HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-28, Page 8Fit well • , Look well :Feel well 1 Ave results which folloW when you leave your order • .for a suit of clothes with lieFF VI The TRiler, 9 LAUNDRY in connection !Ismer NERAL BLACKSMITH A N 11 HORSESHOER. 'Repairing all kinds of machinery a speciality ! ,J. WiSEP, ZfiliCh Johns n's Wtollen Mill 'Furniture Store. Our new stoek is now cola- splete in tweed, blankets, sheeting irlannelssyarn and stockings, also a lull line of underwear at melt hot- -tom prices. We (awry a full line of furniture sat the lowest prices. T.& M.Johnson F. Hess, STEAM ,000•11001 Carriage Work All our work k guava:deed lir eless in every u-spect. Wagons Iola:lies, putters, sie,igh and oiler vetnoieks awl implements male to order. Y. HESS, & SON Zurich, Ovaria •01.1.111110•014.01.000141101.110110.10.101111.•00. This space belongs to OUR PARIS LETTER • )3Y B, 3, RAGA. I succeeded in taking •in consider- able of the place as I had the most important noted before hand. The stranger's first impression of Eng- land, London. and Englishman gen- erally, are seldom very favorable. To be appreciated the people must be known. Without the glitter and glare of the western cities, in their homes may be found solid happiness rarely experienced in warmer cli- mates or amongst a uore onthnsias- tic people. Brick buildings largely predominate, al -though in all public edifices marble is mostly used. The visitor will also be struck with the large proportion of small houses, many of thein of most limited di- mensions. Arising from the nature of the coal used, structures of every hue and material soon assume the same discolored appearance, from which the eye turns with grateful relief to the evergreen parks and squares. The streets of this great city are well lighted with gas and electricity. Among the most noti- ceable of the many differences between European and American cities, there is none which attracts the attention of the transatlantic visitor more gratefully than the system of cabs, of which there are upwards of 10,000. The fare is very reasonable, but yon must tip, the eab man or driver if you want the best of attention paid to you. The omnibus with its double deck is also used for conveyance and up- wards of 3,000 may be seen travers- ing the streets in every conceivable direction. To enjoy a ride on one of these it is best to get on top, next the driver and hand him a cigar or a few pennies. He is u fund. of information and as a rule. very talkative. A third system is the midetgroimd whieh is ever verdant characteristics of the vast. conservatory, the smooth lawns, • the gay pasterns, the leafy walks, ' the unequalled fountains and refreshing lake, are praised by all pleasure seekers,aed far beyond the description of my pen. Tho day I spent there I had the pleasure of seeing a cricket insitch, a game of polo, a 25 -mile bicycle race, a a 'dog, a cat and a poultry show, and Many other things of interest, while in the evening the fountain illuminations and the grandest dis- play of fireworks I ever saw or read of. You are' admitted to all this by buying a return ticket to London Bridge, Nelda. costs • the small sum of one shilling. Windsor Castle and Park : This is the general residence of the Queen during the session of Par- liament which was going on while I was there. The Castle can only be inspected in the absence of the Court, while the park is open and accessible at all times and is well worth seeing. Rose Court: This is becoming a much prized summer and evening resort. During the summer months the ladies from different parts of Europe and Asia hold what might be called an exposition. All kinds of ladies' wear aro manufactured on the grounds and sold to visitors and merchants in the city. The grounds are spacious and well wat- ered, containing many small lakes and camas. You can have the chance of shooting the shoots on the Canadian waters (as it is stated there) and also of taking a trip on the great wheel that is 305 feet in • diameter, The music is furnished by the Laches' Marine and Naval bands. Stringed instruments are used entirely in the former, while in the latter both stringed and brass. Yon can spend a number, of hours here very profitably. Parks and Gardens :- I visited a HAY comwm, • Council met. Sept. Mid. This Meeting was called by the reeve,. for the purpose of reading and ben- sidering the report of the. engineer re the cleaning out of sZarich drain". .After the report had boon discussed' at some length by those present, the report was on motion adopted. The police village of Dashwood was granted $41,66. A petition signed by J. McBride and others, asking coaneil t.) have west branch of H. S. P. extended to the north boundary, was J434 ;adore the council. The petition Wa.3 ud- optod and F. W. Fame anb ordered to make an examination and an assessment and report to the coun- A report in regard of east brawl'. extension of .d. S. D. trail the. engineer was laid issiore the council. Tho report was adopted and the clerk instructed to nutty all parties interested, that tins re- port will be read and considered at next meeting ot the council. The following accounts were or- dered paid :-W. M.Shada, lake gray el $1 71.; IVIunicipal world, blanks $1. 40 ; Frank Wright, stone ham- mer, $1 ; Ortwoin, cedar, $4 50 F. W. Farneomb, part payment $25 : Deichert & San, sharpening grade blades, $15 ; J, N. Howard bridge S. B. *30; Orville Eh.nes watching fire at bridge, $1; Wm Dignan, rep. cul. eon, 4, $1. Coun- cil adj. to meet again on Saturday Oct. ath at 1 o'clock, p. F. HEss, BR., CLERK .DASHWOOD The Eckhardt family of Swiss Bell ringers gave a concert in Mos- er'S hall on Saturday evening. The selections rendered 'WM? of a uhah elites. order wer 1 hi hl 4. Ar y the most remarkable of all. The I number of these, but spent no appreciated by all wile attended. . ! shoe -blacks are also an institution : irreat time in any one. The first A. MCL 1I1 who hits been teach- wing, Hyde Park, and. of all thek !. - !not to be overlooked or diepised • ' wear ti• cholve spots in the English capital I ing the pitst year at ••Smoking tante/led to a brigade tinsv !uniform and are subjeet to still. , this is perhaps the finest and most !Ii"11°w" hue resigned his pi isition J rules of dieipline Malek render! noted. Intertwined with sinnees! and will leave lia• Detroit in a few s a : t , them respeetful and attentive. For the most rm earkable ineiddays. It iunder:qud. Mr. Wiser- ents Of • en is going Ss) stndy for the kind ' i tat, small item. of oiie ptmny yina ., hiSthry and romam.e, it is like the profession. We wish solt Stletyss' To be WrigM.P7171143.1.111r...V....1160.10,111.111111.01•111•111m., aumazge.....014110.10 . . SALE FO 2 St and find. ourselves much over • stocked, but we cheap and can give you the biggest bargains in h, coves and tinware. you ever had. Note the fond. Square washers regales. price $4.50 now $2.50. Elephis paint, was $1. 50 now $1 per gal. Lanterns, regular 50 cts ng; Wringers., regular $2-50 now $2. A lot' of Daisy churns. . -5 t ) be sold at a bargain. 4 boxes axle grease 25 cts. See lantern -will go ont if upset, If you what a good furna0 yom• house, give us a call. Eavetroughing a specialty. apple parers and threshers' supplies, at • taakil HTLEB, Malgterrolltad p ocks al 1 ! We have moved The Zeller Stock into our p We els° carry Rohertson.s and the Sherwi. . . Williams ready mixed paints,which b sold at close prices, Handy harness riveter regular prim $1, our price while the stock lasts 25 Os. W want you t come in and. see us. Our stook is right ! Os swims are right :1 We are alright! ! ! If you buy from n you will he alright ! ! 1! See our i0 -cent counter,-artieles worth 15 and 20 cents .1.111.•••exterM/MIWINNWINO.M...aaiMIVOMMICIWIGAI.......11.11• receive a first clues shine. Having only a trysting placghet and e of the hisi Mut'. few days to spend. t i . ..' . ' Slaughtered in 4.11') (k,sit1 Z) • 41;711 C14 joili) I visited the following phase: of Rey. Eifei•t held Divine serviees 'note: St. Penis' Cathedral. the [continued in next iSSUQ1 ,Knntlay last, in the Lutheran ;pride of all Lomb niers and winged want to reduee tid at lanulon. doubt the n'' ]est building in this I kingdom. This stands is' dated tit ()HE N LINE the top of Ludgate Its dome P. Bender k . • 9 strutfall :end 0 Isle iitvy S Intl 'torni "Mal' oli.eititoa ft) InIter it bargain nriees in every department In ii 1 ever bey section litet Thursday, e le {. • d, great disp of damage to the iateh pair. --on regular goods. mows. we will set,. " ),t :mil mister. We will Nave von 10 to Pent Nearlr all the apnlee is ' is .101 feet /thew the river level. Mr. C. W. Sanders who for some' dl Tiw. hpu and Meek are eelebrated i time past has been supplviter in the former is only toned on the Watford, is at present renewing [ ., • r• la death of one of the Royal family.aegnaintunees arOlind here he ne x'r Admission to the inain, building is tends going to salmon (loll se •" 14 (1. but the other parts. such as London, wliieh opens Oct, lst. P" * tine whispering gallery, crypt and bull etc., from ed. to is. ed. is The Woman's Missionary tiociety charged. of Goshen held their regular month. Westminster Abbey is situated ly meeting at Mass. Stogdill's on Monday evening. near the river and is open on three sides. Among the ennons and in- John Dowatin who has bpi% QM- NI° teresting eontents are tine ,old ployed with Cah-in Dowson for the, '. ei-ronatien (glair of 'Muni, in Wilitql summer 11",s roturned holm, all the Einel-sh monurehs: have been - ' ' eras:, nod, juis,) the 1.4.nso stone fron1 `-There seems to be at , great ac. , 14teattland, on whieh the Seottish .?nand for nee this fall. lir. J. '1'. .W.I1 f„,,,, es - . ,.. ,„, „..„„„ u.,,,, ... ned. adin issil di Cairn's, eidea for the past week have L1ii large, StMli, Of the Varna, Su ave lawn blown down and winter •Fr :42-32ZSM........) nit ::1 11,4 bt. as plentiful res was .M pairs men's finished kip la •• See hand nuele. ehl prim. $3.00. ha priees $4.5til .0. ertater diggen hue began and :in Pairs faytorY 14 't1t4* spit. .1.41.11k and tilittno *01,4. 4481 In pa ors eonzinon kip bons.: *Less bargain privii% SALtie prim! $2 • espeete are good for a large 4.111. bargain prices $1.50 to , Menis plow shoes, old privy, a?..1.21 to )-1.75. barmiu price to John Chapman, 3,1ather Chapman " split andirrnin, side lave, William's patent, old price $:,1.410 to and 'Sire. Brighton all of Waterlon bargain priesse $1.0.1 to $1.S5. .21, up. mien %%ere visiting at ' " huff hal or calf bal and cotnegress. S.,!1.,t) tl $3.40 now. $1.23 teo $ IN. Fried's returned home on " i. dougola bad or congress, neni mice ;,,I.J10 tol..;:t.eo ieckv $t .35 to , .i•ley last. , o ti,,x emit% Maanzivear •tvelt, tan or blaelt, nevi, toe, $.1»;$ to bargain price $2.*:1:n to isS23. Mrs., Claimmin of Listowel is at ested vi sting her mother. Fon a DAYS ONLY., -10 pairs naenN bals, contrress, ox.forilq, old s little out of stylin,.._ old twice., :1'1.2: to $3.11.9, bargain pries% $1.01 lolin Fried of lonelon spent in our North window tor six days tally. May- at brunt.. - Artlille/CS ettlIvsC !Ott VI's Ulla Ina. from sl ere to 1;4.'23 gram hal ir 1' hatit.+111. ti,11.11:i to $1.Asi new $1.4.9 to . J. IteUtiedge V. Ka who lias been . 14 tiltinaithi Nat or blittol1 ratiPlit VT, Wm, .!..1..a.r., now $1t.0•,,, l ii , off' duty fi.nr a few days, is: o " bail or button. pat. tir &Angola. top $1...tm to $2.,:im le io attetal 0 lase,, ;min. :! price $1.an hi V.2.y lies Geiser anti family spent ' „ ". r'Nf"bra ":" 1"."'"b- t"t' IP il„") t,l''3111fill•11.11''''''"' I"11(44.,f41)..2-"511 tillitint ga Shitrtta %ilia fria.nis - - 1-411•""‘•:' t'Au"" '' 'g"'Ail '-'44'‘fi'.4 t -.4.. -' ' ""1 '--A 'd'tql''' '''.1 ?!.,S., to II0.. olld ;mires $1.i to e3.Z-A1). tin -v '.'!i.,imo•-t.,, to t.,41.ii,411 qui oar • ev. MortoPtt and wife have gone Etcin fr o t4atcr.--tlis line is staltahlie f, v ,,.:iiii. 0N -tinting sehluel. Seslea; a tb?.trir. , to, uttoull film J. 11T.S. - • iiNG OrAtITY.--We hatv them iirn Evntt11 ,,,,r ijtalis. t1arte44 (1.1,er; wedding of Mir, 150r1UPIC.1, enttS. 1-%..017.iiivear we -J. ..r.,tet,r t -w. atno.1 Patc..4 s-lii.. ' The honses of Parliemeta: lip,. , people van searcelv "et enough tut Watdimaker aria Jew- ' 1""r" '44411 wkti". I vas th"rv,- , it. 41 a r 091.61-i' IiIMILIAI : :2 tregPOra, I'1*'.at4 01 f n.tress. sta. saline, on tin l(nt I'1*'. Fine R1411.11137.'4' a "1.:inta of the Thames. it tla te,4 bac& ';4, l'tir Le, &Anus Caesar. Next the If.g0 1 tY. Prices Right! No goods to be given away - this week. rushee is as 'queue amq Mar HILLS. GREEN la Tilts tauttit.. AlieNt. Forest' anal Ins ttetter half th, thrd,41.th tht,' r„ 1,0 enteanee ton,Arti isuy trrse is krnt tu•soll In Ci6alern12 fair. zvilitto st:114, ust,t4. itrottctht iskaot. touVit. stierer,416A takines, in lasses tsetse tkaer, teeeit guest at Exeter &at -eels zsar .1DT1144'-r- 1 DEP linucAloxr e ',If 114' tql,Wv-il" Ch=in. UPtioMBItt1111 aNkirt+ t atDtillnPfa la '! ,, A 1. Clip irregular as*.enl:',oilluge or short mitintiatr,r irid Itolizes at ZztreieiL StrilS÷t., Cirlpi Vu$AZD1YVNII,.. 11'I01,7.(if”4. , i.1%[..tile trtdi' w3utett is White t-easer and the ;Mrs- lhw's'n, "ft' Bisalitfora is 9:11ienell. lin it is it !hie les -Mien of 41 V71-iitt./4-; frisli9lIs llterP- sBtutta Nontlutii. eilatreia. t littler ' if t 'vW0`3°S :41%7 Li„lli. NIt11111!e. Bell. Salt. 'Nits' :S"111 "52'eti" "jf rtfl"rit" :Tent tiattirday with C. Troyers.- Meads% Brick. Beyer and the ariehainp terser. Yarn van ; Levi Stelek aud Maxwell I. ti' eurious earvings vivar:S :are busy doing heeiee work i•or: suell s9risemess as Sir 'Walter liarrigevith, 'Solltiropter tan! wife attended funeral of Mr. Curtz, Metifill- ay m Ttnoqh*". SUBSCISILBE FOP., THE Hess, oritathrt vaDitin Anne Bad ylie. wife ef Chas. Tres-er isareliased a fine FAR...11 FOR 8 ti assesi lialleigin and otiner,.. and tine block, e 2;uricth kritten on the Meek. all being t"111 and is in e43 Make 11 Un the Premises is good froros house lienry VIII. ;Attired lier head to he, -pig while in Tqw!.-..nto. The undersigned offers for sale bla severed by on taw whit+ is lying.; , 6excellent farm of hi Ceres being Lot 20c,, they, other hatnes tire t,e0. Pringle has started the eider North Boundary of Hay. Land aIl clear. people of note. eider at the shortest notice. with kiteSen aad aerdisked, there are S,1 Saddlery, Crystal Palace. This palace has nee Tr„ess is, at present ,r 9-601.111S downstairs and 2 upstairs: 2 good been deseril Old very aptly toe.; saes up with sichti' t h air-: -The worlds' home of instruct- fsr epeely 3N..4„,me:rya. °- e Furniture and ive anntsennerit.- Art in ail her:: d4 mends e is always at hand to show, 1tobt. :Stephetasca is also oh the t latest products of het gletions :sick list. Piano St Organ and everlasting genius. The manic- 1 A fall stra cf goas jagt rasa. eived and awaiting yeur inepeetion. Ask frr the ilisLop fief. robe. or the f,',41/2,s",;:atebewan buffailr) robe fancy arnesg Word* to Qr. thasese Kidney -Mar Pigs, leSt m price:4. 'Sweat pads at and ' as Weil as tha Kidasyg. harvest supper and entertainment rags lient and hea,v trunks aryl travellers supplies .at rock ; neeaute They Act Directly on the .Liver A number from here attended the bs-7,0W Ct. Pains in the small of the back, over held in the Boston methedistehareh the kidney, are usnally due to de- last Friday evening and report a fold beauties of the grounds. the ' One day last week while dough E , Kind , nag. Chus. Stelek turned up an , inelian skinning stone. 1 .,it ry ..1, i , A hamlet fermi here attended as S'eaforth fair. of ao ac' oa GRAND BEND ,-.1117 Rimiture fleparbment we ar„ rangements of thke.dkid.neys. and dhIst- good time. :0-ar when the ne,l,s are set ing alqs. •i-az.174. suites. faller oak and ache, by far the greater proportion, , "nare M-77; -5nites. LOW 'Side /tat thera are other kinds of baek- Tom. I. P. S. visited our that can • b. schools W 1 . the ase'ress. P.Ats in the shoulders. • "Nat* Imre- sf the couta sures= through t. -.e centre ot. tine '2.,n.At. and :gr. A. Bossenberrs- spent a few Fred. Hess, sr., 1 p.:47,i-s are caused by a te;ri,i'd ae- 'days in Sarnia this week. illepartuneat we have a le rge tqleltait trautze. fr -0) uno ter siges 3 too to91„1„4, (Itir thin+7•-.. end so -holt) lrest wear inn h. froanu 7:9 /-1` t tvio :v T!-iP ainicoVe qtawItatifals are for fa:,•,11 +(only! P.,t--nn.*Ps for teen welt:tent mad vhiPchell. N. 13. 'We have ;:ttla t‘,1.1..,Al'eltre-at itr=e;..„1,,riirpt ‘totral 0141 11.,w ts silB(‘I'S made orsler and ree,airinst neatly` done. en barns, tone a bank barn) and other out P buildings all in goad repair; geed water D'YPaf.M Gielods xviininm,v• wl..1.11•414 '40P from 4 xlittemat welis for stook andhouse:, ""''` held. For tens arid pastieutets tanks to JACOB MEYER, Blake P. 0. 1 2, 2tra 011.3.1111 and AUCTION SALE! 'There will be sold by Pultdie Auction on j Saturday the 313th day of Oetolyer, a two o'clock p. in., at the Dominion Hotel Zurich, The Zurich Flax Mills. This pro erty is composed of 4 cares a land, a, large, roomy mill building, machinery in good working order, 2 large barns, one warehouse and stable:. Terms of Sale: - 10 per Cent. to be paid ou day of sale, the: balance on or about the 1st day of April 1901, when possession of the property will be given. 7 .4 a e 0111 eurtani prrleA E• .BOSSENBERRY,Auetioneer _ reached by treating raesday. tirr, ..t t? , NI cr. and can only be d! iv- i J. F. Rickbeil, R. R. Johnston, PROPRIETORS. ' ' • "' -f4 ;.4,...,, ,..q... , v..... .,, , „ . PT1 CAA 70;;:en f.he liver is made healthy. Rev. Mr. Baird has renxoved to A. Heideman, I nuan,,..ilei, for tine ane: -t al...I active. Doi. a, nom_ To reach the liver, as well as the kid- C°1v11°U. s. i'l. !1'4'1.11i'4"21" t11.4*V 1101'1° 7,0 IlvC,7:1:.-' tnerzhaendflIttoercTlgro eot.14131-1Thilrdi I . • • . ,. This week it is our sad duty to Chas. Greh, i STRAY NOTICE. In t:i,. ( anafinIn market to- ' of ;,ackacho, there is but one UnfaiIi,, chronicle the death of ST e. 1 . e ;es frola i'slt(* up. Peter A. :43.,•)(1 rerne,.y, and that is Dr. Ch-s:m•sturi‘la,fedt.d.: ' ,,,t11;;;Tig: ar le- ts i f:1(71,n-lii.i:ln) ;Nat: :(1:1 -.7:Prsrittin.eeels (rant . , or ,:s., v. _..init,„ save.„, . , rre7,--Liver Pins. It is the o'n' II. il:ilot:!:;:4'ci...f ,.1is, thp )il IS tinctet.Vnth(.r.:1.t lass this direct and c, i ri.2.1th inst. 3T-rs. Haa.:gart :r:t?bthlaivter and kidr.eys. and - -.1''lla• , 'whether e of this pima.. The remains -wi/I .sexy 'or not. • cansed se liver or kldr. r -s. buy ela-1,1) ° 'NT() rr,mble I 'lee thf. ')1113; backache. .1.11 a t aussiter of Mr. NVineses 'Gam , be interred in Grand Bend cemete t pill a dose, 25 cents a box,. at an deal- 7 701 f 110.00 Z14041 or Pdxnansonl pates and C.9., naye the heartfelt sympathy of the ,t‘r _ 0 stowi reasareas, cures wio • ; Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver pins, one Thursday. The bereaved fatally \I/4,1 COnaintena Strayed onto my premises, Lot 24 Con. 11, one mile north Zurich, on ling ram. Owner may have same or about the lithinst, a white year by preying property. and paying ex- penses, 41, JToKaLLEI p aide Cioths Our Special. Lines hi inner ad TZ WE .aTILL CARRY The very newest patterns to lett from Canadiali. .A1 fan and Scotch suitings. Co in and examine these nobby goo hardware, table and pocket cut - We carry a full line of 8.heif lery, nails, edge tools, etc, etc. Clb's r ,OvetlivaCm •