HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-12, Page 1App( prel bo a ard lowi ant n now 50s e the Ice p The .ario, win - I be )ters We Our 1 US nts ! r toe UO to hie Subscribe for "The lberalb" SI per Year. The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township, lartnteb Agents To solicit for "Paid "Up" Sulfit: To "Zile lberatb" FIRST YEAR, VOL. I ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, OCT. 12 1900. NO.11 THE EIRIViL IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING BY D. DYER. TEAMS OF SUBSCRIPTION :-$1.00 per year paid strietly hi advanee. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged when not paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. -Tran sient advertisements, 6 eeuts per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for 'each subsequint insertion. Swan Advs. sneh as"Loet" '`Estray"or "b'tolen" will be charged 50 cents first insertion and 26 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Chureh en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for eolumn, half-eolutnn and quarter -column ratesfor specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to The D. DYER, EDITOR, Ztur P.O. .1.19=1=11•11111MININYJIMINNIP.AVINSIOMilliCM CHURCiaES. T. BONIFACE, Catholic. I.D Order of service for the winter. Sundayst-fligh mass at IO a. tn. Catechism and instraetion at 12 o'eloelt The Holy Hour, or one hour's visit to our Lord in the blessed sacrament from 3 to 4 p. in. Vespers and benediction - of the most blessed sacrament at 4 pan. Holy Myst-High mass at 10 n. tn. Ves pers and benediction at 4 p. tn. Week Myst-Musa every morning at S o'elock. First Fridays, EMS with ex. position at 9 o'clock Rey. Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, Gorman and English Sunder stervicemi- German, et tO o'clock e. tn. Englimb„ a 7 o'clook p. tn., Sunday school at 2 pan Tuesday evening; atelier Alliance, t. ", Senior Alliance, at 8, Choir practice at e. "Wednesday evening; Otainen prayer meeting, at 7.20. Thursday evening; English prmyer ousting at 7.20. Friday eventngt Teaelters' meeting at 6. Bev. el. Finkbenter,, Pastor. tr. 'Cultic:y:40c St. Par'. eitmeinbe 45eittlbitnti: Sonnia4 Nati Sieben Ithr Sontito4 Sainte Zitervits Utir. tehrer trdt'2 i: flan, E. paiter. The Commercial Hotel, TERI Prorietor Every iteeinninoetation for the 'travelling public. Always stop a THE COUMEItCIAL when. in Zurich. First-class sample rooffis for ,ominercial LOUIS AWIttrt, J. D. COOKE„ (.Latio With GC.ItOW & Preudfc3t) Balris er„, Scaeitor, Ng:tory retake corespendents to kindly send m 0,t.m.h.,. their liewe early in the week. justus Wacher ef the 1-1th Con. G. STANBUIRY, B. A. Successor to COLLINS & St ANHORY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents in original Gorman read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. Our Pull pidgrt, MMONNIMalrOMININSIMIAIUMMIIIM Oct 11th. -Special. J. Mc Mill- an, M. P. was again chosen, by the convention, as Liberal standard- bearer, at the coming election. Magel of Mich. is visiting his brother Harry this week. Misses Ida Sipple and. Emma. Phial left on Saturday for Detroit. john Magel of Pulaski is visiting friends in town this week. Jockey Roffman traded horses with Bossenberry, on. Tuesday. Mrs. R. Buswell of Brantford, called on old. friends here this week. Dominion elections, Wednesday Nov. 7th. Get ready for the fray H. J. I). Cooke, barrister of Hen - :tail was III town on business Wet - Our venerable hunter, D. Stein- bach, was out for a eity's eport un Tuesday. Lurge quantities of dutch setts aro being shipped out of town this weeic. Miss' Thomson of Blake is learn- ing dressmaking with bliss M. atoitzinain Mrs. W. H. Hoffman arrivce3. home on Wednesday from a visit atilverton. The transport Idaho will arrive alertly, wita several hundeen teen - sun, soltnere from. S. Melee. alx. 'Young of Ilativistoek, who visited tit T. JOhnSOn'tt fur a tew titt,e's lett for home en alonaay aternoon. Tenders are asked ger by the Hay teamed" •for cleaning out the llossenberry of Zurich, Mrs. D. Zurich drain. See nonce on his 'Selinell Goshen line Hay and Mrs. lage, this issue. D. Me Linchey Goshen line atanhly. J. Pfaff, E. Appel and Feta. Anning, the several Canadians'. in Heys attended the Liberal 'Convent- the Engle& parliament i'14 George tent at Brucefield, as delegates M. Brown, son of the hate Hen. tor this division. 0garee Drown at ote tante leader F. W. fleas our Polataar lowear, of the Government of Canada ant arrived home Oti .51taldan, from now dead nearly 24 ,IrearA... (4., M. Brown is only 31 vete .old and is J. Preeter traded horses with Mr. Donaldson of Bayfield on Wed- nesday, John has a fine driver now, with lots of speed. A. Lehman and wife leave to -day for Caledonia Mich. to visit their son Abe. They will also visit their daughters, Betsey and Janet in Tuscola Co., and other friends before returning home. The concert given by the Eckardt family on Tuesday evening had a srnall attendance, owing no doubt to the entertainment at Blake the Same night. The program render- ed was good and worthy of a larger patronage. It is learned from the Attorney General's Department that the crown has in addition to the pub- lished statement of the prisoner Herbert in regard to the Sifton murder case, a second detailed. statement which. will not be made public until the time of the trial. A fat man's bicycle race between D. Dyer and C. Fritz, is expected to draw a large crowd to Zurich on Thanksgiving day. The race will take place on the track at the fair ground, half mile dash. Another baseball match between the single and. married men is also spoken of. Rev. Schuelke has about, recov- ered from his illness, and is able to leave his bed. Mrs. Schnelke has also a mild attack of fever which the attending physician has been able to check, and. it is hoped the will be out again in the course. of a few clays. There has been a lot of sickness here this fall and our doc- tors are kept very busy. A Bright Idea Was that of Clittee when he discoverea a, combined treatment for disorders of the kidneys and liver and. so provided a cure for complicated diseases of these or- gans which were formerly incurable Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney -Liver PUN are the world's greatest cure for kidney, liver and stomach troubles, and. has an enorrnons sale in all pin-ts of Canada and the United States. One pill a dose. 25 cents a box. The funeral of tho late Conrad was. Fortlay men performed. their parts Wagner, on Monday morning, largely attended. Mr, Wagner in an able 1110 church was well known, having been, one was beautifully decorated in tbe of the old settlers of Hay Tp. Re Annan' tlttted maple and other 'leaves a •widow, three sons and fiat floral decorations. After the after - daughters to mon= his Inlet. orgo, noon servka; the seeiple returned sow; are (if wiseentart, and to their homes and again gathered Willitim e. and John at honie ; the in the eveniug to enjoy the success. .daughtere, MTA C. P. Sinipsen and fill entertainment that was. 'held. aim C. Haugh of Guelph. Mrs. Et. Music was furniehed by the Zurich alethodiet choir which dal theirpartin tai able manner also• Miss M. Ilolnnian gave two well pleas. ing solos, The ministere who teak part were Rev. Thes. Davidsen the newly indueted pastor who unen- vied fie altar. Addressee nofe• tF Rev. Martin, Eseter, rinkbetner, Zwick, and Iler. Atehesere Innen, after evhielt the dotoleey Nvas sung by .011 aril the Schatz of the 14th. 00H, met with a peculiar accident on Tuesday evening, which might have proved fatal. He had just unhitched his team and in passing the water trough, one of the horses started for the trough and in trying to head it off, Will. got his foot caught in the line and the horse becoming frightened, started to run dragging Mr. Schatz a con- siderable distance. Fortunately, the horse came in contact with a gate, where Win. managed to free himself, but not before he received some bad bruises and ono of his legs severely sprained: At Boissevain on the 7th. inst. the bodies of Jacob Smith and Chas Daw, two farmers who have been missing since July 31st, were dis- covered in an old well on Daw's farm, where they had. been covered over with earth, stones and. brush. A few days before they disappeared a young man named Walter Gor- don arrived from New Mexico, and bought both Dil:W'S farm and Sniffles stock, stating that he paid $5,000 to Daw and some $700 to Smith. Both men disappeared several days afterwards, when it was stated they had. gone to Bran- don fair. Not returning for several weeks, enquiry was begun, and. has since been going on. The man Gordon also disappeared an Sun- day last, when he found detectives working on the case. BLAKE. The weather in this as well as other vieinities has greatly changed although it is shining over head the breezes are very ehilly. A very pleasant and profitable event we'll all hope was held in the Inolnetion •tf tbe pasta- to the Presbyterian church here in the person of tbe Rev. Thos. Davidson It took place on Tuesday afternoon Oet. Sax. The ministers present were as follows ; Rev. E. H, Sewers Moderator of the Huron Presbyte- ry, Rev. Lufkin, Settfortli, Rev. Stuart, Clinton, ROV. Martin, axe - ter, Rev. Atelieson, Kippen, Rev. Finkbeiner, Zurich, and Rev. Henderson, Hensall. All these --madzinsom---.seenaanzatatia-- New Dress Goods 1 New Mantles ! New Millinery 1 New Tweeds 1 Each season brings its new wants and. new supplies are Stocks are fast fining up and we are ready to fill all orders. iner will be here next week with a fine line of new ideas, Our dress goods department is complete. We are showing a fine, range of benne-spun and suitings at very low prices. We are in it with our tweeds, -having bought very largely Wee season we are ready to show you a fine range of black and worsted sorges, Scotcb. and. Canadian tweeds at very low prices. Give us a call before before purchasing elsewhere. show goods! provided`, Our mil - Chicago, where he spent a tew weeks with his brother. Quite a number frail here atten- ded the induction services a tin; Presbyterian church Blake, on Tuesday afternoon. The concert 14 Etrope playing stich discordant .intisie, that the Chinaman does not know which • "fiddler" he is dancing to. M. A. Si,veitzer of lankvalle Mick. is visiting with her parents Schneider." a. little tinuip tainetanwit, rectireted cifizeils iti ttat., per4 No trouble t Main Street Zurich, Oct Preduce taken in exchange for goods. N .15 We do as we my a great teinperence adveeate. lie gathering dispereed their var- was 3. resident of Canada mend teel jot5 AltaeS ligen pteaeea, for a gret-elase Winter or 44 %Vali sixteent vi'bort he rettoyea wails R. G. Nieliel who was otn the PEOPLE'S Boot & Shoe Store . e. 4"tsteenee. ur new updoelate fall ITILVall3 have just arrived. and na better stock hens ever Iteen hewn Zurich. «let rtritee frent tie, then compare with otb. er prices and you will find our goods right. ow' prices rieht, nee are rig,ht and if son buy frein you will be right --ter we Watit while onr ennepetitere fellow. See onr tetrth witelow fer snap-- shOPS fret/ an to tna tei for Si De not Mice them We give diseettnt of letter cent. on melt nurelintee„ his mother to Pelinhargh anottated. He is regarded as an able bit_ sick list at week is abie to get a- "liPs'.9' round again. Ulan 81111.. a. genii speaker and is hke- ly to inake his mark in the imperial Making apple butter is the order Parliament. of the tkiy, yott can hear the hunt of the mill from eatly mottling till Marty of our readers will remeni- late at night ber John Nile Oat's, or as he Csa... Vi7o are sorry te relate of the knownre atniiar1 "Mll''.`112.atleatit of one of our o dee a e. Mr. and Mts. J. P. Reekbed, s e nho used to m e perio lea. 1,1511 son of Xt. Conrad Waetter. lir. 1 Leave your measine r6ut We also handle the ,elebratecl stub preof, gutta perch Granb3t Etabbers. 13titter alit Eggs taken in trade. WE WILL N�1BE tirmEnsoLot CHAS FRITZ, trerved on Saterday evening. to our town, mid who had an ah; Wavier was called to his- last test- _ Neat Thursday being thaanegee_ capacity for lager, ./3° ithg b" big SaturdaY al last week. Our da v and we would ask our £all Prflimrticli to his s12e£ Mn- M4Thly old residents ere slipping away g Ratsberg found lain lyienon fne. f ROUDIOW e as, , side of tbe rend. alineet dead. le- ' had apparently leen lying then.. hlir4ihrao.. as for some days. lir. 'llohr nes. Len QUACiftNBUSII- _ A V, istitivertiefent his eteek anti imple-a into line house and toek. the wee At tee reendenee of tee erae tuetots for sale £ n Tue.:elan the !t11 hest erre if hem, untillest we-. patents. Hay . en the it th. test inst. E. Ressenteriea ettetieneete when peer old John died. he vete hy the 'elev. C. S. rinkt Meier, Mr. ilottrie.At by the township. as he Intel Jae- th a.e,teickenhnsh ..t &melon. t , Rev. Welt:Tender Logtineondneted, no im- own relatives in this enutinnte Ilertlia Senrareler :1 . .Hey. IRtHAvs services th in e Lutheran (-hutch on . ev. 'PROUOFOOt etc*. Cor. qunre end Staulay. Both morning and. eve- A Bundle of Nerves BORN . Barris_tets. Solicitors, Notaries Pttblie S.North Street, Getlerich, Ontario E ZELLER, • c I th C let-Ic 0 Div. ourt.Huron Commissioner for taking Affiiiavits, Conveyancer etc. Valuator for the Hu - itg services Were largely attended' Nerve &Tee inthe tetrY hee il 1TEWF,a7T- AA TIf-•,n-all rn the man arid evetv organ of the hieren ,, eth. inst. the 1.-Irife' Oi R. Jewett., body es dependent upen it. Jets,. e.- 'at a flam14er soon as the bleed gets thin ane watery and fails to sikeply nonriele weennte-At Vea.gner's corner on meat to the nerves there coin& a the 6th. inst.. Conrad Wagner. at Office- e Z lier Block. Zurich Ont. (2,1851("L trairt of nervous disorders, tereevas -'..' eeo .,...eit .. The *statement of the Board of Trade for September. show in- creases of imports into Great Brit- on of 2 2,511,8410 and in exports f uml Erie Loan anal Savings Co. •°"="'"'"' '""'"""'"6' L. roster, S. racist and W. Hess 1). r°14tr"-ticin, Paralysis- el'ileP'kv" LOVE- At Grt.nd Bend. on BOSSENBERRY, were out binding on Tuesday, but InsanitY and death. Dr. Chase's Thursday 4th inst. lIngh Lave, 1'4* Licensed Auctioneer° for. Ilur.. none of the game would hold still Nerve Food rebuilds and revita- at the age of 70 years. t lines the nerve cells wasted. by di- sease, tat-i-etne-e'n'airet overwokk and Worry. It beyond doubt the world's greatest (Ma eouni*, re4ipnetrulisr selteite the pat- long enough to get shot. Sant. Tonnes of these *he intend heverig sales. blames the limburger for their Satisfaction tilaftnteed. poor luck. Hp to the present time, over ten ZURICH P. O. thottsand British soldiers have Is open daily except Sundays from ing the recant Nam,. Cazada hes boya Tad girls to spend their even- ?ells MARKETS restorative. Recommended by Revised every Thursday afternacam. your family physician. All recommend and sell it. The habit of allowing young Wheat Oats • found graves in South Africa dur- Batley 8 a. until 0 p. The mails are also over one hundred buried in J.150 oxi the streets, is one that 170w. — sv distributed as follows: the dark Continent 'should. be stopped. There are par- 'Attn. - MAIL roe. Hanseee, close at 6:55 a.m. , .,,,, ...mill- ri'li d collections made by the 'llts in thi's village who have very :55 1"-' Methodist ehtirch for home and little idea of how and where their foreign niissions daring the year amounted to $276,000. This is an increase of $10,000 over tbe preceed 0, FROM EtERSALL, are. 11:00 0,..IIL ing ver. ri 1.1 " £ Se.Joseene, " 11 ;10 aan L.H. " 6:55a.m. ££ L,H.&B., " 2:55a.m. t, t " 7 :20 pan. " 10.:45 a.m. A story is tolki of a lazy editor 11 :00 a.m.. who, one week when short of news "‘ 7:30 a.m. filled a page of his paper with pass - LETTERS MR GISTRATION, meat ages from the bible, observing on RE be posted half an hour previous to being questioned as to this pro - the time for clesing the mails. cedure that "he had no doubt it care of the boys and girls of to -day, WORM 1* news to a large propor- they will be the men and women Hogs (live) per <net • - 5.85 POStillantan, on n ) t D 8..Fst T.T8T, aig his sabscribers" " of teener/m an (dressed5 boys and girls spend their evenings. Numbers of them "grow up" like Topsy, their parents evidently not thinking it to be any convene of theirs as to whether wholesome and safe recreation and enjoyment are provided for their children or Wheat not, A Tittle effort on their part Oats now may save a. harvest time of Barley regret and bitter seerew, Take Peas Eggs Chickens lb itaa Ducks - - - - - - 6 Geese 5 6 83 to 85 22 22 S5 SI 50 58 - 2.00 2.10 15 16' 13 14' 5 6 Potatoes - - - 20 Dutch setts - - 4 5 25 HENSALL MARKETS. 63 to 65 '22 23 35 37 50 58 2.03 2.10 5.85 740 Zurich ee taloa: NewFurs Dress Goods and Millinery