HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-19, Page 5qapr�`•� '`�,'y P:.11 PJ l Clubbing r i I't11 THE PEDAGOGUE. I on a pitchfork bad been saved by T[1 iGALLUP FAMILY .Your second wife, I wouldn't olilleet: t"s � ENQL ISH AS' SI.1E'S iti/i'.1TTEhk�i your first wife's s grave, but I m' of el.^ ! l -Wt, Aa Carl K,' Swenson, pt#"sident of MMh �� _ __ ._ ont from, most women. You'd butter (' "n elegram That xcari 1, Prootrated') F have riatede arrangements > Off';+r the fallowin low clubbing g b Bethany college, at Lindaberg, Ills., has been elected president of Augustana col- Tioubles AN EVENING OF ONE SIDED TEARS AND LAMr-NTAT'IONB, thinit the thing over purty seriously. a st sutzti)iQrttia ,wla>a, And there's another thing, Samuel. =9 lamentable unfamiliarity witk►Eugr "spoke" tto) with TIT�i HERALD i lege, Rock Island, Ills. Professor D, C. Hills of Rollins college, long time ago I told you that if yytiu I ijsh as site. Is Idiomatically o041 livr nalive heath Is responsible fol `%. Daily Globe $,4,00 Winter Park, Fla., who has In charge Kidney and Bladder Allmon' that Win..6tl dire, Gallup Given Her silent HnYt- Lane! Some inxtrngtlgltr ever got married ag'In I'd haunt soli ' I was mad and said more'n I ought ; ball ,:'-,.trter of an hour which a certain i, Mail & Empire 4,25. i the general teaching of English to the Cuban teachers in Cambridge, has an ex. « 'Yield Only to Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver and Aa- vice About Her own retrterttl a crane: lawyer of tills town will out:' to. Of course I could come back as a ' .' > Globe W(Mkly I.0O I tenfiivs knowledge of Spanish. Pills. and the Wife -'hat Will Biteceeti a�Icr" ghost and roost on the footboard of , •too,,, 3ol;et, His wife has most pro - the bed and keep awake ulgbts, ! nun n ;y correct tastes In everytbi'14.;, . „ Mail �i: Empire 1,75 W. W. S. Lilly, the well known writer on ethics, is a candidate for the chair of Mr. ' in. Giles, carpenter, Sault Ste. ECopyriglit, 1900, by C. 13, Lewis.! you and I could hide down cellar and skeer i lnrlading dress. Such of her gowns as " Berliner JgnTn,al ((�Hrinttn) 2.50 1 moral philosophy at Cambridge univer- Marie, Ont., states:—" Unsolicited I Mr. Gallup hall gone ' down town , .volt most to loath when you come • 41o, not come direct from London towns: r Fai)lilg Herald & Sitar 1.75 ! fifty, England, made vacant by the resig- write to tell you of the good quallt:l.'s S 'after supper to bear the pulitical news, d it .clown after cider, but I'm not that kind :circ built in New York by the most c")r-°- nation of Professor Henry Sedgwick. of Dr, Chase s Kidney -Liver s n au was v o clock when lie got back of woman. Right here and now I ' i'ect of Iringlisb man Inilliners. Svbelll, • Dr, Winthrop E. Stone has been chosen curing urinary troubles, I do not v:•!+ehome. lie had left Mrs, Gallup clearing want to tell you that I'll never haunt .;lip made• ready to go to Long Braz dv.. I president of Purdue university as silo- for your especial profit, but for �,a11' away the dishes and singing "'Happy , you nor your second wife. Don't you last summer, the young wife laid fn 1w, cessor to Dr. James R. Smart, who died gond of those afflicted as I have boen, I)ay "" but whom lie returned she was think I'm party good, Samuel?" e ! last spring. Dr. Stone has been vice I !lave used eight bozos, and do nut npr)ly of clothes that should da ­;,,Ie. president of the university for several rnw,'.feed rile old trouble in the least. 1YIng on the lounge with her eyes Mr. Gallup had finished the pitch- the natives. Her English man mill l+rr i" I felt relief one hour atter tal.,n'; j closed and the house quiet as a grave- fork testimonial and struck one where ;was, however, provokingly slow ai„+ it" years. the first pill. It is a great sourcemof ! V.. George M. Wright of Now York has ac- yard. He sat down after a gjanee at i a man had been blown u with a I delivering' things, and she was Pole. ; comfort to ane to know that there is a p cepted the office of treasurer of Middle• i dicine to help ivy weak kldncys. 1 the figure and laboriously untied his stump, and he was so interested that I to set off without several of the f)oc bury college, Vermont, to succeed L. D. ^ rose wishing further particulars may I shoes and pried them off and then he didn't hear her question. She she had intended taking with her. FOL* ethos Iservice. of Middlebury, , who retires aft- address me as above." s Kidney -Liver Pills are picked up the family almanac to see wept for three or Pour minutes and ( the first week after she went away she''- what time the moon would be in her then said: I wrote to her devoted husband at honle* is a Middlebury alumnus of the class of �,r -nary for 8,11 kidney, blander, lived last gn.,arter. Ten minutes passed, and "No, don't go to any unnecessary ex- : every day. For the second week she P 74. He was born in Unwell, Vt V -rubles, and have an enormous sale Mrs, Gallup uttered a long drawn sigh. : pense to lay away my mortal remains, wrote every other clay. In the thirrV (f°U1 all over this continent. One pill a dist, Two minutes later she groaned. A I Samuel. As my speerit will be tlyin j week four days passed witbout a lin•+» 3 And Yet He Had to smile, 25 cents .L box, at all de:a.ler.A. or L:ri- minute after the groan as Mr. Gallup i around in heaven, it won't make no from her. On the fifth day a telegrarm- silo was telling talcs on her brother, n.ansoan, Bates and Co„ Toronto. I had aid no attention to her, she sat ' , lir. Chase's Ointolent is a Posit p fgreat difference about my body. When < fuss delivered at the young lawyer's Who was an extravagant chat) when he acct absnt+4te cure for pries. I't IS th, up and said- I Mrs. Thompson died, she wanted a j office. had money, which was only for two or only preparation which is guaranteed f "Samuel, you've conic here jest In ; funeral to cost $250, but I'm not Mrs. "Wife's body forwarded this Morn - three days each month after he receiv- to cure every form of piles. { time. I was afraid I'd hev to go with. ( Thompson. You'll marry again, of I ing•" ed his allowance. "Bob was sweet on i out bjddin you goodby, but you are ! course. and you'll need all your money The signature was a scrawl, but the Jessie,•" she said "and wanted to give I here. You hadn't been gone from the to flail out with. Second wives alius - message was enn+igli to ebill the rer,P her something nice. So lie went to the The rite]-ing of an ocean Liner, house ten minits when I went to carry (lam. Yours will want a new disbpan, } marrow" of that ymin busband's bones_ ilorjst and ordered one dozen rUuericall P, W. Tlowe, tailing In tile At(lafson the milk down cellar. I wasn't think- ;new curtains, new knives and fonts I it had been sent from Now Tock. IIr Beauty roses to be sent to her address. Orlobe of his experience during a voy- in of death or auytbing of that sort I and as many as three new tablecloths saw, in his mina's eye, his dainty littI& They were 75 cents apiece, and that age across the Atlantic octan, says: I when all to once i livard a voles sayin, ( il)e very fust thing. Speakjn of table. wife running up to town for a day's ( meant $l), enough for Bub to pay. But "I believe I an ode a disvow'ery in se=a. 'Git ready to soar away and become cloths, Samuel, I've made the last nese I shopping. Up thmiglit of the frightful , L� -- ----1 what does the foolish fellow do? sickness. One night when the sl'i;i ; an angel: You may tell me, Samuel, one last seven years. I don't expect heat, He knew just how It had all came "TIe sees some extra long stemmed was pitching badly I remarked t'••tt I that It was the vinegar bar'l workin any praise fur it, but when your second about• and with a horror strieken Pat=e t! ones standing in a vase near by. and when' there was a particularly 1..:'•d !or that it was a-gurglin from the soft wife shakes one all to pieces in six be dashed out into the street and fail, - lie prices those. 'One dollar anti a lunge the screws came out of the w•'a- i months you'll see a difference. What Ay ran to the house of his wife's sister quarter apiece,' says the nian. Bob Is ter and whirled round so rapidly as to kind of a second wife are you goin to ; to acquaint her with the frightful feeling very generous that day. Ills almost throw me out of bed. I was ! � ! � � marry, Samuel? You needn't be afralil t news. FI', wact past speech when M- t allowance has just come In. `(;ive me sleeping with my head forward, and — to tell me. fur there isa't a. jealous hair "eartletl the house. trot he held out the a dozen of those instead of the cheap after awhile I discovered that the -- e� Vie• ( In my head, will she be old or fatal teic,;ram. Tho sister read It. onAgn IN,es I took: he says and hands over screws seemed to -come out of the w, u• 1 tt "Ti'el@:' said she. '"fit's time lie sent it. ter when the prow was in the air. Then ) l . t young! the extra gG. q, lair. Gallup yawned and stretched and Slip's been t"rppetlnz It for six weel;�,. • " ` ' + ' ` :r feta situ the liar "That night he calls on the girl to Nee it occurred to me that this yvas ImIY)s- Iw.z r, 't ,i ? thrust out his legs, but ire bad nothing It's the ane That p the effect his present has matte. She sib@e. Of course the screws came out � =��.�a 'to say rtallFcYu e1:Irt, I snppfeset" hasn't received the flowers yet. They when the stern was in the air° tet"Airs. Roedecker says you'll probably ! come wh.le he is there. This just sults "So my discovery wvrq that 1n sea- ; r _ " marry a young e°tilt of 17, and Mrs. him, because he will be attic to are the ° sickness, particularly when you are In . t' t Jackson says You'll llrtat)albly look fur COOLING DRIl`l&GS ll�l TURKEY. expression of ustonishmrnt nn her face. bed at night or have your eye's closed, Rw r'.*�' a wilder with as many as five colo .. I .the sill mall; T N"C She opt=ns the box, rets Bob'shob's: cart! p p ti-lurs upward when �% , J. ,' but F ain't gain to llt)tI no fa)alt In Dei erpY)sex and rrt•>s sots fru Ali itYe g :row ,j Main Streetti. and lifts up the roses with :a cry of rap- r s"oil th!nk It pltclies downward. This • � � � � , l � either case On we, eoutrary, I kinder " confusion may asp.,t In muddling the ! - i _ On all the nialn •triw'ts nearly evi-rr tore anti an Ola. 'Mr. Wentworth, how -- - pity you. Second wires altos stnasii other slip tris a a•, wgwr tot while 11, M. ` sweet of you" Then she looks around brain and stomach. i eertu[niy had M „ A`1 and break i, 1 vr;1 things, awl If you t) R ,. c k hlc ii'nd Iaerl;e 1sa)1t@' t ttf laY'Yl ac:atY r, lt•ihd- h. You this experience all tltre.lagb one night. "Ma ., .» ��_ rssiv anyt'.Yae► ";I ttai°:3 bila•,: and pull everywhere for a v1aSt: tall etloti,'', a.i. � ` ° YtaaitYlt». ('l«'°rrli #;ti`4G@n: ptaaiTt•;;O:iitRtly biG ii@� see, she Hasn't ten • of those that stand ' When my head seemed In the air. the . v'�" k..; ^�' y hair. k I , -f ata and tit,. trub• ' � tar RtYnat'tIa'n:: of 6hY" Eleyrt° teiitt6l 14"a16t°»'t t on the floor. but fully an ordinary came out of the water, although olt's. , ,. °1 a" , .'. •°rto ll he tillies when cttimYYicettt 'tttY4 ilnttlY=% and sl little -alai* eltrysanttet-n)um jar. Slit' take's that � ray heels were really In the air at the isI"w'E IIAI)'TnIr.TY-Two JgTs or stcr..Vgss.Y' you'll . r "1" q r^ ."rt "..e" wvaslt belaeh tuft- " lira@:' , , i t1YTtta`a ,,1: t° l ~ tl tt'lt. l`l"21, l f lu11 ''h11Y,r ha-ps tilt it taaitall¢1(r of i;lasw% to down and woahurt•:a tli," flowers, then , Soap, but I know Fat ttar. It was my attra} .of tilt* ir1QY""'".G1y, Cortaln Illi Ris �" slits lays thous oil the+ table, ane! with , u sniunitlurt to go. a:i�l. I conte right tip ,, ui°ktYt 11,self that I Was art* t.11t)SPE) f r t@e'•'^� al,Y•YG1ai1@t"P I11 t.<G'k J, IrL *1JI ,. A. Cktld s PhilosoTiby. • ; hard.. t hn anti that l wvat+ r ani+ slhiltP111 wvltitY ,. of ta►r Tattle lit°art It Ida one of tilt- pritnt* st,ci'rts of hall. stairs anal begtnl to git renoir it wsuta t Bain Op'wps oxtil Year r'a a for tIr-Ir cent »r, handittl lhnife she chopq tofr half the 111t•turb you Inuth iP t al's= totalglit, will no It.it1YI ,at" iYtnt I"ll Ise an trY "., length of tine sttgnrt. 1t�al) 1 oys It turn• natural a to reeniyrns. and accept Y1ne"a a 6t,:,t angel. `,,hta w v to plug along, tltie c Yant wrtarY'lr `1'nwh,* ors ve ri natural llinitattuaty. but philosophy ! f G ti11Y1 x1111 toll °at ou, from ww!!aiAk twl "aa ed flim cold to see $tt go into the yrsi.,tid this kind is perhaps hardly to ibe o t l Sir. t`zt3iitlp didn't rtiply. He lamd 111»Iii ;Ertl i , tit nam !list •t all. t . ;a¢g•a uv aa" till" va tidal it ulaalr. '." Ni basket dealt that. 5� a say at hon:"° It fount! the anions lust quarter ant$ was u Somal. a " h If ", now tile and lade', It Tile a' "1 Y I . *� � l)et.tcdotelilldCe.n, � , od.over wwltlt." "111Y" narta•Qpi uywarlaa we;-ltl1 Itlt3tpraltit ­`11 - serves t let :3t"ilea Iiiul right." Y ,t little girl had sent tirit!ti iD4r Itiat6+ ti°� 1-v npvt6 a Ir nit ° tap'l t y make ell Ii Slit. st!" ;� `u$ tiff tilt§ 1o81t1 ,e t4ticl ora w' 1h to iLit`a,aii . zaGriSEal�t+ 1¢eTaNt4 0 :" I'S for turkey two or t1Qrro, Wive% ,and had n e is r i y t y twi'ltla¢I, trouble, al itt'yl:' ase t. GaalCul'ul, "."alI&$ fYaltltd b a flttl elYagt»al Iatr f' t'�. P4, • , dltrnr`5trnt gtxQ►atantgt, � bf"r'n 11Ult3ed ttottntlflaIll; tri tQ1i tilts };2Ye<tI o , , , i•,a:°831' lt,sr,3l'i ww'1ne+y,' fifty tli.<av I shan't beglta nt•,,% Id viott`sl r ltlatr 'Rud f`or I C,Gow w ;.s silt awo , » " It its probable that iia. t arttllrtt sun- beings that go to tatselae a u t¢n1t (* striia l'ai li ill till Isaw1u^'�". I"III try unit ThviGl Tisrtt bt t. `" .¢wvttlall sal aall. t =t,°, s1all-ti ling 9'.°+.1¢¢1 mater to n ma filth vas sImIlly Ott- silt"ar of solalf'" nt1- was tl@linor. Pllauity silt- wvsl3 tatted»Yve ill t e r� >,• > ,.A ° tad �• .. �, ed ttriiti°v t b _. fret 'tlae•tY=. t1tYa a wltrwta its than 41-4w ilex " "; ��P1w,"`` ki li nlrad oblof stuoU upright In tbc» 91*01%nd looking rather t1I11c"ottesY^1afr15 at iter uu. � ons ttl)tatggli I . gY t caro t ^„Ins to ,dt l he r4ho nit c f +y :til etas' etalclz Atud go to It�rait.►itllt3t•. : of t • �i before ilial teats. wzlivasw ttat)�t" t1Y"it,»rt IluishQ d 1)fatt3 of tn.tavv. when the hottr ktaa,at s. :II1.tatu $fit• rf+ t tit ft ''fhr sliilwltaz+t a>hKhtfit Is that tui tsl,:s :I(9i I1Y t. tVialtell"I'Prp¢, iC�et1 t0 1)l1r t"t vn tliS"tr illi-• *,What's • lA to laita@atib t11a4 w7 inf+S3 1 81:181 ,VCi1l ti ii y • lay $1 ^�Yr YS O4 t 4':1a6y' t$�SYtltl"t ft i41 ?".ty �T. `'MN 9 °CI'hats tate titattY•Y'a -.thrid' iniktt't . ° ,,, 1eiftl _ hrrn tilt" k!al eutdi^orrtt 1l.}nttll> I; I,If tri QI tw*e ,� Ill ¢ I roundings. It Nroul<i mot b!a al dillieta't 1;"nelt'.I+ John. "'You ligula a1aYo1a8iai60l"'" n°'ti to I):te Y111t ie Ott i ltrt caf s¢ltnalt» u thlug to notI4,1t beat the NhIl owv s holt• ;t tY . .. ever 11;11 funf,wail< but i :.►i yuta to slit- sett 1f , + tg>l1r¢t w ltat�gnwv i9 fat'. I1"aisi<"rac11- t:'Ea tint ¢ „ vattla w,f' wa-1 b N "gra ri . %" . p • Thata ju:tt thy" niumr. wila Utltfi khowti diff'ewfat, Vvv ttv%4[al Utz all t`, ttevifed fait,' al. tit b. • .,+ @tacit Circ batt £-lite rb 3C# itnwlntr lit #tat s•.•oy lifts ta3d3t'ifi .frill. ane' d9 n I'lt ° 0 a: tt n'f le,u "� gaYC'"'EQn a" N ' fl:iw"sftirtit wwrttilnli. i1rY8I I t:tri 1;61 t)ie Ea< _. e.. .., Gl�,tq;p'�pag h-ato t")a l -',9a v `l yaY o Q" silo@ thot t111a s?"r)rt#101 tl sfindow alw itys 11 jtnd tial"n @Lei Wondervit welly :every.y� y t y p LIGHTHOUSE. � t Y � yam} g � y ' 1 , ° s p, 11' w ! ww°Gth a elaetlll finti-will l' wr.; e$S t t at.4n'ai �! A FAMOUS OUu'�" {wi t -Y 9 t OUSEr, ,`.t.: t' a�jC t,:tci'�ii�i Y. k. 1 x atnlaiftatl an tlir ttQt."c Ills°"'°alalia->tt':Yrttf. ttndy1tn1 be11. K nu t c " fiat bh5tg d fi, 'a" °Iii! ttaaYha telt- wn:crQtttYl lc;tea Itrllaa,w"tQIl r* r' la til) Vott-rr slaty. utu.l l« %Vnel *til . t. a�f 1 Ila.x:r'. 1°11 C ra nailaY tw slily lode- tT •jaa +.• r• vayr0 ststt¢1 t9:,:rt aeces iuYs"wtlals+r,v 1tliatl�wr ( and plea -w-& with tl,t fi 191P 9tial "iilYlnsatntttt Ytt4t+la. at tt11a 1ltxttitt Ytat ttiYT Ea it f:aEafi G c * c si • �m t to uz 1. x7 # (I At It ntltprYlt"ft to gear. hoaowv. IC,°1f"l i allup, that ulnad h"DI taYatr tantas `aarrtwt. " I4 ell lllrwud In itQ It°?e dale ruptn¢ dais to a°CQ r is A 1ltt3o girl wwlttl ww:iv N1t Q@ua* G¢ai)lt tri : ., . aJ v flQ? n«ya¢ ili3uto a ':7tla 9w1•." ",81++: r a t•' •.¢eunu;.o t19�INIg. frelu tuft to laatwt, w�+.9wt t.`tH;A a " Yat,=-(7S�t� st fpaTJ o, C"":t lG,{ytdt�iPtYle±.� �3s1 t�l..¢• a r, nu ty nI'm" ani AIA. ft tet sl) ala would give a tl a yy P' Q.t t Mo;. r. P. fL;t flat u J, x Ad#I ' .,w n ,.. 4 tt"'„"a.rifta:'t I'lpr eloll ate ti6n'e"t•a9 tr)' !e,*d+ wlaal5 '' $"kt.1t astr`'er atii',Ij"•y" Pn ,filly v't-,OA ifs I&A of �l`dil pjo, A. ti.. i. _a„ �i of f16t? d'u' "Jna" %v:vj :VT;_ >f ta, ti9`i'�G9 d -it l at na,nouhny In Its$atiode Cas tlmM41,ts of n.. i wits incidi, stir triv4*41 tar-: ` lgltap t«C fit: #3ttlltt.t`�g� t�tbraaurs w�tis mea E1 As st.PUM tai' aur' uGt utb "T slaw t"q .� a.,. � .:. ". v , r, « , ,a� :u f�;s, 9''`rf,: �,..�ta a�! Y-eu. . 1ll.�. . ;� 6np},::a:GA f.,. t } �L P:°t"t ill tn111y ait°at" of t11ay yt>ar' of t""!.'iii spwl'.3�5 ta-Nna'al10,o her' gel,"I'al rn'va tri it tta-ladlenllag tGtIEP letaa;b'm 4-ut'etrt tote eu, Fide itv,Ys L� .. r - €o l!s w,a,Tt a9G ..rs+t:"et5 '. 9P.%ta'tw o fq �u t a eQnatetllC»r. � ° ,Q^,! it tu;,a4 A.U.''aa made tl'I""'0° askvil : ,tri=+L'" tt Lv b'1%L.,130 i($6 ve:-hal $'t:•'1 Iv. 1t'@..t: iil!;�.'!.ne Lbl e R( a. tet 10 thv Ewe a x$= t7J4 met,. . ii, Iles' •• Qu;F"yf"r 4=u" anp tw•# . If l"ltl9•s nrnaetrrllawnt, go simple, sir QalA , tl'at1 en 4u'iGYar. w . P _ .: ,.. .,.rfl ^ . n. •. n .. ". .... "`�tli'8� �";'1t i1�rB1E61"It �''�„l alaaaa l��ltaPle's Zls:�lydl �: a'"f" Q:aGaP tib 'L`� jt7;uru$N)�1Fajf�:1'P".a a rPi�Ce'-. C1L5i<�l t��fi:'9- i”:,..� p.'� h�:��Ja�'� ln.f��°td=q d -ti" ;ICs t+tl..~.P aa. l.v �Y f aEIQ. 1.lay wweS 11,1E °+Th • d ult of flop Avi-th gl,Lbly ie ,:61e of Itr 1iss Irts I€tu the gtave%I I;, TMve' rMc4 b2,tn>z0UA 11:UIN•,n_,Gu to ckq° ci!a ev , a •,c� (rr.T eli:, <a y,.�f,,,.l-a Mr> ouj. °➢`LC E allot n tilt• an'"Gt°tGta.UCn ° st udy uui:' llrt"Cc°ntlyw rce • sr-� elate a°la:tat W � .Il tad. _ ttP t t' If y'arii ��tt cd tel bw tete= uut Gest ttLe 1 q1 L�tll:P•!g i•a% rj. ,,]5 1 :;:;tt a- ao 'ILP n fis t f ul. rot It tent tit: oft fel aPiew;uE'caa en—, " tb� r, w i t la ti lx�r ive r t a ikii r .� II, . Gila a.d±a l'w'n• rmaallcr 111C's $ac=id rand. 3Gttt" €"trcot11PI Le 1aArse°'rT GP 2tlllP�ett 1 "^a iln w t'f ,r• D" r ;3. Q- atvelnlU ,s ts4�ro <e L: :" +nt.°:'! ,i ` slavl �e :.^t d e n a CcneS'a"s t°ant, dnd pu h •.. einG<• a Ealanauif»taE"� ir+*totatlarPit, ""I,r aP► pm.t, ttt --� 1 t" '�" t"tlCaJir 115 l9atl ti' 4eGl &e C itlGt2 $"c�3ax:LCY,,tl_e C; :9t to tl C3i3t tY w a II Cip®nog' wF'w• •CSS iia v tl¢6u'"YY 1 a7J jLa•ra d n.:t pG$tV@llast t0f a6at" YydraGa." f4a w y tilt P3Lrt,,. 1 Ge u`tt n:E "ti iia: 1 GwCtw + A— 1Wrtln lin 11Ge t�lKr9lwt t� Of 1„gw,PtGiarn e.Y.w: ' r�i"ale k"sal r�oQn hila of tiL^dlt. •'file"`«. l n6ceg. C al Itc,s apt ;a at:..3 C. fel C r S a - 10 a ie poet $l.E"G..o" ,aJ �; are VIV es wC'l1€➢d ln' ck Siwlu UP1.i'4 f ugi-E t$ ±i.2,u:�ah + �J Met blau9gs9 end tl e li ct� JK+ b ��i '�Ji C.a' � 8.,ax~ 'aelttnpletk. th6tgh tide." tad§ tlaubt •¢w'e+stew'' �y " �y a a .. . 71tl• ,. " . ii J g ✓ , ri � u l t tJE~s.slt t lva7 ")q Gal .` ti ;alt tlair�l T+ a°•a!;:s� Qui'. aelflilnlftl at t+tsly a tq....at f a n¢uv,,..a�s 3tgcis A1�r#iitft Avin atel1#06 I; w d. Atka tial. IDait I statin t an t3G l illi ti3 lP luwexin Gaa ti to E " ells rwiaxww urh -- a mil , TI liekly planted ttf't•'8 'd$e the ti-'tf i, Gid."x'd", alitfial �'C p etiFaa3ieal e)alafr alnia3g3 da_'� 6F t ySa°TM7<Ieal 6ri a.�ia"lata vw• a' t ttt FY,�. ofte."y. to tsnpr' y a 9L".^_!w felt w•t•r�arnt :Ifter r ><.uf II" rase as actual Instrunlc tlta oP olbstytrittot►it laad't rra cal. An 11priglat , Ii4ti41raGdsil :as'!t3imt Itvalttlie-l¢ert. TI•iw fair MI. Samuel, While yoteve Surra tEiSuet cn ;.Edey e0n&'t.c;ea �t � .- >.f':l' e?gid silclt fear= ff¢tlly ypluatllltrd rIIa11c1111g Dill nnatwc wwizimla lads t zl@non 1Y11 tIl ty wws'ftEs; tltay' with polltlest etad lawsults I've Sass assnstont§, las >thpr twirre shat of n n A n_aa)t well slalft Iter lila , rind %nide n blas at'°a ughl fear dr-Ith. In a1,out dada pa 'vis° YsGc. 11aes3 Of tie atato+�ly havltg A .Y:t6r d' o tatttLbtky 11�ojo#. ?�dr':e"r• le"w"rI Surface IG1ata'' 1�1f'a'dS�,t"f• ew'f"l1Lour from IlowY. w'beat I breathe =27 f:l>*n tii"�ae.wve--d darn n� i$ sa"aJ In. Att'tj�jMM:y c "sop 134v," tg. a"lwd-vo •AS y . L t " - ,. 1 y abt~ n*Iass'e§ o#" allaee�• frtet alae ally >n<s , last. ,yofsill has lave-° ettasl ftp tiau°ec a"uses &a'�r:aa lice :�1d1e ei1' the t'ar't stat=avy sea ss�'als-vrf In s:', v ><S' cf•at��r:s :cu:ae3Lsag "'�y• ala" !tie? Ilse first advance a1 eo11 t11t ,natal• t W rail horsxc,n. A k mall at the top of tile' r fthove alas-¢ stgtlust the umber they ate" a n lolls. �i3tklnls' flacPtr. �Ilrcfy Taps tat ire S;,fau lA of tb',7* sltorm tore off two g a trL"; w. a3 s loll wvill "�e found to for:afltr: 5e frau all- latzaa)lp tar lrseszii tbtmugla dlt7 strcalug s1 sanectrl that l hev soared f1.w�::ny, and pU?q`i,es alverugirasg" r,', poond:s and Nial. p0 f: ,p rte $n.,„ Tuna wlukrb tlLe ? W12. owv fin4�rar easily t)Sas,wfveu�.� $�. yCs:.et IPatrrllt; ;stall taf8rt lose .ltttti5i4 Q;trtlnf• ,f , p :,,,-'.Cas. ei, 1Xr_TI„n lis t5y°lift to dee Kr _u— °« L . s..e f1 1►e ever, Baa tem IEalnits to tdtae stood 1 PI o, a arse re"fP;+ of ale keefaet"s r t3iln:det" in ktftow sed -e. lie' ai1'ut li" a' L” n?t i F(5g1'e'3@� is alir)'t5ttsd • ,,sex > Ton F, r u3W*?j V I Etas toad w. ight of the WA_ t !$t": �iLg a 'cl rfia«ntats --e Egg )a . o rest Leaves. _ .:Qzd go to t§testi. Q)farmu� as 1gst,cfl: 'lite Etat tip" ca: f^.�?::mairnn#��+�t1*ntSw it lleile""."dt fey:.t t,3?pj for tzt3thrr� s rI"Ifity IIaa€=a•y Q1'n:•t; funeral Via take Parted the ala, laftet. Ina On—a `.!v the r. A. 110,;dled tKLe bulldl'Egl• c ns not W6zt;zbt dreads a � � •. "1•lits, f�iveem will lend You 14 f'lnalrs. and soil to aIp)ntlG raf ,vel' lice lici=t ua;tiE wvasaia+d l;r-arae 13fad wl�fn vEewr�a;to:asirag cwt frra. lraylflr will pnlc>y Dent t5¢e bynms Cut two wvalld,. throw in -e Clime fames to Ile sun-. ;bars. joydan c*.'ul1 I-iIL ' Ento time-. no 41Ir1Py3vPn1eln"* r6ir WhS ,-b Gil -p do la^nta turnfe Vv. -Ret %Tbe i g_ crass oowv avid tsttwti the nnllk, tliddl Maw, tLe keewr-rs We", tet eslrm-laNy grate air -d Ills. 13scvk?¢.c -114 SrurQ c is i�: . J@afl5tfn %toll canaille Enver and gat your ftj. l°ua-'e:s Or r"U-, pun cturt•diithe Iron l7 ci l lei 1 +, u� ora i ... ,'_tea ;5,'se� ,y'o¢i 1IS0.etaltl to m@, Sdn3• C°n.;f 141 i:9 fSI:?ees. 21a1'afln�1^3L°h 'idlfy fd�nl m!a •�,ai�''d�t^s, e�¢i<e9a;:ct� oiY Iaeaw 4tir�.. w,r' � • +" �` � 1 elf'' l"".ane ,.+,f tr-e ls)4nt-rn Is ISS f -t rit'ove r�s � 5.=-c-t?h%r. a Em Mfg pcd d. °4nb. te t_ .. , Ef` b@ Vitt, tht5te€ elm slss of It. t'e sc a level. Ht,ameg elf massa U fq =3 iLn$ 1'a�viety asarasa IvQiw e t .; ilk aeG:� Y . Ile b td 8 t L, ,r heads got alalsnat h wvttla #1 e it nom f s ,.a g nLnl lana a e :11t1es Irl` alta tneb Bal heads stmt visserl on to 0. a mmedzi mj tE-,at-- gSi d & rere kPa xkd'-d an by V'.e"Cas off>s2 act 7y ¢a^ e to t a) 1twvl kfe Ur aaPtalals, And se'emt aI -ter be reafllicg rLtet cvLa E n weft aL7utP n Hca e lantern.ihxa $1 ua•f i'wr's tyo. ""tet Cs bcnet:. i cf•utb bated breatlL a . 7 thewvateal IIut out tl'e Ilagl1 iCl e ^ gyros ft: ttlu.s" i r,7vice?enee cveyll ,rot d e"All you'll hev to &.41 sine c`ant?nue d b j: MNg ba'; now bc-;PM to➢sell silt t"e,✓t. flcii3e Le La.'Lat of tloIng 'sewn �a;T l s t!t #YY elftef s sols of two. "`is to ,move et ar,6 a tlu ek t onerf #e ltirof tins Sreeh lfiid .. , + �t oeaa's. I've had S2 has of sickness on kel3cy aueeo nrde *t .d v�,: • . kIndet" sorretf ullIke said sheaf s fest g q j Ctnxttelt 1Ent iiCstr`r z rt at i 17aQtIC.tr 't.'a'..' els Kc" t1$ swim. Tptey are C''* bill, since tate was tnarrif d, atrial Son etiaues : buOraut, Sara I"! a. lvn€eel, Enda tL`P1 rout ve had to hire the wsashin done One can bardlc Nell up et netcslmper fair mile; but. after all, you'll be kinder inowael3ys wvltlsotat seeing the v'sle . beasts gar uasdler water. �Plyeg elan sotY when I'm one. You'llretmembet phrase, "most unlque:' its "It was the howvever, he tat.: 3 a ao slw*!m ..aver• e.I. �5 y how I made fine teattettle last 14 years Inmost Uri tl"ue entertainn-ent ever give -til with the old of guats, lns or a• and how I allus made the tel and sit ar in l*odujz k vallev." tf a thing is unique., f :stenttl under their a3ef :hs. i'.',.. ,nim last longer than any other woman lel it is unlilne in the superlaOve degree. the 80-13eEaist2n exPc-dltiorl Of 1&9S ' hc- _ r_ r q „ P taw3a I shaai't ask yo -a to break rio:� 3f It as -_a* 'c,*;?l'_Te eta s`lrc supevla>tive de- e:anseis were Iowvea�d !n'tc, fie seta f :rt, L , iY t i Ind weep. Samuel. but if I was you gree. it :s snot uaaidtup. To say tbAt an the sWps and thew drivers. Vane a&,-. I'd shed tears. I not only deserve 'eon, aee!deint is "one of the most amnique overboard. f°l is i%o tell on to fisc � , W YY Yr d but all the fobs will be watchln you that' ever occurred" is asorainable.= tSeir cEianges. cs tYsltt €illy ami 1'ts' w X to se,e If you are affected. You've got --vtry singular'' Is a parallel solecism. heats to etrmae m>p, an;! rtes saw 4 rf : 9f gi q� six handkerebiefs .almost as goo l as Exchange- they succi? sayecessfullr, pr:,rtt d as°uo -. g flew, and you won't run short even if cards a you shed tears' from both ernes. Dan t 'T�b P'ointri sot 13i4$ereatC: t)Y9ectlteeaable `E"rsatnreaY. s . you think I'm right, saniuell" ,The di;ferercp l;fatween flip c•ow a13d ::aga;xls l liswe read vv , -r h Iltz vi 11 said tine gentlemmi Bot'n;q. and. to tilt ,tae trn+,.b6 I ei•)la'i elvp. ;, ra She wiped her tears rind held 'back t e m her sobs and waited for a reply, but i with a the Tlla rare memory f or jest$. "Is that like its p yslogiiouxy. �y ! none came. :lir. Gallup was readingilk:' ., lisai-�- Its physloanolmy? • hrit &Z, a+' � how the life of a maze who bad fall„n difference, re- you tn7elm 1 on a pitchfork bad been saved by torted the milkman—o'the cow doesn't Naggus—Its' I's are too close toga. ' WAVTED t cane ct Fad y•ealeh Oat R VP•A 1V Sgam no., r, " ra .�) :veo " c) Persian stomach bitters. and his ears were closed. give credit.” el. my6, �° relief y + w , )z f t,�_ )odea• t sail "as to ll.trpiti me tri the back yard- right filo differ frightfully Slight and rio ghtfBllp an 01intinnte :wood. accenE ii i••.t"T ,l. f + r r S ce a •nay iso i a , , y , ug erore. r A s, ra rtes d .sae t» � and ' elf colin4e yov, lin do gas foil tlltnt .. , from bo r to hour. but rilve tilt m sen- Car, y . p la' tlr. , . ei� Tt wve)r.1tln't marry " "�" . testiariba4.le .• ti I,•• miil.r+ r•.,.. c3 a -s :,r five rats, best In one way it will save roll S5, furies to try it In they are found to b,. :ayes Ga. y Rbe is terribly set in 11, ",q y ' s tor,9arde.3 ri. Ricans C[L.a13a:ai CO., No. to $ rgct; Street, New fork, r €till in ilriUtl)t+r it'll tStT:e tip ground '=dentieai.—Carlyle. way8. ;Q�b°Stlb utI!lomli• fur eabba .Ps. You'll harry sg'in, 01 Mr. Sof*TefrTl-1S ill$$ SO4) course. ant, yt,nr seeovid wvi°r• will want I'leasure once tasted satisfies less Mr Sap-- -Ir ; • < i1?lit•e•l a� la � y a harninot-k um undor rbe trees. Slob- than the desire experienced for it tor: a _e tis :;sed me nine tlttiesti- i; b i be theM. object tin, my Kravt:. If: i WAR i mel)tsa Ynore dalieriCsatL n