HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-09, Page 4I . I . I � I � � ! :, � �. . I . 111111FINIF.. - I . . � 11 I I I I I . I I . � I i . I . � I '. , . . .. . -7 Z �__ I � . . � I . i . . ..... ... . .... I � � � ,� � I I � � � I I I I . i, , , :�:�' I:— -', : , ___i: 7 _`� "": ... ... . 1 , � ""' -. - -­ - I , . . ; 17 - 7 7 I'll _� I I . . , - _,-__� -7 71- I 1. - ., . . - - �71 �. . . i- � � I . . . . I . . I . I. . . . . : � : . � � . .1 I . - I . I I . I 11 I I � I . . I I . . I . � I I . I . . I . , . � . . I . I . . . I . . I . I I . , . . . s . : . I I . . . . . , � . . I I . . . �� . � I � I , . , I . . I � . � . I . . � I . � . I I " . . . . I . I . I � . . I . . I . I . I . . I . . . . � - . . . I � - _ ___ - - I , . - . , " - . , . , . , . . - � ". , , . 11 . I I I I . . . - =7==:== 1 � I � I 1 1 �� - .. L - . 11 A 11 . � . tent of several hundred Pound$. They . -.-------- I ­ 1.1- - -1-- . ­.=__.�_ - .. ' also . heard III the church, tbout;htthe (!on. I MV(1 fiieavily from f usloll letier lied e-x1joresaed the feellng, HUNIEL F 31e&1hxW.Tc113ni1=11and Were, and one Was So,great ilia be Lord I . . . Boer vronlan actually went behind tile LONDON , Mayor NvaA unable to get througl) all, and h4,- reiterated IvIlat - . counter aind served out goods, What tile mass of people to mee. I t the vol- PRAXIS I Officer had SCIld a.f3 to how JoilifjIll, the burgliers did not w unteers at tile city . ap ated the recept)4(aip I . � . , a., they distri- I lla� Qqao� boundary, Ils ,,,preci. DtI buted among the poor )) tell ',Ind Eng. . Planned, and be waited on 111, 00 Spontaneou's was it,, . UMBER lish inliabitalita. They also marched thO cathedral step$ until after 4 consequenfly thf-., ouItcoxne of a i . . I to tile town hall and tried Mr. Mo. WENT C001 o'clock. Yersal sentiment of k1polliness. ' Bx1de, ivIdle Mr. :Ross was detained in rl�1143 ve'lirateel's, oil arriving at the WELCOMEA Mayor, I)aniel, ot k$It" John, in, , prison for some plale. Uany picks, - cathedral, filed Into the long pews and ill the expressions of good � %vill � barg burghers Who had previously vur- filled the nave. 9NIen eight trumpets joy that the contingent )),ad . Boers B " Tendered have aga.111 taken up arms Wild Welcome to Her and tromhones Played an accoifiIiani. 6 Ob y hat it had reflected ti . ment to tile processional hymn e lll:stx'e on the Canadian namoe. urning and Looting wh1cli they dug UP from their karden,_�. , from Grand Banquet Given by th o " I ' . - - k tile western gate through tile Iengtli Torchlight pro Loyal to The Empire Of tile cathedral tothe choir. t, copy S in Orange Colony. ,;Illlla, Oct. 83 ---An officl-11 list, Returning Volunteers. of tile Ser1r1ce was Placed on tile seat To -night a inagnifil":sIt"ll tot., I which has been published, of the (if- Of e`Iell voillate0r, alid many joined In citizens. forolaeselon took place.. I fers of amista uce in. th:) way tile hyllius I I `e I oftroops, aild responses. Bishop . is rt".1,1i were a perfect blaze horses, and mouey by tile f Stepney preached a brief and simple light: kSk,'y-rockets wore tifirown India for tile TransN,4.jaj sIUoNvs t1lat sermon welcoming tile me al" directions acro8s tile sky, 11 11 home, -and 0, from the number of suc,31 Offers amounted to GREAT MASS OF HUMANITY Canoul 'Gregory read the lessons. ,,Ill] parts of the city bonfii I BURRED WESSELS' FARM, sixty. Tilt- list proves tjx,,It a,11 the im. The volunteers who were looking for A TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION blitze an -LI fireworks were burned d . � I I portant native rulers Placed practI. their families an� friends through tile I tile sky became ill,riti. The proccrisi cally their elitre resources at the CrOTN'ded the Streets, Overpowered coIltIvregatioll,'waved their copies or tile Tile Canadjoills paid oil Bit was the grantlest sp,,ctacle of til 1. Met Wife Fired at a Messenger- disposa,l of Great BrItAin. -Many chiefs � service whenever they 'recogulzed t Refused ,kind n lu 114111fax, and I'vi Roberts' offered personal serviues. These facts the Police and Soldiers and to Give up Ttleir RIfles_,1,IIe Ilover be forgotten. The returne Daughter Sick -Town prove Coll(.1aSively SOMO 011e. Mheir friends were not, ni- ,soldiers were carrled Ili triumplu ove the 1yonderful joy. Blocked All the Streets -An lovvred to great them, hoNvolver until SPOeches at tile Banquet -Th tile day's progra,111me had bee' 0 th-0 rollfte. .80ores of Patriotic inot� of Undley ill Ruills-.1k1atters alty anti devotion to tile Buipire tils. Impressive $ceuo__Nt..1 n com- Looking l3ad.-Indian played throughout Ilindustall. tAY People pleted. IdahooS Voyage --Men ticave for to0A and 01preSSIOTIS Of Wele0ill* Prilices - ___ Hurt. The men Paraded outside - the cathe. tile West. shone Out. Knowing that tile rela Oiffiered I'helr Services. Mindee (In Fete. dral at 5.30, and then litarelled to the tives and friOndr, of thlrNso in the ocon- Pietermaritzburg, Wt. '31. -Dundee L011don Cable. -it 1vas expectet, I quarters of tile �incient ,Ind Hbnor- HalifaX, X.S., report-Hallfax ivent illIgent were anxions to learn of the London, -NOv- I.-T11--1)"ar Office has IvAs ell fete on the oveasion or I able Artiller.v. Compallv. 'It I Safe arrivill of the brave ladlo, tile C. the thlit London's Ivelcome to, t.he first I , -7hisbury, Wild tO-daY over the transport Idaliv P, It. Telegrapll, CO.. t1irmigh its mall- Ireevived the following from Lord Rob- first anniversary of the battle of Tal. : W114-1re the bititcluet was held. 1"A'd the return of tile first Canadian agor, r0(IlIje.qtPd ,J1a,jfyr Pelletier to " erts, dated aollannesburg, Oct. 61- an., 13111. Th ta'00P.9 returning from the Sxith Afrl- I ___ 0 (Illy Was observed loca,j_ Ca -n war wo,,ild lie a groat local jubil- ('011tingent. Front dzi,wil till midtlight otify the men that tile comIxtily 11 General Rundle occupied Bethle- IY as a holiday, bUsIlless was suspell(i- at -or, butIvithout further signifleaucc,. I Her Majer,ty,s 31cssa__e. Nvas contilluolis r(!j.y,, * ed and elilldrea. pienloked on the ilis- there ving. The would transmit fron, a telegram froln -_ , hem Oct. L11, driving the Boers from torle )till. It Proved to be an event whic-li chal- . Attliebanquet Lord 11-oiscieY, com- triMport moved tip tile Jull,bor sioNi- PaCh to 111.1; friends, notifying t1jeln t1v0 strong positions three miles sent in-luder-111-ville � " of that place, It "' tollebbig feature ITal, a prot:cs lenges the attention of tile ont,iro r of tile P""t's" "'r1oly, 1Y from her I of Ills safe arrivo,l ot 11alifax. 'Many Ueneral Rundle had ,of 0111dren p.1st SIOU world. The Ulree letters I, C.. 1. A%- f Mad -1, III(IsHnge, from "tile Qupoil as- anchorage at quarn. Wric, 11 ;lvailcd tIllemFelves of the prlyllege. , . �s the graNe.; of General have Spelled a new Iluillan p!IssIon, vuring ill,' volunteers that sho shared leavilig there at U.So o,cl ck Tit(- I 'Westeril Men Leave. � rations ana other Bo4lif U three killed anti :17 wounded, the latter th" -rs, on which � lit,tlq Which, neither PatrLjotism nor Imper. if' tit(! j0X alld thankf ill ness evinced by I harbor front was 11110d vvith tlll*yuslllltls I .�fter tile prot,esif'-on to-ult,,11t tile . Ones ]all Nvre,XtIlPs anti Other ialism. iq somothill -Ili tile duyls entlillsiabtic welcome, and I of p.Kq)1e, including Lord Ucrald Richard Gros- floral tributes, - -.I -,It jsIggosts Tenor. General Rundle's men have ella-flenge and defi.lU expres�-jaig I)r,' Whose vilvers counitingled I 1volt;t(Irn 111(111 111416(liublve, at 'tl,p ar- . CIP. dean,lSatisfaction Nvitil The celebra.tion"war purely local. Irlien it is FaLl Iol' ill- first. t 1111,� in � thvirgallaut zlild soldlo?r-Iliz, IN -All tho lqlll,i(.I,lllg jur t-teaul whifitles 1llOr'eK at luldullA-11t, ZI-Ild .it I o'elock been engaged daily with parties of I T' I llp�Aiig ,, eU111,1,'..11,1P�eP,I1IIg of tile colon.1sts is history London's IIII)JIMIS, WIT-hkAlt oNll duT!n- tile cal"Ptlign. lft.r X , , l(K)k .1 Rrv(inl train for thpir I,( MOETS. To rying Ill number from 30 to I 'tilt' tll* bO0lU*ll- Of 11-tallou front tile A ratlu,r luten,stlug epigode e) ,si� , n . Ing 111) .111111Y es of Intention, oversjr(j)t '111 ndd,Z tajpsts- I ' ,,l,U,P'r';: � ersari . . [_ Citadel, paylil- ' tills kilid, as I control, .Ind X Or[ voininprieed tw soo,ja To.d io_(,,,-%. ,1,11(\ Inell %Vllpll tltt,,N- Ivere lot tending to lessen that the I-c-tuTiling It.,11,, " While Joining Ira the lkapplaos�q of as 001onel Pillnuit, IhIp1my Millister 150- HOwUH comPolled toburn )YL'S- tile breaell -Ind .1teIrs hf,d t(ki - - literally fight ill, f .ir wtI_ ! to 111litia, .Ind . austa amessenger car- E iglish. Tho kvyr,oto struck 1). 'N, to, IS;. pallps thfo I-Plativesand TrIvInds NrIlo, k-0.1obrate - Ills assit,tall sets' farm, bee betweell I)UtcII .0111 till I 1)'�Ild Off ollid got tile!" All-io'llargo %yers I y .11r. Catlr�dral, i 11 ', i fl .1 aHico'(1 to dc -111(4' 111) tholl- rifle.. This rylaIg a ON* of My lastproclamatlool 11,111116 at tit(, �;011tll kfrioa�lp ,,(,.Iglle in ,,"ngle 11INI'll'orle tile.%' linalix- arrhed , t1it'll"IlIP-P01111119 of theirdea I oparlim-tit at ott;Lwa, got (tit I)o.1rd, s e, I r ��alcs, L I , I -'Iy- Tho Iad varrit-il thoir r1rip.4 111rougil tl;� �vuply Nympathize w, and Nvas volit'llufld eNlieditlull liew declirlp(', to do. nity., stad tji%., was fired oil f rum the ierandall by (V1l,E,"rC1SA is %varinly approNed. j+ * se,kmz� Ifiva, pvrl� lim, Intly ! t . I It those Irlio I it y , gained of tly, strf,..1gio .w. -ow -S 1'. th:- i 'kAlk fill' tion' Nvllt)�, allilit no, longer I apilount Paoli 111an reeviNoti xr,ls , .Ind �. "I'loolt 8OUtlI African Avar. and tilpy lilt, ___ rtITICIUS) of thi. Nvorld's Inetrop-C-1 i- ! �t, lit tile rank,. IrItlij tlivir eom- � ,!'4')I, the Ca-11-Ld'All Ixty of 2(l volius. -v -aded UTS- 11"ONsels, NN'11014 a sL-iter of Uen- NI'ark for ExiloIl Boer.q. lip i 10 kilel) thein an i�onvollit-g-O ft' =J1 l3otha." -Ne""'r fore� 11W -c tht're llt�pn xvit.) . -_ r ­41t , I .tills. II:i,vc to i ,rilt-y rovvIN P,l tit, ir linpnrin I pa,y Orl, 1111.�, pls(�. r or fu - vs, -e�, I -, - ,. - ,- grieN (� thtt loss ; . � . Antwerp, Nov. l.-r)r. Leyds,Euro- Ill this Or allY oth-r land sa-11 ,, oi'a dwoar and most I !*olib; ropr t&oni rogitkirly ill MrielL, rhe flopuiy Minliter or Militia Irao ___ man reprosentativt, t)rtll(. 11, IU-. ;1 .� . A gallallt Irrandion, I TIPSHP-4 till, _45 1111p.-Aill Iloall'i ato 011w . Transvaal voill-'us depilva-l-t-rat-011 (if 111v (imil'I"111 ' ".'I-' 11"O so JIMMY of vittur volillMll- t ol, It , I f anit%. lklIK, It., b; tio,r% (-it and fill?,! for his queen I "%%'Ill . 9. Lord Roberts, I)eparture Delayed, t4oi-vritiment. has Ii-fstled .1 proelailla- tl",�"` of va"t Illasse.,; Of hum, I . before lmt,illl- PP"u (41 to, allil al: tho men pprslated t T110 10yago from Cap.- oflo,it; London. 2sov. 1.�-Tbe departure of tion throughout 11,!Ialld, Urging em- Nothing wltllsttKL'd tlPl" 9(aQ-1ltIttIr;d, -Mil t-f-untry " i i Ill 1 1101" POsItit'll. Ili- I,:.slltltl -I. proyit4nn- * aotit' el`('a unolittot"If"I U MIUlt, ' i -.t ON ( . *a Nva" I -11 ()"fit"' -11WMI119 illi,ni to kvop.V thtlial 0011-Rolierts fromSouth Afriett,wilti,�11 Pl').N_Pr8 it) t4lkc� into their employ Se .at th'. N -11111114-t , "' - thnilks ! rifit's lip t dli,tressp;l 1k)ors j! . - Z S. .kll lar - �41*64-Al ;ii�44,lig olliptil -IV 11111 Nontroll. Wag Xfcelltl,� W-14polled from till earlier rh on front their "Jers, wvre i'IN-ept .tivnv lip 1) " largely in haNhig .1 1--illilploolic . lit% al,"UtItillIC' 1)""Itlifig feature N by Lord I,'0IK1rt1;. Thrp througil lvlll',-Il tr(xiP4 tot eavalry hav I trail-cloort, ot avaroy ox.tIly) tj)IIR afll � 0% ember 15, has noiNv appar- oli rlIoI:t- would litot Ittwil I t4b Vw w grow s I .9 dato to e"'Unt . Ilk- I% -II -.1, � Mm I'll to llllpn&�-4111o. To'- 1-1,741 11, lon. Tlu� Ito - %s Ifoft (11, t-114. trnin to- ,ently beenfurtherdelaved. Irbe mat- nplserl�`*rolgnq her,- ailltoilg the ,( : , -3 - R. , it' lit With 04-11' riflo-4 lky thoit, ,111g,st. � Ilotor (Ilarg -d. Th,- pretlaut.O.".4, 11 1111-41 wcrl- k 1110:4z"Ta", lolit- llwstl'411, saw.- intrio- ';Ill"Iflitly �j years, o!4I -___ ­ t-er IN in 1111% Ow" h-tuds, and tilt, War , familles thuR Pxpeoleaj for transivart- as voulpIPS4% ab tlLlas;� (if ,)XI41pal tla.v vo, "holu;t'. The Lort. Mapor 1.1-rn.ally ,� It I- :weertaint'll thali thol Idaho wa " � __ 'Dfflov St-11te' that it has Ito litfornk.1- j'eat lov till' ltrit'sh ""VP-rantent. I�ODRP fir any P'Paldl-ar twi rn.%;():I I.-, Ah:� li.gsj. �i pqt th4. ,.jba,.jt,,.. j, in flallfa% lit ni-Vtro-s�-; ill June. lsi),4" - �iOapi its to witen lie Not leave. ,rhore I f'or them arP all but star,king prowed 11-vicr, a hpr maiden loyago, wh(lit C-1ptain' -_ ­ .,. numerow; lbatt �'Vl tilt' 110'i-10itid. I, tit -tie Waq hi 4,0M.1111alld. Capt"' Aur. � 'DER, )A a report, tli,tt title Of Ills daughters ... "Irlist tri,c-ll` Were lh.,, � HE SM THE M Ll R a houhler to &jet, jilt"'%' bt,1914 htvralh k -i-ll,. lay �1 V4�1 JS buffering from vaterie fevoz, Flenell Reeeptsull f.f' Kruger, it floor ,411 ,,,* at ,, 1. 0 .11 side , . win hi.folsicahi :141111itt"d '"At) � Shall Vetk vllura­,��l oil t_.ti. hi.k..onol It)v. , - , -� 04 I 's "'�-� - U",;.'RWP`1 Ito V`*', 11: 4- 0! 1% hao-Ita, 70 ivert- lsi-ri, � a9P, MO has rikin altied inastoor .4111"11r. loo'"O.-la' It' hit -11. if t ra e, IS (IOU htlet,8 � Ua '13"I IIPR, 'Not it - I .- - The K ru -for Ito- Ill cut,,; friblil, unol t.r4 p1ld for Th."�');t"N Icli-t 'D*al-#p 'Jit.'i fl -1)41 � .. noute. 11-11-11t.tl..(--t-tltl-i-i-%V.4N.Liltociti,t: ­ . . I Statemeni, Made by the V a! e t Paxt of tit(- reasull for his rernitlina i tleption Cosumitti-i. 11. -IN �Fsu -11" - , 1 tllt' ("i � Broke '1'1%4) Propeller 131ade.s. . . Z SoUth Africa, I)Ilt thill eolitlatio, 9 i 1'eat to the polall I an III) k : '"I"t'i OF tit !r La,jiuris-�;. Thel S -t. .hblint I 11 � ):it! -.1%, t�spstrtivilmtf- [tire" for I'"ll"'t" hit-intz Ill - ­­Wjil. T1 ; Guerilla, ao-tl%lt.% lorillia.blik, I'attit" lVogar. two It I' � 1-11:11-01%mv - As,,o +ttrjgt a tYntkQ lkii-re I, This IlDorning lag, said his ship a -mild ;, eNee.ods Ilk 0 In tile f1pluallstratkiraN that arok i)(1- I 'pill."; Ito ffore thi- � tilt;#1 1,604 lu'r"ttIoN. Slav 011.1 .0'rity lot. , flip -tint I I knostg. .Data[ that 1104 Woodall I. . laro.-mv.sItlel W.I$ fill . . I l, 11-18 Ivaregi t, 41�,g 1�'.Pqftl-o Vill sr-ts.n."I. __ t Ckliliertatioll.;. .*till is vat�tdng ],jilt to 1 -lux arr.-Iligold rior Mr. Krugor's re- fir.st, 1�v tho. lk,);I.,�% alIVIjo. tolit- It (q)tba, M or %a tatolar tri. 1; hPit's arrivi,ol ill 11.111r..IIN ,.\iVln4ln 3 of W. M. Rice. i Iletoltate to jcm\e. voption. 1111t, too abstitiot Troll) % ' !"vaine nwv�k_), fair ilrr- tittlelli-SIN toj 1 �ltl m'Nri­o1'ZPlltj`� - '1'410. asli-aoqati all tto,� � night hall palb% .oil .11'eiplitnt Ilappa-1,141 . 4,011111 r.% ; Join, Ti I! ri,-Citf? P-ar that this ilz tit parg ,4t * 1 JONES TRIED It 18 110tt'VVUl`th.V that (,(,at. Ritt.11- 'altil or wtil-tis; t4awarAlli al)v I oner. Ili a g1m,jpfqI ap, Ilrettaria. %vilotu 1! friendly to Frant.o.", '111-1-11 thl-v ilid to,%- finking arl,14 j, : 111111to,r t i, a" 1144 10131116-11#�r, Toll- still) had flitt. [; -rO END HIS LIFE. � blildhig fa,rf-%vp �, 11 10 holnt% - I- ­ __ - atill k-riou-Jong istiel, (4; 1p.wk it) tv%4- 110F loa%-- vit,,e lra,"'wol. thh- , U1II-Alwil. ;iltal %-.0t4lotUt wartititor. till o . tit the re- I adflod Irvight 11) 11; ; ftoo-'t Ialgpl't blitio.k. 111-4-14 lvlatfl-1 talk '� Faloday. (let. ,_,gtta.at latlon. tuip lolalil.o. \P% I'lork Rellort.- T1, - oPr.iti. sit t!ii,a � turning AuQtralla,118, assild that. Sol I .. lholive title'. Tilt, I thiv kkay of thr, 111,11th. as,.' yw*k% Ntfi-ol, � lot tho . I %%#,tells% %Vdfi,1�14 lihlr�.lt I.I... at htioi I Itval f,pilt-40v 6�,i,kll to tot, 1IU,ftt,.,t11.a,p.! - lVaItqw1lor lsri4s. lkfr,, Th -V Ilk "4 -. � Nistoft-o4 �k%vnlr- atc-SAtInt-lots #ill A -lit. War had Iftstfol lollgpr, wrllap�, thTilt, vt*��. whom I.311I "IM.1"N W11-4110 troat"ol. 1, t1wil waq latituthv l_*;1t*C lr�rtll 11011C. i 11"rol. Ili- attepulo. , 11IO-,;If Or the, solillowl's Itall I allot ill , Inow,ti'al I viltv�osz ;Anti 1) kai", J.., , AL .�:Npoketod, i TIED BY THEIR QUEUES; t"JitleWly at lit" Mrt'l-1, ft rtvs%go;�g" 4knit, . th @,nortwxtQ i-r,,oWul awha�41 thm 4-40 �, 1.5� lit uiu,okl, "t 11 I, \ -jil I fork � - bUt thtore ,ijile, still IIIII(III work too llo� I b'AlIntris, lr�#,,J -.to, t,61%l. ll.,�,.h_ ,tli. , of tlo#, -%ahlaUtbrl; trli,DW ivp 130fla"pl-1, !� Tilk. 1%4%1lhor %VltJq ritual I ;_,,Iltorllal2k. ikgbort 1.11. Jla,o*t,.k,. tj,� p.tr.lsa i 11141 , In't titt, wba mwsoout. ,nioa aacetsit.,it One h1fore IhVIr task Willi wjoppletmL 0104194- It Wa' tit, fir,LL . ,. i� ifla thf- loarrar%,* tit tDj4. %lp�&Ijt .,oalq ' * It $lilt,% f000 I.Argot, nit,4411141i U14-11 fiva, I tv ' IttlUOV4.41 -- 4 I __ . - "ll" lI'""r �, HotRoVralw4k, Art1pl,,orv. t*V*pnJ*41rS%'I l� %1v01lnft-#,,,,I tilt- C-134 I.J oil the o,14410 to 4.11 I Pol,tvtl Ut it, M� va".1 k, I It - Slowhim. atri- ; r- k0lil. I Ile A rally. � O'.4 legnato e, &tog olvvru la qvn�.,pg NVg I *log � l.'rho Duson 11;'..'ad vt f;­1!01� V# 0-4,�." lilt- . also anal 4nihol thgo�ql tpli. E,tomong-r'. 00, ro4nN.A4 for ow. 9 I 0 Flogged Until Blood Flowed f"rr'�'l--l"'I"`D.". "";"tv n?"'lld"141 "'O'n "D"I'l alto 11 ilk VA. � bcuU ,w 0.u4h the, , London. .Xo%. I.-T%vta or thrm Ron- 4 016I tilt"' 4�4� ­-':r,4Iq�"q"' 24"i hato bk,Afth.- I h4in. Toaslmhi�% . ! I, it , got ,- 4pr;l lkik, - A - - -_ -_ It )lWIt0h3't,N-. Tholr ill-prg,,,% lot 1.090.1 11 , .1 '.6 '. 1, " "" "t., 0 , I 1, lot.,4:. k4j, iflad tb.­ lit.-O'Cot;- � t*11alat-Mi"011PIQ xvhtevi nnuicu or regi � I [jot ap . . 1, 041, at TA.rm, Alto*%%- tol.P. PioAoolnt ra'l �, I, `It IV%- Ila " Ila no ITO. 4 11% tlult 1i Ault; c6ftDAq. lot, 44n.1141w,"A aml *%Iro, -I t1,.bq.Uq 4414 Imnla. r tatoeart � , that afxdiww�n. %% goo Ile 0 . to: . Asa% 'h'"on fir. ln,e 1 1 - 174-om Their Bodies, .. Klr%ev: I* I �. -Vil'o t*l 4to ` till t �)%t lat.*! I amo.a "I �1.4k.,f a' I . , at,, Ili .4 I Ila - I hN*j, tilp � luents havc, Wo IS prok)SOlitipat in jejt)alt� 4 nialzo. thtstt� ttlnr IN. fr�ot Ught do., , gprl'�� 11011 011101iftr"h 1�a% gbtr­ . I "q %N, on 4, 'qo&s�p � tip,- kpdo�,v, ol* 'tile rrgroltUID4. alloillents of the � 4.1. III % . -- d#ct)1ll4V *9 proo= , 0 OR .mo, gor#e� ' "I'v*1 At, I 91F 14 lit I.r Twltaw,',� , ­ ­ - - :� �- ;,dollat, Itot tte foo',4. tlov tItoallb4r Vs I I -,' IVA Oil 01110914 8*,% ll.itm�-h *.lilt Mr, IIJ�tls- ,war llik ve tW 1, Il,,.Ij,t4I on tile Illilr_ll, 1711V,1111411� 111%,�'Irlili,14'Ou 44,� 11�Aoll.,�,0,- .Ah4II1r.,A7v r1sk Imrailg s-%,D,9410�10404-.- yqo%Aclo� O� it " 5111 9 .1.9*i - 00 Ott Illy n 311I tie - ist"It,tto 441 .t.., 11K, and Felter.ag PS&Igal"s allIll 1@111!:kl . 1, FORCED TO DIGTHEIR GRAVES. oft a 4qrnn�to Ag-tue 9414;04 ,I-g.ato- tku� (� 1VUS! liv UV;t1kf-t a4;vI forinaw taml 8- c,V,taW. %%14444 . _ - � P'14V�4wsts If* pani,� . ls'.T.!�"r ZO L%14 I 11 tLtl rT,M")4Duf;oq-- tnal, 14444b-. VOT I V- " IS �4 , a. 'oe .. $'l,. vi, 0"M spaw"OUkODUN! ; 'is to 111api elfal throoncei tee", 4.41391-,I 4.. )U �. L 74 .,a 114" aott.'A f`Vq,jlJ1 tip I, Cjtj�,',�p ',V , V4rfo;,V1!11f,I lumt 11".11.1 t. -A.00-11, wurt. 494 0 �:;ar-g' 441 lcrg ,,;,y, 4,qqJ1 a � i�­ZiI�m,cg 1 OfIrVIM. r1l lo.irl' Ivail Or. vonverilation ill I lmiigy Xmv,q Irv,oup L 11111 , I Ims. 1! t, torial 1mve IkIpt, "'rojIlTooved" from tl,e il,l xml.'afna, No%. --,,- It, Vfk�-lmt I tie ull''RK v�.% %ri-w i[ HAS P M 1 21 C, .4 : - rnrlitar.y at.trQ, - rlion alin, '04 llatpUr�tjt:�,�Vl, b-t0vt" a 4i., . t0% U1-* trvatrett gp th(V alp- N pr1%.It1,, 1.4ttv,q I"Ino 'wrtaiL4111 A,thilitI114 1,4.,)l C,4 .1-,r,CIj,,44' flivall '�.' .__ ADS" to woptll"J'I", ollu.j. -trdqqolj� , U', t4 V . ram,111ormpat thIlt "'Ifer staijesty llaq I 'q,11UI t Ii � floov - It, . ,4 .� v., ., a - � Ou - - ft; �,� goal,"* lo 00,11 ON W0611. Ili 11�-J $1 , , rexplow'd 1, I I , vol.�f wolovl 1% en tm onli I 1611 China toloffrantw., th . 1*;, 10 ortq ter I fat' ��Atuqv! '7 I 1, 1� All 178v- gvhalo 0 44I 4 A,,* 1 %O,V44. *1,43101oll" , atl.,-01ot 11.014,4-h U11800 Mr. Llt%.a t'U'l I.. ';' 4':;4%�vrU,t"*,0q0l 114- to ".3 4144 1944H 41 tv�,I,-h �L , . A R b, (; I 1- 6 O i,� pa no T, I 1, - . 1 a , . , 1100"I -t11`-O"rA. NOT 1,441- ( FNAIII laq-0-o414 thore. .11 , cAdenu hummal-e I ��_;�!tllr_"loo.%. V# _I. �1'1"T, -041 11s oil , ` U0,11,ii0�,a O . 344, �x'a ngh. It. 8. Co. from tho k ) " I -i it LILIN Map r Or4lA ff# go I, - 1,9 �,Iq, I . . .,a too In, U14,�kuw,;,A- Ulu il 40T 4 5%!P�Ijla l4Mk,'flqo.y-8 a($ OJ�tIlt,k)J14" tl.,� 1 U,jk k"illalln ld t 1,4 U;'.VO 6 , 13 tl� hs',") NI-irAijov.,", - �,U.11, 'I, li, I to j,",, 4 ,j O qeo, -J I � a 91 (Mirtrap edavew tvr 14.99.14 , " a It 4-. 'I harus. ,,9 all -i7 �440,16 tk,oro. 11'11,�-J'V U., j1p)HII Jo,� ".." �!.Vj Alrin't-, III,l I 1grg , Sw Toll's ho�wr tu t it sit Ott Air _ I! I(,, b - Uz, -c I - .% �4zsllqv-j�r­g 1plv'll Ilona. � 1.,, alAIII. I . ., -I. Ot 4, %I� qilwla� 1� � 11]"j, �'�V4'-,�'J­' r4 �I� U U "jj�� li&�J e *,,&.lW" J,V,0*,,.J J,t,,,I,,,�, , Ill �Ifpg 11--u tolgii'llo a, la'.. tot IV QOnf-4tPA 4 gle-IjOAlig fleo IWO�91r..Uutv &­Rft I &I ; i� � (V ci:�,I,, ; ,t,VVJ totj"?. . , "I lit . - &,O, 0110� VIN P. I 4 age driwa Vok 114.�,Uj 11- trtykp-a� 1,114,vi vy lfnp,oq-h-t� b"a, lowl �Vq go '. V1,ev1,%Z6u �__ ._­ �44,;1090-v P,r.,'t. 1 iIp- u&'j's P�4I,,,b,U,D,. . 1111- hj",4 j,'j-1 � j, . I , I, .0 a: . 14-CMAID. It' Val vallg.l part of A -jut, , .w;, 4�11,115.1 �A -*-C. 9vau,�'14, 4 11 Pool qbl� - , , frnizo" 413 -9 qv�* 11b, qtti. I, 4'�,;"0a6-jJt-q,J "-.1"oup"d ;QMadqn1- l4ttit6rolghlroo Wotj,p fu,=ni 03.4tu let 4!gm.l reo'liv*41 Vlj�-�- Bou�,R,�:!* �111'11'1:�- ,.. , I (P44:OR *.Vq�-�jr jaopfl,�:.-, _%ftvmulneto ek"lit so I ,I Re, a.# I 1&.1 It � l tt� � Ott I I)q ,,, J. 1� U 04 ltllql�jo "o-dIt Ejl.o 1; _rqojt�'A::r lor 144 - a . E I �% # P. It 'W�Utto tEvt first "VOUSIOU toll j WON. V-441DRIv-Dul-O V* dv��Ufratk�4 firo-fliVan ;I 1011*314.81.0c"fe tot' I%*V-K1r*0 ,*. " VXTOV.63 C4 N'trPWE LFIaFt OU -i 'tqirt�,,�,,�.;��:t�'g.a'4"!I��"�o��'- .1 . I - U I ., " � . � " . . %,,�, ltu,,;,I�i�-�,-,�ul�,!,t:,�sli'.UI 10 ul-- 'ILI 4,0",� - O .0 0 UP �aou*­ V�:Qto, � V,I,. I .�. tr, -. �V� "I .11 %V ' "' ap'T ViP. 44,541umo tot, W-4 itakm qL.I.-Ajov. nlftit-r UOU.-Ila tqa.,.v %VIC,ro , 11 Thar, hf.,4"" . its! gll,!�,,-, wf� tf,� 'Ur 'm �i,I 00*j)H W*aa-, Too, - ji 1, - I, � ag lot "'IMAU Ul IN,3"'bo�n' oil Qq'n%te 8,crtlov. olkh'it. , - "' JU"% �! M"'J: t�_ I! "O pi':, ��t '' NJ .,Aii-,�� 1a Vs`!4 4 Pup bill, i %Ilmah-r #4j-T1V#- -­U%x�­IIVIO.At E4 IUV.�4 loortIvjoi w)l 1", l, ,­­A`o,, 11 V , , � �-,� �,,Un it,�"1;3- "�,­jt�ro:; v iil�l to,�:`On-.,Ap., '�V$ `_'! �- " 11 "a I % I'44A IOU I pl�`I`t 'Col. -9 "ok, d � Olg 131% ,. - 11r., - at, I - $:j%riMO to vant vionfolland has lonion I *019M 0% lu�:r d .% wh,h it" IAM,,on.A,� iva'oquii ll� . I& O �i,_ . " ((,,,,J,;.v_,oJ�1, , 4 I 04q, 4 �,` 0 �,O .%* - �, 4� tl�'..,�, � _ Tke %41 -t WpoSt.- ,,, owl ureov%0J, 'Mr r�', .. I'D D _­­'r:� " V'11 " r .,I,-_ ' ' ' �4%- Uliat Iolllot jzq�K.,q gg 0,q ��,,,�,-, 1;rfa%rc 0- - Talrla tlo,­ war Is 0 all )�_ � %V.14 pik&­,", It k.;. . �,43:,�" " M61f4lir aaUqJ to N �J I-j"Fil., Atit,jrt, Itto tg��V ' 'J"LoolailotV-1. . � - P-jor, ft�or III,. t,# uU#---.q-r0y-. fV31? Nu: Ill mar- - jc�at_,v4 JJ - 4' a �;U` � ZI4 �"I' I V�O ,�;� J,%' ;jloa tj�jj . W. Tkty,� M'Jtbo PuleDue . :1, Mtr- '. L�,rg,JI . O I �Dtt, . - Ao�. - "', Ilia � wd , � a ,4890,-v 0 t'.799 4'. "a"A' " �"�f�':I 1"'J"11 " 'Jo'.rl "q �' "V11 JIUli-t. tt, Uk 02,11 th". Z�tar,�",Vgtgvatlt 1-tonaV02- th-ut Ell., tuad - ro lit4voll gl,,,t� �, vllvraw an -A s--,Nn1IIo**,!,6-o4, 9's �,OWTUN_ "Plov 11 ou'r. "'Im 4�-9-0'LjAa­r�- tkgda-g$".,�4 tvi,v,: 'It Wild Al,q,�mo ok,"Ikl',*Ha,lp�� 1145 5- IJ ti,n th -__Lq­,at ful Avua��,," ,V,�T jlj�.j . o4ttirs it,4�IlOv--A. ,, 1 . I I - ,UTt.,-;r8L,jq,41'jt. ft o'�r6 flw; ,,, 'Va I ' . -q�,'0Z1.-A`,.V1 Ila, lh,, �U1,qL,&jqij,o*.94*. I ,,.,I,- aillro4o'?, vvoojg� U'-D�o Vg1R`V 11 rf`�40'�k*lo L'4 lh-gt' ty" � OIX" ro-" g')t-4' VQU*.,�4�rfkk ' ltUl :,W11a 4d.. P, 4 'At I, M �t � ,-4 ob., 11 !, ,O ,"'I I" � I I " V��, � b IN At�s- - T ,tv"l-;1 ._��ow_tl P vrlu, � 1jkT t Ea - t, o U -44o Noo,"DEA D�. 4"Ij . - 00 I Van)) T',- 11p;94 L"U., - II,V 11", alm If . �� alL,I Ill �' tt .g Pa I -M,91101 oil V 40T J�'JaIt'4'-,?I'attR43o'lla O'BX��. 540 U[#03l V t4 IL,.,IO,�# 0 Ali 49 II ig -�tf tL,,. ` r � �vvl tEal, at�n3,,,,o�4_4,, ,1au,,U v.,V.U,4 VU,jF "tc.-J ILI$ Mr, 110-.411'ard's ov r ., .1r, 11 - _ _ �' I Do �., 44A I � - - . v .. -4 O. q, aboj� � 6 . 1, l u -T t co."'n . _,II %3_g ;� (16MI"OfatJ lit truer ax, iso wnw ,�L�Mullo_-11 .1 J*N4)n'q-?'� _� III, a w ,nlo 0.1, of'. too & lo V�' C, Affo,tgro wa. a y q,&O-. *�112-_ �- giu�,­ A I hfy � lo'ito',-'�, tt,14V� �, .- 11119. I "O,011 QVT �q I­0A4-.4i[k_UP,t1 ,W,us true .. I - , . V �Iwot 1. 4"itchft'iq barfl6,j ru,d5l 1*4,1a prV6 . ,a uoav,-11[1� ,g ku!tj­. 11%-L'�Url!41- - 0-'V tDVU" ,"60L,j �,U '..� "U"!!'jj� Urot�e.�*.._ ' sauhtpuffly �1 I taftrilda,, s. CWaUt*,-I[. %UvVal�, .Ato�lpttgvo � %vu."'Vo. At tu'l , � L � I I 1", -4� Z.#,JtT4 to L�-. ��, 96F C-t91VflP_!' 111,pr;,11 V'r4q. n"UtO.. Ira t -1 qp'.-� gh t q "'VoL'" till' M40"' &EAU'Chog nol;wo M%4 bfiliwe tll'x� Irgill"'kt, gToNna Irv, War. zvz I ln,p ftsVi' t4W* &t-�RV *a �Iiq U�t�.-_ffo,-kl�V, I h � v4mq -41m,',;I�� tvro!". ED vw'd"'. 1at - " Vra-aatlo 91-4 ii V Oeo4t =� *ii im, r-pok. 1614VIts tto VC, lot I' # It "alub, �," ,�o� �vilcvuat Iluc.'w"444 tko 1 lizibt 4 , %U., . . I v. Ig 1114rr�t_ Xjfo-uullt��ak. r6o* *.40,p-� J.-DuVy qqn�zoop. P�l :Jl??,u1,,1z,V�=-tA,4 viiiqo. W J1"t0A d"O­­ *�ni_v, p,�tkNPF,VivII,g%, !,!.y3n,410 " %Vh th - oqatlly",4'4� Vil __% t'-J�';'.,� - 11, , , �, r . I . I' A, . . . f,,�V,I 9 U t!, ,�J'40- 1 41 -U. -d. ,xlpg� 11,tv&I V %I V. I "Offt'."OVI-il 'Wjt� %_;j4V,o 4r-WtV �W_t�TaqLtajW:,ft VjIT 11 Jqrausu rtll'a�,Il na Ing 't -L"11 Lo th- V-�Xnnl!* , �'v r ,I vuAthn4P 11114 1 . Nool, 'Mm IV. .,-� IIW34�s-.. ag' qlqinpvuuZ�-� 4`lm, kr;"- ,� ,04�1`1f. TqV tua� 0-ri4-l'ot VO, I h". M 0 V49T sta &Ii qhuwat w9th a lipf"U04-aillIv. gb,o*04 iubou. PV6 , I I lolo� 191,3 tp , , A M-JIN02,40 ut%vo Y &4q:"&" 110%. %ttoo,"Pqr�11, P ­ ntttfllf�*n sva,; ,I .o,.j1,' , 11 V_,�-Ut tily loaroxell vuuulll;� `o'Oqfr-;ZJ.,t rq,O�oou 'thit t"t ,-L%b,00 lau.;o, ar�a rhdr,�f-Ujvnl V!;.,Ro-�Q. D1jz,.lMV­ 'tltl , " a, % �� , =" of trio -.ajI-I' tl`o*,2-ly;y Of 111ttulibtor,ti ! 11'. _ .Di�,JpV11jri3O dtlat�-tdq' 0 b,rn lin raunl- il"'T 01,1211 NMIN,19"dq, V -SPU Ir ,�,)!D "UU jug -,V *.1tV0q0'1p 1 � t4o" oflu- Moxl-�, WA211AT raN '! a ttA *00.1k, _AEq,1kI__'11L,,-u1-' U,Avul� _ 110 q U &�'ai,ot ortjol�e �1 _k F,.W,T,rq,k_0,,1l ,,, .�,,tj VV03'. ;ii., , ldlftuttv. it v , � .10 _mk, va-,- kira ILVE,O) iscIitc-49 lka-u- :� 111 'lln, tnnoe *-�te--ut"- 11", Uor. %,rv-d- g-nDV1VUWt-J. I � *"4�1 rbhv tvjffl.�4 q�vtm I%T're -n.o54 tLo " &V_tg� 2, olb� 1_7 4 � , (11o�;lp` 0`!"! iiju',; ��" atm LV ays,l kt:b.�I. C!28 d6r.-vi; "'�� , - 110-.v�ng ,a.,1.,0k-,y vOlh-ou 1� It wag t-2pool. "ltlil U I, !jr �r,�,O�� OP. Vt,,CO,L.t�Ioo;jJ I, kllvq ef-wilv.-t., lilotl! - 49.'x-nt-rau mlu":f, * _e 4D� 'e� Ji7,'UUtII`UaF_. OV t['4ao,rJ,J,JgI,, V71"'d &h- 4 t3t we,uv, Valy- .� r�uu,� a R:_� t-va. ok%lujaAlk lx*d INI#tb�tvju tv I � 2LOVU :,. D;4LN'.9 kl�%!- �l ,,� � & 0 1�,,�'. f4wlv U'U'ml -qq',U­1.% Vo,.,Iovn,r� �: to-** '11 It 10.31 .11"nea, "law. 4�8 Lic,gail stilpoluj iV ' OL'4 �t To'ID0%. DBOU'll ­_"'�� 1 0UJQoZ? lit % .4 .. w"I;; V; toft I ujov to 4.,wa aun 11 1i*j1ff.DV,'Lv�-tk D-W.,o, - MDavot;e- r0k , % --. � jt,fo qto-a a'.1 . "a 'DI jj, - ,-V 11�, � , ", � it W111VIA VO.Q. I � . � w, a53 -"V 50A rivan"_ 11 yvutt ."'qlk� anau 0 10. _10TV. I'D Maymi4na.. Hv,, W, Lfwisq* .,� � 11 , R. U, qt,�-�,!� Ito, U Ut the � t'111 ji "I OmlffhQ t1hi-qu .... - 4411l.1.4vil"L-1 oxf, ­ WRo 11,2 . " I -, s tit p- 4"Fli.g. 11,1#44, �17-L'1� , 71".1,11. Puatt�on Oil tlm vokillesv-4i0a Iftill of ftiiap ,��-nany.4;4#, V?.VJ*,mUfJk,1, (l w" NO N10;,A 10-114 IVX-T vro� , twa%ol"Ura-ht nlli,o MO" ragn lvllavu, Tir- - - , , I , 'rY.""'U'y�dOt'.1 1� V, 1loW'otj-VU slti-m'40 �R wo,te dr, ; Vie foNt 5ol ,11 04 1 " V tit 111. q'qWl1tq`V%L U4 q",brDor*­rD.V, 9 * I.t � 0 V.,! � 1� "ha.o4­5 �jwv ihrovo� 99-JD�--,I;Oton ;irud 4�401. 1 ts-,�,�ei. VAN; to lit" ,Nvuz�, tl,,�re Ddk4t njulto. -A-11 Un- Vanaiflapas ,;, bra,11M glfw.og. I V.W)n go-d-fl.t C'U'04-tuor-Ionprf-ii;�51,1l that , * � � - I tf�k pat.t. owl ,� , 'viva 1AD111 trarr,oAllnu 11'.011c":�;. III,., A "It,a-r", 4 �41M. I , i . P, e �­ ------- -,- .4 , C I - ,,O�Ul-_4. 11 vnqs, Olof Mr. flucu to CUP 10150WIIIVg� ! lfis,re W&Ive N, 0,,n g tt'a t rtzos�:., Eat _1kg)rU; 20VIT. 1 L 0 L - jr, 11 7 , , Ill- C.,fov- -C � her" of Or,01hi"t V5,1.1�5�jqtplg pj-p.10gQ Ill q 54 U9 hnlipoy.;$1114s, t4ta, V?(juht II .1db63BomO 19., dI - `44o,4 T'RmIN4OUV,rA I� 911-11 OZA bv lbe ;,aaV;wytjtj#Lus aq idofti� _.. , tg-'-41 the J. 1111. 1115w,�'T,r V Vvjox.,.,Xaj��, .1�3uuls-ttw .1 .l`N­45_-Vq h!g C'ei'l _; "If, P�e.jr4_ " 4 - fidj,ate.C,,�,J tfi-tt'r laul�� I -t1jifl, 10_lt� I,vf,r Pors,41tipt:4. 10.,_",;,L0%%,rg. Fp1p. vwq"�. . It 'a in ,aery setvarip, � 1101 -wen, 'with a wv.%, slall'a fore,-. 3g;!, � rb,gl4j!o�41t TbalOPOT jaznfol'. . , '171RIV7. Its, P'Q i �ng from -r�fle , . ,ts fttym Ms taroar l` sd q.4. - - r Mi. ".q gatu "MP, , ;r vit gw-ln-t 'orf, I Mee t'al I- I . I�st supipft5r. V-utets�)u I " - - " � ngblj,�41 villull �-o q oullo,4m, o,--J�t,t V' 4;' "bt'V'Jr 'r, q*�f')Mo'�.tIVQ;'. 1"�.. 9, :�!- ` ", " III , avolng %U0011 th - 11-nur'..'ryntl 'Sol � . . L91160 " HE'S N 1,11 J0 0 of , I sp ont �;,.�t la 11l't*. lVattIek. ,I wi�,U, -dsl; womoul ri'at And enptnte-i 1,1to J,r I-Idybraludo, JI -, g000k-t(q] Ulu Lolono.,4oa lvl-qd�v hr -e,3. 7.,outag U1O,VVr,r. -.%.4.t 90tu. 4 1119- *4i1T---5-,+;. 114, Fi!.� .Vn .,el ,� , , .V- I - i pnv ill Iglz- e,-rma1tdt,- . C!V 411to . .44 , , vir ltuc,51,! Itfrulpfle M;.. jlrfo,vr�v. A,'y uwa " ,q,,AdtVWst a wo " �A�it,ln. 4'. N, U. .V ;-;. IV V. - .4,V. .4� OV I �. ": r� L ','1F1V* Oro %T6-! ..0 ,�T,J* aV �JV.4y. ii�.,Vk,g hW _ . I . ' ­ - "IVAtIrE4,11; reIyPe,4 "I t L .o* ,kIVJt ;1' � q ;J' . _Vtl 11 ..�k 41 � ry 5 1K 4*4onv , , cme 11 Kalov Sfurad .,.I "qu,":J.", O,r_1, E, �119_ -- , i 5-tI, f;�,4� oi U -Jo, wme; I Utle. 0'. t wK ent(I Veld cotfoot, 1-af , thela Ifoyr �,n i ., . - T.-sti- z -.N -s arV' ,o-qb ��,.,� 's ;-% 1�nl;; of- 11.114hanuA Mr.,-. 111 � UoIo Taep .o !-ts'Atuy s I . t II4�9�'jtII - �Ll � L o" 1&, 1, 0� , ;-I " , . ,adtg O-ev.. Mar. I V "ll lit � - QqVPr;f0 _`\w'f-�, 0 Public Distrust H hm But Si AS- '.1m, .tau W_Vjvinnal�"'�u. %"J,_iIIjI` "r;ML ' ,_ 115V � :%t-:,---:0, t,594�- L.­o*,-,, V. %,I , . 4, " I Ah �n :10 . i `a1JL1 'r'%JVN4-_S4o:�F JVT f %: 4';t;�r4of�r",. ,". 'M_ � a ZIMIr 3Uvt%kTVl­1-;to ,�R.' atu'd tow -t'. Z V.�j�� vo�� ,Q 15� U 0 ,; , , - 'I p. . . . ��'. h.- ,;..�A. 1 "., 1� ­ . I 14,j'-1'I,:._,1p -�,%`. , . -,- '', ­�I; .-He yal-o'"'C"; P, 4�_,f,. "� V1 4 � ,4 lip_ IV. V. .1 �qr-l��Svn V%!g!;-Un 3. 1�zoaprq.`.�I'­ 'I :1 ��, .. , ,J..V,',­qq.,.z;k Uv .1 �,& �-,qytzff, aig"? u0i tni�!-_'15 in tele 13 LWL t% , I . 4 bury is Vv;th MO. � Jg111:-_ 01 tlk(f D)v.ts' 1-anfinnc-Z -tand Ii�.f.9. FC40. V40_' - ,I. - ` Itit ft, " , " 0 3 �": ,�L- lq�,-:I;I� V-,,-�41:141 *111 �I. Tm- 4-Va"voltC4 ,�-=r-ucr-d cf.) me , __ - I II nt'n-N. O'k 10,4,.,4 c-m�cr,qrru'l ro.7's"'o-Anem 0. It. .W, 'rU. ' -, ZI;A th,y Nrot'no� � - nqf;03 J� t'q,V_UBZ,V,lat��:�.. $, - . J..'C5 �, V� r V",- _ _4 1- � -1 ; -1 � - I - 1, r r'I ,� ,"t., "'...,fUt! -1, BREP '6110111c" I. -HI!" M1171VID9 HulaaL.M. � " , -4 "" .. , rMintale. q1V liot'r 1. oss e.�­ " p voujilk-41 W�vi! .lot *.P'n1Jy *--q4o#�`�s*` de- 'A yo" 'a Fu�5*Na,r�.--. 1l'I,_;. r- lv?,,arg.. 1'�-.I'. lf o. I ll'�;" i7­,,4;� %;%Ul ',_1:*V *' * Z T -0-1l; P-AtIck 1�;:fl B to 11r- o 4vt rna , C-1po Tw,-.-:I, % ,, LtVr.from. %'Ovv. 3_"Ckad ilio the rfAr.9 � r-Ift- INIt forcat UrIlailil, U-IIIII -o-raNald � :,ftJ.. - - V' L "� _��O- C=jjalro tro- �. �o I, - t. -.1, rj�;j�,zjq&V r � ;. . , l . � ,pv. il. ��t__ , ele, q1sa,,,7 , , I * �O '-Z' D-., � " 1 r� � - V's ,��Vrl � ", .mD;: F. .,)4j,_ _b g4n.g ;1 ,_ ;, , _11 I! rit" more wnr;:,&�y otyll 11�-- - IL's -2 ard � I . 11- .Ifi� w -ton'-. H f 's o.,.,,. - � ., I, il -, . gi;3a, I! " ; ,,:: I 'I " . . , ­ I VJVNgr., I aa*" L 7 arIo-­ I-' the wav Ivne i .1 ..�­. -L � hilaten'T ,Lq!r.r, r0yq,.4;r.-.;q ot , orn'-s �,Ird th - 't ,L _.�Ull i,',l ' e, - . . - tlzue- ,. - arlturIlf:V t:t, � --- _ --..-. Un 1104 --� -"Rlor.f­� 41�lnr,", ,�_, . . . . " tKA lkler�; %p J� Llhl-fag gjreu7s O."'Do -e VI; s -e ll�al tDOO-1 11 9011"ia .,;In %ol,, - ", nit VI,: ,l!u, -,DT2Ar-,­T ,r.U,,,;r�r":2f",J_ 1, Lnoll.,. TE-a-li IV�Jw4.k 4;;d 1.1---:,xfmIo-1. :IG'a,:'+ or* IP1611 1:o' -','J 3 -go', IIE-92 9:i��I,tari�.,I I o. ,l rioggg CT Law;! , pzjl�r 1rfl91qa#,%,- " '.., . � .­ - 1. . LLnT1r­--* , vc.-&_ 1:,ul ., . , , , .-Ml �,24`,�Z'4­w� '! % " . 1, ; a a q 4 rj! I T, _- ,i] S t t, �,!, g If I I .rVq.,Z,­J. I ir �, t, ff I �! t ��4 P-:1,le zz,v 9.­UN:V-.- I 44t. Aq I wa,g lomv- erviolvi, flof tl:;,? tt.,�,.­ -, s� -0 , o,44 " ,q tr.1q,, �'.� tr�y j0ptfq " �fa- � ,�J, It Iq � n. I W,"Ip Now-0-v�,,--f-t "I ta..g f"Jqr:*-&- ,-­O0-.9*E, ri-ZVU.U�n Eo ­,o . I ­ "e�l ,'"�5121 . fOrIE-!g2o 6oIr,'jj-;- _ ,5"�,DD _; p� �D;J54,q ffjl.;�JIj, " .IT, _ . - V.. ,,,., �. nv��v "a , fou <,Cflow f -V 17 " 5 1!,'ieat - . rjgb.,2�,�_ _,q,,�%:11'_,F� 1 2'4,;- � '540. - - lkwr "r15,V1.-m­e. ,�,_JIJV V_X_ .. . " .' .-Jk .- , ,,, , , .o. %VqVr� the ;0,24.. If � V"E'�5 �'o U1 �' "' 4R ta-l"". v's I ".01,tF-. 11o.Ir"'..0,F-Im", ff'Ok 1,74-��-. TTUT --. I,. W 11 -, I,- , � . ; J�t4r.$L8,1-i4 19dr- vrq1,t'L1`­n4 ,,91 .a prf�vvj � ,;,Vorlt. WIM' ;fq t."Ujr��'Ja�4.nt t,f.;lf:L * � .'- 405'.r4 ­U fli�.�- _-;k,-,_ zjt�, , I!, ,,! r, U . � Mr. M­!� g,Aq t,v ,-�,�,�,p.' 111f. Th" ,e.,-, I� i �� �2; � I P JK'i�lep_q tiuck -V40�t '.' . ,zo,-4: sig- 11 �­ �� ,�,� 'p., gnite . 0" 04 Iwjp 9 L, ll rosivard 1 t.,Ta tiur- ,Mo,, -"I ..t -?r, . .- - ,, ll�. .1. LD, 51r=, 04 t"04___,.1�'PJ?_N,-, �V�','�,I'C.��L, O_"'I ;�; �� ", Zq r," q, � J _- , ,,, r.�,I% ,r ;gTV ­­ , q. �,,,S,j "' t., ;r- f,P4t,,Ijr �,,.�� I,IKI ' . . - �.. � w � 3 . -"r " � Dgo�. �, J _fLLI�J.. , . _a!J , losses up to 11.4"t �al,le .ot �A_4Q, k �.. 11 0 "� t6s2j lolib."".. brr�sp-vl - C", . 1, ,ln 11 Vill Irliel cb:u D'_`T; r- 01�,," n"', , I", T*, ' ' U1 . ' L_ _'�, T��,'�_� #�"'_ @�,T:J,�_�.a , , '-D &'Jq , - L, !Ou, I ",4, ,_'.�,,_ .�!":� v lv­x Ttc'�r : I - ,J 'LO. OYT ltj,i� 4. - 'dDur I!:.N ,L'71�ko,- I i:,;-!,c�� z��L-V,-zv,q :1 :� "# � : L�'u% 'i I - 1_-oo:"i4 aol,2 ; . ,t_ 1, , - � Voo.l� g. .1 : - �,M;_��. LVT-12 .14m;Urlag : t l.vl,;, -2. � . � a E�. " eah" �­- "t �,j "I - A :t *d. ion W 430,62:4 '%7w'1"A;A. ,'I . ". # �,� o.tP1 �j"ll 4 S11yV" I P.ko zz,�, �, ,!1L.- R -4-t. YbU0,_ J'llq�; , W�. � , non st'nCo'n., rv-,�.­.,Z 1;.!,�Au- �1 17 . I., 11 I - . . . V�ncf, V�jr-.44an'4 Tgs-!,q`_-'- o3505fiIII1, I 1wit-Crir, �J r I, - 0 I, Vjl,.�­*.,n�'-. 7411.� , . ,q, " U--*.- 'i 'r _ __,,r Mots' tot,11 dly�� not Itc-rIcIe _� � _Q, ,Tog t�;7 , I �� I, _ n . �. [I 4 v laolp" ,�" ,l,p �*�, - vl� I ,-_0L31,,4 Ord, , . � ­ " Ra: �j V L.. IV _ ,7 - , .�dj_ _ 1�4 , I _X �'. _Io , , n I . - "9j, , t 'T ll�_ ff.. - . oon,. . �avO tl� jl�,: '' , - � g _,4 t 11 �_ ,_­ � _.a IW�1�11.11a.k 1-v. ,kv II am�I 4 , .�T_ . ,�;!U�, _I . I ,tinno-a. -., .n' " I v I , I,_ ­ , , " , , ,P �. _ .�._ .- �__; _, ,2 ,,�14I k ,I* .. -0yur. I &�iv.v 11T. U,1� 4 V' I," , , _ pnPir `.�if-Er-og. r,F-? - __4,�.� - .�l V,, los��eis 'Afte-1. t I _�� , - e rd AxI.V, S 41 " .� VVI, A P_ 4 - 11�e ul-AVSh a­qV,-.­Lt,j. - - P- , -.T!gu� 17jv"jtq-.�J.-_jT.4, -' .. _Us-,:�'. L:1. n1,-_- ,� _ ,:a D4 'na r, k"Imtnd. , ­Xzj , 95j,qjrAn,,r"EJr %"-,,-r4- tI, a ZtII-oa4,-aa­F ',!n al- . r,,,%-. "', P. -L";1. ,q _q'�. _%. t" -gQ 'I ' . ;: � I . , q". --r , - . C', �'7.'." ,,! , Z":V .' , � - ill '7� V..",a, t�,JX� 14,�,.:��V�Jjjoo L V_ - I .VZ I 1 �, � . I --n . ,q__ 1 " �� I 0.7 , . I "'n f.". - ug �� ."< ;-,-, b - -'. 1%, - , �Vvt�o-,l tf.wt I �' , - - _J L,:,� � I . . - ' �l I � I L 'r�T . ' vnd b;--gnn 1.11-f-fr . 11p]-::�,q,"'n"', U�L...,w t,l1__5_oj-_'r_rQ. p"'UIP �O_�, gr'j,b s . *0 ;6k WAIS wt. -A ppad "I PD.. -t ,ColcnS7. 1i � _ "rg, , � I; ..wq T*17&or1.1Ib_- (Iran, . ,nvat . wo()�7q . k",skl oun' Vtn�rn�z.. o7 --t,-. :mA I t or., all . I "o V, I ff gri ,_� o V, 1 4 4 n'! 7 IP 4- r 4. 1 91 r 1P n -atr � tp � � d .A'C,:A;' ,, 1_- �-pmo­ . 1."Ito".nau P�Pado "'T I UP 640.-�-.Ign 07fis,tu. ! .ZU :��70.,. Voelapront'vin. 0, ,_LqJU�r tqg1n1Wj7l,_ IV- r The = 'r ; . � 'M�P�r Pq 12,rl ..�� ,.V.",,- n e�, iw ,I v; ole� .0 vowo-1. v.,.,a'P& � ''4 �31. V_Vr4 fn l!4*,;,.f29 th:;", b-.1 X­vy. IMe . . I 'Ili " It"a T � .., �I ron- w�)�q 7�.vg d-Itfel%�' O�C-±, � ", - - - ­. r I . _t,y Wjs*,4d fy! ; 5 q.. .-i--von"t ,�-, V,, . mb�n7am?", tv�dgvfnp 4-,,�.­,Sf'$�:ng t1l'o. In- I f`UlR1`1;f,`,?3 lf'Z I lrdfzitn�r,, . 2"�.41-"'R* - . ",!,.,r- !*"­'*"_ '05? �, ibi IT -t -I I 4,-1& -.Jt Ulf ll. r � ,v- Plin!1f. q. �!r"J : T_� l J�J."'. JJ_' .�L.j �'.'_ " 1�4 ,� ar.-Ismilt it gj� s,js �,j gjnf�up_ , .- q,JJ �' � - " , 40" . . . _.r,,",, f.,Ve.. ' I r, � � " .ji�d I . . - . a�! , . . , '. ;q; - � I .an 'tt Ixe!- I Fe to. _­tl _ - . -1. UtlOn- on t .1p Irf J -. �' - , It:, Z - v, -'an- 1`�Kfz -4 'w" r%, .0t, I jr.pa . i ;a. - - I.— I , ­ , .. _ � _,_�,.ri_ tli�e 112.0 --ml, r. T.2!s-� thi, _%$;::,�,�hnt�-d il - Mid, hr _"_ r ,tVon of tilp PA , I 3 !r", i -F nwnglv. lip 1,�,01 rf I o'. .,,_qlil�. , ­11!.,,�-',44. waQ -51­­;,ng "A a:,nj%VrJ wi�h ,� 1 I'y 1 - I 1 7 .a � toy ur - 1 iii. V., ji V " �',Iis r'.911:t ll�vm !. Uatriek 41109 110A. See ''I ,j:'1q_ -�Rp gortalus. :.��' qo.51171 W,J);gMscd to I ord gate f, ,rml­ 1"ial T1-;---.f,e io:*t V.,I,n1rol! "'_ "; (.""!'�-nL!,�4. "l._O,Fj��I� V'� n- . ; - �"'TV - �- oj;� ftqtertl tJI:qtr1 . . � . , - i ,�i�T'-,J- � . . D� air -1r; , I . ids ol liqprs I, - me),&; ... . , ��, 11 1_4­t� ,-I "'r ,.,mn, -:fi.-n. 1 n, 1, a �L,- I ,rg. � V41 *:, - , :�, .4,; - u . 1, Ee f4l),V4, .�wi ul'",--ra *:�1 V,-7.."q.*r � 1.1.1EeM. ;�'43;lr+17, �I­ -,", - Y�s,. n", . - flor ; � tt'O-, 411z. INT e:v��I­I5-. 11r. Meo voaid , WL4 ,101 GraxagO, 1co,r,T,_, '��Afisbtj ir.y's,j_4�v,fa ja,, ;�. ISo f.p e P�,-: I "I -- "I' .�,`.*',',y- , f -,,i t3,1 , , �Sp � ,ti.,n '! . 4 ') .1it al , ._� . .".mL 1'4i�'Tl* �� ,1�;s)-21, nlf'r vt.as �fqeornlirxp4nf Ihov rey,er#p . wer�p thrown If'o fi,e gmr�kmoi._ ,.".m.ty 1 -2 Ii! "I - Dealt- Mflflr Sf,f�,'T-C 1`61 -it 1 TIMd seeilt ,Within rangpvII anil . . .. I., . . I 1� T;�!7or. 0 (`V�nt-.gpry. VF1 � v % � n, L 21 wor. ..", V� i 1. � a e' IW _- elial I thautang at Sight at aiqyol� eor�l-� , ,-,�Dllt Er- gaw, 1.�,rd 1"Itra.44"lov,ne the pprsoro4 wf,re lq,keso I.O.V t�fp 4Kor.f--p,t.11.q. J L . ., . "� T ji," 11 6, - vf '7 '2 -vl) _� ;`v" ":-'�- � I xv-,�M am 11 la.r "foll Toy bed. IWAhM zlond b-:rn- 4 '11,Mprg for 'gon"'mAng in Ids; Formr-i, of- There we, -1,p r.l.-I - , '", - . - 4 :% . l Fit -0. ... � , -� ".- � E! ,-;.nVA -,-, IVA tE;-,-r Io 'i Vwmfllia. U,hi-% 9 .-.%tr. ln;IIe gro,tv v4-ry sl ­k. P;Aki!ek Lo Ing It uses and lil0fe-P belongla, to u VCe or ta;.,,-LV i7v ae(*'f:('1Af: ovrkog to I towlt !'­glnpor,�, JV��.-qr *.05- � 0 ,_ � - � lsttk� I u yv�j7 l�g V �Lt %,�4?- fo),;114 nr-d­:,.a4, _11 , N Z me-,fva gpt .1 '!_�'X".X)k.' , , 11 . . g" 0�fll . .-ar . isher-S and neutrals. '-alisbury ;�Os vIPHgiA%Pd that Lord t h0 � - sag � Pkit - tia;� new billet. L,)rd Vie tinp,tra'lf,-�ejl'n"2*,�-."':-r ;v' pT_�q,, 'L z '41 L The names of 19.1ity 0, reolis- The li,roo,e:,?�� �* "! tru. I',r"tk- "i 1,� O:L"n�!-q siolkaid sie)Nv !! Ming tellaceept tile addington -ittirvyl .( ,? ,�p i� t:.v I -1 went Vir one. anders ate kpp,m�;j t.) - these Tli-ar- 1,konsdOwne Was ry - Ist .Irt V. T. 71':on,,a!�. It Cvunap,.�ny. t;0Vf.r_ 1; tao V�tj,-M t � I I - ", r Ii * _ tile ant?,O)t ite. _,-N-.;.ly .qn1j a,tV.1 I -_ IRV fyi�ononftee4 .; rqroq . P., st, nt J..�() 'a. 1L." r0r-(;enC*rtX.v7 Iroot q;uard'so - Ii , ,'h- �! Mr. It' p ep;tIL- . _ 'n OMC -0 -�Yrrlfafy!ity. HP bellev,!a And reachill .c�t. patg;-s. Vatla,di�-.ltl ggit Lerg, Vell. "_'7ti-. I !.��.jlt Ifsp i'wo , 9, I , . Pjan,3e - _. Q . ml* � L - *% 'd aila vv;�A� fo,ri-Vr'�44E Jq0 offe'r E'f-r ',V_.aj­ ,� Toole - 1, ol 1, them Ilarrisuittij 1._: �,qtj_or, ""':-`j'_'. ea!17"rr f-'41;- i Mvmtr:P�:� Pafrk-h d­iresf furnisLing tie -1, b -Jt it is fingLri�)-I;slble t-) catf-if " he Will Make a sillrong rhi-eign Hj�c_j 4.4:5. F. %V�-osJ4en. F. f*1,,mj1on-,. *11 -w_ , . .eu_Krff _ __ . .. , . _ ,� , 9VF -ar- I r1aW7. and had 1`449 0(ontemPlatfid 9 -% Infoll fell 04'f thr, ritot,VT fir .-Z g,ftnqP I rZ., I, 4A ­,;; 'innc��u tu 11`�z� tuln,40. o4f -! '.. - .. �oitjj 1. p .1 180, de� ' , 4. . . 1.�sq � t1r,oned AM the 81HIS la -m , tvijo I 0 1 Mrf-^.�*. Pa.,zr,iIo1­Rr_-,' E;*q_Bg,. :�!Iiii'. I, "', ... ;,� f ;1i; -P ;'�.��*sfalpar,Z.i; M V-4*, -oitdojsT&-.­­1. i,-;rt0!,gd Lord Larlsdo as h ` I ece5-Sor. rR IOU Eegeware roari, r),q ,.(, , . _i- - ' %, �r7 S F,U , ,pt *qT:Av NVI'Veit IfFar ffftra�' tl'� f--rn- ' Jonol.,. after Eis ltnfeiial attemplo, The patrol.'-*, Trilify are frotoll type W Whitft- B (410M;xlny� 21s­�, F�,sspx , �� out Prfmv fla`v* shOUld tho d;)Ietiprs rertisr. to wilow ; 9116"Wuld. M, &tnonk a w,rVm.1n L__A,qpD(1_ Mers. P, If =Mt had torok-rtakf-n Ito -41V"�tiltl. !,IV- " wao. tolk-on to Upllovnf- ITC-FrV72tol. hast - have sw"Pt tile 0,-�luntry &,;,--tr V'l i Idiot ta cantiutle t?lp s,p%,F�taj fluti.s I Ftn-- - n1r4oberg. Vf-h. 17�. SPI I T ay. ,; Inv etnarados .,.�-.ri. ilave ?".; .V !! 9Y -nulmone.1 pl-vs!eieirts. itaxleogjL,st vtock ft,r n.H,-.q. 11 lug oll thp Molew.w2k, ,all(i ,.;�,e was 1� `1n:e ln-�1.r:-.,r_eP.` S.&I ct."'a 01 tho i ' " I!Wrertonk dazifin,= the ilaist pa',,.�,, _ � ernslus�j to, &'All. The Ir.an was � offlo!-Ialf. "Cnvpr.� oruly o,�4 p% '- .�­,� to rotm jrz ,. If r n ,_ . M' V'Pt is tf-r )rizing tlip - - r . . I � v;,, -ere, t, thO l- 'k J*a It.a. : iTPPn in Urve to, .�nvp Elm from deatho S r . , : 17( . re_13",Ilfmn1,,.z � In""t. 11 not hlwt, ,f fte pej;��61,1 -.4 k;4:4, * -;j ��l rep-p-suntalho troop'i :,so lhat Inez;1- V t':r4)--gh lo,.�� ot 11y'an 1. A.,. ,14 iry'Ic-lolt"k to- ,.;;. - iin neo1q.n. ,�r Z 03 Ot thie �41-opafl tvjon-n q,lite r,,e.n,�e,V- . 1101140 of Lfitill .S-!isb.ViI­.y1q ,P10RP.qt " At Nf. pau�;,..q -. wititin a ,eerf.1hu t5mi, after ror�ce,j-v_ . 116 sent word t.1 the peopie - I . , Ir I _ . lr�rat-Ieo V,znR1TVAg,T. nali W,r. w""t. ,-.,qy.q,­ � Iligni tli�e 1:04;p1tol W.;tgeons sold 116 to &C-1,14 Vv,-� Uroinnut and Of 1�01tz .' t-F'f!nf�' s4i'd Vy a r­jkro-r�entattivo q)r i ThE, sWr;j.1cIof It" . - . I .. M latm!"!, "'a) b" WJ)J.t12F $If C- I .nt St. P4J-"J-l4 catii , ing tke w,fr'.113. It i.- ;�"!.?,qqt instir- ­ � tbo I wasa .,414gl-Alry liip�ter. ;4n'.1 the ri�anees 2i,7.A,rf!n I Irl' .J,:Sr,,ftja,t,, ' 'e- . .tj pr!%�": . ... - ' I Tumor whitch 11.0 LP":lS 0.'Hrn.,�tfL . -L,ird Lans - I I"N't) Wag rZO-ally h"Pr(%:,,,1vP. T1- . . � nnee pare an.1 vbl-,;�-,O. N'01't�hig .d .."ri. t1:,1t In a row flnyq T.p will &Calto away, as he liftendpill t.) sta. .e f. Wes � TAVIM , , to i � I 11'. , ar rull O� events I as r I . , inhag�incy Social ear- - A ve, .1q;t t� . der r1r. Tly his tral .1 ,(of the tr,ln�zr,pt were flilledforbou'rs o Waq aske-3 for for �'ril"fOrv1.4,10 w5l-n tile � la,i-�v,J , Ire plac-1 in U.0 Tombs. _ .'r, W . PIMP W!tll artigir,'ry. � Per. is' ra.)rL� fAtt'.41 �uol avAilrdyle tf) I NVAll the f�lpnel!,- of this r 11.` alwfl:), ha -1, Une liard. 1, --- __ __ Lindley i -q' r,�pf)rtod to, be. ,t jje.,op I m(!et ,d1Ij!r)m.A'�J and , Vc,IiUJ-,Vers f 1101'ey wIas writit- Since, 'V,'P 11F.Ft V . deelde large 3S_ ; .'lllj] PrlVflcg*,LfI f"Pt --..----- hPIP:; experleaced and tiie hievitab, 111TA41.N1 111EIMly TTITA. . _ _ _Ct_ - 'ItorS, VVIIO It a (I I ' - 110TIsPs having bpert w;pl- � CUP& 4,11 Ivaitilig aritt Nratelling toag.11,1 sadsco'nv's wh-r-11 nvv�lqo) .1ollIv. aQ 'tv, fr. - f ruln-c, tll� , y ill 0 11nex lip failed it I'Vag b -C...- .,I, T111-, 1',MPRESS' `V111r,N(;I`IA'%vF1. - . ..; I I . - toal-V wr,,Icked by Boer brigan ' -) sp � b;! iy�.-F -1.4. � he is to. macih Of a gentleman.!' � su,e the t whUs. tile navp W.I$ I - haver aiready 'ln�+;t. t;io,lir imprr.,s-,j..k�. Probability Tivat si-e-will (L211it the- , i MIP4 wit - ' ., . t-; loia.-If feelluir a=y - . F , � r"10D1, ,,,.,,-, Te�* ml -tit who, , '"Or"f; Favorite Wife I"t'l-' �IIDL','Zlgs '101 khitev; owhlg� tt> th- Till' ne: ill;, . 11 tf, Botly of F"inpe t tll,pw�r. V. -I, all Voll 11.1;4 S fa - Htary autli.,.... L '():, I'Almak 1�,,Iand, wilgell guards ca.�:, ! ZaE1 eaxr their friends laTtl­s same ? fround P1 a Well. I �4pared to rt-tn ' ge for Good. tles Mvinx I-ripaitte.j It.oli-tZis t0fop;::1 . , : � r1l t n Cwir u-n.1vo ' 4orps at 1k,ir-r-s"ilfth. BlIto 10A the tntrAInCV to tilep.;�hrl.q plae,- trxn mnprtlili, ago. q,1,,e fl;�an an d . i 1"Ild anrl _mid�t �!_-- !!f -Ili' . . 1.0"t' ,On. '�:or- 2.-111- W,rry has - , '� .4 "Ii'y 74l`�f% I vo, tT . g 14r.- M-rifti, Nrw. .I.- t ,,, j. q-. 1,Zl V�1e$;p.e,,.h , .10 V " , - ­ V. it; - . . ,, TJILI; ealnpaigrt th 14 ta I T)',a.T,f'jI n1th noti-e .+l., indifforencefor � .t_p ­"' ! "­�-' 8 NVIn. Ander�r,>% sailor, 11 - . ('haptar 'were in full ,6amxlinal�, ,-4r,,1 ;, �,h, ljasjj�11.1.1r_ (, ,1-1,,.�1, ,_) -,*�) : io� Indianq wpr�- ailowed t4y Lr, 7 - ,.� I jr -,Ont &Ivs- i +'f,'.l of *1 ":' . 41,111 'Ibri.len- iho IaL,t couplo. ,r)f yt�z.­.S. ;.nd lkitflough � _i. . �J'r- th,,,� If! c1loir Nvas rl-lslted liv. b.-!!- � I- ron, - .1�­� t1l 11 4 .1 " I ' , . . - � I 'i , MIX1. .. t!fe.; 9 - - .. 1-1 a Wcli oJtWItrQ in th,� .1 ' � ., _tL_Ir1*r,r.q, lil,iny r.E,.11J/f' .Izat the Only wise 1�� FM� State. " " no -'in- and hunU,r. stolrrp,j, till ti�l lialliby Uniformed lulllt;ft-�y rang" : 1pprL-I; wil"(1,1, we truf!!. t.f,4,4'J.! (.'L.�,2,1-1 Wh,,�n h9b In fx-eup,iti .. walt'ng for fr-.iI'1I'1g L W1.0 dp$�Pr+,�, . IeIa ace p, -i:l ,Lv . �`targ th, r .., ' in run4cring thr! ni- - a.1; f4r.1n.1 again -1t-_"4-1r`,;lr..-AvkV rrq't , q,. of - 'T us pa 1, .**r,ltit;t i*1 pi -I vixare* for bpr ;n pilr6tzo is to, retire, " 1"I`.4'_;_ ! `:""- IT�' tt-�',' (13', .;311P Ill ,f 1-'3ift fcor thr, p -,Ila. ' W " fjIf 't;,�' otljt-�I. 11 ,)�'r.;;L f7VfJ . 411a IV"ir .J!­'r- � , 111"! ft _ . --V,t _t,.-11,1. v- I " ", " 'f"'?, r-11" ; Ile tl;ank��-"lvll'P; servi.',m Thn f,r,, . l -it, '1­1��. �-:' - , ,)'.. .1. , I * 7 1 and ar�,at d, r,lf, , ":8' 1�'Uvn n - % I ' � 0 Iter rorravr TalirfI4.1liv o-rities 4�L' ,GOV­1�11_ -:1.1; !a Z4";;1t15._J 4n Ills: 1�,lm� and his wrl e('t t f` vc, � - ­­ - !, ;41-1, wl s `yol' W*' 1 br� o; *,�?"t %,'Itl' to li;,r ' .I%Lpait Ftorpa wer,,V ripp?() � airy . S 110ght r - t, - I - . �-)ni tl4:. j,'111- I tll-.nlz , lz�er friplid.. Tli-f-i*"t, C. to s,W.V Fo-. ar"T, slia I I I I I I I I i I I i I i �� I t I I I I I 11 I I I ro � ill i - � prex�q Xat-svaz -i e,ia,I, I tr) ll,,� (Irr,w, .and b !93 ot ht vvf 1,,I..j,,,�,r7� i,. v��(�,,,_ - �u� A 11 at Ito ; , oll IlIX"fl"I i 1'. 1 lit, , 'I!, by ,two .,,t,,,,,,. en, I liz Ate f,10- t t � IV4, . I)ftln .. . I 1 hll.-A41.-�q V, -ho, -%,,C,r�, I - . _'] 'c'mr"loln., '"I'l Pen ' 9?. -L- ,,r,*? s��,,Itt..r,prj ' . Vraq dark, ard- . I�f 0 <'if honwelf, ,Nv;*j yl(pt',Idj�­t th:lt llc,r da . 11 All ,dlrprtioo=�. vrh-lf Bf�c_- entirply- i IP7111 i, . ,. Qr,*Cr1F.'l '011 tile Is- in t,!;e V"t 111I.Ming lrx .(A , t, iizi;ts � tcror,,V th�, ;rC..h,- tot' th, -ourt femll :1 TU" f L r I " ­ 1-10 !­ their ot actlnV, b; -,)-,Pt. :'f*lr M-Tir.y Irvill y � L tllr� ilptF-rpretf; 'y w;I)l'Pt,:-4 to �-011 I& ,Ir;ope, . w eoll= I, lurin- .1, stO!"ra. Ths. flia M. r _ L Pk 11r4, i Cap'.tntl. "MI,_ .,�,,,­ontl f�-�,,;,(,rl�,el .1i, _ .� F! f�) tIl­;­ iq too I,l%sI-1r4,artf.J , ^ 'e- .f)� I a"tIS (of t"J�, trwigg.p C,u,,Ni,3,, I Flo 11, , - 9-'�t4t 14F,r r- h.,Arod 111tchn-M.q a, all WAR Tile I ,, .S, ,7_ r ;� bered cicieth!Rg and good:; tcr .0 ; P- I -to, Andrew , . lit, . . k.",nd '4ll'? 1. I aedre.-m , s, .1,1 a h tl_ ,;r t itt. I r t. , ,, i-ry recO)_ the ex- UO-swoold, of where ill ll�ldrerl lltolt!'q TM."-":"!1:,'­'�q tfV tl,,n with ji�-'ne* , ilre%rnpn�. ,jn�? thf. t"(0 - l"n__.ft- - . I a WY1.10c, had 1,*Pn overPtAlv- a th:� Irart,arial harr-in I I - II *yon have wey . Tile friejt(l.,�r of tilt . � I . . ., Tr! moin., , pr 'Prs in W.111 . ,_ J Once, great. art ri-ss brip,� slir- will t ke .W.I. I-*oZ. a ered by. the crowd, were bar0y, thc� .bar.,as of ,.ha all, Capt. Stairs said t,b_�t mp-Jor pel, lldvantape. or her pres,put ljlne,��,g and .0 I . . qUlt tht� S4 g09� fOT' IXQod' ' . L , . �`_­­ -L ..... � . ........ ­­­­ ........ . L ....... . ... L . ..... - --,_._----_--1 . ....... - .... . .. -1.1.11 - -1- ...... . ----1 L � . ......... . ­­­,�' ­ ... � ... L- - , ­­ -­­�.111­ ---.-,1-1-1,-_ '­,­ ..... . � ..... ­­ ... ­­ .... ---'L-. ­­.. ­ ­ - , i� . ...1-1. __.­­­­',� ... U .. - - ....... -L-L"... .