HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-19, Page 7Teeny algia thago, Pootto eases, Db Litt .-! )A. ROM! UsES` Fiala N.Y., turn - 1900. gent nigh.' dad. I 110. 'RE. • lees- . cope inra, don. wits bat, vflL Rat nrd, ww toys he11 • .1114 ow.* k• att rad. stir Ewa eat t. 80? aZ8 tot. -- Ira Ile tea 41. tee ase. illE UN CCUP1ED FIELiS 0 CHRISTIAN WI.K Rev, Dr, Talmage. Calls Upon Religious Workers to Seek Out New Spheres of Usefulness. IA. (Washington report ; In, hie, a/s. 1 and he who goes to work here will not be building upon another man's foun- '0 course Dr. 1 -annage Points to fields Of dation. There is a large number of usefulnese that are not yet thoroughla i them. They are afraid a us and our cultivated and shows the need of more , churches for the reason we do not activity. The text is Romans ay., 20: know how to treat them. One of this class met Christ. And her with what "Lest I should build upon another • ' tenderness and pathos and beauty and man's foundation." I success Christ dealt with him: "Thou In laying out the man Of ha miss i shalt love the Lord thy God -with all I thy heart and with all thy soul and eioniary tour Paul sought out towns 1 , with all they mind and with all thy and cities alhyet jich had not soh I strength. This is the first and great preached eo. He goes to C.•orinth, a i eommandment, and the second is like city famous for splendor and \lee, I unto it -namely, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none and Jerusalem, where the priesthood i other commandment greater than and the sanhedrin were ready to leap 1 these." And the scribe said to him 'with both feet .upon the Chrietian re-; "Well, Master, thou hast said the truth, ligion. He feels he has -especial work , for there is one God, and to love Him to do, and he means to do it. What 1 with all the heart and all the under - was She result? The grandest life of ; standing and all the soul and all the usefulness that a man ever lived. We i strength is more than a -bole burnt of - modern Christian workers. are not apt ! ferings and sacrifices." And when Jesus to imitate Paul. We build on other 1 saw that he answered discreetly He people's foundations. If we ereet al said unto him, ",Thort art not far from church, we prefer to have it filled with' the kingdom of God." So a skeptic was families, all of whom have been Pions. ' saved in one interview. But few Chris - Do we gather a Sabbath -school class, tian people treat the skeptic in that we want good boys and etris, hair ; waY. Instead of taking hold of him combed, faces wa-shed, manners tn., with the gentle hand of love, we aro tractive. So a churah in this day is ! apt to take him with the pinchers of ecclesiasticism. apt to be built out of other ehurehss. l Others were tripped up to vicepti- Some ministers spend all their time in eism from being gtilevously wronged fishing in other people's ponds, and .' " by some- man who professed to he a they 'throw the line into that ehureh ' I Obristian. They lied a partner in pond, and they jerk out a Meth:tele:a ; 4. business who turned out to be a and throw the line into another i . iirst-elase seoundrel. though a pro - church pond and bring out a. Presby- I t, feesed christian. Marie• years ago they terian, or there !s a religious row In i loisit all faith by what happened in an some neighboring ;hurdle mad a witole : eau; con4.4rniinc.eu* wifni.It,tvas tformTehtcl amid school of fish swim off from that Pond, and we tallos them all in with ""its" ! panyPvownedmnoxl'ar:treollr if th;entilit"I" sweep of the net. NVilat is gain"? " there was no sign of oil pr. -Our -eel: but Absolutely nothing far the, cause, of l the president eft Lb' vontpany ACIrOi a Christ. 'What etrenaalwns an army is Presbyterinn eider. and the tr.astrer new recruits. 'Whit; eourteous t" ! war an Epinaselanan vestryman. and the:ea craning from ether flocks, we r ens. aleaeter wee a methetare tease- ehould build our churelpes not ott:t of l eataar,, anti the other flineetare prentin. other chneshee. lint "au of the worist ' 'ea men•Iters ef lettelet and , ,,,ngr.l.t;.11 lea we build on enether malts Tema lama/ tharelies. ('8 )41' le • re nee- datlen. • on ••ut teltirm wiutt taie,Ct•thl rt...,10, The fast la ithe an a all werta. , etereel le fere the venteany. Ifianesete When ht tete s.seeeeten aae,.... sk e s#4on an.1 W 4 11.11 ..I "i19 9.1,' t iial,1 1U 1 .., 1, ,, V, Ott:, 4,.. learned elle a ;omelets of el s insfatif. r- , e r ins e et. tied i hat lir t Be ;Its it ail at ,,I, allee of One planet. ws, .1.4 nen heel: " "li de 401 Lava anythina ,A.,.• log eat half. It ie the hitt:tele aed lentemai ; %.4,i419;m.. 14.1.4 ci. No i. r l' -ii lit''''n wit thane 'ter . Wei xtortItilifi,11`1 4,,, ,.ti' 01, tt,.. Is eel 4.1`: 1, 41. 18 ;.. 4„,,.;01, jiy- want and wea one 1,...3 Via 1i,4. 1w4.4...:.• 0 .11,13".. MO t.31.0f113 0.01',.00 1., in .1 511tt:g 10 an eaten:tate. Tales ..2a. ..14,2w,stes ,,,,,;. . sae.. et ne 0. eelfai" ;2 satin., I:11i . x ,Yi.444.11'... thICE t Of INI.1.'11.-0;01.0:p I,. a,...,0; ,3,,-10::..C..i. 140,1 4.10 lt 1,,0421!;1tr 1.0. 4.1,, 9 ti 4,1001; It, -111110t1.Y an 1"414.P. atd if I Ie • -te eall, :4 as rive ' est!, o'. 4 eta rats ol. a4 r• 'h • 4h.' !.. L. ' ;;•- la PPO•hrIll'athh',.'..11 IhAITA.LinS 1 ti7'00.614 S ay tasaf t,•th". lea etn, t.' . was leafed el 'le. -Was pr1t1 An.i, f.i....,4:,% ' 4 1ttii% 14,. t:161E11 411111:. /0.1..:01 4.00.1.:3),1 1'' aesseea*Seeeettes,,___—_ enough far you. Islay, I have a, bet- UNDAY SCHOOL • woands and tears and blood and groans end agonies and death throes of the Son of God, who approaches you this moment with torn brow and lacerated hands and whipped back, and saying, "Come unto me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." The churches at' God ought to be so many life searing stations, not sq much to help those who are in smooth water, but those who have been shiP- wrecked. Corne, let us run out the life- boats! And who will man them? We do not Preach enough to such meni we' have not enough faith in their release, Alas, if when they come to hear us we are laboriously trying to show the difference "between sublapsarianism and supralapsarianism, while they have a hundred vipers of remorse and despair coiling around arid biting their im- mortal spirits. The church iS not chiefly for goodish sort of men, whose aroclivities are all right and -who could get to heaven praying and singing in their own homes. It is on the beach to help the drowning. Those bad eases are the cases that God likes to take hold of. He can save a big sinner as well as a small sinner, and when a man calls earnestly to God for help He will go out to deliver such a one. If it were necessary, God would come down from the sky, followed by all the artillery of heaven and a million angels with drawn swords. Get 100 such redeemed men in your churches and nothing could stand before theni, for such men are generally warm hearted and enthusi- astic. No formal prayers then. No heartless singing then. No cold conven- tionalisms then. The Prussian cavalry mount by putting their right foot into the stir- rup, while the American cavalry mount by putting their left foot into the stirrup. I do not care how you mount your war charger if you only get into this battle for God and get there soon, right stirrup or left stir- rup e arm cupied fields are still around us, and 3. Hetqtake thh; ,perable-In order to , , • extern My deli kattOtn til4l3 ranged' rental, and trader ;spirit, of the jeep 4 to the lost ils• Coroner Seitaffuer. About thl wit - Whit ewat er title often; b -f.tre Ihttatos,4-Reee rup or no stirrup at all. The unoc- man's foundation? I have heard of maws a ere ex:teems i„ act:vont Cr`,1111 „:10 to 10 • pr bag. why should we build on another ; sust..Y Hie +amnia and strew the true what was called the "thundering le- awake tit peraeles 4 the: leseon. the inghltalty displaeed by the 'rim- • itiltiltiErn-rni:e611'..a:e.";2?alti.stukia•t.'1,::::: tfs141ireiircelei:o.:;fie.red.ring' glen."' It was in 170, a part of the P-„earatifites like thie partil le we had intti tilt' (^°11131111,^rsh'ilitt, osfin1,14.t1:1.1rw LI! per Roman army to ahieh some Chris- in Matthew xelii. I", deed.. the erime darts belonged. and their PhaVers. it ; !V- kit. :WM of •„.1..:0,1 -Th wares, aro terMt. and when the details are P th- silillinnannolnOa ti was said, were answered by thunder. ana het". I1. loalo4 wrbbnal and lit,het1 will co.:ts • wilevre.til it arrno. reeeee House -Firm, with prieee nee and lightning and hail and tempest. ttel• ""la to 114 -Ir oalittery Minute fte-I. g 44".• t ; 'allow that i. 14' ..eseehee seen te, esneh per ,..wn whieh evt.rthrew an invading army and hag. If tit w Won101 pity a hest sleep. • den teitieel Raw :twee' ,4111 dole' 31. I -apostle. Pratt Market. earsel. the empire. Aad I would to Dada he t*. ertifeleell ior elbowing an !Pr vci% iir tie't 414 him t t Woe - Clod that our ehuraites might be eft la..te to a I. bet num? hes one of able te hen 1 over tit • pareiteee a • ,ht; stM tt 444 til.thti for grape& mighty in praeer and work tbati,,tqtett; 83• 14"11011*.`,11,1uss'h. itlellt,2:44441.414, talons witieh :les forees of sin might ,":„„• "4"'" t"^tt.„1"it re!. ..Thh heit. Mot, p is nit • app,.artel th neet in.* ,s. as far ' htel inent. Firet quality would leeonne 111;111'1er:tier be %email and the gal.'s IV helli 111101t 00:70.1tinss ent. 41111 10' 1. renntltie, Lanneett the go•M•l'i f"r tat • s o1.1.14' 110.:.:Y41,'ItiAltrilltt 44011)(4; '111'1" "a! 4 I 'P'1•11 t'6.1 ."'"".11 41' I» * t" "ttItt" ter plea than that. I plead by all the rind q. j.it 0 8 1 W101 tyy tee ne, at %hie ti 4.14 a .ilthe f tz: I 4. se. IA '..1.1hti 1 44:1114, 11, 8. of Giurt, rz,i,gpaths ,,,1,1 1„,,,,„,„ ,th, ,,,,,, Is 'a...avenger and ddhet- -a an., zeta fats a great aorBee, tsares t's eats h tea anteasenente +01. tii1.14i'41:1!'n had . mor terrine's awe 8 2,4 : ,,,te- stave a e n'''' Vaasa Il , tiii. - ti:• 1,,,f Ili' 'Wen, foal 01 f' ,,:, leo.41t84:- el save. ' ria111 440•041r 4 '°,'''', le. tea ree,„%fi.4 ,l';.' latiene ,010 40 1 t ... 10 a by ro 110744% 4 1In 2" '11''.. iiill.,4 0 ve tient ta,, 41 IIIM P21, le Iliteeile•4 lee .4 Ot08' 0 4, 001,1. r-') 4t/P4'-'• ("t dd t14' Deo...VA at il.O.tt t! Inert, r.in , esi a v s al 0 is, Bea u.n. it 1:(1' "1"1 1"1:7 '4!i''''"‘"'' l'I'' it ' IllIU '8' . 8484 9' 011 teat. "se tete: ea • ill meets %slave toutvf-.1,144-.n! i,".-•_ siea. .1 9,11,,, 4441 41 ' ' a a " t'."''''4 ' t'll 4' "..-'4* ' a4 til erelfflitka,, ,.!!'1,011 4'Itt l,,,t'IP of ale .'1113q At O. !ft „ ‘.2‘.i. f as I, •-',..-, .•'' 8 i .1 0- , to, la , 94 , ., .1 t U k.,, 1481.', 11.110111111•1181,41.41 Ide8SOPI IVO. ILL • OCT• OBER 21, 1900. TheLost Sheep and the Lost Coins -Luke 16;1-10. r- ot' the sheep, 2. There is a determined effort put forth to find the lost sheep -"Goes after that' withal was' lost until ha find it." So are the efforts of Christ in Seeking mom Man found. "And when lee hath found 11 11 layeth it oti his shoulder." The recovery is the result of divine oeleking. The lost sheep did not find its way back to the fold,. and never would. So with man ; he inu.st be found by Chalet if he is ever found. When found, and if willing, Christ will supply. all his need. "Shoulder" 18 the symbol of strength, and re- covered man has Omnipotence upon which to depend. Shoulder from its ideal meaning hoe the metaphorical one of government. "The government shall be upon hie ehouicler." In the second parable the chief fi- gure is a woman to whom the loss of the coin is a Feriouts matter. "Here the ruined aoal Is represented as a lost coin, and we learn from it that Goa positively misses retch lost soul, and longs for its resanetion. ln the first, parable the 10 .411 soul is viewed from man's standpoint ; in the second, from God's. rhhere is a slight differ- ence in the language of rejoicing. In the first parable it was 'Rejoice with me ; for I have found my sheep which was lost ;' here, 'for I have found the piece which- I had lost,' In the first Coannentary,-The parables of this lesson were spoken soon after the one recorded in the last lesson. I. Thea drew them unto Him -They "were drawing near unto Him" (R. V.) to hear Him. They came to Ills ministry with an assurance that He Weald receive them into His king - don'. Publicane and sinners -The publicans were the tax -gatherers, "They were odious to the 'whole na- tion on account of their occupation and their unscrupulousnese in car- rying it on, and were persons from whom the religious held aloof be- cause of their gross and sensual life." They came to Jesus because they were penitent, a fact which should have led the pharisees to re- Joioe rather than to murmur. -W111 - cock. 2. The Pharisees -The leading party among the Jews; "the ortho- dox defenders of the law." They were very strict! outwardly, but neglected the weightier matters of the law, such as justice, merey,1111- mility and purity of heart. And Scribes -The teachers of the law, also called "lawyers" and "doctor.; of the law." Many of them were Pharisees and also members of the Sanhedrin. Murmured - "The proud murmur and condemn ; the humble hear and learn." They found fault with Him because He allowed out- co.sts and vicious people to approach Him, and because He assot•iated with them. And ea.tetin with them -This was coneidered scandalous ; it was contrary to the condition of the elders, *Tem; was the friend of the sinners, but not of the sin ; they hated the sinner. Jesus associated with sianers for the purpose of draw - Ing them away from their tains to Himself. N 1/. A •1- 11-10firtniert;i3 raj 4 to' Leading 'Wheat Markets, Following are the cdosintr, quest tante toelay at important Vile% centreet New York Dee. Chicago ... $O 7(-1 1-2 Milwaukee ... ... ▪ 0 79 142 131. Ii4)tliJl 0 73 3.4 0 7414 oledo 0 78 1-2 :0 Detroit, red ... 0 77;34 OS0 Detroit, white 0741 Ja., -- Duluth, Nie. 1 N078 5-8 0 78 7.131 Duluth, No. I He. 0 80 .1-8 -- Minneapoils, No. 1 Northern ... .. 01 77 7.8 0 77 1-0 Minneapolis, No. '1 hard 79 W -B3 -- Tor onto Verniers" Market. Wheat-Recelpts light ; 00 bush - 01.9 of white, which 'sold at 09c, 200 bushels of red at 09 to 09 I -2e and 800 busliele of goose at 08 1-2c to Glee. ea:ley-Belt grade; were 1-22 lows er ; 1,300 bushels seal 4-1 to Is Rye -Steady; one load sold at 533e per e . it was the anguish of tile sheep which Oats-Firre ; 200 -bushels sold', at 29e W844 the central point of the story; to 29 1.2e. in the second it was the distress of Hay and Straw -Hay was firm -ere the woman who had lost something.' and the receipts were ;smaller. Tem loads sold at $13.3U to $14 per tom straw was not in. evidence and tine priest; was unchanged. Butter -Was °tiered freely, but d0 111441041 was not heavy anti stock moved slowly. Prates, however, contiaued steady, pound rolls bringing 20-e 22e. THE Mil SOS MURBEii, Think Walter Gordon Killed Two Men, Egge--Not many in ; the demand was gooll awl all were ;mai. Were firm at 18 to 20-. lemitwv-Reeteipts were larger, but AND PUT BODES IN WELL. n'ai; only inolerate and sale A Ninga, hinei„ report: The inquest was slow- • wor' iflit'llang"thl at (811 tito botilei of ellarses Dew an 1 50 to Oily per pair for ithieke.as, 50 Jacob Smith, h•unil in a .ler.;.421 t142,..7511"::rpIetriattinirroflostuitli.ikel.tye.;,-. and 10 to • 814449 It • ,i.tIggr, stO ries. rester Boor tie- itar. . . ' 481,411,r treyare Heave wertlY hem. t ea- fosse h• 4'4+'4 111'l, tin.. rills,. lir 1:•*;111„1,:;;;; 11.1,*3 t will Its ifitfin tin? barbor. 11,9_, 34v1 1,44 nnt 1114t tit .444,1414ern • ' e • 11.,1•,4 PE.,z, heti- rat,* for tie. tettety „ 1 he It esdiet. ! e„." Li lounges 4e„ 13 a e Bp1BErfigillIti 27 Bilig ,5 , ; **** 1:° "se Itto ns t.* latta ' 1•140,,,,w.tta. 4, Ithy, weveltei rat; larn.1 ,.tapplf,;,... 144 tf,4 Lluie r Iste?tils, E nit .1,0 • • A, n "" """ "t"". f I a th • N 11A 0,448 P.. t!i. t 1 „4 t e af aorta * •tt %,14 I,- erre_ ea- Pk, areen trn, tO b, !how .cttenitton, lat the , 146' .Aror... 44.4r9, t 1.4,A • to 0 OP, ra ""':•-r• 11'1,4 lo the A r Bet .11V4% hes 31 th" les0 iset'hht1 , „ .4r , leer. 2 8.2,t!PU`,1. Ititt 1,4044.4444A444,./ t 4i4N411:t. ttliefuu,P en l" Phis, 04'4 Ilt'a" ha'. 1" 4 14' 11 14,1` 141440 A d `{et True Love's Pato , 4; - ,1)1" • ' %1;'' 1ttirrtf*33Z-4.' • 1101, Beet ise, a 'via 4e, a At 44t' knelt. !! PhItthi. 4.•"; 414' lithehlashnee 4441 Oka IPI,J; eat stole :0:2 hore it. -2014 r .0 foe et, 2. el, ea. eeee , te, t* WV, roved Not Smooth, 4...P44PI L.. Z. 9' D1.4,i1104,P,..4411.4 h .44,41 ,L,,,K,„14 •f*.in, 1k,r re- at. 14 reo 'rei tato eat, :alter' 1444 444i, 't"tb 4"1/' 419 " t; seaees, at".. t*171410 r iseeet - reap e se," oeth ,1114.414 1.!‘' 1- . 1: „tpt .ty 41404 114 VI 0444 . 11*1* ThI7-014"g """- 0 4.1 tea i‘P PREACHER REFUSED TO AC' tsn tawasar as eresee the eseetee pears 1114 ter 410 .001,"N_ * 4.44 444 94' es we • DO 44.1r41.-„. : tAtte4, Atm., 14 Trorvt:;1 11,4;),::e4,,,,,mt417.44 lkr,L1::.0." Iv:Ott: 1; 4,4/ :3:4! 9i1,0144t40% 414::111.:r ili11.7;:t Mit h t 0144 p t 1 V. 4 '41 et% '112. 1,1141" otolVant.. /4,e1.* 10.111.1 V.. &II 4Tit.E1K4,11. 14;t4".14' N.4±.w Iliseassas tot, N. ..10 rovq,,t, t ' 1.14 tti!'l'h 74'11 tl"t 41"74 vomit" fr T'lhit?""d1-4 49 ttf aaehist. aelost. tta ha. t•tIctinitt al) so :see crinelaernee. tt•alatollerf 1.1 1?",itii,Teat 1.44.101;t; t-14!. , rimirro.d. en1•11ti 94 that ttn ty, Er , L !. 1,r 4,4 ..4T4,, 4. .404 0.11."4-0On f to t.9.‘,".., 4.4iAa54, 441.11(1, 1V4 ""'"P rel. "re. VI 504 4ri.* 02,414.2iat4!,11 t 74, E.441-0 UNt'r FA,0 „4:Vii"14 es,2, e leo artir...4 ::= 51, 1.,,nuatI fiattalil ,.:02A 12: ' ;„:„,,,,;* 7„.. , - - ' --- : .,- it,u.. ,, ! 'IVY ittmiln. rtt. 13 tta or __ ,..,, , ..„ ,..„, , ,„... ,;., ' , le 4 G..att.: t. t..:, , • till: '. t 6 ;': ' 1. ., All IL l', a,;',011 f,i,.. ..,21 on„l ''''''' ” a ill - '''' ' '''' •" ' " ' t Nat t4k•.? pa-. i,-;,,,,,,,11-4 .,,it4 i',111i4t, r 3 .rr,::",..„:. i,-. .'1.;-,• "'1 .:", e• :e-.l:f:'-'-Ii4-A - ' nt 1. r "..,",. " a, t.14*9944id V,r.rk11-e,!•%14li,,to„s ti,. I,„,4-'.,I".,a„;e4j14447.444j14447.44411$'14'4141(4018:OT 163448 141014? t84” est nUtJi1pa41? 40;f: -17"i111:1 :,1131- ;irto !ILsritlui h114u3i4l.,dti4to41r4.."_.i4,-tN"','-4c..,tee.,,I ".itea 'ts ?,s, •': : tot 81191t1' 4114747441114c2k4118481lies eft ealareatle ae144491 4444' - y:'k;1t alto le eta o i1 744 ; ' °I ' We v4asa, 81348114148z -E8 vtom 1.':j- 2141.414 14411 814194:'.. I 80411 481:1 %13.P Proi &OiAL.. 111911. 11l,4 414.1 1 140e 14.411 4,44214441 43714t441 411)-, Wi.1V!it,iil"! 47:44947:44941111 Viat514444444,' t -aumaTti 9414. ts:Pc. Al44,.72ti,.;: ' ' hate tossa tellee oentellast tIlakt: 1c,".31'., r., vil 4,,:.,Lri.i..' ?,. 042:0 114470...- fie al.... 42 -i -fin: I 441114-4! Thr-,. '414to:-"J Itaottnu 1-.5-07, 9% 1.: v •,.: of 4'84'::.4'14'1.,.J,_4c..-., altilt 444. 414 tee: eseee4.193x.i14„2.. . vc D -1;;•...,,,,I ,D, ,.., 1131 4144 A ! attrit..1 VS311i,11 «"1444431 1.40.1.. 0.,I4 oir,,$ `,,,,.,:, lataii..Da x4442,24'. 44481449. triu,i- '1-1!4F-1 vvIr an,e-ttltIng aiii,„-.0:i2mist, tL,. t"127.4. a 44L,44..: !,...”mitta vii.iai? 1041%474e hat 411414'utd.i... ,::2,,i; eval-ltgeD-'i,!U,, 9:: ''n-ntig V -''''L • '-,'"-- Erin .' - ..,,'4( 4' tVtat Eivio-L4-.- tther.a In I "IY1t, ti -14--,F a.tallatefill lin 4Fi44!, 84.1. 2..:i ller efeeteare to ifaint toa, tessest ie tea ee. _and It a rairdese es- ',set at 4...!24•A041.,.. 1,,, i Ar47i'4D8:14- at tIke ri'1'*1.s494t(1,,L.i,,, v •••t, Uai EZ1 era sert -5. 11',11,247: t:"..o44g.':'1 ":‘, ,.:'4 44niz.,a,14.41m7.4 IL the 4.4fir:st2--.0iit:!47; .$-''''.!:,l'ge thael ol-stwoo ttill.4? 14f14-14. 17-, II -'---41 vil., ntc.ail.'e a 47 J0,444 7.41,,,--a!J `!-D'ii'.14..v:, ::-.i._ vihich 4io sv.oae to $4-212,4.4---4-1 u4.11 6--"-- 1 4,111.;',2"4" 11114; t14-'"14.14- 1411 enst ot fa-..ati.- 4ta 1i,,...0.,,, -i.- arel si, - • te'14d? now nee ,1-0,01-- Luftize tit t":.,,-- ft' 1i.59. 14:42.141 "It.tin =ally 't to-fr e.:-44te , 4444 1.1 fat' 91:14 f7ozi.,!lik: Y .': Tea 0 et'•.eZEIttg, .-.fft.,:a!h.:• -1"'!""14lal?%111e ah11 Wei'Y",nt4n7; e4: , l r4.'?D 173aDt!tii,-1'v-tt4z1e.ssf , ueln seasleaas.tr.n- n.iVTOMO M01 a _.t 11 1. 4447' 45 3,9,e. sera a elee.1 '2 4414144 1g,a2'2..•1'. '.• Mo.? di11.4:8tiln 02 tas braze.; ss. nee Isnote taw. dliPier,,:l; r;,:",,..:. ,.... 1! 11.4' in the 1.1,,,,,,--noe 4'1 cta€-1,..s. fj ...TErtig,,te,,g, t,„ 414 y,ij. 1,4,4 v„,;.,,,a 1.1 49' were made ter a't - *8' ,,i1 ar,01 4....,,,,x.,tal.v. Naas to sl ree trarae. iversost. ease:est Careetilen Eft.? ChZirdit'.-8 t.") ..€,t. LI.,..tso siytra244-i--,r 77.:::if: 1411 47 411401,... 3t4114.17 11',- L414`4'41c.I'l 4.° 411".. iLeigii.lofs, 1E0, ilia who, vier,tIh_. e greet outside werle and i,e. r7. --.,---..f, 2 ;7"4.14"-"a"-- SaVAr 44D."1,ra "v'•:rf,',1'04 41'4'lTPX4.-i,i' ,.: 41.114444to (.11.74.. ..--‘io Dr, tt,-. 4., fused to pre -Tont the 414-814-4:: 14844. tent nen,. ere se aneee fi ",..4,..si . ei,--14.-InA. ltlt:o29:30, :m•.1, 14.-.-,;,t,,,r:,,,sc:•e• ,2..-zt,a,n,Fin-n1.c...ri4, yD.to...,..1st't., ; _" Is', -,.. ' -,,nP, .n 5 i.,;' . •44't: , ,-isl-ne1J;',,_t1`Ji,sSg',.e....•t's'.,, a,it1e,,19,a e:.1si •, aoeh.'3189 ,.. `l 11 ;1'.fi.er;'f ' s:,. '• .1:I:.l'_0:.,1-- ,ra"1..l... '. ..!,,..'.'7'.!.e:•'"mI.t. ..1t1 • :e.s'.e4ehtr- aea'..s." 'w.2tsi3ta,.ih 1li44444'14244911.. 044444'14244911..i!i 44444'14244911..1es.N.7. t41.e.t.. ,•f:"e,.-.;Je ,,t0-1. sa .g'ea ,,!,.11„.,8,:e,_e: le tceey et tPnettP.1 1 21,fMnt: srB- fzea y,1-:42v„..-4.1.19',v,,Not.L2-:vaift.i.they 194:4417:lieteseeitedt .- L.!. ,.9,7,o, , -171E04 -J., ..„‘, 44$4 t nat,,:ltt,Y::,4,:1! lt:,' , etee irtaeol t1hr"i g '6''7 ''lt?r'11lLb‘12Y 10 1141' e,a vass te%l1se 1. , --:. , . e * Si d73Ve w nt vetera t'ega.r.as7n/ "'WLq*ere 4$7 14 o47-1' e InAnIvlas 1 "114 11 r eat ker,1 317 ' a 441.94 4,,, 1.4 o2,irrozts.istatTee .n- ,trzetae '41:38aa V112:i14'IP'::i' ' tfe.4trs1a1s7.17D4tda”.'tek•erAItt(s t:• •--srateacta.as,,eeS1:e4,".", SaV"Ar.n(1 4e: )t1 0 a't se 34 : ;'"BIN E1S10EEKS "e41 ' 1cql It t ant4=74,-1 9,0 tn14 .4"1'4f, tetne„ reef04,- 1.1.14114 442 41'.41 s ag •-• *41.1811941 at FdVOe ent 14S. 06:411 - EftaLtu. It ggQqg at, 1Vqtuff 11,4144941 Wu 81H 44n 4474': L Ltatroh,,atiea 417(4414. tt10rllit 14-- t 4) nn,h.,beneetenthen .„, ID WO`I - 4,-'.41. 4114411- ; *114944449s sweenuatel. cot Isa etr)i 02 eatso elawithreese n 847 t sw.”' Issafie r. what wad yea a t varie Weer. a gases faulitafele - "; ear: ninetia 0 as s seete ;444,41. rima. (4444.5144441 r-47'41_ '11194,, .9:31; '.'94'41 43824 nefitellaers . eetalle et rasa- ee w44. eittaesh,Oit:;:s.f.rtt 41114 a .2 44s44:o4.1'..' eweeen 28 see . • ., tes. ewes . "Well aaa hens:a .41 --' hes.„"e Tr-":2- 1.n'i'.'.5. 9 "''''-':. - •att 'l '''''''• witen as:',1 11'.:A._' Z. "..:::".-7.%'' telfit seta." asew 01;3 51117818 47....1." a "aiiisilas oa- a 1. s leis* law t ea. nail %sags `IV'? tli.n,11. r.. 4 AL: 9444,- .hisei se ellatatesed chaser az iissearere, el man lead a fasen eh a rattler 4tres.7,4 tv,en ,Ii.,,,01- 134,r.Z.r. s0,,i,:,.fr,nr.;.- 4 vildri0t19-iir. 14 18 -'47.'- t'1,01:- went to Va. 2.7:1"CS ::-.;41 1.7.7,t tr..: hr.s.: work ott 4Y0 "9 ,-. 02,4 a sesene. a tatee seas, es, He may raise nr;VS-74' se large ea .s.. ei mere Feria T.F3,•'rrl t::e izat,..?s et' tI.,...i.s.:, : 07 4744.4 391 '»4' '40 z'll Otlattlio ere, never ee big :Secede of wheat. ies career endatasseesh ests-e ean le. ele `Le‚841441P6'...Sfre- tts'1•13; ?•er-* '111'4) rtfthssi sa r4 -8:a40 .-'81'. oThe (:114847:seeptielsr3 fe a aerie lend. Titswe ta w:•e':$1.31.' "'"'"1 hlse""sh 6"e7 'hu" 80 God /tap 445594414V 41 t•ts thief eare on tho men who evoteld give a thousand ,0'h4nn enthro nrnI. t,141, tht,...roos. st acre anal Ts.as raised sales -Aid roan and worlds, if the:" 41.44*sse98'-'5 tneh*t" '"" Cid Oat agnin In quest of soye o -women se that smell inelesare„ bet vet back to the eia.sid faith of their i _ . ts es- - e " ^ marrt• .,-.ena. ille cmpze retu the field is the world. 4 -fathers end mothers. and It is sees ^- n.- - • lest regat rind said the 0414408140470'4'There are rat-ash:toles 441-447447was. It -flat* to help tbsrn. and we 141.874484741bee14 p41144(00814444. leave never bad any Christian work- i; them never throagin their heads, bet A crowd :surrountleti their 71 l. and leered taernerelfally. Cloisb er look" them 4411 the eye and weal I always through 94111410 hearts. esenestanear, in the accentuation say , If I address saeh ester- and worsen 44 sal a shot gan with teeks and what.. justification Is, and after ail rile 4 to -day, I throw- out no scoal. I inn- 2- ated hired luso the crowd. One n work there are not, outside of the team- ; plead them by the memory ef the „ body toed arms were badly torn ed professioris. le.fae people who yen good old -clays When at their raother's : the tacks and natis. Armt/ser was tell what jussitleation res. I will roll knee they said, -"Now I lay me , i11 the head and Ms skean and on you fine definitions: "justilleation ::=1 down to adeerea• and by those days las ears were badly lacerated. erowd s.,eathered for the time hal purely a forensic stet, the act of a jeeps: ' and nog 9t8 of 8(41" .1 fever in whi.sh , . ,I bat when NS/fate lent hes t0.3.4. 1" sitting in the forum, in witielf the s3e- watched You, giving you than en - - - — was nttacheh prerne Ruler and Judge, Who is 1110" mednicine in erethe right time ara i .‘1h3W igei"7crowDd( 7 eounteb:e to none and who knews tee i turing your pilow when it was hot. Pag. manner in which the 0411415 of his nal- l and with hands that many years ego t) town na-se"- to e.''c versal government can beet be obtain- I turned to dust soothed away your • 1 I .in ants:mon to acting 74 re.are' ' t ed, reckera" that W11114%1 1489 n an (loe by the rain and with voice that You •i4711»1 Mrs. Tiee or Cobb is said to substitute in 47:140 91.1111114' manner as if it , never hear agoin, unless yett join leer 4 deaf and also brio in one eye. it had been done by those who believe ' in the better country, to/d you to ' —. -- ...--- in the substitute and, purely on eteeount . never mind, fee you wouid feel bet- ! Great Britain's Frontier. 02 this gracious method of reckoning, !ter by and by, and by that dying; i On land alone Ihritreas itase to grants them thp fun remission of their 'I. touch where she leeked so pale aro' ! fend a fro'ntier that fa quite ' sinew New. want is justifieation? 1 • larked eo sIowiy. tentehing her breath i ma 1:1170,4 Ling% willel/ Is 1.1. rE- t will toll *Y-'41.1 4211411 lastifieaterse ;seatehen l, between the wards. ena you feu an 4, twiee thr. Irligth of that rf crin over savor l snore t 1 awful 1014044781498('(419144118han 111440.1thnee 'thee- of t; a sinner believes God lets him off. Conu arative:y iittie effort as yet has ) soul. By ell that I beg you to come !,1 many and Itnesia, one; but little 1 been made. to save that large class of back and take the same religion. It" 1 than those of rranee. Germ:tiny persons 1211 0844 midst caned skerities, w415 good 080811411 4410 her. It is good Russia, nombined. Ftlot ut nu Bed, 1144 Ef 92129, tiff ;,-4 41.2.41- nivit t • 77:9. tau 7.01:4i 41141 81 '4'.'44 479.4142441.2' 4i474147,44 -4tiJ 411.4' 4.!4 • 14447L1 Oat 1.1.7 443t 1.1 qqle 44"•-•"- 444Z!!.14114411.7' r; 44 13,:rdii8C.241ant i.8 tells teteahat "Pity47 41 '.1.l-47,1'4»4817, s4141 E8441i,s2 111114-348. t •-4: ffil* 41.0' esell 'asset tLat mann ff ten writ -Ti! re:harem': trLf; tfhat 77:-•; tk:0.22 7'.0 4141. 4'94444594 44141 geg.947414 11E, r tr., 1- 71'; e t 4. v ' • 0- feWe Fees- , !tow 41 s e_ C ••:, a":•.! , a. • • s, I t';',; 431 - „,... 6 thbflL F c y , r ,19 -Year -CM Ilurderer ' fenced to 30 Years. - ' 0. tt1 1- 'Is HE YAWNED AND SMILED. A New. Wssera brattcit. the 21.47-;!;et,..r...0, boy. Mar hast kiilied a la-year-or:a tato- st reate 4.7.7 yc.,-,vager boy's f$3, was sientmeAti iflerse,F443947 to- day to thirty yenrie a4 hartt zw...a.t, , -,:ta". 7.4-y aTt -the tin? law. .31:stlee eottins. o'r the fro":441..w:I-4'. the firta's Court, .4441 1483 4184741414431' *1111 it: pro:Laren:eh-4P, ann -own 4244 the IlrfAilefhocal 1-14414e ',Engravers. Tara 9, Vu• 41.0, • 4: '1-• I 44.,44fl5' 24444- 1 - 41; !St: CT, 0,44 ' i;" tta, to. 174 41 14 2:77- Li1.;:j tA • t! t.40, :414 47I1r.44" C!. ---1-j4; 44411 44 19 47''14 444374 alanutireeier•e teas'. 44 '4414447, , ,rt .k1 1.7174,941154 144:4 4441447 • e-witey • : is 144'1'14''L'44 sese•te, 44"1"ilees et "2) • 4714*1 ..":ekEts 1,471 Fas!;,irleItYlli!!e. '7 eel J74ED ;`....;',Z3 70 A WEEK„ Nees- sew et . 4972827 si.)7 118144' «1 849 1147 1.44" • 4,21 eSriisea garessed the, ••hshe I faellheee 'shay eisekeeall the. etai "asiaresseet tin 47 -to Tires-ET:a. thie. :-,...441.1',,n11 14 riiirf-Tont,,taiin :nen. 71.- tr cbri;--ss front 12.1481.41 to Co:A was ..14284.e19811e. They .were, S44 hat41 444 atts. tuistrons riat.int ttatter e844444e41 eanee and aieve 47 thP and s'hafie. 114544 44,141- 44:944944'4444%3 141 144.41114 'a14'f:,144 th..tr .4ith..a, hon.:atlas i:!•**-.. 4194Verest14411471, N. .3., 4. 3111- 11 carn.,:t frotia 194141 49 7.1. 744 4 fi:ff them 144*443,23 from $47 tiarrabro.ntlt., yon 4181.4' e.,:nviettei01 raur.kr. efvirrt lie I 14*44074*-4 the veralet. Yoar 1114e444431. on capacity was not proved. Aceoret ea. to your Own ealifoselaa. Yon Nvt,irt> tylrfas1.41 to roroganze he 4 rnitty in the first t4714-47'48 4'. ruder. 7.1.• .fft.rikors lvell able ! elre4araftanees. tbc, 9-4-0411't enn :•-r-144;z 14 01 renizain why the fen term shotah 11:1- eiV• Thrnt 9160480 e•R be031 '144 741:47 $149114''81 44.1141 While the 'Sedge was proarehreleg ` fere ai.."e-•.124- 4:4; see:tenets Garralaereit yawned twlee g Wad revelled rens:nee:117. Ile lanwhai 4147 their werk they say 1whru ite was b,•: -Ing led back to FA 4J•4'at.i4)r:8 tittir 9 qtil.r pia cell. tItiriartinent entirely.