HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-05, Page 6'BLOW 8THITA.TION,
:the Condition or Those Afflicted
With Dadigestion.
Ellett/lency, Sick Headache, Offensive
liareathand Eructations, Irritability
and a Feeling of Weight on the
Stomach aret Among the Symptoms
Dyspepsia, or indigestion, as it is
also frequently ealled, Ib one of the
Most serious aliments that afflicts
mankind. IVlien the stomach loses its
craving for food, and the power to
digest it, tile person so affnuted is
both mentally and physically in. a
condition of wretchedness. The symp-
toms el the disoraer are manifold,
and among them may be noted a feel-
ing ofeweight in the regiou of th.e
stomach, sick headache, offensive
breath, heartburn. a disagreeable
taste in the mouth, irritability of tem-
per, disturbed sleep, etc. The eontli-
ton is in fact one of slow starvation
of the blood, nerves and body, and on
the first symptoms treatment
through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills should be sought. Mr. William
Birt, a well known blatoksmith at Ias-
i:laid. P. E. I., le one who suffered for
years, anti relates his experience for
the benefit of similar sefierers. Mr.
Birt says: "For many years 1 was a
victim of indigestion, emote/tented by
nervousness, palpitation of the heart
ant other distressing symptoms. My
appetite was Irregular- a/10 what I
at felt like a weight in my stomach:
'Me was accompanied by a feelluaof
ettipoe or sleepiness, ane yet I rarely
enjoyed a night's sound sleep. When
I would retire a coreeping Renation
would come over me, with pains anti
fititterine around the heart, and
titan when I arose in the morning I
would feel as tired and fatieued as I
did before If went to /*O. It is need-
less to sat- that 1 was continently
taking maitolne, awl trial, 7 thinlaal-
most ettorything reeormsended me a
enre for the tremble. Otanelonally I
gat temparary rallef, but ties trontee
always aline /melt. menially in a still
more aggravated form. Ui this, of
toonree. cost a. great deal of matey. 1
and at; the eepion=liture seemal 11.76'' I
One 4by one of ray iiioaa,libtore who awl
leesa I leas very mesh ',Manua:oral.
tasei Zr. William/a' Pink Pate with
sawn) benefit colvietel me to try
titer*. ned aeefoleol ti) tloo thifiTak
netertheleav. that it noted he
lint anntlier le binele,c. Peperlinent Ti
sev arena 11-ratline:aloe. tetweerer, 1
ltal oath- tt.,pn ttzo a few
eel ap, warn 7 rplt &tale tar "fetter.
an 1 taenref ifeeen Tait; lirialfter. 7
mine/roe! tatana tato pate for see.
oral metatefe, wit") tie* /*Poeta that my
"*teilta mi!..1 en tem inte item
'attar tato) tt lee" met* tPPOra nT,
the :meet firitterifee re,. !tato 1,1T tam
trpk31 molt omn oat, Tat ato fa* ft* wotenat
!rem n reale t tan teem ts ft
Lq Memo Veen n ve ram taeon T
cnreinep lop eee tit ttto paa dim" De
Walt, tan,* Ttove t h *tee sleelf• '
eat eeourn oa trio teattao 'We ))11c, err.
144'41p the fOreo ei elle ',teal a et*, nee,
Ow raters? ta v. tee 1 et,e4n lc," ate r
fealtre nto alta taTIiiWt* olitztO EtriatiltFtr.M
VI to orro! 1%'. lte" 1!)• -on nine
00,4 "a in ine. Or te 1`1,!! .ktoet 04,
it '"fli a, est -a to leen co* tile Viet, da
fe,e aaatel t- a:I/ea-oat 2: fa • ale 'XI
Tit Aff"ak!' r qtrt rEir!„
r,..„..........,,,,.„,„„.„ „,,,,.„..,,,,.„....,,,...,„....„.„..„..„..,,......„,.......,.._....t..........,, ..,
enefits of Ensilage:
J. 111041LLAN, M.P., Why it is to be Prefei red to
in the 5 Fodder Corn, and now it
AgrIcalturol Gazette.3 Should be Treated.
The silo may be befit in different They. average between 1,200 and 1,800
aceneis iu weight an the cest of the
food daily for each: steer is about five
and one-half cents. There Le no alley
foal ol the agate value that would give
the same results. I feel eonfieleut that
in ten years from nova it will be the
exception on farms in Ontario not to
find a silo.
forms, aud of any material that will
combine strength with durability, and
as aearly air tight as It is poseibte to
make it. Some are Wit round, some
square, and some octagonal, or eight -
sided. We have built two square silos
twenty feet square inside, and thirty
feet high. They are built of gravel
and cement, and give us good satis-
(notion. They are built outside of
thu barn, but conveniently near en-
ough for us to got the silage Into a
feed room,- where it is mixed with cut
straw, cut hay and grain, one each
day, enough to laat twenty-four
In order to have .gcted .silage it is
important that the cern be cut at the
Proper stage of ripeness, beea.use if ctit
to green the silage will be very sour,
and not as good food as when pro-
perly ripened. Corn in the tasseling
stage is said to contain. 91 per cent.
water ; in tbe silking stage, 88 per
emit.; in the milk stage, 85 per cent.;
in the glazing stage, 77 per cent.;
what ripe, 72 per cent. I have come
to the conclusion that the best time to
eut Mb:Atwell the glazing and the
ripe stage, Betweea the time wben
the kentels begin to glaze and full
ripens, ehere is said to be gain of
over one-eighth of dry matter, one -
kettle of starch and sugar, awl
fifth of fat. For a number of years
we have allowed our corn to be well
on too -anis the limning stage, and
our silage has been excellent.
Exp-orience proves umnistaltably
that where cora is growa pro-
perly and brought to a prop r stage
of maturity, there is no plant soval-
uable for the bulky portioa of it fo'd
ration for (Nettle as Maga We fuel
a) far the best mode of eating' Vett
torn is with a Um* made for the pur-
aditeetefeat Cho afore.
a•enei orao tee,er e.= n tate• aa-
siasee.)1 c eeeett roece rt at** was Ita
teafteeoi A,. ta t retetei.
f:itee 44! tot., ea:steed:ea teeirte: ett..=
bt it ‘.14 43. It t3Z, Ott fea
Ittettla to tee jereO neel beaten teal
tree sattee tee fese.
'tt, i eel tte :eta -
-eatereea ;I•teetteeilt tcp ,,thrtv.
Tao tette neat Le a .*!e -t eamest, test,
geeteeetieneteatata Lea, ii Vedaa saell
feret. metratitee
'The .attace wee taten reeze tt,:qT11,-"t,
Seel rata toe taint aapfeett tos tato
tato eat a tao in tettaiee iseellana ode/
ti' beeeeee.
late witeeoso at ,C5
reefeatee,cuil estratwee,3 blow. setae,
'Celan peefeet gtavrety:
'Geed rantreteet gee tte....7.en.•'-e1ie
foto Confier.
, Sonte Questions.
Q..-Wbat is the cameo of sour silage?
A. aohei MeMillon.-"Either tlie corn
is out too green or the silo is not per-
fectly air tight."
Q. -Is dried fodder corn not as valu-
able a food as silage?
A. -No, cattle will not eat up clean
the butts of the strong stalks even
when put through the cutting box.
Q. -Would it not pay to take the
ones off and have the corn ground and
fed along with the stalks after puttino
the stalks through the cutting box?
- A. -No. Experiments have been made
and it hag been fotmd that silage with
all the ears on gave better ',results
than any other known system of feed-
ing corn.
Q. -What about raisiag corn on
heavy clay land?
A. -Corn on heavy eley land dose
best on sod.
Q. -Is it better to plough in the
fall or in the wring ?
A. -It is better to plough* In the
fall and give the froett a chance to
fiesta to pu:verlze the soil.
Q. -Ie It better to grow corn In
drilla or bills?
A. -We hove tried both and we
think the beet results are got from
painting ten hale.
Q. -Are eattle two 'reeve old or
three years' old meta profitable to
feed 2
A. -Two years old if they have
been well earea for.
Q. -Are tkoy beet In loose boxes or
- tied an ?
etas of vatting corn, lae van eo • A. -In ney opinato flies are bet -
:malt. 'ower that We believe the ea- aer loom* boxee.
tea eineeinat= of fe,od from an acre will Q. -What quantity of meal suf-
••I le•aele. the • tweet per day for ter weigh -
or he stalkis the most val Ing tali° to 1.100 pennote?
.1.-Abon1 varlet w .nino ounee4 With
gn, hot alwaye gaee a mifcture.
feed to beef eattie Otte hind
of grain.
Q. -How often P110'01:41 eattle be
aol 2
A. -We foal flaw t Num deity.
about feeding time beam
One of the most danger-
ous and repulsive forms of
Kidney Disease is
foe which Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the only certain
cure. In Dropsy the Kid-
neys are actually dammed
p, and the water, which
should be expelled in the
form of urine, flows back.
and lodges in the cells of
the flesh and out the
skin. Remove the filth
which plugs up the drain.
Restore the Kidneys to
health. Thero is only one
Kidney Medicine
5irs. Lydia Reim ey, the First Teaelter
in the County of Oxford.
Mrs. Lydia Barmen of Salford,
townelap• of Dereham, County of Ox -
.ford, was oae hundred yeers old on
Saturday, Sept. 22nd. arra Ranne y's
maiden name w-ade Monte. She had as
an aneestor one of the. three Chase
Imola:era who eame over from Eng-
Iliiiiiiiiittit tion.:
onif111:1131e7/1:iosnt. In 1819. In 1837
as I 'own . She wile
aorn In the State of Mae-sect/I/setts
mar:al to Hiram
they siottied In Derehain. :qrs. Ran-
. ney rode through the wood e to St.
Titonme to be examined as a teacher.
and on Pewee back returned duly
tortnfled. anti npenei the Bret selteol
'If Whi •h we have an ornate] ae.
t•onet In the Ceunty of Oxford. alre.
lieutioy lute been a widow for the
past thirty years, and has outlived
ale t. r toltiltiren.-Ste Thome*/ Jour-
- •
11ow's This ?
unt*.. pltrt. Tit a. we with
°ergo' Stuoiley &Inge self-feed:rig' cute we emertne ifttedrea Deane: Reward ter
t - or. anti vitt in. h age ha abont three : el f tearre thAt cannot be enrol be
fearelts of an theta as the shorter ,T era. Vim,.
I' 10.. Propeaoietlo,O.
tit* Sta'ke are cut the eloser tato
•tve, nalereleved. hilk.P Leman P. a.
parbi in tit. WO. Mk* 1313. tarsi heliew him
itt 114111t; tho silo tilt) t.ora needs 1, = ! ==eart, le all lov.iness I rote aet
$ wen trammel, an 1 the butts I t ay eta et awry out any obleettion
of the etellite, the ears awl tie= e ; f !Iwo lira%
%. '16, o.4 taldaelo.0
Danes iina tap et the stance IttlIst keeTli *re woe inueli dreeneston r t %. k‘N; 31.O4A4s. Whete-nle
ato, w.41 tut 1.04 in Chi ir not /nett t etti 1.0,1grz.1 t M.; yi r ()IA 1,, -.7, 1°644.41vh,
iv141 lailketi wherever there 1.4 411 Emur tit V .t. ,ot *pa, n,epana ege no .4 1 'tire i‘ P.11i1.11 internally. af
ear:amity 44f h.:111,3 414101 t, ,,,e 44 the eoe orkt it win t„ r„,„1 an 1.7.• OP.41 theta:named olitteme tens
inmate. thee.
otalts. there win In all Iii41,`t- 4, tit., t, fpielom tit tt nut ttgoiol, t olo Pate:ire moo De a.
t,1)to. irero'aa a it wurteene nue o aeoi h *tithe total.
tah wed laiWw41 and Pettily tramp* Se 1, a Neve w elk r sleet feeding
ht.> k W ,titV,Allt any id the ,P1trz. rxraht. 1•11‘. 14'43 h No r t with neatly la and 'Iaet"IVe 7:" 1"'.11ke'rae' "h1
At Hash altitudes.
+A t.11'4!..: :4k.111 sea went°. The wily tea= den :matte The eir,et, report of the Sn• . Tao laeleat sillitee in rearderot* le
eraae y.** pra, 4411 the top le to tamp . perifototetent of Farmers' Patituited ' at* l',.' l '4.0:2. lal SWit7... 77.67:41 a?„,:iltal,! z
t14,,,romItliiy 41t3.0 Vint al or en) pate 111,41i'i 4 411 V.V!!,,,,.% tn/ ,thk.t .1Lo !puma of L , ! ,f,,!. kt Plillanbite.1 pea in itetropo
01 water 03 tato tall af tiW I'lling''' 1.'":1"ll IL. Orval to l' idlt loonele of reload, -'e t: -). OD =aa re ef St. Deraufeal. in Swa-
ns* 13!,1 thy after we finleb fila I !Intl 't., lQ tittato..1 tat ropenitaren, .,.4 '`... 71!i 4H.Z)1111 14 Pt. 115 Coterielo the
lhatk WO conienfie to .troannt at I witere itiatitseaile Were fat roe:a. alta. - ' tinT15 4 01. id.4'.4;1011'.. With 35„1htiD
4..4211t. a vy'r,Y te44nb1 tInF fon flea ten "leaf when Oli,o1b4714'.4t1of the finals' flier, tante. le Doer 1 ',Da) feet alo.av
n11!!.4.o„ ttiteaa Wo put. on 41. Ilek'Oni fulobt V14'tvi nvi.ota ta th. form/ *if motto, tea a tel I 09tb'r 149.41444 unnIglk) are t-ii!li
t1atat4 i_l_ll !or k1() Vann of water an *het we* tatireinet off*o-to were 401= ona =ea* and *atm" nand wall easae leave
seder VIII aillane. When Wo open to 1 aone.1 at the efeelotso id VW, ;sr k l' 'to wneteti at tall 445tltzt.i.) ...,i. tater ale
liktVAI) tel freq. We MO three er fear i Taletet. the •.! vseated• v ••••=44 14 milt- - 110 feet.
1 itik--.-1.liol trei tie.? ant *italic:I.• 1::''''.3,14 as' ranee In Ili* 1 at reatri* , -
fleeter I Imo leenblee Corn. tilt l'aein et fItterote el: A. the •.,I1Vir4t!, Dame Experience
1131.2 nrilnVii.^1 OT!..a*" fee fe tee Or3!,' q
-IP -.1ittal,...,! Ari:. s1 1.1?" c::'....1V-q7 lat/1
Any[1,4 ti I."Zeti'e tr, J".. !''''.?,. il 14 W ,9:at.%5"..
Nyar.',, 17,. tify tmo lttlatlitc.4 )l' c4ilat„!..,) F;:':;i!'l *I't l'alt5o lfillt"' ta,in . a''1 fteteetaa
ee efetcat eri!!liiee -..a eirstk!MN
t!Ini,r.a.:1) 4,,,..1ht : , 411te!, polv.ir o..T l*) uu1. " -. 1I,110010,1 ,
S. Tee ears, reenere tlie eorTa twAre 4 otoot a geotott to ,,,L,,.lat totouoo f,„..
), e. 11 van Beier tairealent Peel 'loth Iltionee.te lei' pat:. teet esee4 ea lestetola '
t Ceei a d..4,-,te . • 1. i' -one neffeo 44 ra-ar.,..r.".16a,4 well. rade 1.1 II ''•
.. 0....A0•0..7 ........l -l-ti„,. II v :1*.* te.everie ea Ittelan at"' 11. i- "1. 1 6t. rattlett ttr.11S ''d.ttt:.r.i it talt.1, eall
it .
1. a. I call Wr."-aV zrore•AttA6r fltt.antutlr..11.aropv wan tai1.‘“, r; -,w4 1,,,e.,:?ai-.44,.114tor oil a:netted ..et tree ii:Z.:".1414 Praetor
i ...1., t'Ott.thLT 54:4 tikeSkttilk:.° Illtatat4r t..tt and aae, tepee of *ate wall gle. eeteeta ease neeeoeee ea epee „.-,13.dkri.,•?1,ttl.la oe
'i aeleose tee there iA 1119 wattle. tea!.1*eo
e e geese:. ,
, amyl T!tak-TVE...
'1-411‘9Skk r--:50,1k1v!v-Ik.k
ek 7144W iite P.441:111S11 14:11/11.
e. _teen:pees use, mate Toe:Jet:4y ea Theat Safaatt Themscives. Itl4L
k.nito n up ele.141.
SKiet;tk.) t!1j:n ssn.Lk eameatent e . • ;• _
litr 134'1714 iSt 441174 tir4Pli1.! • aete. Ittld.e.ea Nattecee tie ea teeetee....= ' • knew file Man
Mentateal 1414 tareen map seteasta faits. ;tea, reeee teneetae, anaaeto.,e en ea* a •1
•' feeperiettentao itenato Illts!!! Vete* 1 eatevetete eaaa ateearueeentes, "IN) ;ion Mina at Deetetter velhora
DLI/vtl'hilYntt, t'•t"itt.F..011 ta C411.. ti!"'"' -1-1''- ,I1Ott Evx.)!!!ti your tatatias
eleatee tt,Aitter tiet'ttwa'A wDUl ann'aaanilin?''
• 11
t..t.t V.)111 trip t4' zaelD • - • e .h Vuttril*
oh. . b ‘....*,. ..
f tee eJ age gLii%e sae 1113:2n,ES reere . =sane ef tettizat, tie t tsee; "y Lae lose. 'a. 1 s' a uvar, nia. !teas sette tareeto as *se
un..J.,:si et..,,,,1 „.,..,,, tvolth,1.8 ta,,oto ru.j.,,,Flea.,... _ L i&,,cp p..:ea•-•tr..447,iib:.-. .)0,--ratir:g Et. co u a,.,c.. - i.
, "tatty, feene tree felote tlitat alreW
um'iii v.P2 t rocin.g y:..,...a,.,3.,. D,'.,.rv. IL .3 ale* 4.e. Ewe t ?o- ri.;11 f I '°
a pee vent, Dell favor of ellage. $ DDLII ‘,..4. aid mat ean az ere a o•a ul...,g,i,....4 „ aa w nee ea SAY Other. -ii_onall.!..%
7. At tine New York Esperatteet a - ' ' - a' - ' " - ' Kira.
Station an asperiment was /sada 31aleIng Land Paint" he Sea T. het. lege e- ulk,lilt bus
:s 11-eN the eeta le COUt
- tOatqq 0.41-1Mtl. fidl'O'17 inglae:g".0n. a
ttlal sl7a127e! ganoi own. cant zictLit srL.,yeri.
T. oar enirdials wore ael. 'an -D theae seaway aea aro nxeay „er pastern oaee Minatas Wenn lam -Oars is what,
Stereattead Zcatetien. P. Q.. lath veilinem kept an taliall:F24,41 to sea11I1consts 1,4:541c op tip debris f52;;: ts rewired; plueeanate bareness.
lea3. nast 4Z4t oeelta 103 floar=" 1E the west SO- tilne 4.3;11 -.fit 1BE twin "s
article/ally being =a '14+.41 %WWI War 4sQrs. 1:1 -*woe ittiey rand 11. la.
Tkis tratitetnent Is. a vearse. Bremer. Drury his b 011 reeonatea far thLe
cr-pt:b:e. and tat-- caarsee pang 4,01 i rfieenuoes by tie - L:3* ii..4;s• of inteeee
e 4 stew teat etly C..
rizA ti.t) east. tent of iaverettn. aa-aaa aaaw"-
.....oasee. L. • . • ef tar:.? [(Yet tOrAtaEtt'7'.111
6entiethe771.-I terielge 1)F3* &clot by tiee It was
leading ICooe tenotaenia to a /eta `2.4-73 foreel tint fr4ea silage they keett Off
tot eaeteistatto ref -n In an- , Ti.ry.,ymk,,tk„, ry:1, 19:r etesay sae aeanee
Inadh:g [al...,.!!fl 211? 44) tr:olge frees tion. iro,,vt wally
trent, CJIscrtr.„ 410 ns tae toad, 015 peouida teat, of every Itia re1)tiler:9 db tie** west ts effentel en the ot wen,
ay feeek, an I thrs en 18 eafees, *4 an 41 Ver41 r;.fc..,tEirntr% all
ter tee n1eor eng u sr,"'6)-.9 At tie, 'New noreeete Etartalar-olt lard rebb el ;Trete tete eastern shores
!ary t Pa• Tao'. s1/2:» 1.1? its in'i!:kg Sztatl,.9..,! nt W4-11; n s.rr-t?!.. :s rat eueriel castwarda Ir
•!! -J 211s :2 nottet 04 It lee:.finfeentes.
n !;t: st. the totete ea tree
„. rover, OneoTal:e
1 nosa
eerie fratael.... teen "aenet atabike,o1 it.tt.:E.!! t!.!.7 t,e
Englieh MuniCiOnlity' May Solve the
• a •• cheap .e'uel Problem.
In 1908 aaaarcheatet eitizens ,may
work a colliery, 'Why not? If the
victim of inexorable demand notes
may bo a wash -house proprietor,
own a. park, run his own tramcars,
supply himself with orator and draw
illumination from his own maine-
and all at a profit -surely he may
go deeper afield and annex the bow-
ele of the earth.
Thus argued a member of the
Manchester corporation gas com-
mittee, Taking his cue from a wise
Olitswe.glan he has bidden his col-
leagues to box/eider the question for
a month, He has drawn a veil of ,
anonimIty around his plan, and un-
tal the officiate have had time to
prepare it he means to keep it as
dark els a coal mate,
This year the Manchester city gas
works will use 1300,003 tons of coal
and cannel. Already the increased
cost has sent gas up 8 pence per
1,000 cubic feet. Of the extra 500,-
000 times 5 shillings, say 60 per
cent, is clear profit to the mine
owner. But coal is dearer, as gas
is mailer, and the contribution of
e50,000 a year to the city rates
out of gas gain is In jeopardy, all
which need not have been if the
Maneheseer ratepayer could have
beta digging Ids own coal as well
as making his own light
Those who are of the corporation
prediet that the project will come
to fruition and speslal bargains in
coal mama are being looked for. The
chief rock of offense will be that
colliery exploitation is too hazard -
min and speeulative a amines!" for
the public to touele To which the
answer is that when you buy coal
you pay for all mining risks, and
that citizens' pits producing 10,000
tens a, week would provide their
own insuranzet-London
"C}n-LoN 0.3,41.411V1411."
Pure Ceylon Omen Tea
of the a Salada" Mark.
CoLosino, Aug, 13, tibo.
T4. the Editor of the "Ceylon Observer."
Dear etir,-I have carefully exam-
ined and tasted the small sample Of
tea marked "Salatia," pure uneolored
Ceylon grcoen tea you emit 14441 lust
night anti find it is as stated.
The tea bas alinement:a leaf crag -
retire. anti dame a rhino., flavors-
owsia) water, semi:owl/at, reSellIbling
41 beet grade Japan.
Aea 44pbbtbiniell of what green ten
shonal be In the teip It, neeild he ai.
meat iniseksitilde to) 110140)4e kill it.
If Ceylon pinafore veal only
1111 to ship gamuts 111) to thie tan mlartl
of to:km.1101mo, the eapture of the A no
erienti anti Canadian marl:tote le tar.
tan and teetered. Yonro faithfully
igned, In. F. titrimbt.
Poor Lots neligious System.
ialital WO; th• VbIllgt,11141 eystoom
of • Ilona *I Ilea • :tell capartineat
411t14* 41140144.41 lihnetoti wait pit $‘
will RIAU.. alit lathy to lop& tart,,r
011a'ro. Thaa:4 the Searit of the or 'mit
t•tWaa 144474 .1 fatt,r all :wave. the leo hat.
a tea ileatt Turtle amtailledl nil
mote a.m. on," 144 401 thermal: th Data
%eat, lend of an noolitril itainte 1*41
.1.1414 pinta time *phi* to* :natal Ito
Iota -t 4 11 itlI9,1,11 it 4 1.11P.111ibiA,
W* re lato.ter the ontrol
**f tl.a • th4404 ;o1.1,t1 .a Ian, ett,t,
el' ea betome the prottatieg
etter et of iota vista War man.
1»1ff5 4.1 01441 P' 14"7,12
LaXakilVe, BilAnfi%5Q!.:;14ft
104 4”.ite: c -,to,- .11,7
lifer Nelgailforle Iteelpratelty.
"*Oiseer fat Ir5471 Mot ;year 11 w tar•igit-
Ils!!!?. `..?" "Not at idle. 4!..119e'4
,a.it!P4y. 1,11%)r, 'kite 11),..rrottsel oar
tik:AltbMt"t' nn 11 it. initinae teazle- East,
sie b, bat wle--a 1 11•k•tit t3ler eastentay
te at% leer to Dent nee ea? to ;any on t1144 • "
ISSUE NO 40. 1900.
Get fat; get nite and plump;
there is safety in plumpness.
Summer has tried your
food -works; winter is coming
to try your breath -mill. Fall
is the time to brace yourself.
But weather is tricky; look
out! Look out for colds espec-
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is the subtlest of
helps. It is food, the easiest
food in the world; it is more
than food; it helps you digest
your food, and get more nutri-
ment from it.
Don't get thin, there is
safety in plumpness. Man
woman and child.
If you havenot tried it, send for free sample
its agreeable taste will surprise you.
50c, and $Loo; all druggist.
With Some Exceptions.
She -Those Boers wear a peculiar
garb, do they not?
He-Well„,yra; bat there wes a time
when all Boer soldiers wore dreesta.
ethe-You don't say so? Whea was
le-Vben they wore infants.
allnartas Liulment Cures Ciarget la
His Exhausting Pose.
"Ilatry hail to go to bed after
that L Oleg elery,,) man went away."
"'What IVES the Instttor ?"
prostrat.:d lanmea trying to
give tho .ciforgyman the impression
that he waoti pillar in our chureh."
feettpound. Iron Pills have
tet••11 virtue that everyone should try
Very Sail.
afre. uunt-S pow Yolj rouln
it from th theatre wearing it
pretty long facet
ansanan-t w 11 -WO play. Tragic
men nee
atm Warne:me Whi, how al I it, ,ond
W Leeman t ne ei u - Tht e 1255r.
tree Omits; halt e dikeippeatV 1. Mil'
ler's Coittpeuna Inni 11I1* 11.1 it.
Notbleg, Irtinette 14.51 anyloo "1:1oh
he Le itot fit* by Nature tu bear.
-alarene Aurelius,
allgalararalleallt=an MIMI* Yolael
The 111111.4weillerfoefteettirrethea,,! by
le cnnea Stec flealseha italonoteo, '0.1181
1111:401% Nervotteittee loyeuelea, Item. :yeah
LIver era ;Celia), areubla lea pasta iiame
ihe heed ef all ineilleine.
75 Ma in a tem te erne: ce tin lernena•te, or
malteil by V. ta EBY. Port :nein, Oat.
t 5-014 slue catin't leave= 14 14
.BJIV. assfet tltat entan ?"-li'lliDatiel-
aoia Telegraph.
1:41 13 .netelet eteieleta
Gee .na cote ei.:,argber
4414,414 il 44014191444'
0 11.92:2i0g. No
n..!!ts4tit! wear". Rune;
ekica.lEiv 4444!31 tail 051 444ttatmtzli
detvo. Y44 1114 Tama
cz_ny a.:174( 11) 1114405.
e,..1..1r.,tirult,2m140 0)':..:.#1r:2
peso*. 11;,./ ttot8
*ate th.latcr
1 i, 'i 4iQ0aa1ai tit,
Tt.m,unto, OLE.
Kr.1/4;11 $1P.0 FOR
kJ' 1[03-4.bage beset etentet new proierateate
*eat and -eat system) orad, Tor iinfr.rntaaioaa.
proam oaffototm. room got0000t everant:74-ge.o.cletting &Lore. 1%. La Sago street.
dot li,ty tdte...7111..1 take Compound
aeon Pills.
The Fondly /itantil*y.
.Notid-Tiets eery:mut question is a
gr t /anise/nee. isn't it ne
Belt Int eat, cif 11.
ro..1.; has tit!eal t1;7th 0,44 so Dona',
that, she Is just like one of the 1Oli.1-
"How Toattr.”
"Two V.'‘'.1,1T.S7-1Dietralit Free Press
t al to .4,..asora et 'react Ivar Manna 'de eitt, Core.: Pea:en/nee
atennetee I -tan; eriefao nelNI- are te.2ve= - fo:4-1• ael sad- Maraa Lone/ea:at Caree Cceds, etc " _ _
.41 tee - . tetet \Led - tra.11.t. _ :soo 0.1011ot:14y Lana 14 1405445444' -Atter fiat) 14)4 44
7..Ea‘..1"....r, tat e• -t. !!--tria ifieeeenetettentey =of Vi 4.11510141444.. Cutto-iik
"Say'. 1;45 aClit,.. 451,4r 1
' WitiMa. 0' It!:•:'-:,. fkei!.', '
j; One of 0 hc linest in no SI
14k in Oak. eaole
444.41 ,•14, te* ase rad-
penhotila. t
514444,11.5k% 111.,f):4 ft4.4114..t- 4
: in sight 511414 :0 4,C.D. WHitte Soli to tel. to suit
'. purcii4..-. Yhis ls a 1...."274:140. AilarkaA
ZoNATI/Aa 4'.1,111'EN1E5.
PA). 5144441 4.51', 1.1r51L,..lu44. Ont.
. .' -
..'... ." .144
,:ep tlhe ig:at, t',,km -,.
_ 4 ' no. E, 1,, i.)45:,: :r ;3..ta, dry ra-• A r,om!qyr1ernek
,ts r,4.e/ t .do. ) Nnt'T peofae
0•41•TS,'.... ?‚.411.. 11 ;!•:'2N1' k.,,,M.....1-Ait 6-'.7.,•..,.2- .S.,
el"...4'.-Vi"k•.17 t`,7. -‘,;',';.7:::,':'..;;;.i :e, ..:,:s t::0,, 7:,:..,1 ! litnrit t'!":ry rz.,!!:ta.t,.-tt it.t t!:!..,:!! foreLD .74 i'..e,r !It.AU'Vrtkai Sit"-tt girt t of pa:tree tien : oeet.
Linrealeret, .,-le. 1 o. 45 el 3:1 east : eanae taen en trat fore/ na 1-44 44 14rI011.• , A '0.E.a likrki okn ir,',-' r Lat irel iee ete ut-
liteza taste, .• n•lte. yet tate feeoene vitae* oT Cite i teetts awerea. owe- town, se ale! -...a tate tn
a". rat ariCflaeaN. ': fie:teas vete eet.a.: eratater 1144400 143,441 Dar ea. .t:.,14-7 ta:nnaent so yte-s„2-.... fl.r„-,c.,.•
of CLIP 7 a14140,r, tr!-..,:': ''..s. tlo y.,7,2.4, '.al. sk: 'I; a
.c.Y'...T1",.4 'Vit ,.!"
te,,a 1„5,•,stik Tertwrtr"i ie111`1"'11'11:4'154 14 -)
le satesee
tea on eene7, . 0 lattkrnteeferal ei sainge aes lt]:e rv)1" 44 '1 who `za1nN,r
o enaa
tilk, Me,. . ,.sPr I.L'f'Z'A. gro'nt,4'2. 4".?4t 7 tite yip: 3 .rt!.. i kieeieri W'1'it fa. to= wear it teeeee.
eo2oostot loon,,:ok-,,,,:„.
taa :, „,,.. ,..,.,, .11.3„
.10 , t',2*.1" ff.lt 1..'n w.o.. =anat. dereatea e44.1 tele enve fee, 7• Wee/getting 4'',12 rkt.:
weeat ereetreatee, !, tatot,„ toot000„oo 1 liana when fea le tat* Teria of *Tea. I foi. igeetrani arlaf 'tae/t "Ova were 54 51
L.,,,Le on eae foe., ,....,,o,t„,,.. *lea 0 eter. It was aisas faiml that et one , ate: to eina. Irate -eel of to be tinen
eetenott one e,,tatoe.,,,tesoomts ; eent par prentl for the reline ordeitieea on it ittett-Ititaton, Ram, Mehl Dezaer.
u„,...„,,,..0 ototano,t to , .7., ctoo,....ot. oolool; :s 4 ta- tile aniteaDa tat vaitte cer lite teem: .7
u. errip, 4411.,,, $1,0 grootpr per aere ween t A &tee el aln:;:er'e Worm. POW4Pre f.)4,-
retze.e.,....0 ream tee.
k. .. .'..e.eror,or' feit74? fOrrl 1siaeo ratien• taraeasintaav? Itoptile ehtlere
tr"t(rt470 af,•: 0
In the Tornl r)l fir:ri foaldler. healthy.-
New Iteligilreas Seta..
was al 1. . ,,:i..,,, .i. j;t. ,:e....Lt. 1,a,e rir„,,r, col. : 44'44444.1Z as es tar .I3.Z44' 0)15flevor 'If
eacerea-sese, nee taal,„ .1, Seta... ,» of leitter ranefe fre:n c -ow s ae:1 eleiree o A:most every month seme new
.... a oreeeee reaaet„-, ,a,r,..,4:i.,L. e5 liZ, i. Tetql 140445» fal on,ane !wets, the bet- 3 sect, of reagious Ilia -teeters is 'heard
61, :21. too, oorod.ii, .2„:„,:o.,..ottnol .i.,,..m ter from the mak of cows fea sa.eige I ref in aterasia.. A. new one hits jest been
taf.s., Mti.7,1
44 41' ;re:tem:le"'at fiator.
i Or 4 r,, „!„.,„ 1 to,!r the lar -14 se -ore in po7.nt. ef l found lia dear:ter:la which has for Ito
" faith..
4 ehief doctrine. tbe l(lea of the "spir-
1. 'The tinae 410104 001110 when tee far- I :teal marriage." Tease 411144)44141etre
In tne 14ane1astn. t net,rs: el the Province of Oetario /nest i itilown to the authorities as Tees-
easeeler-Inareas 0 Tetae(rannir 1 sf11/44 'c'T°1 (inr.p.t1,01,3 4)41 41),_.3.p reedine i ta'ame on (tee:aunt de: the sin/I:arias of
,,e) ;AI gT.A.kn..1..4 :11 ,,1,1.1.114. wati.,r ', toeth in ennoner and winter.. Cern g their 414' p0, to the thec)ries Tata
eat saail I tle 14il ft? . aro the sae it, in twat opinion, tile ; doWn 4444; ,r,,:stol in "The Kreutzer
Eater-IC:I tO..to gernie. i a/attain of our feed proliferate There -: Sonata.' Tile members of this tletc`
.Creparewicor -Teal tae eaorme a : to a great efeceaft of prejudice against 1 seat are extreinely Industrious; and
Ea:ter-Yee ; bell it doyere,_oora, I altos, bat that prejudice is now eon- I they abstain from meat, wine and
-est Herata. I fined! t,o Marge who have no experi- 1,tobaceo.
! once, And it is doomed to ditoappef.ir as ;
sa...1`;„ nottoo * 9. At an reeperle. se, suatete in Witt
teekeee eaeopo Fa velal. Gain/ yor •• the number of slioe increase. Sleep o 111.1's• 0-, noweild Banta Onte aaYs :
• fold Mader 's Worm Powders a good
&al or the. Grarel Army pr;rifeice' *1-'1; ; we have had them ourselves ana led ! /
the resent nett etal f:rk1:n- :Ir.,- 1 ensilage, we have obtained better re- i medicine-
aellearo tool e I -.- - e -• , --- = elate from oar straw by patine It t ,..,-
••• e . - , a, reeteegtie 4.,. anoeta, ! • - nt ,Coneervativel larva nominated
etorla. = thronall the straw 'cutter end Mixing' j3",--- . ' .
N Or autith, of Chatham, fel* the
I it wita the =silage aaa a Ilitt.h. smell, M•'I-
'Ur' Itricils" '111('-ift-fr'llr' /011 InanY 1 when tile 'cattle eat both'silage oral ConnnOris,. but Capt. Pottele soan-
litepte manager of the fallen. Bente II" i 'etre:iv clean, leavina nothitig. anti are ' Ilml(ne:e4 at the convention that he
' ' area, has SeVOrtql his r•Onneetle-..rg I, setena well t3 14 winte• r. - ; would ran as an independent 'Con-
' 1 that inatitutlare We have 120 eteere this Wintea Thee I l'Ic1.1.415-ve•
Mr. W. Y. Pettat, If. P., is =Ch.. 3,i e ! ire fed -each day abent :10 pound; of 1 When a .wotnan trim* to be equal
I aownee ta prime Edward ' 1,0a.., 10 ponnie of -mit Straw, and to Elan Elle =Ikea herself unequal
ay. . about two and one -halt ponndS of meat. tc* woman. -New York Press. .
at1DIINP"I stmina" eetz are Lew07C, prep:are:I -
NONASEOUSIalltrOS 70 Tanta
• to sae- ti,Lat anar11ia!44,0 is a fz,Lure 9ps. Perese ea te'l!,,,,ti!!!...ti
4444 stan^r,4 F_Tso Miokr44'-).'.1414.4411,z.,1rliit 14e4'4;a2.t44r 7)t;A-Iitkdfiothna when
1 440 id) ceoe aonovir
E 1435- 74 ricarr!roe rae
:AC' s sa... 04444010y to Firps pgurnaNE:slixtURED Bt' 41111.
matter. teitaat titey ,tr! sapnert Loinatifialey." 1.7.11,11L1,S t'.. 4. litestvAr.
' fits 01' ttrtor 11.1,;?, 4i.a
swfostya tlhe
/e/a 435139 INAVit.nr.S
• - eigt Ia.. tw.ati,e:..t 7, ,7eg- het%
oas raf.ttig taredat .arei natal _ et. '', tee ,f!le 'Cyr J. A. Earle, I%) Nact.'1,1! laxt; e stl=eet.
Stild to .S.11A7-44:
row „. A aiespat from flee:tete tyke tIc0 n-bi.tetl''.akCirkek
•, *14 2eilt Fotith Yttatnr4iny :
vitrOsioloo aa5u44"5.19b41:!fr. witfl Lore, than two 4oz.,,,3.41-V4? rah- Mrs', Virin?low"e shottid
ine; -
e nn"t sl
dotiena-latlie;wAch 310 theuta:saleaelea trains for CarrXqTi4y are waysbanedforatan:en TeethingI
tsi:enatt:1 leery t ):' the AlMinna e(1i6*athd h '1'4 '2'"4'* anade:onktt eertrao•
mey watare a:fe:est:be to ease 'and v.•
laral I eyr Twows
aleeasr. ersfal:na: injee.a eat_ 1.7-Oaaatattetataatattaaaansaeteeeerataseeelaataseadeate-a-eatefetseeet
eefataaatetrateataaaanVeite. arra
tiCt? 0 Sal ..1.Efr„1444.8151 39111444814 14»
; Nioantains, or to the sea side, whlea
g is rather ettieensis e. beseeles Involv-
• tee great lose of time to the neat -fere t
; or. satappay the attest selentific ills-
covery has restoted in the marvel-
lous specific. Catarrh,)z..ne ; an
•et:ti.te rereedy for lany fever, asthma,
breachit ie. eota rrh,ete. co to1430444? 144 ie eerie:al by ear into the lungs
ana bronele.e.: pa esegee. soothing
nnerobar ale. which. is til,1 ertnoe of
141:9149 disteessing atseases. Catarr-
hozene 1444 eure to mire if you will let
it. It le soa/ by all drugg:ete. The
outfit conetste of a hard rubbzr in-
haler, whieh will Fee11 a life time,
and sefficlent Catarrhozone Inhal-
ant to last six week.e. or Ionger. It
colts $1 at al' druggists. If sera lack
faith and want to get faith. we win
send sou enough- to give it it thor-
oughtrial for 10c. Send to ua for
earepIe. You can buy tbe large out-
fit at all druggists, or we will send it
to any addreee kV moll, post paid,
United States or Canada, upon re-
e,eipt of $1. Addirees N. C. Polson
Co., Mag. Chemitits, Kingston, Ont.,
Golden Yellows
Bear This Stamp aad
la the Market.
As gooci as roany loran&
of Granulated sold now -a -clay