HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-09, Page 5. 1� I—- I I . I ''I .11 ­ ­­ 1 , , , , �_ , , , " " - ­,­' " ., �, ": - , I �, -1 I � , AIR. , , - . I 11 � I - 1-1 I.. I 11-11-7 � 1-1 .1�11111­_ ,_ ..... . ","..1 I I ! , , " "" I . �. 111111�1'1..b.i�­­­ ...... . _ _ .. "., ­­­­ I I � . , .. . . , �.f, . k � . = 1. - ,I . , , I :" . " I . I q . I I . I � I I , I I . :? � .1 I . �. I . I ..� I . 4� � . I . I I I I ­- � ----- l" I I I . I � . � I I - -­ ________ Ili -1' 14" " : .1;1?1� - I - � I � V � , _ .r - ., 111�10 11 01 1 1 1 1 11 11 .. .11 11 ___-__­_______�_"­ ­­ � -1-1 ­ 1-11.1. . I I I , ,_ . ...... . ......... _.__.-._--._1_ 14 III N III 11. I III A I 11111 4 � -I------ ­ � �� I ­ ­ . .. I .1 - -1 � I I I . � I . ­ .1 11 . ­ - op. I . I , , � , . . .1 I I 1 77 . . - � . : I . I +++ I + croo's, we ill �t, will you?" and 1, What 11,4ve 1. ? Too look a round ! - 'Ito Treasurer sald lid wowld OpeW ++* ... "N16, indeed, I will [lot," said Gem, On all t116'weulth and luxury, of w1itcli %M VVV,.,-;,- � - ' " 'I' to .U,,ists'L'ffJnL%,ham, . �.. +++ I + k+ - 1 " C I � . , I I .­�_ 1� . I I ­ % + 1na, A:ud lie' adIterelil falthfulJY W Sue w4a n0stT(Xi9 old lbot'aupply lier ., �i, -1 . a , :il I I i 1, !. ,� 11 did riot touoh the ( rouTid at I . - pr0Q11Ii;e, not ey.ei% talking of the or , ,it - dild not meall , . . I � � . 1. I when lie went, home that Day. * , I ­ I . liar , , svith an anaw , CY " " � , .all,' I 'tb I ile was.,too1gilor- �.� .. .1. . - . . "I , � t, , - , . ., 11.1, I v I, a much to heri ania, s " ( "'.1'. ­ I., I culneldence Captain I 'I :�,­ I ". ,R)a had Been Hortense oil the St490 , many a time, She was a vIvacioua I �, ,,, ,,� � , I .1 ; � I tion, or th "'T � + I . 131aws9y, I I � I an -v Of tile world to onow llow, much I ., ' � + . .4 It- 111-1911t, must inean. irk the estinia. , + All`�.'I Raldou .found Blanche Tredetll- R , oamp* E, . � ., �,, �� 1 little Blonde, just :14 saucy and o .. - t U Iyn ,very Intelligent, and much ill- ..,it -world. ,*,,�, '.." . . . . . . . . �� 11 . . . . . . . . !!!!!! I'll 1, I I f . %V aw-glje could be. All tile, Follows . , , . _,� ill - I � tereated'on tile subje'Ut of hall Irlsh But ,tile COU.Cdance -she dreaded ,_ . . . . . . ...� I, - 1. _ her 'And lie �� , as'.P.01111% __ 46 THE :"EEN�S "`K -,EN '" , ...... . � '�11 � , , * - QU . . .. ­+ . &�d riat co d , . Mid �AJ-Ilcture. .i I : I . ; I I , property. Mile had a dear untold-rea- ., tile from Gremma, it ,7.? '_'� - - - .... - I �, , - - tliol! . 'i�!-- � I I . .. I +1 t . to 443�Vitivjmm,A�,tei 4.0,*� ... 4+ . came in a form harder to bear t1lan 01100 upon a, Time there wa a - , , +;','.� son n0v foi- 'prizing- highly the '11'�4 .� � .-' a I I I l -� ........... I-++++ ......... ' wond�4�ol ,W,4WJ�4; �� , WOVY !�LV�Y�` -,tQ1 ++ . ... ,+*.§.++++4 Wealth which_ she should have allY She had feared, It came froin d,��r P, -(>y wit() wa,j half wuy t ail that. . , . �:_, � - " V',­%.,,.� � �, � � ip " ,� -:,� 'V , 1 " ,, *++ . I . I . the poliver of conferring on another. ll,util"Vell RaniSay lIftliself. It came in 11011okerbockar.i and ilia Tirriversity Tlie Night ,%Tlqs ,Set�. ".. , I 't ­ . . ,., I . I . 1. +++ I , . . '7,7 'j,;, ' " . ' : ' `� , + . . . � . 4 . The bright Weeks of .the summer ,�Ihe form or It petition fox, liar Ili- Cyril did not dare to lot Ills palleUts' But flitted PY, and tile-. light cloud which nuence and liar a:d, Gamma liad own. Mae Club. HIS rlwxx(� was Cyril and Ills. I'll truth Rutfiven. Ramsay waal world courtesy- aad hospitality of rested from .time to time on MISS ed that site IDv;d ll!iu, had owned Folks livc,tl in ow first Stone Castle know of the propoBed Racket, so he neither invulnerable nor Indifferent; Sir Bern.ard gave hial. as many op- that SI'Ll received th� declaration of at tho right 'IjR 5,ou i entered Easy Said hei was going to a Party. ,� 110 WaS only scrupulously honorable, portualties as even tile most ardent Tredethlyn"o though�tful, placid face for- admirer, U'lle, hUd any Claim to keep alarry II'lli, fox. Ills oNvil Sa Cyrli,s (lovorilor Was n (Wo-IlexIllp(I thol Coachman for lqoney and emptied And excessively fastidioug. No � Came there more frequently, and re-. Ilia l0ve Jr)yftlllY, but had refused Ito stroett, � touched Ills Father and SlIotherand tulle With which a wootill was eyer Within tile toundS of Teasoia, could mained louglar Her fathev saw it, to 0-0ale to -hint kP-refused Fighter, who had an Office in. ths, Ills Savings Blink, land got, together dolvered would have Induced him t desire. lie had leave ionle weel,,,fromi (41amma sa,W li, only Ratin,en Ram- as site njust it portionless -wire, $18 in case they had to Send out � 0 comf�.­reruacd Una to Str`(M-t gIvc-n over to Tlekprs and mArry wittlout love, but oil tile at ' Say, of those N7110 were mcmt Wit,, braverse It's life, and PAJackbo.ir(ls and (lood Thingki. The her lilis reginient, and there w -a -,s no oqui. for more Champagne and Cigarettes. IxAlld, 110 love which, a woman ever vocal warlittli. or sagerries.9 lit the re- vrith her, did, riot see it. But lie Was prosl)eots Ill . b!dden III,,, to. leave her, (lovernor lind gone to tho .Nlat ,%rid He knew it was going to be a Wild i"Spired would 1141,ve laduceLl ItIm, to ception. ho nxet with almost daily from unobservant ' of every one except Blang3he bore thp ln�sevy Infilc ted been througli title Itopes and taken Ravel, far lie liad heard the Stories. Accept all f roan her. So tliat lie was the Voung ladles at tile ortatle. It Oemma-all 'example or the reflected on liar nobly. 81 Is r'lleered Ga pto * the Count Several tillies, but lie was Ili bis Ilmitod ENIjoricnae lie had Accastomed to regard himself as &It WOUM have been easy W surmise egotism of love. To all attempts to Rams'ay wit;ll LIS I 'I' Game, .,Intl would not be denied Ills learned that the Nicest Families OfteU "Out,siderl-one to Whom the prize that Blaacl discover the origin of this fitful sad- surgunces that Geixl� le had no mother to watch ma's nature was as coximtant as it share of thr J.out. P.y tile time (171-11 break Glassware and (to the Cake niatrimoniftl was never to be adjudged, over. her ,with tile I vigilamice of lo'Ve, ne8s, Blanche Opposed a gentle,'stead- was loving, and that if I�Aj had but was old (mougi, to smoke , Walk -tyllan they got together after I The very refLnement of taste, man. and no hired 'chaperon to surround' fast dental of its existence. Whell Cigarettes wItIllout, kettlil "I the Theatre,'iaix�d he figured that it est, or her, she 11severranco to pursue g C1fz�1Y11ti:;1Y11_ I* indlHpleripable to any woman's In. the disaster of unrequited attachment that ,e 11 p Respectable Sw,lety People went as 'let's ,'Llnd Ilabitog, which. lie knew would liar with the Precautions of 1 nter her father questioned rills 0overnor lind so inuch money would remind hire eflorlltr,1121, alli,, lxlolgllt return and find � she waa liar aVII there antl faithful to her iliat he could uso it for filling 80fa, far &9 that, then th.,,� gar Profession- spiring ilim with love, rendered it could hardly have befallea. the young growing older, Was a responsibleper,' lo,ve-she urged upou ilia, tIlat G,xil- 1111017S Aild AV 11111l; ,VV111dows. als Would p,ro4ably ��urn Flip -Plops more than Improbable that he should lady of Tredethdyn. son, and must be steady, or pur him off gtN over t1ri Piano and use ail Axe On thie, find t4le one worrian whom he must In about three weeks after the I'vith some 0"xiler jesting- reply. Whell Ina MuSt 'Let as Site WaS U-0taig coll. To a Young Man in the Habit of IOTO Out of the ra,nk and condition birtlidlay festival, and when. the Gem -ma quest'onett liar, alto would S,4stently lvltll her dutY-SII0 vp�ke bUYIng 21. Meal Checks for $,1.75, it Furniture, He was in for a Perfect Tear, but lit- knew lie would have to - ' ,"I,st,iy or interest willoll. Sir Ber- would seeni that Cyril should lin,ve a( ot lifla-lu Which wealth. is as,gelleral early summer was exqn1altely beau- S,911, and loo -i wistfully at liar, and nard might use Ill high p.,aces to pro_ been very linppy. The Howie was fall �0 it through, so he could Tell about as It 'is certainly Indispen&%ble; and tiful, tile painting which 91;r ]Bar- Bay that she ,Was not Sad, that lervants, nho tried to ant it afterward. lie was rather glad to find that at uard had purchased from Geminals tIlerL, was notlimg the matter with cure for 01111turil RalII3Uy SWIrt gi,d- 0 f S icipate, On ,the Appointed Eveningr he wore twellty-eight lie had not been obli ad father reached Tredethlyn, and was liar, that, !In &ct, no one could be Yaribernerit. H,s PlIt" Nvas to go to In- his Slightest Wish. He 11,LLI CaluerlIS Fill] Dress, because In all tile pictures to fly from ail agonizing temptatfull Itung in the picture gallery. Ifiss happ.,er than she ,was. Gerrinim grew dia, where at that time ,Ind Ponies and It Gauzy Canopy over , tile beat ' prizes of the soldier were to be had, "is little Bcd, and more than n.'Gross of Men about Town. taking Late SLIP- , I - He had out, passing tile Sunny hour& upon loved wlltli devor,edness rare In fe- t, L his immutable code of honor of Scarf Plus. He hard oliptilent Tutors Par.,; with Footlight Favorites helladi Or Indumt to fail lit Ilia allegiance, to TradetItlyn and her fr'iend had been uneasy about liar tfr�eiid, whom, she and it(? w4inild wtu suirie of tll"e I mIlle friendships ; and site, findhigr A brule-11 VI0_`ralalue whI:,II had ,I far =d,ge into him without any Ef- w'aTxt- never aeon gairiyone wItom he could the abore, and there Sir Merthyr ' PrIvEw, ILI"! rome-baok itilil eIllim ill� 10 conicl to tile House and try to parrip no Ic, d that the Long-tailed Coat , 'I That Evening lip Was in Fronb of - , a, , , bave loved, had she been ever so ro and Lady hierthTr and Captaln V �11 to question Blan-olie, confided differellb allot mon, terrible meeting s part. If b,?- complain(vi of a, mantically &lid accommodatingly Ruthven Ramsay had joXied them. ]ter !uquietude to'Mr. Vaughun, who, ilia, Theatre, and as lie watched Hor- poor; aind lie was be.glivaing to think, then' tllgil' lill"ll a UIR' NVU111.11 haVe MAY, H�,gxdmvho or ivas Peevish at. tit(, Untold this day Blanche had not �xx Ills turn, observed 11binclie closely. Blanch - alkj)loy�, Breakfast Table, his 'Mant tAllisc, Effingham flit and twitter and Ills lot might riot be so hard a one, taken berself to task for the feelLn,gs As an outs!Aer in every g,am,e of a - In, I, t . it, and told IU 11 .1t,, wolll,l I 10H do,ig ma knew I - ti-ve life, as , a looker-on at evory [111,4VI lVII.'.a 11 guard GinuillIlL for lillia, I- FOrtiething wrong with Metropolitan Audience lip kept think - after aH. It was only forty.years ago; whilch. she neither attempted to de there must b win the Plaudits of the Discriminating but men did than 'actually regard fine nor to govern; File had .permit- suene' of aunian passlons, tile old I, vaille but -1c, illil allol,�41.j the City Air, so she -,von](] take lilin ing to himself, "Little do these Poo- . cOnle and a6k Iv,r for tile der liar Win- and a -way they woul(l marriage, WWI partiality, and tile ted ber young heart to bask lin the pr�est was likely no, see more, and treasure nil " IN-ing debarred from It as I'V IIII41 1"ft lit her (-,at,(,. Site foullij 90 to the, Adirondaeks or till- Spa, Pl(' rllttb'.'* around we suspect th%-t I a surishilone or its first love. But now, more clearly than any one there, rel'of and 'Strength In th(l eurna�jtll,�,�s Shore, or Europe. Cyril. bad been to am golng to take, sappar with. her." Ramsay, as ship walked towards her strttel,� and 110 113tLae up li�s mind readily of lu-�r Intention and the eagerness of Europe, twice, gin(] to prove that lip It seemed almoat Too Uood to be True. penalty. When r,utliven , part of whog�e regiment was quarter- home, with Rutlivell at her side, his as to the cause of the underl'able Ilex! prolil"'.. Tit(, Was a. Bright I'loy Itt, coulAl tell tile Cyril and Tlr� Attache of the House, ed In Cornwall, entered the ball-roOm head bent over her, aud l0s dark blue alteratton In Blant-he's spirits, which .1ingl-hPartel fervor hail to walk around for it while aftAw 5ng at liar with even inure were becoin.'ing exceedingly variable, Of J'Pr love for tho two, wilt) so, little at, Treilethlyn Castle lie wall heart eyes look. name of ilie .Alilp they ligi4i; come back tllf- Show, to give Hortense time to who'e, a-ili] falivy fl-ro. than tht,.'r usual g,witleness, Ills clialig:Ing painfully from the Placid lsusV'vct4`4I lvll,'kt thi-Ir mutual love vait oil, and he knew Otti,t tbi� Ilotpl In gAlt, off b.,r .Afako�l,� rt,nd arrive at (+PWU1U had been correct ,Ili say- in, cheerfulness wWch lt�giltl characterized )POrt-I her. Ili her preaetire Paris begon irlih an It. . 'gli li� 11�. P10111losetl hor IoNer to w Although thi, Varth anJ tit(, Fulne-39 .y 'l 'inner fall or title , It. re -d dolor- her. But Blanche, ,raueli as she E -ked M �11 It tit(, Flat. Then lit up, and Ing that lie was Qie handsorill inan eave wli-.uli is so charinintr to Women, for hint, It() MUt0c IIU%V- long, a tboreof wers, laid lit front, of Cyril, whoni tli-y rang the Bell Cyril could lit the room. it berell Rutlivan Ram- I,,: voice ar( lula*e(I to to' and esteemed lilm, vlearly as she'per atilt �s X I ncs in which - I tIl-v li,ar hi$ 11vart, btltq, He expected to - almost aHva. "Ohn"g,"'i 11IMS ill the fomie le andaltliongil I'alm. apl)lle,ll tIv-`­qt.eoze a ay v,4 to be so. and to dwelt all ultls:�, , _� i. S Vy , ., '! Ito the young girl -B calved the greater Sympathy of Ills of betrothill. � to the Littip Fish wsvry day or two hay." It"s Ilat k1ek'-d off just as lie produce so much effe(A by h:a Pre- ears, sh^ d.,d not palter with or de- nXIld with liers rhan that of ailY " ,11141 Itill-111 find 'you here?" Ruth. to get more funds with whieli to Inly, t4epp"d ill, liut he didn't propoSe to sence, that pnople Ili general were ceive irerseir lanwer. Sho lovoil him, other of her aSS0'.".kLteS, even. Geniniti, vt�rt' RaITIN-XV sal -d to (winimt. TIVors and Auromobill for him. tl;� Let On. you will nil Th,lv were wph�oIneti by a ple,aallul; very much Surprised to find that lie nrid tier dearest Itopo, her del'.,-clous, wits ont.rely reticent towards Mr. , If thh,; 'N htill my liomil, LOY MIS not frll�pv`. 110 ll,kk1 Ili) P p'ttl"'Woman with, 'Dark Hair. Cyril had anYthing but good looks to re- timid befler, was that lie loved her. Vaughan, nor could ..tiny effort on li!s of Troubh-. . coninion-I Illin : for thutigh lady nove- tempt her froin her reserve. flud li,r hol-i-," 1,,I,lllt.11p answeretl for I'Sts li-ad not then inade masculine She was so exqu:sIteJY happy ! 8ure- �1111vtr young Intly's changed looks,, her- "hut, Ir 1.0t. wherever my home A9 an Example, Voilletillio", liv would caught the 11-mr- as: Mrs. Miller, Sho , ly tbn world must be ,I Wood and .Iii, th��rt. (w1urn% will btl. 61k,, I,* work for an itivar it) got Ills Bat- Said lislr 111J.'40and would he out IlL a. UgEness Itervir, xhero already 4pxlst- glor.,ous pince, and human life it ant( silent, mehinvIlo-ly ways, soon be- a, 110 Minute. After til- went away the ed 'a ROV1011 that luale In-ality and splexx&d, an luestilliable bwxI, wholl came the talk or the servants antl near Y0,ti;I%t-.j I%) ill-putp tit. IX,,int Shalwit Tim just right, so, tho E.nds Friand explain(A to, (1yril ili-it hIfflum- - Such a belmg as Rutliven dwelt in even uf 'ilia tenaluts. about Tre- tt * N, P. ant) them booby'.filil were usually colneldent- lit' with xxxv." would Balanco, and if Ili- could riot ,was not rentarkably tall. but It's fig- tile one, IkInt S RUtI1vl!II_ Ralligi`av vrent awtiv f rorn (it) it. ixv wonia re,m irs),oy awi Ili,.. hum, linw lull- s t � - ­xxt , nell f0pl.lugs gis heris detitlyn. 1:ki,inp de,lUred that slit, T.redvtIll 11, 'a ,I woult, Cyril beg.,til u) unilpr t", M tttp,l to Irradiate. tho looked 1-ke a ghost, wlille others �Ulh�r WA -4 Uorteiwi- awl that tile Wig ure eomb*neil strength, symmetry, wv.ro perrn� V .1 Itlailelto kum� ill flouraged, .-Intl tllc� Toarq stand t, m and eleganele; and h:s favil. with its S:Xld with hilix .ill tlk�i, !0.orx haA gpno ottit CV)MO to lli,t F.VIV, anti )Ill wolild other I So absorbed w s t inaLms a D11`14,irk-ave. .43 ho, that [or acrizt*xx she had Bevil olle. � of her firle: imit, .Silii. al -IJ. Irnew that think that lilt, Fattlts had eonspirpol i.lark-blue vyvs. features Cue and de- she hardly rtot!ved thth pre-occupa- It was irue Blaw-hp had seen tile 101v all4i kluty w4 -re )pit in it, gliti title to lwy T01bulattOn on his Young '410 came back with Mr. Miller, 17cate. but peculiarly instinct With tion of Uemma, aii-I was like one worst ghost wMell .Ntllltll can, Sit(!, the was rv-ohv.i' whom Cyril recognizi-ol aq thp Leatler i�anllnvss; fits liable bead. with its - tAo im- faithful to l!oth. Shoublor.;. awakened from a dreani. Vftrcel.v phantoin of art inirea.l. :mpossIble. do- Tht- twivik of lh,4; grent mirrow. ;it- Or hi- w4mlel put an a pair or Rlw- or tlip Orellpstra. 'Llso, tliclre was a vinFely-eurl-ug mosses of Inatrous able to recogn.T.ii- surrourilding ob� cept."ve hope. There Is mi, more b!lgllt- jv.a.v,; Z,D Tall Boy about cyriI*?;agP. Mrs Miller elie6tiolut, b;own hair, were, of clulte ' Ill* I-rito In ah-olwaA% .ioli- siollate lloio, 'wRIl Illp Stripes run- . jorts, when her rr.ond said to, lier : '.ug vislon. The youug laily bore the tilde, (-.11,011Q hiw, alid It -lit a lutule. 11111K 1!11� and IltswIl. .111.1 1144 Would go was homflo v. 11 i:lawWng, the full, blintling, vonfirma- ,,.,m r-?"-1.I.lupfIT, all'i cigulty evi-ii, to ont with his Trimsers roliftld up, Fe) typIcal bea tit. 6ahl at Was hpr Sign. wili) )m Blanche, you )lave been very tory Rght of tit(! truth bravely. . ; Oil a V.icatifiul. 14111. Iloppil that lie He wati w.)m(At.allo, in the ballrot good to walt so patiently, and ask ]I'll. tave. that .111 might ww, :110 he awl Cyril would till 1;rv.kt Friend'?. before he attetapted to penetrate Illanplip's drearn Of happ*lless did riot Would Intl no quert:on. Uut you aro going , No laf!y t?f Irrol le till Vu hail tivin, I-pon meet anothpi- I -,)v whaiiv Skielmirprp Mrs. Miller told Vyril sho kneir 1110 tile cirowd surrounding Alls4 Tredeth- to, be rewarded. I tmul gt;itg to Tell 19tst for many w -vk�i. It wits wl',pelled 11, 1�vll. but wal;ten patiputly Us turn .xtilu the graw.1 iievrot." blr Chlytta.11 Rartr;tx.y. Otte planing ,0174- I­Plll�kr tir awrp lmlmoi than (lipellpil, anot hb, would wwlslpr it 1'atlier quitp well. .%H lip haol hanilt"d for .till Introtluetion, lookitig about 811* l'-­rt!Ir4`o t1aughter. )out, wi tulip 11prpi-Itilipillar btr'.13va It...101 ef-atiod to Hlvvral Ix ,�pstnlpnts fttr liflir. .14� I a I (iranill ee:lr*t!" liald 11.1ii.nellp, blush. 1% hillt she %vmi S, 114ing. as hhe wOnt, "I'. 1-t 1k.milt VV Im � hIlU In tile IllealM11110. 4111d U-ilinlring Ing and staininering. 1*1 don't, t1flill, I 1111MV4-1 "4119, Willi emilli-414. tasto alid It, 0. . , whirlpered litA thi- Thing,. Thp CtwvN W0011.1 64111 hP Wall .1 J.0*V94.V �NI,11t. Tlvni 8lJg3L Otte pretty. Fircsi, 4-ompiex,,ons antl kat -w wl"It yolt lnolku." rwiIii. nn'tt till Was ..-tandill'-, .it a fit- . uV .I.:14p.m., tit - ty-opli, . thOt .%I;$% gathow tiovor hint wIth nOi. a rift to W�kflil V.Vril Wiliell lit, litald bottor. anl.ulatftl nitinners t4 many a, vounty I " ang,� * that Ar�l *unshin,Io tbrough, and, lit, Halt Caino Or Marlo Cvorlplli. awl hill Trj.,iIvthW,t uals ,tr. 1# lot lilt- 1, `011t. then you'%** forgotten! .In't tit,- All-StOnee, 6ho I.ot.t.0-11 UJI. ehilligil.1; Ilever lIt4-;U0tl,PJ to*inarrv. thAt h-110 would rogorot Ilrtt lit* hatil twon R11,11 Ili* thought 11,414 of thillu wero , - Wile. to whom 11tho sInts')JI" wits lit- lion. don't enro to Imow wherai I iqt%v In 'Up expression (if 1.1-i fal.p. t's tit(- had r4a,ii.-.1 -tilk 1,4*�st hloh'." �u 0arn- IIOI-11, all ri;zht. lill ivall Juprly t.) lip ,,bin Uirly unknown. and tile mere pos- 4 jewel link ,v our ruby ripar � 1.111 Wft, ii.wsaalatll wor"is of tu. P3.blllt.y of ever lzetting pnough or , '�O"g W-111. thM iif '.'.I* ll.-rnar-1 woro sload 114-08alles, Ilk. wobilill "wl, oll thp too Say tol;t*. J;Jq;pJj. llp� DIttill't J�Pjt,",r "Of vourkol-I r�lritkuibor now. and I flowit"I oNer 1101' lilt.. 11111 lind S.-vill lu- baft !avredlble. Thus. timid thelshift- do eam to khoir �orkly-tutly I Ksm to -411111'.1,1, that Illom. I'ot*, old riot ud- i4l" Y-olllf-' Plo !141_91, git 4 UQU put. As holP Drive a now hLylp Of Vart hoypral Whc,thor Ili, %Vall 0n V*,l4t 4�r Horso. Ing of the erarw,ll lot- twalight ON -1.4- ha%p W U a -1� grolat Vint Nlargm 11'redothlyn. had 1�,IlNpt i1lgl1pr th,,�In .k1ly tor lli,4, awl ho hapli_ ': � I, luttelt moro -to think ofiloxv. 4MRS Ut-MbOv"M t'l 191'r, top It -1 U- 90top. rir,g 1. 1 gua 11 %, �ii I t lilt - hWI awful woull'i hatp, lul. nrul'.4 an't to -D ware ,,LU4 r tolat v.w.v ll;t.l V� J.Jitlp T,tatlpb tonal climpses Of .� fil .�% 86) IbegautittIl. that thing" 4wilap'.. 1111. sollivIlow'" stuniling near hol r, 1patking oil tio baek k1l0wlA,X,- tit thib &Donit wl,*rld. and titut th.i. J_,tJJpV MV8 wevs. tryolle, 10 fir Cr."ptit'I's mol mov. r,, -!i %01�, (%yrbl to brlght, so full of.,,youthful pleasure. "Xief,er minI. You t4iiall hear tile *&ll- UT it Mygll telvot eltaw, o%or ublAl l"i' hall w4l,'. tlgf* gho.t wltuh Illoul: 411.10 1114mili"tto Jilin. i,d P * UaN UW tult-T tOP- JIVA,i-Ut vlU-,,j iivvra I, ,,, of delxato and reflutid sen. r(bt ,ill tl,(. l�galnp, .lg if ,,ou, 1111tj Uppil arin was atratt-1.4 ill, th.- hanA tottehial- ,#4 .nW 11p. %4.10:� e 111irvir. D'Alt -1 ho hail ml,re than Ids skdre t 1�. �,bi,l, . . tj�j -I, 11 * -' 4� jl.� I n Ir * 4,#q Ill o n it 1.11m. Tr4t4U&thl,VU'A t4'�mlilll,.11. It wa, to t4 t %1"ViNw, (::�90b*­' I _ % th 4b.%vs ibltrk, proud. bi.1" , till r_orts O. !is t ft a p4 eil!t- it' V fltsl, An .611t. an I yi-t Ulluter-a fa -el lit whIeh out. but tin fine vo* als e. .% -S .m.% ,4 .tll,J� tj 11'It""" tlr't- for �Nlll�'% Of IRPIOT 4114 k-u1�1100AH10114, 1,.0,�,Iu Xrc,l Atil!or'-, evou F�11p9w,mill t,l wilthin-vou mW't Oculm. Ves lits, 4 , I 11VO-P .flfl,l. Tr. , ht..fl IJV41,I .it till. 4,tNtlp� yrill ijig It Was .0 (UnninaIN ia,-. ga. W.w 14"lol It valm. to C-f-Dewthig lint nmld'i w. I..O , . Z lllt011"t- 14*111DA, elittl%atI011, Und it v 1, ' 611l , " , 0 esk fit Nodal, PL, 11ro,!,i:,%Ud tne.y hat wear tbp rnb.% hpart .it 411' n r . - l.'Bru" Niek tiortilor froul In -1,100; nit, whon thers.A.Il mli munli IL part.%. .1,Int* "* raco had cotta,24siggy ldrudo?i their rx- I t;.. ing 'at,wr V,p t4intnumit tit M - IlOng . th- em-tw get the im*1wr It lit0t mutqp, 'awl tlwu It V. . Twit pr#18-01k MU) StWh Nounty lta Ito had nt'.�" U loth 11,0 Iloto., tltul: a w1ling brollUt 1DR V ,-h * I 'A v ot, V,%Ip norowl With �-'& Rpr- 1441 VVI'M ant h-4 Vk%it-. k�L'l llm�,%t � , cra - W *�, Holum, 7 "w a ., muln. , l,.. a,,A Mr. %aiogolrou, lwqv it tlt#�v 0 Mrl:�� 1MR-r a­;oad V,vrd neler WfOrP 1CM lilt�JP!Q V911100 and **IL,r��_Yn'fter tweli Ilp- stwillnow'" of part'l-I blo', J3I.&1;,M* I urha,d go,r 9,mad 4 4V- they U44,4114 61"a 0 "at ah On'-! '�, IQV It ho to, ay., � '. , .1 ill- �wqthliwat .116-.400, Alo uA e'ar F , a wl �,­ bAl I fici Went. intervening I,Putwemi 1.1111 glintl *. I , (* 1). nn,n irrt,v. QVP Lo sZO, . nlqo� , . 1.�-O"I.v th-ro wilt think :110 --aw Vill anllw,�rdn4 anei- It too ,,,,,,lu..I 'oaful-r '44, th. looN,­ *,hWl tl%,,J* ho. Igiol1 He r ,14 , ,tttref" rc,,gIrJls!l,Jnd*,Av#4. but gt!ltpJ.%- e%(q..1�ttj1hg .1011*410 j-,9jgjt 11onetor. thl. tint, awl k " 411t.00 till! tuir .4oul I_ U;� '910 a . VO,l I.uo%V. ILer all, ant Uv- Mvllik,- tit a .11aa.g-a ft, rVaN 111 �a thift,ol,04', � ,ktm. wnu 0 1 1� Ho tv, Dit 1.�.,Nlo i :444�, Ptu!1­9 b, 41 ' nrly 411-1% . I ' 4 L' . and slaturaquol, ar, ji,Jj.#,J1 hp, t4arn- ,.Zt a I ro neo. -s" _ - -.�- b.,# ; * Aorigov I)f ItIN 14,,�ung Lile, tvaq Voat :10,4V�:," tdols " H-, u -d- 'U'419 ur %th- . N-IN011 it %1,4 1 A�.IIJ In I-er 1w trt vould httvglt,� ha Ullp",tq I_*, 1, . - 't .lja ilothl-1 �-% t'r-ow. %,4-10.9 list 1414 49'.��.r m04 a toal Ae�rol -q. , , � estly gavd, sho Only d,ld not 4A.Allne i -t C�n .twir u4X*I. now." 10 1111r. 4111 1 u(P11101 vortaaolol.� hwo. 111go, b W1,11 31#14411,44 �4.PY W��e �% ,�-.-1 !a 114,11t.- Illp 1 ,4 - _ h0sr lllate� PreiiPlati,y a galt occurreti il�Ti!41*_ * 1W)f . 0 lutil � R � !Ull pa"ll, It"'It M.1111--.1. , 4-4, ,qd, W. , ,tA5r:4u4 &04 I1*arR4_JN4!A I 60% r 111:4.41ap villa 1011,110411 Illan +J�.`-J 610 t . tjlk-� -L*� 11l. 1�11.1­,F IU�.*,0.,0%4,jJ ,1 N . :" L11 tito vlr4wd� and llutla%eh Itanisayi warlit il",k vo!#H�., an.1 oea,% "tart4i trite to I,A-r ravt-t 'Uh.. eal�Kirqltlo-- li ��ttt 4_ geaJ1114. an't dc�,,. Im-.1 mq,n 4*02011 64 1��U,%R.�Iloao't 14,­V�,­o, �010 �;oi, , lic'-II, 'L A� Wlttl his siml3gor,kit t�tlrel%_h "olre. b.V 011athtly un, -!Or t;Vinuel"I'l lenlids, 6f .1 Lorif In that l4ouflvr 11,� 0,11� OT t, -t-, I' , th 'Ni. u. , ;n1anat-1. alt,l, d`d�`V-' ""f' vi- low .s� �,t o ­al U'L�*Wl,&­. livat 'L he b II4 -, - OwlptL JJQflVJ,JJ'.40 J.!;I.,�',­J.�. hl�u Ado. wk Imlanua!'-4. of it to U" Afteil dhitt-r .1-4ir 11pl,n.jr,11 pilo. ;E,D.h. , - It , .6,t a� � h - ci. 4- *a%,.0,,. Ull-vop 4401tila"Av �110�z wi�,. #,o as to ___ ______..____ , �,*Vz,...11 a Iter unincer wwll a-; vrw,fon�d,� Il,r �m,,;,- 101 ot t1l .,%­_,,L,A, -*Boa. tllll�t�!�*, 9�1­n,�'�,,Igt . I lie %on". t9t- , , ' hitloA!ImA tio. MIS., Trv*tlhh-la� nq0,Frj1vrl;"lv41t ,.,iv t,.q. jl�ptvlrp. wik.,4 aN ft,wo-1. 41parillim t-60. ro-11160.110211 r -�7 hiavo luor '�-pmlk �o Mnl, Toe�41! was Vol, a ov. " I 01 - ololavlt�' , 4 a. IMY!'.' 4'gj �1�4 - - l,,. rt t'j llt­:-' New We OW -11111 havo a lv�& .it thn in ordor Vtnt Lll? UOINt'i might that 0%4�,Ivinn no lr.fm,�-. lul'. than'll. %."LM I 11 t, lll� r 11".:'d GLNJgV� *_ wh-olt fv# uapatllL,a. ()!�4� lo�#T lit.4 T,rZf_�UU�lj'!V, '-V�w '" ri:llllirl�,;,;� �, I ulug , - LwLy Mvrdlyr has lam"I k1s; Datt'st :t4-4aui!,It1o:t. rlont#*V._.Iuj: NtraioA4! ilu Wn, I ll 1,, % AL t -1 - HAU, wila Pam, a,l -0 r, Illov"I *Vo a. T,MII 'm-extrat alveldavo ". I L. h�v L Udknfl# d1l*Jqfl.­ I'441110 Sit' Altirth)-t � r. at a4hooil-ling gnil-11) hall Autli- I Gentingi TrularkrXi. l",l ..4 , 11"It"AtIr 1. It. COO UCA 0J!AVntw1.UJ I WW". U'Al'u �� Vonolklu'v 191hAl.rang "A Nv*uur , �1,i,,, � , " 110.,Mvil. Dat llath%#21 Hantsar m,1441 I tr&i romial 0.1te PAIWANIA. "muma patur, I to I.Algwuo .- .%I--*- tvav -.P.-.�� Uirm "L I ­___­___._._ J'.Mta�o"V�4.V I`�6f'�'O­ ZL,0��R VJ;ftj�; q$113�.,DL'i"' �]IL 1;169-1lU40,JL4. Ill 01P 01.0 Ullitlwl.AND. v% io .a Viyataill I U,EI,�v �lloll� %JIPI_�E", Ear-, ur, �1 P,_oj uoalptiintto�q $5�n! ftu,l pre";,t, " 'i " � L ;j *. N' ' � Y hi -A Ceti to NILmn Tor4fetllavvn. a4ed l'or portIl.... to 4 , d 8'all t'Altll UMIP14A 19P--, -111!' 4DLN,vV01kiV'U., A,% r& �lalw,iL% mlat foil hwk utio the erowd. Iter w1flutp. Aonoh-r arm. rlgfat artor n Afw?-Il lli,agptlo m-4, Al',i"', ­ - _aii%IL�,�g ' flil'ftj wol `3 bapt, cswrl P;ilk;� "t �, "J- &[�vll r,tVV5,31.1 4o. 11t1th wngy flallik %a=e-4t notbw of What *,Notv ror the si�-rpt:* Hhi. whil-Awrud. whon rieffiffin wonit to fi,�!r TV. urll.;�Uk?, tripy-N4. 01.�Jp,p��,�:, t4%,P0111 t -u olterat A141py IIIUL1441.1-4,�-U: �VN I tip 1 r4#!4l0l-J6-1 L I ,q'Lby, 111,4-0 Ta a,- t*0% "--o'n-ouve It A It"I'. V�ot',= , I . wri�#Y:ll Up. L,W-y�4 �4,4 tla,*-,het Ea V'�T* . M!91�4 We&-thrwbit _wd4i V.ke. Itud wifla- 4-Lol'if 49h u,p rIght UT tho 1JI-t4griA. �-tt U*kkC% teave Of I,-- -P IV& the * V, L *.' �, r ". I �, 1114044 600%il-rallapial. f IfAtQH21 C,q avo 6,1t h-itilm. fz,;_�'Pa the' wou'411'erfaq teek, tro figporo of the atait"01131U." Uhln-v.,ft kl_ks,el lug�r 1"O'la eVeo rav'., 11 I -, ptrAr-f lut L1-6rek-R� Vrkr,t)� vvillra 6 � � i � �)S ilk"Ll t-.1 EL'�" .,I a'J laftt? t.f�'l-;'�t4l`� klx,itv. lip tad b(*01 141likong af. Gemma .1 grummo. "Ot vf,l V.L"51 H:r,.,.4_U--. "I ,`,. � 4 � ..- ­ -ror -,FlIt ,*Md tlt,fft a�j P_P.,Xonij. ­Yli-k I aw IwMin"*.11 Erato Iter 10lifflal ­arotlr-tlur_-_�4 imA angw - 11 _It,� Latk atm , o' %t,o'er.,� L'#J0 thoy 51116- qvbdu �tnrt� L� , " L " e - ., C'V r- e wo 1`1111m�*Ut l e3ll rksst. ��,"v,,; t,i,�, at,', .' L40 tj , " - , , the gv�'Qnv'.'­� , -.,O,T,'4 t-ItIv dl;lk Vhbilimmato's Wouvrethig P't-p-.7. � L ", V '111., , !,.st, boen "teenail-A 110.4 Llm,. ulc') un4-lveu I rs Mar " %otv '00L on U, t, al t f un, T, 'it aeLt "t f, ' tor, �- _ L' L '�:i to llv'lltagi� 91ir 11 - 0�1­ i"; nuqt ,wm! ralldt!E]l P. Q, 9 N211 lul I � . ,oh-- "@4#-VHVYMJl,4 t4ahwnth of t8,.,* tIctien IIA A.,"t,;.!, tinatile to Udk ann ll, ,- VqDr V r�­ , 4 �*A , 1zto,,vv,,­-v IL -��ls-�Nr ?,It, tkat Dr- &a,? Tort - U. Tbu� V,,,­.4.u�t.* .47 - , ,� L LoQudlgm lmib A.45 V vr�na� Vibtu ;, " "'".5 &�VOEU- I h1thIA1 uac�d di�cpw,4;; On tier life ­V,� C4 " dive araor thts. IV%g Tr�-4tothn.vn k:,Pt t`.oll UwAUANKint vtotn.q "T Ttntv r� n A19- �I 1.411k� lu Rnskr-k V t1ing %4��V.14 Tinta 1 n f!nR E I am Uck,L-1 , . , )tlk'ty trjltilllt�o ftl`- Lto)'JV'f�"�ttonft� f�oft_t#. 1,96 toll sws "VV �IUVH'artty 13 vn-�'Flr iii toot", n. iii'll V'sV11A ti ,,#,z . , i, ,tr � - I .t,�. mmiliva"I'll I �,.O. � . 't , .. ,; jl'L -e "'IU111 t1t,,,vjU. INV'k ILL', si,ug* E fi't V 'Y' LQ".11 I `;", ZCNI tE'.,_-t, E ,t�� Waullan, Th -1. firat OT th'9 g Uo*_;Vq at the ttiIIII to � Ilg,rg, at "" , "'* , ' " h W, L.ID, I t , " �:" tiGAPtLVQ With �e�vwa" UL,,_v-nkA � .V ;ii�l ? IV-ro'k� Imid. eUA&&__"J"rVV XV.10tv;H'. Und W-1.0 S'�Zt" 't1tatJtU .9VJJW'4`lI`*'L'J f ' ' , T JI,P�a � _-�,i,Ur` Jatrlr�'.'ijfit,�'4. E'illL�'ff.'� , I . �.q.jolf's *4 tava I a4b,anc,ug I, . - -A tl '44i, _­Ilr,,_� .1� .X� ., _ - I :Y'10��0116 h5ft'vrUl AtU'tVtk,tr4N4 at the t�, .q V !, t,,��4 Q_ . _� I , -tur!"11 VV.,,.L U.e V, , I, .0 U,BDJt,0 44littli 81DOIAMOV-katot Warn J*V umong tha- 0M�tk' .1I-'Y,elUWV4 At V0�' - ,� , � - - , q _t I,Tq' " ,�.-m, a'a tl?§�,� L�,�w.�. rhu!rmnng. A- .1 , _0`4, Ill 't�` 117 V� �,l 4-�D A '-'- " I hts ,;h n't a ViRmat ralror. whta tv;,tvi6 uostro, ri-.'. nplv,ablalv..�, 4-vb!VT,�t _ _. w V�7"i"tQ a'. Itt ; "U* iWa',; 91.QUfh--0'h IWM,;�A.V, glUd Am 1;� 1. , Va4mv VI,T U& . . __ -a'11 an'll r,­;Uoi3 �f I`V)Yd't'.� ". '4�CLU t'�.tt IIUU ta�'e 01 V L " 11' rozot _ Rll �. l n'��," t'�"' � .t C: I _AA1 , '.11 ftl�! aqr,da&;;� with a 30 -� - , tte 1.,V. � __110_0 hlf�;a pori'litgI1144% �3'., L . I IM � It! ,�V � a 111 t�.�* "to I stAtOML."tht. , , . iltl%%%. _ _ _,�"JrJV,#,, 0 , �, i,_ _ * V. , . -31 5 � J , �J V,f,r,. ok r LE .V � t 1, 4 I" . I l::�,.�, 0'!., I to .�q . . LtU,ang-, hltfa�tto unknown tophug, as 'pl' yl,b aC4 h ft V nn't th-ft th@ It vVe" floni 11..ot t""blo otnt U� � .f, -_ . a .q� j& I I t,1, - t1. � , NIAtatort. ania wfla Ite mL,.Vdt:iir,e,U I I 11'Li",a 'J'i.- Awcle he v.-iis soy 1*4e ho a ga.�4 1 "T*e. 11 rioMatthEnig ,exttaonftflaty had vx­ �ji,jn loth"A helfv the! Ahw� Oropp-vd at vhab�to U-Ifivia Sir Ilk -ft. -trill -w-.4 -*6'r Ulm v1vJv9v=,nt vid ,61mt,wr-. -1 outraJ tq We. 1-.0r Isldo��. and "Aft. tZrov-4, T"n1MngVVPrV I V-�Rfflrda 1161,04 wira gin-mety b­ealne " Aft at6urigi, �f It-��tnyjr,jIty V�s.rv.�.CeS tgrL, �� od�d 1 _11' E�"lf'tj*)o i"Y 'L*'�-Z'_-"%i'_" 11,3me nn I go, I In IM Ang I . . � U,;_kelo. The abbey wlIts Itritaill:;, n �ay 11 --ii.- - ,J -L , - I Twet" W to Ittod to 1plaWtate thbq "Illpat4on' gil I' ,,'.V Jtgt"�.-?, '�' 'I 1, Ill Va. -ta"e, , ;l -sit L'JP Unit he 4'auuA - 1 o and palt, to 11W Swilling gglLp of opt"ida, as , t, aml It *Vsi� I - ry'din 1.1hat "Imp tfult VaIdn"n ' ' ' ,;b ", ar v- -I. f ro riotvaa id Mantha TrWetfilyh's stoty W'te ahsw,pr" tet- de Clare �ilIll ti, rr.Y . _-Z � . V. . 1. .1 LIM* .#vgio we ��.u,&t _- um tf. L i� -Int Elor�VULIIUL- Comes, to Ifin who W th 0, peatl." 'lluthaveli rlaim-ay b-ga" to have a .14 '. - VN*, ,_ I --b"AY thO `018- Old OtOtv," '-Ifter Wit- '-rt L-0 Ill ruby bpart I on,vs; whell ul�tu . *L _,49n-4 Ivere lh-*) bkI tasge of 1rii;1cthI.va W4,11:! ­aouto to have a sw.01 sul,,St:�at,�Ilal of N ol� V-0, I.0.VVko,,;t. f.".ral 11T�,J,ame av- -Vngg�o 111.'P,-�&-t- N',�.,Vsis Mn t1ittlo . whe-lo Nafte,he Tre4list'llovit lWaIg ttttetl� hilgher, Ilmorz g4-netwl,v appro- - , 1 ,�VV43* Ill'tatesau", avd I Utiftli, ,%toftp "..- :Utll�,l ulith tt.p Y�c'awnrer lz a Folks. a *A � that bigut t1o. gat inting an f-lat".0h of hee Utall �r­ 11=41 prett"W-n-By ­9��_t Influets and V?(mt,--J1, eti�:E= " 91 .U, , ip, I ___­____ I PerJJU.J!fl_, , ' , "I' nt� wh:C -ham I 4 . -0 ill th � gj latilluL5 Le Ivat suhl the nt.ekjaee witil It SV rallge terror, wltmalft&f. NO h-Mlian �-,Ve ly,Awld� ii:�-* Thr'. abbev is tantitirn'l toz �ts tiirilhl- , � 'Pat I ll lior, nsa EM= . ULO, - Cash 61el", I ge I Mail heart Pv1uJV4UV;z-,A with tg,�o te-Y49 �i ,C,T�,A�2� C: ti.mvanel ht, -,q utu� Uftfli"r wh"(11 im?, Ift oft(ter 'and gaf,f,ta�'t ion. Ink t�w,AvltId rh:traetet, -,V66�� 111V ly as ar,qw.�'lirin­ fAV ­TV�e 'Whl!"�l a TU'M Uk'T'-V th4 19NVUlE, , , ' I 111*1 i@ no 99!tls�Flll 11he theugh'.. -ft girl"It stirwiggro -, t;%V-%1P vs 61M llvqjv� - It" ;�O­ 11 �1­ �:,l,1'3 � QQLe Da,V tll"p 1przeasvotor llnlpa"�Lncd hJ0_--N h!'4 et lftnrlWig bitth-lay �(,stivul.Llwhen sun- � - ­ ­.. . Wallslit-'all lyetwi�cn C.L" E-16., � q,"�%V;� ITOMa'a it,�7ay t& �t it t; tit�y �ia, � V.Lv ` ­ lr-&te W.AS VoiV.0 Via, 01M L4110ft�, UP011 1§ U0 Mpf,e - ;,;;,-,. , t -V iga��Z; (sti. ,-4 Zo. ww'.Z.4 Hk*, to . e S, i, , V.01neidellev. 1�(Ymp ,V� ;4p, I ,41i'A .11111 11141�410Zliti'iA DJj'1rtkbA1-.4. J�­ 1:1 .:. t, , I': - . , thing ViCe in I'Pr Vietory. .41' _�lpt�l,l ?U �r VrL� 1, hae, told hir ,spitit that thiq Is the lot with ,x-UtU1*, (allu'd-4A01a, .0rd :1*..#.Ui,.1,� 6 l`-[1',,,:-,tr94. hf,gall na J:�1'410. rt-=0L'W, =�:Zr- tvy-grd,ffa. tntra. nrid amo6th llol,whfig -4 . I,-,,,. fff!4�ha&4 AJK1Tt1Y,k-,­jtg to gturaz-4,ll atytlat. V11,M)n "Pi!,�tsavlt. aVey.,; 4U1411 Jewel the Queen -wote. tile fatal OA7 �02,�Af 01' 1.116. ang,711,41 it hnJV'J'4'.. "�r 1`0111101flt�, With " . ".. t � - ­VnTf-- NL -ht, :i,rt�,r V_,,�- PvrRbr1rxW1-*1-!1 AN PALKe buRtU74n En XVa4,z."n.",ugtr,.J, thil r%,1eDtL4K2 01 ae - -- - "I _ ` A wit' and , '. -1 = Many -,�du -lted gardells. It Queen- wh" J,ruggs V -VH on prety '4* IUM giV4-n he- to tigurt to V th-Ve" D�nrthpxlll area-li. of ,.,�'.C, 4.1-111-.- , - , - .,- � I �, rit zdm,��Zt t jg !iitr Ea Joy . arel oir-n e,.er,�' wil,_3T. k�7�,lv tl%_�;tpl. . I I �_� 9 ti"e ltt�,!v`.p L) Vame a N'Eght. natt;Dna,4, rroI�,%vs� Vt;!120 an cu"it:Qn-6i umv. to Blaturbe one bv -,. r J 141l'e., - � ,,, Ise otesen P. .111-1 w1wo seet"s I-Alfi.,4at, uha-4kel-an ,,.,It�d-,�` () Pritet the eilatl�!,p ,a ta�� ta�i�,U,a - te ' 14Y 1 , , 4,� V Il .1:-,6),M4 1'. Zi� stf. �4­ � " � 0 u nIt,. ____....... LLLLL 'V�V41_,ethtyu. an"I L'Ov her alone. to ,,4 , . ,:4�0, mt,_,w ,­;� 1,9. ,­-ut�. , ­�� I l, re-nitu-ir--s: aftpr het, he, rt;W**1 01 M11D tvu­* IV ..v � � � I . ­­- 1. I . -­-­­­-______ ­ - - - __ __ Vav!. 1.1UthV-"-n Rftvnsar a"ID.UI-4 rtk-ftli-', dent"It-the jhm� real neing 10, , . , DI abi WhIls? 0rm limr-17 that Ito U,14 J#V,_- q,`iAtJtv. tym_. P%JlJ­-tQ to it,- S; -.V-: , �- 'I ....... 4 , . I . ­­ � 4- 1 . ;, , � I , � rid antV tval staV139 at I.L'Ing whc6p ttzle stary I hAve 111111811i ',Ion (if Ux, lloight,-1 .,Iltv�� iihnt ,vi:Lm 4�`%rlfflq, ana *.a 'ZM cr.,�,I.t VISIM-4 01 i.. H E 11 " 1L ' ' " ,,, . ` L 44 � ii, U y tvi��Tf, st'"I'll In tra-1 V,IArAtV. but fig had the ,,Istory oI 11L_ ji�,,,lt b, nup, the y!'", oft &hiee aekvavvb�dgeA thi,, f."'tJ."ism. T"r-n1v I ,.,�-*I!, Tntte � ,- -, -, U " . ­ IE ; L .� - � . 1 _631-4.m ',�, ;7onu. x - . � 4N i � I . Z , -, I - � I uetthyr td,113 his -sFWZ_,ZorlAA , Wend. longna almd U1041 ta potap"t-atp. It MU611"Iten uil,mau%x Iliff, gs`.o, nobly L,-.pl v-,-.,, 9!f 1.4 anrtl wassafl. th a t' .10 ear. sMe , I � !1 � I f � ir , 'j, i � I 1 �' , , � , , - f"- -n lag 1,.:-r te'l, �-hlhtma_"�, 0,121t. viratmoz, ­: the! I.L zar�aro, tw.- a­.,ral � ', 0 ,V I E AT , iE ,L � I 1�4.stt. r k 1 1�1 I , lyalv aft, -r cpn­ �6-,nvg th'.Vitning Olficot, . -RI! Tk 1, � T'R , T Pan toltild lsmllk­�%tlt U .. .., bry. tz-:,� to' wh='Il _ev,'Ri�tnard fidd takett & s-OTUF watiflure-1 llimv it,"', ,� tb�� grart,q. floe v.-M-11-nnat-I.-V q -41151n4 t-, roat-"-or nz.l saeristy. znul V�-� ,,-".`-xpt',n* 1� . .., I I 'L " -H I emtle, llavlleav- 1-t- �S � ", !"" D 'L , ­ S gt,�C"_".rsa amlng,g at th-, eold. brit -lot, genslo!p,,-�ir, bP�aqJtITQJl glellalirltt7ob of 1-.42i- Ilyn'tatViA arall gau"-w E oap,- wana ta.;*r vlr­� S. 110T."i tti, :'. ��,t_., ; ^11, I � L � p , i 11 L . I - ) I �, I ?v - U , - ant, Y ttlf-kfj. 1'.J-�Jr:i-*f�f4`�J 1;gV;e fae- gn�w ji,41I.-Ir. k,�e are Ute, ;". t -,-.-n Wn.1 lr��er ­,,tcl- ` T � T. a obnee , - i�_ � i I t�? atti-a-hwe olg,on thi- la&po. thling-What stolfli's Von t,nuld t,elv, � I Co , ! ift? jt.-,S�- ,a,�- - �. , 1 � , an' -f, Me. -tning lhel- celittle, voR,e illrllr�, lovir. hz,r vrn"4-1- with the abbDt*s ""IrIa�'. xnv. _. ..� .,..q I , ' � - LN � Z , 311�� it indleed you ado=;J Que"n Vaev t - L I L' : � I *L *r, ­e,4 , ' F U, a I 6 I LOL y-ftIvr,� W�;�!�-�V rtnthvon TUInL,4a.V -it q L %teek wim, ,-Umnity of im", ay,w,t�s VAIZ;�- .-%�,e Eta- , . ,I -:,, OT snitertainiag - her b0dall. and rr-steJ ioll hl�Lr e�'V more sub'lligcd, I-'- t -' t� * V, itas ,tiD­Lt*1L4V1 , Via " the bktant- -Sttalw stotie.sl of a torri- on, and iev,vry da- oonr;ta "i'l tL�,, revt- 1--'rallY ZODkS 102- t"P bllttPr.V� 4 '.e ! I " � -. �iultivtzotlty td the V661'- ble tlm&� 1,1,v, If � , =4 t ­e - .i_H, f'-�!% ,_--ok , '01 hp .1 rot, manv a 0, W1. 'I'tot ilt_� , tw,n$e a. ttr . .10 %0. latloft jleW liald be��-1 wm&- to twr 19Y *d4 V . , V. r�'. r,r%v 5n ,,,F4- : . r,,- � he fa rSVZ;. ,�' r� `4�s Irom W1Z---,, P ; L -C rp ,,liam r ot '6,�Prn taktit; 1ASS OEM= ,d thong1l, oh bett#'� upper riatO Wall a look. �44vq, Y0,11, t4x4n otblx)t vvzai� -1-0 �!S- .L � _ " " - 0I4Ua7J-J&1JtQ,f­ With h ,w P4.09OUS and , , S�)t'J.% M,-M.'l -, .0�- '.'�,�- ff,sn,t of V.lr-,4�e��tf'-4 ItT_�gh`q an'l ta'�,Ulp. TL') n=_ITeut reafral as the deoUlAf of It, W." artAn . �-t� lie 10 -id full gokl t"..H" In th-+ r4.0?�l"W- �­!-tle. the VNI. ul�,, Spting, , Y, -r lt � i .4 4a, n.. "): , -.- 4,,� , n: ,, � t ; � u 1� t, I y t � n _- 11 % - o r, I '.'; S t I 1 s- r I i t t I e 0 n r- lq ft "I. P rp.� , " -0 e ro -, a P, L, ro-A - Z-,18�__�_,,% *140 th- V10-11-1- '. Ir 1,:,. � I "t�,gln.; I .z -,L"'- Thp sgworf,a r:U-s ot !,,�;-,:"�,�;ty W,,lm �'.� . . , ga-'Zv's good girts 'Whenee ,volt earile 'hither. What I l . 1011T 1(1:Jspoo�Jgo.II 71ridILA01"t, it never fet r-1:0VRI go to Trni.;,vml, taiu% takp_ Ury ,,�n!v t -,T -QP ­%e" . z�,-;�- ,Y,- ,�f�:,,�-. S.,­T.- k'�,:Owsl that. If eo3ds aw,,, promp"By onr�; A . '1 &�; .. I ­­ . a t�j,r,rp - j3 tertain . . 11- .11 � ..'s test.f1"t by t".e did ,von see -there-in the I remendomq their alky.-Te, in '.!I.,,:- towa ncan'.4 14) C t Tro, " - "It - I f LvIlL 0"p-ark04 to blin to think of her in ,caverns Where the dend -rest not, . use, b;!Vt "Ver al -,;n'­r, pn�-,F, C-.1", g:g "n't corsumptilim. pn:?uv=an­ . cgn ' 0,'.'L, -r �=g tr(r� 4�' any VgIft, 11-t, t1rat Of f4vmwft'z; ftlend, Man say, but are 'for tvee mv,zlyed lUlfeiltari AVaey, w".He fhr-y 1n,gil,e,_t­ , - -�f Yf t. T itq e,tnwh '-_t 1 lit tla:� , Jro�-,,- v' nv,,ti,4,rS have !"� rred to Irast 1rLnp',k:Dt3.y tz.) D1,; il-94S1,18, , lerhapq Infghf, �X, ine . , '77N . . , . . .11CP who 'd tOL L,e syZ-2-il 07 1X\-S1:".EV ANIV TVR21P.% . 11 to rrorapt?y jc-a,�,,v, . qi t'nl�- ron, ­ . t,g I in the 'grvat; toffing, ,q-afery ? I *,ql t1ne, progrPs's of Vin new mans' thru:l the .U.itinvtion of ,_lV"M­ q'Aulf- ? , ht, f - . LL..'Q - - hig Ill O. ,WJi,--,, ,,W, ha and inade, - 1`01�:;34, tA afl-'*' tl_-C� inflatiam,ation. to k,-U,ar tlu- n . ir P'j.'S. gE�q .1 even libirl tier -,1T__=,Z.A1V(,s praic-t: -ally all- tu�yrly, - ,:_ q andlL , to t�te P, $;Jr �. �er �L lo, 1: , �J;;;ni 11. ,Fair ,c-ould tell mp your sto "I TV- '0 - , Wkov,,, )I_-,Ut, witen every holle ..*Ind , quIdixted Vvith the Property. MI -W -1I.-,-4--Z;gZd-� C-Ille'. t1p �-OA. Their 'Confidence In ttjs - ts,� I-0-ald . ,,ra-.qd prei�eriipt,zo3. of ID11*., ,, - -f, t � I beat to heAt It ? Should I tot Iiav-e dethlyd. While Iu.knowIN1-hV& t At i76 thng of ithp suppress. n a! the (-H.%q�. haA novit2r Twen shaken, beeaz;Fe ll� � -4 IN -v I vr failed to, prove betle- ' hat - U it Intl I'Ancir othets abbey I ve,tv, -,re 7� .".a ,t- - ,. 1, argeat tbought, every VC 14 ,,re In, wit �xx k.,. . % r t, r - - MIS ,f tvej*_, 1xiat in blin, though ah; had Tro, a great fear of yon, atow as you ,1�1,,�j wa_, hot ,quItv,,S,.r0Ag., '(IM riot ,071,sh dissolut;rjn tl,a sm�,- W'. tz:p rm"mis- � I 1'"L _ J.q ol; P-�Yrh untystgal merit as to 'have atta;_,1ezJ by far t!%e Z , tfta! iixW real L-nowledija ,of to,w ea- are of the earth's hidden treasure, for atty 'Change of ire-4illent tat� was gtautpA tqV t!"P. i . �!�,"�, or W,_�_ ,a1E+,,k%' 'CIDY snal?ar Inc-parattofl. � �0, Ili the , � I I VI.-r6lilght telin ef hum&n love Alad trd- tM51fifthip,. Z`M6 Wrid had �qor mach I V_ restv'r. With wyllmse >Sg:L#-nf1g11U Uh.w I ILWeW ,8W� 16WRI b1m. P'Utritea Rdws&y Ira I feting. walf of the i1ri:ladful orean ? ellirig, lgIe see,. SIxe, It ted quip'. -antll BRON"cITITT.". could ,lot, h,xv,N toIJ tho vlotor <4 VV. n - - " A, HALCKIN0 COUC-11. !�,edatbivh'. Vev, I slitould feat you -nay mote,I tile an _ seyevot t6fatl&h6ked ,b,L 11nd nothing, whiciv Allwald b -leak ri,mtllveil taltil tile res�-,Plb Jay� I - III,, i ­­­ . L ­ ,,,A- ' %V- A_ Wv;;,-.,�7 .-(-0t',Wli stri-e�, To --V.10. Mr. NY'rn. 11,xv-m.an. ,&_ �&,, . I feat you novor." I �, , - id h3vi sn- .,,1g_,,gvj. qja�p.. -o- xvoitl - � _�, - *-'-_%Jy '.,,-�r�e 1Z.-a.t�t-ti:1 Mllvid . bet Ilalr- up tbblk lite at hon . ld b:, ,We] ' i. � ­'. A 0 '. s ,ates - a k" x ";tsvrwilo"L� ,-, I he Marint- Soienttgie 1ft,t-sear,;lh. i . t"Ia*na�­.. h,t.,M-i4 , _m I 'or %1%-11. efght b0tv 410 vro­�� " � t , "Dig. M :, . N'w-m 1-43- capu P.AngisgV1 PIAT . 11.1-11 we � S It boti, .nM very Iluickly 11 Genima 11 said RM1110 to her tomo to hcr� ` ;G10li-e .e or DR. yc,n�nvn,41-- E�m enrcil me Oi ��,,,U��r,itf'. tL &11 atolit the twautirial girl who bA IrAead, ;;Ken thev- met next ynotii- May by day Butll.,Ibe waitetl in The Norwoe 'an VI"tg'1o.'l"' `;_"��"�Z'. tlleli Many VIE'tfteffi ;-. i-v)ve-_"m?e- has ; '7 " ' " . - . ­ Va"it- ,i----,�,)FIIN,;��o-%-zl)Tt:tlp�N-rl,z,- nzve, . e -v you did tot lexpeTtarloll - - --,- -&�AA,5ee.�'Iel.. -honag" and fo-- the pl,:t "dix vea-­ Lqstwiw , , . lag, "I would ;�Wio 4 1.1te, l'onxing of tlw� ballt ana ri Le, � ,k'�'� ,.,41. ". ftke� yma& h5ml 'feel th-st It woul-I 1v . te. whom f b2 , I MNI 0 -at a stilazi ,� N- . I c,�.- , st, ­� L selve2l" aft"Ic. k all, - -& VoSr d vay anything to elffiet Papa- Idil 0;"",rp")rz,.-t.,.I-*.�--;neti,iie *0 eami�. ==na. 6 11 WAS TV`ahie to V�Ork I lilro� .Efilcult tifing to adhei,e to, - `gteat trial Which 010 felt wgtc; In !-M f101? 7110 fIX,I)t0f-S J),IrpoL��fl 0'_ ­1g17i"'ii1 ;'-Y'33 ­�I, '! X*.-lTiJU0:U'Z ATone 1--w".1eeu-ed let'redmyyO',tteOfl)R.'C;I.%:,R'���5,jrtx-t>opLr-vsxL,D, aTO vvith te--atol to Mr. tG�Tiwx. nbout the like.nev,i of store tot Tit,,t - Vonmnwsl voxxl'lot��nive. ,selontifi!- 7:-Psegtrej�. Tjj,� Ve'lT>1 sgiLll- ll=S='?�­_ . 'DTC'r,:"OP'.1�Tl\'P.,,4ndaiitb.%-Ir,yto�,t,%t�-th.,,, uneeviating r, ­ , hilr=d N.W .� .JZ1;V Nv�'U an.d a� bright *Is a .IN I'lig my vaby he4tt, to tht� jewel lit the : the third bot ,,�N =,,iae ill c. a *0lix-b. Tit's high-"Orty, VoklonleS.-7, on the "millijk"--t ol hu,t bappy love 1,0 ree"Ilt'... fr,yax Trogitsw lia AS f! r -S t : C-1,-'aZ.n " I new Man;, lJorght of U Dos- Pictute. I I'llow it is Weak of xnP, $1,e had ,never felt orp pang of S.�t%I:Iie� ZZ 4�r'lis,� in tl,l,� uo-tI4 t, I ­ etl ,Waa, n6b to be, t Ill(l, h- and petliaps worse than �­eak ail- envV of her beautJ111 ftle, i A Ian- I 11 * - "I " I . i_% " .. . avo,6' r gli t -1d. PX - tit, .%11:1 Arctio 0ep"LITS. Dr. Rjort � Affily his wife. It+' Co .01-1 I & af - , petstitions -, but I would ratli;� no I tTi��d by the lovelhges.q Of fA"P --x:'-1 hIlS �111­-%,Iy adde,l ,.7a lwwh' DR CHASE S 5YRUP OF LIN's, t6 try arld win Wer -11#r with, dolillt- b- " the � K. EEP D legg, stch & firtare; belbra heir, such ,one know about ithis likeness except rotib I she Itad - regarded t .8 1010"V [fla -�I- of Pata gie fishes, IlIkAr life. i I I I., S-OVereign r ,ts to till that ourvelves.11 I beaWlv as a thIng- qlllte apart from hviblt,, " . ID TU I Ight as, he . a --I the va%--,Pq affeetingt1heirlt AN RPENTINE". odme happlei and ritlier ma,n t1lian he "A'noll Yet it W0411d givp fro-sh 1-1. I Ther, at a. mozzarch's crown it'.911t 11119tiatious, that& with the means : I I * O'hould giveL But if, *agg not easy to terest and Inc3:eased be; and she Strove to fee! wit e'-"v,v row ,it bli diallosal, Ii4, sh-mid gather , . Mount of new � Ji ,. "'roupo rarain, from twinlrina- of Gemma, and the picture And the jewel." strove oa vain. "-KhP It consiJerable a nror- I moclie-2s favarl'e texazzy for t - r-ronellids, Asthma, coug"ha gaild capt, Ramsay Ppeedily lett, btf t&_ "I know . but I have a strong I has everytlt�xrqr", thutight Wart"Ilt'. mAtiOn, which wV! bei ol, ser,, lo..p tt') t,.W i (,01&. 2:'> r,pnts a bottle; falmily size. containing about thre.,� Umps as laueb6 - * , Lng. He S&Vr'h�-- fre(Iiiently . the old- feellytt. it thii. m.',+t, , . . . itz. gl,",.-� .you won't ­Bemuty, fi. . . at, as?.n. 'In, an,! Ills :iovp- !'shing In.,lt..itry ty,p al! 1),x, ,I 61Y .-,-,-t-- At gl',' de44:��-,', Or i- . . I . , t!j-1:I,. 14 , --d Mango n, rmtes I C'01, Tbriorxl­�x � � - . ` , , - +1 litc +.t. * + t. $ 11 1* I I I � � i�' I 1 � 11 Li I 11, i I I D111 .1 I 11 I . I L I '� . I I I , : 1 . I , , � L- L � I 11 ..... 1. � I .1 I L . 1.1, ­ I . '1� , � I . ,s 1,�� � ; . I 11 ,%, :. lk.l.,. � . I ... 4 1 11-1-1 I.. � . &..�.,..-.�",.,...emllmlkokkwldilmiioo��, ___ ...... L- 'L LL _ I ; I - _11, I.: . I— 11 ,,, ­ ..... ..."�11 11 .... I .... - ... . . ... .... � ........ ­ I � I _,.�,�ll.�'..,."�.,,,.�....."..'���..�.,,iklllkl6.,,�--,-�,,,.,-�.-,.�� ..... ...... � ...... ... _ .. ..... � ...... _ ...__ ,,.-,,..-, . ]k ­i"AA