te .• 4.1 414 -A v .-V4ACo'vg t.t[ ilvv . ' h a tie ,e•••in Ds, le-e".•einelp, tlis !tett a Re ale --is i4giesee Pee hell et 14 tare1r4 at 11-10 ,S•liVq. ▪ • ;1161,',!U 43,1 'Mr. have- NH '11,0 Ili ii:1;kY!..,Pe ',VT.., V, 1h gc,;j , tiroolw& t ], • V,' !I 7,.a rote,. e•Alelet asoustrt 0•atut;-.4 tlu o11., AI grow, PlerAliptd free., r 'Muaq reettiveti at the tliesee ae, Ilur C.C4iIF4 !!:W4.9tta1V tita eituste. tveve tilling kw:ego:no_ at- seereis t t-otrat r. UV? INVIMS,Plliltit, tho., Pru.o,t-E-tut d 44i11"4 was 18 fftall unifersa enuceirems of tuireissilett8 teelcrtesl l'esteident Kettaer ana team tee Payette. A tett-aline of infantry. wee statatre 1 ,ea tU,Jo enertyetel of the peatte.e Z:3,1 au 1 llu1u4- fullteattatta aenors whale -tee tattig11 buuj.fl tlie Transvaal nattenal ontaene Kruger %Vete the Preeislenalall searf arta the erase of tie.? Legien Mt Hessen?. Presilent letalleetds retteng visit to Presalent lirager at the A:stelae:gibe Itastuol l.21.1reinentee. it is said Met the instervieve was very eardial M. i7rotice. representing President 1..psiiimt. had ;previispuelly 'e0V3e t.9 see 19r. Ley -ds att tee Hotel n,:criine, in re- galq..1! hs further arritingentlentS for the reeeption vilt the Deer President. lir. Kruger hal rettriel to his private apartments. The mends was shouting and elriag eutsale. The euattuasIasnu and beisternosness of the erowst rnsevie additional pollee spreessutt :is ane.'eseiery. and a squad - ren v.f esessiveipett gssrards WeS$--Przt rer. This II -GP rhvne, however, teeeeite as o peretaetenne The eeeitenterst Dor:reused as night aperone'Led. Fe.veral reereacipal ceune! &Tess spread in reserve teat the kiov- errtenv,at was er.s14-a.ragz;r4 over Cate aen;oust ra tune and W4 l saggest to Mr. Kruger teat it woud h". wlb ..4 .1'44i9441 1444r4i. '01'.. 444i40 IOTISSt, Monday niornIrg. Mr. Kreger 8 teat tarougit Fear:tee • character- ee h , Is ultaIly as.serruirre mere etf:,n M larseinete i•rehor- gro,Ifielal i ities igo etred 1)188efficient? entil Pre- J a- t Leals a soot the prefect an the ererring of his arrival to visit tire old D.)1" Presi- dent. At Avignon it was natleed teat. the Frenels officials cheered him. At 1.....ons 0n,1 Dolan ,o.ere were olfwaal • reerpilang. rurD,I there were similar CeretriOraeg by the prefect and muni- i 01leVetldezeIK)7471,:". -er. Is very dear. and . • -converses with, tile greatest. difficul- ty. Neither he or his interpreter will be intervievrea as to what the ! 1 ne_presilent tiaras of hie reeeptiou, • bitt members of Ma. Krager's family ' say that he never expeetea he would' be received with seeh enthusiasm,. Ile ' sala to then -1 was already- the . rather a the Boers; 11:,11! it seems that 1 am the father of the French- IneT.711 tires, en Kruger will remoin in his apartments all eue . al dory, end it is etinetel that he will see no oae. It le not known when 111 will visit. the Hotel •de Ville, if Gt all- Tile mum- eleeil councillors propezei to tender hiza ;.srerriptken ere] bareirvits there. i'.ntli WilN1 they 54 '1' ta -Ft.,.... Ley.ls alsoetthe 41aet11e3e;.'esteerlay tliey re- ceived en iO4l,fle.u.e3 rep*, elei de- le:rue! Itiii:shettelolifsd. 1,130 notisi:. • Cline bag only to mingle to -day among the people of Parks to sec with PITC9Elit. cllmi what disdain and dislike, not to 1193 stronger expression, persons of Bele tesh aspeet are regarded. Many of the leading Parisian newspapers and all who realize the vast commercial and industrial interests that may be sae- rificed by giving rein to a popular wave of feeling, affect an ostrich pol- icy, and strive to conceal the true nature of the present demonstratiora Queen's Congratulations. The Hague, Nov. 24. -Queen Wil- helmina has sent a message to Mr. Kruger, saying that she is happy to leatri that he hart completed his voy- age and is in good health. SI Hill LE MTH /8 LIVES. Goes to pieces on Rocks in Gulf of St. Lawrence. BODIESBURIED UNDER SNOW ISvidence Teat Passengers and Crew tur:ded Abire,Jr3rat Succumbed to Cold and Exposure -Names of Crew aud Passengers Who Were on Board. Quebec, Nov. 25. - The eoa,sting steamer St. (liar late gone to pieces on the =eke at the entrance 01 Seven Islands Bay. on the north coast of the Gulf or St. Lawrenea, anti it Is believed tbat of the 26 per -40118 on board the ill-fated veetel not one Imo survived to tell the story of tile wreck. ,A. wornan'a body. Wa4pC41 nelsore yesterday, and a mall bag left on the beaeh at low title W1,11e the that intileatiene of the tragedy. P. E. Vignault, potatunaster al Foal) Manila !wired the first intelligenca. to this city, anti lance neon foal eonfirmation of the tileaster WIN been received. The Iluttans Bay official et Seven Isiatele, Mr. Rowe has a metrehing party out, but it le scarceiy likely thibre are any env:tams, fur the the - ester luttrit 110.Ne eceurreil late tat Wiellses.tty night cm early Thursday inerninge A lenity gale from the pant wats blOWilutt 0111117rultaeta1ay and Thaltday, with estew. The at. OSaf paor.iral klurialrahe tet Wtelee :Any al terstoon. noel elleosal have metaled hetet] !Wawa tetra.' Thoitalay. Whth en. tate lae: to sippeer 'e'en , luvemPit that Z40" StiiPt g17044"Pledi Reg, 10 teen lee. 0e:19e4:1 1414, !milting 1.,. 140014.. tia. bay la 44* fetern, a teal 4 ;ate evingspandsol by seeds 1,00014 a=ulauW. It iliati:ent Gest eas: did settee the et - It teat, mei the etatoeseee at N!ittl, teday her aew gene of lien helane tes lhe lame. Vaasa, at Use t,neuth or Use bee, atel 1li ettsre ot the olteeeter. , a 01141 tuazi tiaaaa taityatoe..-aJila 41.9 t7911174 RIndiiit 444 tttio.t•OzleUe • t-ietanta area INV tgat9 ViriAt*' S.Pg'D 9,, Wad latir paaraluaozed bo 4', 44 1Ms Uf ii11101 tjtE” ' ni-14,,u,u0d14a Islafil'N. J49 0:1 14v otto,r. were keel o'uu Ca, 11,,utar,;241'.7.,r ue.ust twO urg ot409. as t4Mat.514.!, vaveassu- Clements Socessfully Shell a Boer Laager. SOME BOER SNIPERS CAPTURED. Landon, Nov, 25. -The promotion et Lord Kitcbe.ner to the rank of lieutenant -general was the chief re - welt yeeterclay of the Cabinet Coun- cil. Ile attains this dignity at the early age of 50, sod is now Sully( equipped to take Lord Roberta place In S.outli witlsout esci ting jealousy over points of seniority and military etiquette. a.Lord Kitaisener Is almost the only eeneral in the British army who is without a eo- cial clique in London. He detests so - (Mete, and is no carpet knight; he even Una the reputation of being a woman hater. He has, however, what 15 more valuable than SO -31111 preetige, namely, the active support of the Prime tlinieter. Lord Salis- bury has the greatest admiration for him and is probably responsible for hie succession to the ,shief e.one 'nand in famth Africa, as ho was for hitt appointment of chief of staff last December. London newspaper publishers have not been informed that Gen. Lord Kitchener has decided to expel reor- respondents from the scene of war, but the meagre anti colorlests de- spatehes 110141 being received pre - Rent strong evidence that be is me forcing in a modified form his Om- durman edict. Telegrams cease to mention details of the compulsory pacification on which the ex -Sirdar ie engaged. The nerve tension which compelled Sir Alfred Milner,. High Cozumiesioner of South Africa, to etvk a reW days' voyage away from desp,atellies has beets more severe since the conclusion of big operations at Lydenburg failed and left tlie end or tit. war as far off as ever. A. friend wh* . has just returned to larethena bays theft Milner ilea lieest under fearful anxiety for a year past lest 'UP, big Dutch tieing Cape Colony should extend to the suburbs of Cape Town. Offieers going through from the front tell hint that tit we will be rightism for three months yet. Confidants of the Government are aware or the outlook in Booth Africa, lett say the Government will &teapot Kitt hater to any length if be Will only nada* tit* cenntry Irthitahle for reragesee, reopen the manta caul abate tit* War ceepeseliteree, whi 0 aro still nearly a mantel petiole weekly. Afellitentiereh 'eeret Meeting. rape TOWat„ Nov. I.13.-11 1'1 riverbed tint a /keret meeting of Afrarazektra INAS 0 .01 1t914^vto.41, tatne tasionv, thirty koala frees Wee -wear, on the rap. Cantrell Ite Nese recently, and tit It 0 tomethee ter tit ae prtoent elleratetl th .101-11147,4 VOt•UPPlarto tbf leas 0 vati:q.. %.b 1"4 r 4, :Red 441a444* to %Com. Sir attlitait attrigate Wife Dead. • -tnete 'eaten, Nee.. 1:4;1,`-estel. wide tat Sir .0 lte Camara • Sae. l'easteR Mitutetero th 11:4 to* II VeuI.otln testae itel44tee %to. 1.4J- 11. 11144,6,-1,8094' tO D.taly 1..Tv4941 114'..9 uavV4utta41„ "th•st lerset 4,:cetr,.: eveeted ri- 10 illovenneee,,e, •esei -Lome° reguinte; to- ft; egia 1i', 11 to ex • tNft 4ra91 4u 014 Un Ulu'?1411, 4141' ,4'qi;e1..gf.. Woo 4li*-'!.1,114 tlIg- v • 611' Ltatat5v th,2. •ifp.0,-.. tut? plettnire of lleatenseienfs liforee for Isnd1a. 140,01 mq,,aztt.st tes Hue t•epreeneineter regierttinig• fine. theri1 tioat he Was anal:sip t -e retie W V4 seen bes. ltr)rn tRav C4L, mtatiirog, truat Dial seat a UitIlo,graotu to 11.e.arA Vort3ou. the teleteen. tatetetenteet 0l9 aria191‘4..Y-DatIql of aartetatele week. Alomut I11L4 tae toode neilell flat in lie kcal thee Tozer tlie *10 41' arty. 'abate, . netts have east ptuet pesit eels ots tite Teansvaal iaelitee tette., litteen haea teen appeiretttA to deli orIia-ag, and werrate•-four Lave Peeeilytt.1 'belittle= tees in the atraa.. News teas been laze:gel Item Belt- ontein teat tbe stalling by rfenerel Pattents of n 144:s-Inat,;ter near Beek- veort teertited vettaty erisuisities to he tars:here. laeitrontein 5t,gt+ t'S9t1 'earrOtz2vA1 twent,v-eight 1111 u•Eio SIS,PCB1104,1"* -• ul,,beVIe path tiet tategelleaserg entre- areaerata taleeeiteranier. tat itntawa- eo, Ions neeeg ne teo raise a ;.: regiment ot 0 Cleves:not wen stela on tr egi 111W1100iteneirei.• „arid tseenisassiset- irelisnt. ant Wee; else eni:sSilinniell kreons- veeisitl; the n'iceieutililtALTLiit Ateere neein 54141510 fisivitineee wiles' freemenst the 1-INCIA 1.4 L'OlViiV54., tOttt' tee Nit_ tolef isinneiss4 45141 it fo? retelling, tient' fielatt,g gronts,rs. Cepteass 1.,sesesietre_ her eienereesse,l:er.. was a Zeree., sense. khzvei-es awl . obblfsall neetga.toe. lie Menace a fatale Montreal, othrr temente:is et tee Orem' Were Isseele teeee Nese reete.; t'lterine BeZtkelt,1110.% 158021.21 111141T.: n. teen peteeta Zoete:pa ' Vet DOWL:V., f-tiKte%0Vii.; Oteeepas lazy, t• Resea ; Arezme 0,412 ANN'. aosegolu Gael - tater, nun iteete steal Ilre.rMtnY. nate itteitte 5544480941 .lar.6eJ.ke teusalt, Damp 141881801-; noeepla eitseee man, cabin ?NIT; VilMS Laneer, 211V,'8:÷ Meld toy; 1:aogene is-ar4roget, elder' s es:garnet': Zonate ileanejle, seem.] en- gineeta taletria laeleeger, %0i4engite test ; nna Ora aartniete Joan Intgne rota Tkornae notate 1IreuS?au. f18181i1e r ol t!iiC5.,e gineteen 4410/34eV8 1111 the . Tecate et 1.14•11,5C S...?T‘eV) (4144 latow-n t'a U2f4li8 la -en en hanur4. hates- I hew, or Theannier Diver. winte.e ;p.n.:iy was found ons tine teach with a 015_,,-pl'a!,serve4' Lotols efegron. of Prate:ask lIle., raterelant, Tveraserier of Napo:ems Deo - elate. 01 St. River. arel .11s45Se1914 11=14rei22. Clarersoe Foul. :Tereade Chissie. , an • ..! cheee -Leaser, se., leeteletil lreAGV-T StIOKS'. q6e042., Nov. 21.-A speeiell resive.3 • this eeeireang teem atevera Names eaes t ,1 that with the assistannee of the et"r steam seteersez-t Z1i11i5 Jcsephisce, 11 par e .1..4 men peenebeel Treim Lero VAS rOaTellreir fer tan -,r..,ene tlea- ateselav eialltae aertillae iteceate 40 uss te tura t v 11zeuna-44,,t,v to -vest -row. MID 11viti.v11 ti 310417 31-24M415,11, "!:•.^44.711,11-. Ureus 11,-u1'4t4-0 4!urre4(r211.441t 44 gYany Mai3g 11114 :a Port z.:17,z...tak that 170 EgitiF•h lave bee* ulna li1 we.:.trail411. at Lorah- o- rieK-rs. Tl*, iirergisers. Wh3 were estIneattel to re:miter 1.5110, ref- tretwerne Theta:41101 1 1wpallarual..11-ne • as,e3r. the treee0 o tv,!, steereer tat t•42 Net. The party searelsel every neok ani oreer 03 • IA! 9.9.3itla re.r. • trace of nil' ttlfOrtrinifftte Viettra.p., but without euccess. The (mitt- hedv feurel Ea ifir :iS teat oZ Mises Marie Page, of Tienseler river. Every- thing indicates, and tho eenrehing party has every rea.sort to believe. that the passengers and erew land- .: . hIll eabee- quantly perishol from cold and ex- aoettae. arel that the bodies Drew lie under tastee feet or snow Virhieh fell after tlet steamer was weeekee. Went makes this story :prausible ie tire fact of the finding by the search- ers of a pail of iarel C-Z,1111s diStatlee from tile shore, na ateabt carried there by someone freze the wee.ckel steamer. The three lifeboats were faired on tire sheers brai:Oil 144. PkeeS. Another searching party will start eariy to-m0014,w noben ..steer .o find some trace of the victims. Two small bags were founi to -day. The repert adds that the Inhabitants of &yen Islands are terribly n•gitated over tile fearful eat.i.s-roe.ie. am, there . no sestrelly et wiliina hazels te join In tbm search; in feet the party! leaving to-morr.env say they will follow the beaell hell by inell in the hope c,f Ertting #, 1141-4 t$ the. bellies. The wre:.-.•k of the St. Mit' is nr)st complrite. 4h0 is broken in 1,-,er, teal the beach le strewn with wreekege for a great distanee. • An sznicnown re.475L74 .1{Mil1 tii.:17c3 arrk Port Maitland in the storm. • b04 -1444i0 .ent ronaeles the rep..1,:rat. Boers Stain liorees. ,Icannneebneg, Nov. 2.0. - tienetal arersels sent a reateene tisroogit Kil i" privereberg easterday. A party of alitert forty B•aes 14-11 bask no tire .,• appreaelt or the cearreare Only a :few t shelis were fired. t The EGSr patrol vielted Brokpen :•.,a,t.usru.say and carried off ell the - horses_ Calleara at izersageertere ea& It will be impossible for refugees to retern here for several montage. ':, The eentenee- of death has be i Passea on an Italian named Deli, wbo , took the oath of neutrality alai then itzleeti a •conimandes and killed two ireenthers of Congitflo's 1I14r4-e. Miss P.obarts le prt.gressing very ; favorably- 110No14t FOB 111-11.1.1c11. - a.lant OM Warrior to be Made a Peer. . Drillers nonse newepap.sr, ti -es Nertii Deten Herald, says uielereteiels the cicri., oral will he 01...2.410 znt pf.er uhen 11449 new year honor list I, isseed, ereit idnat be velli iseries the title ot Lr Buller of LallyttnItiz. Offielef lealletIns say that the z 5419141 s41 is eat is:re:tory. PrTes tlesenteLee from 40Peters- burg, on the eterirary, assert that h, 04 erit:C'n:Iy ill and thee his chance -1' or recovery are dintinithing,