HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-19, Page 11 i eS Olt 15 e ;ov ne, Lt be 3 Of u rich lot I'D se- ne1r" me, ds Subscribe far f1The Ivrea" $I per Year, The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay 'Township. •W anteb ,agents To solicit for "Paid Up" Subs: To "2be lberatb" FIRST YEAR, VOL. I ZUBTCH3, ONT. F'T{I 1) A V, OCT �l�`� (h 7, C7' J '• TQ jt'" ' r s G. STA, N B U R •Y, B. A. ld�•Suc:eensor to COLLINS & S'1ANBITRY The loan who lies is mean, So is the man who steals ; The man who cheats is a (sinner IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING BY BY D. DYER. TERMS OF SiiBSC1ZIPTION:--$7 perThat BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Morley to Loan on .Vi11ae'e and Farm Property at lowest rates of In - terest. Documents in ori inal German read and advised upon. And should be hung up lay the heels. the meanest LEnd lowest of all men flourish under the sten, .00 year paid strictly in advance. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Is the man who claims the credit have it will be sent until such or dor is given and arrearages paid, $1.50 to be charged Ofnce over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. For the good work 4'tl;ers done, when not paid in advanee. ADVERTISING RATES. --Tran s i e n t advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first Insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small Advs, such as"Lost" "Estray' or "Stolen" will °ilt� iii �; �Our" r l. alaaz'ril,c3'// ,_ tela,. Potatoes seem te be practically, a drug on our market. even at 20 � a bushel it seems there are no le vers. Rev. E. Schuelke's ninny friends 'will be pleased to learn that ho has his - be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 -, e, ,,� 1 / y completely recovered frau] re cents for eaeh subsequent insertion. �� i�' " - •Lar '," •Copy cent illness, and is ez-pected to be able to take charge of the Lutheran for change of advertisement mustice_ r �4 church services,a weer: from Sun - be handt:d in not later than Tuesday night 4 .,-._ �!! , i, _ ... clay. of each week to insure change in follow-- W =_•_ :._- ing issue. After experiencing a serious Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line, Notices for Chureh eu- tertaimnents or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contrives for column. half -column and quarter-eoluinn rate for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all eoultnunit'atiofs to The t �`'..xe''�+�.G�.� D. DYER, Barron, Zenner, P.O. Mr. John Leslie of Blake was in town on Aionday. y1)a Dr.Seller of Hensall,visited Dr. Campbell on Sunday. Miss Dora Either spent Saturday and Sunday at Hensall. N. M. Cantin, and L. V. Bachand et 1;12. Joseph were in town on Mon- day. Air. Daviel Pfaff and wife of setback by rains far several weeks. threshing operations are now pro - gressing more favorably in Manito- and the North West and in some localities the yield of wt andat n front 80 to 40 busnels to the acre. The high prices lately asked fan. Mani - toba wheat have somewhat checked the deinalnd for it in the east and dealers have reduced their prices a cent or two to induce Ontario millers to buy. H. Lipplhardt has a plum tree in ... .. C H U RC1 -1 ES. Dasliwood, visited at S. Hardy's on Sioulay. his garden that is out in binssolf. This is certainly a remarkable QT. BON1I tCE, t°'tltholie. The nux mill property was sold on I ° a tel •r of ser\Tee for the winter. SattUrdai for ;12500. F. Hess, sr. be- fa utallteaa:--brig. mass at Ill a. it.. :n."-'; the put -Chaser. 1':41a•ellisur auto inatrnt=tien at 1.2 o"t I*Iek P. Lamont sold his. 100 acre farm Thr no, hour. t•rtint' huto''ar vigil to, our Leal it. the 1'1rsNa'41 het. ra1201't'a from'm tris' 11;t1# Oat to Nintla Sur nato ;t to 414. at. \t9:47r.. and laa•tiet11'•tios Per the '41211 of i;=iau,a), of the most blt'..'t al t:tq•r"1111#.1`t at 1 p.m. e a S'4' " . auttlinn as several similar occur - - renees are reported from ''tiler parte of the et)llntr '. Quite a .c*lntrast betweenhere anal the. Ntirtla-west. A ?'arta reel*ntly aal rived frt«111 there and ea1t1 thele woe larincites a a away. e:tnthe a'rl4iln(i •' and the weatlier t..I)t'd and 11'(8 t\ S'4 ' "t . (1 t ti t ., a4.lien a)f 11at1y I)atdc•�ll")1a IP'a»,, tea 1'1•}!12' and 112'1'"tltet1«Pit St 4 le. 4.a. Vete,. 1)..t; s ;alas, eat i«a'o't.ing; tat e (4't'loek. First Fridays. masa math ea- \po ition tai :a o'elot'la Rev. Father Valentino. Pariah Pal .t to ealatwlilalt`.1I.. Harman and litiali'.h '°'a2Ih41ay ' 1 V'tit«t°9•a= Civil 9 Lits. cit 111 e•"*"ltm'la a, n lar2,x4eata, rat a n 4^n Vt# la t2t.. na"lnr '04"1".•'a. at .i l' i a ' "4 taiti' #oveast 2-l"t JJtlltl4-,l „idiJ,5Ila'as, at i. ^' nit3t' andla664o its "', 111+442. 141 .k24 4. alt tt. \Vealta telahy a en: 4.tX (Y« t a.n 741 1"2 2.4.1' lr;li 29ta,t. at .oEda. °1101 .l .l 4+'%121'2' 't 1 nnire1 -114 141 +tel' alta rota at 4 Trott. Fmk* k* 1 '•4,. n -.n-: "124 -1 it G4#` 10'"'1'.2111 111 ^ . i - H. Vette 4e°4ta4 , . 1'ta£a"BAP° c*, tttiwi nkb+ t. dre k+�vtste` t1�. * r(3`'Tflay't1Q4ditta'Etitr'llltlrtfl n/41'"i1,e1tti I'a1�4° v -.t 1p°anm"''W 1 Maar. ell x,1.141` y+pR:w.'"222*kl.t,Y 1'1+�`TLL. 212 Tient. 111.4r. .,;+e°. v, a" *alii,a"TltiNcV:a&1i24o;, w.klal'l"a' :.;:' tt" 421 W" flflilt bliss', 611. 4:4.44•+..- . ' � Mh u 112". .. � „ itra, Tai Hotel, ST R% 4,w rorkktor 47,''0'497.1P411" 1,•l+ 10142 fl nl' 21GU • fi' '14111211'', 152 412. 1G c.. i, 2' "" el .1,.111. Y't14-1 a11i11i��c11' : u'L .Bi 14-!11 `pn°- _4122 • a.nln121'+1le° looms: 4.4ya'" 2 fo .:: ➢ ..i n 2,14' 124. Timis Rn(ad,l;n•.* rer Exeter and ,TGs hra'ther Jeatns f'f Ti]5•''nburg ;tilled' n friends thanksgiving day. Everehedy that was ab'e to carry a grin was out hunting., ye-terday, and oar town wa:<. ,ractically de- serted. Owing to the nnnal)7learance of C. Fritz, at the track, D. Dyer ealltairecl the fat man's bicycle race by defa'itlt. The concert given h the Armen- ian was well attended on thanks- giving day, and all were pleased with it. Some of the costumes were very oder looking and created lots of amusement, EDITon HERALD :-We find it our duty to correct which was wrongly stated in the Herald last week. re- rep'lrt of Foster, Faust and Hess. Orrhick was thirteen hl:Eck squir- rels duel ane p"Lrta'idge, so the line-. burger was otic good hick. F,F.&H, G. N. Babcock, of Hensall, will commence. with Nov. 1st, to visit 124 uriclt professionally, every two weeks. Mr. Babcock is an optician of 'bine sxperic•nee. .No charge is glade for testing the eyes. If your eve.ig*ht is bothering you, consult him. Definite rates will be annomi. teal in thele columns, later on. It is very Probable that within t141' lwxt Si, months the Ontario Eil ilea a ti"nal Dt'l,al•tment will leng- th' 11 the Nau•lnal se1i'lol teachers' e'alhrse frtnn one til two se sion5 of throe months cauls. At present ee"tttiraltes are grante-1 to ellet•4''1e- ft�'' 'talent.; at the c'1141 ad it three 141'•nthe ate:shut, het dosser the arta- t a» ' .' ,4 4.rt1 cb.l .l. t , six cal"nt?1, will b. *t'l:liretl. The ('ll'Lnt;e is .titan the tEalr tot' Ilist cb'l«iarti.tent's eii•,irts' t . .at:,'tie t ?t' t 'n^e�tiailt 111 the rat nits 1?•� .112+3e . Iatt,Eel `- 111 1LIIOl tl. a . i 1 n n x111«t t. 1f . i a ag the treatelairig; 1'rt «t'a•v itt11, tIl 1'atiti(" e1'a't t10 gfloat a)1' her aunt Airs. the v. 'rid anal no Mistake. tial• standard of teachers in the •2«^ran 1$L'1g1'r this week. ,,te .secs y`*te. Ferretti anal Barton $161 alt'r sof Exeter, visited with 1Pieri al # 111 tt)st n 4111 Sunday. 'Mr. Andrew E11ales is ?acre frin» S ,.ttTa'e \'1241211x. ton, via -dime' his aro .1her A Mines e shit'*. ,...n(l,• i An ex4eillanr.e saw's : We made 'ar '®'int'(''- T.Lis term there air<'. aa - the fa211«EwineOlart'itin with to friend '''rat 1.312 `ttlala'nt4 at tile Toronto l'(" tt'rtlta"C. We were to stand at a ' Ni.2'lnu N '111",tt. 1t't at 1,•4111I1an and ' given Print for half an hear and P':-' tat t ittt.estt. 12'h 4.'a ` ;*»f4 in all. water. tlatx laalie"c 'who passed. For 412442 lady whore: oohhet1 hawk 111 foo 11a4i)'1 114.2 it lows. volt vtlttn:,'" it heti•'.J,nt a�'8"" Ltaamiia' «11` tit's;: it ' t"°t'adti'" NI" ats '..11''1 aat%UV trent home ta11t1,.r bei' 19412• wt. wi•rt' tel i'ttl't'iii" e#9.11'11 -',..Midst* Haat fill the 44trl't"t.„ r ,p New Dress Goods t New Mantles ! New Millinery 1 New Tweeds 1 Each season brings its new wants and new supplies: are provided« Stocks are fast filling up and we are reach* to fill all orders. Our mil- iner will be here next week with a fine line of new ideas. Our chess goods department is complete. \ e are showing a; finer, range of home -spun and suitings at very low prices. We are in it with our tweeds, -having bought very largely thin season we are ready to show you a fine range of black and worsted. Berges, Scotch and Canadian tweeds at very low prices, Give us a call before before purchasing elsewhere. `flow goods ! Trott , 11 iii(°til«l. :112(1 ttti' et'M*'i Itiit" tv1to eat', tet tall fear 1n tilt' night. perhaps Nlea +4.s "1 rt4tt and Smith of Hen- 'Week4 .a8°gs, illi morning. Yon aril 4 "till 122. `ed throur,Ji Talon on Kan.. "volar tz4 12144 wta in yealkine- at W4' `4"11 ' to l„«12'4' 112221 a iliioe �t1 t ° ":121^1 11,,' 295. b* t the bust+ 15 211 Nt i=221t+ .4-,,:#' a 112 ti at"ut` way to 1St. rl4e;y"p1a. ` a°":t'ft tett 12th b\'t 112 shalt alms 122241 t *lot L•iSt't'-til''""i 11i1•lo"1eV 12'1` 48 him and t`". 11Darde> will ('Dirt" i' tuts tit. letIt•12� ; Lh'aty l' him two. a' , Indy with 11911.2 "'2l t th`a't 41l of nem 14 11122 end tea" 1h°t-'rfl1',,.. of 1itaa'a11 t Heideman h:2'1241.44tH' ramp, e11onet. It""""°'11 And (lt2ia'11. 1)ILaalt:t' dr4n't 'al Il i t x2 retiring' 3 1 1 ala 1 1st #41 as miserable a'.tllni.ill*r leittall't^ate , 1JPautt, No trouble to Main Street Zairiciil Ont 12 Predate. taken in exchange for goods.. .1.‘ *17* '�r't•dt+as w'e`lt 2'. tie 1 t8222t 'o i t' �;OkS Cracked With 0=a•P4ale1°11 •c«illi' teeth wad fli4°1ff ;anis Salt Rheum 4s.10 *he 2411T2l your 1a811L"'. 1812 4422124' 1ti'v. sift'. Perald. 1.2ltial'rai11 128'12=" ?sir,416(12 ?,1""f<. "tilt` 'llT0ta i t t1i" and .a'• 14116. 41`• a4 1218.41 tfPad+a4. w t -ter4Al 1.-01181#,11,, 'Will ANIMA/Ilitilt' tltt:e 421, Cli2#.. writ., - `-=a'1 ..C'kth 2'2 (1: 11211'. 4eeal" 1;i24 ale•a'4'I/.0,I al' 14 til'2t 1 -a u`-',4. 4'- 1111 1121' L11tlhttr4224 4'2astr*'21 +*3•1,112 '.nn1t 2'124ewn22l '2 "2` 111412" -42'al. 44 141114.122 ai22(1 2..*t1' 4 124 % 414,te$ aat*dl 42181111.'. to 12 !4a«;""tt. t122' Nel'i18 "'ft "^'''C- halal'"; watery °a" g'`•°n18'11 "11411"ala". 1.8'"22'1 ' 0. 2 >va. . 24a t2a:il"r a°41:2° s 'x: X41"' 61tt'1t' aa4➢'`t 52t4t n'+122. tn1t4" ` 11" 2 1b 21" (21ti41 141 a a1 i D it" . ' 1 112 1v'(t21'' ""tt6,.'' 121 11)14"d1t'a421t '1'2I (a c ' ,r.letw ##f .t'h";1.24.. ";21 'skein. 1 1.12" 'ti31UVe. 12 0441-12.2 ti". ill' #40 122 ".4'1th'4"14 'ytf 1?°y"a"'4. W1a +'�U'11h2 n«'1Q 'i1°2'a4.�y',1 184i1t$:1 ; u - _ . 4. - = flfl4`-8'^ 1tTV�1°�a"wwt. a'ht�t4"r t; C21°c all ; '�"elt4 , .: V aallUa' little awt°11a`+1 h1at.1t41, n»,t ne,nth 140111 2l1s21'11I-1Mts.. Red s nlj�a�21r92�"tul a128U�nilr e➢'v r -i 1�t1ui4ewe- 2;16 4 i-. ' 11 iHa.+�'dU LtYr°, 1.'LI . e*c# (8 1'anlla w w . 413 ,`7 '*U • 21212`21'R' ::Alta2421'12' N•u»u1 4294fi14 11 l of I, • 1�'"4u . 1:s«tt. n.#11' �°2'a';r221f ”ti 1114°'S. 1149„.r,,; t'al�)'�i'V1 fltV°$ra'24 4922,2. 1,:;J•w$ a ,_,.12,,, ,ajt' fit, .4' *212412'12 421222 121" E3 11^ 81 , .n ..22::,,1'2 2u' ':2' @a'uxw "Gt Oa_4'4 �.: n4.. ..:.D„'•C'::821 7 41244° till MOIL �4°t 4[2..821¢ 2" t�'fil" 1=ha 2L 2221° tiui22na2t'" .110 '„u""121122114" iii all , 218222:, vol"'2 118• 1•1N94 988121":',{,.324 t ; t . , 134 ,2. ��.. "1;4'211^32 k4#'tenon. 111, "' 239 2"12. .0"d 4.2}2':'"21112„'„2 itn.': U aU,E '.+4.a g-„ al- ;''! V 0 7,4G,° 44pSw3" aRl4"u "�72 11211,~"<n1 122'. :1 u•1'IU`;1 Z 11"12,22- �J_o°1a 24'' 1:W'471n2t 1 4.1 "- u, '' <a u2 fc 1 :-a u.1,' F1 12.4 rya y1112:1n.w"r .�f •' ,' t'n9'1 t int,, i1!,0# '1.1^_2_.212" n °11`2:p° 1}12? ..tt 4Vilku'V:' • 4,' i14. •ar1,, es 1'il�:: t""•-912 tub, 12,- tto,‘17 2144. it ^Lr' x1132 22':.1. 1,22 ,.,Nz$'1' 2fl-.., 412U97. 111124M12 1112. (4 *lnl1ll12J2i'• "stf -n ,t4u ° . 1. . ill.., t,C J,F• #v'l oltn. 1i1:4* L'� yy 2 AA'11 li",- t 21,'2+ Ra .°V a .V i', ull'1. 11.. .,J122'1» 222 ll'V'',•2'v.;lV .. .-•4t".. - - -• - #1281 _« 5 .•,',u 2112-"97"' J 7e4J* '' K. •:-1'4 1.4 .,,2122! nut - - ljt„-.•°V{", .l w. •"'� `>c:2 12I 2y'6'�2' i"- .i'S+ _n.• "'4.'ui'. r 121,':..'. p•S. i:l 2sid.. ".a"'' 12'.3..12, • t5382V1 . -14'+11 1229 t :'*2e2au." <. t4.';nlC:"•.fl'n llt4' 24t,11'"4' 2240.12'4'4luelit 4.'1 .. {leu t1,1r.•...4, Ha.•�_'s2®'� • 4"2''~21 tW 44 stn 22.4' 11•:1 r'u3' 1294-n. a`4':'2 4 "224*'" .22'114' "2f4`' ea_ ,. *9 • 4.144.4.,231;1 fee , leek ,4Th':* '4,.„ c, to ' ,12112.1{{.:.. jl•', w,-,711'rL, - .i@ 1) 91. ,,: n s a°r ,Ill 4':\84:112 \r • .'4 r.oin4 4.4444 .,._sY.SC'ti: Y:.+ usux:�i4&'t-�."5.r_. . n, o ,•'d - ' f"•d.. :' k G c 124_ a. `V s 'C.." . a4n. NS., •1•. tl :1: 4. 1• aik aL 112 t . 212 I 24124 3'.s _..t a Va18 :� - t.:a' 2. 1 ori 1 r tt R".321.' it" 2 , 3 2 ,1 lm��.1i" tiffs 12 . 4' 2 • .11 . F-MC;2111iP*00' 122. c. news 1 V:➢`V 11°j4'. 144:9 ti Y tyU'1'"'?1912, r._��,.."""::.' 4..'s.. _ �u,.•.a�lw.nfr • _.w..,,n.•.•..-.. f. • 124." 4:,it 12 r..• . . 4411 .. ec ' 14 "�'' J ICH '. O. ,.▪ •1 .�a i°- t ..'1 `• 122,2.. a"412- , 4 1°a. 12• x47. Ap"" - ti,. " t; ,. ..11 . .. •- 1: R.Y. P. ' L. t{7':'.s_ .i.. 'rr.1l •t as.la.. • 12452'1`14. .121 1 t: 1.. $;.412 ,. .'1 ..21'. • .a.t$.LL. 3.. '• i,ata.1:1 sill' ";12 TRIAT1*2N. niat-T 1 a '1 2(122+. t:Ii 11:1114. a,re'r1.11:.s 212) • t1t* 1'1:' 1. i' '4' el ter the leans.17. 1' 4 i?', Postmaster, 2' e' 1 4.r 2•�.,� r 1' 411-' ' l' 1'. ,•.'122 447_'°° ,.112 4 if ''tu.4. '-12'4"C2' 2'4 12125_tttc• 1.... 1212:. 7‘,7,1•'','Y 12 4 P"',p•lae.. I9tf i s v 1 ,lu•,,Pi21 2..• 2 - ": I+` _ .,0: 2:4. 72 a x4' 1- 5e I t• 212'141.12 t . wl, • i 2 _.111 7:',47779 , ..,t _ . . f .,.: i': . ' l' _ u . C ,, •114 4.a iii ed ai.Jt 6 3: "fi .♦ , f 6- d 1. f. 71"x1112:i . 1202' u - ., ,.':1212 12 4•-. -:J .a " : 12 ": 1: *-.. • 2: .114.12124 1 • " ._ 2 121111. _i _"":32.4 ,. •• :1212 "1 7a'"' a'•11'4 . ,«12"4'?' • a' 1212- a • 4 :.l . 3 . N ry -'4•zzt ..µµ'di" . 12 112. -t ,a 'a :- 12 t 4•" • t' 4s4' aLi-. tided.- ( ,. ... .c'4•.. 4.:w - 0..12 -21 _ •gig., '_..a!t. .u' ' 4•..'4' lt'ns ',!nr 1.'..^,3Ea•. 12.4*2 J n.. "124 212 1 ?• t_,,"'ad 121,: "a tail ,18 --',*112 a,4.. , n-... 120;.• . 14 t..•4. 1. . afotoo _"as,. ▪ '',d' - t:• •p,. 50. i o a 4.4.1 t ..'Pt'4Z"�'a8 tial➢ `d •"1' `ey'+wl++i 13'.eJ3 P•. 1-a !let -"ft a,4.. ,.. • '2e 2`t • ta, a '241 'n',1714 toa-atetat an lel 11 lir' ."Ila? 12 a ('F4':I..v4- • S4•, 2V4.'t1 l 2•,,.,,x34# .�y l• 21. �; t ", ' 'a'. :.t • 1,.2';12 'P:a-- ' tj P ea 1 ilia' '118'4*:- till(1 1424. ('i1't'e.'Y,:•t:tnr•{' 111'(1 111111. he fantail • 21204 7 • •12 t,., 1't' fa tal`• •-11 :i'. l .al!.;4', It Is st ,11:•'.'1 (flvt6'a1- f L'a 1121.111.% {y,i I-1141 t.tait>r 3'0 2..41 112 tht• oorl, and ural` tl:( I'£rrhl12llre e'43 -la` fe(diit;1 in t?* '-nC :1.41 l:t'( •'.i.' fi gi ti'ni4 ,t 0 •i •E.wT4: 4112(1 tryiir- t17 f•v(Yi_l,i? ;lett t'al'c:a gli tie 12. bw . t _ h 12 ." 1 a 7' . aa 1,• 211 211 042.4^.r , _ - '412:_ 244-.1" :,""it,'":" a:2:- 2 r„: t. 5'- 1'4° ;.e-; 2-12 : 3"--a• 2.4. AS: r tie l2• .• ..t. - ..".••••7.22!t.• 10.1lI 'lie 14.'-i ,t:•"'"1-1 22,.11.a"•• . F •._24•12 212'12:14`• ,. ?..-,' :. - .4.r: 2442. _t' at. 212;,,•'. Lar•:a 441. 8-11,#-7,a, when 1.,'."S .v t..t. :'1ua a t4..*,,e ereasi112.. _i'. .. .. as g:- . 21'. at12.1"1212 l i '..a•.•".. tit.' i t'ee ,4'1 '('.4 ,t' 2-,+' 201 a ratai 12 ..121 tt •-4.1. ,119:.T :4'T i tt..: 44.11 ..7I ''«' a! ._. « i*1l4. 1' .31. =*'E'tr;a•. '"4. 4112 i'• ti;t'" 110 . 11; trio e::l1ntra- a+. 41'4 2Y' i :`-'" • t:` T't teat $.:i`.•. *'r:• f"ti22 1 .`":4a` t*) 42sa. lyse araa 44;2 i so sr:alt a 1.1" 4"' a•ll t • Ii1arriet and V:41`4 \'4.9'V ..4 ri:420 it is felt. Lee:ever. t(laat 'w' -.tort af rt'.:lIzed that their....fee is el.ataareas 1a the sale n,'. (itiil4 712 ':'*1m-- , ,al .4 peai:t - e will be di.`'C1'12it.:a: 12 tt, 1`m.2 n2'' it 1 3),'Vi2"' 2' 42' -12 .11212. 311 " 42. ' - 1,:,,c _I• y# 2' tlui'- ;tu. 111 tat '?4''3'4_,,_ 121'4 t' e:"u1*1-'..dt' 2u12.12'da 1.1' 12J, : u 'ti;'r`0l 12 .� 2J 11. "14 24 ti a 012. 4.0,1t-1 •l'4., v.. t 4114'+ V 2'1-1 1 Co- . " y-,8 7.t111" !121,0', "!". "" No, a1 1•,..4'2 : :312' -122,2'212,.. u ". aye- -• 12 ':-- 1x2'1:4', ":4e-" a" ,ia"' 'it a.1 ` '1Y 1, a 4'.'1.42, 'r' a212,12,t 1211'- `I1 "ell; ' "4 "7 t=4..U: 1 F.9 a 1 Ya _x 17i'r1f1 .. .' a•.:' . . 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