HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-23, Page 3Clubbing rate.
d We have made arrangements
'to offer the following low clubbing
rates with TEO) HERALD:
Daily Globe .. . 4,00
Mail &'Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe . . 1.50
„ Mail & Empire 1.75
Berliner Journal,(G email) 2..50
Family Herald & Star 1.75
,The IIXutielated Diel SwineIle.
The antiquity of • a, swindle rarely
interferes with its success If it be
skillfully managed, else one confidence
game that has recently been played
here profitably would never have been
revived. It depends on the practice of
the United States government in re-
deeming any part of a torn bill for the
amount of money it represents. The
value of a;pa'rt of a Will is very exactly
determined by means of au apparatus
which measures the 'fragment .of the
bill with the greatest accuracy. This
mechanism prevents tanybo.cly from get-
ting Ill.return for part of a tom. 311111
any more than it is really worth.
That fact as not generally 'k•noiwn,
and it is the Ignorance of .tele public
]n the matter that has ll;ttel,y ,irratic
possible the success of ,a. vett ,dresseal
swindler who has 'been.oprrati'ng :down
town. Ile 'etas wikh him ;parts of .4 410
bill bearing the MI nugiher, He ex-
plains to waiters, ;barkeepers, .cashiers
and similar versos .that i>e as too busy
to go to blare subtreasury and redeem
the bill for wbicJ,t ))e colpiel secure the
full value, lie ;aPft Per ;Watt a:eason
to .dispose of the to1,ra piece for .small
sum and 1)•s suc'eUed e,d;» gee �Ialg from
$5 to $7 for fragln.el to JOEL ;& hill that
could never be red etuaed ttox more khan
half those :s141.149.
The ptun;: uasers, roe 'eteetW . ,e4eata-
deuce in the mistaken theot' • .that the
full vaJE.l,a ofa bill would he pais] at
the ;treasury for any part sof it, how-
ever small the section might be. By
dividing a $11) bill Into five orris pieces
and selling them on such liberal terms
this form of swindliang tuns be amide
cry profitable.
The Bigness of the Ocean,
'bonze people gratefully reflect that
we owe the clouds and the tides and
the winds to the "Mother and Maker
of men," but these are less numerous
than the folks who "would like to
know" what we should do for soles
and cod and mackerel If there were no
ocean. Yet think only how big it is1
if you divide the whole globe's area
into 11 parts, the sea covers eight of
those, with an average depth of 2,000
fathoms. Trry to imagine 12,000 feet of
solid, perpendicular sea water lying
•uponnetl teleigbtbeleventbs of e entire
A patient mathematician bias been at
the pales to tixform us that this bulk
of brine would Weiilgh one .and a half
million million millions of tons. For
the 'moat part this vast body of water
-thus set down la 'figures as 1,500,000,-
000,000,000,000 tons -is of the same
composition everywhere, and as every-
body &mows, .eaxrles great 'quantities of
,ocean salt.
But that same :salt is itself singularly
complex. Net only are there in it
chlorides and sulphates pf sodium,
potash, magnesium and time, which
are familiar to many, but lit contains
also silica, boron. bromide, iodine, flu-
oric acid and the w:ides of nickel, co-
balt, manganese, zinc, silver, lead, cop-
per, :aluminium, barium and stron-
tium. Arsenic and gold are also found
in it, along with those rare metals lith]-
• tn, rubitdIum and ecesitun,-Londou
A. €npeetue Court Jest.
.An eminent lawyer, one of the most
eminent in the i'nited States, was in
the tnitlst of an argument in defense of
the patent rights of his client to a
newfangled collar button that was be-
'. 1
be -
leg unlawfully utuufrt°tory+l by the •
ti„ell' on the other side of the carr'.
The distinguished t'totta:cal 4444 'as tit':;t'rIb-
in:: the patent riee•ried to i;fti its many
. loancieeee when .It::-teeteli111•04 ltttt'r-
i'1':#te.I hint and in a meet seriotas umn-
nt'r tib: ervt"l.:
-1 should like to ail: ';Ise learned eoun-
•:el if 141:1 eli.'nt 1:1Lt retraces 41 collar
button that-wlt11't reel nutter tete bets."
rte (entree the t•uurt was shucked,
;'erect young ])reel' in the seats re-
eiorvetl for '•3 « ':I oe : tiittre't, (Mil the
neer ti ll, rlpinug t'e il: l tusk with Itis
n:tr.I, rourali, : iteitee .ti4hone* •
tt F+Ittwourti" 11 :'dein":tt tetrutasei tttaitt-
t't' tel hie gt.a%it,.. altlaongrw bis Son)
t net have been 41,'4 -Irl:: citertt'_ti3. ants h:id
it°t'�.t'net 1)f Q➢lints +,it4.i» iv all's tltp
" 4•i,lelal ttl 11;3 1614 t¢ ta11.1;aap.4.
"" :, oomph:: 4;S:
et have ch.' 414.:4 :"., :neorstt the eours
a° .it the collar toe ...,t tetatiefaeture,i say
iefe ra4 ltnr"','-e In time as well as
'1) tether respet'• eel ray ellent would -
• t 1<t' so herb .. , :.@ t' lo•;at Sri Wiper-
eelt a benefit to QYt utet,it l."
>ii-. "ham
"T° . o''!
s � ,•wd
BlisA ess cards
etc. ' Ynt o
`iD ML 6ta4t> L=
. • FFc
'ti't`eend°tr 1 och tette
Its r e i•" ^t 1.4'6 ton g eeeleut
1 pete. 61 v �,. ,D. r• 1 ➢Cel.= :t:t
44 _"6 : ret ot' •. ;1, 111604 l,tq'erecie3
...-5•44146:4 . 'v - . .n,- tee. 44.0. nowt ,,.r
:4644-.. I .tb .";t. '1"'n➢44.0' lith
"u •n •i 'these eneer :weed-
' a "-:,6613.64. ", 4 •'. 4.:mil e a on. Yew.
e:44, • ' _ l 74.
• + lee eeelleent
t 1 one .a r ,161. tee ce1_4•.P' ON:, e°-
vxt" a:.. < r _ 8L` 4P 105 it�4.9fi' i'nl1
it';n e i 77-34,11 7...._` "n tee -431:e pv,'1' ilalI ,0v97-
'1.) r ._ '7., J _. •t: i :, tri L441"9
L444.4.6.4 ,ti Chet 4,44-444 r6at este
1::t .0=:u iii 4 tree t_ -_p' n5.a" to-
e," ,.1i .1g4ti6P.. ,
. .' e 64 al w 'JY�,<� ♦nit'
• t ,d6• tOrtnl 1. -.•lt n, da tedli4 :;114 .•7• Ott
c' e e tee 9a:t,de 1.' +' t iee4 .tee be
.`' 1.6 . ee aa➢ a4, L er. ce 11 to 'u't;, o
.;tit 1t.- ".•e '• o-,. a .t al..•:'; !-0 G'_t ley '441l-
'd_it_ "u eteter 4 .:d:•':. • ..,. atuy]':J'aiy tell
__ 'ails ,_e. -what iali..te•y
1$1onna - ti or.4t4"0 1,11 4 taeno.
eel a 16.6„, one the :: , :a 44-14 ht hied 141
14oe:141i1o.1 11.0 r a ;tl 1t11s
., which ri-t. 11, -an 91^:e:QD CI: 11-
ani ' la:4ge, teteeeet iy i,slleettete't-
t=:i, Fee:ere:el:e,a a :11761 4.4esie end lean -
:4' tetDnit44ns g71e-11::a;i .s .-., 4»7':;nit kan-
°'t 4411 tee last 440...4 C,: er• :t.,1ies the
:1QUI Then tea.. Igo' 'et et t f ee a go l-
.. e:1' the ➢_: ^".D: t.. -,•.1 (-all the
:tl the 10eye 1s :twelted. She Is
1;41111:649 ren , ret '•e t I -:wee et lees Gime y
_ -o 1151 ._. nr:.11:`. Ike
,o4,11 1:-:^1(t tee 4--.R:4-:N `. pn.e- yweer•:re,s
pa,, -ark'. eine :- ;➢.;11 *.s ^:at' peers t'a-
G,ya'e seat, 't,-• I.4•.ai4''S` elevekag.
%<ottecton est 4 nae ter islt"
An eel free. 44 wet. 4 g.• cicl-e graphs
le a fad en ..:'n .,tit ?a' n reef -may the
•4e.elttie n of the ➢Y:ame er. Vanderbilt as
we have it at the present time. The
original was Van tier Ira. 'The old
commodore siglatel It testes: 'Wan Der -
hilt." Willie:a H. signed it "Van der-
hiit," !earlag a 4listinet ware between
tee '°u" and the small "41; ' as his fa-
tht•r did between the "tt" and the capi-
tol "D." Most Ort the er •...et -t genera.
tion melee One word of it.
The Ota3est t"iawnc lean Hymn.
The oldest Chris/eon by::z1) was Cone -
retied not only by a teles i, retie Roman
!emperor :S•:'ir`un, bet try nerseentor
.co- a'lirLst:atls i:s t.d1F 9'Y.: ey711n bt'-
gi::s with ?.rte lin eietei •.:.arts of
t;e'tv4'uiy. Peri,' end eves '.4•Iirten be-
tgi'nen the years a ; end lee A. l•)., the
tiot'•ti of the emcee -ere i ares death.
Tile hymn t1 Iv ATese
ender 'Pepe 'n tee early 1:met Of elle
a ghttt'nrh "*l Z11 -y-
<<at • - -i1 Ccanselo 110.
"T ct•i 9 say t lila'-!,'•:l tee puma* wo-
aa en. "hat he is 84.; a!'_'.:'•t4 d ,1111: that
self eousciousizess wirttd :nails 811"
Etrrson of deficient vultltre."
-'Xt ," enew4'i•4-ei '111- 4 1':1y4'l'ne. "11f
Isn't at all .elf 4ttn 4 et ns. He will 1'e
tiresome by the honer weeetar b...ne• in
no least aware of it: "-iirashington
The Prance and the Captain.
The admiral commanding telt' British
eltelit'rrnr•J.ea.0 squadron some 20 years
ago, writes a eorrespoudeut" gave a
dinner to the captains of the sleet at
Malta. By 0:45 most of the captains
had reached the llagsltip, bt'en received
on the deck by the admiral and usher-
ed below. Next the 1tuke of Felin-
its.e. 1lrltt l. The admiral ta,
hint. anti. keeping (lint it: et ut'ersatF n,
eon011ut'tt to !ewe the tlt'ek. All eub`It'.
opeont 0 Psych= were d::iy mitered bee
logy to the saloon. but ::sill the :141 gilt's►
kept tete duke 011 Beek. At last it oe"'
t'nrre'l to the duke :''.:tt !tie runner hour
1.a41 been 1 10-0'ti, and he ventured to
Inquire it his host was waiting for
un:'1r „ly.
"1'•7." replied the admiral. "I ate
l^:t:to11:: fur the eaptnin of tett' ."
Ina:e nib the dui... tool: flaw Witt, call
.••l for :t beat Atari. footle 111'silaa:.te t'ur
17174'+:t•n ':IIID. lie aatent4 .!tai, -ng tltt'
t'aatt:ainee of the tlta't batt Myth -4 op in
11111111. eolgettntg or not itnowln:;, that
she tl"leer tv1)c t)tih"ai" 4)11 11P4 return
to 11:4' Ihdtgehip in the titir'Iteet rias:,' 011
l'170.4441 :1044 in full t:atotultlt the gallant
but 1't:1t'1ihie :eio'llal was 14ti11 is:It'in:i
th•' ei''.-tr 11tH deprecating lee treat
higet:es•: profuse Ill) Itn„tt•. e'1).:e.,alvtt:1
1*i0111 1., t6.n:at•r. 1 111 ih' t'. 4.411444:1--;, 1"tl"
e'q o•.It:N1a4;ant, 110e ;1ll'.d..4•:01 4t 1).i
eilehat41 1'1.41:'t' Seymour.- d..1, f
Ant Stelntr'holttars.
Melee 4.f ttt.' 1:0..104 Teel miter are ,4140,e,
.:Ino': " `-Q. enet*?1141. Ice ',n .`{.`esti
ittt, ,: t '_:,tit" 1 i.:-1.. cenel1 8-,
^; '4 1 1)G @ ,u' 41
o u . :_-a ^ let ..' .003 @ :itis Qd '
'.•t6t44...U.1 '! , :noO r _n ,-P,4 cut" n
"9 ,s 111'4
...4':b. Pt44:tii, .
14ffiaP .;ID' -
4'1e. y int OI1,.
Iul',Ij :,,, , 7. ,447 4•,t\ l ;;+t'4 _@ u_ _
.'•o? td: @?G'.:,.'1ln _-
R dote zebu
ineir4^ et alt:.
leeey o -,.1.3u.
a11 Vie le , "•:•t L'. -a_• ;lr nee -
41;0•5 to "°g 9 •P tee -nog 4.14. -_
s. v _ T"-e•!..i:e.11. ,0I!6.5-- -lase ,. t
tt14-tr :1 nJ 1 o J.':::,-4.:,71 d'Jt" G o _. n -
Mune tdo. -
_ ..'.
;antie«'4w opt
1.`",t4 V9‘1.4 . 411 Stareata -. 044. 19e
the tniet lt,S" were t1)' riot tee n et Ci f, G;
414 t a L.et :e _a a.
i'll'liilure," says 1Crats, In a sense,
the highway to success, inasinueh as
every discovery of what is false leads
us to seek earnestly after what is true,
ane every fresh experience points out
so -:le form of error which we shall
afterward carefully avoid."
Defeats anti failures have played a
great part in the history of success.
It is not pleasant to think that more
or less of defeat Is absolutely neees-
sai'y to great succcess. But that it is
true every student of history knows. •
Defeats and failures are great devel-
opers of character. They are the gym-
nasia which have strengthened the
muscles of marhoocl, the stamina, the
backbone which have won victories.
They have made the giants of the race
by giving titanic muscles, brawny
sinews, far reaching intellects.
How true it is that poverty often
hides her charms under ugly masks!
Thousands have been forced into great-
ness by their very struggle to keep
the wolf from the door. She is often
the only agent nature can, employ to
call a. man out of Himself and push
him on toward the 1)i which she had
fitted him to revel. Nature cares little
for his ease anti pleasure. It is the
man she is after, au,:1 she will pay any •
price or resort to any expedient to
lure him an. She luaske her uwu ends ,
in man's wants and a:•gt's him onward,
oftentimes through ti:ilieulties and )b -
stades which are well nigh disheart-
ening, but ever •. ewartt and upward
toward the goal.
The nor Who a,enrated star Way,
Ile was very yuttztg about l3 -this
boy who spent meet of his time in the
studios watelieug tee artists -Ealy acid
• paint and 14'is,iin,e Iter ( 01111 do the
" iV',1at kiwi of pencils the you use?"
he fetid one day, :is: 1 they ;gave Il°ltl
one ref the hitt 1. Ti u aright he tried to
rt tike a tinge.:- tit. s.:t.l ,stela 14114' of 140
tl1'tl;its tlrft:4, it s, •4.11:4 .1 ;4,4 nary. I/tit
` Et» ett::t:] nee , tee , :.:._- heel lie were:.
"1't" 1:4,e5 n't 14 I' ;•4.:,141 i:it: 1 of
paper." tit: r• :. , ,l, t". °"I :1.11 get a
!thee,. temerr, 14' 1 rt.,. light kind
of IS -4 -4.1111.1 14 ° • t'• n .....1: ,.
"1 Ii"t•II ;1 ?+':.. et„ :0" .1 461...esti." wa`t
ides twat t•,,ta''lt. '0. 11•,4.e the 4144 -
sire: 14U1o'ly e,4 i 1 111:•11 are the
neves°;:ly stat'
.4 1'»'w , 141.#'i»t waiting
passed be10)re :. c 1
sate.; 'zurl'otitelo:. - itgi,.1 tt'"v4•t4 he hal)
tenths all Qltltl 'r•t 1 it latal*teesible
to draw the 4411;t clots.
"I know win .4 .4,4." he Filed,
1 '"1 knt••v t,1) •'1" '16, 2 01 1).774 1/0.11, fie', ad,
of art. 1 ilii'" ; :g 1 , r . .,:t - 4, tt":Qlt
11 1 . 4' ° d ,
hos nO1114' :10 tt13a 1'4' 1 %1' ,t'i4 *lt140:044tea°1+at
• ,0 :4444 4'1)°C(9' - It!,* i -t_ a» 1'1"
Y11' -r 1t1•i "' 71`t*m 11tet'taae,d tntnty ns tt 441+'44-Q"3 " ..
A et t e,..41 •:,1 - •
x.• 1it -to 3
4.4111 r 34..11. Y
tiq: ;a
w : to'
A Sternge Wernerte:i.ee.
An Atlantal womit tt ,vho Is deeply in- I A yeueg ,
terested in psycllolueical research It led tele 111114:'." •
sates the -following !:tory about an r, (keel ..al l : 11 •
perience her husband had in the realete 4 the till:e 414' ::1 1 :, ..•1,• r'•li
of the oceult:
"We were having a new home built,
and my husband went to it every day
to see what progress was being made.
One day as lie stood in the front room
up stairs his attention was attracted
to the street. Looking out of the win-
dow, he saw a funeral pr.messiou pas*
ing from -the door and out through the
gate. The casket was small, white and
covered with flowers. Ile revogulzecl
friends and nee bows In the crowd.
and through some Indefinably 11a#l)res'
sion he understood that lite corpse nae`
that of his son, thong]) he had nu son
at that time. Surprised and tartioti at
the thought, he saw the proces.4ior van
isle and lie was entirely at 11 loss leis,
to account for the experieuce. The
hour was noon, aur] there was nothin::
in ]lis mood or environment api::trentl3
that induced the subcouseiouy.
"Within a few months a little sal
was born to us, and at the age of 1:
years it 441(444 ( 441 riecl out 04 the grate
a flower covered, white c'a.=i:et :tial fel
lowed by the ::acne friends my hus'eine
had seen that noontime 11 lig
ti"hat oxplanat.011 can by gi of :h. -
cireulnstance :#rue experieuees lie it
that are colts:tinily bring r4,14::,, ,1 111 ::o
eieties of psychical cult t.le 1"
A. runny Surprise.
'1'his story is told b3• a man wise die
likes nothing so ul i"1i as to be s:::,'
eltlestiotls: "My little l is vc•:•r f".•
of sl•aslielis," Ise sail. ' :1r1•i. 1181:1,
heels 4.alle l to Atlantis^ rely ,t:
to •,m4' day, I tl•uk alt':tllta$t 4,C ..
' t>i --41:4114y 4,0 4:111 down to Qua, ` c....
1,- see if 1 4er'I 1'1 plea l0 a few 1 we,
sti°oiiing cease: the
tt°14• .+11,•,15 and 1'' -et, t' - 0".,• 1
=111 '.4d: t tint^ , 1 -•f' who 4, :ie.-,
0:4e 44f 1'1°^°-.•, 'reel atl'4:tb *vli'$ 1. 0;4,-.
itt'e.4li`t .,.:•.r,. *.�,n•c
tae'- •n„t.i� 04O 4t''..
so... -1-01 et' 'n tee t 4 " t ^`
*y, : ! t he Are y ''Icreeeee nee ...1!
"":',70: 1,1.411 )°'t I.4t144
tlNt thin*Nat pie,e,0''41 ..G4t ra3 > ^,4:
set el ,el a Pt4- R:_
:obeli- .71 4 :4:411V :
"'I1,. ,.'.;int er1 tl .,v til:: :41714., :1
4!1' 34 11.. 1:eex lit lei tie 1:34 fee n
1.-1 0 It,'.. .:rt' .i e4 ",-JP' ep@:,e,",.' , t,
•'C"i. •4C4•tl. I '141 ":tt•0: 144'74 1 40
'asst^, ." ,' , . -•' i. .: Fr:.t a ,. ..,t,,
lot 11! 11 "614 tt oI't t)1' @ 't •,• Q4 t IY .:y t'
'0-,'ri t' 4,.v fort, 1 'aft' 1.-10
throw -?tag tl.*w,e !'
ti44ththt of Q3:•' v •
itiee-1 it 0414 4 `:0.'440 '
Ile WN xt1R e. ..
:I g;'7ot ir0dttk'r 44.1
:elm" A bit 0:
hhur;,,';SII 0411104* Ott.
4,4 ;- --- 4as all 411,
3361,,- A1110 Vette,.
`tttatlt@*t*It 13th •164 *' .-e Ui40't.
.4 lee - v74 - P 5 a to 1 414'a^dl
u 111 441 :, .144, r a. "
ped°•°til I u'o t 11
tat, •'-tie., 4...: .:i
a:.la; 41 u _:06 J, t
,. .m t114,,1
9 ..,•1
1't , r -t1) *84,414' 114111
., I o2'7114
41.n 1. •...
i 1814 .1-o:4 ;: st ,344 =
$`:tu4'' et!?' 1•41'400 1111t1dtaitial*,
" 44$14:' C eo.- :o:nn,4 r'alsr," said C.
oculist- "Y. ; • ; .. _ , 1 i'::4Iaie and r. :- :
to 11110 d 1 i4 rt-tLe'
"Tre• Tl e9 .w. -rr, with n e•'
tentid :44113X. '1 f t7.e'4. 1 was ]torn %.
'set'.%` ilxt? trv• Ct ,a?::-.?'gvat.••I ease Out d' _
145:110h., -.-...Q.
111 trey I°1,,., ..11..117 x-1:
"et 'hat s 1P 1 oreee ' n veret • ..
Out a 1.46014--:,:4•:.t $.. �.6:;,1 e.:.•t•I.='Ce-'c'
I4 41 w1 1 ',•.tv t-.0. ••s. 1j0
w:14' 1ii.is :1 t 411 oa:3ilp>xt-s she watt,
reaatCirdoi, a:.e she'll ask roe to tilt:::
the job some theca next week for earn'
And then the oculist lead his st➢_F
: cions:
Mexteo's Rainy Season.
What they tail the rainy season in
Mexico conies only iu the form f
eitowe s. a Beet fall in the afterr, ,;:..
These showers usually occur over
day, but su::.(•times there will Ile tor,
or thrae cloys of iatrf4•e•tiy (kir weatle
er. Third' tits steady ticevapat:r. I:.)tv
ever' as in niest Arco:)ic. 1 countries.
in .11Iesito IL. laity leasee is regarded
as the finest Beason of the year.
Serving the Public.
Wnn11- 13^1 if you insist that tie
loan who works for the public
without hope o1' gaining gratitude
a e r 41111. v l: 0t tit) you cull the titaIn that
ex pe4'13 g; 4117iLlt•?
Tutt#er Hits? 011. lie's just al plain
In the tnat1Ufae t:I:t' of a pocketknife
in Trane*' '22 woeknee•* are employed
for the handle ami t'iedoe lh for a mole
knife, J for se ss.,1's and 0 for razors.
In. Japan it would be thought as
rude to ot•gleet to offer ten to a visitor
on his arrival ;.s Lot to sneak to him,
..0 _- -- • „?•.3
--lee 41. -
4 _ u.c:.41
`;4 ,,4
14 44 D }
t o t_i
a•";,'"' her4",'U 13t4 3- 1'
1,matr e . l 3tJ _ ':e>
I1. 7. 511"F.l9tt.a' r;. ,.n y ....t4 • :. ..
•@' :G d6• lee _ • ..1,', :e 0t'.•1.-
4_att• I u 11 -• : 1 en ere!.
111 teel,ie ee 4 Y ._
.lave 14414/01 011_.4_,... ._ '13:',y_ tee.0 .4
1v -g4-1- f03 t• :4 t P . _• 3
4,10341 0 "r., .-..- ... 1 - ,R
44.4':4" ?-loll _ C . t L.
44.1 '713 •1411 _ 411111# 11 . 441..1
g. 1.41-44.41
C ten 13:4 haven 101 . Y
',11'7".11so tt-.eu4't-it alit:,:sil - . teen
• :lr'Riv e4e.al. and 1314 ...Pe -
111' IJE 4t•c1res nee rc,
_.^Ce -e $.a.- ' .
a ?+44.30 elty s1134°41 -a,21.'
11'4 111.',10. 4;10 zit ._- 411
r te;'u 4'14-1'0 11�e' •,d .., V
.nil 0341;1 Q00 1 -r 1_. __ 4,44•.0 ;._. G 4.0 1o4:
4e•te 444.seem4 44. :0 Milt•,.::
tYlUc E7enote,47-
The Cnnr a < griliten steeled.
:t certain Ale: g L» 9•.0
t of ansrecle5. 110:344' 4 • •...4e.
1 'A difficulty 111'. 'v]•.t'(41M". .. .- _.-, ...C. L-.-
s stories of the i:: es -
the story of tee . • , that
, .1_.1.:1'5 ass tlla414' to G_". •.,.I..
Looking 4401e104:y 3t .=4 egrega-
:eel the. preacher Liceemeree ir.1,.:• €. eeetiont with the ret14413 [ i...`!•' c should
:et: taad make an aes to a e. tie -;De
▪ It *me to speak."
Triatpetl tee.
Mrs. Neu -rich -That Mrs.. , 3 -1.* is a
, 4 :-::i 1111 tiling. 1 .¢De tt ,j?:.:2
• :.: 0411510 4115 Site 4„i4 :3 .ou lith":,i 4
• . fenny.
Browne -Why, went 11x5 she
ell's. Newrich--•Ob, she is s•.1 11) '11:31.
1:4,• 'lp today--ash:ell tee if1' 1 t't.•r
t eerd1 Sonete 4i iy'e "34.:twe lerithotat
41415» -
iF1i1 A.vratltton no'e1ieed1.
1,]c.bbs \Viten he 'VMS ad 41441e 410y, 1111
was always singing "I Waal to Be an
($1,l:bs--And he tiled yore% 1 ";lt•
I;Itlllbs-:Co; but hes hall tsar tc ..
l;rutitit'd. lie's backing Van/stet 1 .
Colossal Aggreg:]tion o4' i0t4-ri0 L4tl:;.••l
Stara. -1 biladelui,lax leecoad.
cu Pt 7.
1M1.t teenee. ab. let
o; 439' 44 r4,0 141 0
lean 4.4' 4.2.
S1a:11 ie 4,. ;• i ": t..:31
Iv' rt• @ t .... •. QE` y
Si,4ull:,:•t, tie.e.tee t"--" entet4'3 ro.u.
for tit's' years..
:1144'05 i4 :.... :C •L 't ..4I .-: e$.y 3;0:
bee -e. 4 ..,, . 1. .. Ji taseee'o n. 113
77(17,1It ...4 :e r "D years tied years
toga -1.4:: »r.
ha::it Z:33 I • .._..
Et :21
:1:4 tti,gieet' :'1
.:144.4 :n i'.Cu.:,41
851.,•10 8
4141 ut,C_.l ..
08,1 17.0 4410
4'4,4 .dt se'enw101».
"Weil. 1t tees . e.::t 1 t t:st say."
"1 gave 1 'vlItz eeeee to get 14,4. some
things 40 l'1: 44, ,'.,al here e ..t0 seeds 444 44
titete oo,"1:116 tie .4 •, Y . Y, 44444:. .111 :.'r•rti
remaking tale :a •, 4. Lt r' ;::• .3:.'.
The "0x1414" is tge d; •,st i•4448.•.),:t eh,
enlacing 01435 of 4. 1 it i '•,-• C.er
and 'J 140 141,'+'4' :#-1 • • .1 Ili,. elee of t'1:
eic-eerleari sorter 1) et t
sgn: 7' ...,1„ ,n 11' •, ,wt tee ♦,x1144•.'444.
11-I114 .14 ^:4 ,,. :J3 4,g IJ.,;::7 41.3'
.et11. r.
: 1 elt
hand int) les troust 4111 pocllet and
surprised to find $7.25. Ile knew utak
when he retired for the night be 4 tl,
just 23 cents and ilad fail^ii , 1A
whip wondering where be ,^44,!4••.
row money the next morning. 1.""'.7.
highly e::ltttrl 04 t.i the Ul. coy .; , a ,
although he thought long 11114 h:t••11,,
he could] not remember stow he bel
come into the poc:'t 0tun of the money.,
After worst that el:: he took:11 l'rit't i
to the opera and 111:1 'r to situp r tti"41° 414
f he returned 'home. 141m441 trlidrigllt, :>
brother stepped into his r •,W) and sxl:elf
""arry, did yet' pot. that bill for tut
- y
'1'lle young matt was 0buast dune,
founded. It 1111 t•1:t14e to him at once,
1 Shortly after he hat' retired tb4' pee,
?ions night his betel -eq. 111111 4414:ie.( :1
room and. [laving, the men, t' 11 1 4
trousers purl:4-t, ea:d: 'Say. rid,.,1.,
when you go down t4114'11 tom' '•1't ,tt• I
wish you would 4,a3' 'Air. -- that: i ::>1
i owe hint. I promised t,, let bites h:: 11
i 4t by te.:uorr:sty.,.
! 1'!1[' yens than was dee erg :at I!•:1)
tiume. and that arrl,'ints
to rymc11:1'v u•1i:.2 ::i. b , :. r 11
10 slim. IIe was 4,ei,1
f ole fr'i,'inl4 114111et 8 14 ,"
the next 44113'.t0 1)11111:1h+ertt ii, e!:Ire. tt
hereafter leis iteat:i "•'ll 1^ It) tial"
hes 00-11 bilis.
As She 114•e4t,4•11,rd It.
it war 12, t • • tee •t . ,< •,4 ['Idt3
heti lb
as , r,, • , a • •-.
1f tea' Sir','::. I t•
uprree t in rt. . ode toteetis tal'Y 1 •1't'
foie!' 11 Mel 11.4 , 4 .Intl e 4'85 5 11^., 11 P 1,
11:1' :lel? tear:..: - . `84 49 :14"111::4. `1-
She 44e. * 1 '8 •:, r :. ' . •i.
h R
ltlM^t 4 e„ y "
.,ti,µa 7,. Lee .. r .4.4.1¢
i. t4-, - 1,
4'18''8 .t ^
0-84141 “a 3.4
reete diel 1',*.,@ ^,
1411°r f.,1
140443 4'44t 4411414 ^
bel :4 ];,:,44-3 *-4* 4: ,.
,• h. ,t.
wee 'ie. I. is
say t6`l a 41 tee t)';4. @n'„
6t :t -est-lt1ett
11„lbgt 44' 4
`l le Lae. ge 1 L'... 1, t
Late tilt.' t3 1444,3 0 4 11,4
're 0 :den -1 I' t. n . , . " :
$'1' 1 46.4,---11.- '4, 1
-4 411,
"3, st:. TO 11,44'.,w:1)„ e 0
44 4 a
°ttL14111ffi01.14 t tet 11,011a11 "1'414,P114V*a,
4,.44o .. i➢"°.
a t Q
II. t .,
1. -,: J '
_._. __1)i: 9 8.-. _, : eeeeeee
- ` 1144ttns:, 444.44154:s-
4.Nt1 4._3' 5 :i 119 4
117€ . ,...., _ „44. .::i4 .. ...:t• ,
is. ,111e n:swi eye, `. est ria 4. 8
"'Vetere IR i" t3 C-+i::te• 14) .1 Ci 41 l 0
net -4404 4g '•:3.. gats 1 .`t•
13:'• 1 a-_.:
C111..e t:,t_ i1.ut+ ..4•R.
i..., i.. les."
rlaerd'`a a 4-14.8 4140:4 110% 14 1,
no --1 eel 1 .:4 v,,;i
get I. ti d'<l c --.. 1 1111. .I t :4
iatti o..t
91:d1 1i114:WC.
7;14e- 11.04 41!"1: -.411'd177101, -r Li.
meet:t -o e 41.141 44 f 444 4:11, ,tau
tela ' i ... third 14.14.'1 t'• -:t
: ` 4 #:+,i i:es.elt; til' the- u,'lmai