HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-23, Page 97777"""777. iler I* SKU00 For the 0600tior. " ow oi Nooied Rn.t.po tie ousOAt io ..rimy. t HO ow navid Efor"110' Chane. to -0.1w The groom entered alone and said In "The A,Vgooja,,js of California" Miss Alit i(Ine- I k)kj olight to got mar. confidentially, "Do you use the word Ur 0. W. ffaskins tells a good story ried, Air. Oftlehapp. An interesting 11t0o' ane e'el1JtH lad t<Ylt� obey' I In I your marriage service, Mr. of . sauerkraut. in ',.no of the mining 1 Mr. oltichfipp lotirrovstly)-I have about bow "Ptivid lialrull)" clifIl" . to, I to districts near Sacra,,jeuto a storeleep- ! wished many 011'es lately that I had a written. It is rather pat) -tic, It sveoil,4 not, that Air., Wescott. the ioul:�or. was MO - "No," said the minister; "I do er received a barrel of Provisions wIf0- a) lit lit usually", which seemed to lit, spoiled, to judge Miss Antique (delighted) -Have you, kind of man who could do pretty houseP "Well," said the expectant Benedict, by the smell. Instead of throwing it really? anything -paint a picture, Plan a "I have come to ask you to worry we awaY, he thrust it into one corner of Mr. Coldebapp-Yes. if I had a wife, or compose a sonata-, bilt he paid' novi,r now, and I want It used," a shed, Where Waste and rubbish were she'd probablY have a sewing machine, made much money. so'when be bv(,!Ml(, "Certainly," replied the other. "It piled upon itand the sewing machine would have an III and realized that be might not , JiVe shall be done," and presently the cou- One day a burly, dust covered Dutch- Oil can, and [ could take it and Oil my long and would leave big faMily' with jile stood solemnay before him. "James Infin entered the store. office chair, it squeaks liorribly.-Ex- little or no money lie was despePate. T-," said the clery , man, "do you Ige. "Write a book," suggested a friews OY "I rants me some dot," pointing to cha him one (Ta.7 wtent take this woman to be your wedded ward the shed. cloottilix Watch GlaNAPS. and neighbor to Wife?" "I do." lIjo' you solemnly"What Is dot?" Inquired the store' they were talking over the Hittl.11-1011, In the proll"01011 Of C01111100a watVh "I did intike an attenivt fit It OnCe-"' promise to love, honor and obey her so keeper• glasses the glass Is blown Into a apbore answered Ur. Wescott. -I tricd a love. long as you both shall live?" Horror "I shows you, said the miner. "You �r In diarneter. suflicient, and rebellion struggled with the sane- about a oliett story, but I couldn't make it 90." titles of the occasion on the bride- shust come mit me." And to the she(] material being t4ken to give tbe, desir. "Add a little local colur to it," said; groom's face, but be chokingly respond- they went, wbere, pointing to the rub- ed thh-kness, as the care may be. Disks the first speakor. "Take one Of the i 'ahigh heap, the Dutchman explainad, are then cut out from this sphere with r ed, "I do," and the meek bride deco- "Some of dot in dere vas vat.1 vants." the aid of a pair of compasses baving people about here that you know audl. es! and nearly rously promised In her turn. Boxes and barrels were removed, work him tip- old --, for instant a diamond tit the extremity of one leg. mentioning a ebaractor familiar too rY F After the ceremony Was over the and the condemned barrel was exP08' There Is a knack In detaching the 06k rate," 50® M bridegroo �xcitedly aside to the m eagerly point- them both. "He'd be first ru ore, some no. said e ed. But whe the miner ca, after It has been cut- A gond work- "That'i a good idea!" exclAimed Mr- d tergrave minister: "You misunderstood ed to It the trader told him It w "I man Will, It Is said, 01 ]a cut 0�O!JO "asses Wescott, and the rt�sujt of this eonver- b1anusomer and tile, sir; you misunderstood me! I re- spoiled meat, nut fit to eat. In a (lay. Vatic was "David T3 arum," and V"t ferred to the woman's promising to "I knows better as dot," said the "David" was never In the story at JIM homelier obey." "Ali, did you. indeed?" serene- Dutchman. "You bust him in and I What Tt LooUed Like. Went- soille ly answered his reverence. "But I shows you." "Bpg pardon," said the rude young as it was first conceived. -Anna think what is good for one side Is good An ax was brought and the barrel man. gathering his features together worth In Woulan's Home Companion- - for the other, don't you? .lad, Illy' "busted In," when, instead of spoiled again, "I simply but that makes couldn't suppress ibat friend, it is my advice to you to saw meat, there was revealed some good, yawn." Belaying His Jnvvx- "Don't mention It." replivol the bright Shark stories, with some rotason, are no difference. nothing more about it, for, as an old old fashioned sauerkraut, made In Hol- received with Ineredulil.v. A- commoaly recei married man, I can tell you you'll have land and shipped arounaCape Horn. gli-I. "By the way, that rf-,niinds me authenticated tonevilute, however, Read the - 1 1 well Everylly-ody readS to obey anyhow!" -Woman's Journal. knows it," sairl the delighted I v1sted the 11-tutinwh taive hast sum, Is told of Dr. Frederic Hill, an Englisht miner. "I nose him out!" mer."- Excha ugro. surgeon of distinction. HERALD Boll a Pumpkin. The sauerkraut sold readily at a dolL 3 Aman fell overboard In the Indiam the 11-lonie�`pa:per. The Rev. John Usynes was famouR lar It pound and was in great demand. He Kztew the Sloot.- ocean and almost into a shark's mouth. for his pithy sayings.At one done, The Dutch miners heard of it and An amusing anecdote Is related of Hill, who was standing close to thw oho® before Febd, says one of our exchanges, he over- walked 10 and 15 miles to got a taste General Sherman, who, as comiliand- rail, grabbed a belaying Phi and with beard his daughter and some Young of the dainty. Ing general of the army, visited West out hesitation jumped to save the' Int. It's a Y®t friends criticizing certain neighbors Point one June for the graduation ex- sailor. more severely than was pleasing to A Slaver'x Cargo, ercises. He accompanied the com- The great brute wad just turning unL him. whereupon lie proceeded to road From the time we tirst got on board for a young paper,, maudant on big �',unday morning tour his back to bite. when Hill drove the - them a lecture on the sinfulness Of the slaver, says :1. Taylor Wood In The of inspection of barracks, and oil enter- belaying pin right through both jaws - lively scandal. Atlantic, bad we heard moans, cries Ing a certain 'room be walked over to I Both men were got an board again un - but a live paper will make .,But, father." remonstrated big and rumblings coming from below, and the mantelpiece. Stooping do-wro, he Linrined. daughter. "we must say something" as soon as the captain and crew we pried up a brick from the middle of the "Perliftlis that fellow won't want Ito - readers and plenty of then -n. "If you call do nothing better." re, removed the hatches had been taken hearth. with his sword seabbard and re- torted Air. Eliyucs dryly. I -et a pump- I other toothpick. Fins any one gut a I 01T, wben there arose a hot blast as vealed a hollow space about a foot I clean shirt to Lend? ThIs was my lai;ttr' kin and roll It aillout. "Pleat Neill be at from it charnel house, sickening and square. in which was nicely packed a Least an Innocent diversion." i were the only words of the rescuer. overpowering. In the hold were :;01) considerable quantity of toliaepo and I Not long afterward a conference Of human beingsgasping• struggling for other contraband artlelt's. Meanwhile, The Oyater. ministers islet at his house. During breath, dyingtheir hodles. limits and the cadets occupying the room stood The oyster Is as fixed and sedentary' the evening an e:11 -nest tilsenssion on faces till expressing terrible sufferingby mutely watching and wondering , . as the potato. nnol Its cultivation 7 certain points of doctrine arose:. and. In their agonizhig fight for lVe sante what sort of man the general was to, just as etti�y In roirope Its propug4- from the lofty pitch of some of tZe had torn or wounded themselves or,iii have been able to discover the only lien has been reduced to a seleal-flor voices, It scorned as If part of the (It$' their neighbors dread foil ly: 80114- WVreg --cellar" Of Its kind In liarraeks. Turn. hasis. but in tit;.,; vousitry only a lok- foutants at least were in danger of 10-4' stil7erted 11) the inco-tt unnatural 1jusi- Ing to the commandant, the general re- gluning has lovi-ro woo-. Ing their temper. tions. marked: 'Ln tspater is ready for market IFA At that juneture Mr. Ilaynes! da ll"11- As soon as I knew tilt* condition or .11 have been woondoring it that hole about rive years, Tite bivaives Isav& ter quietly enterod tilt, roont, bearing a tllltl;r% I sent tilt- la. ;It linvic for the dqlte• wils still there. I made it Wien I was So juiteb to contend with that huge punlioldn. i'lle, put It down -3, for and s(Inle, wlvQ.y lie ri-turrovol.' a cadet and lived In this roonl,"- ou%V izv in 2111timkyif) 11..ts lot "."ow I:� front of her Pathe -r nuol -.11tit. "'1'h -rt'- brinxing- also the vapllon. and rt -,r on l and be eaten by louUtiato bwrig,4, M2 rather, roll It obot .. or. Roll it Illiout." hUIW1jr I;Itore, wo wvro- till hard aft Mr. llaynt-4 was milled 1111011 for tip liftilig oltit), lit-1ping the pitor ervultiti,tt'Clox Getteral g eyloignotion. and good humor was rive oil dtwt�. they uvre IwA t -t t 1,'t Not to Be lane-onraged. A- '. (Iteneral CC'. wa-4 a v- it d"..v1pliva- stored. rowt;. .1 111,"- %ta*- r and %lin-il-i-Mit Man. but lie ut,vt-r ltll.�v rtol zold :taut "What do you Walk 44 a lal,.In whes t'd ll&k4. .�t ref thcILI, VIV 1; nt,vk,r rwntlre. tin ollv% c� i wsoula st',it-rul carrws his bushiv-s low...e. Hath perfect blessed Motiew Their Were Nmerlemn-J. With hillir, weredeltdortim lie to -I. Olt s rablvd Ut WL4 h%.1.1jualivis and � A ctimplitnelit Watt U 011t In till' 9"11- The dict Iosr "VoIlLo 01 1 at ku hot r, "AVOI. that tIPP6,nd9. Now. at a "awe"a breath are Its a to iter I. r4tv0% oql irroa, ttltvll� &tfktt,d to lotha tbat tlo F would 11-4 t. 1j over c.,wb tants. 111a 1-1 were I't-yol.041 Do I- busiuw;4 14 it) vU 4,ojouor. fuer n,iato 4,�. oL WAsIllnglotio girl it) Varle i I joromose to warkell tlruu- m% t, be i,�tr, It ".Ku*l kist H's.• th­g­ foil Ir °o 1 toto wet d,;nljRg noun �hull. Aq fa-�t it-% he le". Vow rivvr valli S. III.- ht 091 � A J1 14� ' .A'T "41 '1. '1 Itio"4 till, 0,11. D rvat dval of 41 IWL6oe % *'u h�.0 vl�,Cl Y er night." slot), Wrols%lz, **U 15, to go. 4101 -OW till 1,1 414-:111 they 'IN -t -re 'r till A -rid woeth wo IL qmartwrs and tiuhl jioqth�z�g ott thu. 9 night -11- Boston Tratl!�v.tpt. fully dwe-oott %volown 101% 41 1pet huno u Unt! I nftt U, I ar, tasur witti a jelrlv if 1111vil hol-I ,no � r Wh'.A. .45 taMjI " . 1,.tt4.e tr"Ifty the W4.11 wit14 her 1�1 ;0.44 fqth,l,� if The 44tct"X #11I nol"O." qUarjvq,touq#r gvw:ul .1 1. ­Ae what Iowa Dole ..r 4.41s wiir D4 I In thub .11ve"hol Xqhtuvl,,. "'.11V tutu f -,.t d In the were nvit linovtlton-A� '.%":it- 1-t l4tvil I e�, P U t Is 111 s a L .uilon ofton It,, 4-1, nN Cit'll. la, 111. '11 the re.g.-mr, t ­g,48-1�u t, ­rtjk" tout Kh -alylnx It IC41ol % wJ3 wsl' too too 6' rb-1r vig r.it ., %jina *y 14 dintlir" 19 �Itntde tit to I V.9- tv) t. 34:0 11 and as we 4--ohits tiolt Aw t0t*,�­l u,-,- Dot oOf ".4 �t 1q Wald. v 'Lud i'lmla U4 ;V 'I tof too nwit. Idut 4#49 yva to C09 i,-& tho c4off9dur lot wototvll holl o"Jol W-0,� livul Ntawl; V1. 1,M), m. -A """g CoVs 'yon t4ftlow."- Chit -n;.* lttz�,td. .20g, but gt��to 4111 �4 o Ay ivuo 11,411vatz's 4 Due Ili 11,41ini "Ild And pro -its 'la -4.810 laire Von C�- w 'La, ..W." lit Jnln,�ary. v -t4. Vn,., qi� :1 SID JU UV U a &,%to% v`110 the nuo'A 0111rugullod J. Do% 1V n Nt %V TC 16 110 VA L6 1. .0 E P " I alKgaoo. U. arj1e RD ia" ­,; 4-� G., Tont It 1�.U14 it %va;.er, I hoo�,� 1 .1 t 'a -, p -`4 wid on an on V.,w, -4 *�7 Ite r*,d09t ol J anjo 'j -'s A -�taDAP V44., *­ il M a 9 0, 'A "i �, - � ,; " I' - tJ lity IQoI%9o;Wa,l al'If wo %1-a Route v%reffligt. It 44 11o", v 1oc) 11P ShAtu t."n"ItA a'-� V:_r u9s; n...; wqj��R, to He ahc;q o, +'. his 430 -rob W# IVI%" tqwa, tool -I Until. It t j tl AID'Arlan I.-Inart lutod Vw, MULP o1 loll CIVU.w; - woth us. woiu""a oD.-1 Uv o4let-gs �0111 l-, 'n lzw N. i`a A u Auto rzi-oaq- MW,% I wait sur,- moiP,­` VL, �Q dol,4 Zia !. SMAUt.-YoUP4 fa-Aho'W tVjg'j'.­�"V_ 1,,f TiOg Ta2l, �wl"AuL he -' "a Wby Were y L, Uo -#) .11te ur btle, I 'R 4". sehoodr, Rio, IL.000 v V, 4- u �'U. salv% uv "N iao. u . -ru a C4 oo 1 00 #d. V, _a'" t .1 41 *0 'a"s V We oand Irv, L Lown lu c-ji .4d0( L .,I LL,� t�lr adet I -. L Ox %711*jP41 see a bt, ­11"d.nnot 0.11hV4 d dattlukd. sna.95* -t caury dhstmse. rev to N•� !cqlv"_Lar v� I, 'u, n 11, - " I , , #L,I fLz.,La�e 09 Irav'y as Dol, 4 a 1�j. g -b U. C�� t " �., - Z V ta t � 0 S, .1 A a :i Lk 4 t W 9101 t�V-K,41a vozv 4 Vo ;IffilIf -9 0-, .9 Ot �1"IUZ_trs 0,wa, 0`0DUt" ',Otte *IUCO' V.0 -1. 3 L.Wl tD 7`0 ou r CvstomCmrs a ni d su-b-, "86 Lb� aDwayl.-4 the Vol'"vvA nr whe U -13N. I ftINQ,tu �o��k'5 V"'t. U'ltst at" a 'r '! , C Q J0 V�­'n 4-, 1,* st mWo or the lv�uy. I ssn"le on once *1 n a, Z�,PD,4_ D.V .4 � ' T, --U L..�, bee. 1 wn-4 xN Vir 9 o -'4w# t. Ca lea' �ov' ",-1 :j:L- v,�uLd. Ur. fle&otoud on ibjs oculk. on o;v1jr1­_4 Nt L- a zj,%� A ;L --_._A M01 K­2.�d. ow V11,qn.;, '_,. Th -g ir*:4 Lr � a,_ ea� o:. 19fiklis Are g-aad reades-s 19i.91 UiC,:qvmtin lu-IF"oa we r,tr rte nt-f'f1i_L9 T 'r T�A_ ZJ' A .4 apt fly ant qbe 2�*tot jor jVt a tile3 of the jwzssie an"I TVzA1-qj.'uh Of lt'�Al *uV,-e 46 a ?Irvet car. C t jym�".ads as U�iv�oig pxvtq�dod ou size N*?tv Viya-rk, The gtnie-�..-A pto I o.tn t, e L ovet q Too.= 11 mudetv nallua"k yelt on fact there is ;tL.0 iar 4 . hez, A. V.q., U eaj �*�ot �Le 1"t lh.�y t T ;R -­�un t'v-._V VzLue sbown 1wy 6LL,- f evr2denue Uvot the ono-th 9.nq eveir r diel- ". ": 1" ' b • i1nur. UJ MDLAP 0'a'f:* - ttig!aild, e3lfter on 1`144. lz=4 q3t ta Mkel tt -mi dhii-o'.v!v.1 4-y j t Z. n llyLts:m ss,�o,An :Cwn a6d vt n A su��,mb �,T U­zz' 'Lut ,n �`tsr.lr �t�.- 11 l(1r1N9"H_41`A the Whole In t0b. vvh-e ma.,;,m are r7t&-s Lorne in a Wt.2�t t Tow ainguinoub u ag MI -i -ler Mao Ibe j'a-ce Of W,.'ry a " &Dtt :_'0o.o*f9 dtlo"=: 17m, rusit hour vVe.-Y In.2 the 104 DDywza all -vis, roon.14 n t ..;..'Ire Orel. a fare @• -.-B in a sew. r,%- I r.,"e qruat:ar ion wzb the. whoCe For *;67e. n.: -u"' . clog- aqy,,L��D• U ZU on t' -e U,,r4e"a taftom . g auny t!,�­vn at iro'M`!� sg:-�i "7 ;`1 Ivilroldv*lv SIT* U h,:-.1 Z OtE� r �_A%q n 9q 64 Lear s it viould 4hu.-6. nolor nz I of, 4..._.. -A V RN'IC aff N91 001 ecoars. -n ",Y0F zZ-3 E­L;E�ob n�e so 1r9 u A eimu`n�tz-ol ci!l il:,.e S4�azs VV�110't? C - - ate yua 64Vrnd­T* erge-I _uov . t nflt;ay ns n..:, d, r -,y MF 121q, 4i,e wu,.T. on,;v.- rerjiivei mrvav M &L:Uamtre. s"_ 1! -at t'. _r, �� , � z�, � � Lv 3 t V I 1,",:" dou% -mrulpose YOU WUM que 1 9 ze_glo�gtvv 14I.je 4,T v�";r �aamzf­,* q:.q.2_-j -4 Ttgv�� na=. =s slum -1 UMA ext..'n 1: -w'.ir- Low VAI'l Iona, n :c- .4 z S:�zn"i 4 V=4 i, gt-t cey 11.1,.'rd bonge permane-OV, ter. wao La al :,rue I ", "u'g, .-..'i d IF Q6 _Ve�tj ta'4? EROW 13 Ite 1151x^ U.lv V, _10" 0 'T: T. None of yq;nr jl�jk 'Ut a rgi-v on ji:e r5jgd, _e ..I 'co-MM1 rol Mee ILL '-0 '2ve tt .Tpmr na alwo---s "D zZSp 3 I gave Sou your dinner I as1wd yon it SIMt. -doln't srou finntv yon "Ot'vI-Ve 11fe? you wevp V,,lidy togto workIt oneo. (q;goat to jolyl. rj:1 . j ty be WIS ZNgd. Avt-tt,:% -;V-90 to the and you ,aill cohilt Unbuttoned avd ytA-.r be -,Ao=e �Ner_d of 11c, vuk 'Z -o the 1two .'a, . si "'My goodnese. Old you say -tit once'-'' roll -f -d 11V except wvwa ViA UIVI W. -Y �111 my, -6r. f#wh-d tip P r j"IentRv and in the, cad got .0 zbi- t understcmd you to say 'once.' I goi;fIreT " gl,,j • gavp I-er my seat. _Ikftet of lakln- qhort rz1;nbk.S tcgezber. am r 0 hop thought you were M colviou-1 *bout V 11c"We4:er. th't, P12 terner "VIes CIZ71t-11 SLT1 of r.. ­v an,� -They say file j�r_ ;qtp 1y 'r a U.3tk'4bffv3I t1bpt-'alanj ...-Id - -1 q , a ReftEy. I '... 1.1 -1 5, `-31, - - i. istlaetna 'a., . _Ion vame tn-N ss; a _!Lk. r chine that taIks--si:nt­;---p1ays every histrt-,men' --reproiducrza 'or Two E'vils. osa*zl the first caunibal. •;-ndli one orlicestras-N-f-gri; �',Nnstrto-Ts. Chu.reb La'as. tte. - * 1 1 yj,-Ij 9 � . "Rvg�epv. I ally sorry to bear yell before them. "was a very I ftruccl, tozy" WqIL wbielt was fns- enongb :,I iv__I� -�e violin, piano, f-ute, cornet, trombcze, banp, mattfolizzi, e. inue's RK...e, �Apro-llz-.Ces I j were IsurnO out flip Other day. 1--i man." fuM 1but there was gvq-ater d=4 Cialy a pieco.,Iy �=I t:vervAher in< rainfart ar"I -47:o ze-t i' M" <i 'I tern v. vqp:z: you (m9e •R91 vl;ur boost-lould glyotlAr* "Ifido6do, N'P14A Vu- f t The Ver' 3ner CvrAl2I-,O-P1I0'1e iS lOuder-clearer, s1n; ler an I better than air It. it Vzls .1 naget-d tzwc�-,y -iLN of so&, sacred, collide, -yes, ;)14t wt. 11jou,t f,,el qO jovj'rjy himself for tl�v jjj.­qI down the bank Iond QL other ta!ktng InaChine at any lirice. It !.ilogs every 1, 1c, to follow. Will; -%!ie "Itrio 1c. coo. Wl song.44, E -gliqll, F-ench atut'l "ScOlch sorgk_ select- bad over it. 1,umpkim Wry P.xjw,-:,,J Is: truty what, rj�%- . .. ..... t-,VO_tCF.S. V a es, to have to move next Week 'Inyway.11 fellectral A. -V 66 YEARS' ti,at the latter Could m4 "n", �, �a, �z !Wns trze furmer. lkv reasou of b's g- c. v 1:1 fact evervt%in- that can be played on my in.strument fir nrnil t rc-f ii!st=n-enfs; T H ly ALL go IT can be repr�iz-ICQII on the neeiner Gzamo'phoue *ith ,he Nvoneerftl hideetruct- V1711ft-e, V`five-n&o4r krt, n-vp'.ol. V 'Zi tiv�ty. was easily 'alize W tta. -,I lises. X6 yowtioi;*t, Neoorlecl. AZU �cw the terrier saw to�S able Yea The Sz,.uth It ej!� f,!:,!,v stories or repeats a p - ver. It can entertain burcIreds stone I've Just wad uiy jelepatmo sclf. Pv*woleil ton.1 1" Y. ..y U _r. PArbP6 r�Anumed Loine, and true", ;L#.,.t vi.s. c-_; tittle e Mkvri out. -XV61. how govs Thr �40v; Nr%er d' -I ne ij. tjo t hall or ChUrCll. or it i n lie subdned tosvit flie wriallest, -,jjjL- R"ords are not ovan, thoo.yare Eartl, Vat, IndLstivoLtRuc •Discs, whicill Uinp- What for? askfd ".1iP VIritor w!,o h-0 'nst • n* mer se-ni lzappa tl:at 11"y when lie bad ol:vp f. 1 L -a will la-st 10 v,�,rs- "ITOW (10 1 know"" tvns the Vie B.-Ii-ert",ratti-o-phone i-Sniatlei Canada;, iti,;guaranteed forliveyeats. Vwke-My nest del -)r neighbor vlat w r 'Ii MAnKS gaEstGtS Sole run of flip house. and lit, � Tht! Gr-.,:jj,-s_p'r)ne is used and ei; :orseti by the lcadhng clergymen and one W. In— cluestinn. -cto .%Ir i 4� $1 when Ift-er tm the spaniel lg;tt iLt hour., , -1q, CdPYRL nfl�er Canada Over in I ;"OV q GS &G. �o7ra The lleiliut,r Cirani-o-phone rereivetl the only nig lar forTalkf,g ­ -rhin.­ zft 11­T6rO!1t0 Tho--- Gr;ni •-phoae has imitated. andthereen-r . - T., � )ui ,- erf, re of machines vv, i tjj I n i, j, I i. -- .e wort*.;Iess.lg 11.,jules as tjl� Nr If U112- 11;'4iTWV (,,rjjj_o.pI:1oue ib not f,)r sale in yn-ur town, %,-rite tty us for illustrate:4.1 catal; AU-.!.; and other inforniacon, trey. VAcTonv: 2417-371 Aqueiluet St., '951TAN-11: L i -LOUT, General Alam, -^-r for Canae. mck as 1173L thelar L E. S4 catilean., Street!, 14ONTREAto 4 present," I I "There's no time like the prose A, �,rtcb and deot,-OrUrn MAY ,!,.r -.1. *eo vi�o�.er fo-m.d. assisted up the v. all 1,%d urt.. said the yntizzir nollt-ge man as lie Turn- Very line art, ma 'v na * tie pros-tn) oi. .".1, Orivatnn'Ja- hi -me. ed Over I() h1cr ­noocle" the wet -ii p ort day. but of no liner -.,t4,vT :i.an t1­4ti.na.L, Sinee then the fox terrier has i, p4qjtW grarodfallier had given him last birlh- In tbo- Damasclu­ $,I.j : taike;! TI.M.uCill mni,n &' Cb. recelve rAtt'n- In IM6 v i`!Out cblariza, ed]y got the N -p -glut d All OVU t5"t. sav-e day. -Syracuse, flt,rald. knives which the ancients used several eve r,�Nee, , ldqee, with trip e U14cal result. 4-.�4 �svefjt.t tbousaild years; Ago. Z 63M IT to glary in his wlst-W vous a(t %V beIll. The Bengal c wbleb eollAtl- 5 Or A, 1.'lra� t - Tt?m A er the -fat dog" will learn to avui(lcavalry, totes the bodyguard of the goverlh)t You eftu eXPeet A sbowor at Panama 1 " •'t flE&L'it'111. temptation tO 1911ch a rolmble remajils to general of India, was ralscd as fax about 9 O'clock every afternoon dulin y be se -a, mck as 1173L thelar L E. S4 catilean., Street!, 14ONTREAto