HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-19, Page 3I I I �= � I 1-1 I . . I.I... ­ I—— -1 . ..... ... , �—....''�1.111"...�..".,.."�... 1.111'.. I I . � ­ �.. -1-111. I ­ I , . . . , N. , ":,f I I . I I � �. 1 . ,� ,;. -1 111.1 . I , 1�'. .''. I I -1 - I I . . I _. 1. �,.�,, _,�..,­ A� - . � I I . __ __ __ _ . ___ _: - _ - , ,. ­ - . . . — I I ­ - __ --.-- I.WAWooO­ i --l'a""W" P.M. - !I!!!. - �__ ­_ __ __ _ - , - _ ___ . �, _ - ,- � �l;i�l".�.-,:..�,.�""-,-''i-%—�,�.,---��-- .. ,. . . , . ; b_ 7 �, ____ _ , . . . _____ _ , , . � , � 1. . I � . . . � - I � I- - . � I -011 I wlori I . I I . arar, colleral- ,agqn), of a Icat In 1, a tones In . + harr(T-i and mine placIed It, in. , I . I .. + what. which 1parly pretenn lhtor 'to, have, . I , *;rJ? I . I � +++ ed wIth what skill we lia'%'O, W'd 4119cerll�d , warkiling' and farewell. � I 1 *+,I.+4144.++,I'++4!,+++.I.+i.i.i.+++,',+,'. pre0autlork we cart take,- A'Otateragellt I 14 . � I J#++ V rom t1liat (lay his st4ij. Jin, t a 41.++ I . + of the naturst-, tile deatin,atjoili and tile h must be Olw1r, his, pittc,e &n the, ,xefirectory $ .1. h1ding-place of the treasure . - 9'-" + �d kePt knew U171 no i ruore, aria it became. TOWER OF BABEL'S DIMERSIONS � + .1. drawn up by You, InY Son, -1X noised abroad before Mug, Dix the . + + cork,qtarltly� it, tile pogses.qion of 0110 OV lilt-tle World whW-la. gurrouad,�d , the , � -­....�- ---_� I + other of us� so thatAtlie, holder, ill' tho I . + If Abbey, that Brother Cyprian was t. + .or that c + �EN � TOKEN' ,hour of supreme dangerl + Tffr-.�, QUr4 + death, May have it in Ills power to d The 9110w, Daislalious diseasaws of SUPPOSED ANCIENT GREEK DOCUMENT UNDER- $ . * communicate the knowledge to "" ik't�'1111�1 tinges, RVk)(113CAS iVDr the most ' I +J,+ +++ other who in Ilis tura OWL, if called I part of our erierw%tlng elvElIzation, . TAKES TO THROW LIGHT UPON THEM, ...... 1--t-++++.I,.I.+.I.+++++tl--[-++++.1,4.,I.,I.+,T-+-I--'+,,++-I-+++.:.+.I..".I,.I- t-1-1. upon to do so, fairli, your brother's In- were inix-di, legs Im(own Ili; other days, I I . . '" + . + wIllen all the , condItliong and habi- I* ,�.:I. � . , , I + . + terition", . 7?P,2eaac-:9-;-7�7:;"�.-71-e�r7l'..-,.I .......... ­ �­ . "Titage is passing, father, and I think t"1110H of Mfe -wers s�inp'cr and hard- ipr. Mell (I�X,�d of fevers, of plague, r6l, centuries scientists have been second, 230 feet each way and 26 Louis do Vallnont lartc-la,I)ed his 121011k. "It may be 'but tile sudden tile Queen',; tokell will never come." I bf the 1,1411�.k deat.h.11 Til.9y, lived In third, 188 feet short r and brier squall of the summer winds, ,,Even go, th-eaki, somo provision. must endeavoring to ascertain the exaut feet in height ; -Lding Oloak at ,the tilrigs,t, alld gimorial a sborter It.' square and 15 feet high; fourth, Vut Atis lialLd Into the breast Of ills but it is ootulag, Anti a fiercer tem- be made, for the rootoratiOn' Or otlier liarre that, the climenslons antl the other secrets of -me shlrywreck. lx"210 of till,,? v.pov,,Il ,tra the world's t,116 architecture of tile riblyer of 146 feet square arid 15 feet Iligh; - such pest, Is beyond, and st dhqiosition of this tretasure." . ILIg ' are and vourvoInt. "Therra,,is but oi,,D . to It(. 15 feet prian rY I'lve, and were coun 'd aged fifth, 104 feet squ Jewel in OxL9teuae, lie said, ,,and you Avo Marls 1,-,*,,bc11a ! or.% -pro 1'.obis I" Then tile. 11riaw and Brother Cy "'I'll When our contt�mjiorarlea tire Babel, but, though many ingenious high; sixth, 0:�, feet square and 3-5 , must have Fjoen, it, for yon were pre- k'4oagke hours later, from the toP` studled tile pikin of thei abl)OIY� aI rpvkorled in t�jji, Ini,iiiiijo term of lite. theories,have been broached alld some feet high, and seventh, ,,,Ufoet square ', sent at the marring,o or the QuDeu Of most windows .of the abbey, a gall .quaint odra,wing Which bad been. made h 0 he, Soot,9 with tho Dallphin." wasvIsIbIle, oil thO extreul-U Verge Of nearly n century boforn, aild tho de- i and in.,)-storious vuluable facts . ha%,e becii. gathered, and 15 feet higgh, Ulle liell., t f t Brother Cylirtan gIl-,,o a slient the horizon, and Brother U.-vilTlan Joel.- cided on tile spot in willolk. the, tr.P,a- SY111-11tarris about th�q rnortnl 810,'- no authoritativc- Stat011lellt ill rc- ark 110 places at 13 feet and he sign of aa%cmt, "The brIdeg ed at it with rosigned saidnass. t, In 11,110,9 of Brother Cyprian, Ion r�,n,,eIs gurd to tile famous toWer has ilcl-'11 thillkid that it covered the entire sure Should be lilddon. 0110 111911 of oppirg-ing, tkTi,rIonsv!u)agl1j�s9,g t 1� I ualtil now, whell it seventh story. The original height , room and in lorthCogning th-a, bride each wore a satin shoulder " Parevvell, ni� brother !" he mur- the cold, early spring, when all wag no goulad ot any human votce could .1-c-aciles us !it tile form of an UJIUll-'111 of the tower, lie sayi, wz�s 156 feet. knot, with a Jewo! In tile anidille. 1;ftell mured. "I sliall never see you more, silent in tho ablh%'1111ft tile so re,vvh lilin as to arrkusv'recogail�- Uireek manuscript, .which was rct:eat -Now, a coiliparison. of thf.,se figures ,ut;l �udf Only " Jewel was a balim-itaby, hicotl re.1 and until we meet In the land which, is dlin red jamp, orever I the sanctuary, intruded oil the -O- -, tile whereo.11 lay a Pearl to Very far off, and whp.ra sorrow and reign tion, anti wIlOrl 0 't 104 fa(T' W"QrO 41 ly discovered U.y M, de *.Nlvl� LAS with those lit the Ureek marlit-.3cript heftrt-shaped, anillr, as th,I)II-gh evoa,na4i I),. WO tiagaishea 1,�rellcjl archaeologist. Th') will show it striking d1surcpancy in aIgnify a tear, The eunnin.4 WOrk- Ito memory Alike ILav_-, no existence. of night, tlall). Prior came to Brother some TO . rallnul-vii) is wa',I-n'ght�xsnprf,,eje" as rMe ]and that Is very far off, and G,vlgr.la1l,8 cell antl told him be -,Vas or prei�ioneo iinseon. by thn watchers exact date of It!,-, manuscript dues 11015 : goine important par�ieulars. SIX, . by Iiii; hed, 1i.,1t�k,ljIt;,'unskM:ru1 argen, seen, to be knowit, but .)I. do A113111T 1.1plary evid(,,.atly had an admirable t4le gems, 110 more ,a these two yet, no man knows hoNv ricar, really. Then the two softly deweild- . - ,- havh,g ever been made. T,Iio Queell the land that may be 'close ed to, the collar beneath tile tuttery, wit), only goodwill to bring to their and severa.1 of his colleagues of tIlr3 vonception of the to-wer as it ex 1).aupblnesa prized tile ruby to all of us, cioser thalk. U143 whero the mail -which Louis I)e Val- task. MAtered sounds of Plellding, Of Academy of Inscriptions WIIO have hited Ill the tilue, of Nebuchadnez- heart, they Build, more than shore whither that to3sing barclue, anont had conflded to their care dread, of remonstrance, for the most examined it are conflileut tiiat it 1-9 zar, but if the IlIellerlic writing is cOr- agly Jawol In lr�r rojiles.,ion, niora with hor freight of love and loyalty, was depo,.-ILted. When the Prior had part inartivulate, but awfully ex- 01. 0 Of tile the 'I oldest in existence and rect the dimensions as given by highly than evell th.fw famous black of hope and daring, is bound." ollened the heavy door and they pr(,sslvp, broke the stillno-.15s ofnight, that tile facts contained therein I Braglish archaeologist and as ire - pearls, Ilke grap:�s of Museadel, which The Iffluorkeb of Ills valm and. Mon- gV�, 'Od Within tile. Small V:lUlted and ellille(i the bearts of the hear- may be accepted as 'historieal. produced In �dr. I'alluer's model Are have been. &oIll to tilt:, En ... IL411 Queen oftonous life was strong upon Brother Chamber, Brother Cyprian, struck a ers. Tbvy hall little experience of ITO tile modera world this aucleak not accurate. Tile building, accord - for a th-*rtt of their prl(r�', wIlPreat Cyprian, but yet lh,re was a yearn- light front fliat anil'steel, ,Laid 11"Ilt- 1111lids diseasPd, and Brother Cy document is of value because it C011- ing to these neiviv discovered data, ' k- PrIan was not to be suspected of a. 'greater height and Madame Caili­rlue is hiceii!4ed, Lict,m- ing look- In 111,3 eyes as Ike gazed over oil a 8niall lamp, alla then they I'll() tains a very clear descriptioll of the wtis evidently of Ing, when b1iparLurilty to rob her tile sea to thL� tiny gall, which, even oil around them for a black Weak burdened conscience, a troubled 1. The Tower, itsays, width than Sir 11cury Rawil"011. !in - daughter -in-law aio;o, that she shmil.1 as he gazcd, disappearOLI-1, yearning u::On take wa,.I, N�qll.L,ll intlic-ated tile soill. And ,yet Ili these rargiblingii; of Tower of Babe kilometres distant agined it to be. . Mail lay hiddent Ua- the itilild, freeing itself from tile fra. was eighty-four have had tho profereave, But there lo,.,I.. wh1(,ji wulkla have told a kcetl. sI)ot where tile from Babylon, and its basement or A fact, however, which should bG ' was a fate O".r th,N Jewill. ', laidee,l they observer that struggle was not Yet der sturdy logs of firew,0011. Cypriall, glip, :1, failing body, there was dig- first story, was 18.1 l e lit raind is that tile existing say rone eYerposse,sieJ a rigby of size, quite over in his breast. "It, is here," SaId Brother turb live, a7g1tation, wild va,garits side and seventy-five feet high. Ili Tile rules of the tower, Which are known . but thero is it. violont da,;11.11t. at the That night a terrific storm arosl!'. stouping to remove the logs, and NILS- of nivinory distravtod till- dying mail; middle -,vas t. -L square tower, cork- as Bars Nlarkruil and which m,iLy be - thi4 tilays. Tjl-� (.1lieen Data- and burst In wildest fur.v over Kil- clo3ilig to view tile stained and torn nanwki which belonged to another structed of six stories, Plauea orke seefn in Barsipim, it former suburb of anti of ,% a Lb NvIll"'11 countrv. to a phase of history out Babylon, cannot pro,,)erly be said 'W phinows lost it, sh3 never volill! tell ferrau Abhr,y, making brvat,hes inthe surfaco of a leathern 7 I, e, above the other, and at tile summit when or how, nor was more ever vezmwable walls and uprooting severtil was, Itowever, strongly lined wit', of whivil the ,%vorld had passvd, was a small sanctuary. represent the original building, since known than t,liat she, -wore it at thp of the tnes which adarn*I tile pre- ixon., "I know not tj;�' i)reclso nature vairip frequently from li!H III)s. There i 9I they are merely the relles of the old joustill- ill whivil 1,:Illg Ilertry re- cLact of the monastery. All t1w night nor tho exact valut) of tile conte'llt-S, -,Vas InutIll coming 'and going to alid The height of these stories was 67 . now-, and metres, Iand all exterior stairway, towek- as restored by. Nebuchadnez- celvetl 0 'denth Woulld. 'Nflipla. search through tile w;rld howlett and raved, I:ut Louis wai� rl(th, und 110 told me fr)ln XtIferran Abbey L,ontain, g 864- to i his here, eXcePt r. ) steps, led the zar. I. a. wa-3 1, troublet -onsultatlons bptween the sanctuary. These steps, of which wag made for it lit AuIll, and pr,ople anti down. t1w co, st the people said all his woalth I ( ,AI-ont tlr� original to,wor we knoW said it Ivul. fulfilled its evIl ri,1111,11tiou Vie furious, ct w.iPless thun.dering of the doubtloss., till lavoti.sIderable 9"m Prior alld tile monks and thegtran- lie ble 3 all 305 were fashioned of silver n1lil 60 very little, exc"Pt fh4l t B' and was accurbeil. It w,lB now -r Iv-ard U:0 -CS was licard. for miles inland. for his malutwiance and 01.1,rgo gprs whobrought thein confirmation of gold, were designed to represent tells us. Tradition says that' it -was 8, of more. a114 wberi K'Ing 1'ralit-is, ill- Perhaps, lit thoso old days, wIlE'll his ratal mi,...ioll. I Call"Ot 91NO I'llY aii,l warning of their evil days near the 365 days of the year, li'urtliet - sanctuary of N�-bu or Nabu, th, sWW ne5s colaunt-ileed, lie had .1, fear of the everything b:Iyolut orkWs Actual sight detail, tlle�;i�ro, of the items of this '�t nan,,I. But anild all tills, ruldis- more, tlte seven stories ,%vere Intend- god of Balwlon. arld, awording to " fellow jewo , Vhni. Parting always Mi- tivagure. Perhaps there is a list Of turbed by tit(- presging trouble and ed to corresikond to the seven duSs llex-odotu% tiv� upppr tabernacle was .1, ailti woul-I ll�tve It taken wag vague, X . from the collar lit which It was IQ% ffe.l utter unvertalul;II", and no public theni. inside the mail." danger, occupled by quite other farn6had Arith a I ed. whWi, the people Ferylee for tit, tratism14,4011 of ill- The Pr!Ior heH the lumP, aWl )E�ro' thotiglats, draggpd Ixtek, by tile )XI of the week, and also to the we'As and laid lev. Tlunt ,tile,- QueP11, who atilPrIl tl,rit)t ly'�ha of the year, slave 36:i, the number of believed was used by their god as a was alway� �Iaritli. .111d even though tellig-'11PP affe-tting privat- lut'.IvNuals ther Cypritin carried the le . is power willeh � rules the spirl tile number resting place. Long IK,fore Nebuchad- I . ivultv-for it I them, on)Y, existed. sun1wiwe was not, so vallse with Alluell diff I of tile dyilig, to willell lie had so the steps, divided by 7, - 61w� did riot 'quito of the stories, gives us I, digbelieve ,)*,, tile ,turn. nezzar'd varle the wonderful old build rery IWILVY- 11), , le into Xuluall. -QIII at Snell k;uP,,IIrstIt1ouH fables, heart-sickpning, riot suell a gnawing was, UIC11911 4=111. N ng -.ago renouraved. Brother -11 - had bl-gua u� cruallil teggml %Il:� rutiN, heart at his hands, at thiN rol)ts of llft� as It is now. through tit(, papisages aad up tile (�Y_ her of the wLeks In a v Xpoiell illeh pri. , in lay on Ills deathbed. � e t ear. ling anti Jae, bellig near ht-! eud then, anti Brother Cypriail, did not (Ixpeet to winding flight of stone, htops w Late one night, -,vilen tile W11010 Furthermore. a very old la�geitd saYs I and ono or I& first acts after lie a elo!ster ad,loining the it. ! ascendad the thrane was to order that to . that the varlous stories werP Pall not varing to, t,outeit, allytIlIng with lleki.r thlings or hI4 brobliqr. izav­ Ill.- If4i th-0 01V (Itituninnity had long retired to their tile, niallpts 1 It be rc-storLA with great spleadom her, gave hor the ginn. Nyl.ea $fke ehartei *. until tile (Jumni's tokork shoul-I gmmt ilvorway. At tile tof) there was ed so as -to represent ',� Tho pmteut. ralinsi vonulit of a. huge , , k. masiLvo door of Wark oak, sIll,eWd ettirs, save only tilt, watelipra, one whiell. are snpposed to rule oier the, . . of them eauk,� �o Prior and told him � de!@;It(xl to eou.��e it t4) lie Signified to reacllk. li'm, li- dlil not, Itlok for any � Irrtgular ragiound, whb1t rlsi�s abruptly me that vitt, rt1l`e.i on mo for h0l) In 1, to urowl:41,nA or hi -3 fato: the. tre- With Iran .Anil stu-IIII,�I. with heavy tizat lite monk tl*�.Are,l to see him. days of eat -it wpek. Thus tile 1OW"t from a whitk ilk-sert, p1min. an] wirlI.,h IS ". Vs. Tlil� &-or Nvas, tiubarrod. and 1. story was Painted blaek. tills IlPing' her e-vil fortune, tho (Ill"i'll. $Pat trip ruendous stornk. w1kiell. rag,xl with un- %, i crowned by th - ruln;i oEr a tower, the ;, lanate I %Iolonvo for threo Itlays and Olwlkav�j lio'..�o:e.,;sly. The Prior anti Tilt- Prior Instantly voltal)""Na wit" ."aturies; (4)lor -. th(N next was P'Llnt- 1, lik,�-!Xht of miquird an,d tower helng 153 that, tokell'. It vould ll�i be ratistawn tit flis rtvl. Brothor Vvprmll . 1)-Is�;O41 t1troug,11 It, UP suninions, and ontering lite cell ea orange. lit lionor of Jlll;ttL,r,. tile � feet. Mast of tile briek-3 whkh havO or CouliterfeiVtI. it c()ul,.l conio from nighUs. W-tS lit LCM0111W wl .1d, t,ll( " 'Au-011vai In the elolstpr, bound V,Yprlan awake. qutte sPnsi- third ,iras irlinted re.3 to rc-presPllt aolie but It -r. Tlv,re is lit) other like i'MIS, but 110 111[01-� lit sign. There was and A U 1plk� and (.�Xhkg. bilt With a Wolt lin Ills ; lNe.-ri c-xeavzLtAI4I from th',.­; inw.-nd bear tilt, kwholAing of till . VIVAqtor. anol W114'A" 4-0.110 ht7liggAng rayti of B114011- Mars -, tile fourth was; of -1 901dell - ,'form vlvlravt;�ri tha nnuke of It lit tho world..'" ve'll tho tLarkness, Lilt gave d"I'li, worn. feAtle fa,ep. whiell van ime. till* sun liping symbolizell ill tills ' 111 cull(l wto o� *.�.= tile s ' WhRe Loul;s siuilv-, tile liltlijoll 11.111d there was, Iefort, that, whfwlill�c , 15ght, IW -1 , NeliuvItadnez.-n.r. ,url 041 , L short of unknown, tillsirtrot t�orrows.. awl 0ltI.Y Itd-hti1QI-1lIY W-1^1 ('ffWt tu tilij- VOW1, lip illist.tki% by arly one who � ainteNt V.0. : I'L, bad jok4svili4l front 111iii raveh ., jwn spell it, onei-the Iola .vvlllell f,'kSIII01l*, UP fifth ;kal 11, an, Im-wripwin wilh-It sa,ys thaz 0 eb; .111i of strolm-, 1`111441', -WI-OuRlIt SUM , unt'ier ,tit -Ir .'olut, rcstralut Urtithi,r gNitms. 0 tvl,��z tll.tt lintnortalit,y N very aea , r. low In hontir of Walls ; tilt* sixt,11 w3d i it-riner Mar, hwl built this tower, but 0 Ifte, tiliti . � 11"O not, Golikit!"Nt"'d tilt- Itravernlost -11 wz qtolttleIi .1 .,�Tllall � Cypriall, hopt lit, ko'll lit Pall, live. Am 9 a 4V iis- likoll1j',41 thin transliarpat hands , � iti-ilig '.%Ivreur,0r; Elols)r. 411-I � 111,1ga, I* W11b is t6i ,Is tilo seril-o ()r TI after th , mll�,A. Ielwe of tllk% Until P't, llrotht-r t*.N pr'.,,.'&lt w. I V A", ilk liollor 4`1 �, ,tory, and tit it tll,� pfv.�,;)I,,, htW abart- flume of ItIr: saillo flAI;r;k-. rontil.1111119 irun. S wi-re strk-tAlis-I till! lwforO Ilial ,%till tile seventit Wi N t,il e tiff thiI. t hO, 114 .U�.kt. - of Al Im rtwks . %L. I.Itt,'(N %VrItbII,j' %V.1 I the Tuslon. tfMl�ql tit'. I 11�'&�"_ �t 4-04 n""'a' . Win . an ols.ket al4wilt tit" S1,141 lit A Wit inut, 1: runtors cirto�e t v� lqjwd, and W-1 vyv�j lv(-re ebiist�d " or , soutliotrit rantNt,) of watty Wsastl-rs to llr�*%ks-iat,v bi thwe da.,4"',; to %lit " ljfQ ftftILI , Y 014-W14 :is ()Ill (I.rpok tu�tltii,vript 1,1 4 MHO 111V '4I$",lkWY lit -t i . littili,rty. awl ii". I" : , lit, Trior all- To Amr-rienns tile* tjjsj�avery (if thiti' � 1191 li,;11%.&I VAI:Z� t, ,111"q1114111� III` ALI ICIllII3fk .tff.v,r.i olit, IN1t MAW% VF sja�elal I Now tit - vu.?,-, atiti:1 hok" Z404"a rn.,We 111th -r. As Ito kT-I,Ne1 11 lit topillarl-oa WWI .0i. awt:i ;lit the trout)W. rQST- inti rpt3t, ft it, tljo, rpa-ztrn that ! that t1r. dinimez-1-vi's; .aa g�%wl in thn" flue J-4 1�11111(1�1.111.'& tIVI erhm"s W Ov wk, I -,ops wort* k 94-910 1'IP'4)nl:W.v IN" -t 101, 3� fvriolt irnnu-�iIrtjtt ria,tv '7�1' tb,W� or Ifte plat"A the rhalft In 11W b"Allves � Or � t4v- lont-ont 1411111kilyt ft�k' t1W � torat h ­,wss. tho %Jt!,';4- alljxll�Al whioll. - Ov - I, 111mlol #if tilt- 1rAw.pr Was rvastruett'd th,, original to or Ill, I tv�t Of thO ImWj, Prot1ter V.%Isrian tocilt it It% (-I- to 1. rPit 111i, t1,,14rX,'k ectook to xolf,v- , '. � nlita '. I ut 4N rt I I'll ln�t ttivre, 14� 0 to L'A ll -,4.11 cit Vw1a 4dr ,att.. Was goill., t. tills voilutry L-tilne Itilao ar,k) AM, I lugaain­ tuq r-�..L�r;I,,I hp Vbn 11W1,113.4--* linn-%'I., ".-A wil,11111 hw.ov tql,.no�d t1o., * rait ot Ili- 1-,,; ot MAI s1lits in Wid-11 4� �' ,Yoitl selit, for w. -I. Any tion.", 1-ald In - IWA�, Lo'lls BigVUllig tit' mill ulth a L,ia',�* f1g. VnItuout'll t I i..*01 -,I. X -o Pipar � INk M"MUNt"t"I'l tit uritnitr, and II-ro bililti-A at the N.;4,tI0MkI Ila i I rvsr. .0�anAtag tv, II110 4'1010t WA9 PX I , 1,1mr. Tl&. IrLm,.I%-1?. �.� W4. Imcly to - - IrW drrfti-1 lit. im th-wsi-I .%itiltir eir' th"I' C-tIll'a.itils c�or-%Lvo, %%ert- to, to"l - V- 10 11%. ttg spurn, lit NN'wsliatt�-,tnu. Mae rillital-I W�61 - I. f�r.,it 14,t�,-i��. th;,ro Inatt V1411to I rr IL I willell thlb I ,, t Ve th. ra-ie. In th 111 vaniot Mid the '-prinIt'" IttV F.1111. � Al'ttIvil'o4, wa%e-lo-twil Am,i Oil Alt,Vtz k erabl,Ii coll-st-Int dontalul. It" ftWl V; - AN- Vtlil�t It the work of 'Mr. .Tow.'iopll 11,01norl, wlrjl,�I�.'t f.tiallillLk lri'3tJnit'VnV t1r.tt ih,:� solgina "Ne. the trIN-L, Ill ('14211khor" atud .%#Oil gv,tr. to 11,41 tit a %wa kiatO. xvotla "a'Af-W 104,�I,.*Nl ll,:,� lou 11 og 11 -4 V,:a - III g�� ,�,, N.V. I ;pOnL- sllap!�il it In ai-vordmile With the � V,Iia�ldblr, wa.; p1-,1vtb,Ia11v iva raliL.'I w1k,ta . 110 -, tit Nwift, I. 'all ill roolli Ivith Iksro -.-. iilto ,J'p.q. rathorl. I want A 0 IN 0 L - nrrigI t,ur,h i tho L, , Ij)ry of I ,nry rMWUUS1J1I- th , Not-w,bAdaer-tar Iw-nix W9 vrolrX CC antist learn its, tor If t.,.,,* tol thol, fonws. ;I t1r* awful tlIII, rikk . . thno Is N ery tbc .41r It* Iq it Iq. q11,p thini -J 4!rruat. llklyt; t-,4,kIaln­ V.eojv� - tilo. I %VaIN. an"I Iway.. IIAL-4-to U.01,10. u tx;.14 V"All .yon allltM "NI -V 4 i� . 41 lat- vemillilulty pra. 'It . to .%(*1 It ,%$Ill Como J I V fanlmi,4 Ort;ntalit.t- Wit 11pnry. A0- �' rp�;tAi;ratikAts an I It Ll-�* it hT41p m. Il 100 ,Ej�. ,,t, tt�.q. r�ot. , wam*4 lilt t" ;.-two. o! , %-r Vw La.,. brotlw� U a I (W-110 t,P %it- 4 irt noxv I -t . 04'.1.4nIlatt0t). vwdAuldt, I th. th'at afav wtttj� uU, ,-�% _--�.,r�j;Itbkl A A ,Iqt, v41t#* I III., Alip. ,kt:�,,I qjiI) .vVia Iwar iu,y last �,vla ti ION!, . I I , ,. t,,0_=.A%i t!jf i�nloagu-r o ta�ii 1hi fa,uxeo W lot'lla tho lu.-moralilt, vNit t* t4 T emull �,4�A '44 1.01,14, tt�j.. J.'44�,Ji. j q1, ,,.�.-�,-, :W.Iola m, , iI, '14131"- r.,kili-I flift.o.v op,,n" Thein Ltek,131 1,otA'.. 41,�, VabilmIt r.a It --I Drothor I It Va"Itt"lat,., ,.v -i Jntnt(1­kIt4`,1,V fcq,�uill .I' t4qW41r W.0v '. utc-ewIl uy ., - - " 41f � - . , �, - Ii. ,n( * � .;� �-,-Pla,a 00!aor, liJJrke4t4J1.I tl�t- 14II.��tle�lr VqW1�VIM:, - -"I%!.; ,41� �444 .,#�A. '47111 � ,�dvte V%r *+T tho tre a ur,�P, U; lvof.r.�Z . tv ,� , - A il:%_§�­ 7"" 1"'3*1 th,N I and I V1.t :h,k,& VA. I'll .fIlP. tolts.n t..alne-1.0�t� 1, atfrfi:.r Va . -.� 1JtIP1a h�%"31' '&&I � W`0104, O'.wh 41f -.111104 wa.. ,Ili t%at,It u 3,; Tat S . 1�v 11 !;.4p4 of I-tr'.1"'Ov 4bt#,1h4 -16e-a - talaupf I 'ir s rat, : , *eltv , vi k ir" Is NO V tw" orqlta J*,pw J� MIrD.M.. - -%,k'!l ,,1 �v- � ,,Ja. -r�b Lq 1,1114 . ,,, � DrotIcr t"t4pr4pal t4i%v CLo fit"14119 L , .1 ga. z-,wu"IN h9,,1EV!;d­i'1aV 44, For ell'In.%. c ,1114,� �an,l thut till tho, t4t' , I I"arit1flit objvq-t, 1, UN 94-00P.1 Ilth �w wav V9 higrorr,wq 111.1, �1, ,4qat, nr'U. ot�r tnternmott". t �Alogh IN-, 1*1 th". I 4 r �., *� ,,,.� 1 � J"t ,'I -: 5 It T"ji, It, tva'.4 a -qf,;;iI41r, Qet, 1:440,4 49V MUD,% 1, 1�,., ..';,oz�04t, :1*1 440 obril .1-1 1, , *, i ,I 1. I"'o, �' luo"01 b4korl.-Q Air, It Itatrutt.-y. � Am rKorj,IJII�4- t1i, litv s, abl.­. 0- r,fi. � . _g" . .1 . t1lon. 9", 1while!i hill � pl.�V,OA tii,­ . , t ;� �,,,,� tho 4 #,L - ,; io I..'w"'10,411U, 1 14%, I' , I .I, . ,.,�o , as of the t4n��, Iglu " he I r,40,1r..'�""'X. bo III- . t-;' 2til Ma!49 NINO !`�f I ut n.t;t1't"r%' I"" VOL' � V, . , . I - ZZMLI_,.�.N. (IN . v ,I "Up" hao"A'. 44101 the� d., . n,,an. I, nto Van .%­(sNu­I 1 , , 0 ­." Vn�,It ,t",4r%-. �r#L,4v,l th V 4ALt4tri -��3 �', -.� * A I , - 0 -,aV1. bu !n qtUT r4Z,a,Q_1,. it vva,g :1 tWr "., IV., . op .114";, WIN :119,ni".0 � , f f itic '140 ul'ola .�o v',R0*-;4,�,iit0,,,'I %'..a' .'. , r, it", 'IF, Zrolot, ad AIM;' O,.'R10.;V 4*T th-k"OpIlO, �, I -.1d .4i, %Va4 L M4 11 m-Wh nm, tj 1. 1.�, It � I, r V, 0.01,114. , 1 " an -V 1, 9� It II,�,J,Ia %1�.�!�' LaN0,11 I To "t Ili I��*"�4�'IIt . V biji.r rtnb%, 4"N �ir 3AW !�111,Vottl. av ' ii 1% a -, net conto 41 It t-.0 Cut ra�_VaAA On 4 I 11 13"I I I rovaik-A ft"t, 7lM." rv�, � I ­­ I -..I- _ 11' � 13a) 'F�o%� , vrj#11�4011 Now# 1 froul a t,v% 0;n j 6 -a -ti. or antinim? 114-i ii. =&io tiv, �; r! At. r t,, 4,_...� T"�, t�,'p I'l?.j.01'. jqI,J la#Vage I '��Ij�lol"!41_1 -.1i; "U10811 tAo voul q'i. I A- ­­' ' ' . I � -_ . Al'tt,ry . *.�rlart-Ajaptftg. wvl kald t)-1 at. , ottvaillot alog IA1 -!--:a*If­ at f-0 fouil. L%4AAA-,J,�tVlI I 1,4�:I,g� I, LI f,l - 'W a,- t..' n'_,*tQt ;Iag $� 'r,"M I", 11'%g. , ,� '. .%,4I#,r. �Jf�NIIfttg,jj' B�p t4;JJt,% � , , - . ­ - - VVI'la 'a ,1�4414#- ; wa,4 �, h al,44Y. tv �"g E0 V�,�i'.- 0 0 ,.II. , a*i al'. ­��l - '! I b . . . - I. , . 1, ovN.,^0"-~O.-��0%^ numn �­.I,an� , , a - '1 - .,W V �, :.0 A C� 4 Aro,l . '1110A WIM,Iq?�;81tcw4. .. 11 . i . " P. , A� � - , I tDow Boa t�o* I.,04),_k,134. I— at 2104'4-,,I3�. 440tv f -cat- i , a , . L � 1 h,�.�, � t9l the :ak­)r8aI1w_1 , � ,L%ft". 4" %h�, , .4 , , '01 — I, to WI -1. �. " - �` a _­­ - , - � Ink.. lav 9 I Lxallt" 0, L�3%0, �q - I I a � ,I . '. , 'FIDUI, 9i,itul- , A'p. ma a— tM.. ro . THE 00 111111 , I OUIP �A&",�,,- _i4-tlX. 14 �avl. ,_�X"vtpaC.� vmw­r X'1810!- fa,�,:f,wluz I " "d,_N t 4,03, CO.- *­ fti,:� - � ,-*?- ,­Iga�, ��_A'1 I,- VooIr. .. aj�,t:-r,,-J,v r,_;,,�� .a�li,!;!. L,14-0. pvrh apw4. nn,l 0 W91 4;0 V;mt L'u-4 ,,,,-,W't,�.'I itna ro- � I ., * To"I i�ritl liu, !eog, brotho-, I ar,alt-ut IVT that, It" was i 0 . 4,,, OWERS '-w tr,�lt, t; �t :1 , q tal (,-q,)lRbU­ZI.-r tv,,Ic4 LIP,- � It, Ll'_'Nl� a - ��, �il t" � ,t_�It­ 1�,�!'A VlAt t,4,1�'. - - la,11OW2. 'W",_(a It rr,,a:-�Q�_,4 .vton", I � l�l".:t,o.utu!-.I--Ifl.tu,R�'0-'ftl.�uoa,.tytloo.tgu,t � J " 1,,T7 I., *jjf.,lL,�t,it­%�n L -.-f., 1��' �,, III " �': it', 6 " , ", i I tf-','C V; ItAW4. &4' h`�" NI"':'Ll' t'"t' "v"I"' I , I, I I),T,­,a "OG"fir ar"A ..I U-61 I" ao talo,1, �! Ilrlt, 1.0 lawlaUl -h tlj� ZAM (,,un . UtJ4 th - � -a% t - ., 'mall 9m,;J,V RIO , 11 N�T U"','IIi, tlo,l�-11­0, 4an`j J�'O' VC`_o"�I,'C1.J �Ult I';I8 L " Q*ah ir 0 ��t, !tl_�, " U . �)- 9, " �m� 3 tt,,) 1,§,, . � ," %wint to Eat-" ,�, "c , -,::,I AtIl Ii,onr latcr. Nja,,4 4. V;IO2aTst,4,'pgA9II'O. go -Aso? 144411-r VI "I"I a -a p via � T! " ,34 �'e.Q!um,4 tav9.4c ",-t, - V�,or­ It') v-11 twon th"'..q. U - 'U" a � -0 .� ,,,!a 4,r,I0J. 1r, 11 Vj.lin the tl;­10AIgV_'11VVV ag"1;4 � . T&�,o v --a; n �� ,!_i c. "Jt, s._ i�=" 1� ,!, , , a "' "" ' L tk,�J JZ��L L' O'�ag ["�!I�,.".J " .#_,Irf!� a tr a ,�,,�,�'a ;�, A A-�, I Vef. "Nx-amont Wuw 1w,1r­1 th-at ` t,i_,jJ �U,ft 11tiTc,rran. Arid %,a4 Wljtuv� - � I 4.- Irattwint. wiqs Itomo. In tit' 14 ,140;A g:I" �"ahloreat t*g , , ,, �.;­., r� 04014�%^^_014~40§� , 6 'r _J'W)t %%'ttJJ �d'-�Zlt'p 1prg�la, Ell . Ir . � " 11 . " 1 '4ii _dt*l 1 DIN ='j.%' 4)tell 1,%._,� Stony nll:41 Vfiffitwnii � - 1� Vm_ Dv. a­D-i�*q to . sm "t OtmugoNt V11�4t il ;, �,!- i. v� I. -, T ­ , .,4, 1_1 I .� , J . , U ,�C,,,,� -_,�­. ��,,I�, .11 AN N4 - .- I� 11, �OQ I� .a �,,D"It ojr�j � r,1-,,I,Y,, ,. -q- , J ­ , 'V1, �j� ,, . to t9gh I It"VE &WN't. ug_ .. , ,� N��'J, . ;­` ELr t1to �4,IM146 UlAiI,24 Eel to M. e&tros. av'rela- �1� ni*-L� ?A­a� OT ,v� , r1li t�, Ii L'4'. kluvl w"'ie'o ha"I �,I;0 ,�v- M -t �,�nv-, Vapl to -T g" _l4 "2io 'Cj,�� " L,,r ,.., N,: - ^1? � &.�,,'�a * " .:, . f " I , " v I " L ,I C",,.. 00.�I,,4- Va. o " � iI�',O' of :1�. , ,. l­t"IrT,- 12 � � - - I nellnol. to orp'liTtv Uq�lt? �'.A�t OTLIM".�*A,61- . . - '� _'A !u-,Y-na ., V 4 1U. �I)1.1 1,01. .-, iC.1 -','- - , �., - � , I .. attifARLI DL,4', .­ at �t I;-- 0 " . & , - .�W,0,,� ,.I- , I -, , " , " I*- % V,.­y-,� - -_ " U 't '. 1, _ _, ._ -, Jp,=Wl Zn, %1"414 uri0A4tKI%k.,9 gvglbt­� I - It 01 ' .11p, 41$�,10�'. � t, ­tn -14VV�13 MJ44,oV -d -.1 -, t� 1� , Vt"MME'r LNV-3�4 tact, 16t"x­4 Lot 11�o, tIAla"'C-DO11t ALO F-44", Ll 09f qk ,,M 'ir'll'tZO, , _r ,,I N � v ..-ID ip-V,W�,4 *432bt�,ai�p­;Jl L,,_, tL"L� - A 'I'D F-nUlt-ii-!!�,�_-. 1- �, r . r '�`_'L� do, - wn _. � 1. "IIII.- a rc r L ri,Bv V�V,z� an'l I t-.�, tn? i. � I_ - . i ' VI,J�gha tI,n 4, : - --�'. 3 _: - '-74-". U -t �:_,-) �P� � t�,, 1.,-I --Dt-I: - gjtptlgr'�p 4-ZqVl"�-"q�g E041& -t ;a a,-�,,J � !''," I 1, t'r-I I 440`4 alit - " '. �,&_ � 7, I ,,��n . , o, ,,I 1104� Qr, .: �. E, _A� - .a I - L A .� I 1cI,,,I- t"'aamy 1b.­�-r-4 "�im I�. frttat_4 W laNwrtaig, at; It, V"v e0:.,.,%nt*­E 1 I ,�;,,.at*,Afl ?1,,5fl!x--6V"Ut,­e bi, VILOI, 4!,:-2,j. Erp­h Q%C�q , - - .... U , I -, - ­�It "', 0.1�, �� _�&U_.A a: ­ . � - - !,�: - � 11, �, , .,� ilt, �Z t�t d,',�ano-2�, " g I I - at lartna6v 41- tima'. '; , at . 4 - 114 , I -11�11uu.�_ , - ­. on� i; � !,v wm;;I, �T��. o, �,�­,at. I,q 1p,L�r,q- 2I,��k,jgtw�L4 - - , - 1, ht",I 6;�,Ut land 11 eVer . hIR h"O it'n. I-? �;�! m4 ;�Zoli.o,:�_ t t!"CIr f-tiuMtg nlfte, Whe ta t 7�,Ii� 1, 41--MI4 E�"I, th�,KF#I,.-r�in A' Df!`i,�v fkr,,- V`-- � I,- ta ,Ii- 1. It .,. ,; ., rl.0*21P ir%v�.Tm vor--al"Mi 'Vm raaa,,l I'm., � alouil yeevul � th 45e Van , 4,,,al tI��;,Ut . - -.IW - - � L" _� [c, --:* fltrulm . t, ro*21 si�,%&) p'�'Jt­., onc % ,�4,fl;, I.. ,,, A ug.�Ittqt Entnwqla, ktvl�" 491,­Z.`�, , ,,�.�,�, C:- ! , I V,;�. V�57 1, t_�, L� , tz� - - , 'I I 1� #_-� t'll"JAWT trL� I' " IJ_ " - - vk�,at, k"l L, rr t�bak,­,, W ox�k !I IV-!�' 11 WZII-4 de­X,,..o , t., 4� -Ar�.-,1�2 wata,nl W"lo tk,#_;11Ug I vmve tv.��.Z, Vu. tv`IWI�4' , " an ,I aot--O�ttte AI's9o;;a1l. TVto � ,r, _� . :,,­ ttata'" iiZ,3 C.e V t, r,r ;�,�5_s UP talv�% IONe'.-It -,Ox?n -m _­, La Ikl� tho I,, Q,11:1m." - mt�,,, a wo to.*_�k a A_�)" Vt ,�ttd - ;., 4 , ., - _'%,,,t - -,� ill;!" Q.g"'Al it, . - �,,V_n &*­­­ -1., ,4 -i , ,, IVIt, U " IllvitlJorIttv tInD ION D,,� 5 vzezr 'V,,,�i U I! . '�` W." t, jI . � , . ' 1.11.�11WI:'..T,' qii�tt'.' "a*j"It L;'., D_Z,r, I PNE"St gaSOD ftnt;3v tDy��,r�e v? o drall)n Ez, 3r. 1i N,4 i 4P P IICT%,­_�.Ir�ll to Inn'r-0 tj. t'g;�­t %-%��t. no), .Ve,t. t .4. �-, Lt, v . � ti,,n, �, _L, TI,% .'4�,I - kar�,,,d � -11 - I .*-% , !­ ",� 'k_oivl�n t1k.-nit ro:� th,I F4YI,�!= I) V�' ;� I I;%:,; t U;;"_ I.— I '. D�L. ,,;T �,� ;�Ivt` . .. .� ­ 4�I,,_r t��7`,, a,,*_I.,-��,.-�z,X�B 1-t, t, � ,Il,;.�,. J�q 'r � . ' - - ' � 11 % Ii. .%_443-�X*3 rittownli. oum hal _, �: .7Z � I - - NXOZi� (WINI tv;s &� eTuk,-d Eft rzo- �, &,v t � I�_., vlu 1 -NMr. Ttu; �.. f, a t V � t ir,�as Dj�iI,t '16111-- V�_ I- � - " =�,e 4, . 1,:'� "L t"E" B ,4`.'L"1'Q" - - 'I' -L - nt� #,If pteadIlng:.i OT Ill, 1111" 11IV,a;Tm­,i�t,4.­ . . � c_�,.Ig.'OV - -. N�, 7L * ,:,I'- 0," � 'V, 1D - -�C- - a�',U ­:�'T 4`1�'V'-- i: 'It E , ��p tt'.IrIt, V%"v � I : 00", LOGUL� do Va!'tampt, E*-", ,,� - I �P�I,-t �'.!, - �c t1wh- .- I -_ � ­ _. t� , .:t -tv - or Eta MI,v to � ,:�I-Lg," . I - Mq t i Ju ji - I , Dvt Mafl(,,��, Ictro4e-, t ... i"* Q.,Zt tk- &n. J�tsi 4triparEV-11 � &amtint­�; ND'4�4,1'1; T cVP.c,1!-dv% nn'B *0­1� c.,4 I"In. "'�,Vuj ol�(L,tlth Du , � "A ,,t tt �! ;*Lj-_ Z� I v. .1 �a I V '4 t4 � ,a , .rt,., t­,','i,,­ ,,, :,;­,:b� I t_ �3t wlv�0*3 _- t'P:�.0 Ic V ,I; ' "! �_ � '�d"` - ' I It' A' t � -!'.� - - .. I , -.I I, � 'I ,_"-!I � .�_I'�_ - - � 1 `Mt4 V.r�al.,U;;; to ��TMMV .4,511'r r,�""� I 0�4,,)V,l ,* 11 �� I".- Z -,�',,&,� , , - __ " ! 1111 - 111.i�,, S��'V'��Df . I I � qt, , - ., - , " . . . I 3 _�v li,i";v it' .�-- t�l 1 V.7141 N,1100�n,A fny,nn .11MV 41vaer NIM of Raig �, totaIN, tan -114 aftE. Lt-tt"T % t4l nT L,�-.a�w " �,' ,.,4*' t!,.:�, IM.V-31�e 2-0�.L.`,t 7,-, Z Iq � .a 191"n'l,; V . jr4 ".a , I - , . . - __1. , _ � 1�_ L�. � � TJ,Z� , I � U1,-11 JL�tl, IS .2� I,', - 1, w - -, - ­ . ;Ir X - . T - - _ � .. 1. , . o", " -, t�,Lo . 1- ". ,_ . _ _-J,-. o tr�,,,,�­) "s.l. ",!, '. �, , btqrh�, ute-Te-'51,VlZ WIN: cia,=J)*�,�',-d and I! (in Va!,,n�t,*,aJti Ogg D uT V,, , alwo!4 Armrl.. - I ,. vv�. " -, t� . . . 41 � . � ,� . 't :,�,­ -'a b.v-� _. _�' u V,11 , -�:,q. ! - I I , W, CIS_4�­a #31 - , _. t "iLl"US �_-t-,,,m.:I]_,7 a 1_,Si,"b� t: g, _ 4 I - -4 13 , ta_e , utie N� - ;. E I �I r � - " �I.��, ��D t�.",�? ki �IDLM , Cetotltolwfl, M J 1i &; thv5r, i-;,4,phM1. Th". IP 9. IN I I - 4 - �,,, I 1,�) LT� rvizuvlian��, , � Tev.- C 1I 4�i 411 , It P,., � .J`-�,:, �,;� -6, I . r m4a-'at- ,V; ­v,, I ��-br�!_,r.,E t-Ilo, S --A, , I I V.,qlr�j _4 IIL�,, a hyowka. � �o Qr'11.7 ('��,�ii,6 -,,,I 4 . I . _,_­_­­­_.___ ­ I- , el ,�xon� -4qy"411 Ut a,, ­ '.O'v I�,�,l7,3,., t", st-M...'.2 cny C�,!-- �,.-,O_�b"o I , _�!"Fqu�uet`-)�� qvr _" tiqI," - Qij�-(,P'f 91113'. '4 1101 9-Af- !, �L[,.wl d r "I it iL­11 ,`�,,­I� -�t,V-4, fj­.�-AtI:= , Ili-=rf,��, tl�,-Y v�cnm Ett�_13t:� IwZut rviln MD 'CIr 1_, * rowl, �,'),..*.Mlfly 1! Itot s2ivar, ur_i�XVV ('�� pr� J�*s p:&- I! E,vi Me, _.-­��, ­�I-:�ff �.l - , - , - - I , rn .. - - � 'I . 14 . iloon lot- ��'.VaD�f��r 4tc ,Ij., _,-, � t � - -�:Vtu�t- -wr�n , -, _ ", "I., 1.0cle, It'llith t1w &,­" III -e05rn[lV,; I ON, 5,I-tE ra" '� " , j *.,;"q J�,l,;,,, � r-ne"�Jr­Wao E I! aomt1m,mai. f . .1 ,. , lo&e 0 .1, _f . � ;_ , I �A,, " I. ,I, m " M-, " III, tT&lg0l!--4 . ,4,0. ,aly ­*_ZLI.�� 1� - to 11 Ov�,,�";7 b .I] V�f. a ,.E6� -,,�Ptkxe, , `�v-�n the 0.hots 0 , 'aI a.'# 1, �'!," - - III, � � 0. - -7. 1:� I, �! 1 -tov=,4 Is la,-Ii� 0 �,,�_,t­,L, "'n Clik, - � 1;,o­"�,�64 td tis 1) . I Cant LqO­ vt� V� lm�l rM-M'l nnEl"att vi iv.v 1'.�-.a 5ra 1 _F ", .: I". -j-.Ii;. n�atl 1010­r:�_11 I L"'. .n��t- .4 'I .1 , to be 5r - 0. - - ii W -Y t I" - t , . j ll...� .. - . ,v - I napk�­ "' ,,�41: tat t!�e 'eleav,"'. h.. llp-il'i"J.1 StIfl, �1, Uaef b".I'bfihn7ri�_k, or ill tv�e .1�. � ,�I�v vw'.'i, lis:f? of ,Ieraey. r I "r lars,tft��r 11%ed " az� �;�w2gt t_`_�?' 110 r,:.Lr,�w If ell - ridg1ht ,I - .eath to a ^-�Kva 1p,,nzwj� _�1, �, 4 , W-�-.,nrc "Aa hJq stall. nm�"f - _� P-41MY", 'L I!,! '2yjwl. , 1*�SOTD-.`��ivt`.an tT.- - -1 aft"j, 80111,y � tpnlpt to excellit'y ruls; pvq�'-'�:L Net';. -Z �� Z;" v�.4v*g:41. lm-li�'tr F-,.g-JD"&7 4.,V,�,.�',t ,,,:�4, 1111Z.k.e al -Ed. a �­g i ­..: %t 0"o,'- " - --, - " a eqy.q,,�'f� ,YT totrfl�;" (fG161 ., EA�A � Il '! I§"J­,F L- e .au�l �",�,tll�' (tlI'%"JU . - . �_ an - -t]ra-e ��.�-� ,V,;1.,qVZ,N!11, MMEIE t5U--,-`4 OFAILIF-5.4 all , _I ea.lal - %-'t1.:-. tt.rf." tmn-�ngszu'ojn O4 t1in �, � -- - -, �.� dRte, is ll�.,A t�v tiI!,EODR5-r��,­,v,! !�,, �-Jr. ., ­ -IF e W-L"Llt, M"'ili ,=I? ,,1"a -;VaN� &V %�, ,�,Y,gklt C�3�v 3 &,jtt. . _ .0Tl;IY, , ., . , Wh ,-.L %. � ra. 'd, -1 A)Uz��,_ Q#Vana wv,v- �:;;i,��-t,-. ii,, - - rw! V'R., T- ..4 , a I, 4- , , � 90ther fraH 'QUe �. 11��n _t d I - evu- *,r_,o7.'MAn'aU. IV?.; t-�-Zg .91'r 0 VE, . ,� , ` - ...'�? - . Ifledgiv,hoIg. 1,nkc-'5 �J� ,I, 1",.L'y &'o -n. 11 1�, . , VTR�--T�Z�;.O,�. . _117110314: .-,,-.,,I ,,1PPV_-,,;v7r,,,,,,,1, a &=9H mair;�m �,, cop"p, bjv�, tl,�,p . . tormng"q'A, 'it ba ­k ,r�nriiiil�%c-i. Val� �t � , �4�.5�0 wa-,q .1 kL,rg,- vil.j- I Me trommuftit'v. is a dr, � f,;V­,-Ur,- F,w.,_�It,t iI­'rdt7_ ; ,.,� - _ L - -:Q-U .11110" 11 _4"iiv \&��g,.-alt, �,iLi, s-ziallie n;,),dV. " 11:g, .-A-?t, got, any eean sa_ at* . � - .. � . Va Cc� re R 141 tl.4p &� 14i �, SPI, and .- V. I` RVI j� V V_tfrl 4 -:' .wr qa_ll�,. &,,,� 4 - . , .. . %' .II-,.-j%-gt oT U,,-- se.Io:,ft va=- ­�v,j qjr,,, . �.-4 9 - 4. -r Za . , -1. , :,--4 , ' 1� V" ,, ., .re . t'llE.r; foglt'"�'J?'C4­'� _J)�"'� .T �' �:�Y whi; , Ate 4 thf�r�? Wer , . � ji�� � -9- iche 14-�,.,aan `-,, vi, - , - __ � 1U - , ., � I �, lf,:,*�­,.�,,7. 'I Wi­ � ­_ ,:--. ,1=!? -.,11 - � _;1 L I'm "t N qlntique lamp ihlia��,i��I. 01-C tween Eger 'eaptZkon nmd C-V'11r, '491 E " T'as o,-C,VlIlJYI!I '.,�.'Z ""I - " Zl�'gottjer �k , A ­.t - _fltte � ttv, �.-,.V-Al- - _'t '�'.. I , ., - � ' ,Z,IS'� OS -,., � Q bilLi",'��'! - .. I- j 1. - - -r- - I - , 7 _TpY,.r `4 It� �� ­,..,­11,4�14 ­­ -:a V:.- g47, wl,o Sat 11 VI.az ,-ilkl' lltzz�-d W�t"!� Ln -t_ . , U,e tnd'�Ay-;Ni�ei-Od wafll TIE'L 1� Ote la -St tlik"OF)�'Po Z�111 it Al- ItVibl­t_� V`7'Zzt4Y&�_ IGT ",e p_UV�e� _#V'�.I _� ;"I r' .' �� ­' ' bigttf.�. 11,1 meAN V q1. ­A.( -1 "N", tl--- a.!e3iglrvr�at- - �. . I 11 � �� I . , -;c ­` : 1 1 �4 � ,� ­;.. . I. . ZZ V� .74�r,al,� �411ne 11 ivwZktal, tk.,,, IZA#11trz� lula 'Wo"11.1 81_lw� , �n S, f�,.,.,-. aVL4 ViN I , � 7", � .. tfv.le�s %uori­ "q"2 Mcquaraps. " , I, Zg . � trAe'-, V�' , - , , 9 'S" vgr�!J: �s V�I.Qdl� o� Nin, Ws V4 -!V, g tv 47 � '.3 .atl I , I 1i Mao � �4 %'it"'. n Ut�.� - sarit. This i.4 .not ­ , � Col- , , . " I 'W%'CLI , -,- r, 14-"o .. . - . - =.�. ,-, �Yn-, V . - ar_i ail'i 1,1 .�­,n Qliug: h w. I la(u I rilX'. �; nNMtA1Y,-.Q 071etilr ,� - - � `1�1 - '_ � - jor�,L - ,.,.,t�� ' " 4�*L�,* 41t.l," W�- `­ -, a ra;,E, . �,,, f t vr -- - � -1 -!,.,.lu-�, m base a -'rl"4. 1 -p,.., , ,�q,,j ;,7 _.,,. - -w �J �C­�� � . , Le :;-n..Evr� t , __d o -q,. 7 , ,­,, , a � - � , ('0=41 to V, " � , I X ,,u It - . ,g "�.� . �,%�J_t, ,Z,,,�_ , . 'Is a I , "I ,� " _,,� laatten,�,* of BAY1. 1, , ,I of %nlp*o�z�'4* 5eynt, .. Tov Nfirt'Tirall, wt no nitring w., 'er � "turNei r -.1!z yf�, �AtvElll.� IV,- 1�. - - C,�:o,1511"i:t � �'-,' to -, 4 -12' V, -'e (4)aR.a 07 W�t we had � � III � .1.1', M,T.at;�wd. 1 b, sund-_,r, if.w�­,,, 7. wo ' I 11 ., .mancd. "No,t -do��Y' was t��V.erio- - . - - -- , , , q� J V. - i­d"t. h. ,-I,qusa . " ;all. kad vr.T,1g-nt ImInIkv rj-.z,-Ie Vagce runt,=-,; of �E"-:, V;�s,64,)" - - . ,�lll,lr,, t!� lzt-- we �ztnint_l rc.- I r-3eei r-� -!r, �,- t�r-r Vat,* w -ort of snVP]­ i C, pr A ��"T.erry ervt_4 R� 1- ; '- � � . tnll-, 1-4 ftj i��,-O_,_�W,Vral al'A C-PIrl"taal dl�t&'Sir,, , ajujo­g th" tolt-Ist IVO)EtI.-, nwi,v roygv�, I ; ,r,i �4 ram* tt,l- V,Ii!�-nL1.Zw,_,, - "N""I i, `t3nan% 11int -,vtat ,,.4�-n-��,� T, -,L,-4 ea2 T_N_1� .41 r'.. ,, � f, . - .-j- -- -- -A t!..�ere�*q,tre� I a, I sn',p"�r,,t4, ol Um--. two ,M. ." &Mltl fo�' .4F4�,.VM1, ;�. I , . '"OP I ,� '. I , Te "'. r�. � . - I'- -I - - vver,s: t TJ_ '; . , t, � _ ,, � V -1:i4 mt. -,2 CII � #to . j .1 _ .9 ,�V! Lg,�r "�'tEe,__E tj It ­.�. - -, -�Vrq, , al , alft, V�Iam,1, V­Igs V..e ex veto plavvj 11 VgA, tk­r,� '%V�1-3 WO ��,zir anv�n,­_ Viera Y T;=', to.- lkq, pl.g".�"... ,"f I'; .. 1. I� 2,,��-.L _ � V_- - �1_1 0 w,,owtn'. , I " ".. , ­ . 1. _ , A ­ - , .I:-;- t " Zg I� A - - I _ , , ­ - � t1 -0 - . `lb ft.Z,-"=_"�1ar to tlu- gz�qnt' *4 Of 1� V*nat tk!� sialtv 'V,4t9 rio -0 tED.;. *1'4�.. I .,;�tuart, uvyn thp III: _ ­ C.2", n7A `�� w.�511,.=_4 t.,2a'-1L,,JglC, 2,j'd mrot tl'.f !'4j� I, -it. _% 0 - - . . . �,:, .. 1. It jj.�_-13') I"; grj,�g 4��.� lgy_,D!,��,. ,,, t� V-.��, Z-, II; , ,�ir.­ Z'04tt"'ni �21 - � * 414 -1 a'. 1-1 d in ah�yanc� for --aMPL '�� evl- ,­ -� I I -1 , . -.,,-T,:-��. I - ' a -1 - - - b tor U..'a r,E:,;,�"Z,! VvT t�.p I,, - - - r ll -IT, ana, d gglg IV A a*nn-y rvM b:l ­ U! ,,� & .I!:4 !� P:�. 1"'j -'I" � ,, [ %, -a c'.4all 1, -,E!S e�,,`.-IMZA : CL -I f'��!Mllv " _-M` ,,� M,213' 1%2,14ur n;; f i IA ,Kltreters ns,i _ . Y t\:.:-q'1,F *" , tl� , t" E`&Und : cl -, 'it -. � 4 'L��t,4 (h-It.C:Zg,_--t . 11 � J� ,�,wl, 0P -.n-,.1* rrogagi at_=.. 11 geml tmaos,wa 1 u.i- Unriv wal naz r�PN i - , "It" at ,an%- 44igl�u 7-_�, 71" h=v,2A Lln t';�I- s`,_,-,lpL-- -_­.� J� :, " 1 tzl(D6 c ,,- E t� 1 �011.4 V� a .-mil - . - .� :�=;-:�Zat-�l , ,, I irgans'-h VL'-�I,n .-: 111'21,- C.LiTd ;"' -X;t VC�lg S I . r �i ,�:­ � kX,i? vvqTao zl_kF�1: tai� �,awn ri­ Q.pTtan !f-ok 4!")"n fr'n'm � . " -, ­ _o,wef. Dj4", -- I a: A -1E.--' ,�l -aV ciam, mur-1- ,I PZ1TP,V-f1,I, t*�ti�' 0"0=1 In t,05�Teyg�'ZTJ tr, , �I� I " 11 4,11,�, �,Illl,_.," tq fd�� W_IW,�,�-- ,. - . . I A Um -, h- -a, , From I I . - _­ . !! tk-4tgalr%au nq rli V. . � -.I e4 L , "I �i-k g � " tA - . tla,� w -"I O."a iitl t1,I N-a�4t q',r')-n*P1ea,nn9 cza *'Zilly, V,-1,tJg ol!g hr,cwl, JU � ... in ,r,J,&r to II I -I*- -, , a ,I, T " I,:! - , -;I .4 V;�a:e %-I'Ma. *,W, F -alt. t E12�t4 a f,-,�.Iclk,4 V�a1-� . tt,o s-­n,�n,, grlatft . . ' - Il - 1J M,v to­gr�e S.vMalt i -!l Ilk% Vn_ , - Xf,,at t,�am IL,.[-,* - ;.r­;,pj��0,1'ra .�L , I ,_­,,�-,V� --, MI.r _%; t!.1,a t�'L,,[�:�I , _9 V,- E� .,�_!r._ =, , - , , ,B ii��It, tac n, U_1�1 X1 _ T, .:Za 1311; ,61 Vj,_­,, o��k-eto wU*­rU EMI #11� Ol'I"'On- t4o t',U,agproal!E�� hN _-<e,_xuplile,�s itaren- r�, n,.m,,P. altal rl" 1='M�Znt 157a t`.- ", , ,,, - , � .g , �;� � - 11 "' i� ell I -'a -a un-. t-11--t-M �, - - V - . ill .. �i 'em st-,-Ate cq�r tll-`r,,� , _ ,Z.2� ff"=,4 - _ - ; I 11 :I. , jy,- T�L��- — � ...# I , Vret d:gr'�q . -3 I - 4- - 'art, �nn.tl vzas OT ro J1 1&JV�gZ`r t1tel? JS_JJ�C4k�S.4. -:o, E',7 , ', "" - , -- - 14tlI -v -- t,�J�� E7s 7,_�_,;�d Talem I � 11 � 113� 2?1* na 1��. mA t_ -'I � I all -F il)-�,= 4"I n iz, tne L13 Wd ,I ,s, -i ,v4t" a tt: 2. in A,e -AU - - _'. vpele�2!Vy ,E-,� t2br,e za� t�', v- OF t7 ­at 'I .- -:,:i. _ i , * I.. , . JI W_ -Al - 4 2, �L­ " _ r '41 -a - -- - � - , -­ I ­ - ��,.gp ,,I, 7,d - :- a -Z4,,S;V - * i� ­ '.. to ko,= rJ.!-h . �-:,-A,­ b � thin 'wro put 1170-D., I.L,- tlralthln-r I;a shou'd ll��ar OF ri,�Enl "Se') ,J "I 1.0 I— Prior C,L- to r'niW, , .- � - .%I- Wl�lt, M�, - ot - - - ,. k�, r CM,.tl. Jr .. _. - - . . . 4 � 3 - I .. �4. - I., %:a& " 'i- t1ligle. - � ; , _N �, *, dzyw ,n� 5 - S�,�Y t:�'4d" 0m, 4 l -,,t ,.',:--,n,4 Ut "50 a4s to eitC12 tile 11 atoaod the% pem,to Only in a leortain 1�1, to Ea,; e a n,yr I-,: f� nm �,� to 3 0 1-Z, �,� ., - et. 4,wz_,"�-�,� J " 41-- Zala r .Y zva-.. I :: The stee. , .1 -- I V ,� TV­m`�,!-c mlllnaar '_ - , �"_, L" _ � - � !0:;Z-, L-0_10��­-- T,�'-, WL"2n Nn4. J. wag "' L 07 '-Ill- ;-'Ma-'p, he ',�P�ne,l 1, 1eVent-V7E:_-m be s1twn,"d neea the gdUd ii lnu leg- E-, -L9 ow . . vf,r,4 _� ,.11�1 4i,_'Y'1'-'1;5-,aT.4), 11 ",4v *L,�,�� I.V' '41 q-�"7-- �. 11.­L,p1_`;_,a__at VtYl��!' � -" �1 a'�� n or anl_'I�.- ,-an a,:��­­ 9 011 I nna", & - " voln""14,11S U,�t - t,:�-anlli�; 'rels, ,.�,., 'Cl:= -z' ta"Ak� nalt It, =,:, -�c-_24t-_l fluaL,1211y upon lt.e Enter- � am"d Jewol'.I., =4 -VL_�,M, lie Won".E b -:Ing. ',!, nnntp N'n tm�..at 51m, 1 V'V�, ­; b � �, ] _� t -d , ­ w, -1 _r - � ­., . � # - � tlic n%e,t i h_� I -v _'-;,,,,::�4V tm.aa�:. IT' " &­. A im , It ,4,x,talne q a, fait �%A,as-talw 1J. or iser'd '21M the Qa,E.e-n'1;s le, _, ,, Uaroul 7w, 14"ar, 'ryl ME., ­�, , , K 4.1 ,(k� 1, �, � '. �­ z " " 3a 'n . �. 4 .1. , __ �., .. 1� ESP '3 - . UA iclr. - Akwn. 11 C4­7:ul 'or ltl­�, sh.'P, 1'ri-I t�� - �a­­ - vleR""J,"; fF -a,' IIi vie W _r, I I w,xt ,T-nv �,, I D " Ito" Ir- - , 4 . - I ­ , � .T, , - .-I.,;., �­-tt .r. 1, � , _-Al : a � lelp P.-,tio,ri�46i,th,zar�.1r.�illi-Leer, 5�01!1 0ml rl,.te araE:a mr-tters at (J"171ta - rna,!Za 11):.. th'a VirzfIr ri !)W 7,`% �e :,. . - � , - 1, 11 - - � ., f % W14'...�:,_- �_,Zn% , 4-­� . ..... �a. gr-��4�-, has* .1211 , I. -, - - .-.�r . .. � . ­­ "'o I ."-.- ,,­�.,iI -��atln;::� 11I - To .�M to q ­'.., I, - I ra a or - r, , 1� ,, ,� . ­ - r, eownmwny 2_,�S ;`*, .,.' , l, 12 7,*,, _%�iZ r,,, _ ,C,7, I" *Ivf_W� .-�Uv, lia,lve* ,V�'.il, , n7 ra-a,t. "4� ovea,? - r Ortell'.Y he=t- -i-oblun natu tG 4L;tuarib tht, Peuo-' r�ncar;.,O`= a,,:sv.7,r-z,;. Uzon. ' , .1� . , __ ,*I,:! 1 _ � �. I. , . 'N" ,� ... � %V111 � .i,'. - . t ,,.+, 3� 4 .0,-.,7 �r,rin _V4�rkl � --11'I --L, -:0,:t U . 't, -1 sup -ply t4 " -, . E?�, - -'a fr,n . W��Vi� G;O;" 4� ,L)", t�f fc�j�� �eo`=0 unex- E Ud Ills leolaininni;tY. Tfti� t�,Ii�<,.-�rl-­.-� ,I zot fTZ-.1,-..,.­r S�gm,,. ,,:, : ,� r, ql;,�,F '-L ­ " .'e-mar%em. `n , � ".". 7L -Z t� ­v`k* --.o Ir",%:. �r VE61,1� _,t:,Z, ,:, "L- � --- L ,S.r � ,Z=��It '7�A� " un.'", lab! oiq It 'VIV2 a un --31-1 W 03,14,;,", r,-, i I. " � .10. T a ..d. ��-!L,j � 4�"A'A, " vlzo 1.ar1y to ' f%.', �,��',' E,'greo,_I;nNSS, ;t'- 0--Ic WUY- ! (Inrlic and e -vii day_; widall haA W-- 7 101B,- ai�*r ?�-:- V-3 s7,�,- fi - q- , ,_ ,I �� __ 11 *%Or%--.ZY, "r,;; -;-?_.:4 h,i1.,,,::��.tz.­.t1-,-,. It �,B_,�aL '� 1"." - JC*�,;L:.:� �.-­?, ft*. n n., Vvils "Di" . , ,I- - . , - . �, I '. .:11�1 - ult�te -,!N,,;nrI- fa�lpn go mar;Y. bnt kad spltrz-�g t"AAM �, 1xxt-,!.,i, ,vvN1'-. fl;rin� for !,�r.- � - " , ..A. .11 -I- I, ,-,"Tti, mn" &,.4� 'e -M." . 'fl 4 , 'I " , ' - i , 'hn�� * . , . 6 ': . I - .. — ",r,. .� �7"�V'; .11 , 1- w I '- - � L - *;* : '? � Ce _ _ _tl .� ,V" , - - VV ' , "' " ", -'k�� '6: � t ­�� skn"d ',.-�� -Lri*_�t-er, Willa so=e 11C - - I 111,� -Mquaty at,." - 'd 0), 2.J�` " . � . � , . ,;�p ,�tt,��n, IN .. t1, , . �t � I., ,�, . gte W;r -_# � � h, - I zz_ _ _ . - . .rL- _r - '-& -r� *�`S , I- _'d __M : . , � -r- �­; 1-J! I � i,.-,' ,�� , 1�%t Vrf� � I � - nsn;-Oe,�" _ �f,f,,Nl L,I -. rc - ar' M lOngl CAMe Uj,-�Al Zl.'. r10 - it _1 - . � � laadf� .,! vra .V, . m,L - - p _*nd_--ee_-.1 -rez1_;Li,'.In_- W.1 it, ,t'_1CiZt!e3 -atti:it ly nwa:--' ;�i�riaurir;,Z. 11 L40 I n,..., a- - - �� Ir - _.�__ L � V,�rluautli t., � w :,., V. -,211 -Lw­.��, hilil . . . ­ , rd-Dapaty Itad hpar;i of WIF, rr-Ila, J tte 0";Z:17r;-,- ad Sl.p*;:;Z .S.; #.- 4 'I flavored w7th r, -i " ) k-, V" i �;T.q 4Z Savory st--'_�V,l U, tL:� tnz?ar fu�mts I . - 1, �1,�;t ,-�^ a-0 r,ow him. God forgiva'i at last, al:d dt--piw th? remot:MeSS, ! nwi T_t--*3.y w' -.&,TB ,wer,? dal;.-" n'n�r ',..' - E r1A.-naviall Imek. It 11 I ILI� W i7 � ,I C"; t I i. . ,-, n p.pe-ful"U." . . � ' ' -i a KV ­,�­'O-L - � .. _I 'e- � iii -a -pe wit'll It � raubayb, or-o',,PP-111-19. irls root, ver I, ,i,l Zf'� ., . 1',L', wlt'd_�4WZt =ZN.�- ad4y, J�r,j�� ,fapp-._�Pjll yw,' 1-1 �-Z r'-, a t , , t' t1J,* ob!;"na.1tL-t.r Of ti -.4e P".t(,_e, 11'1+ t� lan; hq M14 --d 1L.1 4 " j;., . � 7- S , . "' � p! - � -1 .;oild­�g !101V��$ wt..,�J� E 75 - --.-I-, . 9 aW qnd-hmrIM2� d"fetia; :--Aln pasq - ,L, c_­,ravaury, elananalli, lekler- I AIW -.4", %% 1. � ___ I terrultied t6 -root, v,uV' tha monk:-% : it,: -Ar, In linDli't, In the .snne'.­_-"-': . .:- f.,ol�-,pri;. -gerinantler and sugar. Truly, ;-,.-a.- 1 CoN no'. I;;;ri­1acv.:V. I , , Sh3t sxare6 W` Lar 01ork J ."::� L ,Ruolh proceeding.4 as hall pr.�%-!,�zi,'.y i rekctwry. Ills eNm I,Teifla ,-or,Ip_,Y,r...d : Thal. rnorU,nq wo b�.­ "I � ,X -It Wit COXINTER ill. r . 111p, � .xd llnex4 "' I -­ ir I gum waq �., � � t, '-'; ,, ` �k: - . QZ�01 I !�', iffim �: . ta -1 itxe. �1 i %.v'el; � ga In � _. '.." - ,, 4) N.-ne !,�,"m-;;; e -I S- �a, t i -, . stgv wAs Md 62 vile mok-raing bepa taken agalngt other ir i�)n't-se...-,I �- 1,-_4 g varb"Fug tl� at h -� h,14 Vg.-,, -t ., '.. -�' -. - ` !1 W""r, � 1�."Qt�_ZV �IjLe_ b. r -, I .. . . My WlfNe'S ior M L ,;' I 'r ' - - .Z rol ,O'�llIl . "�,l - - I bf ij;,�. AT",;-, voken, Louis de Val- lrwzt�t% so CO:,..%-.&-u01_,s1-- Vvell-Attrato'Ld �1 i�";IsZelt '--,. .�' Ili 'Ygaur"z' us t1ley lalftke U�, , ,*. a jw-nn 4-11 i"Our. , a, ,,L,' It, a, or the ., X IF zc. 1, I- On a . _. L. I_1'1�­t'g' f .r�,-' F m -I,11 *,T�1?, puillp 1,1114 kP6 .., - .. ­ - R � " Tr.. ,I - -% * In '111orn thtly 11 0 "!'Z 0,, , �Z-,-C, - t�)' , I I 'L .k ,%r, .' . 't 4��-b sall f the eaAeltern Virat. the�y courd not Igo- ow,rllaliked.�! wit'n--n an -3 ­_ I � . 41 I " ned Iac in Inst"11- 11'.19 waz too nfiuc�:,l 'for m,rl ray., rom TV:t1!..-1lt the com. , .� .*:I A . Tc- , cl,�:, WMN� Oil : I , , ' I,., t4,��,t.j ,,;,. , t1i - - harlow-, aftL'r a. grave leave-taking vvere nov7 Irit in eximation ngaill-It K11- � 'mr-ich he land n�vt pr,�%Vlous - .rl-j­ ta:ltiP. a tLIA rllad,� frOl Mi 41, ,,�o Wit - I focb-arar-e-, of my bat4er halt. - I,.: q., -.,_%%'I' r.q,�lve .,qI.-I�,4 ol�� lj�j,:y. Tlw kbys- ,� ni,,at- . . Wit'- U ­ �e, I --A a;� f -f -12t. oklc,�1.. One eg,_­ , di�x+-�_�J C mt ba.-rowAng was a I _ ht4 bMther. From out the rerran Abb,,.Iy ; And tblij- monk_-; wore .1zo, 'Convinve-3 wa�; 11 -roll -f. . ,­­, . ,. ­�7. t. ,ir _,t�,n- slittaus in.'tkP .'a tea fireM, the left g 1 "Mr.,11- � ,-`�', - - : two oggxg at, �an�a t. ttrA -, , ,e�ri!_,-�r__ of the 61d abbay, BroMer I in Call.v drt-ad =0 da"I"g.:xr of 1�"Lng ex- over whom . r ,c?,�r, 2_�N (,,r:�a At' t.-, .- ok�;t,,Illc a -,,t 0, shiyald U�Yt, 1:� ,$-ne, " , a s, -cl a.; strol. , I ­ I . ril'in - ?� . - - '. - ag,e.. IM� ar" I�w n02__,"-Ltm,7 't 10L)TV, tile pell,ed from the eltitItc-r:ait vrigl;f� 04- ing !r!hlec?:� ,or n;'-proac,"'" .- L Cyr, . A on VIA falee OF _� ,­ .-,.,I­� of q�ltllz *,,ha". wll*. h lu qg , " - � , 'L " %.!­ qtul�W',.e;,.--�All .u�F , I , IsWers. ej�l,e:l O.Milrl, I g,;vf_1,;:, illn,ing on ths� strala- ,event M.eir r"Inote llweiliaggq-v,av,�. .,*w.a,- rni_V41y a.qEr_rnPfI o,ower. '.1 -az �'.s StIM1111V X ri- ­1�1111 ! a*1 Our 1. ,Z,-!,r.� I � I ,�'. . I- , -, , h,�-,. ,�.,r,i,m 1 W-1.14 foreed to re�_ - .. - FeDWe power III 3 + "!��'llri �,C�.:l wi-ij.,z] Il"id b:lfitllell him, and y1alding timid .souls anitmg the commanIty of lurotn", ri.,), lfrl�zpr liw-�, that "., ZIP- 3;;- - - " ­Q� " Q ­a _J,_F r -I-,-, - � � ..-Y A � . � W ons. J t*"I- 'z­�?',." hand":-. lut it-VII.P'l 11, . nanl-,�. vv�� 1mve h�mrd I I to i,,* -L;; pre-spratini--nt that evil Was thom r.rlari; rr�w_,Ilers r.,mar,3eti tbe queat4,4 the Pr.or to porni!t, ti- I v --I- ­.;:n­­li4-.7Y. Th.,�11,�Cf­�-tb, Jor sevi-ral ,-.!.1b-S!ea,1 -,-.1, .CAOLO ltdxllng . .. )11 of - - � " , A . I ; - .. w4 r �a ".4 tl�e 'C'ni, ef,untry In. tile � ., , -A 1111 I .­. f� r, i I pulnp. 1 t�,,,, to �,,;lw, or his brother's ,entorptise, trials wnleh thnaatz la,�I tl - .-I with ,1�- o4wa­; a vw", .7111 r .. ­ - 11 -r %W' 1V*,Mt1..I tilin, . T, nca�"­N,CiAe,-.d11­, as l%ly V ' ' ' ' ?-,", wo-.W w!!"; -ft r."ver p-.1ts a wornan In hi:, y -*. v ' `111v* � �� I a�c) 11�- gaze I, th I fact-ot. the heav- mc -.4t, womanly terror, bat I IA of Th�lr h*nn. wl!;s��ll Nvac:I aral_­t�,fl. wero A�ec%rdi-d : %v. -,.q vnttar!�,', 10t�� -­ A, -krk ' I " * prls;oll. IlT;,;.c.,ad of giving- the female i 11-al('v 'ZI-d th, am, V,- �, plint's tt��a VI -9 -&lf,c.�Ii�.11, And the ro.zeate clonds number were th-) Prior anil Prothr�r I NN, I t 1. I th- Fw,;,41 cof ppr­­it'.-�n � if it I -i- t' � '� - ::.. erituirril SO, n!"Ill.v llraltLs In 1111 she tit, I)-!. 11�: gn�k I .- ai,,z�,, for .1 i rief '.' sn.u",.-, Ciat sle� .;vas C,Jyrry V, jL� m,,j to, Mva to be driven Across CyprIall. In the fr,�quent kxxlf,�-rener.%- ara'aig ovor thelr h -.-:H-. th ,�� _ , - I �, _.. 1-aek�Xt -ma:, Itave t1la, t�J�lr_,�*g 'C.7&�_� q ­­ - tte N -risz-airt, V,,nd -!, to -N- -- -�, W%N.lt . Mel . ' ' I -_z. t, , nift ,r how terr; it- is I I It, , ­ ­ ' - ­ ,it; xt. docr." 4 for, ns tile., nAgli1o7a Wk�r�.rll �1* �1:itll a fieree, sweeping motion, re rreet!ng wi7at. must be ,donlq. if tlik, of M'fi,:,ran ti.,�sen-,N.��l f.,r C.e f-! - - _�� ' - ' '� r4 �' W" OF — [UPPOSED ANCI7ENG � T _S T:r To THROW I �, _ .� _, _ _ , ? , . , , ,� ,I�, , _.. _�_7.",:, 7""_" "�_, _ _ � � � � I I I I I I I 11 � I! if , I 1i � I � I It. ,,z V�rrlb'P storm spirit w,r-re, Lord-Peputy g.laoald corkw to 1,.arry a9:1 tion of tho req;i!4­n. Ti:f'Or 11-na'%, &r .r:,; ­r,1. t.,� t%,,,!�� or other of tho t , .. - - Otc.- - --t rid or tl'P' ing- W,cl w -re, toa . , , " as -VjI-Ll.j.�J f,J.- tl',,' PU.rpo:�e 1�1 th: inc.-or. 'tv�� _. ,� , , . . � - f,��,iivc­l­ .4 4:� . - el -apt." wao, Inln--. thil�,.:, une �;'- '. . -v,I itf­ iur:r , tb(, time ftir frateh: �­ Im !I' - o..'�-,.. :,;v� Vve W+,7e a%v 3 v - 7 lab lnad:4 in I- irAY-1, ali'l 7 re,� In pur.,r,ilt. of thzIm. Even in illose drive tb,*-.Ii out, tho .�;11111-�-�, of tl�I,l i "' I - � , I paar � ' -jr:il r,�­,%r � a I A 1*1110te VY11,10 the phase which tre&niro intrusted to Lro7U,i,r cyr-i nitar wast drapod In WaI.--'* . . .-A tj,o pt d - _,_ I *u i - .I ' ", a t - , f � ,;. - 1,,, pk,­ I wh,',h �4h., `�; .­r.tfit�-,�J. Th,p ,convent fro -m. c�Lne-th`rty zntli 'Ato ,it 0, t.�i,top titntrAL'; ..JtV 'Cost. 4 g,kag�-.,�j M to tile mariner from Finn, b,v him wh-riq,e falt- W;1-3 .111 I 4 ti. , . ' ' I 1W. . rl and th,, 1.wz.�,,I v.,im; wcl" uvke,!, '--,'w Was '! Ncv� rthewss7, I ,,am Vo:,.s-- U -a g -t -mown to Itt.ent. wwz oftnix 41<m . , 'it - - .!"-.!.,.I' � !.q nj),z, a ,-..* ,r,- prin-in in 41Isg1d,.;c-. fio ' I AD g I a,,.- I IL -,i, " 1. 1, I'- � _41I�-A shi'd. 'I wrlt�- tl,Lo. thal. wb -L I r,r,e ,,,� ., ,-I. ,�,,� l.,tra"rs d:,,rs4 of tile morn! was . 1. u: � sr'll wilt a rnory p 11 III ,aV tho - - , . � tI1 Z, j;.��rll �11�jj jr'L' ';" , g, the pcople, who dw,s,lt i '"It mrwt be- 1-.14don," Was the con- I ar"I mournful '".11.1 t�-, !-..�.lvon fi-milts ce'urtyn.rd Stand-; operk a . Proverb anl,:�'r.g ,I ,.,I ; jm.-. t1ic, ,:--lly liar to, .i�gri,,ss tolng a I :0arIn- br,*-akfa�,^ cii tb, - raoruln- v.i- ' to draw- snin,N ,%v�Llt��r Trom r4eroimi coftst, .111-1 wc-ra .i ellissloll arrIv,0 at by t!-.,:� Prl;-.r; -It I Out th'(We %;Pr,r,r.tb:.a Nv�illq. "Foe -Vo I ,�. !� I skring ift, httl,� g.1-1 Jia* ­1 119 ,-4 c,"Fl, tl,"' Vin, rmani, Imandii-a lio-,v ' by I "I � - ,IS rr_)rtress, rast . 0 10 - - I 11 'lets . t'r�-r. I MuC4 bp removel from tk,�, eellar rar- i of 13'. other Cylarian -A.� - Leftrd n -.1 41 - nut". V'11 ,, . J I '11.1ler We hn'a Piny sp,,1112 ­90,ae- AAA 1 know wl, .. .. �� fi( I� ill:,, .qynIntOm,q of weathe . " . I . inquire wu �`, f-Tempeat is coziling," isald the derneatla. the batter.,* where your tlaeft mligers, i�lth a wk,,0-_d.v and -,p other CQ,n'r,1nt4Y-` . I I � . - ,�l I . I . � . .