HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-26, Page 1Subscribe for "The elhetath" Si per Year. The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. tifilartteb ;gtit` To solicit for "Paid Up"' Sub To "the `ev WA" FIRST YEAR, VOL. 1 ZURICH, ONT. F1IM.:YY, OCT:27071900. FIRRA LB, IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING BY D, DYER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: -$1,00 per year paid strictly in advance. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be eharged when not paid in advanee. ADVERTISING RATES. -Tran s t e n t advertisements, 5 ceuts per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small Advs. sueh as"Lost" "Esir'avt" or "Stolen" will be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 eeuts for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -m.)11 mu and qua rtet'-eobi t1In rates for spec U ed periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to D. DYER, EDITOR, Zt*itx'n, P.O. CHURC`-JES, f1T. BONIFA('E, catholic. ()r.ler of st9•vier for the winter. Sundays:---Ilielt mass at 10 a. m. Can elaihna and instruction at 1.2 o'teloe•k The flow Iioure or one boat to vii t o (ttr Loci in all. bles$etl 04ate:,me•nI fruit 3 to 4 p. ut. Vespers and ltene•lie•tinn of ./ 1140 most 1e1e•..44d t::ae'r:anae nt at 4 pan. ltsoty I)1yr::-llil�h to:e, at lo a. m. \'••r- pe•1's naevi bepn elietieeat id 4 le. tat. Week 1)4; hie+s t•t-etll 11110) 111x1)," se '• o't'I(1ek. First Fe el:tem. naafis, with ex- position at :► n•,eltleii, Rev. Father Valentino, Parish Iorie'4 ILIVANGELleAl.. I;trnme acrd I:x)bThh Smoke. see. 'i+•04 tiernaeatt• tat ht e,'e•gttek It. M. I7.111,°1144, tall en -stet is p. a:a.. ,monslcnk r40t'•u•: at Io.ate. l'ae4,•het + t't•Ca1ta,•1 .natant*r .l:itallae+t', at 7. V•°tatl)a .51)tIHee4•0 ieb '11t17r ita':eetaloeat 0. NV editesday eveulaeg: 1i1/./W/0111 Itrttyer nlNtetltal, at n it'witatetu,Y;: Etialish prayer Int tenet at 7.3'e. Fred,* (Nome:: 'I to ache r',' tple,titali at e. Wee to II F etetese nesse i':!«t,Jr. -, (.3*. Entberitate t. Prlri Oimitt'a (riott,:f ieatft:: ottutdA 2iierl5ctts 1%111, It, :liteKss, .'sol n .tit►r .S oittltdi% :Ilet•13e ns titans lthr. Eaitr,•r t i1•ilami1ta3l,, 11e.>.ta 21tmtbs. ant gait, 31tn. ,1lntIP, Pato The Como Hotel T,, ,re Prormktor E*ir-1 S nte!`'Qnn33aaintteuiiP'J3I for they travelling llaaiglirr. Always ;,top tat THE CCMMEY1C"I AL when eat to heir. Pin:it-class sample mettle tor (,'t11-dlurnerc fall Men. LOUIS' FOSTER, - ZURICH Ho J. B. COOKE* Late with Garrott' & Peou,ifee Iletrist os . e(D1weatter, Notate; Pahlie. Hensel/. Ontario. ROUDPC O ' & HAYS) Bel -r stern, So3ieitoes.:Eot:aries Pnblie e'e , ete. Cos. Square and North Streett,1 diatu'et til, Ontarrio W. tOtxttott5 9t ft. C. HAYS • 77i�y ZELLE . +Ctee- rit TOtih Div. 'Court, tinron a`oaralrJiss,o3u4t for taking Affidavits,, Convey4oneet et& Vaiuntor toe the 31na- :°ert are Erre !Joan and Savings Co.. (32i(e- Zeiler mock. Zurich Ont. E. BOSS XBERR YLicensed Auctioneer oe Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. fist eet_,.8 guaranteed. UFICH Fpm O. Is open daily except Sundays from S a. in., until 9 p. 10x.. The nails are distributed ars follows: Mete Foe HE1ts xl,re close at 6 :55a.m. ♦• ," et ", 2 .)spam. 4. " ST.JOSEPR, " 11:10aa.m. „ " L. H. &B., " '6 :55 a.xn. "' ," L, H. & B., " 2::55 a.in. "" PROM HRNSALL, arr. 11 :00 a.ta. L CI„ "" 7 :30 p.m. ", ST -JOSEPH, " 10:45 a.n1. " H. & B., " 11 :00 a.m. e, " ie. H. & B., " 7:30 a.m. LETTERS FOR IE,RGTSTRATION, must be posted half an hour previous to the time for closing the mails. p,S- ,.A•U5; Iostroaste t 3 tylpctgniiire, �G. STANBURY, B. Successor to COLLINS R STANBURY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Nei1's Bank, Exeter. Our oral Puti t, Misses Addie and Alice Johnson visited at teaforth, Sunay. P. Lamont cattle buyer left on Saturday last for Montreal with a carload of fat cattle. Mitis Tillie Johnson returned home Sunday after a pleasant visit at 'W". T. Box's, Seaforth. Misses V. and T. Johnston, re- turned last week from Detroit, after a pleasant visit with cousins, there. Miss Wright of Berlin, and Miss Ash and brother of ebringville gspentatfew days with T. Johnson pant week. �. S1e,eBuchananandt D Tian re- turned t"t their etudies on Monthly. at the (ioueriell Model and. colleg- iate re :spet'titi rely. J..1'Tteter is n1itI:inb• as spatiality tet ;toltee?'e ja el:ets, talj)le`. rte. eta. If you want to be ma -to -date ettll tin Previte!' tear your fall and winter eluthinr. '1"hejtetliti••:11let is commenting to 1 !, hod. Th . 7>71tt 1•u+.t tatl6een in tl1V I jt.tale'n'taatie►Il at Parkhill balk more ! j t.ejtee 4e1Ut e►f t'w) than thanks- ➢S 141P* to\e• 111''iet1. at least the ta•lp laleere s 1ttstaaeterv_ , 1 tone t," , fifteen ,An (i .. ! v e n twirl -.Nit tit't! (n tet nts tel a C"la re:h. fia'333 !E e811°13 aadvet't:mei • feDe till It ltavelley to ,,tend a romp.. for 1 3 8 "••11fitexinntS and whitening the hands. j 4oetebl; WU3;es W11e) 11387 wish to Til V4 was the reply a "teatath' tleen , 111110' Ibelxtt3.t'r t)1a SatUril.ar t°3lenin4!. :Ion i31 tltslateet,°r• neve titans as den ; litta flat• "•:aelii 1' jr3'it°31ee1-8° a'sil11 'rt= aa= arte° t.oaia' felt»tl3t'3' )''t•, The calitaaltle for .411 elitwwee !"f the :reit er;. titete, wee worth the 333etnter. .`l'l1°' new rcee:t3?aatie,xu tales effort ten $.ttTint:a v. Ohet..+t). Master Clark of Buffalo is staying with his uncle C. Fritz at present. Miss Minnie Doan returned to Lucan Monday to continuo her studies in music. Several wagon loads of merchan- dise• consigned to St. Joseph were: detained here by the bailiff on Tuesday evening. Preeter's millinery department was never more complete in all the newest things in millinery and his prices are always reasonable. E. J. Hagan recently purchased a fine driver from his brother. Ed. is a lover of good horses, and this one is certainly a spendid anima]. An Irishman stopped at a hotel and got supper, lodging and break- fast. In the morning he told the landlord he had no money. "°Why didn't you say- so last night?" asked the landlord, "Och," stlid Pat "I thought you would be sorry enough to hear it this morning " An exchange says there is no use in walking the floor with a felon if you make use of the following re- cipe :-Wrap a Cloth loosely around the finger, leaving the end open. Pour gunpowder in the end and shape it dcnvn until the felon is covered: then keep it wet with camphor. _in two hours the pain will be relieved and a perfect cure Every fanner who own: hie- land � Aug. Hill of Crediton spent Sunday in town. W. C. Davis the popular grocer of Hensall was in town Tuesday evening. Wm. Fritz and family of Credi- ton were the guests of his brother Charlie over Sunday. John McKinley and wife of the Goshen line, Stanley, and Miss Scott were visiting with Mrs. J. A. Williams on Friday last. Every girl should learn some use- ful occupation. and cultivate habits of industry when she is young. She may have to support a hus- band some day. If the political orators keep on kissing the pretty- girls who present them with boquets a lot of us who have thus far fought shy of polities will feel like getting into a game which. seems to offer consolation prizes to winners and losers alike. It is neees ary to reed the parts papers, to prove that every man of any note, every man« -ho has the temerity: to allow his name to be mentioned at a politie'al "'onveention every man who ever voted grit or tory. is a scoundrel of ddeepest dye and unworthy of the tontblente of any person who prizes home- and virtue. will quiel-'l y follow. w. and is out of debt is independent. Advertising reduced to its lowest Banks may bleak. syndic Tates go to terms is merely asking the people wall, markets, maty be all in the for their trade. That is all thea a is ; heeds of the Otaars and et the of it. A businessman wants trade :farmer may sit on leis fenttt. and ��� 11iaIle a t e .. - .. . .ot xa xxt n e •: In xnt ) ' '!•t11 f x ! frit 1Iis h 1 I 1 i .lt line` Ift it a tart it„ur,cnre titin good line and he !spilt 1 stands it and tlaatt �'ertl tithe anti runs his bll.inees prel 1erly, it is on- harve t will not fail. that men lr a question elf askease eliout%h must eta anti llee lu'3at Nein to feed ja» pie unit .'kine theca often. Tilt tlxtlxl. anti when jtalnie•: i'. eau° he i� newspaper is ttt•knowlet gt d to he flit elf. r8xlge 811i1 aura's shelter. tht be :t nuediltnl tt1 rtaleh the l:tv. Litt tnf Credits in prtctt•httl pe•tj)le. Z7at n1"St jertex�ressivenitt'- t«"' vel;v able- se•x•xtotexas 110 flare eltant c use THIS Iit;ll.tr•t). . i'thtaeli•t ellurelt un Smeley lint. A ("irt'rllitr la;t•:1)ttn issued by tilt* T1 ee tet`t•nin1; •ln ee Dais -e• in Etat'li•h. Pee t a^Ilite auatl:+tritnty ixlstrnttln ° `••�.ntuint'il 8e)111,' •crud wiritte tt1: el.ttxtat+teY4 i1n sill 1•ifil'P and te)w;1� hnslta13e1 a111e1 'J.1ft, �Stale•l) `� 1' awl Bala rv*iniej tt'nsl 1 na,al�!' ea•411;111:^111$61.1„Y:. t"i lsttja tS1NiIr etflirl�•a eaj+sen every t'ett11rt16ty t't'elxiix frtt111 ,.:311 to 1111 1'e plea'"ttnt and *b3331. -$ e, etare•' await he redneeal 'tar a 11t9n1111c.ao: u'l'lettl: fttr till! r('!'e(eljlt of saving. - vets '"Il t. (i:alilti3In . ' ice':( And let 11S, n•rt 1N(111P tl(ej+ti.it and the tratll�Ait tllatl le Wterary 111 4'et•ll !1 t±11�s. Petr in slate !t¢ ether savings bunk lousiness. q,,� �,t31 we � • Tlat' t•Ira•{•fail t'bjrt•t fill rices 1•. rias a filth ?Neap. if we faint tntxge°tli('xaC'e rat ' tt•1`titelp.� r'tet•e"7101 rj 13•,t. Without Sleep. l'lae d it1tpi'ta f tee !wily is see, e haattett''•1. ,*laet'�� �lt°eteae•ee 3 .10,31•• t9,t. ;:y 311jatl,ttr. t e)t' .4t:ar4°c"ii alters t° It is to warning'4' tip+•' at3oparer,aeela t+t . tier vette ware ret e i ' ee a ere 1 3 11 p t Hen r i"a t 3.., �7o13't see tempted to use t3aare etre ortal3i atter. tar. (°baler e Nerve i e,,,as l,; will mentally lents" )ape etel ne: s ea str1e3*-t the wttstlteall tae 3 t a ta!'�4i ",anal 3taesitty ely ewe & 1 ltt'retets tee tee It is iatatt re'e 'rtFeute'-^4 a'eetr r tteee ii r€-st settne,e-anele'0 fins `i tat° el>�na•:effete it owe quite 1 eesilde tr'a' u (iii "l" tees dere last Mr. V. /taw -Le haw of St. Metres Was ju,,in(eei )PDI:APPLES a'e Aloe •i , t!, M6« 144 , There leas beenn•eeei%gall tat the , •t 1'+.'e eteer. the t arte31assere was per- (leatearn•n department "„f at reetltare 11 f.ur3n34'd he. W1'e, Tenae'yelt re"etuor aa -e ;an teetoeneave list of the int ss.,rt*11r `ill hitt .1a,31tt,rbaal a Mercia, aat tl e . ,6' te+oaapeerett<ai Itllnlol2 - ta3teip reettlen vo of ttaeb hrilk» » lameelnts.f't'aai't'e at 1-1:^ann1e'aire, the erealy. The leaner emulate twill make ' their ;'7'&ail. Trost lois 113'Iea f''e%3 eede;rd trent la'itte" in aft. Marys. tlte 13t3ti 3attl nx`Litte. towhee. 144411 ea"aa7 able"a titu30 r aree net,:mn { 83ne1 1331I 11se ref taw 4 l�';�ananadieta e°x- • q gsn3 to°3r:_ ':"Ii)See'u d*i t11r1e°dust ite�iC 24 ta3 e11 t TbN°#,F' a *' -ti ]I`"wl<ii naa.eji43a 1 u+ 181121- Iltuei 23t) Spa"ie t 01 t* the sileeii3te t iT t Jul ro3t 7u r t1e .peprtWilrr1ill ta-ut?n th4° ,' ' " taa3rl>7"ue°'1,r-"sh"113='. "LJ' tile ' "Oua'r J' i'` TO 3'" Meant. i Q�6ellit! der11re have I�na"vsan. .44,,V4-Tot31 as ns nttaetut1F eof opepthrC3331ity ear ;1711 ts11 dart_,_, ant eeee .au eke rrop;;<ila7pi'tLr=:t4 '1iff tilt'.'+ t5`7N>it°. 14 4'ente' well informed on the met- ' l s*'3". It t>4''u6° 7 *11 then let tIkc''l'13. %,i'�FQ°'f7[abllllta""** Ilia^.1n11'itl: '1]Ut$'�1C° teitu7t!il''* -' i t„aa` as it i natl.a ey4ahen l is wt vete of Atn„e�ueitiernn even-wee/eel Ayre et-. i thee tce•llfere- vvf r'."aeinaaepaa. There are? end ➢a x. smite pua��i its' t13aCt ( I mtaa7- tseoanae t)j3t1 lit- 1ev 18111 the 3331tttf'x` i' nu e"3p►ectcerw ural this season. eek f i over, Stet theta talk it over, Gaut F, t1'taUtaiiaaai'y cx'op"w, 31 a1.y 1nro a81pe a) eschew- heated cdisetesse ions, react riot , tiila.re xin then traaclts. try. to batter a ±11831 clOWIL With � 'PUSHING rOn AN Ota Ect. "After ,. violent words- tslti82 Jp t e txenthin14 I had watched a colored min fish- ' but that their user is a fanatic. ling stn u leotath calrolitnr3, brick -yen' proceed fcr 40 minutes withoblt luzulIl- img lap his hook, said the traveller to fit., ecrates: I was tx tt,xetcei `�1 asked him if he thought there C' New Dress Goods New Mantles 1 New Millinery l New Tweeds ! Each season brings its new wants and new supplies are provide(. Stocks are fasefilling tip and we are ready to fill all tnreiers. slur mil -- beer will be. here next week with a fine line of new ideas. Our dress goods department is complete. We are showing a fine'' range of home -spun and srtings at very low prit't•.�. We are in it With our tweeds. --having bought very largely this - season we are ready to show you a fine range of Week and snivel((L Berges, Seetch and Canadian tweeds at very low priee^s. (Give 11s a rail bettor.- before pure using elsewhere. Nu trouble tt.:- show g*3t 1ls ! •4e3143t 11e1e`' parE oft. feet A* i8treat et at tae t was pc�1._=t zd hist ate, mµ,23 0' i Pee- j /tette tut. a csrin3nt 5 per e sett. >i'�ce3`' z12ti i33nnt the b 8811 1301e Pee +ato`n`e-+t •t 32 '^caei ** t� pee Te'e3nt evlse S" { 11Pe i 332tf*' 19 an'4t e,,n751'irt' i+f,�',.r.�'Q,J'-;,i 'ante -IIn. Cii te,i"ae it ts stall septet to partite • A -'Cure for Rheurnat s Ma`. b. Man4Mann.,letittsvalle, Carleton with rheumatism. haa.1 severe pains 1 %%-ere tally fish there to lie' c811:.•Iat. in the knees. hip joints afnd ae~ross 4 "" (o• :sale. 1< reckon )nor."' to re - the bask. Rheumatism i•ti11e'tlaes laiie'ci. did tett help► me mad I began using `"Sat :'oat s t0 he fishing -- Dr. Chase's Ricdnney-Liver Pills, •"4e?s, sa?i-.. which )totave settee eoiinspftetehr cured. "Ball!: plealhapsyou aar? 31et f¢4r11in et• aIle. "were is nte1, the kart trace of fc`1` fish-'. rheree 81Ysret left and I term Sin longer "Co. sag-" seeleee ter llailaeetenteee. headache, "e. weitee tees minute.: fee• hint ta, and stonaeln siekiecs which former a a'" u. 1'171 as he p7"(1 net l fu+re"11.F le- etteehe i1 lana` fie p eetutly." One asked hint what partieu1ar c scymt pill a dooe. 21 'cents a, box. he had in view. `"De obi ick, sail.' he ore etettc-r7' Itis no idle boast that no land ort without taking his eyes tuff t'1 !mend • earth can surpass, perhaps )nolle l cos moving, the pole : -de tvbtia k on can compare with ours iii the rich-' my f3shhe her lfsh'mass dere/min-1 nese, TYa)1-ie3v and inexhaustahle any is to 1t1 de ole wono n eel. del- :magnitude 1,31:magnitude of its re -sources. Where SI hadn't got no time t•) pick no de I east' can be found such vast reaches hoe and work in file truck pritelx."' 1 Z. tt t Man Street Zuri hS Qct 'lee I'x sleet. t taken in t �,! latie�:t° .err peels. • • Wt. 110 tin WI' Silt. PE(Di. LE S Cad CSt Shoe Store Leave your mea tile bt i� '•• -tt '.�. . ,. W.r" t.'�41i a'..T ^.a.°. „art.1 t3arat-«.iii robe . ' 140 y.t a u ,, . t•, la to sat hest la. fit t e'n tsesse 1"' ' a°+. eleea, t' . _'nal'"e°,'" wee,' e ,seee ;'s0 se Dee,,w1els °' a �.tinu3 un33e1 tall r' , ee r t,,..a. tee "tee , qp 1 ;,,� to / h- „y4„4 yt,y 0.41 11.'0 ' UL 01139,`0",n1 ± , , ^e: r,tm , t -ant _ Ee'-33 4--e eset-e7e -se r +ea j�•[I t w...eeeYYY. t W a1�1t1. ll' irr�P' 4w l7:ill fore to make smelt nays 3t they. _ cheese; ; belt unless as Speer die ed r„fey i r ° , T r tr e i 1.."-' tPv_I u $t • et"��FLtyi'¢ate.°(1l t`'tlitl» R.y,e,,; '.. waits Il,c'reliIl p� named. � per Qe>1tt u� t;'• I e r"� ted `; >. as the legal interest elea3 *tae's (3ranhv Ettil teras. Butter. aim! t'.,°,fd^44 d.ak*felts in trade. and the highest rate eolle table. The I3ite-isien (',cubiti Clerk's WE WILL NOT SE UNDERSOLD! Assr»ei1atio3 of Ontario !net fru Ter - oak recently. ere' prrllpteeed a re°- fortn which., While it nnay hJe 133 their interests. •teem be. aTees in thee, irxter*eets of the iorblie be- srder§aa;.-,; the costs of litigation. They pro- pose to have °' ' - _ isdietinn eof diissie)0n e'+o1rt - extended. A taxent- lipor aai aadopteud 1)t; Grey e•aealEty. a•l-efor extension uu;[ ��ia7lT.a3� a tt rap front evn es at present. to 4 a3iP' fon' rS3g nerd 2d" Y tnntn*'ut*. fr,, stn €1 a' "% „ *'r 2 3V1 0 ate -aunts. and f1een *1;' to �p 1++•'a ser 3'a. of c- f- gir etelauis four d'a'mns met with the 11111!mous Jpp3r**v.1. of the meeting. The Certs enmity 6eeU3 acid in their me:n r al aar_eerl ll that the convenience- wind interests of the h1LF.lmless anbli€' of tete ape•eo- ince of Cut:.ri%. weed be _eeeantly aidesli were ease a 3aant_es asked fuer -made. Count" e•'o-.xneii3 generally w€olaM serve the intense.; ",f the be"nple by giving this movement nt a boost. of fertile soil.. such illimitable and va1wth'.e forests. such fabulous mineral wealth. such plentitnde of sprothrete of the sea? There is scarcely an essential natural pro- duct which cannot be found here in l abundance, while of several of prime importance wee, have a1 virtual monopoly-. For a bountiful harvest, tee ,,. or fourth in, succession that has been vouchsafed us, so that our t field have teemed with plenty and our barns ar'e overflowing with fat- ness. For national p 'osperity and for a united people, living in peaee and harmony together. Composed of diverse elements and of erstwhile antagonistic nationalities, yet by the wisdom of our statesmanship and the equity and liberality of our institutions, all classes and creeds dwell together in unity' and concord and vie with each other in their loyalty and devotkei to Our coon • e Taken as a whole. country fairs are not what they used tey be. and we believe one of their Oriel" enemies is the, professional exh.tbi- tor, Now we are not reference to any particular fair or any perticu- 11ar exhibitor, but we believe it would be to the interest of faqirs if some handicap were put on the ex- hibitor who makes a business of t "ta.king in the fairs." This may l not be easy to do. An extra en- trance fee for every five or ten en- tries might or might not have the desired effect. It would at first result in a decreased number of entries, but we believe would 'caa.nse a more widespread interest and an increased number of 'esllibitors, and while it would prove injuries to a few, would be in the interest of many. Another clause inight: also be added to the rules prevent- ing the same article from taking the prize more that( two years its, Sueees fop, MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon Wheat tz.i to tet' Oats 23 2:e Barley 35 3 :Da0' 33" ?.ea 2.10 17 i;t 13 14 Flour Butter Eggs Chickens i7o - - - - 4% .5 fi 6 5 5 Ducks Gease Potatoes 20 25 Dutch setts - - - - 4 5 HENSALL MARKETS. 'Wheat Oats Barley Peas 44 to 65' 22 231 36 37 50 53' Flour 2.00 2.10 Hogs (live) per cwt - 5.45 5.90 {to rydressed a 6.50 7.00 CHAS. FRITZ, Zurich rgerz NewFurs Dress Goods and Millin Preete Ha