HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-11-09, Page 1Subscribe fur "The 11Yerat
,$I per Year,
tel EiEggIED Id, G. STANBURY. , B, A,.,,. " •Eilbor Is Making impr
! 'Successor th COLLINS a sTANne ' ',-.-11`te to his *welling ,and I
t :1;. -to.
EVERY THURSDAY EVENING 1 ("wire:mower, Money to Loan on Villaa.. Memieinal e/efdtions :are beg-iiiing
BY D. DVIOlt. 1 and Farm Prdperty 'et !loweSt Tates .of In-; ''.litalked of and it appears sev-
I 't f, rest, noel] me n ts in original 'German; craii ,.ohanges may
.e, e l
nextt.vear's council. be ittoXpecteet in
r(ad and advised upon.
The. effici0 ()rola of uid." vzid Ray te'vaship.
ztrinc 41iNT. Filli)AY, NOV. 9 19010.
ave. ASerick Brisson is selling his.
Ake stock and implements at 4St. Joseph.
on Monday, 12th .inst.
To 'solicit for .'"Paid Up" &I
To "the ibetatb''
.year paid strictly in advance. When the
paper is not °alma to be discontinued
it will be sent until,sueh order is given
•and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged
wben not paid in advanee.
ADVERTISING RTES. -Tran s'i e n t
'advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line
for first insertion and 3 cents per line for
each subsequent inseftion. Small Advs.
such as"lsost" "Estrirv" or "Stolen" rilI
be charged 50 cents .first insertion and 25
'cents 'for each subsequent insertion.
Office over ONeil's Bank, Exeterto Co
. exermany One man VII 213 'goes
• llege, in Scotland 1 'in 250, in
tile United States one it l2,000, land
ili England one in 5,000.
A grocer over in Stratford is
supposed to be the.most honest man
in the -world. He chases the lies
off the beam of his scales before
allows them to balance,
Copy for change of Indvertisement meet
be handed in not laterthan Tuesday niet 7'7
.of each week to insure•change in fondle..
ing issue.
Local notices in ordinary reading type
5 cents per line. Ndtiees for Church en- if,e- ad D. S. Faust's ad.. this issue.
tettainments or other benevolent institu-
tion at special rates.
Contracts for column, half-colemn.and
quarter.elumn rates for specified periods
will be eheerfully given. Address all
communications to
Louis Prang of Blake, was in,
town this week.
Blind. Tom Allen was in "town on
Saturday evening. •
0. Brill took the baker's trip to
7 Dashwood, on Tuesth„v
D. DYER, Enrrolt, Zumen, P.O. E. J. jilitgall drove to Varna on
Monday evening on businem.
Miss Lulu Denalosey of Exeter
visited friends. here this week.
Hay Council sat as a Court of Re-
vision. on Zurich Drath on Sativ-
day, and again 1n Monday evening.
A large number of appeals were
heard and disposed of. Full report.
of meeting next week.
An Oklahoma girl who advertised
for a husband, got him. The total
expense for advertising and wed-
ding outfit was $11, and within a
year the husband died, leaving a
life insurance of $3,000. .And yet
some people claim that advertising
doesn't pay.
Repeatedly we have asked our
readers to band in for publication
anything (if local interest, A few,
CHURCwES... very few, help us in this way
even- week. and we would like to
QT. RONIFAM, Vatholie. Mrs. J. F. Riekbeil is at the See a 17.ons more. A publisl
/-.) • (later nf serviee for the winter, hospital at London, at present. lean'', afford to raved the time in
Smolaysz-ifight mass zt. at. into-191ns.. to Ionise mils in sem
Cateeldsta instruetion it 12 o'clock Amos itzt
Swe,r left fon- his home rurer 1,„wsy by. 11,47,,ing the r
A d new Tr- and make your lo
Hoar. ornmehour'a visit to • al unkli,a, :wet., mona...„,
our 1...r.1 lit the blessed savranieut front , ; Usher as nouoh r.tis:ible„
3 to .1 p. Vespors and botiquoirm 184'ming%
a Ow m4 wes,..e.1 suer:anent at •1p.rn. wain_ Mier Engineer Jennings. l
""1Y ""Y"-HIU" "I" "t l" "" 1 vf ix Mr. and nark- rte I "
pii 1411.1 boolli..tion at .1p. at. , • s t IK mital/W • • • ti • bro awed route t
lv...4; 4 ow's z-Nhiss every .11:aiming zit rin .trathroy estern (*.aunties' R
L +
We have reached the 400 mark in
our circulation and are now after
the 'next hundred, which we .eXpect
to fill up by the lst of January.
Wm. Baker took the contract for
cleaning out and repairing Zurich
draM, receiving therefore $398.00.
Tho total length of the draM is 50E,
rods. William expects to have the
job completed this fall.
There is a beautiful hymn, en-
titled "Shall we know each other
there?" Many people sing. it in
chureh who don't seem to know
some of their old acquaintances
The All la Sun, a western
Conservative paper, says :-"Tarte
is crazy with fear at the threatened
loss of a Liberal. majority- at the
coming elections. Take heart. (1
Israel. and watt till you go to hell.
There you will find every .seat held
by a Grit."
Among a litter of newly born pigs
Mr. M. McDougall. of Bruce town-
ship, reeently diseovered a porker
blessed with two perfeetly develop-
ed stenits-mouths, noses and ail.
ln spite of the double feeder. how-
ever. the animal refused to live
moire titan a day or two.
The Green Sickness
tile, who iztvic sitilienont nerve
t4)1'1.' 414.Vg .1^ 11 into Ilealt1)3"
3WOn1t:11111K'4l 111,1' drat. pale. weak.
I'll nervous and irritable. They ,
e.111 -green sieltness- anti
1 1* ean only be vowed when the nerve:. ,.
are rest. Ted end re-:it:tilted anti tht
1)l4..41 made ricer by 1.lr. •
St.mkt. A,. . tt*Sl
reg. wativt.fl pill form. It make,
...1.1 ir*.t li MAIN watt 1.:x• 11 and lie expeits t. ; have the survey/n :tit 9 .."4.1rietz 'AMR LAndrewi.,, of this uhipe,i'nra WIWI; ill It few. weeks. Many
Rev, loaf hor vo,a;h3„, 5)h'1It k,zroalier at '),.n.hoin.0 in dottbt that 'the roma Will kb'180
• - • - - • Goderielt. built.l. !=z Ina twin
▪ V.VNI$‘3.11*Ala r.11%nikka ' &shit*. 1", kr til.. l4.110111P will Matt
Puler Iti.Vii' of the st ft; ilalimt„ and within a year. The
t1▪ .5,tuatila`1;13.)1;.4,t1.ti''•*`1,1:,1/4,1,-0.1; T;;;;,;$44 Itifek Mondzy evet.ing, front a P. "Is nt It'kek "f it' 41
The PDVdemand. is growing each season and why sh!)uld
not. What 4:4 re oeinfiTtel'e n cold stt Tiny win
day than a. Fur Cape or Caperin oe• Collarette or a pairGauntlets. Gauntlets. Why bewithout this comfortable apparel v. -la
we are selling them at.prices to suit ever 7c- purse.
Our 'toek of ...t.Enntles'ie well a..4sorted. Etta season bei
it new styles and we have secured the lateSt in the mark
V -e Os- 'neve lagt 'ear 'q Mantles that We s
at a. great sacrifice.
Dress Goods
We make Mark Dross Goods a speciality. and have a
range in Cit -In. ere. TT. nrk-ta, La,,tres. T -T•
spoons are the newest thing for skirts and suiting. See o
stock before parehasing.
The iaet that this department has far exoelied any prelim
seas n ; f its st. er:i . . t.of ".•
eomplete. and our Milliner is 1\v -t'4 re Or *t serve you.
Give us ft eall. triilaille show giant:, pro-
14nre takvu.
pale. weak w; linen and girls health,'
co.*: Note inerease in
weatht while taking it.
t A =cat Chang*, mesas voile over,
tile reading' publie. If a per...oWr
(I, waput Hari 'alt where to low !!
IH1tirt-o.N.„ he now eonsalts his news,
paim-r., trade Journal or eVell hr.
Pt. 111412`,Lalltk, AdVert1S4,11telas are
le. 111., 1,,,,Ittady.a 2 pard ft•W lir, it Arthnr IjItey are not tilling to let ti
ruesolay ; veizauti .tuniee .1412ianee. at 7, opla..rt unity ItZe.S ti line to
:senior 1.1„.h.4,raetiv,10.t 9„ Itt*ssl.s. E. j. nattan and E. Zeiler! Eawara "I' t`alinIa. v"r" t1'47
'kV , 1 it!,..!".." Z #.‘• 3t MI NU. f . ntlien,leti tile 1, elittp talc raletin..r at 1 Vatell the great hew% trade.
18814 01 ..ot 74.01. ,,Illein,ill* 0.8,i581!A1t , EXt'ter onSattmitay eVellillt?..
linier.li i!eo,4,1, meioou stat :7 30* trialoo3 4
k-ventEal -Ty tteDoka 11,44 lien Tit 4. ;Tow york, Nor. :-7....,,,T114' QM.'
WV. V . H. Plootibemer. litroto... ' tit'? .1' Tif .-... ;* vats laid low , of Portagal. at Cam'alk., a fa'-iti"
1,.vith a strohe of nava keels. !cr.t able set:mole re=dert. maw. at Pull
M'.% Mid rtIttlialrly With the Wet i
liaa nosy may be of tillallfaat helie..;
I tit t•• this reintlivr, They are the i
en ellutawil through Willell the. larkWei of 1
la.. gootits and tot the proshieti...n of
11. god. Is earned vi the -m0
world The press has v;anoi to '
. oosterei.0 a wondeolul lower 888
le., lininto,s 0I0 Well Els !,,,,7tt11-,e oklyile..
. . _
week, Istioie 1,44I8' unit hit, reenvery 11 ina res% 1/81. "=‘.87.. 81 IrAh3Ilkkli di.....,;att
el% euthalkitC ,,it Pillti<olionll.tillen `.',,,, tbsighte;y1,
to the xew rerk Ammo entre i
14,tiolt:14nift: 11'.44:rlatit :31,:cr.M.39'-! (40»l'ei, Itrosterielt and wIfe atoll hoax+ bin' 1Va8e'i8iing• II 7:10%7:g,
bog, ,ptc, zu,,,os, 81.8. .Ur ,, x,..s L, icl..1;4% :18ii tqf the 11at4.84,311 r, c .8. eIll.1.,It•T'ilutte.oll., Ioritti.:tinct. h
5e'eDItet.t..,t, • tto, '..itzriwtits ll,min. Niue .,,f,r..,,, thr.:.....zie-ott. of 21,11r. arid 2oi8s ., lo0ozi t niaxont. Sit1.11.falt. o "
• o,•s' ,.l_‘I".:4::,Z' ,.tti.iyZt..mtli.izl.Glft.7ei,*.2.m.L.
i, 8'n.y.,Siuf,t., Lh..t=-,,,N.e, t«.=I3aVMenr....lt,1t.ei- ‘t,o..i..,,'.*'..,:I!r:.'1,'; ' 'f8l"''; t•,,elt't,,,'.‘'''' ' ,t'"tu;t
".4i.t:--? " .I -.',. i' , !'..', `.I"i-''•' n:.",,zu'.f 111I5,"1t14'1e
44.=,r',o2,s. *. te'e.'";'L,v's".•?e"-,•t1-eL7'".s..:
o''-f.t:ot08rzNvsilinnatitSa4188 WWlinz.ovelidthe ho-alCvn*nu..11Naimltii"Z1i. %roliett. nal .otkItg '. s "tsll18 WEreul18#The trr1,,..p.» '8 11ct. 1j '88 enr,mpsePfl% eloSdler.a.NOlt88* (f(148 11 ltom-nii'8r,888!• 8811 talal/1888,40lizatztaiteraD fig fpipor-,448 r 1,101,slyt18 INm$ftee,ti,e 148 rDIBarLt 4t• • t• - 4 t -14
TO" 11"'.'"f-SV. VIin. . .A.t. ":;
;„ Vti . tettlil-
iai. :,..-.V ''.:.-. .•. . ,:ee" ,,.:..'
:. ....et J..if t.tlizh,•-.t8 fr8
u1apMeiniooa: oz1em-u,Peu:rm88
0.4,; .' t . ..,*'iO-,
i.-".'"" "171%i,fn828.1'y 14 1». 4,,""1 o'tt1 '84
- 1 1d el81 '8 h 82 1;nwl3.,tt,';elXIX!" ditawl isllonre4 erSas 1I1:7i% 4 11 il,fr shit1WV .1 1.18i gre.eeeV' 'e`.'.1i.'eeyzals,x13 11 811888 0n1"±tf1 4
1 18
1 Tr.f,ia7'8'8 11110 "E'.s11-'81'asv • 8e8.e. 81 D.D.V4:1 - 11 ,1 " 0rertfter. .-
t•li littd -
Ye Do As We Sav
b81814ld *To a "8g10'
, WW1'tnsr1;m/1,4;esto* EE
8810" 808i8 S8108 ''.4 11/'
inoit 488'8414.48881 env.
8814' ta8'e. '8811'88118110 1180 i81i-
8 880415.
Wre1 Laarq,
tAe waEat Par11.1t
9141 l9I8148,Ite•
ltel. Ii. 1!‘1 v ,• /1tT-uree727Ce. ae•e:. Keee:te's l080"81 the 'Mlle* 8 ' "1 '" '" "...1' 88'." '-'.'111
z; t t; ;,. g...„:4„ 1,,,„„t. and the h ,„ , in 4 p:e.e.,- the L. n -:" n r sdil'e!,
. ''''' " - • `...1i4111- 4 VA" I'Durip nWay'. In a V-8"8-- '8118" '5. 'Lr -r: -E: itil'16 77°--
-4- 4- ,, , q,10a: L erds wean ti. 19tral-ne,- .2.,..i: l'ari10`ti'• 7.4P' L'ir
",. :„s. -.r. ,,E.'.!D!c.. f 8' 5.! ,.:.5•C11` `6..c_.1C3_. .11Y-'_ .16,'t:i'i'-'e''.-•sE,: 4-.'•t2 . .-7 , 2 DP'1!„2,.."N:,'.'.' rIhIif ltze.h.a-_1.1ces4.1 ela*k ei•rEe;y;ni
.mgiunnl.de:1,.o.i.s,0th1.rpI'asorftnta,he..r,r*‘a,•iI-•t4•t- 4' , aab-amy6)e.i-gatGu1er.entn-Nf ":.7,li:n. -,nth:,a..'r,l_,,,f-"' ;;.
roeo.t.+.4' . •1
jC (°,; IC 1kI1.o8estrrv81 al In'141 t'0 8 4‘/11111. 11.4#..- ...I
e f• ,o'rf 1 I88-12mi818q8808.lelliPr,"*1.tii;1111l'284t!r
,.:e8,,„„,. 1, f•z .zer*81"to, take tentea. and .•
,8_es'411.,'d »8 '19"4'S1l •
. .1'1
'-" ....' o1.:4 -•-:'.4 4.4s,8 The 41,41444ewill 4mil88e,ins-t in 0ini1441,,a., 18"81i:nn: , „r,40- as thewreek189as4».:.vac,s by x-zeria, ,,idnss 11
- .
I▪ t Br tish gzarr18-.. 11o.ori10..0 -
RoUDFOOT& HAT,e0080 ofstrr4102CaHill n
t14.8A58‘N‘4888,oY,f laiviness monIlo,ummt.a.ersnd 1 7871#7 71e
' ▪ 10 110 long IutinE412a88eett4 8 vl8(81 the Vt•I
14441'1'r!nwaggn. anniunitiit zfll -
0;i .
01 .288 4!geat 1-
x88.8 INzItW7zeOl
_ Y1114.
1ralife4.t L8141192.49'.41'
144. WIDVItqll89942'
llt the '
tki (-Teryth,10-„ •
un the 8'488u81 °'J the .. 8-.
8-44° 898891'101008108 mintAnt
etd 4
the for; wnelo .
te ecused hos. - • -
,V 4„.8 tillitH(180Pt-
i '188 188 prlf 1480
otanuelt Under re •T1nting old!148118 ;NUI21ZU$104'L1/4Bqit tf-r 1810lakeIli t 118z1
•mkrrarzad-4; 89I'. = 7
flWfl 288».10i11.r -1048,4 124
J8.8 4V04514. FR11.88/S 8h4/8 "112""J
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• Lt
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j81tt 8211A 8.
T.1) 1 T'
288 tit
-1„tpi 8981 191 498,81 01?
888e"87171 2 • "TT
1-1r 1+114 : 0110 181
e rtkiq' E1: !
111: ;044
811888 10814 ‚810 0(0 ng. v 0.18
'• -bxeter Times.
• 110_aa,•f=2s.4i„MCIINN*e*,
A. t
AT sAls
'r» 181818E1. LEPiP
9489910 Diego. rah2o.•
C. Z: • nona21 City. hs
781- q-:11 88 ;etter frezn.3081811's
.0ixs-on_ privateel C181888544108V tr.
n United States Inantry, wrten
while he was in he loptat
Manila, and fiatka tivt. 1. in
vi& the writr says a yogFili-
no, oc
cupying a bed enext
to hri
• len
at the hospital. 5tut041 111(8881,110 was really shot dead. 0:4
prted some tme ag. but 812118vas to be kept quiet for
W• PEaetFOOt "C.LI"'a in thetht34.1143s"i,»8..5884''.-•1('8818,8lan
branch of the final of ql„;:r1lettu he i5 SliTT`'Sq".4 8018- '''''''71 ''':'
.essrs. ell & Christmas, i kr harassing-.
ZELLER. 'iLintritcd, London England. This"
t, clerk loth ,Div.,coort, Huron1•:. firni eitnetel8; the largest (Mien- Arrangements have been con-
plkoted for the holding of 741.11 orziet-t-
hags of Farmers," Institutes through
1 the Province dining (he -cc -inter 'oe-
sinning Noveinber 26. for Nvirieli
.An exelnang-e says the young sixty leetrirerS Cif repute have been
".zolics rif Smiths Falls have in...-ented . engaged. who will hold forth st:ee-
E BOSSENBERRY„ a new gaerne for the winter evening's. iallr in tlie subjects of cold storogv
* LieenseoZ Atletioneer for Ilue- The entertainment is callei o.n ' and nonitry raising. At the Mid-
<7onnty. tespectfully soNetts the pet- • "onion sociable:* Six -yonng ladie.4 Winter Fail-, whieh begins in
:.,,,eaga of thosc: !who inteliti baring sci!ifs• ! tail.f. an onion into a roam and after *Glieliolx. on Decereher llth. all the
...... .....„.... ..
S zatsfsetioa atrir'n/rfee,!.. ; one a them bas taken a. loite out of speakers- will lie gathered. for :.
-, it ot roe.ng man is admitted. If grand pow -wow. 'rhe slakeilnell
ZURICii Pi 0. atter.kb,htag them rail. lie fails to miniature cold storage station. f, ..-
e onion. „ weach an appropriation wa-4 nasseil.
' al/ the virls !ore olligeti. to kiss bini , at the host session. will be er....teil
IsoPenilitnrex'ePtt S'Inil-t.vs frill' 'It Would l'.e an improveineut en the by that time. and it is P,:r.ei-teil
N a. pa.. until xi lo. in.. The mails are , .
dit.tributed as follows: pane to leave the onion out. that one of the small ears ...E the
312.it.FoliFiENsALL. eloi-eiit ti:45:la.M. : ilinirahnil varietr will also I.e
KI:dney,... bisease and placed on exhibition for tlie etlirr.,-
.0. 2 72.-.5 p.m. Backache tion of fruit arOWers anti r flier:. Be-
- " Sr.:it:tog-Tn. " 11 :11' it an- :Ur. fatrif-k J. keLting.111:!,n. !writing, tile ef gel. stora..., stit...,,zo.• .
i 6
Que.. states :---"I„ was. whieh the Government reoen*A"
.. ...
Fuom ilEi<r,...1.1.. arr. II :(41 a.ill. dyspepsia for 2e rears and Ineve dent reports that boot one has in -e
•• 182 e
miciawois. !interests ,the world. and the
e-nveeet.ere ete. Vakia7u,:' for the H41- ?8"808' 484110 Mr. Manta -no is eta
1,,r( 010,4 nq,e.1.01842 281/3 liavings ,; 104)108081104)108081 one.
Z.•::Zer Block. Zai.'.etz Ont.
11. 13.* " :55 iiin• -t*-•,0z.bled with kit:1m.y disease and 'etaltractfkk1 1-,1 aid. the 8 -" 11
• reeled, but that enquiries-
,. sTijosnetr, 1.0 ei5 nitlitso.nd suffered teroi allzrkiKr. haNre been thiek, and the intl7ca-
's " L. H. • " :1'0 a.m. tried. all sorts of nallicines but Sion:: are that next -ear will see
" " H. & B., -" 730 41.311. rot ne relief until I began usine• Dr boom in the 1mi:bless Leoorts
LETTI;fts POE RF;(4 TTON, must 1 s Tridne,y-Livw Pills. Theo.- show fnat floe '-8 218' at St. Oath-,
posted halt an hour previous made a new Man of In*, and the old ;trines especially is this year loving .
'the time for .elosing the mails. troubles. ,,-eetin to be driven out of faxed to the limit. -and much Lento-
systen*:* One pill ii_ 'dose, 25 tit has beton •derived from it- .estab-
Z.S.F.A.U•89.1; PtistailaSti$1:. •cents a box. iishment.
• • 7 :30 pan. Leen that bad 4.' mid not. sleep at
Revised every Thursday ultel.oun.
to 413
rb our
cLickens I1 -
l8a ks
Dutch eetts - -
3.; 3;
2.40 •>„1»
11 1.;"
1:; 14
15 r
- •
NV:beat 04 to 184
<lats. 1 23
Earley :t i 4,;
Peas :,,1
Flour 2.4l11 :L.11..
's (live) o':ewt - :o.Oiii l'_,.:4‘
do (dressed) - ti.j:40 7.00 : -• : •1