HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-12, Page 3Pat Che Voe of conalun"000ti, 90,4040THe mven. " 410 -
Clubbing rates. rG,'zema.cn`7
COnsuxu'Pt10u is most tnevaleat: Ali MATRON AND MAID, TH5 Cowgovys PRO -M
t among thosk' who are stInted oi- who RX"erlence With
IV -We have Jila(le, arrawroments s; ill the L of rat Mott[ unting shoork, Airs, Dew9Y has a brooch of diamonds MOLAO'
HtIllt thelusel-'e, Isel i - motnoilklip "owed T114ti-1100.
foods, 'veUbl"AY has lo,-�arjwd and em- A4 old deep sea diver was relad set in steel fl'Oul a Kilanish vessel flunk 1144 Not Shot *I* IC 11,
to'oftbf. the fOlIONYIng low ol Lbbing ne ii�ca p., E 9111", ;it Manila. . 11
rgto'��" Wit]' TFIN FIRRALID Ploved the kuo�vleflge, usually will) it. exPerlofices and told Of olle narron Tack Tauce, a cowbo:r from the ranvii
, c,
,. He said. W eS. of the ButtV
Would Itch and Burn until the oh I Mrs. John V. L. 11mvil of Albanyowns Creek 1dattle Company, waaf-w-,
DailY Globe $4.00 Ild Is too lute, Wat eod liver oil Is gti-41 "Aly al't I ",
Screamed With Agany-A ftrulorfal for eontiuluptiull, pely fie '. "a fight was off tbq Island several specimens of the handiwork of Oil trial at All1aix-to, Neb.,on 4 charge r)t!t`
(111) to lit' � 1.' Of Demerara Revere as a 'silversmith, shooting at a brakeman oil tj . ie r
Mail & Ellipire 4.25 cure Effected by Dr. Chaaeo oint learned that FU6,d of tb it) tile CaribbPan spa, Pau)
Globe Mont. Q slime chilr-' Was elnilloye� to raise the calW, of Miss Helen Gould Is MUQb bothered by ton railroad with intent to 4111 hill),, Re,
1.50 The case recorded here is one f the Actor sultaule rot, tile table Is prevent. sunken vessel and worked for four weelis fe9l]('sts for llutogla0s. She receives had received his pay a few days beftirit
Mail & Firlipire 1,75 '"Orst evt:r brought to tile atL,,il 0
Uon of Ive Of COW41,1111Ptioa. In tile whole, on the Job. When called upon to a t-ept 401110tilnes its Wally as 215 of these re. and was eitgaged at the thne of the
Borliner Journal (German) 2.50 Toronto's best PhYslelans, and whan course of lu.V LAX)AR3810nal 0 b41-rVa t lull.' the work, I was a trillp loath, rot, P quests In a day. shooting in the picturesque pastimp ot"
aware that those waters we I Was
doctors gave up all hope of recovery, C'overing a peplutl of nearly 60 yellf's re 11168teil N1"s Kate Sunbc)"ll Per'siNtently re. Painting the county red,
-Villn'ly Herald & Star 1.75 1)r' Chase',s Ohltmi�llt was successful in I'alully or 11'1;. wItil sharks and Other large and dangcr, mill -Its that $a ongas woman wears'trail- Vance vehemently 4
producing a Per1eq cure. I IMvV knowil but rawly it Oils fish; but, beiijg asitill-cd they vvolll,] I ellied any Intent te.-
111dividuaJ that jyj�s bvotight up of, a Ing skifta Clutched by the left hand in,, perforate the brakeniall. Re to)(I thpn
Mr. -Tames Scott, las wrlxht avenue, not molest me and mY exchequer beine IV It was true that he d;o%!;,.
IZY boy, Torn, a ed 111"'rill RUPIlly Of butter aud bacon %yho very low, I agreed take out his revolver and shoot after thes-
1 9 to do tile work and to" the ballot,
Toronto, states: Impeding frvp(lom of motion she Isn't fit court that, whi
tell, was for nearly three 7cars aillict- Mon -over, suvlil started In.
11 brakeman had Pusbod him off the rraln,
ed With a bad forril, of Eamems. of the food fortitros the systt'll) ligallist 011J-10 Misr 811-4111MR11 Whitney Is the olde he wmi merely giving a prearranged sig -,-
-s as well up (.Onsillption. it' got over the side of the boat, an(] She begall. her work in 1836. 4 nal. ne and a triend had been down thw-
st!"Llp, W111(th wAs %'cry U71--i6lidy and dllwas( in Do'nuing my armor one bright morn. living Public school tellebor in New Yorkst
rUlsted all kinds of remedies aqd doc- VxlNI)lIKbVs stawlll Y, r
tor's treatment. a Boll 11) the after admonishing my attendants to pull before the board of education we$' 11 0 ' road a few milev and wanted to ride back:..
I estab- ;
U Ills h"Ud Was in a, in(' up as fast its strength would permit !I I lished. to tile t,earest station to tile ranch, Itt.al-
t,rrible state. We had to keep Jilin froin
School, and at tinics his liee,.d Would they received the danger signal I began London artists declare- that Miss Van. Izing that if they '"'Ore fmind by arty af
Remembered Too Late. the train crew they would be put off, tbivy
bleed, and the Child Would nl�rearn with to -descend. I had SCArcelY goile 25 feet derbilt-Wackerinall of New York is the range(] that it one was put off tbV
agony. For two and a half years we Speaking of tbP queer doings of ab- shark within a hundred feet of me. Ing t vl,oman In the Nvorld, possess -
when I saw a monstrous man eating handsomest bad aL
Uttled. with it In vain, but at I
last Hentmindvo peopit., the following all,,V., ,Ugh, how I feltl Per P, he most perfect face and figuee and train he should notify his Partner by fleri
found a Cure Ili Dr. Chase's Ointment. 1 8 ration broke that spiritual poise which Ing lihi revolver once.
At -out five boxes dutt- is rt'lilled by the Lou makes the ex� Tht, trainman, with visions of what hir-
Were Imed. The , don Wolfe, out All Ovvr me, and I grew weak. I was eePtional model.
01-I!,11nal sores dried lip, A firmly believed was a tin rrow es cape froMal,
leaving the Bkln very Irritabip man It-tt his 110118�1 at 4 loss to know what to do, If I went Mrs. Pb(ebkl 111soll-St. wh6 has done 80 death, shool; his head. and the jndge
tit its normal enndition. To say It Is olle Luorning to litti.11(l a race ineeting up, he might seize me by the legs and j much foi. the University of California.
a ple-asure to t"r1ifY to the wonderful Soulo drstall(q. off. In order that be carry them Off, and I had no desire to ( Is, In appt,arance, rather a fragile wom- looked unbelli,ring. cowboy -
Merits of Dr. Chnselo ointment is put- Part with su(,h faithful servants. Thi, I an, She is often worn Out by her cease- that his tale failed to receive credvnce
It very inlidiy.-, 111141,11 hare miough money to pay his friend Corroborated thp �tory. but, ss�ejngtv
I old shark was 'laying to,' calmly watch- t less activity and Unwillingly delegates i tile defentlant a"IC44-tile court to plenso--
Dr. Cllara'ol 01-tment, at all dealers, tiotel bill ho. fIt.(1 a sovereign Itt tile, Ing me and apparently vtnilderin
(,r Edm.lnzon, 13,1teS & Co., Toronto. or his handkerchief. In lbel kind of a fish i was. He appea 9 what I her work to assistants. step olitside. The
r(Id to be I judge asked what for -
'*1`11 be dri'll' Ills handla-rchief froul in a thoughtful Wood and no doubt was I Mrs- Roosevelt, the Wife of Governor I'll prove toy itinocenco, your honor,`
111"t Pocket. gild noticed the knot In the speculating as Roosevelt, Or, As the governor himself V
HENSALL to whether he had ever call.n
ance sald.
"'J'bPr. "NOW.' he said to himself, -what - soon We before. bpr. "Teddy"t; obnall," is a quiet. un- The court was Curious and went out-,
Now, I had ho ambition as, in g
wll,% It I wished to reineultber?l Much I to become acquainted with hisi sharkiihip. I gll in I modest. housewifely little boay side. So did the sheriff. lawyers an(V
GeO. B(inthorn. -who has been in t1l)"01A Fulled to enlighten I did not like the way he regarded me. who has allvoIntely no distinguishing !sPeetators. Vftne%l Pulled ant his revolver-,
the employ of McDonald Bros., f or blill "Poll; but I didn't raise a ebarset-pristice train thousfindot of good. ' n
a nninber of -,rears, left on Satlirday tilt' I-Milit. aud at last. in a fit of papHlau about it. fuss With bim true Americill) wiv and mothers. a d- holding A Postng" stamp between the,
fingers of his 1pff, hand, PlippPol nff Pativ-
f .)r Torino bl- but-IVd the bandkorchit,f out of the "The great fish seemLld to have deter. Afra, Henry N, Couden is th only per- carrier in snecession. Next he asked gi. �
-sp.e, Where lie has Recur- %% Indow, Then he realf-illbt-l"ItEl." mined upon sonipthing. He begs son, outside of members of co egress. who SPeetator to si spend n hicl�nry
ed it p1wition with the sumon Arm 11,; n to fan is allowed in the speaker"R lobby while a thread. Wall, nut frar&-, -
lid,4 brotbor his fins gently. 'Aly time has come,' I I ting off 30 feet be wholocloodr,
the house is in se);Ioiun. fler husband. � dud at the firitt HbOt Cut the thread- TAk- -
&PPIrtuir che ktoilt. said mentally. Raildnir his head. he the Rev. Mr. Couden, Chaplain Of the f ID9 six tnelt- lit- Miteed them loosely in sw
Rev. Gifford, of Clinton, 000111)- After Sunday school little Ned find started forward like a flash. I nerved I house. Is blind. RV Is bronzilt to the Pif-('O of Nrood. Tnim ho Ploteed against a.
ied the PulPit in the Moth. chAlrell Ills -YOU119(T Cousin. Elorton. were Per, MY64elf for the shock, but It was
me he was aiming. not lit house daily by Mrs. Couden and remains i post 123var(jg 11w
at botil contli. It W43 at one of the, aY. Borrowing a watch
I I st 8tthday morning till I )'"lled to Play In the yard on until she comet; for him. from a hymrnaider. he opened tbe ease tnr--
i large Air globules that rise front the vent,, M
eVf4ni Pg qerviee, Rev. Je�wjtt takin 1, two that they Would be very good and I
In the top of the hVIluot. Ile swallowed I . ra. Pullman, widow of George AL a mirror. sbat with his back to thp mark
bis appointment at Clinton oil 1u!,,I. They had not been out [OuX, It at one 9 and drove each tack into the wood with-
'villID Ned's ulp, then stopped, In n Pullman, is Haiti to be one of the keenest
Mon(ln;y evening Rev. GWio�d, lee. another ben rd loud Mont he began to make hivilluntot mo- business women in tbl& country. She Out a miss.
ry cffer-
tilrPll to) a large 4ndienee an TIIQ 1.` 013 Ins ITPOD Investigating the Ingol to Old Father Xpptunp, to,- the bull- was the daughter of J. Y. ganger of Ot- Tilt, braltenian had bpen lookIng, on iliv
b1tivilmoth Came" The glist. N' At, Vance rort-
Rev. gentle. he fOUn I ber sanall -ion Ritillig, ble was an emetic to blm� ed 10 travel. Her Private egrg. are, fittpa with
qpein tawa Ills- Mrq- Pullman dPlights 113 OPQn 111011thed wondor,
MUn is a good "eaker find gave bis: hbt eousin, pounding hill) VI;;4)rQllhlIy be satisfied with his lunPh of comptluo I Chilled tile brnk%.-man stopped lip to tbw-,
andience it treat.. splip of 11ortuil's Pitiful walls. Oxygen and hydrogen, for be swuni hu , r 411 the COUToulonets of a borne and are $udg` And- tapping him on the arm. sa1J--,
rie4ir AWAY.— -d with a full Corps of servants. "TOR, You honor, I
Maintain" Ned ex0aluIL4 1. equipin
1. -1 t Mrs. George (Ira was Mis-
nutn.ta.t4r of the Wfluted to tent -:1 Igan tilt. gol-len rule, Ch -04'. Wife of Califor- tAkOlt- Tbikt -11till wasn't isbooting &9
Millson.; Bullk. waq in woodst tolc tind 110 xuld bi- wouldn't lmra It.". A FtUN ON A BANK. Dia's Young Inililonalro. is said to have Ine,
181intlay und '.N1,ko1IdjV. fitteinfilln,�_ tho realized bo- ambition to I)pea
tile nagrvat
7' a $octal leader In New Yorlt as she wag A COIN MCK.
relfiltivtl What, died (in the Fasr TrIck b y1%% -1-h tell tlkop prexl_ in San Frauelsefl. She Im now a Member i
laott. sudaenlv. N"'s-not All tbe Nvetr. debt Stopped it, Of the Inner Pxvinsivp set of the m tropo. y0unst Man Antontothed the CrerUx irlool,
THL 1 it is said Onat 1?�C, r.-aro-n Why them run on a tian1f; I, n funny 115, or. in other words. ant- of thot'"Tbir- ft l3ank by A FeAt Ot vadaltaxnw.
K, 11n0 Of tile Voiin!, jilt -11 of town a snalw% In No-tv Z -.0a:141 IA tLa: It "Id the old who- Wn% In a ', 11) 117-Plght." the tetal number oe the "beat .4, young MAD ,,Vow a whollesale ba -me
T il
P 00). I -The 130. at flat, dfrvot antip, olpq of Irplailid. lillito"Put "land. "it "rill ittart, without th,- get" In Xpw York,
X down on the river front pro-spotpil it.
'oolrpstg(�,.�. WjtJ1h.f4;hal wilollSt Palrok 1,.,tlillql� glthio�v' 1p'llit's' ra"Ne, And YOU 0-mr knO.. 11ris. 'MI. A'. Hnnis. Mrs. F L Briaga VbOck At out- of the banks the ather folap.
1111' t4iltlh`Irr aq pr*�.oltfjlt tknil when to tutty bt- on1v n n and Nlm Fla"It Of Dud while thf- mftuPX Ira* Its -Ing colunteilli
tot,)"- It MUY ilk' 0 o, air, nnd ol fleo,l I Ill., elatill to bi-
frow lvo.lmld h
tit tile orig- 0"t Amusod btraspir fly bilan, - colult fblr
AR.St 'N'llsy a good ball It-bollod Crane 104,4.4 Wa-thington thil, narrow eilite, t
hfls hlollp to Ov.
W, fbo. lin'Alv: tolloem
N11 -1110"t flit'1111 XvW I.-alund alskt. Willi nimply 101111:111144. thi-1`0 W41% u-1 WOF I intrwitived in 010 11.0grad of Window I
11 EAWoRY114' in b � -- kiv%v tha Fiunllv lie perfortni'd an a--
' ' !f t 1411114 t.X-. I
D F,w,%qt Ing f"11441 11 1 a run wliq lit 4site Uorwilli. grand- tfluiRlifilf: fent, be first halureod a
t" I*r4tPelod tat r-4. thn IP an- titneit win.11 tile holupwilOst J,alki fallior of thp,,ja. Wfffp�t.tl. %kan tit(, originttl vir dtollar ito it itIctod tip on t.ditfI.
In safftla"a ilk Of. pittillis I.) rhp Irt'vid tholk
A y,ouna Ifliftin lilitill,qt , at e01114 flat Ktalld an iful-V rAN1114111" ru'voroUng to� thft ductiluefttillrY I'll ItOd a half dollar edge to pq%xi. oil tfl�lt,
11iod ,,�n WetInk-solAv nitralt. 11%. ha4 wa-!4 aptI,, roilh,41 rill), rVidifilvat In 44 it and violpIP1441 tht, loxminid with ft
Arown I uq brittht new 043al-wr nil$ maniv%illition
for ti, en lit- 410POkitt"I flat- %iva on%- tin tile tbtlt-t-
flhw-tr aa I At chter Itf '1 11.
�itftc VJV 41 . thl. TOY) b., 114 u POULTRY POINTERS. W14 11"Urvile, And the spint'l-
It I S thvw M 11,494 IW -A ellnu nr,*.* a
1"f41l'144gZIt46S wt.11t 1-1 ip% Cho 141-4 Of *Va.,, Is wo tind POP -A4 fly Attion,I, 4011. 1,4f all threp Stflu Ing Without illipperr
Dry l'arth is a X*od Inaterial to, Sr*tt,*r fande, thV tvllor'" py d
wo 41H tog 41"oner, tPDA wr era-tlit eit Protrude from thr-I.-
1:1 Iroon here t,-4 liltilifolloil the L-,tit-ral i; vn,n14 bF. 6�11 mwo day .. uwler the, rt,4ojnkq 41.1,p.er np�
o"niventi-In at 14rum-96,111 ,in Tlvtrs.' sooketv.
run IvIbit ht P, 004 Wal Paftgr. aull hp 114411P An'l W301I Are ex(,cliotat 'r, ..Whv that's, Dprrotly Amazing!" tc,
-'.41 -1 ft to 15 lurft thcvp to*" ;till$ gt`1149 A 910304.V nP;!PArafte(V to tha wouldnIt havo ttWPwil it
ONO waft A holviLng
W01V w, a eandithtte for The Bout, ut Unir. rt)iala -WA mm"t Driforlpol the b,411h. field wt� realum, phanagolf.
a lFint we gittoll&'al tu taj;, Tit-, lott�i ot rmlttl4ors vin
Only P1 a-1cc-, �ftohtilnitfion. (0Wd he &MP!" Tho cAluir attA
. A IntrT 11,1,
dqAtialig ar. "I ttkvi; a Swaft MIMI, to, do jrII" Ii I-!
0410 full *htir r�ih, ;,,17 all t%4. t,,,;
144�1. lidt I paid ant tilk, =11911111PAIA. 1hP YOung Wan varelm.jy. and. w%1VPlt14
stoy-Irs auy one Iftlik." fft`lr� thus IWO lind on, band. knowing tail M alt thays tnr3 with all Mudii 44 Duut. tbv- 04MUst With a dvxtrrowa grta,14 hit, 4rjj,*,
Stan* PrIght. PeAvIs wtk* wry angtr 44 that it ua% n Qui'SHOU of wity Is try the vorr%viilix ra,iiin IsbutJ141 Ns of #,utu P4141 *44m Into bivL ptnto. tip t,
1001w mm"M Out vj �&%L 1*W 11100alts, wiltoll wo would be obfi#rfif tud hbvrrfl,�. &do 112p 4,,10104 10, iuVr C, kv4 P (011� 1,7%;� 4joIll
Mott noll ft%g't vill its .4"fritil lIV* w1beff, the hou
waveek--re k(4�pvr h%dN4 hijr 111to thil IM -Mort P &Ir to 0,YA& the edolls full duting tho tight,
hwitoro. he vilitIC- Ta%. watoo, toWn lit 4o.%ow b"'w'hoor. awl afff.'r bp wAft *,nv '11
1741vt-,V Ward 1.. th" jar your., 8e the prit'iddoll't of th6 bdak A tiva tfilt In OSparaa Ito twzar, fillW iI-L, to.
%whot't. who Rvat r', kitftv to I.-# and X1 id it a low vt,
elaunwil. ratuter oftogy nit to, *I'll# Ming wrig its thweilalat
41 FAIKI, -1,4001 opalto Inueretin 'Wo. L,44 ef3p t1tyl -,t5J!1A in C!Jt)V#r" PlIL'Oe. hotiftc,*
lit d, WOM young uniffil. now en po" Ime with ley "Not oVirr ten tnvbnt1o.%* I gay V,onl tth;:. ftntf� tmid tnuvd ionrt-ry wa*nnt dasna -.1.
Is lot vempIrtitlAb qp ZARopll tho fncwk av
holnug to the %pprIp *ill! " w1fil". clap t*a* 0�
tj�,A. felt.,,
"Mr. Rtwevttpr." to r4ppotj,jo qt Is N.O."rhod the bv�ZHIA Mwe rhy lorark, d
UP`3 lb4'� ft"Ill' UP �` Lift' U00 -0d 11004cv,s
tin 'V41ift"�'�y ard delalWenfolp to folif"t 41;vt t tul 11%,ce 'for ab
denoloW Am I
CC14 V01)Usftt.8,--" lflysplr mova it; thp, OW191 to dbo lnotiop evottt. ilk'kiol rip a sla *M Illy rialladtf, 1194:10 G,
Y,9% thon �W.t lailghlIrst CIN14w, NIL r"'zir-4 It totobs,90. 111CL:)VOI to fus. b wmsm m14 that W"
1 4 UP I'C'ed A :29eft kr sb,)t, pu.t, 44-*� nit fit- 096"r
golvv-& pom fivetort, fl,,0 ttilm"re flovvAgat Tfiv @rAekt-d vDiIII,# ont psuedo 41flMIMI lit I% thd�n- A qtt'5111011 tit sty cito nra gilit, For at bmir or It*
Tte cvvuEng 9"A 0�e %,1* Ri:01t'T fto� 6rplA
f1dea sivake ftanklyz "Of oym-me 4' of sh 0-yofH- tip rv-duo,,�*4 eq �igmr. Ion d"t I rL," U-4 �w -W-wff,'?1r,3 re,,r 6- Ito ffmr. ar
S0011 vv�op 11 xwl P-- 4r�,-Lqtrd it fh# et I Ike, d ordrotAvd, leb light it fe;i�m mp vplpr h
tfbp.�- vriet-od ticy, ,,.!r ttra r,3
WHI pa ��rw% what I'm to be U* MM. ffig P" 6�44. J%E% DS tN��, tw*t t�dly ske e M�2 a doBb;�%kr
Tra,h Nor fop Neit day miy
ka,�%n &I to 0 -Ek. homo er-
led ROM "Wm et5fat. mvidd the bank. T*4t. neo yonit mittl alutt*rod ita *i*N,
Uttar to Old ag I 10""Lt 11
t Ulunt V9 hour ; p1l, I
4 don" A 4,11"Wo r*Rb. totto;. fttVqh1,-d tmyly. '111113t I.vm d6l to * Entb At that wontht I *aso btn Enz 4.L�qvk-
hrot E114m# Citta thob. -L.C. ifia 1V,'ytCit
thrit idttl, Noy J6,41.1t ar*rowt o4e* w.0 This, atftd� "'wo"L4 Of m -45t potirdt-r M?,,34 he, Wd"da to. HOUSEHOLD HUNTS. of V�'.Cra y4atJtrdA*.1" lroltatkosa tl-c -
wita r4rMor vlorblot, Monl6k4l at thp W41* J!N* 901b tir 11hp Vd#. attlf M10 ritt
%latt'It"An to bmultpl otir tho, Wt% *1 .9:i
%ft PJ#*d boffAuto $01j WO di&61 own fat* lk�k, $llo vgq &*,or thnit the r"h5Atrt& ent. strititbiftp
"YOU Utat It Tduftolt eftft.,; btftud bi's "IOU IUV4� a
hat* la -14 't too* 'exroto tow, ?hit taroml e-m-ailb ho"f0th. toot ikay It TAf4i klidaity
.&ook Wag Altht k, thtt thifk* wjo* *%oultb cort to L4 rit. N#10ff' 00dt *it t3l PAIMIlba *ft *40, thi% yawit b�kh. gt�
tfik# it Itself. I dowt *,*m to Pth supreme.- mmt. ®ro 6*40t it t*tr etftraHr %,ith * !Aift# of
do tho b6V any Wjwfiied-�. #4 *b,# pow&f. wallfix wid. dxo iant A40 tatiumw by
I lip t*h "hold & eAtidle to me" Atild #fogy
Is stm *Mott.
nol,luded thst Awgi, klovs 'a t6 1116W Mv ldry 0 A top it ftiottv
t Ur thoy'd 1*1[dr1lad tbt Tqtk "intoIdly. At Who* at **t afhtor* mlhffy� *bLb Ift for ch-tribt alp th# *fdhest &,,[I tiaitt aW"
I N r ot-itm Wit Wall. JefAl the **4'Ogftik# ft# ittkothot teitilly. df tbi, Pineal 4504t bfcohi
tdk Ut 1:0614%.
ro - *r gaid ho dIlZW*1 tnam %*M4, Ofiff Istfikitht a galiffech. W1*4? L*M It'i 6"*ft. it IN pulf td dflth
t t6tttiot? dot NsI* &I'ath 'Will#*
ft" *Alk f"AtOr If blebitodf of tht Ttek thM1*01Y A Q#t,&oa* b*tOf*1t**V *6tv".bir thItb5b, tla erl"llord The bad" st gydn't'so,
tad stlitr. fiftfifly With itilpiliflityp tfifit tt it by th# ##two* of stnolv l0*f*!%fa bi-tot al9bit 4 to itmilli ob tif be, e;rdoofaod tbitt tt 6tIl4t1*1
thart this tAtTo roftttly#966 ti,04* olae#. exchinio'. itt It besift 00 hederato tud 'Ortly tei-*u of * twtitht ritftk -416alil bio -
It fftV*d*h1,f 'mutfs thiim to *4p*t 6it-
attack#4 ty I ta flit.
ta Asifof*,bb WE f6tilta tit Buth juhivoof WttIfek IN a ftatft that lum li� thr-fu'V1 47"10ttlIA q!q*f* To 6%4*
RINTIN bqf;-� ittvisbly vttiutrtil
P *iotfi thr tilt tho ttitehi 0ftt*tty iib
thnis 6
�fjt ft#
Stit thaft'101Y. Ahilk the ftom Is hithlitablo. :
wiedoitot v1ditid for 12 hqntv, iihou &fr4)t th,11j, *hit#,.
ths, atAteftithl A. tt# *hich 14*jr
itatt wiiti tth'Alled, fm cil, ftk;Ty sit Iffitiottift lifiblit tbe*
*hilo a *hjfi�o Vit'*
for 00# ebriolittio 4st thffio# on(ludik Of c9iollf steut 0 flit 1014 Wlift thii om
Such, stis �1 ftlabj�. It th* &In* ItAd (tie i6dot Z1 thisl *,bi. Ott# atd vi-vbitlf vatuldo at taig tolh thw *fAiparie chtfakoet. thii, hkclr�
olloti ot *&I*t, 'aftlitoa tZ be *#V*fA -d ff"it hof katia
*At UtAotked 0 ti
J A* *bi **khed *Ith veohol It Wile. b&td ot to, *'6*hdqb Ita,
BW heads te0ttfg. AS
il tttb*t*4 to Its fit4f &D4 *Air RAILWAY TIES. hft Uld
it bittid A*4
~ratY- Ott 'At Ift'r, 11600, '14 tk6to, Are tht*# dityirIetst IrAU*0 At0ft ill twt#ted too th%:00 16011ife.
Uitl* before b
Ping "terhoi Ito tht. iml5ty. at iteot ej jtrhitlk� 4 rM 8%
4.*h# *A K *410Ar Ihs U0 40ftl
#A6*t!li rot, the 1**tC1rAftft 'bit lit faita- Tht, stmOn W
ITY 6dio. ItU6 r6ad has a lipletifil *a-rorw*td. Vhst Ao you titke ut fat --
'r, 'h� &Or4p".
ltifjoj* oltv 1611+4 in Iokba *t,# fidt allo*#d :, -
SialebiHs Oct find tsk* bliAwt quo* 9L . r fol� i'"'lilotaS 'O'a t�Attlt'dlky tliJtht* :� 16�,.J*dft
i tO'aI:iWtb 114' POAC40 Of itelt0tihiblo iieo� I
p At tfio J)oirhSW tp *ft* ftire6t 'Irk*off vkfi� 9*v**.
4*htlk the 3ohn, utl*11tib *a* A ro'00F* C245". oialii&
0l*'At'& 111 4 thill-ft f!A94' Among lit #
'fe*f *IOWAO. And aftor A litga, thir rald wmqeulb it Drowdets Ish* D#Vff "t"' 'hifflos' Mistily #'**It* b.1 bliv ftdkst
A lotbotl6fts. vit*t tro tiover ft-h'side"d tla* than cr-
Bnvelopes ludke *6<*ktvd that tht, t6utigol Sh6ald tioll pribted in IM **-nine tl:l# ftittd in bift efitkiXMIL
A Good -f filt 0110fit to tornprozoise it and ta2sk thst trunkg tibnot be totwsitraod *bIr
t� -is *Ork it�qp It Was ttte-
%#t *11it tilf *dtlld tiaka, to seige, it, _ _It that Concerned hhh. Ire nb.-Ats.
i tbey- at* brought W the Vfttic)h at least ftitiehetd. In Wis fo*rleog tht
TU't6fiff W thirreapon shouted Out terl an, bout befery thil, depkirtafrop of the of a well known p*j8t,_k. who
I'Letter I c z. C S londly to his j�iitpnt. "Ili*, Totdahip *;ibt* Irgilk, Ak luxt
to ksl-6* what y6s vou. tAkel" griertil At the valporL On b4paring ot,
A Ar he ifitbilititly rLkoffod. -i tha I garroW hk* hXfJ rAn'Re4r bi, wt-otiI to tlb#�
I * * I ilk hit lera- tjs I# X novel rot'lwlty t*0 Fnifitil In VV0 thm? Ire n-crettm tr*, Zari:a wnt.�,
SbTV kind).*. and it let to; itiftn'tenitilo
hirt0b. rne roltUts *to mad -r -of
Visiting and re, S'&* to hift 11111 tatce a little *Arird allis.01 Y n the k1D "t�
�'WWL'h thi- bIrk 11104 b**-'& stripi)*&. and ho"PI'd it ivolild initke, so &fftreU;�
tu* clott it. , these Are wited tojulititt'. roll thew thoir flioAdshipf It it: *414 thef artiH*--
if. 1, - , Ott mrli't'dir With jrtoo*04 *h#A* telk %,tho" wzotir in t*ply-
Weft It Iftel"dool Otte tr
Bus m*ess Dards vL
kh6ck You doien-sk bibt I luopt it Airal *A** siot&-
Jim Yotttb. A;lb*" Smith by Itook - e. A thok*
I laky -t th# youilg#r t1hArt set *muted ht= MAILSTIONES. *ft*0,* ft Ott td**&MJ,
Xor I �01*#* by veltl; i
IMUland I Walk* 416tv 79*6*t,
ete. e, to. farnatf; aeronaut. *to day M1110 Oft hitlittote* Ifte out dt dit# 1 14* thibg* 0 b. livIn
boucle Vr ft ll X *Itlf-
Q. gtouo forib. Illinol* tewts a trnuMo. stlif# or #tart. 'No lfokt:
011t(laktroi hfid4 ohr"ving a 1*11y Ac *1twil the Ilsiboatiost worto as b: Its ba
4saIntano* in the crawd VrAr#d his b* logLS-11 '%ton 01611P. goo, ral,110 be battled for, Neither fruit 16,1t,.
I A""t-0 cliff b# ghtheted UnIesit the Win4t,
tarting and %isid AD 1-vt tOWA reports A ralafall of 12 %trOtelled out to,,pluck thera, go *jt�
*A WTV tv.-A co" 6? Ud Sftft it A* t A - I - P�A 2f .1 *1ft colue, 11avra Aga 1w , _4
CALLAIT 'it b0'r AN theY were R I
UNZ. Tger bal%ish Woo .A vr4* lit In, Ill brtng rdiiii hit beto Sunday. The report '01 hailstones knowledge and otaltum: thex* ftust bo,
nitef- N4*0 fhL *Oed R*l-P,A-X.s L,- Piki, x1+06 toerkler.1,
V6&3S*. *b4 Al" big fta; 606411so ICT1104-Od Out till it�ow. thf* Offort. the ftsehIng, out of
To It= s "b" retItOts in lbil linp enrl.T its the -AoAxn-a., to grAitt) tho troltyl, and the Iaj
%lil -be *W14,toa*t Ada,. tutgoilit.
.9 HIS, for"W'Ity W the Ripwir CNW,�j eb g4for rive oftlo,
.0 Rof, Io $064 tadt ViOuri sO VT'c*IrY b -t* hocrostarilytiaroo-d to svthpr
ist 1to, tho oottigkes --orntibi, lu� A Isis ID"*.
AliV"Ai4sra threls Dick Witle bOyfa Of I vllfte art. 030 dAys *bi,* you are likely 11"Utin-
�rotir ow*l; -I*T* woon if drop of Watet raw
�trio light Plant' JA111 JLDd-
Mrs- 14,6M, baft bttU itsi bit aft wntrrmQ-I*%w. III, eletRon-Whoto, aid., IL
IV t1l* *114a" amlc� U -tore you lo OW th,, idtl- Water 46 thAtIL dfop f*
*04411 aas werto