HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-05, Page 4V, � � I I 11 I .1 . . . I'll. . � .1 .I I � I I - I - % I —, 1. � poor AAr I =, . I - I I- — R W��I' d'mi - . . - ________"""0" I THE 14ED..(3r,.. I Wbe "11-1POeir LAyAns I UltaktIr amid . . *1 ­""� .__I�.__ ­ I I - I ____� . 4 Jim Bridger, the famous scout It'n"k.. I . I "I'l""I'll"���,�,��������lill,li!"":,��,i���i�� I— _. � 111�� . . . Of Ith I The Colored gelItl A I fluallAkg si.sbe,medl Over4naujugsise,j 11% CORO,, ­ .— , rair neighbor Of the thatched cat, . e Plans, gx'ew, old, be thought he paper Scraps is Oman who Conoco Vor some y _ I So With C10're de Non Olustereo Cable, Would like to retirc, as a disabled ,,right.,. e4rR Pablt the treal.4strysle. Coffee to The "apd Wo,VJ, of coolwrvlosrooft. % � Let tb star sweet, On frOM Plot to plot lit to Of much service, late. to Verebro Spinal nervous aysteni, Ose who Are blissfully I arduous if from the somewhat ()lily the thum PArtlnellt IIAO r(Telve4l from t a Powerful Irrita I 'Alhon trippefit, like a Zympt, Of t,td, re of a Plainsman And settle Asked how it thile'lettero frotu all partE . Re' 1A grigraril happened be looked Bad of the court., 'Velit tests have shown that it lucre4se& 119-h at congressil,len forthe easy Ume I I SO b)4thO thY smile, so #oft thy toot, . down to the ease of "the east," which and replied, 1# I try Asking for Informati,11 regardin o'elltul 11114 bodily w4 they have at WaSbIngton. only those k � slims of molley 9 stf? rather tbar4 I ; , boss.; yes, $all, migh -jyhicb, It re,firds it. as has been cl Who have been throu,gli the Mill know I'd fain the hedge were md In, best endeavor to find 4 competent man luck." , ty be(] Is alleged, .tire on Aimed, Cot- how I My 101v ISO good a 1IN to to toblm�mersiitMlSsOurl, S011eusedhis bad Jac 1)at ar wuz a P'K'e Of certain Inrge Its- fee polsooln , . I Ment went back to ,NL Ury department awn , g Is SOWetJMe,4 mistakert; hard a congressman 'Dust work it And Our two gardens made one L , TO overthrovni to fill his place and de sit 10 tbe treag. L soull. "HOW WAS that?" Iting distribution for 0e troubles engendered by the not hG JS to fulfil] his public duties, A, . "All dolin' like tub tellf but Ptwllp� to lielro or persons of great wealth In of al,:011 rd senator said to me, ,q mighty bad luck." "'a g Yor' 'g out "$O!" arles Wisdom "Spare the fenof A Year or two Passed, and one day Europe an( timerica. 01- In both cases the stomaell nit lit ba�,'e The thorn, the ITY blac And net, made $50,000 during my LeAve hbirda nest in. Captain Russell, the - Von$ system are the sufferers. terin In the senate If I had given as something for tile finer 4ens ' Commandant of Finally lie consented to explain, Among these noted Ch"ims Is one of Caffleic and alcoholic gastx;jtls I Some dream Of JOY to I.lope and rLe'st In, the Post which BrIdger had left, was "Two the bell's of a man of the name 0 1 ' art' Much 4ttentlo "Some glad eurprUe, so , surprised to see tile old Scout heave rellulls insulted 1110 In 91 Place Haven, who Is alleged to have ,of De near Y Identical as to their symptoms. a u to Illy PI'll'ate business Of Int . 'no mystery across the street heah, an Ah st Ilited aned The use of coffee by chi, , S I have given to the Public busluess.,r -'oncelvably sweLL Meaningill In Sight, NVilen, 110 came in, he lip- in tub I tile government of tire United States dren has to Tile amount of work Which Is laid ilp4 wisdom is wlso' 31Y friend And I k , frazzle dem out, De several cas , c cond es caused an arrest of de. on it member or sonator, is Simply 0130r. . fellull Ali tackled wuz Stan, se la"ge sums of money during the Revo. veloPment. Cases have been reporteil mous. Scarce press tile tol'"lost twigs by leArd.ng "11"ell, BrIdger, what brings ou ack me ail all iron pilluh Ill 'tween ell know,, of delirium tremena brought on by tIg $I . ('i- D' C- ill Good Words, here?" Y, b. dat suPPObted de lutlonary war. Another 11, What With the demand for pen. root. Sus' as Ali wuz erbout tub band late, the heirs of which, It IS Aid, are In a foreign medical Journal Ons for promotion oil discharge In the I -------- "Captalu," said BrIdger, 111 case Is that Of the Robert Morris ea. excessive use of coffee. It Is relate(; tionm, POStOt13ce documents, applica. . NIGHTMARE. go back tO scouting again.', want to him a Smash on de nose dot uiggRb entitled to receive from a that a army and many other things, a Mem. � "Indeed? StePDed one side an mUh band struck the govern. mail, In the absence Of his wife, on � ' ,%'he Sensation That Al-lyar, Dfakeq a settled downNyhy, I thought You had do Villula Instead. Hit done broke ebry ment several millions of dollars. The dertook to in ber's time may be taken up with the . Alan a Covs-ax(l. In the east for the rest of Durkee clidai also is well 1, OW his own coffee. No! exactions of his dally mail. A good � "Strange that we are AIN,vays So COW. Your life!,, one Of wall flugulls, an dey've been department and knOwIl to t e knowing the correct ProPoiltions foi cle "Well, caplu, I'll tell stiff Ober since, Involves several tall. use, he took about ofie-q rk MAY be of Immense belp, but . ardly in nightmares,,, you how it Is. tinly bad luck.,, yes, Sall, dat wuz suh- lions of dollars, The uarter of 11 some senators ell,ploy two retuarked a NLnv I Went back to Of I latest one Is that Pound of fresh roasted colree for tjyj, and Or three States somet receive from tile Plained o hours afterward he con, Which they must answer or attend to -oad You went up against? You didn't say f Vertlg% headache and, at bolleve It t1ley've got a ralli to ce Jans, who are cup& Two then find there Is a great deal the Maori You'll d MISSOUM, and It "But what aboui the first fellow Orleans lawyer who has a taste for of the heirs of Arinel -e. "I don't believe Anybod sald to be entitled 4eves, lived Who Stood up and inatie Y Station withla ten mile 0, the old 171ace What became of him,,, United blug like $90,0(to'. ti In person square Stand against the amorpho a -Yes, 151" a railroad station! , 000, which s rst, trembling of the lOgs Only, wblcl. The dally sessions from 12 to about us And "Oh, dat felluh? um, Jt IS said, has been re. l, followed by sey 5 take up half it day, and committee pursue n w awaits Oral otber distressing 'rariaMy t ; , tbOy've got a ranch now Ali kill show You dat nigrgall any time. proof of relationship. SYUIPtOmS, Walk meetings often take up the Other half horror that In 1 what's m4e Yah, YAW Boss, celved f such visions. Wile, I ,a us In,; In ev ry four mile. I tell you what, 'r', wOrkd Als' a block fron, beah. in of which continued a day or t,;vj. Ware and the Usual mo have a night- CaP'll, the ail- mf,u't Pure down there no alil,t got no nose an only ,illy Ple It Is otated at the treasury depart. aster gets on I more 11, longer. for' two or three days in the weck. It car"- is hard to tell wbeu the busiest mein. my trail. my blood turns to water, -Ind Is that Possible? But I ce one , ment that all Of these claims are opurf- By a busy pbYsleJari It Is stated that bers, Who are never absent from a se.s. InY Conduct would disgrace a sheep. ethouglIt "Ho'v�,'d he lose 'emr, I Ous and that tbey are Made the basis at least tAllo-thlrds of his pl,actl(, right fear, I I 701un like the good things to at they "How'd 'e lose 'em? Boss, 'e didn't Of confidence games by age comes fl'om the excessive use of co ( Sion or from a committee meeting, find vaelf with Stark, do,%,vn- ; have down there. You like good things lose lem. work upon the credulity of Uts who ffe time to prepare the elaborate am beside in. , and I have no Idea left in ' to eat, I remember." I the unin. , The excessive use of ten and coffee, ray head except to . Ali's de maDney wuz took from "in, all i formed. AgeD p 1in like a rabbit. ts, It Is said, are selllu- as well as the use of alcobo ". which they sometimes deliver, It is "Good things to eat! what done bit. Ali done ,1 bonds to raise money to Prosecut�e Often almost wholly fle liquol's. not strange, Why, cap'n, I bit 'em bofe off, Yes, sah, Ali bit 'em * th clat aggaInst obliterates till, of either chamber are found In the ead of ridicule didn't have a br'lled beaver tail the then, that $0 few )members and even the Instill,:r of self defense whole time I Off while we'se rollin. round on lie fin, ,1 I "'so Ing .,m the governint.,ut, sense of taste.-Realth Culture. eve, liono - Com maliz etb Ing like $10 Per $1 000 re4(ling room$ devoted to them In the are scattered to the winds, and I be I was tllerell,�-Youth's 11 �stlY. I would be. Capable of panion - . In case of success. The tre'as. Th ------- � Congressional library. ,n they wailt I Pro I'd, !!pal"Irtme Ilat And the Title. WbL ut is Powerles to Draceed I There Iseall amusing English delin) tory, they any Infamy to order, to es(..ape. t hava ElePhant Starles. A Footba-11 Incident tn New York. Ully 51 I books from that or Any other depost. XIO hesitation in confessilIg this, he_ Talking, Of elephant tables, the an)- a Air. Frank W. Grilves during his against thesit Impostors. I tion of "gentleman." It Is "A man who have them sent to their r 'I I It cause, as far as I have been able to 113111 trainer said: eirspaper career witnessed many sin- ------------ � i flat, and If he has no othel, bOlueS.-IndePerideut find Out. everybody act$ exactly, tile "Take, fOr Instance, the story of the gular scenes, but the oddest one hap- A Jolke on offeul;.-I.. ns sts upon having '-0SQ,'added to ,� a WL , titiatis 'I Saint, way .In the throes or nightmare 1 man 'rho stuck a pill 113 the elophant's Period. according to Afr. Graves, in the Offenbach histename when letters are addressed to Crane Car"Ied Ills Sat,kel. 0 old days when the big college football tile famous Opera boilge hial.,, 4) Arthur A. Lee(is of Tloga Wet Ste" and I feet certain I would n't mak�j trunk and years Afterward was del- composer, h'ad an insatiable thirst for ;81'ch a Pitiable Spectacle of nil aged NvItb dirt water by tile reincla. t(491ns Played thell, star ga es 0 1 pben Y in a the f success an(] fame I The West end Londoner Crane once undfr circumstances 'real lift'- DO matter' Wbat might lik-ring combined with of social Which sbo*%red flow little the no : elephant. I am Surprised that New York Polo grounds on Tbauksgiv- vanity that Occasionally Played hIIX I I pretensions accepts this definition in trild 0 "I think that the explan Ing any. vallsi ation Of the I an,r One should take this ',NI'll serlous- I sorry trick. a Practice, Summer and winter, In ruin ed Up n the fame that came to On the occasion men 111111. -Mr. LeedS got O,T s. aware NX'atOr GAP. The only man k,U - W113% the average tblehlWSs of the � Honed Yale and I or sbine, he wears a high silk hilt in a train at D 1, nightmare Panic is to be found In the J ly i fact that the dream is almost tu%,nrl_ Thant's tilde runs from half all Int -h I 11rinceron bad once lie was going down the Rhine I I oft played and Yale had ,' On a steamer, amon, whose 1) the streets of London anti Carries it I the pintrorlo was ho ... Ped I)IT accompanied by a souse of suffo. � to two, Inches deep. ,Igow, Imagine a i Work. was the Duke of Nassau, assengers [ into the drawing room %vben he pay.41 tile Side of tile d up agatutit � . i a fact of cat'stil" It Is well established that � Pin going through that thickness on an � GOID9 up Broadway there walked a let' t e CO Poser as an afternoon call. It is Only, wben he I lie looked Ill, Q11OLilig-the I Wt, b in W in _e QPOt gazing into spa(, -e. 'Shutting Q,T of one,q, errn"d of paln. It won,(, swallow a , dapper young princeton man and a � Vorance. blissful Ig- I takes a train for the provineps or to, ! it farmerts boy. laig � ' � baggy. his Coat battert-d � wind,' to u,"z-' A b0alely pllraso-ba4 D I Pill And broak a ueedle,. t girl. Going down Broadway at the I As the steamer Approached its last I the Continent that he ventures to list 1 an() JIM hot ro�v(ly. Tect upon tile mind whlob is enritoly "The old 0 I* t , � 0i . a firshiont'd elephant story � same Moment Ivere eight victorlo., , Stopping place the bAUL- of the I more comfortable headgear. i trousers were -ed by a dense I e I so expects to bare the distfue f me. Will You?- aslzt,�d ,11r. d1stluet A."d diff'Oreut from that pro- , that has any real basis or truth Is fill,. d ,r)olitig Yale Wen. They Were happy � was seen to be covet river H I ";Say' Carry tit's XtUfr to the b0tol fO7J . tfuced by any other form Of Polo or Ont' that 'Unk-os the big brute Afraid of � silent, and tile tion olf Leeds. The TvVII it till,, the victim with such II "esquire" ,when a letter is ad � V, . d on tile 5 -here nllvt.� arill 1 PrJnc toll Pat". � plot- WAR Play I It he ds on the envelope the lirmix hotel. -S, of a sb,tv. %% �y came straighi " throng Of PeOPle who were shouting �' dressed to ' man gra'"It' the hogs and .Started .1 . ,or. � a ulollst� Elllivrjeaesk in tilt- winter down tile street until they spled the ,, and waving tl)Pl, hatS A ban r0r and distraction tbnt be, Is for tile; quarter � Then still . . Ing a malvii froto one of .6, an him and is highly Girt.alled . tilt, ,trake of Ur. Leeds toward tr., mr-" As a matter of fact the rarm �� mou'put lissirrie- He will 410 Anything � rats thrive,, couvinces one of this filet. In S11011ft. Moved by a Sto. :, 09'enhaeb's Operas. . � tt) get rtillef. Till& has been t)i.,Ugl t d When tile hotel .was reached, Ur, d lee. 'i � C, in V her of triglish gentioull-ri out on more tball out% A It 'k lmouse� will 1:1.11W all entire bcord �' 910 PUVPOF'e- the yal e formed a, As the boat to0ohod the plep.olrorr Circle, and as _ I who are to Z Lef,ds lost sight of his portOl. for', few A Ion to tile 31010Y With fright, and a rat wili put - tilt- other pedestrians " b 1 94 IY entitled to tht. ffletfirpIral Et . 1.0 phillwil act' StePPed to flit' roil and 4lPCttD,4;A Of UIQU who have hq thc'm 11) -1 V "IfIM01: #if desperate foor. i JDAdt' Way for thein they went around � W.LVed bowed and � of "esquire" is IusIgalfl(,,nriL Outlr�"` ' rill"'Ite-6 Whil" he gi-ppt,pil fripat's. . And 1:511i'd their a,isallailtA. 4' u Ills flat to the people to ac. It is a Looking around and J,,Plgt.s 44,11 Ploplinut rally ,14.1,elill It.4,1f 41Z,,,.1I%,t it aroul a flit- 11rineettors pair. At first I knowledgmeat of till$ Self Assumed title for Ill.; liaggage. Le . l!"ve helti shat tbs* v!routust:4ripo . or .. theyoull-I mall %vas surprised, then tin- 11-11ttering ova. ' Wbiell signifies notit Saw the mall %rho had Intelced it to flie g, g(.1 -41d. And it atial to ran& or prJr J hotel sitting on flit, plarza " flege. I .. . -111 attaelk sh"l;Ild l4tv g!VQN q -eittl 111.1% N'l,4"valit sizit. 4�r .1 mism) his, eaue I , with h- fitleb . 4 L011. Vgt-r tor noy ekthor 11.1tural f.m. tiou. I Ing that Is substa : V.,-tusidenaCon ,11 but t . Ili- III$ t lost fie I � "It Is g1dol Otis to be received In a � 10914 on the railing. .,3 . AS WIXTODWItIng tho dikell , takillse 14.1,1,0's Ills korliteptit-11 of th',�*ml and Ilintle a daSh ror liberty, whe"t'uti- t' to'-Olgrs l"lld like tblsl" be remarked 'a cotasnon Ilse In London "oslitilro, � book. UP, W43, rt-.111ing 4 � " In #Ireaws Ib. entire UPI-Voliq sysunn D, SI%V, or dt-ft"ISIve, warfat,p, 1,1.e, IIg..,,,t On Wit` yalit men stopped And. without , � _ his eanitbaoioll,4� to ;' SJUIPlY ftsvaxg� that tilt- person ,so a 4 sulit,,%,ze is , -ril.4ied undPrettlit a Word. upon bilu , Rat � dressed does not eliflo.qe to bo aq d *"Vlto'q that Illun?" llst,Od Mr. Lt.4,ilq, relaxed. nail It I'l witural to tuo 411liek to Pe I 0, fell as tiler do In I .Sol., - fkkytl�all, jIlliptly. 11paVily ant, (11 .r rudt, shock tlltk ne\ . lh-'It 1`110 Itiontal olroj%t or slZff(,,.,,ttI,Nu or to ist. vallglit J'y 1.118 to"Al. 11"i l'"ll' e"1111111acVney recel � "Olt. thnT*t; swillst'll ("rant. 11 Minas otg,2� , anti It ;Ivirly. � ,,t red a �f ated with tradesna-a and ordiat . said. Tht. alml tin WOU1.1 hok larvak2flell. At Iva%l- Nam Is ILL"' m%III.,iwr over hit; rtla,., � %vith Thon. stl...Ilghtt�fllag thetllsolvL , I 1111114111t Wholl the I IV,Drllia� IrX y ( Vant. Iert I hit ph'll'o " ,rij "; M,14' - .8 again � , duke's adjutant alvearod and lahL to � tlealon Pilolil" alld thol be Is a 1-gt � before Cu� 144-Ut ap'llo;q I have to 4f rer for toy ' fulthpunity. - elel. into .1 MIN a I , Who Invariably wears & allh for t%x Mr. 1.1-ollit had On OPPorluttil'r .�­- .14.,4, ,ougb and 1111ret-ling laaaller, � bal t.-YOU111*41 C00114,1111041. � � Illat,41tiesits.- - orlL, land." : hk,hb1s-%%II%'-Q'� 4421W -t 9110i It slilizIll a Itiolulot anti In eoneerl raised their �, , iin.-Ints througli 'nigh; In, 0,1l,t r#,atbl .. flit, eight yttle.sluu4stopplild 4.Get Out v'r tile way. wl I � t'jt'-0�11 IV4l&Iaqt(, flair it as J�e, fkguf*"*� IMUR to the thortiaghf,.* frig " let his hfghwss sholv ,,in, 11 'Voul and , —_ — ___�_ rs 11A . _,Ilteaed girl I self!" ---� . In ------- �� - -W �� other arting1l,­ 41111 slit -fitly I'vallawd �igoir , arell down � I 'The twx I— I - the stret.t. I P At tit(- pre.st.ut tta,.. witt.st � Ninny Itillitt In 1% Uor*olta Work, r.nxltmh 1444 Tupe. DOOM A0troxis. "WhkMk I rotarst4l frool thp --,-------- nen*117 aud F ristorS U) the (!plp,tji�il bitm. ,,littrilet. �� Idylicatton. V the s,ySfOU) i 'Wily of red japp 19 Ileing attavIlet, and Pit, dorn have, atilt.#1 t1le ajt.,�,, . - . Vot Too Doad. � I I% U -operly lk bL)en "14)l'ti' i;l`4"1u0fU1 thrill Willi? In C ." go.4', Saw a 1' rinif, thoy site tfatiliud to 1"at p. 4S it li�;it IVolUall hall al -MUSS I sslod. t,hte HOP 01 %VJA:V4, ,� 111�,- b"r4no a t4bort thao 4' Littit. Nvllll,,, Also Ever�qjjtnw �� �-�Zii M6 man. "I bn4l rt . follow?114 vollit,wbal atililk . frons tit%- stogc�, AD tht. humarl liring,4 the atti-at-tive flairlitil's Ing methods of dpollug With waller� nt'se filay art, tattla ll).%- nipff 04 flaat I 11�%, - alu not pV%-l);kDvV1 to sinte tbAt 111L. ,11 ha ttq Thi� vull. . felitale. IVIJ.v Is it? wit1p)ut VVI.118tio Veraftiont #I%,IJnrt1Da%K A til 416r- nal'i 14-ai,e a lur-Q .1 rto fAt'ill alltll) 1 It' 0110 Of the grvatt 9#11fir etiql#U1 nuinhot, or � 'Vontag"wr"'t Air,- usually 11144. litill., Plg� "It vall Court. to lite", smd a Ilentiq.A. vA' al"�s ')pen %Ill "IP shl" Ot T!gtl art Is Irt-lecd 111a0t, to a %vtcu. tviw 04 I rvlt,�Ai Its a (,!bf. Z ag abgt,olits to ,I"f4n)0%z0' 9`1- Tl,ey ­rk,,%t** 115t,h;tj 1.I...rytl,1a . di. I , Anw%,- thwa %TV -4 A�,Ilp tmllU 4 , 4 Nallia Ilion, -but the eNperivilre of a ft For Ilittlant.t.. 41 flat. 01rossh. an#) ronji sitit's Whim, 'I'lls. 114011pritr yjjl� fl2y- %viQ4�' fAl' sti,vAral y#%r,L4 li,nIl I,ltpn 0 .vf�.Ia,t� old. ,'�'i, Avr thein- Willa% friend of all 0 VI%r any aspev o. I - 4 r, is Pall, tie 11.16�(,at:N ts'lld It M et'. . it, aletallisrs IWHIMI.l unirrIt'll ah zbtl,*,�:q 'J* f�sud to -:!jIll; oiri n Utt to - 'anNyllIpiflia kk* Atio tin It q to Isivigno *440 801.N. we ints.%, rmAy nil. Ak' th.) I Way. VIVvr thrit Vt Iq 111-climm, they 1"IVA, liffil, bru..411 is Un �. �� w1rh 8 lon-,4k, Ulkek , drum In vu"Il b"y to 113vah hial or the havoit of f I lito O t0lili'll %rould v,Ltelu ar the -1411cr.,tir J,*P904hig Of the � , , th-4. 0�cf. . � -j"w"ll deoV'sift3,11040 to hu: lrb.'Isu-� t -'a bps plate th - U)"t b" 1)011"hll'�fd "DAT tbs, fwad. to A09hio3-h;*,.,, et,aj Illy, 14fing 11.44 ri-vt blgb a4t. ta_. eag,21,4 , . was via I V. tt. hup'll flit, IOAS v '11. full lvoln- aerviet, "Clothin-', v.-hOr"48 a tlulgil When W(#11pen r"At, , t* 'I' '""a "In tilt- town where he U411111Vt iff *410 II& J "fo" ill. (-�'al n'" ll�A%.Slj�r t4j'sa�'j� t4l' g tf� A , I I' . . ,4t, Q Val, Ane. , " , % I ate tier -fuel" awl &Jleelllv."� - � , A tw% Zlf.-114 nro under "Wedlellifis " � tj� a he Vvealne acquailited wiflu the. lut-al elpattghtg, .141.1. 11-1,2 li'l A elothp.mvfl.u� 4 Wet" '101"Over 1%10,41 ILp V.Ouddry N& lut ondea, the hrimmmir. .1forIT 'Pip, %$allehfuptut`.��i� 'It"' "n"Iertaker .anti Ili Ibot %va.v ,Vag etm. WEv"I tic tilt, Volop Or flas feinjill't. wz U'A Is "Vlothdog." hilt rhothes Pegs alit', ,190 hPI, 89h. tht, 1$1,111C-t� Kiln .pulh�+ . 14"Pre I �� un. a (.4-'-V wajv to, Italpeovo tot M� to,'i-nug rcpeq. Whon %0 lomws '114 �q Va 61-0901, The A"'Inpirol, 111rel atilt aw 411PJ4 1 V�Iv loellilpi: III her eat, all Liturls 4 Sweet ral ,^Id(t1ltfiht,"` The rul�,r�, .qt of u1j, b#It,% To ��aitlsr.j, I ,�. 1 I I . , � , AfT %-414RI��- Z1,1" Lsforvtt,of ,of J ll . atf.1 W,"'Ph 'iL , -imlb. cl�'p-y VIZ. od Ut 00 ever, are. MIRU4,1 allqt alld W,!�l - Of a havlo's 0113put equality of the senes. I le"', bellit- d I tt'4i�.142 E�,�-,Jqql .1 & UIMMUNI tv"Jil v2y yonug wolisan who lurid letivired .. IstrIlIv. lb W ny "'It -gout a 1740Z; Volor Ibp lml,&�,4�0.1`, 111 to'% Willi rvenf eq � a Hurlew X&mev. "Yon mu'Al cat me erlh4t t 14ed to bi., jfrr�strut tat tilt- runeral ., tag 40 � , vvk,cu On llu"t. au I -V.,;`4 fvz 0'J,-)'1iJVj,qO, ��i, Long DO will ta"Int , lenvoiall doveiglowent ats"i Its Hem% - " ab,epi at Seeing h0g. hal "' Purebased laider ­vuw,tnrtH �,% 0 sluil I'm du,1011�r 4�.lt G're el'ust, so-abd tall froln 81t.V. uLd the Me, a A gn4d In, t1q. JIM, tiUll bo D -11d a IM ur w'"AD14. "-,!.r .;t.litife of l,ej, ra der I;VpiUDt'i,, (,f Ing,. 61 �. .i 49"19,11 V460 $Us -b tL 111r;:ip ph�ev j;r a '"all of 198S-- HQ WW- wd but -1 at Ull, to lid tilt. In's Vloblod ilt Is tugj, 91 . , 14 (�`�f,' L",""4�'. 1161 IMP] Ma: it,.-ty ,4t ,0� I 4,.. �"44,, bin '411tt, wa . , t, 12"'au , ,* ;, � 14 wullnv� atdes,q you odaft - , 0word ur thl, f1st-cullencr. � bv lr�,D Q� .- :I � t.�Ut it;, -4, 10 all Mtents mitial pur. tL'Is L4'.tVnIPIAtI0lL Alid thp i4alt ,�t rtu"d,=jJ""` 'he pselse. .%Z cfliqt ; 4Df act Me= Dq r '491 tw thut she w"I leqe he In tht, Inquiry VdBuem I', �i tho rlutn�,,�_" .. I099 lx.ts Ut . v tolnt, %voll Suter I 49091M "Ara"? 1_&. h, ,Sv.., 1"go F,�,,&�: E1,34 9�"Tlt fal's; �eel Vg% :a,-�-'l it ul!A 1'riluff au�ZhDRE`X with it 44, pmen. as d4vld aft the movefilbled dflor b,,aw'l r his retura.- ­Mpptl�v,h M. Dvi: d 1119 C114val, U'D , ALI ,,�-,Llao%-. tvbol, 1; .1 U C", , . L L1,14 tpng�ft mgl t�ay awl %Volh�e hvir apx 44L, tauta I ia 019fluar"MInt-0 Va � 4 Ind in 9 1P filally:1, to Lad as,.S4 i`l1le"ldg' the 'gG%riw, of 11ratue I � , 4V vxld m,o � - U.4 t�.�'Itc � jzl) a fOrge ."_!� to liptave a t�ruguh C'Dr f -J-4 - or, and an the relnlaves a " wav, Lds dune and is doltag. a This lid not vatisfy his AW.11641. W�P�E '@"01 4'89 i20!)V-'419012I 110d gInt--c lrcp�, -LF)!0g ill P. all The N96- was lwd out De Me par- �0�, �._'�­ o�dy ic V�, geati jt ag.L!L,�& I tv.7, �. , grv.tubpu� up"'Utint. -Whlvd 0 1 � Ler dav at* * , ��,eea, Lvtuv N " ii, N):, - .. to Itay theit, the esH.'elaelp eiv. , 191d lihn to lisquorp nqal J%'Vt[Urrfi %il.Athon tht I is "' `_�" �J�'�Vt'�-I' t4" ­r I riv vALVII dav %V12, � V"etss tty the dEuld. D. Vbleh tki !, Ja =!; dam, aleb ur (%gutt�,a L", C'ti`t�L.,fGts_T�eg , "� ffnv&A to � ast s`e` 112;1,4 ra�,V* or tit, 90ttdlebt OMLrer did ..Apiw, � to ite.st IVJ�E, &pt�,bgtL,u V r ,, � . Le wri. W L .L,l '. � littcttttevably nud laguentab)y (1.90-1, 8tat'd I., Ler dt6ree. In Hent -ID" lorgg 5 .,& , �V, j(a ;, .? ,&zau-�I�,qkG" m- 9 Jbir- 50 M.0 tost tl(Dtgat' g runctau dinia. , it Pf, ftopp"; Magazine. Id. J,rido'li I , �,, r.9 m-�* 000N,.jq ", � ,Q "As is ems..Coluat�v oft that lr"klalutr, "gi,V.- at, - . ,tLj f§ D�. -#Vbql.��. pa" .,- v:, ,n,,��,- t* g*!Vu� � y. A 'Col'difig li- Ms Im"OlLep, dwa�q(., . apirtl" 11'111 t`le ul:ly- _� 10� D09 Still del' It - r�lvl kTb�l rq*,�.,19 f­,� LI!,li rio L,�"S;I, 94. w .0. %as l�ervtd� In the :: a I kahqa.v� Women JL�4t-�� , " ' N . .. � � I . I U.V,,�J in ChDuci�o r`s:;F�`4� lic 1`919 ac. w�i,.Tyglip * . DAI, ,)rttketue.21#uuopnrvq��t�d�t-ore�rn,�04-� I luiever as yep, n! I,or- *,,%o,u-� n,amd, %V!,DVF0.*1 traq It st � �: 44 tre� Ill, �4 ,"-I----- �; thluatera% th,01 'e L t�lq, C:,_* ? -qt Vd anti On wnutlwd itho. A Vamotam p,artity. INIe6urasta *6 store. , In V'S'an rtappv, , tID#p9Q* *40�e C�ak"d ta im-'D; "eal evt�llxthuug .�C. , Vv wReve, arw On ylnr �.')2.00.�, nt"4s V il ��'-,,Avcd it 1.11.1,9e., roNee, tbaft ll�e J�&:d Corpse. It dldwt � whell t1pe E41ar ,� . -ay. . ,ghtt-P of Q1Tk,c1g � �*Ir%* . -------- �_ , ,rU I , I w1e,1014 Or woratARV& bralm . 11 creat I4��uthrp�la Cross was round ill tie 910. her dOsImAtion, to the gv_�w ; The w6hilan't,4 4,ff,iiou � 'r rVOM the siln-It world dt Was & l"11- 1 5ug the Intrude _ us th@l dat te to, the hok'se.11 3�0%10 14 t4t, a infirlute, to efear Vie'veela. Ir The t�T�nattrffl pmnrD known rt-do4ett., f1dem I,. 11r.,6V th. f;,61 - it. 'HW k-t3iuo &�uut- ii,at ,pvp,pfln�; with . i � It * ,owqfstz of Hille pearls Joined to, f than the m,atav& 1;,row 1?0SvJ.,.:; agnv,A Lom,it the , t's k S�?Vtvp�e lwqlf�.-. The little V,*Iri hut sOle Possession. The und Woqtort� .1 a itraDIA in t1w year Ism. it �t girfer of the queen� a .As ettaker c , . S aDZ0 , , , , I to ft'ro"a '6 N the ft...-nl e I *V e, I m OM and ir,riujad his subject 14 _ �� a eMs% la Which', . U about to vnujlar� , in IDIck out 101v ;u,�n and � 13 we'lil. ak,d a . , vvas� *,usid by 'a shape �' on the royal jygeht voetor!n and Albeg.t � � , P.alr .-, il man -As, �Ormda.v vapie. alad Ion , 9,A man named Clgrke. : On 1*t`�"'pil 64- ipefic--s und st t,��I`wq 4e told f1 TL "'s !laugblY UV3 I ad One of f1491;p�,q�!".y 1521-t.v 14ya's ghfm was 13 the dining ro I , , It nvr.4,w,,l . jf�,§g, Ili,,. 114,ju, lr�otber 12, go whose Iln�ajls� pluelitIl up courilge I . .111 b enjo3rilig a bearly Weal after her ea- I jether �� artogatit. oace, Whe I ,� � Inch'. �,nny as ligmseur. rt Of tbp RepleMe- - " ! - 07.,- ", N,� P oe VV1-nQIlu;t,-t2tatF,ryn of it VC -pr forec-d fast. she was lifted lierOss to the decii- of th ' 1� M IV. CIVOI`iuglg�g C.2('Se on il� Dac.he j, .1 , . ati Ur. opilt'v. "I In"m -f, 13, wax t Is sLzol tliat the findet and the C7,, -.t,: V I " � at, -- -ernge 41;�D,Dl��,,,,�e, � . fM Was Putting her dovinl gepily ;Sald �(*,l he bIllinsor the t4,.n - I . � . PC,r$iVE,)tlqUV regardivAg It as il beav: , I . , i Wolnen " whole, tLpoge of t�,c I Eeb La-,&� V�V- Lng� �1 , �� .,t ­­�_ is not a �Iittje ]ad, y� * i 1_.� _4n lin tt-h, 'There you sy,ro, M.7 little gad I . " � �.I ," a.4 -'a t�­'..*.. al...., I & plate Mule's .1 en:y ;f&'aele.- It Was, hoWever, ul*j. ,,, Or � a.. P. rr- w4q a Vr 'I in "" VA' VD"W* tZVat ,,VAS pip,,� ,on butt Much?, 89 , t r It buricd It tot sot.e tim*;, " Nf-s- Tiwre were lhv,ee of wem .;;: 0 n,4uL,2C-, lew-4 �, boAt by one of the sallorsI, who. ,to fis, � 11 h 911"up. But t ! -�,Dlviil�5� tv ��o bad 1,;,PA r "Her first gaipArjon wii,% -was inkst � ou"a S, of , [ ::a-- 3- - V.- 411e OU11-V 41.0 ounee"'. "_b, _h : , I am a ji gh'Ps the men an advaj,tag,, I,, .p 12 , �� 6 --- =-I------- � Likkf*A � UV04-1.1y t,3r:1-,n up rrong its burial Place �' princess!" Was the prompt find Ind'i '! C t',�r tettiflit flivril oft raal3r. poiki at ifeworr I x hpl�jkt &T � 1114-n It%4,1 In The 0.11tuvyl Will. , �'Ir.� .,Ilo iarn 3T;Zoa. th" � "n reply. Tba, queth, wilor bftd Over st battle of :pull Run. , or �@Llrvl& Mne4 willph time it aant g � 'eut- 110C 04�t- 21 njwaUl - I � ­1;� ;4f, Ili' d 6- (,., � , 11 , . � �, IT ---",-4. rore I atlrf,p to undt-rt veteran Ainvi'l(Mil ZAII;Iemn. tells, of a , has rrrr,q�:t% V — ­11a�4q-s VI: gai-lkq�s afid, ti,a.j,6 �� ,Qkc � I . _ voz.r -O i _01"'. om tiv chair' �d ba"'; ad pit 1� he:tr'l the conversation. dot, I t., it. hre IP3 wornc�v C,f I , '13c, tz, ,14 4 j�gt r temarl-,al)le it It" a .r � , rv.�u C,:.. _ r, e , &t04i_�P." I.Q.-1911 tDRp jernitif.ut er5 '111M, -it Of Memory performed ow vaRNE-d at MOM) At the- he satne'lie2ght. Tl,st, ? . - f., .1, 1,*,4,%t . Bad Indian eghlb3tlotg in gu,_ " brains Of the Men weigh 4a.6 olineeg . ,ip . I ipicrzta. � 14%,r�(-r Who bod bt-+,n pa& -d tn. -V .. . ,Iatld it at --c at RZ111 MID' ,L n to. I r :. NY th toyinposr CO!')nyal 1� snp-'ssr with ge-ItUM And, turning to fif�l 1, Q try, . 'm t ou - ,� _ olled little d . , , 1 %'4 eare to lie perrtr-fl!, lf.r tHead kneAv 1,Nzt vc,ry wt.,,'. k� those of tL*e 'Women VUZY 4Z0 ounces ' e .t ,.;O�-.* ,ku.'A tr,p, napp. I'Ar .�;­O, I tl-20M G good de,d or aughter. said: I ,_ 11 . - , frank with notice and is � "Tell tie kind nallor that yen ltt* I Mc w2d ttll` me thf, trIL"'It, tu,n KQ 11 'I ta,l O."m .11 1, :1 � .r ound. ` �' :.:,UA,.4jdIIT, . ."r �V.r , and pral-402y the only natural c"sS evet mileh Indebted to him for big C179111 __________� . , _ haring tal- a a ralucy to D cc,IHVoS6tIqiD , - .1 V� uffb. bild . . f, . - ­"� . � � (11 ROS -1,"' WW,th . .V � I �41,rvf %i1V!Ng I%Irkv�340* Waits, �4521 in nIanuS_orjg — . are not a %tne 4 StAge Verglit i .1 k,,�,:1­4 Cft�,,: e­$O� '0 " and that althougla Ton, V I j�,A t-i.;�4 kp"4.4� an, r#'u 1'4rd1iyi'2-"" � ti�c ,OL -OV�-F`t Yon are a of Inloc, "Les I"erles de —.---.— '. ­ ­­ � wv�cm poh JU,uV,I,,l. . A, he safd� "Let irtabillrds Ah4 rolf-lk. ,� Indf rtf. you *xlvafly hope to weto ` ��, ,ra �u ,,as -p it roi- publ, lion. Dedicate � pg,&4�*. *111i Im , _Mla" ,(.*a a he Uile teZDr0q'0#1# I . ilu�tf-1 latIt Wo , � � t!�_Z� P:) -r t V long." teetlam he strat.a tLe 'Iat_il* to.'ra _j � - J- it W L,Iszt. I can rufly get Vlszt to 1,013 Made *�nre 1?,W' tu"e 911 . p glenry Wata &,�ep&j, , U� �41`-'- ,', Mp sp,cv a .0t aftem to eirm . � I �, -1 Sulplttrf, W911 Pot util ,*74,.%; s0v,­ rer-,31(4 Me neem&'d cup L I 111,4 New Hebr.(,Q%,q humnis liry has 1`e " .,V, , t& 14 ky! wt�n tLe ract b i� I , %'.-�Tc� 1 tivoltwtlon of ,---------- I �:. . I'll '�) =j :'"o u - ff ' Vt 01 a e P v -,- rz - � i e n a 2 v q,,,o 5 V, .9s. canuillrals are t6t 11*iii. keet &n:!V*FX,p. , hing- . *,ZD-;,- �� $actc-,Pt V�e dedrIention. I lim,t, ge, -0 tzsnt i" i 5F 'E."�.",%-. 1_ ir" ,mg.ill. p, In:?, tht, ISO. , V%r - � 7,b ,as r -r-% ,- - nsid. " -, P � , U - , 'fu tr"p Ivo-.Tou left"." Oe'-U.r from here to 1,Vt_ju_ d,,-� 11; T, ** "M- mze",- of It Oil. The :� mosigger- Young I)W DO% �i -1 " . , � .1 7C 't';�AMI!l V ­� '?. Mllli:, "It's ilH gr) -sr- bul 61-mt 12 s, .rflr and ,Will sa,ld to prefer mast Park to roast Wa 7 . 'US keeebt V17t-ll. ,U;29 man, OpDTV 'go 'rot2 I ; =3 449vujtZ -Fs looL, 'n , 10.11 - ne bina 11i"Jut It At the same time I att�d Qs the pore#ne trlb,v I C ov � a guessing - 1,1 ft�py Vo L's I reases I , Contest, .. . "I ion ater als 4� DUPUL" lay give lip I 'I will pa-paiv the wily for Y,)Ur ret!,pp, 91230lig the nativeS they w b -The Gn'ly out- V,gir "'� "'-Mr- Rweher 11 be rer,3,,,4,,1 " ft is awto I 1-', CL4,l,,�vn into "' I `,�d2- "Yonng anam- saA !z­�p f-Imno.-A 1. a U,- t - TbIrIgurabo Me fire - H ly Inside $50 in , a �T,�f" er 8Xro-p'nir-P JrVI, 6, I SIIYV*,� V -r. puttslig on 1pr'� glow a � ; 'I �?Isf ,� ,ii ,* � . - , guessed colTectly, leb? t fel. I nonvly,dge ev"ry I I ;a cb�% ...;", �,. t. ., --sr, ­y,W,2,d Wt. tiseir feasts: On lallw1in th,sh alto-etber , ^nIght f", ,.; a . 1. "!".4 v IV- ter Trlv�ld =11313- :mtl t_nory yovr�lelr on -'4�v)t long afterwilumd I rece IThen Some g ! L,PtvOViSne`s9. _ws ) .�,p Nl,e 13 pria-4Z.-I .:v,,c,d a fet. fxe,'-U7fivm thin Unusual , 31c-TO9,,--,r­-0b, no. Two Othet doe . . " M $Mn" 4111Z or.j fah'e. ti" a,bc. ' - 1 . �'. 13 w - ter frolij my friend On wbit:,b he told ,me � halVey's. Sucls as entLqtafrilng a g tort got tile same, An,f, all .. ps% � i y 01' tLe f-ourt.- three of � ""'e, ... 0 e6n.soae you, nen. T�,, 11 "� -0 f ' lon� 11 litato � tliew guessed wrong. You see, , �er yo,a lec-lure the More aervop, they , 40 1 ' _r -7P' !D Are r if go!ng to ,barge me Liszt the latter leoz;� tit the manu- 'O'D011sionsof rare cereniony. of were called )* � you'91 gqt." AaDa 11-1, 'it" 11 " �'I�Pri .11 Ay Va(�p n:.Cl Ust-d 'vq�re � 'It r he banded the MUSIC to � some Other 'CaUnibs) I819ad or okin , -L !"*4*P 0�1 Ifoor o,;ry, ' Of Su3j; tz:r. : --I�O) do Ot it toll svy so, s!r,. What tlj' r�­L-J'* tlfk­:� n'.. "'d for the ad- � enosultati I -1 It _ _�J 81_4 % . � :, ion over A pa � 'r, ,a . Via 1 $ ". at Lmh:1111 ij(. "r�ae - Vice,,,,, script. Willumed it over, then sat down ,I � dent. , area to be I 'Sor. SlI 9 W"Operty ar,d ppl.,aps "'Ten Ponsidm"-Londen rc�ng. .,lid piaye(l it tpon, memo a ttup_- I ry. Then, goi_:� Totrgh QZr thi- Joket-. : - a I ____ � Ing to his desk. he took a luen and fte. � The contributor wl,otp a j i ----- — --- �� . oke about' A partldzklftj� point- A. Ciose. nlktlmn,�e. . � _____ . A T.r"nb1,-Ie*ks bodr. � ceptpd the dedication bY writing his 6 plumber whose I �'l don't I � I An e.tilforel. 1;,!e�v r, . nnme at M - page. 1411.1k were alwrly# want to hear all -,,-body say-, 1.11W nnm big - itie. - Of this kind," said the law fl� _!, (I r. -e top of the t, In O C28L I 11 fn"1vtr+'4 Iva% re2t,ting bis ladvenlvreg, I . salt" ;qaid par G. .111 I ,�-i? , ,I normal. `That." &aid the editor, re- yer, "therp are many things to be in ,!that our boy joslar does - q th-01 we,d&nga snonamt- __________� I " a, earn his X;1e11A 50 T! . g Jec'"ag It "is not A joke*. it's 1 lie." it "stigated, and before I take slier corntos. . "-e brisIO)" * "I ;3v�(`I�1-11-" suld be. "Into tile thicket, ' A VWss1H1fi'& 1r*&Xf The �cquljrlbutor trW figai gel F. -I... t, ,.L..�jjor was n with 4 � t1e, Case a(' groom*s - . -Mld thert. beropp nip jay a tl,uu,?t1esS Mrs. floon _-Thl.,v �, there is one twirg in particular thal 'I "You said it Yourself Once,- said bfg i � , I betivD. il�fwl--`P -'e' I 11,r I:Ody,, ,,N ,q - say irmt Itts � story Of the plumber Whose charges ' Must be looked into.* vVire. , � ' . .,a. 'WIftsmith Is greal ' I anti I..'al lf� . ­ , . "41.,�'e. . rf'rl, . � -, ... ­IVIF I 'l I. "Upple-Q .al Iced I *1 V r. tly troubled with i�- left nothing to be dellired On the tc�re ',' "I presume," said the client, *th I don't Want t 1I I hear I W"rif Of tf.,. 4.t;e-_ Y441 . forin, erf a .1 , somnia. ,1 4 4 -11 I take it baeip� _� I "Who ever hen t " do rho- i 0 �, ooy. ' - tit. rd of a Mr. lloon-y,e.v, � of Big('- "TbRV 811id the editor. who i You -'ef"r to my POeL"etbooL­,_.1nd1 a toy all.9, Injustice. I iinve be, trunkless body?,, -N .1y rrjt,nd,,, replied ao 1100L -o 'Inarell ,p -.V.,4 so, Jq-.nVdr- i I understand 'that �� bad surtered. ..is not a 116. Neither I#, apolls sun. I in over tilese, milrL.et q a .41yralerd 17noll.,q] y9oat '6 I "-it ', (1- frivefer quiptly. "tLe body ,tile 411;,eovered the fiset. a Wppir i an I bart. conelud uOtsitloom ,. *11 right.- . it . at or to, It A Jok"� "__Scrisps. I . a' II 1 t'"." nr an elePI"Int." He then resuwwettd8 "O' I . Itto.* 01 t I learn his Salt, jest about But if tbe� " Ili- tier flusbasid talks in his Vn VV "d that JOA!gr dot -i — . � sippp. and ,.qbp hil,.qn,t alept a wink since , 's, x ory,. ­� i h�s Rtor,V--LOndOl1 Globe. Rot# lffobt.nt. I Glies- Coll ubus must have bOen th, 1 It" said be didn*t earn his Peppe* _ 'I � , . ­ Slp(l A ; � 1111five, victim ,; A- blinko, game. . reckon I'd have to give Itl!y�. Jt .11 g4l)(1 f%Kt.tlj- . — I 't ,rou notimod ally dIfferoll(.6 III !-A vn.�,:(,� 4 for Nail 'Of mi."Ing somethisig,nAr- r I ., 11 .'Va! (til, Islip'! t , r. . . Ing. : ! , 'I's Whv do you tbliak lie? i - VVA b - lypes gaga ollf M I I S .:111! 11"Ir'111 (fill )Re3� "Iect Attixjnll�41. ! N0150 ginee sbe flPcisme r0livertod too stm . %, 11"; t'llaillsion �tittl th" (41 ive me my deal-." SAW � I And Joined the Church?, I Qflp,�k_ Rochilse be was the first to I ­­­� lich! :Z .. I ! ""0,,-- 1. * the 90!�- ' The portA of New $Ooth "YP-9- Rbi, ARkA me to wall All hout. conceive the Idea that the world Witga,f, Tile snolt* I its 1.11lit..'Zion wtl.. , , � sip Inimbly. Wales are I for her. nb%v gquare,� 4 la".4 , but I tb0[IgI1TIOssIv' men- ', I . -tl to N tlllri� .. t!lks:flrl�- 0Lff.rn(!n1 as : f *,,. 1 tions Mrs. grown the t le' rrefk�zt fill thO 910be, and In none, of Inatoaitrf of a min A certain � Ira tel *2 g's thatl t�F- Av%tr.yJ1St# 4-0forli-i nrl- thprp any ,Rarperli.q Ba.... ute.,,�- L I "O Pol't thus breakli rott,t,. It, - ­_ — i Y(`U ff)!(l nit, In strict courldone.e,, I , tilt' 911071% the bpaUtif-Ul , , I I "Tils-r-c is nothing I, ful.gjvc�_ ' ,let, , df --,01111111111 lfl�­ tyr difterential duties. Afts Ing the (-11.1wher snom 11114 1. .. I ...: 1:­yi-.-_,JnPP of Auq rep ; ffs were first Used by doctors to f'"orn collil"t to ftor; . . 0 1 1 1 1 1 - . !�k . , tralin 7, flit- wise woman pleagantly. .,tt - ----,-------- A .Va* to V&t Allone. eeP their fingers soft and were adopt. over tile coverlet. Under the, s6et, frola W1,330H folm 'or . ; wao I "What Mild of a luau IS Your new, i k painislauent I fOr that Very wirl TY)p ?""Irl ltv" tf'11'4 Y- aff bi, td by ladies about 155(j. h(Ir wee dimpled ebin to bAt pretty tPaTh I't flip KPV.filqrl� YOKP that I told them - f,..lv*t Ils:r ,gly ,),I,, A. ltl)0*6 I 1 �4 fil(. 11, bookk ,c,p,1,.,,, l �, of tilt- , to %-OU In strIat, corsnaesnle,­_�;jj,"ga � t4l t,.!t vJ111 .;tit ,w 0 td; -A I , I . . I , r" 140 t1ifferent, Parts or, U'O r _I , 11 0 W91- ; W�-)Irlesl T), ; f(.et; 'now rising aloft like A bee ja wu . � . Wt T- tlyink.-V be kh 1 1.4 kisid- It ,vnll !,.,(:r 1%ro ,%lOn Marry bot-guirt, tho,V' are wOarY 'Inne. now slink, to till' 'Wall of a cra,.Ia. I rel$i to hIM, k#,.0 #i* .. I I i I 1*VLUt;rVIllt dqur,1144 . , W4"_,Uf)4QIk of Mierty Wom,o becuu4l loll l-A'qf4n6n: n01v 11111folike `ZV)1).ql(Tjr;. . � � I Irmo rrval. V they 'desirt � thely PI.,4ing 21g$110, I.; tt". t1k, Uti of -- I L . ; � I I 1114­�,�14:uo SAmA6 of Zlizabeth jfiw� a r i'll'i;# I I . I i � . . � I . .. 4 , �­­­­ ... I y ­­­­­ I -1 ...­­_ r A