HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-05, Page 2RTS
:Appointed to Succeed Lord
tanadians Sall From Cape Town -
Another Boer e;ononander Takes
the War Path -Kruger Complains
of Steps a- More Canadians
Invalided Ilotne.
. Ottawa:. Sept. 28. -The following
message from Lord Roberts, dated
Pretoria, to -day, tr0.13 tetelved at
the AIRS:tie Department this twee,
lug : •
"1,248-Itleko with ferst portion of
Neanadina zees':went liliou.14 reach Hali-
fax about Ostober 24th.
. (eSigkeed) "Roberta"
There es no ateamer 'dekko ita the
Royal navy lista Or the re.gastry of
Bretieh inert:haat telikaping. It is
thougket that the ktubie refers te the
steanzor Isla:bre, 4,100 tor, bele:w-
ing to the ;Wit:6OL line el Hull. The
lafereatte from Levi Robertstiles-
page is that Atha men, wito are re-
turning Wel come direct to Halifax.
Acether eabie nekessag•e reeeleed at
the eilettla Departmeat to -day, are-
extuatees teat Lieut. tie P. Lasborn,
of the 11.V. R. I., who l'ate been. serve
lag w'ali the eeetesed letttallan in
South Afr eat , 1161.6 t. 11 Kral:Led a
-eozantheatat in the sleet Leneere. Pte.
R. el. CaterbelL .11 ties eketeenkl Bet-
talam, week jeisake erten Nt4t.;"...06.
jtn ttut :ht in tie?
Dulte ef Cernevaire Lealet IL:entry.
Alt 'Want to See the Queen.
Th rtekey to laird ilkele.rts' query
'airmen/ ,t 11.141 t is • ter -
rears, C. U. 7o.1:7 .aiti wee ar C
Bette*: es/eerie...we te 4es:re tkk accept
ties eneltatient al teein Regitsete to
be reviewsel lee Hit efeefeete.
On July tel it was attesteakeed that
Lord Roberts lami beteg w1 t4t. tap -
pros& al a ilonbisell nets:her fram the
vont:tory ai1 ./01:641/ 111.6"1/6110.1 fereee
being, granted their *esker:me for the
perpteke of jartithie tits. Cape P.4114•0 ter
Sertiee in the lielnekerley blistriee. The
period td eerbere e• three peers.
On July :lath Major Ilbetetes tlekry
sleeve that titakeer eteteey eorri.
pletely lest, the sarlat of his •yt79
thy reNitth, of UN iraeary ley a thane
Wish to Surrender.
Ceps, Towte feept. tles-eesf.kteki new -
leers of the Cape 1iaritant:01, Law re.
eelsed 1.141'..600161N116--..114 11'4011 4.'411.446a1
201116 ratit an 11....tri at Ilvhigoo. Lay.
11.7gletrot"; for partivalurs 014 10 tinpro.
visiou.; al titg7 treattoa bill now under
eonsiltairatigul 1611•1 4,1102tr10jt: Wite1144tr
1,161."-tr 1114 6 51 0,46.41-.1 t1 7,uti• ill they titionid
Mtn:. a to alt." tt.0.0ity and surrritier, g
114 vtii tat 8ntert,...t ij*i otTle 3.1
fr06006.11Qnna the ii."048t37.1 friglinat
dont. 2'.2 it 1 nal tar the
Afra8-tin-l."1" t•gir;*, prgagt rtur..:
north of Pienaar's River.
Coammudant Eraemus is honorably
observing the armistice agreed on a
few days agO.
It is reported that Gen. Botha, with
2,000 leen, ie advancing by way of
I-eysdorp to join Vorster at Pieters-
Boers Sutler Heavily.
London, Sept. 80. -Under date of
Pretoria, Sept. 28, Lord Roberts re-
ports that the Boers suffered more
severely in the action at Pienaare
station than he had previously
thought. Ho says:
"Believing that the post was weak-
ly held, they advanced boldly to
within 200 yards of our advanced
trenches, when they came ander the
fire of two mountain guns. The ex-
plosion of a mine, of the existeave
of which they were ignorant, killed
"Bobs” Commander in Chief.
London, Sept. 30. -The War Office
announced that the Queen has approv-
ed the appointment of Lord Roberts
as commander-in-chief of the forces,
to sueeeed Lord Wolseley. Lord Wolse-
ley's five-year tern] expired on Oct.
The announcement is made on the
anniversary of Lord Roberts' birth-
day (he was born at Cawnpore, India,
Sept. 30th, 1832).
The War Office is now in communi-
cation with Lord Iloberts regarding
the return of a large portion of the
South African army. Tbe embarka-
tion will commence at Cape Town in
feve weeks.
It is now stated thet Lord 1Vo1se-
ley will officiate at the War Office
until November 1st.
Although the fact that the ap-
pointment of Lord Roberts had been
made 144•014 already known, the formal
announcement of it le hailed by the
CnIonist party ae a pletige that the
army reorganization will be carried
out in the most effective manner. It
wee beginning to be reekbgnifted that
somei I tie te was needed to etre
strength to the lets:mist campeign.
Aecorsbn gly esent-0 'Ikela 1 nn nounee-
went*: are on.t that Mr. 416'Ore:e: Wend -
ha vat. 7 'area men ary f "nsler-iteeret ry
of State for 'War, in his speeelt ket
Derby to -morrow evening. v.:111 out-
line Ow aovernment'e Resents. 417 arms,' .
ref:Irma and that the War :Welke" i-•
ger:owing with T.orti Mew - fskr the
return re; :t larae" portion see the
army in teousit Africa.
rt 0)0r rPer.
'Ara eliot4-1; .4 0. 1.1.1N1 P44614.TV.4.
4,arket hive leen inetrehtel tikariter the
Net, fsev months, ketel th. folletvese•
t,4101I.Illat*V is, vile, I frank 'sm:, then;
Lore /ease/atetf Iettleteh :mai water.
ford leteet at tekvam •re, tist
Sikes ;eke leele, Leeh afereatke. hie
ratite' laitta tele Sir Alba:Is:tut 11 lett-a ,
no was .41,10,1t4..1 :It rt,,,z,
tud "i„,:ilistrolubt.,„ 11 1 h boltol:11
ertel.re in lesel ne e •
MO wee pratusekel :tea fisliseeek • 1.2:01t.
t. limit. 31004 'I "4.17 v!.apt;Y
12421. 2"-4/0t Ir."t3:41Sor.lh- ra,N1
•:i' 1i6 l.6t f.../0 01- want 6 olo.n1.1,,
If.;11; broict•84,tiagI. earebre,
j- marts 11. I kg e. 0 e7e 1° t,
santaleaerel, .480y. 1,...,1, •ce•ral,,,
1°.0. (1. 5 1.1 totez7..%1..11
vesei tit '. . akei eie eiteet
lelesetem sittrier..7 the lete,:k matt tiny,
ent71 was ttaintt,ont".1 :et 1:.'4 than ti.454
V6116.4 in deepateh eneata tit tt eesitt-
paikeat IL. re'ratol 13eu et •
to.'4110.:11141t 01 *of /etelf:rea tit. Lebet set.
pesettsta 1,e711 -71e. tree akoketestelkel
the ranee: slskettete tit; efease, teem-
polit-tas 8*1 1.7*7;-• 80.• 17"
;magi- • 17,078-01., 1.•::••• ••.; tair•.17 Tr0771
t**k ;••h*rt, If:-tf7:ga-
tatoriggi-1 th ',d V,'1111,.!.! .1..'ntr gt
s 3 7-an:Ica igg-77. • 4 agt,g. tot
o*:;ataB.4'n-i 04 gsg.••:att, ;
torli 77:- gsigzr.87:i1
it" la": 2. --.•
gititarli• 7.0 --tt:1 847 teat ;a 1- fir rgill ;1'
Victory 74:70,ill n:- hn tito
1-:17:4 7.4 .7tri33::-.,.ition.
A iileforgo tor tr1211P 11343er'vv
6.ita 70171.232,7..
Lt -tit 1-.7 11.7 7" 7744LLt
Can:80i, : • te
11::.43. • Tettr-t.. -" r• ,
N-orst eig:gl•r 0 :7. if' "ti.•t".
:77:3 tt-77t-t,...77t
6:- 4. ".. •
To rraiiel Ithfcat fig0:01d. 73.: •.77••,-. ro--
• ..7;7t 0.77„ 721t -0.17.:•st
tas 6ant, 1,905 En:I,'
frOnt t-tigigrata 170 'al 1,
kLit oant3.72.7., wanint.:g.7 ,t id Mr. I
1o..4 • 6 rey U"',611itEt
$tate «. :1 ira gie 2 tit": iikat•-t1
.31.1 tiff t 6 aitga tr
atolge, itt.w2t3 ?"*.1 r i 1tggoa 8„
ia h 017 L , a trid eze It:K.:kit
J. therla.,....0.277.
,2.7 tin* 7:ttv :-'118 2:.t:,t, •••
an tit, -
:•?,:n g:tril010747;y
a.t -:•4 tI.•
*iitt,Ditt iti 1r
that Its.. 3:74,11-
64t5L. ILLZ1t
8.0a lt,022777,74-4. 117; •
ail 4, in.7.4710..stara t t
ZEIV.2 Of XV. 1/La Le knew tp„e•
tra,-.Aant. 4.07•&13 I ,
tz..4eivizt:,A1, t." 10•• ". • :
rary '
r'assed 111itisa
Calit3 Town, 7:7"•gt.-...e. 2..37: 44449'. r
higt Trigast.07.7 W417 11, 4:71.‘" t:
Litg...?•iatii.77.8 fee:meet.. CI:on receiy- 6
I.i 71-5.1;'
tac...cotart7 law. It, rfaNNA-
tat Iieseee tee. elteetia.e.
tS v!,L:.y
Tae War leatariare.
Are rail i,f Fight.
Hail:an, N. S., tzl.r. :1;4.-1;13h:re
aLati..4 01 li liittt, wi.ti11,-,64 1.1"110. id -
ed frozn Sanaa 847a
Olt vcr, avg. s 7.4.7-L2 s
return unit t t4Lu 1 Cala-
r-4 c.c. t I 11.
M. .T. ,
la set v. -23,t4 vitt- ing
1-rJr...ral; 7, ;rg. ni:g•2 tt:g • • 74. - _ 6, 2
-514 4"- L.J74. V 1. -tZrt
,t, .o re- ,
tor:, to n war. .73
zi C1:16 "..) -414-4 2 1.4 . 4_
1124/ T.11 -1..r1 Vtr.C..".41 t 6 th.7
p165.16.4 tra .41.% 7.14•41•4 ,
need 0 4 62- t
liagigtitgg 7.7:23;11 .4;:i_ortga l• 7;*
77.1.-ond 1-g.tr4.02 ,r
;• itl.y tL11.1`,1".1.s " '16 -1
ut •7s.;•
t".6 :"
NT -Z.4 0: 1.126.."--
Jt.:720..1t7on 77-37.v.t.
2737gs, tr.77.7 •77 it. 7:
the 3tir.17-1101'•
2• 1:•:7,7••:rts. s 1,1-.;? 1:2ty ;,
eleeeel at Intutg.
it. (17.21'. 1.;.;•
.. 1.-4
' •
fete ea
their pito:resettle:le Tbrat there eleoulti
be a dexnoeratle ,army wive the les-
son of the wale. The este:prima:3 of
Corr eeleendents aecompanying the
aaney satieele. c•orefermis this View.
Invalidedat Quebec.
. .
Quebec, Sept, 80, -Another 'retch of
Invalided soldiers from eSoutik Aeriea
arrived here at 7.45 o'elock this morn -
lug by the steamer Cambroman. They
landed at the Louise embankment,
and were given a hearty reeeption.
Mr. Thomas Davidson, ores of the pub-
lic Reception Committee, delivered a
brief but eloquent speech in the nettle
of the citizens of Quebec). They were
afterwards escorted to their quarters
at the Citadel by a guard of honor,
composed of the R,. Cs R. I. and the
State band. Major Pages, who has
been charged with paying them and
delivering their discharge, was at the
The detachment was in charge of
C'orporal H. S. Moody, of "E" Com-
pany, R. C. R., formerly of No. 8 Com -
01 the its C. R. I.
The Welcome at Halifax.
Halifax, N. S., Sept. 29.-Halifetx
will give the officers and members of
the Royal Canadians returning from
South Africa a big 'welcome. The
transport Idaho will be met- outside
the harbor by a fleet of war vessels
and convoyed to the dieembarkation
pier. The forts will thunder forth a
welcome as the transport passes up
the harbor. The soldiers will be re-
ceived at the wharf by the militia and
military forces, with bands, and ac-
companied to the armories, where a
grand banquet will take piktee. Ad-
miral Bedford, Livutefloverror Tones,
Col. Blecoe and Major Hamilton will
do all 'they can to make thy: occasion
a stirring and memorable ono.
Cankollar-m. invalided.
Ottawa, Sept. 30. -The following
non-commissionegi offieers air! men of
the Canadian Speeial Serset•e forees
have been lavalikeka to England: ater-
ond (special servite) Battalion Royal
Canadian Iteghnent, No. 17e1, Private
C. J. Nixon: Canadian elountekl Rifles,
lst ilattahon, No. 131, Squadron -Ma
Whigery, A Stitt:Oro:1 ; Royal Cana
elan Dragoons; No. 3„ Private W. E
Seronkl Drag:bons, No. 207, Pelvat
W. M. Glover : First Huse:ars, No, etee
Prieate L. R. Miller, Leurk•neetown
N. S. Seeonsl Battalion, No. 1Se
Private A. W. Lew, Itet1100,
S1171,11100100.1 Horst", No. 202, Pri
vat" Herter.
Brigade Itiviehm. Field Artillery
D Battery, No. 2 la, Corperal J. a;
IA1174114. flattery Ilo,ral eanatilal
Artillery, artifieers enrollee for tlete
meth tits* zee:tear :truly, No, 1.27e1„
T. eh:being smith. Welansl. Ont.:
Nte 2,177, Z. Smith, shee-ittse
Port Perry.
Sant is Henke.
Lienterol. Sam Ilkuthee, Cheated
Lane alai Lieut. Velfhle, with n hst te:
ether etkisliere Insalisltel from Swell
erriea, twelve:1 :kt 1140.111.3. yeetersitke
en the etc:newer ("wagonette
China's Ruler Writes to the
And Tells of the Many Punishments
Meted Out to Princes and Minis-
ters -lie Also Appeals to Russia,
and Japan - Troops Withdraw
From Pekin.
Among the Chinese officials whose
heads Germany has demanded as the
price of peace negotiations are the
Prince Team the father of the heir
Yung -Ln, the commander of the
oi-ernor of Shan -
tune, vow Governor of Shan-si.
Chneg-Li, iletz-Tung, tutors to the
heir -apparent, loth reported to have
1)1•11nlizterilitililisestil'ia'.insleg, general of the
ttli:e.:.11f:ir:41711.;:einesteiteters, wha repert-
4terto Situ Chino, special
ti 1'::. 4, 4-4t.:!: 7 1,- on t It ., 1.;oxer moVvta,-Itt.
I.:•.!' ,:z..:.!I •:. r, # t etre. tete-mite. who
raiesterksake in tit ountry round Pe-
kes ta tee epetinet th • Legations. A
m se, e:.:I2.; I:1 i‘C>r a: el...rent.
..1. .7.1,
1 ''
1'.;r:.;:)::t117:Li iine or the other
ea. kee....elteed eel:elle or leen killed
• is: k:ktea- e , .1 ht. tekset with onspielon,
es ie e amsekratible Chia:tee way of
e st,1:-„,7tir ..7ig.-nt. In Illitwit of stress to
1eir.,117%,-,.. tit .4. ta 1W ZS 10 '111P sure and
of I
• ek et; .., i ... " feet i.e. ka t is et eing **nee
nese ti 1; to r*sit p -a-r terenely in h.p-
piar tee s. Bee of thee the allies are
' , kateett
i : 4...A.rtany -13-aelts Down.
•„ .
keeee•-e, •eepte ....I. 1 a. re.--Appar-
Quiet earetteny's reereet front an un -
. teattet: its-ate/0 he : been virtually
.1. Th.. Para: correspond -
i: :lee:time Poz.t i=0,ye.:
t'. t' iot 'the Vitintkee :sit-
e:at'.0 1t-- ,.n arr,804:4-.5 between
Fr... -, G•rata.•a:1, 14 in.1 Rua et. D. w.iii
in iu,.-,,,;‘,..1,. :::,,-A. i.,.) . iiw f4tIoor 1 ewers
g„ w lesee. 'ri,.., :tot E,,,a re -
it ..kee I wed 1*. metier than tier -
t ete',; '' el t reteke st. aatut it 17;
• 5. I :a:, '.1, ,, th'et. 4.2 12.06 lb.,were will
40 . • , - -141:69,%, re mare:
veit*konest. tett hi Rue:anti.
Tor etstate• tie:I-Me h.:, atekther
. •, .
a ... 4: St 4114,1M,.°114 top trantle
1 I 1 ' . -.,..- • .i&e 14V 1'...,VIv 11'1 U
'4VINI r '...4 13.t•
I , . , Pe%P.- Tit 6 0't 0 . .6 -16•14•11e; .
-• • ' '4 tia .,1 De .V.-, .. Aere al teit...4•,,vvlyAr.
. VI • g.,"' , Vtig.1?.471,4 .. :awl. otinir n.iadwa..
: • !a, ..tgitt th i at t:40r; iiito nagiument
,,t77.711 ;r46661 '066 111:6004101 tatatre.
" 47 11::.fititta IldiAt IteY.' C,.'11.3,i1V41t1 UM -
a - .
. iit• -i «1 "zurest toeseer ielkeerarkee.
. se :. to tlebte peace- Ittaoseee „t pea,
.. ea: of ing11777a*-V*3" to hi k.4"174,48ragneti."
' y;•,,,, 6.4"-,g,g,047 81,s, dela datell 3; ps
2;1;7 Fh.,...., It re' 42.40, i
▪ L...1, -- 1 A1
A: 1 !!''.'.A
., ••it.'.Y°.
7. ' .or'-. tr"--46
•.:•.... ant tatg. 82 TIIA II, la.gi.: i"*.i.; -;:iegn4..t.l.,010
tit*. Pt.: '1.: ' - . -.:1-J. . ,..
..t....riii.. • • 4:',...4ev. ' "it 1. -6 •-• 110,3t6 6--',6 6:: ;A
trt 'tT. 61, 'z -1.47,,,..t..
11..--ET.P. 6 L
t ,.6 °. ' ... , ,,,......2.,
... •!". 4 .--," 1:ri• t" _1 ...!'i. SI'L.,ag1Ls.
' :: 40:7:8t1:17,•• •!7• .
7. - r.."•-•ri. .2 1:-. . •._ '42.hz-, t
' 22•777; 771:!...
.; ..,;:- t...ig; f;r1t7..-L
.-.030,...,•..; -: t"., t.;:g.tan to
1 op iteevellme Ordaine a Priest ma
Lays a Corner stone.
13erlite. Seet. Rea. Tleowelleg, ilehees ot: Minato on, lung.; ((01sit the depot 880 Vatarilaz,• eccitung
ttit purnn6.1.4 eofit wiry, *1 1,'a
Wring, siclist-..", taint g*.tii."..8" ,ts. an 0:4"
cort, el 1",y a tort•ti*Iinialt **:•-•: tog': 888
the 8202117:10. t: Iggigrog.tag;
rtht 1117* 1goz7017.72340 ht- 1
trta17:tar4 prirst. ;and On 417t4t."••
646'. a; ham rip, rA,.wen,...;,...,40,,Ado. DIV Vo'•
i4,;:zat;0..i.t in ihe prt.trinv el' 7.•at
itgAA.rom-ratie 641.16110 14'.:p :JJ
iv. Crp iitiVn_ li.V4',diV4e14
r ii1447:21 1l1i74 Lorg1.-2.48 In 8 ,ato.nt
7.7 trentn.473* that:L.-A t.or.
i,:,.raar2 1',1.1t4 tt•'? t ;L: t'',•7•11
tk teek-re.4 tire•to 2,"•:, t ti .14 tJ,
111"' ta4:4 gionarryinrut:.7i. .347it
:".-77t*'07I27.43 • Ll 1ottit. te
LI? /4.6 5.t.itt•itt «t-tl"t!"1
"ljt,tt, 1it tittt,t,",%Z7rittl it tor '41.11
• Ontgil u «Itt 1-tu t,„
ri-7•77:**Es1tIlt t tgae. t.: t • ts,
• tWItt64,4121.4ht «tn 4! t
tte.1 "bet 1 t F-tt- 1 t ititL 46. V
54" tl'i,'"41.Nt re St. *Iva- rtitr"*•4 ***:40-.....i*. was
"it:. tivr-ntisTfirst t:gehsgt or.2:a177.••• 1
sinto* ,737. to t11:0"
itlannt nn, 7.110. "11)f-• -Lion tiro -', iii
The. V.7'Tglintziitoxxiitits
rregrentc-01 firs ltirui,is..47 11it 11,1
iressxt.i 1.,b 1,...q72tri1ii
•re•tlesi es a sakuveksa. :es tee, • eeket A
te,o-nat77:70. oni,t774,:ht2: 7717 lime
rf trtrannz lito.:78., "it S(1.1".. -r T;
we YID', 17.61166 az, 2 44.4.er 7.1-;-
7•InetnIsholl 72imeitr.t74,74 «4 4.-2,82t73-71
14:16 11115. «:-it---t-i1, 1.4411 116 tlIrttt
ti,L,16.-5, and conios fie
it tit"? entity 7:07 the 4-7t-t7.7-r-sitt-n7-. Th,e
e.,ren:on:r a •01- ,2iara*
" car-rim:7n Vtynan. "i-t-tros•••,." "tott,
1*.orgen 11172e." A sebrekkee tf"ea, vere
t2 -5a. 14,p;i1
ti S.17. rfirtA,1m-,,,,-4..
7(167". ata -17: Itt-t" ti- 7:1-reartel,"
ilit.1143114 1121107."8.-8-
714-sterIons "suicide la; Miss Alice
". "7 • - '
ixtvtof tin* II -or.
.twa. Sr;pt, 2•4 tt.rg
tti• total le: 4. 77.73.--...gt3.•: t.
wit, 7:avg. 4.•:--t t7.g.27,7 .1t4„s lit
SmithLa i
:ditty it, e.t.a:7...r S.!glat.
Ottawa, l87,7 -rat. ,27ig!.-1Fr*itti th. ititest
leznit; rectivega 517trn i•rit-ate
•••• .
4.17,72,1 eg,...-04
1.1.V:•;t14 are 1,:-74 40.:Ig that i.c. wi:a
re73..0.-4,J• the
bta.e,s; g0tve 1817.7 • stTi.:847 assurg.iLe "4, tlt
he will, '?eavt-7 foratigl
tgigtargrgo an 474p.•:.xg,ilt:7 at N".4.20 -:;:y 17,y
the 1trig.1127:g onalsts '777 1.01t*Iott.
1ret.s..11, Sept. z.:t0.-22.•::737,---s httiitoen
.receive:.; 7roin the 8:::rt1t to the 1.114.1_.
4. - .61.511.1 Vtr It, NVIVI was rt.
realni7it77. of the itz:.-.74 Transvaal Volks-
rami, it Alta se • e, eit. • ee
leas (gee:tante:1 iteaself chief of the
toee Goeeezineat, ene isalireeting
'Vans 1.4.Tr the ei!lattina:tce. of the
tetrneeie- It te net theeght that
his oppitian will be scrim's when
•tbe Iaetate etteek. les force:4. iris
foliowere tre not *sable:la:Ma and
his suleelY of munitione of war is
:Zaefle bee been a slight sklrmish
A teem- --Z 14-3
tor g
...t.•,4 1,7 rez
t ims
tri .4401'1 IL'
ti-24Vi 75,z.
mat:7 it -•
of lilianitge,..z.
Salt. ;:ery trtzp2•
1(-12t 0 '.• 11.11.3 L -64.1 5 of
eteter ",T" "
- 4. ; - '..,
LIV 1n.t.tesnealetel strite1e t ;lea:a
itarre...e 6.. 0011
;it vittt wete Le? .eteteer,
eecera eine.? tees
e,etiees eat eattlethey eve -tante she
:eat etsveet taw:: t„. ;07.?rebate steeplees
er the wesiieiree 1kttWilieit was
tet -e era,: epee tosiay. Areong
41:3, tr. L. 1-v
7 Z.2.7*
..1". .i:;4;11-
t1ler nines sire prtatere.i an ounce
earree/2.- reel wheel size swelieseeki
; the wokeleakel, efeer fleet kiseing
er hese:tree Iiree-rearrke alerinel tilie
toner, and fter heeasale arrieee esesa
f-01 ratt.;-. t. X' .; •,r.r• t
Ix OA t:: V.it L 1r
' heerg. 4-820;::;:•;' : ; thg- Nee. et: is. le C. •Ir -
y seesettieet "--..6 11:4t4
e.i.t,"* ter ee >hn fell see seek'
eel INA 16-111(411 carbarge acid, and ne-
n wozili knew why. It vast not
• fv.entintl tier her lituelearel, whore elm
oved dearly.
Te Lo" in wiliele the tatteades ate
erreke W04 one, or the firet, ever lefet,
n this dcy. It has the rerratetiork
eina, unlueley, os 0110 nnirder, two
delsiee, two skeleen deaths and one
wotirrg 'have occurred there since its
!ae Ct.' IT: • Fie in ker. Trans- e
efule Been S. a- led 4." •‘.3. 'i%ten a*? te-
wesel Ni: tee teesee petty t ,single b
tee .k ttJ iti .': ,:11 nreeeti ns an/ s
' supg77.2.7--s n.tz2 I,* brou...-.1"... si
g atg ungve rs21;7. dernogri tor array re- c
,lorm. . ign L ',IN L461.1
761- ax' prov.:kt,i S.7.17 Ifer.ry
C rapita,,i/-11.ratinerrcan. the Iast Lib-
eette Veer erinakier, to say last even -
ht: "Cefieers peiretei le? better ?aid
1 or be alifered to- eepen-cl Oth e
the ;Trill:: w: Deli:fill/1 thgAlaygerrolvaii9n
for the
Fie &I act erire wallet/Pr the
cers exilic from the rank e or front
I the outside, tut they rumht to be
1 al17:1 to Thre on their Vey. Then the
I o1fici.:0-; would find that the officers
would devote the:nee:ye/ serloztely- to
. •
London's Neel" Lord Mayor.
London, Sept. 30. -Md. Prank Greens
was fornzally elected Lord Mayor of
London for the ensuing year at the
Guildhall yesterday.
Mr Green Is a native of llaidstonei
Kent, and is a, paper merchant. His
wife, a rclatighter or elr. Joeeplt Haydn,
the author of the "Dictionary of
Dates," died last winter, so the duties
of Lady Mayoress will be undertaken
by Mr. Green's daughter,
revt01.▪ ''
-1 itnt.
tio7,....41;•?;" :* rto tnat
. 215r. Di- viers,
- 732 0 v.-, 17-•-• go -8A ; 8718,1 - .12 mirglet.:7L-
...: 4.• • • • .1.
thr t...;•,;:ture of Polra.r.
tn.-An fee
t'al7 771•:8-1.:7;78 rant,
. 17Z -2:: was seat t-- :-:t s7 -7F."4 ti
U.?«4'Ple'L:t -- • , tfP
Zt."e• • ":•• :
kV:.:.'1•;!•4 2.: 7% /ars:
rg 0-717: -.4 ih itt :". 41: 7i.onr
;E.:4Pd ,r4; h 07,0 .v.,,tta,1
tart -7 1rii•z784-
, zee eteete. 1 sr v..7.7 -a r
1 Ea'at•r. i-yq•;.a2 i;vatn.1
8.0,7:774ctimr tirV. ;c1.,:' 'Of; i
• ea.!" heave •!
22:13:-7::Je; t 7",.:: l'7732 142,77
1.471n t.rt 0'11,4,7" c-vor$: ht. 21'40.- 101- th.jA
44 1 12 • .44116 11.46
- •-•1-46461:-. r"...-11"11-1" h.? -4:4117:4-7•4,
leeet r'-r7.;:v.: t 61-2",6166 642:111.0
:a•4,1:7 tar 7.1:7:11,gattgl
L 4' or •;:tt;t2-71..;;
n- r -•",•••••4 t- - • -
• r •ra,
0: .f.J.70 1:0 s'.4 tir.it
. , ;
mac:- .777s. ------1r• 7••••74--gt. '•
: A 7 • 'LI, 1J:iitt1tt--
IaI tr, f7."•1'.."..NNett,r
tali(li W"..4.6 1:-", 4 2,74.14
4;t5. 1130
• ay4 tis6, coart, Lrit ;
th.. peeteeke anti high elite
atere tie Same wit . zeeet. kearet the
eteeekeatieLity anti 1, sultaide
; Inane.
„ etwarea Prime- leek nee the
l'rage.g? Tsoi tz-td Tsai
year ease leteek etteeesesail feem leveed -
tees:" renk areea1ioilikeek. Tuna
leen treat --i ikaikektly. las haa
ts eiesees.ees Tor.) tmait e. and
aw,..-r to tii,f ;7100
1.0 4:: .-::•71.7.-tie whit p.-.Alr-2,1ty sit tr ite ita-
-.4.c,„:,;7., tura 161.1.0. 11...0.141711110ab hI allow
leea satartgp•*,:,,
the Ent:perar's ..-;lart, the ratite?
T. ate ete, :74 ert Y °re /le
fekteretary 11007,-X1.1, 110.1 CieeteChui-
Chan, eke President of the Boare of
War, have been eanded :over eo a
holed to deterknine what 'read'
shall be linpoeetl on them.
In making this ennouneement in the
letter to Emperor William the Chinese
Ernneror says that he has taken this
action "to often. these :offenders that :
an determined to praserve the Ira -
aerial inheritance and not to regard
Peinoes or Minatere. They muet blame
themselves: for that severe punishment.
My people must be pleased by this
The Imperial ediet promises that Li
Hung Chang's entire pine In regard
to the punishment...9e otTeNt.P.FA -shall
Iter Herbert, F Plead
Guilty in Open Ciirt.
The Plea a Great Surprise to the Court -Three Times lie Repeated 111
Answer "I Guilty "-lie is Remanded for Sentence -Gerald Sifta
Pleads Not Guilty and His Case is Traversed Till Spring Assizes
What Will be the Effect on the Accused Son of the Murdered Man?
London, Ont., Sept. 20. -At the As-
size Court here this morning in the
artou murder case, 'Walter Herbert
pleaded guilty to baying murdered
Joseph Sif ton.
The prisoner's pleading came as a
great surprise to the court,
'Gerald anon, who is eharkeed with
Herbert with having :lone the killing,
hati*just stood up in the hex and plead-
ed net guilty, and kis trial had been
traversed to the Spring Assizee. Herb-
ert then gave his startling answer
London, Sept. 27. -Mr. justice Rai
was greates. surprieed , at the ple
made by Walter Herbert In tile Sif
ton murder case, anti he asked if coun
eel for the prisoner was present, a
in his opinion, the prieoner should b
fully advised Its to Its consequeneve.
Mr, eleilmath rote and said he ha
a motion to make.
"I wili hear you in a moment, Mr
Helimuth," eels] the .Judge. "The eir
cumstances are fet extraordinary tha
I muet confer with counsel as to wha
• should be done. Mr. Loma, are yo
• prepared to vino the eentenea of tit
court 00 the premier'!"
• "No, my 1..ord; not juet now," an
swered the C'rown Fros,:entor.
ffelirmult tion moved for tit
postponement of the trial :of Geral
sifie.a. for reasons already advance;
by counsel.
, In anewer ta the Juilize's question
Mrr. I.ount said he hail nothing, ti) ttU
to what Ite had :kireatly urged in
ft•reuee to tit:• metisse.
. The Judge then steel: "7 think
Important thnt In a trill of title klu
, every opeornatilty bi ofrortei far al
a 1.1a"Itiili
lilitft r• i71h::111T:11
1* 1
The prieoner 4 11.. I." • 11040 rt.161•41.1.
taben te thelr
liatyet of the Ilvat.
1,1rh th. „1,s‘htat (Wirt 4-1.4410.1 10410.
f SL.• 6`111. Canker et :teasel Me. .Inetike
teat the pre kekess Sleek tea
It rit-rta. Might Ite 4t0.10t utt,
koe and so it. Pate :eel N,la a vv.
i" 64 .....tt:461141:st te ish Believe -4 let
few te* etattbre, >Wee. 1!".6.6 11-40
s severe >41-1 It.. kit eat
kott woe n at alai trim le epee:Arenas
'a h -I':( bit esesep.t.....CP 4*r1. 111
IP:..not.' '10- at, pe,i. . tbatela
sin t; tee tonfial Itt tit. it44 o ,;.litts,
IA , Wiekt tee ft lleti area Weak
tenuity lease 4*It « rale taltels
tries. is u 064'111 r 6066 .11 et6r1.141.,V
' -‘144.00 11011 a taffaws 10st
lee. Crow: vs vete ere ;twit tit* Judge;
it 4- l(Ieil 1787-4.4...49 W01"7" tit* 1 t t
141.- tli 64.- -01941661. 641 t1t:0116, t
tae 1163444 OW '4 al 1jI e46 .6.4 It L.8 claim,
kt istableseire tli ta, eaaatata see
Ike 'etas:N.1. it it protga trig, t it
• t 14..itt kV ti.9t ht. fig.tvs4,01 eeket .
pease:eV at tea, Are- ce, lett takt
ale It' e takeesio 1. Tree *staktett. tki
ot ti 8;‘,[1:01-t.4 for tigt* t:.--,33782
i. tThat llt i 110 4•••,;.•":37R,
11 ri> eta eekeebe ale 104 966
• • Stt 0, 6 4 --:-• 166'4. •- iett rib
bit 1it' A
'1.11 • 0,-.-g-aatigaitane:4 -. :6606,tt
topr: 11. tifi-.,4jr Liu tt'46.-4 • ."Ja
;!?- 4 14 th... ON.64••
.4. *6 - j • 1 44-
;6 64 . •
40.0.-t• .4.47:747:4.7 est it ; ttin
7;47'2: ".; • - 446.. 44, - SU N-•":16t4o"--"t-,
Ng fit :s 3 tit' A.
.01.-03 44.IJ vit -11 0-
the tIsittil Iturstion 88,1* the el nit.
The qui"4170u w;tA; rup .atri to him
itrev titta• 0041 gy.tae sans* 00.
swer to 1611662i 10 a bet . tte eadeltar, ttere.
The endeoner were theta rye:travel:el for
• Itterltert wan ittral*1 7,42afttnes iiircil
man, and the Crown allt-nrs that ft; to
aid Etteittrvil the Ind of 117,rigort. L,11
itts ftalgyr, .100.818/a 4401.4.018. .00 tin' ital.'
tin* latter '1%164 to ita7 0 hr078 arterael •
. ;1140114 t1036,161 1161646..,1 :3/41t14,-
When fletlekrt 141:0•4 aresattee e4.16.
tr6 to iiittit rting"4aig'777 iNf...4.30.1, ant;
4:410r4404 Palltioct, 8...aylintt
.1110-441,•grei hall ftret 7;trstrigt tin", 04
titan it -lith vi* -0_17 :a7s 2777gart
1t:1 -i inta, 140:4 iiterall 4 an:- •4-71 tL
tinfer7-07. 8t7ggin."7-.4 it27;:at the 1'13-
7;tgag,,1 ogelgigigsnt,831;-0- ent. tlat •
tv41,q)1.v4,AI. .0,
11, 01. «10
74-;13:7 itan.0 ii1207 It7.-7,:v gam! 714.87 tgoternor
rAN; X.0
er za 1„.7«itttxt:: .
i"o7„77-rs. ▪ are- 4olgt-,•... on .•7?.
87-Zottsly 1701i
sert7:4 a, te-pert
evita- la else Ikeetbrati epee 10
-10:17tratirs 001 t £0-141,1,! tE0114.
1:1 r;47.141.1. 07841 arAv
;D:,.;,.11Et.tora sggY•4
if tip- 8741e", ear*: 3.gtit.
ri;.-- ro.:31Agn .tr/pANDA,,, ly giora'
it 7,4371.78,2•01 vt-0-11. tit: 7111.1zg.:-'4' tigrt:
701417.r7,7. ;UN 2 71:4 -re 74:171 taare t6 -0i4
14”..!,',1 1,, E. ft to 14.4661.
Th,=. h,rtpr Tri:877 the ft:ever:tor
Shantnate i's 41.1 :4161•10 !'•
, Cot.iger. ."tineritara •
t vigl • 4.121,1.5.C.;;Ili;"'";7:vt:".4.';a Zit!
11114In't,q,.! et27"42•11: the stegzge «4 4, ti:•1"7
Tite• 1272-8t4477 ::27o
tine elerat the road tek
;A,a .1 iIi I014,17:72i01,2y
St:" 1.4461-31e itty t178c
6..4 r----,',72tii.,1225-"
lists 4:..14". Peo:•,477 tt-ito are 21:9.19 it
ItZ? 1.A? tr,ny teat IT
awes es eke 66-tereZr from tee eteee.
te;11:e:e, l-„etie 1iens-4* Tnae i
TrrNt-F16-.....,;::.N1'1 :!,P cement
a peeikelikekey. It evon tttV 91
ed that Teen 1111S bren p02e0aA.
Gen. „It,Sy?aviteTi, tLe
reerteer, ieave heeks. 0,3 the e7e.
mei tete tuernizers of the Rae len Lee
gatiso vlil irolion. him two, kiteve latter.
The Russians wili keep a setetra ette
se" 10.11. The naintbers «4 tig.m
other Legationare :ex:peel:leg oreers
r,,eseition of . Japanese ere.1 Ger-
Melee stetted teelety for a Iakee
stronalued, 15 reales to the aettelt.
An ititt itItil :', t44, 1* sae el
Ito 1408,2 thaightzt•L7tIo
..-; tit 11 11104610 1,"
the Lass'itin t tivti0ps, f 7 int 1502-
1;,8•47a" tigtrangessit 7all-g0 zog•-.;•. 77:4
• 01Iko ezar in t.:44. negotite-
trAtTlts: Vani•errir itas• a1"."0 seat et letter
18•4 the Mliteisin trq ze-ivme. IN 11161046 16e
ZpIcttitri• 9 for tee kneed r f;
titg; ,tapan. - ;34 eret.:reic the 7,8c-4-
11011 at -P. 14111. Et,.
IfElet fete oeser 4 fr-a7,4r. o de*ions
at Pa kit; frEvi IV VIP. 1';.irr
669 Toldo. Thr• Z:66ure, 0:4.0 ...,•:•r,ag:ts
fain -rat arownnee :9.ctg:1 tat -is.
li24-1111 liteatilto irtareme.
Pt !en. eot0-87104' 000-
tuti- ti:nt t17•4*
-kut1111P «:o -1 tigg; «i irr ler ,of tialla.gs•Le
*--targitzt4ttal:. iftussinns
1•4-.11Lt• intest*--• :a. aginggital
sar ErLii 14250:6 1.4f1 Mt-. ertly
ezaetented leasetiela itealreter ta See:lee
le see/lee:eh= t .7--"ir CD: 7.2471
has arrilled here on llitt 7
reeterii oe leavenae, wet neeorapareed
pee Emperor teal Empress lizowneer
in their flettlit, from P1•14:161, ttftr4 116 a
Jet -ter rreei146,11 her:1 tiiat tiga•ir itlaS-ss-
tieS Stifferea ho*- 41"r`,, •
11ee/10613, any `no for three gi •ys. Ti7ey
had to ride on einte.ls and were almott
deserteti by titeir fo2lov-r-r* -77
country throng -zit which tit -7 travelled
was devastate.1 1.t1 T161141410 -S11601".56
trot:pis they wrre arable to 0":7tulti
even netiessarig's, g_tol they easel no
/fliaidersee Arrives.
T.Ien•Tein, Sept. 27.-Coant reit Wei-
r tette te. • "eetre
lleseere, ereirit oiiteltatheet ee stir:ley
: 'fit ih-eare letki :elflike lett, no eneeeetea
toe. eletty of Ili ea were killed.
dersee and his staff arrived here at .1
noon 13? -day. Gyarcls of br.nor from ail
the miles rererieil hint arr, the railway
Station, which was decorated with the
flags of Germany, Russia and France.
The flags of Great Iiritatin and the
ot er all.es were conspicuous by their
An Appeal to the Allies.
Pekin, Sept, 25, via Tabu, Sept. 2S;
and Shanghai, Sept. 30.-1'rince Ching,
-ghe pro-goreign peace* commissIoner,
transmitted to the Ministers of the ;
various powersto-day a, communica-
tion from the Governor of Shantung :
and the acting Viceroy of :Chihli ask-
ing the commanders of the foreign ar-
mies to defer the sending of expedi-
tions to those sections. The acting °
17. S. Troops le lesakre.
Tl -n S pt. 29. Shnrrirtl:!
irt*. n0.-0r4ers frami \Veg.- bitc;e7,ton;
: ilirecting 1.12, witharawal ce tie, ladle;
of tit? Anu.ritetin trigo;04 were received,
aft0rgiorm., and pretw•retiesee to.
• comply wer:, htgart traina-elateiy. G,sns
Chaffee Is here direct:1m.; the move-;
; ment, which wiil rommonee at th03
earliest* 19o0s11.1e lausnent.
i It is angif?rstond that the plan (-011-j
ttnrolates Travinf*- regiat f Ir-
' fantry, a squatrroit of cavalry, and
battery of artitla?ry in 1"7.1,173 tf0pr47tect,
.11meriv7n intereAts, and 1h -et the ret.
mainder of tha troe.,ps will proceed to;
Sir Alfrral Gasrlee, the Dritieh corn
1 niancler, has gone to Tien Tsirt t
inttipecit the: British trocaps there.
eves t
of a
at k
la rel
zsd ft
rit ni
of It
Ing 1
of a
of It+
era ;
10 dl
15- 00
0 it
e t
t et*
t o ut
llete t
47, fo
Le 2;
a': 27,
tie ey
to iv
to t
or t1
the :