HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-19, Page 2______�_� I SUC.CBSFUL RAIDS . . �'? I ,� � , :., " I �11 ". 1 a , , . I 11 � .. 1, I . "I k, . - ,,, � British Surprise Boer Laager a'n-I'l, I U1, Wound and Capture. '' P E D B R I T E'SiH, "O of a ' t"s Ilors' "' tin B � b1n A oll. � b Vw � 5 00ii 188110 "t"t,"R Ila V 0 l"lly flu"', W I- '� ,I 0 00 ' 1. tt 447 of, . 'I .III of - - Ir r ng e 0 1 UnIf lolm Ifer ma,legetel, .6 Ora S a e liable to b, Shot. - . , ___ � P oberts .... d the20,,,nj,r,,, I Town, L Th .� 01,15, r Cla�e' Oct. 1� . . Yor 11.18 ,i",,',".'.'.'.'."D',','--l'I'm from Uelieral Rob- ,,, , ,,� . that the oolonial vol. unteers Who have been on active ser- vice north of tile Orange River may return howe as Soon as possiblo after tO-InOrrow. Gone.,ral Roberts expresses the hope, bo�yever, that many of the Volunteers will remain In tile field iin- tit the termination Of tile war, and says that their leaving now Will have tile worst Possible effect, A despatch Sent from ,Alti,feking to- � day states that the Australian bush. well had all ellgagOlnent Priclay at Lio'Poort 1 two miles from Mallhaill, wit 3 roo of libers, Who for a con- lldl,!�atlfeotllne had i;�on strongly en- ' trenched In the k0Pj0s northeast of NI&Imani. ThG Dritish Joss was two w0l]Dded. The Doers left seven dead on the field . . Roberts Says the Volunteers Can All (Io Home But He Would Rathe" ,They 4NIP0 1�7�1r_�J`aljlont. I � Would Stay—Boers Found Dressed In Khaki Will be Shot—Lord ('111111 Town, Oot. 14. - Parliment Kitclgener to be Left Was prorogtied In suPrenle Command—Buller to Return H- I I Yesterday Tile Preni. Believed in London That He Has Wurned Power. MAY PUNISH MURDERERS. , jakIng C, fil ffuil�- (111ang 3 .Ills Upon thOVOITIgners III pekill-chan-ee and the, raoting-ji,el Expeditlon- TWO Clilprits the Legations'Wallt Execilted -Victory for rebels. —Ariny Of Occupation Not Much WeLicened el, pir James Gordon SPI -199, express- -Kroger Has Not,4 et ed tile 110I)e that when Parliament r "Ou'lon' Oct' 13,-ThO Times pub- I Sailed—Will Never (to Back to south assembles all bitterness wil c- Ilsheki tO-d,)Y Dil. Morrigan's mail ac - Africa.' I have Pa,ssed away and that peace and 'oullt" Of tile eVents that led lip to I good -will wift'provall, In South Africa. tile- Ficgo of Pekin. o 1, � london, Oct- 14. -The War office t - 1-1 ' 1511;rs thE t the I ,T,jr::,eo'n bl�]! Will be conrill,?d, The Dutcli I Poxem Only booame Importallt 1xi's _ ,�P has received tile following despatch )I Forty Canadians Land. ',) fter , i ressed tb(,wgvlj,e8 as stet� Quebec, Oct. :t,4,-Tlle I)OMInjoll line *ill ot ,fj., , ,,, e_V,L tht, tierm, .,cupation Of X.1au ellou V .%ble emplor . I e�t 11 tally .18 suit - Y, 'flw Chinese Were ascribing tile dls� 'row Lord Roberts, dated Pretoria, . w Yj Friday: I , be found, ai d Steamer allcGuVer arrived ,It t1W astroas d"ought and famine, . ., 1 reasonal;le, Grand Trujill Wh"IT, Lolls. at 11 otj,pr with 1 � .I 'tati�. trotiblils, to tile judgmell "The Doers have been making many prii;n4 'I'mitted tiv� friends of tile O'clock, thisrujorijilig. There Were some t of ,�On IX .), Successful raids, and are interfering _ " , lwavwl, for the usurpation of the 1 40 Callai'lat' 1'01ulltPers oil board, re- 11,111PIT-N Dow.11're.r. Site solzed upon I l,u,ni!lg fbom �k)jltjl Africa, They were tito ,,I' brgi with railway ,And telegraphic CO - Fresh i�_ pall, Ight v In 149, Y_ . a tPildor 10-NcT" lilt) N'emen t, accol-ding muticel,tIOns. The damage Is quickly Pretoria, Oct,. 3.4. -One of the, fea, Wharf to ths Queen's to repaired, tur X,rgt..tIad,dtRDmhark.:�d aix)ut_,, (.)�cj�jz�k. Dr. Xforrbson, ,Is a means of divert - 'N war wl".11 has excited Major Widg, 1119 VoPular Wrath from and severe Punishment In- I thow% Of th ory wa,% in (. herself tO , adialrado, I . I - � — SPatch to t 0 kal Anr�_,jger says th f Iojgll gt2i&S strengtl 12�31,ed owing !to. till""il�"rc-It'vot"�Illill)g Cond t1ons ons Ill th a solltll(�rll pro viii,c)es. I �"he rob ))live was6­0 10',000 ale. In tahue,jn, and are marching, j() I ward IlIjel '11fu, A despat.N111 from 11 Rely tile robols �jrijai have 'b",'�1',�n"j'o'0'atjl1g 1 61'oehulln hzIl'o been violtorlol.1s ove Admiral 11o, 17,10 was Pursuing then to tile north. He )ost 40 killed a the rebels took mally Prig; en Thirty 11 rs beaded. Chinese soldiers were be 8Ix Citjw in tile NVaechall Prefecture have been ocollpled by the rebels "I'd the Situation is serious. There 1�- -LI owing to , SO danger in Canto -a "tile depletioiji of tile garri. Son for Service elsewhere, Ll III I - - - Ing Chang Wakes Calls. Pekin, Oct, 12, Yla Tien Tsin, oat, 13N %Ind 01iani�bjjj, Oct, 14.-L! Hung , Chang begtill to I)Itlke his fornial call uPDn tile Legatiotiq to -day, This afternoon lie YlgitLid the Brit. lell a-nd -Al"e"Icall repreeentatives, (�Cn, Chaffee and Gen. Wilson assist. ell United State's -Millifiter COIlgor in receiving, Dart Li, who e.,q)ressed an.t. ,ty to Make Peace. Li liling 011ting JL all(' PrIll"O Ching will Shortly addr,_�.js ,1 ,lot t� tile foreign Alitilsi,ors, t1sk. ,,,,,, tie It 'a� . nleetbIg be held for tile Purpose of beginning the negotla- tiOns for peace. Ile expressed .1 pre. ference . for the Tisung I! yawen Its a meeting Place. It it, 6tated that owing 1*0 foreign objections yun��' Lit 11118 Ivilhdrawn From tll,,l 'post U�r peace co"HuNsioner LI llungr C,Ijang ' 0 ' ';Prf'ss(1S doubt as t0 the alltll(�Iitieity Of ilia decree ballishing Prince Tuall, _ � - .. ­­_ . I 0 WK COX, I - 11 5, 1) a 11 61S THEITS r _—, , 9 I Schreiber Gave Mrs. Hart . $60)000 Jewels, 2 HER IIALATIAL QUARTERS. ­_ i�' � :" '91"llet $IV),000 to lrur,l,i, Her Flat— , ,�,� Horses, CarrIjAge, si V,fe,-r;.ett1ng,;": �. . oil Frize Fights -A Vej,7 5111(1, , : �, Mangered 1'tOgsle-Woxnan Des"." I Pised Man, . I vNew Tork, ort, 13.-I)eteativos and �' dePuty kheriffs YORterelay traced the,,, 1111th of 11,1111am 80hrelber, tile de�� faulting bank clerk Of Elizabothport: �� N, 'T., through tile " . Wa,zGS of gaye".!"., " 1, Now Tork' They Were surprItsed to'.,,� find to what ll(-IgllLk3 Or Prod, 11 Igailty,' the ailld mannered youtil had' r(laelled. Mrs. Anna Hart, thp you 1, ng -onlam - for Whow Schreibor Purchused car-, - Plages, (Ilattionds tint] exp(?jI!;Ive � go"I'lls, MIR visited Yesterday by de - MAY Nberiffs. who levied on ,tit tile , proporty ijIle had , The Officers of, LIK, jaw ln,�istecl th 4- � L 10 Air -- flu. loriligne and . -ut..C.01. - aPpointea yll which ,�vhrvlb I-uci-m, Dulo tile Boers a -re remarkabl.r att'jeht", I 0 It military neellid. Thf,%,­ 1r,pre met by LIL .re, or had' ur"'. , things tit,, meet ligur(i lipell foci. a<�c(�111pallIe4l 1. f flll� fortri�ss, 1, . ` 1'et'll thV t-Ithilirable man. Wit tant O , of tile Boxer sect, to tit(' bank's itioney Could not bAong, i . ' * III �, 'Ia!" Soll, coniniant li�-jvll. foulider persistent, imll -h, I - Gu%vrnor Of Shun Titaig, Ile Mare-li, to hor, 1) ClILLS d witi), . There have Lee,, several slight t?n_ I Whenever tile fo"Pe rpmain' 1, Mtljol, Paxr,3 Capt. I If), 11, . , od station. D1IPlet4,%k!. OthQ6 � , , MORM ON ON Aror for ,.I few, da,,g j�1�11. 1, I 1111,10 -ulider linp(irial protc., at little (10 I,,, ,ft. ., r offiVers lxlloll�lllg t(j "'., - 1, , The Illolle-V of th, I'll , ands of tile I bacon. ,Ind t1w ilt" tile I ,)., r igai;(,meints -,vltll small b, brewl Were served out, In ,18c, ,j tilt, (�It tilt FA)M l Of thel mpleltm,rg eru preavelled , S, (2 1vow itil, "Llid not buy any of Is' Ferinalielit Itece,ption I Wtts tile foreigners and ings.11 MY. The total British casualtj,?s rpgijn�,Int revelive(I two fro'sh egga dally COnnuittrel. 111111dreds Of .gpl�.tator, ,,,r,,�""tl",,�,,,,I�,iiii"�)resH Poirager Who had As attorney for tile Elizallpthport' ""j" th 'I" ,� ene . Ono (,. of .1 t I, . tile do, Ivere live ktiled anel six wounde(I.,, for Cavil. Iliall. WOM, oil ilo pill 1-1.11kinVil t. , 41,011MA tile -'rrath of tie(' go,js . " aild the to. . . :Inking ('4,1111jany. Surpris— . I --- t"I'Mid soldlerst worp plithIls.t '*.I-- if.mr, SIEGE of. P , Va(rlelc it. Gil - ed a Laager. , 1, E K I N I l:" -,H& ,,, stically lve'll to the PoNers eamp 110011,Y, .� vgtilrday ()bj,tjII(,cj from.ri ritejolued Ing ne..111jent. rv;-,�h'(ld, Th,ly U'V11- (-.1q,orted after. thf* aliti-foreign ontrages.1, 0KI,. War arte till1l"S thi- vorrespondplit — Frovelman, ,if thp "311preenci, Court till, bag recelve"ti tile fO)l0WIIl9 frolil 1.(.ird tiv� elltadiii IA, a de ra .it I order of atta".halellIt I . t'Ondon, 'Oct, 14 --The War ,Dfrjelp 41 Lonoon. Clet. 14­L,,-1it. IT. 7. (-, (19 W tjlllj� t,�Iktl)tirury clu "ealuill,X": I V(Y-1kburn, of t ,It t Sillia,tron. calladiall J? (.. tAVIlment from tile !nZ 41 the dei;truetjorl or tile I.-IllIVA-liv. for .111,510,000 30bertS, date;] 1'retorla, Oct. j.jtlI: I Molinti"I r,jrj , ste,tvon .it I -71,11'r I Ig.thAVIllitim ',(1br-'lib:,r. A10 al-: ' , r, ,it .-t,lir4�ibi�r)i,iti,k;itic.,O�,to_'L Plr, for-11wrl.l. a captain tit It- " antl I"- V A., accompanied - T411. Tile tong'lwaii� I Boxers Nere Under Impuer II9* I I tit;% Governo 1,'.� tit - I A 111��11111 I of T'.rI') Gflneral',; I3trtI,v (jjI,jrjiI:t, ' Statt, B.-ind. * 041 r.lv� "'knit, on Mal, 08th. kill%] Ivere . "A satls!�Ilct0r.v Ittle, affair 0ecurred, Ilin, rpturl'S'AIL tfV thItY .'Vith 111,; --- I rvr:;,m,*1`i,l;It;.t signi or 111c, dirlit-t sIlIlt.. I . to the I . ial I '�W Frankfort Thursda ITC1=111t O. reall I I. . ,4 !.4-Jwr 11t)WOrs to , .-;(),G()u (or more, Willett nt it tit Mont .j 11tiet,I)tjon. "O I !410 Y. Colorull * �, tAIVOIlth. af'-r lrodilft, 1 1.4 . ,�,�111;�,i'n"t"",'".',,r'.-'�!!""111"'I m"'ll" fttavi� wItIl tile 1yest � h-11 Ill it, 11,�Nqpjtaj. t, .11 -Montreal. O. -t. Jr;'. 'U'lls. tile work I Protection, rO 9f 11Y cltonvnrtetl' . KenU, ,,IIrprI.,Zp'I "I'll-, W -tr Offivo Itli.,.. 1-1- '-AA'IIPtbi,r ill) tjjj, I T _ C , `r - . 11 it . ,(,z .S 4 ' '!', se. L IL p ,r ja:,,;er tit eizt,%vil, R,,,(,Ii t.t�, ; recolvpil 11111; IlIft-,ranatlitit yk I rotilrilin-g� J.0, I t,h"1111"n ),'%'In"l W _ _ � � .t�jj . �Ster&,4y. . - "J" I-1-19 later (-Ntra forpign * . froio ,*t)Ijth .%frit., I Irt', Lr � fo.., jj_j. I i __ till tho kra Met. 141,411(o . voulln,'r t4b Di -1r10Ur,(1--1d n%,U�, ant) eapEurt,ki IS�.ta Lielut. v.,,.�-j,IjIIrjI j_; . aro - lt-Kitilint; 9irrivt,Q. MR. a I-Ewy(br, :1114 L. I .I , I .11011ttIP31 ar not. it I,�; ,,o%%. 1� , Kr. 1)"." -4111'riff Me"). Bortrant __ rr 11) of Mr. t' ., lor-ttItivalh. I'll MW iw6ra,nsjjjgj.,,, gxugj� I Mr. Gillintilv , I . P . ,* assnriiol thett, t, I .7,:r,:a,,��N%­r,',-1, I - I'alled upil'.1 'Mrs. 11-Irt, at h -r flali '. 'L - R. ('0*1itirti, p -,..N1 I .. of Ttwrrinm I .1" Utintri-al delno�- ti-'i"9z; I'Vil"I frozil ball i 'Xistook tile, ,p.o:%4. I .1 __ 1,11ration I tjI , " l" -t.- � "Nol" ll'�"` IM,atlfllls Were , I '" NO 153 W41111 Vairty�cligjjtjl egr,.pt. , .. o t�gl 4j"'"sithil III( t1W ar. i ,1,..��,D.r_,, C .. I , ZrotcrIC', (let. j4._T,0Wktrj t��fv I.' I .11 jj�L,Z.j, Will . C, - HOW THEY 04 ERATED a ioll#:V * .t- I nullerl's Itoturn 11ol)jill, I rl tit, tiollit,tiflUg nwrti* thall �&o -;D � 4"it I`t�kili. Ullftl Baron N-tt-I 'p, 1I '.. v, � ,[,Lr %%:,,, j;j"k. 1. Tlill.rto jaQ gnit * ,� W. ,!,wId .,,r V14-16* hilil rpa-ijkn.. to toR part ot sg:pt.�mber jIjfttrgu.Itj�N;2 s '; *� til!'."' '�%"Ilt- AIT-t3X'iut-nW ll,�%p I III -It UIP Airnishillaq ttr t1le 1..tl, ., I,P.'.:l Ill.. IZA, deta. L, I � ,�6X o l ­ was reepire,j .-,-, ji�runnstaj t14.lt the;, I^l)(10", ()M - I 1­'-ir Ah-ilver4 !it. . , [ i alfartillpat ;%� rp parelicisFotl ll.v!e,hrei� , hlr'g riltnrn to Engla.1d Is ":it t UID - �il the Whole. t6f N! ""'-)It tL-111', niurdt-Il I, I , ri-sigtilt ilpt-A. por .,j.vj.P4,a ' ;ty 14-,mllo'd to. i Isi-r. . tteig � iwirprli�o- to military Inflit hivre. wl;i, . r.b1ttEjII1*1nt- -kn1l to CA.' I r g". �1 t1u, au. � %iIII(I ver.r . - r.,, arill 7 -Ad 4 conh�renet- ! low them to I 'v3 .��*­Agtolj 1) * 111:06%, ths. ro.,h4e;Ir to tile, efroet * r,o,�r avncrals would Is' I .,. 1�0r* . western %%r:- '.L.;J'­?�at 14110, 1),T� , , , ! rl �r"),!,­ I '4q � A% �* " Y Wt Uffil-or � 1.1' "14". '.K-1 'of tjI;. .15at � .;. 11 . l4l Pit 1$�r,A�41 rj'I.t,jk.,.,l .it tilt IliftorlIj 11)f t',4t� jjjj� � I Whil General 1)�t Nypt at 116,111,roal tit, had exTriatill Ximt jr. trlmlbl ainet'i-vt 'T li'Alur. 4il � I I ::Rg t!,., 11 ` I'att"t �lht;lt MO FliFfilgilers j1;%jj .? t NIP' Q ;dS 'L 1p V 4 I j`*001lig jj�ftn% 1� , �JCL Tz4rd Thh1wrtQ. It "i 14tilr1prett, I'liziWrld" Wfblf� frt,n.1 tttt.,jv.t till .� ", , it. I inber *-'Gtll. The r,rftjr�:t taillit,_ i ,!�,, �J',l.*' A .11011,,ed the 'Writtli. tit tileood , 014.1. .tit lg;.,t . � � fJ4t&0.1r 0abora-teki tl, b(,.hpal#, tt) C I ,It thp. I , a; , A V ­., rplrnishh.41 t It 0, Plain% , I I "" - 'rin., Nit 111r. Anictit. I I& �.L l I rvur,41 .tj.t,j (,jtjDtjlrj. t1jeen. Coll. X11RAV's ;! 4,44141elvand of L�*v,a 4. 0 1.4n.v S.54 -r . is, '-' - N-Re"1 tt'" "'11" "'14111 Pr,#V,� 1wr .. �k r"' -sof HPDJ.% pr�iir,011 I J�p ` ('ausing DibalAraiii, jh**Ught 't , %, I't'j"j, I .4 Sign that Toilrl! Xilt-ilovor wffl lif 1;:r0l l.1.t%7,?1hsj!, $If Citutlr.t 61noler 1jak. , " .1ir- I h4t $11 rlowmaill i��k ealith Ai�,;Inj a .l. 14 11, W�� -- ' I its. 11Vj$PIt.V �:Jjj, riff IN 11,11IR rp".1111 p't;1.6i" �..'jis;(:1 Will'op.. ul% at,f 1 � PI, ?? , 0004�irlll 1 gill IrMintry brjg..-tt(% Ports�r'lt P,.Iv.tjvy. � % �, -n �.,. , -i iw* Now.4reltl . ililk shly I r.%, ulo,i, wlic-gi ' 1-'Qti* V011 10ttvIer*s I)pj%tj� W4t- �,rr,.PAI tile. jorj,q, tot .t# at'linwor, � M . - 4 -, nl�, i � - ll, .%j#b:,t.kl,jt at i t t t, MIN :' 11,11MI441. M .. . 1Wvtiv`14 40hNnunis. Vellt$.'s luvtuntt'd ; tt" (PMT`tDI1lq- Till- A 14#,,r4i"'�' " 01"It, Vp rot V ,,� ,,, - .I, , log., a jai 0ri-Illpt. zt�- I I 'I Inra'aitry, ,tt,vi jti% %ga(h%Iis ,,�,I.t;ljt� - ' _� '!I ' %j't' ... 31 iS ' 11;4't. 1%'iy tftl "t4.t,** Silo. I � rAim,4­1 hv P'.�!' -J'."' '� *"- "'Ilir-k"!t r, �a ' - f,L' �'j t', � �'tr I , . INir I It.;,% ,4 tl.pro�P'N tho 11l ­f,;4 . . .r ,% I I. P I 4or I A �, h tal lir0Il4#.0, D 4 wi�,.tw,p jJ)"D:l .,.D1) I tf'lbL,?k"j, ", t Lt. '11*1ing, ! , 1, . . L, 'll"'I llo� � %t-r� u4t%q 64 l4ustir T­,Nj,j. ­­P�V q4to looltIl 44. I 1111A I Z. �6111' "' wQrii, crder,L'41 I J. to III-Mire,414 1, I -t4-1 lcitA, ml,p I it , tho. � t CL or .t,w. Aug. 'No -it is jrjggo�.t I , f"-1a,t rol �' t � l"" " opt, t ,'4­�� WI,a-r1trotfz 11,4. : lllf!�, itAlro aH4 ifi�,tln.,W�,,, ill , .1� �r.jjf,+, �.. , 11 It 1%".;L ,011 "" r Z:�J'­ 1,;.% r ,j%1.�.',;. . , .44 -11 frol. " "il 114116pr ""I't, op 1 k It Voti.�'JI!oNj*. lor ttzt. 0_. - j , . , 0-ritl put titi I whD!lt,, %�.l. pa."ria I nen 9,A t 114 .vht-, . - plan luto O'NocUtIN,10. i ' .. 11 1164 -1 Irit,11 1,*,..�jj it, tj j,, � ',� ill. L On tlll­� hr�-t aliff %krolid 11�4,%,�, 14 I svrN."'P ,q04;.41 NO own il, 'aPubwo I INV , ,X16,4"h 1�; 0*AnI11aI:n�tq,'.V ttv Aj"ak 'P , -'I %0�jjjo,%," 1i -;- .t �. 0 sk-1- �ill I 1144w� ltv-sa lvfl2-h� ;4ftp�r V- 1� I t b, ll�tsftl 0.0 00" 1jDp0g1IN"R;P5�, Q,,f , . , #r lj"tr 4 . ll . � .1 uart It y t-* im % " unl,Dt 1�v,.,,,`_ Pit` t N I . ,% Ile 1, ?,,*(r,f l-1,-,1�l.jpjr' . " � . 1.14 .�, I I .. . L mAlaing 4,��,Ivarrisj* - ;o fan't, h�'au It - 1110 4 A',- 1:;i,.0 1*11.16� tgo.%t f: " I I ' " i I . elf"l, � It . 12 . . ,q k4r. 0 f b 4-V-1 , m� t *Aa . - . � . - v .*� r. 1. W'Iblo 0411,4u,01mr It f"m'D 1. AV, � I I 4D �� � I , 1 4 .-D*;.1I1'Ul " fv�; Du. WlZfs hl rirvnj?lfo-r4qt�_, iii,tNTI, .'j. ji:,T�-,: ,; - v., W4 7% - a. %vaj��V. sit jr,3I,- %1,,o­tt,, 04ablAhj"Itt" 'I �!� .1 , � , L. � raotc Vitow 11,4­�ht,nar. 0 %.j_�t.ttDkAjl 41 t,kl L ",%.,44 eqo,4,!ki ;,. ,6T IINI,*, InD IAN. � .'N't t4 �;I, ,�J%., i, Ott 6 & 1; 4 - %%'r� N ligl`%%� t �1 " ; ` "�" t' toll"'O"i llt,r#-�"-i Ur. �1, . ,, ,Mo. truep'., forim-41 1-civo mra-,g r,00nw-�fa_�, tat i: 0 . t D Sa"' ;411`4"I" "tt "t'll"' � � I �. %.t ' `� - 1 "t" �:rl`14' L iNt:, � 11ok l, . ,, - , , 1�,. . j! opt %�POP. $4 ttar �,Io I v ,#, : 1% Ia. '41 V , , - ,� ;6".1 % 4. , I it ,1#.,., it ON A ,I ", It '. t,;'rzt gy,­,ti &-,&I � I.,t4:Afj.rhlig_ � f,l, ol"', t�l$jDLjrf,j0t I., till tif I - " ""a -l"o ��'­' :L' ' 4 "I'. ll;rlftf,�zj, 1,,tit tljj,,. �T, �V$. 1� �r a 4 1, 3r.,l 41'#'I . � 1_-. Av ,4, Ll r*)Al nz0.,4%%,.1 "� "4 .'s r ... P, , , , " - I 11.� Wf .,ro - Ist ,. 'AW I ' 10,1% '_,90 P Rig q6. 11t.l. , _ rp . C.-ro 4 - � . � W.. lwr.`I� 1. 'n , I, I 4o uou.,I� -J _ " watilted litr 114wr 11.41 � ll�j.ftlw;lrtfol loaawn� V­DUV flao ll!'PA 9,1 ,,,I1&.t4,UV t1of , .. , " u .�jqwid Ill'. .. , _ . . woliP. llw,� oet%kl -y.- alA ro;:�dr 1,2 " . 1470a� ., � 1�.il. , - . 0""t" jl�* J`r,"� I fCr- % L j'M*L.t,_ 1 $* � Q,.j .L V'lf �.�V,.t", .t , ft., � I r 91A .t T-4 1 �"4'4� J%t4agf L.. W, I . j'L' ". t4l1wL."; 10, tll�bl , from ,Xi,o­qrI-:-,i� ko,i "i'l,or, ,�io)) , , . � L � <i(iglatly fl- . , I r . ,.,. 0 ,4t.,� t goijj_ gt�'j t;1tilo, Liml X510,I'ae I : -0 ,n_ . 1. Oil * ,k%L,tjr, .a. 60a "n.ri r : ') 11 . . U001 Juvio, MU � vtq-4, ` lalto r,,& tsj ,j lo,4%. jp�,,,.� ,411 I I 8�­ L t#("*t ,%qft;jj.jVq#jj 14, .1; %veir. . I 1P I to . V '111, ­_ .1 P I �., 0 4 M, 4,,��, 4irs.r. tr#4%$- tAo 41a*'flqstoAY' I lip't. %1.44 � #4 I daly" Wj ttlw� �J. luto e,AAT4,.-i w1at will it ,it 114, vL%"a,%'tA , 11 � , the thlwtl I , , � � _010 LID- doin vn��t lion loo ralvw IN, r V�,��.3A�slls vul-9 r"211.. la!vt. trs# 44 -Ml- cujs� U4 � � I hy tat tatillu attal 4.­1,1,:`-+,r;e*$1w. tl­tf ) "O""I'le"'q f"'r U.'t'snor. � Ill, it ,: MCI,:, v,;jifl4l�;.� ,4,,,6;r,(1.% _20 ,,. e, � I reaelIP41 the t4un, thov, WOV0 ��"D� �1 M 111 ;z5vd Uv a lattap r,sr,-,- ti*' WbIl w­;�t-;tl (,#T,,.,-- 'm 0- %hb "jj%�;-_dtll %,.V 1 4" L .r , , . . . � *, I %L %VOID-3j"I-4 : D , �1 a r', I ,,, . - '' A . �� a4. , - a ­o* ­;��,,.,j . '%'""�'* 'e"i, W- -*?1i- Itt ); U ` " " -%gol"' """ %.�4*.'J'��'I�tl Rka� I,%. r - 114 41'arm"I c4J."', �; �*100 ��,�,ar, 't'� L � " , IM',re 1;4j,lji,�q_ !f' �, '� to. -I lt�l 0 . , ��., 4, !, ON , . ,,��L It P, �; ,�ttz U orl, , Ij � z) . .Ox)lt 4410 %VNAr, fl.­,J)� . Tw"It,(I V`�4111; , r I TRoN r*,'41"tI1l�., ,4 ,r,., Dj'A.r�_j,4,,,,l,,,,,,l' , W 81;A4iCQo L '1;0#�l ,�J�' t4�alg.+. .L.'�o .%j,N%, ' D"o to li virl. I , O's, ta.-JAI 1" , � . 14,qrt, ­ llha tQka9j',V (*�'eli"Ag',L',� te,itt ge,'._% 4Lj! �j � ..� to, 44 . 0 ox­,*­,� to l � 4, ',� �q r,. , ,.V: 2. J.I . 4 lkoK�tlt - t� � D� , to 4,*.�I" "' ` ;I �' L J'j & Agaro,l v.-Q91h."s"a� R6.,40 � wev. ­� U t I ii;-&, %% vrI,, � I �. �twv 'i, sibra O%V '4 lip, , �.,q ,_ - r,�-,JIo. ird. In R, qp ""'11"', . IT,_ ' ,�_4� 0 ­ -4I t �L, ,� ,:�, Uri, D ,,�,, �, �, o , gb, . , I_ 0, "L to.7�51,421 tsl thy, JqAiio, ,� , I � , �, i" "go ' "q:� "" II ifitDj�, �[)5�.-$' , I ,Ul -�tuj,io. t, #,I- at to 4. 'P110 rin, '4�41 1 rl� ;V4,1 441tIll. tho ,.,.,*�': , �, 11,,I.,A eD a 94 U, � �, t­,k"ov�to . , r - t% 4 LV'L , � j 1. ""%- '� U t.64,g 14 �;4 - � LL � �� I, 41 . , 0��pr ;� If ;;a t Purn,r `#%041%' 1*1,1�,.,4 t , � :. - I . " o , V11 , 11 ,q% t� I. '11 L.P. , - t N F �� �' ,,, 4- ., t 0, M: :,tl 'o �gor, L't r"noo �- R I Ffj� S� , # 6 t 0- il �­,. DI . ,� NW?'. ,,�, TAW - f, " , 011 �j vv,v �,-aqu A -, " � ,.� I . �'P,l I' ', - 'i tl��O� - ,&. rP1rVvt&f4. liiarffl� r , o ulth 68a*n�j�,ta'ltl'.,` 4I',­jk�,f-'­,­ � ,P _' 1, ztl.4tv - , I � � , * r . I, 1)�, 411t 01 N ,*(( ,!,. 0 D-,��fiflr" "M , 4' N lo, ,,�Ii, � �0, � ftvmh parotq­l� U: MIT 'afta rj�kqq,#­ ON* I 0, . ,. ­�, W 04 9 1, , � . Il �, , . -1 tito w e , -��if Va. ,V 4 .'It 11 - N 'I'li ' J'VL'� T�.,: [ �4nioo '%L�� "� 'Up" L:..� 4l jj,�60 P It, 'f�smgi* 4A%'� 1 1. - 44h� im I � *%� 4 li t'll 0 .5 q I " Q . _4 V. , �, 1 � 4 1 J Pi , 'I, , (I .A��"rl U . ,Aoi A � . , I_ L"; "" D , '.1 � , & 'Pi".114 I &In . , t;#. 4 �41, , I *.�'§I 1"', ,A�' �, �, r'94`04VtU�l - V -v - I Dt, t,'tl.,11q '! -, ,04" � � D,j , -d Irli : .­,,jgW,,. V."? 1 4t%,j 1 U ,�q "41 il'i �fl).4 I144', 4io;&_ .4, 11 tfiQ[.� jf� t..,Djj90R,4 "'jo,"'I v 4.4o ,Y--I,I, TO i, , . .01110 -trm(­tiio, t #,nr4!jo,1-,4 oA�-' - �. '4,;N ,�e��Jqq* . . ,��­I, o471444-, 1 t+� 44. . - 1.4-cla?l , . q N, f i I t �,� � 4 JYV, f� I 1�a fi,g ".4, 1, - . At Q9 thfA v.1%aU#'%' U �, il. � . f lt�L"jj �P,t t�,i frr ,� ­ t s q a, . N 44 ,� . - Mt � V t 11 jif a�.4� 1��, I . . ' - , ­ ��q �, t% t, 0 ; F� �, � U _,r,?. to . S� ­,It4t�, � -rg eLvr4 4.0 li. 11��gff)_-Lj_ D" I L, �", Utl��g,�44$ 1, 'L j , " : "s, (Iff I �, !;o D ,;! � -m 'I! . N I Uo", ,- a 6tr4bfig t4. %,,A ,!; ': Itt 914,4� ,1�ta I � . _ , , .11 , . I ,� 13- , ` w , I, 1g.j fgholIM 9,1',004 0 14 rvt1g`6,1g* �111.� �.Ig (.he 1by Ovn, V�-W;,t ft),L,!ro-,Ir_'AD�.%, , ` _. .1� 101pa #41 I ,QA �_� �"V N 6:1104.4 14 � _u 4:-vto �­� . I , OAL. , D VL�DV, 4" .1 I I- '.3 �0 '% ��(;`�VA ill e,'�4"%!�Jdj �a �_ - I - 1.4'7 . 4 ,� I I, ajH IV , q5"'! ."',t .44o"I 4',�g.- go!,.- 1"ut, , � � , It '* �`�'Yqg �'X'A"t �', �', - . t, A .,. " . 'a I AVO , 1f:! -1L% 4A ; � ­tt � � ne'll ,!�o fl'�7. � d6tornl'I.Ie, I atid, L. v -),-i 4,23611i I 4 I *�U , �,��,Tq'rerjt.l � " _­ � , t�anst, .I' - g " . .. I U., -, It 1), J.Iolq J, ,I �0` - � U4 H,Tli a ,� N t �Drn ill .4011% .0 .re - , �, go", I 11 T" U,eavotpurl It ,31,4lillla#114. , 11,i,g " t �'," V VI�m�- - , - p, .11! 1�; j - , , Vwta *39.09,F) t,,Yd��u' 1� . .�4 Ztvttr buthj"e-A b"Es brL4 -4j'- . " � 0 w ,T !"lin _,"I'voll, 6�� 0 1 , 't tt ., % - , - tiv "a t.m , �'I,r� I '. -a-dw, tatlgiTfild� J� ifn ir,rdpr lEf"# E'�-,> L�1-01.- T�,,01, -rlfjfl,!�� *��O- 1, , - 6411;.i�. , iltc,�.'4 PIDDU-�.Osj[N I( i4l! 04, jf ,� 14 r I! $,l I R - I - ­ ­ A� . ,4 Ja 0a" � %4 uvt� o"Nagy. IV, t#,��i% ng Sa7*% a jl;,'-A� ill 11u,94a%, e"I 1, I " - , ";g- - , � , ; nk6f.'j, � " :j ,G�,�,�,;, ,,:, Ul,v, Ltl. I I I .. I " , !M,14� ttiE,� r"n � -,O:�, ji ritlarihatb4a 40T U'l i1j", - , " �tt,totxl., tf�­ 0, ,, . " ' L, #e.T�A;��*"I� tr-V'� �­ �_ � ��,�I,,I-a' "U'l tt,o -4 � � �) _� . f! �1ko !.'�!Jl 11� � . 4"', .q- 'fj �. . Vmt V;s, at', t;:,2qo,:IA ino-Mi'"', �r i��Uolo Val . In � .1 U,v Tj.o�!I")41ta bo t- .� - �. . " !: . ­,"aal- 00l" r %'k'" t"`4' r�fj,UL'�`­ !�W.4II'4 j1q'j`,"f'q, - afl"­-3ft � I .'Ii�Al I -can . - . '" ?" I' 4 ­4�-­11 ""ap ,. " I . 1. . Z ­ ' `�'_ .. - inluatr 11-T 4 "­':,0p,,I ,!; P I I Q '§ �. ." 0, I ­_'rilll � ­ ,,; . � 1, '41 ,.I- " , Z�* �q �It, �t j, ths n"i '�)n t ll� fp u,�# , t �( , qt;j .jr, ; �71'1:1(11i 1� jlu!�' �t� �X­� 9'4" 1 4 � I - '�,'j - t" V , I Z� , i� . ,�. . , U�, .1' vun la's ,; ,, !*,:�z 11-Imil, ti 910A.,jn . al.11olulo-r, h-ts Ir'; 'n""jj1,8fj) '1��UVQ.j to I I , . 4 .ti n, _ -� - ;Wi� 4111,10-jill";�+ .4p *,:�:III 3 tho , i� L14%1,2 X.Aji7l, v: I - ". I CaamaiE,an,l, tuy - I tl*Dn, Da.via "41 - nl � vnpMls IN, I t_0 - 1� T'fi- � 1� ,.'' .f",U �" r'r�L"'D�L;�,fjjI:PO;2 jift.d ' _'; _ 11",I'lux- T ' - '� t,L � Mpl""� HVIlbir"31% � :�11,11 4lj,;'#'jA V$&t&q 11. . �,I � , . 5 - I - � , "I L 'J­��j 4 r jj.;V, tt,tj��"O,r l.I�,%, *D:�Jjo _ I , I " -1, . � , _ _�j :� ,%,I, , .�, I ­ -o !�,U, �"! "'. , " C, , � . jq� '� ,; h -'go u,�rmt it �, :,! �t'. . ,� "'., t. -a-t��p #*; ""' , _ - I. , t I"'. 11 III, vl� 11;1 -of .- - .., I�wl ,.","tvbu._'� " ,#. 11IM L ' 11 %. _gl'L_jjffj�_ , 61, Dvo I ". , ��-aadla?vlp �, .. , ", '.!�,, � ,14­�: ,.,, . - -, �[ _��"f JL 11' tl'�O_ � ; I 11. , n ". , �'. I �ff 6ij�6'j f., , � ? v - . . .to '0 L - � ; -mv,T, Vg%.I-jo *.�J'; �- 'Ll" � . � 7 g A L4 h,.;4i,,,1;1�1 a w,ml t , 1; " ,.,,v - hll,� ,`� 1�� 1W � "J" *,­ , VaI10 . ��o , A7 %,,; . 1�pc, �, i . d T'N'so- IIIa, �. ,.,�,,�U�� _ I jlp�C,Nj� te ' J�Uii'�,�" tj".'J'jQ�f #,%;"4,;,,1�,lt"oo,:d 2o . r- 1-11 U71''!n '0"�' f." ;," �111�1,,q�!�,jj el�f'lf a"r';'11 f' f� f�'�') %�' ,4 j 1! 1'�'. o Ij L a 6!� *,r . - � ' �, I , - I �14 � - , sr: .1 � ,�.,U;p,',lI71jV ,I "It , .1 . � I I � '��, �,� , 1,'� j ,&1, ot-,UDII U 8� , ,,, r 0, L - _ � C. (I j�o " 11 91". .1 ",."(f, 11 'L�. I _ � - . I 1, *�q vt=z"FA U'l Itour, ,'4 . 7 � if"I 11 ,� � [l.ki .I­�! ..�fl it, 'Ar, . �f : �t ,,, C'�qdfLg � � L .-It � �, Vo 114 I., rg , ,,, � r . . - . , .,_,411, #15;-.o. Va"'4-t- �j V L Itgkil;q a V hn " "", - t'111 Ta . I., `." 1p't -n �­,',o�, " , . 1 " �,j � t,& t3j,!C 6L.,I. ", 6,I 6, ,.,III*%- # . 4 t" lIt ON'! 11" ,� � I Pj V�,�tu;,�,16.�­-, � ��, 0 , �'Njl) IT;, i ll Ik . -, t'd IT, � , I I - � - ­ �. , L, ,, I D,: � : 11, ..,t rpl,­ !.. TL 4,D�L.D�D"` 'tl_.p jjjL� ' Tj,:D� 1,,,, _ ; ­ ­ -I- . . t;I'31 - !�,jtz�. � t -r-,,- �` 4 D jf� ,,, P., ,,,, - .j � . . I., . I, "_, �,�,­',�LQ', �D)�T, ;o'�i' atq.�, � 11, 11 `�" "'�' 6v N .,�� . ­ - ­ 1, I ; - 1l; I 4' a�,�, ro,tug,ofifj�­- ,,, �, ,. �, " - � .: - I ., ­021ing t" ;I' :' I '�` t� k l' r�L,� " L�PIJ") P` '' L � 11 t� q- � '!$ L' ' Ul Dvv� , :4 ", r - I , t0k.vk, an 9 (I�Itfa. 1'0,1��,,Tf;-*? , t q'il �,j t I " , I V�, � J1. 9 , cq. ." Al. I .. - j -".�, N- n �an %,p, w"An., � "� , ,.d P,V: i - f, � �5­ qv, 11 1, . L. _­- ,,.,9 ttl I'MD41,1t 11 _" - � "I '. o . � � L_ T,!­nv4l� 04j, P �,'I� �, - l,' 'D ' ' ­ " I #�� - � �, L�­!' -, tz,�q , G "I' t , , *' 'Tio� I I D'�,, C'm �""�+ " .j ; " ir,",�"d,jr4,i,,,TtgL.,I�'�1,4 St PIT ., ' 11 ­ I I - t Nr, LT-14tv' - �, �..I t, , �, ") v'�'D D. L� � 1, � t --�g-,q J. , - ,� �""", �� DIAID. - . - Y:z t `11P tI- T,�unn- 1,k,1,Qttr 0 IT' D t�v !.� "': *,, V: " % . � " Ij!"I P 0! �', e , I "P, .., . _- . -1 -I, -: '-t,!" U. I V . 1�0, � _L ­ � �QL. , !j �L - � ,f. . _ �, vq,'off,*,, " ; ;� �,��%O' 4,0 t�o, 1" �,-, t .,� 11 ,�,­­ .. .�j , , . _ . . " - I .:;;, V, �,;Q,(-_,j, V�rfltj.', t .V� ,;; ;o *.I U �� rt�,*­ r.� p h X tl, ��,t R, i_�. 01,J�Ti� q.01, �,17, �� B9'jtl`1rD �flr. ,TD a 4,� ��,,' . ' . . V, I, V;,,!. 1%, , 1F - a` � "" N, 313 �. , m ,; . � . . . .4 tpe'l�l "it'll, (,D� ftnr� F�o "i,41 _� � _ �,�VD",� �D�V, I IT 4,�� �. 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", r L ,,_ 1'4 - - .. : �I t 31:raw'-r- .1 i t hi! , "!"I 5, IPmernt . Q­:+�­'. - N _ , .z , n M" I NF�L�Z zo�&;,� ,wl V ­ ,!­::i� .. 11 _ VDj­ - � - 5'r, _ !�%;U'!'�'�:4., . ��Z4_� r'_. ' '. , 'J�.," r ,. - � , - �S� .�j ,,I - " tz .U, . I ., �­ -, r,'� " 4,z` , C", �_. -, -s- f,;O;elllvy� . _ M.,�nl. .%V� Go— �,s .� ; , � . . � 1':�?,- � - . � - ,� , 1 � . , 'I ! " , * Z, !Te T! 1�­ " !4.��'S.'.'l "'2-1"j" "�-�. 1 4'7 'L ". I I' :' ' . ­ I - � I , 64" E . -_ _ -n ,,,_-�s� ��;*4rz 'I � . ;, ranlent �_ "�4' A - MAS. -D" r�`-'r)'�_4'- � f -It- T, -�trm,nnl, �' . " I "'. ., 5'., � : I'toMik-d to . I—. � . _ .. 71 ,q " - I , . U . 1� " � � , , ­iiain 1'"."A, 'ke 'W'irll seek, , n� INT -1 �-Irqrnn-fzv. �t %7M B 1. . 1. erie tt i�; '.0 W111tarv. .�*.q vzlay. . h,r rPX.-z:r- ola �"6� -1� - Ilv tloc 11 ,7GLI.k--Tvir�el .,-e AN '-;I,�;l I—, �'_ 'r , , . **�,,- V 4;;,,� � Flo, D L 11 - - 9 .1 0'4-5.'Z,Q� �' �-4 k -A,9 1'1'­�, ,,'r,_. r,:."t,T . . . , t" ,j: " �L ­9)1i­-� Zoir,---,.�, VLP �_ . . �,�L,�L�k ( ,Sr;, ,� ..'a � t'll"' re��.'JI�J&jl _.!J�' - 'i`j-jj�'f� 'j.1 � - , 1.7 --r omp fr�.nv lrank,mr for- UA " fl,""'7'-, ,,T-R.Z�, g, ,'.-",?.V 4-ans��,rj ,�, V . , ". ., e � , rf:, IT thn pro.sprit I Hoers, t,z4ryllare 11, q I . . ,_'.. -- P - nzl,�lkp.-t oxit , K 1% _ " � � - q --- - r rlm. �, I r r I t ,-.,. t in X jirD 'r;TMI Rs'elf,wf. 11 'Spnt lor lv�r to f-e),.Ar. 9,:� - � jr,Dz,P.r"3,F, n'! cut ___ e � , , - �f-n v ... 2 ,.O� N�1%4 d.), r�,-,, eOmZ0-'bPrv!0 of junlor -.----- n'L�ir'L. I ling 07f t1hp nr-w ear,ftal , ijt.s wil n- t- i A .)�'p wme.;� , ,,, , , " .-ZI, r� P. i i��, Pff�cer-4 ',��nlrling; =4�;4:,S"FIrl�; r,01jilloil �- frnm swire*_,- of supp,,�M 'iznn No. -l -e stanlarcl Olt tim , Syulie­t INA! �qo,_ lr*f, riesilit , .S. ,VC '? Tor . I- �i klotel �0431r Workglirls. : orra, . -)nrd , ^ 1;.__� . L I �.gl:. ae�, � .. stad , 'a. � � . . rr-c2 1q)n ,rjj . , E'Mlaptn't, &,.,!ZE�,�X ON -,aver- triet. G -ver','? ll'i lvel� h . coret ()H*,r Not ,%atll itepre-, .,jot .,An (;r.jrp. ­ 1_�It`Mie Of tiip Ei!z, ,- �' .jtet .,.!;r nt�*nr" ,,ravtnr�v. ; Lotl&n 0,'t. 15.-M.r- lf'cn.pl-a 1,4,7ki a I, � �aq tren to rp , _ in _�r k-___ — ,� C!�?� j -t)' '-n' #3"�'- 14--Tt-P M,ers -re i IN 'F J�' , , " V'r �1 V.F? �F,�,�e'.5an n-, �, ti.e zzr;;n� .is- �, .T.011elon, Oelt. 14.--f��. I I ('0DI'dificogy D ir -�, U'12-M-enr,;,.r;,a,-iz!­ , �,, � Y C-t7r,p­ - .1 J; 4.`M,P�tlzt� '3 " - , Y . - - , 11 "1l-6<,;o,r-V. r,�peaf r�"l It' -It I;---rgL.nrR lrg(. �iot,0 in Larzqln,r. ;� P`l`r'D-`R, Oet. V.- I T�­!! T��I�-1 d;., � 2,�� r ;,. r 7 t!hz: r t mrerf_ ; lwf-en­ V,-,�Ztc,� - - - ly . , - - . W "I th�,!� ..,��'2',c J-.�21:,V,114g '', t -d after I -A-7 � t- figght IvUfl' 'f�i,� � � j7j.j)_ rpftj.�jjl, to , for s Ylp llens%fit Of - . .n �Imne.*�sl V.at t:�e on"r rpm ; za L`-lzi , _ - _i;�C"""'t, of t!'�P j'IL-un 1,r,rt`,_ ", rt."':el I 1 i4 i5v , 'Zo"t"'la f'r �V­"f.rvv­., t� . , - ,_ � z'. �R mutel sn�; lk,P4,nTVP:,t f-* ­�T!.-� .?. tian on'tile. �; , til -at th,,�- form. T' O' . I ?;n;taU &4;iri.;�&. tn wMIF-1h ! a volauolrf . I trulz solykil 11mvir-tv. �Zuring tl�- pjasl- we-.ek 1 ��1.44`24­!Von ;if vvdrl�I' , " vn * f" , , . gbri�;,lino,tr.q of War gir2s; '�w,rl�'D, . , U I ,'I ril;5 Ir. 1,U;.,.r,&T- , 41!�7 Dier ins�tltut! Nz,.,-., bp 1 ,� '. MtT�,3 his-�-ntry. senating 1 t�-Ig"-, Nrr,z- 114"E't;- 4 , ��' L� � 'L;'e, . -ize-P 01' th!% 41WOM-itl�- reprc__ 1, b,_e, ,,j_ , . ' �I,e C SAI�iv-ii*-, fltfLir " . . . , � - l. Lad . k­rk. , � _:_ . - 'eh . (,.\.rY,t.r.,- " ), janko tt, r L neltz.l:-�,,- Le vl,np ,'Irk *fflp , ,rf . ' """'� � ' " - t . 11 � I 'r ae- ,�L .,,,, r , ,_ _,, ,�q -1 lit 11'7-kia on 4�4.?. "I vo=itl; lor U.4" 2f-Atll ny Efilpres,14 J.-tf,_ .111'z11:"_1'93 ,I, V-, n �� d , � ir;e--egl. .-gr,q I A.F.WO W. i Tip 6, �! . vl,,, � emitInzipp., nn I fri-om L"I'l, ('_Z'.�-_air; AVRW4A-le . ZI . U . , . Ir tt� . TIAC. ..q �tfslf.tetor . . .�e ,f,p ", , _ .a .11 , . 6�� I I - 'N, Z, . . . 11 , , �`-tz- -, 11 . peneene, , -i, , 'I , I t . I k � I 11*.�'o­ ntv, Qinld fO ItP int Zf- -.stf- t -g 1 ao,.,.-.�-, ,Qqrl, let wh"r-11 Gl-� B" '�;" NfirDi;-t_-r- "N'T' � 6,ftrlek. Upr Xnje ' oo ,,__,r.,; P -Lel " I LQUI lude- . 40 B-,P1rs in , - �,',',L T-11!;t,dzk',9 �'i ptart.r ,r,f w .vs, a nnitl"h-n4ir,t�.P.,,� ., i- . � C', " itz - , . I5'. k, �`Z -- i9a Was 1MUI - I L Aa - . -2 , �me, Xnef"J.'I024. p7vviph,,:vt�j! -a MS. r �:er of Enipj,r 'r' 11;V15-.,nR, � 111ni $t.1_-,,0 I ­�i I'�`PrD � ._141 fo.- rrif,�,��; itITDV)i�A lq*�,V"3 140tf-�t N. I - nv'n% nn�, - ,-rn-,:g�. -, 714. It I.q rzol. expt.e*,,F. I _,�. � :..,-,:; cl,,- More is;gn of dln��­Do_�'u f_w a ',!�'kJ! a 'iQ ter. and m-Ot ­ _� I t'�zat C,f-la P,1.6:'�Ps I- . . : SU h Plwel` t0n-.rX-jr,Jt,1s:-, tr-n,ttjgt-,.,p - ��;.,_' - ,Pweon oveir th-_- tc-I'MR Of th? 'Gerzu Y ii - - �', ave ant- 'a-' .� r.�.k,.R Iti.f, , -­ eo.'­urcai. I , to In- � prt:�;X : note Of ez,t. IKIVI 9-3 i I -Mt V ­'It V -1-e re -parts ,jr,�"%,, , � - 'o.rt. I ettlemp'll'.. f 'Ni-I)ry vo�ee In tie I , , Bri.iis i -, tich Is �, foivornh.le, more : . N'�w y0i�k Uet. 12.- W-ijeu tL-6 LL � .tlz, jkfr�(.�m Lftngpim t M'M-:"!-:9 i .' — _P,eg_V,d5n_- th- TT-vt poln". 1�sl to thp ---------- � i"PI)Rty .�:";tf2��jj�i in the va.�e 4,,,, ,Q,lerei- t R.; �.,w , , .. dro-11 Llr,,Us�y to ZCr,�on.i;teirj. I Ct'Vt- Shkllds Alive. � 7 9ke," 'it C, , : M- Tqwn ti -A" . a&jqgacy Of th� N,r,t tit tvm-�, fq-lc-'A;�4 � ; b.r, liL,z­,D,.�,,�;,�, ; Wfl� _t. Ttanv ,, e, . ail, nnd 143 hm. :k Of thP V."f--$;2Are RN,girlent, Iville-1; r,r, j ' "i t' " I ) "'I- V I% 7 - for 1rurTshnunit Mr tj2,, (,h;rjeT,.t;F! V - ;: - .erk ,)I tile Miza- � dg Witt rh -1 TL.,� Ra,�r,�- C-a,pturo-'! a dIctaf-l"Ment �; 21nnill. Owe- 15.-C-."), ; . .r� pvtd to Ineath. � bz�rti.pt�ril - . .Y- R,�rzzivj­ renbe to Mr. nn�p ln;p - tile rp- i -9,('07ting, on i. - A .J�g 1, PW% ;�,hlelzl-:?. wiz,f)'. with .-it nle-n C.,� � '�r,07 -0" I a- I KLngstoj�, Ont., ej�t. 14. -Tile �� 1'_V � , . , - ­ ,�'j I f� L' � -Ietpt � .seven . ­ JL'a" t�a'�.0 I � � compariv ,;r .1 V - th'? f Rff-r.P'P,flP it' ,4r-e?aTvt,j, 'th,t ; - � Yf-st�rdav git t. 1 - , . i -S ,:c 0, New AM - ran ., - _;.t.., ,eglillent. V. . th:% V `�f I yoar-olo-srrl of F. X. U'M_�, ne. li�a_ , 1. i � It"r. vallir-Tv, � �I, living trdam" tKIS (-'�14,.y, ,,, eoef�'" an 1�1`11191ng 60m"�,Ir ed tile drIvnr �� 'I v � .It Ramer, ill Luuark . 9"s rmly , P kfor�;. Ti..,�v r,,-,,,,,,vv�g0n ne, , " -9t,' R I t,wo <,f h-1 elz!pr ; Ste , .. ,,, - . 1 I : milm'r "m intin - -'%i- I I 4�Vj�gqlg. er � �ill `i� - jl;filn ;.. . Nrtz$ e.,,i,k,vItp,.' ' Tunx-f;z­7­1,,L,`an4 . . i Co,mty, linl1pel ?� fl� , - .t X04*1r,". bark ,je . n '�r _ , �ujrl - , cfnt tl 7). U., , ins 'rge 11 , otlx.r bn.-f,-_,- RZ �rk '40'rr;1st,r forl.:4­1t. I , -, niatirin tl'., . J,e lya� 1"., I , iz last mont1h .;,:i � been ornitt4ld, fre,mi yr,7-1t4a, h,id to drivil a (.,)qv on't of I thp b'JIlli OlF_-_,., . , . lutil .V �,rejft, 'L'qk -Mr- Ro�i(`-Innels to r�:I'� , , I ib � .r - 1� NI ,� . tir, Mst ot tho ttzin'selit"ZIl.-I ._�� '110W. -I '1�vhnlb,Wq L the Trausv,j�nj jndjel'lry. __ , � _ ".eille Ir . I, lnir.'�,a�i-rs. 0.1 tht' �'ir­.'nul r ; after t ae('eamit. 7i, 0;QT­ " IV . - t a i�_ I I . I It �7 Mix ir,_". . L B)pa ,,, $'I Tall oorialf,y. � all j -1,1 res , - - rd. The ardwal , . I i .,. . 1�4 t _� . 0 11. . _T 'j - . . .."A � .jq 4zd � ord.. �. wfti� li!?",�Iwlnnt mint. it It I , . . - $2.530; - 11 "I eing �? h __ 4-71 11 !, 0 0 1 _ mt�ra- 1 !jp­`�­?d thst 1.11" r. ludir-!lted � Put (�!IfKturn,-J nlw Started to � -`0IP6fl­,i.r'A s.e`k,� d"I'V-1t, 1yox at the '. L'.r.,iley, ont. ,, - Uer... �!$ pa�tY. � -. �- lillt shoul i rns�l in. '�z' The P.ebeW p,_Son. he %,.w-M_V it- I ------- .11 tit . I - -le s,trirek tjj� a moek- r D.Ink flif N I -, - , , taeLeI a ln,k�'t , I I -ty S ­ s�4�:�Iared in.-Ifin- _ _ , Lev" 1, I � C,t.,., IN I I I W . 1. 110Y I � nj�n� ThIrm.r, tit - "s1:4N rmir,p I z,,.q isto. � (I j 11 7'-ILI111e4 ON him, an�j i 0 to-d:t y ast. reig"A. `-1 I L"lan"i'MA-1319 thrr-.;hln�r . �N '. fj 111M e ­V!qtf­'.','­n1 will Leoiien- 1. I �c,lvn. t I .. ly. t'. i-e­.,-",�r C, N., e2nlp frony ;( X.Afir T,ranj. vir�!.k.zej? In . <�­,jjla, from on rp pz br t 4 � th-It t1te rV-naItje,;; t-� " I n was In't."lly 11117, i (*0Z:sU1ta-,j,.!1 ,,­�.F, , - .1 � i,r, imp, & �, 'Town, Oet. 1,,,,­Tli� Vo"mj � �� Parti4 cqr 1h,, N �k,��Pd shm"Id .t. He lived one " - ., th, ir at,,i,.-neyo, I r.v -and a, r1TU- (If 11-1 I , (,z. r. j _. , L11 ,r.,Y.4�x.ilter-d,!Vy rllt'l� &4f -gated by ible d I MO �! I ,,r*' � '"� M."Ilk"L4. arf; ?f,;v',1ng N:nr­�s. iii I aln . . - � �'Ii4'1`, ft -If ' �o 3.:!43, vviz.. '!d. . ttor, I wv-;4t, the 'Velfttia'rr ll,iln - , , , , , i a -v after UN? nevidont. . I H,tIrt ,. ­ -�l �ert hAvo vr.,:M�d .; Icilic -nil Denney ,,,Vo. ,` on-lbip 9 z!2­ist fay. ! Irgatz-oz3. ­_ - --- -­ I -ICIRVIrt., :"* � � �L. C. ..V 1�;,. -.1 ­ . , I ­ - (. I . Ire. . Tol-d. %�,-Iil-ri, 1 li,.4�,U. ivap ot_�. t1j. . , _ , for tji-i,-,_,,�i;i,_-. T` s , Th 1. _N Inglearderi convi,zt- . ,tj � I ,�;-!Irqll I - P 1arrafln, o 211 , ,�df� I hla'� tij, I . ;,. 'r tl. . � .. �, *VOIN-14�0( - A Boer ' vir+h,4 in lij.1itr 1, _.�,_'-_, I ,: � ,,, Plant 0 tile r �. _Illrl��1*11,,L" ­ r prnim-r-ty. �s ,% ag� tak n t, - - I q ��rp . I ,,,,.,, r1fl �tt� ,-I ,*), 11 , A , I .11,,., - , . vlt,tory l � ,_ny is e , I . . ,r3) , . t, ". � ,._ .1 ,,, - runcii. I a Reb,45. - 't_�. . , I _ w, 0 , Prisoner etrer�jed in the f-,7 ,:-t _,I1 Zb r Prlin. , 4,:; I � L � -. I'd b V , ,it 'ng ;,ro t ; 77C,144, 1 ' "' "' 11�- lmzttid 11"6 U.- -1 it,,s l.r��_11 1­'rle IL "vat. . . . . _ V I . 'zW14ff reinniln", '. ­ , . � I 0 10 bzz-�111�1-1.4 " r uc,rti. r",Tj*n, 0�t, I I .-A shmn.4 -11 ow I.-- 9 !;.G69 mc.a out of *rhPIo:F, .! - * "I , , 'A 71 Ile- Ment 1. -, Tv r., " , ,� �;. !:if r IlTS-1. zzrtle "!'., t 1� il . -".. ,z.t . 'I "" �, - I � .