HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-19, Page 8Fit well l :Look well Teel well Are results which follow when, you leave your order for a suit of clothes with '11OFFMAN9 The Tailor. LAUNDRY in connection J. ILL Wisrner eGENERAL BLACKSMITH A N D HORSESHOER. :.;Repairing all kinds of machinery a speciality 1 J. I1. Wiser, - Zcrich r`: ohnson's Wt°llen Mill 'Furniture Store. Our new faB stock is now com- plete in tweeds, blankets, sheeting llannels,yitrn and stockings, also a ta1►e of mul,rrwtear at rock but- la tom prices. ''li-e e:a lT:t a full line of furniture at the lowest prices. a ALL Dr. Sellery, Misses Hatten and Shaw, and a number of others, took in the "Social Eight Assembly," at Exeter, on Friday night. Babcock's drug store, has been handsomly repapered, and pow pre- sents a thoroughly up-to-date ap- pearance, H. J. D, Cooke is spending the thanksgiving holiday at Alvinston. Miss Hattie Sutherland has re- turned from a pleasant, two weeks visit with friends in Fdrest. D. R, Mitchell, general agent, for the Etna Life Insurance Co., was in. town this week, in interest of the company, and also appointed G. N. Babcock as the company's local agent. G. N. Babcock and wife spent the thanksgiving holidays in Toronto. PHILADELPHIA Mr. O. C. ] albfleiscth was the guest of Mr. Wm. Stelck Sunday afternoon. We learn from the Huron Expos- itor that Henry Steinbach and John Her of this place have started in business at Detroit we wish them. success. John Meidinger was in Stratford last week and reports having a good time. J. Hartman intends moving to town next week. where he will erect an electric light plant. This town is bound to keep up with the rest. J. Sehnell had the misfortune to ,,se a cow from milk fever one day !st week, Frets Ralhtleiseh has.lmrehased trotting more known as .'Betsy ane." Fred intends patting her T.& IVI.Johnson F. Hess, S D'CA,NI Carriage Works. 4.1a; BDL;" w•,11 is 144:711.411414,041 lips! 0.1..49 bin e''e'Yy 14,44 14. 4i dt,'•1Sr ":e... hl -i'', eat^e"1'r`•• AI,'431t en! Y nal- 1x-la,«"°e K c l Cal,(al'elie4°aa!S DM :r• ted HESS. & i� &&��i fir arie a %'-.Bta'l�afl$Jt9oe°!l' a.?IIle� ttf°Gtti :,ILLS ()BEEN Mr. H. J. Smith of Golspie spent a few days visiting friends recent- ly. Thanksgiving service was held in the Presbyterian church, Thursday afternoon. Miss Webester of Lucknow is visiting at J. Turners. Miss Eva Stephenson is visiting in Clinton at present. Mrs. R. Coleman is at present visiting G. and F. Coleman, Game was made scarce by our sports thanksgiving day. EXETER. Rev. Colin Fletcher, Thames Rd. preached in Presbyterian church here Sunday a.m. and Rev. Carriere of Grand Bend, in the evening. Rev. Martin took services for the latter. Rev. Endicott, returned mission- ary from China, occupied the pul- pit of James St. Meth. church in the morning, and Main St. in the evening. Mr. Pritchard of Huron. College conducted service in T. M. church Sunday morning and evening, in the absence of the rector at Lon- don. J. Senior and wife returned Saturday from a trip to Chicago, where they were the guests of Mrs. Senior's sister and other friends. Miss Elsie McCallum returned Friday from a pleasure trip to Algoma. Miss Amy Johns visited friends in Clinton this week. W. 0. Gay a. former Exeter bey, now of Buffalo, is visiting friend., in town. on the turf this tall. Messrs. f anlwell, Bawden, Bobier i and Rollins attended the liberal l J. Selman lost a. 1•alunlele do;: conventi ► .13 from the eil'e>r°ts of hydrophobia.ze n at rxieeil Dr. Shaw lies. Donald Guthrie of Guelph sAL "�`of ('Bourn,wets in town;ie.co treaFriday. and purchased a driver.aS,tSouth Grenville (,'•onservativ{�4 M Hartman tmaln Steinl►a eh and M1s. Fri elct Last week. • DRYSDALE The fanners in this vieinity are busily engaged in taking up their root crop, Ralph Drysdale and his sister Mary accompanied by one of their friends were under the parental roof Sunday last. Robert Drysdale Jr,, left for his new home in Mich. last Monday, where he has secured a large gen- eral store. The best wishes of the Drysdale people follow, him. Mrs• J. Hornor, we are sorry to say is recovery very slowly from her illness. Miss Ester Murray left for Toron- to one clay last week where she is engaged in T. Eaton's store. R. J. Talbert has engaged with his brother Harry as engineer for the remainder of the season. Wm. J. Howard is at preseut engaged in putting in a cement floor in his barn. Wm. thinks it will be the finest on the line. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Jake Merner and wife were to Parkhill this week visiting the latter's aunt. Miss Clara Buchanan of the High school Goderich, is spending thanksgiving with her parents here Mr. and Mrs. Heideman ' of Stratford, are spending a few days with their sons, Rudolf and Albert this week. W. B. Battler councillor of Hay informed us that while he in com- pany' with some of the other mem- bers of the council were at the Blaek Creek on the 15th inst, look- ing after senile township work, they carne across a. patch of ripe raspberries and had quite a feast. SHORT BITS FOR BUSY READERS NA TLIE 1 1'kmum 60 �XdaY?I:E#E — f' AYE 2 Stocks in 1 ! re Have moved The Appe Zeller Shock into our prerni and find ourselves much over stocked, but we bob, cheap and can give you the biggest bargains in hardw stoves and tinware. you ever bad. Note the followil , Square washers regular price $4,50 now $2.50. Elephant iii paint, was $1 50 now $1 per gal. Lanterns, regular 50 cts now 35 Wringers, regular $2-50 now $2. .f1 lot of Daisy churns. • 50 sto to be sold at a bargain. 4 boxes axle grease 25 cts. See the;::: lantern—will go out if upset. If you want a good furnace POyour house, give us a call. Eavetroughing a specialty. The b apple parers and threshers' supplies, at H TLEI Main Street, 9 Zurich, Ontario, @�, We also carry Robertson.s and the Sherwin- • �--! • Williams ready mixed paints,which will be sold at close prices. Handy harness riveters regular price $1, our price while the stock lasts 25 ets. We want you to come in and see us. Our stock is right ! Our prices are right ! ! ire are alright ! ! ! If yon buy from us you will be alright ! ! !! See our 10 -cent counter,—articles worth 15 and 20 Bents ! tlira Allan 1 •ere appointed Melt'. trate• tee the ('hl istlatn Emlt'avur Rev. W. C. (: ltnil , of Strathre ;r, ; ha • e nominated J. D. Reid. el:inventleen at tit. Ju.epll. was in town last week on l:)U$ines+, ____ Y Vuloria County N S Liberals i ' town n at oat of tisb Friday. wilt preaall ewlnlversary st'rineens, East I' t - ' Liberals hav Henry gteinbaelt went tbr,►nq•11 ,Rev. Mr. Larkin, of Seafnrth,' nems+netted Hon. Wm. Russ. wn wits load The farmer'. In this vicinity have in the 19re'.`abyt!'rlan c']Itu'c']1 on the East t. er t)ro 1 oral d'�tll. inst. nominated. M1'. John Lang. 0 rarra'n started their IIall pliti hint! llatt'yn Conservatives have nom - but owintr to the tier weather. ether. "r►rtd Freed Willis, t)f Forest, bleat hutted 'fir. Daviel Henderson. re•4¢lts eatueit he telttanaled. Sunday tinder the parental rout'. ' tc• ty. �� Etlttat't°. h, the t'+Dn,t+ryat- .., a ,, , x»alt r"a.ar1 a+yt'r<t„Bas , , , •, .. •tinct. have been "e't.nle elaan.has enansenttetl to Tina' at a .� s , . , Jr. 11. 15 �+t°a!:ti II• again the ].nits+rill • 111 311 erau• nlurt a �aanllyd� sle 1�nt.: r�P:ta,n'� nSixtl'e�ao #net+ in a t l Jal at1Y, the +a 11 la t II M i A � 1►1 � \\ reatic as s d n • 1 t ]' \1e'.''r.. J. Knell and xi. tilll�elltt. M•tt•1� Vincent nt, Exeter'N 1)t!1)laliaD. time claulndaltt+ an +et)rtll t Ivf diJE11 113 OCT.1 Don't miss the naps, Note a few of the aces Iii l)lta1.• alts+11 h ►Daus cult. hal ;13 oto' 1,-Ar,:"Jlt+ l►rive• or Congress, all sizes, old Jeri- * r'Tiae'.t+ t a e1 llzaces art+ ssuit- ¢eN t,► Z.7 u1 r,rall'P�llall at �t Fla f•`►I' d.ria'?°. �i'9arr•d w•' j;1411r7Y1 t"llwat'�•ett. x v'J e { L {, 'for isyis�ljino , Quebec.; ; °• 17 ,e "y. aaa . f llelti'r� and traitory sties •ai r Rev, 3r :11e'LP,te1 is Cho t!Itn .er -a - .$1.:40 ter MOW. bargain in pray `$1 lute «ants i.1 riy ��1r°1Ea rx itc i[I is tint+ t°aeeln.telate in York C.' aanittv.N.1 1-1 1►rs W1141°42.5 e cit n:;. but. g' All on our bargain table •i2es �e?;, t�l:i°.Z emus stn., *:2 .►p A full title of ra464isers. '1 I, alae fin«• l lit F.1ra a 271 A wprtu«"11 nuJIIl�a . lit o' NVHe i..J''J4-•] ids 6Hn491•'110 " :.. -:,tib..,.. .:• Ytixr o...w,�::a:.....,...._ • a'M 1 _tae tire •l &au L. S.: ;e Ilar°s a ry;?"-i ',ilk RI,'” _ [ .. d, g J r i' t lei•. .pis E,t to lett. Y•x the Miss no 41417.10 (�t'nc'ert. tt► av ler►lit es 041111 the louse, +I . lied Racer' Friclaly Nr►y, :.►tnt1 :1Ylss Sarah :smith i.. +4n the til{�t: 1). \E ttettl taus men alt it 1e)ail @&at at tirt• ent haat We lattl,.t• tA4 wtic►a1: roar as n.".r NIth novels fttr jr,,, A. F{a* &e'a1r [41lt,r r4+¢°t1very°„ wig, lav 3"4�m16btee the one tlek,f1, Y,"t ;# $ tilt' re°''°salt tia'e. °Feere L'latl t ,4,1174' tbilt Alda 1( a"taarellxt' t,-.4104 stub 1 yqn loll- n;l £,,,r s Th ' tifite'1•ael :outliner in ow 147.°la Tl the 1x.14 5i 11Il b+ tlat' l'$d➢'G $ e e- 7t%-teTeA, ; Q.2taaxl all dist et'il 1"2$.0' Ing ¢ ua €1ti 7Ittlit 11'4: a'�a� , x .':a1 1 r0, -",11!;•e v,.1' ¶* tt 1;,a Fri A tlTM« ra t°t-alt a�-u' 7l'a a➢ pg°➢�'ex $ tf>« o t$.e,:+rq$' ➢�1 et t• ° r ,...+" R ], mAr1a n e a �a$ea u t 1'luihIl4 Qi.$$xi1 tht J- t 1 r' '1;"'$JRA 111444 "e$°J➢.�J . ae19t•e4!?"_kU *a':tsra lP,• $; u 1.00-111' 1 .0 R _« w?11°'!fit wr. r't.; li o. J,• ult.4•iB"a'd $- i -C; 1,�➢-.➢i"aIl 4n»71i$r7s,(1 rlwilaf$'� t�lauual. Oil _.: a! lv_l no "Cowin. "aJ.:,➢8err.-_ A t " ra$nja v1 e<tl�;lF'}'1y Y. 4"+ 11:4 x!!x• os,°il t toy r. .p,ra. U1ti :u ny"n ;iatlelln 114444 vu •r "ftpat L. ,f ..1.Ut?tra,.41 IndJ L':C$rla t' I:;T11 t_pp`allP n't h.144. '➢uq Man 1tl'- �,,, t ,�-r'.➢• 1$11 n ➢Alit alDJ 1!'11 r11 • r1 Js c.+t't An ➢ 'r U t72.'„"4-1,pcG'rrA 1l n f• .u.. fly k i Au_ A�fi «aI it A 1.l_ 117• smr`f at1 2 d+i L$`+ttu4't F li ttp 1 U(1' a > n re �' apt it' 4 ut aU"' fr A" et i^{, 41, U 'lrltt'' $nto l stn Tit• $ 92 Dnnflt t - ' (L an" lt'' riIl ¶ t'(7i if k"err ti r{i�u :.�ti �' dRnnirU .v the o • a „U n 'i1fl ltr ill• 1'12eti• :•,s t{t :3":_. erld pre •j amts al clod cubs lar" i•1rirs a., • p Mr. J. l'.1. Methrouaalli is the Vett. w6'a'ta11iS t' aaaxllalanee inWright 't'e.Q$1a� .( - lc'{t . ji$r .tt aU twice tnaa-. ,t [a. 1 ro2ei 1) N. 21 .y�t'�,aal't aatl«I litannt b'ut's:"cart b •cat° tk�ty g,a1D: $'r11 c aaltlaeiaates ran Ut> as t wet. tlm®'r 1#. '11'-rre° aai� rune*wa 4~ 1+ 14 _$tat 4alaufiF -a i- "earal!+t'rvattise' t°^tntli_ l '' 811•.0 d4' $t$ aaPn w,(�Gl. al 8411'14t r aaaatat 31r.'` Ora/jail a . �$ lirr'du 44re 74tH?? i"oaln en°6_ 1 ae;t' re,i1:�a n -rt t t,) ?r' uu c $!'"n... ♦n,e '. ,„11,0,n fly ,'6a4Euc n r• nil. li ?o r- ( '';r'.' u ?-111.2-2L4-...0 Il ^:n t •' nv ,t ii " ._ 141•• • n t ,,' _ ;R - .E +a - $.: 1' a± N.'ii . "fl"- :t. I u_,a. ; .. r Cu li: •vis„,: 1 :.* , evA. tvr, •'. 'd -« r' i ti .:U -•{t yJ 11.4 Jr a nu:il Atte 1171 l 1t II:0 L i;,,v ',11.17e L{p `1 FBl-kituruun t<LLu('t�7 Ii roti 444a44. (a" 4'P elittntr.,:." to).. von NIL G ruure y CL41111 tsrti, he i{y1 11 i.d. ' Go _:411 ;irn$' ifiaac' 41$114..it a attrTV.- ^A« t f'. 11. Q':atnai ie:utt - ,x $na`CC- -'t`Cf "flea ,:ra"r ,a4.;_447g,_:{. tlaall) infill'. 111 " rltf 0" '_:l a° tt•, 344:11e. avwneoi lit .�.,aa .:vJ' ..tet "H ➢ala N v; . Q:t°�tg'.xvu:.'I 7C' till '�i:.t.t4 4- s➢@$t"$'¢o•:. l Ij a,.. l,Y ,P."e 11, i.•fi_ 'la°tiiya • r'' -7; '7Tii.! ?_ M1t1 _ 'r' i-u•ve 1..r 7, 111 1tt fivkd«sat EtR1] YEARS, • Xii riMENCE Abs MARKS DCSiGNS CCP11713-bTJS &C. in =rip r F a SrtC cZ s. f eta ft ',r z £ 4� [ Y F(.4f* N 4vi t : ,t v fora. r r rp� t-ritii. el..r o z 'a .*u z'S. t.cs. rccesve- '3 l,a A 7 nx ivr t rq aT n xGfT,a+n 1 •t+•c. tr. rirav s .;c tttJ -u rYsl Terr,ti *3 a y er , a rr,hs,.ti,1. Sad by a r er,sdrnterd: nn c -e v;' $E1 Sea ::a .: YrIr Se ,.r s Na ae:t OfJ. e, Bl5 dx 4', c.4 . _ • • • a_. -:a;. writ wr. Tt'iir:e•: ,t .11l:t ret•a'tve''d ;v th. C, -quer! 1 "1' t J. ls.y 1➢ �'. q'1 a'ef 1ltt' Jr:i t, 1;7e,• t. .t_ it . t• •. i It f' r.,n11:.1.' • rat of '•Znr1('1' ^ . I)r,aNn. ,n1''rl'at Yt w erk ti) be (brie 1, ar a:r1s, r P-1' ?,fir. _t a.i:dr, 137.4'.' be a:l)talnefs '►;t ww't. •.-.1" %.i) ' tender n,;t nt't`es i1 J iy leerpeed. Ie rci: . If X s,kilt,reap ZClerk. 'irirh P. 0. 211D Cly Octr re'in' R NEW 14'A r11.. Kilf x t 111. is in -t ilii Qa1141 tnatlatt.. we hurt' trite 1,1 1'eVel* shown . Il til Ztt We du but el i ertis e fur f•ii,• Reitan Asst w11.1t :Ri1�•• $tiQ•a° ,e"1d-k'J 1.U�. per .e.a � +� from e rem. e$Ep�t°«�,nGfiat un I°7n wlpl�:al' a;rtle; ra:41. my from n'- and i ave' your :baits. R t ,, Ems I tuU��u°t'l TER 4 ill e° t'intinP°a° tu•ij' ;:°Alto wrae'.)1$liNr' [er' e"elil'JW. a. pad'.,+. a`J q tr r t.7 Rh l=ay; THE ri" T ILL, CYC d to J 9Tte�1 fncb b# ei a:act et •; , et VerF tae'NVf°:`i 1ta:.eit1'fl tO CM lt-•'t 11.4.111 1. etl.°."17:+i.. Ca'u'ctl i -ii, Amor ]r'ilJi tI1fd 3c"usi .h .iijajBY;Ys. C.'E pie In nisei f'lcal)tllif`tIie IYctla.4 g(:)4(€117 Wo Parry fall limy -of __--.. lzril•dw a 1''!'. Zril•lt' i{' i`!fi 1►S)Q'i{{':ot $'til' levy, stunk', edge e tools, i te, etc. 0(4-11.'!;1C,