HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-12, Page 5'41 " too � ,;r ill - �,4 11-1 � I V1.1, , - ,_ 4 ) - n�jo 4 ; , � , ,. I �u 11 , � It- I- " a I i: . � �. - I , . i* .1 . sl� ,: , %: ,,I to I � ''.� A I �;� ,:?I- �._ - I ;�� eii, , � e4, �,;� J- ': I 'a'�'�' i'l - �1 I �, I � i I . . , I., 11.� F� , .1 i . il", I �,� � , . I "' i! � , '. k � I , I �, : . : " . '. , , .., 4 1�. �� . �1'1� . . . 11 �`; , i, i i �� .! -y . 11 — — . you not see that only the utter failure of bar s6hehies, within a narro,WM range can have driven. ber to tile for - 10170 hope of your assistambo?" � . "It may be so, It is moaV like, for 'Your cold wisdom sees clearer and.far- ther than my Impetuous falth. But 60 130 it�� I.ohall )lave one hour In n3Y life, worth ending it for , , tile hour in. Which abe Shall knowi that I have Collie Over land and sea at her Call, ready for any attempt, however desperate, to JOIn the few!--ror I &yn not alone in thirr- who are still faithful to tier in lier . I � I — . . . I . . . and Make Peace With Elizabeth by delivering up the queen of Scots. I'lau$Q , and consider-, , Louis. One P"cellbitatO ileed now, , and the case Of Madame Marie , is worse. than over," 4'I 0-allnOt Pause, , I cannot Can. older. Sale is (wearbig out her life, her' beauty is fading, her heart is breaking, in the Idegrading bondage Of her pirlson. ! g1le. would change t"Is for any 'lot -for that of a Peasal't who is frep. Let her but elseape, and all iWIII be _.ii P) MULS FINO h RENGEN . Honduras Offers Inducements to Foreign Defaulters, THOUSANDS PROSPERING THERE, . ��'. � -- I . . - __4;��� . 'In t'jiketr secluded homeal' ou tar as , knoltil. ThlaTe are no womeals-rigtta � conventlo-na, no wonien's. temperance no mothers' ngeetla,ga� ,;V11r11t1i111811- not even a woman's �, cArd club in tho whole country. The wlifei knows nothing of tile fam,L;y fliianooi34 olie is not comulted in serious bust -4 nerss affairs. If I. were asked, "Wh-a' r do they do With. tJie;-r time?" :E , sli-culd say their days are, qu,15to as; fall of activity, both mental and ph-7- sleal as those - ti,,-- ­­­ I- th I �. Tile consus of Just ye� taken ill the. TI­it.A IZ+ + MY 11 A_ fallen fortunes; the hour In which she Brother Cyprian . - .- W. 1114.8 women . Shook his head diffiElreat states which go to make up not crave the freeduat and pub'jobtM 'Brother Q.Yprlan bad Seated himself has sent, word for you. to do some shall thank me by one the 11(j),libile of HoodurAs Showla a for- of life that are enjoyed lal �ha Un -i ,ecl against tll(3 dangerous, perhaps some deadly deed, rs of - , � On. a stone bench plar I � , look from her sadly. a of 81,400 Ili. Vie Coon- Ited States. They are very ch4rittable. Wall Of tale "parloir," and lie now in her service. Beware, Lailis 1 1 knew I <10 nOt (put faith In that," he elga popu.4),tio her before ,You, did, and I know the Brother Cyprian made no reply. He said, $(I do plot liclieve the Queen try, This Is divided as follows: Eng- and am kindneas itself to t1re poor "Sumed an attitude of intent atten- leaned his arms on the black Oak or 1"Cots wouy� relish any 11berty hall and Americans, 8,000; UeTma"S people of their nelfghborhood, eelid� school she a trained in, -beware table and hid his face Ili his hands, that was not freetoration. You may and Austrians, 4,500; French, 0,700; Ing n mea -4 C011. There was that in his man -nor, lest, the gwal; of. blood, !innocent A r;;� or the Summer sunlight shone free her, but ,not for flight alone, not Italians, 3,500; Mexicans, 8,500; Spa- dal y to those who tire in destituto 1111S look and Ills voice Which made Ills .blood it may be, and shed irn vain, through the painted window, with It's for tile Peaceful lilding of I . brother understand that the subJect stain your hands !" � the head Ish, 3,200; Portuguese, 2,000; all otheir elroumstanoes. : '. Of Ills Own Past was forever closed. small, dull panes of glass, striking wIlIall has Worn �wo crowns, She will nalionalities, 8,000. Of title nualber it Dael to the Death. . "X.have said I do. not care. No Sharply the edge of tile thick, deeply- go from her b,rlsoll to her throne, or Is TaIrly estimated that onL-balf came lt Was xather witil thoughtful Curl- matter what she commands, it shall Cut s1tone Wall, touching the Shaven to, her grave.), It Was my fortune to witriess.aduell, O"ItIthan, with affectionate interest be done, if. I earl, do, at any cost. heix-A to engage in legitimate business between , native I-Ionduranian .and l Cyprian Watelled his brother I beliwpa her as imnacent as shale ' TIM11 I will stand beside the pu:rsutts, ;,N%hlle tile remainder are a 6panisli trader, who had recently, tha Crown of the mouk's bu-wied Ileacl, and While the Chevalier de Valmoat paved beautiful, as glimmering on the burillabled Sword- one, or die qx,-jd, the other. The forced e-ctlw from their m6tive lands - deeply wronged as she hilt and long spiliv of the stranger. determination of our Iiian In all its lawbreakers who are -sale here from come to this Country. It was over s; lip and down tha narrow.parlor, speak- is fasolinating ; but if I did not so "Look how -,710 , s -un- (-Ongee o V, said det,alls is not ilp wornan's lure, ana both men decided ing With veliemence scicloal eXhiUlte*J believe her, I 6hould do the same. U . MY n&nds; but you any postAbility of extradition. Here to fight to the death With swordEL Louis de Valmont. 1,1. am a believer In must hells me 5n. so much of It as wre men from the great American Within. those walls. -y011 Bald you =us, and thus oilly, do I interpret omens, and here is a good one. Many this. Tile trea.sure ,I have amassed cities, who, by their enterprise and At early dawn thev met, both mount- knJOW I had not changed ill anytIfing. knightly truth, and fealty." a, good omen has attmded me . since I goodly f6m_ ed, and at once began Urcling.rouild Whoever bl'olight You that story from Brother Cyprian extended , We is ,1101i to The expendea for bler escape brain force, backed by a the Outer World iold you the truth. hand In deprecation of the other's quitted Varie, In obedience to her that is Otherwise 10-rovided for. This ount of money which they brought and round each other. Both were toke4 and I have w,eloonged them all. breasure is to ,form able swordsmen. AS they thrust, par - DO not look at me with slich Coll- vehemence, and answered, sadly: her resource af- witli. them. are growing wealthy. 'rho ried and cut they niade a fascinating deumation in your faco,-� Listen, 14'rancolu, This IS 01117 -MY toMards, to be K,arefully concealed, gold mines of Hondizras, whIch iinder .1 "Of course it is thus with, you, as plan. There are negotiations for the go tb,at Mile Ishall knoiM of its exist- tile most favorable circumstances are sight. Now one 'would Jahih. at his c It is not condemnation; It is with all her bondsmen. There is a migorriage of this 1pnglisig. Queen with ai'04'- gave tile Queen and myseir. When but hall" developed amd not lialf work- opponeilt, causing hill, to rein his Onipasslori.11 magic such as Nostrada Alonselglieur d'Anjou; but they Will she Meedi it T will come for her, If I ed, turned out over $8,000,000 I horse to Ills haunches, to avoid the " All, yes! You may well compas- Rugglerl never dreamed of,min! subtle- . n yel- fierce absoatilgi; then lie in turn,woulij lionate, me. Idon,b coi�e ht-* come to nothing. it to a scheme Of am alive; if Uiot, ,,;.Ou--,, low metal. re, brother, ness and potency -and this fair ,wo- .Va.dame Catherlilos; the Duke will B"()tl'Pr, Cyprlan started, and ex- 11. is lit the vairb rubber forests, how- charge. The t-truggle lasted a long to tell You a love story, offending your man was ever a mighty w:tcll. Y011 haye none of it. When. it is settled, clainied, , I!,, I ev,,,r, that the, greatest wealth is ae- time and both were rapidly becoming pious ears 'with hopes and sorrows are under the spell, my brother, and and the envoys )lave talked their fill ... Ye", You -for You will undertake quired. TheTe are recorded at tlle cap- exhausted, Suddenly the native dug: which you cannot understand. Ihavo I cannot exorcise you. Let 'no about It, he Will find no pretext, and tj !know-vou will receive the Ltal by the tiomsurer Something like Ills spurs Into his charger and drove come to tell Xou what I am going to harsh words, no upbralffings Pas'9 the negotiation will come to an elid. I "I'S' I - th(- Point Of 11;s weapon Into tile Span. (10, so that if You never livar of me * tol-t" frU the Queen, by which you 100 national couresMous to Am-'ricans. between you and me, Tell me stniply The'n there Will ba no more conciliation will know that ',*0 needs the jev�els, Rach olie of these concessions rangps lard's horse, Causing tlie brute to low - more, if I perlk,h in the effort I am how it Is ..noir with the Queen of of E ,ngland-then the inquiries alre.IJY and thie ggd, Vjnd that its bearer is from 5,000 to 20,000 acres, and eaeh er Ills head for ,I luolneut. about to make, 'you may know tll!lt Scoto - what are -her Commands to niade , Motte will be n, trusty I have wrlish,41 in doing my , servant of her Grace. acre will average 3.,000 rubber-pro4luc- Ili this moment he slashed fairly at; duty." � , knightly -yoll, �nd whereln, 1, a poor mo t Ills opponent's chest. Tak-ea b sur� of St. DDmln.1c, and under obedlon You will never ft,Ml the szwret, or Lac., trees. The average grown tree Ili y " An enterprLse 41 relinquish prise and thrown off Ills guard by the on behalf of the lntb,e remote place, far from eltb tile trPasure, oil any one saaron Is cabable, of being milked sudden movement, of his burse, the Queen of Scots!" said Broth:�r Cyprian Of tW� Idngdoms; which banished 11 'a other guarantee. Francois, I ]lave to the extent of forty pounds, of pure nd rubber. It will h-� r a lly n, ther t quickly. and from that whereln Rho has be be LOInt� over tlifl, ,r.e,k,q to ask this of e ol hw (- .I;panlard barplu mallaged to ratge-hin, " Yes, an enterprike for her -for tier so evil-entreated,ean serve her cau .Von, %he first Ireeogaltion of our bro- fdre, thero Is aig enorinow.; profit, Ill uivord In defense. The blade received therhood for mail.), ,.year,;, perchance dils business. The Cost of produvin I t be full force of the blow and parted whom fate. and fortune lia%,e dePerteol; or Yourp. It is with the knowle Y, the last.1 g, like M reed. Before he could recover for her who languishes In an English and consent, If not by the e e Brothey Cypriall r,igilp. melting, carting to the cotist and ex- and wheel his horse the native clash- P-r"ll-a P11111M, th,M' Pay, but 11 wand of the Queen of Scots, th . I . t, I ise d. - He had . Porting to the New oripans and Nfllr I ed by. thrusting to the rear as he did ' Prison. to her most bii,fui and Intol- you , f'. - York market will iv)t exeevd 25 vents I so and wounding IiILQ antagonist be- . are here, Louis, I am sure o? oil which 110 had P,�,.� 110 I,OP� fil (this enterprise, and his V .t Ills life, )rLi heart. Was heavy 4vith presentiment. per poluml. � . , cable." 'that ?" one With power to judge It. o 01- "I will accept t1w trii.st," lit, wild, Voncessfous are Costly. twef�n the shoulder blades. The, blood " But kille forsook fripilds whea she h, � had tbein. .Intl her fatal face )�ellt There was a tremulow; tons In thilolasm, courage liglited up his .1, sported out in a strvang and it was the )kl- " hilt not, alono; 1 Ita t our rulc� would ThFa mini aleo represents the pro* plain the '111PI was at ,an end. many U malt to ljh,r ruln. Louls, I well -skilled voice of the monk, R)lno fac,c, which rc-senibled that 1118 not miffer mo �to do. I jullfq it have 410110 'witil all t,jjf_%-j. gauds J�r as lie spoke, and blu ]land once brother's in form, but not I col- a ve thE' litiWonato coit of thr- vonepsolon, AS tile woulldpd ,lipaulard sank fromi� llrlorW P-1rinisslon txi ,rr,cplvf. titeitirl"a- whioli In all vasiv; rum; ftir twenty I Ills horse, to the ground his fortunate Wouloit's follim and coquetries: but more conct-ttled. tile tuo-expressive oring or expr;,.�;-slon. The younger P"re, Mid 110 111414 bo aware of Its years. Tlj-- et*;t of a eonvesshm de - bow did che treat, You 11L III;- old tlnr��.t mouth. juan's buir and Iveard, trininivi after ilLslioQ100:1. yot antagonist wuMpil over to where he when '.Vou value up to t1w court, a *1 aw here by her command, but the, fashion of th(k time, were of U I IM%,- nothing to fear iwndr; -.0tolo-tlikir oil thp conifition of lay and prnipatlif.t,ically placed his McNI I*Ov, and Wore tier volors and her Ilinve had lit) 'word or writingfroin golden-browu bunrl and his largo rest- fronj )'in', 110 IN 41, psild nian, and th., natlouttl filla�,IP04. I! tho- treasury .'Qjit; 0.vei ivere ninch lighter than the flit! (if HVIlipatiky Aw all who .-lie N (16-pleted-whiell 1s; %he 0 -a -SP m0st I Pat' -die Unif�kr tile r�,pan4trd's head and Phains? I Ilenril i�Onjotlillig (pr thi.,; her. or message by word of month, UPJM,.�-Aod , strove to stay the flow of blood with evolk th­ll, and -1, fi only a tokell, It �ertaiu aud ralth. brown orbs or tile nionk, in which .lit I sufforing. though of th,,� tilm'-thou it cogwez.4ion Pan W Ills own Shirt. The wounded malL ItfN '01F HOt, X110w nitielt of the great had for approxinutwly $7M pf-r .tere ralsed himself. Ill,, fai-e giving every " VOW 011 c -ha trcat. mu. T, Nat'l Lqlli�,t fill incssenger, one Which eannot be tinte a nd babit had *10.1dened tile light a fi,ji.", tic mi.C.Ons, .Vull 114a.N Ila vt� Ilk . iaterragated. and therefore canntit and lnerew;.thl Vle, 4epth. )VII and a warly vix of S6 jr:-r aere. No ev.1.10nee that It t lounalld do Vallnont. eNvlt,f-illy� ­Ilolgr latt ..sav You t4link we raust hileveeJ, M4 MA'419. riall1wr mrl gentj,� votep, ,,one -' . I wilifuse'l jvQ5<ntP nro Xr-j as a (Ineon trrau Iwr Ni-rsantn. ,I, lietray I one whielt eannot lie feign- 1;, W1,118 Ili, spoko livitil .�ou�,, uteol for less thaid fallpipH were crowding lit hN brain a W01311111 ItIA110 worik roynI by Ir -r ed, alid is therefore implicitly to he raz��,;cbl;�,' ho ronVnufkd ple-lding),s. '"I did. There van b.- no risk 500 arrm awl thbi all, itroio,nt IN wath, . ,It i and throbliluar In Id.% heart. He mat. bewty and her grave. * (4rusted, It was signified &)nip thu "Toll in(,, that this righteowi cause Vgki. vilf-ral. It a Mail 11.6" tpl.p.j -.1nPz--In(.­-a Pabullo. senor. a it (it tiud and bleiise4 I t1linu -, I I , - I I , t'han lt.� t1o, Plattlill'" Iru,o-t in Ijill, IVI.11111�1111r�11111r%.,%, , Irkrtlonlarly fill t*01-11O." antl ifiefl,Santa Burbarm reaeliel inu,st W favore Wit U'lat, it . Ili, livill ino", lit-rulit I -Ave 1141t, betol t. two erowlin Or. wort, titut th(h*thir4l 1190- wl'Pn the fatal Ile" Ily tho Chun -h -That it must pr&,per. - tr1qt,4 wh,ell I IT,#,-tto-r to Chiclaijittl Coininerellil Tri- ,�bo hns -tb,- nip that tile Queen had put herse .%oa W ruarpi o+. troamtro hi -M, It * na.v Al". lltq - I'tim to them. itut, if r4dit. lo iv--ar t What I 'r 7toll me that. brother, and that I ,mi -NZ w tit) otlier r,­.(_iUrb.k..'* Was I Uo Itior intire, than all whp into the Ituivor of iw;, ent-iny, tile ralall havo lAour ble.�;��11;�, algo on nly rraitti4l. it will lit- .�t an oxorbitant . lollill.. - — othero who livet] lit tilo, figlit of j1pr Vnt�.11611 t.Yralit F.117MIC-111, t1i'at I `V- 1.otp ronr. I VJ6.43 lla%o no dir firurN i PA31017.1i rj,A,r c,weinint. . entf,rprleo. A Oult will h, Ili rpaill- di U, 3. Anki 11,on. V-10.: � iN thits trct. 14111W.7 Ivan It bor fallit that oil- N10411101 111441 JUV80f In I'PadilkPS4 tto imoi t4brtakoltor on Njard. when wo , UN, k. .14 . go to England and alil Iter vsvapt- . Ntot, tong% fit All, $,401 or ClAutral 11, — "Lit got, he;, to th h roast. I ant rot %mri,.,an 'Av,ae., jKk.,..4ss4`- 60 111 -MM 01431arl NVhfb3TgkkQq At Livilig. J)y P,x- WMR fat'll � WIM ban hufferml as t,,ht, . bap. lipt-allse to I irtila IterltiLtervii tluranri-. sontehow. I " %44- .%ot 41.�,oujh4rk,$O. 1 41141 not , sue her W418 to find afral-I or slitt-Lix. t1tat. You renwinWr %arictil and rva-�tant, rtv4ourevs Do o tvrinblating tile Rotjent,4. it i*aPy tit %lip for lit 1 was to leavo Vinkneo ohn tilt- re. In"M how I Ill-ght zqw,tvi �n vonnur. 4r. ansl Rib Ito Upken-liming pre% hously- ""k I If it l0.,Iu:shhllk,4,4 Al tilt- 11111W 114,Z"f Ronthira.-i. Wore it, loot l4or Its UwL.4 � t herf� is no rtqal lipar her pl-tter 114all ally ti-thpl-bot vNpu of a it,,,, lt!�,:!,� Franti)`.N, toag b.,%foro I NO '�r- V4*--. wrove. 1 01141 not Lmow ,wainl A�wt­ %41 vhU,fttc4w4 tlt�re WoDull , AttlhlliMs: at thn.. t rullpetol 4111 thp alfflow whieh I r how ,gIll. �V-Ior ,%on: n* 1,rotldilrb UkIrl. .stin too. a brutTlen 40110#0!. f1jr On �o_t44r,�; Erp.ju , rat vatt*htor 4tt tl�,- G�ratjt;jl et)urt, WtL$,,8 oil Parth '.1 Vion relag,111itt'r her. Fran� I o%pr mNlu Sier. Y4�u rinuel" IN! a%lo . vols", Von roblul-1411114- 011 OU91,tviog,11. k -wild nallar's witlitaut v�l impt sw1w I Oti� rki,tt- tover ftbrwi.-vp t,i ever Inorit . % *- 07 %Vhvt-�` ml UP* a4bul,il hrDtlg. all grio� I.? th � wot lot. Vlh , rt,Alk�%Vnlr art. . tow Cht"aly,q '%'*-Us. tbcs3gle Ittot, vo Iong ullol likow Moto u -1401M up"t mafft-r hi- I V1,101tt-;tnol. 141-Mgr1q.0 tluw Iflitne% uuth foarltk;s-J�. Tho fautt, of litir hor-e 1IL­ t- .t gb,�0%44 &t.,JV4 fle"! tptj Inp %,,U tj " ,iii-Dient %va% 11"Is lulder . V. i1oll", 1wrx'44 too Ito- Nir--jetvil toV MON, tPeol. 'I. M41. t14 plapth 41 sare IlikNig llhtU SIO4. bDggip� 1'414�8111'ea"R Ill 1"'n. r-t.ogw h..:'dItti., I Jj�u-lt rpttIrn ��qr!D,q rlt.lrb.ol Vfr la%-attolg, � ah?,.. t16 apj;Z� - I �,1111;1 I.: al"to't, mi -.t for Or, yl�ar 1141.0t, a-0 it �-4 f,gir to% tI,41 b.ru 111.141 Un". tan4j w 4$101 101',411req Bwt 4.%1-11 her hml�.ht,v uD�ell, J&n.&il? shvitild h1b rP,404111.1, .11441 111KC IkIT41 $If Vraiwi, aN Me, fa-ap. 44 her Igintu t- 1,:f- borp,jt4r �apg fi.-Itor, Itotljor tlj(� a�4�jtn, _M , �il ' 100 I 1014 0,j'kjj)%614J thL3 , , I , 112.3u, ub,to+ 4'.o�qt. . . . .p jjt�v .orA. o,j;.Lrg-tv lit j­,Aj,�� sle s I, i4m.% r ­,e . . We 'All -rt all Nf.rr ,.twau4 thpil. w4 at Th4w I ha%P lRi,pn re.olargai'm :110 awl At* Ila% 114ol -.4or'. need of .619 111.1;1; a kDt., thO ikMe"R UU&I tij �44 11#910j"q, tv,qd �!;;,46 ' - * _� , g)jjij)!,f.0. islu%vr 1­,�-'4 ,I,- lgooL,4 .1n tto'r Vrt�.,!% ,jLgtvj gold navii-ol. lnl�lri% thAZW ellildreol-411, a "NO tni.. kvvulth .44 tn,y dj!4I.'40.NU0 - 01' r-1111 wpl �A,rength, and ell t 11 , k,41 4 to Morrow. I u M* I at lip,�wv I � I durdlive A ii 5,m 10, I �'13 . irad. ,�,Slv�'_1213*. e4totkagod Vq.-!*ZIIIN"�-, q4#!--4*1'9at1A VVAI� tIV- wor i14 41114 .I nmali ulgf% jorj�11(1. :1 t.*Jlrl gInt'j-11, %�'01�4j .Are ;�p arvato? 1virt flif it tinvo- xourlm. 149 "'.. t. 0 .1 cl 1.. rtol� da, , , ill *V inee then. Want iou mer tihll 1wr of ar: " �t, win ­ - R) ngricuttur.o. $%Iollb'swo'000, rubb'T Ul'tj "IlUt V.A'J+Qr VW IIL%2 jjt.Q�1ht.%-." : * WO tt4l%VV Wilt 4on9v kinow law. tto,),,�tji lonithor-for t,ulne tialm gin't oarldi',',�'l i"er I'Xt. ut Varlx$r% V? �, I" da rU lbot ro I reaell tunlItiv. ,$I CM, 1 1.1-47 1 - grWt. ��1_1.1314).� A In ill(- little 1.1lixvItty 114'ela *xMa ...U101 �Ziw.o Vow Urt" th , ,­i,m,e Th-ek Vr,or to'.A tim I �h.!414 . gtqre %illug" a �#ttt � it Ultbi flowpli?. fts tip, tnstl4t likort.11III. "We havo Ito iil aliton" fit!'wr 44); VAna. %1_tV1.TSfV0_17_, t vVisune"', ,th,T* �A Avilig Ujil-Vad ;,Sklpw�, � nnil , Torin 14 al tr" ".r&�XtAlnvlatt. for V* horm and . "Ittorttonq tignp: �,bvjt ?--I janvp ! k 111am�rwilqv- I NINO V,.'4141- fltjtjgg�. t1lat tho (JU4,01% t4,LtmAls, ttor 101 a i,44mutry hk­ tho. t0v'�rp tjoroW- " Mt4orth. Inmeep ft,r 2u'jt44,,4 aro,,ijus aii tu P444,41govd W Moe. 14 tho olmoptim. rd Aa rs,putatlon 11or ioreongrwlt.v tit j,urikjjv4r-93 ra� ga 4toa%0. i'mcia"T lwbre; Opv lomp , lit l4slaf, to! 001, %%vor,;t of lm�- j,,k,,,., arol t tv)l fout Ptt, 1L.%ol Ili* Trwr"Mvp. a4A 9m.ojjrj,1--P � VIAt t'.A,4,,#�r, n , ,W-,wi .%vars Z*-�-_i o&.,%, � lung.erio'g* olawi 't0n,10. VvPlwn 01--v ij, 1,4 �Volr'� ; Mer v 54 1� z 44 %*?i4xv wvr- t,vot,ulo"v:4. ;J14"I J.-I"IlW4,1 V[p. 4tAjlr'­,w �, ft,,I. ,I,,, 0P&,t_,4. . na'ar vitro ,rv,ttd.v,4tV, s,%,!,,vtU"­ P:4a,4 N4,1 CW%o�l "c- .4", ,� Lwv"� 4. , a 0.1tuftatf-ra .a' Vqgunt wvt at i IX4104up'. rwlt i4 VOW jjftV!jt1 St 4'ltl* 11�4110�14 li$f btj)�' 91UD-fl�t,. � -W le'vAl un"i furr,nrl .% vu,* 40", Il% vmo 10ft4tD414t .ajj%- J�J-%V-44 JbT 0�01r. tji3j- � 4 q "'A' - ley SA.oV'.iW,o-. 9 o i 11�14t,4 '411, -'.wr:4'6V' it -."L -t lfi� i!", �-*Ifls k P'll iaf,v� t -it, "whats. sotvi,� ­ I ­%�,.� 'Air., 90 -at IM110; snf tIM 144,111#1 M1106 z -ho volavtll-1 aftivwar.ls 4i tilt' b4lu'v. I t -o." ssv-� wpi � Is. ,,,,,# Q11"';v nvrvrtnal"J� V4 qn-i,-V,�_ idl 1 i4 J! 0-441' 144 �MJ$Z,W aO4 When - n. wim V.wit, .moy 410 I , � - ` I. rl�'Q- johllvh- gfqv?, tLe." I lit;, %bt, 11twtil pand, to) tia, ,,Q1l1%aV!V 141`1,;� %vlato dr 93# 1990t kaivow u hat ala OL,.IwE, of flaw k-11s%sollitIN awl 4,1�1.wv ,�q 14. ,It� Will'" .%Wl ay. t J1.11m, to M 0-1 :!�. V ­ tut Lwie4lt P71111t.t- t�; 1114u p4wro � NOW- I gth_�5, r-,TrtA1W*0t I Vv -1 I �ki, t"", torfM 'I I.; I . , , " , q j ��, it'l 1�, !" 'I O��,�: t,4.!.!�.,*, � f i,t�Jao­ for ­ .1 ", _. - 0 , # *1, PIP *thlgr' tv"'.110g440*41. 440 U­r4li.-m ar�a 1"" Ill, i.; Eml-r 4PT v 1411'.441.,fllior Tfor Put Co. qnlq: n W -T, 14.�OtQ rvatl ; 4�,. v� 00- I On%,8q, ;`.�t-09T" � 11 tj�, I I . Va".4 Wittv�Notg wtfirv!4, 11410're ts lov, P.,.ev�n, adt'Nor" rat,5r. UU01 .1 4 ,,I * 4ulld t ,�-`,Q,.- "q,W* flMonA, t"l ­) Vir ia,t . . .1 - -:4 � t X, f T,.,o tv� � tr)". !0,61: V %� 01 - tV-jt�.J�t�,.# FjjPIZiJtVr %!4 ljt�- t.�� , It 194it �j- , �-. W44:-11, qt,a'�j 211.s gain - I " v1slaturg-A lovv. Wool", , '�;mvil. I q gQ0ij;o1Qt 44 t1a., 4,41og.t. 0APf-g4c 5t f:31i flr*.- MU'r I'M"144." . . ON, ,-*."At llmo, w ami.,�J`14 to t"'11 DtL IVD*'� �Ll�"'L W!o "' I , , tut tml-,4 It tvio�.j IVAP4 41w'rT:0Lj t1,4 7 fN t�',,'p t,,,LjVC.ja*,-4 tq,�L-V�ag �111 i r olu­i �: "i L, I Z ? ve VA., D"'. � I �kIt 097,F, I'an'l !. ol,v! 4-I Alit jj�A;q lt- 9,#! tot #��Iztagm lkint4tv v,! tjut- fi�:.4 tm�irir4�ij�,re, �jqaa uar j lq� MV,m-,"U'lus"'Oe d'An""n 'k-jur-Ol. "Wa 411" !VdIPLI zw-po jr."'011 ',� -.,1,,_0j . um,l%- ijAmulzvv- �,-jo�As,rc�'ju� ,othona tho, Elf, �p 0 %t"I i�,� �d� %1-4cNi hv ill'i ter - j` tn*'r-*� Vtat v-Mllol got Off. I � ,or. I � , 't � Mo tp Uaaittrravatv - - , s , ; -,� I -491,R-onla'"Ne 0! .-ae'elt I'm t:y" _' .,r 11 ,U,t. .4,� J.Jwjl�-t tl,!�-), .11, 24 �­ t Z� .�- � " �3",'d. t, 1, VD`-*-)-7� �!�!j , N'� Vff,'_�'-4. tuat, �e.tf_r � v0% , 6L4 5.4 os 1w !� �1,010v! 1 .4�_ Ili 111D 4 1, , I " '.. .0 "Mud Co. vrgmw. ViRe't, �-, y ", 11 Ttlivre b, que4g, � 'Pt"00,11. 'gat"mmon'. DOD uOv. 11MVC4 OD'Di'Llat rlaha fnon, ,1� VV�o �,t "'Y' tTLY t*o 0", ,ru 1��, fl�,,,, 1, - ,j 11h, .t*�Jn,_, L, L,** �n �j �11,V,tor�::Iw- tonetI.It- �0 0� ,fw .. . ____ - I , � , , � 100 I jwmrd Preithor Vz�jVO,-L11l1 lrnngi-wt�- �� jt�w'f`�'1'111- wllab,ft av� othv? vyf-,� 0,;ntv, valol "tuwtv.*J�L't &Wto-iq T. o U- a": �, -0 'Wtv gD:�',N't,-%-t-,.'IZCAttt�ol;t�;1,11-,,§,!Ol. � tr 41, D'd so- �i '�, � � I V onion *41 Ql.q- Upgoubliv. - 1!�. fkat Pat"'d (r491%agp_; q ri,cr r,ren. &-��!,C,,krl 5t ha'."R vo-ou rn,nv� 140Pf'!�W4.174 'roT Ru'r ri,�ctl�'. -.0 �.IrOt, ."o, 0 - nn 0.0 I, 4�,,aT,.�,, , t* O'T ;! '.. C�,'ng gdn, Irv- hGo , .,! � I n+ ; VYA[.!- V ,� \na-k,r,j� a A ��t- "'MV T�, L, 11 � �Vm_ � thvunh A tn'. U 9 hOO­.;,-,a'4 0-V40,r­,,g IsPTIFF"Ll !�P.'�, U) 11,1%4% ,I fl,4�!�ialil't I nljo�% 'Ill RL "��­)f,A�' t tjUMI U110 ! 'i`�Vl V %$'Ll hAv iit'Le �u 841111foov TwQlbsin a MID451000:'p 14L10 wtl - - - r, , I .1 � - t4l rats, 1*)t tTaR,,l9m ol�v� 11�uv blvw, i W�VN*�-__Z ES C -U VM -Ml UM D0 'u'f�'4 P-19%%' -I ��o zl.04, e§A�� 1p'l . 0�0, a top,!�T% ", � �' 11 -LI �J'�d : ­�0 �111 0' 1'_J� ""� 4'�"U�'L'V� .,OiL -,10""oli�rg(itott I w ,1�1� 6. �4, T_z 0 V.,11 oo m3, 1, � ar""Q tho�v ap,� i 0 - topat-wd Proons t'l pr410-466"All .h.441'r. 11 trd� 4 �_"�".�.� ,!Ll �1.��' _��;J'�'_4 _:jo ,� - �J , �, I I A o0.14 bt-4 ff-�'-'�'110% *B,�9 ','�07g 0k,e:u 14,9t 'gD too Pmtor- t*Lrrji,'p I�Onptj..­ ,_1 ;1 11 ,�, � - � ­ _1_!L�'?" "I ?�,� " . '. 9,01111te, Tt,n tt�ata 4 h'.0"ie leaft-Af1mg , , , , , I fla - t.L1'!V'fP!'4" Z,,C!�,� "T. I,? �, I vo-,�­.*� l, , D r,�:01 r%o �_L,�,,�­F,4r,� *� V.4old P�,od"d MI. , - 1'�,,61. Mr) %-v,t, .V#41 Mnpr��,f� wt� _% , - " VL4�r ('�,J#r�an 4 '11dt� a �5LIJ rLj#1_ t .,.a ri. "i I'J"I"', E-4 a nVT­,',M.`w,ta,t V..)1_1 1-,­,­�Ir i - 55U o�� V_ - #,V,L� �4V.4 UOV-11 1''LILI � '%'V�r -, .1h r- r"v'a � re"'ittv, t_ - P . oa I -- f tq�" ,-"I- 2�.4.� Do, 9�4,1! � , on�, �61*-,Lrj.. . 14UM VL,'.Ut UZVOQtb�M bf-r rv,mto �_,tvg -1;ftoat, jooz#,� `- 0,,V� C,)U­o,-.n'R WAIrej." big V4 t1witl .- - . 2�0-.i. ULV#!. a50Uq,j ,,t.! jr,�, 11 t,V -1) , , w ntto�-_A�t4 chm"".Du V, ,� 1, L, V " " � t, i�!'.UIMI: ��,Ik. 9 V"j-Uz;q atl�r �dr;o�i Vv�o?��-tD'�Llt-. O'Ot,". t - - � I "I -1 - , I � "",nt, 4 D,m-_ �� ',".'L,�,. �attka�;-Uma-. . . __ � %�M`, eg-ftnllu F -id Muc, g -am" I'm-Atta. Va wof At. L,F- tvke-ld ttlEdir" o;-o-,�,.f,�a r,�­ V tjSe.1:49,LV1�, tlit 01' Z10M, Ond Vo`�, t" -�Ii.4 4--1 v _V1. SeM ,l-_CwW,A5U tw* �,(-- j� u , ,.��:_.,. �! J -alnurj purP � " ", tr_e 9 _�' D " 4%TV�'Pja tB, . --I, z_K. , .� tl,'z - ­ , Lm .3 ,At-,� 6,V T -D �QK - _,',4T� -'alaM egE -,;o,.r�t �at , 1.'.g,j , I �-'_�Z &-L�`T!z _.� , ��OP ��P,ot k--7? a &t_,I_�_L irtIz,like uv- %,�-:,,,�-ttv VD -it n U�,a,4��1: u,r.9,a,o'- ne, lk-!ile.�., zksu.t � ,�t;,,,,:; blo vlm " . 11_.aw. ImIett'l%en fi.�p a r � t,�:. b! vT 1.", - #_,A,4V,VV � tu rcal,Ly, ,Vri -� , ,, N.:,"'Z, � ;,,, V U ­,u . n.'Lo, 4 -:!4 _ i ul--C� .1 0-:, �;�,�­'L­.,�.,_, �,� -Z . . 'nt� I lVacked rae I lauuz ffir.p rzf�* �dc-o tu,.�, '. tl-.luse. A.V. TO-,,UL,,9, a rat-Atl , _,"'._ - ;� a Lag .'�V-r "T a goto!"�TL,�.z�C"-�'�,��,��",, V" ­- ­_ U , .r Vo)n. t""'w �,,vALlElr-tvun# 9 nza V+:iojj-.- �_ - V�f-_,-.,,O,�,I.a�: a, to,g $,5-.-�V,�- c,! 'W!g k,-4 �!.,! t t � t, , - i� ' &1_111 stn,2rt 9 � I" �# * _2Ld" �. , _ , I ' V t, k;,J­". "u., q� .1� tt4o t,.,_�"T&T%-4 TO'n,un vyqw�,! � - - �', I - -1 -4 - -wv­15),ni hw-,o_va�- D,-L,Vt,','c�h1- I I 'I', V,.T. , 's li4tau N* �Dpo �;'. �-' - I WQ.4 - �110,Log t'.Qj!' ' !',�) rO .1- I 'I �' L"', - - td, Vt.) trus.. vuo,t Out cv�n .. M tQ inl�viy i ta,lt 1*2 L � . th�,,ad L I LJJI�'L � ­�'_� - _- . 'a 1 ,:.UE!4P,. Z, �, ,omp 4,1�, C'� rl�QnI" S�cmhl dev!N' t,,p tuta zz� ft"'Al i"I oMD5- tjE�wo t1l"A tl,pl� U14MOVa6,C,0q kl.,J� %r,,*�".,_�D,, � "'�It�"� &"rlie ttv,. TPapTo Enq m4 t7n�,� - 1; JL41'.P�� '1�j ktl;�Ir �W' --4 1 '.g� ZU'"g" t U I'( � ,�­' L- I ­mr, 7 r��,qL� �� V4, 0-no'lA011 ��V.l . _J� "J., -, , -i -, n,,;�4, V* V,:0- ra I JIV,,,,Tj�ll _o. - , �� � ,, tL' ' � __ ­ ___ � - f, 1� mr.,14,1. OD,� wi�-It-IL 0 -��,, v� I �j _ MLNJJU�V�, nVA E,".'X� , wt� . 4�244 �M - n-,�,) , r% �, t, ,:, ,��r,­x­ it- W ft r,g�cRo,4 �In 1",Dxz1nrA ti Kat.% OA ul . r_�;, ,,�.! r,�V -e m 9� I tvali� ?�'"",!5t,g llc�­I? �n d Lr -fp. Tft(Vors 1­*,st.dil - � hz L� v lit �Jt:%A oa r"DentV r,,,n -, it - .� - , ,; �, . � , - - I ,wav t�%�.-t t'.',-�Vx UJI"', - ,_:� ti� -�_,� -,m: , , ., �1� 11�t�� ._ -V ni.­-C�1-1 fq,,r ,4,rps� Hop, I I �T, 1 �,�-.,D,4 fc-u`.'�"X *m.11u R, 'r &,.4harmtg, !, I 41�1.#' tWIS N WLMI. AAMO�i: 0- t4i,,t �, '. L� 1� tllt, w, �141� t �, , V7r o:� Q � tn, "t ", -ql , 2, L ilt t U ­ , , , ­ I . - �: I I rci. -. i 41� , "O" � ,_�!f . ..- �, ,q,-_1 ta " rt t... �� , ". Z,; ,� � 1p t U'. � -1f -4 " , �j ip-, ­Dr!a tc�7 ,��­Lsre4 ltvi� t��tn-�,�,`.! F."111.71.1,11 �11f,`JV,_"-�,,g tl.".'�,,�,n �D;j t;��Ip. ,_r__.'A . ­ r19.410' h0t t0D�,44*11V,41 UNA' QRV-�N Mor- won tv 41 rnscm �qup np�fr� � �, , � I I . - � � .1 I- . V1109, CM�, "L- o tj;�Ic!,.. Vo�­ q - " ; 2, Awt$ , A,pl."Al, . .- th�i tc.i-�,,.-,1*j14 %v,r re rew. . I � �;,; - ,zu,�; V -D " liid . *I 1, -­0tq.` fS.4VA, r,i'4411tp? 4 U -'sud ,: vo I �m�, j �� ar�d t [I- ,�Q �.n'.. tu V�7q, '0�,q 1111,111112111 _ -T4X;s-L1V,"T0, I V.'A t 11_-aq� llt��Z)Btc%-�B Me nuzu, ,�E"J ,,,,�4t. i , -V, i at -1 trnt-r­q�,7zli?tf,-T�� pmr-,C�tzq �-tvvzj tt�, wt,J �1411t,41�11.� Uj�"111AaDt:'4 J�"'�tLj O�L4�1%v or Eo,go; sir� V I. I - �. jl�j'f,. .%Ll�j V#'#. 1 ��O46,, pipr q, U T"C'�L.T,, t- I �t�j .0 1 - .�� to',V�,r WS tong, thin DinlrA tfoil trf��e Egnv- or 1; . " . i� .- r_dD .�j,�:"J' �!�,.jL tL; tZ�, r. . it, ,r - h:L -o! Z4,�o, 1, I, . hip tvoz,�I�tq pnf%�qu4ly vllmhcnl­,�� ..B- tv, I ". V.,� � - "I'a? V Of Mman t4Lw' , t:�X r,��k "i rloq�� , ,11� , . �1,!Ltr"q 6,0. an �p ! 6t part gVT 11"is Tave; "bat I Na�.<�, o�,4$0Dw,,1!, P-14 kdtll. )ij6zlj! E4 "' � tl-., r_,aEtz- %st,ev­ n.,4, � , c2d wvm�,n n "�T,0 tv , I Worvatorl rOz-,, ToTg­40 Miaf," '"T 1 cojavi jo.t A gfig- - ,­ �, ii tcgT"t v 'ane;. ��4zum'enmus,%. a' c4, a'If ngc , �. , !�,,!�, nl.�e to Utf� 1.10 of PaIg t�,Z. ! hi(�atd Me hl'Moty 0-T hulf, �f;�"'�,:11�qlr�a,,'�t5i I havo llttrt� nto'-p Vy ,qav, all 9 ;.� -a�. I t[:7�atvq, r(r-'­,f­,-t 1�_­! m Itur"InTa- I (* 'I vu.�Tsf�ra'4. jq4- ,� Quito kvelo dot -n V& J%-. V,Lj '('O,V� - 'M.'IV0etJ(5jj-�V"j i ! 1,,tMe V-2161:9�o thay, ord.,,Zar�; t--,,.�-emv��,�' ,Vt 02,OX �, I " 1!-y �4,�ard V,p1b -.I Dc'".", .."-v re'""gru ho)rn tMlftPjr1fid& "" -,I 'Arlpt"O., t"jV::V�"tj rjLf., tr,r0,MgBB Dt Din, � A, With ga U-4­­,� CM � I 'was ftsh!$nM-1y.V las,v fT,Cz,`.,_q 1A. aw - I .C' I '. . . The Long Distance, Telophoile. � .pj' �-ajjnq)t j)tfj'j'6 t�"_4-,l tumnir vrr,4 !n 4'(P� �f .0� Wflr2'1'-l1g-1."t- to roijq or,�-Jzm,.sl E(970v:"-��Zq-� bat 10,V'y �Uee-�rd " I dtst�,-,-�­�-,� ia if--?. it t4�u wert. not a "I .0, .6 our -,�:� �, -7., ;:1 C4.11pt or to sabMat to Vp-rgq��,,.�r"L" 4� S- 'i ­ - � V.1A " , � , gra aL,�d wj#T,�tct-d rp'.-S'l L ",-, i , , f_11 ,_'Ilrh-.9� faer a gr�l-ogtv -.v " oira 0 1- � zt"Z. an -1 I -CUM J-,ndg,o of .srvr�D tM,,ngq i at, to #;Mll M.,&. OWDI VonxAltf`1144. I � �` - fv- r 4nce�rpvwi I ZE,o,nq tl-x- qtl��-"02­,*�,Iu 4,4 11"Utwu)ro �,�E- " 12:f'I'lp, f1;rbtrQ1'j:tV �nn'Ptlr bvyond evvia , t"M %V -,v -k- I li le r;, q__1_f_. Tgjej� ;�m,tf-�-11 1110�w fn= " --jVk,jP ;.",:'Pl4f'!� _JJE�!llU - ., hv .lVaT; ftAipat�m zht1flia 3i"Unmtqj. I f M:S" tfoo, -Itatl havo raiuq, ,L"_,�: , .j Trile 11,110"i5ng: gtoilud vm�q .1 .��%-zL'.�­-�, i ` , -.­ _ .4 V4 We fe. . -4 V .I - - ntf, ard �V-fzr *,VV-r,V b-ir"!f'�L .-V '�, �O,�,p ji�t,'�.,;r� � ��oZl'nf.i i(' �4t" pf IMM,, -1 to tD'df* atteoln't. :��_, ,V=d V, , �,'-. A. f"'lub-"'L,�'. - ,C,.-�_;�� �­ V6 A% ll,(-Inu, "o , r-� to &I-V that "on 1w. . n V:jf. r lir ._�T t1f, V.V,, lr.� Q�. ,.t M�.. plave.4 � I-nd %-Ven DO " , ! I . "( .� v� alzo. tita tj Mgil , , , VfAghe Dbe. Or Ale � �,- *Olr`� I Tkn" wp w1p�nVdIble.1 wz,til� 0 Dr 4;V101.1.11.1 ,or '1� I Imm ute, llr;�t.i, _�,:�,,t ni:.'a Oran �.r"-Jrr.v Ivir lre,lmn. Tl,�" � f. "! j� � , r�'.a -, C.0 I rq -. I EDIV, �ot , , -vo ""ke si�#,VT4 �_ I " V .*�q lro4l,�-P.*, , Me con 4 "You wIll not, al -I Mf-, , t-:,�,`Valvy -4 'I., "', - - -4 r".jvew ­ %, � - I i. r , ,. ,,- an�; S"Otgewas. _�7­r t, nu wl M rz_­� - �rf,.�s, tiat, U , on v !, .�eu ,;-0,!Z'1q,. wh,a' vrf;-,D'd ;*. nl�a:lj ,�# �zg 0 �(zguj U � -wjr,�j 11 " . .�Vl , . " YQV , - Uv* V&I 5qy tt­ �' ..1ruen .u. V .1 -4�, % ', _,2 nre fOk") jLC-,"9'f`t to ',".',� VV QL If - '"it"N - . - ,� ,=,D,;:� thv-1pp 142o7;f" tm6 t4l-_4 �� a *-MQ,;.p' r I,r,,F, ,� _9 `1 n to t , VP2.1F+% 1L.- 'Ll" - -Le t* 1, I �nt Mrs trust ? . " . S; 1.0.a0 ,�02m'�, 41 .&IJ�taiL-jr., , - "I I not ftav" ZLP. D Ut t[Droz�gh her trol!D- � * , � - ; . � I ii� �* I "t -op 4-b,nr�,- !:,Ppx:vor-.�'� - "'i.. P'i'fl, r�-,fA­.-�iN�fz -*Uto�u . rw- &,I , - "i I .1 �.. . , . � ` , tnafi­,� %V t V011i. Irr.Iee(PSj6-a% aln fc-­ .- f'. , � -11 �4 1. .p, jt�, ,mh . . d,�.',Jjio', ',-i .;4 "L ... !�f 4r -q-14 u;,��,� j ��j- %%�t, I jM4,f,p'Viit%, C�- ��".gbt of it � �-�`�' ­ tutt4p, � #'�It Ulo w t.,: (-4 " - " ­ �'. ,,� �­ � 'ZI - lw,.�=A I I . 4 , - � � , T'�. , � - T 4 � . - , , u 4 ir ,j ,�*y .-.n4.z. p:.,k,�J­,Z�,. !�'­ � " E�4 0.41IkZP 'L in a t!! o . M� he�zrt 11"4�uk,.tL ulth a stlifol I on V, - - . , t�j !'JW b , I �, - - A vz�tk 'LIE.t ,et�4F..n s�ip L, .. 4 "o tomlv"PU4,� I Ir. br'r farr��, flayo. t - L I-1101 'UrOmd'! under � - lj,�a ,V 4 - "'-U*�4F5r� sUMZ,�-� '%Vk3tes., wante,,1241 14:1c- ev�v .1 ipr�, -1 atd & wo.,­,,'�; � , .V?,0 of 7tfrto- nzo,�.', fvf,��Ilrim I" A fM*I� ,a thn;l ,r, :0_ .. I . �.t-71 Zd q_�A .1 - -9 .1 eo"Id ph",­t­ Irzit %Vai* u5sxure I rk�y nul:- yr?.� ", �'Q 4. *' ! t `T f- 1!4 a ir��txjrt afjo,,it tiz;lt -.-&a � r. '. -arm or nc-m, " �; "Not, co, rv)t Eo. . , .... . J� Tht-r� att-p inot! n- o­r��,,i ?,';rt�, 5n. 111"t�. :� rl_*:�rn wm.-K 1" it irng'!,. . Z"t'.�� *Z�j- - r U JWS_�:Cer fn 4 , -�' '� "Th,- Q-tigren fA �4�ot,�,," &ioatj, proti,or ,f . - - ' rz�,�`t. an 2 a w,��. TMFF-1­L1. ,X., j� _% , - . *1 11 'I ar:-e;)z ,�,OZ2,. trV I _t" - , ­,* .;6 I tva-, C,n7- ,.nn-. no ,-ean�,�'-4 q-�iz�;64 by nrinIt�!_ , U'Lipf, Wtv,oaa-q-., It Esn.p V fusle, I r- ,�r �" 1.4 - r� *Al. 1' .'I i' -a `At�' I wl"I 'Zo tr.�,�,-�Vyltn,-, TS-Eete . _r, Acn9V,W'Lr-,.n,n- " .! I � . _1L4 I r,`1 -,, T1�", ,,I b? V P riD , ,,qq%, ,z � t M - ' Vt rbf_b,m� vt* By. '-I= !'kAy to Iv, ?Vic, - � ,�p-�, �. . L - - I ` ­ - , . 46� , I ,V��I,4+,:-4 t -,o ,nn-_1�11,'-,�,Vuti; word��tj " !Mg - -!,, , �G::- ,VV:�41�,'l 8PrVi�.--.*1 ­1OLJ 1E:f,Vtt.k­a il OlfaD t-"Lv any Tna"'t 'Vvlt�telu P,-I;,t�-��4 111pr .0 mo-tv, 't-, n..qrjD2.Tg- �%ro.pju Z�,�­.: � - P't =!L11'7 Ma- 7�. .� � il r �_,. -,; , _ �,� ;� Vit iifsb�2tg C�'.roncr[f�-Tkpjsgtap�j. 11 I -I 1 .,Lvt. * at,e n 7� - I - =d Mny b" - " . _IR Eriv�, '"r t-4,- i W114,1, m� IF F., .-n:,,-.- vir `�,�!', .1 �1,!,"! .". � - - 1-1 ___ .---.--,----.. .- ._­.,­_.­____,__ ..... ­­­ ..... L' 1�-,�- _'11, it - �.'­13- ra"n .., -1 !I ntl'WIM11 OTle"" a ulkln,;4 ff�,f-,�`V.g.� an"i ]d-4; " �4u'.�,�4-�.iz? V5,110:n jo�a �,.OD, , , � -­­ ..... '­ lz,� .., �.s ;ar,I Plq p"2,�-QQ t�-,-?-e-n�g tv� Eir-7- J �, 1 ci,2 �.' �� -�,.­ 11Vr:_-0: or wo-�. llt-lat,W�--_,F'221 . , , Ori'�okv,a.4, '%-',F� ,V,yer�, jj.Lj, ttn ,�n,�-i- 0 - ­_ - ­ -_ _____ , . L I . 'T. '� Z",� , PE . ­ "r , I 'L. it? ­ � KXN _,,nt W . 1' ' I '.1ca-Ut Ir ­r " + Uar* - a . . 1, � . _ � " , , jr�27.43 ��W,l d*. t0n:42 ,AV0 q, L, ­Atsuere�! T"Pie a r�.,W_1.` �"--.JrA t%p � , I t�) tho v4Vj*,4t, ,��I,,��.�'r :z M ­ VW! !_ 4%:3r E-:I�--�.­ t 11 , �, - rzvl,�Z- . -. —1. 1, - - ­". _ lh , �L4 , R 4� , , -,-- -T :�OUT ��t Vo lr?rf-rv�' 1! lrrc.�a,:$+O�D- T,-�a,j ­mtter I L I , ,V �,,- n. 1 I , F 5­�V ranre� pl_vblej.!­� D&r " t, �, ­­�';� __ _4 , 'o - . ­11"Ut, wl To ,,­,� � " 1,-, ". ­ , . - - -­ �,%­ ,.7, .� I 11 � - "-, , ',�,I) tro,t �­ ' , & S.�, ­'* " �4 L61, T+0jVC,] V.Z.ort nz..A vare,v 4.p_v "."'zt:o�, rar,; , li-..,Mv�; �e t�,aon, ,��I�'! tb�p i'* " ,VIP - a -'m to Iontrwp !Z�-.-,­� at V -.z. 1-. V A, � - (­_ �J�:- : I, - I - 1'9,�_- -1-s .*v,­imp,`,�T,,,e,o',,1. ,1� ­�'�r'g lc�q A't tl.�V;;:�,I't, ry w - ,,�­ � . __ , R, IT 1 AW , _ F iLy - � s,_- .�:i .�; "14" t!1o8,- un�.'ars ;�r.4 t"'y-ga- nj',Q 'r 1_ " t'��,V)�J. (q r, a .T, L tj ' - t� - ttv thl� lj�, J�t,� ,07 .4 aj!*vo R � �, , -­­r,�U­,- ffo,ri-.,7V,.1 V-�-aft!- vt:,-�r az f j ,1 � + ' "' , - - ILI - . . t r s � t _, . r t %'., ,? TO. y .,. � � a m,,� t rk r� a t" I " � hpve 2N� '. Z�! t, 0 �,.� .2 ? IVE'J." t , , U , Z � IX ---Z Vi.,nu *4ol 1.0*, V-mur g"'n-:�;; On%, On ,ot-_r,�e - M I � - s� I ,f-swAtio,�] tv�-4� cr . .. ­ ft,k­ L L :� . �. � V� -n�� 011�"rn- q I _ I Gi I --i'll"'t r i I , z - -i- -i, ., nZh!-.L,)rri-r1, tv, trro!,�-j. t`*& V;_ ,� V,.j �:C ,jqjj� q_,� u t��T,._ ' Ll ' �,Illo - U . , _ 11044C., �1, ,4 Fir,_,_ ,gt f�4 '. _,� " L " to INK I e !her, Z�,,P&�V'e�-: 11�, ,:: � -r --:r - 1, � �-:;!11 ..,I 4 Z,�, z I , �1 ,. . , , '. ..I dc, 11 �� _; � ,::, .3- lt,�Y 41- - � �, i" '41 ,:, . ' ' -"4 .$ It __ L o - - q�_ I v4Na , , " _ _ .. rr 't !, , - - zr,­�, 0 " . , ,- ___ ��_ ,DT t'. �% ,,,;' -,�,,mtl"" 141 Mnry ot fva'�Z,,, ,.vr--,,r9 16 , Tor g:.0=:n,L_­ E'j`,i1,r--P�r 4 '��P-It7D '121"le-c-M Cor 31 � ' r,F�t 9'�,�'Iz - C�i vrt m- -c-'ut:��-,-'I" W, , rny . 41,11he t , 1 , I , 'A C . -0 V.1tarn to "4cot"U�-o'd er_,� �. .. V , - rv�=f- , i " � I , tj'.0 j?TfeL't <�'t .1 � L_ il . i , , , I - '1* - ­­ I 'I ,L­44-:`,� V-0, C,C�p _t VU , , � ;,oro%_ � . 4-1 V�en 11.,T.,t,-,V- It n*Z,ur L - - , -� - n . vf,�a r 1 1' IN Kifli -� I fc-,.t �u t-�,4'.:,P ,­,Z'-.p,r-T.4"Cm,n% vnj rn,:�<�:­;' ­NOV- kzlul liiov.L�; 11.pprDn'n, � tv,�,�- is, ;;-,o:" ��.T tl:i- ��e jzt-'S."l k, - - ; .: _.qi�t 4p.%tj�..,,�,,�� .-;(4- VIrV., <`*s -z*-- W I ; . ,jr , r. 4 lonturo I � 14 I. , I I 1 -17 int-r�_­_ 'I t�" , , -1 wn,7 ;V"nn , �! .X -t r -1 - � ; , a n 21 P,0r-,,�, nly ,!)�V­La TrMl M:� " -, P ` r�b�,"T_ AA t'0 t"jp --? wEet-h It'%d �ttt.ve jjlLrunp.,',q�� 'r .. I I . , I , I L ':4' 1LW -5t�*PZ . - I _-.­�* 1!��4:z , .C,.. :1 � V , "L ' " ____ __ - ---. ___ ir I 4 �ok r - 'i � V %� o---- sf�lw Iq q,r.-s,,<-1T4,i .�,!! � ,g ton,jo:-zlim %.Z IV -,.-'k,- llenri ar, I C ­VV-F­0,�.I��Y. V�,!,- tlm,e��.� cl S,�Ot-, iq 4-4t .�Iou If"'91 pritp? 1-4 t4v- to ri,k a '­ �� -, ,pw�j-e V lcj.i f2: Frol:,"'o:�4? lv�-.,.,t Z-04gl..:. dz­+.,-� -­ , n ;V-n�-V, (-d_"-r-il TatI� :.,Zc on tl!�*% .qjt07,-e* 0-�T j7rzj-,J��. -,,,, , ,- �f ,. .t, IT �von . + n, n*. "'Orsort, sh,- �s , *,tr, � ;�; .�, . ". . 4. - �tf,j -'rO . got T,�,.�T IV N 0W , - earr.v. m,.v broV.Pr, to vnnnterpi-�:�r:N J­n"0�542�- WL'It-­1012 MrAA t-04ttAl `oVitla th4 ;Vfttre�l oT XZ14.1-ne, irn' ;� m � _ a� I �,O:. - - I " - , -all. .t_ L , . I �1� 7:, �'j 7 �', " L.�,4 .�,_ ­?C?"2"_,'1 ­'_ - .j'j-ff"= jj-,� r,_1 -z""-,, .'� _ ,_. z, , A Terrjbgy Mabil Case of Brurn*n Ift'L �, �u t,�'Q? .. Vvlrnt :s It .%cu W6121,111 dfl.�, , .. I -Very , ejen'_te I Or a. th4l Jqtj[Ipjj-�e.­.O_�,� ?L, i gs, Tortar, , . ­ . Mean wo- 11 L- of K.'wx V;N,�-nr,4 ram­r�-"ir; t�� 441?b�'�"4�,vt--� 'I'a'I sp,­,!,&-�vms "� , ­ , ­%�,,Tj.�ta. irlf tl"P �K�Jrt To -a th"MR." , mzan'e ,me-�* - ,.-ifte, It, No. no z Itot, elther �N� th-��ZP '01' -­ ,,, T" -.- .%-"�'r, ,#-V'L'��'Lr t,r# �Ie"t qo',?j . I V rvfti _. by tT L gr,, t, 'L - rim xe - _ ,f � � Ct .an _� C,TF U- y 't . , .,'�' � . -orii; ,or ty". in her inind, 0- ;n Mhne, or ! � � r. ;Vk Ecwna, Which, Was Thoroughly Cured 1L p4��' � J,-�Zf�.z e,.,. T­hl.i.�,nt. impattivn . , par; "; syarev;'O. g;of��-,�, 7 W,6-011 ilre, at My re - I q j_,lVin, ylf� aelmow�f_,Rged =Ips'.404a. I lrtry. fb.,.w� of t�.�� t�rT.,ttal,,%.; fir the 1."r.g- mind of axiv or InY t'0R4'-I�_1UE'S- 1� '. t7eat!iB" top my be,­�'40�rd praW;jAlt zln� 1i .",-Ive Don 1:1111110 Arat of VO Or V-. - -m I r , -'s Ointment. C-11 - 1� �q s aif, " I ��Xlpe'd�-j �n a'1S�,-rrnV:ttg rdz� I Was using or. Chas� I .�,, M Or g o,"q , t . � pn. r i e z; - u IU: tLe u, - - , Vsh Qafvn. TVIF V4wjn14,I . !� j,,. a, 'of ­ ,pur,g!j�.fj traltc,rs whO 1:aVe betr&'r',-oj 1 h+,r eaptive, anj I ,��M w4M,l aLiv,ised ,"u' -%V011 -S, brother - 1),,)h Ip', - I I � k�­,- , . 10ipn tol.1 that t1we wlv.'.,�J"-.�� thrng vmes, ,z - IMIT, 1"fu.m wMLcln is e.-ms� �hy X"at Ta.r, yc'ung gir., �! ti-4at Sh no.:r qr:o�m2-t* 'e, Is Z!-.-.n1v Piit�,rtaizlpd, even . , sweet, so brig""t, WI -.0 ! f1111.- tm(xv- Whoce only , tityo, __ _yllt., I e7 �� �L­ " ��, �, is EIWIT,",V, , , - ryon ninar�. �V��-' _T _jt�, M.T. _npM:7 . _C _,I- alr3 e - oi 'IV 't. S, -.l J..11 .1 r '. .f ,-ad Un, !.�t.-n�v- heWlig and barn�n � M S��ft. S5 1, -1 OT ostatm V.0t. to spf�ak (if ',­rnstf-d IV 11,18 �Ontlel ,�, - -t be-�,rj z4-W.1,2g blan% eartrMoce-s' w " -0 t- -1 1 S­4:51'a-�:j'#­�' 41! <Lt-7C�Vl� MZA.'_V it Gneolf t,,'b tl.em those W1 ,r� ; �er Orace UM wa., ,'I ng a Q-11f,em. rhe Xing , -, Of thi, o, D'. V a, I . !r_rl, , S i."t_ ,V ;�;�,-1 otr!er� '6��at_Fp . , t"�"r';Lt.'�ST,�­'Z Vj '4j�p�'A'� , t"_ - -,-. 1--i, W'tt'jje . I tm tL.,� i;avf, known—ar vviiaat d5 the � and Madarlio (I4t-.-A�fj,,je are well ae- h . _ " 01 4 fl, all'ito'llo g�;Z-�- 1 V "1171."., . Englawl all,] tlj� -I em =0,, r�-'!, tr,vA .?(Qo�_, .Wt,S, '. _,�� -1. ra- flesh, Wh' 11 "(14N _ � f i , of t] - Va- pr­A��,: IV ,I,* I Tf-, 'L­.rj*0.S 411.1' p:mr-r rbieau'��-hovv ut- il-Innted wfth th,e� trath. and renicia- they were of,such I rzga�oe* h=-- b,cn.1 to Miz:11bath, , , - i" jEnglisit. ana t% Queen:, T, I-ftd ,T.n,TTZrC­'j fj�jj "14F-, t,rTor wh!eh 'i ., _ . � r4ll;s�._ to-$ koa, wder tordimary treal- - . . , tt,ry unwerthy .1 ma,zi, .0 al , .4 -_rae'-,��­ a � Ivito 4,enieEr that, any I<or,?.� or vl'Opnep thzorgi�. #1 0�1 Aet,it!' '- . , .1 '."�*** I _11,11d for�.,:ottvn Dnn VV11'" � i in %­ o , n4 ,� ratu.t vo=p to on,�:, lam lr*n.�* .. sta _� lip I m�­21 alf"A "3 M�r I �M 11, to zi. _,?zv a' t;,e srar- L-TI'l IV,- 1hp 1,1�­r,7 . i'n"!,'t,�,"t, wao D.�� 41 -,Pr. .X ,,rwe In the eagid'a test I%- � ha,.e btmn wsc,d tow.,ire-7 the ,owe't 01 - - � . . - _ ,-4 ­,� � -Id DV(4111��r Vvprian. - 1* II -it . - - ­ - - 1�-. I T. -I N-,� I ro., V. n turn'.rngr rvv'nt, ­�It MY I fo."owl-,�­ N dlp�.,]! Y-L,u reln"'10 me that. Mar�,, -Sl-ot��. �nwl chargf,� her -her lif�fi�biess 1 I rt -member lffi�, it 1,; o-D3v 1,�l �- P,'- 1 . T'T-� I --eag, report -NI as rever c-nrrl'a-7 v prlLtl�j rrlym '�-at ilay �' ' i L�Te, V<�,:,,j� fff",' .md 1:.'s ee4or.rose, as o ,1et*=jL tilanntroi In -,In odl,)a.; prit�M- �L,-; . '.0t, L, ­ V-1-tt ,voZI vrould arz� ma4 -m . i�L �:� , I to Illix! "!�,. " I on�, .wE-zl�,12 ltku�trra'Vs the �-_Xtrao:d­ to �iroe F.-�Ztrmwx- Airbi-:Irl�'an. narzv C-outra. wh�eh Dr. Chases O�nt- ,J�n��J VIP Word, as far �, wltb -r-onq)ir.,r._- a.-a-bist l*,,er, With I,e P,-4)!n�� d �n of ,_ , " ,_1 in �4 L ��. .1 () ", .,�joj t1r. �t, I -9 ' —.,----,--- I ­ fren, r,�-, as ow -r. Xoewlless Z�al, rat., � s5etaang Tott,-v? 10 tl�e Scots lon,14. re- L ' - ' trustin- to n"Illip's gew�rnl-lt%. `�.-, I',- - . I -lit .1 coulatry r3aarding* Inoulle. - t­­-� !�.,a ovtcz f-:-.-.7i,aa, both �,4s; _� .- " . ?,�,.W T,C,r C�e 4rimkIM ii,:43- � brotr.v�. ,,-!:o vould ne.lver be otb�_-'r I quIrlong- t_7-,plib to tax-_ lip arZ" t<, - .� ',*Iall i � ­ would but mid emnsen in .1 -� -I- � i woi,* � - Irorn, hop�,I-�.gs ­� (' �, Fhioin steak? ,;nest -Can I kialve I r�i,a-�;,j,z " ler, whlz 11 v!,al as .,in an -d --pt..- 1,".,il - t�,�.,_ � I � MY so,Vere,gn Metrrts!q mako, an Inroa-.1 tio, h,:�r pri-lon Man �Sfl t 4jj nle I 'WhIvil thlng��,', had, thr�re b -,en , the riller of Ill q, -4 -f-n. *, �' her frem , prisan, th-, ill-t.N­ 1.7. 1 . . losIt - ""Ig ,:*;j�: I , �, at Ol.e�� o r,,in,,�:. nn,7 . r I" � . ,,-- � I i� a, � 6 _� ,_ .� - � EL It. Xr.C-;!17-I'u1 -,OM. Vv .' (M n*t �. "I' ana ec­ flnly brings �Zlboalv "., ,%t,tj ,do._--t,T-*- to drsyse It at a l nry nmong them worthy to bee calle,4 IM' 7i d. . ,� ,pre yon b,',.j.j4,,*Nl, .��f,ztic: vve -woren't I ll. Vxw�-�zlgh tllrll�l ' , I 'Wcorti. S,hx, i; a wite, n (,z :� imblo. an.y fit tc) w,-ar goj,!Iit�n ,-pill-- " . . � 1"Don PhIllp's; young Witt. 0 71=_ ".Xpecting yGil. I_tL 1.111'. -,w,r:, o'll is,orts of meq111­a,--_4 1 � 9; 'r � I lr.-Arban,Vs fate. , M earr.v thr-ir Velze ladyl_q ek?'fol­ , lknowiry M as , an . -th de vajoi, , �7,1,jrl..,s ,;,�t;j_i­ I b . - . 1 -Can I h" uiA�� vx' i.ar*l bol'.f,-41 j :n.1 6.-rair-Int'A 1 ­..,rd aild dotiors np. �,vo a ca *h�`?-:-".�; I jg-_,3,r.znt ctf ber own. Men w'141 '�' thev Would hav­ dow-!' law, hopm friend. b: v (.t-q,jp.jjj',i­u '.-, 'i� "'. L 1199s -' tt�.-r,-J- to-tv 1-10 1&'VVe tlliw -Orfml- ! , "No -.%.`.�Ah ; � her frank. F4�.-,-- 1 '-Xn1l ITOBS V-.",� QUC-4an Of -,��rvotg deny cannot ,:T,4'f,rstand 1 -,- ('1111di'0011, 111'r �hrldp-nlnitlpn. , , , I , i'n' ra%ag- .; t'a;, flnnhi- flrei there .1111't IM f*,7f;.1::* I I - IM %, L t , *,T , . - F. -he N hm-tllf',i� zmd �, thls'.111 liv,q,g natzlz�e - - '�-, . " hat .", MY de, Hr. rwolild 'e,- NV ...�- 1 '13. .oV - ' ' � ie h� s . pf , me i ar f,l .. .e nankirg. 11 .s t, 41 erm*t .1 ­n� eN -wthig I -z--mn wer 1.�re ; I -,e L . T. fa,*l,l,-,,z,; rml Wl,�-br�,I- Bw-,n it all " I Tfl�r. S..(, (7fN11ar,i,s t1nat slip ha- net 4 ii(x­d to th,- Q�wn­i for liz�r ��: i %41- , Miller'!" I wvy Mr.-;. 1-Zat"Ol't d1s.'rilo2s this !-I- 'Ifi'-Inl�t* ti�W F.�t v I�TON- tl­-,Z1' I oi!�-p myt eare. Written ary izui,li lel.t.,r. fir rq)rP.,4vnt- I .tnd Vip bitternt,.s_�; i�n.�--tr.-�,.­n 71,'M .-in; I "No, or they'i", Lave, 1%4%� 1 for t, - ", � .� I ., - ,!TC:1 f,n.,P: � , "I I . I 1) : 11ft: ., i,,rrs. 1,�A 11 r fit.) with it -.is ,�vl Mlzargethl�z L,,Ihavlor in any ,jr:4h, 1"] 1z"1115'Vi f"4 F, I , of ' t - .'-t 'rellt 71.�e ��Icq. , , I . You." X-4. ll�,J­' � I— - 1,a, 17 Tlz­u�%ilp lllnv:�. To� _­_ -_ -- L�, " -1 ! i ",".4 M�% VN.Ty L e w 1 - -1 I -Zht." .h , L , '. 1'., � ­n "A'Ad ,"Ind Vvr� lwrryvin�; br tli.,'T,�iignslh ll� .11.ii I r'oW Vouli-j�j'*, �_E 'k;-wl:4�­ 'th,�� , M �', �'S'L`. z : n �,th,�r, Mrs. % , tllq� M11111"et! ; ;412 i Mr. 'W"11:1n] PA 1?,m , ., .1 , wriga"t. of Nill­:!" sufx ,.­ol for VL A g1m;v4 i f k-. Inteill--r-nep el; qt .Vet .<-v, hn�, sf,:,it ycpa .1--st ­,.�l . . , . ­)"l."I .4 4 nrrangf4l with ( , kirk-bron.-ii vonipin, j " .,.,i:,,1_ 0� � .., i� I I t,:z,,� i4jlal!14;h "�-Tl' " ij,.;�. � ". .Zji,rV*tt._,gL.�". i , , _ _ -,� '� I V, of tb�, �,*-;tll R'rdi ( . w- �.,.- vall V,!,�i_�y V,W! ( -...�-,-Ilm t_1 lvi, �..d I.,W..." � .'lltr�� .%-,Oil .1 from Pri�z!­- if,; L jp i �j r4l I!— tcoir 04P conctalEng s.ztrely rot m7d'-ft,11.". alon, and wIlt-.n- I If. 1'011 111flilp will not .iM .",Ir 1 Flf�.v­ 1011 %.,11141,,-� "" �,4;di,!-rx i T . I . . whf o retura. I fio_`o. S��, -t-on't, n �t,,O,,. wal,�- nr.rsl�vn ,yep. .. lmir,ore h�,:m Inn th. j oat ��Orport- T.;W,gi,. bIgnd fr�:, I !I -for %er rMf-a�p. 00 valls "I P.&I J'r��t?"::r Cypritn "Fl. ,;z 1 ­! r�a on th, -tivarv­r D�'lft­%m werel a-_ql. it !-�`.-anb- 9 - it i i ,�I:uz shf� `w�'S'!h 4 I I 'r .n ltyh4E�n ,o . !,�kA own ;WN'n _�- -, Co %0�1 not see th ,_c, !jas sanim-anmd you ! .Sha at thl-', -.s rn�n I! bo Will turn ,a), U, '. I � . I Makolu,L`d at Q!,pbf.". f-,� ­�'Y ram flwvn ; r �t- � ��s uu h�_­. knue.; Ifter tr,Vkg 'eveTy ��'Varjjjj2a re= ­ , , wt..,�Oat Euve�-S��- I . -N, re" '. -0 an(Z -41r_,lO,-;t ti��'y I , I U4, she f*_=14 Using 11r. q ji, �z ka 0-n .t. -Rk- lv�a ea'�og, ,.4'ez _ , - . e�_ -r! i­�'Z­!"- or -nir 1. te 1110%(13, with tLo t-uzii . -fz�i�',' tfU * � " at , -1 1, � N now tori,p;eto -17"O. Aiikvo, ,�� W:s:;irfg rurth��-r Tr, "' ..., '11.,MS 0,174 Nr.12tutauji�Z11',- wk.,L- N, I WrT411-, *\0rv0- 0.'.-t,. Afz,sr s,v.-211 rMlIld, "'I'le"'e-ss, !,'�� Z,t "an � V W,n7t�,!� . ,:. r tt, i'V'o r"L,01=34�:7.41 *r. cj�,'482,16 0, mi ­;t 1.1 " � I I -8. 1� is S-�- ' P'V'11 tV-,1;Uq as this A Vnat havo (..,Lwr,T�iji("�45 rkh.kosl�.Ianq Or tra!:V wtx�ll­rfav powi-r 07 P,r. C"t 11 f )) -. . , ar ut. if Zvool .ftfe� 41 81'ri'e'! , wit!-., .�:m lt�­hlllg skill djkp%js" 0j. Ill * snr4% t7 .. s hat W111 r"O., Jjf,�-Aj, MWle a 1 'or yoilrg,l.-. you wjII c,,rta.jajV Nvn!�- -lit tiithus�.!,Uo . ., 4, L a,dilllrex ;r k jj�JS"'.,; O­tttii�L.n, �, ,_, jgI_.j ,� a � ,� _ 1. S e,_C , ,rV WhO k!lows Its J�',.,..-'t� � .. jj,,qj,j, . � . 1. -9 etil tl�:. RlOspb 1-klvem. forz�,,s ,01 ite�jij­, $ ' 4 " ' - IP t1.s--,,is.,§;, Dr. Vh.1,o_,`-, oil'tillellt"_ �,."47-ltfull,y 11�-,Jj- 1,4 I- .11IX .11�,j S-)othing- 3 � Li v -s'.,; of (�.'I,.. 'Ifill" r :. , S!Kill rrl,6�zt S.Cwn. foc-'.. pllik;v -.7 '. " I W; pl es � ;,r�,.� lztu, 1b, � - .1 - h..;v'U",� --.��qlff. , ts t I'm, at J:'�i',-.­.,, or V�jr,­tEj,q�jl. I -,a -,,W, & Toro,ito. �