HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-23, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. FIRST YEAR, Yo a - • ZURICH ONT. FRIDAY, NOV. 23 1900. HE JG. STANBURY,• B. A. Fb f • Stwcossot to COLLINS & STADIA) IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVE:NiNG BY n, DYER. TERMS 01? SIJBSCRiPTION:-$1.00 per year paid strictly in advance. When the )aper is not ordered to be discontinued, it wi.1l be sent until such order is given Mid arrearages p uicl. $1,50 to bo charged when not paid in advauee. ADVERTISING; li A'.l'LS.-'-Ti'arn s t e n t advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for 'first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small Advs. such as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen" will be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of eaeh week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Isocal notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contraets for eohinin, halt -column and quarter -column rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to D. DYER,. EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O. CHURCUES. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. ' Doeulnents in original German read and' advised upon. B()N[FA(`E, ('atholie, order of servfee for the winter. Star:.!• b« mass at 10 at. m. ('aeeeh'••ut and instruction at 12 o'clock linin hoar, or one hour's visit to ouc Level ia. the, lelesscd suer:wient from 3 to 4 p. m. Vespers and benedietion of the most itlessed sacrament at 4 p.In. lloly Ilrtya;: Ilagh ma's at 1(1 a. in. Ves pest and bt•tot tlietinn at 4 p. in. Wee). 1)iiv« Pass. every mornin.«r, at ?a re'elti+•k. 1 al"t I'r' Inys. mass with c•x- l.e.•.iti ut at 9 .r e•t,,u•]( Rev. Father \ seieratine, Parish i'rit',t • /4.41\ IaN1:.1"'.i L. thtlnan awl En,ttlirla .marl ,y rat Int;•::' it,gy .. I ' • '.•;^'ei. a. t:a. 1' nb,liyh. at e.r Peek p. Ya„ sued ee, r i1 let '� p.m. Tut • y r t't tea (,•; ,I i ni1)1 .\lh +;i ;•. at i. ' :lea "a eliaenv) tae 4, 1 ! ••'e pherie'i•iti al. t\°E .aa •> 1 . ert"-a r t.e n11411i l•t ager 111* a loft int t ., a_ '1 purr'' ay evraliras:. 1>1• 1 u . a*, r t • etil ,t t.:: t. l• ri li,y ev na foe e: 'll't t t'?' net , nee :at '•. 1'ua,teer. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Our Xoral glatt yt, • Pearl Wurtz is very ill at present. Miss Emelia Axt of Beucefieltl was home aver Sunday, P. Fassold is at Dashwood wherehe has secured a situation. Smart boy, wanted to learn print- ing. Apply at the HERALD Office. Casper Weber arrived home after spending the summer at Pigeon Mich. tliss Aland Torrance leaves on Saturday for the Conservatory of music. Rev. and Mrs. Andrews of Varna were the guests of Mrs, E. Zeller on Friday atftelnt),ln. lel etthi:ii hese of South Bend In.. dittm was here to attend the funeral of his Inertia-- Christian. ,lass ;Ila:' elf of Howell is g"ett- in sal) a elan .n nlTZSiee here and hits already see "•:1 about 12 pupils :\taalat•l Pni aline'' has 1nem down withf•laic•l;e•i 49x for senate days end laas 'lite yet a, lett 1'e'e'teve'1'eel. Mre. tt:dobe in left ft .r her home SeafOrill a It o;1"n Jany after aint i11t11 Lit t it e% 411: late' a t°I :•elate 111'. and Mrs. Dr. t'1t9elpl,,ell et tended the opera 9 'liar .�:,:t tt r « 141 .'elitttt`tlnly night and "refs trt. . +. ivaliel' of Franey.' a „ .p entiial play: Mrs. Saetssirtlne after ;an extended vale, CD. 'daft. , lt_ Pad Iiia• aC.1 wideV %Ita laa:C ;•alte'''r`+ :41'. and Mrs.! Read Preeter's announcement on inside page. An industrious pian and a cab- bage manage to get a -head. D., Stoinbaoh has a new patented,. mop 'and pail at his store. Call and see it. ]yrs sieve wood Wanted.; bring us a> enrcl or two of good dry wood to keep ns warm, this cold weather. The ideal marriage is when' a man, after five years of matrimony. can still give thanks for his wife. John Schafer soldhis farm on the Town line l taiile;; to 1'+ainuel McBride Jr. for the sum of$3000, IH G. 'N. Babcock optician ensall will be at the Dominion hotel Zurich on Monday 26th. 'Tour eyes tested free. Have you tried the cash system of dealing? If not, be ;in the liew century right. F. A, Edwards Bayfield, Alonzo Foster's hone, which took sick at the Commercial hotel stable on Sunday died on Wednesday morning. Onr neighboring townn of St. Joseph is again on the boom, ma- sons are at work finishing the brick work at the big Meek and the roof is to be put on at once. While John Mittelhoitz was oil- ingsoma(' inaellinery at the \Vi11• hens' grist mill he hadthe mis- fortune to lose part of two fingers. The accident will lay him up for tt fe'v: weeks. STRAYED -.A leieester rain lamb, about the 10th inst. from my farm Bronson line. Bay. Finder will please write nue. Will lnty reward for reeoz cry. Godfrey 1 teholsolh Znrieh P. O. t The Clinton New Era says : A eiti,en of this town is the owner el three venerable books, their cages being 12ls, 131 tuna 1111 year:" respee- tie eIv. These ars- no doubt ,lel enough. but our worthy old friend M. Zeller has a boe11; that beats the oldest above mentioned by nearly leo years. having been printed a- bout the ..-ear ran ;anyone i heat this? `� rl^te panel' 1'et(ai'ni'd t','i 1111'11.4210 Itt gl'e�`t� ?e 1r1if ''.ti'f'f. I11411.4 iF ttil.e ! lel ar<e«lin 1:•te•h u„n ;1'el t ivy. 1110 1'ita> r 11)r i ♦i111tfafgait111d Z1r' _ l.'«arae N. lemony of tho ntt.1^flu• 2 'Unlit. '�'e°letiirt'cil411atututa `I �.atilell" mint= tm tltE�yt1 Wtt11 ty hueul wlltltt"crlt 4l'at1�� 1"oo11e le"Se°a'max Ca1s1)two '+ut the fehildren.' f "allial e f •1�„iai#tor'. ?.ln'. fiace'ia:Jtu.ttt td An attentlatave. .rhe ainrt:'t.t„„14,, t•'E the "kr 'heli,. ' 0� ``�����•yy� y� yt �.y Fne° 1t1�Qtt'.ttM°e° t'ta- hada "Eoeettim oi inie:'oial uln to", t":t.,22 Lull ata 7$1•41elauy, t'•att= +t"ie-n'd11a 1" opamitless MSS 1.1161n -literal., Hardware dealers and all p amtieeh eelltnt; firearms tattal taaif9ntnl.tnon • are warned that it in a°ontr.try 1t the etemillal t' •ale' tc" t°1l mitt It atp't ^t•1rs of any tlesi.eitloti•"el tiiinirta°e. 0114•111diltar air cans) 7 to levee lits .e'"° itt yeare of taste. The t°eele 111e•r9 tltiires t%aatt a reenerel lac. 1:e1'e- • f '•aat•i±n sale_'. ilra°i@'ttline tlatlae 1011)i 404 the ste. of 19urehaaeer4. This Huey Ilat le' ,.«tl t1E'.ally- 1it1t9e,*.-tn" Wit er. i-, *1414Y912ty tt°et 1 eltu Co1241%111h-'1� 4rvri est. ww POSTER, Prorietor Evet0` "t Q-i'oot1li85u' n'U1at11Ui1 fear the put14:`C. -\1\4'ays stop oat "I I'IE CuMNIIIIRC.IAL when in Zani-Ce1ll. I first=e inns saaint& i;atnns to ( "e9aanv$a+.' 1(•na,:t lane'11. L. !.--s rOS1'1::I.. - ,'RICH • �e ._r....... .., J. D Cii9O E, 1itte a IPoaeetc- & B', n:el4tt •. -y 1laatit' tet_6 tielssati. Ontario. te.OUDPOOT & HAYS.. •..,4Lt•:te r .No(a(tk -s 1'eelv]le' a ±,'•, e•'• t ! a. nevi :(• ;e el Ne:17„, w Ea'ee'i. ',Mtut a. ➢,. C.)aatansiat 4Fz.:= vT�4��GDGu R. C. HAYS J• 4•.:clrk Div -Court, Huron C 4'.' . • r.: J:1`e,J' iF:f;� :he liln- a waVIlleg; ..c: �• y ", r•:i. 7.44.4-7...1.3 Ont. \3i'4. eV..1_ Tr'otMintien n' Mad aal, tut eireei tit She $4 Cep`• LOA alt ;at111 aa-+ ' 1 tti;p"3ta' 115%',IIUI$'�na C1114,10 41 ate 4411 v'4 a1'n her t°et°i vt; a -r' • t'• t,`e r, alaun1-aqui. Mier, Jekyll of E+tet,l'r. who was 1111_r'4stt'.: 1l Qy°aititu"Baa lite -Jetzt It 141. ".t1te!(e1o14, is fitoit;nt witlt the SYstnne fits.la•1ase. anti %vas taken infinite fi n 'l'tae'atltay. At lit t11e'etitlst of the 13t"atl2tfor(l Binder fl"erilir Co. otk M.ondiay tt dividend nd ()f' POIler cent wits de,, a l at•eal. meet peer 16t) per cent flus -n - i, alt Intl was pallid. %Vttn. xlli(::'ievin !vets in town this wee': a `n.1 a'='+?` '4`'! •1t Wifl.i; -ane• tt'eeni {fek• as tew t eys. It is understood yY,4' lane se4•t1l°e(1ria ieesltiarn nth the ray Y,ullnatxht anvil!. i' 111 has a notion the Nerthrce't afraid expeets to �'•• back in the ete.it$eg. a1.:.. a ? 7 t a:e . for Har- . �1a roaaatr. ae-, t.eo•'etY 114 .41lieits 11.e• W- ont ' e "•: •-t . ( v:ia =t:. 1:41 Laying sales. The :ye :size -t r!lili(fl of Peter Bea -ter of st.,.i.teaenh died lei croup fin i tintd;ay. 'p 1.e little° Q,th(° wane aa- 7..•,2it 4 "care a4t' al:za' aanil Z .as t..7.4 an a very :.ee:Weenie-. Yil4' 11"Arentts .ase'' t c' SV2221:t208y of fe' etnals pin l n t ighin9re in Cleve,- ;G 1 "te :t. ie' a3:edffat'iter lois•,r,.a 1Q'1 inzie +'�. :) t `' e. .n' t.t$ t 4. r c h '_:flit. lie17!G rr ntle)n.,tn is sti77 abort(" Yet -te J.b _..a.;aa <a, tit ae'e leitater . *-re 'tire a .$nut;tier co very .pie in town but .$r. 741Y i:ti'tn tis them all by several years. • --text Sunday being the : •:til :an heiversary day of the c'eretl't•is t... L'vnt•e'iical ah$9:t1eiatiatll in 1, "IC 11. 11 . :'t': )1' will 1'rr('a:"' :a ere*t:I•:.:t(' a. ee `its ,rr the a a'. Inane :an 1..e inlF aniirE" anis fl L"i;t•iitif$ in the tett-rang. All 1...• Invited to attend.. 'lead it IS: the Paces (zt:• i t 84 a ', -1 ;: '( a 'nes r . k a. ' re .:11 c ct iv f. .. the 3`ee b1)le yeti IL t . •t prat S;e e rvt'11 • `" O'4 11 a,e('i#T41• .tt'ili' 'iL ' of ry r..z.�f' ;, J'.Y ('2't'• r . e _. t�:te' •1111 i ti • z..a_e .:�' -;'`.'112 -,(•a.. pt.2h tie t i. at:•irIl /.I",• t•r \ ILA:L. I:`0112 t' t 'ata t. I:r. { ` t-.5 ':S.Y.'S'e L i'.. teats new, • ..l' 1,d. :Telt-Ili-zee the nerves v • i eermane`Iitly enree all nervous 1 -di, eases.- 59.., cents a box. 7URICP.1 P.O i, RI.. t twos w4 e1a.i:t11.>. Erfurt ti s fr'etnn :t *. Tilt" .1144ils are ex b5't a�: .i 1.I.. 4.1.1. -eat it 1;9 a•I1$. 11:111a -7a. t. 1" iC f :A:Ia.-I2I. .. L. et .,.. " «..•iia <r$. 1' r2( .t. k N - T.t°...c l . 11 :lei at".n. •. •• i ere 1. 11 •1••',a-ni. L. ef. a' :' •' 7 ..'r a.nl. • eet ..i;' _ .... r 11r, - t ': %114" to `t 97:14• -+• (•1' . •nr. 1144. :aai �s. EP ;suitast'er. el'11t' ls:'diet* n st'. ,nt' it Ken s:lie teeena me -re t11.tt1e the 'I t-r:anne •'uses efe neelee:!4 1114a11x Gt11eat cu -t11'aatlgee eallebl at lineedb1nartc'ers end Y('r:2t4`.r ala eil't'lti,Ystaaliatittl story ' 1 teem Tee haul 1.t`4'n rnbbe(1 Of as Every rtviie°emaalt J11 toto-11 Was fi tr- ltit?a14`al %%itll, as tde'`1'la•ig)ti.in +elf tr':Q' ta7- le;;+t•al thief and a fella,".e date waoe :,spent in loilltlt'tg for limn i,ef-'tee it enewtie4I tt191)11 any of tint' sleuths that there is no sttrh drill•.: as as $4o bill. 13y that time the k, r lead disappeared. it Last month was the warmest fl4•t'('!arf1:' a'nt r(eeotel in Onfor•it9. The average temperature wans:9t7 °2, being :1 i Keeler thin the 22Verage and e R) llif het than the [text Wit isle•. t ;I October. that ofls- t . The highe-t temperattare, ik3 0, e)a'(•na1`e'd 1.4n the itthlaird the lowest. ''bi on the 7t"e. 'rine t e?.u... [`-'.• o"it:-. IInrN :it "tenant -re tur(e 414' t':. eaei Q'he Q.. N41e et the 1: °it ate` aIt t('..41.r•t•E:t11.t'i' l'lae=`iIlnF.Ililtr", fab[' the a/tenth was e hours aleavt'• the' aae•e'r'c$°.."4'. -:tel fee rainledl .8 ./.13 tk-r of lit ul1 ;tee vista a 'ti 1'411 ,YQ tt771 ' t=a . s,21 " I feel3: r R ellxlt'tt �c iJi Este. tttt #yte .17.:4`.1.17. lits b nb'ey that a 7 a(t13nt fi n,l : s4tiala( nee- ebit'f f•'9r idle Lands #dv ('Lt"' woman ativva:y s 1h:t-s e ="ii'- re'ti to ee't9 114- •. lyt•t.ts, +' (e'en -let - e, With N°.I:e' sine to:io s an it .. i '$i1rit e ri her goc:'II - and v ith 1111' other see anal[- 022 to l=_•r burse, Ler ltailavllierei$it•f and various other things ;s ti zd ruin teat vete in 11T`s -.' lie•",ie•t' '.'' r h1a�be' 4 G, t=a..' 4';tta1C'. V? - it in le r « _ fa':ca handwall sae anti nit? 1' ay Chronic irsdigestion rte fee• e.b••i:1 . •2oath '.tart ti ' a 417 til t n t. ti ('\y,9' a t 9 ', ";• 'tit•.a.a.i( r$ I314'(a t S E :1'ie <1 ( c t •' e..se a'i' ikr::..,,e:eft $ aeeeet':',,.;'• W -.,i,' a' - Qi2olrec. provincial elections Doc, 7th, When society throws people over board they 'are not in the swim. M ney talks -but the silver dollar mill paeans only about half what it says. Official figures make the popula- tion of the United States 70,295,. 320, a gain 111 ten years of 13,225,- 460. . No platter how hard the times may be, the elan who secures a job in Canada's new mint is always sure to make money. Sixty-eight of the leading bus. - nose houses in Detroit have mutual lv pledged thcelrlselve5 not to em- ploy any person antler 21 years of age who, tinder a11T' eir('lunstan(es, indulges in the habit of cigarette smoking. taoST :-Ono horse blanket be- tween Kippen and Ilensail, also one pair halters between Hensall and the Swamp. Zurich road, property of John Prang, Bronson line. Finder please leave at THE HERALD office and receive reward. An editor once asked th very baa(! 'hall what was the first step tlntt led to his ruin. He answered that the first step was cheating an edi- tor out of two years` subscriptit;n. -When Iliad clone that, the (levi. had slab a grip on me that I could not shake hint oft." 011e of that iIateresting* feature--; of the Beard of '!'rade l'aneluet t Lord Strattlheonaa was the recitation by Miss Luella 1-lnnt, the 11 -year old daughter of Tholnas Hunt, fore-; Ivan of floe ('lhristie l;rt- r` irony, of an adclrt'ss to his Lt 9rd511i1a I from the boys and girls aft Toro12t4i. Lord Str•catlle(,Ilat's lappreeiatioll 141' the incident has been ::herrn by 11 • letter to limn Mowat, enteosin x a cheque, tali. -the eloquent little gen.. tlewomaat." Friday afternoon the little girl with her lather alta; Mather attended at (lnvernnaent Hontie, when the presentation of a 18U'$0 eontltllula!_" ; lila'' in gold was formally patine by Miss Mowat. A happy event oe'eurreel in Sob. rin;;villt'. when Miss Mary \nn iitatereht t•. •«eee11d Most daughter of Mr..ttua1 Mrs. Henry 1Catere'ht'r. was jail e.1 in holy wetilovI. to Mr. 311811 i:i°Ftltte•it•. tat ('1i11te911, (111[ I `1'lhe' e e rea'l'!ny ta•-- k lalaeea' 1«1.1 '14'•41aty e'V('nllnt;. ;maty. ; tat. lift tlat° darn a elf :a !.)rt. 11284 aft orae aIle• -')treof tine 1 44-1'. lien_ i'.: lltartt... °'11 :at'a'4annt ant Il{e.- in ht.. f:alaaih°. is Was peerfna°71i,e.ti thn Ili' - .\. S ' !-?;(1st. elf Berlin. Ont.. 4r, )1i In cel' the 14,rebb'. t)n1n 1'.t° `se•re 1Af the +t;':wily ')%414' 14t•4'.el''t tcb euatlteese the 'eeeley to e4a'et_ \ '.•- as 1,41, e.1-41.91) ' e4. „ee `n 4"nu R •- n tE:atlln new f °1etut°'lii, n lee.. slued vin u fila a .81191 tit°"1.�e14ua fir 1nn1< aall'd •94'N221..22ntauttnti. . ptC 11'e4 dn,Linia" G' all 4 `B'htnt4 4li. Mr, NA -tenter ne eunn le n'e1 n't1 tree 1)4.1ne ty lir .anu �..'_t"t' a°e'• eave " ` l�nrs The Fur demand is growing eeaeh season and why should it' not. What 1:i more comfortable o21 as void stormy \'4 ri e'1' day than a Fur Cape or C'aaperin or ('olla,rette ora1.1'1.1• o "- Gauntlets. Why be without this comfortable apparel wheel we are selling them at prices to suit every purse. Mantles Our stock of Mantles is well assorted. Each season bring; it new styles and we have secured the latestrin the market!\Ve also have a few of last' year's Mantles that we will c el'r at u great sacrifice. Dress Goods We make Meek Dress Glands a sp('ciality, and have a full! range in Cashmere, Henrietta, Serges and Lustre::. Home - spuns are the newest thing for skirts and suiting. Scec' • eta! stock before purehasing. Millinery The fact that this department hate far excelled any Trevi« tali - season 15 $Utfivient crest i tit' its 1')'tael erity. Onr stf.t•k is complete. and our Milliner is always ready t:, serve;"(ash. Give us a call. No trouble to show ginaal•. Pro- duce aluce taken111 ('('hang(' (1i' goods.. .� ll,!Vigil] StreetZurich, Ert = We Do As We Saye Sh 4. 4t 1 ell 4413.'„ .. «rtA4> „ .,�4,ll 41 •1- i 1. : la a t n .. ob • :aa 'ate. ';:« °1 E 3L1° J re $ nln' A it u t°." f 1`1- 1 - 4'.soli ,-. 41 2, ","4' '4d'llGu,e• i.. .2;41, , i ,,•t iw ,t, " ,4«a n oeiy i � 1 v ' ca^aG *r . 1....:; , ......_ t, 3r. '. ti Ra ,; ti -i w, , f 1.14'114=•[ l<,�- t*,'^�,r" i41Ss• [pie. tltaa°d v::e„'Ut u t `,11--.141, a. t�' `rt. 11Ai1t`e°1n.1n . CCL• measure fe93i`rtla 411 ialtw -l4 Fbiih�ii 1` NoY° The :Amman '-1'enw('tnt 11 rut a'aun 1 _ -_- l't1t*`:a'tua•!°`'e� rt414 ". a«A1a0172• 1507" 11"1. t"--. -- # u rltret llilll➢(t.tl�a 1rt`et1F'"la :i11a ui J la1t tsiti iatu't'4N a« "tar .a�y 7� '. , Ivi1.1121 4 84 0e :yrs rnew lin (Qiw (ttl'. flb�k i1r`111aht1'1'". 'blot e1 ra11lltl E4z 4 1.11-00.14t4 itll lirl•aae(4 lit a"fi serionns le • 4. end Nd4 ;u :. . e e.'. els reedy. While Vie ...ate • '6 WE WILL NOT ME UNDERSOLD 1 tt ::. e,.lialtte ` are :away- „lr !114 t „ tee' a . tieetlIi° t.tafeertai?tittN• •tAY . II:ma ea'• :1T l'trta er • uin-4l41 lit• 114 1 t:4u.- undeceived if he really root °se':. the --- --- --__ hope that intervention may be had 115.3' the asking. Daring thy Bait''• WU. there was at stranr+ feeling 4'i' 51 aneu1i1 ,' in this t'onntry` foe tht- ,.,,r?:antt burghers, but at no time ec 9:` it pailitleally 41«"tt) Eritlit. liett-n- ,I re than e'Sa1a145t11 +ra 1144neue9111..D: tr al a'$ane1ta)i_+nes. `4414V -u .e 1.3 �_.itie aflly fora:otter:. many other thee_:-. Pent E'ran not ('1x11 1:I4'! C4 is r,id::t" L u °lt�i (111 ri ao4l,l:4" F11-4" '...',1%;11'4" l`JtaVe 4'4 kill "' t the 1 eitibin I[', -wan. Tb' T .. 44' 3114ti.;nt.S that re. ., title (¢e'(•i .14'.111 4'�% irCub• �C.- r';1 �'• eeeeere veer 14411024 t.re]it •. t,i1 i`.aat is may not he t'1_rlat . • _ _• i:a irre;-tt1•aahlc. -- I'e>ie•aaz:et %IA K !1S- -: e= ce,l every Thureelay atter:were teeth: If 11• .t• •:(•' : of whir til. tib ti`2 :. 4:) ;',o +:7 2.8 1i 1. 13 1; 45 114 - - - .t'' • .b ' :.'(0 2-t' K The riia 11x."- 4li t'1- end le ` s, ; es rtP-, .n.,••t 5;( 211.1`. .. • '111$` 411 •,'a ... .. -_ - ,t t' 1' .. , . ' . 1 . tae -e• '•' (r:... :a'- 1..i :'t 1 ti;. 'Ir v:'t '( :e; tire tee "('t44 02e, aa: • .( Y.e . ::Iii. '? 'sully at11.i pee -- ChM ''. -(hM (i b 5 •et) aa.. iniiit 1i ne t end st,ntta('h t' otbies. ()ne 1411 .p d se :'":J Cents :. bosh t dee n) :.11 e i :"te1e'1 C' C'Vlt 1 :v 1.aie substitute. cl.) (dressed) - - - 5.so _ k. 1.;•"'alJ ..a :11AR1.F i1TtS. t:. 1.9 a12 22 '4:: :1(4 , :;1 " ).1:44 I FRITZ Zurich New Furs ress Goods and jg Hart b s oc k t;a'