HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-09, Page 2STRANGE HU. Whioh Developed Into &inning Foras, Said it Was Consumption of Blood, and Recovery Was ked Upoit as Almost Hopeless Dr. Williams, Pink Pills erght a Cure. he 'Herald, Georgetown., Out. reporter reeeutly had the et of caning on Mr, Wen on papermaker, at Wan Bar - Bros. mills., a well knOVitil and 'ed citizen of our town, for rpose of aequi'ring the details son's long illness and his re - )le recovery through the use Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. son kindly gave tts the follow- urmation which will speak for "About two and a half years y eldest sun, Garnet, who is years old, took what 1 sup - ie., be inflammation in liis left ti was taken to a physician vised18t tu take hint to an eettlist., which I did, only to .t tliat hp had lost the sight (tee ifieueletele. The disease from his vet, to his wriet, e•ea in, greatly swollen. and tee.1 Ile hiss than *del eh, arm was tennplotely nee- thotieli he was net suffering in. Fri-tm his -wrist it went te • whittit wae also hunted a con - lines but without bringing re - he next move of the trouble the upper part of the leg 11 lireke out, large quantities -er running fri-int the sore. All le my boy weer under the Itest tot 1 eould proton,. but %Int effeet. The trouble wasDear eirte.-11 MIA for sen years a ‘t teed eonsumption of the blood. • k I Proepeets. It %%eyed be no.leasze vas told by the deeters that .lieh to lettel him. however, heeattee aufferer front Bleetithial trouble and l'iimpot item was very kola. would be io hearse at times that I uld not pone. iteroes a ease h.,wii*s Wary, testate to le, eould ei.oreely speak above whis- n itEntir...,(1. When :Owlet per. I got nt) relief from anything tilt e'retie, eetney tine, tie knew. sigtel rind n.it knewinte winit inte pi:eft-Mg tat Fatorntes. Ile /rept I rant.1 your MINABIre1 1» 't: 1'444 nthE114 u'u'. t. geessinge Tk, Trreteerer SAM. Two bettetes 4:01VP relief and. SIN: IVO 10) tr L4 414 1lfl 1'1 41 4,4 tht. ruk..14oir,y tee, wiete, any e bottle!, maele eomplete env. I *hag that he hal a slot wie, ; seeliety Paper wii,•••lti 0a:I eirtett, wount itettrtily reeematend it, to any' welt a eionewitat Cattle saffermg from throat, or lung ;Ana lead hen„ eereli 8"1;, Vntrn ifirnsy ani trotthl e 7 1+ 4.4 to te, 4.. De. Wit- ;; fatteieee S heme. eXieseal tate e"atieree J. F. VA'ABI7S,KIIIK. eink Pine a true ate! eelietreet Y set "-fee es tti,pdre, awtte for tee „ rteeferieton. ahem at the etretr eaeve, nal ; Heat, •1 Term. teelet Wiryir,-.Na her te kie ean tepee 4,10„.. 11..0„,...; Freeele giesete, 'lila:, 444 1; 1")" "op) 731IIIII,t !II LI zee:etre at 1eat,. Nene, ,,tentitteseet. tieted f te lee tie -eels,. en tie, tfeeerril „ •••• • etnetiete ter tee Pte*1 t..r,11 lieettiLieert. 1 1logitierren. (ltittiren Reeled n4..rhI L 1)K1.:1)14 8. 6TI1 Y r131EN r II 1 4.8,1 ,.44 a 1, w , !Vire were it.e, off ;t • , , iv, tt t , es. • „rent t,„ ever ,.et t to* l*itte 411" it tn. Pleettifenn pethhelteti in 4 M. 3' need 1. Ute,;, were. , `fiirf "titt 1. Ur it Ur LelieS Of rttmela ; ;.,halle.•;a 1 etre ender the. More I80 Wori,.1 never sew 41 14 8ter WI '44 tra. r 1°.11,11 1d.. 141,0 tn.. ewe; ;a; V"iar.,1 114' t F.72, 6. !„4 ttlittp,tUtifi 4,11 rAiftwity Waders, wile+ las ; 111011 /41trt11.14 ri1,81,131101t1. CV. at) 3t " :4 , 1,. 0 -; .- - .ti. 2 • tri4, ;. '1,te,.,et„e,.. et;..dite. eerrte v..te teter attee•ai ,ttei • ;;f aeeraedreflPitektr.1n0,‘ ImPnha.= „ 11,4 48 4.4. 44 11i laeeobet 1e.4epaelocned hrlee now Cteetillstreftoilnant.s. tatte „ t „ r ittint tmpt*without I"11"1LtAl0f5I0t18 0 -4«4444 1.%1.4.4444A41letgeWerea e the netellearleeel„ tio.ra„oe ..et„ .4.eate ad Yeexa %vita! e„..e. en tin - tes te ••"'414 t).mete. • Think or it - 4446 V""t" it ae 41.; t le, a 1 sv4. t 5,4 111 feeet• .; refee• le le° te. ojt w/iq warM walk 4 48 440,14 1 r , a 8.'444N. t1,00,10, IAN .1"iti N.Mit --AT,. ttant1,1'..-4 MIA fff per, a -1,, t ne t etern. f+, q. 041# tw,9r. vi o4Lopi 1,, mat,44-.3 48.1 44y -‘41:1!/., 1L' 4 1701E1min:A for 48'411111489. !PM .1 r'4011 "4 1 144AM, InAttt '4 • 4. Aa dreeeeee . &tell th • ea tont Pip 418 taterit- °^ '''"'etli""t •,,aff,paot,lN44,1,, t.4.41';.1 tee reet ttlf*"41**Pfa"11,if. ia",, 1)en111.4. divertlettlee-road meat.* are only wait. illt'ef for 484)Z11448r V. 611 -on -the - ".;1 1)"1"1 143* 46 114%1'4' 4.."44 ,,A0.1.1.,,,.••i • 1,1) El...titlAfetrittlrf 011,1 HOW U11111SORED Onco upon, a Thee, were as a Lottely and Deeerving Girl named Clara who was getting eo near Thirty that she didn't want to. Talk about it. Every- biledy bad . a Good Word for her. Sirs travelled with the Thoroughbreds and and tie an Apron around him and atte went she should do next, She made hem out to be the Only Otle who could be Trusted. The others , were Company,. burt Ire was; like one of the Family. And although, he was being Worked like Creamery Butter, he never Suspected. Her; Game was to Domesticate him IU Advance and let •Iiim have testa of what it is to be boss of etour own House, except as to •the Bile. The Pantry was full of Home Delicacies such as he couldn't get at the Hotel and tele Service was the best ever. °bra riglut at alis Elbow with a Willing 6eu11e. It; didn't take W64 long to realize was alwaye among These Present ; that he was missing a lot by re - it was leerd, to understated why she undoing +Single. He wonderttd why he hadn't Married, Other Girle not ae hied been so slow in getting cm to (loud Looking or %.ceoutplishel had Ciara's Good Points. Also he wouder- been grabbed off while they were Buds. eel if it was any Open and Shut Cer- tainty when a .dozen other Men, sow of them Younger and naore Gal- lus, were after her in Full Ory, Clara had hint Pulled In, Strung and Hung over the side of the Boat. Of eAmrse, itf all the other Girls had been iu town, they wOuld have Tumbled long before it raa into a Already eotue of t.ireu were beginning to act as Chaperones for Clara. They Were keeping tab ou. Clara's age, too, and began to thltic that she would land on. the Bargain Couater and have to be satisfied with a widower who wore a Toupee ami dyed h's Eyebrows. Clara was -eoinewh ue of a Mind Reader.She knew that the Freende Certainty, and probably they would of her Youth were predicting 8Haterie, have formed a V and rushed in to Finish for her, so sle• decided to Feat break up the Play. But the other Girls were Far Away with the Ow Men and the Seminary Striplings, Clara had an Open Field, with no need of our Interfering or Blocking, and if She Fell Dowu it was her men Fault. leteddes, site had all these other Admirersset oat as Decoys to prove 'that if het didn't some- body elee might. The Treasurer of the Shoe Fac- tory got a large Bally on himself a.nd site had to Give in and make a Promise. Ile loves to tell (hinters how he pro - peeled to his Wife in the Kitchen and he doesn't know to this day that ne liraS Ex.peeting it. Moral As stern tee he begins to frequent the Beek Booms or the ilieteste measure him for the harness. them And she knew -that tt Behoeved her to Catch on before the Children started in to call her Auntie. Now it is not to be inferred that Clara was whtt, Or> Underwriters call a Bad ltielt. Sh., had never been a. Drug on the Market. Whea she wen; to a Hop :he &dui& have to wait for Lettlikee' eheiee 164 order DO swing into the, Mazy. in fitet, had been. En- gaged Ivey and tit et. juet for Practiee. awe 8 i• bed received Were front S011ie Or th 6 letlitelver Baeltelees who went around Proixteing front Eoree of Habit. nut tiara was net, out for nay Ulan Wit ) 11114.1 heen Turaed Down elsewhere. telt • wativel the Itgitt, hind, and she (V11/2,e,:tee 14) .10 the Inviting herself. Hafting made all inventory of the Peseibititirs, site tenet -eel the `Brea - stater of the Sleet 1'w:tory and de- li' le.1 that she t'* 4311.1 Lo e lent with - met Straining hereelf. Ile wae about :ter ten, :till was almose as good knitting at, a relbson Man. and had SE is the deadliest and most painful malady to which mankind is subject. Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure any case of Bright's Disease. They have never failed in one single case. They are the only remedy that ever has cured it, and they are the only remedy that can. There are imitations of Dodds Kidney Pills -pill, box and name -but imita- tions are clangerous. The original and only genuine cure for Bright's Disease is Dodd's Kidney Pills are fifty cents a box at all druggists. Pineapple and Salt. A practice we are learning from OUT West Indian friends, now mem- bers of our political family, Is to eat salt witlt pine apples. This As to counteraet that disagreeable ef- fect of an acid It the rind which makes the mouth and lips sore if it comes in contact with them. It is alnaost iinpossible to peel the fruit without disseminating this rechl.- Chicago Chronicle. fro Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablets. Ali dreztists refined the money if it fails to cure 25e. AM'. Grove's signature is ou eaoh box. Pope itennessy's Joke. Sir John I ope-ilennesey began his public life in the House of commons - /LS a. Speetill prOl ego 01 Disraeli. HP afterward et 'twit Lter Majesty with great dietinction :es the governor in succession 01 seserat colonies, and was again a member of the Rouse of Com - Inoue nip to the time 01 141.4 litatth. One day there WIIS some talk about a. friend vrito letti two objeetionaide pecullatitiee. lie was not given to the Use of temp and wader and he was always borrowing money. "res, pear Pilow," said Heletteetee". stiOngeS upon everybody except hieresetf." yitetl' i.t kottai fought eitie by eible with the Ilritielt tee plant- ers of ("ee ion 14844 1484464. Ate,tralia d)'1t4e4; tf 4. tea 14 01 1011 and India, While aireade' atrasthe their tail et: tea. Drinker', of dapiatt tea aduoralel try ear ;trent Ite,t 114# ee, (elec. 1.484 m•releant • 444 14' .14 ,a,8 ttaw -4 41' 44- .e. ,. . 44 1re. ea,tee"h..eee " t% ere C' • a. a a714.441nee 4, 59144. '4' t'he.. P.4.r4•4I-II, te:' el.l ..,A:aE!P, 4• le:eepie 8r4e w.e l tig 10 le iet th444* '(8 li“114 11310cafB*4Ntl'=at"'tl.'4'.4!94tl4"418 '1l'!1'934'3 ::0eat14.1443,0040 84 "'4-4;11 1 10 i 1* l4 'o 1 1 & 4,t„1 3 /0c3t.,r,1 4* 1141 L ea *4 of eltneelawe pray 0ek:.:16r,e0 11eS114tatoal tte 06'v14le1 ., v.reti14 *41 1 416 * V I 4 at 1, $ 1*p cWagt5l14*, 040 t,4"8rlui,4410:94ee4',07 4. t1t1Z; 46ff,, tr„,n t,,,804., omark pir , 4.IIII4 94* 1 Lo L4 ",,,p,;!1 - lt, .4., . •!..clu V.i , It 44,0'm .. f-: 1t,11 rei ti, 0- 9.. .:.1,,,1- ,F, it% tan fe. e l'itilii 194aw 1....1:* Pal,' n •91411f, l to 4" 0.10 I t -ii ,I4''' I, ft,, 4 :* 7 t 4 ., t 4 tI. '*j i• ae. lee "eel tie* trete pee the • . 1'31'W tor OP 1"-;44114or Student. 4- iiTlig, OIL-- ' , 41 4 4 4* 1 4"Ale 1 144 'Od '''' .0 t ' ,' ° ' ,. 4 ti ff't- **7* i 4 tl: ,*4 1 te lel t ,e1t4 4 '46) 1 tn.P•ltx..e4. till.' y At Ult. 142,1411..-.i.- 114...44 free oa` tie fsetu- 11 n•,,,, 4,14 4„,,,,,,.1.. -,,pii at !,tfl if ,6,,t)*f.,.. f „11.410•fita,,,,, a' a , - -,, '4 'Iti'4i Au U tea' Dee 0,,',4 #4'.11- .4111, ',... .!;,-'1':'1.• 44 4414454 - r,..t,.0 O.r Cat ran - ae. et y .; 4' Tolweat 0 it 3 .3-. 7..1.Ln.,.- t. 4' a'.4.:::;aa., hy .24 ' 4 ..,.-,1,:4.1.! 7.41 -,.1 :..,R';,...,, 1,,,, t-':::- ilt iA, , ,. 't: r4 0 foe tee, teerenee ale..? ..leplathet , ' ttee. vleetweed 1. ,•,;;.e. Al .!,,4 1 iivw.N1. ra 1.!1,3. ? gn, v., ,3611,14;214' !,10. 1., , .x..,„ ' ..':-.0 ,,- ,,,,,,.. . o- .. .., C, l' • ...J4 ;,T,I., * 0 ki q ','" zitti.14 .11 s'* *,4r8 et ciet:t tit typ!c,,Itil, la Lee; e , the 444414.1* 4t'4 attn s.Vt,ii,ffftf* rritif 4.1,14.1 .. If, t ,, a 8., ',j ,ii .v,:,j,E9 :.,.,,,,,.. t•,.? ? '30 O. 0 , #1.1 TNR,et 9.10 ,4.4) t.:. i'' an literve.. teereadetle eetalteeee ;thee ;;a8 eeeitae 1"'. 44, elle , v;; ,•,_ 1(, tee:VA 4 ...'t .," '.! th .A1 t, ' . 4. 4 ''‚ , ' ' t' 1.! '' 'i rh'''t 'Al -.4 t1'9,,44 tele eeneeie- atinaker, '; , a -lea. their Mare's eetnoInetven, s'llnaa• 4)19'S R4 -4.$-4P`114, 4tit,,•4,'41451,-!:1°4.. t.P- 1 VW:Jo 61 , y 4. t.:.,.. G. .,,r1 -1,...i; 4 op, ee,„ .,- .449484444444- 1 - 1... #.,. ro? t. neette \4. 1(8 *11,a9 , !, th Ch,14,,, .. Itt,ftt I , 9:.,.1..1e . ee44 .e1'4e,„'t' ,,n9...;,I".,lo.:uj 11 4114 ,,"t.? :l'i,'• 1',: ;i,e- tte'rt'ittv;,e:ite' *"er''1L it *'-e•tri ' ) 'r111'' 4.4 t;e4113 via, ..Mgneit,e444 veoid 14.,4t" - ,4' , , 1 M,tt*tMqe444 rilll4e4a,84 .r _by t.,.eee .te_ e e4eal_ li.t_g lliveeee ,Illaernn- I IV 41,at as dat4a 4aI 1Pa oeallel tatlatelL411.1y avletteret0fe.'"Mui'"a ITT & Liteittent Cs Liiltatnt eres teepeee.ea 43,4.1 ier ,7I' Va :0,2 10 1 4 t ., ,tter Clete te, ._ sit r t 11" ttte =l tem 1Leaperees Ca _- eee...„enun'ai, . -lY1,4 1c4' ar e- 8. ,W: -: V- 4,70.': ')tfLett?tetter'tri'2dI'1S'-peed 'l.et (::aat t -?11'- I t' ''1neie0,e„,entiesee ee/adrzt11110 1ils.vt,g.;- 1T1:t tlt4.,Iteliteal -i 1'Ei 9"tQ41(;iler 45.614.446454., yea9,ryga(1e'7.k.31 il'...V1I 441tn tt,aae-eet0 1 'a'1r`S4 tiviv•44 4.,,,44.5J 646444. .1 1Ls"4th t.t,l,;aa..ragr;,t: t,Z;1tit1;9u;,;:j,rtkl811;-;i3.44)44344.. S"°c15!36rale 61g111; 44 • 44 i4' , :.01,„„ t 15,4, e,4t.8!1Ll1-1e6t--1,a't6 4a.r1u #0.r.14ae 44 8616 3ti1..at.;te• ..? , .,a01:1.-134,.tut 4. 1 'c Ut,, Yifi,M;tg Cvii411•t."-8 1/tL4tt"'p 7' .• rhe"r1144. - tt%:rAl.3411,1 17.' .t,6:3rsL,ut,1„,,,,,,,,,,5u,,;e0„,p' i,ieeeeteetn 18V43seeiel the SteatteeNVI11(11&'44 I`0::4 • .4.46.1clut,,,,ts,,y43,45. I‹,!erete.1 1.-... tt P.48-011-raeat, tan! tee-. 0 yie title teem tee teestej„.:ss at nc.gatt, L;2,10.4 ,e., u.,„ re mit,:,,,i1.4:11. Ito so „ovi,.. tot, 14,,,, .m.:4,..,/ my th,,,,, 11,,,,,,E,..,,43 tia,,,,,..i. . are s4ente elelill p:Lierte fr,111'21u '''irf(-'111 ' 003ated tongue, valley!: eenternslevresinwaan;61-ta, i me mattc t tries i:,,,r,,,,,, 3,:z.,:: t .21,1 ,: ..,4,:ft ww.:: c_f,,, f • ,,51,1r, ,,t,,vt.,,tlits. .,....1.1111. jr i eeenirtie eteil a ;emit .1,7 P.,f7..441:Pittf,a 4,-,- ,toss st multivas Notrolls p,„,t,v,:t, . ., - : " zac, vl, I:00.1019. 4,7Lt...,,,,, .-1,3_,,,,i7 11 ee,e ...e., -,,eye. a ,7, ,, •v A th.n. 8. ‚.4" leerteee etettmll tr.», kayet .1.i.41,1:agets:11,,fse Mtdeen- ' et, .#404t.tig it rkfictsattt, ita-trilt&ss. • A. '47;1 ett 41 8:;,,,597.11.t.71 lic.i3 t tin, t......'1 Cire,ii.trav,i4. zilt11-1 i` 'Pt. LI' '11'4 U/d,',5 141. Vateeesetaier, .1.;,''.i .11, 41;14 6''3r'1 i ", tv. Sant."*Ir an I to li "!;""Isa-a'1'r-14; Aeoll'Alus'. t'"011. 1'04..#1.11' -11',....,1. mC 1441,1Mt ares Laseeeern,te ,, 141 ''' ,3f0,1,. ''.11 ,4 .10r 114a.h'', 14, / 1.14411. 13itm. astAtrt.1'...tl 411re. Or tatreeelenattile1 ir,,e, :,...Lij , t "'Mgt It tte samt-et4 tow 4L.aaa::...;Eater,- of e t, - 71,..7,1144.71.0n. e *eked 5n eergefernakinet. 11, ,t/„Efitt,trr:',5-0- zrt 11,1,36 ..„..,1RuuI..- a_ , ..._ . -, •,4 i 2.-.paatato.1„ She atth +al p44 14.484 aletoed, r44ii3.8, f..,41 4 ,,y,f,. ,b.r,,. 36 41 iif 4y4,4_ if, , , , '',:c4s.,'.,tt,t;,'"'-;L"-l-, t" . •,- .: %:-; t .1et'7 lt 1:,,, :,'1'• paaylaCdX I*fl 11l . - .-.03r7.1.r11i1t/tglr&. -AILthat 4444)1,444444)1,44441 itl,asI belee atte• tire by wi;'t'446.143' 5.4.44, 8,4844141 gaW anst fee thatet ese leapeven! t11 t-! p 1- ,t"a''s,tel tac Fura iO...9..11ilon1..44.4 363v64311.. vtki1,1 l , 1,1 1„„,,, 80, .4 • ,., E„ .. E .. t t o L ,_:.a.." ,, ..Paa:,. 4...IP .r.i. 1;1,1" Th.', ''',9*0•111 4 " iv- 'Me.; e - . wan,l:.•7Z.„.• !1:. 7,44 ,,.9 ,.7, ,i,i:1w, ,..„ ,F -.r • :"4.4434. e.t:i:"4.4434.11. #'# .3..31 € ' .41a3tt # 434)4.W4(881eat.e..r11-.e.;l.a.e...,te1ti!14r.1;iei:#..43,t1,..,,il1:.p"ts.ia:1,t ufi..a...t.,... FCII ', L ilIts Peeniiarity„ 1:-,4.,,4.16,,4..;,,1:1't, „T7i° 05. tv„ E,, „ go /834I44I4'.48.141.Ar-e1ee 46e1444e444egtf „„.,nt»t,78!4314;t ! irailzg)'4;t,„t te •"t ge 4'▪ 1' 4.)3"11U1' m. , 1,*•4,4•44.444,4444,. 41,.. CEN'FilittY It UND. ISSUP.," NO 45. /900 Tile Presbyterians are Raising ft Vael Susie Of a10/1y. ;T, A gen t has completed his cent- re nces *vl; 1 the Prosbyteries of 8C)31-litillodrittoftut.114to (.A4itrite'ob.lert(li 111'4.0 ‘v \.111VLt • i -fl (.11; reports that in a few Presleetelev'm t;v of arm;y:wing hs bieePrac- tically completed, and that in all t;rol:liaorojsr)riPilt i(tiin7ttIleonipi4inrof tlic tanyass witnin the next two months. T10 estimated restate, se far its the Common Lund is concerned, art, $480,000 front Ontario and Quebec, $81,000 frcnit the Maritime Prot -I -acme and lie4ei,000 from the resgion,4 west of 1 .akn 1lupevllr, indicating a sliortag,' of :1340,000 for the Common "Filial. It 14 .1101VM that the estimates are so coneervative that the shortege will not be greater than has been men- tioned, but we all must feei that. Mt: - trig resent to ehriiikage, $0:10,000 should have been subscribel. The friends' of the Church and the lovers of their country mast face this mat- er:f.iciaenes. and nit proie for the threatened d There are at lenst five hundred eougregallons who have given more to debt than Common Fund. If each of these should revise their allocation and trankfor $25, $50, $100, $200, $500, from debt to Common Fund de- partment, according to ability. not one of them would know the differenee in the burden or debt, and the euceees of on -anon Fund would be appreciably helped. lf in five hundred eongregatione. beeides, the wondrous prosperity of the year simnel be interpreted as re call for it sorcial extra contribution of $25, $50, $100, vino, or more, the elond would be lifted. The Agent re- portsthat help of this kind has been promieed in every presbytery, but not yet by as many eongregetions an might be wished. Wealthier friends. lir aring, that there i8 some urgent need, may sure- ly be appealed to in the intereets nI the Common Fund. The Agent tells of 0148 swill friend in Ottawa, the third in his congregation who sub- scribed $5,C00 last week: of a lade" friend 11110 subserlbed $1,000: of a gentleman In nnether congregation 'nil *2%;111iir°P.PirffAlin(16tZSI(11.4;re :(1:4' 411111")911) vt)thlUIPar"Sn hom geed thinge are expeeted. lad a letter from a. 'SPIV' firltigg"iiir 1.111:1 th stetted. of one hundred and forty-five et•italare, showing that they had averaged over one dollar a scimitar thrimg11 their Children's Day volleetione. Such tidings as theee, eauet brighten the way for him. and U14* y gicm. E.-004 hop that the $640.- fii01) 88811 lit the end be raised -net a vent ineiiing. -71m Weetatinster. I The most beautiful thing .in the world is the baby, all dimples and joy.. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. And the mother does not know that a little fat makes a11 the differ- ence. Dimples and joy have gone, i and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve -all but pity and love --is gone. The little one gets no fat from her food. There is some- thing wrong; it is either her food or food -mill. She has had no • fat for weeks; living on what she had ston.q.1 in that plump little body of thsrs; and that is gone. She is starving for fat; it is death, be quick! Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the fat she can. take; it will save her. Tbe bes tins pietureoe It. Vitict ne)c.4!.r.tr. 41 ran nat tee 4 41, s.-nd for tree example.. its agreeable t:-..fite win surprise yea SCOTT & SowNe. Chemists, T et. and StfOr. Oonto W . all aeuenelets, To 8, et roue you tenet male g, tri. appetite. gavel the, titni and g; 4181 as eintilit Volt. NI1rier'e. autp.:atei beet PON bring al tit eat\ IlardeWtarliaal 'Women. In the neteinattrall portents of It, I glean the work performed by worm% 11114'i11t188 going to the lei et to Wei, - the itursee pail the ploaglo, ;or Matte: , the alters La hauling earte Iti the ,• inhale alley uork at, hard and reeelee ' ite KM, %segue es 'the urn, 1*4i4411'4111404 N4..4194; be 41 4. - - • ..„..- rtkeying arde by the )1 Ilion. TN' niitOINT 4e1684.4 earai 114e'4. the Wier; I Is ectractilag meatier- ' fed. niertnetty atone poseesees thirty - t' ing ear.) faeZarritee, whieb. 44»4. year prteinerel *2•19,0600 paeke Matier'et Worm Powalere -a*.• alt a., 0 :melee W.' tea,: iron lake taiga.. anemia' oe Sitqf ^tv,;meavre. ro. '3'4 the 4 iertactat seal Iltetteitt pre- ' geLNA4118 (lel"! 136 48. rco.,„ 8„! utt 454.p014...4a = *Iraqi eie, &Lett/tete. 111.18arA1 ittriet.,4 Iralailleetifetillea=21114,eapelltillillaini111109110111 feeeettet. are two ean h aloe wheel!, ' a 4.4a44464 th* Vat* 4*544444.alf *f.t 4 aitifisttatat ' 'Urge8 nott,fil elmat, teateaa 64. 1.4111' u 444,4 Vot, aperturce Peale 10“tt°,4 8'441411 by e,;:..ittil'oAti.t..,1144 a= eteve pier, CI, cot1.1 18 8444454 42164 he frequently- teese, flee tVe, t»44444 f reel itt tttp" a44.8.4 hat 11P. tteeneiteene of tie. e-4*1.11'pue ; a4.#0 87.74, 111143 5.4.4' to la a •e• teel he 4444* ,-tee va‘iez- 894. t110 t•L'ae,.k. 4. pteatualateit terelet s, Iitit Nie*Litiftt 18'r:? 44, Etti.0;,rfp, twee Mall'er' • ,, 1)434443 18446-11 414 44344 444ls ot, e#41#11,11#&44 84.", fr81841 14.4454444 141 .0121$44-05.,0 I atel seeta 10.43. the a new Mem,. ilfaseee445eall 4Z.,4.e4114.e. tam,, alcatu„ tlit , 1181-54 '6 1 4-3,- #.4 A VALUABLE EtECIPE I For Couok. Coriji iii4 L g D;Sed123 4. 1:4.%07 s't,q 44 IL. A% t .129,4.4 ,44.W'544 CrAIMAII :nun BALSAM Vatfitt 411t4't " 214,, 4 1.V:i;•. trai.a.fai;14.-ale641,?:. a 41 *I' 0!) „Au P„ Latin, 4.,',.(144a6,, 41.a. tletkrellienlienttletlelatientilattlaateleinalelteettallarn Thlet tateelealibeeettee• LOVitite Wed ))2.izit* 1 t viy iSq.' St!" f.t_t:ai:taft_faifflt4„!4,11%, tEaL4 na,;:avic:r"1 .L1 FOR SALE CAI VerirW to Offe eates Dail We , Berl rtier aanai teeter 41 henete 11 4'4444144 tnie ta-a:u1; 11114.444. 4k6, ten._1` I .4613 ., Mittel re L'eataneat tares qiarget ;EU. VOWS. I i l.ilre['a't.."'.•.'-i',ee"-eai4e,.".L;.il;.1'ai'.1.--.,I':":'.11.:,..-3:r.t.;tf.l-e,!-i;eC'ee„n,:„..'t'..e!l,'...",71-.t,a :.'7e..r,t:.f'.e'.=,4,',e.,,••;e:,'er,-„1s,,.'"e,.-'•e4'1';.',""..e:a "ie,7."t,e',-r'.,,'....te....::.C1,e.',ce".e,.:'•,,,/i,e,,f'".e•::,.'.P1;e,.f..-i.4.l.e..:,.c,,e;t..r,,5,,--1".e.'.14': :-J,.'.e.e‘'il... ,.-.i..?3%-,l"ti,.--.f.:t ,fIi.e1,..i'taf,:e_f7•'er,.l,,e:1te;i..:t1'1eZ.:-.nt;.,.ia.!,fz..?TP-'-r*t.',1i'e.l':‘e!e .,.•-e.PP.t,-l''!.(fte'f:t'.:f442 el.PeI,e:.t!e..Cie.en"e-t.1e,"n0- .". x::'7• --: .t,, ',. ....7 ....•, .;tt: :'."-e?,..-„'1.-.-!'•: •:',.L.'.:f.e:.4':t„"'•e-':.-'....fi-4,.,':l1t-..„'A ...T...•'.".e.P,....1...f.q,.e",.P1,'..ee......-.. 1r.,f.„..P.ef'-..1"e.341t..i''.'74:.7'':., r7 '2 ,.,',-.,'.„,':'",.=,:.-.-L.7..-:.'y7.ae.'e....?:•e..7;6..'.etS;-t•e.fi4.„e:t.1.e e:1"tt.:A;ee..eae.be..E..O.eMe4.1,.d%,:yile1.‘1.-'°;tI4s......"ri..t44,ee.e1-!1..*-,c",e!:rL:.-)Ti-'-.a.e%4-L7r-:f,.O,-t.-i:':1:V.,n.ei..ereZ0.:f'n.1-.e47a:.,el.;'e" :.r,1t7,a,.:.-1s.iit.-_--.," - - :•'.'*.i, ;;,f: .' .''.4:le:„T-t-A1--,,l,.wi.,,. , „0e ,.-.)#eIn1,...„,7-.72•I::.::..:.1„.l:.,,.s•oo,N.,, „zs-.,•k:.-I,.!:or2ei5ti:.- .-1s,,t,'. ..e•,1‘e.A•...e,1e.7-',,:1.-.:., :-',....,,.I..e..4-t.:nf,t,-,t-„i.n.i.,otl!.4e...'e.-„#sre7t4._.1„..„-.1.''..4". •,z.: e,,.-.7tli,4i.,,eT..-,.1,,tAr",.t...,-,',,,-.:#7,N,..•n.,te,re1z.r,,o.,.I.,,?: :r „7„-.i.rev1/enN';- ,8trea,5e.e,0/*o,jvel,, e:„.l.•;4.*.i“.4...ft,et,t:.e,-'.:.„e.s,•:4,,..'„..sI.„.-e...4Ceei." --e.1,,!I...g'..,:)-t7-.A1b:,.e.'1..,=--.--he,,!,„„. 18,e..1,;Ae,,.r.,.,1l7.;;'r....A.,'e8e,•;..-,',0,,l7,-i,.*.8,i.e;fi'4,..t,,.t,r:eite.i4.1nrv..i„1,4,,•' rzI.7e ,4_i.Di;.•.e",T:...... i.7e."-e-i,4,-4a:,l _z":s,eZr.% '• e'.tt.4 3l.. . ,,•'',.::„1 r,.. i1-?P"ep,t-ita-4l1;W-1te7-;4„f''ti,1.t t.erier2',,,t4t1etel,1r• ,1.:'_,i-:..::._-f,4..ei,efi.1e..,71-_-,-et,1e_,,,.P'-....1ee,_7-..1e,.,t,:'.,.,1„l_-c;e".,a,•t:'4.:.f.i. a,-eff:_,..f.te:„4e,..t.L_.'t4h .,.r•...••rt,e•)-frf:..k:t..ti.- .r...,.e.,i,wn. ,f-,k,.r,•.i.,.',".t,"81e_.:I7-,-e.,,2,."'..k.-,..:l,r,L, i.;-efi1.f.•-.-.•,f,,'.,,':-,;'•."l:,:"if,,,",:.,.a,....e.e.'.,7,-e,,'e e. -l..i-.;e,,.a. l-„' e.-et.-lfr,,.42.„.-.•h.,,-tt--...,i,,,f.-.• ;..'e.i,:-f_,..,:,sL".].r',,-..e.,L•:,t-..:e i..-..." ,t,i!'3"• ., . ,' ,t.-."•-,:.„1,,eet.lA,itetrilerila,„e;l.•• a.ar-emhev;l'.rtaaice'ett i,att:eccimtsa.-iol...itLwn,:Retfe(l1.1i a1,rez•1a7I1.i.3t ate.,nneos.ia1e,su4,te--c44 t;:btfr4. i,,'«ii44,trjyA,mla,;:,la:-azz, t.t,:" kUtzez,3 1oeeield irreabie 1;arby le. i tr.e eselme ei .,n4,4Aa6reOATARHOZO .,v-aetrlafa4eEarfnan4refr.,2.rie4g'rtM,,1'.r i-oed•1 o - 7,. ;- t 44 l1e.4n4. eCexi74!e;,E s..t1".WIagSn Netl,v-.6 iletraatImble VaS9.itiog iireat eeirtSS tat0CerfT-•7'li, na tTh.r ta.n1:Iterest In Stirling and Vicnty 1"eit°t,t:ter iels ,12iand Whielh,PoesIbleAia, to Vr.,0:r1sm%wre llee dregsm113 tlePtpularity of Catrh0243r: e -wit,Ii2aeenreforCatarrn, troneiiisan ‘' g, -A . t. twl rarer.3, 14 eialveenWali Ttno:t f ,e eets mc,,es eL.,7'„:!,„ -eteern- .eee't-ee .f„-„ner„.",-i- toat reetorng 1.4. '.r ereeaz ate smet'e on6: 4; 1' 3,d 4, toa' Ferandneleest LoveCi 4050.7. vl4jaetet,.Ts 10N1/ Meagu 1 l 1rolel;7eW"-4.'- 144 t)i ,,ty gagol tiXrefa. v-,,'.,, a,yryoar4Le ct.s"F r-Irestek heates tmas ofreeiperwiawt:rerem; tatetraad ornnaRyhassit,lar: ed_,*41. ‚.‚1'34 ,e e. erreteoreelt4teeentanythroauasalwav8in a Crg"1);14 ".Tte 01orettry to homes admake thets.gretteea$gta,;t''1')men 61i"84 3111"owvee tnteRergerator t4.e.4408»6 utures assuredergtee eaenileherreueelenawr;T eu▪ Seer goNnu nn4'0 mewee 1 ringer texfew yeare miionsoars wIat ws time 8-1 81 ENT1S0 T1te Mn I"otnnbrrrot) hlp 1*d adge„nd S.egaMup4'644 '661' op LEI:at:zvref yl - 7. a1vthreat;rg lmoneyeepenkergey r f1ras:1ttto0. "'4 '4* LI .9.'.!,"'i6' 110 „ ;air Cardri#V4SehIaettWin bringenmalra14 01 people tora:--,%-C xTA P1.5079NF. feetreales reeeareraEn(raw ibra:)tr,tn i est1eettfttef1113Ml7en.eoy l 40, 44 erlealr.they Fuseead to- .ll.i ttif'e:.4Clata ae th.e.a.n't.e t.:int,... ease.r•te 'se r:m-inie.h'r:.rd;Eti?a;I •tr1t5rtdtesei-r,est1.u1a.t5atb:Cb- tscahefonoartmfciitwtoi.11riieeyhtleeadglr.;y;o,ec,..vttooae.r.t, erdiuntme'z. 1lebtuotf afertfeets(atwfu,81rwcIinsra'etf'et.'eki'ecd.:e1 tt13SOl 9tateIntry Mng up era' 43'.448,)* 4. Long eforthe ene Ftteeeee#1/1 an rniPn-e benet from heuS o 44 44') eer fy. Day.ra toofthdeereht t",,9T'. e:eszeIgotthecemplete eirtlt.lage kitreefiv:v-1e .letvessel eau- now Strong and Itaralehe was un Igreat storm NiPi mve iteeri;entlyem Trteee ts frit n increasnIn his Chest Ifea- el . . ., rtrbiep • a ereie•:1 4...)' north re/tent. will replace that SO rttilitsly 6_ :reeinritend 2kTAR 1/0Z0:al il Arete fteetes. Dr. ijort On successive eveninge elle had the troyeet by the great storm. in&e0.rrkr1ee:: 4i,1 ie enet to the Tr rt supervise ai tip Arrange14a41vest01 s begnning the greatest krt,,?5v0rdr(clrni)ii gelof'epataeie :1 .1'r,. theirtie,: ntents. The, Hired Girl had every period of her areer. and 84.4.' 4':.3 e"ee,-Ag this raper can4aly satisfy hem.:- ' • :.-iLIrv•irslti:ttifiiet,;V:e;,,isiaa'Aa.Pf,PerVi.,.r.e- i,vening nut'because it ws so moth f the g ioom-iy pivit 7,W.O soon ies-Tnatt.t1iinae0e, .retef6mNP,.ld eCa.ea ;enne1ry1eegnacucdAlldaoirrse\ste1w1Reonanfteee)re_gtnLThpvooeeestEseaaer_bnmge: 11.4 ti.:!zv-ItI. e merno inere -701IY o go ont andrun '1414) appear, o reteaa future fell f 1toie et:teMr31(11.m°°n • sitmLtilr 4) j4344 In less ti 816 a Week and 43rerE6e-4. ir11.i13 3'1,.4'., wi/mal ree to 31 88 ENI neW art8888-645 '4'44'4. was giving OrderWeekly. est:n"!ne 100 re. te the teHowe. Every Evening she iahePOISON 8CO„Keseesdt,, ieensry of ell natione. would get him back to the KitchenMillees Grp Powelere eure.f-,4 :: • •. f_-te.,°.(ere' 4'b Time lele-; V.AFit.Ort. 1 w515 give o 8t1nr161aas .0 1- 4 ee arta tried tvi S1111;:ii arei a'. really A lino anvil Hie 1,Viritt. He -Often ;When I 4.414461 apt at the etars la tie- fiesitanaeat 4 cal:ingot 43e41, ,Illinking tow small, how lesigalfeeent, 41 ant, after an. teke 4.94.441'41144'4 11 leeesert tent titought eller strike ;eon except. when .yozt lock at the Ntalr'S in the tirliMV- 41484411-4'414.e1*e5g9 Tinte.e-Heralld. =lees te-a)ran,4.1, are te• tve„:!: neelleine l'or aliments of elf „lava. - - Toronto I 'eel tee M ;els ra a. a lined 9e7III4:143l It, e1119) for agtutte 4'c4E14411.,. 1 'fff" fff, ' '14 !IMO, 7.7.-03., !kiitArt.r.Y..1 t.,""t5 11084:':c3rma. FItcf 36t141111/.17 eee. i; se11 tele stit "TteLs N144.1141,1. .1014.x441.1,1'9 ,-A8Pri4TE1t. P1) Thbz 43' 4.4.1!".0:till. 0_411. 4i,leAltil.De. Petteeeelliereiv isti 468676,...tioltIlyt • 47, eed eteentee 19 3] eel it Le tlPiit arilvetit • 441 4.411434144811'4 1%8!. 4'.41. U1131a ea, lisTalitoz2,;(la' it. - ' • - is PE11.11.,ANEN7LY CURED DV' Int ', • DER:zo's alta.:.e., Nerve _Ileaeotet. No lite ore netveuseeee after elretela."e 44 ee.- 636i4.1a del Areee eeseet, PM- . ; eee'eee. is , pe., 4 ate treeaeeeral faua,a,ff$2 trial beetle 1 ieneeteeyierit." ge.r ',tee lesnieletnetteteauteete , aloatreeLeItt. 14814„ Winq:nvea Frinibir, SyrrV simadd Ai. ' ways be ted ek'1.1i4!145414 '484'14., iteettlet theeeki, sertene the 4361444364', .384448,44 1914644 46.6218 , • fttatieT.i..; b4'44.r.681844.' ecr Diarrexee. rieteree- •. wee a nt • 36*1 ttt, SWIETrIES YOU UWE. TO SPEAK PLAEsiax to your Ira the sugar matter if ask for St. Las, You save S' per OCR GRANULATED Gracer. :plakaiy ar.71 .,a-rence Sugart: 857 cent. St.:; PURF. Our tio'iden Yel2omis as geed as -rno$t lirameate- now offered. ST. LAWRENCE SZiaAR REFIINERY ,critte=zmaisommarranams.arrc 40, The Largest Handlers of Apples in the World. Simons, ShattIeworth & Co., Simons, Jacobs & CO., Garcia, Jacobs & CO., Liverpool, England. GIasgovv„ Scotland. London, England. Proceeds of sales are promptly remitted by eeeb/e. Fall and accurate Market Reports:aro iesuedtrl-weekly Exporters of epplee will be furnished with market reports, 954114)418 1)4 steamers and other Information, by' applying to J. 31. STIIITTLENVOUTEL "EOW PALE." FAWN, BEANTFOED, ONT. TV, 345. IrlitXa4a11, 185 ritroGM street, Montreal, wilnettend to the prompt despoteb dm* conslgements made to the above named .ftrtea.