HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-28, Page 6-.11 �­ I.- - ........ __. _­­­ ..". ­­­'­­ - 1. 11-1-1. .11- ­­­ I'll . . __ -1 �.. 1. - - - I -1 ` .� . I ; . I �� I f 11 7- 1 .117- - --,W,-1 "" , , . . ) . - ­ I . I ; __.W�",W 7q:F , , . �_ �17.T­ �,' I 1 7 . . . I , - - �1_ � . I 'r ,. � I I � . .. I . : .7 . I I I I I .1 .1 I . � I . . � . I � . � I 11 I . . . . rprp"7 . . . � . 1. . I I I . I I . I � � I . I I . I I I 1. . . - . I I I . . I -1.11 . I I . , . . . . ,. . . � I I . . . . � ", ­ . I 0 � . . I I , I . . . I I , �- . I I , :..1.1 I .1 � ­­ .P I -_ . I I __ I __ =_ _ - ,"I � - ,: �: 11 , , : , ;,.-�.--i--�-iz...i.l....-�--.--��-;i, M_W;_ ... � �� 11 -_ . action by all the PLjoverninenta In- .. restlessness to -day, and a, i)reau may n ­ . come 1,11 their ranks very soo,a, as the teroeted. � , as Well U . cornpauy, through General Superlu- TORTUR Of MISSIONNIES lit tile rep'y to Gernian,, telidelit 1,00mis, agal.n. annotinces to. A0 In the rep.lehl to til , 81) cifle In- - 1, . day t.11ftt as soon as the Men, get back quirles of Russj,t, and Vilina., tile In- UIE"I" REIONS I . to work th,eir demnaids as company ad 19tatea is, inade I Will Not be Transported to . employees exclusively will be taken up One's Eyes Burned Out -An- itneallitilf0ellst"Irt1hee munemitoranda handed to and considered. Im. de Wo"Hallt tile 31116,sian charge,, Tile Pennsylvania Qoul Company other Burned in Oil. and to the C11114efre Wnisiter, contain- St. Helena. IN STRIKE RNIONS Stand$ In a si.-Vullar pusitlon, and %late "tile negotiatton Of 4 � coin- ,LILI,t, settlement by the littly app.lia. other couipli,11189 are ready to do the ers BRITISH OCCUPY KOMATIPOORT. - value. The pooltion, of tile companies CITY OF PEI-TA-CHU CAP,TURED, ed p�lenlpotentlaries O� tile 11OW . 11 . and thatr decided -announcement that and of China." � IamAtIoA they will not deal � With their am- London, Sept. 22. -The Moscow cor- Thist langnage clearly looks- to tile Pretoria, Sept. 28.-A proc , through tile Urdon Was respondent, of tile Standard says that aO-oparatl6n of tile powers, but, has been Isr without aivy reference to tile atti� ,Ued annot1noing that tile froops D i ,&S -P tributed to Repress =:s, Organization, together ma,ssfteres like thilt, at Blagovest- Jile�r nations may ,Is- burghers who volmatrartly surrender with the brta,gilio,' of nAUtla into aer� tufle whiolt the ot vered by will not be sent out ol tile cOulltrY. I vice, has vat the irtrl,kers li�rreabouts c110n6k are ILL another form the order s,ume on. the questions arim to thinking, and tlle�, realize that of tale day with tile RuEsian lbroops these communications, Acting .Secrc- but will be detained in caMPS at Illnue a that "to theati ends 13,10e it (>.a ein or Protorla. III case Of Any Attempt at Violence. tile battle to apparently going who are overrunillng 'Ituria. tary Ella add �j f t against them. The wasilierles willeb, the United ,CAatea .111tils-ter in, Pekin r into �,ela- their havin- stock, selected rapresent- __ Operated all the work are stIll going, These orders einanate from Gen. Grad WIN be aut-horizod to elite atives wul 'be allow,ed to take eliarge key, who inus;t have higher authority, tionsi with Earl Ll and Prince Ching No di,sorder has broken. out -nny' Tli,� correspondeut adds tha %r f of ijgja qattle, the, Localities 1n; which t the Cz, as the liumedki,te rcp,resontatives 0 the heirds will be kept Will be desig- where tit this regiom. The men, are Is doubtless iguoraut of th,� orders that the Chinese Emperor." 0 'NLY ONE KILLED YESTERDA' 9 peaceable and are remaining away bayc been Issued. 'He further says Mhe reply to Germany even Mora ingted by the commanding officers of I from title mines. I that Ills, Informer has seen a series paalilly pollatip to Independence of me- ttiOe districts. . r The collierks -will resume work MOLD- of telegrams �o the officer coin- tio . 'Ohio proclamation gives great iiatia- - i - number of ma!IdlIIg in �l ria, every one of n I __ . , anxious to nee day, provided a suffirieniii . jn� . faotion to tituse who arc Jju ,ewd.. It is believed which cout words, "I besees.1i . Imads can be obtalti. � the wxx,r conclude, as it is believed that %X ; tile Destroye4cl. tile Arsenal, It ,,vill give tile v,oilpi de gT�ice to the The airl Supposed to Have Been Killed is (letting Better- ­2,500 Soldiers that Most of thein will be able to work to be allowed to spare peaceable q1ti- I loi - an the Ground, Saloons Closed and Martial Law Prevails -Reading full -banded. . zens." Tliq correspondoiub contrasts London, Selit. 218. -In a despatch to L -,r reAstanoe. it has been reinated The collierles In the Ctraxdville dis- the . actioIlls of tile Russians in Man- the Foreign Office, dated Peklti,SePt- ly stated that tuany or the burghor.4 Company Closes Its Collierles at Request of the 5heriff-One Alan's trict, started to wark thJs morning, churia, with tile noted humanity of 19, Cell., anselea, the comillander of wou.1d Jay down their arms if they le Escape From Death-rien Who Did the Shooting Were but Mortly .ifterivard the men were Admiral Alexieff, who ii "ting- in coll.- thia, British foroes ill 0111111.1, confirms Were assured that they would not be P,emarkab persuaded to quit by representatives cart -with the powers, and suggests the reports of the capture of I'Lita- ,5)pjl,t to St. Holenjo, or Ceylon. by the All Good Citizens --Strikers Sticking to Persuasive Tactics. of the staft.2rs. These collieries eitiploy that Rut:wIft is Playing a double game, chu by thti expledition. commanded by LA.rltl,�h. a i . lin- 1,500. Sonee Workers. I-isulng di.ffereat orders ill Pechili and Gen. Wilson. ni� says tho Bo\ers Were View& received here froi� the east Is Philadelphia. Sept. 21.-Tte trag- over 500 shot$, and tree mob hlir . Mane,iluriu. takea completely by surprise. and to �Iie vffecrt that the, Bper forces lit all kWdk;. One maii. and a W111kepbarre, Pa., ' Sept. 22. -All - __ i .1 lost. about fifty mail. I s � & L a Com -ilhe allies had -chat pr.Tt of tile coun ry re u - edy that has been. looked for since MIS911es Of altins. X squtadroll of the Ben I>Jeje 9titte of ,1i1;orga11,'7,ftLl0n. A few little girl weve found lying dead after Was quiet in this k-eglon this morn- New chillese capital. no C,[ISTI �11,0 coal strike was inaugurated came the shooting. The crowd. was finally ing, about 170 of the striking mine, ' ga.1 Lan.cers and some suppers fle* dinilrIshed zinc] distillited commancloog suddenly and unexpecotedly at Shen- dispersed, and the sheriff and* deputies worke,re, anip'oyad, in tile West Entl .New York, Sapt. 21. -Au Iniparlal. stroyed tli,:� San-Ilai-Tion. arsonal with- Aire Tetarmlng to t1to westward With vaidoah this afternovan. Sheriff Toole retired to Ferguson House, the most Coal Companylb, c-ollbery at Mocan- di,cree has been received here, out encountx-ring any Opposition. The scajity filippl;es , Of a,mmunition. There joleut hotel in Shenandoah. I aqun, who went out 3nestarday, re- the 110clit corre4pondent of tile Tler%ld Amorleans and thip bulk of tile Brit- is rpason to bi'llevo tbat their heavy t, I t - 'It joit no time In calling, on the com- Proul ere (,al)los, Ili announving the arrival of jilli, the despatch S,*s, arrived I giinri; bave I-ven nifliv. destroyed or During tile riot 'windows w. , urne( o work this morning. All the ,mander of the NtUllonal Guard of broken, buildings were wracked, and a I other inliteo -were idle. th,.� Emperor and Empress Dowager at I)pkin (>Ij Sr'jIjyt,. jStlj , _ . TWO hundreA litirl-1 Thirty Boms front Hekiloort. Venusyl-vallin to send troope to -'Lid nuouber of persons were injured. T111-yuan-Fil. 111hc6 dtvree (.10mulands Inen will rcnj,,lIlI ,it pelt,ichit with'Sir -,v)io Hurreirlored four Monthti agO, Colon in keeping the peace. After __ t1w (lovernor of Shans! Province to (,1J. , judem ,AItIcAlowild, th.,,- British Mjnls- lane arrlv(!,] here, Hazleton, Pa., Bept. 22I.-Calmn rai,.;e money to Wild a Palace' (Lit tq.r to China, for a few days. Vav (ter Alexwvi' commando tried to Consulting th State authooritlek; at, re.. I 01NIfflD OF OfiffULNESS lisian-Fit, as th�� new 11iteitcled 40111)ita , . f, xm a fight with a 111ritish fore.,� last e-19 "g, � a Iltilligili prevails throughout the Lelligh - - - i Barri,.,:b a Zleolded mt it . I --- Waldersee t;oes to Talcu. wo"k, They ril-i'd on the English. to selld trOOP6 to ilia turbu�eat re- ; 9 -On tit s moraing. No db4turbalices ; I of any moment were reported ,it auY ! f'ireltvs the Assassins. BE%rlin, S*t. _'&-A def,Ptitch from wou-ndIng Twn Of them. I � Zion. ib:a WIZIS precipi- ' Part Of tile district. There was still g� S -pt. 21.-Tllt� French SI-anghal ajjIjc)uPccs tiv, sai.ing, of , , � i5benandoah's troi 1 Leads Two Brides to Funk at Iloug' 1�1)11 I r 20,000 R.�rtigees to Return. a lone, feeling in the public mind. but war..h�lj- Avalftlltil,�. Whi"Ji. has Ver -it Count Yon W�ad,,�rsoo for Takit . es- � tated by the closing of six collieries; I : k � the wading of tro,ops to Alwnandoah� jjjp�qbIg,jtJug tit- 1611ing of (1hristians V-rday aft:�rmyan oil Ix).tr,l Lim 0 -Ir- call.) 12AJWII '-,,))t. _"1.--I)urliIg the there thki� morning' thwough; tile ef- ., mllei,,: from hAre, waa generally the Alta,-. . ILL tlI­S,IiiIl1o2 dlitric-t, li.!ar Canton, re- inan eruisri,r 11,mIrtha. His, villef 1>1 mt-�Iff ,dr-bute oil tile Treaonl JAM, willell lortu of strike leaLiers. mire, Will -5 - ", ling by garded a.4 br-31xing. ulattrars to a porv, til,it tilt- crewo of ni-XII14 pirtite will prott-i,ed for Taku tlol�; evel 11.10NNI the- flollAt of Ati.10-111b.',Y OIL Frl- rr'sl.-), ant) tilt- situat!cn her junki. toy tll� rontilyanee of Influential ttp G­rnma. steauler $,avlooti. ,day. Mr. ,,;t%wr, tl.o former Coluffils- close to -morrow as & voluntary av-t. re. I lashz)n-, 11:1 v i- simg-li r, tA) twstrtw Prifielf Ching Is urging smita or tile slurwr of Pnh'le Work;. sajil t1w bIll tt is still.1, on the part of tile Iteading a is the cona.,mr.y. This is dknie -it the re- � for4% s,ailiewhat rel!evi-d. Arnwtl )I del)ll- ONE FLELD FROM HER HOME. lljsrm)us j hI!-ijI't;j I.i!l:l-1 I- Vgatlo,js at 11j,,kIn to ngrm� to tIlP ,JjujV,qI ties; wero distributed near tit( A of i - gill -Lit � ,le.4 Oil the, Coll that lbw Dutch eo"11111sts had qu�16A al ,�herlff Tou.e, Arlio 11,011" Ill tlu� eoIl`,Prlt%s, an.1 along �wvvritl tit k New York, 21.-Tivo brltl(-,,- UAL d0tift. re-A...Ltablishineat of tb,,� (111110st-1 (20" rm-0v(­i d:Frk-r,atkt, Lreatineut from thtp� m.anhor to avold furthor rlot- i .4�'I!t-. lug. Tin uu`0,)jk at wMilight. 1, - tilt* jiubl*t- road -z leatilm- to tilt, m1w 'I elmt. of this 'vicinity to-duy Oiling- __ . ernin.,iit. t1w Elig �,-h. .0w - . -1 itog -.roport.v. . i :� their minds at the altar ,find tit-- Pet - Ta, - citu Take n. -_ Attorilt-,y-�14.1-ora: Itt",-Innes - re - ever, I i tlublou,i, as jht� f-trilig1wP8 "I 11'� I tumblir of Id lillssloros Wiped Out. feeUXU 11%, to_%ja%L1.Q lat,,I)k, I' ' i Tioro waa thp 114-1:11 1 t ,Ili that, slugle towssedtlesi Nvould '(,p,L ji"As,41 that tll!-� wo,-� tintril.I. All Colon- _ . tit are al , �$ -irnhi­ trY- tit) for a while longor. The -kin. S. -Pt _Vla Tnkn. S - '(114. 22P 1�;ts had lr,mi tre;ltt-�l al`ki-� They . � gt; , str'.1fora aut enrly tit' I " P� - - 17. ,in, 8 --pt. 111, vin Taku, - fill. ug: 16 � lit jjil. � Ili first - 0.--4*wnPra1 -Tillue-4 If. MIS011, lItO PA. .� " I V ill I Ing to iocir.e.uatle ivc-rkpr�; j,.,)t to go f (.4illpip calli-j oil JustIlvp Lebane Ili lial, .9, -pt. :,'% LI. -it) :I. In. s e-rf- aR llrlu'-, It c-ullis',-ts, .11 111101 rom a baloon. I nuninailor, touk Pt1`-­'l- atoll sliang i ' - , shot F Into tilo m4les, but tivay 4114 wit meet 3(-rspy Vity and ask,ed to be mar- Anki-rivan et I A. _.1L Ijljt7j%e who lins, arrived livrj* .,k)lut� of ti�-,�u% apjuartiA not to hilve � ,qh-,-n.AP.'0 lit P.I., :; p'.. 2I. -N Sher- i i , 11-Ith .1. .-?s as .),it t1w prP. I ried. Tit(. yl)JIng 111,1n, who s.1jil It ,4 11111ph ,;fit.(. Ili, (Im tid., moridag. NA tlt-tixl:�4 (A 0*4 . affair h-ive bi,w.t !varus -,J. hut tit** 110- froin .�Abufksl I)rlll;,,,q ijefiljit-� and rioli- *­nrued thi� its, --ion. Tuo.N Ittust It-arn 4�tlf*t� pos�.. f:r , � i4a ,I vr,,wkI of rivtouis j Vf()11.-; flal-4 .1of t114- wet -k. Tit-- ,,trlkprs f Was Benhimin �kt­tiw-c, or New Yorh% Ill 11' 'ai 'U t. I- IG:11119 k wort� t,arckful I,.ot ,tA, mtrry AWL ;iIfI,-Jjj1)t Irivo riwtAve,l .1 itt-s- Ill(' 'I"w's lif tll[' ll'u"�'"-re tit VIIIfla Ili- It -lit it peal"111: wa.% it por';'llilf" Icut � ...e.. fM, .I.L.Irl"43."I tholr jier� � t-,Jtj all,itict, 1�eji,no Ills liume autt uiltz-donttrip.i., Thp otti,iri, nnni- It not lit ti.at mIllout-r. thou by war - two jjer�-'�P.*.t: And 'W4,411ding 110. .rs. I ,,ujtS*.ojI t4o. tit+,. pt)jIlt of in ,*,I,,- tonl- ,Aull ­ t!Ia*l*ltlkiII r rpsioll'ut-t*. Tilt, histlel, Multi sald Isati'll "I'llf)"n"'119 'llat " it) fir- 1)�,,, .ItI Ta­jtj,jIfjj itnit l4ollingeta were .%;, tumm-;'. - ' - it...: l;4.JT1ILJk'V 0,14111- � 013V lock -ding a etanfliet with tII4.: that If t1wvollple weri, not ro.44-nits y'.w� w�,r4, t.1kelt nevordlit4 I q �­_ ,,:.t.1 I'vi - " 1-illctl whilt., attmilptlux to 1'1%1( -Il Co'spitol tilrminrIl lt4 wqto ... ted to for. . illt-A t0 ! ,tj�j)j Ull -lit." I 'tiv, )1 . I 11tqj aspi Iiv,tjjje-Iv,.tjj vverf, t irt-s tho ; Woe. � (if Ato. State, *.Itivv Itillst pro'.11ro :1 11. 1-i'll, el tl,:It mnwrck' %Ylletill '�-Ilgjtjj. ill tho Ivarty wo-rt- tilt- M- rl%*- lia.-ro to -fa.% tat arruttgo rail ay I . a -i lm,.ftlt,f%j1y � lieein-it) or mu -4 i1equire a mldiljlct� it Is l.%,.Ir.vt -tr ,%)I%.,, lVainlis-mrs. transygirtat'. all rtlr the r-tiorit tit tho I *11,nall,14'au 14.­UI,V,%. W rlq�ll � nw -,,tr.1ko ,4tuaflcoi Iv. .1 11-tiv,. tt;j .14;tn_I1a`-TI,alI (.4:t n_ Heos, Varh� as. Per. In, Qp, 4 litt I. I 1.r#-�i t -Plol & Illillo wilrkorr. ! jllj#.jj.LI gj4,1 t1l ,. L,j g j - v 111"it r. I atorl to . � lit the Matto bi-foro thp vi�rmnowv 1v I n I .1 - -t ro.' Vonitill...m. F.. X. .Ialtjb,�,,olt, and %,wor ri-furnli­ frnin t1w iminge Frow .4toto I I , ,.%. It lltl',Itilv� ; --- h Xia-T.01) al V t1w chim-sa t stild thi- Traza-waa` to th(Ar I- iliwq. I Will 4-,!W.i� rN I eliuM wrrortllokL It was at this � I "", I a v, .. .young ladhs�i. lf=t- *.t� - tI1.4q. ,,.t.r�kl, Al"i a siti.i.1 �; Np (jvulot 'autl 141W t ))I bri, tilat t1w young Iroulan 1-11ang , tr"o-tial -.it timt v,z - - - I. Thi- firA trzk!m- wl'I t-arr,v 10,000 � *- I I ) * ; -�twaril to- % N%, , vi f I q 11 f411,114111olu- � .. . r!,,.. itortituiv, movo I we I-anquirles fk16 tht- V11111:11 ItI1,11111 Ml't' ' tfitt.-3 fit towo i.,tnfio, ,rhei, 11w r"ninitur- 1, O��io W.;0421 t 1� , . I -qte I -t. *.,0i, I'll., S 1) . =.-Al I w114 � 441 lit r 11111111 ,1AA Olt% '1011 MA, V) Ili' . 14 I- , , "'I'v. and It Ig tionlitru';, If till -N, , t S .%,� I Parneqt1v C -it 4 It -it -ial aj� 'ge , 'tqrthp� vivrN will bkt , . ,� I � , ki ti,.t %I,!, V,r In% I , lloi.p* 1, �r.t liti, t.i. It It. lit' i , I . woat 1�, thf. 111.1i.411 , , . . Tri i vp-i I # ga to ,' , warriv.-I. .- -let-;,: ph"Idin I � , �ljz,jjr _Tf;.(,jjlj. �41jqj 4-III-1,.t-ij till, infornt. rc I t ,I 4 .1 111"1111, ." I i -tit , Ile t. � �1, lie., ,�: uw 4,,�",a -F % Itt it ill lt.mihn.g 0,111- - :, �, ., . #4g !,wil f&f,4q- ,I.s.NJI-p�lIt. itttil mpc;o N%31k 1wr, but tt� till avail. At Ill �t ,1,,.�r. 0 lit . . . . , 7 I �� ,j�jj,.tuk­-,,I L�tnitt-. ri-p irt. that UIP Sur- 611R. TIIb;.-4ol1:VrDl.s Illottiottlk.41 8vprp �. ,�j�t,�t tj,�t;tjg'.t. Aft,r%;%.,trA tho rotuctai- i'l - : 1j. . t U . 4-�­-.�, tg�-, u­r1t.1a; mA19 %it .1 - t1i .1h. lip. N 1�0, � Ti, - ..ktu .r wM j r, to alpi � tu­j;.­. to roL- 11 -r' nuis. . jj,% og I Itt m - ,� �n_� rr-!ng,w­ to tl­w� innobiter "I all-out U" ir 41�,Q. 1, 'I 4,.* 4. , - �*.* - � P V t to- I il - .- ­ � -.--.I---- __ _., ______ , il rigandinA inFamr.16 :�- In- �4 tLQ #.n�- Attic it 41 . . ' NNI% .111A 1,4-rwill.� %Vvro. kill tho, 1,11111a � -M.0-ml %r�,3 rov-.iii- tram ,rirt.itlDn. � J,�q..j _.�z"'r ­ va 2�'. 4. f ,,O11l.%14%I,�;t11.. h , lid.%. � P %,,; - I rill-AVA-01 Fruin .4! ljol.4jill .NlIssion Ilsi�. T'he rvu%iilot1�1ioa;, I � , .V.lr,l 1­30� 14".0 I I TV -, 1lX,Tf0aLV--J. I. t'. ;i r wflilv* M110"64% � t"th Vniti'd sial -.-4 C.IVA r,% voluital, jaii-,isounrio-.4, It Was st"Itt-4, illn'.1, � turn Ii.. tial. � to 5 Ulf 4-tulu'r. I g tka`� . -"_,V,�'.P�_ ,l..c,j, ,,aolewl wl Z5,- 1 '� . 0ther lual'silkitury or -,-,.&w-! _.­� . j � , In t, V. 111.11 I 1� I I k - k�. "I., �. 4 toporatin 'all ill 1wrlillt'lint. ll,A��lar, ul, i k� ; 't, al 1 11., '. ,ro i)eoi;aia w4tr I* . . . . (, ,..tr4- 4.ro. ,. I - , I .. , " --- _Mons � '.1olvd, 1 , I . -A � i vaq,�w '. * 4-1 I.V ja.!J6 s. -"g 1,� R- 4.% sa 1, , I 1) ,. � �, . % 1A ---% i am *1 __ _ __ ____ x z- - 0 J441dalm-AnDT4 Fellot 1-111. - It I I re. . I '�.� I a ia..4-- i -_ 11 __ ­ . ., . I . �, . � . � F'r. .4% With 4[;Qrnl­ny. t.%� k:��I. 1i *41 2. g �NI,A,� ,,, i P I 11 I ,,-.� - 7,V I , � i. VottcED TO $10-L IIN"M VAC111% 1� :1 L I Ir. !i vn,rtel th.ot a %�jr %% 10 ht 4 M­tltl- .1 .. 14 � TI;N'�,.� - A -r, I , V, ;4 " . A . , ,; ., n a fla%vi I ,� , �,L ,--� '.'n, .14 q1t. 1!I. -Tl';! ih-ruvan For- , - I'Ilv I",-. , - " I ., I W - ,� � r � - It f, - I wo�lat nHI I'la'I I�l a U! -&y fir two. ; 411, Haiz-181, ��-,N,112 ,.11 ,,Uuo, ­UIT-u. witto, 1, � 1� .n* i� PWIl 031" il" rv.-j-l%*-,I rt -p.1- frt tit C.,11 Lot 0%,4 Schi"V11,1111111 111 till Sorety 019- " : . , - ". ,?6 , ftwi 1, r Ali,, - ­;rrel1d,C%r%I1qs1 WrIU,*111`40. ;se�, ? k . � I , 1. _� I -, .. �1,1,4,j jj)tt� ip'.1 V�, t%"I �."el't' .% Nh-'4 " . At �, I ­ .jt�r�t-;10111 � I I 0 I . � � � I 11,44.1. %U%Irl" _* 4" I alip"11104 tit 114-rTolir. � , I I , .,$Olbia, 1% I without r, -A_*r*.e t o *f 141.%'-4 (10 � "I. --T � , ­ � �-, � 4 " . ; %% a , t D - H t*'41- I � .. �1 . f I -Pil.I '*,� , I L,on.gwi, ,14t.qst. - - ilegrAliv) from , I -, I , W., '�ZAP "" IN '16n. ,aiqfl. .. _ - .4 , . t'�Dgt�i,;.w !'11V4:1_l o P " A", I 11 I . C. �, V.p -.�4. a, , 0Z .L's �, I's .4, -aly q41 I .10 I tq,111 . elfe 011:11te", -jz, hat 1.�Alj - W_-� ., , 1�t rR... "I N � ( ,, I .In - jinilivsM. - . Ij I,%q5%*%',$) Marojm­l 44.-,ot t - .. " 11� I', � 1. Q .."11, I,, ­ � � �44 �L,ehao Awl 1 1 000�,�%� _ - - - - � I tn*la .%tit- # I. �A. ,*­IPa4V,:r�,1 Vw�4,0110 � , I V� .4.- c Op 1_1 .1 , , !­41�lljluvhwal�w Im". r* *;wlov il "Ic �, , d ,, I- etot-Naskiav . .. -1 \ I `k*.;4 V �, t. "'.., , , . , 2," �.� 1- 4 I 0 I 0111p"taloi. Mi'mDo'g, W11111111,11�1�111t�i�:-! 1,1114'r." ,j �iL.1"� J:V .a thrine! to- � ,i � ,tit. muntly. a , ".Itp_�"m strult,j. .Alu� .10-4 P. � I , . , - I , ,, i4triji, %%ith Ge. eril'. 1A M � lu4 tual.14,4.14 'oa;op ,v- IrIN, voazi, �Ia - . k '�, �.� �� " -�i, d � , ,��4i IV D - " !v 1, % �;Ifoht ut M--# ��)!%- I �, . - '. �` 41V ro"!Q1 10 . , - A % , Sta tie"w',Iral- ;-1�104 ­01�p: q. I I19 IW4�6.�U'l ., - I � #",*1DIIc'-916 ,0 tf� Iva%o. .. :4.r, J I - - - -_ I ,:N.:N,. A, ". I I ,� � , .1 � 4 , � 1.,161Ov I . ,,,I I . ��, 5,;Il, N� V.. **0 Iw �-, 4 14 iqi� fluadq TA Md .11 7, ..� Ve,% t1t IR4 .A P,1A,t131ara;---11 vlco-dj.�­ A -1 III- ,Netl S 'we. , . � 4_0 11 .� I vl�,�-,13! !�. .,�,11& 21.__It, 1� I V011.1 -r.:, #V FA I i � ,--- C �_ , � - , it , 11 't�&�� ,�,,,i"g i t1l,it .%i1,trIa-IftIhaAr,� - ,t'rVa14q4.V U 2,41k , 0 , I I 4 � .4 - , . "". tri r, .� . . Iqj , . ,"VIO.'R.40.� inilthrrv-4 Clio Iwir tfillia VOT Ith-1-1i ,� 'i th -"I %%-4-ru p1dV-0A �n �ol% I , Hot , ,�, " I , I , . 1"), k onaut - I-,�,vl:�-,� VM . t �� �� Wow ha,f 11 04-a ,�,I , t', �4_ , `� , ' - f", ("t-, ,,, � ­ T - givela vid��,,nt IVI Uw lq')�% It uv*rk 40nopvg, thf. '4mhor-- r-11 *T , .' . "I 1 , , - , 100glraq A, i� ­_ I F -4 1 a - 4� , . I , � Von V�,, ow. t% , 11;Prootan V...).O,Ila I., I,,-,. 4-ga,u I, .,%t-v�.4, . �, ' , "rimrin,4. *� _,a, - I 11 . � :.ut "") -� ,a -, �- �!r . %�,, 5 I , � 'I 1, ­ tol U�f 4 ivalshourlot , Itolluttilpours Ove"Joltad. Z ol a- H � ",;* . , " .. I , !�, ­.Ilr� rol4tl, *_ - - nl�, .IV- 11-,tvtoly Ul.�Zno�jvvllrltq A P! � I " %-V�l I ,;:% . - it,# ., , ` T E I 1 4j . VnM.r, Qrv'.,V1 I , rcal ��)­�,'.lv 5 tat, _,�� -, ,,� U l,�Il t,p k, 414 �� I I 11�� �� J'j� 4", , � I � P eunvvita�,Zj, , tw .u, - �� , 371", N , - 0�,e Mlld� , ", � , .,,�'. i A _. , � I. .", �10 , I - ll,,:� fr" � n -, � Ttla� t""14P 1,, " I - 'e, �4 , 11 . tt 41L 'I IrrZ of th�,, ,,, -.1114-rto "st ILF � ,,. - V. -%M,005 T741111i � . - I �- I , , ,, I, . ., I ter fly r4u.Dilro. air _Ano, rlf-'aa,i tat, loo.", t 1,0*3j,504. ,­A�I*t. - -,% 114--% 4.1 ,; �e_,. . 'd 1.,� I , t , , ".", 0 � I 1�41 A, _,j ,Z I m 16�,Pll 2.1�., 110ts. Th �, 1 -7. , e I wa� u I � � � i 7 - . 1. ,�,v � _��L_; ­ ;� # Inuvo,orl fat AOIL t kazd hv , ry th - the #'%jvU,",-4 #Of t1w voiluoto­4 Ourn- I04A.­t._4* Mar..w ,,,, 4t AG Q Voat th.- 13, t� . �,rio. - n- -4 � ,,r,-,; ;,-, k i t, � ; i ?,.- 11 I-1, % -'. � v, % I� , A;' At— % 1, -it W t, Io­ss,.�,jpr 42 �.. R ,;, oa�4,v,- (o -vu� ii,,? N# rn qta.A.rwwort, The ' . -;�. ts I..' � : ,It , ni flu � , � ; .. ! ... � t, "I I I 11 I - - ' _1 ,� �., � __ . �L�11 N. '4-tv 1-11k, %w.4 r-,1,"Ittlt,li t,cv I . ., " , ­` , ,�',?,K,v � . I vlo'g,UV,,�,� ,A.-.,.*,' ,�','�, OLD 'htA �-Ijv, vra.i - 4 -,C, � � , , � , 1� '4 - , , I . I �� I �' .. Ing O4 ,,,eae� I - - I . , ,.! -- -,Iv)" - � i 4 � 1!A1alt 1.01 Vt4- 11 bVI t 2e tl� " v� t.,.. , "; ,� ,. � I __ �'? g � > ". 'A i� , , foun ., " 1111,OM": ft ?*.". - ,,,, 1�1.-I�1,. I I � !'. ,�ilrl ": Hog � . w 1% , �, � W �- .. ­� , i4� � . � I , , . tj.-'� ltfl.,�, � �' ,, _., " 11�,�,,e , ­ nurswd Out 11is FWVS. � - ,- I lua t O. tvtl�u do! �1 al)�N�CA. w "" "'a to . I . � A fo,a ',hV;d­E U. I - � , - ­ . I "! ! 1i go : , I, 1, , ,:. ­­ .., ',.­ �? I'll . I I'll, ........ .19 I 4 - ." -!. �.l ga . Vrat shf. llwfllc �, � - I L- ­ . , SfOT4 - -..A, I . � _,.,-r,.j.1 % .- 1A . I #A . jv� "I. -Aft ��,Jlfll,,hwa f, . I - 11, � - throo, r , i,. .r h - - . I ,DR: , r W- ., k� I! _L � o'-.1 &�- , I Jo r', I R �#� q , W�*, -, "Latao"t. f " , .4-�,�Dbllgtllxll. FO�Dwt- - � F .,. U�S. %,,Vil -T .45.9V.,la. 414MI f"'Wa" 'f�, q_��,r '.,� U t. ".I a �, b I _ _ �'tj P.,: � _.; A C- E-VAIV - h Olt- I i" D, . 11 ra, . h� .. � gj W I'S (;1 4 Mtl 4 - �,�+­_�a 41�1_ r;� . 0 p I 4:4)MOVDIDMIN0.1.110% 4"rnvin­ V, � � .L, .. Fr - � CAWzEIZ- pt�')wntL, eaouiqaauv--,�,�. -v,ra�- IDDI'vocht to , 1,-V�- t", 5 ., ,!,t� � " a !Ynt rb-tu Mau- Methupb".4 Vaptare. , t .", tr­l:�o hr� �,;130 I ,,tit W q-- V -41 - �� �� . ,�,, �4 I ,rL7 _- ". ,"'s fn 11 . . . 15 . , U,�, " 0. VAPAI - L4-:,,._ It t:, �q �­�,,H'. vl. A t -ttnnt- ..��� .I PRt S � vf" I "tt ,O"?t4-.q$4,. 11 I"JoA.'m S -pL ::�.V_ A qtg11+,.V,IIo to VTO , t V t, - � C -O -,,>1T .,t `-,�". . ­ :, ol'a tU4."'h, a *��Dci, attv�ut._,Vfll i'I tne 1% Lit" Vep'lrt- 1, . 61 a,t TV, _ ip � ., 11 I la'I'a ,� 1�,', -T I _, " " . � , . t ,;,. .�a V1.''tc'. j'. g5thug br96V�?UPbWQ)3 �4.S Vgcovu*oror '.444D nmv llravinrl 1-w it W',%�- 1 � 11%or �17fte -- au"�uruu--,-; t%at 'k-w4lal -w "_ �, � - 21tir,fat tcy-vill,4" . . ., . L1-41911,,,,r�- m* VnibrA 'Mine *vVk,3rkPnt inT A nm,erlva %Vb�o� ,%r"! l',.1iTq",-Q,qng %F%e AnU"Mia, I i-AitLero'k oil tha. yang-tstb- 1, I Dy. IT gu,,a t.z o-.j*t. .ttv,*, too inp 41, h,qIr, %1I 1joviu Ims, 1-,"J.ap,.,V�1e'Ll�v N-4111n.amell a I. 1.144 qqu 4 �qqmdlh­. 0-I'Lir, VeUD,� t4ratmy III Pigaw.0ii'an1l. UV t�tf.- q'41' , , th , nt � i�4- r t4,"niiqv� ;attfa ;�,'41�9%ere a a 15- i - 10- ',' i " 1111 *.jjf.T%L In �t DUT�' JDI J* TMIV43. H, #,wauA�,r -.%I.A�,-h was; pn�,Z, at q%vNlmna 7o,­d,._a,_,, ,:r -' �, a U,�f, I�,l t_L49- �i&. t 1. xbon.. --ob , -%% _Dud a�';, Ah�909 dol- 4,1,,��,�4�a,o--Dto-���tpt"l�,- 141%- %q1ll rqqn,r4! . .� - - - � 1. - - .1 -1 11 ____ V114,I1 and hlPv muVoIlD.UO-atVA ill- ,--,�!­ � .. -4�LA5 , - , , I, .vr1 Ito- vnrrvl��Da � �atrtotFA Toe�.4.� U% -I-'J'jall _�JkT,tl�l�­In raptaDVI 8(13j) ei0a, � ,0LCJj '. or,1�3.".-,; -I � .� u M I�I* LiZfyj ,,)MLem w -a the'! l.­'tr,,%tt,yq_.PVid%,Dbt0,V vousideTo-,,g . I I ur,vi i f-, -- n- I�Zv, V- -L­4'hj'��,�..-&,, . �Vjt vu U."", '1,41'1.0, �"! I ,.I?", - .U- �'Int�; l'o ."All munA.,; of � , �� . . Torther stanves viT atlr-,-�.�-,t­,� lit the Rlranineo tt;cy ,4 "� tt..11 ". �N. I. UM � U­�Lamwn, Pft4nll I, ,�,-D'.W"on-i ary all c,!tr�,_A, and offort. nSy_,o,..4, tnruoll tU� t0 -o "lols- oe Hunan a;X.,m,,Z, I stion mc -44!91 %ou-41 bring, %va nhrnpt fa.A to 119�4r,wvor[,, c I' 4jowlil ,h "CIV. awl _70 . � 11; WAVIL-i 1%w jv�cAa-19. Th a ICA4��rle4 Jim tace, nnfl, artrr ap1A,,j,r,0?:u4 S,�r Duav- gr;o,Q� Tlije qu'�. .-,'DID, N V,Irvf�n ll�v cillf, AS ILU q­,41Z..g-A-S'.. 1 41 nvnnu0 .` .f ln. G�,n DIXI 11*1y.tt'i tmg � � - _� �Wtlrhl, &Gt 71, tLo h, -*�- 04 tL- w, I -, , . . r lex.o. , 'Pa km% t04 b-.,q,�l vloz;-A b.v V--� lllkaig- lug 1vot Inkin to N 1, ulitnD ',!T,'V,Zbtl-a of tl�Dp qilrisa,gen 411 ; Z4; I .4 Who - - __ ­ � ----I.,----- ­_ � "Y't-RDIPPAI Vlalk Id, .0101 !'� - 662- I � "I er " , p._:Ill " :0% � W#�-n_,,iq-I �!v� &,1' �Qq irMa f!,p t f` 11S�Ama IDXAN,:I�,; slf'0109 jiibAt.od. � , -Ort F,j,,,0-jj'j,'q 1%-rj,P_ I , vz� I CH #_I:'!j%-:h0 ,�,�,.­d--, tffa��-O;j MoValz, 10. Irl"- �= Uf�nql-�u:%y lit Vie rw"Inf'.1it VV­SIL#,r"Rf1' lVeld �_im .1 ;(v! an"I UP* W911 thirlti � f.-4-111-1 -410.1 V,,,Uvo n1DI.s.4 Ulp,rvp " -*'iij'j.jI 111e;lt V_ :np�ared a I'lollawltir- .!,- Ify aliorblfh,oilbla.. I left the oMt-e. - -; fxM 1�1!�, ,#7 tlw "i0wr1l. - "(1"Ary has IV! � j1p WJ'A TieyZe %1 "N' O,'�, �.,6e; il,, - I . I I Thercn'i4s;!�vuti�, � ofib :Iersofl 1,011ed. I Tgw vat!t� f, lb*`�� *v,v; :iL X-A�,�� -;., <tavv ti jlwnt Ini­ it, to Wa,3101D* 4;r111et­,i4r1eh-eu Val lif rNwtats, Us X111 Ala'-rivan 1) 4o"vg7ing, b.) 16t -mrxtu a r �,�t V"o i0liatt "' 11 - lkf,v� �'40111%r.gr, - T�t ; _69�­ &�r_,yL-L,� of Tiaermi% � 145tr�t.q �,n 9�,.�� cdo�'40� �. Otiv I I girt. rhe gu;. aurt, h,4,1 gatic ,ir ,� �, I N I Wp,.,fw t[,,�,,D� W�4 - I .. ,'�jjjr­,:,,,#a1 isa-can. 2&1t, in tale , , - � . f -",V t Vol. JIN nrejo lier In ,%!-lot. I arpl. '.'-!Lf�nqTrs`­.0y, ]%A., K I).:. ='21. -It, JeN411. � � ALvj'jw�jy ,,,.',;, rw %I-;. sirpt in leit 1) J'At--i iii, Co�-n.. to wlt-q� ,�-, OR � C41P 1.01 *.V Ill 4wUr. K ­,e it "a .;�,�Atllal .1 laot5:stmn. I, -U4 4.11'�"D." . .Pgr th-st wdy On.— 1WIr- i .�2,4. 11, Fl -Will- Portuguese. V � N1.1 -v Nr_�k, -4.74.. '_'I.-�',eVf-aDts­n. � �_ oloo-d th5c Dnorn � � %sould Itake _1 lt.�­; "V 'Aal r v7q­; h-arnf­o 'r.n" thria . - a`4 !, Awtist by tl:�, , �-4,.v�!k*,;A Ivnl4et. V"41, Ikke V-,Z;k,tT,ng�', lvlvi k"Aflvg *Pat,- il ..In; l%,W.,, jj,,..,_ ;,V�1,. s ��_I-.. ;4-,. 1, �;!.,.-., %0,j Wni.!v Nvaq rat. �01r� .yeay-ol,l An,du- .14Avlaig:-4. the I ret c v L,�I-A"311, .4-rp�u .'23,-A sp,,�Vial de* j,""'..- -0,-,.1 � 40 ye;�Drs- I , , 2 A4:0 � .J,_�":j , , rmal� X "il" ln­.Ang's .4aw"un,�, ftert*. .,- V 'Lift tvas dr* , ., T.' .�'_ - �1. .%,_-" . I , ,V- alL(I jktj-_at4��j '�.Ojjt; ItIl" 1J.' li�r0f. - �'� .� I. -�r-­kl � , , r >, ,,,�,, ',�, ,P i a 1-r" Z � a . U. � Fatl"e" V 011 kwl 'v"a'.. ar-4 l"I", tal,li;y ." 1f-,Pg(rz,'S jl'.�,_JC3 f'.-offf 1i+,r­n'?,i vamm's 931.V,l *"4,�,-�',� 'n tiv� bflut'. ; vlvatrX,1 Api.".a. 5v�gcr.-; rfe:04,11el ('fj;lNc0*iSRf- 9 � - - , ?-I na---w �r t * r. I,r *,It, .. v�.q-�, 7., ., �� I �. � - �. TLe 4 A.n illaqwI44h 11"h O�.tL­k, 1-:. �.�Yvyt!�.�,T U isr, alolmmj:.-;� o? 414 F,ri� Ninth str, �,,i, I - . . . " � " t�th' " , ­ � - . � ,,%:41L Lto�'t.,� arrivEg th re reavort that ,1��,� , !�",t�:,!.�*,.,,V.Imttil�h 1_1 ,vqlats. mmv- Lmln� .d.4 r the VY ull.-t lqzroj -k Ir"ie .� " � " tit!-) 4-Ity. 1.0.4,4 ;"Igej witul Iver inh SU I I � fa, IL'it)".3 aVi� o.-eurrwng on th�� frwa- �, -,aar fo�,- -jv. t,.! -U -;,-49 :� *'.tUo 't�;!, .t , 0, nu,�1-1)14',Ity - . . . we'lit, I ghell in tho. rfq) V. , i ji- ,Tr"-.1-s;.1rit4kt-n r�** ii ­r j 6-.__.- jo,.�-t%-eejj 1,oj�iiD4 jbh��. !!2 tLrf- Fb,3 lil!".1'r At t6 Iiaq.k_ � ;W ,.1;4, b,virk f4tke t,r..k, atI4 _'V4's '�'� ;�-,Vt, -V?#, joy-� !'L tj ll �!; it ,,f%p. ,� f,', t!jW� t1,V )II tl�'&t,X3. tiIf? OU"Iii; rtas�7. liv� I . . %%-,��; -.%-VApjWJ1 g aese tyruarn and 'Iftfv 0a25- -a, vj.�A- ill hmtt 14v�01 - �.jy g4A. . , ., - Av. I Pi., 1!.-I.Vs oRld '...L1111 I � Qj�jri._ � ., I , ,�,L #4.iy Ln a talt ,way f): 1913--naN 4'.?f 1�� I" - N!Vtv fz-41illl ,v.� r: .1 ml; --, "'!UT wap u-sraki'd ill ,M. . , - -(.t 'I'My lf..5;, $^iv ,,_ . Anfl , Z,xl Intsq . . .,.t.j, %V110ti,; � J� fo�-LIDG_f, 4t72SIj to , - .1 : &t. . tln;�-, %w-ji. . ,q1j"j to fl."I 114,'�r, awear��; t,,F kill her .­na- N�-n _; , ter I -_ , 1.11;.i24 - V -1-f-11. +, I t') i!, r l­'nl-,. It - ,-*ill;, It . T116' rnt�,S'.-iraary waii bu) rn3 J).'l t_jjtLtID[j2 I`ej7tUr,UJL_�� �L+r_ %­, I I Ir .n�,: 45' I ry. nrtI VAW.0:1. I � 'ti� xa�.",%`M,P. �41,it, ill V _V;110_111; :,� thV� 01. I tviraluil ati-I � . Nn* - � ILI .1i .0 n I u 11 1; p"..", , I 'h -tt t".. - ,4:, i - #.a .' i to t!"ath. , IXT'l ,nmardvd, - Vl-,�',nv . - I ' it . r5vvl�,,. Simcral *�l . ' � I & Z�2 'It . - Arm'" X61,2avid,; h4 Vt fl­'­,Dl�� I .��.D-�A- 91 I OlIrp. 1�kri:)911, , _,.V41 rn ll�oi�et re- V,�O, ya,,L2 e'*-I.�-, r-%er.Vt1N*nC.t , was *Ila -4- T -,;I I. If- r Rpm .,9-5 ;�il%l C�,.t 1 04 -.,. 41--i ...... - .21,,4ti *fzqrtjV, jk,7jAtj#;g ig &jtrl­4. Tajo . I, VOIP I Orn, r, . "f"I-ay Tov�ll Ccrm.-A ur"To .11, , -F %1�.Ctrl"�r .-,Is ;�rl I :-- ,, . 4'A � I "�at.-; -- ol !_11.--_t4­or1; n awl I;:a,:V0Lt­ 1,',I�,.,� 1*411V'�' �"oll JVOOV'�J?��,I�U'LLv� '�Jlrka Qaoljo'�St ,VV;V _I`_5'; ZZ_'P tntwel. 3r 4" f,w .�":A, -+� .ng to V�p O`11 - .1 er 1 "oll �,jv 1-19 xPlItA., - -1 - 1� , En , I'vm--h. '#,r a alft-i '" ,luall 4,! "ZI "Wv :,��.i i�, *,d. .114".4 t4j .�­rtqr- qInti- g ,�, " -:4!-at ."If t19,- 1�.001 " t 1�j ' � a ..�.. Itf"tite'ri Oft tht. Othvv. -it tnulvr* nr,-­%,�:rz ..,_ j,' �erll I Z -,r eorr�-� x infore, I ,�10'­ ... 4 . li, News (" Dun: � . � . ,.--, r-.- pi:,.-, ,!t�- ! -VA P2 416 .� 4 . ha.i Ixt-, �,,-.ir,,fz,-,V.v ?­.,z­tj .-.� "q I "' .%-M�,�jne; lt!j!v�_;. vvt�,Iw y.1.rd`-.V1 tni-3re'l 1")�,. " lo!,r n zlit, an) `n erl_V-�-.,ji,1.­iN'.' ��v . - . r.'r, ., _ . , � ,_m a :�:,, v4t_n�_Z, tzf-lo% 10WI N�i �.rowvli . , u, . Ui--,-?.�, 4p".1 -la"! �13zp ­ -------.--- 1 1 'P';t ,� �,_'"` , 'DID A . T . I ,L�­ pls-pl 4M '401h,�. . *-'i- � "Ill ,� I a 7�19 tz� V`� r 4,11Crtat !Inl WC:"%l!rf"-­1 �4 *, ." The 80ge of �Mllvkjng. - 11 - o , -, ur* h, -;�" . .- ­,, - - V, ,., ,iL.%�tU,.P",:L ul-I'L ti.q, Z'�lww,'.,l 1,0%,_ W. , - - fp,p r.,,,pte;r!j v;*ra no, Pil -volog '. - 17 . , ilr_ " . _, , ­ ..-r c'-talw"tr4. -n *-,, wlLo . p_'nlDIA:A t 0 4--�11-TA-:t XV " 0_R a J. 1, . ,_ ,­ r. �Z IV; unCl -Zo, mitt , ! n','rom nm -town ne,h " Wel � 0 Re-,On"er, Dreal-VIKe, Onto.) .1 . '4 V.4 $4.oreo� t�l u-v�,t_-�. *Dge:. an a t�v. C-1 il �, I f4c,lrgo M.,. -N ��!C�,-� ,A I"Ing - , " - ,a -Iu ;;o, tl.?�� - . , . I :;Z, "o!�,2iza"I. C-Armpj Zly Za 101 t!"'00. ,St'.�,4'..!. I -, - , .__ - __ __ __ I . ."", ". � , , -, q i;.-! X fc-­t 11*,,�I. Vlce lt:,t. !w bi n , . - - � it" ."r kka, - areE i '49111 wzii t`g'. I . j w,tvan to th- I unL��::411 �3.. I�! I i. a It- .1nal t wo �-`l 11 'Th'i,rit, :S a-., -Dy a IWAnt t�>T-L,ata 9 It flojaItia4tal of Troops. f I tiiat -.0 ha", , �, U'V=_ b1`1 _11%. . r 'AD, - iz,-`R' , ,?i" -.l 'i,t,,,�,.N $1-V0 it -4 r .-'� I . . 4 �- ll� .11_� .,O -V I '!! A�rl­a 1'0,7 V boy.,4 , (A the , . " OIL - ., V". I rt, FT.*L1v7,a1!?. agv, ff TA! ,V;:Zlutra-� qoll%�'�vLrtar- ,, � . . � 44 `ap.`�r�.' fj,v ;­ r�jjj. P. �-,. 4,641n, 1.7 11111jAIJ 1 I ' ' ' I*"" Il "! - "*01' If% I"- llf" 'i�_'_ - " : - Vor* �i4pulAZA-'; , 11 U, F FA * tc-" � oelZ ,t -.- and tll:�: v " -entilug It'l ha wh.61 t1wiv hive , i I :._,,,,t1-'�,'4--, ,,,�,, !�,. Innilrel Isr'nZa ", bg U�In-, l4e "V, I Dvn�qaj 2, HULD J I' i 911 I * * � - 11t tItIA jo �;471 havp I ��Ltu � 4417A -11 e I . '? v Ide reputatton- �y "e'ID ' f;4f%4-r1Z._)r Of _10W Stlate 0114�' `E $)I:;' . �j =.?*.;';.,;, , I ; Illeneon. t I a V Vlauad;an lm -M- g-.- . C4�..--21-11-4M. .1.titu s. , iiwnc-;�. - I � "d, Ferawl,r4- 1 --- .6r, ,!�, r�CA�." 04040 to - _ - `� -:1100111-7 -r �Y., .a -i ;itl:r,ii br; ' - � i=,;t,,,V1 I- I .. w� wIlMl . � W W ' f - I �Tr I rn 11 ',r_a4j!!�'V!+1.Q Plaw,an".1, .q9,111 1:y. Inflirt"I %,In�,j '_%..-,.L--2 2! 4iunri, In -t-yinianaw"d I .1 jqi�'J!� rt-21,z)-,ts f 9.1.0i.it- T NO TV * Dr. 11,13P.em.,; Muk P� H fdr Pa' .� "i - . IjOS� N M IF— 4 ., Uel�lak -InA 4;­wQq 4'r st,wtes. fir k4w tTI1X1i.Q U 1"'.11 Urri"'i'M ;.Pry . .,-� I., a 1, g i; z A " , lfn4- 4*1 tv; �,J, iq T 14� 'f'r ob rl_� , , . " Four Roh'oers Risk Their 11 �,�,! $ __ '19 'FA the j�ro"IlvTC, *rllor! TrOOD5 (*(,*,r,r.d X)Xlt . '. Tt'117� t -Y f%- 4, aaw!AV, no "P�?'*�-,a�,`7 have 111011- " . . -l'oni, tat. urvl,� till, 'g- �tp_ , - -b .Ir 'L �. ,L,7 r3y: Vl;�� ly. . in .h.l -1 I , 'Ill- 1 i";,"rL 3M 0DAtLVPnt-; llaVP TUP I __ 1,.4 ��E_,�Ut. �,I�.jt T��:g. : r-, wj4l'A d"Istr1yntf, the ! ,rlr ,�,e , �-2at Viat I-*- q jjj,jcV,tz,,j*j,, _,-,.,4�Ytj- ..- Tlxi%W,oia-.1it3l.tr?ietlAgaillao . ,2- , .,e� . ,jr, - ,f) Vie . ff,IrrtAiG.*" ­ A Future for a Srnah Sum. a I -'o, I �M thAT letvenvo that th(*Y�, , t'� % -(,r, � ,enp ab, st, J I(l., �,, an Inippr'.11 ,_ i'e�, dat'll �-qlt. ut(-s After Mvorve. i - `11:� l:�,t% j*,-, � sy,41,, -4 trptwften .i,;!, _n0. - ifllg�'a% thi� 4t;,', b .1 anL) .. ,,.. 4 . I - � . �i - hav4- found the Pirk IIIII ta.&.ert1-_ Vq.e frave - -s n a jj,� i Nt-qno'�a,.4, Iiahawvy (,-­iAr MM or.19,Pr , 171i.,(Ze,111" III-* j:n,­:lt'o, with V.._- T&.(,4fy, O., ��t,-,A. 2I.-Mr.l. X11.1,'" *a 0 1 . Ver.VV;-j..,Prp�. 'One. Of th'im, Mr� TholD12 =4 Luts. rn.)r Truo, , * , t-_-t­Li,- � ith ! Inplitts 4zitnr lie haf] kffl�zlej over tile ! Boxer nT(YVPl1D!`1*, l'n-I r. nff'wlis the Burbank. an artrn,.;Vi�, brolky tl:, re- 111r'.�ea of C Battery, 11� U. A., Wit' _y C V,erp If.-A�'> i oat, v - .,n- divore-ned -,I n � , ; lield. E)N THROUG'N SAFE. pcippi:. VNIt by)VI lh'�- flo,­n; aul VE Z<;��;, part In tile iellet of Mafekirg- I t-ords tcv-(L,t.v 1-1 b:,' - 'Gea. (,-��dln In 01"Mm'UmL i- )v,-_r,� (*hris-_'!a,-'.R a- Vi -l!'-73-1- V014) re-warri, 1. �-!.c� got 111-r ttferi-a ft!ld �n an intere:Alng letter to a ftiPlll!� � __ .'4pL.r 1�t -. . 14 1�12�.4kjirj, N41a., K�--R'. ::.'�,,-' ��41:0.Fl;- f;j:aIt j,i,:-�'j1Vf1 hilp...1.1'.11 Jlr,rV,q�vtI­I% it , y r -?. RI'P was jjerj,�, '.Wjt�jei . . n ;(-.,�I; th"" thirt, ninritt. , I . ITIN,F, OFFICm-f-S 31013mny. i S'l vg : a;0lRng througli A' .Narro-w F,seafiP qir ri tha-v ,quietly 41vp��rs,! tf), their how*�-s. gIll C-3 wk�n ileid lip Eft � e% .#,�­! 4-.1? ? titf! 1 � � I � Ffjw.trj2, cvarke,, Who Was shot be- " - . , a .it U, in ;ntroz;- tla_� wil-,& of Xalup_.� F,,)x. Fox ".s �' 3L,,jekL­. g .1 'er 1, 8'a a . , , q0 __ t!" (W .4 r member c)�: tl�,- vall,�evi,le te:ml 01 On. 'd Iron P'uk Pill it% twl� It -a-, - ; ,tt L'oll��. inirtl-InA ­P.l�,rl' 0 # C , ,ft ilia relief Tlitayl;sed Tholir Revolv4e�rs and Shot I rem-arkao-N., ' ' 1,1,p etuct lio-o". 'lit if.. r ;0W the lipaet, had a a ln'A �._ z � engo, Daffligtim & (,Ufvw.y j,uj.jrqr,V,1 . -N1 4;,),VPrn1?IPt1t tO 't.x ar ?! file, ani %is lv-wly nvule io through tile sllege. It w. (,in j)X%0 Man. the bulwt bav;ng been a\- I . . .1 " v, Inip: . � � 1�&`q%pf?, early to -,Tay n,,.,O.r Uhl* 'j" _l):ca for ') F4 A 11, V go*, %Z-_ U)j'a %"�flo., I_ ", L -1 . - I . " I D, and b -til ,.; .Ir,ol ,tllv fj�pji�vl Witll Ijilljot Itole.1, t I 11 S-.0-21sh Upi'. a 9'>)d .1 Ou. Wife app�-Irs ;11 fllllszrate�l $01FIr, 9� . gh� �Ijlf&la,b, ��_-pt. 21.-S.Ilp,��rintr-na- traeteil anal L -I 1,. hillirCiv, nf- to- v- ,,M,11. a �avv zla:�; Rtpriitl6ril-,li 4"I 1.�n- I !Z,��-_L�; It Ra.;s, j1o"j*.'_�-�'j_, t'.44.tt "' Gf-rilign djaj(­:,t j,ketif�beis. The e_uple bling up In front of the drog e 01 , 'It , ­ Plkwia m F44 -y , He ).,W, gunp ppt to ta;W" , ` , .. . I . '� .1-,5�mll- coin. , � =1., to , 't io. , no-, xv_�M I irotq talt? str , whPn , I , . will ?9,01 for England. 0.,,t. &IH6 vrher�� Tile famIllar name, m4I,iltllerl llonl�,,, zwn , -, _Ii!aln . , . and N�vm. '.; his ehl:drou oat, ,)f tile %7.1,�,* rel,,�; 1.)X'F-r:; s'.11 c'Unt. Wool P!,eak"r iZr,li _.,layw's - 11�11+, nv,n f4r(-.t�l th:,7r w.ty '.jjt�, tile ble. tirw tv'll Ir- 41, * it w tl � ril'. , � ',l .1 .�llmnla .,,. the'y have an. engagenlent for forty Z t-,,�,ej to ��X,-Ure the wgin for Mr. 1"u) . . �. , wmtnd. . e,rtr nul coirfl,�,11,4 tth--e.xpm,4�4 IGS­�ISC'Z- A r rc-1w),rt m�rserts that Vzr� 111t r,L,jVL'h,Aj, 01 jr6dlan R1 lgv,.�- tc;�3f"ry, at , hf) te_eiv,ed 10hp L I 4 arciund 1,�-henandoah, , gcr to or", 'I thi� !w".1! '...'Iff-, l;Vjj-,"l thp� . Pottle e,e,4�jal`4L�., tliat Uo eXE'C1T_ weA, ford .w a nle,mpatto of -, 9"e9e. I ot 3.,, �op,k t,hL-; l,ift.f.rn(you w.,re re- -111 v(illerws . ,kz� . - ,j) ejtq it tile dtn,-�Lst I Yenn wpre .. ,(,,, -K i't. � I �_ - feretl to buy It, bi 84j�, e ,j .�_ - �xjjjj ..,,w.,r,:. " I t frnnkly ;�rnivg h(Vaii from WW'k, Wheat tllf-'�v i.7L,wqt Vrr-1� all'] Wifila'11 I _I only � uj,lI,, . r i. :d tit, .1ons Can be �,111('Vsmw I until all a4.11 Nearly Rilled by Ills Son. oseti ifown. N(A a nlinf� in thp re" � J."I'ilAt, arl, w' -m- nint at tlh�! LPLIgh V.Iilev St -q- ' t*- .;. (Illate --liqlfty �,.­ ;vl- ;2 11MIP, � Ile Would not 1). , with It for 41 I . *011 wns working xo-dz 'ill ro Tdordol, Ont., �,�Pt 23�e-,Teracujq, ly. Tho 1111pli- � . ;I j, 1,0113'(101'.1tion, not e'ven When I tcyl, , V,.,y ; � It is w1*4we'l in offlel-rd virch,q at. .A i -,,v a r4j�o with i-M­k�n anda4to.1viv. � 91 T�ln in.,�s..;fAlIT:w cioz .t op�n thf, Via, nfne 0�11,­L-XN drew rpvc;lvo-a -rid i t7e.9 N"ho Ivere With ,mloriff ,*XAe 1 tbrough ,snfe, W11 -Al �7(pltnm, 1, .1 !­ra�� Fkltm of =16) _Va1tl.in(is'vr,r-i% is I.ybig him I e.,i me from the origiral 1101u'�� 0 " shanktIlgii til,it pr�ll.­o Tman Ila,, bp- -a, 11(i - , _ mml, 1>111.4. 1 'even. went back all �:� fia��ql.,. Tjj� 1116!,y be<,anie furioliq aftpr � 1.0it iNpaling ants 4iid tne shorithng � *,11in j -,r ln;.,,,,,� .; r %vii, be, proiciat.,.A tr*ed 1.0 I'volumandeere" It, lint - - I , , .y, ft-�-.,j tj,4� ri�j,�b��r. d:d nW- * , ' to ili�,iubr-r.shlp Ill lit Viet*rhl. Ilo��pftal Ili. a w,rlous von- � or�., of its nundly'-r WA -9 Ill'u, and cit- � Werri all .-(Awted from ii1p i;�si tit- attempt to br,"llk it 'upi'll. Qw (4-r.qril Olaw"ll, and Cult fli-P Tao- difloyl a4 a TZSnIt of Injuries !nil!(.t- . Ill and tile 11P, Mter gollng thr(ingli tj��F. Irp.-Il Slip, - d Illiam, agod 25 vears. got jmver-9:4ful, and I Suppose that � to c1r, - .1als, . izens of t�lienaudoa , _ .lal of .o,jI.,lp!XJI�lli will be aply)'nat-1 e by Ilk FD. -I, NV � tile ,e in o�rj tilt! orfit , T rs t1l"I'MI! n ul), X,joyd jitroet to ltylpira, I I)T>tt. that they were the Reum of 11 file ni(�n oft the vxprp," oar allil d, jlj;iiX,e, U-Ith. tli,:� notO`;:.ojjs Tit(- young mati. N thu-na,lit to be in- , t�,-k to come it vvill 4;1.ill ba lif D. ILI' a �111. -It. a r in n , time 110 a, fitaliles, wh,-re they were: imprit;cf-ined tho. cotintry is untrue, They WOre' 1 appeared in tile eour,try. it ig slip- po-,:,� an --y; L14 it's ,xinity Iwr�% sana. For w - s been art- In front. of that drug store, ,, e I d� . .r 1C,, , . of the terrible 1,1ege tile littT6 I . � I ., L L"I I .. t I ',111 a a, - ing strangely, and on Friday night 10'r tw %Ve. hourg. Tj,.�.-_ Moil threatf!n(w! to forty Ili number. . I 110SK-3 tIlf-.v li),irtl,d ill- t., , . ther, rg -ed town W brtivelY Wlth9toO&- I turn tb,- otabIP, but Sheriff Toole, . . colmi, shoefly after TuiInigilt. Tile U.S. Position. I"'w-aniii angry "V-11,11 1111,3 in MZ _ witil twenty &putir-A arrived and Threats to Iteturn to worka .-.--I- - it brivi . . it and etruck him over the left; Chinese vielw *f NX01V z4N11all(l. i 6L,,ppra-A thom, and the mine offb�lctlff � No Polson Yound. 'Welehington. .9 �tbout de- oyo, fractur:n- the shull. Young o- & , ,rantol', I ipt. 2�1.-W' H ,, rcitfixned to their home'%- Th trooper are In"`L ", " -1t : ,ltnei ely bieftkin_- with the otter 1!,)w- reatenel to kill Ills moth. A Cb!nps,'� writer thuq dvqerlbes N e, sheriff tiiasfelm,ti ,,'-'�;'-u-n,zcoerwtatil,lto,.Vt, London, cont., "i%r,t. -3. . ...;IN ) I 1 lift kinq 411W th , Miei � , , , I 1 -3 Indian RidgP; � LQ; growing nm<>ng jj,jin­� tit') r4aport <>f erg, the Adinin'strAtion h arl.r Pr, but Ile w&.9 prevented from tionig Zp-11,ind... ­Tjl,:� p,e<�ple llve monti th.�n took, tile lx,l-w- to , ,rs h?re as to oil good authority that * "Is e.lp ,� volliery and eseort-d some Workmen erjtm�,ut Analy�at Elflg in tjj,� ,,!,If. 11,(Ileated th�? puley vV11101 I'Vill Ile furthor v'ojenre, nnd wasy taken Ili wIltholl�t, re,ating a mouthful of rj��-­� up &- I their future. From Forest City, wherg �(40v The father Tjle�y ee� I-,ullm- , ks: and sheep I nLre street. . the 11111stdo Coal and Iron C0MInny ton tav,- w. -IT favor thi def�,,nep, in 9,,y t).ursupd by th-11 T'I'litetl NtateR ,it clea'.. charge., by t , lie , pol!ee. it enor- wa,§ unronsciolis for A numbia,r I � ,of ,,IOUs ?quantities, with knives ftnl I I , I I I I I 11 I I I I I I , I I Stones Wore Hurled. 11,,j,j two bjg yallies, tit., news, ,comes far tIrtt .,to trat-n-9 of 7,0!sX)a IV -ere Ing With the Q,jqn-sf.� .4tuathan. - , I ag,tin, np,j,red tl,hp , , .jry will b.-put,ne,l vivith the hours, hut to-n'glit hisr C10"ItAltiOn J-�' I 'They never enJoy theinscelv".", As th,�v I . , 1,ehig)i , that, Many Men are dissatisfied with rottnd Ill. the stoamell of tile dead man Thl i po, a, if pos.Vbte. but this Fkmowliat. trnpi�rrl�ti prongs. , . oly hurled stj)&.s, 1 th-�, present status of the r,tTik-e, and I ,Toser�h SU ton. In reg-ird to tile other power � by vitting quietly on thAr ancestors* �= *,.-Vitlon th, = � 1. S applitiles ant'l li, Shot was fired 1 have announ.md tlipir intention t0f go, eonl��xaplated actlon of defonee in ap. Government w1al not be a party to - graves, but jomr,, around and kwk The d-patles t,ben I bamble to Work oil Monday'. 1pivilig for a po�.jtjlz)uonlefct of tile arvy internatIOI11-.' fricti-In d - Tho Go�o-rn,�_e�t­wi,�l -ereet a new baller." __ _____ __ , . rrom a -saloon. & . ; % Out., to costl U,113ardlz LInItilent Zama Distemper I optmed fire. Thpv basteinel toward 1 Th'.� Delawtlre� 1,aek.,twanna Wost- j trial, County Crown Attorney Magee troversv, and wila ,let Independentl.v I post office at ParL v"Itu street, in tile meantime firing ,era Company,s. PIL-ii, too, are thoWing, I will ckppoo,* the applic,ation. it It ba j,o9gW.)j to obtalm harmonious $18,000. 1 1 ea, , . 1.1--11-1.- ... __ � .. ..... .. I-— I -, .... .. . _ � '- ­­­ . . ..... � ..... -----L .... 1.1-111.1.1-1-I.- ....... � .. .. _ --1.1-11 - ­ ­­.__­__� I .. .... I .... ­­,".- ..... __.....--1-._1 LLLL . . � .... I ... ­­___,_ - . - � .. ... ----_.11--1-,