HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-28, Page 5-77:7' 77 Efor LaNt Drink. Juattee all Haiti. Intocked Her. Sun oto'VIRS. lubbing rates. In Hyde Park lives a young matron Judiwial PrOVOUtIlle In Haiti Is In Cer. Ina elevatod train sat a dignified. The connection between the s%1rorA*_ who Is of such a high nervous temperal, Iania for Jnkill I11Sl00Ve$ 110t UntOL101)(4) I)v JIU- and niagnetle 411sturbillic(IF04, inor. A severe looking lady. In her lap lay #uTi spots e have made arrangements went that If she drinks the very small" Haltiall Owed a tladvr V2-9. A U thick book. whose manila paper coy Tian hover been explained, but waffr- er the following low clubbing est amount of alcoholic stimulant bell judgment requIrlag the Eijiltlau to part' er bore the stflinp of the Y. W. C. A. Dbswrv;it1ons have shown that 11 d4 ­ Operations $4 a week Into court was glveu, and 'a Cy with TnE HFRAx,D:- fore going to bed the result Is sleepless" the trader was to send it ines.sen , gor blivary. Beside her was a bundle and (nitely exists, The outbreak of nese for the remainder at the night, beside th6 bundle a little flat tin be-.:,. clonic storin on the mun with the for -.- fly Globe Need of the wllolly week to the ulngititrato for the The sent facing her was occupied by &tIoD of spots Is Ina vdiately Vegl* 1 $4.00 Some nights ago a number of friends Amonig the Doctors. No Need ey. Ill, due tillie ca Mail & Empire 4.25 dropped in for the evening, and the Knife to Ours Piles. A Surer, Cheaper won he for the A very young man and a wbI _d husband, who, by.the way, to a . south- first Installment and was laformed te balrp tured in ovety hiagnotle ubp,,ervatoryl ekly Globe 1.50 Easier Way, Dr. Chase's. Ointment. old man, rather nervous, but with a im the earth. tjoaAettiae.s t1w dJstuio­ erner suggested that he make a mint Dread of the surgeon's knife causes that the 11111dan had not paid up, but kind and Interested expression, ante of terrestrial conditluus is VeLY' Mail & Empire 1,75 julep for each of the company. The multitudes of people to suffer o1a year� that he should he thrown into prisou As the train slowed up for the Flf. tuarked. rliner Journal (German) 2.50 for Ills fallure. suggestion was received with delight, after year with Piles, when they could I Throe weeks passed with the same t'eth street station the lady gathereO For example, on Feb. 1.3, 1802, PA., milt' Herald & Star 1.75 and the juleps were promptly mixed. be eared without risk, expense, ,,, do,,- up her bundle, rose and began to el• great spot, accompanied by enarliluu-svil, In his wife's glass, however, be put ger of an operation by using DV. I, result. Out, 11101-111lig, the Haitian came i bow lier way through the Crowded -,yelonic disturbances, burst forth only enough whisky to flavor the Chase's Ointment, the only preparation to the tradel"S Stott'. Ile wasi lie stud, e aisle towarcl the door. The young wan the sun's surface. That night a luagmr,­- water, probably not more than a tea- guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, o Dior man, I'Mull tuarrIed, a mat' '0 looked at tLv little tin box left on the nificent aurora was visible all over tl)L-- bleeding, or protruding plies. whom, t1wref0l".. oxp(lll�l;p p'tinc. �Vhtlt spoonful. Of this she sipped about Rev. J1. A. Baldwin, Baptist minister, sent, but aid not budge. The old gen• northern half of the United States alidtL was the Arkona, 0 lit' 111;kQd, would accrue to the half. The result, however, Ont., writes:-,, For over !T Oil, . tremae no sooner spied It than lie grab- In many parts of Vuropo. same. She was troubled with insomnia twenty years I was a great sufferer tradLr if lie, the poor man, was throvi-n bed It, stumbled over the young nian's Ing was carried on between Ne w Yol iu from Itching and protruding piles. I Into prison? Let the trader forgi-e all night long, and it was not until 5 U o'clock In the morning that she drop- used many remedies and underwent him Ills (lobt and earn thereby untold feet and gently touched the lady and Albany without batteries, so strui, sy three 'very painful surgical operations, rewards in a future state, shoulder, gracefully lifting his hat as were the earth currents. The tele. - ped off to sleep and, as a colise• all without obtaining any permanent she turned around. lgrapb system of Sweden was coin- quence, was not called for breakfast. benefIt. When about to give up in de- rafter some talk the trader gave iii,111 A look at the box and then a look at I plutolv paralyzed, and In Russia miu-biz At 10 o'clock she came down stairs spair I was told to use Dr. Chase's Otilt- a letter of 1 e11111i8luu, which he went Olt him. That was all. The train had 1 difllwulty was experienced with tht, tel-•-- ding relief at once. to present to tjL� inagistrato The af- and hearing the voices of children on nle"t, and did so, fin I used three boxes, and am almost en- stopped, and there was no time for 1 egraph lines. At tliv Kew observatory - fair was settlod, but taxa Ilaithill NV,1,4 words, but that look she gave him was in Euglaud the inagnetic noodle swung, the front porch stopped to listen. Her 1 0 - I rarely cured. The Itching is all g ne -truck by the bad gint,L� With which calculated to have the same effect as two degrees out of its ijurnial Imiltion. heart filled with motherly pride as she have advised others to Use It, believing s a­ls ate dls smlil 4hil, and lit, 1: beard her elder son, a boy of 6, telling it would cure them as it has me." the in, 1 strata a right arm blow. U0 it did. All Tlibi has furnished Physicists an&: Is ',the only fortIlwItb ileill"0011 to Ube trader and 1 ronomers n fruitful fivId seven or eight children from the neigh- Dr. Chase's Ointment He sank back into Ills sont dum- ast, fur study_ boyhood that they must not make too ptsitive and actual cure for every form asked him If lit- had rovolved the 98 lie of piles, 60 cents a box, at all dealers, ; founded. Tile young uian laughed out- an0 a vast mass of observation:: hast. -I had already paid into court, The trad- I - much noise as his mamma was asleep. or Edmanson, Bates and Co., Toronto. right, and the other paNsengers grin- been accutinilated, but so far no saki, - Imagine her horror, too, as the young ell loolwd and said he had I lied. Putting on his spectacles, the old factory explanation of the mystvilw1w'. dopeful added, received uotl.1119- man brought the object near his eyes, m bond of sypatby N-tween solar and., **Then, since you have remitted the and the look of aniazenient on his have terrestrial hili rtes has been forth--• "She drank so much whisky last Identified at Las night that she couldn't come down to txien Miller, it United States marshal debt, that $8 Is mine." said the 11al. �t gave way to it sickly smile as be read cotulug, nor any one yet know tha­ breakfast this morning" 1tian. In Utah, was sitting in his office at Salt I in large, glIt .letters.. "All Tobacco true nature of the aurora. Lake City one day when a well dross- ' AucordinglY, he event off to the court Cigarettes." ed and intelligent looking man entered I to present his Q1.11111. The inagritttrate 0 -Con -ell and the Tipperary Boy*, at once wiliulitted Ighn to prison. A Something He Couldn't Wear. A -LL and addressed him. "I was confident At Tipperary, lieuviS, Tipperary. tborl A wealthy American who became a consul who lind Ill-ard tbe story asked Pays Rverly* Day. Wanted to take tb(- bode fri - in O'Con- convert to Rome was very generous to that I knew the man," said Glen In re- magistrate what tilt-, Ilattlan was One Now York millionaire Who earn the citing the circumstances, "but I was riell%., carriage anti draw him thelij- Flope Leo XIII In money matters. Ile not able to r4ace him. As we conversed c'eut to prison for, i ed Ills fortune by his own efforts under selves upon lit,,; way. "This will never - had done many generous things, and "For coutoillpt of court," was tile rather disadvantageous circumstances i. a, I, he , s it ugliter-ill-law- , (I to W a the pope had rewarded him with or- Pleasantly it gradually became tin- I . 1.1 was an 01(l I reply, couilucts his business In a way that is "Their Intentlow; are excellent, but ders and medals galore. For once a pressed upon me that he highly original in many particulars. : year this convert made a pilgrimage to Kansas acquaintance, perhaps some The VlrRt Coolzboollt. One of the illost striking of these Is tits they'll get so exe"ted that we'll Gild I had known at the university, but To the tile honor of ourselves In the With presently." Rome, where he was kindly received One -allug with 1118 employees. 1 -big oil( arriage door. In all. by the holy father as a son and goner- he spoke so cordially and with such an having prodtleell the lirst Iurolwan • method of (It Burst In tilt, c. A! They are paid every night. antl at the ally, until the orders were exhausted, I assumption of his knowing me and my cookery book. 1114.1, tJ4011 $1 thl, auth �r- Moment lie was out an.ong these gl-- each time was bestowed with some I knowing him that I did not have the ship Is uncertain. It Is g4-itt-rally attrib. close of every business day all the ex' i troitntle TiplitIrary nit -ii, ji.,.t is 1.1:r ;Es peases of running the business have fresh honor. On such occasions all I nerve to ask bliawho be was. Uted to VITIfils Apivlls. v.hio lived V3. been met. and the manager knows jurat all%- title tsf tIlem. "Nuw. ltoylt, bt�- re k - these brave metal pieces were attached i "In Salt Lake," continued the smll- - der Trojan. 11.1 A. 1). Here aro two how Ills affairs; stand as far as that s4,nable." lie bzaltl. '"Leave the lioirss-& to the rich American's breast. Ing marshal, "we have the sante fash- I recipes from t%! -l; nue7o-llt en-,Imq..m. fetiture tit bIrl; bitsiness Is coneprued. Under the cai-ringre." Ion of doing the square tbing by a : "First. for a sat.;,ol, tui lit- %.!h "llut, itlniw. wood ratlitor pull S-m "I'll soon end that." the pope remark- friend that used to prevail I fAll-iving ingoot,41. But that I.-, not tits olijeet Ill paying altbim tourst Ivus. r-ir." was tilt- reply ps t his side nalarit-S every day Instead of follolwin"., ed to a confidante who was it a Hansas � boiled fowl, Pitt t o during the levee. "Next time I shall �. * I ents Into it nitbrIza, 1 on thll;t tilt- preparations for so doing wem lai- There Is no prohibition lam In Ut tht oil 1�llildt tilt- ustial el and waiting until th give him a snuffbox," which lie did, and we found a place near by thatwas, and lazer root; to �­r II'U.ia NvIth vint- e lantly forrvard. ond of the weelc or mouth. 110 elllplors --tr. add dat(9 nod 1, car in ­Ait rIggot; on your own lwads i.e IV' and a beautiful Jeweled box it was. sufficlent unto our purposes, ;Vter I I '. I - li-11 in nito-V won who tiny#% lost f6witior shn- had sald something. and besolilptlDing. distIlliod Ilquvr :1. out '41-:1 cried il'towlwIl good bunsiork-tilr. aiAll The following year the American we quickly got along atlon,; thronlo- i lit tont1wratimt. afflo-oilgh turned up again and was granted an to the stage whWh wer.-- salt# .1 ;val ill'*- to turn thrIAwIng, soli; IIN eont. lit- T;4.t to) audience, whou to the holy ratliers where I Invited him to iny bouse for putrid In Me *III a.A a 1'oratt!l Moor %vt ro all lilon of almiteIn their pnadfi­�tie Intent. CW%t 1,4;', lit-lol If t!lty seypri-tJ tbv.-Ir eountoi duit consternation the faithful son of tilt" dinner, but all the time I was taxing Iteal,.eal.l with the w4alsEsingwiat at arol left until 1w gpkt thu-ni too churt.-h appeared not only with all ItI4 my mind to learn his Identity and to a proper thfo ., I I v Ito sew of W 4144 Their an. wl'i -i.wnt tatitt do,17,A I -hing, for a chn neo word that would Trarmee.. and %�,, 11 I� 40%, !to' lll;l_20-,� tl,o vl-,000e of evillry tin%*. It loon.olr4. anot %% lwn. son r, Vto wollo-ft XHIQUIS. but NVIth tIlQ 81111ff bOX Attil0billd W"14 tuailt. not V# tilt, ellIF16,70r, en, % lbo. do-111vit'd till lb Ifl.44 no I give me it chew.rowr clad I'vvi. Wlvo-lo t4 1, .14101 to his walt4tcoat. 11 Iny the way., I sald at last. Iwilvil twiliA In anV14, `V3Iq,4,o" La Impl­ tit'll. to) tho unity aotkor iuo 114t mlo,tjol. it ao tho-on. r4th a Z?c "The tkilo&t time, the pope salt]. with 1 114, Vy thlvi antalm llikk �4%01 it 0,vt'. tilt, OX %Not t dill Yoll vollito out', anillaidlic, frout the Tim Fovpwd rev.;t .1� 31!7T 111141, IIA able lot r, g th° S4'k'% t'O'Vi - a Q40111tv.11 Sigh. "I shall presplit 111111) with it ninrbItt, toplitsil table. It IR the` $l ales. of vounstoo, *()It. I got oilt Ift8t #gVelPto 1711IM11tv 14 1. It- ITT— of 9. P �.f .1 su'atl lla!nry ulol have d.-o%e 4011 It grPle"r 1,1� T I I only thing I mll think Of that he eatft ni.ch to You seo, they eut OR nine a tvIlevNiamov., 4 1 IT— ,, al --A wail Ivs to) their vveal-lut"t Months for gwool hPliavlor.1 petald in ata 'o -vin. 1141 ! to DA 004.0,� .:.'t utas lit, haul g t1ok to Ills walsteolov, "Thion It lorolie sover ine. My guest two Ift's and vo 4 t 4 10,41t 4 and lift, 4 lzt�o rvet4ved tLeir pay 4` ­ AM tole thof'.4 6tt litnuill rob- ziv�kd r. 11th tho, lo�t I u p #4 Q'za. was Pete Curvy. a t% bb u«t She I.Med Vitrivir. 65.15:110 Verslo'n" olif JnQU and Jilt. litor, wholl) I link) talhen to) the lienition- cal. vt,*�vmm r 41hid noacks. tf I She Iq to 1a,, girt. und !-t Ali Engliqh elergynuiu bas wriaAM Clary just tiarce yean Wforio." tto 4i ivinr Ioire4,,° V V:"o 11 tt %t 1; 1 It S$nulp Voov. Y l%%-tDo,,z4 In incrs ata,l ltw* the liholorsv of Jaek atod Jill on a new arta -44`ply anti 4,m 1411 the P"I t (11416v 44 v1­111te knVt holp Land. twiginal plan. Tilt* 11r.st lour ItInAes tat 0,41 t "Ill v,%' pvbivla "C'. ,,f ­�% develollmV,-4 ." �,O% 114 4;*- f_%�%A Wo V* Tht- Lall dr* r% tit the are art xi I. the nw,% kAI.a four 1-1. and so ou tilt to It .'n So The The Drain and Vamvit. one rr!�Nry ft 44but. 41" ��, lit 0" ­ jouraal 11 t3 %-.r,A V1 a 11, MID Tliv int1k, --aro =,A 4,x loo ra storBes'sre Ro arrawnod that any page, An Austrian tavaat roue, dinUamA that it %vh Qn 1130 Alr;1"I orf Pai��u loon -n wh ev 41D lll�.vl I�vqou mjqtv car I=, T�!4 nl�aLduhol flit ate IOUI,. -� MAI the human lIvain con amide n "Inollax, map I ft.lot- t,� 14. 042� wiart;t,4 2 4`aa be wad siftup any 111MA. tj.+r.io 1.1to v. AN4 Ilolo­1, t,­� 1* 11�1."t t.� tuvs ahzt a iq t.,le tjol "t 4LU, frottive Illtok, PAOU1111A *0 19li �t brivsl 1. innt.ffig gojud tenths. In the C-vJI to lovtain nigtal, C.11:� But orf V: Z,.. 1 4d I 7A% -Iii, 0 l4 4yl t1,1,l IIJ IT:,lL,("'�'�U&24 tj 1offl d talalio wly page call be tLm after A fitlitivg eam_l L, govri wvot!"I siit, k Hi ic the saiglur"s to wv ILe 'I of. V114 nl)7; :, V N't M Lb%fJ, ::� t, . 4 ('c 0 ;hw is t1wery, k- at R�Jpjs� h.#q ttaro jjlftlf q Vage I or page 21, pag - 4 %VIP 40JBqj%V 1601113MA tb , solpal"L,k93t V.L­�Co irlVl 1. 2 ug, a. nk04 to on thristi.4* the A brakiolabalt Ulls o"'ad 69z, 2 t4AA.d­r4 u,,f ril­Ajry In r I, .g. dz lt 'mill the fetalln, vlo&l. tv_�I a a, . 'I �-9111 a n'4'-w- 0ght. AIDOONeation tit th# Dinva V1 gug,4 GMA t� fid, of tPel ve o`C, �jl�t ex ��,A * 1,4 Vvu" Urluaht n1l It 13NIQlat9oh s1holw§ Vout the h8uk thn!3 ,. . lu�_Mt collijiftos �C%W4 6telvtes of olaeti wad JflL could Verfouty wtu 4.,-003v-> gt::- Iwj,�4 %To° 4!4 11.1"Vik- L11-10. Q d,.. In rl.'Ioel,,v 11 tlon!§ of C11 ag-tgegq s %.,.% q " 6 Idu The tgmgcv, ga viotmd Nr a11to il%--:��: 1 4 ItU 1 "4., eta Nil I(L Not %n Otd Aequaintanee. foutga it in tLm e%'zi't 5.4" 4 ul�=,v-.­-1:-o 4" "Orto'd the t6vAiRl"lan V�:-, Ve lahi �tly. •"No0r, lfbpfr To M1 dirgay Vhv v-,3- ltotpuXi:�. L" a, dig q&.r a -Y 6,4M9114* V�h,�A "Do puz tntan to my tibat fte haNe Illffrct the uu!_"p�z_ 1�: 0 V, . 'r ran away With ruale" said Sir. Skier; t"M itg to tt�e Au,ftb wu�'s 16n a X. hoo wuolky, of Me tLear t'o!;,�I ton. ElgIgz"ISL tE@ ptessfire Z"TA fl;t- ww.uu?b 11,1�.h, C.16. nvoi�al anhab,�. 0.4 &YL'I"Au ""4 -01 1!�� U.4 L - * "W'S.", ricswerta itu§ w9fe. litted. the pnut,at -'alL, g 1-,q; v1 V ui, It s�qlzn,_ to L'."v v"I Ill'LlIUVI &Q:2' C& ,nd dtrn- to T , �_ -1- P -":Ir Olds kit Me s1Uq14a1.V-T dy "And woutdret m�np �NLL.Jm YOM tol"I fts wen ft he I os IQ 0� et.. P imd tat'd Ag t;nr.­,(e of Us w�s�zEt3oL_ Log tf�,:t him telel "WtIv VIM T�,r "n it'. W L'. V11 MN_ N! 1- l%si Ot tu'vAll w"ol), ��J% ni to J'�� V�,,T 9 1'0" WeA. lletazelw. I den!t h%vvf what WbimdoetgrAl re:,N. Vie tswoaill, tv;DA Vim •a tem. t, r-' a Ll l� V giftlp�-� gLA Cat & to y. ev6ot twit at,rge home %,tWt it Bea g* snt 11,10 4,11 sp=Ves 'bDuM L'�t s*219 ttutl Tu a -es fiv,74, vj_4 4: 11 uLttnlJ 011 - Ill V I. t �� t 1, flumtIcA wffla your else be wunu0l, fitil w6qk (at 104LI in tt;p Etc. i%2u1)1ftl9 101! 2An'# ra ft r9tcio ft"l trr.,g ­ 4,q!' j� otff_,"' get b. "ie., 1i z" 'EA. have daroA to tall. ift niat fim,91011er."vlool tEeir ft%t,,.4 ts a -q BT� rigu Nvasmaggda Star. light Shom- MC. -4, LAI ILL'? Ve. Totallv pl,g2cfA for lfiu'tt 4-1voll tg lalol caula n_,"t g'Et cJt Elm, 8aEa, VLa LIE- CA cl;_v n,,& t -z 2: L ul . WG tvatk imi tire daek dotvgg fileftuala aa*�. end I _,.Mt to -2a L 7 _.al A =in met albtltlln a flehl. "'I'll ton,@ %VIISI the b*c-4 AN- S.,,, to tvg c4�rvems rot. tvor�tft. Vou M vtzy vj"::, yowl to see who stasrg", slid the bun. 01"e 60 A "'Womixilos Right* Ti f-oi�tuza,.�, .4, c -c- lvn Yuan Wm4km their h5ves. TSoo v4 the !�,�zna ft, th�.- "�L;'VI 'sUl&-sr IS Very stria- TOO nonett. Ile tossed, and the m -on lost, The tmor- depend9s, n Me Ir,r I 2�v Sal, Aft 004 X'u*V4dn-% amsg, 5tm V1 n 0-: ,�15 "M A lav�.Ter V :: it "a 7., 1-'!,.-,r C:�, f'-- -v- mer dl�' .31.A "Voth C , '. - , , .E ��71 ' "' nNe at is that it 19 laever safe to i0dug,-e 11:1 roBd pmsentf­'l to C­q'l,�'D. onn-li ff Vae eat the eff, ,[ ;Z*",a,, cz 1 a nt "V:`0210 It a- &Y. ar'.4, aq 'Le t'D �, t1oom-isu tr IgElt iL41 c2e- A Z.:s, LIGt,e I ga-MeA of 'ehante. UsDeehffly -when ita at.ia w6ruM in' td, a tv" fov I!1& In�e. But " a 'fity pr" 4,449 IT), tj � ". t tho 5114 tre tg nst S-ou.-IlIgIlfidel. Vtoi "ve �Qul to cle gttasntf�a t,,f sf�at to a �11�.1%161500 and, hati n rlwpm�fl fz­.I. 6:Lf'�-r;.__.�! --B pbla Xotth Affletleign. tile, hive. wonaru. BIC f _'c -0 B 4-r.-Vle uny VUR&W, he 1, 47v 'v f arpn I "D T I N G 1,1,tes d. DIM lopes heads � and tr less cu ds UVs AT BALD WANTED : ­11 case of bacl health that R7lT-A*,q*5vA1I not banefit. TheybaniA pain tt.-.rl prclortg life, 'Onegives reli-f. Notetlie w, rd PVT­P&A-NS ens 'the package and accept no substiate. R -TIM -N �? va for one =ay Bella., try t1rag %tme. Teas: ' one ffimiqatta I es mailed to ai,v, tirm M W; 11 al -ktMre-xfi.r live cents, fnrwar,lzid t,, the Riparts; Chemitil eo., Ara io Sprirct Street, New York. l - Em -Ly 0 3 Jk V J my s,�&t. I Y V You. it •N 4' "V e '.41stFA. "I ew:!! VD01 ev;U."OW a I -...'v tf is tfrrkLeL Ln- T.le U.1dy 1:nLn'. ♦Sllvf-Tv,;1 W01 Z_ E re lr_� hout, S vi -l-, '$` f. mv am..z"Id that gnS':Int elil g�,nvtr­ IM s* Mingly. I'Voo nre i Ut j nn =VO ni ct 'YIE-:'F. S -1Z. a V�p t - me an S. fesz-W. `oV Oki& 'ro" 1Y-.M:P Vh* 1-tit!it, 1, 89, ba, 7.1a'y setvkfl that Vett:91M= Ott. In V_e 11QW -rfow are p, iz:­t; 6n V14112 slo-ar i:1).•-Slied 1v491441Illt- rePOtt of a b*.1,1pt-:ty the yomng- manEtlitar_,Got ntIrailba. dimr?v nskea ber­rm dollal-I btl, Metier-Sa yau L -ave bc-�%n at tt" T_ , I took (of lift' 91• Jill _llz� . __ t -�I jann ag%"n . ­ -.hrrs' , a. Ailo,,,, s "Ilt, wglq nrrlsted qnd Very Pr VmPt­ �Njr. f:i;-ewudL,,;Y�;t have been recog- e Son-T"­�e cup aril ecar eagle o2c-r.% YY 1 -oiled because lie tAok one wife ti -3 of ftselt watlner. .el I mavy.7' ave "ure, of t7lat F, nn Te"3 .-Gf-t , *1 -S-11 be qeavells, I wauder if v-, fl,,? aq q;ldzn as curmuikge ftee LeL,-UtT rnea qRtan?" after me next?, Barr'It Ire snd Ile ecr'M whirk tile" tlaan S=-Sza I dv-d, motber, and to 'Wenj_- *lgo u,.�akle. 'up =d pushed. me right in: 19tisill.v Vorgott**. "Can't you 5,�­nq n1wr Me Do al acts of youto Va--.;"z-S cl-It-s sit an eqterWR- the wan who was trying to canj-q, .Ile a Weill. V1,111 M%A"�A. =0 loolf, disapprov- -9,10,-004 tells me yi,+a won some", lif-story,of thecity. 81- Ing1v :�Tt It,: ln�,,tbtlr. , e Is not pinch. "NfA very UvIlIo, apologe' ic.ally re- In-, it to nw1se it cry. bi tryinq her bew Inan with the sbr-a"Idlig ; -- r t. plfr,4 the old effizl,n. "Our niftyors; are busn it will prol�nt,!y Inill 0"u- t(l ! t(_�7 'Nipv:, sag"] the ­ll'l . ' ­.;�l V� It!. so short lived, you, know. they don't leAveft wilb at home. But that Inake- perinz tie: "I merely '.Ton a few betim wake much impr-cion on flit" 7M.Worv. t, . er no (.11 - li*ky .wt nit ans rememl, from They go in one year and iout"the ot vou wore a. IxItIlY oiled yourself. "Ob erg' Tile privIttv Nt.eret nry of *.in Itnporo- 'tmc- VC-tv noa"u. n _!.O ul,%I Ile [It%.- 'Mollv. w!"al Shnpritan-Here a very nice tblng tons to thJ;i is tlu:, luiportant otaloo, :,-our hat? T!..--y­-I be Outof style In A V1 revnilving I tookm-vs. nindain. 'Ir", .0 0,41I. -New ( uar., pleaylmo. few Oil. Are "Tlf.-,Vv 'n-nT.-Y You art,. PfNJzv, You 'ins.* 1) . '.. ! I opul.am_" The star,; on -the Vii-iml Sluites Pop,- a ort"A A. ond. then answer- - th- lI zirculating llbrarics�. - Landon age, av,, porrrii d. v ilp 11hp Un'Itc it "'d it gnurswl f.11. Rina.elates da* cayries five 1?0111Vea Sia ell . I