HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-10-05, Page 1Subscribe for "The ` eratb" $I per Year: HIRST YEAR, VOL. -1 The Official Organ Of Zurich and Hay Township. SHE ERA IL, IS PUBLISTULD EVERY THURSDAY EVENING BY D. DYER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: -$1.00 per ,year paid strictly iu advance. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged when not paid in advanee. ADVERTISING BATES. --Tran s i e n t advertisements„ 5 eeuts per ]3revier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each snhsequent insertion. Small Advs. such as''Loet" "Extra." or "Stolen" will be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5•oents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter-eolumu rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. AddresQ all oommunicutions to The :"Reread., D. DYER, Emote ZURICH, P.O. CHURCWES. fa.!T.I3ONIFA.CE, Catholic. Order of service for Sundays and Iioly Thtye:-High mass at 10 a.m., Ves- pers ami llmtedietiou of the most Blessed Saerament at 7 p. ar.. Week ,Days:- 3ias.' every morning at 7:30 aturday evenings from 7 to 8, ono hour's visit to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Rev. Father Valentino, Parish Priest EVAN F.LICAL,. Gentman and English Rov. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor. ta. ' tttl1eriPc Si. Petri cgetncittbc ((jolt Rirttft: Sontag Zitoroeu5 1let1l' cif, .1(benb_, Siebert ].1 EMI:* .norrietl's nen 2�Itr. €&r i reria)atntluna, Mitt. mei! : l•enNa iuu i7Jazlb 2FcEat, Paiftor. ercia . 1-t- s-... ztrRIcFI, OONT. FRIDAY, OCT. 153 1900. ware: agent: To solicit for "Paid Up" St To "Zbe ` erUUb" J O. STANBUR°Y, B. A. Sutleessor to COLLINS & STANi3URY .BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Morley to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest, Documents in original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Nei1's Bank, Exeter. Our poi xit1113rt, T. Gtnlclry' of Goderioh was town on Friday last. 'Miss Tillie Kibler of Dashwood spent Sunday in town. Mrs, Aug. Weseloh of Berlin, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Armstrong of Varna visited at J. Torrance's on Sunday. E. Appel and C. Greb,, have start- ed their annual hunting trips. Ernst Gies left yesterday for a short visit with friends at Ayton. A number of our town people attended Bayfield fair on Wednes- day.. Mrs. Parnell and daughters of Bayfield visited our town on Mon- day. Misses Laura and Flossie Kibler and Mr Hagan visited Dashwood. on Sundae. Miss Annie Rummel dressmaker lax able to resume work after a few day's illness. A meeting of the Ray Tp. fire insurance Co. was held hero on Saturday last. Ed Sipple left for Detroit on Mon- day morning after holidaying here for a few months. in Thos. Johnson's family and visits trs spent a pleasant day at Grand Bend on . i1ontlay. Misses Ada and Mary Cureras of the Blindline visited with Miss Susie Johneon on Sunday. Miss Amanda Schaefer of Tavi- stock, is visiting her sister Mrs. (Rev.)E. Sohuelke of this town. The Eckardt family of Swiss bell ringers will give entertainment in the Town hall on Tuesday eve- ning, 9th. inst. Garnet Steinbach's new pup met its death on Monday on Main St. being run over by one of S. Ronn- ie's loaded wagons. Garnie feels the loss very keenly as the pup gave promise of being some use. (A very unusual thing.) Mrs. Wm. Finkbeiner, who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Faust for the past few weeks returned to her home at Milverton on Thursday, accompa- nied by her sister Mrs. Wm. H. Hoffman who intends spending a couple of weeks at Milverton, and other places. There died. in Stanley Tp. at his residence Bronson line on the 28th Sept., Alexander Sparks at the age of 77 years. The deceased was an old resident of the township and his death has cast a gloom over the community. The interment took place on Sunday 30th ult. and the remains were followed to their last resting place, Bayfield cemetery by a large concourse of relatives and friends. Old newspapers for kale at. this office. Thanksgiving day this. year, Thursday Oct. 1.8th. M. Kaerchnr of the 1.4th.. is mov- ing 00 town this week. Misses Tillie and Victoria John- ston are visiting at Detroit this: week. P. Bender & 00, The world- beaters for prices and the best goods. The Dashwood merry-go-round was moved to Bayfield on Tuesday morning. Geo. Trott the travelling photog- rapher, pulled up stakes on Tues- day. His next stopping place will be Bayfield. Jacob Ort of the Bronson line had a very severe attack of cholera morbus and on Sunday was in a very serious condition. His im- provement is friends will be plc very d to heartslow, buthat he is somewhat better. The services in the quarterly thodist church on Sunday were conducted by the presiding Elder Rev. M L. Wing of Berlin, assisted by Rev, Finkbeiner. Rev. Wing preached a very impressive sermon in the evening in the Eng- lish and n - 1ie c cor render - In last week's issue the starred li4ll lant;uaa*e dth our Zurich market report, and edseveral choice anthems. This this week we also have Hensel' being also the last Sunday here for markets. These will be carefully Mr. Kibler and fancily. very feel - revised every week, and we are ing refc'rt'ace thereto was made bs sure our efforts in this direction the pastor, Rev. Finkbeiner, after will be appreciated. especially br 4 tis hich a quartetf-e eras sung, "We'll our subscribers on the farm. Tali newer Say goad -bre in Heaven."' HER3LU is a renal live infant, and'. Kibler has been an earnest will soon be a necessity to every worker in church circles and his absence will be very much felt by the congregation. farmer, merchant and mechanic. Our aim is to give up-to-date re- ports in everything. Summer Colds. No cold is so hard to erre as the smuttiercold. It hangs on in spite of all ordinary treatments and fre- quently develops into consunlptian It matters not what means have failed you c'an rely absolutely on Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine to promptly and nor- BLA7. E]YTEterAmilal;NT. nnthe evening of Oct. 9th,. bong the date (4f the induction of Rev. Davidson to the pastorate of Blake and Varna, a grand entertainment will be held in Blake Presbyterian church. when the following v. trentlemen Ed Alit has improved his house "rid ©curd f•t every kind i14:f rough arty expected to deliver addresses Sea - math at ca,4ut of paint, H, Randall the Judy a r.at y wekl 3n liendertion. liens:01; Larkin. Se a- tt4te n peau. ter diel the job. than best families lies allatw ear thin arc..0 I f4.rth ; Stewart, Clinton ; Pint:!aomer 3Heeere Setunda'rs. Vincent and h;aaxni1v size O i et;'nts. ' Bishop passed through town on Sun- . a ielt. r a4 *lay'. on flair way to est. Joseph,. A zlttatizl a+r of holies and e;(nntler_ mon from the town gave lir. and ) T E , . Prorietor : t,e':t,"t°r 411,4 de:og os. stttda.al the' UV caning 4131 t1t'31 i[51 ;,�•a,. ' Y. P. A. +°�rtnventkn, at Resider. ' n➢ns� Sept.:11st"nn and 1ar4'4P!ilting fluent A, -t azeetataan miaation for the 1 with the f.+llowin n. m1411�°« and ai t•. r 11�� n .. t. ttames s III (deers t'kis reatd like' E..il. ra9".7ann mull Y Miss T a alio %'a(ttat rand '1Cr..Lli Aviv/ j• �lr� . I�iltler azl ta:'3�4't•a lair' ;+ria• ji'i rt traay.•niata;i lotlllhO, Acreage i yt4i)R •14,(°1 li a cairn• 14ztrY'lyan t u 11.1 Dreher 1 a.sgatafa3Il t,.aL ret (zv°c ury �h' at "I ill. ,1 , .. a 6t atl am .6 n 'r n t tl► af�aY4C IA )0134 /11 date ii.a.431O1a mule Aor'4e 0.0'. t ri tis- 1prt w 3lttati4+li was naastlit+ by ; _--------- ��: . ° ., ,.. ° ,. � elnnuanl ',eclair then t'Id1tir. t9i' t➢nc' �; ecus ML:, cannel �i3°;.Y P.., '...; t ,: " �� a , .. 1t aa:st-t ia,lwrr wasllaieie loolat_. fon }1➢161`x°12 lila . is laid up at, px4 went - I l• d la°a,.P le a 13111 31BI NEh� 1";R Ilia it. At tiaP':, h: ' !a•, 1aa o a.7 t+n4 -, 111.:lv II e i. anti i . d t 1 „ taan12n-, - � �� i ¢ (arse°nntIlc` av i� Dr. tLi284°HQai�vat2 � 1 d��sill 'n ' ^ '. V� a1�nlQt'nQ's Hai;fl$ • - �,`:± }p H� H tlla lbs•��te°'4 1a,un•n'>rot�.! v ,,,d:'1�Q�1Y t^Y 1 •:', 1 i*, 3.. !a� all 1" I;'r. filar Hnaairna� na s4QxIllax a,v n a"« n Hya 1_ i,. , a ., i L.l.. - PiL l.dl. in n x111 re:fret t't tH ilt \ °° ➢r 1111 E v Yen t;aUa'Ba']IA. �`+ Mania l• x112 d l ,:12 S.1 , MARRIED t)f Mil ,and nth! es. 'iiia_' nitiyie' will be furnished by the methodist want to 1°C'(�114'("' our 3 P�yrtrP('IK 111 c41'elt'1' t; Pi.sILiA4! 4,11«air. Znrit b and the Zurich 1VU3 1°(rt:+Ill fpr the iillltit'Ii a arrivals t c Ate. tier Pain', girt' latsit3g spared , 1 a It lit.•ti'i fall l:.C4(W . to mak,. ell(' :wan. au t' and '-:tat', !•yw. N • 1 •m ;rCIY' '�1'(fl u: and Iry will : ai'i e IM tl'trill ..je) ti'lia4`• Conte and enjoy a ;.trr;at rnitt�ia'al <to 7;5 tents on t'a s 1i pair. Note the folitilk-in t1'tt°t•s. and ilntellet-tial treat, - New Dress Goods i New Mantles 1 New Millinery 1 New Tweeds 1 Each season brings its new wants and new supplies are provide • Stooks are fast falling up and we are ready to .fill all orders. Our m•il- iner will be here next week with a, fine line of new ideas. Our dress goods department is complete. We are showing a finer range of home -spun and suitings at very low prices. We are in it with our tweeds, -having bought very lar.resv this: season we are ready to show you a fine range of blac•li 'and i:rorsted'. serges, Scotch and Canadian tweeds at very low prices. Give us a call before before ptuehasing elsewhere. No trouble tt show goods Jj'autt,Main Street Zurich, Ont o Produce taken in exchange for goods. • • We do as ws say! 1IE PEOPLE'S Boot& Shoe StoreL- 1dtt12i4on; ;1 4 t.. P b ilti. e n l t Wr. ts. ,, t alt nit u $141(4w .Hulce; 11 2e Don's 4�1r's opat n at i e"elisee. esa natieUet" 1''a:Q'==`a�in pries' i'• ;a . eight. i'p it. aatlid gratin ;m e: tao. 2l�,�p. H,.tYL' id1111„1'ct't' i :41fn ii, Mom's 44,41,+nus, , e,,,IX.1'1'✓ aaw2Pl t°a➢ tJt h 2x2 n9it.11. t lrt t of as 'C6 It 2 1111112 tt a` 1 1'4 1141S'V nn Lr ° ,;v+.ff�d➢lYnl rm, x4 "' �i iIlc1 ha°12. lean H^e• "va'+ n•. r ° '. _' 1111 t , d.111_ t.. •1 111rt a°li! 9uul' "H'e4a°ar tt1 urge iSlat`t+lt`t!ltav tf44 tkilt tvitlli1n11 a ^ r . C " J. l'n'Lae`n' aajr 4a1°CP HQ., tFrn H�i➢2,11r' L. 6t4�1, e tsIl11 1 C" Ilfl 1.. n c rma t° ZrAs stttruti 's ants tZ a. n4ca , r Il_t4aal 401! .ua,,d �'1rdh>rU4 aYf'ap! niacrdyfF �''�Dn ue�a'1 at (4i -rattail= ails;! Uu'[ Qatr`pLLY'^u'➢ `?� . e`Y411P'�'J°. t1.!aa>` 46'4' 4'>anl$aaUtt Ill°t 4122 l is 'a "17vQatS' nirfica A J�i!'vl' ;t hall '1;-v°1. ass tc"B1E e' a PY Leave your ute stu ev L1$ tt ntlrntitt >jt2 retinae wQa ,'' {` tut t' C?! the ` 4 tau `ii f all DUE/ i"aq-., a 1np 1 '0:!':411 41 -re _ :, n to �' a 4 1Q "• • .r" tan 1 4'a, •,x ,4ra1!: were I :4l- 1 6 4 9 wear- islni 1al•^,K't• a%t° to 1. cll. s2414111 -:.a' g1"t' H^nv4- the 1st°*t Inlet' auf lawn and t9'aaa: t ni s 414 4'W 241 tae63nn gG a In 6.4' Ya 11 ,/ P!,£ 115 x11'1 /Wade loxia s .,aQ 66HartAtte',41�1,'.1H fin 11 1 3 •. lie .rats' ear tat 4 ,o.°,, .aIltaYdi['e°t6• Rr'n°(';4�n' ;MA LC µse' p'(7 pY 1�- - Jk .l a�i'ii 'ifs t a t1i'!� iilb4t l'i➢ �' Q -i ff 'ate r,, >1.11 D ; Qb if r144." 3llrp +.lfIlanG6 atG1� r; o�t fire V, or.a. ir..w.yt-41" lir!?:» tesi ,11. D' (n t ,..'t5ma'l1214• ;12e'. kt.. Si 6,i 4+ se ea. l'6a':aaaltl^ ,.q II lie ti.A • . ,a• -h - Q,I.,rl•, .�YVY�C1IFt �F3GYD� '. � r1"" Il na «YGaV�! ll'alarYY"� with 37'+ ]4a *4ea1-: u. E�JnCslraa4. to a 11 appreciated and tn�a,il we will "l..HgslnlQs+.na. have 12ntlaiin but t1hi. !e 7t7ii '•a e+i $t ��r e also handle 'rise I'dE' 111°.i.1ed wtub In'1>e13. w':llttl', pert ret -11. tT:ai Q:ti t efi Atli•. and gave' as t saga.* titer. R'fl t typo° & H -V 4 Zags Annie Fisher who has lrt=eln 1 lrilntlest re;'sr'Is anrnxl 2 a° aar.•1 ti°�s ev Dna visitine with frit -lips here for tine,,'I Vt'e Hatai;e 100)11041 t,r-r HYa,YIc 1nHr:Yn Coat a � fi.r' V °s 4t6'ittn ➢Y � 'c •3. S'rtilei102 .. e4 ;vriF Public past t mnntunnth returned to her home . pride at all times e - nlestl- etc, me. res.: quare and N ltta Street. at Port Arthur last wee :k. enxdeaavoritig tea elevate the moral Uralaeriiii, nQatarie Standing. of etar tott11landl 11.f1iendti1i W. OffOu(>1 )O ` (I. c. HAvs , F. W. Hews and Georse Hess left ever ready to give 1v o sa•to1ee • on a holiday it'll) to Chic-a:1.;O, Smith and we hope . yonr ren ea rolle.•e of fecal and other American points, They expect to be gone abort two weeks. U I p 'semen daily except Stitulays fon ai. m.. until p lt. xtl.. The nn:tils are Miss Beatrice and Ur. Garnet edistnimtatc td as follows: n Stelrnbac°lz spent Friainy and Satter'- day at .S".eafortli, visiting their cis- dart1~oo t tsa,rt.,el©seat6-5va.nn. as :t as as ,a 4r.��J-yy'c3S}PE, az ae tt, °1L�ri. &)1.. ma{�y,.. �t •e 17 as 'a ice. �3. W 9,., as G :Mains. ter MTS. ka1(lwih and also viewing the fair. �John. Preeter is making somehues to bis dwelling, which, a° Ewen livis a.>L. arr. n :410tn•tit.: when ettitznpleted will aadcl-'1 v - a4 as i tDnateiriaily to the room and comfort as a. St.Jostest, " 10.:l'y 3.3aY.. or bis houses. :. L. i1. 8z B.. a' 11 :030-311. Sai••m Le.vegoo(d. who has been eon- "` " b. H. . B ,a .:30 an..nu. played at the Zurich tannery for Las lion RE{Rewe al-tON. I3lust l the past year, removed from. our ;irs`ea laJ><f an lilnur previous to toren on rMtlnntiacy sand h • as gone to the time for closing the trails. reside on the 141-h Con. D.b. ALa�T Postln .seer. F. li atyler s household goods were 1 °*er needed. taken to Hensaill station on Monday M 1•v Its wall she no less enduring and pleasant: nt: As a Might t n, :•aa off teem in thiels "'Ott ale held by us vee now present yeti with this secretary which we gracionsiy ask `out to accept and vultu. not eta ac. !' conittt of it°3 oral: intrinsic worth but beeatts<e it is the nnateria91 relare- SC'nitetion of the feelings and re- j- :spect o f sifcete and sympatsympathetic1 friends. in taking this our fare -1 well - we wish yeu s,acr " aan d �; happiness inin'oar' fiat -ire i1 and;; i you ou Mrs. Kibler a speedy1 ecov- eery from your -lingering illness. 1. We may not a all meet here again but we are consoled -with the know- ledge that there i4,a brighter and more happy world beyond. where fareweiils are never Le. r.1 and r ,. tt'4icn'e regret;, t !Ma tier `:Iva' no 1 on, P. Hess. ' MARKE' r ..r for shipment to Brampton. Mr. Signed on behalf IDR B 41*anan. x + Kibler and family left for their of the Town Peter lereent. j E. a1 13,attn tai to 6;1" z Dated at Znrieh Selat. ? t11 lel^0. 6, �� Chits. Troyer merchant of Hills -1 Mr. Kibler- was Cotnlplett'IY t nken 3 ren called on us on Monday. I lar surprise but sriert'erietl in mak.- 35 i` Charlie is tax 1 ollentor ai gin for ing a r � n avert snitalade reply. He f•n(1- 5 j v s , Ha'- Til. l)Tit the hope leis next call 4 (1 t�v stating that the 1 na"' 1lt'- lc'fO will by. as 11i. 1'-. tut its this notwith- it4na ed to the LitI y 'i.e. t . i t••t of33 1 f standin,n.. they ni:;ht. Tex. .Bae•*aa:::r'x was 1 -v14 eel every Thnrs daav afte 1E heat relate 1, a•ley Pens nom' 2. .Setter Eees E -ltii. 0 T - - _ _ 10.4._4' Dnateh its - - - H!11 ALL MARKET moon, new home on 'Wednesday. f• t4 *si4 i scare•. It erzub - "cc -A, and as to ls'e a . 934 a were I. laa3.ce (ai.•rLed fm at butcher business client in singing, r, a .: i.,. •..a''iif c`- , ,� � 4,-f lae� (' for the past 12 years., will ells- int;. The :*0(d ladies Ivo a•4 l21( 4 3 cte partnership on the 1 ;tin inst. as lunch which was gay at t i -i 1(''03- 1 4 .71 The business will be c"s)ntin:•.e(1 lbs attt'd gat 11 p.m. _efts n . a.t.-tvint, S. A. Hoi(iennan at the old '-tarn. the inner man and lr1'ie ;na,= the! 03 to c :; The ?ttrxt h flax mills are a(1t <,r family good -last' tis- IT -' (11S- . 4':y .`3 tised to be sold ibnr elle :•re 7 .:.. Forged eel to their r( else c tet 1 homes ge- : aril k oli:1,5w, keenly the 105.1(+i' 544 gen - -,i6 3i' The 111111 is in good working order, , cart a family from our that -n. Tdt(t* 54) 5s and as prices claire greatly iliapi•ove(1 k --ave with the best tt isi s.es !ryi the' 2.00 2.10 during the past two yeKars, it is et- tot l ' ! `, success 7 5. 5 f etec that a oo � , 141 attempts n0 matter elected ehairman of 2' ,^tt'nilr-11' Wheat at - - - - _ ... nal? bell• B(y;t;• (live) m, f'•'4 (1.o (t1i8::s2(lj t - a`.7 1 e '4 1 tl t g cl ,tore will be 1 crown tl J lT hoped `2.20 - 7.70 7.25 realized for the property. 6 where they cast their lot. - 1.[111ttl"tlit4on. 411Q'e'aolify".� 7..41:1 -Ito the; 434. ifph ><i111)t'r-. :131lttteA (1111d 3'1•''i -t t■l y1 1 trade. S.6'i a o1 Arthur 1 l Wined: •ii. t)II !+ taken 111 danghten°. WE WILL NOT Be UNDERSOLD! ! 4oa>ra II CHAS. FRITZ, At Cavalier Dakotas en the 2'111 P lite. Louis. 591 ofd...� IlVYiltn'+ aat. of I)ashtvood, at the age of 4b years. At his residonc,. Bre n�•°'h Bait' j Stanley, on the 2-th. ult_. Alexaann der Sparks. at the age of 7; years. DrcHARME.--•At his re:-i(leatcei on tine S able line. Hay T1s. onn the 111t1 inst. Martin Duchatme at the ttge of 1:4 years. ATTENTION ION 5000 Barrels of apples wante 1 for which then be market l I'.ees willr)e paaid. R.S.Ricliart son, 7�lait•33 130 YEARS' EXERrE1 CE a isiAcr MAn11s reesi NS Co'YRIONtS C.. Anna,• ae a t2ng tt ercetelt and er ltta ,, maty ' gnu^, a?y rest a shin our a mt u -n free w r her an faire rti..n r9 rr,4baT 11, atentab!.. e`a.uan atniea. lions stractny* .itiitie7 to ' II:u ax t 1. fl n . t:t•ts sent fra^e. ()Rest agency fr.: sa nr a;r pate:ns. I':xtents :ak ii the }urn ]Yuan Sr.Co. ser -pare spa eat mtice,Cath; inu canr.;e. z 111 a Stitittifit Jltiternit I A hantlsnmeag,Ti;r a!rafea4 weekly. Larceat, ctrnatiort of is ty :ar;eutn i- Inurnaa. 9'err rs, $3 y'eur: fl,urn,onal's,$L Sold bra! neo-sdenier4. DNN & CO 2e1tr©adway, New Yark I3,eoCh OlSeei 428 r 51... ¶1t$4:bington, A.C.. *Zurich NE PRIeB LTSE Ha eib's Block New i Dress Goods and � ;i eta M hery Pre Zurkh .. 1111.,. �....