HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-23, Page 7FIRST YEAR, VOL I
The Official. Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
year paid striotty in advance. 'When the
Paper is not ordered to be discontinued
it will be sent until such order is given
and arrearages raid, $1.50 to be charged
when not paid in advanee.
ADVERTISING RATES. -Tran s i e n t
advertisements, 5 emits per Brevier line
for first insertion and 3 cents per line for
each subsequent insertion. Small Advs.
such as"Lost" "1:str'av" or "Stolen" will
be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion.
Copy for charge of advertisement must
be handed in not later than Tuesday night
cef eaeb week to insure change in follow-
ing issue.
Local notices in ordinary reading type
r' (pm': per• app. Notices for (''turret' en-
tertainments or other benevolent institu-
tion at special rates.
Contrar•ts for column, half-eolntnn and
Quarter -column rates for specified periods
will be cheerfully given. Address all
e°errrinunieations to
P. PTEH. Earraut. Zritu'n. P.(1,
C1 -URC' -'E5.
Sncoessor to COLLINS & STANBIJ
Conveyaneer, Money to Loan on Village
and Farm Property at lowest rates of In-
terest. Documents in original German
read and advised upon.
Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter.
('''1'. I:c INiF.A('E. C;1*httlie.
►. Orar). cif eicrlies. for the winter.
e- 'Iia}'•: --Hlr°!1 trawl :'t I+a H. tc..
e':ut-ebir.nr and inNsalletifin :at I'- et'elook
Tae•. Ilt)ly I:I+ur. oesony bone's visit tu:
a ta' I.°ut'rI
in the I if « t'ri m:ae°r:6aete•n1 'frttnl i.
;t It. .1 II. Its, v 1 slol r. aaual la•netltetitrn
t i the Taal'.' 1°It•e°e «I r Sea':um•l4t at 4 p.nl.
11.4y l)tty e+ 'Inoue laza ••• ca lt) a. le. Vcs
Slntl Icon, ll0t ''rill at 4 I'. rat.
«t i h Uavra , atte , a e e'a`y las4»r:lomat Ott 41
14.0•444t, , 1 it•t I•anti aa1.. nattass %'illi rs°
4"+14At Ft''n tat b° 44'1011.4A.4
Ret', Foth°"r tial.•'td°^t1a'. iatrala I°rat'at•'
N+1I I.Ia'AI„ kit timin on;rl Moot1ri)
.�a8•4o sprit oata=
Et;rola. to. 9.1 a, 01; ,:li Ur. 11 l•iNeta_°B:,
1 91 4 5.114- a<1 .ail t°°oar
•bn 01-,:,":.9W:1,114'4 d1at't°N, era a.
>^« evw $"o 111'« t%. all a. (t€ tilt 1 n. roti° ill
atotalatt EoatC,'^*':;,: 7x991.:A4
J. P. Walter of Listowel, was
here over Sunday.
Mr. Jacques of Exeter was in
town on Friday hist.
Mrs, 1I, Roese of Milverton is
visiting friends in town.
Allister (larenee Finkbeiner has
tin attack (af chicken pox.
Ali'.s Lizzie Rannie is laid up at
present with a sore throat.
Mrs. J. Itis•l,iteil i:: clown with
an attack of typhoid fever.
Shari boy ranted to learn print-
ing. ApIaly at the Mamas Mee.
I•ett•t•ivetl a pleasant call from
Felker t'nnrtk,is. ttf Drysdale en
Little Lillie .T.)ltneton. ificaa. of
Mrs. a. 1). Molter is' down with an
attarll' l eeala'lt•t lever.
Dry stove weld wanted : brine' las
"t t'a°9911 l'u' 11\tn of ;1194 dry eStart l t+►
help ra,k m;aarntl. t1Di a«t1a1 weather.
t'Itrestiiaan Metter and wilt* left t"al
w1'.2.114 vi ay t• l a9Sllt". loci' .b '11,1 110:1
P44, •acjat°I'e° luau y` a\iD1 ' .ice eta the
Halt° turn tt°al'';rl luno° t'a'.ln „~t; AelIt1
Va .«aur'° VI u v.')1, alavately eat totta: i tibt Y1tt:nitifttp° lt' t1at. l.'grail tlDl'e1s
l -r a. pn It.t 1:9.0417v4 i. 911 7 :,i0%, Maly o°a°'Dtt 994 r ele° F. A. I'*d't(�i,G'ult'tie
eBPD .,.af: °1(°pea ' eat ff Oa, 04' tv '-Itat th,1ot.
S. Rannie moved to town on
Carpet is sold by the yard and
worn by the foot.
An outward laugh oftimes con-
ceals an inward groan.
Go to Gottschalk's- confectionery
for your Christmas candy and
oranges, he has the best assortment.
As soon as courtship drifts into
matrimony it is likely encounter
little squalls and spanking breezes.
The little dressmaker who was
walking across the field, on encoun
tering a hull, said she guessed she'd
better out bias to avoid a gore.
Andrew Hes:: who has been in
the employ of 0, Hatrtleib for the
past few months, intondy going to
Michigan shortly,
During Advent there will be
l sirecial seervic'(' (the way of the
Cross). every Wednesday 'afternoon
at 4 o`eloek, at the Catholic, church.
Any one wishing to borrow $12(10
or a15(31 cm good. In )1'tgagt' security
will please call on E. Mier Zurich.
The Ironer belongs to a private
individual and will be loaned on
easy terms.
"What are that ;caning man's in-
tt°ntien;" asked the atnxateta par-
t'nt. Heally father." :•epi 'col Eta
dutiful daughter. '•I t'annttt say.
t•o-anfeas that when. be caalls 1 um • ,,
en in. the datrk."
I+T1t a's'l:tt-••-A lcievater ram 1.
ills**at the flat% iIb'4. frtlAait Inv
list n�t+n lim'. Hay. Pinder • "
please write Ing. Will pay row. •
ftlr rt•t 'ivory .
l;utlfrey Iia°ill l•etl!
Z°all'itth). (f 1,
.Tobn 1Peaan has Dro've'r rear
neatatnta b'aan lit' .419'a9'4ottoalh' sr.tSF
11 To.. L3'4 •'loath«°r Iat• planted
taw mai ;Ow L'e''„4771 ',V a' '* r! i`
i':at°tt+'1 C. From ,°:it'll Ies':atla^t 111,
is ;A1' +elf::' vine urea=. -.are:mite
ale n r Ile' trt°I1an"l and t tlsun a`
freagntaitly.anal « aur.'-
"rt -a"
la b`n.,y,�.1..11.. n11iC@° ''Fall .lrano
*ia.° bll 'oar reta11Bantal-a r;r la,Q't'' Gt9€at
€l tr=atDl'J0t' •‘,10,2/11 dB 101at.3.411e.'.' k`irt«4n,w
tlrliarr(tet,_th Hall +h'taisafltr'r
Io . t° tli.P„„,t,t:a l.si'.c a 'il a Qua t 1a tat - t 1 14011 ata u' 11' 31Dtl \t°ltrtl 1tGa� 1''r�a,a1
Since oar last issue Charlie Fritz
has been nursing a sora throat. •
Fred. Stegner hardware dealer
of Crediton called on old friends
on. Monday.
Since July immigrants have been
entering the United States at the
rate of 1,000 a day.
The population of Hawaii is
154,001, as against 109,090 in 1896 an
increase of 41.2 per cent.
United States postal estimates to
be submitted to congress will
aggregate about $121,000,000.
The sleigh -rick, contemplated by
a number of our young people was
knocked on the,. head for want of a
heavier fall of snow,
An exehanc'e tratthfully says:
The pour editor is continually mak..
int.'. "tcaupe':t4 in a tea-pot" and
some of them are pri tdigimis pieces
of Imperc•eptibiiitie . rather.
Phil. Sipple leas the contract of
putting on the rafters and sheath-
ing on the -big, Mock" at St. os.
e.ph. 1 manlier ttf Zurich nlecelian-
ic•s are working at the city this
cattle a i.e•ntl+,n Ont.
' . rad twelve yt'aay.. was Patting
when it 11. lliel•e of the fruit
n hie threat, antl he ethetked
•+ui •tt« ,.f'°'•t.Itlaelicaal hell) entad
CYC ease
‘,Ba` e
Confident in the rightness of our Dress Goods,
Mantles, Furs, Cloakings and these prices, we
ask for comparison.
It will mean to you, new and reliable goods at
lowest cost. The following list are a few lines
which we offer special for the week:
7 pieces Tweed DressGoods, extra heavy quality, good width.
new design, regular price 23c, bargain at lac
4 pieces All Wool Homespun Suiting, in Grey, Fawn and Brown,
54 inch goods. Newest shades in market. at per yard $1 25
2 only, Ladies Jackets, Black Beaver Cloth, very fine quality.
Braided, regular i i 75, bargain at $r. 0(!
3 only. Ladies Jackets, Black Melton Cloth. Velvet Collar.
Bound Seams. regular $4 65, bargain at `? aa
' tl pieces Astrachan Cloaking in Green. Biaek, Rea. Navy. Grey
, and White. ranging in prices per yard from s l 2:1 tfe co
Fu Ruffs, in Crey, Black anis Brown, ranging from -1' e tan i.° (' 9
These prices are good for this +141(1 ltc,xt «f•►�➢� run➢y,
Come early and have first Owlet- as �tllllt° lint's Itrt•
nearly sold (111'. .�.
�ou•�fl. Produce taken in exchange
.ane' Olrti/•1e appearing in Tse:,
e o'in!4llP�: i-� 31'tt Wer+1 foil*"
"1 Lr, Filart, Ovonlo1 write it gins 7101
^T,e• t'°itttet' tlalw'n. sae*au't' his'
n4•1t infallible any more!
D ar S
MAIN ,97
t 9.'131«•ii "t'ie'r a^al Monday.'
lkl ta'1'yalY•Ti a:� a -__ ..
rt ten thy, a'° ' i1 41rali11W-1e'
the t°Ne';t1�11n1i. tell>Qite'y`''
"'• 'sly ivai 1)+t tial' yell Int)e�r's
'i,;..rR 1!i avo {ca'a°la tilt'.,1e
111lN Sloo4'aa° 11":aria.'t
,*`10 t,a^`°.i 44 fila;«31$1' 11,441111 uta>re «Nast°
a!it)t toy n , m 1+r°Qe:B.-`e'et '!1«°el,aall taalbl'.
1i,.,.•: $.°•U:l'Ut' ?rl+'Qlltla r 91. areaf4arry
11,,,,,ta 799 1tit11•.
V999:,l. • as eat to ave at TUE lit;1Q ALat •
tl1t'Id ger a I'd'€`il?tea it'ttie'Il'4
as t, a 1. n a+,• �. y�, a' ) _'f e 1 1' «
_ Ii .11Q- -at-. tt€9I~'14 i trtt*' anal a.*'9)191t °y get n „
,r . lL(U >n* t attt.n,i t@lv,alt 11aQnl t a' sitz::
t }a z a ___. 1. ... a . t;: it Ita9a{rut' trail«l ., Iii,.;wl Ist'llt*°fit, fi11D+°i1ttle111 ,-,,troy. it, 1•J91l tt' ttwi st �,,,
9 $ �t kftt -" .� I. 1. a.I1G f Gtv ... ,.ta. Stalta. 'o,. a a9u ° 1T ' {911 ♦: ail t11'c t"f
�', ,, J r u' #, t , 4 ,�u uta «' ad F.at tay.i.:D'�i itol. M1Q'al t. 1f,,,i Mott. �:✓�"te IDA IIIN t. 4 .•'.? ' rs:4
@ .tyle .,'i41af: t°: -999. Pa Ill Illiti1P1"a°u t4$a9C« Its"^_'1J%"'1-1 'I1,at.':- velli,' 0iitil t,Il',;ptn,r1H't19 990 j l :'}U999 .
t 1Q�e' Al`nr9 t it"1' s �9laflllet,�nlfait799 . Q$ q a : ova. ht ,.' tear. mefe;8. {( 1 901 i't 91, .1 99.1
q A YU 11..0 r.,, y(C,f Ulu .yt�p!,::lhaeb°'Ute a 99,1 � i,,,.f•'. .
'» '1 a "- t i`s.:l. 't..�_ ail da v' ndi tl�r1'.',A t a'dafl`^t. ,1',992 11'a;; ff
99;08:19011 dal+'r Sba9nQei9 o91o"dQQl111ut)9lU Y ,P r k 1 , _Up °t'e •., «,.o �' t
�{ pq j�,, �taa nn t r' ;; 111 1. :1". , a9 `9 ' ti: S au9 s,.Illail 119'►flit' „;l,vt 93«. altt�l.' "!` tl9@° totOlvf.1-.'+_ 9.1.
4.111)999a,ga i3 _iJ}C1ttS,: 1.1 1' !01 }?99.1 i9 Y'•'t9u"ii"911 'Flit N6U5"a1''.("9998 t1114�ai.. tti��_t y'. q �{�,p r M
l lii '�:'1J° 9\Cr..f1)Eli t+r,l'Ql 9` Ik 9�1. 11 ..
\1N".., x.. 466; . ' --.• ` c7!� htl:w., •a n tnFvaJ'_
m0. L`•, tl.Y Ilt�A 9,,
, 9sHr+ It D %i ai ,)"'n99 11-ar,,-
"� 9 1. 9l nn ,9 ,) 1i ))t -a•4•t t 0 1ia1,w 113''Il@ ring
r 9, fg#
ter �1r r, 4 P 4;: a ea7~!e1Qr?�,' a �..f btu �i :
�,. ,v--. :d*. *,. ` !taut . ;,T 1 ,oE8 il r9 t: - tc:'-11.1 ,'etl9,tl S1 a', {Ells tv r ..1'; J,. t' .,Fa 9,.,: tl .1. 1,x;1
"3 r ¢yw_�wkp �yi� i�, 411, }4 , P a_ t 795'4 +�t 998- # z 11; .1
c iia. „91 '. __1919,9 7+,.. '6'''''L'.:'
,:, v l'',, 11_, 9((9 Qilc(9U,4 916'1 >.o" ., *10 ••..d'u ,nl' ^-line ,. ;tilt, ,«1
• l� ", i 6rt , .L. 1 -aj u,5 ley a8 � 1 ..
,,it- 9,,t..:. stir 1:�el,at t,rn-nn.
11 1.1''r,;,;-..' 911 91v-, +t utn1� r,a ,-,
'''',:11''''6'`'' ttt 1,1 Sia L t mill` l 811<l9a u•. -1,.....o.4., r
'9'a"�. l[tu � r90J,; i'9 , ' lit, ell, 7' tilt ,n
�,. - efiNP tl CI li1nl'•, lit Sf 0L,,as.-+Ifi ,,,t�, 41r,ltr,t i.
« 900' 111 U0 4 tt 9i 997 t', t {,, 1' +➢11.w" v � :911 •-
�,4� �`�` pY,y,�, r«. } ' rtli 11v 1 3ltV4Lr' p:Clj`r Lr ,T TglE; rt.i3r t, .
S 9t..'R, tab tr'CNo�Y s '4.'1� '''J".:. t' 11 :t V ' _'3 109 . t 1 ..li• • I,.,,:.1'. li,.P'J,rr,...y' 901 1'1' ? UUiVt1 ="µ �a. ,.n
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�r . 1 � i7i}tt,y,r8a';uj1p" `'•::LiNI�'"^ ria) :'11tL r, ,9941 1�• 42m1c•Muln9:'t:
1!:C',_ DV SStI`@ne,Qll9alt8V"-etaltlBu',1' Ubil il8* .t ti3 t a-:!tt_F=1' 11& ite than 9 .ii'' +2959! '`
,;.117 . g to li',19e. hrt,.r2r;c. stow m .y talo. etfut:a'1n9P-a1. "try cL"m,i9ii999 lt'_.;a> to r' 1
11;:91 139 1 Q I '1i.. 11 999 �5 «7 PQ�4a° t#'33a 119*=V' ,air
°�a. Tilt: (-ta9 M ]Ii("l A;" 'a9:91t'49 19� th. 4h-.1•„ nt>,1:wct-1' tea- e t-( 01 t.
ty°ynt;; tty to own fee D x2':4. 1999"#a-et9a. Mss
111@ Zust-;0... 115711°iao i- a'' 1:1Q.I`. ;i^.' v 11IT,:t - "7r•1i e' s(-@'•' te,:T6n'llgee« In t'I:R* '!?i%Y''l'
uu L ru'Cv Hh .lei .t
-n.''-n 'e 4 i:' i9S vi,Cn' r";811 r r, '. tat 699/1 g titte.I Lein "t7tii.0 tiltitima4, n9:8t If
t"14"'4"lludyr*i SV -,11111114e if'Ud9e814 'fie"aIl` # �'l. '`Il t -v t _Q. at. . �je3#' t
9 <-n » „ 1 Coag''. v.lrgtmP+. hl€?tit,:t i,',°,13 l'u'lu' +.. ,qP° 'R+
trlV :+?',`99111€" � 1¢iTf-.t 9Q1_ii:U;£.r �f lFbL3�iFLw
°:11"r9t•8' .a21' 9990919. Vci *,wt 11Y1L•7•raaaatri ($L'44 Truett4°Il- 3.1.d _aa "'991. .
a $',.` L`�ehb. - �'+'rt' eyp as r'►L new snap 99a99f:tt i9199'1et)l1 in er2i; a 11 '4:1'Wt s an 9 s '.1' 1 989 99)4 t 't ,i rr d
'L , _ 1 a ... _,., r .1 -', '°ii:s- n. ou R lsir r.,
v� -#id. 1 . ti`-1=I'd ...LV• 1tl tFiE- Yt.PuV9. 11'-c�:'•E' ',,:.lata}'L:gi:s�. t .`:'- .,i .. 1' :" i
....._ ..., 1 (Yg„y,+,J1) LFYi° I)). .air nl+lr.` Banc 94 .76112
,1 ,1L',>S: n t crap . 'l� e jab/ flay'' flan. r
*. ,.'t 'whether 99'" 9'9.91?r,t° head nm- etlunIletr`8°- b<<e99 9 rot' n»9.,9# t tew't,,rt'-l' in t.:?lr::<+ 9
j. W A
tion 6F 3a18 the iSaQIIt93 Aftrt''1a9 a 1G19«TM LN9tt'*d at this 01'yL# . tFIlea3 �.«�Cli 999' k
99,9,9. 17.1. 8. 9:tf C4't I"n,.t-tif-..+,'•_ li.,.97_ 9 -..27°:i -0b -s F-'.°°' n :t, k:;2'9d" t a ••.:l* '91191 *o".11't'.:11 W0Illeft1)'119'l'$
y. ;.; * d :tr
Adam Ittao- rtes°. who. ,'ill %? r a.
Hz 0:;)„.! ati. P. \a "><t!i'ire lliaa Mtnalaala of Ilex soli' i ee1ts 9441 in 1.FO'.hit)''`18i:'(301. tar ted otat
y� yy "F� 1: & GpA in 94995 "IlIl iG9ua,n;,lta; shit 1)7 dira19t91,e4 99±94 v ,tot +11 for Bion. Wa illlican9 1tat':- a'-
ID+raLD Ll''9n iB.
. f'ia't u tit sante tralan9,9 E599. Ail=talt,r,s tlhe 999'°.'940.
l kitty it liras fruited red 99' 'little y
„ 711 , ,t . leali Z''*13imi- 14,98 , Il'�8"tb B itL#J' 199, i 'J e 0.9999 ett•:itC 9999ll 1.18 1.131Y7.
995 tirJl} l
- Z . ,e • 't 7. �.v .,ti t t,tt t _t, 399 9 same e+ our ° 919911? 9 111-tt�-,L 1 11 L' J "'' a , as , 11".
� .K.:.:it ,_.Y .'it1 �4+.ei7 "` uJ�C- .' UTJ , :'��_.• iLtt the �:,iassL '�<ri CT+J�C.�. l"'ty�V."e"' J� � 8'" � •J
• 9t.o Qr a ff t" ll t 79-'.t"?"=g was tiivi.to. the apl°rl"aL1' e x.',99. 8 1a t a 97a"7r19 .t -d7+-.
�T_i'ii'i. ...P ib aq 'lNaj..-n.7 9. sat 9ily n d 9 '; +9)' -r" i
..� c e� P Grp c n. rs. 6i„.., WT:11- " t lie :+;a._ a . &ay. .
y faavrit II err 559994. 9l e,Te- c'9.r.ir,r1 .9
Twat; fi'' ars fell 7i89te a eresan!'; little girl altarit .`7 or i3 reals pan l't'
pitcher 1)2'114 one of thein gave tap d ant9e a7 -,,,,,,,m1.: sh was •eC,tder toy le
clerk 1Ottu Diav'. Court•`., Huron .a ail G,9tiii. +`Itts 149 ansa''. we lag 957 as if, preaf l IT ii99;a size. fa',7'. ey'eyrr"„ hint
`` ii v. ell 4.rr°-- 'Thec t Iii' r'''faa ""a'un't :; 9 e dillie r al - .coo steel.
L e i.ilik" : e aa.;tea 1 4 oar the ,'lie- i a bill .eep j ti• flPhl5°' as +la9i° 4 a k`• line' tw ° '-'st 49,;1 3t'•t" 13-11*'! W C f 311' fes.' 99I 7_'17
? 3.1,;;;',L r27.iI S.we * +" If •tq : in ;me. 19#)-6'1''' 1inols' but that w ter : would yon pier"s'* j, t @u4 ll'ap 44177
49-..:J'# --- /9 t'•r90 `c a. I:rric9. one, ; setn(0999199 luny turn up yet.'" t I see how big y 1u are?"
,'111ey tried harder than ever to get. Miller smiled. and stone' '2p. with
r net. At last the eream V."an ehra7'net..1. , the 990019 9"k. --How does that suit
p B) w ` 1 Ott) butter and the jumped otut from j ynra. miss?"
I. -aa t 3 95 t 9•`..nee r for Jr -a ,. the toll' of the butter. WI -tat (do you wlte was evidently plena -ed. for .s
t v :mt.91 1 S _...F•E i& a - rc ^ i. t� 9i,it• 199 95t- " tl. ill #1t this story? 'here is •ail, ' v alma' she w ani+""" n•'`
9;xf' ,Tt49 (?� aIl '9, ,...e' 7'�'.l.a.. ire . .
or C •,t• t,: t t ". t"trrk ::«v n see=.` r ' tally all e s, u he's big.""
e sees.; 11=°'r'ar� ilk it. day go � , but
.'Oft. .. L9) r rtt., ;4.
_9999. f .
. 1
"` ui 9araTe 9'13= `•199999 titin 9594.tt'al at. I. Two rti11c Nair bunters in ne e t r
.a ,I i g f a" j P , Mass t 9 t. .t .if e #. _.,: arch on 'ern forest f 9 919 9 ' . _ ' 5:157 ,1 iii r
C'w ,- t, `moi :_1)11 Nt.' 1c far that opening .
41 a • * * C ti+ra: 'r!t ' >E "� , 3n(il2) �; g`a t,v •• r"Ci)aS+�c 's
o fi'6e'•F-rtC Hours' D'.ovcition. 1)I3 y::y i'401","- ......;ata •1 ..i ''et r
049:1'a'r : «31 f'1)) j=t 1.1":::::::11(':L: '4:71: Tt"(9n1 • Y .1.e'da'F 11:1 a ..e< <a '* the church --No you. didn't." 91 919 y Pt°pzied "
'` .e. 1?l.. 9'.ne o.:l i'- I1+-, jsa(° I11aII.0, ilia' a 1 a1! .9899 VrOW(Zete la the morning. "It is my deer 9Pa'a tl'e' 11_ killed it.
(9'4 :" tc . " fellows: rri N 9'- 1'C- al farmer.
{ a27tle #'vt•nhn;. �tl'"�:(Y' carrel al laI'� C A third l.,ai`r evidently to
MAI::I�(r199 shi ' ' 'oLL. (":'t.'t•art Pi :a+iaL.I . i 11 "ober �r7CInalnc ' during the enti1'ts was as ipt oa .9', fr til the (51)89 0.91
,a ,. .. t- 2 :5 P.nl. f d.5- 1n 99e)rathtllr :.:`f lr.' the Blessed c1. '!'ti 0n with'Part in his eye ami
" - Sa .:Ic=-ern. " 11:1taa�..111. I'9 (oralnlent. lice v. Father Gabriel a. 91 tick stick ni his hand. ° ihic b
'. L II. St B." :;:a aa.l° 19 ! O. F. M. ,of Chatham preached of you shot my 1
.0 L. II. dt' Be " ':::.9 a.nl. s /nest eloquent sermons in German 5 fellow just told me he diel it." l -That9
Paoli B19NS.LL. Orr. 11 :00 98.111. lard English during the ex r�tey�ise . A. And B. now thoroughly 91.
•• .c .. c, ! ale 1. m. Os: i,�vecinesclav i11c:.i:" °nom the Devn- l9r9931 d for 1.*" '.ersenal s 2ff t_".
" w '".r f `+;:i'n, .. if' :45 :.In. 197' n was brought t a "i t.lese' 1)y the 10:,we E :1 : "lit's false. e. he shoot '
.. 'a • 1- t II.. " 11 :0it:a..nl. t Fi '' ' Ilaa:0 '.sin:: :.y Rev. Father his*lsel` s saw t°Sn 4101) it. alnd 1: °
- L.la c ":3d' a 111, • a" 1'thiS of the Pr n h settlement. T.ear-nr. ht.' 3' ' a a ?l i
B.7 ' `• I nearly 3. t ba
7 s '� ,)>. ' : ^' .il"tlet '" 'e ,..'t {r(a)t' p31 L1"9 1s due the Eadie'; t "11 s 11'4 (91 all 09;'I .+;l'. (Iiet t:teti11.9'4•-
F•t .yt'e, al t3't1 °i7 19 « 9'1r Dred is as tel tit" Altair Sea) et ' for the t ist31 giving dila- who :shot a)• faarmer's eat
'h(' time l (1t`a"IIt" tl°a' I"lath.. i ' iriei in which. they (1e99ra:111(1 chink Ent, it al ra71 )it. TIiC on
- E t' t` Altars. a! '(1 <11;:o to the choir diffe1eihf e 1C1'. that the ffilrlller w.sts
.S.IY�:S,t.TST, Po€stinaster. ° fox the bectatiful singing rendered. not there to demandanexplanat*cin.
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F41`,.i` to the halite ''t3f tray ,.,,tt:1'999 rte :
5 t ter. "hen the latter' said i/P?' t CStCt ..
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no other arg1)998999)'ent 001199911/1 pat -
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= t:.0 k st- turnip L9a1r lr 9999)j" 991 9
XtogF;."" feral 9999"" t r"Ib il1S;'1"
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+l d'?d the ardent turnip 9JOI!. -.tam
1 9 .. 0)1'`aa tired. and ler ° titre•;. 1[ %won -t
td' y." It 1s 91999 90 9999.n
halted that the shrewd. 91',.rn1p
99 9c9 vt0tezd earl - in the day
e.lud MIL the '4'.S°i_ 2311''*•4' of the
.: c°:'tit' ears: H' .ere 'ton Review.
Pouf try taken at all tines
ZUR CH, O at ,t ..
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SDI,'di,! tu''ilif'�:9►_tri;)+'.;. v; SvJLrtl'v' \?''ir`t...'~
E' aha:t handle the e
Granby Rubber.
t_ )ra"ete'nl ilt'(41v . s@, 91`9] a
919 ter"' .49114':ga taken lin trade.
Ia.-viaerl every 'il•1 L.I'',Yl -a11% o1)te ne,o'n.
':•:ten:.it - - - - - - P.. 94' 912
( 9...: 2.95 25
Riney lid aa
Peas ld9 5.i
Flair . 0 210',
Batter 17 171
, Eggs, 13 141
ChiekenS 119 - - - - 4nn 5'
Potatoes 20 259
Dutch setts - - - '- 4 5
Wheat 62 to tip 1
Barley - - - - - - 3t' 2 331
¢t. 50 5:
`fit,- u1 ?.00 y2.101
�7 N. i i,-l"� fuer ewt - 9sY3 00'I0
(1/ (tlrt'«..et1) - - - 5.50 5.{5' • ,
New rs
Goo( sand