HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-26, Page 5~whom '1`ton-le to visit. lives VI OE
OUR PARIS LETTER itbo-ut four. . miles from thi,,, Place. OUR COMPLEX BRAIN
Clubbing rates, Backade i I took a ottr to his door and fnunll Why Ary- Siostoe Villp,,ar ASIA, Qt)hcrA�
him*%vorkinz in the flolds, (17T'Wed HOW NERVE MESSAGES ARE CON- F'We have Imide arrangements BY R. J. 11A.0AN, in Iriih workjwr attire, wlli(,,], ell;n Why do We resvem some VePtabl0s'
1 offer the following low clubbing TO be. better imagined than described. VEYED TO AND FROM IT, and despise otlivr,' - i The bKlu is M
6tes with Trip, HERALD I r ears. Xy stay in ri rance, Paris and the Ile, has it 1 . aitiful fItrili, contain. grace -fill. voutldlill;, engaging' vim., but -
Suffered ffuch-Was Unable to Work or Exposition v. as about five djyq and it xx a signal Box WuieU Recoras %,ou (:Ijij put 1.vnns loto jjukLL'Y Qr
int' 90 Irish acres tind he nia-3ros and Transmitu All Sensation -Self into the ljlgll,,,q 1��Ijfl of prose. Vier&
DailY Globe $4.00 Sloop -or, Chase's Kidney -Liver lijils a halt or It little more, IWas j"tht nio,;t of his mone7 out of sto(�k control the Xev to Premervina Ito is 110 (INni:13. 111 the beall.
Mail & Empire 4.25 long enough to become 't asoinatea I 41)ent four or five very pleas- ' brium. Corn--whwh in Illy gartiall gro,,,�'
1.50 Made Him Well. with city. I wt-ts loth to leave' antlY Wit -11 him, or
Weekly Globe , the journeying
Too many endure the misery of back- suell It pr."ltty place but pleased to through tho differont parts of the The science of medicine is year after 00119,911IQ the beali, aw.i. so rarm., I
Mail & Empire 1.75 fect, rieo. wltb no affeMMILM or
17 kuowlng that it Is the think I was finaneitl,117 able to J", rural tli.;4triet in the north of Ire. per
ache: without, year becoming more and more
.n xElolit,;
Berliner Journal (German) 2-50 unmistakable syrar win 01 kidney LOA- so, because It number that visit0d 11:incl. I lind the pleas- Its diagnot3es are More rellable, and Is, however, tliv ehild of 8011"'.
Family H(�rttld & -,tar 1.7r) ease, As you vktlue your Lite do III t -tee were rolievo . d of all thfyk-' Ind. I ts XvaVL19 in all litorattire, 13uj illix It witlt.
neglect a backache. it tells of the ! tilt' ;'lace 1 tore of visitint, the ehuroh and; toetlioo of treatment Is more ratlQual. bans,
and Its lli�arl tone is goile. Sue,
ginning of the most fatal Of diseases I)ossessed, I Imew, or tit left'4 saw, s,,httiol where my fathe.i. dtt0nd0LI. Although the. brain Is the chief tart t 0
-Brwit!s Disease of the kidneys. it young inan that had been robbed I PlISO 01.1,11ed On the teachor thut, tash Is vulgal'; It is the lean In it.
iminons, Mabee, -�d to work of the animal -man, yet there tire many *.I.,, r vvg(qubje. )Nltb.
..)(i lj(,a.n is a V ga
Xr. D. %2. IS Ont-, of $150 nn(l was. C0111pell( tatw:ht hilli, ttlthougla it is 55 years things about the braln which sclentista )tit culture or auy flavor of higb socle- -
writes :--My ki(ineys and back his passage home, I 10 -ft thO city!also �dnco lie left school. The
so bad that I was unable to sleep ,r et fathomed. iy among vearmal-11-s.
work. My urine had sedlmwllt 11-(e at 81), in., or rather I left the hotel -so- have riot y
.hools here are, inuch differont
brickolust, and I had to get up three tit that hour and after a. drivo Of I from Our own and the method of But great strides have been made In Tben there is tl,e cucumber. like q .
two miles and it half on a double teft(q.Ling i,, v(,r-,r odd. you will that knowledge whieli has only wlthh:j 111131131 11001)1P. good f')!' 110tll"ug `v"('n "t
or four times every night. and the
N-ldney-Liver sleeked b recent years been discovered and is ripe, I saw Dr. Chase's us, 'Wag findlly lan(led at find from eight to V%volve pupils, in of it. Ilow hifortor to the inelon, will -h.-'
Pills advertised, and decided. to give thestation where I boardea the ol(I on,, according to size and t1to reveals to us what the cranium really
them a trial. I have only used one grows ripon a sjr.!1j)j- vjiln! Tilt, en -
box, and am a well man again. I can inlimnan French train which wits in attcn lance. Very lithe contains. Shelving vviiat has gone be- 'timber Is a sort of low (Ioniedlatl In m. -
stow wood or do any kind of work, si,il to draw us along to Dieppe to -mhore il, tall, "t, except reading, writim, fore and what has been taught as m,,I- eompany where the melon is a winor'
am not bothered with backache or ki,'- we boarded it more , dreaded convey -
and arithmetic. Needlework and seal law, the following ilitc-resting data ,,,nt1vinan.
ncy troubl.os. I also enJoy good rE-.,;t ance, the channel vessel. Tho snell. li'k-0 is beginnin- to find :I on how the brain works are now -N,hat ' �bt- lettuce Is to me a most Intvr(1qt
and Ele-p. %-,,biob fr, a treat rcll,!f af- channel wasn't. so rough this time .
plice in the schools, From one to Is accepted at the present time as the in L,
ter siffrring for eighLi:-4�n years." - tudy. Lettuce Is like con rorsn t!,,Il
011 Dr. Cbase*e X;dney-Liver Pills, one and we were landed at the WWII two hom-sa dal -i, :,riven to thot correct theory; It must be fresh till(' crisp, so ,parklill-
25 all hour kind again boarded tin English w Z
pill a dos,% � cents 4 u -`c, at , orl aninn-v the girls. This is, The cerebrum-froul and top -Is be
After spend-
rison, Bates and Co.. trainfor or Old London. renerall- Ille, rpitruce. like most talkers. tbough.
, tunght by a lady, who is chief part of the broln and the 1w iondcalers: or Edma
Toronto. ink it day in London I left for Liv- t1i oronahlv
in the sante. I diate source of all our mental action. apt to run rapidly To seed,
prpool, but before doinly so I folin(I the pnpil,; very mannerly, The gray matter of the outer surface Is Blrssp(l Is that -rt w1flob comes tap •,
A FAMOUS LIGHTHOUSE. calof led on Captain James Bo-uylanll but it almeare(I to me this was; made up of layers of nerve cells. These
J I lipad. and so t-ctri Ins- like a fow rion-
Old Lo Capt. He is. AD% Sam. J. titnglit thein in it ,jjght1v different are the thinking Centers. Experiments ple I know-groiviTig more 9-1111
Tillamook Roclr. nt the mouth of the Latta's father -in -la -m, (Princil)ttl Of wav tl,an we tire used to . ten(!1ling. have clearly demonstrated that each I'atisfaetory and Tender and whiter nt
Columbia III -Ver. Himene street school, Lontlon,'Ont..) The tvavbrr is it firm believer in c ' �Ouvolutlon has a special function, and the center.
Her(, I was right, royally enter- tlie roil. I vigited it, munber of If destroyed It cannot be replaced. Lpttuep, like conTersatlon. mqi,lro�
The most famous lighthouse on the
111s, and it
tabled for about four ho � left
4&LL Pacifle coast Is that of Tillamook rock, - in I - go.to schools and folin(I that till -werel It has also been Pound tlla Y11 be I Xo()d deal of oil, +t. avold fricti,-ii n. I
10 allies south of the mouth of the C.o- 11111f. Nvll( was obliged to I (-onducto(l. on a ginjill1r, j side of the brain Is snore act ve than lrof,p the comport zrnooib- a l0w), t
lumbla river, Oregon. The rock Is 102 3ir, train. Nir, Bouy-hin(l. l Their holi(lays w-mitl begin ab)l1t; tho right. kttic salt. n ola5b of popof'r. wlutr -1
rentleman of abont 8r), r *ell
feat above the sell, yet at the time Mr. in elderly i Sent. 1 ,tll. its the harvest begin"; How has that been found out. opi rinoaar. MIT �ct ITI;N(Id th"' )+ 1
I,nrd nialip one of Ills photographs a 1,881 V(1,01A OfWNI, but IIS `11tIl't all" thon. The farmer is beta =r us an epileptic commences a fit by will norls-p no ;hall) etintragm and
of 50 rquirnors, (ill I
wave was breaking throw4i a crevasse Ive ;I,, it Illan than in iljLv�, gone by, just, tL sniiai 1 twitching the right tliulnb or hand iinp ',ill
of Rnmr.
and hurling Its spray higlivi- than the %.t kme tinitl he was Captain' (if an; rent i-, vxtrijetod from the forini would find Its cause to Its nerve center I feel that I flTr In tilt, best oelf-I 4
Atiantie ;to-iliier and lie '-oves t I' 1,int,. 6 on the left side of the brain. It Is only vLbpn I am with ".*tIlee. It is in 1"!t,
summit. On till.% clay it was too rough I and flit -so farnis are Vieirs its
Por the Colunibivv'q boat to make a 1-4�jute oltj thne svit -40rills. HO t IS they pav tilt' I -put. L-tb-�. i�,., within the past few years that inedlerl iuc7Ft splo(q roe,-tn??Jo tilrole.-4,11:14-14-Z
lauding. Coal fur the station had to Ile I lives in it lovely part Ilf the vity. in,
(,Ilpav, III; vou van '"eta j men are now able to make a itiap of tile y linmey wMarner lit "'y 'Summer In is
hoisted In not Mingm, and the keeper t livtutififl little terrave. His wife
171!1 1 or 1,,. V11. it slaty. This i.,z at pretty' Wit -f -Ace Of tilt' bra"',' according to the garden.,'
hail to be lowered Ili a rage or basket it n1unber of ypitr,; Iiiz junior I , -,nntry. it-; thcre aro 111"ill" various functions informed
ant). sit" ponded lit midair over the, son. ty i,; eit' B it la IN-. They litive e, DED TRANSFERS�
I t-iin-4 en(lijelt to llutIct, it boajjtifozj., .4,11 Improl.-Mons reeelvold from the FOL
o coniffiri t',�oeal, nue-
Eve f vit of land Vint (.?In parr outer wt)rltl, whiltbor thronall the lue-
report oil tilt- condition Of 11111IRPIF and f �nv� da tI.Aiter t
his assistants, as they were short of in ibeir 1iI ibn itlill flit, rest i., d!!Iln Of sV.Itt, hearing. taste or rimey inereause a Conducitim' r
Rvqvbiir,- Liverlimll I forints *,x, tntieli. are varried -V-vet io tilt- surfaeo, and Are Tryins, to jjjs4 Tot.-saper.
iprovir-11.11s. Itiost of the supply having .jt.v.i- (I`n-nra-� tivor ;nil it ti-rvert-1 xvitli swevt of tile brWit auil rt -lrd(-1l In the •1)1.:Iln "Some people Itail-k- 12fts
betin tleitroyed during a storm "ttletneartfill loo, livat'111-1. T?t..
I-Ir4jm tile I;Itlti of the rock A heavy sea ituire .,I :;" it never 11-t 11.1 rainin,7. � ,, -118 of Their rosliet-tivil areal". while 4!'k Pt t -Ar etwoltivVirs", %Ititl out. 4,f 4
adt aro narr-w and vr+b lv-tl 1,11t ri �'viv
�jjjO all ilty 14int-awl. the I of Ill, ,w ilitir after lit, P V,"� had
at this hies Ili def tills storm tore off two ' I" m - .vell 1): el -,vitli Tilt- fill -pi -. all inovt-inouts art, tile rv- lilt
pieces averaging 03 pauudg and burled '#is �illbllc%i n141111ir 4 it, pNvs front the cells Ill the diff0rent lively 01110 In Wili '1Z it"'I
nre -outtll. mw4nox frnni 14 tit ax 4,
[Hr Gtjlpjlj upon the roof of the ketippes, 711tv.lr pl.111 t,. j lit. to. it. I va4leil n:.•wr areas. iiia and snys; till -
With till .1raft here Inil �qlent the *lrw, there arp five lanris sentiory Xvw York Times.
wi-Ight of this ova .jV •t -t
dwelling'. ilitbeir lli-loe oi- w; their -4 ll� -N
-- witIl Ar. rain
till- theso (mgmeuts made a hole 26 fetit 11%.1".
sjf T111. flit;: art-aq In 11.1. lliahl. UP (if till. tow.
rilillit." to N' f -mud in t1to Tlaii-I little !!oier Owl
T:11 -f i, fne! rt�vtl. TlIN . , tl.t-
in jtjv� tit thil, root, thAioled the buffil.1tc-P IV' k SIM. grohl til wlil 'A sigilt. witiell lot tilt* lar--mn. at US !"U tit V
a dkoSleante e,
pth of t)vpl, 11ve ftwist told washell Niltr-hr-ti n. 11 ;
I" t, It -till; of the llw..T;tl 140.11-11. titste alto]
ll 0- fl. Will t! is limner, ill,4 Ili 1 V,4 tilt., , 1-140i. ugal 111a:
W-1141 lot- -
ut tw(o, throwing three rommi t zlro i"ttoll :ill over r, .11111 1 !-t-pring hake thOr jo4tIttnq tit tilt tjjtl wny t.,Dpy �jjjli�? ��a :horr trauslo i I
lnttl (oll(k. rill "Iniprovenient" for whiell rl,,Ao -,00 •-70� livor�rtlling g"It- IAr the llto.14 In tilt- tonivatiral (Winpl-41
Itifint I iol't regloin anal inwir t4w-faet- Tont-b ha
D 10 tbill tit''' iters: Nvore Ilist rt,� s!" 1nkl it 11j,.L 1% Is' t,,1 1 It .4
fiw R 2A L t fol, I'llytiS of roelt puneturml the Iron that s,•It -00t. a 111"'11 I-Zh- H* it � filtillplililp .11 tj«te toIls of the brulu. too 11-i"d t.- t, M little �.tr to-; 0 1
I t"'ort. halirt ,
rVoof In 34 11141v4sq-, Altbou-01 tilt, &e.11 J,P,# �t4-r t!!,tlj !I;N Ilwlal gwit. wlMe lile :10POr 111,4 as tl�"
+ )1,wi t , vl�lt oul ilo -tr,41W n Wit% Vaill It
j plant, of t1it, Ilkatern he 1,13.0 feet nhawo, 'oft fk� r ill tj,e, JIVt'jji�jg '41 0 J.Yk% taki'3 up tilt- 141111C of thqoI luiddlil .14
�Jjpl, alld . ort. I'D�fljt Ri;?,.
tilt, vied Itisnki. 12 tiamos of glol's threii, INV tc�. j., t , F1t+,twtI,;tl w1wre on't fit. ...
lomll �r 4-rrr aml lit alt tit right nwD41 *14-4 llak-141 Wtth th#1
&cet ting and throk--9l or Wit Ineb 11 4.044,1 1 -at t:*. t t 11, 1 tVvio. ow". Hill, twor- -w-k-ro-,4tinn Oro so sillpitolblI.V jimanged by N.A '11v
VW thick weno. hatuelled In Ii'v lilloo-t-s or rl"Is, tt"', m-�4 AV1111*14l,'! 1, Sul :11 11.1turti th"It the fIt,.4-br reel's of tht. 11pitte -! ftwu woo a- !k
rcq-L, %viijell wtont lhroulz-b Oil Laulf-ru. #'%ti, Tt �w urt. ill rrc,ng. tliw. 111sol. tit the lownl. 10ty, 461 141�*sie 4
'r. -jpIft'41"', this two
44 :36"
'R*T. ti- is I , 0�,.rt t- attemilt .0 1- 'Uh- tilt' WO'
and the wattor put out the lhwht Tilt, 411.4 v 4114141 in artl alpi ,.as vu too ilus, foot, To z4ve
LiulloillIg IEjkS now lq�pjj ratmod �;Ix fvvt. grillill vilij nilyl the !,vlf iialluu. 4.rB1hf--Aj NT V V.,it tie:ISI-tttlnn." all eN2141joh, 1146%v tilt- toillsiorl, '131d IvIt
it -v. , . . 01 1 4� mad that lik-tiolile JjL)4sj4jr JIVI'VeA Wtflti' It VkiU When a %%-#,)n)nv 91 IQ t W-11110rur. 0hoP
mad a thlet. violivreto rouf hMS betD fuld olr�A losv - 1 7441144,41 '..I'
on hc�avy btev-11 glrdfft Irt.14 1,,,1l%t �*4t% anWI f'."und �04 Z110 II-tviVy. risItit orvell thall llot or itharli. III%- 1111111tv.A.
.ft"n It up Ital wl o,20-01 U tic
olr lrr4t. 0. 111414, ,j,oa R4,rd* I.t,n14W at :G 3R ij lbrr
ON - tVtont.1 lit, I jh-jvs,,% t,,;j It# Itip seliwr.V Mi.l. '""Q
took* 11'"litue.st Thil. Ilan 1*10-11 "!, %v 1% b I'vto
1ti. I 11%,H= uplIviv% 'A 2 z,
-f.7"4�,.�:C,*",.Uttlt,llft��! 01t that frow %-r Ugs, L5 t1 1,,* 0,- .
One can Luffly IRE441 14*t* rt Ilt"WAItAlIfIr 4114, T sf�j, tvo;,l-la t�rqs
odd tali, I.
fill- 100offyAl to 10011 $Iqur , 'V Q!,
- "'!;4 4�11'-
L lever giv-en il%4-44 ow gb,,
oil t' Is' t15%I4l" r� 4,o4 iilj� q
lit Violilmr. valky travUH04 94tWj1IP1h`# it pjq1tr lqq renwiliber all tilt -
OD go t+ 4w.,�-o tnt
It U4 lffi`qrks tit tagil, �tiuwatdlwol don!voce, f,lftool U.l�Jtg I.I a
go it %n -at 'PriTro
It It 14 uo��t uW-Pte m the n "tw fllw-!n�v% a jwl.D�islr rLp Sa,on tot tMl� is 00";4t
TF1.) �qy 11"11 na cal. 144V�04e, - t' lljilj;t`Ia 5t f f
wev. at 9q awt .44t, C, P,, ,�
-tip,4-t ve nv,it Tt�, hp.t
ec4debt let oalp 11 the luost U011190 %,149 fall vm!"# a-. %tqL3
a p'.1trA1104 snqo�,Asm. "t ot1,41101 's it 11,01M, Wo- UBE LYE-giltElat a--,;
4 mv NIA IlvLeanve,
F'n. vvt".e�� ,
U IL04 %1b 1,,l
-Be gu1nd
10911, 13 1 i'mat DID. vk� IUD. icI, tllo
P, "The oil %q I,la P11flrp sPo"PA t,� ILI- U�t &I
Dq. tr`tte
tip's' Ili9IIre!inntyttl«--,D�'J t.11rg-•tt jinn
With 47 t -,vv tq ",1,4 thatL.
�jt ;p(b, an,- If III-. 1�,,Or, it 1),,
s Q 4 f �,n :Wtr c it
tb- !t
1."n 40L4TI�-u f -.v allua 7a.0"'rd Cru"iI
- 'S�!LCdL,- v"t ziu uVEVll ,y
luin. -A tiro
Wh.4 6 avk. L,
ii give VICAM."
0 a sholirt ftne
I . gull unIwie uu"%Ovc,�,& ibut
do orjgffor feghtreny for C4,44stolU. -it Iliz"li I�q Thet,,X-
"W'r %'n tn V Q 14 9Z D, 01§ enlro l"Jt
- - - yet N, bnt gzvp thoftl cet- 14vttilt 1110re i'Z hk I. !n
to tr.,t� ot an ther are reusifir to 1,,e rem -1 it raq tln:4 "a CIS It 51]1 U'i
4 " r
11 to an Alneried1l. Ire-11111si, L, -, ,
lo-nt-r triAll bravel" vei%v A'Dw"... �,v f� -n- c4v'r aw;oli -40�,Tv >wr
. *w 'L,;qvq, n,,* pj4rtiel!1r rgAPS OVA 011�.Q. U1X--'4VvSV It CSOES UP
Vo a v:, e'vigo,'.
fli 14 1 no"t ittl5m
at q -h a Il ne". ths--v make their AU*h All *hotp nm.1 LC Pts Ot 'RO-3 A 0--.
'011 t�,, traveltnt. not
I I lvts Il -
pivasure omm t ted s rf I: , --MrCes. yall , tav ';"ft vellt-z in ftig- in-jance. is stninped
for it tool 'vrn lit l@' v'S g a w!'Alo
!1tin the dvshv. expetlen&-d 4jU'4Djj'-ft. n- ."'tonmn ID -401 "fu*Dir a bo #&,e qvq4`.- q -j jwlet- ent`e 0
J 01DI 11�11-4 ov WIW0, f5glt:�f- 4Lto-
'%'ni, for a jullill. In tit! O!,em-e g.-eph an�,j � no,- nS tali- 07701110A
thf, 1I,-jn11U live well !"Jolt
% fqtl. Tl , vl1l
I N i'N,
all, hea,
r S,
Lt Atg heads
in g
iness ardis
0. etc.
-I I www Inattit tof 7fii-re aIs O
6^:111; liq leo oPI4nn'i. 't is now an 'Alqeolt
Bw on n, -T
,.,I -it% the. 'namers alld erx-t"Ims
-np m-atn iq
vz. very Tt-nvd I,
sz%unii of and othet sI44-
41"'14t0-" -I' T
T15P prefr6Ptal regtAn
1,,i. flit. t"C'SU" t
numr-;zf ro, J.avq�ql"
An..Ir,.Nr Line �jimsl Vion left tilt, hj,�+
-' ny, DIZ� 0
;& , - 71,nna4l "41
IvIne. - a lkart In tint-
V,,L�-re de it rmf--.tns Lig, kqotIn the
."o -n t'.e
N Of trPlanA. t7th. Z,.,rv1 I
a'Ta'a, fi.,ot -,"nr! EN t1ge,
M tf-r A - 'In
to leave a 741r111 t"IT."ilt
tng p2nt-e ,Zoo' t1p if tve %Vi,qb
nokim IN, lit,
-41p4A tats" to
r 71.�r-alat7 n,�np olffier ei-am i-ounr,%z�N1.
-P Isfimu'dus unnst
tot, -tr 1 011,11 a I
1,0 thip A07 wgilst ty
e vIl, v;j ore llcline wa, f"n-1-n
Tnss rpTpTroutsl
er �Vtenee thp qtInlearq !'Is
-A a :-Is
P.Ima"rs a1th.I,,jrP1 anil henN`
-onli.tntngz the
Sent tl$ the b,;a�'n 'eeiis c
-I* A'
�,Znoll ChL41--s rather hehhza ve��At
to be rc��011ed. It 1.8 like S
.1 broken mnonv.-Me
Xy opininn %if t111t,
Il163,01M as rarxay
il74o- -,,Lcross t1le, At lantie has
nnje.iq your l-ZnAd be In 90fod
'Sitt-rullh ter Alrimiloftm.
.�.jnsretl. I folran(I all obli!Zintr
ordLle�- ItLe aetIve Uffe Of the brllIn VV11
, o fLe ql�ps-ua-aj w:Aeh. It ISa
t j -'D rfpj:t
ri�mkV tO asldst you in any wav- P�Is-
hP fitre&-fA M-Gtd 's the 'n P9'Nqljln-
Freneh'wotffil PX-
Q,-ent- an`� it It t"' of Wma the
--yraltnt is *11", Mv 1. or"
nrfl4s their regrret by gesdhirtts, .It
work it does In the tvay of -urislistnent•
Allmn-Ig'Aurn -'Yso tl.'-t
Blatt cine able to render the
will be of a worthltss, chnn JC_ter praeti
_ t,., � S `tate *_QU"� in StVt..
%,nee that, wad:'- expected of V-,er-.
ca -11y. Poor blood Is an enpmy of thoe
t oA,,t in -,In m
I -hall a1mays have the kindest of
brahl. but btippui.v it is not so dNas,
-ag eami�"[on 4 Iq eoTnp.4ratiVf-.y
ff,eim-as for the pecololeof these 'flif
trous a foe as woru- In that yen have
%V,, rc Ur�ejpr -.i3atn
-n!rmum is not tvr� ri,'!td b U t It W ly:
t1p r,-fij enemy of the liwain.
the machinery Of tliliel
ou,,.nd ne-a!,Dy dwo-'fire olelcr..
brain and mind, iind is little anter. tor to
0 h.- ren%iN, qt *IW. -1!-. 4
sbock. which usuallyparalyzes hem
I 1!;y forai-M4 tenet Pres';-
arentRy' impmv#�d
i worryeaysc Irregular nerve netion.
, 1"q- at a to :.,;, , 1r:.".j-
and it it be c-ontinninus it pronem-eq a
AnA ain ArAinn -, vv9 .
A 'bill will be inttodu<,ed at fne'
confusion of Ideas. ThIp depres-c-s the
va-vitistroner ti fm 1,Le pure sietc1J.
nf,xt session 4 the Ontario Loon-
rolls of tile lirnin. and the usual ro-suli
latureto proviile for Vile iniedival
1, If there is no abIttMMItit In the worry
trt" _ttj)jPnt, J_kf inebriates. It. will
complete fil,.111re of tbo brMn's, nction
Trotter- irs a fnvorla Ot
p7Pe for the appointment of an
and consenutmi: mpntaldisturbance.
jin.wig 11w 0.1114ern fakirs Tif lt%:,t
o '10al to ni'ganive and sur-erintend
Self I.Ontrol is this key to preserving
•two some inmvlv straill;ll
of furnishinv inebriates
tbp equilibrium of the brain and to
nerve oneldn.a. hnne erneking Postul
w.th medical treatment. tit home or
maintaining its natural healthy state.
and -
in it aener.tl lingpital. 7he bill also
Njiss nivimon I-n't it tunny lit"
.1A es that in every eity of over
t,,opp Oda ori,,ntni itleas flud dbqelpt�
tw(i inhabitants a ;)ro1%t`on:
At the oppilng of every presidential
tilleer should !)p apj)ointed b.7 file.
campaign there is, always ji big (iontand!
rrt)jtei W11"11 do Mein nivan't
P)lie e 1commissioners; to take Suver-
ft,r e.6AtI(qjons of ctimjitign badgm
vi-zxi)n of the patientshis salari 4170
statf. *-w"llifiotini, used in the cam-
evert `1 Pe
heixtidby the 1�iuxiicipality.
pars of"th Q
amees Bar.