The Herald, 1900-10-19, Page 4--- - 1�'.
keg wit" no tealptashun. Yes. sub, they RAILROAD WRIE-OKS, :.I ,;
,SAVED PY THE BEARKS wAlked off and let me pass on, 11,7,%d I OLD STAG,E EFF&TS. - THE STAFF OF LIFE. I 1.
. I
- never sban hear the last of it front t4e Thentam A. Seatt Used, to nowdle I . __ _______ 11
a loye, since you and I must ,�
,THEY ROUTED THE REVENUE MEt, We- woman. I ' 11're"' S*CMX to 80 F61111nif 1XL VOTOr M , Als 1.
aken a UIP Them Without Glovem. SCENES THAT USED TO THRILL an an Artiellp og D�Aet_ span me one little eormaer of yo as
WHO WERE HUNTING WHISKY. of co'n Juice since then that sbe wasuPt "When that wonderful railroad gen- A shrine �
ready to spe I i . AUDIENCES YEARS AGO. ",I look Upon lire!W as au article Of
__ I ak out: [us, the late Thomas A. Scott, Was ; I I � That shalt be wholly minel . .
. __ food destined to be completely abolish. I
" " White; I building tip the PkInn, ylvania sY te , � others may clatru, and rJghtfully, the reoti .
,Vhar yol go agyJn, Zeb 4 a in If
Zeb White Tells How the Pesk�- Law me, but if Yo' only had the brains! the work lie did was superhuman, the LudAcroun mijxhap That ,),ae ed before many years," maid A NeiN it there I know 1 am not dispossessed,
I'ArU43011 Surupled Ulm Moonishjur of 4 War, what a happy woman I'5 1 results he accomplished marvelous," Vloored loraniL Ailayo I the CXi- York doctov, "for the number Of Pei, All blim .
Juice and the Itemultp and i ."Ittax 111 "Davy CX-o,?,ettn sonly who tire willingly giving
-1lV"- Zell be P PF M. QI:A,3. 4 Said an old railroad man " up th, I, ager, shall not,miss.
. "Scott was i -A Cruile use of It Increases vvery year. ,1,110 Ina I 11
Hem 04 Word to Say About Brains. __ � esseuitially a man of action. For ex- I Vire Seene That Was Very Popular. jority of them do this on the advice of And I( so be .you sometimes, offer there,
[Copyright, 190D, by C. B. Lewisj CARL DUNDER'S SAYINGS �' ample, at one Lillie there occurred on i " I InDugh but in thought, tile fragment of a
"We'd bin makIn moonshine wills. , ! the line a freight vvireek, that piled up ; Great Scott, how a Litiodern audi. I their physicians, who find more ground prayer,
A Wholemoirne conibination of V`11 - scores of cars in a confused heap I,, a I ence would gibe at tile stage effects 1; COL' recoilijuvildlug abstinence frow No more
ky over In the big ravine fur about an . Oan 1, also. Implore)
d Philomophy. . 111,11: n . bi-efid as they see the results that stleb
,eks," said the old possum cutting, thus completely barring the . I
three we [Copyright, 11100, by C, B. Lewis.] : sLd to thrill folks thirty or so ,
huiitvr of Tennessee. "when a thuniplu . main line. I yvars ago!" said an old theatrical man. ; it cOul'sP Of treatment has on their pa- But that is much and shall, forgooth, avail ;
Some People vhas born dot way und ! "The local authorities were beside : �tAur who Nvas in the city recently en ! tients. . To make InY footsteim falter not nor tail,
big War cum down out of the thit-ket Call't 11UP It. Last week my brudder- ' I "For nearly all forms of d . Thougli far
: themselves, for they could not figure � ruillie to Frisco- "Take the famous �' yspepsia. Our pathways sundered are, I
One day and acted In a mighty enrlus In-laNv goes oudt in der woods to kill a out bow the wreck could be cleared ; wolf scene in 'Davy Crockett,, for In- ! gout, rheumatism and kindred afl. I
. I .
. . ments the patient is first told to shn)i Then, love, since You and I must walk apart.
way. It was in the summer, and he . rabbit. I -le doan, find no rabbits, b 'It away and the line reopened In less than ' 'stance, that inade a fortune for dear I Spare me One little corner of your heart--
� bread unless it be submitted to certain A shrine
was sheddlu his fur, and, thOLigb I I lit' kills a fox und den comes pome und ' . uld F"Ank Mayo. That was consid- : aratlon and be taken only lit c(�r_
� two weeka. ,&t this Juncture Scott ar- Prep
-a about his hard luck. rived on the seene and after a survey , things of 1 tain forms. The great Increase,in tit(, -Clinton Scollard in Harper's Bazar.
had my rifle handy, I didn't I�eer to kick ored one of the wost realistic . 111bat filiall be wholly minel
: .
Shoot him. That War smelt the wills- of the wreck sent for a great quantity , its day, and it stirred audiences to ab- I number of hygienic foods that bay(, -
In my time I haf caught some fish of coal oil, with which he lied the pile � -'!() � been put upon the market and the lit-
kj�. and lie stiXed and Snuffed and lutely frantic excitement. You re- ,
dot weighed 20 pounds apiece, but dot thoroughly drenched, It was then ' [liember how It went: Davy and the , . A FICKLE IMMIGRANT.
sk-entea to want a taste. I hollered at j doan' satisfy me. I vbas always touched off, and the god of tire soon ljeroliie have taken refuge I 1 Itioat Invariable success of tiny of these
him and driv him off t r mourning after dose fish which wol tain cablu, and suadoul n a woun- ; manufactures 'whicli prove an accepts. Her Exlpe�lence With Two Lovers al
,4h- . remove(] all tMce of It, and traffic was y they hear �
I � ble substitute for bread' and other Uncle Sit"n's Havr;e 0knee.
tittles, but he kept comin back. My ed 22 pounds apiece und got aybay ; resumed on the line lit 24 hours. a long drawn wall - Ow -O -O -O -O! 1
ole woman had come over with tily I from me. I "A bridge foll, and It was feared a Ow'o-o-o-o-o! It sounded like a � starchy foods are other Indications tit "There seem to be manifold oppor-
. tom- ; the change of the public feeling toward tunities aniong the immigmats coining
Supper, and arter watchin the War fur t I long delay must ensue, but Scott put . vat on a moonlit fence and was emitted i
awlille she said: 1 1 baf bad Men pick my pockets. und . . t I by the 'prop' man, Stan bread as a simple food which could be to America on shipboard for falling ia
11 'Zeb. that War wants a drink. of i I haf bad friends Itorrow my lnont�y, more than 2,000 men to work on ilia ding In the ! t love, particularly on the slower steaiii-
one the Wings. Davy springs to h He , aken under all circum,,tan,ces.
co*u juice suah's yo'r bo'n, and I'm fur I and I can't quite fig re out why der structure and thus eliminated Is f ,et. . "Some years ago a man wrote a boLik ers, when people are thrown together.
- � question of delay. Those were the listeas with his hand to his ear. The , devoted
givin it to him.' 1 Pickpocket should beusent to Jail und . days when such things counted and orebostra Plays tremolo. 'The wolves" i chiefly to exposing to thp for a period of from 12 to 18 days.",
"I laughed at the Idea, but as he t der Odder party go free. It vhas all * ! world the harmful qualities of breall. says John Gilmer Speed in Ainslee's.
wer . d,: Persons at that time thought be was a
I der Same to me -I got nothing back. its breath. I
continued to hang around the place e not only possible, but necessary lit, erles, and the house begins to hol "In this case a worthy young Russian
the old woman poured about a pint of I I Today railroading Is reduced to such a � 1 (,rnnk, and little attention was paid to was cheated out of a very pretty bride
fine point that the need for them no .Aleanwhile the prop man puts on � .
the atuff Into a pan and set it on a I If a man comes to rue und doan' say longer exists. The roads are too safe- wore steam. The beasts are uearing. i [its very sound utterances on the sub. by a likely Italian fellow traveler 69
stone 30 rods away. She had skassly ! nottings. tno,be he gets feefty (,.,�qjts. 1 ject. But his opinions are now re-och. the maiden. Strangely enough, she
Iturned her back befo' ' guarded for that I)ayy glares around distractedly. Mer- I Clod by most physicians. and the great knew not one word of Italian nor ho
the War was �� but if a man conles to me und says "The last instance I remember of elf"I h0viDg-S! lie has burned up the
lappin It up, ant] he smacked his lins; , lie vhas a squar' man und can't sleep army of abstainers from bread gatbvrs a word of Russian, yet the bride'$
over It jest like a wan. such railroad work as that was at the door bar for fuell The prop man :' recruit% every day. The revolt against eoutitryman was Jilted. and the Paulo -
In a lep�j..v 1 nt0ts-If be doatl' 0ay his dpl)ts I sbust Johnstown flood in 1889. I think It wan. i howls at the top of his 'Voice. Davy � such a well. established Institution is mime lovers were married and set
while he walked off, and later on we 1 walk off oud leavt him to talk mit der Frank Thomson. by great work and dashes up his SleeTe. He springs
heard sicb & row down around the I gatepost. I to � naturally a little bit slow. But bread forth gayly and confidently to le4ra
� I the use of side lines. was one of the the door, rams, his bare arm through ! each other and the great new world
bend that we crept down to see what � is destined to be ultimately shunned
It %vas. It was our War and his mare. ! Der man who calls me Ong at mid. first to arrive upon the scene. Once tile empty staples, and two stuffed j even more than It Is today. and this de. they had entered at one and the sam9
That pint of whisky had made our � night to tell me dot my henhouse door there, he took full control. the division wolves' heftd.% are poked suddenly gtruction of a traditinn that has lasted time. I
War feel mighty jolly, and he was In- ; vhas open thinks to do me a favor, superintendetits from all over the line through a hole at the bottom! Then I "Another case was equally ludicrous.
&�sdn tbat the other War dunce around ': but If he vhas a philosopher he would were summoned, and a particular task the curtain drops. there Is mor , centuries Is already well under vray.
e tren'o- ' Most of ItF; force comes from the com. A Swedish maiden of somewhat fick1w,
=41 toll over with him. 0114�. was drunk I I was glv(m to each one to do Instantly. . In, and It rises W;,qln to discover Davy l plete, satisfaction of the pen -ons Nvll,, mind fell In love with a rtqluw voy.
8ad Jolly and the other sober and wild, I 11 They onp and all responded at; beat falming at the portal with a couple of � (10 give up bread entirely. They are at ager without apprising him of the fact
aud 'the way they carried on was as i' they --I I to the spur. and the line streaks of red paint around his good ways the njost entbusitiNtle advocatt-s. that she was betrothea to another niart
Vad as a circus. .Next day both Wars 1� I ; wa,z lied with Incredible swift- rIgIlt arm to show where the stap!es � subject." Whom she Was to meet at tile borge
i i 11(k4.q .., we were one or two falluros, Pinched. That seene would excite de- � 0 I officio- and marry. It was her Intentlor4
showed up fur whisky and weat off as ' ,_ . bowpvt-r. and those men, while They " tisiou today. but It kept the wolf from ,�
4111Y is You please. and 4alf an hour ' ,. ;
T�, I I �_ were kept on as superlutendents of un. : Mayo's own door for many a long year. i to harry asbore with her new loven
iter I walked r! ht up to Elwin as ," i ..z� . I _..� and outwit the former by a prior epro.
nf,'y Slept and s ' � - Important mountain divisions, were InOldentafly It Was responsIbIp for , HE TESTED HIS SKILL.
nored. I wastl a fur , - ... I 11, e I ..- 'some ludicrous mishaps. many. but the red tape of the offloo
t.i%in away any mo! Itcher, but the ,., . ,: I �, - never again promoted." prevented that. and the first lover cattle ,
,_6 _'M,X. � I '40 I , .- I "On one Occasion. while, touring � The Result Moved the Phillosopiller
L,.e Iroftian thinils it over and says: - % . � Y, ?.
�!141 - �- 1; to a Discourse on Success. to welcome his bride. Site then its
;A �t-. � rough Iowa. thi, special scenery was promptly fell In love with No. 1. B,I%
11 *Zpb. the fur of thent Wars woWt be , 4� , � * _. � P tb "Did you ever reaHze, that tile sne
, i,-; , -,. , _. -,, 'IN , I 'I WIN" AND "I LOSE." " dpliyed by a railroad wrock and a local �
r-utlit ishucks fur three woutlis. but , �.�,,,, , , I 1 . when No, 2 litt-rided and tbrPuteutl,
_!� , - I I stugt, carpenter undertook ,to Take up" Cess that one really eujoys comes only
, : - ' Sportliair Alen Ignore TUetr Tennex tho Pabin Interior. By some ml$t,tl;p � Asked the pbi!,,,,. She PO"Id not deeldt, wbleb one shw
'- the matter with sbpt:iu tbe . I .
V,Mrs -Mir fur " . . . � moll 3eent Pleaned. i through hard woric?" loved the better. so she was detalned �
va.ufluts up In our outdoor et ,
-v rust of the stmaalt,sr? I rtbe%on wil __�f be, virflp the staples several inellps; too � 011'b". "I know the, average mm!al hP wo men haunted ,tile barge '
It ,. ,,, , I ,,nave you ev'N' noticed tho flatistied was o would prefer to gain bin ends wit)-liont '"Ile t t
k.n njanage to fi--t!tj litain. rkcfl e.jeb bide r. 1, a 11� I 611101L And NVIIOM MAY0, who oftlee, glaring at Paoli other.
1� nianntsit, of gamblers wbiltv twisting rathisr pwrtly, r,:sho(I to the re.4cue lit- �
V9tU &U-11. $15 as 50011. as the fur is :4;;�' I ! bard toll. but few do, and I doubt it "When the detention tilue had 01.1ps'.
1, ,- i
. tit"Ir ten"Ps Into tbQ 'I "VIIA' and 'I 1030 XV.- horrifieti to dIsteowir that be could , thOSe Cew gain any pleasure from linv.
V1 ,mat ��* ��.,� I .1, Ing tile plum droll In their laps without ed, the bride. still not knowing hor
*1 deekled th-It it was a g,tod "Ien. ; �� coinnion to the fraternity" remarked U4 aot 104artli thmugh tho Irons. Ire, ::
� Mind, w44 Sent inticeremoulou4ty .� lek
I ,
11 a inan who tills a fonfluess; for ItIveSti- Pllq'tlwl nnd soluirmed and sireat blood, ;� any efrort oil VVIr part.
au -.1 ure put ogt a bull 411tal'i ot wnisky . gulinp the litteuliaritle.4 4ut hl. -4 fellows. totit It wa%z ao go, and as the wolv#4 ' I'l had that fact, Impressed upon me, on 'tho value alpanjer that lirotv.*ht bell
fiir 't�tu. but fur somp rrawm tht-.% Ouid "I have thought of that for a long - wpyp lipjjtjjtjSj�yj tit b%& ailvangting, Oil It only tbt� otLer day. I eliftneed during ' over. botb Jiltol lovers abantlowng the
to,ft Uhl, WO ntliuiq4 '1`4p 44"I uw,, ,an tinit-ever sinep that to.rm of exprell- ; dentil lopt, IN', situation was t1peldililly an Idle ulompat to pkd, Up atI Pmply � field In despair But oil arriving ot%
roetionto Iii(by'd gol wiloanted of Mean. � CARL bill'.141-Irt. sion Paint" into t,olittaou 11,,�P among Prit'vat It so 11,.11,11puptj that t,10 Ink htlltlk-� And something started IA,.%* ' her, untivo moll Once more tile Infild-4
151'44�8 Maid 4*0n%. off to 1jVt,yj0j jjq;qj "A. �,! T tit, � do � r visnq o!b n spljp ganittIPM. 'iVatelt the first sport .%*ou aq.tu�p,s wilo playt.41 Itle IlProll t ' � � thoughts bavk to my boybood day,, 11 dared not fave her people, so baek mio
, lot gmt � , tame, having just inotie�r enough to
tftb%c2,:=J I L�nfler dglllor-oA tlifit ilhA,.%, t, . .. I L4 takea flov rowj.,4. upi'l of hear DAP,41n; lit that stylt� and neRIP2 '8v3,M wan very 51ilrituell4% n4it to r-11QU tku eMP0, bottlo furnished aj.�
I say Ideal mark to throw stones at Sn
waf4 e'r 6proklkifn Me, at-tra =4 Itaviia.'" tt,�. � qA.7 a tcal. v1sp W3 Sleep" It the lik'nsure lie seenisto Mile In rvll� SPNIv"I"r. 11114 whito poor Davy wag. � � illin- I Illy bor pasqnap� uji(I sent for bivpr N4.
- I duclArWi; that she lovedbint the Itot-
wei,r i.9'ars t,�) t,,01L,@ vj,-jr%g C.,;,l s!pver %, �-) -� - 1, for all 4ur nq dt,.)t Nve htol, a Ing his lue(bod ot expresslou. The Islitil jr�61111;.# at the 41#ser iaoua- ;VnIb-ry � to Myself at the cldldlsbrke.lqs� of It. P
. S,t t;% 110 replivil diat lie was very muebt
* 4oatl thiam %Tv'14 :vtoet ailvOn Illy j_ ;. tensit, lit, �Isea evidisatly earrIes him 401 Ptshlrlfly IsIllod out: 111renk owfiv - I t thr bottle on a b1tellIng roalt. sknol
10414n, *PM 89,00 %4�4 tbvy 14howl-d %s � but -k. and hr ",jo.vs again lit tile pre& fatI.T and let dt- lady tryr ,rhie 1111,1:* Ifter ('awfully 11114IP91011�- n itionilier t r, 11 old,941ed. but as; lie had alrrady married
; a bandsonitr girl In the Inwrvat he was
' Always lltltl tuPu %vbO vh`114 olit tbe Idea. ure. fif tbk, Rpt wh
t NIM1% *11 WOUP at the SIM Mat k1ily. �' c'� ,� ,4 VU he entv tourt-d unit MV0, 819nalvd, for t liton" 1 stood Ott about So 64to n1vt
ttft I bkd rnpra tit litind to tle tt,m up iln " * I - I-rafit 31 L prepared, lep UIR140 a t(%t of nly vh �, Compelled to dekillne to conle rov ht%. I
, . -
"�o, T.)nr 11.,it WOTLC1 UU4 I jpr)=4a4l 4� � .to f4 not U 1%1lilll rk 4l,11patga Of it, �Ivpjj it htl says ho *lumoil h.Najj:1* 4-unalm .1.1
, 1 . � �`l h011 It vif-P4 Pill at doin. I it ;vTFS 1411a gmthlention. actwording to 11, '. The very first wone itlyat I jI,r1,,;j, i� The maiden t1len mlat word to'.406 2 to
tw'u tuil qtjarto of %,4109hy qntq� The j, an 1 I 'Irts ort -4-14.4 art, reAdrilpil %V9*11t d'es.
I , " ill va-dy V# !i P11 tljt* plolostilghy of (lbarit's Ffqx� who ia fa,�%Vlv nowadilys." enutinalotl Cap 111aft. � Ithe PiTert. but he declarA that be, L4*4
I 0 n Wet $2 Caught the bottle fairly ill th(% o'! ufvr
*44 N01 It dat ID ?.to 014 jqlarr� Tlgvai . u# my clia Lcintq. but on , W"r V and Rhalti'mol it into it buildred Il1v4,i&* " bad enough. of the fiekli, toininitul. .n.aj
. 014ht authority for the otateffle"t that tLQ 0 111q.luke it te-Ij I'valivill. they nr# I air -ow away the skono,q that I hall t4l � thus In deffat the nialden ,tvas traiss.
Ad rd0!Atv3- uvwdt greatest 191rdsure Ila the World, tielt t3 Riot to rntnto U rnhh, 5CL 11 V"r,rs .1vi'l 61,�A-
b'ar-4 Lad &B roattign nV91114,11 alld kva V . ;'. 0 sh'Al ;; f A
in -o�ylstr em'? so tong llcrit tne't Uas �Vv 4;-ntm Und Vhn* Idwr'd for' UP v);11119 --up tunney. 14 to 10SLU It tvr. Wit In -chi* Wit to.eiv J,� jj,.,%�jq t,�. p. ; van,rully mithisl'-I ill dismint. I N -1.1i ported bnek agalb to furo the leers aftis �Ll
A' A 82):47P. ftig tbtoy 9_.%'1;%r, -j tip I'Jld 0 It'Latge Of ltnettshat� 'TIft' uh9rdWOM110-111 (11114110th Att�`99 %va,,4 no dan" tig t".1viti,en, . arcionall .ad set. out in ') � jeeroor ber tmtirt? handevo
4$'W ft 1INUted what I b " I
evory d1tv tr mnt u, gisror v- uaz�t +
,11pr 01"I BILti;v'd - gatnigivrA duties baek about 15 yo. -i. 1"_v g-val tfi,�Illg, aba qus,!i, %vVio. tl*at :; On 11117 drAt 1100%V. bilt I VIlly mill,ro.! 1! W&r U@ Wituted * Rite0ot.
.. . .
", �
tnp.r I%itiv, -4 too- ftL1.. 411"r'.p d6'41#01 ga NOV60 0kn doritnil HPOU dor p4o'hlgt� It iseems impo-4sible to coneelve ut�oy v�Latjl,�Hjl 4t_�,la-,&q- Mwlk at clav %%* , thek1t It wn* only a djjIlp nud th,nj 0
� V 01*111
1&01.041L',�zA*41nm 0n%pQq,at�-,ji,y, VOso a t t -B jq -_,,I.,i, r11j1P-I0V0n1i-q'V,a alli4 "
db U _(2 t , f- rodson for the Custom "ther ngsto ILQ ��,Pvpnt , 11111 IDIOM ryll 1111491V VWNM 1411141 00% � Th rp W, � a IAtVS'6r In ttyp 11 -
. 1. , r the, wark, Country Who 1910 910HO 186 g"I a rOlp"lla
- , Inentgoni'd, That ft,rltii 61 415an, toured tbe volantrr On a plav , tation tot, honesty, silts the ChIc-ng*
,vo btle I Rmvc *
dughol'oQ1 It -8 31Y M. ,�
t&.1 #&Md'�C24 WA gmt.-Us"I ntil tltonttr-13 eryloy -Y U, 'IT , :pve�,4 1 %,bas - Ir 0 M ftyhy. The trigh C10101101.
ton,�.�-Btmtot4wg"z�it.,ic��o�,i�.i-ir M4hL,P cuakv ava t4cmi"ond rt4�1ftipg ant or Se)100'. vpvrql�a �,4 still grotrour In Impullw4y. rnllrd '"LAW tt.blff-b vq,vati:4 it flirt, 1� *,Now, of, on the canamry� I had talf'o �1 New&
N L'4r !�q 0!;k@ a mma aruant dv,�ul,,6LID. ,41mb,4_ vbptll I g�4_14 UF 110-t 1V9bh!iuP- The so enlictl *a1ma-iiieg mw batv,pl- w%'flo thal Wftat rq,.gj�&'jj &IS thil j&,,St #41. t %T081d bavct caft41111,41 notrol %14p 4� ,
L4 tivo L� tco ma., -4.1. rmcl to-�ey ugwly ulu" I llaoftr,iv-9192:'�" In Me d,ar. dol,�- �-,W teatjk�d the, aj�, It one of the stp,
trg,fln#8 tmployed Wn
�f - IDO Of thre vl#_�Iqeftt leyUnp, V� li,��Pil_;La-knfqfe ever py,,,�dtltpd of, 1by. r�,tt,!, ,� tb@ ra"It Ifirsuld ttirl to have e6tTevi. � to do a little legal businv.4-v, It ,wlv
f&;q1ra,1 orl" !Aly. I V�rjl' 0-d awb�','e rje,�d pL'v LI,Puu�nahp-d rume me taftij elklic-d IT I'
111S. aul tiocill, Verbs. It jtkltl� 03 me @,c=e- i1t, lenotatim :,�mv ob a baralike In. 03 It On MY atlxt throw. The thmtv4.% �! doa@ to the eltones matisfactiton, 1114d,
P��!d t,�'L�I�t,A 'F:M- &�,�,,�rj to 2ad 'r,�Vj "Dot Hu -nest nd6t@hMft='V* L=esy. but vVC-0 thr-a I abd esrngjllat�,�!l , I!'t" %VPat t"O ltV'* dftd tOO 11011ah, a-st 0a, da;y- t,ald acd a rt�,#Olyt for A dqy01
V,T,*m�.,% nftt,�L,11 ,g; teHer. Aujollaged 1,3 n-ioresqelblk an OjAum 1, WOU d* tob iiitutch to *"� iq�dp. wdlflj� I'
.Irs; �,91'V, A C -am to kep at .1 h1i ftf- k1towl1trilia- ffilat If ItLe 1&jyov�f d,t.2 �n par .
. .j VfrjnOseo. pre-itc-Imfly a �, b,j�'t, at, � demaudra. 11.1 teveilpt 11sn't detc-s!"AA,
itiAtm to fftnko . ny an -t amd, A up� otue org"Ilt a1m Daftftr wakely W, did rot iltffv-,1 Quat t,,ftftu,.nDtjv- style c� q,btVLftUyvU 4i.-,,LgF#,d am oven d&"r m tuo 1: 11ca Ili the tota, I wonla N%ro R&#N�%Vdi# t , ny.'- tLe Pawyc-r s -,11d, Uut I vrzaaj Uvl"*
171'��,M.d ftotd tr%p 111*,"19 vra #Ev ft ': tron Vmwtlyle, t##_W4,A,% to ffil-� ,
- U�"p 111nd oftVS a bn4zar V:2AS W doi slaireh 14 lb 11M of qhvw, wv�uflzu do mcn k":Atk. vatlujytibg ft IlWrp). nal d womog� to V�laotna ft yilion vVited the fcd, nam Tb+,..r,,P Was smote
lt't 111 -as f!) rfflss� 8;Z1% MCA U-111al I 1h ,a,_"m_r,. %nuxe. End "Meir ptesett PX-Mfscj��o � e wth-h,� I v'rabted III it
-m, 1,"CUA d'u"ju,"m ront" n,ton -V",03. 11,&W vrhas Wil" I &bys, U44h Was leati'. Ua&"=mg aoat 7L.At would hiftro Won im,me,fts ki arguour-ut, anill tire aaoirt,oy dnany de* I
4:j % ubiq C:5r _jtj�v A,V
- deftItep of grounwar 9,4 * rpkt:4 �D en hk'.- kad ft"".*yalt-11 911, A rt -A
. gj,!)w Iti%1P. tl Y4 g3late I 11 maudVa his rcason. .mityZe bmemling
rwot IL.o� Lir,mattS. It v"Ll"4ti't a MR1.1511, ,,Y,,u ="t davo hho 10%�_" thp j,;j,ssH9Ift[r-,s of isv,ell ,cj.Vg*gs10XLS FS d2alcsly (mme, the'64!gh Unp q-b9nk,% On the &� wo�tdng tot it Tu4o vokv to- wl a carts I
' ,
LmIt'j, a ;;:Lv5r;bA V.Vuq ,*L* -n- lzwtu o-z"s- "ID -4 TraQjs no Vaker. It I dflv,b bw -1 seell P',* `13*112"R Icagh ftcv.."t '613 thtit U10141 il " ' I�ab t "Ve ti'C" felt'? "PeTUS L
, Mid 1 dome.111 rear *C1111 anyl ,ucw vapidly b'to.�g.uutehl �. in all ln,y &A10bgs. that I war be� t�Lbdy I
1 LeV tiias golu*�1acti rf-7,f3 WLov NA gZdt outl Le coane.4 V�ay.'; 50nud� """, .- rl �:: ! , - fhtotV havo imy sympathy. i
15P�V,'* qS 0111 SION goid, vaqs Pnvooan vDP It I !Pt h5m 906k amaftat and find not- __ . __ - dud N�igbter. *Wgr theliv waL4 a -:uc.nd � tor 19le judgulenv, anslirered tht. brava
tr-"e �alvlme to Llv-fezi Me, 9fj finuoh-d. thigs; lo sieaP, he,tqt v�,LijDy v.g4L., R,bvt tt@ Rti#w. of e1cilled fllyatsllegt�, jn�lL'.�tojjet s%0Zjj:04 � selweatiously� "tind when that daX.,
.4 ar,,,,.,jy
. . R
Th# Watts tad met 'em *nd V51,rvd 5 y hignseir. but he feeIg it vamas no utt. A fatittim who was gatbietlitig and rutnitate 1,,Piyys* 0 comes I don't want to take f1we to '40 j
tp , atagged g0fr6s.'i five i "Vilb*#h4s pftfkdAt.A*�
M21- dvmr. i
toagAl 5b. 0 lr�F'r�kon tr-1pe rpavpts vvns 1,60 to eo=e AgAffit", � Wofryf�ut elptIgIng 11b the ebuttty . All thgt. Gr(-urritug out ,ve soi,.,vt. , prom bOYloir1d Xafilseh avenStoline,l 11 to the b5d Of" to get MY tece!Pt Ir"M �
W1-,a'z,,*8,,4 IV Qw a Sd ,,t� tLeng.ej Oil vEad ehas'E'd a P19f, or d6sAArded tt0,aSf,rj4 t*�, wory;ed the dudience to a high voteb" of . hh..qelf to the ust. of tuowslyop.�i Una '! You." The rtwelPt was made out aj,j j
r.-4 .pn VL�Pta I vkas �
, V
,�$F, n!j_0 tt[,�p r
.sl ,;r,ly tL , b*arg did eolmg hoffte In tit crow(I. t2 f0f,mLm:&e and rpma!",.-04 to the 1_nn aettoUg teagloM Theh SgDyoke 'Lega" r vvou;d ofteh go 40 or So tooles on thein I u1mmPlLy 400reml. I
4;!'-qal 'ii�t) ava=0 was a tautuou. T%V6 les mtvvet it -at ger #�ddeit caerrhg4. I gif of Me luvesp !Is he ptfld for the otntr tp to ooze thitough the emeks, Me re4l i� whafaut taking any rGad wab him. lie !1i , 4
rat rfla". , � , � Thril-. witthout luei%j. I
0 �11;p A,"!,ts M-asir awly .4'.4 S ��a nq i '016P my seat to a I had holvght- gtow coftfli'ded to ftlettea"'Lb. iijigitt till ,r)? had a fteAl d1slike 10 MIS outrit for, W_ -i ' It ft tlie tvVi;rma of law-m4y 0 Aq!-Aw 1
Itat z":w. 1,%� zLe o,�t,,i,r rwo was so lasl- � ,*HAVW vuls doir, gaid ovic. tar zu.v ;� --I giio-. suf. vlat Y67u- n-i,e ab -out to 16:1,1, -a. Isuddi-n ni& efilife bAck W&j� tolt#_.�ejl . excul-A'ons. 'OD one Occasion hLm 'anzi
I *ad 1§6thk f0tward On tra* iktd
1jr cN-wf4 Mia; wrtu--�, 4[is- Wars rc-ft 1,etb friends- "naf Y01 got SOMe pRy Cot ' Yout land oil a"90' li teb to abstain fraw eatillig r_5-sh, I'sh 00 �
ge, di%- i Amno of big friends #et oft on 31 141ty,+ I towl. " it Is a own to Wa for t6.4 ,
ftl-y Cq '!91 ske"sly em%.. =1 11*M Swab doi wab?' "Gnm� yell ave tiglyt:l �ttlld the dus. elas.lhg $I dim perspective. With dame -1 , sno,w8hov #,tj're!;t-"u. Oil ele�-Pt Xan' I li,,�eauAp I
"Not a bIt", I'mys 1. "I simply gif 6011 c "n shoeung up Lere a It anviioing that fins instinet -lest it 7�d I
M4�y !��atjl out tu t� r, wo,�v 'Ourogi-A 11cl"Mrig harnbe". "but witir. n(j thewe, at,., I Orevnelft seb h1vift U wnRet contaluin I " i
- ,4 ,is all D;g-rlt. I � -'!; "i"at to ftrengi` Ott tu:v f�-A!,v- wq,n. tell me L t p . to-sh9tig pelltrell in every dirt�ej. - _4 tbelf, h!idv%*d on its upwatd ,wiity.o nestle ,1, 1
A 1U, "F1 "2"'t .�k t -k aw h ,Fam 11111 you ty-ard ...
*.%'J. .i" -1 to rte, V=135=%. at on, pmv,.31011a; O'h their ,
flint ivattl" "`Th -qt s1rcetacle ctelted a treg-LulOVS, , got to the first testing place, Nause
3�0' =,17 IN-j'�. IJ- aq tue.T Lei] -,Jved me P'S'an* .tom st-e dot te, takes 06P IwCue I I backs. wheh thoy q QCTOtls-ag tO the doctrine ot tir-ans-4a �'
""' il.'y ft',�q= V"'."I Jqao�*285 tW2,11t US to 11 11 gra1en orseals. one Inig"Et 1.99 and eat ,
_'. . aLly''I "PI _UaUgh stil - silt - -as Put cv, let ,� Uahntt0ue`d W9 Co It and took arar -onest gtatamother. But ligide from
fj,61�j 3 SQT1R.11-_W. on"il 5ty my graquto:A I .§.t r ." , d the Ittlf-eeml �ten L'an whe-ever it T, 'A s �
&��r,l qz� �".p o"r, rr"6;r:,qM- roms togetLetv, 9. QVAD. =�0=7111 VS Ev SPffted btick on Mo et�-,,jt the entire elre-et Was Produced it tj 'i smok9mg paneaket riflem the Rnitg t1n4 -
� , .
,� 'a m:yt grv�te w 11,2ny to ftleks on . ,of hii- p,-dillgrg trtgoii. 4 notir# t'"rnt rew shove2ruls of red ntx, 6=8.ed th USIX-d It's firtends to whare his tctil that, vega-motle r�-;,A. at is VISIMed, I
* VATM,ZA t,ns s,nVf-,9 me fftm tLr-se old pt-mb§ ev. eo=vletelr Me *imigs Mel it Intle aycopLdium pavr :� Tt" ' �,:J
t1tutt-ti"t Jbbt-it? s#kvo�. on-."-eg bmter musAe AbS bate V_ 13 ,
. Played, fit" refused. luo'Wori'l, not �-jilrsri_, ' $
` ,the UETVIC-st nT-t I Itcow 04" stit'l .0t: onot sta tat vs the det, wh�eh fia.,;Evs: Onto �D b:_-. bgrn,.," uyeaL Anyway. it Is ,Wen krj0V,,j@ j,.,._Z1 ,I
� .. pstift or 11PI-1 you sat .. s.9 !� rAl I'Ev movrit. tir vonve. �njl bra! � � �
vub. at, I I q .-in 7 trtr to 1 30�zat` -I,=. ' - VALve - , stanih-ople f4:4 !
rin."Is man %n!jlze d, ,�Visslng 1�ue d,_�nvn ov N mnc-ermed. but fLoy str�vg Ed VMS t.*34-44�kd go Upn 14,01�vs IiL lug. xamsem rppj�red. -.1jore ra'als son 4 r
'0,�41 t�ul. 11,0, T�'.rj�s' blOW 2 . tbe stevc-dore's ot Con
b *le=j ".112J OuTee 4`z � 11 0,11r,rVaSIX-11,1111 "Its U;-V,E,lr vall tnvat. 11121 1"
can fnl�** sma li�t 'e-,� nev a gc!yd W0±367:9 bTtiv,- dr-e4Us. -%*q P,'rr�-J�.n-d mtghty little weat anywheze Qs,.- 91ft2t1ed to dffyc-�'vnt pnzts *T tLe set� 1, rov. Ivi me tell yo-ci thereg; jum J.'l I that I
ItEotria ljy 1:A1=C_n=t jolirlm of tte eatajy=lb3� ef Ung. IrLe back *2111 VrAs let down on . Melia!' 11 1W as a 62s& they have no Snvpr!-1�rg I
I .,
-,T'��V-,r ,�Vllsa hwt'g teact day ftr tl_-P�ir, warines tLat took zolin Bnwustl mt- � a cauflect p1lanc, ware% vvbleh v.s#,�d to I . It anywbere In the world in physt�-jj i"
. �
dslr" pz�l`s rev�v Itolwert It. L�or- Laa ;jd- , uow Re filtoke. it. get slut -k e,-,-�aS:,-n;a1,y 4and sw4pij it .' A,Golad 1ji**stxueAt. , titftngtly. �t,
. . .
, -,-4 lar_,& n�,n,.;�T;vt;,-t�n L -ow a Quam 11 - ----. .
I b "Is V,arr!eg,e a faijurc%ol -T *bo.gjd 4 �
_ - ��
lhal zla=lp "em ugiy d;=-,% I only .-,,Dt, v,tnced big Oa =Stinpa in A temicire2e, At fr*sl'�blP Old Pntlt�v�,qly Mid met ,19 m'dill? There lv�aq a ceit'leated ruire, -� sav6d 6:0 stutswe+d. I ..
' seect r-ty not!" remarl�VA ttn -Oregon far -mer.
about the -n,r,=.,r,7V. im wb:eb Rr,�iwu cnd lid f�'IITIY life witb nty acelapu-,t wll;eb e In Cfulnrl,aws C)" y of lvose.* IDat .
Cat a p =t TLey tappetil 't ri;p and . 1,61 i i "I Wag Once saved by sejvve�41�4 � :;
, , I'Vhy. tberes; Lucind !,,,r.
fte', A rm* vn-�(V. ana VVEL*! h'!s men h2d t�tkea m1ftige. Th -ea Lieu- ' left bim vtfth a broken no.qp. a def6,_m_ it was aduAtted to L,e %fej�ir Va the - y ,eift lip, In tTDf' i said An old sea captain, -d V"
� r.v "AW "Was tf.aant innes stepped ant .70 com- I Ity About wbicli he wast'k-nown t& I�p g one I flave described, and t * 11110111.15n, milks s5x eow�% g-ts breff,k-fast.. Ira ,:;,�
lcr,i�'Pbmli M tE�, -Y g-3 -as a ,turp Patty. he tradiVes ; Falkland is7ands. ,We own in ; "I
I . vts�,- no,nee-1 to rierd The riot see to the men M171P $rpnAltive. of both tre rety laughable, wbell con: 1 starts four children to sj,c.,wL 160t.,s ar wore bptu% 2 , � ' 7
V""17 MI -Ir fo* men of n�o At rl:;e still beWud the armory walls. and, tholDgli One day a new inquIrer propoj�2np - � ter the otber throe� tepdat the hen, I washed on a lee shore when the sh-upw !-
IJ -1.-I �Iasr. and arter gp��r,15cy amana., tu'r ,ed pared to modern attempts along the : s. t� per, an old fellow from ,Nov& scotia, �" .
, -M, W. voice � the old qn-tion."How did you mjna� litcow:se the bog.% likewise some motit 14 . .
swhL3e, ri�pm vnts eum (,:_*r=', 41'r, they kept 1,1166ting at h. Vs ,e same line.
I . '. .rj � , I Picked 'UP a vine that was 11catifig oti; : �
ctv�n Us. ive L,orl to sen.litk..- rm,-bty , never wavo,r(A, nor did he show any to h!"I"T, 'Out nosp'el . "Tbe In%tthin.-of that kind I saw wgg : erlesq sbeep. qlilnits 20 paus of millt. the wato-r �nd bauled It In until It go'* 4
' . other sIg3 of treVdatjon. I, was 112 that;� The old gro-W10,man answered gn�a, re i washes thP'elOthes. ,91ts dinnpr, et ce-, ' �
SU'Mrn =41 tLeY rUepl us arvzyy Vur 23 I .r,a- gn Lonfloo a few years agt) it prp- . I Pretty near as big as a Inalys brory;
Company � of matr5nes.'o ly. "To, tell tho firrith. my fr*,-Y,d the It rining of a tenement. '. ery. Pt eptery! Think I eould bIre aft.v �, tpe,l 'he =
1.�)ur T&ae WGS r10 W��,�,412, ,� gitg L- _ _. 2L.3- It ranL Rad We Www:rl . Li
, ;r, 10 t- g�'t Areff1pryt was ranst-d by my p� T -In !ije gented n -6d. - 9 �,, �:
., .. it b V to do It Zor what she ,
Sniotte, and flarnes poured ?I 'Not I bv ;4 as good a table as you w .. Id �, I
e., 9 �10,- down our shaum I . hato other peoplp's bushitess."-Landoil casements: imniense out of the much* marrlftgv� of,, Isq sL success -4 I � I F �
atvczo our Whukets� tnto qrrlp,; an't 11"fled. beituts crw;�ied I � �W.arnt to spe and *,to of the curfoust'st !: �
V,(-.13* 0" !r-OwUn at llnvh 'Otao-r. We *qDt6es that young WOL-jan hall from Answers. down, %cattering 9bowers of sp.,j..! I Mags.0 ,,�,t
. �j,.q; : great success:, i
4_11s'l se? 'tn, wm Enr n trionvir. Boqton' 51 Nolvditals tt wa!ls crumbled. people Ivaped fr6w whe - i Lr
e0pe For Sueeet,*, 11 . I 0
, .1 '. '. ,ht In nets. and � 61"Ifie"11*10 or u, plegh. . .
pjD GaP ikl�r As r ,V:aq "rsr W , ,1: ...a windows and m ere enng, TAf61,&*-y 7"Tgwaon. i
- _ m 0 ,;.e, llyle%ll It.."Wf-red the youth thoulirtit- "It is u�ork. vv,�.,�. worz, ,:2. "*s �fjremen sent strenma of real wattr in- '� t4y'nur 1.1"'s' nor*%' sperr-s v(sry '(try," � PEOPle Marvel al the me�ehgnjs= at :
�"Ie -;,uff on .�.-�iv s,&:-;rjf,r al(;Dg a I`U117. t1hat vxPrv4'.(-q div idett p. � viso, success." she once exclaimed. "Wn:tk said the readez of ilie pub7ishing house � t.h.
I . . . . ,
,11*M�D " .. � . ,".V- o five minmes. Ri'd you w.,;j succeed �,v, to the blazing ruins As I watelit-d the i e burran i)o(jy, wllll its 492 bompa '
I ,)=!, J rzm fu,f nit into li��l �y. She halls frona Boston. I lwas n .
4, �jf " � mr,�vvfj %1� - ininge ronl3scration my mind vo%ertltj � to tbe ynt= but 1�slng ausli-or. and CX) at-teri
. .n. 0 � .--.'in zi ,.-:,;;,I, er before, overinfion by such s; heavy . r1l'ItItt q' Nvorw. but work 6v,- fir'.1ra, , � . i es, but map is ,;Impl'- !%
, "I was pvetty .sure you would say i this respe,t eoml�a -
4 1 4 sr Cot-itt"'IL on h�,v ;) a f., to the days of Chanfrau and MuLI)hy. , I "..,
i _,Zsw �h downfall of IUtoM'ctua.I Ice�ll Az:,, *'unwill sut:(.(,(.d t1% ebours ,ww-w " that," rejoined the Author; red with The v.. P. .1
11 'it It"IR no *,�,p tryifi, TO g�t itt'..;ig, 11int." I said. "remptalier Your nat. and I sIno1,PA'pvet91 smiles a yard wide i , "conse, 1 That remarkable flab mover, 'er ,
u- I mvntly If 3ou will count t les evi.,r3r r
adsla, will fnil the beroille weeps real tears I time It breatlit.s. It bas 4.320 veW.4. tar I
. 9 fill: down tiv, ko" m and all tpetb." hem you 11 than 4.386 bones and alug(- no rev
- � . 'A i.%Alc I -at gitil... .
'El "M .19 ehativp at �r 3ilt t1l.-V - sleeplemw, III*-utv have natural voices equal to I
i , I ., �, ?1. ': � py , ,.! � � .. -., .,; P :.? I on just 253 tiagest of my story��11 1, say nothing or its IM) Museles �.'L
, .3 jd Blobliz-Why don't you consult A mane." .site vvi,;wervd. pIt.11ty fia%" 7:11,_ A Detroit busines% inan says that dIL, � 1.
. I I!,"4:1. Prvl as ,4.,wu .n.� *,%p I 1,;
.4 t[4ti s�j;.,I; tl4f.y S, �, y tvc_ docior about your insomnla? viit equal to mine. t�ut I tj,.Ive W0rj.L,d,,,t tating to a steljo,,rapher has ruined [jig I ! Tact Is bellig more and more recog- "
_�t�.,,. .j.. _k Slobbs- W'hat! And run up more
; �&8;1% awl walltod cri -.*34! It . i 1, ,;., e bills? VVIty, It's because of wLint I spelltrig lie cannot wr;t*. al: u,t4ji �Lry I A Good Vistrulah. , nized as .t vzjj.,,a:,.rj. ;zistromenl ,11 L,
I' n ma 4 .3L-, I rj44;c...ejf .t. - - Mls- :1�44. letter now, he says. Nvitliout making ! BY dissolving vell-:!oid in acetone or inav's welfare and happifiess.
, . It -
,e,,n owe T31m now that I can't .sleep. gross errors In Orthography. acetic ether a tr.j';1:.1pareut varnish Ir
� r 1.1 I I : . I I 7.1.1 2.1 I.,- - Stuart i;tt the even- �� , . mailp whiell Will Take a h1gly pullish .Ind I .
'T ?I:g! �%::",Ijtj t* -fster- Yon say
I , .�at ri i
. 1
�.4 umblu uw.;l W.'hGo; ..V� *t When a man reaches that point in his f'Cw, on - ',., i ,lit; j-. %,rp,,Ir on I,,.
and I*arij L�jj,,,._� . .rd 'It The marble keeps mel,ply a cold and resist hot wattir. It is particularly i The most magnificent tomb in the,
. . , I'ljt'j� L.� i �;t rattePr where lie Is satisfied with hiia. j;- _1--.. ai v-; �, � , - sad memory 'Of a ruall wt(y 0-st' wMild adapted to metal objects. si-.(-h at, bl- , world Is dev,med to (we the 1),iiiiev tvin,
. ,. .'
4 Thpir ttgnojq Ttial it %%..IN �,j self. lit's us,ofulness on eartit is, 4LL a12 - " i MISS - 171je C1116L Ot day, I pes- be forgotten. No man who i.t,-etj,j g Icyc-les. and can bt, mide a v.-Ii*,�:le for Ple of Karnak, o(:cIjjjy,.j,j; UIJL akfeLk .4
�� 4�.,j 4y'At bAu"'i Qu A,, d4l, L'Alt 9 0111 �CWC:aav ,SN0,W* i 1-t-441& I rtioijuntent em Ougut to have One. P "y desired coLwii:J4 Matte4 I raine fLqrQs, . . . .. ...