HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-23, Page 8SUHG[By VJ1111JOUT [THF . H. FAIDING Afff� Lat . est Way of Relieving Fain The CoEdition of YouDg girls Who are Anaomic, of a Serious Operation, . I - This Record Is of Especial Value to NO LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, Parents—It is a Alessage Froma . I Ether and chlwoform for Surgical Mother to Mothers of Growing � operations promise to be superseded � Girls. to a large extent In he near future — � ISSITE NO 48. 19000 " by simpler methods. Instead of the Among tile young girls throughout ,dread with which persons approach Cana,da who o%VID good liealtli-PK- thq� operating table, partly on ac- coant of tile feax of not awakening hap$ life Itself -to Dr. Williams' Pink front tha ether, the bikigest surgical Pill$, 18 lHiss Hattie Althouse, of o1wrations will b!3 perk)Taled with Campden, ont., When a representa- I �thv 1)atieart able to converse Nvith tive called at the Althouse homestead those aboart him, and vet uncom- iselouis of tile cut of the itnife. . to make enquirles as to the particu- For inaw, years r,amt sinall opera- lars or tile cure, lie was cordially re - .1 have been performed by In- ceived by lire. Althouse, who readily kolltlill.­ sollitions at the diseased consented to give 0. Briatement for voint ' but !in large sitrgleal proce- I have been publication. -Up to tile age of t dure, ether or chf�rolfo,riu , required. A.part from tile struggle$ ' fourteen ycars," said Mrs. Althouse, NvIlich usually accompany ether and i -MY daughter Hattie had always similar substancos, and the after ' enjoyed the best of health. Then she sickness, these methods of t' ')tal , b ega-n t1D complain of wo�knew, and a anesthesia are not devoid cd d nger I to life. � grew pale and languid. We tried sev- T,he new method, which is a mark- 1, eral medicines, but Instead of'helping ed triumph of medlea, I Pelence, de- ' her She was sLeadily growing worse, prives the tissues OIL tho body of - and 'we became alarmed and called In ( - their sensibility during �urgleal pro- by means of lnJPa- a doctor. Re told us that her blood cedures .tiong 0" 11 so:utlon of co- waa In a Nery watery condition, and lealne 1nuN tho spaer, surrounding that she was on tile verge of nervous the spinat coril. The larxpgit v -per- prostration, She wus under his care VA1011S, S1101 as ILIYAl tile abdauwn for tumor. -i, extelisive exemionn of for several montIta, but still kept t bones and joints of thn lower 1hubs, growing worse. She had become and even the amputatlo-.1 of any . 'very pale, had no appetite, frequent portion of tho leg, may be done headactiee, and after even slight exer- ,without the patient feeling the sillghte6t pain. ani still In-rinit hInt tion her heart would palpitate vlo- to preserve lili reasoning faculties. , ,L,utly, As time 1wisse4 she seemed !&t fe,vv- day.i ag�) a man was operatvil , to grow worso and worse,,untIl tit last She could scarcely move about, upon for hernia. at the Jeffpr.A->ii and would lie upon a. sofa mokit: of llospltal, after Ilepinal anesthi-In," the da,y. Ar, this juncture she had aa tile new meth,xi is callle�J, and dur- I occasional fainting fits, and any I Ing Its prv-_-ress-wIdeh lastftl for ' fright, as from it, sudden noise, wou@ over half an hour -he not only fe4 bring on slight attaeks of hysteria. no pain, but coaver�#Ptl freely with , ' Both my liusbaud and mvaelf feared .the aurgetm-� presoit. � that she w0ald not, ltve�nyjre than ,Tilt% new Auk.thtXI. V.11i'a. (Int sug- a few months. It warl while Hattle gested by .in Anierlean, has been i.r14,; in th (,,w ) is nditi, n timt, I read an brought to Ito .,tago of perftvtlon. amlonat of a girl eurt-J of a similar by tile pam-itai ing 1�.b�vrii Of Prof. , aliment thro,igh tho uae of Dr. Wil. Muffler. s?f Pari �. %V% krld-whle notor- , liami Pink Pil Ii. Then. 1 decided that lety has 10,11 ove.l tho olwratlo,11,3 of , linttle gho.,llti gi%-e them a trial. and this surgiNng. whik-li %vere pvrformed prij*-ared thrin- bove�.4. Wh��n sit(, had last sunimor during the pirtigress Of 11.3ml them. there Avas an tuldoubtPil , Vla Wvtil�-al Vougrom in Ilarls. It 'In , ment lit her eouilition, anil 'Waa a sitrpri-i;� to tio tiurgeons who6 ive'r,111.1,0. ,0,,,,,,I Vukt, shi, woulol re. witltj-Vq0 ZI.P. worOk of thit; wargeon goill llprtealth. S'llp eont-11111P I usiag to be ab;" u) e�m%I-Vie with tile' p�t, the Pill$, and frOT11 that 011( daily. Z1011t dl.1�4143 the 1h"Gre,43 of UN44"r 41),whi, pr#y,n,-i*sq ttiward oample-te rp. oWrat0n:a. Wo Isatient ad thewhoe . cowry. Ifor appo-titi- rettirlip.A. Polor MIRPL-113 hot IM, 00911%vit 111the'ti bPrj,,%n to coint, bapU to her fnee Von oT Imin and oven being wamo IUN01telica illonplwarpul. and In thill to tv3 w1wro tbi, kllifk� Wit-.? lt,��dg eo" nrop of a few 11i'm0w title Was ;ul applim]. %V4�11 ftg OVCJ' $1�6t JI'LLI Jlp'��a in 1wr life. Ili varry-Ont; ott t1fis lni�ttj�v�t 4 It Is now htorp timn two vears Slum 1%phuhl ";6,.,4t110 -1-4B.- tilt' InItIOUt 99 b1to dW10-ltInPi*--I tltv� nio 41 the pills. P1111- I U 41 04UN4, 11*,mitioll. Vtv: alvI In till that Ukup hqti e � V10. wa im 1 Y.arefall alkttoptkl�l Or.l. I*Nt of' lipalt.h. wo-th atw4ilt0y w) ro. cXVltY0,n,4 t4u%o V,,on vakon Ite �� w� tuni of t!lp tronl0o, I o -an w' aroolv strwV40 to h--.,.4 f4irwavl. m%4 Vill, Pay Itow gratolftil we feet for w1u4 UMIZI#� W� a m4t.,,tA &%,WW,v, r, ullsvbra.4 V-. Wi0hant.te Milt 1411a ttavp 'kno tairom,,;a tO�o &�.t,j .j%4 tnwiis,m 4,11 ttw ror mv 9D.-VtOttor. gm I I wonl,l atr�)ug- baek ta;t�t Mpk 1141JUA vnWrt4 bloto t0w L ON, nvgop llt�)�Jler-i �vll.,tqe #1�111gittAr44 rigtN, , XPM141 r4,41.1,,VP*.11oa,.1 zlot Nio.,nng t000rfo. A 11r. gdTo':. to ffi,w thom Isr. Nvililan:41 to W 4."*, 4*1 t"'40" oputc,tl ta,wo pl�,atol%. 11-11141: 1*1019 at olt��o. an't Imt, ex -11C.4- 0"-1 Vana `­ ro��Ilqpl Ronnntit,-,% 4)1, � wonAl v404 other t1l4,4J4-Jnr.:i.1* ' , , ct; ,,a L'.L. C. ri.1 I't, l'i1al ��, *:4 F4�9,.Iiv 1n1­1e�0.'%1gP " 1, ";. Wflhnirvi* Pink Pitts olroatp now , r.t.04.'O 1% t' 'ott 0J034.,L-,V tilaVolt-awn Qk%% MwO, mi'l tlofta r-,.wh 0to r:ot 401 the CIO r4U. o- V.tv Is'nu �%��wos k,o%vire'l T. ato #11qP_,1"1;4, In th" 6vicio "T r4l-.14 nlprj�hltj 4 14#vil fb.W" h4 fr'.4A Utor t!T tql Wo wtotnuf0a qul fl,ov ara, 31T*t4- ilt� skliftom­. 11 V " var;_N-t7v�o Laq lttvvl) 41_911P,%400141, '.1'NA tl­ir 91Q* 0 �% t'�011'- 11tv"n-j4�4.--al, Vv- lkv,t L, J pv:as lf$Z�t i1rip - I - $Jtgf��t�-, JSJ f,J* q!41g,J, 10,..�Jt!l qjl�j C4tt �lngtlh. W"J'LlAly t"I �,4,;`�,�� 111�1 t1j'!­ 1V:N,5,,,7at' Q4 r4bor e,4*4.4011­1 ti -e -d". 14:11-4 tar'l twr4- , %la, L"�y t,� �`�J�,, t`v� �aL� , 01 t[a , p �iw-. �JnlAntl,m-a OT t&,6�, tkrtN,1*�- �"Bll I ,'?,.,! -1.041 . Inve. It�- au*ItO1 It V-1ilr A­nIcs? vl,W4 ta�,t W-! lr,T�T­*, ­' v- �f--,,,,� ,t��M Trtt,n . Jjc:J:�u Jjpo�� -t$JpV t�-;�q� Et� . .11 5 ��Pnt pw-t- Uke rqj]!:,�� -i"_7 ­#`:'­�- 0 , �, 1'."o- .A14 , tj"� lv�0M ",I. '�A trlubdt-j 'D 'h'ry .*.�, 641% U ,vpQ bVVi, _",e),�,, ?. �­�� PI;-% ,_;�U'1',�'tlj dia ­_ , , 1*00 `--_1'�03. bv, aol,,,hr,; ­;Nt: Cdo ve'. . ,It-" I !�, ; 3' "41 �L' L J IJU I _, .' t'.1) �1, 1 ,�j'�'11,.04"P, , , - . .�* . � ro­# k - V"11�'�!�'�'%J,�" M -N. -In" �, -,,,*��-Inv 11 , , " � 1�6 � , 4 I � " 1,`�_�]­,.!,, ;�!:,oj t*2'��o ,51,,�,,. 0 t, - a, * , ,,Of�-,,L, ,�' j. - .''., t',:,�,,,., 14 : ��-'� ,.,t _, . .1,1 -,� . . I , .- I - -v " , - -, L %'J", �. 1,*_ %_,3!U.,4 :�-T- ""' �_Jft! �r'.. �..V"" ­ ' .., - , A ,. ,% '%V A, 1. %% It LN ',;I,,.%,- -..w VAIA"Atltl: foV-t��'LJT ', f '' L' J'� '�. - '' �_1,7�- � t D --p :�,�'T,� U,� . - " ­ IftIrrxt-, I It,; �., 1, - 1. ­.� 1?11.­�, t.v,Wj"n..".A, �..dl­ " � Ost,roga�lqmaq log-Lit'H-ec-41 la the0alm- I 111vid&F � 0 t;,;.� ". -,,� _ '! "it, , ,� : '51hp, Latl.%, 4,`a(,qar;4. u � I I S,,�� t_­-tr�!"r , � �, � � 1-t vr­m�r" 4v it'; I rjv�, - � " � , , . #� � . 11120 vyat�.11,te 451 'r.. � 4 tw rrjVU! � r. 9 U4 U Is I &Vg­,�,� �� V� ot�,. ;� - � :; %-JrD,?V " -, - ZU�. UQU rogi5-', 1� . - - .,,-' � 1, ­�­ -7, � - " - �Q t"�- 1,-�-�Q, %ns unst5tutr,d rLj'y t'.1"s *�!Arflv V�,,MtOj � I : �j -- I � ­ :�1i"er,"n'. " V- -. - , e t " '' - �,vv��.7,'�,-,- ��,�.-�,�,;�!;�4. 1��APIIS a� a m-littzi "I su�'Riu-tE,"'n aq I , . , "�, tMl' I, '%.1 " ", - -, 1'�--jti -a V'_ ­,_r,& -,m-11 & I --�'� 1 , ­ - La - ­v�,, , T, &� tv� e I url,r' as wnp: 4�1 14 I '. a4r.1 U .t , , . - I -01 tC"e� "'2 11.�o ,31-.;,w', t, ,_� 1A. �,��,,-- D" -,,,n tnat," I � I 20��t Cac4iats t'lo 1! Isto2s WL�i &#`Ot :: Up. L�t oillzy &", a t5uz,e, lali�r-se woX.-, 11 0 , C­Itg. �al. E�,,�-[)�,-� � E�­ :_-v!!�JNtat tl� , , , tl.,U��s orl%�_,Pjtol VV� t, I t1at tte ,e4 t;'41'"u "� tt'�!�:� ".. � �, , r, , - -,i: ­_ i 1: -it, ,-,;� J � , - 1,olt-, 1 V", � ,;; t, V" t"', ,4,:,not�-W, jr,%%_-[� 11.-!)%-'..�,,;�o ,,.-Mc- tw), V,�e�t exautel I ..2� ,I .: - , -V: ,, - .,I- _. 5. Fit, ,:.. . F- 4;�qv� "na4 t��,t,4 , � D-_W:�_19 � btatleag rvaub�-d ro'.. ze.-,-,� 9mug";Eal � �,I,�- I , - . �, 4,-�,t�J-,'A'­'.,�, C�� .", V,� �­,',��,�, -,,;,Vn.10t`,0r0 _�T 601Z _J, U, � 1), - 4' I 'aurf-'e, -4 a�AA,�'ge qrif k-J�3- lug the 1.10V,ro-'s ka%-,Jl was 3%ser�,e ;1 6 ,_ , - - . '. fr'n" C­1'�, " n: .., `1� . n 11 ", - - "Lir, " n 115 of a I � , ;;,. I _. I A 0"5.-!,�.�',(,�-, .4 D": J . ". L. aft Trve , , . -to a Epuq�b6 Tuark of tsmdke"�ef'as'xfld, or 'Ite,dl , �, '­�t % , t� ­ I ,�!an- r. 17'_',� , '�t r,z,m0lar 01 V,P d2st"nuetkPo' for wftm-r,; 1,01 11--eii 3�,pnI4 � "At', .r �. i , � _,I.J,"T4�0;,:'�'L !S.,`.­�E -7�,orw-_A d­,;,)4"F's leg - 'm,,�s . _%�T.30 Suella %*�Ataf<on, L)'Veve?" plaf-*J VA t -Le, 1-,aUrVPlLnrS thpnulslnl�,es, � C WX: �,� L,.-_ � � � " FIV ,�-, fr,-p V. *j, . '. �. , �!P,..151.4 r(1 *.!) T, �, ­�,,Jnz t'�,-�,, Who. if tl.cy w2sf;eil to z.onfer Rtg- ,� ,� . M ,'- �' P%7,0rr:m,f�:.4 -�, " ,,,,� -,, _�� a -'-;, S '. , Viop ;nrgost W tt-ir, F�z L_ a I 1D. 'i _� L al 11�0.nor on Quy OT thtir sub;".Its. , _,�� ft.�T,',IVY�T.�, .�%._- ,�%'­q nav�n the rnn- t kigsej ,614e:� tho, rn")'Ithq or tftre�,�-tr-,q ,', L11 m2 , n �' �' � ' 'E ' 4 0,'t tit_M48 ith �y T� j�4' ,i;��-_l Qgi'i�2al%y t 3 tl�J- �_ . � _. . __ ­­_ 101­t&4� f.L94 f,_4,-,ILEV�11711, Szfflmnt�ug , 11111_� �"NVIIIN JACH �'4)!UO J,.M=n0t!:m ,�3r p;,is.tZ,1J1 cat"-STIC- ,4Vi-Jr,1.J V,'j- -,,; "'. - r �'..., ,v .,v 1. -n,3 r4r, !��f_r - - - 4� ��.l " Von at 15ome aeb�lr-,�erileall. � �,; ,,,- .Z.j- 7 ,7.1�­ - - I, . - 11 ,J,;7.j-_"_ 1�; F.- f � . a - � Ronk in fatlfl".�tj ILO.RS"�(�V,-J t1le prat'- �, _'D, - .._1 . I- U,��'i",� - - � : � Z, I,- ,,,_::'� , )�­ -3 �., - - -, 5­� - 4 .i I Le, t�ve 0! k:�4sLng, o, ii.0 de*, -- - e a tuu- . A . L�:� �! - ,v, �, ,,, , I r .,�, ,, f ',.­:.�I-'91�r,* tuTp thut tluuy L�ver kmg4a,l fteiril _�� �j�'l , . 4" I _-_'11 t : .171.1 ��_ �1� A , *1 "I 11 - n r". tl`11�111,` - - . , WiTofls -515 tle p7ez;_aa,�a 0VT ther C,_Ruql�- i - .-.z &U.,_J_"_ __!��7t_ ,�,� 4 , " _� _ , ��_ _ "] .0 t'� ,. � � �: V , - .J. - , n: I " ca , I U�iii. Thr_.a, tom ,mAy the nez4--44 - _- ­; � ;&_C,� ";Q, -F' ',�,' - � " ,� �,I,-_, ,�%. - �- , _gv ,.s V,�,�) C - ly"Itives Vvere "111.,owc-A t�p LAS's 1 ,�41 f_� �L .. 11 t"_,7- T�Ilvl,- n',_J 7_ .,-...-, ".. 4 �'r"�;,!�*: .,e q , - � � I - . �% iq�� kha"IT,ed 441 fte lgent".i-r S,?x '62a V: , e , -, , `2_ I � � lr,'�' ir'_��- r�,L' _ , _'. .! . `.�,� ,� �,'.'�,!:::­�r.:,- 7.,.-�'] tL -,4 �;-_ Va"'"W'u, �qz . �a_�,.M, & ,z, ns M, � Y,7. 0� � I :�� -- � �,, - "vn -,, ,� � - � � - .: , �.,. , �!;, 7��,, n r�n, I ko,.t.Ai�n _�4 rvas nz�t .1, E,�,�-2-,? ,.u4T-)5t?a?y , �,:'. :�!, �,��'. '�, ! � ,-, - - - _,� L_�4: "2 .;*��.�,_,;:,_�J, , - .�:e , , ,_ , _ _ ., _ - ��,,-�u, rt�-,-t Dt -x�as tta4� s1ky,­.t,%nx-,,g,js 2�=­ - frazn .% � �,.,­'. - - , , , , "'. � .. � � ig�mg4? .11 tle nfflr,��1,11!yn­. esjtee�aUr - . . — t, . JZ_,_ tU�e P.OX41an,C ."at of J$�J,P. T�'l � .r, iT a � Mr. 4 . of . ,11m,o, I r] oie,q. � " "" owi'-p OL,s�-�0 !_."j'i Int'.13thea b8§��e w,1T.-:.,1f;_-, Site- ca�v­MtINI 180f ,61 U!� lt,,, C. C. "' �-' - '-,-Q ' "I- -d. .�tv 32.­_,,,�Ztirn', %-,m.q,,2;y goy'!�,Zq �n tke event oI h's sT Ag:-t-:-'t-.,r"_. �.4,_� E"$L , , , . -9-n ,r.�­;11�pn V, , � , ... t, e r �;,F�at�4 :,,�&y,,, I ,,,&r�.:�jg,? CeV,mon.y, re�Z�_ �Lenl'_- �1-1n* , * , _j -:i,, opn 1,:�,F- loan,-.* in- 1, ana, *ft iKe d:e]l' Ile.- lnteMtanta de- : ielrZaarj r7:,.:- -J-_: ,.,., a", IDI:Td,a",�,* TLe.- f;e.or,a1e,1 f o htt, hearest reOa*.1v4_-9 - ";' : ttPr;Z;1Mt.--.r­A �7111f�.;: r� 1� f_arr.,�-* _'V't" �'- , Frank IL VizatcAlY, qn Womati's V. 1:19 � ans e_=6"-.-=,n-t�P, �,,I� 11, iamr. .7. .7, 'favAill Companion. carry Im r1l.-I �`:­. C:-,��rpip­,7�!Iftee !,4 xe,�.ec.q',Iry iie�.-r.,.,,�-J 71.p Expia_-ItZon ta-mi tte ;�:,tf>VPrn---_e.:t. . Minar.-I Is LInIment Cares DIph- . - � I 11,jr�,,t and Trw-. — � ISSITE NO 48. 19000 " t� M,�Ig �.; n- "%- - :­ -P f"! -e -<_ 'Sen;;; 111 � "" PC TraEn Cut 01f Man"s Nose. - . fF-"-,7 ;",� �, . I. ­ __­ , �, . Y' �.3 1 '�,4 ' ;. . _- A0 . ;.4 ­�_ , n ftn� __",� , �P-":�f.rf�-I, .V �l . 'a fi jyW() anni,Z,n, �l rtt* rojil aecfd.nt -�Jp, . 11 �=�;,'Y. V�v--, ��.� _"':�`�'_:LC' r_­-J�- Z the 'ZZ2�i' 1�,.�- I -I.' . _ jx�lnlu at alrno-;t th- snm�. spat On th;� .%r:,�, 4'..,"7-2 -;.J qiab4q"�-� �r imz&.eq �!�-,'t'tn _�.,,� 7e._,-�"-�-a? ,,'er_�#-_ lr*i-1 , I ­% 0 -*5,. for- ��� 0��­q a- 4, ,r,."n-*M� *,,�g e.n. 1, ;Q . , .1c'.rSry Cr-r.t=1 r.. T� .oad. Ilk. t 't 11 AA rry V.,JL�, I Intl: s2gzraD r,-n_iSrer, was *Iti- ­ ,ve .� , - 6n�y :�?��ts'..�;e�A,2-�;.,,T���'r.c.�ie�,,I�,"�', ,!.,_V "'�I,QJJGr��5­_.," !",,"S' . ­ a�', -1 , V^,J f_aLn ivuy .1 1U gg Iretweea tli,:� tr.vi�k- fix,ing a w1lin-, I _ , .1 1. lkl!:f� .." � � y C -ng ,Zf,rze. (-il?,4 - a rwst exprc,ss da.-dind by before 'It'? I _ .%*�V,Mne ecllxwh-!�. 0, 'g � .r.. ,:�,,. V,,jIn !n C�e tair,k Pn-J fol Ad -gat out of th� way. Wg n0ae � I - �' .. 1. 2kill _. -9, av,j V.rz.rj:�tTy re%evc,l by 116.1- - b e . o= v,-," ,cu+, eff it,r�O&- v q to his faea xew.�w._..�. —, , tlai"ng Ch"r. must blive, praj_-eted from — it Noedt,d R,ent�vvhyg. . ullfh.r ,War� of th-1 'c4arN. � When ­..1S7­­14Xn. .17 JC.11,jrleg Toner, 1.1 _� (I_ th, Later in � CIP fathor of the ylv-ars olfi, w1r) llqd go,ms to the .Vot 1 4 ­ il"sient ,'41,"' - L_!,t4I-` It' 'r'!'M1,'J�V!!*' w r V 11 h , ,a - I h-� a a was art waS MUS to ' r tour (if Va. pr1w,!ipa,1 "'arol:"..111 e- i . i)-- ,,�.o, IT,g 11!1.-L��-if 1h,v jumping on and off tal% Some .,;(11171:-� ifg N. Su.V�; V,lq .-,an t.r.111J.'. H.-� trj,�-J to jump from a, train F7anoisc-,y �-*k,C �v).tjlt� 1& v*1.4j'%t;­,-d I -Zing vL--'o.i?� to lh� wpot wh,_re V.,tfl wag hurt. impold, w, R `Z -um. at t7le chat.�,171 .-Z..J!l Ill (1' -,,Ing sr> lost, lag toot -Ing nrld di -o Lackpn. WhIB ha 1-aw th(.- Comen rolliif und-r thq wh",.1s. M left foot, Parro*and4,.,J la.V bRr laelies-1-n-walting, was tut off at thv� K-11or*, Illso head Was tbL' Old -�Ihalt *;Lld t -t tha king; cut and hL3 �spiue, inivired. It is not v'YOnr 114'irf�m. .ilre!" Tan question exp,t'Cted 113 'Will liv,--X�ivr YOrk Prow. to0k th! ' ` 'MV,�- �-:�y much by garprise t . that he �Iid 1;:.��, f.)r a monient re,)Iy, i " ,.qn in. h,is youth Wl"ver is me Rut! thp .,*,ri it. ' _Ot7n- his silence- for I * ! - runs a great risk of becoming a, I On " ri eons t, .wJi--1 4, tieallY 910111- tile sic-oundrel in riper years; MeAnnes# , fine 4na .,j.&J­a.. ;,111�11y J,ut ti-elded- . . . ]P-,[, " ds, to vill-oIny with fatal results.- I 1 IY: "Yo -a w-1,11% !,a , k;: to ranew It." �hebullez. . . I I 11AGNIPUT IC PHENOMENON. — � itartling HYPOtheSis to Accountfor Gravitation, I I ! The connection Of eleotro-maguetio. Aleolionlean, with such forces as gravi- �atlon, Inertia and cheirdeal affinity s rapidly be,coullag more ln,blmataly uv�swl,ated In the minds and writings of �ha foremost phyaiclj�ts a -ad electriolans A the day, In the Electrical World Prof. Reginald A. Fessenden, who has jean pre-eminent in th2oretical work i ces a simple Yut, satisfactory hypothesis, which ac- counts for tba lawa of gravitation1by a secondary el,miric effect. Prominent in the foundation,work of the new concep. tions in the recent discovery of J. J. Thompson to the effect that the atom 6- not really th:) smailest particle of natter that Can exist, as has been heiretofore taught, but that ea,ch atom is maide up of a wremt number of cor- puscles, each of wh!ch possesses Its own electric cilarga. AftDr developing Ilia theory mathematically, Prof. Fawen- den remarks—"Skice I have now found hat the Inertia and gravitational 'orces are also electric phenomena, it Bi evident that we are now reduced to leal with but two things, lia,moly, the 31ectric charge and ether. The elee- xician, a modern. Aaron, is but come nto the presence of the elder magi, ret his subtle and protea,u servant bas 0ready swallowed theirs. In our text. )ooks we may now logicaily ta,ke as ur starting point the four electrical � ion ,quat s," I HEART ----" I . 11 01.SEAASv6'E 19 a symptom of Kidney I Disease. A well-known doctor has saldp 11 I never yetmadea post-mortemex. amination ina. case of death from Heart Disease with- out finding, the kidneys wereatfault," The Kidney medicine which was firston the mar�et, most success- � ful for ITeart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, and most widely Imitated Is 11-11h . Ijoddls .r - madne'y '" I pe*11*11 I ilis ALTH. I I RORRORS OF SISFInIA. — � ISSITE NO 48. 19000 " — .. , Henry Xorknan�a VisIts 'Go the Vainous � . __� . Russian Prison at lr]LUt,5,lc . , Of course I viisited the great orlsOn of Xrkutsk, an(i was most courteous y 11 I _i , , ", 'i � - , - I I . . L I .1 fmm e. allowed to spend several hours there, I�L .11 and to examine it closely and eon- � verse freely, through my own inter- "I I � 0 - preter, with any of the prisoners. It 11, Is a str4ggling mass ,of buildings, I Thin ManY of wood, and all old and In need i of repair. These are surrounded by I a palisade of great posts, twentyfect high, with pointed ends. I went in- I .1 I is all right, if you are too to every part of the prison that I bould see, including the hospital, tile and all wrong, if too thin already. I i workshops, the laundry, and the Idt- Fat, enough for your habit, is 11 chens, and visited every one of the wo rkable 11.000,000,000 tons of coal; large rooms and almost every cell. healthy; a little more, or less, is Irk all these I found but two things to find fault with -the practice of no great harm. Too fat, consult herding together criminals of all ages, 'tried and untried, and the long a doctor; too thin, persistwly time, In some cases amounting to two thin, no matter what cause, take years, which many of the prisoners spend there before their cases are Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver finally judged. This latter evil Is Oil. caused partly by the great difficulty lone be well and strong, without of collecting - evidence from many There are many causes of get - parts or Siberia, but oblefly becauise son�e sort of activity. the central authorities do not supply ting too thin; they all come magistrates enough to cope with the numbers of those arrested. An add!- Linder these two heads: over- tional difficulty is the variety of Ian guages spoken by the criminals the,n: work and under -digestion. selves; three times during my visit I Stop over -work, if you can; was the governor, who accompanied ­ ­,_� -1 ­_ ­___ ­­­ ­ ---. . I . I .1 - __ ____ ____ Deafness Cannot be Cured flamed ItIhIt'result, Estimate of the Resources of the Two . to another part of the prison for a prisoner to interpret a request made I ' I - take Scott's Emulsion of Cod by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of thoear. Thersisonlyone Great Regions. Privy Councillor Schutz, one of Ger- to him as we passed. I The prison is supposed to hold only Liver Oil, to balance yourself way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu. tountremedles. Deafneamiscausedbyan in. many's foremoat mWag experts, has 700 orlinina-lis, but It contained I,- W ith your work. You can't live co�dltion of the mucous lininf of the BustachianTube. When f his tubageta nflaraed jsist given Out some Interesting fig- ures oil the coal deposits of the two 024 men on the day of my -visit, 12 VvOxnqn, a1lJ :10 children accompany- on it—true—but, by it, you Tou have a rumbling sound or Im orfect hear- , and when it is entirely olosel deafness is great C-lerman mining districts, the Rhenish Westphalian, and the Upper Ing their mothers. Of these no few - er than 621 were awaiting trial, 138 can. There's a limit, however; and unleiki the Inflammation can be taken out and thia tube restored tb its normal condition, hearing will bb dertroyed forever; 8,11esiali. The former, the profeasor says, extends over an area of 60 were condemned for definite periods, you'll pay for it. nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh. which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of square miles, and to a depth of 1,000 meters there are yet available and not exceeding three years, whicli they wilt serve in this prIgon, and -J86 "In Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver the mucous %urfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for wo rkable 11.000,000,000 tons of coal; ,%vere transit," mostly either i� the great convict prison of Alex- Oil 'is the readiest cure for mse of Do-Iness (caused by catarrh) that %or ipt be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for from that depth to 1,500 meters there renanta 4:1,300,000,000 tons. Professor androlsk, forty-six miles from Irk- to cc can't cat," unless it comes of circulars, free. F. S. VHF�N]F�Y & CO., Tole"'o. 0. Sold bVDru%qt-,, 154�. IWVo I &-halz lwllv�yes that science will im- , J)"o'.e oar pre.-nt eofidltloins to such that It to utslc, Or the island of Sakhalin. The conricts condemned to long per - loole or to Sakhalin had half the head vour doing no work --you can't J � Family Ills are the beat. an exteat wilt be possible earry on Operation at & depth great- shaved, as showp Ili the group I pbo- lone be well and strong, without With Long Ends. er than 1.500 meters, whereby an- tographed, and a number or tile son�e sort of activity. American women do not take kind Other 7"),000 ,000.000 tons Or i.0al would be mad(% obtainable. Even If worst characters were In challiq. The Inc LJOI-Ity Of the prisoners were there Tho has ly to wraps. for Boole reason, great. ly Iln-ferring a trig Jack 4 or a halt. 1� ' output should do the . uble or � for -tbeft and robbery withviolence, P.. gonuine I this picture on It. I ritting or b�)x coat to aZ sort of a I trj�igresent the output would still last for more than 900 years. number for unnatural offences, and several. In Folltary confinement, elth- � I take no other. . . 1� If you have not mantlie' or luantilla shape. This IF nut alwaya to their advantage, an 3 Thc� 'ETI)per Silesian r0*11 ri-gloq% ex- er fOr Alsing forged passports or for I I tried it, send f o r . rprap hah its gond sldp for some fig- tonil over even it greater area, and It Js m'.1mated th,tt th-to tire titill having no passport and refusing any Information about themselves. - � free sample, Its a- P �-raa:03le taste will . �' � ' urps. Thf- only N�arlpty of the wrap for whieli predilection Is shown Ili more than .300,000,000.000 tone of Froul "Russia of To -day," by Henry :,AA-rnrlso you. I midpwadim IK thp shouldcor wralk %rith -very, ix�il U) be m;red. lasting for Ut. 1(,ast two tholls-intl ye,trs to coalp. Normalk, In the November Scrlbner'g. SCOTT&SOWNE -­ ) , I Chemists, long enil-4. These are M4011 trifilmed with ritelles or phiked-out � In 18911 thp dpopest Rhart was 0111V � .*.fit Int,tPre, anpi t1li. tt.Jt,'tI 40atput lit Curlous ('loeft 3lovenicitt. __� __ Toronto. I tiounce4a. and witially lined, INTIth tho Uppor Silesian tlistriot during -1 0110 Of the% novelTIPS Of tile harologi- white fstlk or Satin. that ypar amonntpd to 23,500,001.) val section of tile, Parls expoAthlin Is 30c. and $1.00,all druggists. U)MIT. I it cloeL, represented to) bo a per- I pptual Inotion el(vic. but whleb IQ . d ��,� I PRAVrICAL PATRIOTISM. �= �, netually o1wratiod b'r menlis of fitualt "' __:__-, .1 eUx-I brills whieh ivere alletweill to k Why .141�e WasTherkn P2V1/%_00 1 I — La4lot,4 of 041laula- ii -It ralsteal every day while you were fall oil a wh(44. Tbere are. a, large a th."Lt sunkmer re -sort, hotel ? Wasn't """"" Tbl,s niriaturo h ca evevr h4w of the, ce,mitio , Laxative Brom-o-QuinineT.blou 11'alpmallitial tra& Is UP trae hag.�R � 1111'alwr or t1le'" 't -t116;' "" t1ke It awfully dreary 21, In" "'�' 'a aero,111"'S""d Nv Himply tak. 641irears- �i t tho ftmWr that rurto ^ coW to one diW k4 �lto 14,0"wation or the thbipire. So I AM NO Ift' 1;41t�. 01141- e*1011.V #J1100d 1�001* V ? Oraelod% no 1 There were Ing tilt% balls onee a weeft frosu tile alwavm 6c% nipals to ltl6k forivard to ." Tlpis or no Tips. , c-unr% the prodwo ot suottuir. I I tottoln of the elimik. wlik�rp. t1key have �, Vitti-ago Trllmno,. aminniflated. arid plaring titptn ilk a , 7 1 �._ . V.wdkhalw awl 111dia, 0111 t%'�V?011 t4la � - - _. ­=­_ Ter(Ilkt&L.10 at tjap top 401 tile cloeR. _. T,�Jes Anlialganutteil Waltem"SwIpty., � Jeatatera foll"r,lat sipl,,� b.V shl(k I; Arrb�'.O- i - . � I ... - - .- � 1- - �_�_-­ '-- � ------- ­­­­ ------ LL ­­­ -1 ­­­ �- - 4% Londjn OxNaeLation. 11CLO (dhqddvd to I; 'U�,ozkt 10 lk'� (,Antt. ()I tile latter �*Jt- uMoPred for thfh war. �� I . � 11 W Zips provi4hin wl adeattlau "I %vage �" loalol. The &�ntool Iny N�"Wi � if Th- tvw of cf�.%Ion awo India nro V10 A WONDMIFUL CURE FOR I N anent the wattern. L O.. reg,al,,tr w.11t: v�w, riP4Eu'_'.r,,- Ln aq Tollows- ! tb�jl 11114ki DZIM't tl* worbl J0V.D1I1wQ1m V .�Irvldy do 110avic Was o! tftos,k vqpl- ,, �1, leave r,411ttired Wit Vaua�'%%Ilf, ) AV � , 8110K HF—ADA0HE 1 � ii i HE GREAT 3. On- &1h1OlUl= lov hfx1r. 41� tktso 1411;11MM ,4% 11:�&Ie lvv 1j,'ll., . lJoulgri flarkof. T1044 �,'ro val 103 flow foat, 4�lqolnr- The =cs,.,l%Pi-.dtD10 cr.t4!1a rzfdusti, t�7 11 , aftor 0.111,11% bfWlg:,.�,_ .,,� ,.pwi) v1l1ltd&,g,; jj.�r 1,�,Oznj, jtft,pr 1'� , Ing Jaro ill's #,&JIV411 ilallttele. (�:,",,4101y,� Mid t4_'1WJta14A ?'.':tJtP ti* 91P445MM!,gl,I W �' �� RIOD'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS 11 To 9,;�k 110_111chth. Balscor,�nf-,:�I, �;� V --A" JHROUGH LINETO ,,4� in. oiut�l 41 .a. ra� , ,I ran4dian IWA " who V440A. Jap'.11% t4.a it �,Uozfld Ikt�ApAii� tualma Vp_-�?,el :I , '4 ..�-�, 1. 41�ncut� N*Irnvmwt�'q. Elp*v�-r;.E lat",tv,"a � I � _%** rs-,4��Jar ww.1tcr to UP 01nn't'-pe, J!� - r )jq:!�?r ,,�Pjjn tqvd *..Ivr all -4 , � �!T,zao a 11S rl�ltr 11'r-AL41'a plantwv 0- I . 'c", ,�rd, WOV4, 0.1 " 11111khtIng te.-,:"J-D t, -r4 , ir,;-�, 11 .4t,mr timl &W, lcr�'ftonble. ha� j",witm ftLri,.�-,�i , SI _01. 160&�Mefanb,i:19,5nr� : Mt -11V%3 - ", !! tot to f,tavt n*,01 ho 1,1q Oa:,,,�, A - I Von. Ifon-4.v'Inu au';] "'4al"t"111 14a,S,L-vu4 ,-,tpr? � - rmltgy for e0h) t� PV','4 Eta a L-1% :'!;Vt;�1!4`)F(11 ItirtgrIgs.0- �� r4kl,czmr�n 1='_-%11ei;, I - , n-n!T ,I b "141 V 03T. Vt�v' t'.Au. 0,�K "' U" lwl�"4 V�MILOI. lon,.4" Vov_;qt. sit do%­�, ,;,,?, -twq,k� T4'rd6q ntq,4�,,;-�; Ito ro*flut- ,,, n­�� - * . .10-1. V�_,�&t. — -.--,- I il ) � , I � - , � , _ � :SLr-,,4"�=,-Tf! .1 :l, a040, Sg�:WgMlN2M,1T1r-!1;:a# - - � . 4ZU ,; -4ZU1t;PA5rt-_ 5C " Mr'S - ., g�Doi.111!Mot MP'i to,� t�vn�,,IMIP�P44 ru ��- tu , lAgral. 4 , I 41re, �_ - ,. - - __- - I.. . -_ - 1, - ­ ... ­­__ . M, uir-rh I CP , � 31r4 tviisters 6 pl! q, I ,Z;4 %7?PQ'T0 0 rlatOS L 1 �4t - �,v4 11 ptor, -urim C aq a . , 4� B. I ,, 'I O, ,,,? &P4, .T4,1� C.�,.J"� tL, ! ! � 1� I.-,kth 711, � � or I . , �I ho, Jl*mA.,fP1., �_*-L'S"R It, ltv Ir , � � .......... , Wte-A"--W , _,- � � . 'I .Ai..�-,� I ?, , I - 01MC. I M co ctt 1%c� —*+-" I-, . � I , I ,� fr L V , Mji! , i , ,, i NU I ,� 0. I _A - '' kll� , '� - - - r, � 11 " .. , , I T , � , I , V - , Ml!,_�" - �-�-_-n(m_,l , m. 1; Vent,Ds,. i! � � � 11_ , 11 9=4%1IU!btf4t!AP1r1t0, I 11 "T'OE'l E'f;'[J%" 4��t!nt4�Lj_ %r,0* 'Jtn�. 011 - .t- ,, eslar=tol. �- �4,t r,1vzr -,L,!; D[r,,,�i�, .,-,B�-,, � ' -I Me ' I, t" U "' L. t 11 rhi � I fo V�- 04V vc�&k, 1i r MT. " � VV_-J,—_1%ifta:*=.*%, C 1, I ben:bve 1111N*A'VDI� 1,!N1!1V',_N'1r 1r:;T, .Imn.,& It rik!D. ru a- riwlen rol oot%:� Vqt,14,�. 1� , 11 eari, cnetl"V C -MA- ti�f 94p!�.tr_ir?Na, 11"'44L �%XW.'_N 0.110E�,,� ; bst I IWQ"; to�, �btt,-�,J tviqft gc- � Al L�::� J- .1 ,� MAU Vae IftVit k�i, �� V!,. � 11 M, --nift.; rtft opt-4kjo _11ria 'Iualin- AL4 �� ,-,t " 1�iE�ko­ u,"rer, rou vnu V,Iljo, - Jal'i tzb,e�'Iikotjtt�_ !acnA*U6%,. r3flivou!"Ibl- R b&,10%-,,#� Mr_%*_%t!�17�i LIN'"18W ven I We 'LoVer-1 &4 ri'Irlp ft,% rur-1 4t,�m�l, 1� + !� ,� +Trwru ?!tpr k,pqr n�,O;VA4 n�-�It,ner ON ­rc_ 1,,,no � �` T V.]�.,o tl;?,t.InA Ttutak 1%011�v,��. 1, ,::o,%�14 D. V'uAL'� DULM4- �'."90 k�',NWIL`S -H,'D D,q�,,�.�--.-;-e��.ti�.':',',",,t-,I�.t,tift'.1�P�l,",ZL"""�*it-.'�lg!tr-',�,�IM `_ , .1 awlsli:�"� iv,,,#V,49_, ol r,:e,411. ,.il% , It __ ­ ; 'it,tg t�QN & �.��",JtL. .4:fl,�r­... 4 . 1k . , , c�..� B _-1 , `.r..'17F .�� � ..- _'�OLI ai- _1�..'jC.J"Ze" ,O��'gi�.)t,�,Gt,4t,.,�,,,'I'klrUok q-o""!�'. �-,,,..�-gvn' '. k­aTe. tq"IN,,�f.. ,,a�J',D ,j. "' _ . nza�,!. . - _ ji " ", ""V, 4G, 'e. Vw,.k f1EAS. _%N_'VEn-3,.1';. 0 C�ttntt-y� 1. t'. 7. � ____ I .' __ 11 mulav?s Unon"Ist BINtAtteper. 111!� jj�"U­, q�,L,J,�� t " R__', _ ,aM.5 _t .�:tt, _t,n '%'jp .�!.,Uj 1, . ., *i - . Eno, ic�vw. tMi%v�,A' 211,�.5-ZnCC4, Ag�ttw i " '1,7" t ..,� � U,:,�tr-`at. C-mta � .., , Port 111TUT49n. %P",- ': T-;--�L"J_-,. ":),�,� I tupro?Tn" 2%51N.%tl!��4 UNIMBN­11 �4": __- - - " ---­­­_.__ la.ii'va 1["'ffis. 15fq0ArZ,.,dU. vmi Payttualuvu ` �- - - - -- ---- --- -- - - - -- -- -- 4U.p iba.,41 Dxo�zs,i?'_,,,A 11 1 -n -4v v, n tr ,t, t�,_ , , , " ­ invivii, , a 1,0LEY. 1, " 111,akffifl-� q aod Vwsrtagn,4. 0 , - St�31,1;; %'.': -T1-.'V-LV. IrRAIN �4f,Nll, 9(1,; �� of " PURCHASE.'s ,..rfj V NTIED lu vA -113 flteea Veh+Y,L� .110'.] g!mea r�'91',�r.n �: . 1; I _NK"T 1091�x. T,'k,rough S-___ . ffla City, Oat, , are tr1ainphayn-uy pitadneell by tuop IJ lents �rong the -stliandLic Coast to Chi- , L COACH HORSES draper for 'Ton t") evam�ne. R IV il " e0tVp- 11 I ttae the ]Keh � Almon drwv,�'Plea ar- 1V&ti4A5q n -O nll.� 1rg6nrFn,nA;,,iB ftj,haw ; ALY,3@ 1d-L, ­n ".; ridgb�w(-t,'4111 Tman 1.1&1� to 1�00 - "' , ahown try Im.4p z�omrst,U,�Auvvj. That ,iDae � I agentg � an u =*;! tz! 5"'I'21r..1; age u�;! t6 es�u^,-d 8 yean" ;V 'I Tt uvk lu"fluv"my S.,�,r!,U,120. I AJ&.5i '. , eaplent satesnian knows t",ii*,ge c-Ite M. V. DICKFUN. 102S#Cet ft5sauge . ALIMX. 31f0APIM __ __ often ittva-lue'vil &q a &VU 11to Otd-ir Agent. 'Tet'rwdey. 03AL Ivira,mr 110!0. Mlonfrtlli, QL'Le. I11r(,4Vf.r;l,y in rtaavf�. to exhibit th.� full valtiq or t1ul ver- 1�' ------------ --- - r gap'."1121flan Is Stationary, tl,.T-r�- ig a stipady ­:e-il _ dant rolnfhh- llor,-eq i'L dulmwe.. -b-tTgUrarl. yl'ya gri a ,; Imt Dt is U.)t r _ . , ARDI 'ALE— , , _ 0 1 FRJJJ,T F FOR S FITS PFAV%1AN1k.',;T4,y CV111r,l) j3k DIR rintles Gd*At Xteve Rcs!n.tt'. �Vd Eta ot nr-tvoamey- aVq fint dto grf_,SS 16 Vto.-Ps,flty. WgAeh Is In'll'tat- fi 91"' at &!,al of it 11�1 wpw. I use. Sei'd to 931 Atch sttaf, I j, � � . - 164 by V-".7- Oncreasing, vlasamplttan cl - - I ��tatieraent% me imidle at tlar.�s -.Ir�oj Oa: *t ile*bf%va rcrtil-c-AtL,ie,-zrdr-te$;IlteAlbd*,tzo leef the Unf�,-.44 !10 Ms N &t&lk,�.�mvmla_-_ " %'Vi* "" -2� ' N �',, For F go TW 3. A. H=-tp, 1;&q fi�L*o bjE6 sitft* weat an;l ttu- decreatsing com"s-trip- Von of hpoa-l. . ­ 4 09,rzcs tha't a sremt tr,,,�tv 9,�,as �v_nl 11 �1 lt�o-:�_�_.J'n',dS4 fttr,-,-�­n 'm -l -Q, an I ('Ifta , " , .- _�:,11.1�Ljja�_� .1�,��Dl'.�!�i�i�f,,,.6,�t,,.vot, t n _ 'J��._ . I Wasp. 1711'�llil.-I�Iz.4���cf,%,rc,E,f,-!ai-;Im t=U M ­.4;r , ff������� , . wo:&f-14 Que, ita syrolp elLa'alil M- ,%VbZ,i Lfrnlp ,Vbout *Wi*,frmt�,.,A,-!I�,,,Ilo��,ta,-2 rcrn%rn'� .. P...'�t."­(rl'-Z - I , to-, t1w llusslai� Gamt"k-LitriTa ol llan- 11 1 clami-,1. TC,­,NZg. It-amnes 3 r -T -es 'WinaftHe _; D,-,Lqaa-_%? w -"l r�==,Ve M,mzi r,si�n"��4:r �j;zl, � NOW"'.1. -77 -7 � � .11 -.1-1-- ­ _" _%Pl .o.-h-wi. T*ouat�,- E't,WC:1N,-_ Z"��,.�U�e,�z,iT�..�t,al.p,q:llitt.,-�-.,'�"3,-i�,,,,-,=, t�=e-11:42,mpnq"s Uatn rv,,� a ��,,r,:r. -MaRg';z_�t;;. 11 1- . I !i ' ., q`1 T! ... W hi A!, A I , 14 A 11 � .. _­­il , ��_ Jav volongsts in :11".vipo. i "M- ne'routsB1,11nn by -JJp,,Jn ,�,,, r."'Mr- i =nsa nnl '41:3 lle.��!�ad_,�rz�:l _,Vnr�7�!Aadi , son,A.,M'34 C1 nu entOet tr9l, ra';'�,ZU-L I " -1 Lon. .11,1- 'S4&'Ve-- Or ejg- �Zt �V,F�nrS ag, 0 T;qe0ak11,1 T�r..-i�.1r;,.i)to,F.Lgtz,-�'O'183,p-,T�ai-ap-I ametse eatony in the st�t7s� or chlap�_a, 1 llexleo. The Jap dw�q well �q 11exice. '! Tke Gorern=?rk' , Is glad ta kave him 1 eorae, and Via t�70 People.,?, mex-man - and Japanege, 82'em to have a pro- nounced temperarnental aff-Inity. rjrhe .Tapanese have also gone in large . . numbers to P,Etlgh COlumbi,l. vvirnar-re they have been employed in ,00al whBing. arautFing stremons opposi- ftoff Ott the t4rt ot tae Wla!-,ce =.an. - ! i � Oil, U?7"W -16&-_t;6a_kN��F -,�� 'W; : ;, 7 I -, 1. _� -� __� -,r� '7 " I R7�,M!-�: %­ -_W� .'.:,�V, 7,�- .�'z`,�: �i ftnT"74 Winlrd's Vinime - nt Cutes col, -s, ,te. Tcleg,n�10 2'01es X79ed, by Birds. I Mexico has a C!t melaharpas, which has dh;covered a new use for the te!k%graph polle. At ths 1604 Of the lywlt this Vird makes Is' large 116'e, in w111011 It rears its family. f5w.mwhat higher up tile �e makes its storehouse, and thus th, 'I, Post it makes ,Ln -ObservatOkY, for which b,ored holes permit it to ob- serve the horizon in every direction. still higher this sagacious Wird pole oervas as its house, fortrp_.M and warehouse. � MinArd's Liniment Cures Garget In . * —_ --- _._ He thit Vr,lis never acqujintpa With , adversity hie rn,en, the world j,ut ,One side, And Is iznorant of half the scenes of � natar*­�Smxoa. PERMIRNENT � i LE , L Y C, U, R F. 1). rova N'Utialmr oryeav,q 3irs. ,%Vndtt� 13aWl 111DUnt Vatt-st, Ont., Suirertd, front Asthma. Doetor6 Said Notft� � Ing Could HtAp, but, CAXA,�'Mlr- ()ZON.-C, r,ured, flor AtterAll P,Ise Had Failed. ,-Foranumbertf rears:.'vniteq 31m.Whe- wyl , & in SIA WaR I Cal o? beautifully I .- and stAciont . extra Itibalant I �s. or by' -mail. I N'. C.. 15OLSON & CO., lZingston, onf_, Prop-leton. 'cOi IETIA135 YOU HAVE TO SPEAK PLAINLY to your Gt-mer. 't' The sugar matttr if You sPeak pfainly and insist on getting St. Lawrettee Sugars You save 3 per cent. in value. OUR GRANULATED ,-UGAR 1007' PURE. 'Our Golder. Velfc.wsi as 9ced as Inest OrAtiviated now 'offered. . ST. LAWRF_WC1,-- SUGAR VEMWERY � 11 - ­­_. - -_ ­_ - - --- - - - -1 ------, - ____ __________ I I . The Largest Handlers of Apples in the World. Situo"s, Shuttlaworth & Co., 51mons, Jacobs & Co., Garcia Jacobs & Co., Liverpool, F,nglftntl. Glasgow, Scoflund. Mondan Naglaixif. cn�o ecds of saleqare promptly remitted by cable. 'Pull and accurate Market Peporta are t issu trl!;gkly TV,xporters of appleR WHI be furnished with wao,et reports, eafflugs of steaMers and other informatiorr, layapplying to J. 3r. SIRICTTLIMOUVR, "Bow rAllillE,, rAIM, BItANTroltD, OxT. 'W- M-jFAMXCn- IS5 V,Gill str"t� Mont3MM, *1116ttend to thoprompt dcApateh of mi C6nsigmthents mao�e to tho i�hova named 11ram.