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The Herald, 1900-10-05, Page 8
F It WO Look well 1 Feel well 1 .Are results which follow when you leave your order for a suit of clothes with °FAUN, The Tailor. LAUNDRY in connection 'ASENERAL BLACKSMITH A N D HORSESHOER. .repairing all kinds of machinery a speciality ! „J. R. W1SIrcr, - Zurich -Johnson's Woollen Mill 'Furniture Store. 'a' Our now fall stock is now com- tplete in tweeds, blankets, sheeting ilaannels,varn and stockings, also a full line of underwear at rock bt,t- iom prices. WC: carry a full line of furniture .at the lowest priees. T.& M.Johnson Hess, STEAM rriage Works All our work is guaranteed first class in every respect. Wagons baggiest cutters, sleigh and other t`t°hiele5 and snip!eniente antki0 to . HESS,HON ON aaridil. f lltalia raga» S lselo n s to A1� Ll.t+''r"le:!a{ BY E. J, EAG}AN, Kensington Gardens : These form one of the most attractive lounges in or near Landon, none but pedes- trians being allowed to enter. The 're many other parks that I went through, but time and space will not allow me to say anything about them. As regards public buildings, other than those I have already mention- ed, the Bank of England, the Gen- eral Post office and 'the Royal Exchange are well worth a visit. The city is well supplied with hotels and you can have your choice of both high and low. It is well to strike the happy medium. in this line, at least I found it so. Having indulged in the sights of old London as long as time would allow, I 'prepared to visit Paris. It was 0 p. m. when the train was to leave old London bridge station. Mr. A. Kalbfleisch returned home The evening was dreary as usual, from Detroit last week. and the rain poured long before we started, and continued to pour, and the storm increased in force, till terror seemed to reign in the hearts of all that had made the trip before but for me I dreaded nothing for I could see no danger. We were landed at New Haven at 11,30 p.m. the storm still raging. We were driven like cattle, you might say into a channel vessel. It was only a short time before it left the harbor and a short time after this things were in great confusion, such a dreary night pails, buckets, chains, ropes etc, ete, that were not securely fastened were driven to and fro on the deck and frequently you were brought to your senses by being tapped by one of these. Such a time of sea sick- ness I never before or after wit- nessed, the crew were even hick. I hugged an iron post for 3' hrs and kept time otherwise with tl:e ocean. At every bound the vessel made, a wave would come over her and the upper deck was flooded. There were a number in proper po- sition to receive the full benefit of every wave. Although. sick unto death I could not refrain from laughing to tine and hear the old women and young maids, stretched out moaning and *,groaning and no one to offer a helping hand. Sea sickness when so severe soon re- duces you to give up all hope and thought for the future. The time G.KAND BEND 1ST, Oantin of Steroseph paid our town a visit one day last week and reports things booming in that city. • A number of -our •boys intend going to the lumber woods this fall A. Bossenberry left for St Joseph Monday where he secured e job. A ntunberkpf our sports attended Parkhill fair and succeeded in carrying off a handsome silver cup, The infant child of Sam. Gratton died. on Saturday and was buried in Grand Bend cemetery Monday. PHILADELPHIA Frecl Kalbfleisch has finished threshing flax and is now busy pre- paring his mill for scotching, Fred is a hustler. it P ni fe the takes generally to cross at this pint is about 4!_f; hrs. but on this iht abont s7 hrs. were spent be - re the passengers Loaded, again pat;sengers were driven from J. Siemon intends purchas- ing an automobile for his accom- modatiion. Mr. Henry Steinbach and Miss A. Albricht have gone to Detroit, on a visit Saturday last. J. Meidinger has resigned his position with J. C. Kalbfleisch and has engaged with Mr. Louis Schilbe as coachman on the stage between Zurich and Philadelphia. F. Schnell paid a flying visit to J. Schilbe Sunday last. Miss B. Oesh has recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever. J. Elliott our flax foreman was at Parkhill last week. Miss Sarah Smith has engaged with J. Howard. G. Kaail3fleisch was down to St. Joseph on business. H. Steinbach was the guest of Frank Allan Saturday. TTTL.T,S GREEN Geo. Hill returned hone from Blackwater Saturday evening. where he had been called, to visit his father who was ill. Mrs. McAllister who has been visiting friends here returned home to Walton. Mrs. Levi Stelk spent the past week visiting friends around lien - the vessel through a narrow ming- stall, way. around thee►' a building and, Mrs. R. Charters o.. down 1.Ashland dawn as street veto u l' n neh trauntC 9 .. f hi,wve Cl.aa sew hie! is really inhuman. It. was returned tZ to her home this *retiak, only a short • time till we were en Chas. St lek and wife stent our way to Paris, They eonntr • Saturday . „' t � atiu(iny and Sunday visiting Y13tln through h w�; which ( a1 F •, 5�e1 was friends is • , n illi n eu ,, r Ix.artarth e avatiifulaan l the1 DASHWOOD Mr. Aikenhead of London, was in our section last week and 'purchas- ed large quantities of basswood lumber from our enterprising saw- mill mon Mr. Goetz and Mr, Baker. E. Neeb and A. O. Musser had quite a thrilling experience the oth- er night. The bit came out of the horse's mouth they were driving, and ran away. Luckily however. they escaped unhurt and nothing broken, Mrs. Geiser is having her house repainted. Mrs. Stulz and daughter of Waterloo aro visiting at Mrs. Fried's. PopeMr, s. ofncl HE Mrs.Melville speentlSunday atso J. Graybiel's sr. News of the sudden death of a former Dashwood man in the per- son of Mr. Louis Simon Jr. of Cava- lier was received on Friday Sept. 28th by wire. No particulars as to the cause has been received up to present writing. Two weeks ago the friends here just received a letter stating they were all well. Mr. Simons was a tinsmith by trade. Mrs. Hintz and daughter of Romeo, Mich. are visiting at her parents Mr. and Mrs. Rohde's. Herman Roese and father of Stratford were renewing acquaint- ances on Monday. Mr. Roese is employed in the oar shops in that city. Mr. Allen (the blind evangelist) is holding revival services at Sodom this week. In the absence of the Rev. Mor - lock on Sunday in the Evangelical church the pulpit was occupied in themorning by the Rev. Mr. Schar- ffee and in the evening by Mr. Shettler. It is rumored that Dashwood is going to loose one of its fair sex, Particulars later. SUBSQ�RIBE FOR THE H-E-R-A.-L-D!l!!!11! ESETaR. On Tuesday morning about ono o'clock, fire wu.s discovered at the rear of Follick's ea►nfeetionery, by Dr. Rollins and L. H. Dickson. The alarm was at ranee given, *when it was found that the bake oven and a?ezalll{t were in flames, *Although fol- lowingthe l, dltt ill usual his assistant nlooked through the bake /louse' Land around th.. stable tlsa= %%act' 11e�ap,4 ter walale away the '112II . .T7?halason of tiles aalit`'a twill' all riaglat. To!n C'oulin upper( mt(l,itlit to tit"�ata� ti,,,„,_' 1fit 18 ,4 t11t° (°i'114t' twa7� tow el1aa1'Se' of the :•ers-at'e in the t1'aII�ttdc+l'tllb employee performed +•()rig , •' --�� j' 1�h M�Y reaat'111'dl and t t tte a°a+ 11t"titin *it•E'11 Methodist rlaalrr1, tae^:. Sunday this .1t.t•- 1l+irlt3tay xlta;llt. *after le av-!I . -" P :j ,r l y._ sip' care 1aa1 9 ' ."•o owing ;a S7' 1� ,)a1St I11 all _ ellenl arm r• Th stele'!. 191a it in which tire lo- to—date.. '*f have the best lilies evt'x'tshown 3n1 i i u11t e e 11'a t'4 no, 11eut0 if eaesa` a•Nvia'1' a at' 1 li .g1 419'u 11t1s. '1 { .7/011% n ia` 1 a` 4* D De w <n4 4" ► ea'ti•1n'!ma,*;"its by and found t°verytllila 1a 1laar(1 Mff Ti' uxaxc 5 =' i':Xt�'k?l@7K�k j4'�aQ' ,Q( ,t J 2 Stocks in ! \'e have moved The App Zeller Stock into our pre and find ourselves much over stocked, but we b.. cheap and can give you the biggest bargains in hard stoves and tinware. you ever had. Note the follow Square washers regular price $4.50 now $2.50. Elephant paint, was $1 50 now $1 per gal. Lanterns, regular 50 cts now': Wringers, regular $2-50 now $2. A lot of Daisy churns. to be sold at a bargain. 4 boxes axle grease 25 cts. See the lantern—will go out if upset. If you want a good furnace ••p your house, give us a call. Eavetroughing a specialty. The apple parers and threshers' supplies, at C. P. • ARTLE1X14 Main Street, Zurich, Ontario We also carry Robertsons and the Sherwin,. Williams ready mixed paints,which will be, sold at close prices. Handy harness riveters regular price $1, our price while the stook lasts 25 cts. We want you to come in and see us. Our stook is right ! Our prices aro right ! ! We are alright ! ! ! If you buy from us yon will be alright ! 1 ! ! See our 10 -cent counter,—articles worth 15 and 20 cents ! OOTS Sr SI4E SALE C�.Ti(JED' TO OCT, Don't miss the naps. Note a few of the prices 19 prs women's thong. pat. tips, sizes, 23 to 33S. old pre $1,50 to $3.t'tl, bargain price $1 t1CA 14 prs women's d,sng. but. sizes •lie t {)ld. ) 4 .�a �a l r. $„ ,tU $:3 50 bargain price 1 CO &"These two lines are suit- , for girls' school wear. 3;'1 lar:€ women's oxfords, toe + sill "lt+'r t rind a: iite1•s, ri:s4'a 2' and 3!, and a, OMprs $1fi0 a and $1 74, bargain pr e+ •itle to "All an our bargain table A full line of rubbers. cal t e and ells a a flu° n • t a the aite.ene-t• e"f Rev. G . ins° Vag" set°11uga1€erw lEyi4;€►tat;*sacs"c•1aic k at an `••;raga �' set ills°1V' P,ae i more au'a. estiai 1911!• e tat -re tQtlitang tit, ,B 1 }` }K A yp } v a �y f ,a41a 011:11:1441 n�1q N. (h1ru+ >~ an -i'�'r,Ilt' *tits all°at e'1`. 1 eltt k- r. "Huse' lk' u�a1'naaa? .. a jF ttre'a''r' Infllte I11;:t1,3a'Jg $� fe'4e` °•at"41$, r. rU 1 bre' (tdtl a=P e=,�lt1?ed !Malt .10,4111" at, %I ill a,p rFin1 laA1ll. i/no iti ant 1.4s hat s- 1tF'd•1;i1hy. u fr°11 .41.11 �4111e°n n - t! &Il t 'I I pl1 tan t�°ellla'1°c '1"!an• lr►..- ve12 itlt'ffi . V 1 set@u n o�',1 11Jt' "i4- �l!liF' d➢11'iiF°tau" eu ` • . �' y . J_ e tJ i." 4 ' 1".r 9� $411r, u�t e'1 t'- 1l..t41! l�l t" ih I from: i'r1a' t111'£a..4 .._l-1! 1 111° Il -- 17 r( 'Ina at'� gl aa' n"+� n l l eT e•10-:1 tividv.on pSte%') etc, ul a ' sto F Monson `r shoe ylae'P tandl 1e� ac ('a3e9'1�` ff3Te�.. rad Ca°e+11 .w.'ta4titII*- Fe 11 Pr' t' �I e' arid liquor , a ' dd, not advertise for fun, �' a niece n ,just what Say. we give 10 per cent. discount (Jct regular for cash. Buy front us and save your tioll*rt . ITERITER /�!Q�s EGGS y 'Md EGGS taken hi exchange f}{dgr wr„1„ t 4aannly Qati 41t114l t !n>lal " %as at one Hank. in daa11^Weir, but the .'mast work or ",1 e' liil't*1llr •n 1v1 evelah 1 further' G u1"+re a-il pe� the !Let.. rand u}Iso n41r b°t it1�111Ddd' tltt'ti'UD1t. 4; ;av1 S!t^1liabr'� �"luirit ee ny , ¶ 1.1 a'-TJ1 c'LP'- ua11te l9;JW `u" a1*'1l` stlirdD 1 lr a'"r ` 3I4attnka1 �rro. p ,: Mi•all it22-2'' €11124 t'9tranfl' *i�lsad ll`ry "r 411. N-_troa e.Cloo e -a Prices `I r r a .\ 'D. _1 .ii Lob _altlii• J 6U D. tU1' a �e n + a2 !l1t2e' tFIlea ,-71--, V\V4' Er'.;,i, Q 'aaPu ae°4a pIl .3 P •ii9 ,A11$P'1a111t {' 1(`} 1e tr^.3111 ll,0:ss lilt fiIllt2Ja to 2I1`_ ' 0`= J pJiii " 1u+1 L`• WO+ 11ll'•'nre @ileoll"" V91 U1 '.tt'n•r.,. lite° (, L }'.i1ia�, r , l*')112 !a. 112 t,, "ante".Jl • fit' lr Inas n 1 Oil tG y, e t tuai, t ni1: rU '•1. -,ruts li n" tj Jd 111419 1 idea 9" 1• -"ell -r aarv- 121'4 •.1+ J; -.`y C°'t{I. 19a14 ibit'e°t1 4,4t v. il:ilr"'l'• 2'4k $a Gb 11,,,y will lie ..m..., ,..1 1 fiv hu t i14 tt-v..-:'0. iieug2h' lf'4'- L6,T1; Vita' 111Utid1Stix'11112' �a1d'...",,.CM. 1aaa'�xc1 ' et11� aeQ Vy41i"f». $@°QaC•. �iC` 1.0 ,1 lel l- I'S.y��. �••• " 1 V •i ti".....p lr?nG- t1 . :osIttNr? �jvrin`11a"' 1 $w1 -e,in, ti1l;v• ate €ggi ?I., h11e`1't ;all ,airtti- 9sr 1•ry11,'a',1 tdy %%ds' €a4iad iw (,), 4;d!li4VIS a1V 7 .�v itt a a''ri unlit*'„_ it 'was hag F•aa'u$19s_ 1 i"�aa3�i"Lt alnstllf'LL p,n t,1, 1� - -7 -.. Y_'Ya- na¢ul`Q> 4'^€4., ir,,Jf_uv.,,D :Med 1,1%21. • ',.,°3'2 -1 311+1 e1 11atrp« is'€02 ass -': fay' Directors l'as's -0 ! - :'•laa�re"(!l a111 V. 1 1?t-'= rite -,i",, a(t as to elle enjFa r1bn," . W1.2 lira° ea91?e tt- ii tilt,. $a1nJ . tsau�a Clerk l+Oth laly. eaurt intron 1 _s. Q'rt'u be ,h -viii y Ila"4J 1L1 €a, `•110,1* ti2:2; We fnu1141Ep''•••""`a �° J Ve 4➢{ os7 Fill. f,l vYr"ay lli`3' d, -11t S411IIa 11 ZELLER. t'2: 1`•t tl➢a E aakes`•t f L Pant ${ a11t11Fa4777: • s11d.111.14 f orina a1 liltalndsi•:LP stInphk. C+7+unei stoner for taking A knplalvll13, "pin. 4 1 t J1. a F :ry miiit – is an ll for the t11ttire. Conve,gni ger etc. Valuator ator feor the Ma - Week . r•d1t 11+Y hely n ,ry .t. eb..ut it later c,t1• " STEPHEN Ltt fid_7,•� 't' 1e'e— Zeller Iva+;ri't. .Zurich Oast. oftth11a ' F,s an *next tCreditonlei CreditO.rt int itwi l, •O tat1ti a'd91$t11a!I( The Zurich. k ry, 1.' " 'ore ADDi r IO. AL LOCAL. 2'012 and Er.t. Loam and ilavi o,<.;s Co. FARM FOR SAL1 The Conned ©f titles',' "t •ns* f 11I> 0 StThe undersigned oars for sale his f-gr�nem. convened at the Total ij Hall, Crediton. on Monday. Oct. est; excellent farms o€ 98 acres 'tieing Let 20 .�. `'.F*rner and svift. arrived -- present. minutes of previous meet - !,set one o',113(.11- 1).1n. ALL zaemberw j '0ttr1 Boundary of Hay, Lard aril clear. On the premises is a goad frame house witty kitchen and wa;asadshed, there are 3 towns downstairs and r.' upstairs: 2 goad barns, fame a *sang: tarn) .mad other Out buirdin,e'3? e11 in gosai repair; gsod dinner '`j Man 4 r�i�f•�•r3t well's for s+ • lrir'�1�Ji"sd' 'Ui 0 0� eek aallallnotase mrllae fast n.«,use. ; ingHead and aaIlat:1•oeed Resal..F=d nee that .fir. Willer* see tag the draait2.1 t e.s,: nt li 1ti ee r �i Plts c. from nicks aitteilell to re _ llootiug., "1FvEalitola ,a hunting. >`._u F?. the I,foliow ing 3rd ers were grunted;— .. m and eat'. bridge across the Sa b1 T' wi;!ZE�' ,ant '1 1-relu sand E. Appel r eceDit e(1 on Martin's side -road and that his. '' 1p,at, �a=1nt of tin r Piano ' ! <rJgi 5�%. & i tial' �?•i3, s just re.;r. J4 & f r the 1 vC1,'Y�i 2112 p'2bn)£. cr the f tse seed ewara t�raifi lsin r- be7!, fa Hey :1-17.;•J 22;."21. 1 rgT i.la 1 i.eaav,•c- harnei,s 2 sluts az, I trave e2'. s7i1 Tries .a4 rvc1c tt`,1a1 price. �' a 1e.1 -: C,4 R , P.:$t pads dp ani u al t re Q.E1:.1•e2hseat we t" ate "' r R �"e_� 1 xry c,,�s3:•.G�. Lew sI.i r 2e + es S 1 a �t a rjl,; ;a"a !1A 7 ._.. . .r.,•a i3 d 1n,.e:ty; iavy.t's an 1 4 t iY'e- . T ;:.. )*hull _African f.t2•��' tilt• •let- t r •.' * tp' seal J i wt i i i 73. al _i l(2111 tis"i (Ia.1a 3.. t�[l,,:v 13..at'a• 12EY j7- + ,11%.1 U[a*e. f 11i':.,1:;i'1 2i?ark(t f.o fTir . .:(1 ui1.. ,t :`9�it01. saV4-.1 i4111.'y t a:iria /112 ii i. T� the Ilse t j Bala* v11ri.tw,.° Nrrr1-' tTsle'tt slhoww aiaF $:_ '1' rtie buy or not. •q: D. Pfaff aana te'ife of Daashwor d ; Jannes ieKeever, Overseeing Cul - waxed on S. Hardy stindday a renin, : vert on S. B. $1.2& Themes Chap - i itIRE FOR THE r a bt„ Sub; FI EV: TEii+ gear paPe it wi! and , tsi:en Ail adver for 11 each site!, be e Cents Cod be ha of eat ing is Lol 5 ceu, tertai tion Col quart trill conn n D. I] ST. Sand Th! our 3ti of holy pet 'Weal o'c glow 1 4 Bei Germ i 0"CI Tarsi :amts xlmetai Eng we?a11 I For for="tcl �,��MEYER, Blake yP i�la3rs � �3 � ; ,ta���. ��,�,�tle Cloths ten and others Fence Tietversfees , Michael i)'Reni e, r�qx r ,i Lr sacrae F; n .iS�V iii y 4?t13� 1 i- aulaivdar, gnaw send cul r v U an i`"1 l $23.2e9. Frank : irliaevt r. grsv. en There win be :era by Public Auction ars ii a etch*. cora, ; Seta.rday dine a9t1a day of Octoter, apt t r o +>;13n�. repairs to . Zurich, The Zurich fila. alias. This pro ' , roans rail] Minding, machinery in rCJtatCdb i ATMOtt 8l Lf otian of *Tarsus •fyrosteatios'1 —1 ala 1r.0s:ere3 tea' F „a' Fa anc1Strehgth by hr. Chase's :Nerve F0ad. :\tea. D. 2 . E_'•rlma 5Q ' 14€rF.Ea r ..:..Y. l � C$Cre`GrICt y:Oat., Sia es -- " t?, daughter. Who sews in a wha^e got ecti-.t.ia rn:: ,'*ws t,y aC steady eosin ae i t f .t f .:,5� 1[ er..kil9 required et ka.1* t .. r. Her nerves were So es,i al, _d, w:ls ;�Wahand ti/iit,g 11 `set 5i r had t -D give, e,pr wort t .:rir. ' t,.as aalr.i..st a Vi--?ira of nervous � .i5r 'Chace s Nerve Poe& -• , t, tay. it •: e4efttteafr,.Y - 1' t' t•, 6 est It P;',11 -ea a:n ex- ,i,: t remedy ala es;.•:ie:g her to 11-7,a1:11 23r, s`3 :4;2 r After having 2ts::,� f t,a -' nc'w at work 1Ycj i3 o'::•„ cud a' -tri 1 ` . her rt. �, ".''y c". ahc use of Dr. f .. a, Nerve" m... 11.+• flts, I7r''C t 9 r and nerve restora- tive a's i rt E r . rd is of 1t y'. ti. rices It rit.'a:ea theTse f.a z3'•* $ e,,,1:1 the. S: Y ra he:I:Itl-.3 and. vig -'c. rt7C 2. 1:•- C . --r € II C .,. r ... _ fi Ct• 'wort,; on E.+ . R. $43.75, 5, John Bar -4 o'clock p. ere.,, at the Dr:minion Rotel g rv. gray. eon. LSf.r:. Alonzo Hod-, 2 i p t tv.-p. r_rsder. *1-40; petty is composed of 4 (ares of lend a3 T. Elston, hnubei gar e ' gray. con. A45.00, M. Zi1er. gray. E. • g ;5 R.=�2lt.z;5. R. Halldfr'nr(i. t a•.at'. god working order, 2 la;ga. barns, one • con.Sr eul.asi.45. 3. Quarin. ;.Tray. warehouse n11d „,able, seen:. of ;telt":--- r ,n Hry 'ai rdsdm. rug. 5. B. 2U pcl•'Ce•nt. tR,'-c :raid tY a rfi.:c.,f sale. the ?F ia5. Wt s.t;v Jones, rep. f i1'1. S. E. balance on or a1e,st the 1st day of April *t,.25, M. Winer con'. C. R $++.ti0 ' 1431, wheel possession of the property will " dimes Doyle, rep. e221. (Ella 1'' ,1,/.30 be given. 's Down in. Down John ),:ie runes. gray. $4.7t1"). .f'. R- E.I3OSSEN I3Ei'i E• E'rc. fe r/a•r tf'�ilrit3•*r - ' ` �1Y,<�2ICt1U31ec•r tt+tlh o i (,ti. Ana. Dis,SL,1I tU711(?. E•ea331. Fred. Hes., sr., twoi ., �<'?,€rt., �Ct•�. Fixir..t7s12. ,^1'ay. i 1' • kltc?:F,(•i3, f Ea121111. ",,,'");!.f,.1.�r.Tohn 11('1'l;t'aa. *'tai. a -nn. 11:`4 A. R. •1io13, ,tion, ; PROPRIETORS. ti: .;al el1T 122 1 ta1'alaa9lain. ere 1. l3.Chas. -.(,f•11;33F, ! �127Y5. •exreil, 9 in rt keys. 1itu'yilla. s121'r11 .50. �r1,n IKeys. t'n132 C. 1.. S"_1.a s. David 'a 1itvh'n12(,v. coin. C. R.:c!.F�1e, C:. F STR<'1,Y NOTICE. 1 , eat .De els wood 1rY1:3er. COII*. C_ 1::3 .'` ouc'r 'E' i.11agt*. .slant, �•ifa.E5;1, Cred- StTayt'd. *cutch 123; preiltis('i1. Lot `:4 Fifa PoliceZ'i1 tg�a, Grant, $tie`s.(:.: Con. 11. mu* 111Th' n1)2111 Zurich, on a1'till TTPa15,arer. 11111tdsE''r <YI' col. on E I' about flu, nlIli Innt- 23 'white yell- ling run. Ovvr:'r -may haat.? Sable by -proving property and paying ex- penses .. ter..', 3. (.'oi-znc"Ii adjoin -110d to met again on Monday, De'. 3rd, 'AG ;it one (a'c•leck ls.nl. fleury Eifber Pp. Lierk, TC LI2LO. • $, J OBIIlBR, jr Our Special Lines Dkner and bets WE STILL CARRY ' "heer_v Illi 6C('St 11�attt:-rD t() w fr(Ddll English. Canadian. Am lean and Seoteh Suitiil ,w. Con in and examine these nobby good We carry a full line {3f shelf hardware, table and po ket cut, lel'-, nails, edge tools, etc,, etc. C , Zurki it ad til l` er, a b1 e ld W. c( Com rola elf orapad o .1 roam SI h •8 a. dis MA